HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-235CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE , C O R T ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t " Su i t e 3. Po r t To w n s e n d " WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N . PL E . A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I W AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y . ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E . PA R C E L NO . 94 9 2 0 0 0 1 6 PE R M I T NO BL D 0 7 - 2 3 5 IS S U E D DA T E 12 I O 7 I 2 O O 7 EX P I R A T I O N DATE AD D R E S S 25 5 3 SA T ! JU A N AV E N U E CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R LY O N CH R I S T O P H E R B PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Ne w si n q l e - f a m i l v r e s i d e n c e wi t h at t a c h e d qaraqe CO N T R A C T O R LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS TO RE Q U E S T AN TN S P E C T T O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . 06t04t2008 FI N A L PU B L I C WO R K AD D R E S S NU M B E R S FI N A L BU I L D I N G ER O S I O N CO N T R O L SE T B A C K S SU R V E Y PI N S FO O T I N G FO U N D A T I O N WA L L Fo u n d a t i o n dr a i n SL A B FL O O R FR A M I N G SH E A R W A L L & HO L D O W N S FR A M I N G AI R SE A L PL U M B I N G PL U M B I N G WT R PI P I N ME C H A N I C A L IN S U L A T I O N GW B Receipt Number: BLD07-235 BLD07-235 BLD07-235 BLD07-235 BLD07-235 BLD07-235 BLD07-235 BLD07-235 BLD07-235 07-0997 CHECK $969.90 $29.84 $100.00 $4.50 $1s0.00 $150.00 $1,492.15 $10.00 $3.00 Total: $0.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo 949200016 949200016 949200016 949200016 949200016 949200016 949200016 949200016 949200016 11l2Ol2OOT Plan Review Fee 2861 Total Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Energy Code Fee - l,lew Single Famil State Building Code Council Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling t Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P Site Address Fee $819.90 $29.84 $100.00 $4.50 $150.00 $150-00 $1,492.15 $r0.00 $3.00 $2,759.39 $150-00 BLD07-235 $ 2,759.39 $2,759.39 genprntrreceipts Fage 1 of 1 PERMIT# .RI .F>rf7.3f; SCOPE OF WORK CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG DATE RECEIVED DATE ACTION INITIALSll " lq- D7 ENTERED INTO CHET CA - to Planning - No evidence r CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS ir l>-ilrt frTf )nAo - SePb.t c,kf r 1 ^,+ (s>t*ranp At {tJIIa LL /Z// or'QUAQ&s qWaU&J! 2353 SArrJ JDn-^ N,"<F lh-y/n"?..\\ I'l2V.r^-q t\-.r- s.. * \<\.rr l-q-l{\-t_Y\ t2- 7-nr|Vaattanl fr-Q) r ( I j CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION WANT THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFO , FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:00PM PERMTT NUMBER: At-U 0J - RE YOU FRIDAY. DATE OF'INSPECTION:0 3e- SITE ADDRESS , 25'.3 S+l/tJ {.IU,q L]Ai/a CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION:Al A"L .A t20 '-70 v tr APPROVED Inspector nK,iil W I APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection t^e{L Date I NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before c1 Acknow Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. I CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. ? *23,fDATE OF' SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: PERMIT NUMBER: CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION: .t tr APPROVED Inspector APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Date ! NOTAPPROVED CalI for re-inspection before proceeding. Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspectionfee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DArE oF rNSPEcrroN: h-2O8 PERMIT SITE ADDRESS: 2< 5 3 11!'ij J-T,MA ) NUMBER: 1 237 PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: PHONE:CONTACT PERSON: a U d, TYPE OF INSPECTION: 6t t t (- -fi e,*c N APPROVED &-o***ovED wrrH/cdnnncrroNS ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection / o n(Io'A-uoInspectorDate Approved plans and permit card must be on-site qnd available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee malt be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. ] CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. tr'or Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE oF INSPECTION: Ll'1-g PERMIT NUMBER: 1-2€ SITE ADDRESS: Z PROJECT NAME: ft CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION: ,\, ^J .1 rl L L?- o rvl b rl L L 1l c-I-L/ N A J r(c- 1tt-g *C- fL L_ {, c- c- 1l Ul L t^J UL / AJT.0r^.l b\AA)g_g rNT.N IrJLrtt-L- ?O gf lror APPRovED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Nt\Dt Date'l-3-6 Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. ov- Tq w_(2-rHtr ua**- g)f,.NALI- eXce/t- eft(Lhhtr hl^rt t,-r;t% uc<-eask;L pry(,* 'rP J"\*- sffiW3' II APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection J2 Inspection Report Project Permit # Ins pection & Notes u-,, Date . Insppgtop i/au k/-\1.\T%Jr /o.^.$ (,/vv \N LI 2-9"k N^0( Foa' r ruTlzMroil\- I Ht\trll- z.i\^J^)gi:.I\t'rJ I A{}-r,\ Fnru Lgtilen- finan LvJ6\ A,f1' oV--' 4-elg Wn06 Pootr br*/Ft O*vw-, /ArL { At-oe-L b-1+%ffi)LJrr-n^9 lnno+a^ n l.,o*rr.frL .t--*d- /l lX\t>-,t,I r (J/ 2 )Page 1 of I Jan Hopfenbeck From: Jan Hopfenbeck Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 2:10 PM To: Francesca Franklin Cc: Scottie Foster; Penny Westerfield; Rick Taylor Subject: Chris Lyons' SFR Francesca, We re waiting for Aour qpproual on this permit. The BP fiIe will be up front in the "permits to isstte" trag with this e-mail ontop. When you sign-off in CHET andissue the SOp,woildyouplease put the e-mailinside thefile so Penny will know the reuietts and approual process is complete? Thanks, Jan Jan HopfenbeckCPE, CBI Plans Examiner/Permit Coordinator City of Port Townsend Developmenf Seryices Departme nt 250 Madison Street Sulfe 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: (360) 379-5086 Fax: (360) 344-4619 i h o pfe n beck@cityofnt. u s r2t5t2007 Jan Hopfenbeck From Sent: To: Subject: Hi everyone, I have signed on on Troy Ellis BLD07-1'10;Troy Ellis LUP07-109; to "APPROVED". The Ellis BLD has a HOLD on it. I am working on the Lyon SDP right now and EllisSDP is start Ellis tomorrow. Francesca Franklin Development Specialist (360) 37e-50e3 ffranklin@cityofpt. us Francesca Franklin Wednesday, December 05,2007 3:46 PM Jan Hopfenbeck; Rick Taylor; Samantha Trone; Penny Westerfield; Scottie Foster; Leonard Yarberry Sign-offs Chris Lyon BLD07-235 I changed the status on all bably willfinish, or mostly finish Lyon and will 1 -a )i Development Services Residential Building Permit Application ) Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initialplan review fee of $150) See the "Residential Building Permit Application Requirenrents" for details on plan submittal requirements. Address: City/SUZip Phone: Email:t 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax: 360-3444619 www.cityofpt.us Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. ProjectValuation: $?M F,O Building lnformation (square feet): 1"tfloor I J qB oarage: 4l \ znd tloor ( n,(n F Deck(s 3'd floor- Por'cn(es):- 6 D Basement:_ ls it finished? Yes No Carport:_ Manufactured Home i nOu f New "fi Addition i Renpoel/Repair i Date: lt ,/Z ) a> Name:t ( Address t'L City/SUZip: Emd I hereby certifiT that the information provided is conect, that I am eitherthe owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and that all activities this permitwill be in aaordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Project Address:Legal Tax #): Addition Block:_ Lot(s Oflice Use Onlv Permit + 6lpo7-235 Associated Permits:sr\Po7. o47 Zonins: P - ll Parcer # ?uq fl.unta Project Description caWtE lJiytg I UU Noy t9 2W Exo: as Owner{same City/SUZip: FPCl Ri TOWNS[N D Email: State License #: City Business Contractor: Name: Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint):* square reet: lkYO % ,.t :- lmpervious Surface:* L c'l :';i i,' 'lt.t Square teet !..i-t i) N Any known wetlands on the Any steep slopes (>15%)? Y Print Name t :) )('/&=- City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 