HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-234)) BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Informalion Perrrit Type Residential - Accessory Dwelling Unit Site Address 1330 OLYMPIC AVE Project Description Convert garage into ADU Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-234 CONVERT GARAGE TO AD{J 936300401 Names Associsted with this Project Type Name Applicant Cranor Dominica D Owner Cranor Dominica D License Contact Phone #Type License # Exp Date **'< SEE ATTACHED CONDJTIONS *** Call 385-2294by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is vcrified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the infonration provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of rny knowledge. I further certify that I anr the owner ofthe property or authorized agent ofthe owner. Datelssued: 0110712008 Issued By: SFOSTER Print Name f 61r-rrux1 a_ BIJILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Residential - Accessory Dwelling Unit Site Address 1330 OLYMPIC AVE Project Description Convert garage into ADU Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-234 CONVERT GARAGE TO ADU 936300401 Fee Information Project Details Dwellings - Remodel @20%800 SQFT Project Valuation Building Permit Fee Plan Review Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit Site Address Fee Mechanical Permit Fge per Dwelling Unit - New Residential Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential Energy Code Fee - New Single Family Unit s 15,224.00 265.25 t72.41 4.s0 5.31 10.00 3.00 150.00 150.00 100.00 Total Fees $860.47 Conditions 10. Property comer survey pins must be located at time of foooting inspection to verifo setbacks Call 385-2294by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verificd by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the infonnation provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Date Issued: 0l/0712008 lssued By: SFOSTER Print Name ) -) t,-{; (,CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT # RLNAT -DATE RECEIVED ll-tQ-7 SCOPE OF WORK: DATE ACTION INITIALS [1 -14-6'7 ENTERED INTO CHET CA - to Planning - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS 7 L Ut il ,s Su) / a I * N o- u^s-\,r,-Q/-.. " '7 sV ds I 1-[ t (+ reg-\ tl L(o U (5tt- dF {ld 6o.ro.Dn- rao i"4A +ho k\t t* + r€-ui err^t, i-&L-a 7 flzlA4 m r/ , fLd alze-* u-{)/b-t v /E fnL,-az-)2 ^- or sal //- Zr/- D r7 3Z t,t 2 ,r-e{Lled-./6 LY. fr + l^ .i"/. y17r/ toJqn (t' t I f-l a Sl^t ?-Yt CO . rA l))Mt t0107 t 4 -49'a 7 fuDL /n /p a,atrt,k Y/c b---* @ i(< !MINOR IMPROVEMENT PERMIT City of Port Townsend Deveiopment Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Minor Improvement Permit Site Address 1326 OLYMPIC AVE Project Description APRON FOR ALLEY Permit # Project Name Parcel # MIP07-149 APRON 935300401 Conditions 10. Pave an asphalt driveway apron from the edge of street, 10 ft. deep. Maximum driveway width in residential is 20 ft. Saw cut edge of street and tack and seal well. Notify City when paving is scheduled. Install a drainage swale in the pavement to line up with existing natural swale and away from the street edge. 20. Connect ADU to existing water that serves the house. 30. An existing outbuilding located in the alley right-of-way exists. As a condition of approve of this permit requires that the building be removed. Applicant must remove the outbuilding by no later than June 30, 2008. Permit will not be signed off until building is removed. If applicant seeks occupancy of the ADU before the removal of the building, then submit a bond/escrow in the amount of 1200/" of the bid to remove the building. 40. Submit a recorded Notice to Title for the private maintenance of the driveway in the alley and for removal of existing fence in the.alley. 50. Connect ADU to existing sewer that serves the house. Install a cleanout and a backflow preventer. Call for inspection before covering. 60. Submit an as-built drawing of side sewer connection at time of inspection on form provided with permit. 70. All areas of work must be restored. lf any damage occurs to existing infrastructure during construction, damage must be repaired, inspected and approved by the City. CaIl 385-2294by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the infonnation provided as a part of the application for this permit is tme and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Date lssued: Issued By: Print Name MINOR IMPROVEMENT PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Minor Improvement Permit Site Address 1326 OLYMPIC AVE Project Description APRON FOR ALLEY Permit # Project Name Parcel # MIP07-149 APRON 936300401 Numes Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Cranor Dominica D Owner Cranor Dominica D Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date Fee Information Project Valuation Minor Improvement Permit SDP Inspection Technology Fee for Minor