HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-241BI]ILDING PERMIT
City of Port Townsend
Development Services Department
250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368
Proiect Information
Permit Type Residential - Re-Roof
Site Address 922 BENTON ST
Project Description
Change roof from cedar to composition
Permit #
Project Name
Parcel #
Names Associated with this Project
Type Name
Applicant Ovens Thomas
Owner Ovens Thomas
Contractor Affordable Services
Contractor Affordable Services
Contact Phone #Type License # Bxp Date
(360) 683-e619
(360) 683-9619
2846 1213U2007
AFFORS x06 50 08 t23 /2009
Fee Information
Project Valuation
Record Retention Fee for Reroof (R-
3 and U occupancies)
Reroof Permit Fee (R-3 and U
State Building Code Council Fee
Technology Fee for Reroof Permit
(R-3 and U occupancies)
Total Fees $s7.00
Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection.
Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180
days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection.
The granting of this pemtit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify
that the infonnation provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of rny knowledge. I further certify
that I anr the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner.
Date Issued: ll/27 12007
Print Name
Receipt Number:
Reroof Permit Fee (R-3 and U occupi
State Building Code Council Fee
Technology Fee for Reroof Permit (l
Record Retention Fee for Reroof (R-
$ 57.00
Total $57.00
genprntrreceipts Page 1 of 1
11./1s/288? 14:49 3885fi?3929 AFFflFDAELE
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City of Fort Tovnrend
B$ildhfl & Conmnity lltvelopotol
t8f Qubcy 8rt*q Suitc 301
:rur(.brdegsrltcdln Jeffcrron Coauty L*sdfiB 0r othcr apFrsYcd
, ,ih *ll lo{Blf itatt ffid ftderd lewa Burning ir prabibitid.
wA 98368
rlterstlonr iuctudingrtpheingruof 'nftrn, ndding ruof rherttiug and rcpl*ing I cedrrroof
wlth r ramporltioo rsof, ferffiitcsrt b#t0rf^Jf, pcyr'blc rtllncof rppllcriior rubthinrl
I{openrdr * aeedei to tiwply *rwl|'eilradrnrrg rfttglaffitih rcldexet or iuplec.
BEn AilD BRS,AKFA$T$I MIILA"FAIVfiLY rnd COMMERCIAL buildiagr rSE:rE roquirt I
permit fbr rtiy roo{Ing sorlr Csr{ tr brccd on trr Unihru Bnildiug Code buildiug pemrit fe* fur
rtre lob vrturlisn. Phu r+vltwrfes'l[ blthrrgrd for roupltx pruitctr.
NOTEI Ur'ueinforc+d rnssonry buildrngr shrfi h$re parapet brtcing rrrd wall anchort installed at
tho rosf lkrc.urd dccigned ur ir+cordaa;s with $Gctioil 4f l pftllc GSR,EB (firidcliues fc'r thc
Rehebilitatisn'of Existing Euildiagr). $* $uf Ar rnor* inforruEtirrr"
For FSSIDf,HTIAL rouftng (I e Z ftnilf dwelliagr) r prr.rtit lr rtqnirtd hr
Estif,rrtttd $tart Dal"ff:Estinttrsd Complction D*tc:+I
All conrtrucriou drL.
locetios in rttotd*nr
[Continted on other ''t: ']
\thd-1xmintfonsrtnao6cf !' r I r. ii. doc
Orvrer(llrllams of
Froprrty $trc*t Adrtrers:
?oniag Di*trict:Par'stl#
tot(riLegal llescription: Ad dition Eiock
Contrrctorrt Hrme:
Maiiirtg t.dddrcsg
City, $tate, fip:?