Fax: (360) 344-4619 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2006 Residential Construction Checklist Complete this form in addition to WSEC prescriptive compliance form. Please answer the following questions: OF'PROJECT: New construction, or addition over 750 square feet Must meet whole house and spot ventilation requirements, and show full WSEC compliance as a stand-alone project. A detached, habitable structure such as an Accessory Dwelling Unit regardless of size must also meet these requirements. -i House addition under 750 square feet Possible trade-offs are allowed with the existing building for WSEC compliance, such as increasing ceiling insulation. See lItSEC component performance forms. NOTE: A house addition less than 500 sq.ft. does not require whole house ventilation. Spot ventilation is still required. TYPE OF HEATING - Please check all that apply: Electric.i Wall Heater .i Baseboard Non-Electric: $tl Floor/Baseboard (Boiler) .3 LPG Stove .i LPG Furnace .i Other LPG Oil Fumace .i Woodstove (can only be used as secondary heat source) VAPOR RETARDERS: Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings: -i Radiant Floor (Boiler) ,-i Other _ a o with exterior or equal to 4 millimeter thick) Backed batts o Walls: i Pol y plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) backed batts lNot required where ventilation space averages greater than or insulation i Face-stapled, backed batts (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) P:\DSD\Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Energy Code Chedclist.doc Page I of2 WSEC Residential Construction Checklist Forced Air .i Heat Low-perm paint NO\/ 1 9 2007 CITY OF PORT TOVVNSEND DSD EilVE WASHINGTON STATE VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR OUALITY (2000 Code): Type of vgntilation used throuehout the house: .i HVAC Integrated Option .i Exhaust Option Whole House Fan for "Exhaust Option": r In what room is your whole house fan located? o What size is the whole house exhaust fan? .i 50-75 CFM (1 bedroom ).i 80-120 CFM (3 bedroom house) ,-,i 100-150 CFM (4 bedroom house).i 120-180 CFM (5 bedroom house) Note: the whole house fan shall be readily accessible and controlled by a24-hour clock timer with the capability of continuous operation, manual and automatic control. At the time of final inspection, the automatic control timer shall be set to operate the whole house fan for at least 8 hours aday,and have a sone rating at 1.5 or less measured at 0.10 inches water gauge. Spot Ventilation: Source specific exhaust ventilation is required in each kitchen, bathroom, water closet, laundry room, indoor swimming pool, spa and other rooms where excess water vapor or cooking odor is produced. Bathrooms, laundries or similar rooms require fans with a minimum 50 cfm rating at 0.25 inches water gauge; kitchens shall have a fan with a minimum 100 cfm rating at0.25 inches water gauge. Outdoor Air Inlets: Outdoor air shall be distributed to each habitable room by means such as individual inlets, separate duct systems, or a forced-air system. Habitable rooms include all bedrooms, living and dining rooms but not kitchens, bathrooms or utility rooms. Where outdoor air supplies are separated from exhaust points by doors, undercutting doors a minimum of r/z inch above the surface of the finish floor covering, distribution ducts, installation or grilles, transoms or similar means where permitted by the Uniform Building Code. When the system provides ventilation through a dedicated opening, such as a window or through-wall vent, these openings must: o Have controlled and secure openings o Be sleeved or otherwise designed so as not to compromise the thermal properties of the wall or window in which they are placed. o Provide not less than 4 square inches of net free area of opening for each habitable space. What type of fresh air inlet will be installed? (See figure below) ui Window Ports .l WaU Ports P:\DSDVorms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Energytode Ctredclist.doc ))r) TABLE 6.1 PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTSOJ FOR GROUP R OCCUPANCY CLIMATE ZONE 1 " Reference Case 0. Nominal R-values are for wood frame assemblies only or assemblies built in accordance with Section 601.1 1. Minimum requirements for each option listed. For example, if a proposed design has a glazing ratio to the conditioned floor area of 73Yo, it shall comply with all of the requirements of the 75/o glaztng option (or higher). Proposed designs which cannot meet the specific requirements of a listed option above may calculate compliance by Chapters 4 or 5 of this Code. 2. Requirement applies to all ceilings except single rafler or joist vaulted ceilings complying with note 3. 'Adv'denotes Advanced Framed Ceiling. 3. Requirement applicable only to single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings where both (a) the distance between the top of the ceiling and the underside of ths roof sheathing is less than l2 inches and (b) there is a minimum I -inch vented airspace above the insulation. Other single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings shall comply with the "ceiling" requirements. This option is limited 10 500 square feet of ceiling area for any one dwelling unit. 4. Below grade walls shall be insulated either on the exterior to a minimum level of R-10, or on the interior to the same level as walls above grade. Exterior insulation installed on below grade walls shall be a water resistant material, manufactured for its intended use, and installed according 1o the manufacturer's specifications. See Section 602.2. 5. Floors over crawl spaces or exposed to ambient air conditions. 6. Required slab perimeter insulation shall be a water resistant material, manufactured for its intended use, and installed according to manufacturer's specifications. See Section 602.4. 7 - lnt- denotes standard framing I 6 inches on center with headers insulated with a minimum of R- l0 insulation. 8. This wall insulation requirement denotes R-l9 wall cavity insulation plus R-5 foam sheathing. 9. Doors, including all fire doors, shall be assigned default U-factors from Table 10-6C. 10. Where a maximum glazing area is listed, the total glazing area (combined verlical plus overhead) as a percent of gross conditioned floor area shall be less than or equal to that value. Overhead glazing with U-factor of U:0.40 or less is not included in glazing area limitations. I 1 . Overhead glazing shall have U-factors determined in accordance with NFRC I 00 or as specified in Section 502-l .5. 12. Log and solid timber walls with a minimum average thickness of 3.5" are exempt from this insulation requirement. Glazinq U-Factor Option Glazinq ArealoI Yo of Floor Vertical Overheadll Door e U-Factor Ceilin92 Vaulted Ceilin93 Wall12 Above Grade Wall. inta Below Grade Wall. exta Below Grade Floor5 Slab6 on Grade L o_3210%0.58 o.20 R-38 R-30 R15 R-15 R-10 R-30 R-10 ll,*15%0.35 R-300.58 0.20 R-38 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 m.25% Group R-1 and R-2 Occupanci es Onlv o_40 0.58 o,20 R-38 / U=0.03'l R-30 / U=0.034 R-21 I U=0.057 R-1s R-10 R-30 / U=0.02I R-10 Unlimited Group R-3 and R-4 Occupanci es Onlv 0.35 0,58 0.20 R-3B R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 V Unlimited Group R-1 and R-2 Occupanci es Onlv 0.35 0-58 o-20 R-38 / U=0.031 R-30 / U=0,034 R-21 I U=0.057 R-15 R-10 R-301 U=0.02 9 R-10 2006 WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 Fax (360) 344-4619 Washington State Energy Gode 2006 Edition Climate Zone 1 - Type R-3 and R-4 Changes for Single Family and Duplex Construction The following is a list of code changes that will effect construction of single family and duplex homes in Climate Zone 1. This is not a comprehensive list of changes. To see all the changes, download a new copy of the code and look for a vertical bar in the margin indicating a change in the code. Building Envelope: Prescriptive Options Table 6-1. Option l, the U-factor for windows changed to U-.032. Glazing is limited to 10% of floor area. Option ll, the U-factor for windows changed to U-.035,. Option