Improvem Record Retention Fee for Minor Impr Total Fees $ 100.00 $ 34.00 $ s.00 $ s.00 $ 144.00 *** s,EE ATTACHED CONDITIONS **?k CalI 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Date Issued Issued By: Print Name ) Francesca Franklin LoDoL 0 $At'- From: Sent: To: Subiect: Kenneth Clow Monday, December 31,2007 3:26 PM Francesca Franklin RE: Dominica Cranor -LUP07-234 Francesca, The memo you prepared reflects the discussion we had with Ms. Cranor and the requirements associated with her development of the ADU and the fence. Thanks, Ken From: Francesca Franklin SenH Monday, December 3!,2007 3:20 PM To: Kenneth Clow Cc: Leonard Yarberry; Scottie Foster Subject: Dominica Cranor - LUPOT-234 Hi Ken, Attached is a Memo to the File I prepared after our meeting (yours and mine) with Ms. Cranor at the front counter regarding the fence in the alley in Block 4 off of Olympic Street between Milo and Tremont. lf you agree that this is what was discussed and what was required, please send me an e-mail, or sign/initialthe memo and return. We need this to close out the Code Enforcement file. Thank you. << File: Cranor.memo to file.fence in alley.doc >> Francesca Franklin Development Specialist (360) 379-5093 ffranklin@cityofpt. us 1 ') tr MEMO TO FILE: COD 07-084; LUP 07-234 DOMINICA CRANOR Ms. Cranor came into the offtce and Ken Clow and I spoke to her at the DSD counter. She asked why she needed to do anything with the fence on the south side of the alley that was constructed on or near the Robinson properly line. Ken Clow indicated that because the fence which, crossed the alleyway, connected with the fence that is on or near the Robinson property line, it made it appear as if the alley was private property belonging to Cranor. After discussion, Ken Clow decided that the fence on or near the Robinson property line could remain as well as the fence that crosses the alley for now. The requirement will be to record a Notice to Title stating that any fence in the right-olway is to be removed if the City needs the righLt-of-way for any reason, at properly owner's expense. Ken Clow further stated that the existing shed in the alley right-of-way is to be removed within a time frame. Ms. Cranor asked if summer wuls a good time frame and Mr. Clow agreed. The removal of the shed will be apart of a Minor Improvement Permit. The City has utilities in the alley and that building was placed over existing utilities and needs to be removed. There needs to be an apron at Olympic at the access point to the alley. Ms. Cranor will need to submit a Minor Permit Application. I will prepare the Notice to Title. Ms. Cranor needs to submit a Minor Improvement Permit Application. I called Ms. Cranor and asked her to submit an MIP application. I placed one in the pick- up box at the front desk for her. Francesca Franklin PW Development Specialist CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3" Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I G U O U S LO C A T I O N , PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y , ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E D OFF MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E . PA R C E L NO , 93 6 3 0 0 4 0 1 PE R M I T NO . AD D R E S S 13 3 0 OL Y I / P I C AV E OW N E R C CO N T R A C T O R Bt D 0 7 - 2 3 4 IS S U E D DA T E 01 I O 7 I 2 O O 8 D( P I R A T I O N DATE 07t05t2008 PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD ON Co n v e r t ga r a g e in t o AD U LE N D E R DO M I N I C A D Qr f f i i l ' d a \J He \ € d r s , I q+ o ' ,r l t o l n th ? L V, n i i g t' M $ ,, t b l f r 't v , 3 {L rv * 14 {u * f\ i i l1 r \ l TE S C SE T B A C K S SU R V E Y PI N S FR A M I N G WO O D ST O V E PL U M B I N G ME C H A N I C A L SH E A R WA L L WA T E R HE A T E R IN S U L A T I O N GW B FI N A L BU I L D I N G IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS 1a l ,9 L r I ta . { j r\ M g" / ,^ r * J *{ - , q E. & c * ( . , S^ " . i l * \ A ^ r > Y9 u/ < o AL v " ^ q TO RE Q U E S T AN tN S p E C T t O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y TN S P E C T I O N . Inspection Report Pioject Permit # Date Inspector Inspection & Notes q n)d w "-t pl,w a K e@ I 2 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. PERMIT NUMBER:-zDATE OF INSPECTION: SITB ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION:fia*vr 6 o \,L t\,^) 16 (L6oz L.l u/tlLDUl ]rl U Dr,ll t/,'€ .^-i { C -to vw C- Peou, vt wLz ts t= \) \_ N APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection N NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and qvailable at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. s 51 o v(\oIAJ?DU (,1\o BA T H R t I t l 1 ' { \^Idf 1"o tJ l A S T E R BE D R O I l M J) (5r 0 BE t l R t l t l 1 ' . | @ )o d (F ) >o o a - G) a VI N E Rt l 0 l ' , | KI T I H E N 2- _sJ ' - E / 'o m v ={ Uy r u @) d V> n t I )I (I I )O =1 5 @ g t €)6i l I te gp s. o N 1t-0tt 1t4"lr) FL O O R PL A N 1' - 1 $ * j u I f . ' t { * ' . i } i ( . i . - d . " J r t i . t r " [ " : u * l . f r ; , l i i , , l ' , : . : $ - l : , r ' ; ' : : : f r L i l l ' i l * * ; " { * i " } L - L - - U # * . 