Expir*ion Dato:L*bor and InduSfie$ r*. -",i.iil #:
City Bucinorc Lic*nrc *:ExpiraianSete:
Ertim*ed Velue sf il"..".ruptiofi: $
Ihes t sfr
r.1/1S/?ff67 1.4:4T 36958?9g29 AFFNFDAFLELrtJ ur' r-vfi{ l{rnilstitllJ
Frtpored rooftypcl
B Comporfion
tr Cedsr
E Torcldonrn or IIot h{op
o Metal
tr O$cr
tuv{ I{- qrt l'.1: Jqg dpv Jit
r&l vu r,1
Eri$tiry roof typ*;
E Comporition
U* E6dff
D TorchdownorfI*fMop
il Mctd
tr Otlren
t$s'nbor of rrhtlog roof lnyrn 2F
Roof rqurrc toougu
Typc of ventiag:
Mresl Ie a laost:
0 t ,q. ft, pou I50 rq. ft, ofatth rctif are4 or0 I l{. ft pff 300 rq. ft- if 5P/o ofvst* rre hcstsd rr lerst 3 fo* rkjve edv.c sr ssmics or
E pcrmf,nont y$sr brrIis il irutallcd on wlrrll sidc of rtric in*ulalion.0 FIca* pmvidc calorlationr for vrnting: {Roof gqurro footago + l j0 ar 300}
4' IE thc ctructrrs locrlad witftk 200 &tr of n tesh or s*ltrrrflt€r *horelirs? ffyes, r
$hsrglhcilFcrmit rnry bc rtquired. Flcase dis$rt$ losadorr with sraff
ficssc cbcckYE3 or NO x
(rfiEQ:sfllc;iwfa;fir R*!#f*r
Is tlte2 ctnrgtufc F€da Nrd OI'Ercdtrs,Commersirl thelrtlhi-fanily building?rf
ts ln'{/,lctfundetifr ramovedIrrwf *h*dng frd4g ilrg.lre.4 #ttx lrrrlltrfip4{thc illtFdstrf fr h&trd i#mrd{wf fofrs.rIE{sddPw/E Jlya*tsf t].1 th*al.Isilr$rcc Cgd'lrashinglon &-JSelwtrtc'heatE'nagr f*ouqrtwtsf*fl-JO *ll o{mr altttr fitlwt tnat heuI/.f€'frrclwng prnps roals
ovul TR-2 illI other
Ifi*odctho Prtrgtrrirm f-ommittca ls ifby difFercnt(nFc)required roofing
dif€rgra Bnetnrislif,cludirg coigr,rcaidccrer u€Epplid.b€irg {$ingle-frmily
IIFAC.Forn Scr Srafffor the fornu-HPC
3. Ic tha strnct$c g Iocrtrd in tha4f R*visw\**r
k takc pleco on or Bcfl the public right.of-uray? If yes, pteas* provide a site5. IVIII wsrk
6, wil shcrthing bt nplaced? If yes, h rrnrer ba minirrusr ift6" #tknor ffiuctural
P"trl"L 7- Will rafiers or busst* b* r+placed or altered? If ye, a rcof frnmiag plan is rcquired.
\\Bcd.1xtuiufsd\F.aoEEg P*rdir, doc
85fi41ffi.F*gG l tr(l
1.1/1,912687 14:49 35858?3829 AFFIROAELE
ul'l'I ul l,uxl' Tutl$riHAturL/ rvr!uwv Ivrv+ l.4A .l9v Jc:tn
A pplicrn ( Certlftcrilou
Ihc epplic*nt hereby ctrtifies to hsvr knowlcdge ef rhos* swtlsns ofrhc Unifonn
Bsilding Cods and the Port Tqw$s+nd Municipel Code perurrem to the abovc proJcct srd th& th
rppfrcmt is rsqporuibh ft'r construging in sonfsrnrancf vnth thess Eo$rq thr rpplicrrt
undtresnds ttnt th? pifiniE ifirsued, 'ngirer in six mofiIhs wile# ruork i* stffr€d; thst the
F€trlit, tficr cosrnretian h*a $tgrted, will cxpirc altcr onc ycar if rr inlpcdion is Dst rnsde ts
$aw rignificrrt prosrer$ sn tbe sudxr€; rhe rppllcrnt Fg]+*lrto rbide by tbe ordh*nccs, cpderr
regulsion*, rs$ictive gowng$tsf de+rl or plx re*tricriouX and wtt{r ifld ea*rerplnnr *firched
heelo; the appliclfit cenifier thlt EII irrformrtion grvcn skrv€ snd on aeomp*nying ptan* ir
eomplete urd rccurue to the bsst of ttreir tnowledga; rnd thp rypticcns undtrcti$als thdt'thir
urfornaation witl be relied upon in granring permiis s$d tftet b nrch inforsation is tater found to
be inacsrrte alry p+rtrite msy bc withdrcsn,
the undersigned h*r$y reveo *nd hstdt ths City oflort Townsend barnrlo*rftom uny
e$d ell csttss* of frctioq judgrreots, ckdms, or demands, or tonl enytl*bilitf of any ntrErFB
ui$ng from a*y non-complirncs with rry rcsriflivo covorsntq plst rostriction*, deod
reenrictionl" or other reari*ion* which oay have been csfisblish€d by partiee other thaa tha City
ot'Pofl Townrcrrd.