lV, the U-factor for windows changed to U-.035. There may be an increased use of window U-factor averaging when using the prescriptive method. Applicants may show compliance by providing area weighted average U-factor for all of the windows- With a more stringent standard the use of averaging may increase. The applicant must submit a detailed window schedule demonstrating compliance. Component Performance Table 5-1. The target window U-factor changed to U-.035.. The targel wall U-factor changed to U-.057. Doors: 602.6 Exterior Doors. One unregulated door up to 24 square feet is still allowed.. Glazed doors are considered to be windows.. All opaque doors must meet the door U-factor requirement. ln the past, any door could be called a window when included in the glazing percentage. Now, when using the prescriptive options, opaque doors must meet the U-0.20 requirement. An insulated fiberglass or thermally broken steel door will usually meet the U-factor requirement, Single Rafter Joist: Table 6-1, footnote 3 Table 5-1, footnote 3. lf there is room in the joist for R-38 insulation, R-38 is required. This applies to all single rafter joist 13" or greater in depth-. R-30 single rater joisl now limited to 500 square feet of roof area, Additional rafter area must use R-38 insulation. Ghapter 9 Prescriptive Space Heating System Sizing Deleted. See tRG Mi40i.3.. 5O3.2.2 Size limited to 150% of heating toad Replaced by IRC Section M1401.3. Heating and cooling equipment shall be sized based on building loads calculated in accordance with Air Conditioning Contractors of America Manual J or other approved heating and cooling calculation methodologies. Manual J is a heating and cooling heat load calculation method. This method takes some training. See their web site for details. http://www.acca. orq/techlmanuaii/ WSU has developed a spread sheet for WSEC Chapter 5 code qualification. We call this the CPworksheet. This spread sheet will also provide a simple heating syslem size calculation that is roughly equivalent to manual J. Limit the use of this spread sheet to eleclric resislance or combuslion equipment sizing. Do not use this spread sheet to size heal pumps or air conditioners. This spread sheet is available on our web site. Washington State University Extension Energy Program Energy Gode Support Email : enerqvcode@energv.wsu.edu Phone: 360 956-2042 . Gary Nordeen. Mike McSorley. Chuck Murray Residential Energy Code Support. Energy and Ventilation Code Text. Residential Component PerformanceWorksheets. Residential Builders Field Guide http:l/www.energv.ws u.ed u/co.delcode s upport.cfm For Non residential energy code support, Visit the NEEG web site- http ://www. neec. neUresou rceslresou rces. html The following table shows typical insulation requirements for single rafter joist. lf the table notes R-38, then R-38 is required. Footnote 3, Table 6-1 or 6-2 Prescriptive Rafter lnsulation Based on Fiberglass Batts Nominal Aclual Max depth with 1 " ventilation First 5OO SF Over 5OO SF R-value R-value 2X10 9114"81t4"R-30 HD2 Note I 2X12 11 114"101t4"R-30 R-38 HD2 2X14 131t4"13114"R-38 R-38 l-Joist g 112"81t2"R-30 HD2 Note 1 l-Joist 117t8"1A 718"R-30 R-38 HD2 l-Joist 14"13"R-38 R-38 l-Joist 16"15"R-38 R-38 Note 1 HD2 Upsize joist or provide an alternative melhod meeting U-.027 Refers high density fiberglass baft or equivalent. A take off noting rafter area will be required. ldentical rules are included in 5-1. They will be incorporated into the UA trade off spreadsheet. 502.4.4 Recessed Lighting Fixtures . Must now be tested for air leakage using ASTM E283. A gasket or caulking must seal the fixture lo the drywall. Other options for fixlure air sealing, including field inspection and a sealed box have been deleted, This has been an option in Washington since 1991. California mandated testing for air tight can lights two years ago. Since then, every major manufacturer has come on board. The fixtures are readily available. Look for the label in the can. lf the can is not labeled, it does not comply. 505.3 Outdoor Lighting ' Requires high efficiency lighting or conttols for all porch lighting ' High Efficiency Luminaire is defined in Chapter 2. Typically requires a pin based compact fluorescent fixture. As an exception to the High Efficiency Luminaire, a motion sensor + phoio daylight control may be used. 505.4 Linear Fluorescent Fixtures: . This rule applies to typical fluorescent tube fixtures. Linear fluorescent fixtures must be fitted with T-8 (1" diameter) or smaller lamps (but not T 10 orT-12lamps) )CW 0!W ALAN DESIGN ASSOCIATES, INC STOCKPLANI 2t8sA STRUCTIJRAL ti il li;r t' il l=)[,it:i5 lj E SHAKE ROOF GRAVIW LOADS DESIGNED TO AF&PA FLOOR ROOF CEILING DECKS EXITS/STAIRS 40# LIVE, 10# DEAD 25# SNOW 15# DEAD (SHnre/coMP) 19# DEAD (cOttc. TILE) 20# LIVE, 10# DEAD 60# LIVE, 100# TorAL ii,,'v 1 g 2J07 CI]Y OF PORT TOWNSENO DSt) .jUi1 7-l '!i)Cl 0 BEANI CALCIITATIONS I ALAN MASCORDDESICN ASSOCIATES,INC. I3O5N.W. I8T1] AVE. PORTLAND,OR. 97209 PREPARED BY: Client:Project: Location: Reaction R1 = 1-r11.1.8 lbs.Total load, - 4r21O.5 Lbs.Dimensions: Clear span = BEAII ANALYSIS Alarr Mascord Design Associates DALLAS GA STOCK PLAN PLAN *2185A !,T]. . FLUSH tsM. OVER FRONT OF GARAGE { SNAKE ROOF ll-'-J!-rl;: .l==tXiriE-!l.illEiiF-.,'."=--Date: 04-28-1998Calculation By: A,I'f.P. Comment: USE 6 X 1-O BM. #1 D.F. BEAI'{ A}.ID LOAD DIAGRAI'T RL I R2 Reaction RZ = 31098.? lbs. 1,4.O feet, no overhang- l No point loads. No triangular loads. Uniform beam weight= 67 lbs/lf (= 938 lbs, total).Uniform loads: Ul = 595-O Lbs/If at 8.5 feet to 14.O feet,Deflection limit {live load plus dead load): L/36O. BEA}I TYPE I{OOD: DFI-SINGL 6X *7 COFTPUTED STRESS/STRAIN DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAL Shear (fbs) Moment (ft-Ibs) Deflection (in) 3,098-7 7,24L.3 o.47 FV FB E 97.8 Area {Sq.In.) 48 3.,552 .5 Sect-Modulus 561.6086 Mom.Inertia 308 48 70 308* Actual Maximum Deflection = 0.47 inches. Flaximum Deflection occurs at 7.5 feet.Maximum Moment occurs at 9.5 feet. MINIMIIM BEAI{ SrzE (u x H): 5 - 5OO " Ic>z MINIMW BEAlll AREA (Sq.rn. ): 48.19 8 -7 64" ORIGINAL PREPARED BY: Client:Project: Location: Date:Calculation By: Comment: BEAH ANALYSIS AIan Mascord Design Associates DALLAS GA STOCK PtAr,r PLAN *2185Al,tz - MULT. JSTS. OVER FRONT Or 16/0 o4-28-1998 A.M. P.USE(3)2x10 BEA}T AI{D LOAI} DIAGRAM P1 SHAI(E ROOF ll ll tl:-il; I R1 I R2 Reaction R1 = 786.4 lbs. Reaction R2 = Lr63z.6 rbs.Total load = 2,419.0 lbs-Dimensions: Clear span = L4.O feet, no overtrang. Point loads: Pl = 1,481,0 tbs- at 11-O feet.No triangular loads.Uniform beam r.reight= 67 lbs/l-f (= 93g lbs, total)-No uniform loads.Deflection linit (Iive load plus dead load) z L/36O. BEA!',T TYPE WOOD: DFt_slNGL zxLa *2COHPUTSD STRESS/STRAIN DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAL Strear ( lbs) Monent (ft-lbs)Deflection ( in) t,632 -6 4, 596. 4 o.47 FV FB E L09.3 Area {Sq.In.)L,l-09,I Sect.Modulus L.6OE6 Hom.Inertia 22 50 L97 3Z 50c' 230 Actual Maximum Deflection = 0.40 inches.Maximum Deflection occurs at 7.5 feet,Haximum Moment occurs at 11.0 feet. MINIIIUM BEAM SLZE (l{ x H): 3 - 48S I' lcaz UINIMUU BEAM AREA (Sq.In.): 32.24 9 -25()" ORIGINAL PREPARED BY: Client:proj ect:Location: Date:Calculation By: Conment: Reaction Rl- = 3,090. 