1 : 'latS>p"-"'-l t ..1--ht"L^. U.rtJt-- k&* r rcnln"! /,p" I )4 r hf a"rtlN CTI Eh au'f 4at<qz 4*. *rdez /*j ^ h'*^f y /* "d"6'%il;-V trk.'fn ^-Q ur't /e/u 'uallil Y-e/'-' A^XA,zvi'L tfft )tt ,tesa'{trt< fur*fno"@ ^!)r)frska W 0{A lt'r'M B")-- K lt1 ,rlro'Paere (u) Lu*,^,e rcrn*J fr*r - 54a'^ 4 -.-- tlul:inr/ ffi#*k1' tld J/^o d),,J rl,m ^#Xv'i'$\ ( 7 (^w *M*'-#ffi ? 7;,A statln vea- i) NOv I 9 200t CITY OI PORI TOWNSEND 0st) GEIV ntno?-?'?,'!' r coryuru*ffi rrrtnsihnrnarr@ rlp"l@]]llll .l"u*on"{E@ $lte Adrhrr 11330 Qlpppic Avc.stn"ffi- .a mrmcryffi *gg*eruffi 'W N#:.trW.lrtffi ?,, a,nonrrmouc?tr Notifiarl?r !ioec?t* hJ a,* Krr,^5 )2-[0'#vn #,urL -fo {F (43 /{q b .'. . ::' ,. :,,: l' ' i ".:t.,. .: r" ' :: t: :t i ) '-. ''";' .t ,:i i:, r' 11.1...i;:t.,'t\,.:,,, ';i. 1 '..'...,'.r'" ' l ;:: 1330 Ohrapic Ava rii i.,., i.jlt ,, li. ;ir'.r:t ':'ii iJr'i.i,' iil 'i{ii;r.1 /e'v KC t* 'e'- rna'Pc e/ E-/a'd7 ) \ p{rceoQ L*>\ .r, ftY ,4 /a qt A- qq. cKcr t d\ Ar^t F, z,*g; L7+ ) iK I: INPUTS FOR CALCULAT]ON OF TARGET UA thisworksheet and insen appropriate values in pai ll. Proposed opaque single-rafter roof area (pSR 0 sf Proposed opaque attic & other roof area (pni '[iii sf Proposed skylight area {PSA): "'-"""ii sf Space Heat type: electric resistance (enter yes or no): _......1.rg..,.... Gross ext. wall area (GEWA), including windows and ' 951 sf ..........-99L.'t 120 sf Target skylight area (TSA) Target vertical glazing area (TVGA) Target opaque door area (TODA) Target opaquewall area {AWA) = {GEWA-WGA- TODA) Target aftic roof/ceiling area (TAM) Target single-raffer, joisted-vaulted roof/ceiling aiea (TSRJVRA) = Target floor area (TFA) , over unconditioned space, not slab Target slab on grade floor perimeter (ISFp) i n lineal feet If PSA exceeds ISA, lhen add excess area in Gross conditioned floor area (GGFA), heated areas ot Target total glazing area fFIGA) = (GCFA x 0.15) the LESSER of the PSA oi TTGA (rrGA - rsA) =......._1_?9....... .....,..-q.. ..... same as proposed 951 120 - 44 same as proposed* same as proposed* same as proposed same as proposed lo ISRJVRA orTARAas .................9. rf 120 sf ,...........,tt.u ,...........I91.'t 803 sf 0sf sf 11A ll U.FACTORS AND F.FACTORS use lhese values in Part ll or otherslrom chapter 10 ol thewashington slate Energy code OpaqueWalls R-11, wood studs: U = 0.088 R-15, wood studs: U = 0.076 R-21, wood studs: U = 0.057 R-19 + R-5 cavity,w' U = 0.046 R-11, metalstuds: U =0.140 R-19, metal studs: U = 0.110 R-13 * R-3.8 cavity, mtl U = 0.084 R-13 + R-10 cavity, mtl U = 0.057 Roof/Ceilings R-19: U = 0.049 R-30: U = 0.036 R-38: U = 0.031 R-49: U =0.027 Floors R-11: R-19: R-30: U = 0.056 U = 0.041 U = 0.029 Sin gle-Raft erlJoist Vaulted R-19: U = 0.049 R-30: U = 0.034 $lab on Grade Floorc R-0: F = 0.73 R-10 w/o TB: F = 0.70 R-10 w/ TB: F = 0.54 D APn 1 b Z00B VEii i;: :IL Lq ctry OF PClRT DS D ew ^l S I L.l: L4a =Lft1ry \7;r,**-^r,< 6{?-l\gg )) PART ll: CALCULATION OF TARGET AND PROPOSED UA For Target UA, complele worisheel on rcvelse fiN Fu Proposed UA, use U+aclots hom reverse w hom Chapter 10 of the Washington Sh,te Eneryy Code. BUILDING COMPONENT DESCRIPTION TARGET UA U-factorxArea=UA PROPOSED UA U-factorxArea=UA A: Trrgetglazing area All tuels skylights (TSA): Alltuels windows, glass doors, glass block (TVGA): B: Proposed giazing area (windows, doors, skylights) Irilh./mode EXIST PIC rvlti.imode.r.5!-D;yv-Ei{...9r!:11.9}_?........ Mfr-lmodel: Mir-/model: Mh./model: Skylight mfiJmodel: Skylight mfr./model: C: Target opaque doo; area Allfuels: D: Proposed opaque door area Mlr./model: Mfr.imodel: E: Target opaq'ue wall area Electric resistance: Gas, oil, heapump: Fl Proposed opaque wall area Insulation value: R- 21 \-/' lnsulalion value: R- lnsulation value: R- lnsula$on value: R- G: Target opaque roof/ceiling area Allfuels attic (R-38) {TARA): Alltuels single rafter, joislvalued (R-30) IISRJVM): H: Proposed opaque roof/ceiling area lnsulalion value: R- 49 ,,/' lnsulalion value: R- lnsulation value: R- l: Targetfloorarea over unconditioned space Alltuels (R-30): J: Proposed floor area over unconditioned space lnsulation value: R- lnsulalion value: R- K: Targel slab on grade lloor perimeter Alltuels (R{0): L: Proposed slab on grade floolfrimeter lnsulationvalue: R- 10 e lnsulation value: R- 0 0.580 x 0.400 x Use TSA and TVGA .......,.........9.. sF =,..............,.9:.0- uA 120 SF = ,18.2 UA 0.200 x USeTODA tl4 SF =8.8 UA 0.058 x 0.062 x USeTOWA 0SF=0.0 UA UA787 SF 48.8 0.031 x 0.034 x Use TARA and TSRJVM ............99.?.. sF = ...............