HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-245CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTTVITY LOG PERMTT nbuDoT- 2<l=DATE RECEIVED LtL3 5rF^s WAY SCOPE OF WORK::r a_ LULK 7 1t- ZQ- c'7 6 gsfuvrLAr;T _ DATE ACTION INITIALS z-3 -0^l ENTERED TNTO CHET CA - to Plannins - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS \V fr)Z-O.n t.v -r* lt,taS a ,-effi*r.?t-n# hzk*e. - lr*, /.-Q J.^/ /(I /lvQ r/ "afay'Q "D InsP&;laa/ -Ea OFrjw,w G Pg .-agt o f ,4tzus /2 €z'r7aN o K- - ll -ct FTN \rt j CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For T;:;;ffi":*l:#"j;?EDATE OF INSPECTION: I I SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: NTRACTOR: PHONE: / TYPE OF INSPECTION: t/4 ALbf'L.+t'/kP. FE€ U r2_ I ri* "22"1 t L{tu/At 4l 1fo qD7- 5 6 C- qTl II lr ! APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection \of *.rt APPRovED Call for re-inspection before Proceeding. hD t 77an /nz- fKr, Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if worlc is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATEOFINSPECTION: .ACA A4 fuAA PERMITNUMBER: €O) SITE ADDRESS: 2/Z-4 5i4-it /4/*/ PROJECT NAME: /4.24/ G 482€A/ CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION:r€.7- furt NSf- 4-1-L /ra7ns Eye*z> PHONB:5 * 7ss8 OF ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection tr NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Approved and permit card must be on-site and available at time of Date t,s/ils // inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection \ll CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ., ., .J i ,. : . ,,., r,:1 .r" INSPECTION REPORT ! For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATEOFINSPECTION: .4Ug d4 fuAA PERMITNUMBER: &AA SITE ADDRESS: Z.IZ3 5I% 4/4 U PROJECT NAME: 4/1",47 6:482€;A/ CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE:5 - 7B{B TYPE OF INSPECTION:/VJr€er fot NSP.Paa OF 4ct /r=tug fiys7> ( ':, N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Inspector Date Approved and permit card must be on-site ond available at time of ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. as/da inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. Page 1 of I , Scottie Foster From: Tom Aumock [taumock@cablespeed.com] Sent: Sunday, November 25,2007 4:57 PM To: Scottie Foster Gc: Mike Mingee Subject: Lucky Garden Restaurant lnspection Report, 2123 Sims Way Attachments: Lucky Garden. pdf HiScottie! While my Friday phone message reply to your inspection request states that I was not leaving town, I am now headed to Lynwood on Monday. So, I did the inspection of the commercial kitchen on Sunday, so that it would be done by Monday. Attached please find a pdf. file of my inspection report. The scope of the inspection report is limited to the commercial kitchen operation, and the exit fire extinguisher. I left the yellow copy with the business owners I will bring the hard copy to your office on Tuesday. Please advise Leonard that the kitchen hood service technician is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday according to the business owners, and the Health Dept. is scheduled for Wednesday, as I understand. Call my cell phone at [360] 643-0272 at any time with any questions. I will check back with you on Monday, as well. Regards, Tom t112612007 CITY- Ott FORT T$lryI{it$Siln {}EY[IL{}PM&}IT' $$NYTCNS $ST$,RTMIT]\T TN$TECTIOIT RNI'SRT Ftr fu*pcctionr, *all the la*perfi*n llrt* *t 3ti0-3$5-139d hy 3:{}{l Pl{ the dtly before y*u ltani fhe ln*p*rtkrn. Ftr ll{*nd*y 1us;r*cflons, *nll *ry 3l0S fM frld*1." $.drK oti ftx$pxcrt*N:PHf,&{ITT NV3{SHR: sl'rn A$$ItEss:xle* fra*s wxw P.R$.rncT NA*rn: k#z ##M _. .c#F{TftACT#R: C$NT"AC'T'9HI{I$T}H:s$!$t{fi; {'E8fi$l ?Ypft $Ir ilF,i$ll.{i{'tl(}N:*w?it&t' &rurWrg d**r" "X.*",*r"#f 0 ffi "f,#.,*.:-t.t*-v 67?rt, Ji e&*ret*x> n'r,r {e-n* &e',d.*r,* /.r,/ax f* y'*r*-ttffi* gd d, /ft,/.2.,{ ffi ,4d"rt vr 6€ Ul*6ag #*z,i*t-g ,{**.*#6 ,.te#f &nn/**ACf tud?-{arl/,-la,n cg, nlr'r ef ,4"*.e Fs rdarfir Et*r *tt;&# A* { M }d.-v& &#Us&, JtV,tW, '* S*x*r*r r8F {1 *.t)pflytr E ./fr.]/ 7BT { sz-rrt* 4.g, /*$ ilsne{ y*z ar{ ls*dfsvwt 7?