3 lbs -Total load = 6,667.0 lbs.Dimensions: Clear spdo = BEAM ANALYSIS Alan Hascord Design Associates DALLAS GA STOCK PLAN PLAr{ fi2185A M3 - T610 GARAGE DR. HDR. 04-28-L998 A,M.P. usE 5 1/B' X Latj 24F G-L. I{DR. BEAM AND LOAD DIAGRAM Pl. PZ Rl_ SHAI(E ROOF I R2 Reaction R2 = 3,576,8 lbs 1.6.O feet, no overhang, Point loads: Pl = 787.0 Ibs. at B.O feet.PZ = I,Ll,2.0 lbs. at l-1-.5 feet.No triangular loads. Uniform beam weight= 298 lbs/tf (= 4T68 lbs. total)-No unifornr loads.Deflection l-imit (Iive load plus dead load): f/3O0. BEAI'| TYPE LAtrt : GTULAM (24OO Fb) COMPUTED STRESS/STRAIN DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAL Shear (Ibs) Moment (ft*fbs)Deflection ( in) 3, 576.8 15, 186. O 0.64 FV FB E 2,I 189.8 Area {Sq,In.) 28760.0 Sect.Modulus 66 .8OE6 Mom.Inertia 589 57 r.06 589* Actual Maximum Deflection = 0.64 inches. Haximurn Deflection occurs at 8-O feet.Maximurn Moment occurs at 8.0 feet. MINIMIJI'! BEAII{ SIZE (W x H): 5 - 125'r blz t_t_ _ f_3O" MINIMUU BEAlil AREA (Sq.In. ): 52.04 ORIGINAL BEAIiI. ANALYSIS ALan Mascord. Desigin Associates DALLAS GA STOCK PLAN PLNit +2L85Ar{4 - t'tArN BM. OVER t6/A GARAGE BAyo4*28-1998 A.tit. P. usE 6 3/4" X t9 L/2" 24F c.L. BM. BEAII{ AND LOAD DIAGRAM P1 P2 SHAKE ROOF PTTEPARED BY: CIient:project: Location: Date:Calculation By: Corunent: R1- Reaction Rl, = L4,ZZZ.5 lbs.Total load = 29,697.0 lbs.Dirnensions: Clear ap-rn = I R2 Reaction R2 = 14,464.5 lbs. l-9. O feet, no owerhang. Point loads: pl. = 11633.0 lbs. at 9.5PZ = 6,763.0 lbs- at 13,0No triangular loads.Uniforn bea-u weiglrt= l-89 lbs/lf (= 3S7ZUniform loads: U2 = 5O5.O lbs/tf it fg-O De. ection ri*itutri""ti333'3rl:={::""i""3; ? BEAI{ TYPE LA}t : GtUtAM coMPurED STRESS/ STRATN feet.feet, Ibs- total)feet to 19-feet to 13. L/32A, 'irof eet. eet- ( z4oo Fb) DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REOUIRED ACTUAL Shear (fbs) Moment {ft-lbs)Deflection ( in) .5 .B ,7t 464 0 L4, 79,358 FV 165.0 Area (Se.In. ) t 3tFB 2,4OO.0 Sect-tlodulus 419E 1--8OE6 Mom.Inertia 3,938 4 L3L* 427 ,t59 Actual Maximurn Deflectiorl =Maximr:m Deflection occurs atHaximum Moment occurs atSize Factor = 0.948 MINI}4UI4 BEAM SIZE O-67 inches9.5 feet, 1.0. O feet, DETERMINING FACTOR = * (WxH): 6-75O" t>12 :L9-4€tl-,' AREA (Sq.In. ): 13l.sOMINIMT'M BEAU ORIGINAL BEAIT ANALYSIS Alan Mascord. Design Associates DALLAS GA STOCK PLAN PLAI,I #21854 M5 - BM. SUPPORTING ENTRY PORCH ROOF 04-10-1998 A.l'1.P.USE6XlOBM- SNAI{E ROOF PREPARED BY: Client:Project: Location: Date:Calculation By: Comrnent: BEAM AND LOAD DIAGRN4 Rl. Reaction R1 = LISZT,S lbs- Reaction R2 - 1,527.5 Ibs.Total load = 3rO55.0 lbs. Dimensions: Clear span = 13.0 feet, no overhang. No point loads. No triangiular loads.Uniforn bean weight= 75 lbs/If (= 975 lbs. total).Uniform loads: U1 = L60.0 lbs/If at 0.0 feet to L3.0 feet.Deflection limit (live load plus dead load): 1/300. BEAD| TYPE IIOOD: DFI-SINGI 6X #Z COMPUTED STRESS/STRAIN DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAL I R2 Shear (fbs) Mornent ( ft-tbs)Deflection (in) 1,527.5 FV4,964-4 FBo.52 E 97.8 Area (Sq.In.) 231,006.3 Sect.Modulus 59 1,30E6 Mom.Inertia ZZ3 44 59* 238 Actual Maximum Deflection = O..{.9 inches. Ma:timum Deflection occurs at 6,5 feet.Maximum Moment occurs at 6.5 feet- MINIMITM BEAM SIZE (UI x H): 5 - 5OO " lcfz €l - 036 " MINIT'{UM BEAM AREA ( Sq.In, ) : 44.2Q ORIGINAL PREPARED BY: CIlent:Project: Location: Date:Calculation By: Comment: Reaction R1 = 8,637.0 lbs.Total load = 17,2LL.5 lbs. Dimensions: Clear span = BEAM ANATYSIS Alan ltascord Design Associates DALLAS GA STOCK PLAN PLAI{ #21854 M8 _ FLUSH B!,1. OVER KITCTIEN 04-10-1998 A.H-P. usE B 3/4" X 12" 24r c.L. BM, BEAI4 AND LOAD DIAGRAM SITAKE ROOF 1 R2 I RL Reaction R2 = 81574.5 }bs 13.0 feet, no overhang. No point loads. No triangular 1oads.Uniforrn beam weight= 44O lbs/lf {= 5?20 lbs. totatUniform loads: U2 = 878,0 lbs/lf at 2.5 feet to 13Ul = 909.0 lbs/If at 0"0 feet to 2Deflection limit (live toad plus dead Load): 1/36O. eet eet f f ). .0 ,5 BEAM TYPE LA}I : GLULAM cotrPUTED STRESS/STRAIN (24OO Fb) DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAT Shear (lbs) Moment (ft-fbs)Deflection {in) 8r637.0 FV 27 ,89t -2 FBo.43 E 189.8 Area (Sq.In. )Z,76g.O Sect.Hodulus 1,.80E6 Mom.Inertia inches.feet.feet. 68 t2L 1-,086 100 190 1, 086,? Actual Maximurn Deflection = 0 Maximum Deflection occurs atl.Iaximum Mornent occurs at 43 6.5 6.5 DlINlMul4 BEAH SIZE (H x n): €t -:ZSO" b]1 af_ - 4f_€!'. MINII4UM BEAM AREA ( Sq. In. ) : 99 . 91 ORIGINAL BEAH ANALYSIS Alan Mascord Design Associates DALI,AS GA STOCK PLAN PLAN *21854 M9 - BM. BEjSWEEN GREAT RM. & DINING 04-r.o-L998 A.I'1.P. usE 6 3/4" X t2" 24r. G.r. BH. BEAM AND LOAD DIAGRAM SHAKE ROOF PREPARED BY; Client:Project: Location: Date:Calsulation By: Comment; Reaction Rl- =Total load. =Dimensions: R1- 3,866.7 lbs. 8,885.0 lbs.Clear span = Reaction R2 L6.O feet, I RZ 5,018.3 lbs. no overhang. No point loads. No triangular loads-Uniform bean weight= Uniform loads: U1 =Deflection limit (live 325 lbs1lf (= 5200 1bs. total),335.0 lbs/If at 5.0 feet to 16.O feet.load plus dead. load) : 1,/360, BEAU TYPE tAM : GtUtAtrt COMPUTED STRESS/STRAIN (24OO Fb) DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAL Shear (lbs) Moment (ft-lbs)Deflection (in) 5,018.3 FV19,074.6 FB0.53 E 165.0 Area (Sq.In. )4OO.O Sect.Modulus .80E6 Mom.Inertia z, 1- 46 95 900 79 154 900* Actual Maximum Deflection = O.53 inches. Maximum Deflection occurs at 8.0 feet.Maximum Moment occurs at B.S feet. l,tINII{uM BEA}! SIZE ([t x H): 6 - :Z5O " krlz f-f- - 694 " II{INIMLI},I BEAM AREA (Sq, rn. ) : ?8.94 ORIGINAL ) BEAM ANALYSIS PREPARED BY: AIan I'Iascord Design Associates DALLAS GAClient: STOCK PLANProject: PLAN #21854Location: M1O - HDR. OVER 9,/O PATIO DR. IN GREAT Date: 04-10-1_998Calculation By: A,M,P. Comnent: 4 X 10 HDR. O.K- BEA},I AND LOAD DIAGRAM STTAI(E ROOF ll--ll ll:= '1-I: i;:.ii:iii,=t:illi,q*iii;i;n-:t;11:li+i: Reaction Rl =Total load =Dimensions: R1 1r305.0 lbs. ?,6LA.O rbs,Clear sparl = I R2 Reaction R2 = 1,305.0 lbs. 9.0 feet, no overhang. No point loads. No triangular loadsUniform beam weight= 290 fbs/lf (= 261O lbs. total).No uniform loads.Deflection limit (live load plus dead load): 1/36O- BEAM TYPE WOOD: DFL_SINGI 4II *2 col.[PUTED STRESS/STRAIN DESTGN VAL. PROPERTTES REQUTRED ACTUAT Shear (fbs) Moment (ft-lbs) Deflection (in) 1, 305. O 2,936.3 0-30 Actual Maximum Deflection = O. Maximum Deflection. occurs atMaximum lloment occurs at 97.8 Area (Sq-In. )Lr006.3 Sect-Modulus 1-.6086 Flom, Inertia inches.feet.feet. FV FB E 20 35 B9 z7 35* L36 20 4.5 4-s MLNIHUM BEAI.I SIZE (W x H): 3 - 5OO " byr I4INIHUM BEAM AREA (Sq.In. ): 27.L2 -7 -'7 ^d'8 * ORIGINAL BEAM ANALYSIS Alan Mascord Design Associates DALLAS GA STOCK PLA}I PLAN #21854 M11. . FLUSH BM. OVER MASTER CLOSETo4-10-1998 A.M. P.USE6XlOBM. BEAt't AllD IOAD DIAGRAI'{ - SHAKE NOOF PREPARED BY: CIient:Project:tocation: Date:Calculation By: Comment: Reaction RL =Total load =Dimensions: I R2 Reaction R2 = 3r24O.0 lbs 6,0 feet, no overhang. I R1 3, 6, c 240.0 lbs. 480,0 lbs-Iear span = No point loads No triangular loads.Uniform beam weight= ZZ5 lbs/lf (= 1350Uniform loads: Ul = 855.0 lbs/lf at 0.0Deflection limit (Iive load plus dead. Ioad,): lbs. total).feet to 6.0 feet. 1/360 - BEAM TYPE ltlOOD: DFL-SINGL 6X #z CO!,IPUTED STRESS/STRAIN DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAL Shear (Ibs) Moment (ft-Ibs)Deflection (in) FV 97,8 Area (SS-In.)FB L1006. 3 Sect-ModulusE 1".3086 Morn.Inertia 3,24O. 4, 860 - o. 0 o 20 50 58 120 50* 75 339 Actual Maximum Deflection = 0.07 inches.Maximum Deflection occurs at 3.O feet,Maximum Homent occurs at 3.0 feet. I{INIMITM BEA!{ SIZE (W x H): 5 - S()O " I>>r MINIMtnt BEAH AREA ( Sq. In. ) : 49 .72 9-O4Ol' ORIGlNAL PREPARED BY: Client:project: Location: Date:Calculation By: Comruent: R1 Reaction R1 - 3,497.O lbs,Total load = 6,890-O lbs. Dimensions: Clear span = BEAM ANALYSIS Alan Mascord Design Associ-ates DALLAS GA STOCK PI.ATiI PLAII *2L85A M1A - RIDGE BI,I. OVER }TASTER BR. 04-10-1998 A.M.P. usE 3 1/8|| X L3 1/Zn 24F G.t. BM. BEAM AND LOAD DIAGRAM SHAKE ROOF I R2 Reaction R2 = 3,393.O lbs. L5.0 feet, no overhang. No point loads. No triangular loads.Uniform beam weight= 39O fbs/lfUniform loads: Ul = 16O.O fbs/IfDeflection liurit (live load plus dead BEAI'] TYPE LAI',I : GTULAI'I C0MPUTED STRESS/STRATN (= 5850 lbs. total),at 3.5 feet to L0,0 feet.load): l./3O0- (24OO Fb) DESTGN VAt- PROPERTIES RE9UIRED ACTUAL Shear (fbs) Moment (ft-rbs) Deflection (in) 3,497.0 FV13,978.8 FB0.60 E L89.B Area (Sq.In.) 2,76Q.0 Sect.Modulus 1.80E6 Mom.Inertia 28 6t 516 39 82 516.t Actual Maximum Deflection = O.60 inches.Maxinun Deflection oceurs at ?.5 feet. - Maximum Homent occurs at ?.5 feet.Size Factor = O,995 DETERMINING FACTOR = ,r MINIMLTM BEAM SIZE (td x H): 3 - f-2'S'r I:12 LZ - 562,, MINIMIl,l BEAM AREA (Sq-In. ): 39.26 ORIGINAL BEAM ANALYSIS Alan Mascord Desigrn Associates DALLAS GA STOCK PI^AN PtAtt #21854 H13 . HDR. OVER MASTER BR. h'DW. 04-1.0-1.998 A.M.P. USE6Xl.OHDR- BEA},T AND LOAD DIAGRA}4 P1 - SHAKE ROOF PREPARED BY: Client:project: Location: Date: Calculation By: Conment: Reaction RL =Total load =Dimensions: 896.5 lbs. 793-O Ibs.lear span = I R1 I R2 t, 3, c Reaction R2 = 11896.5 lbs. 5.O feet, no overhang. Point loads: Pl = 31393.0 lbs. at 2.5 feet. No triangular loads.Uniforn beam weigtrt= 8O lbs,/If (= 4OO lbs. total). No uniform loads.Deflection limit (live load plus dead load): 1/360. BEAI{ TYPE WOOD: DFL-SINGL 6X #2 COMPUTED STRESS/STRAIN DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAL Shear (Ibs) l'{oment ( ft-Ibs}Deflection (in) 1,896.5 FV 4 r49L -3 FBo.1? E 97.8 Area (Sq.In-) l.,006 -3 Sect.t{odulus I . 