-23:9. uA 0SF= 0.0 UA 0.029 x USeTFA 0 SF=0,0 UA 0.540 x Use ISFP 111 LF =61.6 UA 0.58 X x x x x x x ..................?.6_ sF = 83SF= 15.1 UA 0.34 28.2 UA UA UA UA UA UA SF= SF= SF= SF= SF= 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.20 x 44 SF= SF= 8.8 UA"-i?- I 0.0 uA 0.057 x 15.5 UA UA UA UA x SF= SF= SF= 0.0 x 0.0 x 0.0 n.027 x 21.7 UA x ....''.'......''.....0-sF= SF= 0.0 UA UAx0.0 X 0 sr = ............._0.:9.. uA sF = ..............9.:9. uAx 0.54 x o LF=30.8 UA 0.73 x 57 LF=41.6 UA M: TOTALS:1868 SF = 192.2 UATarget 1868 SF = 191.7 UAProposed The structure complies if: (1) the areas on line M are identical and (2) the Proposed Heat Loss total on line M is less than the Target Heal Loss. (3) Also, below-grade wall insulation shall be a minimum of R-21 if inslalled on lhe inleriorand R-10 if installed on the exterior of the wall. lt is acceplable to lrade JrLm{m$Thermal Ratings of Vinyl Window Products The perfomace infomation listed is for new products ild is intended to be used for reference only, md is nor complete. Deyrcnding on the componenls, accessories, md options choren, the actual raring could vary. Confim ratings for specific products with you supptio or JELD-WEN mles representative. . , SER|ES'], GLAZING,.SPACER Clear lnlercept o.42 43 0.5'l 0_53 Low-E272 lntercept 0.31 54 o.27 0.46 Low-E 272 Argon'lnlercept 0.29 56 o.27 0.46 Lou/-E 366 lntercept 0.31 54 0.18 0.41 Casemenl Low-E 366 Argon'lntercept 0.29 56 o18 o.41'' .::.' f)ss1 .':lntercepl 0.44 : ..4?,-..,.0.€a lnt€rced :0.55 lnlercept.0.28 0.55 Lot/V-E 365 lnlerceft Lo r'E 36g Argon.lnterceF 0_28 .,,58 Clear lnlercepl o.42 43 0.51 0.53 LN|-E272 lntercepl 0.31 52 0.27 0.46 Lcn r-E 272 Argon'lnlercept o.29 55 o27 0_46 Lo/r'-E 366 lnlercept 030 53 0.18 o.41 Awning Lorv-E 366 Aroon*lntercepl 0.29 55 0.18 o.41 .c}ear'lr[ercept 0.48 0.Bt 0.66 lnt6rcofl 0_34 i' o-58 .. Lcnr-E272Argoni lnteroepl 0,32 0.54 Lon-E 36$Interc€d 0.34 0-23 0.52 Horizontd Slider Lorr-E 366 Argon'lntercepl 0.31 5?0.22 0.52 Clear lntercept o.48 44 0.63 0.66 Lour-E 272 lntercepl 0.34 56 0.34 0.58 Low-E 272 Argon'lnlercept o.32 58 0.34 0.58 Loil-E 366 lntercept 0.33 56 o.22 o.52 Single-Hung Low-E 366 Argon'lnlercept 0.31 58 o.22 0.52 Clear lnlercept 4.47 . Lgtt'Er72 lnterceF 0.64 Lor'v-E 272 Afgon'lntercept 0.29 0.37 0,64 lnterced 0.57 PidBre LoqE 365 Argon'lnlercepl 0.29 o_21 0.57 Clear lntercept o.47 40 0.55 0.58 Lo\u-E 272 lnlercepl 0.35 49 0.30 0.51 Low-E 272 Argon'lniercepl 0.33 50 0.30 0.51 Low-E 366 lnlercept 0.34 49 o.20 0.46 Sliding Patio Door Low-E 366 Argon'lnlercept o.32 51 0.20 0_46 Rey,1011O/07 RELIABILITY I'or rea I lif e*[H! Development Seruices Residential Building Permit Application ) Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150F see the "Residential Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax: 360-344-461 9 www.cityofpt.us Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Name Project Valuation: Building lnformatio l"tftoor 'ft A ! 2nd floor I n (square feet): Garage:_ Deck(s 3'd floor Porch(es Basement:_ ls it finished? Yes No Carport:_ Ot Manufactured Home I ADU I New i Addition i Remodet/Repair i Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint):* Square teet: il Q---- tmpervioussurface:* (Xn- eXrSpJo) Square feet:_ *Total existinq & proposed Any known wetlands on the property? Y Any steep slopes (>15'/"1? Y I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Qr^.,onPrint Name: ect Address L Zoning: Parcer # Abbz o t> ! tt I Legal ption (or Tax #): Addition Block: { Lot(s): I anA Z Office Use Onlv iHreazaz< Associated Permits: Project Description : Q6,nverl y"K da !oc,u Email:_ ca-r:ef "(q ?U"I;inr,- cProperty Address City/SVZip Phone Name: ContacUReprese ntative :Name: 4n ou:',P" 11 s nr-rre{ Address: City/SVZip Phone Email: D$D dsame as Owner City Business Lice State License #: Address Email Contractor: Name: City/SVZi Phone: Signature l)o..-i nlr^ Date: NJ^r. [4 ?9a-) s x rc S' g; ;* . . . . . r Water Waste Water Storm Water 1 inch equab 50 feet 'I'h$ i:q) B troyrdcd ttl )i "rr is," "qit[ ,ll ttrilts,"basi;. Ihc Cin of Pon'IbNnscn<! and ir empioys Jo nor *rc*r in an,r ra! thc x.ru.ncloi thc .rt)raln'rr L ,nnurc'1 ;r rhrs rr..1:. F'clJ wnitrtbn oi dr( lc.ursrr of all m.F irrfonraoon rs t|t sr'lc riponsjHlft rir!1,( us.'. (ls.r ,tt.'