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CITY OF POR.1T TOIdI\TSEI\TD .BUILDER'S PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD (See fnstructions on Attached Sheet) THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION /25 bg Ouner David Irwin 1. GR0UI{Di{ORK: Plunbing_Inspector Da 2. [00TII{GS/SIiBS: Setbacks_ forns_ Reinforcenent_ Slab_ Insoector Date 3. FOUI{DATI0I{ liAL[: !'orns- Reinforceuent- I{eather Proofing- l'lrf a ,)u. ,** tRAt{Il{G: Beans- Joists- Bridging-Inspector Date- 5. P[UllBIllG: Drains_ Vents_ Traps_ Clean-outs_ Water Supply_ Gas Supply- Ilrla 6. I{EC$AIIICAI: !'urnace_ Exhaust_ fieat Dncts_ Inspector Date- 7. FMllIllG: lialls_1roi I inn Robf- vents-Inspector- Date- 8. IIISULATIOil: I'loor l{alI lroi I i Baffles_ 9. DRYI{AIL I{AILIIIG: Iialls_ Ceiling_Inspector Date 10. DRAIIIAGE:Inspector- Dala 11. FIIIAL IllSPECII0ll: Buildinq_ Plunb._ llech/heating_ Snoke Det._ flouse llo. Inspector- Da Pernit llunber 8807- 1 7A Issued 7 /5/er Job Address 133 35th St,reet l{ature of Work Complete housellature Ca.l- l- 4for Treas. l{0. Zoning R- I Type 5-N 0ccupancy R-3 Use of BuildinqLs Contractor )) Residenceame as uwner €} lrorrrs lcef ore ]zorr digrrti l- i€>f l- irre l-oca.tesl_-€ioo-424-5s55 fa (v th ut) Q,U qq Pernit Nunber BB07- 1 7A Job Address 133 35th Street ceitinst/ CIITI' OF POR.T TOWI\USEI\UD BUILDER'S PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD(See Instructions on Attached Sheet)w THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE 1 ?1 CALL 385-2294 FOR TNSPECTTON q1 2. fOOTI}|GS/SLABS: Setbacks_ I'orns_ Reinforcenent_ Slab_ P1togun| (lilsfi @?) 6-eG-.i"2-'{ 7 @) t? tt-Qz 1. GROUIIDW0RK: Plunbing_ 5. PLUIIBIIIG: wainsJ vrnt"-t/- rrup"J ctean-outs Nature of Work Complet,e house Use of Bui 0wner David Iflffn Contractor Inspector 6. llECflAllICA[: Furnace 7. I'MltIl{G:lrai 'I ina Treas. ilo Zoning R-Type 5-N 0ccupancy Res i denceme as uwner Date- Inspector- Date- Dala Date- Issued 7 /5/9L R-3 Idino ( s )'sa 3. F0UllDATI0ll I{AIL: Forus_ Reinforcenent_ Iieather Proofing_ lA. frcOn FRAI{II{G: Beans- Joists- Bridging- -t- i,tater supply J- cas suppiy-y' rn"p"rto, 0I DaterTf ?fq la fieat Ducts_ Inspector_ Date_ noot (/ uents t/tnrp..to, f { nte!\#ll 8. IrsutATlor: i'loor vtanfiffi ceilins(7)Baffres- Inspector Inspector N jDa9. DRYI{AII, IIAIIII{G: 10. DMII{AGE: 11. fIIIAt IIISPECIIOII: lleia suitainq / Prxnb. /tinq-( Ca-l- l- 4 for llech/hea Suoke Det.llo. a lror.rrs lcef ore Lou diguti L ity l- irre .1oca.tesf_-€ioo-424-55s5 . CIITV OF POR-T TOWI\TSEIVI) BUILDER',S PERMTT & INSPECTION RECORD 9'l/(See Instructions on Attached Sheet) ' h THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SI.TE CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION 5e-z-- g ta'l- 11 Issued 7 /6/eo Treas. l{0. eet Zoning R-L Type 5N gccupancy R-3 l{ature of liork Complete House Use of Building(s)Residence Ouner David lrwin Contractor Ovrner Build 1. GROUI{DI4ORK: Plunbing_r_Inspector- Date- 2. FOOTINGS/SLABS:Slab_ tnpr&o, 9?' Job ror*&.- Reinforcen r@-woor.insDC a Irours t>ef ore >zou. digrrti I itlz l- irae l-oc- tesf--aoo-424-5s55 /7 ra3. FOUNDATiOI I{A[L:I,|eather Da It.clrmonFRAl{ING:Beans-Joists-Bridging-InspectorDate- 5. PtUI{BItlG: Drains- Vents- Traps- Clean-outs- I,later Supply Gas Supply- Date 5. I{ECHA}IICA!: Furnace Exhaust Eeat Ducts-Date- 7. FMI{illG: l{alls- Ceiling- Roof- Vents-Inspectgr- Date 8. II{SULATIoII: Floor tiall _noili Baffles_ 9. DRYIiALL llAItIllG: I,taIIs- Ceiling-Inspector Date-- IO. DMII{AGE:Date- 11. FII{AL ItlSPECTIoll: Building_ Plunb.- fiech/heating Snoke Det.- flouse llo.- Insnector Date Cal-l* 4 f rcr