-trs Pt&^t& &txxt* ft*wag7 tJ APfrR$vlit) lnspq$tor finrr*avr:$ wr'[]"r '{;t}Rn.€crtttNS $h to pracesd" {{rrcrfi**ri will b* ckscksd $1 n€{( insp*cfio* il l$t'? A,TPRfiVA$ C*ll fer r*-inspe*tiort brlfars pr*ce**i*9. rsut* tt/s{/d*{/ $r rlrsc"rxer/ if'u,ork is not rwtdyfsr i*sS:ectit;tt, { CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. tr'or Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION:PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS , Ztzg frrrrs Wr?/ PROJECT NAME: LU4<z CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF'INSPECTION: /9t7t,t/', h ruIEZT CONTRACTOR: PHONE: f- q858 /-----r. Z":=-,*^t */*n e7r. A ,/z-n-r-t^-ryl, 5H*t€42t./-"-,eeL/2-.1/-4y'4.'o /zua,z /r-r-.*- /n-l744 7/ 14,/2, /.2,t*a .7z..r ttt o€ tlLSaa //aa.ca ,y'ne-9n6ttiy. A"-to +Tt8ttr Gazrua 4 Ja,,z, cq D,o-y1.na f "t.1vzzt&ua171/a7l tuaz &?'rck*.G,-*s"t O tnnn, 4*tz^c--// Ae lat7zl+f Ea eqts, 6r.-crlt Ltl+77oN 1lE. ttV Ct€ *t/ 6 p 4*O +-r?ttt c2 . /Y"t< Je'zttrtza Tzsr OF .} ls tI APPROVED NOT APPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspec.tor Dirte "a/zl/a* / Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and avqilable at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be qssessed if work is not readyfor inspection /l/ee-ds' e.4,r^V/,,*-/,r?J,fZ cl oA i/an.4 7v UCJNG $ YnrrnovED wrrH- CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection l,o 'rl 72 dra &te 6Y -Sazuc€ 'di fnb'-1o ofQ/^-l,ap - \,90 ,.)\l.'A \ CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DArE oF TNSPECTTON: ll - z6- o 1 PERMIT NUMBER:Po *0L STTEADDRESS: Ztzz srrvtg DAL4 CoNTACT PERSoN: l-lO TYPB OF INSPECTION: PROJECT NAME: Lt., C-Kq QqZ>E I,\CONTRACTOR: ru PHONE: 3gs- ?B 58 LOfnynERLi Al K;fd, E X -ThspWT," oLl s ru Vo 1; ?c O lk -S s,%ztl c;o^t, :f t( I A,nll 'M-Tb -Tbfn AE( 0-n =ffi. ts ?€ iions will be ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Date ble at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee ntay i /-\/ '' ,.' i ... I I'!\,r/ '.V\'- |'l\,r.1\-./ r -._/\r'\ {.)fiq/ IJ \ ,1rt) {)\ {rt- CITY OF PORT TOWNSENI) DEVRLOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. . / ^./ll *,':(, (\' / PERMTTNUMBBR:-{)2DATE OF'INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESSs /^lr'1 ativrl; u)At,l PROJECT NAME : L t., C_, f.--.t1 GFlrcDti X.l coNTRAcroR: CONTACT PERSoN: l-io Al TYPE OF INSPECTION: PHoNE: 3t.s"'7!J ::g ( Oll il')'tl.: 1,.- {r i-l {k r FCI I 6:N _I-t t,aU{,1.(:'ir"-," n t t : * ! APPROVED N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit cqrd must be on-site ond available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. Page I of2 Be>o/ -zVS Scoftie Foster From: Jan Hopfenbeck Sent: Thursday, November 29,2007 4:42 PM To: Suzanne Wassmer; Leonard Yarberry Cc: Penny Westerfield; Scottie Foster; 'Tom Aumock'; Rick Taylor Subject: RE: Lucky Garden Luckq 4ne>Ftl Suzanne, There's qlso some hood strypression stuff, shielding for thefryer, etc,I thinkif we charge him additi.onally, another $go.oo for an additional inspection would be adequate. Let us know, Leonard. He'II probably call in the next dag ot' two (hopefuIly). From: Suzanne Wassmer Sent: Thursday, November 29,2007 4:36 PM To: Leonard Yarberry Cc: Penny Westeffield; Scottie Foster; 'Tom Aumock'; Jan Hopfenbeck; Rick Taylor Subject: RE: Lucky Garden Leonard, Lucky Garden is open! :( The good news is he passed the Health Department sign-off. Today's building inspection report is attached to occupancy permit # OCC07-02. Jan agreed that a building permit per se is not required, but they do need to pay additional inspection fees. He paid $50.00 for one inspection, but Tom went once, Jan/Rick went once. Both building and fire need to return unless Tom can sign off on the building comments: "this door to remain unlocked when the building is occupied" sign above the door and the Fire extinguisher sign on the wall, or if Jan/Rick can sign off on Tom's fire comments. So I propose charging him another $100.00 for 2 more inspections - how does that sound? He also needs to pay $20.00 more dollars towards the sign permit