3086 Morn. Inertia 29 s4 75 42 54* 205 Actual l'laximum Deflection = O.06 inches, Maximun Deflection occurs at 2.5 feet.Maximum Moment occurs at 2-5 feet. l.tINIliIW BEAU SIZE (W x H): 5 - 5OO " Iclz UINIHUD,I BEAI'I AREA (Sq.In. ) : 42.04 -7 - 644" ORIGTNAL Project: Location: Callout: fc fs fv drc des j Wc P At Alan Mascord Design Associates, lnc. 1305 NW 18th Avenue Portland, OR 97209 (503) 22S'9161 Bea Footing lnformation: Entered Values 3.50 concrete 150.00 TTJBl"oo Rebar cross section area 0.20 Values Beam Shear ation ral Shear Cantilever Moment lsolated Footing Worksheet assumes a square section column or column with square bearing plate Lookup fiom laile of Balanced Section Properties 2F150 =Trn Dr h d wf pn Aup dpr b br dt ds M As V V Vc dz V V Vc F1 USE 32" x 32' x 12" CONC' FTG. W, (3)#4 BARS EA.WAY 1 3.00Rebar Cover Steel Grade of reinforcing bars Specified Concrete compressive strength (kips/in2) Allowable tensile stress of steel reinforcement (kips/in1 Yield strength of steel reinforcement (kipslin'?) bar number... the bar diameter in eighths of an inch minimum rebar cover 0,50rebar diameter (in) 12h= footing'height 8.50footinq thickness less bar & cover 150.00Net Footing Pressure (Psf) 1,350.00Net Usable Soil Pressure (Psf)500-1 = 1350 rebar divided by I + Dr)= (12 - (3 + 0.5)) I 12|'wc=(12112). 150 "Pad" Plan Area 6_78 in.)31.25 Lenqth of Pad Side (in.t- rounded 32 Length of Pad Side (ft.- rounded 2.67 beam shear consideration dist (in)s.75 round dpr up to whole inch express dpr in quare feet based upon rounded value *++ PI / 1 500) ' 12) = (({6.78).12) 1,727.2Shear Force M Shear Stress (v)6.35 60.25Maximum Stress (vc) PASSESShear lnvestigation Result (pn. bf (d1 12)) = (1350 n 2.67 * (5.75 / 12)) V / (b . d) = 1727 .2 l(32 . 8.5) 1.1 *{(fc* 1000) = 1.1 '{(3.1000) check to see if Shear stress ',/ is less than maimum 'vC' 12.00shear consideration dist 8,274.0 20.28Perpiheral Shear stress (v) 109.54Maximum Perpheral Stress (vc PASsE5 (d+dcs)=(8.5+3.5) V - (b0'-{d2l12)') = 1 3S0' (2'67F' {12 I 12)'I V/((d2 *4) * d) = 1350/ (12. 4). 8'5) 2 . r/ (fc * 10oo) = 2. { (3 " 1000) check to see if shear "vn is less than lhe maximum "vC 14.25Bendinq/dev. consideration dist (in) 2,541.5Cantilever Moment (M) 0.20Required SteelArea "As" (sq. in.) 2Total Number of bars required (min) 1Number of bars each way {min) JRule of thumb no. of bars each way 3Calloui rebar to use each way . b)-(0.5 * dcs; = (0.5. 32) - (0.5'3.5) pn * bf * (d3/12) " (0'5. (d3/120 = 1350' 2'67. (14.25I12)'(0'5. (14'25 / 12)) M . 12 / (fs . 1000) * i * d) = (2541.5 . 12) / ((20 * 1 000) * 0'9 " 8.5) lotal req. steel area divided by area of a bar, rounded up total number of bars divided by two and rounded up by preference, space rebar no more than footing thickness (h) rebar to determine number of barsof calculated or Foolinq Rebtr WckslEtrls Prepared by N.A.E. on 8/9/2005 al2:28PM PREPARED BY: Client:Project: Location: Date:Calculation By: Cornment: Reaction Rl = 71463.6 lbs.Total load = 14,030-5 lbs. Diruensions: Clear span = BEAM ANALYSIS Alan Dlascord Design Associates DALLAS GA STOCK PLAN PLAII f218s^Ul - BM. @ UPPER CLG. OVER GREAT RH. BE SHAKE ROOF p ll lli.i i.:r::if-itl!*lir.:=!:i;f llE#i!04-10-r,998 A.M.P. USE 5 1/8" X 18" 24F G-L- B!!, BEAM AND LOAD DIAGRAM ltRl R2 Reaction RZ = 61566.9 }bs- 19.5 feet, no overhang, No point loads, No triangular loads- Uniforrn beam weight= 570 lbs/If (= 11115 lbs. total).Uniform loads'. VZ = 68-O lbs/tf at 8.5 feet to 19.5 feet. U1 = 255.0 lbs/lf at 0.0 feet to 8.5 feet.Deflection linit (live load plus dead load)t I/36O. .: :t : BEAM TYPE LAlt : GTULAM (24OO Fb) COMPUTED STRESS,/STRAIN DESIGN VAL. PROPERTI.ES REQUIRED ACTUAL Shear (fbs) Moment (ft-lbs) Deflection (in) 7,463.6 FV33,783.0 FB0.65 E 189.8 Area (Sq.In. )Z,760.O Sect.Hodulus 1.80E6 Mom.Inertia inchesfeet,feet. s9 L5Z 1.-979 85 237 a,97grt Actual Maximum Deflection =Maximum Deflection occurs atMaximum Moment occurs atSize Factor = 0.964 0.65 9,5 9.0 MINIMUM BEAM SrZE {lr,t x H): MINIMul,t BEAM AREA (Sq.In. ): 95.44 DETER!{INING FACTOR = * 5 - l- 2,5't, b:;r l-6 - 6-7L" ORfffi$ruAf_ PREPARED BY: Client:Project: Location: Date:Cal-culation By: Comrcent: Reaction RI- =Total load =Dirnensions: AIan Mascord Design Associates DALLAS GA STOCK PLAN PLAN *2185A V2 - FLUSH BI.[. OVSR BR. 3 04-?8-r-998 A.M. P. USE 6 X 12 BM. #1 D.F. BEAI,I AND LOAD DIAGRNIT RL I R2 315 ?,1 c1 70.0 lbs. 4O.O lbs. EOf Spdfl = Reaction RZ = 3,570.0 lbs. l-2.0 feet, no overhang. No point loads. No triangular loads.Uniforrn beam weigtrt= Uni-form loads: Ul =Deflection limit (live 255 lbs/If (= 306034O.0 lbs/lf at 0.Ol-oad plus dead load): lbs. rotal).feet to 12.0 feet. r./3oo. BEAH TYPE WOOD: DFL-SINGI CoMPUTED STRESST/STRAIN 6X #r. DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUI.RED ACTUAL Strear ( fbs )Moment (ft.-Ibs)Deflection ( in) Fv 97.8 Area (Sq.In.)Fg 11552.5 Sect-ModulusE 1.60E6 Mom.Inertia 3,570. to, 7l_o. 0. 0 o 4B 55 B3 360 55't 9L 453 Actual llaximum Deflection = 0-38 inches.Maximum Defl.ection occurs at 6-O feet.Maximu$ Homent occurs at 6-0 feet. !{INIHUI{ BEA},I SIZE (!{ x H): 5 - SC)Or, }>12 g -96()" MINIMUU BEAI,I AREA ( Sq. In. ) : 54 " ZB ORIGINAL t BEAM ANATYSIS PREPARED By: AIan Mascord Desi.gn Associates SHAKE ROOF Client:Project:tocation: Date:Calculation By: Comment: Reaction Rl- =Total load = Dimensions: 2,586.7 Lbs. 3,88O.O lbs-Clear spa.n = DALTAS GA STOCK PI,AT'I PLAII #218sAV]. - VAtLtr OVER FRONT OF GARAGE BAY 04-28-1998 A.M. P. usE (z) L 314'.t x I L/z', Vt.L. BEAI{ AND LOAD DIAGRAM \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I RL I R2 Reaction R2 = 1,293.3 lbs. 13.5 feet, no overhang. No point Loads.Triangular load: W = 3r88O.O lbs. at l3-5 feet to O.O feet. No uniform beam weight. No uniform }oads.Deflection limit (Iive load plus d.ead load): 1/244. '. ,.. ...1::: .:. , ..' BEAM TYPE wL r 1.88 MTCROLAM LVL COMPUTED STRESS/STRAIN DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAL Shear (fbs) Moment (ft-fbs) Deflection ( in) Z 1586 .7 FV 327 .B Area ( Sq. In. )6,71.8-1 FB 2,994-0 Sect.HodulusO.68 E f,8OE6 Mom.Inertia tz 27 L77 24 37 t77x Actual Maximum DefLection = 0.68 inches. I'laximum Deflection occurs at 6.5 feet- Maximum Moment oceurs at 5.5 feet. PIINIUIII{ BEAM SIZE (t'l x E}: 2 - 4-7 6" Ic:z MINIIIIUM BEAI,I AREA { Sq.In. ) : 23 -52 9 - 50()" ORIGINAL BBAM ANALYSIS PREPARED BY: AIan Mascord Design Associates DALTAS GAClient: STOCK PLANProject: PLAN #?185A'tocation: V2 - CONTINUATION OF V1 - OVER CENTER Date: 04-28-f998Calculation By: A.M.P. Comment: (1) L 3/4" X 9 1/2" !{.L. OK. BEAIII AND LOAD DIAGRAM \\\\\\\\\\\ IIITI tt R1 R2 Reaction R2 = 93.3 lbs, 5.0 feet, no overhang- SHAKE ROOF ll-----Jl--Jl:n ::,:.,:i:*L-,,.*:-:+p:=i*!1* :-=.':*:ll*:r.ri+-:t#*:.r'':.-I':i Reaction Rl = 1.86.? I_bs.Total load = 2BO.O lbs.Dimensions: Clear spon = No point loads.Triangurar road: !