HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD08-224?EES 15:35 36FFE!98?9 AFFORDAELE FAGE g1 f-xY r RED lo lzt lru $ervfcesDe - {41 '.,b ':,1f)t::.s...t+. i r....fr;; ...._,;, r! Pr-i 'Ili ii ; r*-',-1 -.j: 'u.'.:;;l;..- *:h irili4,t*;;tFlt :.r' . :lrtq Reoling trermit APPIi**tion Address: s F Lender lnformation: Lender informatio'n rnust be provided for projects over $5,000 in velualion per R*W 1S.?7,095. Itlame: Prcject Valuation Scope of Work: Number of existing roof layers: Square ft*tage of rearonrg$ N Replaeing shaathing? Y s r-;-A L"/, vg$Replaringlaltering rafiters or trusse,a? lf "yes" a roof framing plan is raquired. ls the structure located seltwater shqreline? Y ffi- 300 fser of a fre*h *r H?i'iift]- place cn +r riearthe pubtic risht-or- lf yes, pra\|f,e a site plan and partestrian pruteclion plan. New Roaf Type; E4omposition E Metal 0 Cedar +hingles I Cedar shak-es il Tsrchdswn 0r l-JDt MEp il Other I nereby csdifo thHt the infsrmation prr:vided is uTrrecl, lhat t am Bither the Dwner or and ihat al! aclivitie-q a{socisted Frint Name Legat DescriPtion {or Tax #}1 | Rooition: ff hfilfffi-frftH!fi8Fr+jee.t Address: Lot{sParce[ # SF Rssid*ntial Ef Cammerrial il fillF Resi#e'ntial U Bed & Breakfast*il ' B&B's tocated in Histori* Dislrict may require denign review eppi*val- Add Phone: Cont Nam City Eu*iness License #: Stale Licensq E Vanti*g typ+ fc&eclr all fial Efioof n Ridge 6cl on bahalf +f th{] T CIIY OF PORT TOWNSENO DSD Signatu with this S*rrqit wil! be in e*cordsn*e r*ilh Slate Laws CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT #- 2L40 DATE RECEIVED 6 o SCOPE OF WORK: DATE ACTTON INITIALS ENTERED INTO CHET CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS 4A+ I A)('1Kl (1, -Ylrlil-' *xtwL! t r I tf,-a.,rA-t nvr\\/?){' l t't /49\o9/ EU n >f- /- -r r t<xl Zoning: Setbacks OK? Lot Size: Building Size Lot Coverage FAR OK? Height OK? Parking OK? Critical Area? Demo? Historic Rev? Notice to Title? Lots of Record?