HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-119 ( 2 of 3 )i 3 ) I BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel Site Address 431 WATERSTREET Project Description New Maritime Center buildings Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-119 Northwest Maritime Center 98970040 1, 9897 00402, 989700403 Names Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Northwest Maritime Center Owner Northwest Maritime Center Contractor Primo Construction Contractor Primo Construction Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date 0-CITY STATE 1358 t2/3U2008 PRIMOCI 1 3 3P',. 04/04120090- Lr"EeaFt $cH€ fru6 # 2^ oF7 *** sEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS *** Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certi$ that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certifu that I am the owner ofthe property or authorized agent ofthe owner. Datelssued: 05/07/2008 Issued By: SWASSMER Print Name ,6 ,**"r2r'/ &AIA Document cztle"- 2otl1 Work Changes P roposal Requesf PROJECT fVarne and add.ress): Northwest Maritime Center Port Townsend, Washington OWNER (Name and address )z Northwest Maritime Center 380 Jefferson Steet Port Townsend, WA 98368 PROPOSAL REQUEST NUMBER: 024 DATE OF ISSUANCE: December 05,2008 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction CONTRACT DATE: April 23, 2008 OWNER:8 ARCHITECT:X CONSULTANT:8 CONTRACTOR: X FIELD: El FROM ARCHITECT (Name and address)z The,Miller-Hull Partnership, LLP Polson Building 71 Columbia - Sixth Floor Seattle, WA 98104 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: TO CONTMCTOR(Name and address): Primo Construction 970 Carlsborg Road Sequim, WA98382 Please submit an itemized proposal for changes in the Contract Sum and Contract Time for proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Within Seven ( 7 ) days, the Contractor must submit this proposal or notify the Architect, in writing, of the date on which proposal submission is anticipated. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE OROER, A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE OR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. DESCRI written descriptiott of the Work): ATTACHMENTS (List attached documents that support description): ASK 033 REQUESTED BY THE ARCHITEGT: Ilvan llourouard- Proie.ct Architect (Sisnature)(Printed, name and title) AIA Oocumcnl G709ru - 2S01. Copyrlsht O 1$sg and ?001 by Th€ Ariorican lnslitute ol Architocts. All rlghtc rde€rvHd. !V.AF NlNe: Ttrts At/.r 0r6uffrsnl l* AIA sollwar€ at 18:0t :o4 on I ?05/2008 undar Oder No.100c36?$$7 .3 which expires on 8117200s, and ls not lor rssals, Us6r Nolss: {Ai465487S4) DEC - B 2OOB EVEIG ]OWNSEND D CITY OF PORT.nc Relocate door 1 14a as shown on ASK 033 attached. Revise door 1 14a door schedule enhy (A6.0) to indicate the following: Jamb Detail - 71A6,8, head detail - 5/A6.8, and remarks - .UNDDRCIIT DOOR". Revise door swing per I I : sc R (n:{: } I F, *O I r* f I I nT?l ttrvl A H.ct'j U5 I I I ql j l I |*s) i I I h wt r @ F* EO ?- . 1 +I :+ -- { LOCKIRS SthrcH 1 o MI N C! I i. r rt I I 2 I I t_ . RE V I S E DO O R 11 4 a 12 1 5 1 2 0 0 8 SE E PR - 0 2 4 Ap P T H A T0 11 A 1 . 1 h, 1 A R T N M E CE N T E R I X Th 6 M i l l € r / H u l l Ar d i b c i u r E Pa r t r c r s h l p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po t s o n B u l t s l m Ph o n 6 71 Cd u m b h 26 6 8 2 . 6 8 3 7 Sh f t F l o o r Fa x S6 a i l 6 , WA 98 t ( X 26 € 8 : 1 . 5 8 9 2 1 li . D. , . : , " , . . i . n^ r , , . il \ It - 1 r' ;L 0 TS AP EG E I V i E CI T Y OF PO R i iO V \ / N S E N D DS D - n a3 r ' n { ,' , - : r n -. 4 i) r i . 4' * g 1 t ll r r , ; . r ' n n Qe f r . n p l ^ n "' / P ' 1 . 1 &4 . / A 4 . 0 Sc c i e : FULL ASK033 &A I A Do c u m e n t cT o e - -2 0 0 1 W or t Ch a n g e s P ro po s al Re q u e s t PR O , J E C I ( Nw @d ad d t n s ): No r t h w e s t Ms i t i m e Ca t r r Po I t To m s 4 Wa h i n g t o o $l l t l E R ( N w ad d & e s ) : No r t h w 6 t M q i t i @ Ca t e r 38 0 J o f r r o s E e t Po l t T o w 4 W A 98 3 6 8 FR O M AR C H I T E C I dv a t r a r d ad l r e s ) : Tt e Mi l l q - H u l l Pa r t u m h i p , LL P Po l m Bu i l d i o g 7l Co l u m b i a - Si x t h Fl m r Sa t t l e , W A 98 1 0 4 PR O P O S A L RE Q U E S T NU M B E R : 02 5 0A T E OF FS U A N C E : De s m b q 05 , 20 0 E Co i l T R A C I FO R : Gw a l Co l s t r u c t i o n CO N T R A C T DA T E : Ap r i l 23 , 20 0 8 OW N E R E AR C H I T E C T : E CO N S U L T A I , I T : E CO I I T M c T o R : E Fl E L " D : E OT H E R : E AR C I { I T E C T S PR O J E C T NU M B E R : 01 2 3 TO G O N I R A C T O R f l Y r u ad a& t r a q N Pr i m o Co o s t m c t i o t r 9? 0 Cu l s b c g R o a d Se q i i n , WA 9 8 3 8 2 Pl € a r c sb m i t u it m i z e d lE o p o s a l fq ch u g e s i! th o Co n h a c t Sm ud Co [ t r r c t Ti m e fo r pr c p o s e d rp d i f i c a t i o r o to lh e Co r t r a c t Do c @ n t s df f i b c d hc r c i L Wi t h i t r Se r e n ( 7 ) da y s , tb e Cq t et o r mr e t su b m i t th i s Fo p o s a l or rc t i f y tt o Ar t h i t o c ! in wi t i n g , of th c da l c on wh i c h pr c p o s l $b m i s i o n is ut i c i p a t e d , 1I { I S IS II O T A CI I A i I G E OR D E R , A CO N S T R U C T I O i I O{ A N G E DI R E C T I V E OR A DI R E C T I O I { TO PR O C E E O WT H TI I E VI P R X DE S C R I B E D lN TH E PK , P O S E D li l o D l F l c A l I O N S . O€ S C R I P F O I I (I r o e r r a vd n a &t q i p t i t a ol il t a Wo r k ) : Pt o v i d e et s s r t a i q e d e@ g e a c y li g h t fi x t u s s sh o w n ot r th e at t n c h e d fl s r pl u ( s ) , Re q u i r e r c D t s fo r ew g e t r c y ba l l a s t s sb a l l bo dc l c t e d Ao m th e @l b a c t fo r fu d u r s wi n g th e sr e mm q ff i wh q e el f - co n t s i n € d €m m g e r c y lb h t fr x b r e s e sh o y n . Cd n * t wq g q c y fi x t l m pe r co d e wi n g li g h t i a g ci c u i t s ud li g h t i r g Ir u c l E io d i c a t d on pl u s . ko v i d e "L i & o n i a , ru e s s c d er e r g m c y li g h t i t r g ui r s (L i t h o d a #E L M ) . Mo u r t st he i g h t s AF F iD d i c s t e d ot r sk e t c h . C@ d i m t e fi r a l lo c a t i o n wi t t Ar c h i k c t pd o r te rc u g h i& No t q EE q g c r c y br l l a s t s io ru m wb e r e el f - c o n i a i n e d em e r g e t r c y fi x t u r F @ NO T sh o m sh a l l rc m i a pr pl m - Re l o c a t e ( 2 ) ff i g @ c y ba l l a s t s sh o w o ia th e Li u y (R m 11 6 ) as sh o m . AT T A C I I I G N T S (I i r l ot u c h c d . b c w n t tl d st p p o r t dc s i p t i @ ) i Em r g e o c y Fi x h r e I ig h t i a g Pl m sk e t c h - Fi n t Fl o r - is s o e d 12 1 1 5 & 8 Er r g e u c y Fi x n r e Li g h t i n g Pl u Sk e t c h - Se c o n d Fl o r - is u e d 12 1 5 / 0 8 NI E AR C H I I E C T : Ew n Bo w u a d . Pr q i e c t Ar c h i t e c t . (P r i t e d nM Md ti t l e ) M hu f r i l q ? c i l -t M , cq r , g i l o 1B S d &1 by Tk Ad c a ht l i u E of Ar c l d e d s . ai rj g i t ! Fs . l d yi s s r N c : Th b AA i Dc . u n e n r is pe c b d bf !S . cs y d g l f !i l ra d hF d i o d hd i * . uh e u t u t s d ft H d @ l i c n or de r i b & r o f tt i s ll a ' od ' M t . dr ad y pl n i o n o l I, fr { ra d t ln sv s s aM l an d cn l n b a l pm } l i r s , sn d wi u S F ** U r d to lh 8 Fs x t m $ : ql s n l ps l $ s ul d ; r fl : s la u , , TI l s kr f t f r wa qd @ d h al A e t u a r d t€ : 6 & or 12 t y 2 c s u n & r t u r k. 1 i f f i t r s z - 3 {h b h s x $ 8 6 0n a f i 7 & s . s6 b d r* r t r a l e . I rn t9 Ct OF ry (1 7 s ? C f f S ) r4 W M e - eb l w ta * r nr -o ? * ) wJ q I '' t . ': r ' ft * w { - a {. r e r + n { p Pr . * d <F & - f c d ] 17.$ ,-b .': : \: . . t 1 ir " , i' i l i C) ir \ .i : _ . . \t a , , i11 ED U C A T I O N EU I L D I N G t. a 6- \' i .: .t 1 " . , r' - qP M[ f f i o f f l d i r u @w rs r & Fr ff i rx i * r l l w fn er * B M ,f f i m B l 9 F m [ r n w r Y e t N H f t { ( w a r u 6 liI:i qW ME f f i 9 W 3 t d f f i l f f i f f i f f i S ,r o r f f i s * c s s 6 66 r c F [ m f f i F q ^ @ m o a t d Ff s A r m Mf l A f f i S f t f , S C E Y f f i E O d M rf f i s o r 0 r e w E m d *f f i M B { ' | w M H f f i f f i I 6 & S' N € I N E d O J I S f f i l$ l | i l l f $ : f f i di l A f f i rc N f f i m l E [ 1 I M ! & ,urr) FI R S T f lc o l c l f E g furf€ cocanorj (ltlat ' tl ' " tx D l ( A f € a 6,.o. Ftltgf fnorrn$L gr,eYdl*l AE P " rtltT(o er.C$&. fi'A'*r(f FIRST FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN RE S O U R C E BU I L D I N G F. v i s i o f f i od a - B: j : " er , # - cr a c r a a l @ w BI D SE T No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n Po r t To w n s e n d , Wa s h i n g t o n *,,,** J"r,. ir . ; l : . 1 I I ii ff i p y a r , iE r l g r l r n i a X , lac, ., , - . , ; . ; " * E4.1 $r W M L - €n e E t E r r c ' l Fr s n / G r c{ e H f i N F PL q F . J Sb e r c r - l \?.q.oE ,' ;" '' t (' s e r ' P( - o u * ) 't I a: l .i : ., i , i sM i. : j r; : ' i" ' l. 'J ,' a ii : , ' ,d', : . , ) /; : 'h , rr\dt ii I I i; : ar :i ED U c A f t o N BU I L D t N G lr l '1 e ri j , ' r ': 7 I ': ' l: ' 1l'..,) MO a n s u N r ! . r i t r m r : r E f f i ff i sl # *$ i l o h l e f f i f d f f i f f { mE s € s M f f i i s o f l a l Y E f f f i q M (* r f f i l @ b f f i f f i c r L g s w & B ! l* * f t $ M r l o r c F M f t $f f i LW C t 0 : f f i r^ * s @ N s f t rf r il t r u l M N ! GR $ * B f f i a f d € V f f i f f i I r r f f i r e N* f f i M 3 ] l . F M US r f f i ^ t r f f i E * o F c F *r 4 m r e €8 L f t H r f f i n sm € r F h i l d @ t f f i f i ?. n1 f t m r 4 f f i t r x f f i r m w t u l * m * f f i r @w l Y f N M . $ o mr m M c d 3 M 6$ W ' w E r o r f f i r f f i t r s f f i { s 8 K E, M tur r*kror[ 6-rs|1@8ru1 ErrLffiff *ffiG ^6ftr3@BF@@U^ldBY d&roBvmff u*rihv6fd. ffi srq!la s.sg$ffi6P4tvrffi. SE C O N O FL O O R LI G H T I N G RE S O U R C E BU T L D t T G * Rw i s b n 3 oo L - hr " -j E S g S Jr . M D' o ' . -* * - i $ ab c b d -i ' C BI D SE T SECOND FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r rl : : , i r l. l il Ct n' AF .: t r /;'::''.1: ) ,. ' , , ti r ., ' . , , . - I '. , lr ., : i f & ; ) ;l l i i l l ., : i : 'i . - - - ,, Po r t To w n s e n d , Wa s h i n g t o n ra E4.2 ef e a L 1 Ue d f tr x r v p € Ll u r a a n u t a at E H r t N G F ' If f t y f , : * No t e r ln ' go w e r . ld e r l fo r ap p l i c a t i o n r $f t r: q u i r c wo l l mo m t n ! it un d 6 i r { U a , c0 i l d r n u c T t o i l up o n fi r lo s r ol AC €q u i p m e f , t d wh s n Du r . b l e po l y c a r b m . s f. c e p l . t e fi n i r h e d i! .r c h i t e c t u r s l wh i E . Hi n g e d l. c r p l . e .d .d I . b b l . mo u d l i n g h€ r d w s r G rp e . d up .n d ,i m p l i t iI s t ll a l i o r y ' m a i n t 3 r . m e . Tr o 8l l IE L B 2 ) or M lz w ll a s s ie r l e d - h e a m la n p r . Ha d r rd d e 35 f b mr t .i i l i n o re q u i r m s t s . Du a l . v o l t n g c in p n cr p . l t l i t y ll l o v or 2t 7 v l . U- S . Pa . t r l il o . 55 0 2 , * 1 , BA T T I I Y Se . l e 4 n. i n t nr n c . - t r e c le r d - c e l e i u n ba t r o r y pr o v i d . . l6 W lE L R 2 l or l0 $ , lE L 8 4 ) rs t o d sr p . c i t y , op t i o n r l ni c l e l - c a d m i u m bi t b r y pr o d d e s 16 we t r lE U 2 N) d 21 Ht r (E | , " R ? P NI En s u . e i lo n ! li l d dd r, i d . mp d . - il r o r& g ! r . Au t o m a t i c br t r y rc c h o r g r al t i r go . m i r u t di 5 c h . r o e . lo w vo l G l r di r c o n n . c t p. a f l t r .x c . r s i v . l y de . p di $ h . r g r dr r t cr n pe r - ma n f l d y d. D . g r tf i ! bl t o r y . Sl i F o n bf f y bm i n r l r . Et E C T R 0 f , t C S Br M o u l !. d c l i o n rb n d . r d d C1 f i 4 . Cu r . e n t " l i 8 i t i i g ch r r g e r nr x i o i z . r br t b r y li f o .n d mi n i m i z . l rn e r c y co n - ru m p t i o n . Pr o v i d r r lo w op r r l t i n q co s r . Sh o i l - c i . r u h pr f r o t i o n - cu m t li m i t i n g ch . r g e r ci t c u i t y rn d fu r . d ou t pu t ci r c u i t lE l n 4 l Fo b d Fi n E d ci E d t !