{ = zBo,0 rbs. at 5.o feet to o-0 feet.No uniform beann weight, No uniform loads.Deflection limit (live load plus dead toad) z I/24O. BEAM TYPE LVL : 1.8E MICROLA}I LvL COMPTIrED STRESS/STRAIN DESIGN VAt. PROPERTIES REQUTRED ACTUAL Shear (lbs) Moment tft-fbs)Deflection ( in) FV 32? .B Area (Sq.In- )FB 2,990.0 Sect.ModulusE 1..8OE6 Mom.Inertia 186.7 3.80.1 o.2s 1* 1 6 1 1 2 Actual Maximum Deflection = 0.0T inches. Plaximum Deflection occurs at 2.5 feet-Maximum Moment occurs at Z.O feet- IIINIHIIM BEAII SIZE (w x H): O - OgO " blz HINIMW BEAM AREA (Sq.In.): 0.8S 9-500" OHIGINAL PREPARED BY: CIient:Project: Location: Date:Calculation By: Conment: Reaction RL = 1,3A6.T lbs.Total load = ZIO80.O lbs.Dimensions: Clear sp-ln = BEAU ANALYSIS AIan Mascord Desigm AssociatesDAI.LAS GA STOCK PLAN PLA}I #2185AV3 - VALLEY OVER FRONT POBCH04-28*1998 A,U.P, usE (1) L 3/4't X, I tlzn M.L. BEA},T AND LOAD DIAGRA}I \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ - l1R1 R2 SHAKE ROOF Reaction R2 = 693,3 lbs. 7,0 feet, no overhang. No point loads.Triangrular load: W = 2,OBO.O lbs-No uniform bean weight- No uniform loads. at 7.O feet to O.O feet. Deflection limit (live toad plus dead Load) z 7/24O. BEAM TYPE LVL : 1..8E MICROLAII,I LvL COMPUTED STRESS,/STRAIN DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAL Shear (fbs) Monent (ft-lbs)Deflection ( in) 1,386,7 FVI,873,1 FB0.35 E 327 .8 Area (Sq.In. )2,99O.O Sect.Modulus f..8OE6 Mom,Inertia 6 8 25 L0 9 25* Actual Haximum Deflection = 0.35 inches,Maxinum Defl_ection oscurs at 3.5 feet.Maximum Moment oecurs at 3.0 feet- HINIMIIM..BEAII{ SIZE (trrl x H): l_ - Z$,O.. Io:r 5, - 5,€}3,' MrNII'|UH BEAI| AREA (Sq,In, ) : 9.77 ORIGINAL BEAI{ ANALYSIS Alan Mascord Design Associates DALLAS GA STOCK PLAN PLAN #218sAV4 - CONTINUATION OF V3 - OVER KITC}IEN 04-28-1 998 A-M,P.(1) t 314" X 9 L,/2" M.L. O.K. SHAKE ROOF PREPARED BY: CIient;Project: Location: Date:Calculation By: Comnent: BEAU AND LOAD DIAGRA},I \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Reacticrn Rl = '173.3 lbs. Reaction R2 = 386.7 lbs.Total load - 1,160.0 lbs.Dimensions: Clear span = 12.O feet, no overhang. No point loads.Triangular load: w = L,16o.0 lbs- at l-z.o feet to o.o feet.No uniform beam weight. No uniform loads.Deflection limit (live toad plus dead load) z I/24O. BEAM TYPE LVL : 1.8E MICROLAI4 tVL COI'IPUTED STRESS/STRAIN DESIGN VAL. PROPERTIES REQUIRED ACTUAT I R2 I R1 Shear (fbs) Moment (ft-Ibs) Deflection (in) 773.3 L,787 -3 0.60 FV FB E 327.8 Area (Sq.In. ) 2, 990. O Seet.Ivlodulus1.8086 Mom.Inertia 4 7 42 6 9 42rr Actual Maximum Deflectiorr = O.6O inches_ Maximum Deflection occurs at 6-O feet.Maximum I'tonent occurs at 5.0 feet. MINIMUI,I BEAFI SIZE (W x H): O - S€t4 " b1z MINIMUI{ BEAM AREA ( Sq . In. ) : 5, 54 9 - 500" ORIGINAL R@wtrLL ffie]trtrRflNo@ a Dtrso@N .*)@.10570 SE Washington St Suite 210 Portland, OR 97216 Tel. 503-2545292 Fax 503-254-6761 NCV I I 2007 CITY OF PORI TOWNSIND DSI) CIVIL _ STRUCTUr?AL ENGINEERS LATERALANALYSIS February 12,2007 Stock Plan 2185A Lot 10, Block 5, Hendricks Street Port Townsend 98368 85 mph 3-Second Gust, Exposure B; Seismic Category D 2003 rBC / 2A04 OSSC Mascord Design Associates 1305 NW 18'h Avenue Portland, OR 97209 Tel. 503-225-9161 Crl_? ll|,f iEGEi]V ,JUl\j 2A tilili f,'XCI USION OF' I;IARIT.TTIES I- PTSC',AIMF'R ANN RFI.EASF' BTJyER HEREBY WAwES, RELEASES AI{D RENOUNCES ALL WARRANTTES (E)PRESS OR TMPLIED), OBLIGATIONS, A}.rDLIABILITIES OF ROWELL ENGINEERING & DESIC\ INc. ei.n aLL Orgrn mOrrS, cr,enr,rS eWp riin colrs eCen rii nOwer,r, Pp-qFryryg & DEsIcN, INc. (EoREss oR unuboy wrrH REspEcr ro Al.ry NoNcoNFoRMrry, rMpRopER rNsrALLATroN,WORKI,IANSHIP OR MATERTALS. TI. FXCTIISION OF CONSFOUF'IiITIAT AND OTT{FIR DAMAGFS ROWELL ENGINEERING &DESIG\INC. STIALL}IAVENOOBLIGATION OFLIABILITY, WHETHERARISING INCONTRACT lrygl.lPryg y4l!4sn, roRr (INCLUDINC ACTrvE, PASSTVE OR rMpUrED NEGLTGENCE) OR OrHERwrsE, FOR LOSS OFUSE REVENIjE ORPROFIT, ORFORAI{Y OTHERWCToTT'rrar On.CONSEeUENTIAL DAMAGES. trI' THISPRODUCT IS FORASINGLEUSEONLYAIIDISNOT TOBEREUSEDWITHOUT SPECIFIC AUTHORZATION. 6t?f,ag Calculation by RM ) UND@ HEAD FINISAED FLOOR ll!!5l1EP_iLgg PEAP ELEVATION 9CALE 'l/1' ' l -A' AY@@ PANELS Vz- FPCNT 'l I ' .:-!. EVATION SCALE . I/6' PIz fl l/@ ru HEAO D rt,9 L=FT SID=LEVATION SC!!qos ru HEAD rED FLOOR .t_ _ H H E ECALE ' I/4 - l-@' Vg- +-----'::r:T--::---?5 E* ATIO\ Fjlg'lED ElqoE .t PIGHT SIDE =L= H H+ ) -l+PP'r +IgEl- V, e t1,gr t) 1lr) + il,9 ( L\( g,s) r Zl,u('/z)( qlls), JIE * VL -- Z( ll,8)( rct(9,s) t t?,t(,o)/I) a- t|,L(Zo)f3) - \Z1g * V.= Vr = l?9S* V, = t?,L (,z-)(6,s)-E* t- Vs = h,9( b,s)( b,s)+ lr, g ('/r)( t"l tg) + r?,L/8,s) | 8)tlt,u{Ir}p,slrs) = 21Li7 ** tY\qJh +tooF H, = V, * tt+,g ('/.)(L,s)l!,s)+ 21,(o{ g) f 8,s)+ ,r,71 21(tL) > Ht.='LVrr r?,L(rq) f 1,s)+ 21, tr( 6)/].s) + t],Ll [)/s,sX3,s) solv rl F'lb = H,,=3e?3 + H.r - (?/zt) Vq + V,g(11(b)+{t,t{lr)( s,s)(ili 2t,t,/s)tt,1+ tV,Ll4,d/to) Hs = ('%") Vq * ftt) ('h) vrr t7,z(23,s)fj,s) s ,?(o [!# H. = 6t/t) ('/r7 V' * tLt,g( q)/ s) + 2l,b { g(7)+ r?,21,3,s)r9,t - M-* ROI'YELL ENGINEERING & DESIGN By Dvg Date il- to^ rroiect 218€ A Sheet I of tnotJn con{. H?= zt,b (q (D t t?,U ,Ll/tb). f srz- # 'lu Us + it, t, (s)f 9,.sh t7,L/1)/9,s) +zt,b('/Ll( 6)(tt,s)l.,lg \ 4>7+ * H '/, Vz r I7,L(2o) /s)* lt,g (4,s)/ n)+ l?,2(/t)lro,s)/ t)L 4)ks tt, ) ROWELL ENGINEERING & DESIGN 3_u D yB Date il-v of-Project 218 s A Sheet Z ) -l vl o # ! o s 7 ATTIC @ vL-do at@ v/ x s tu U Ur BR. 2 \QAO ' ton @ fl 5 6 [,,',',,',,, @ rt U x BR,4 \QAO X tt4 re t/4 _ -e:2 Ur UPP=P FLCOP PLAN ac-- (o,r) q I -\,ol ,-o o.= (o,9)(Zts) = 8.taJ r- = (€f9li =zl,s- aCALE.,/4- .l-@' slf t ) I \! a x e MAIN FLOOP PLAN wt t1L id xlI'l I H+ GREAT RI1 ED'bD uL. L|SEOI,Cx'4 R.6 Fn'WZ AT rio I .i J I x H DINING lPx|oPr- a! cLG) H I F ItII I r I I I I I W5 t 3l- ttEo WOX2W RAGE l5le rii' f,t, ) SCALE,tt1' ' f-A' IHROUGH INIERSECTING WAIL, DfiEND STi\r\tpA(rp Nrc YF= I DRltt- g\t\\J f co^/ruEc-Tror\, 'SIMPSON" ClvtST 12 X LENGTII SPECIRED ON PIAN. CONNECT TO BEAT4 4X BI.oCKING, OR TOP PTATE wnH lftcoMMoNs @3 %"o.c. CONMCT FI,OOR DIAPHRAGM TO BE{M OR 4X BLOCICNG WITII IOd 4"O.C. .SIMPSON'CS 16 X LENGTH SPECIFIED ONPI.AN. CONNECT TO BEAltt, 2x BITCKINC' OR TOP PLATE WITH 8d CoMMONS @2 ilte' O.C. CDNNECT FLOOR DIAPHMGM TO BEAM OR 2X BLOCKING li4TH 8d 4"O.C. DSC4 CONNECT ToP PT.ATE TO GIRDERTRUSS. TOPPI.ATE- CONNECT rLOOR DIAP}IMGM TO BEAMDBL ,oIsT wrrlt 8d pcorwecr aeew DBL Jolsr ro BEAIWDBL JOIST. BEA}V'/DBLFI,oOR TOTOPPLI\TE. CONNECT FLOOR DIAPHRAGM TO BEAIWDBL JOISTWITH 6"O.C. iTcoNNrcr aEAM DBL Jotsr ro ft,c.rwDel-JoNr- 6I+EATH IN(r AC Kon^v RO\|/ELL ENGINEERING & DESIGN By iDate PROVIDE I'32"MIN. PLYWOOD ROOF SHEATIIING w/8d COMMONS@ 6" OC. ATALL PANEL EDGES AND PERJMETE& 12" O.C. IN FIELD. BLOCK AIL EDGES. PROVIDE I5lJ2" MIN. PLYWOOD R@F SHEATHTNG w/8d COMMONS @ 4" O,C. ATALL PANEL EDCES AND PERMETER, 12" O.C. IN FIELD. BLOCK ALL EDCES. WRAP STRAPAROTND BEAM OR DBL JOIST }VRAP STRAPAROT'ND BEAM ORDBL JOIST. CONNECT BEAM OR DBL JOIST To PosTwlTH (2) sTlSsAT EACH END. PROVIDE IY32" MIN. PLYWOOD ROOF SHEATHING w/l 0d COMMONS @ 4" O.C, ATATL PANEL EDGES AND PERIMETER. 12"O.C. IN FIELD. BLOCKALLEDCES WRAP STRAP AROUND BEAM OR DBL JOIST. CONNECT BEAMOR DBL JOIST rb we.Lr.on sEAMwtTH (2)Tsl8s AT EACHEND PROVIDE I'32" MIN. PLYWOOD FLOOR-/CEILING STIEATHINC WEd coMMoNs @ 6" o.c. ATALL PANEL EDGESAND PERIMDTE& I2"O.C. IN FIELD. BLOCK ALL EDGES. TO WALLORBEAM (2) ST622& ATEACH END WRAP STRAIAROIND BEAM ORDBL JOIST. CONNECT BEAM OR DBL JOIST PROVIDE I '32" MIN. PLYWOOD FLOOR/CEILING SHEATHING w/8d coMMoNs @ 4'o.c. AT ALL PANEL EDGESAND PERIMETE& I2"O,C. IN FIELD. BLOCKAIL EDCES. TOWALL OR BEAM Q)sT6224s AT EACH END WRAP STRAP AROIjND BEAM ORDBL JOIST. CONNECT BEAM OR DBL'OIST PROVIDE I 5/32" MIN. PLYWOOD FLOOR,/CEILING SHEATHING Vll/I Od coMMoNs @ 4" o.c. AT ArL PANEL EDCES AND PERIMETE& t 2" O.C. IN FTELD BLOCKA-I-L EDCES. Project Srnntc:Sheet .::i, -) ::i+ ____o_ I tG= f II == =:d> I t II ilu II I ltI{I IfI nlt.t ].t/35 5ll1P5,or{ fi5Tt.la' EA.5toE,(1r-toTAt- CRIPPLEWLLov€,R IEAOER r,,/ l%' 3tu1€.--. JOhIT url @Nr.N Lbr3 I{EAOER (@Nrr{JOt19' CANIhTE ]rETDER TOB{-.9G. coRr'lER. }I{L g.{EATHbE TO ]€AOER Uy OUA'| X ?t.'F-.RH. P-NA|LS t ,'oc.Bptr{utAYs I GAR.AGE(OR Or+ER OPE}II'G' r-F.cil 6$5LE gtEer. FA5IE|*ED PER sI€IR br,z'APA.RATEO SHTH13 ? TIES. to'oc ClvlL- SrR(,CTT RAL tNGtNgeFaS NO SCALE 6€4iFiotLE gFECFtCAtlor€ ,alp t.loTEg *&<&L P'T€L EOG€g PER g|{EAR 6CI{EDiI.E sPECFlCAflOrlg . NOIES REBAR 60 GRADE 5EE T€AR sCT{ED(LE .dI.O|lcrEs Fo|R ltoLDDCoN 5eEC9-PrtitEf -urDTt{ PLAI \/IEW OF 9TET1 TUALL it REB.AR t/ t{. r€vKle . wfia1r coRr€R9 tilM P'xI2'COtfi-. ctat?