\(s drc (lty.,'f ftx Tornr,r,j $d iri $rjflo;rcs fr((n iily liihiUtl.hrrcd on il*1's il.c (t n1ap rnl;m1iri.rrOOT'- T- r LO T- - oo O r 4 13 3 T' - o) T- ' 1 MI L O ST ?o -9 d 1000 tU ?a o- - 00 _- - - > s i \l z r o 6o TR E M O N T ST e,l Francesca Franklin From: Sent: To; Gc: Subiect: Francesca Franklin Monday, December 31,2OO7 3:20 PM Kenneth Clow Leonard Yarberry; Scottie Foster Dominica Cranor - LUP07 -2U Hi Ken, Attached is a Memo to the File I prepared after our meeting (yours and mine) with Ms. Cranor at the front counter regarding the fence in the alley in Block 4 off of Olympic Street between Milo and Tremont. lf you agree that this is what was discussed and what was required, please send me an e-mail, or sign/initial the memo and return. We need this to close out the Code Enforcement file. Thank you. E=l Cranor.memo to file.fence in a... Francesca Franklin Development Specialist (360) 379-5093 ffra n klin @cityofpt. us 1 MEMO TO FILE:t 2- fl-o7 COD 07-084; LUP 07-234 DOMINICA CRANOR Ms. Cranor came into the office and Ken Clow and I spoke to her at the DSD counter. She asked why she needed to do anything with the fence on the south side of the alley that was constructed on or near the Robinson properly line. Ken Clow indicated that because the fence which, crossed the alleyway, connected with the fence that is on or near the Robinson property line, it made it appear as if the alley was private properly belonging to Cranor. After discussion, Ken Clow decided that the fence on or near the Robinson properly line could remain as well as the fence that crosses the alley for now. The requirement will be to record a Notice to Title stating that any fence in the right-of-way is to be removed if the City needs the right-of-way for any reason, at property owner's expense. Ken Clow further stated that the existing shed in the alley right-of-way is to be removed within a time frame. Ms. Cranor asked if summer was a good time frame and Mr. Clow agreed. The removal of the shed will be a part of a Minor Improvement Permit. The City has utilities in the alley and that building was placed over existing utilities and needs to be removed. There needs to be an apron at Olympic at the access point to the alley. Ms. Cranor will need to submit a Minor Permit Application. I will prepare the Notice to Title. Ms. Cranor needs to submit a Minor Improvement Permit Application. I called Ms. Cranor and asked her to submit an MIP application. I placed one in the pick- up box at the front desk for her. Francesca Franklin PW Development Specialist Francesca Franklin Sent: To: Gc: From:Kenneth Clow Monday, December'10,2007 11:31 AM Scottie Foster Francesca Franklin RE: fence in alley behind 1330 Olympic Scottie, I went out and looked at the fence last week. Since it all the way over to the south side of the alleyway it really appears to be on the property line of the neighbor to the south (1070 Tremont St). Also there appear to be other fences in the alley further to the east as well as in several other areas in the neighborhood- Since the fence does provide screening to the neighbor, if the neighbor is willing to sign a letter saying they are OK with the fence then it can stay. The Cranors will need to sign and file a notice to title acknowledging that the fence is in the ROW and can be removed at the owner's expense should the City need access in the future or if the neighbors change their mind about the fence. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Ken From: Scottie Foster Sent: Monday, December 10,2007 10:32 AM To: Kenneth Clow Subjectr fence in alley behind 1330 Olympic Owner/applicant Dominica Cranor is calling about your decision on the fence in alley. She wants her building permit ASAP. Have you made a decision yet? SF From: Suzanne Wassmer Sent: Tuesday, December 04,2007 9:33 AM To: Francesca Franklin; Jan Hopfenbeck; Leonard Yarberry Ccr Scottie Foster; Penny Westefield; Kenneth Clow; Rick Taylor Subject: RE: Garage Conversion to ADU at Olympic (1330) FYI - | mentioned the fence to her yesterday when I called her about the ADU Notice to Title. She has already written a letter asking that her fence in the alley be allowed to remain until the City considers it absolutely necessary to get in that alley. Rick Taylor took photos; a packet went to Ken Clow for his decision. lt's COD07-084. (Our letter to her still needs to be written.) Suzanne ---Original Message---From: Francesca FranklinSenh Monday, December 03,2007 11:03 AMTo: Suzanne Wassmer; Jan Hopfenbeck; Leonard YarberryGc; Scottie FosterSubject RE: Garage Conversion to ADU at Olympic (1330) Yes, and for everyone's info. This fence has been there for a long time. So it's not a new fence. But should be removed during this ADU conversion process, I think. ---Original Message--- From: Suzanne Wassmer Subject: 1 F ') Sent: Monday, December 03, --,t7 10:43 AM To: Jan Hopfenbeck; Leonard Yarberry; Francesca Franklin Cc: Scottie Foster Subjectr RE: Garage Conversion to ADU at Olympic (1330) Yes, this is the Dominica Cranor property (BLD07-234). ---Original Message---From: Jan Hopfenbeck To: Leonard Yarberry; Suzanne Wassmer; Francesca Franklin Cc Scottie FosterSubject RE: Garage Conversion to ADU at Olympic (1330) Suzanne, Is fhis the Dominica Cranor propertg? I can shoot out a letter once Scottie enters it into CHET. Jan From: Leonard Yarberry Sent: Monday, December 03,2007 9:53 AM To: Suzanne Wassmer; Francesca Franklin Cc: Scottie Foster; Jan Hopfenbeck Subjectl RE: Garage Conversion to ADU at Olympic (1330) The permit needs to be conditioned that the fence must be removed from the alley. Have