@ . d fi m sh f f i . lh g r n . l pr d e c t i o n *n s a s ci r o u i l r y ts m p c r a t r r r an d ad j u c b ch l r l e cu r - to n t b pr o w n t dd i a a l i n o an d ci a r E r fa i l u a e , Th e r m . l co m p e n s d o n ld j u t t r rh l r g o r ou $ u t to pr o v i d . op l i m l m ch . . C . vo l b l a re h t i v a b am b i e n t cm p e r o t r ! . R! 0 u l . b d ch l r l t vo l t t l t ni l n b i n s eo n s l t - c h u 9 6 Yo h a l i . we r a wi d . rm g c ol li n a rc f m g o r . Pr o v a n B @e r l u n d q ch a r g i n ! ih a t Eh m n . b. n i t y li f e .n d aa d u c e r ca p a c i t y . ti l t .. d ch . r g q ou t s u t mi n i m i z e s ch r r g e vo l t a g e ri p p l o ln d er b n d . b. l . rw f li l e . Aq l v o [t q ! el l o w i br & t y co n n . d i o n bo l d . AC po w a r is ap p l i c d rn d pr f f m ! br E r y d. n . g . du ! b do o p di $ h 6 r g s . Dn G i l o S l l C S lS 0 op t i o i l Sh o l r nu l t i - c l u m . t { tE D hd i c e t o r b di s p l a y tw o . c t a t ch . r l i n g . bt t .c - ti v a t i m rn d tf i r e e - n t o di . ! n 6 d c tt a t [ . Tc f t &i t h pr o v i d € ! ma n o e l rc l i v a t j o n ol 3o - l e c o n d di o l n o . l i c te . t i n g fo . EL R A E L R 2 6- V o l t S€ l f - C o f l tr i n e d . m- d c m . n d vi l u r l in r p o c t i o h . Sr l l - d h g n o s t i c b$ i n g lo r fi v e mi n u E r mr y 30 d{ y ! $d 30 mi n u t e ! il d y .i r md $ r . Di . o n d t i c a. l u d i o n ot la m p , Ac b 0C tl n r f e r , ch l r o h g ln d b. [ E r y co n - di t i o n . gr o w n o f r pr o t u i d L . rt a n d . r d f. r b r € of ia l l di a e n o r t i c r . Co n . dn u o u s l y md i M AC fu n d i q s l i t y . Af t m r l i c tr $ ii .s i i l y po r Q o o e d ft r ci g h t ho u r r h rd i v a t i n g ma n u s l Es t rw i b h . lo r d l a a r n i n g cr p r b i l i t y el l - c a l i b r a E ! to 0C lo . d st fi r $ bi en - rb l i n ! h to de s c t r lr m ! fa i h r o on fs w r br b . lt ma y br re c a l i h . e d lt . n y ti n . hy ho l d i n o dm dn bt r tw i d l fo r 15 .6 o n d r . ll { s T lJ t l l o t l W. l l or ce i l i n ! mo u n t b{ p o r . d or co n c r . l G d .u r p m s i o n ce i l i n c ry r m ! - su i t bl o 6r !s in ei r . h a n d l i n g pl e n u n r - ll . 0 d ! g ! ga l v . d e d mo u m i n g bo fi r im o op e i l n g (1 o . i l t r I r 10 . t / 1 t r W r 3- 1 / f Dl . T- b ! r cl i F rm u r o un h to lr i d in co i l i n g - m $ n t .p g l i c a i o n r , Al l hN r d w . . . sp p l i r d . T- b s cl i p r Bc u r o un i r b Oi d in ce i l i n ! . m q n t .p p l r c . t i o n r . us n i l G UL lb t r d , M* r r UL g z q NF P A 10 1 - 1 9 9 5 {c q t r e n t ti f e s. l e q co d e l .n d NE c .n d 0S H A il l u m i n a t i m d! [ d a r d ! . II I A B R A I { T Y Ih r l e - y e . r to t r l cu ' l o m s a se t i s f a c l i o n ws r a s o t y . fo r co m p l d de t . i l s , se e w. r . s t y rh e d in Pt o d u . t Se l . d i o n Gu i d r . OB D E R I N G IN F O R M A T I 0 N Le a d ti m e s wi l l va r y ds p e n d i n g on op t i o n s se l e c t e d . Co n s u l t wi $ yo u r ss l e s re p r o E e n b g v s . Er a m p l e : Et ' R 2 ii j i, , I i! : , il r U LL- j' ; f a E i- . 'l . , L1 Cl i Y 0i i: ' i r , r l f 10 v ! i l S r N D nt n Et B l 6V , l6 l / t / EL R 2 P 6V 24 ' y ' t$ 4 1i l , 6 0 w TD AM VM 22 W / 5 0 H 2 H N1 8 1 2 N2 5 1 2 Rl l ll c0 s SD ln b g r . l (1 8 AF 0 ? t c r r Vo l l m e t e r r 22 1 ) q 24 O / , t0 or $ lh in p o t Tr o Et t , l hr l o g : n hm p he e d s Im l8 ! V , l2 V ir c . h d a $ e n t la m p he r d r ' Tm 25 w , ll v in c o n d e i e e o t l. n p ho i d C LB ! l. D p he r d t Mo i n t r n a n c . . f t . r [i c k . l - c s d m i u n b. f t s y r Co m p . d de s i l n . r .q u . r e la m p he { d r Sr l t . d i . 0 n o d i 6 ' l i& T E S : 1 Ar r i | b l . dl h ii c i . [ q d B h n h. b r y ol y . 2 CM e oi M . N d a w i h b L r i d r A, l , v ' i l . n d T0 on s. ul t , t [t H m l y . { ib t Mi l r b l . dS tr | . Fa m i l y 0p l i o n r tm e r g e n c t Sh s e l # . EI R 2 - 2 P 4 SP U E " l 0 0 Pr i m a r Ci r c u i t ' A[ I r n d ou b u t Wa t os & u f Ty g e Vo , h A{ i s Wt l E Vo l B 1' U 2 & r s . Zh r i Sh r s {8 t - lm .l t 20 EL n 2 6 16 EL R 2 I E L B 2 P / E L B 4 Em e r g e n c y Re c e s s e d Se r i e s SP E C I F I C A T I O N S ET E C T R I C A T DI M E N S I O N S Al l di m s l i l n ! rr t in c h e s (m i l l i m 4 o t s l !4 l r $ ds d $ $o t ? f i e d . Si l p p i r y W b b t lW t i lb t . 0 : rF J tB ru bi (1 0 2 k! i ) 3{ / r G ($ t $7 , 8 tl 4 ' I sf t P 5 " v Ml u m R d 21 1 EL R l .- - - - * : 1 - * , 12 50 38 25 l8 21 1 BA T T E R Y Sc r l e d Le a d - D a l c i u m Sh e l t Ex o e c t e d op t i m o m Vo l t a o e fi f d li l e l Ma i n t e r a n c e t" ! q ! e ! ! ] g * ' lr r 5 / ! G BA 3 l :i f f ,t , Gm o s . l{ i c k c l - C s d m i u m 5- g yr s . tr o n e { 6F - s @ F Er p o c t e d 0p t i m u m EL R 2 P N 6 1 W# b t1 . 1 2 ' ? 6 of nm l n 6 l vo l b l e . 2 At T l ' C . 3 of f i u n .o b i o n t h o s r t u r e 61 8 . wh € r e un i l dl g f l i & rr H c! p . d ' V i o r g 0 mi i u f f i . Hi l h d rn d 6w r Em F d b ' s sl f g c t l i h sn d ce p r c l t v . tu n $ l l b c f t br mo m ds f t i l e { Pe d o d i c q s E m ff i bd r f f o f i m f f t h d . PH O T O M E T R I C S 3y r s , l[ y G . no n e l 32 o ' 1 l x P F { $F . t0 10 0 t 10 t0 10 10 t SE I f - D I A G N O S T I C S OP T I O N . Fv e - m i n f t t e s we r y o d. y s a g) - m i n u E t e s t d e r y si r m o f i l f i s . Di a g n o d i c s ev a l u a E th e ha t e r y la m p , ch a r q r t an d AC t u 0C t a n s f e r . KE Y FE A T U R E S Ce i f i n ! md m - m o u f t iu s t r b l e b 8 r h B n g s c to T' b ? r by rd - Ws l l m d i l - m d f t t w o o d dm s l at u d s wi t h ba r ha q s i Ah o , ro u l h ' i n ft . d r y u l l s . Qu r n a N t e Lt G i H r r N G i " ln * i l f u d t k @ r y a r y ti t h o n i a L i g l n i n g En [. n c t S t { n C 6 u P 0n ! [i $ o n i ! Wa ] Co n y f f i , GA il 1 2 Ph o n € : m - $ 4 . m { td 7 ] D S l { 1 l l il -^ i: it - Lr nf e 4 J: J U ,/ ; i l lI I( S F N D P0 R i TO W DS D ct i y 0F \. ' t l l- I U ir - " E lr - r= 11 . , tl l!i! Sh e e t * EL R 2 - 2 P 4 OI S Ac u l r y gr t n d 6 Li s h t i r i & RR . 12 1 lt / o HUtL :I FAx I TRANSMITTAL X To: Company: Fax No: From: Korey Smith Project #: Project: 0123 Date: 12.5.2008 Northwest Maritime CenterPrimo Construction lnc 970 Carlsborg Road Sequim, WA,98382 Ph:360 683 5447 360 683 6475 Subject: cc:Evan Bourquard n For your review and comment n Foryourapproval X For your information Hard copy to follow to: Thc MillerlHull Partnership, rrp The Polson Buildlng 7l Columbla 5t, 6'h floor Seattle,wA 98104-1031 PR PR 025 Per PR024: ASK 033 Per PR025: sheet. Comments: Item(s) attachedl and cut Conta(t Tt206.682-6A37 Ft206.6A2-5692 www.millerhull.com a I:_l (xJ q =OF Port of Port Townsend ! Tom Miller Fax Number 360-385-3988 OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVES NW Maritime Center ! DaveRobison 360-379-0885 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Little & Little Construction X Bob Little 360-385-9733 CONTRACTOR Primo Construction X JenniferHowell I Patsy Busby fi Korey Smith LANDSCAPE GGLO I MarkSindell 206-902-5672 ELECTRICAL J Omega E Ed David 206-855-4601 MECHANICAL Ecotope ! Jonathan Heller 206-325-7270 STRUCTURAL Quantum ! JackWiggins 206-624-8268 CIVIL Korey - See attached PR's covering the items summarized below PR 024: Relocates door 1 14a as discussed. We have reviewed thls PR with the City of PT. PR 025: Deletes the emergency ballasts shown on the electrical drawings that were unavailable, specifies and locates new independent emergency fixtures as shown on the sketch. We have discussed this in concept with PSW. Please provide a credit for the deleted ballasts to offset cost ofthe new fixtures. Thanks, I will go over these in detail and clarify fixture locations, etc. in the field on Tuesday. Evan SvR Desiqn Co.206-223-0125 ! Nathan Polanski Page I of mult Page I of I Scottie Foster From: Scottie Foster Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 2:56 PM To: 'Joy Astle' Subject: RE: MARITIME CENTER The original building permit is BLD07-1I9. Square footage figures taken off the building permit application: 1st floor 13,301 2nd floor L2,207 3td floor 983 Restrooms 899Decks 3,223 Storage 2,672 Let me know if this answers your needs. Scottie Foster Ad m i n istrative Assista nt Development Services Department 360-344-3057 From : Joy Astle I ma i lto :JoyAstle@ Krazan.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 10:34 AM To: Scottie Foster Subject: Scottie: I need the plan check # or as this is a deferred submittal, the original plan check # and the square footage for the Maritime building before I can complete the correction list. Thanks Joy M. Astle, CBO Krazan & Associates 3601s98-2126 joyastle@krazan.com 1011012008 2004 2004 Washington Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms State Nonresidential E Code Form Revised May 2005 Project Summary PRJ.SUM Project Info Project Address Northwest Maritine - Resource & Education Buitctings Date s/2e/2007 Water Street For Building Department Use Port Townsend, wA 98368 Applicant Name:The Northwest Malitime center ApplicantAddress: 914 washington street, #3, port rownsend, wA 98368 ApplicantPhone: 360-3.t9-262e Lighting Summary LTG.SUM 2004 State Nonresidential E Code Form 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Revised May 2005 Prof ect Description [ ruew Buitding ! ROOition ! Atteration ! plans Included Refer to WSEC Section 1513 for controls and commissioning requirements. Project Info ProjectAddresS Northwest Maritj-me - Resource & Education Bui].dings Date 5/29/2007 Wate! Street For Building Department Use Port Townsend, wA 98358 Applicant Name: The Northwest Maritime center ApplicantAddress: 914 washinston street, *3, port rownsend, ltA 98368 ApplicantPhone: 360-37s-262e Compliance Option Q Prescriptive Q Lighting Power Allowance Q Systems Analysis (See Qualification Checklist (over). lndicate Prescriptive & LPA spaces clearly on plans.) Alteration Exceptions (check appropriate box - sec. 1 1 32.3) ! No changes are being made to the lighting ! Less than 60% of the fixtures new, installed wattage not increased, & space use not changed Maximum Allowed Location (floor/room no.)Occupancy Description Allowed Watts oer ft2 **Area in ft2 Allowed x Area 10c Retail Space 1 .50 1917.0 2475.5 100,101 Offices L.20 150.0 t92.O LO2 ElectricaL Room 1.00 s6. 0 s6.0 10:Sprinkler Riser 1 .00 64.O 54. O 104 Storage o.50 196.0 98 .0 10!Retail cashier 1.50 144.O 2L6.O 106, 10i offices L.20 158.0 20L-6 10€Elevator Equip 1. 00 104.0 104 .0 10!Coffee Shop 1. 65 507 .0 1001. 6 11C Coffee Service 1.65 190.0 313.5 LLT,TLi Restrooms o.80 551.0 440.8 11:Mechanical Room 1.00 140.0 140.0 LL4 Janitot 1.00 1s3.0 153.0 11!Coridor 0. 80 348.0 278 .4 11(Livery 1 .50 2870.O 4305.0 20c Foyer 0.80 249.O 231 .2 207 Office 1.10 24L.O 265.L 203 Conference Room L.24 170.0 210 .8 204 Library 1.70 545.0 926.5 204 Open Office 1.13 900.0 1017 . O 206 through 2t3 offices t.L2 L472.O 1648. 6 2!4 Work Room 1 .10 187.0 205.7 2t5 Data Room 1 .00 56. 0 56. 0 zL6 .tanitor 1.00 55. 0 55. 0 2li Kitchen 1.50 285.0 427 .5 2r8 Meeting/Banguet Room 2.17 1185.0 2573 .6 2r9 Meeting,/Banquet Room 2.L7 1186.0 2573 .6 220 L73L.7callery,/Exhibition 2.L7 798.0 22r,222 Restrooms 0 .80 478.0 342-4 300 1 .00 238.0 234.OMechanical Room Education - 119 Craft Demonstration (Shop Space)2.30 L446.O 3325. I 119 B - Storage 0.50 88. 0 44.O L27 372.0 855. 5 L22 0 1. 00 52.O s2.o !23 Electrical Room 1.00 53. O s3.0 L24 Dry Good Storage 0.50 384 .0 192.0 L25 Storage 0.50 48 .0 24.0 L26 Storage 0.50 48.0 24.O t21 Group Staging Area 0.50 240.O 120.0 t28 Restrooms 0. 80 70.0 s5.0 129 Laundry t -20 75.0 90.0 130 Restrooms 0.80 72.O 57.6 131 Storage 0. s0 42.0 2L.O L32 Waste & Recycle 1.00 135.0 135.0 133 Mechanical Room 1.00 135.0 136.0 134 Elevator Equip 1.00 55.0 s6.0 134 A - Elevator Equj.p 1.00 50.0 60.0 135 Boat Shop 2.30 2440.O 5612.0 22t Storage 0.50 50? .0 253 -5 22!B - Storage 0.50 98 .0 49.0 22a Storage 0. s0 200.0 100.0 22i F].ex Room 2.30 518.0 1191.4 22E FIex Room 2.30 2L5.O 494.5 229 Flex Room 2.30 450.0 1035. O 230 Corridor 0. 80 610 .0 488.0 23r Breakroom 1.00 375.0 375.0 232 Storage 0.50 402.O 201.0 301 Storage 0.50 402.O 20t.o 302 Pilot House 1.00 313.0 313.0 38597 .5 2004 Washington State Nonresidential E Code Shop .tanitor ** From Table 15-1 (over) - document all exceptions on form LTG-LPA Form osed W Total Allowed Watts Notes: 1 . Use manufacturer's listed maximum input wattage. For hard-wired ballasts only, the default table in the NREC Technical Reference Manual may also be used 2. lnclude exit lights unless less than 5 watts per fixture. 3. List all fixtures. For exempt lighting, not exception and leave Watts/Fixture blank. Location (floor/room no.)Fixture Description Number of Fixtures Watts/ Fixture Watts Proposed llPe Ac 4 50 .0 200.0 TlT)e ACS 33 50.0 1650.0 Tlpe APGE 4 100.0 400.0 T!.pe AW 33 200.0 6600 .0 T!.pe AW2 20 300.0 6000 .0 Trpe AWD I 50.0 400.0 T!.pe AWS 7L 50.0 35s0.0 Ttpe FC 11 29.O 319.0 TlT)e FCA 2 29 -O s8.0 TlT)e FCR 4 29.O 116.0 TlT)e FP 31 90.0 2790 -O Tlrpe FPGH 22 45. 0 1012.0 T}Pe FPH 2 20.0 40.0 Trpe FSA 25 61.0 1525.0 fu)e FSA 7 51 .0 427.0 Ttpe FSAE 2 31 .0 62.0 Code Form Total Proposed Watts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for lnterior Total Proposed Maximum Allowed w 1. Choose either the facade area or the perimeter method, but not both)Total Allowed Watts Use mtgr listed maximum input wattage. For tixtures with PropOSed Lighting Wattage (ExteriOr) the default table in the NREC Technical Reference Manual may also be used. Tota Proposed Watts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Exterior Total 2004 Waf\gton State Nonresidential )Trrpe FSc 29.O 1508 .0 ry?e FSGD 3 20.o 60.0 T!.pe FSGS 4 29.O 116.0 Type FWG 31 29.O 899.0 Tlrl)e FWGR 4 29 -O 116.0 610.0Ttpe EWP 10 61.0 TtT)e EwS 9 34.0 305.0 TlPe HPGIT 18 200. 