&Ew (1).1 A'fi PrllEL ll6TJ nGt€rRrt OBJECTS I.UIT'JIN FORDER NOT TO 5CALE DRAU,[.I BY - JKKDATE- a-n-CI3 w NIUR gI.{EAR PANELR@WtrLL trng@0 gtrtrR0 9@a @trs0G6N1 0ns@" 45 t.€. ro2i PORltAdD. OR. 9ra6 Pk (50!, ?5.-5292 FAX: l5o!r 25.-676r.oq& hronror.d.ng.crn ) SF.IEARLUALL gCHEDULE NOTES SILL FLATE NAFK UIALL COYER FA9TENER9 r PAIEL EO6E5 NTEFN. 9ruDg 9rzE -.c'6 RET4AR<g IO64 9IAflE 3'OC-6'O.C./A t5t32'APA.- RATEP 9IiT6 O))l'i x 2' F. F{ P.NAIL o'oc.t2'oc.2X b1'oc.u @tli.c,{ o 6' oc. 9LJITABLE EJBgT. FOR o.t t'o F. R{. P-NAIL 1664 gTAfl-E t oc,6'OC./4.15/32'APA.- RATEO 9HT6 @.148'j x 2t4' F. R!I. F-NAIL b'oc.t2'oc.2X 43'OC. lvr'Ldij/i: x'1116'$lOE gTAPLEg [r/ CROU],I9 PARALLEL IU/ FRA|.''6 A 19t92'AFA: RATED gI]T'G o.146'i x 2t4' R'LL ROTND- I.{EAO P.NAIL 1'OC.t2'oc.9X p'oc.3x OR.4x REOiJIRED At ALL FA{EL JOINT9. ,/p\19/32'A.FA.- RATED 9HT6 Q.116'r x ?rt' FULL ROUI€. HEAO P-NAIL 2'OC. 9TA6RD s oc.3X b'oc-3x OR 4x FEOIIIRED AT ALL PA|EL JOINTg. ,A tstt?'A.PA"** RATED 9'.IT'6 EACtl 9/j9e Q,l4b'i x Ztz' FULL RdJND. I]EAD P-NAIL 4'OC.5t&tu s'oc.9X t9'o.c.3x OR 4x REOiTIRED AT ALL PA|IEL JOINTg. /N b/32'APA- RATED 9[TT6 EAcj,r gIDE @.14O'o x 2tzt' FULL ROIINO- I.IEAD P.NAIL 2'O.C.9t&@.6'OC.3X a'oc.6x.6 PoST EACH ENO OF urALL. 3x6 9tUO9 . ALL PA|EL JOINTg- IOd COIIF1'ON NAIL dK SUBgTITUTE FOR ANY @.149'+ (A GA) P-NAIL. ALL PANEL ED,.gES OF 9I.]EARIUALL9 HUgT BE BLOCKED. I-{OLDOU]N SCHEDULE r.loLDouNI-,IARK FAgTENER9 IlARK HOLDANN FAgTENERg v .gTHD14RJ' COf{NECT BTH. P TO FLR.J9TI8I.1/BLK'G w t6d a 4'o.c.V NO gPECIAI HOLDATN RECUIRED v *'cngrn'x. 36'LONG (1) t6d corlr-roN NAILS AT EACI-.I END 6le/1' o.c. 5f A6,F'.v ,ATT22' (3U l6d g|NKERg (32) t6d g|NKERg | 9|HP90N'99TO24', ANCI.{OR rcLTg. v *'Cl"19T12'x 4a'LOI{G ill) tbd coHHoN NAILg AT EACH END 6l'/.' o.c. 9TAGRD. t*,}4DAA v *'Cl-l9T12'x b@'Lct.{6 (|,9) tbd coHr-roN NAILg AT EACH END6l3/1'o.c. 9T&@.v ** 'HOtOA (4) vo't a3o1 wLlg. 9|HP90N ',igTBzS'. ANCHOR rcLf3. v **'Hgrcla' (?d t6d STNKER NAILg AT EACH END 'HD15' LEGEND Vp/z- INDICATE I 9PEC IAL I-{OLDOIIN COhIDITICNV (9EE DETAIL oF coRREgPoNDING NUHBER) (9) r, 4301 BcLT9 t lt1' TI-IREADED R:OO AICHOR BOLT IIJITH (3) 3'c UJAgHERg BETIIJEEN (2) h[JTg. F1IN. 14'FOOTING EIlBEDHENT.6xb PO9T REOUIRED I.'F, RH. P.NAIL' . DESIGNATES A FULL ROUND.I.IEAD POUJER NAIL. 2. ALL EXTERIOR IUALLg MUgT HAVE 19132' A?A.RATED gHEATHING AID O.l3l'0 x 2' F. Rll. POUJER NAIL(OR EOUIV. FAgTENER) AT MINII,IUiI O' OC. EDGE NAIL'G gET FLUgI{ IU/.TI]E gJFFACE OF T}.IE gI]EATHING. ALL PANEL EO.'IE9 TO BE BLOCKED (TYPE '3'IUALL 19 gTANDARD) 3. ANY FAgTENER EX|?OaEO IO U.JEATI..IER gHALL BE 6ALVANIZED. 4. HOLDOtlhlS OCCUR e EA. END OF EA.gI,I'I,UALL ' F^STEN TO MIN. DBL. 2X 9TUD9, II{LEgg ATHERTI'IgE NOTED. TUALL gI{TG gI]ALL BE EO6E NAILED TO ALL HOLDN 9TUD9. b. ED.GE NAIL ROOF AND FLOOR 9HT,6. TO RIF4 'O'''513LT1G. ' FAgTEN TO TUALL E tUlgII1P.'LgbO'OR 'LTP4' O 9PAC|NG- 'A' . ',g'UJALLS - 21'O.C- 6. LA? UJALL PLATEg I-INIHI,,IH 4'-A' BTUN. 9PLICES uIkil t6d EA. glOE COI.INECT 9HEARIIJALL @T. E. TOpp,AFlE BELOTU W tbd a 4' O.C- 9HEARII'ALL 9HT'6 I1U9T EXTEND FROFI BOTTOH TO TOP PLATEg. 1. EAUIVALENT }.IOLDOII.hI9, 9TRAP€' @LTq NAILg, ETC. BY OTHER HFR'g HAY tsE gUBgTITUTED FOR THOgEgPECIFIED FROFI'9II1P9O{'. 8. gHEATlllt lG ON guEARulALLg gtlaLL NOT BE INTERTJPTED BY ANY IIJALL BUTTIT.,I6 INTO gHEARTUALL 9, BUILDER TO VERIFY ALL INgTALLATION REAUIREI'1ENTg FER.gIHPrcN' CATALOG FOR ALL }.IOL DOTII{g/gTRAP CONNECTIONg. l@. FA9TEN FIUD3ILL tss To FDTN. We/o'q Aes . etP.>/6-3. HlN. 1'EI4BED TO CONC.gEE €I{EDULE FOR gPACING (3) 1/.'o A3O1 rcLTgr grFrPgoill '55TO2A' ANCHOR EoLT9. '3', - 23', O.C..'C',- t9' O.C., 'D' - 9' 'E' - 1' O-C.,'F' - 41.a' O.C. d gtlAoEO AREA. ?R'OvtoE tbl3z', F1IN. APA RATED FLOOR gHEATI{G w u confaoNg a 6' oc a ALL PANEL EDGES I PERITIETER. 12' OC IN FIELD. BLOCK ALL PANELED.IESU//2)(4FLAT. . APPROX, }{OLDOuN LOCATIOII9 * 9HEARTUALL LOCATION9 DETAIL REFERENCE TAG {-g) prrarL REFERENCE FoR.- OPTIONAL CONDITION3XE3X gILL PLATE REO'D '< . glHFrcN 'F19TI'OF EAUAL LENGTI{ IIAY gIJBgTITUTE FOR'C;N9TD'** -UgE I-IIN. 4X gTUD EA, END 3I-{EAR PANEL FOR HOLDOTIAI. BUILDER TO VERIFY ALL INgTALLATION REOUIREHENTg PER '9II1P9ON' CATAL& FOR ALL I{OLDOIIN CCNNECTIONS LATt20406 Date and Time: 211212007 11:27:O7 AM MCE Parameters - Conterminous 48 States Zip Code - 97068 Central Latitude = 45.351009 Central Longitude = -122.667424 MCE MAP VALUES Short Period Map Value - Ss = 103.5% g 1.0 sec Period Map Value - Sl = 34.6% g RESIDENTIAL DESIGN INFORMATION Short Period Map Value - Ss = 103.5o/o e Soil Factor for Site Class D - Fa = 1.09 ResidentialSite Value = 213 x Fa x Ss = 74.9% g ResidentialSeismic Design Category = D1 MCE Parameters - Conterminous 48 States Zip Code - 98368 Central Latitude = 48.090334 Central Longitude = -122.851061 MCE MAP VALUES Short Period Map Value - Ss = 123.9o/o g 1.0 sec Period MapValue - 31 = 43.5o/oQ RESIDENTIAL DESIGN INFORMATION Short Period Map Value - Ss = 123.9o/o S Soil Factor for Site Class D - Fa = 1.00 ResidentialSite Value = 213 x Fa x Ss = 83.0% g ResidentialSeismic Design Category = D1 MASCORD DATE: O2l12lO7 PROJECT: 2185A DESCRIPTION: 2003 lBC, Option SIMPLIFIED STAT]C PROCEDURE - 2OO3 IBC BY: DVB/RM ]NCREASE 110/B WIND LOADS TO OBTAIN 85/B V=1.2SesWe/R ASD Load Combination =Y11.4 (Eq. 16-18) MAIN FLOOR LOWER FLOOR REDUNDANCY FACTOR = 2-2Ot((Rna,XAo)t") WHERE, Rr", = Vwal X (1O/lw) / V"torv UWIND SPEED:85 EXPOSURE:B SEISMIC CAT:D (Sns=2il3 S^r.)0.830 R:6.5 1 1.00 98368 A uooer:1 160 A main:1790 A bwer: Ab:1790 UPPER FLOOR PSF WALL HT HEIGHT LINEAL FEET SQUARE FEET vvol DEAD LOAD POUNDS V SEISMIC POUNDS As'L} LOAD COMB. Eq.16-'18 ROOFI(;EILING EXT. WALLS INT. WALLS BRICK 21 1 160 24369 3733 2660 10 I 140 5600 858 613 8 8 95 3040 466 333 40 0 0 0 0 33000 5057 3612 ROOF/CEILlNG 21 630 13230 2027 '1448 FLOOR 10 1 160 '11600 1777 1270 EXT. WALLS 10 I 200 9000 1379 985 INT. WALLS 8 9 110 3960 607 433 WALLS ABOVE 8640 1324 946 DECK 10 0 0 0 BRICK 40 0 0 0 0 40430 7115 5082 ROOFiCEILING 15 0 0 U FLOOR 10 0 0 0 EXI. WALLS 10 0 0 o o INT. WALLS I 0 0 0 0 WALLS ABOVE 12960 1986 1418 DECK 10 0 0 0 BRICK 40 0 0 o 0 12960 1986 1418 Shear wall Allowable Load (olf) Floor to Floor Holdown Floor to Foundation Holdown lag Load lype lag Load I ype S 260 1 1250 cMsT12X36'6 3885 STHDl4RJ B 310 2 1960 cMsT12X48'7 5175 HTT22 c 460 3 2673 cMsT12X60'9 7460 HDSA D 770 4 5800 MST72 10 9540 HDlOA E 920 5 7395 FTA-7 1'l 1 5305 HD15 F 1540 LOALI LINE LENGTH OF SHEARWALLS {FEET)TOTAL WALL HGHT. scl, F l. BRICK NOTES V1 9.O 12.0 21-O I v2 5.0 6.0 10.0 21.O 8 V3 9.0 7.O 16.0 I v4 19.O 19.0 I V5 10.5 7.0 7.0 10.5 35.0 8 V6 0.0 vt 0.0 V8 0.0 V9 0.0 v10 0.0 v11 u.u v'12 0.0 v13 0.0 v14 0.0 v15 o.o v16 o.0 DATE: O2l12lOT PROJECT: 2185A WALLS L1 o.o L2 0.0 L3 0.0 L4 0.0 L5 0.0 L6 0.0 L7 0.0 L8 0.0 L9 0.0 110 0.0 L11 0.0 L12 0.0 113 0.0 Ll4 0.0 115 0.0 116 0.0 M1 1t.o 5.o 20.0 42_O I M2 16.5 16.5 I M3 11.5 4.5 12.O 2E.O I M4 4.0 4.0 4.0 12.4 I M5 12.5 4.0 16.5 9 M6 2.0 2.4 4.0 I M7 5.0 5.0 10.0 I M8 4.5 4-5 9.0 9 M9 21.O 21.4 9 M10 o.0 M11 0.0 M12 0.0 [/11 3 o.o M14 o.o M15 o.0 M16 0.0 ) DATE: Oil1AOT WIND PROJECT: 21854 EXPOS- LENGTH PLF FOR EXPOS. LOAD FROM ABOVE TOTAL LOAD SHEAR WALL LENGTH 100/B PLF tNc. 85/B PLF NOTES V1 1795 1 /95 2"1-u U5 5? v2 3298 3294 21.9 157 94 V3 1795 1795 16.0 112 67 v4 1342 19.0 71 421342 V5 2747 2747 35.0 78 47 V6 0 0 0.0 0 0vt0Uu.0 U u V8 0 0 0.0 0 0 V9 0 0 0.0 0 0 v10 0 0 o-o 0 o v't 1 0 u u.u u () v12 0 0 0.0 0 0 v13 0 0 0.0 0 0 v14 0 o 0.0 0 0 v15 0 0 0.0 0 0 vl6 0 0 0.0 0 o M'I 3893 3E93 42.U 9t 55 M2 4745 4145 16.5 264 172 M3 3893 3893 2A.O 139 83 M4 1573155315512.0 263 M5 5614 5614 16.5 340 203 M6 2905 2905 4.0 726 4v M7 4512 4512 10.0 451 265 M8 4777 9.0 531 3174777 M9 5074 5074 21.0 242 144 M10 o 0.0 o o M11 o 0 0.0 0 0 M12 o 0.0 o o0 0M13 0 0.0 0 0 M14 0 0 0.0 (,0 M15 o 0 o.o o 0 M16 o o o.0 0 0 L1 0 0 0.0 0 0 L2 0 o 0.0 o 0 L3 0 0 000.0 L4 0 0 0.0 0 0 L5 0 0 0.0 0 0 L6 0 0.0 0 00 L7 0 0 0.0 0 0 L8 0 0 0.0 0 o L9 0 0 0.0 0 0 110 0 0 0.0 0 0 111 0 0 0.0 0 0 0L12 0 0.0 0 0 113 0 0 0.0 0 0 L14 0 0 0.0 0 0 115 0 0 0.0 0 0 116 0 0 0.0 0 0 DATE: O2l12lA7 PROJECT:2185A SEISMIC SEIS. DIREC. F-B L-R TOTAL FLOOR SHEAR SQR. FEET SEIS. WALL