Scottie enter this in as a COD. Send a letter to the owner indicating that the fence must be removed within 60 days or a notice of violation will be issued (see Jan for sample). ---Original Message---From: Suzanne WassmerSent: Thursday, November 29,2007 4:37 PM To: Leonard YarberrySubject FW: Garage Conversion to ADU at Olympic (1330) Leonard - FYI. The file is on your desk. Suzanne ---Original Message---From: Francesca Franklin Sent: Thursday, November 29,2007 3:18 PM To: Suzanne WassmerSubject Garage Conversion to ADU at Olympic (1330) Suzanne, I did a site visit today and found that the alley way is currently being used as a driveway access to the back of 1330 Olympic. The alley is adequately gravelled. lt appears to have two, possibly three parking spaces (with the removal of a utility trailer) behind 1330 building. A vehicle was parked in the alley right- of-way at the east end of the graveled alley where the fence crosses the alley. This parking space is not on-site. The existing garage (proposed to be an ADU) has a concrete parking pad in front of the garage which is mostly in the Olympic Street right-of-way. I also discovered that the alley way has been fenced in with the appearance that it is a part of the property of 1330. The fence crosses the alley and goes along the south edge of the alley to Olympic Street. The alley way cannot be fenced in. lf the property owner at 1070 (directly south) wanted to use the alley as access to the back of his propefi, the fence would prevent him from doing so. The fence should be removed. Please let me know if you have any other questions. 2 I lllil lllll lllllll IN illllil ffi il lllll llll llll 529635 Page: 1 of 2 12t@3120,@7 @1 :27? NTIT 41.O@ City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Jefferson CountY Aud D CRAN0R NOTICE TO TITLE Grantor: Dominica Cranor Grantee: City of Port Townsend, a Washington municipal corporation. Reference: City Permit Number BLD07-234 Legal description: The Grantor owns the following described real property: Broadway Addition, Block 4, Lots I and2 Assessor's Parcel Number 936-300-40 I 1330 Olympic Avenue NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Grantor/Owner of the above-referenced real property, to potential purchasers and future owners, to agents or representatives, and to any other concerned person or entity: 1)The Grantor, Dominica Cranor, has applied for the above building permit to remodel an existing detached garage into an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). The ADU would have an address of 1326 Olympic Avenue, and share utilities with the single-family residence at 1330 Olympic Avenue. In addition to the two on-site parking spaces required for the single-family residence, one additional space for the ADU will be provided either on- site, or as an improved public on-street space if approved by the Public Works Director (per PTMC Table 17.72.080 as amended by Ordinance 2e3e). 2)The Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC) requires that the property owner reside on the subject property, in either the principal residence or ADU in order to rent or lease the other unit. A one-year hardship waiver may be granted by the City in accordance with PTMC 17.16.020.C.2. Additionally, neither the principal nor accessory unit shall be used as a Page I of2 I llllll lllll lllllll llll ilrr ril lllllll lll ililt tilt ilt Jefferson County Aud D CRANOR 52s835 Page: 2 of 2 12t03t2@@7 A1 :27PNTIT 41.4@ Cranor ADU Notice to Title transient accommodation (PTM C 17 .I 6.020.C. 3). A transient accommodation is defined as a use less than 29 days (PTMC 17.08.060). 3) This notice may be removed or modified only with approval by the City. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND By: ,,1 ,lu 1 D Development Services Department Dominica Cranor Property Owner Date D /< (o7 Date STATE OF WASHTNGTON ) )ss. couNTY oF JEFFERSON ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Dominica Cranor is the person who appeared before me, and who acknowledged that she signed the same as her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Given under my hand and official seal this \J day of ,ft'e Ae,/,2007 (Print Name sfrz;/!,-t NOTARY C in and for the State of at fNotary stamp inside 1" margin] Page2 ofZ My appointment expires Francesca Franklin Development Specialist (360) 37e-5093 ffranklin@citvofpt. us <mailto:ffranklin@citvofpt. us> 3 yage I oI I December 3,.2007 To Whom It May Concern, I am writing concerning an issue which has recently arisen during the processing of my ADU permit. Suzanne contacted me by phone today and informed me of the necessity of partially removing a fence on an unused alley in my back yard. I am asking the city to reconsider. The fence has been here a long time. My home was built in 1929 and the previous owner lived here almost forty years. I purchased the property in May of this