0 3500.0 lP!.pe HSGH 10 115.0 11s0.0 TlT)e UC 5 24.O 120.0 33634.0 {ntrng wattage (tsxterror Location Description Allowed Watts per ft2 or per lf Area in ft2 (or lf for perimeter) Allowed Watts x ft2 (or x lf) Covered Parking (standard paint)0.2wft2 Covered Parking (reflective paint)0.3 wft'? Open Parking o.2wtf( Outdoor Areas o.2wtt( Bldg. (by facade)l o.25Wtt( Bldg. (by perim)1 Conbined Building Pelimeters 7.swilt 795.0 5962 .5 5962.5 Location Fixture Description Number of Fixtures Watts/ Fixture Watts Proposed qll)e HC 8 78 .0 624.O T!.pe IICW 3 78.0 234.0 Type IIWGH L4 115.0 1610.0 t\.pe FSc 4 29.0 116.0 l1.pe HPGH2 I 115.0 920.0 Type FWG 9 29 -O 26L.0 Tlrpe S1 20 22.0 440.0 4205.O Lighting Summary (k)LTG.SUM 2004 State Nonresidential Code ce Form 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms TABLE 15-l Unit hti Power Allowance Footnotes for Table 15-l 1) ln cases in which a general use and a specific use are listed, the specific use shall apply. ln cases in which a use is not mentioned specifically, the Unit Power Allowance shall be determined by the building official. This determination shall be based upon the most comparable use specified in the table. See Section 1512 tor exempt areas. 2) The watts per square foot may be increased, by two percent per foot of ceiling height above twenty feet, unless specifically directed otherwise by subsequent footnotes. 3) Watts per square foot of room may be increased by two percent per foot of ceiling height above twelve feet. 4) For all other spaces, such as seating and common areas, use the Unit Light Power Allowance for assembly. 5) Watts per square foot of room may be increased by two percent per foot of ceiling height above nine feet. 6) See Section 1532lor exterior lighting. 7) For conference rooms and offices less than 150ft2 with full height partitions, a Unit Lighting Power Allowan ce of 1 .20 wlft2 may be used. 8) For the fire engine room, the Unit Lighting Power Allowance is 1.0 watts per square foot. 9) For indoor sport tournament courts with adjacent spectator seating, the Unit Lighting Power Allowance for the court area is 2.6 watts per square foot. 10) Display window illumination installed within 2 feet of the window, provided that the display window is separated from the retail space by walls or at least three-quarter-height partitions (transparent or opaque). and lighting for free-standing display where the lighting moves with the display are exempt. An additional 1.5 wlfl2 of merchandise display luminaires are exempt provided that they comply with all three of the following: a) located on ceiling-mounted track or directly on or recessed into the ceiling itself (not on the wall). b) adjustable in both the horizontal and vertical axes (vertical axis only is acceptable for fluorescent and other fixtures with two points of track attachment). c) fitted with LED, tungsten halogen, fluorescent, or high intensity discharge lamps. This additional lighting power is allowed only if the lighting is actually installed. 1 1) Provided that a floor plan, indicating rack location and height, is submitted, the square footage for a warehouse may be defined, for computing the interior Unit Lighting Power Allowance, as the floor area not covered by racks plus the vertical face area (access side only) of the racks. The height allowance defined in footnote 2 applies only to the floor area not covered by racks. 12) Medical and clinical offices include those facilities which, although not providing overnight patient care, do provide medical, dental, or psychological examination and treatment. These spaces include, but are not limited to , laboratories and treatment centers. Revised May 2005 Prescriptive Spaces Occupancy: C Warehouses, storage areas or aircraft storage hangers C Otn", Qualification Checklist Note: lf occupancy type is "Other' and fixture answer is checked, the number of fixtures in the space is not limited by Code. Clearly indicate these spaces on plans. lf not qualified, do LPA Calculations. Lighting Fixtures: (Section 1521) n Cfrecf if all fixtures are ballasted and at least 95%' of fixtures are either: 1. Fluorescent fixtures which a) are non-lensed. b) have 1 or 2 two lamps c) have 5-60 watt T-1 , 1-2, f -4, T-5, T-6, T-8 lamps. d) have hard-wired electronic dimming ballasts. Screw-in compact fluorescent fixtures do not qualify. 2. Metal Halide with a) reflector b) ceramic MH lamps <= 150w c) electronic ballasts * - Exit and LED lights can be excluded from count if < 5 watts/fixture. Use LPA'(Wsfl Use LPA"(Wsfl 2.3 1.0Painting, welding, carpentry, machine shops Office buildings, office/adm inistrative areas in facilities of other use types (including but not limited to schools, hospitals, institutions, museums, banks, churches)5'7'11 ' 2.OBarber shops. beautv shoos Police and fire stations"1.0 Hotel banqueUconference/exhibition hall"'*2.0 Atria (atriums)1.0 Laboratories 1.8 Assemblv sDaceso. auditoriums. ovmnasia". heaters 1.0 Aircraft reoair hanoars 1.5 Grouo R-1 common areas 1.0 Cafeterias. fast food establishments"1.5 Process olants 1.0 Factories- workshons. handlino areas 1.5 Restaurants/bars"1.0 Gas stations, auto repair shops"1.5 Locker and/or shower facilities 0.8 lnstitutions 1.5 Warehouses". storaoe areas 0.5 Librarieso 1.5 Aircraft storage hanqars 0.4 Nursino homes and hotel/motel ouest rooms 1.5 Retail'". retail bankino 1.5 Wholesale stores (nallet rack shelvino)1.5 Parkino oaraoes (see exterior liohtino)Seclion 1532 1.4Mall concourses Schools buildings (Group E occupancy only), school classrooms. dav care centers 1.35 Plans Submitted for Common Areas Only' Laundries 1.2 Main floor buildino lobbies" (exceot mall concourses)1.2 Medical Offices, Clinics''1.2 Common areas, corridors, toilet facilities and washrooms. elevator lobbies 0.8 2004 w State Nonresidential Ene Code Form 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Ad Power Allowances Revised May 2005 Lighting Power All ce Adjustments LTG.LPA Project Address lwortuwest Maritime - Resource & Education Buildj-ngs Date s/29/2007 Use this form if you are claiming any ceiling height adjustments for your Lighting Power Allowances for interior lighting. The Occupancy Description should agree with the "Use" listed on Code Table 15-1 . ldentify the appropriate Ceiling Height Limit (9 feet, 12 feet or 20 feet) on which the adjustment is based. The Adjusted LPA is calculated from this number and from the Allowed Watts per ft2. Carry the Adjusted LPA to the corresponding "Allowed Watts per d" location on LTG-SUM. Location (floor/room no.)Occupancy Description Allowed Watts per ft2 ** Ceiling Height for this room Ceiling Height limit for this exception** Adjusted LPA Watts per d Resource - 109 Coffee Shop 1.50 14.0 feet 9 feet 1.65 110 Coffee Serwice 1.50 14,0 feet 9 feet 1.65 207 office 1.00 14.0 feet 9 feet 1.10 203 Conference Room 1.00 21,0 feet 9 feet L.24 204 Library 1.50 15.5 feet 9 feet 1. ?0 20E Open Office 1. OO 15.5 feet 9 feet 1.13 205 through 213 Offices 1 .00 15.0 feet 9 feet 1 -L2 2L4 Work Room 1.00 14.0 feet 9 feet 1.10 2L8 Meeting/Banquet Room 2.00 16,3 feet 12 feet 2.L7 219 Meeting,/Banque! Room 2.00 16,3 feet 12 feet 2.L7 22C callery,/Exhibition 2.OO 16.3 feet 12 feet 2.L7 Table 15-1 based on exceptions listed in footnotes 2004w State Nonresidential E Code Com Form D 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Revised May 2005 Northwest Maritime - Resource & Education Bui]'dingsProject Address Date s/29/2007 The following information is necessary to check a lighting permit application for compliance with the lighting requirements in the 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Applicability (yes, no, n.a.) Code Section Component lnformation Required Location on Plans Building Department Notes LIGHTING CONTROLS (Section 1513) 1513.1 Local control/access Schedule with type, indicate locations 1513-2 Area controls Maximum limit per switch 1513.3 Daylight zone control Schedule with type and features, indicate locations vertical glazing lndicate vertical glazing on plans overhead glazing lndicate overhead glazing on plans '1513.4 Display/exhib/special lndicate separate controls 1513.5 Exterior shut-off indicate locationwithand (a) timer wibackup lndicate location (b) photocell.lndicate location 1513.6 lnter. auto shut-off lndicate location 1513.6.1 (a) occup. sensors Schedule with type and locations 1513.6.2 (b) auto. switches Schedule with type and features (back-up, override capability) lndicate size of zone on plans 1513.7 Commissioning lndicate requirements for lighting controls commissioning Lighting Sum. Form Completed and attached. Schedule with fixture types, lamps, ballasts, watts per fixture 1437 Elec motor efficiency MECH-MOT or Equipment Schedule with hp, rpm, efficiency Lightin an hecklist LTG-CHK lf "no" is circled for any question, provide explanation: state Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Lighting Permit Pla hecklist LTG.CHK 2004 n State Nonresidential Ene Code Form 1513.6 Automatac Shut-Off Controls, Interior: Buildings greater than 5,ooo sq. ft. and all school classrooms shall be equipped with separate automatic controls to shut off the lighting during unoccupied hours- Within these buildings, all oifice ireas less than 3oo ft2 enclosed by walls or ceiling- height partitions, and all meeting and conference rooms, and all school classrooms, shall be equipped with occupancy sensors that comply Section 1513.6.1 . For other spaces, automatic controls may be an occupancy sensor, time switch, or other device capable of automatically shutting off lighting. EXGEPTIONS:1. Areas that must be continuously illuminated (e.9., 24-hour convenience stores), or illuminated in a manner requiring manual operation of the lighting.2. Emergency lighting systems.3. Switching for industrial or manufacturing process facilities as may be required for production. 4. Hospitals and laboratory spaces. 5. Areas in which medical or dental tasks are performed are exempt from the occupancy sensor requirement. 15{3.6.{ Occupancy Sensors: Occupancy sensors shall be capable of automatically turning off all the lights in an area, no more than 30 minutes after the area has been vacated. Light fixtures controlled by occupancy sensors shall have a wall- mounted, manual switch capable of turning off lights when the space is occupied. 1513.6.2 Automatic Time Switches: Automatic time switches shall have a minimum 7 day clock and be capable of being set for 7 different day types per week and incorporate an automatic holiday "shut-off' feature, which turns off all loads for at least 24 hours and then resumes normally scheduled operations. Automatic time switches shall also have program back-up capabilities, which prevent the loss of program and time settings for at least 1O hours, if power is interrupted. Automatic time switches shall incorporate an over-ride switching device which: a) is readily accessible;b) is located so that a person using the device can see the lights or the areas controlled by the switch, or so that the area being illuminated is annunciated; andc) is manually operated;d) allows the lighting to remain on for no more than two hours when an over-ride is initiated; ande) controls an area not exceeding 5,ooo square feet or 5 percent of footprint for footprints over l Oo,oOO square feet, whichever is greater. 1513.7 Commissioning Requirements: For lighting controls which include daylight or occupant sensing automatic controls, automatic shut-off controls, occupancy sensors, or automatic time switches, the lighting controls shall be tested to ensure that control devices, components, equipment and systems are calibrated, adjusted and operate in accordance with approved plans and specifications. Sequences of operation shall be functionally tested to ensure they operate in accordance with approved plans and specifications. A complete report of test procedures and results shall be prepared and filed with the owner. Drawing notes shall require commissioning in accordance with this paragraph. Lighting - General Requirements 1513 Lighting Controls. Lighting, including exempt lighting in Section 1 512, shall comply with this section. Where occupancy sensors are cited, they shall have the features listed in Section 1513.6.1 . Where automatic time switches are cited, they shall have the features listed in Section 1513.6.2. 