for 2 extra signs. Suzanne -----Original Message----- From: Jan Hopfenbeck Sent: Thursday, November 29,2007 3:41 PM To: 'Sarah Murphy'; Rick Taylor Cc: Suzanne Wassmer; Penny Westerfield; Scottie Foster; 'Tom Aumock' Subject: RE: Flagship Landing complaint Sarah, Thanks once ag ain for the coordination. We had a few items for cotection at the Lucky Garden but nothing that appeared too onerous. The fire extinguishers haue been seruiced, the additional nozzle should be installed tomorrow, some exit signage is required, a guardfor the separation between the grill and the fryer is a cookie sheet which I donl think Tom will approue, and some issues with signage need to be resolued but they're pretty close. Jan From : Sarah Murphy fmailto : sa rahmurphy@co.jefferson.wa. us] Sent: Friday, August 24t 2007 t2:4I PM To: Rick Taylor; Jan Hopfenbeck Subject: Flagship Landing complaint 121412007 .t Page 2 of2 Hello Jan & Rick - I am copying this letter to you on the advice of Suzanne Wassmer. Thanks! saYah Mxrohu. t<^st <)' ENvIRo Tn,lENTAL H EALTH SPECIALIST JEFFERSON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 615 SUEnIDAN STREET PoRTTOwNsEruo, WA 9836A PH: 360.385,941 3 Fx: 360.385.94O 1 ALWAYS W2RKING FoR A SAFER AND HEALTHIER JEFFERS2N C)UNTY All e-mail sent to this address has been received by the Jefferson County e-mail system and is therefore subject to the Public Records Act, a state law found at RCW 42.56. Under the Public Records law the County must release this e- mail and its contents to any person who asks to obtain a copy (or for inspection) of this e-mail unless it is also exempt from disclosure under state law, including RCW 42.56. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. Ifyou are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. 12/4/2007 ffi JerreRsoN GouNw PuBLrc HenlrH 615 Sheridan Street . Port Townsend . Washington . 98368 www.jeffe rsoncou ntypu blichealth.org November 2t,2OO7 Lucky Garden Restaurant Hon Voang 2123 Sims Way Port Townsend, WA 98368 RE: Plans for Lucky Garden Restaurant at 2723 Sims Way, Port Townsend Dear Mr. Voang, Your plans for the above food seruice establishment have been reviewed as per the Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health for Food Service Sanitation, WAC 246-215 and Jefferson County Ordinance 2-77. These plans have been approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Provide easily cleanable, smooth, nonabsorbent, corrosion-resistant, durable surfaces on all equipment and utensils. Walls, floors and ceilings must be easily cleanable, smooth, and durable. 2. Provide space in the dishwashing sink area for adequate storage of dirty dishes and air drying of the clean dishes. Air drying racks are recommended above the sinks.3. Back flow protection needs to be provided for all applicable equipment such as ice machines, well dips, food sinks, dishwashing sinks and soda machine.4. Screens are required on windows and doors that will be opened. All exits and restrooms doors shall be equipped with self-closures. 5. A mop sink is required that is within easy access of the kitchen. 6. Splash from mop, dishwashing and hand-washing sinks must be isolated from other kitchen operation. 7. Provide adequate facilities for orderly storage of employees' clothing and personal belongings. B. The lighting in the kitchen area needs to be at least thirty foot-candles and shall be shielded with guards in food preparation areas. -> 9. Ensure design and installation of hoods over applicable appliances are in accordance with state/local mechanical and fire codes. 10. Provide thermometers accurate within 3 degrees Fahrenheit on all refrigeration. 1l.Where hand dishwashing is in use, all food service establishments shall provide a separate drain connected metal compartment with convenient spray attachment adjacent to, but separate from the sink washing compartment for the purpose of scraping and pre-rinsing eating and drinking utensils. 12. Ensure that adequate storage of garbage is provided and that the containment is per code. 13. Hot water supply must be sized to meet peak demand requirements. 