year. The fence was already in place before my immediate neigbor purchased his home twenty years ago. Later, when he built an ADU, it posed no problem when he hooked up to the sewer line. It defines our lot lines and gives a sense of privacy. I am not making any claim to owning the right of way. When I went out and looked up the alley eastward, I saw a permanent garage in the right of way. Looking northwar4I also noticed on Milo there is a fence which is long-standing and crosses the unused portion of the street and again defines the lot line. My fence is a continuation of the Milo fence. I do not see how taking 9'feet of my fence down will help servicing the sewer line. I am willing for it to come down in the event it becomes necessary. It is my understanding that trees and vegetation can be planted in the right of way, but would be dug up if necessary for servicing the sewer line. I think my fence is a similar non-permanent situation. I believe fence problems are a common one in such a historic town as beautifirl Port Townsend and that provisions are in place to ensure the servicability and privacy of our town's residents. Thank you for considering this request to leave my fence in place. Sincerely,A'r)Uornt-nt-t-za- I xter'vo/ Dominica Cranor 1330 Olympic Ave. Ph. 385-325 1/ 643-1488 DEc a - 2ool lEI \J th CIIY Of PORT i(]WNSiND DS'J iunomsg://O2C275F;01 121312007 't -) Assessor Detail Building #1 l Page 1 of 1 Assessor Deta$N BuEld5r'lg #1 ili*Mx i eoai#Yy rHFfi | *frpAR?'Mf;$(*Ts I sfieftfrM Best viewed with tliicro$oft Irlter'let ffxpl*rer 6,0 or latf r 6$ WrndoLrl - l&e Jcfferssn {sunt Parcel Number: 936300401 Su**die:q Ners':nb*r Yexf$*iE*Yaar *.err*sdel*d 1 1929 0 BuildEs?q Ext*rior Batil a BuiSdicr* lrcteri*r 3uilding Type: HOUSE 3uilding Style: 1.5 STY (FIN) =oundation : CONCRETE PERIM, =xterior: SIDING/STUCCO (LAP) R.oof Cover:WOOD SHINGLE 1st Floor Area: 952 2nd FloorArea: 700 3rd Floor Area: 0 Loft Area: 0 Attic Area: 0 Total Area: 1652 Basement Area: 952 Int, Walls (Cabin): Heat: FORCED AIR Floor Cover (1) Floor Cover (2) ffs:ifld$nc R"**ms $4mhi*e F*ms'me Gmna*s Bedrooms: 3 Full Baths: 3 Half Baths: 0 Make: Model: Length: width: Year Built: Skirting: Area: 0 fype: \rea: 0 lxterior: {oof: :arport Square Footage: 0 3st &dditicar Zcld Add*ti*n Type: Garage Area: 720 Year Built: 0 Exterior: Ply/T1-11 Roof: Composition fype r Area: 0 /ear Built: 0 ixterior: Roof: Ym w*mw ffir*stFne{ hr*#$d$ffiq mss*p*Hatsd vrs$th tfl*ls parae$" Select bax35d*ng i g ? 3 Jaffrrran ltrnty :ii; ::tt :'.'':, http://www.co.jefferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/assessordetail.asp?Parcel_NO:g3630040 | 11812008 -'''l Ciry of port Townsend '-'\-) r-evelopment Services Departmenr' BUILDING NUMBER APPLICATION Name of Property Owner:bo r., ;AI:T LA (fls tD01-23* oR Mailing Address:IE r4 v€?r L)a qe 3La Teleplrone:v 5 €7zZ I /. t'l -l is loca ted in: Addition:b FaceVAccess is from: Parcel Numtler Block(s):<l r\r Q Int(s):l-t zq .5 ,L tr't4 ; If this is a new ADU, has a building permit been applied for?No Date: Notes: ,1.' HOUSE NUMBER ASSTGNED: L 32 OL vtt ?I STt Date of Approval://a For Use OnIv: Application Fee Received ($3.00, TC 2200):Date: Copy to:I Finance O Sheriff tr Public Works tr Fire Dept U Police . tr DSD database tr Post Office tr GIS I AssessoCs Office Foraddress changes: tr Qwest Address Managernent center -2oG-504-L534 5 N (o( ro @-{ -{nm oz{a -{tzl OLYMPI PACIFIC AVE C AVE 1400 OOO *-^n*-t z5J llr 1231 1mn 1 1m 1 rt 1 N)O (.l.) IIJ 1m5 1 1 031 (rt L_I L--.J )r 1 003 100 1010 1 1 1 1 1 omz -lmva{ 1024 $lll F r<<voNp636Ra<4lo-p-A66 D Ct)a e a)J BEECH Sr (ooo ?j1i-irrBtn r l rY i 6 "i:Jx 13 s :r ! 1i i $ !€ _-5ln!.i:: ; r lg-3 s 9-iI ri;r.9:ili1i: ii i3::;1;*:'"51r ! 3 r:i t!ri-g'!ii.t n ) | c n!: .' | ="'z.e =: ^c ? t j = :" q $i Parcel Details Parcel Number:'936300401 Parcel Number: 936300401 Owner Mailing Address: DOMINICA CRANOR PO BOX 1664 PORT TOWNSEND WA9B36B Site Address: 1330 OLYMPIC AVE PORT TOWNSEND 98368 Section: 2 Qtr Section: NW1/4 Township: 30N Range: 1W Page 1 of2 Printer triend!v School District: Port Townsend (50) Fire Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Sub Divisionr BROADWAY ADDITION A$se$s$r'$ l-*nd use Ccd*: 1100 - HOUSES (single units, non-farm) Property Description: BROADWAY ADDITTON I BLK 4 LOTS 1 & 2 | | | Click on photo for larger image. No Permit Data Available Assessor Bldg Data Jgffgrssn CaUnty ",;',1 ,,,i,,';ii,,i,'u.;," .1 ,,.;'; . SEARCH Jsft*rrol foe*ly': t:"'trit.it:':;fis$$fi I trseJNTY :NFO I SXpARYf.Tf;NTS i Sfr$,RCF{ Be$t virwcd niith Micro$ott Inlernet Fx1:lorer S.0 (}r later dt$\Jindows - MacNlt - http : //www. co j efferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail. asp r112912007 City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 385-0644 FAX (360) 344-46te email: swassmer@cityofpt.us November 21,2007 Dominica Cranor 1330 Olympic Avenue