Camplcte Applicntion
Fort Tsl#ns€nd Municipal Codq Section l6-CI{.140, Vcsted Rights - Sub*$tistly
Coupleta Building F*mit Application; *gpiindonr for rll land urt rnd developartot ptrnritr
required uader sdfursscee of the City r*ull be considsed *nder thb zoning and aths lind use
control ordinances in etro* on ths datrl r fully ownplete hilding prtrrnit cppbcstioq n$€tifig ths
requirerneotr idrnffiBd ir this srction, isfilsd witb thE Building rnd Consnunity Developmert.
Until r contpists buildirry psnqit applirution is fiIS, rlt apptic*ions for laryl usc antl
devdopmert p6rmit$ rtra$bc reviEwpd rubiec* fo cny uonint sr other turd u*e corftol
ordinancsE which becrrnrc effaetiv* prior to thc data of issranca of a fingl dccieion by tha City on
tho npplicotion
An apptication of * building Formit ehafl be,cousid€r€d cornpleto v+tre* an spplicstion
meetrng ell of tlrc requirsmr$ts of Stgisn 106;3 ofthrcurrartry'rdopted UrrifofirB{rildilg$od$
ie subminod rvhic.h ir ffinds€st wittr stl itrelr *pplitrdrble ordrls$css and lrws. In ddiaiorrr to be '
c{u*idered completg $roh Bn rpplicrtion m,rsi[c eccompanied by complste applicariour lbr a
subsidiary land uge ar dorolo'pmc,tt p€rrnits trcrdaq srsh a,r a oonptrt+ shsrclitre manegtlrurr*
pwmit rypliaation ur#ol qorsptr{te rpplisiltio{rfi for otln{ dir+r*iorury Fsnnf,ts mquirsd uder
thc ordlnmoos of Fon Tountsend. An rpplicstion for r putitl permit rfider $eetisfi 106.4.1 of
the anrrertly adoft"d editisn ofthe UrrifarrnFuilding Code slrsll not tr+ concider€d complar
unlEgs itneets f,il r€qsirtrsctilt stti€d tr.bovs urd sor*eins the mrpleto structEffl &arrre sf th6
building and thc n,rehit+ohrril phns for the strueure,
of ol AuthsriE€d lRepresentative Date
Prrgitdso Prgc 3 ofl
tL/Ls/2F.A7 14:45 3688S298?5 A,FFflEDAELE FA6E g1
Il- l+*/f+DATE I
sEqunfl' wa$ETNGToN ef 382^74tr6
360-6SI-$61' r 360-452-{/t4U * fr60-xt&i2l24 rLx 36{ts58tr-9029
E-I}IAIL ikctthum@urlutouch.com
$IIBJECT:rn rfFr*r
TOTAL FAGSS (includiug coy6r
LfurH;1 i A +tr,a
wfuj {;uV/uF':
VCnd L
F*ge I