1513.1 Local Control and Accessibility: Each space, enclosed by walls or ceiling-height partitions, shall be provided with lighting controls located within that space. The lighting controls, whether one or more, shall be capable of turning off all lights within the space. The controls shall be readily accessible, at the point of entry/exit, to personnel occupying or using the space. EXCEPTIONS: The following lighting controls may be centralized in remote locations: 1. Lighting conirols for spaces which must be used as a whole. 2. Automatic controls. 3. Controls requiring trained operators. 4. Controls for safety hazards and security. 1513.2 Area Controls: The maximum lighting power that may be controlled from a single switch or automatic control shall not exceed that which is provided by a twenty ampere circuit loaded to not more than eighty percent. A master control may be installed provided the individual switches retain their. capability to function independently. Circuit breakers may not be used as the sole means of switching. EXCEPTIONS: '1. lndustrial or manufacturing process areas, as may be required for production. 2. Areas less than five percent of footprint for footprints over lOO,Ooo square feet. 1513,3 Daylight Zone Control: All daylighted zones, as defined in chapter 2, both under overhead glazing and adjacent to vertical glazing, shall be provided with individual controls, or daylight-or occupant-sensing automatic controls, which control the lights independent of general area lighting. Contiguous daylight zones adjacent to vertical glazing are allowed to be controlled by a single controlling device provided that they do not include zones facing more than two adjacent cardinal orientations (i.e, north, east, south, west). Daylight zones under overhead glazing more than 15 feet from the perimeter shall be controlled separately from daylight zones adjacent to vertical glazing- EXGEPTION: Daylight spaces enclosed by walls or ceiling height partitions and containing 2 or fewer light fixtures are not required to have a separate switch for general area lighting. 1513-4 Disptay, Exhibition, and Specialty Lighting Controls: All display, exhibition, or specialty lighting shall be controlled independently of general area lighting. 1513.5 Automatic Shut-Off Gontrols, Exterior: Exterior lighting not intended tor 24-h'our continuous use shall be automatically switched by timer, photocell, or a combination of timer and photocell. Automatic time switches must also have program back-up capabilities, which prevent the loss of program and time settings for at least 1o hours, if power is interrupted. Li htin Summ LTG-SUM 2004w 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms State Nonresidential Code Com nce Form Revised l\,4ay 2005 Project Description p ruew Buitding ! nooifion I Atteration I elans Included Refer to WSEC Section 1513 for controls and commissioning requirements. Project Info Project Address Northwest Maritime - Resource Building Date 7 /L3/2006 Water Street For Building Department Use Port. Townsend, WA 98368 Applicant Name: The Northwest Maritime center Appli cantAddress: 914 washington street, #3, port Townsend, wA 98368 ApplicantPhone: 36o-3je-262s Compliance Option Q Prescriptive Q Lighting Power Allowance Q Systems Analysis (see Qualification checklist (over). lndicate Prescriptive & LPA spaces clearly on plans.) Alteration Exceptions (check appropriate box - sec. 1 1 32.3) ! No changes are being made to the lighting ! Less than 60% of the fixtures new, installed wattage not increased, & space use not changed Maximum Allowed Wa Location (floor/room no.)Occupancy Description Allowed Watts per ft2 .-Area in ft2 Allowed x Area 10c Retail Space 1 .50 1_91_7.0 2875.5 100,101 Offices L -20 160.0 L92.0 L02 Electrical Room 1.00 55.0 56.0 10:Sprinkler Riser 1.00 64.0 64.O 104 Storage 0. s0 196.0 98 .0 105 Retail Cashi€r 1 .50 144.O 2t6.O 106,10?Offices 1-.20 r_68.0 20L .6 108 Elevator Equip 1.00 104 ,0 L04.0 109 Coffee Shop l_. 65 607.O 100r. . 6 110 Coffee Service 1.65 190.0 3L3.5 ItL,rr2 Restrooms 0.80 551.0 440.8 113 Mechanical Room 1.00 1_40.0 140.0 lL4 Janitor 1.00 153. 0 r_53 . 0 115 Corridor 0.80 348.0 278.4 r-r"6 Livery 1.50 287 0 .0 4305. 0 200 Foyer 0.80 289 -O 231" .2 207 office l_.10 24L .0 265.L 203 Conference Room L.24 170.0 21,O .8 204 Library 1.70 545.0 926.5 205 Open Office 1.13 900.0 1017.0 206 through 273 Offices L.L2 L472.O 1648.6 274 Work Room 1.10 187.0 205 .7 2!2 Data Room 1.00 56.0 s6.0 2L(Janitor 1.00 55. 0 55. 0 2l't Kitchen 1.50 28s.0 427.5 2te Meeting/Banquet Room I 2.L7 1186. 0 2573 .6 21,9 Meeting,/Banguet Room t, 2.L7 1186.0 2573.6 22C callery/Exhibi tion !.llll 1 O ,^^c 2.L7 798.0 L?31.7 22t,222 Restrooms 0.80 478.0 3A2 .4 30c Mechanical Room i 1.00 238 .0 238.0 2004 Wa.shington State Nonresidential Energy Code CompliBnce Form ** From Table 15-1 (over) - d/ 'rent all exceptions on form LTG-LPA / Total Allowed Watts 22982.t ed Lighting Wattage (Interior) Total Proposed Watts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for lnterior Maximum Allowed Notes: l.Usemanufacturer'slistedmaximuminputwattage. Forhard-wiredballastsonly, the default table in the NREC Technical Reference Manual may also be used 2. lnclude exit lights unless less than 5 watts per fixture. 3. List all fixtures. For exempt lighting, not exception and leave Waits/Fixture blank. Total Proposed Watts Watts/ Fixture Watts Proposed Number of FixturesFixture Description Location (floor/room no.) 4 s0 .0 200.0Tlrl)e AC s0.0 1650.033Tlpe ACS 4 100.0 400. 0Tl'I)e APGH 200.0 3600 . 018Ttpe AW 20 300.0 6000 . 0Ttpe Aw2 50.0 400.0ITl.t)e AwD 2'700.o54s0 .0Tlpe AWS 29.O 26L.O9Tl'tr)e FC 58.0229.0Tlpe FCA 29.OTtpe FCR 2790.O3190 .0T!.pe FP 60 .0Tlpe FP1 46 .0Tlpe FPGH 40.0220.oTlrpe FPH 61 .0 9'76.O16Tlpe FS4 366. 0661 .0Ttpe I'SA 31.0Tlpe FSAE 29.O 783.027Ttpe FSG 60. 0320.or}.pe FSGD 29.OTtpe I'SGH 20.oT!.pe FliD 6 29.O ]-'l4.oTlpe FwG 29.OTlpe FIVGR 510.01061 .0Type FWP 34 .0 306.09Tlpe FWS 200.0Tlpe HPGH 115.0Ttpe HPGH2 115. 0TtT)e HSGH 115.0Tlpe HWGH 24.OT].pe UC 2137 4.O Allowed Watts per ft2 or per lf Area in ftz (or lf for perimeter) Allowed Watts x ft2 (or x lf)Location Description o.2wfiI2Covered Parking (standard paint) 0.3 w/ft2Covered Parking (reflective paint) 0.2wfi(Open Parking 0.2wfi(Outdoor Areas 0.25Wfi(Bldg. (by facade)l Wa 2004 Wryl{ngton State Nonresidential En souree building pel )a". Code Com Form 7.5 1. Choose either the facade area or the perimeter method, but not both) Use mtgr Total Allowed Watts listed maximum input watiage. For tixtures with Proposed Lighting Wattage (Exterior) the default table in the NREC Technical Reference Manual may also be used Total Proposed Watts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Exterior Total Proposed Watts 440.O 3300 . 0 3300.0 Location Fixture Description Number of Fixtures Watts/ Fixture Watts Proposed Type HC 6 78.0 468.0 TlT)e HCW 3 ?8.0 234.O TlT)e HWGH 5 11s-0 575.0 TlT)e FSG 4 29 .0 116.0 Tl1)e HPGH2 5 115. 0 575.0 T!?e FWG 3 29 .0 87 .0 205s. 0 Lighting Summary k LTG.SUM 2004 Wash n State Nonresidential Ene Code Com nce Form 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy code Compliance Forms TABLE 15-1 Unit Li Power Allowance P Footnotes for Table 15-1 1) ln cases in which a general use and a specific use are listed, the specific use shall apply. ln cases in which a use is not mentioned specifically, the Unit Power Allowance shall be determined by the building official. This determination shall be based upon the most comparable use specified in the table. See Section 1512for exempt areas. 2) The watts per square foot may be increased, by two percent per foot of ceiling height above twenty feet, unless specifically directed otherwise by subsequent footnotes. 3) Watts per square foot of room may be increased by two percent per foot of ceiling height above twelve feet. 4) For all other spaces, such as seating and common areas, use the Unit Light Power Allowance for assembly. 5) Watts per square foot of room may be increased by two percent per foot of ceiling height above nine feet. 6) See Section 1532 for exterior lighting. 7) For conference rooms and offices less than 1 50ft2 with full height partitions, a Unit Lighting Power Allowan ce of 1 .20 wlI( may be used. 8) For the fire engine room, the Unit Lighting Power Allowance is 1.0 watts per square foot. 9) For indoor sport tournament courts with adjacent spectator seating, the Unit Lighting Power Allowance for the court area is 2.6 watts per square foot. 10) Display window illumination installed within 2 feet of the window, provided that the display window is separated from the retail space by walls or at least three-quarter-height partitions (transparent or opaque). and lighting for free-standing display where the lighting moves with the display are exempt. An additional 1.5 w/ft2 of merchandise display luminaires are exempt provided that they comply with all three of the following: a) located on ceiling-mounted track or directly on or recessed into the ceiling itself (not on the wall). b) adjustable in both the horizontal and vertical axes (vertical axis only is acceptable for fluorescent and other fixtures with two points of track attachment). c) fitted with LED, tungsten halogen, fluorescent, or high iniensity discharge lamps. This additional lighting power is allowed only if the lighting is actually installed. 11) Provided that a floor plan, indicating rack location and height, is submitted, the square footage for a warehouse may be defined, for computing the interior Unit Lighting Power Allowance, as the floor area not covered by racks plus the vertical face area (access side only) of the racks. The height allowance defined in footnote 2 applies only to the floor area not covered by racks. 1 2) Medical and clinical offices include those facilities which, although not providing overnight patient care, do provide medical, dental, or psychological examination and treatment. These spaces include, but are not limited to , laboratories and treatment centers. Revised May 2005 Prescriptive Spaces Occupancy: O Warehouses, storage areas or aircraft storage hangers C Ott't"t Qualification Checklist Note: lf occupancy type is "Other" and fixture answer is checked, the number of fixtures in the space is not limited by Code. Clearly indicate these spaces on plans. lf not qualified, do LPA Calculations. Lighting Fixtures: (Section 1521) E Check if all fixtures are ballasted and at least 95%. of fixtures are either: 1. Fluorescent fixtures which a) are non-lensed. b) have 1 or 2 two lamps c) have 5-60 watt f -1 ,f -2, T-4, T-5, T-6, T-B lamps. d) have hard-wired electronic dimming ballasts. Screw-in compact fluorescent fixtures do not qualify. 2. Metal Halide with a) reflector b) ceramic MH lamps <= 150w c) electronic ballasts . - Exit and LED lights can be excluded from count if < 5 watts/fixture. Use'LPA'(WsfltpA" (W/sflUse 't.02.3 Off ice buildings, office/adm inistraiive areas in facilities of other use types (including but not limited to schools, hospitals, institutions, museums, banks, churches)5'7'r 1 Painting, welding, carpentry, machine shops Police and fire siationso 1.02.0Barber 1.02.0 Atria (atriums)Hotel banqueVconference/exhibition hallJ'" 1.0Assemblv soaces'. auditoriums. qvmnasia". heatersLaboratories1.8 Grouo R-1 common areas 1.01.5Aircraft repair hanqars Process olants 1.0Cafeterias, fast food esiablishments" Restaurants/bars"1.01.5Factories. workshops, handlinq areas 0.81.5 Locker and/or shower facilitiesGas stations, auto repair shopsb 0.51.5 Warehouses ". storaoe areaslnstitutions Aircraft storaqe hanqars 0.41.5Librariesc Retail'u. retail bankinq 1.51.5Nursino homes and hotel/motel quest rooms Section 15321.5 Parkinq qaraqes (see exterior liqhtinq)Wholesale stores (pallet rack shelvinq) 1.4Mall concourses 1.35 Plans Submitted for Gommon Areas Only'Schools buildings (Group E occupancy only) school classrooms, dav care centers 1.21.2 Main floor buildinq lobbies" (except mall concourses)Laundries 0.8Common areas, corridors, toilet facilities and washrooms. elevator lobbies Medical Offices, Clinics"1.2 2004Wa n State Nonresidential State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Power Allowances Code Com Form Revised May 2005 Ad usted Lighting Power All nce Adjustments LTG.LPA Project Address Northwest Maritine - Raaourse Building Date 7 /L3/2oo' Use this form if you are claiming any ceiling height adjustments for your Lighting Power Allowances for interior lighting. The Occupancy Description should agree with the "Use" listed on Code Table 15-1 . ldentify the appropriate Ceiling Height Limit (9 feet, 'l2leet or 20 fee$ on which the adjustment is based. The Adjusted LPA is calculated from this number and from the Allowed Watts per ft2. Carry the Adjusted LPA to the corresponding "Allowed Watts per ft2" location on LTG-SUM. Location (floor/room no.)Occupancy Description Allowed Wafts per ft2 ** Ceiling Height for this room Ceiling Height limit for this exception"" Adjusted LPA Wafts per ft2 109 Coffee Sbop 1.50 14.0 te€t 9 feet 1.65 11C coffee Service 1.50 1{.0 feet 9 feet 1. 