HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD08-211\6/ trnoRnwN BIJILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Developmen t Services Department 250 lVladison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Tvpe Residential - Single Family - New Site Address I903 EDDY STREET Projecl Description New single-farnily residence on Lot 6 of Wade Vaughn Plat Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD08-2Il Lot 6 of Wade Vaughn Plat s44sooooyL Nanres Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Tierra Investments Llc Owner Tierra Investments, Llc Contractor True Built Home Inc Fee Informalion Project \''aluation Building Permit Fee Plan Revieu, Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee tbr Building Permit Record Retention Fee lor Building Permit PIan Rcvieu' Fcc - Rcvision Plumbing Perrnit Fee per Dwelling Unit - Nevv Residential Mechanical Permit Iree per Dwelling Unit - Nevv Residential Energy Code Fec - New Single Family Unit Contact st74,19t.99 I ,4t3.7 5 918.94 4.50 28.28 10.00 25.00 150.00 150.00 t00 00 $ 2,800.47 Phone # License Type License # Exp Date (253) 37t-4483 STATE TRUEBBH925( 02t04/20t0 Projecl Details Drnellings - Type V Wood Frame Private Garages - Wood Frame Units: I Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Heat Type: ELECTRIC BBH ConstructionType:V-B Occupancy Type: 1,743 SQFT 3s6 SQFT Total Fees **X SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS *** Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The grantingofthispermitshall notbeconstruedasapprovaltoviolateanyprovisionsofthePTMCorotherlau'sorregulations. Icertify thattheinformationprovidedasapanoftheapplicationlorthispennitistrueandaccuratetothebestofmyknow,ledge. Ifurthercertify that I arn the owner of the property or authorized agent ol the owner. ll-4-onDateRj" G'rl^a,rrSignature Print Name Date lssued: ll/04/20A8 lssued B1': FRONTDESK Date Expires: 05/03/2009 BUILDING PtrRMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 1903 EDDY STREET Project Description New single-family residence on Lot 6 of Wade Vaughn Plat Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD08-2rr Lot 6 of Wade Vaughn Plat 944800008 Conditions 60. 19.06. 150 Protection of trees before and during development. All trees and tree stands proposed for retention and supplemental tree plantings shall be protected before and during site development and construction through adherence to the following requirements: A. A tree protection area shall be designed to protect each tree or tree stand during site development and construction. The tree protection areas shall conform to the approved tree conservation plan. B. Ideally, tree protection areas should extend to the drip line of the tree plus three feet. However, in many instances this will not be possible due to site constraints. Tree protection areas shall be as large as feasible given site constraints and the nature ofthe project. C. Tree protection areas shall be clearly shown on all applicable site development, preliminary plats, and construction drawings. D. Tree protection areas shall be designated through the following minimum standards: I . Chain link or other type of sturdy construction fencing attached to posts set in the ground a minimum of I2 inches and spaced no more than l0 feet apart; and 2. Colored tape. ribbon, or other identification tags attached to protected trees. E. Optional methods to provide additional protection for tree roots include: l. Placing layers of protective mulch, six inches to two feet deep, over tree roots to help avoid soil compaction over roots that may be subject to nearby equipment use. Once construction is complete, excess mulch shall be 1ernoved leaving a maximum of two-inch mulch cover over pre-existing grade. F. Approved tree protection areas shall be designated in the field prior to the initiation of any clearing or grading. Tree protection areas shall remain in place through site development until project completion, or earlier with prior authorization by the DSD director. G. No clearing, grading, filling, operating of heavy equipment, trenching, or other development activities shall occur within tlee protcction areas. Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the infonnation provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowled-ee. I fgnher certify that I am the owner ofthe property or authorized agent ofthe owner. Print Name Date Issued: I l/0412008 lssued By: FRONTDESK Date Expires: 05/03/2009DateSignature City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 FAX (360) 344-46re MEMO FROM: CC: DATE: TO RE Patty Voelker, Finance Scottie Foster b( Pete Goughnour January 22,2009 Retund for BLD08-211 On November 4,2008 Pete Goughnour (Tiena Investments LLC) paid $2,650.47 for building permit BLD08-211 to construct a new single family residence. Mr. Goughnour has decided that in the current real estate market, it would not be feasible to go ahead with this construction. He has requested a refund of the permit fees. The DSD Director has authorizedapartial refund (80% of $1413.75) of the building permit fee.' Therefore, please refund $ I 13 I .00 to: Pete Goughnour, 235 I Sunset Blvd. Ste. 170-429 Rocklin, CA 95765. A copy of the receipt and of the FMS Report is attached for your records NOTE: Pete, I am changing the status of your building permit to withdrawn and enclosing all copies of your building plans and specs with this correspondence EGEI \// Residential Building Permit Application U Seruices 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax 360-344-4619 www.cityofpt.us l"e t ) Applications by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150 for projects valued over $15,000. See Page 2 for details on plan submittal requirements. Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in per RCW 19.27.095. Name /)& Project Valuation * Building lnformation (square feet): 1tt floor t74 crrage, WFE 2nd floor Deck(s) 3'd floor- Porch(es):- Basement:_ ls it finished? Yes No Carpoft: n/* Manufactured Home ! ADU n New Addition n Remodel/Repair ! r/' Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint):* sq";; rcet eotda' y:ft '@4 lmpervious Surface:" squarefeet:4oc) *@ What yearwas the structure built? 29o* lf work lncludes demolition, see Page 2. Any known wetlands on the propefi? Any steep slopes (>15o/ol? Y @ Y@ I hereby certify that the information provided is conec{ that I am either the owner or authorized to acl on behalf of the owner and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Print /o -7 -o? sig D OcT I ?ll08 CITY OT PORT TOW NSEND DSD Leoal Descriotion (or Tax #): AdAiron' C;ivr Lin Pdr[< proiect Address: l.lOj Alaalz g44tooogq tl I 6Lot(s) Zoning: Parcel# Office Use Onlv Permit Number BLD 08- LI Assogiatgd P^ermff3-rurcy/6y / ProjectDescription, Cr",dr*t,f. ,r+ Aetv firylr_ {^^Jv rurrlaau,_ phone: 5o3- 317 - [26L Emai t. aV.)A7t licant: Name L(+ City/St/Zip wLz-g vName 0 er,\,*a'J L. nca(' lt-Phone: Emai nou v n^ City t- , vt Business License #:/ fl".n{'-,1.L,le, Ema State License Add L(t ^^A Contractor: Name: Page 1 ol2 7131 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT #BUA -2 il SCOPE OF WORK: DATE RECEIVED D (. INITIALSDATE.ACTION 9-t'nlqloil ENTERED INTO CHET I CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS It U'ln f" "I r:t,( 11* <'o,/-a.np f, /a. f (Ptfn 0r4){t, rlV 01€-; --4rr-- ttm o n ,l'' I "t{ r{tir+.o o" ,/Vt o.V d tr 3.r}l*-(Vl;rlnozl /T Jt'Jt"f -/ rAorlz{d-i-| nlaatr*n r s-{! 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Critical Area?No U Demo?7Uo Historic Rev?A/,> Notice to Title?AJ,t Lots of Record?No, /- t tf n:lo y ti qru^r).iff' ,ia l2wttwJ's l{Cgvk