Port Townsend, WA, 98368 SUBJECT: BLD07-234 Converting Garage to Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Dear Ms. Cranor, This letter is in regards to the building permit you submitted November 19 to conveft the garage at 1330 Olympic Avenue to an ADU. An accessory dwelling unit requires one additional parking space in addition to the two on-site parking spaces required for each single-family residence. Since you are converting the garage to the accessory dwelling unit, if you use the garuge now for parking you must continue to provide two parking spaces somewhere on your property. Please prepare and provide a site plan to scale of your property indicating o Location of the buildings and o Two on-site parking spaces (a minimum of 9' by l9' each) and o The additional parking space for the accessory dwelling unit. Enclosed is a 2004 aerial photo of your property and a City-generated site plan with dimensions from the original plat that may help you in drawing your site plan. Once we receive the site plan we can consider the building application submittals complete. Until that time, it will be "on hold" status. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerelv- r iry UJ6/)an-L- Suzanne Wassmer Land Use Development Specialist Enc. Maps A NATIONAL MAIN STREET COMMUNITY WASHINGTON'S HISTORIC VICTORIAN SEAPORT I( T } l j s m r p i s p r o v i d c d o n a n " r s s , " " s i t h a l l f a u l t s , ' ' b a s i s . T h c C i t y o f P o ( T o w s e n d a n d i * c m p l o y e c s d o o o t w r n n t i n r n y w y t h e a c c u r a c y o f d r e m f o f f i ? f l o n c o n s t n c d i n t h i s m a p . F i c l d v c r i f i c a t i o n o f t h c a c c u r a c y o f a l l m a p m f o m a r i o n i s t h c s o l c r e s p o n s i b i l i r y o f t h c u s e r . L l s e r . c l e r s c s t h c C i a o f P o t T o r n r s c n d r n d i t s c m p l o y e e s f t o m m y l l a b i l i q b r s e d o n u s c r ' s u l c o f m a p i n f o m a t i o n . W a t e r W a s t e W a t e r S t o m r W a t e r 1 i n c h e q u a l s 5 4 , 4 1 4 6 5 1 f e t ilat S>?r_ , -'l / .*-fu"L^- Utn,- /*ort* trc4'h*9 /,# I ;1.1 r Uh.L-- &;lArzPt- lut )tf 'Les-d"{L//4 I b,tW ,n/'K 7 ("'u 7 7'^& Eh au'f 4aa<qz'4*. *dee /*j ^ #'*r! y /-"a"4'%in*7 E-k.lir^I t'r\ /wu uaflb) l/'l &t"f*r6\ ^!)^)I,5hn % Gt, BJ-" \<i^'Y' Lt"*e rct/n rJ fl*n ' 54a"^ I tlwl.s/rul tr#*(ar khdJ/^o (") v\l'.t\ ,4r* fufr^+ g" T-"n'fi? Pu ftzLe CW*f - n*Uffifa',-" u/afin zeo - e tr ,4 t\ U NOv 19 mt EGEilVE CITY OF PORl TOWNSEND DSD BIII0?'Fl*4 : --"r1,, '-. '1IL\ft' bt'{'il =fu-a;-,rr'^)s r - i ' * , " i * d l ' - I ' . , J r " d . . . . . . . . i . . f f ' r P : p F i / . / l l , j . f i { ' * t i ' 7 ; o 7 . ' ' r ? " o " , * o s , - 4 € ^ v j _ ' . ! ! r T y y i $ u A ) c D , : i r l { - ' - \ ' / n v : . 1 " * q ; r I 1 , ' - l 89h)-t b\ YlrvlU Parc"el Details r* *lqiryl; .i*xl*xr.:'r Parcel Number: 936300401 Parcel Number: 936300401 PO BOX 1664 i^Mv^A u'ek #zs q Page I of2 CI od {1r-f (LcnnStl, l"r" A+U_ ^..,ko'dd"t ; w Av 5r,.o S ^lOwner Mailing Address: rSf bovrriucR cRANoR fej'lL o^ $'l8e PrEe':ter firiemdRv-jffij";6.5rneg-Wl ,* O'lV D vsr'Vu sl I i cpn so {#W ttpt''t*iry H$ 6"k *$ f;tJer c Vtn " (L*r*': 0 Ar-< ,[n-o 'ffi"r''r ri PORT TOWNSEND WA9B36B E Site Address: 1330 OLYMPIC AVE PORT TOWNSEND 98368 Section:2 Qtr Section: NW1/4 Township: 30N ,i:;;;*,r1,r H^ Click on photo for larger image School District: Port Townsend (50) Fire Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) 16 +1.^" 6.L , fun*t v^'^ ^+ nt!)al. C aU lN- a'fr.- ffa rMq fu'1 .h*y |",il* ha*, bLaT p"il + in t7 L7 kC.U,4- G*T-Tza lyz Ift \1W /A_A (*"w le&?/1** cls 2- Sub Division: BROADWAY ADDITION Ag$.s,s-sqrls_ l=g.$d Use fsds; 1100 - HOUSES (single units, non-farm) Property Description: 7 BROADWAY ADDiTTON I BLK 4 LOTS 1 & 2 | | I \}JA- r I U (F No Permit Data Available Assessar Bld-S Deta F,.", ilSr4fi | {Suf{TY XFiF* I ilfBAftYt{ttr L ,*' "tl,t-)..F' $est viewerl !vitih Micxrsolt Inlernct Ixy:loretr fi.0 $r later g$ Wiitdotrs - !:lal SEARCH Jeffer$on {ount ;i:.. b :,. .. :: ._ .: ""..9 Jsflarcon (a*nly' : t i;:tt:i :'i t l,t.'t: : i http ://www. co j efferson. wa. us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail. asp?P *tff* rU812007 I h , s r : ? , ? i i p i n \ r d c J , r n , r ' ' J i ! s , r ' " * i d r t ! f r ! l F , " b a s i s . I h r t i w o f P o n l b * r : s c r r i a r d i s e n : r l o r t c s . l o r o r ' l r t r . ; r m r ' e ' r r t i . i ! c l * . 1 c i l h e i ' : t r n n : , t i o u . : r . r : a : t l i c r h i { r i . { ' F r c l J . i r r i r i r a r i " n r i t t r t a r : u r a e v r ( . i l ' n 4 ; r : u m r a o . n j s d r c s , , : c ! r s F . i . i i ' i ] , r ) ! . ! r h c u i . r . i : i c r ( l - - . . . s t i : . ( 1 t ( n i n ) r T c q i . n , L i d ; r . 1 1 : i L . l , r c i f r { : , 1 , ' . . 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