14. All equipment must meet applicable National Sanitation Foundation Standards or be of comparable design criteria. 15. A grease trap must be installed per City of Port Townsend regulations. COMMUNITY HEALTH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABI LITIES MAIN: 360-385-9400 FAX:360-385-9401 PUBLIC HEALTH AL\'IJAYS IiVORKING FOR A SAFER AND HEALTHIER COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH NATURAL RESOURCES MAIN: 360-385-94M FAX:360-385-9401 *+16. Before the food service permit will be issued all onsite sewage, water, building and zoning requirements need to be met. 17. Please provide a menu for our review, and policies for ill food workers and avoiding bare hand contact with ready to eat foods. 18. All employees and owners must have valid food worker cards prior to opening. Additionally, Jefferson County Public Health would like to see all food service operations work toward Hazard Analysis Critical Coritrol Point (HACCP) procedures. This program is a food safety system based on prevention. It was first developed for use in the space program to ensure the food supplies in space maintained their integrity. We recommend thatyou: o Identify foods on your menu that are reasonably likely to grow or harbor microorganisms, are perishable, or referred to as potentially hazardous foods. This will define the foods that are the focus of "critical control" (CCP).. Create controls to protect the food, prevent the growth of microorganisms and potential cross contamination. Consider all processing, from receiving to serving. These may involve monitoring the temperature of the product when received, timing of preparation, quantity of preparation, length of storage and temperature monitoring during holding.. Monitor these identified controls and create modifications where necessary.o Provided written plans to educate staff on the process and utilize charts/tables to document the process. Please contact me for further information or clarification on the HACCP system. It can be applied to every product and process using the processor's operational knowledge, common sense and food safety science. A pre-opening inspection of the premises is required by the Health Depaftment prior to issuance of the final building inspection and/or occupancy permit and prior to opening/operating a food service establishment. Please provide a minimum of three days notice for this inspection. Sincerely, Sarah Murphy, RS EHS II - Food Safety Program 360-385-9413 cc Permit Technician, City of Port Townsend Department of Community Development COMMUNITY HEALTH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABI LITIES MAIN: 360-385-9400 FAX:360-385-9401 PUBLIC HEALTH ALWAYS WORKING FORASAFER AND HEALTHIER COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH NATURAL RESOURCES MAIN: 360-385-9444 FAX:360-385-9401 FOR OFF|!- JSE ONLY ) Food Establishment lnspecrroN REpoRT State of Washington NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT LOCATION 2 *g T,srnlnl<rattf\ CITY/TOWN ZIP CODE 443tu8MealsServed'e1'o c o Mealsobserved B L D C O PURPOSE OF INSPECTION E Routine {Preoperational Et Reinspection tr HACCP E lllnesslnvestigation c Temporary trOther o Complaint ESTABLISHMENT TYPE RISK CATEGORYl CO+ TIME IN ELAPSED TIME TRAVEL TIMEDATE Item/Location TOTAL POINTS RED POINTS REPEAT RED PHONE NUMBER NO Temp Item/Location E PointsViolations cited in this report must be corrected within the time frames specified. Item Number - Hr-rf L+ft} pAc,lt lTrc< Araa lr,,J f=oDfi oefr#. xlap1: -Y+lT*t.../lDruErE€i{ 4r xlU rNl YrT{-}fril kfl-w, t^.trt-t hL tAtH) p1}L N-frf iDN- NUT H-lqfi.tOIAIAEU rN)l:. t4*un tn] A<-u I r{K1 k&e 1 r..t or4-11 J ASI-i &€.-"* 4 tN FrC.-rrn*JT Fn ND ?YZEQ WM. - nln ?hhfi I t{ g7fifllb?:{LfYT nt3 Ypr " *- \ c-<-,utf)hA r.l f1o l'..!T}t{-:r f rTv -T{" {a{:5, t yli ITq &g"rne-r- frfFi'-j i tJ6. *NDTIFY VWd;f h Tt? frFT*rtrutlT €tYpn€-:€, np*nl I1.,/.'D^Y. MU t Total Points tlfr Person in Charge \d Date {l-7-1.{f? Regulatory Authority Fojioll(up ,/TES I Needed: NO (circle one)bw DOH 332-0358 (Rev 4/05)Page J of