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City of Port Townsend Port Townsend, Washington 98368 385-3000 TNSPECTIOf\I FTECOEID Building Pernit llo:8807-30 Contractor:Blue Heron Construction Conir, llo :lIT.ITFIJ"'I tr.1 perlit authoriruu. Remodel of Building for povertv playhouse It (addrees):419 Washington [ootingInspection:-Date;-InsPector:-lotes: Corrections:te.inspectiondate:-Inopector:- IoundationInspection:-Date:-Ingpector:-!lotee: Corrections Re-innpection date : - Inspector l|are: L€ i) f,q."ji"-t *q. Frarins Inspection: O /Q' lau, C/z? rareerlot,l%Lilo+,et, Correct ions :fie-inepectlon date:- Inepector Plurbing Inspectrion: 0 fL Date Inopector Correctione r %iTvot CE le-inepection date : - Innpector: ti r:llotes Corrections: Be-inopecti 0n date:- Inepector: Insulation Inopectiou: (9k Date' llallboard Inspection' 0k Date'tor:llotes: Correctione:[e.inspectiondate:-Ilspector:- DrainageIagpect1on:-Date:-Inepector:-llotes: eorrections le-inopectlon date: - Inspecior: - linal Inepection Date: - InspeetorCC-+r\r-lloteo le-inopection date: - Inopector: - Correctione Certificate of 0ccupancy iosued by:QVq- Building 0fficial Date c of PortTownsend Building Penit llo ttor-ro !fl llale Port Townsend, Washington 98368 385-3000 I}iISPECT:fOI\T FTECC}FID t . Gary and Rachel Swett Contractor Conir, llo: Pernit authorizes Add room and deck It {address)530 Roosevelt looting Inepectiol:- Date Inspector lotes: Corrections:[e-inoPectiondate:-Inspector:- rl}sL fourdation luspection: OlLDate:- Inelector0fJMotee, Corrections Re-inspection date : - Innpector Franing Inspecti atLll -Date Inopector l{otes Corrections:le-iuepectiondate:-InePector:- PIunbingInspection:-Date:-Inspector:-totes: Conections Re-inspection date: - Inopector Inoulation Inspection, lfX'( Date:-llotes: Correctiono:[e-inspect1ondate:-Inepector:- llallboard Inspection:Date nspector: Correct ione Re-inapection date: - Inspector DrainageInelect1on:-Date:-Ing!ector:-llotes: Corrections:le-innpectiondate:-InsPector:- [inalInspection:-Date:-Inspector:-ilotes: Corrections:[e-inspectiondate:-Inepector:- Date: - Rt1 Certificate of 0ccupancy iosued by: Building Official c I of Port Torvnsendt Port Townsend, Washington 98368 385-3000 II{SFECTTOI\I FTECORD Building Pernii llo:8807 -3 0A llale Gary & Rachel Swett Contractor Conir. llo: Peruit authorizes:Build Second Story Bedroom, revision to 8807-30 ry I \ N At (address)530 Roosevelt IootingInsPectioa:-Date;-InsPector:-[oten: Corrections:Re-inepectioldate:-Ins9ector: foundation Intpection:- Date:- Inspector:- llotee: Corrections Re-innpection date : - Inepector: Fraring Inspection: - 0ate:Inspector:l{otee : rrections:Be-inepection date: - inspector: PiunbingInopection:-Date:-Inepector:-l{otes: Correctione:fie-ins?ectiondate:-Inepector Insuiation Inspection:- Date:- Inspector:- llotes: Comectiols He-inspection date : - Inelector: - l{allboard Inepection:- Date:- Inspector:- lfotes Corrections:Re-inspection date: - Inspector Dralnage hepectlon:- Date:- Innpeetor:- llotes Corrections:[e-inspectiondate:-Inspector [iaalInspection:-Date:-Inspector:-totee: Corrections:Be.lngpectiondate:-IngPector:- Date : - Certificate of 0ccupancy issued by: Building Official