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CI TY OF POR.IT TOIdI\TSEDUD BUILDER'S PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD (See Instructions on Attached Sheet) THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTTON Ireas. l{oPernit3- Job Address Zoning Type Use of Buiiding(s) Contractor 1. GR0UIID[40RK: Plunbing_ 2. IO0TIIGS/SIABS:SIab 3. fOUilDATI0l{ WALI: Forns c-.-" Reinforcenentc--5ea,tner Proofing- CeiI e) i F[00R FRH{II|G: feans4(.loists€- Bridgirfu 5. PIUIIBII{G: Wainy2C-.- uents()C fraps€----ttearl-euts4-liater Supply z Gas Supply- 6. l{EC[AllICA[: Furnace_ Exhaust_ fieat Ducts_ Inspector_ Date_-Nl ,* 7. FRAI{rNG: wattse( ceilinL noot Q-- uentLtnspector ,G -- D^t" f i 8. INsUtATIott: I'Ioor / nutt ing L- wne{ Da la Date \,\,N $ .\\ NN /9. DRytiALL llAI[IltG: tlaIIs 0' Cei]iri-g_ 10. DMII{AGE: 11. FIIIAL IIISPECTIOII: wr_/?-/ ?-il ../-/Buildinq,/ Phnb,,,z- llechlheating/L Snoke Det. z' flouse ]to. / f,,1*to'rlt a.l- l- 4 et l:'otrrs l>ef ore >zou digf or rrti l- i€12 l- irle l-oca.tesf_-aoo-424-5555 ,/(tnspector 45 sn..- lf if 'ft 0 ,4 ADDENDUM CI TY OF POR.IT TOIdI\ISEh{D BUILDER'S PERMTT & INSPECTION RECORD(See Instructions on Attached Sheet) THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE CALL 385-2294 FOR TNSPECTTON Peruit Nunber 9003-f0A Issued Job Address -f7tl4-ffiscoGrv na.t(-5 llature of llork EIlffihip Orner San JUan Baptl_st church 1. GR0UI|DIdORK: Plunbing_Inspector Date 2. FOflIIGS/SIABS: Setbacks t'orns_ Reinforcenent_ Slab_ Inspector- Date- 3. f0Ul{DATI0il liAlt: Forus Reinforcenent_ I{eather proofing_ {. t[00R tRAl{IllG: Beans- Joists_ Bridging_ Inspector Date_ 5. PlullBIl{G: Drains- vents- Traps clean-outs- water supply- Gas suppty- Inspector-Date 6. llBC[AllIClL: furnace_ Exharst_ fieat Ducts_ t Date *,,.-{/49/7. FMIIIIIG:|ai I inn Roof_ Vents 8. II{SUL[TI0I{: l'loor liall _ Ceiling_lps 9. DRYIiAtt llAI[Il{G: I{aIIs_ Ceiling_ IO. DMIilAGE T1. FIIIAL IIISPECIIOII: Ca.I f- 4for P( , rnspector L/ D^t/2- ufl ./' ,/ ,/ ,/Buildinq / Pluub. / l{ech/heating_L Suoke Det. / flouse il0._ r*pr.no, E5 *1r*'fl''l( Inspector- Date- a Ilorrrs lcef ore you digrrti l- i€lz f- ine l-oca.tesf_-aoo- 424- 5s55