SEIS. BRICK SEIS. FROM ABOVE TOTAL sErsMtc tiEIS. UNIT SHEAR REDUN. FACT. MAX. REDUN FACT. ADJUST UNIT SHEAR Yo OF FLR SHEAR 1.00 52V1X361235030o/o 1090 u 1090 52 1.00 v2 X 3612 700 6,AYo 2180 0 2',180 144 1.00 1.00 104 350 3O"/o 0 1090 68 1.O0 1.00 68V3X36121090 747 1.00 39v4X361224021"/o 747 0 39 1.00 V5 X 3612 680 59%2117 0 2117 60 1.00 1.00 60 3612 0 0 0 0 0.00 0V6o% 0 0.0u (,v7 3612 OYo o 0 0 V8 3612 0o/o 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 3612 o"h o 0 0 0 0.00 0V9 o%0 0 o.00 0v10361200 0v1 1 3612 O"/o o o 0 0 0.00 v12 3612 o%0 0 0 0 0.00 0 3612 o%0 0 0 0 0.00 0v13 0 0 o.00 0v143612o%0 0 0v153612o%0 0 0 0 o.00 0 0 0.00 0v163612o%0 0 5izu ZgYo 1090 2566 61 1.00 1.00 61M1X508214760 2311 140 1.00 140M2X508243024o/o 1221 0 1090 1.00 M3 X 5082 420 23"/o 1192 0 1090 2282 82 1.00 1.00 82 X 5082 260 15o/o 738 0 269 1007 84 1.00 1.00 84M4 1'184 2604 158 1.00 1.00 158M5X508250028o/"1419 0 M6 X 5082 250 14o/o 710 0 353 1063 266 1.00 1.00 266 M7 X 5082 370 21%1050 0 1050 105 1.00 1.00 105 440 25Yo 1249 0 1059 2308 256 1.00 1_00 2s6M8X5082 1090 2197 105 1.00 105M9X508239022o/o fa7 0 '1.00 M10 5082 o%0 0 0 0 0.00 0 M11 5082 gYo 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 5082 0 o 0 o.00 0M12O"/o 0 0Ml35082O"/o 0 0 0 0 o.00 M14 5082 0o/o 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 M15 5082 o"h 0 o 0 0 0.00 0 M16 5082 o%0 0 0 0 0.00 o L1 141E OYo o 0 0 0 0.uu u 1414 O"/o 0 0 0 0 0.00 0L2 0L31418O"/o 0 0 0 0 0.00 L4 1418 Oo/"0 0 0 0 0.00 0 Oo/o 0 0 0 0 0.00 0L51418 0L614180o/o 0 0 0 0 0^00 1418 o%0 0 0 0 0.00 0L7 0 0 0 0L81418o%0 o.00 L9 1418 Oo/o 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 O"/o o 0 0 0 0.00 01101418 L11 1418 Oo/o 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 L12 1418 Oo/o 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 011314180o/o 0 0 L14 1418 0%0 0 0 0 0.00 0 1418 0%0 0 0 0 0.00 0115 L16 1418 o%0 0 0 o.00 00 DATE: OZIPIAT PROJECT= 21854 WALL SUMMARY WIND UNIT SHR Panel [iEIS UNIT SHR CONTR. DESGN MAX. UNIT SHEAR UPLlFT SHEAR WALL HOLDOWN NOTES W s V1 51 1.0u 52 X 52 415 $OOKU v2 94 1.00 104 X 144 830 S 0 0R0 V3 67 1-00 68 X 68 545 S 00Ro V4 4?1.00 39 X 42 337 S 00Ro V5 47 1.00 60 X 60 484 S 0 0R0 V6 0 1_00 0 0 0 0 0R0 vt (,'t _00 U 0 (,0 0t-( 0 V8 0 1.00 0 0 0 ooR0 V9 0 1.00 o 0 0 0 0R0 v10 0 1.00 o 0 0 O ORO v11 u 1.00 (,0 0 0 Qt(0 v12 0 1.00 0 0 0 00R0 v13 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0R0 v14 0 1.00 0 0 0 ooRo v15 o 1.00 0 0 0 OORO v16 0 1.OO 0 0 0 00Ro M1 55 1.0u 61 X 61 550 S 0 (]F( {J M2 172 1.00 149 X 172 1546 S O ORO M3 83 1.00 82 X E3 747 S 0 0Ro M4 157 1.13 95 X 157 '1413 S 0 0R0 M5 203 1.13 178 X 203 1829 S 0 0R0 M6 4U 1_75 465 X 465 4184 D 40R7 M7 269 1-00 105 X 269 2425 B 30R6 r/ 6/7 M8 317 1.00 256 X 317 2853 c 4 0R6 M9 144 1.00 105 X 144 1299 S 00R0 M10 o 1.OO o 0 0 0()Ro vt1 1 0 1.OO 0 o 0 0 0Ro Ml2 0 1.OO 0 0 0 00R0 M13 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0R0 Ml4 o 1.OO o o 0 0 0R0 M15 0 1.O0 o 0 0 O ORO M16 0 1.OO o o 0 00R0 L1 0 1.OO o o 0 0 (JRo L2 0 1.00 0 o 0 0 0R0 L3 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0R0 L4 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0R0 L5 0 1.00 0 0 0 00R0 L6 0 1_00 0 0 0 0 0R0 L7 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0R0 L8 0 1_00 0 o 0 00Ro L9 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0R0 110 0 1,00 0 0 0 O QRO 111 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0R0 L12 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0R0 113 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0R0 L14 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0R0 115 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 0R0 116 0 1.00 o o 0 0 0R0 trr!.tfi;!it hfr"-mfiEzZEgEgmr_Fl6B /1,# |l-td'ii*a*ror fta'ffire6,G$NMNsstoNo 6 i ) 6 i , / N \ g Z a I / ! \ \ l N V - l d @ @ @ @ @ t x 6 o @ @ @ g o tct,:tiiiIit5!ii &Etd6ffi6ffi6iffiFa1M-)!,aFffi lllt .I r O O > / N C ) / € N = ] X = \ , . / * , . , ^ ' t u / a \ - i ] v m t s v = H € = o t d = t N t \ - / - $ r - - ; . * , { ! 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I R e c e i p t N u m b e r : B L D 0 7 - 2 3 5 9 4 9 2 0 0 0 1 6 P l a n R e v i e w F e e $ 9 6 9 . 9 0 T o t a l : $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 $ 8 1 9 . 9 0 $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 K C H E C 2 8 5 6 $ 1 5 0 - 0 0 T o t a l $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 g e n p r n t r r e c e i p t s l % g e 1 o f 1 t I Parcel Details Printer Friendly Page 1 of2 H ' vrealdrer Station l* mqqa=e Tools {& . mrpr = !F-l Yfebcarn iinmn , lnunfy lnfr fin6:r:rfn:*nls Ssrrsih Parcel Number: 949200016 Parcel Number: 949200016 Owner Mailing Address: CHRISTOPHER LYON 1093 3OTH ST PORT TOWNSEND WA9B36B49O2 Site Address: Section: 3 Qtr Section: SEI/4 Township: 30N Range: 1W School District: Port Townsend (50) Fire Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Sub Division: ELLIS ADDITION Assessor's Land Use Code: 9100 - VACANT LAND Property Description: ELLrS ADDTTTON I LOT 16 | | Click on photo for larger image. No Photo Available No 2nd Photo Available X Best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later ffi Windows - Mac SEARCH No Permit Data Available No Assessor Data Available tt lvap Rarcet lnlutt attla><, AlV, Sales Info Surveys http ://www. co j efferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail. asp 1112U2007 6AC *t @ 64 8 PVC N)s G) HAINES ST 5 24TH -t oil' 4AC 1 0', ffi 3 0 I N) N) o d) F i':.. t-1 -tlF ,r i s9 a ,' t, +r: NJ. 42 r:9a 9-5 *rl 4 xi +d J E;LJY o i ? r327,i4zJ! E e =a 3 tr a6*: i9 ii:5 i 5 +tiH! i*-A 6 r o:; ^3 - e d = "! -.: !; --.s: I51:.tr+1r:,. eaLlli:-F ?{a z:z'-,' :4 *???z: i"'a "af. *ut 3iq 'tu o) 3B N)o)a (, F) 5'@ (tF j a : .48 : ,s gc, ,.{-2.) 44fr,,)rLrlF.. /6 ,$ y^..v:: 0v I (Jl a. 34 gt 8 /6 --t(o O) g\ \ 9>?o7 - oq? BLDoT*zzj City of Port Townsend Development Services l)epartment BUILDING IIUMBER APPLICATION LName of Properly Owner: Mailing Address: Telephone: Property is located in: Addition: Faces/Access is from: Parcel Number 8r Block(s):I-o(s):/6 S* D ^ilrr+ If this is a new ADU, has a building permit been applied for? _yes No Date: Notes: HousDr{uMBERASSrcirtED, Z 3 = 3 SAn Date of Approval: For Department Lse Onlvz Application Fee Received (53.00, TC 2200) Copy to: U Finance U Fire Dept U Sheriff Ll police (Lyn) U Public Works U DSD database For address changes: U Qrvest Address l\'{anagement Center - 206- Date: U Post Office U GIS lJ Assessor"s Office Nov I I 2007 CITY OF PORT TOWNSiND DSD http://ptinaginglDSD/Building-Foms/BuildingPermitPacket/Application-Ad&ess Number-doc ; 6/t/06 .I )) 1 41 1 @ 26 T H o to 1 26 T H ST G, N ct tr -- + s - lc o l CO E ,& 6 F o a tr J z I 2w tJl e z f '-)z U) 49 1 24 2 1 tl F CO o F c{ 24 T H ST o o cf )N Water F o a tl J o z J F-a J ul z O Waste Water qo 2 F a z T )< Stom Water t hch equa! 173.045552 feet F U) 'flrs r:p is po\1dcd on :F 'i$ 6," "si& rll fuul$,"Lasc. 'Ile Cis of Pon'lburitrxi td is empl';vrcs ,lo ror vrrnmih ar-r *ay thc ilcrBcyol'iht j,,f,rnnrrioo ic.n:airtri ir rl,rs rr',p FitlJ *nricarion J !r dl 2m o 23 R D ST xrciis *rploltes f:orn ils. oJn!4 'n!b,'?drn-llai:ilitr I BT]ILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 2553 SAN JUAN AVENUE Project Description New single-family residence with attached garage Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-235 9492A0016 Fee Information Project Valuation Site Address Fee Building Permit Fee Energy Code Fee - New Single Family Unit Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential Plan Review Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit Total Fees Project Details Decks - Residential (Covered) Dwellings - Type V Wood Frame Private Garages * Wood Frame $188,492.55 3.00 1,492.15 100.00 150.00 969.90 150.00 60 SQFT 1,866 SQFT 4il SQFT 4.50 29.84 10.00 $2,909.39 Conditions 10. Property comer survey pins must be located at time of foooting inspection to veriff setbacks Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of thgproperty or authorized agent of the owner. print Name Ol, i s/,nf/ o n L-* Date rssued: t2/0'7 t2007 a / lssued Bv: PWESTETTIELD