55 201 o!fice 1.00 14.0 feet 9 f€et 1. 10 203 Conferance Roo[1, 00 21.0 f6et 9 feet 1.24 204 LJ.brary 1.5 0 15.5 feet 9 feet 1.7 o 205 Open Office 1.00 15.5 feet 9 fe€t 1. 13 206 chrough 213 Of f,i,ceB 1.00 15.0 feet 9 feets L-L2 2L4 Work Roor 1. 00 14.0 f€et 9 feet 1. 10 2lt Meeting/Banquet Roor 2.00 16.3 feet 12 feec 2.L7 2LS Ueeting/Banquet Rool 2.OO L5.3 feet 12 feet 2.L7 22(cal.l€ry/ Exbibi tl,on 2.00 16.3 feet 12 feet 2.L7 ** From Table 15-1 based on exceptions listed in footnotes 2004w 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms State Nonresidential Code Form Revised May 2005 Envelo Summary Climate Zon ENV.SUM Project Info Project Address agt water streer Date 5/25/2OO7 Port Townsend, Washington 98368 For Building Department Use Applicant Name: Adin Dunning ApplicantAddress: 21 cotunbia street, sixth Froor I seattLe, ItA 9gl-o ApplicantPhone: 206/2s4.2027 Project Description E ruu* Building ! nOOition ! Alteration I Chanse of Use Space Heat Type Q Electric resistance @ Al otfrer (see over for definitions) Glazing Area Calculation Note: Below grade walls may be included in the Gross Exterior Wall Area if they are insulated to the level required for opaque walls. Total Glazing Area (rough opening) (vertical & overhd) Electronic version: these values are automatically taken from ENV-UA-1 Gross Exterior divided by Wall Area times 100 equals % Glazing 5431 .0 20639.0 X100= 26.32 Concrete/\ulas off y Option C y"" Ono Check here if using this option and if project meets all requirements for the Concrete/Masonry Option. See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications. Enter requirements for each qualifying assembly below. Compliance Option I Prescriptive I Component performance (See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications) E Systems Analysis metal ming must comply with 2. Refer to Section 1310 for qualifications and requirements Envelope Requirements (enter values as applicable) Fully heated/cooled space Minimum Insulation R-values Roofs Over Attic n/a All Other Roofs R-21 Opaque Wallsl R-21 Below Grade Walls n/a Floors Over Unconditioned Space R-22 Slabs-on-Grade R-10 Radiant Floors R-10 Maximum U-factors Opaque Doors u-0. 60 Vertical Glazing u-0. 65 Overhead Glazing n/a Maximum SHGC (or SC) Vertical/Overhead Glazing 0.650 Opaque Concrete/Masonry Wall Requirements Wall Maximum U-factor is 0.15 (R5.7 continuous ins) CMU block walls with insulated cores comply lf project qualifies for Concrete/Masonry Option, list walls with HC > 9.0 Btu/ft'?.'F below (other walls must meet Opaque Wall requirements). Use descriptions and values from Table 10-9 in the Code. Wall Description (including insulation R-value & position) U-factor Semi-heated space2 M i nimu m I nsu I ation R-values Roofs Over Semi-Heated Spaces2 l"/" Notes: Envelope Summa ack Climate Zo ne ENV.SUM 2004 n State Nonresidential Code Form 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Revised May 2005 Decision Flowchart for Prescriptive Option Use this flowchart to determine if project qualifies for the optional Prescriptive Option. lf not, either the Component Performance or Systems Analysis Options must be used 1302 Space Heat Type: For the purpose of determining building envelope requirements, the following two categories comprise all space heating types: Other: All other space heating systems including gas, solid fuel, oil, and propane space heating systems and those systems listed in the exception lo electric resistance. (continued at right) Yes No Electric Resistance: Space heating systems which use electric resistance elements as the primary heating system including baseboard, radiant, and forced air units where the total electric resistance heat capacity exceeds 1.0 Wft2 of the gross conditioned floor area. Exception: Heat pumps and terminal electric resistance heating in variable air volume distribution systems. YesYesYes No Yes Yes Tota START All lnsulation lnstalled? Electric Resistance Heat? Below Grd Wall (ext) Below Grd Wall (oth) Roof Over Attic All Other Roof Raised Floor Slab-On-Grade Radiant Floor Opaque Door R-10 R-19 R-30 R-21 R-19 R-l0 R-10 u-0.60 All lnsulation lnstalled? Below Grd Wall (ext) Below Grd Wall (oth) Roof Over Attic All Other Roof Raised Floor Slab-On-Grade Radiant Floor Onanrre f)oor Wood R-10 R-19 R-38 R-30 R-30 R-10 R-10 u-0.60 Metal R-10 u-0.062 u-0.031 u-0.034 u-0.029 R-10 R-10 I t-o 60 wood, or Wall Mass Wall Criteria OK? (below)Wall R19 Mass Wall Insulation Req. Mass Wall U0.15/R5.7ci CMU Block lns. Cores Wood Frame R19 Metal Framed R19 Glazing Criteria Met? Glazing Area o/o 0-30% 30-45o/o >45o/o Vert OH UVal UVal SHGC 0.55 0.70 0.45 0.45 0.60 0.40 Not Allowed Glazing Criteria Met? Vert OH UVal UVal SHGC 0.40 0.60 0.40 Not Allowed Glazing Area o/o 0-30% >30 Mass Wall lnsulation Req. Mass Wall U0.15/R5.7ci CMU Block lns. Cores Wood Frame R19 Metal Framed U0.062 Prescriptive Path Allowed Mass Wall Criteria OK? (below) Component Performance Systems Analysis Required or Wall Heat Capacitv (HC)Concrete/\das onry Option* Assembly Description Assy.Tag HC..Area (sf)HC x Area *lf the area ted heat capacity (HC) of the total above grade wall is a minimum of 9.0, the Concrete Masonry Option may be used. **For framed walls, assume HC=1 .0 unless calculations are provided; for all other walls, use Section 1009. Area weighted HC: divide total of (HC x area) by Total Area 2004Wa{' 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms "For CMU walls, indicate core insulation material Tota State Nonresidential E Code ComP'' rce Form Revised May 2005 1) Proposed Total UA shall not exceed Target Total UA. 2) Proposed Total Area shall equal Target Total Area. Envelo UA Calcul NS Climate Zonel ENV-UA Project Address 431 water Street Date s/2s/2OO7 Space Heat Type Q Electric resistance Q rut otfrer For Building Department Use Glazing Area as 7o gross exterior wall area 26.3t Prop.45.0* Max.Target Concrete/lVlasonry Option Cyes O ruo Notes: lf glazing area exceeds maximum allowed in Table, then calculate adjusted areas on back (over). Building Component List components bv assemblv lD & oaoe # Proposed UA U-factor x Area (A)=UA(UxA)U-factor Target UA x Area (A) = UA (U x A) -69 o-!ENb(U>o [J= [J= [J= [J= [J= [= != Plan lD Heritage Bui.lding Plan lD Education Building Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: 2947 .O 2444.0 0 .550 5431.0 2987 .7 Glazing% 0-30% >30-45% Electric Resist. Other Heating 0.40 0.55 see note above 0.45 o) .N (uo !(got o o @(-t.F q) o ['|= l-l= != [J= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: 0. ?00 Glazing % 0-30% >30-45olo Electric Resist. Other Heating 0.6 0.7 see note above 0.6 o o4 -co (J= [J= [J= u= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD:0.700 9, (5X oo6 (J= [J= [J= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: 0.600 Electric Resist. 0.60 Other Heating 0.60 2+9 -toa R= Q= ft= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: 0.036 Electric Resist. 0.031 Other Heating 0.036 F€ =6od fl= ft= ft= Plan lD Heritage Building Plan lD Education Building Plan lD: 8408 .0 4894.O 0.045 13302.0 611. 9 Elechic Resist. 0.034 Other Heating 0.046 a (o =q)f(t (E o ft= ft= ft= ft= R= ft= ft= Plan lD Heritage Building Plan lD Education Building Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: 7505 .0 7?03.0 **Note: sum of Target Areas here should equal Target Opaque Wall Area (see back) 15208 .0 Electric Resist. Other Heating Frame-Wd 0.062 0.062 Frame-Mtl 0.062 0.109 Mass Wall** 0.15 0.15 ++ see mass wall Criteria i3g -=(g(oo= ft= Plan lD: IR= Plan lD: IR= Plan lD: I Note: if insulated to levels required for opaque walls, list above with opaque walls lnt lns Ext lns Electric Resist. 0.062 0.07 Other Heating 0.062 0.07 DLiox>io Tc C Cj Q= ft= R= ft= Plan lD Heritage Building PIan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: 4155 .0 0.056 4155.0 232.7 Electric Resist. 0.029 Other Heating 0.056 I 5 tr! o oEg o) c .! Co ft= ft= ft= ft= Plan lD Heritage Building Plan lD Education Building Plan lD: Plan lD: 2548 .O 4894.0 0 .540 7 442.0 4078.7 Electric Resist. Other Heating F=0.54 F=0.54 (see Table 13-1 for radiant floor values) 45538 . 0 45s38 . 0 7850.3 To comply: Totals Page I of2 Jan Hopfenbeck From: Jan Hopfenbeck Sent: Friday, June 01 ,2007 11:50 AM To: 'Adin Dunning' Gc: Francesca Franklin Subject: RE: PW connections HiAdin, We'll need a reduced site plan. Thanks, Jan From: Adin Dunning [mailto:adunning@MillerHull.com] Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 L1:44 Alvi To: Jan Hopfenbeck Cc: dave@nwmaritime,org; Francesca Franklin Subject: RE: PW connections Hi Jan, Will do. Do you just need the application, or do you need our site reduced to 8.5x11 as described in the checklist? Thanks, -Adin Adi* L. *u.!nin$ The MillerlHull Partnership, LLP Al& ilatisnal Ftrm Arvard ?$*3 71 Columbia - Sixth Floor Seattle, WA 98104 Ph: ?0S.$*3.S{t3? Fx: 206.${t?.$6$2 Direct: 2A8.254-?A77 adunnin g@millerhull.com www. millerhull.com From : Ja n Hopfen beck fma i lto :j hopfen beck@cityof pt. us] Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 11:20 AM To: Adin Dunning Cc: dave@nwmaritime.org; Francesca Franklin Subject: PW connections HiAdin, The utility connections to the building require submittal and issuance of a Minor lmprovement Permit. I am attaching the application and checklist. Once we receive it back from you, I'll route it for review with the civil drawings. Thanks, Jan Jan Hopfenbeck CPE, CBI Plans Examiner/Permit Coordinator City of Port Townsend D evel op m enf Serylces D e p a rtm e nt 61U2007 No ATTACHMENT IIAII. City of Port Townsend ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 43.2|C, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal; reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done; and help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE EACH ANSWER. PROPONENT: Northwest Maritime Center (NWMC), a Washington 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation ADDRESS: P.O. Box 82, Port Townsend, WA 98368 TELEPHONE: 3 60-379-2 629 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE/CONTACT z Dave Rob is on, Executive Director ADDRESS: Same as above TELEPHONE: Same as above INSTRUCTIONS This checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. The questions apply to the entire proposal, including those phased over a period oftime or on separate parcels ofland. Answer each question accurately and completely to avoid unnecessary delays in processing this checklist. If you do not know an answer, write "unknown," or if a question does not apply, write "not applicable." Answers to some questions may require special expertise or technical assistance from qualified persons. The cost of obtaining such information is the responsibility of the proponent. Attach any additional information (reports, studies, maps, illustrations, leases, permits, etc.) that may further describe the proposal or as required by the Planning and Building Department. Contact the Planning and Building Department for assistance in completing the checklist and for information on the procedures for its processing. PROPOSAL AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PROPOSED PROJECT DESCRIPTION (include all factors that will give an accurate understanding of its scope and purpose): The Northwest Maritime Center (NWMC) proposes to construct a 27,000-square-foot multi- purpose maritime cultural and educational facility in the heart of Port Townsend's National Landmark Historic District. The subject property is located at the east end of Water Street (Block 4 of the Original Townsite of Port Townsend). SEPA CHECKLIST NWMC DEVELOPMENT 1 ApPLICATION Facility construction is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2006 with the doors opening in September 2007. Two buildings are proposed: the Maritime Heritage and Resource Center (16,816 squarefeet) and the Maritime Education Building (10,679 square feet). They will offer a variety of maritime heritage and vi.sitor services, including: maritime educational programs, exhibil and display spaces, small boat building and restoration demonstration areas, meeting rooms, catering facilities, a marine chandlery and cofee shop, a boat livery, a maritime resource library, distance learning technologies, and office spacefor member organizations. The Center has been designed around a large outdoor commons area (approximately 20,000 square feet) that will serve as a staging areafor maritime demonstrations and cultural events, as well as enhancing public access to the shoreline. On May 22, 2004, the Center's deep-draft doclcwas fficially opened to the public. This $1.5 million dollar element of the overall project provides easy access to the water and will facilitate a variety of on-the-water activities, and docking opportunities for visiting historic vessels. Priority use of the Maritime Center will be given to the maritime- related educational and cultural activities sponsored by the nonprofit members of the Alliance for Northwest Maritime Education. The estimated capital construction cost.for the totol project is $7 million, with a total proiect cost of S 1 t . t million, which includes property acquisition, site cleanup, dock and facility construction, and project administration. Schematic design and design development (see architectural plans, attached to this checklist) has been completed for thefacility. Itr/e are currently revising the design development drawings to incorporate additional "green design" elements into the facility. Environmental stewardship is a core goal and mission of the Northwest Maritime Center - as is awakening a sense of wonder, connection to and understanding of the Puget Sound and Northwest history. As such, the buildings have been designed to minimize their impact on the environment and tofoster a sense of connection to the character, context, and climate of the Northwest. Many features have been designed into the buitdings to lower operating costs; reduce energy use and water use; improve indoor environmental quality, and make more fficient use of materials and resources. The buildings make use of the natural cycles of sun and wind on the site to passively heat and cool the building when possible. Natural ventilation through operable windows and high monitor windows will provide fresh air and natural cooling in most spaces. Abundant and well-placed windows allow the building to capture heat from the sun during the colder seasons. When additional heating or cooling is needed, the Puget Sound itself will play a vital role. The HVAC system utilizes an innovative woter source heat exchanger installed in the Puget Sound under the existing pier. The near constant temperature of the Puget Sound will provide a dependable source of heating and cool ing for t h e buil d ing. In addition, careful attention was given lo window placement and the design of the overhangs and monitor windows to maximize the opportunities for daylighting the spaces, thus reducing the clemand on electric lighting. The windows are also designed to give visitors inside the building views to the outdoors and the surrounding Puget Sound - providing a constant reminder of location and place. Through these design strategies and technologies, the building's energy use has been greatly reduced compared to a conventional building of this type. In addition, no fossil fuels will be burned on site. The electricity needed to operate the building will come from a combination of on-site renewable energy sources and Puget Sound Energy that supplies energy produced largely by hydroelectric plants. The buildings also create ties to the history and unique resources of the Northwest by using materials that are native to the area and in some cases to the site itself. Stringers salvaged from the original pier on the site cu'e being reused in the ploza. Timbers from the nearby train trestle are being reused in the main deck. Other local, recycled, and low toxic materials are being used throughout the building. Direct stewardship of the site has already begunwith underwater eelgrass restoration and the rebuilding of the dock in a way that minimizes the impact on the aquatic habitat by touching lightly and allotving sunlight to penetrefie down through the decking. This allows the restored eelgrass bed - home and migratory path to important SEPA CHECKLIST NWMC DEVELOPMENT 2 IPPLICATION fish resources including herring, Dungeness crab, and salmon - toflourish. This respect and carefor the Puget Sound carries into the building through the planting of native vegetation and the use of water savingfixtures that conserve precious water resources. True to the mission of education and stewardship, the Center will incorporate educational programming, disptays, and a building management system with public displays that will tell residents and visitors about the sustainable designfeatures, attributes, and performance of the buildings. The Center is also now utilizing the LEED Green Building Rating System to evaluate the already state-ofthe-art green design against national requirements and standards. The LEED Rating System will provide a tool to assist the Center in documenting its sustainable achievements and telling the story of the green design of the buildings. The proposal is a project action under SEPA, Chapter 43.21C RCW. The NWMC recognizes that any additional future project actions that require issuance of a city license or permit and which are not categorically exempt under Chapter 197-I1-800 WAC will require SEPA review and threshold determination. PROPERTY AND AREA DESCRIPTION: Address: The proposal reviewed in this SEPA checklist will affect Block 4, Lots I -8 inclusive, of the Original Townsite of Port Townsend (431 Water Street, Port Townsend, WA 95365). Legal (from property tax statement): Lot: I-8, inclusive Block: 4 Subdivision: Original Townsite of Port Townsend TaxParcel: 989 700401, 402 &403 Section: NW I/4 SI2 Township: 301/ Range: IW, W.M. Tax Number: 1y'll Land Area (dimensions): 1.4 acres, approx. Describe the locationo physical characteristicso and extent ofland area to be affected; include all factors that will give an accurate understanding of the property and its environment: The proposed facitity construction and development activities will apply only to Block 4, inclusive, of the Original Townsite of Port Townsend. The property occupies approximately 1.4 acres on the waterfront along Point Hudson east of downtown. The property is bounded to the southeast by beach and Admiralty Inlet, to the northeast by Jackson Street (gravet) and a marina, to the northwest by Water Street, and to the southwest by Pope Marine Park. The site and surrounding area is relatively flat. SCHEDULE (beginning and ending dates of the proposal, including phases): Construction activities are scheduled to begin in the spring of 2006, with the doors opening in September of 2007. Typical work hours at the site will be between 0700 and 1700 hours, Monday through Friday. On occasion, site work may occur on Saturday, or the work schedule may begin at 0630 or extend to as late as I900 hours to accomplish specific tasks, depending upon weather conditions and progress ofwork. OVERALL PLAN (describe future additions, expansions, or related activities or plans by others that may affect the proposal): Construction of thefacilily represents the culmination of the NWMC's overall plan. Prior phases included structural demolition and sile remediation to facilitate development, and construction of the new deep draft dock. REQUIRED APPROVALS (all local, state, and federal approvals required for the completions of this proposal and if any approvals are pending that are related to the propo sal): The proposed facility construction and development activities will require City DSD and State DOE approval of a Shoreline Substqntial Development Permit under the Port Townsend Shoreline Management Master Program; issuance of an environmentally sensitive areas permit by the City DSD, and issuance of Street and Utility development permits by the City Department of Public Worlc.s. NWMC DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONJ SEPA CHECKLIST ENVIRONMENTAL DATA (any existing or proposed environmental information such as studies or documents related to the proposal): The Cleanup Action Plan (CAP).for the Thomas Oil Site. Port Townsend, Washington (May 17, 2000) prepared by Hart/Crowser, Inc. for the NWMC provides a detailed information regarding the site, including thefollowing: historical land use; proposed land use; hydrologic setting; and groundwater and soil quality. The Remedial Investigation/Feasibiliy Stud)) -for the Thomas Oil Site (May 5, 2000) prepared by Hart Crowser provides a detailed tisting ofthe physical subsurfoce characteristics, the occurrence ofchemicals ofconcern, cleanup objectives, applicable regulations and remedial alternatives development and evaluation. Work Plan Demolition and Remediation Activities -for the Thomas Oil Site (May 21, 2001) prepared by GeoEngineers, Inc., provides detailed specifications and procedures.for the project demolition and remediation activities. Topographic Survqt. prepared by Tillman Engineering (March 13, 2001). ENVIRONMENTAL COMMENTS EARTH l. Check the item that describes the site: flat X rolling hilly steeP sloPes mountainous _ other: Forfurther information, refer to lhe topographic survey of the site prepared by American Land Science, attached to this checklist. This map is included as page 2 within the packet of design development drawings that are attached to this checklist and incorporated herein by this reference. See also, pages IV-4 and IV-5 of the Comprehensive Plan DEIS (1995) The NIItMC aclcnowledges that any future project applications that are not categorically exempt pursuant to Chapter 197-I1-800 WAC, and which require issuance of a City license or permit vvill be subject to review under the City's SEPA Implementing Ordinance (Chapter 19.04 PTMC) and the Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance (Chapter 19.05 PTMC). Such review may result in the imposition of mitigation measures necessary to avoid probable significant adverse environmental impacts. What is the steepest slope on the site? Identify the approximate percent of the slope: 0-I5%. Virtually the entire site is Jlat; however, a modest slope does occur along the bank defining the transition between beach and adjacent upland areas. In general, the terrain ofthe site is agreeable. What general types of soils are found on the site (sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmlandz The U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Serttice Soil Surttey of Jefferson County Area, WA, indicates that the soils within affected area consist principally of Cut and Fill Land (CU) and Coastal Beaches (CO). Prior studies describe the soil as a I to 5 foot thickfill layer of silty, gravelly sand with occasional brick or wood fragments (Hart Crowser, 2000). Underlying the fill layer is gravelly, coarse beach sand with occasional silty layers. Depth to the water table ranges from 3 to I I feet below ground surface depending on location and lidal conditions. Are there surface indications or a history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe them: Cut and Fill Land (CO) is stable under ordinary conditions. However, seismic events of moderate to high magnitude could cause liquefaction of saturated subsoils; virtually the entirety of the Port NWMC DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION ,, 3. 4. 4 SEPA CHECKLIST 6 Townsend Commercial Historic District and areas lying south of Kah Tai Lagoon are characterized by Cut and Fill Land. 5.Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Identify the source of the fill: Minimal grading is necessary to prepare the site for construction; prior demolition and remediation efforts have left a site that closely approximates the anticipated post-construction grade. However, the existing layer of pit run gravel ctnd quarry spalls will be removed prior to foundation work. It is anticipated that less than I 00 cubic yards of soil and gravel will be graded at the site during construction. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe it: The proposed construction and development would not involve any activities on vegetated slopes, although scrub vegetation will be cleared from this mostly flat site during construction. Erosion and sediment control measures will be employed for the duration of the proposed action at the site. All construction activities will occur on portions of the site located landward of the vegetation line and the ordinary high water mark (OHWM). About what percent of the site would be covered with impervious surfaces after construction of the project (that is, asphalt or buildings)? The proposed construction and development activities at the site will not create any additional imperttious surfaces at the site. Nearly the entirety of the upland areas of the site are currently graveled, and therefore, impewiotts. Please note that consistent with state law (i.e., the Growth Management Act of 1990; Chapter 36.70A.110 RCW), the City of Port Townsend is an urban growth area (UGA). By definition, "urban growth" refers to " . . . growth that makes intensive use of land for the location of buildings, structures, and impermeable sudace.s to such a degree as to be incompatible with the primary use ofsuch landfor the production offood, other agricultural products, offiber, or the extraction of mineral resources" (Chapter 36.70A.030(I 5) RCW) The affected area is atrrently designated and zoned C-III, Historic Commercial. This zoning occurs in the historic urban core of town, and permits multistory structures with minimal or no setbacks (see Title I7 PTMC. Theoretically, impewious surfaces could reach or exceed 90% of the building site in the C-III district. Please note that structural development would affect less than approximately I/3 of the site. Describe proposed measures to reduce or control erosion or other impacts to the earth, if any: Temporaty erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures will be implemented and maintained in accordance with the stormwater management requirements of the city's engineering design standards monual and best management practices (BMP|. Erosion and sediment control measures such as straw bales, berms and filter fabric will be used as needed to prevent runofffrom leaving the site during construction activities. Surface water runoffwill be diverted away from excavation areas by appropriate use of berms and swales. Exposed surfaces will be covered as soon as practicable following construction and deve I opm en t octiviti es A,IR What types of emissions to the air, if any, would result from the proposal during construction and when the project is completed (dust, car odors, industrial wood smoke)? Generally describe and give approximate quantities, if known: Dust emissions may occur during initial grading activities, but are likely to be limited as grading will occur during the wet season (spring of 2006), and the soil does not contain significant fines. Prior removal of contaminated soils ond replacement will clean fill material ossures that petroleum-related compounds will not be released during soil excavation. All necessaty precautions will be taken to ctssure that site grading activities do not generatefugitive dust. 10. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odors that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe them: y'y'o. The proposal will not be affected by offsite emissions sources. The Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan DEIS (1995) discusses the types of emissions and odors that will likely be encountered as Port Town.send grows over the coming decades (see pages IV-L2 through IV-I5 and XI-l I SEPA CHECKLIST NWMC DEVELOPMENT 5 APPLICATION ,7 8. 9. 11 12. 13 t4 16. 17. through XI-14). The Port Townsend Paper Company's Pulp Mill, located directly adjacent to the City limits, will likely continue to be a significant contributor of pollutants and strong odors which impact the City during periods of atmospheric inversion and when winds are from the southwest. Moreover, because the affected area lies within the historic urban core of Port Townsend, there is some potential .for nuisance odor complaints. As urban densfficalion increases, more people are likely to be exposed to odors from adiacent uses. Describe proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to the air, if any. Emissions from construction equipment will be limited because the hea',y construction equipment will not be employed for most of the duration of the project. Water will be used as needed to control potential fugitive dust. WATER Surface Water Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site, including year-round or seasonal streams, salt waters, lakes, ponds, and wetlands? If yes, describe the type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into: Ies. The subject site is located at the extreme southeastern corner of Port Townsend where the marine waters of Admiralty Inlet and Port Townsend Bay join. Approximately 220 lineal feet of the subject property abuts Port Townsend Bay, though no portion of the proposed construction will occur below the ordinary high water mark (OHIVM). Will the project require any work over, ino or adjacent to the described waters (within 200 feet)? If yes, describe the work and attach available plans: Ies. The proposed construction activities will occur within the 200-foot shoreline jurisdiction; however, all construction activities will occur within areas landward of the ordinary high water mark (i.e., no over or in water work will occur). The NWMC recognizes that the City requires either a shoreline substantial developmenl permit or a shoreline permit exemption for any nonexempt project-related work occurring within 200 feet of the waters described above. Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed or removed from the surface waters or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Identify the source of the fill material: None. Any future project appliccttion submitted by the NI(MC that involves the removal or placement of dredge or Jill materials would be subject to review and mitigation under the City's Shoreline Master Program, as well as the SEPA Implementing Ordinance (Chapter 19.04 PTMC) and the Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance (Chapter 19.05 PTMC). Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give a general description and identify the purpose and approximate quantities, if known: iy'o. No portion of the proposed construction activity will involve surface water withdrawals or diversions. Does the proposal lie within a 100-year flood plain? If so, note the location on the site plan. Ies. Because the site is located along a marine shoreline, significant portions of the site fall within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act (SMA). Substantial areas of this portion of Port Townsend also lie within the 1}}-yearJloodplain; similarly situated areas include Port properties at Point Hudson and the Lincoln Beach area. It is acknowledged that structures in these areas are subject to hazards associated with the effects of wind and water loading caused by storm surges or tsunamis. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge: No. The proposal will not involve any discharges of wqste materials to surface waters. Ground Water NWMC DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION 15. 6 SEPA CHECKLIST 18. 19. 20 2t 1'.' 23. Check the types of vegetation found on the site: Deciduous tree: alder maple Evergreen tree: fir cedar Shrubs X Grass X Pasture Wet Soil Plants cattail buttercup Will ground water be withdrawn or will water be discharged to ground water? Give a general description and identify the purpose and approximate quantities, if known: No. The proposal yvill be connected to the Port Townsend municipal water supply. No discharges to, or withdrawals from, groundwater will occur. Describe the waste material that would be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (domestic sewage; industrial wastes and chemicals containedl agricultural wastes). Describe the general size of the systeml the number of such systemsl the number of houses to be served, if applicable, or the number of animals or humans the system(s) is expected to serve: The proposed project will be connected to the city's municipal wastewater collection and treatment system, and will not involve any dischorges of waste material into the ground. Moreover, nothing other than domestic sewoge will enter the city's wastewater system. A total of six restrooms and two kitchens will be accommodated within the two structures upon completion (i.e., l2 total toilets; and seventeen sinks). Water Run-Off (including storm water) Describe the source of run-off, including storm water. Describe the method of collection and disposal, if any, including any known quantities. Where will this water flow? Witl this water flow into other waters? If so, describ e it; Presently, runoff from the site is not controlled, and flows directly into adjoining marine waters. However, the site is relatively small (1.4 acres) and the proposed construclion activities will not increase the volume of the runofffrom the site. Surface water will be diverted awayfrom the excavation ctreas by appropriate use of berms and swales into vegetated areas. Consistent with the City's engineering design standards manual and the DOE's stormwater manual, stormwater improvements will be constructed to collect, store and attenuate stormwater discharges into marine waters. Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe how: No. Temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures will be implemented and maintained in accordance with construction permits for the site and best management practices. Erosion and sediment control measLtres such as straw bales, berms and filter fabric will be used as needed to prevent runofffrom leaving the site during construction. The completed project will not result in waste materials entering ground or surface waters. Describe proposed measures to reduce or control surfaceo ground, and run-off water impacts, if any: Please refer to the responses to questions 20 and 21, inf"a. Stormwater and sediment control measures will be implemented as needed to assure that sediment is not tracked off site during construction. Such measures include, but are not limited to, placing crushed rock on site in the truck traffic flow path and cleaning truck tires with air, brooms or water (limited quantities only) before the trucks leave the site. PLANTS aspen pine Crop/Grain bulrush other: other: other: NWMC DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION7 SEPA CHECKLIST skunk cabbage Water Plants: Other: water lily eelgrass X milfoil 24 Other: What kind and amount of vegetation would be removed or altered? The upland portion of the site containsfew landscaped or natural plants. The site has been signfficontly altered by past industrial uses. Construction on the site will not displace any significant plants or grasses. That portion of the uplands lying landward of the OHWM, but waterward of the proposed Maritime Commons portion of the site will be landscaped in native plant species, including the following: lYild Rose; Snowberry; Dune Sedge; Rye Grass; and Showy Fleabane. Areas along the west side of the Maritime Heritage and Resource Building will be landscaped with Pacific Madrone, Blue Oat Grass and Wild Strawberry. The proposol would in no way impact eelgrasses in nearby marine waters. 25.List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site: No lcnown threatened or endangered species are lcnown to be on or neer the site, though marine waters abutting the affected site contain eelgrass beds which are known to provide critical migration and feeding habitat for Puget Sound Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Hood Canal Summer-run Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) (source: City of Port Townsend). No construction activities will occur watertryard of the mean high water mark or the OHWM; thus, the proposal would in no way impact eelgrasses in nearby marine waters 26.Describe the proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Please refer to the response to question 24, infra. The completed project will be landscape largely with native plants; existing on-site vegetation will be enhanced. ANIMALS 27.Check any birds and animals that been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds:hawk X heron X eagle X songbirds X other: Mammals: deer bear elk beaver other: Fish: bass _salmon X trout herring X shellfish X other: The marine wctters abutting the affected site contain eelgrass beds that are known to provide significant habitat for indigenous bird feeding and foraging and critical migration and feeding habitat for Puget Sound Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Hood Canal Summer-run Chum Sqlmon (Oncorhynchus keta) (sources: Jefferson County Signfficant Natural Areas Report prepared by the Admiralty Chapter of the National Audubon Society; City of Port Townsend). However, because no work is proposcd bclow, thc mean high tidc line, the proposed activities v.,ill not affect the eelgrass beds. Rare and endangered species sighted in the vicinity ofthe site also include the northern bald eagle and the peregrine falcon. 28. List any threatened or endangered species to be on or near the site: As noted above, rare and endangered species sighted on or in the vicinity ofthe property include the northern bald eagle and the peregrinefalcon. Species listed on the Audubon Society's Blue List (rare or threatened) that arefound SEPA CHECKLIST NWMC DEVELOPMENT 8 aIPLICATIoN 29 30 32 33 31 along the Port Townsend waterfront include the osprey and the black oystercatcher. No nesting sites for any of the aforementioned species are known to exist on or near the site. Additionally, Puget Sound Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and Hood Canal Summer-run Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) use the eelgrass beds located in the adjoining marine waters as critical migrcrtion and feeding hobitat (source: City of Port Townsend). Is the site part of a migration route? If so, how? The Planning Area lies on the Pacific Flyway. Consequently, numerous waterfowl use the surrounding marine waters as a migratory rest stop, or as a permanent wintering area. Describe proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: No specific measures are proposed, although the introduction of additional native vegetation to oreas between the Maritime Commons and the mean high water line are likely to provide some limited additional areas for wildlift feeding and shelter. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) would be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it would be used for heating, manufacturing, etc.: Energy needs of the completed project will be obtained from connections to existing electric utilities Power is provided to the site by Puget Sound Energy. Would the project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe the affect: The proposal incorporates passive solar energy use. Moreover, the proposed structural design is unlikely to result in demonstrable solar access issues.for ad.ioining properties. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control €nergy impacts, if any: Schematic design and design development (see architectural plans) drawings incorporate numerous "green design" elements into the facility, as more fully described below. Environmental stewardship is a core goal and mission of the Northwest Maritime Center. As such, the buildings have been designed to minimize their impact on the environment and to foster a sense of connection to the character, context, and climate of the Northwest. Many features have been designed into the buildings to lower operating costs; reduce energy use and water use; improve indoor environmental quality, and malce more efficient use of materials and resources. The buildings make use of the natural cycles of sun and wind on the site to passively heat and cool the building when possible. Natural ventilation through operable windows and high monitor windows will provide fresh air and natural cooling in most spaces. Abundant and well-placed windows allow the building to capture heat from the sun during the colder seasons. When additional heating or cooling is needed, the Puget Sound itself will play a vital role. The HVAC system utilizes an innovative water source heat exchanger installed in the Puget Sound under the existing pier. The near constant temperature ofthe Puget Sound will provide a dependable source of heating and coolingfor the building. In addition, careful attention has been given to window placement and the design of the overhangs and monitor windows to maximize the opportunities for daylighting the spaces, thus reducing the demand on electric lighting. The windows are also designed to give visitors inside the building views to the outdoors and the surrounding Pnget Sound - providing a constant reminder of location and place. Through these design strategies and technologies, the building's energy use hos been greatly reduced compared to a conventional building of this type. In addition, no fossil fuels will be burned on site. The electricity needed to operate the building will come from a combination of on-site renewable energ)/ sources and Puget Sound Energy which supplies energy produced largely by hydroelectric plants. NWMC DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION9 SEPA CHECKLIST ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 34 Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe the hazards: No. No environmental health hazerds are posed by the project. Earlier phases ofthe overall project involved the clean-up of contaminated soils. 35.Describe special emergency services that might be required: The need.forfire or EMS emergency services, while a remote possibility, could become possible in the event of a construction-related accident. However, adherence to operating and safety stqndards and procedures for construction work will minimize the risk ofan accident. 36.Describe proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: A site- specific safety plan will be preparedfor use by all workers ot the site during construction octivities. The site will be secured to prevent entry of unauthorized persons. The contractor is required to comply with the safety requirements of all government agencies, including Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and lF/ashington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I),for construction scfety. The Contractor will be responsible for site safety at all times during this project. The Contractor must maintain documentation that their on-site activities meet the health and safety requirements of OSHA and L&1. In sum, implementation of the site-specific safety plan is likely to reduce any potential environmental health hazards to a level ofnonsignificance. The completed project is not expected to place any unforeseen impacts upon city emergency services not already anticipated within the city's 6-year capital facilities plan. NOISE 37 What types of noise exist in the area that may affect your project (traffic, equipmento operations)? Typical vehicle and feny trffic generate most of the noise in the rticinity of the proposed project, but would have no affect on the proposed action. 38.What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (construction, traffic, operation)? Indicate what hours noise would come from this site: Short-term noise will occur from the use of construction equipment during the remedial activities will impact properties in the vicinity of the project. However, construction activities would take place during daylight hours, and no long-term noise impacts are anticipatedfrom the completed project. 39.Describe proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: The operation of construction equipment will be limited betvveen the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, though on occasion, site work mcty occur on Saturday, or the work schedule may begin at 7:00 a.m., or extend to as late as 7:00 p.m. to accomplish specific tasks, depending upon weqther conditions and progress of work. Because no long-term noise impacts would be created by or associated with the proposal, no permanent mitigation measures are proposed. LAND AND SHORELINE USE 40. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site is largely vacant ond undeveloped (tt present. One permanent structure exists on the western edge of the property, which was formerly the home of "Kayak Port Townsend". The NILMC dock, completed in 2004, provides deep-draft mooragefor visiting vessels, and access to the water for a variety of on-the-water activities. Immediately adjacent and across Monroe Street to the west of the property lies the Port Townsend Salmon Club and the Pope Marine Park; diagonally across the Monroe/\|/ater Street intersection to the northwest lies the American Legion Hall; adjacent and to the north of Water Street lies the Swan Hotel and Condominiums and the Landfoll Restaurant; adjacent and to the east lies the Point Hudson Boat Basin; and adjacent and to the south lie the marine waters of Port Townsend Bay. SEPA CHECKLIST NWMC DEVELOPMENT 10 APPLICATION 41. 42. 43. 44. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe the use: No - the site has never been used for agricultural uses. Describe any structures on the site:. On the west side of the block adjacent to Monroe Street is a large metal building on a concrete pad that formerly was the home to "Kayak Port Townsend." Structures that formerly occupied the site were demolished in 2002 as part of the site clean-up and restoration effort. Will any structures be demolished? If so, which structures? Yes. The remaining Kayak Port Townsend, will be demolished. The structure is not considered historic (primary, secondary or contributing), though it lies within the National Landmork Historic District. What is the current comprehensive plan or community development plan designation of the site? Identify the plan: Both the Comprehensive Land Use Land Use Designation and the Zoning District applied to the site are C-III, Historic Commercial. If applicable, what is the current Shoreline Master Program designation of the site? The Port Townsend Shoreline Master Program identifies the affected site as lying wholly within the "Urban" environment designation. It is currently proposedfor inclusion within the "Maritime Heritage Corridor" subdistrict of the "Point Hudson District" of the city's draft SMP, slatedfor adoption before the end of 2005. 46.Has any part of the site been classified as an 'renvironmentally sensitivet' area? If so, specify the part: Yes. Cily ESA maps indicate that the affected block encompasses thefollowing ESAs: Seismic Hazards; Flood Hazards; Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas; Wetlands; and Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Approximately I0- 15 FTE will work at the NWMC when completed; these employees will movefrom their current location at 914 Washington Street, to the location of the new NWMC. 48. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? ly'oire. Describe proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: No impacts are anticipated, so no measures are proposed. Describe proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The proposed action to develop the site is consistent with adopted land use plans. The future redevelopment of the Northwest Maritime Center facility is identified as a priority project in the City of Port Townsend's Comprehensive Plan (1996) and Urban Waterfront Plan (1990). HOUSING Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether the housing is high, middle, or low income: None. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether the housing is high, middle, or low income: No housing units currently exist on the site. Describe proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None ore needed. 45 47 49 50 51. 52. 53. SEPA CHECKLIST NWMC DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION11 AESTHETICS 54 What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas? What is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? The special height overlay district established by the Urban Waterfront Plan and implemented through PTMC 17.28.030 was amended in 2002 to permit structures up to 40'in height on Block 4 of the Original Townsite. The tallest portion of any proposed structural development on the site is the 39 foot tower in the Chandler Maritime Education Building. Thus, the proposed development will fully comply with the design review process and guidelines established under Chapters 17.30 and 17.80 PTMC (i.e., Waterfront Design Guidelines Overlay District; Design Review - National Register Historic District). The proposed NWMC incorporates historic design characteristics (e.g., more steeply gabled roofs with clearstories) that are more evocative of the slructures that existed on the site through the early part of the 21th century (note: in times past, the site was the location for a sawmill). 55.What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Construction of the proposed NWMC could lead to obstruction of views on properties to the north of the site. The design of the proposed development incorporates through block view corridors between structures, as well as relatively nanow roof clearstory elements that would extend between 32' and 38'. h is possible that some of the transient guest accommodations at the Swan Hotel would have views partially obscured by future site development, though such development is clearly anticipated by adopted city code. No other potential view impacts have been identified. 50.Describe proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: Compliance with PTMC Chapters 17.30 and 17.80 PTMC regarding Urban Waterfront Design Guidelines and Historic District Design Review. As noted above, the proposed development incorporates through block conidors to allow retention ofviews and passage qf light and air. LIGHT AND GLARE What type of light or glare would the proposal produce? What time of the day would it mainly occur? The proposalwill not produce significant light or glare. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Na. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? No. Describe proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: No measures are proposed. RECREATION 6t What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? The affected area lies immediately adjacent and to the east of Pope Marine Park, and within easy walking distance along the beach at Point Hudson to Chetzemoka Park. Thefuture NII/MC would itself provide a significant new venuefor waterfront recreation and community events. 62.Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe the displacement: No. 5/. 58. 59. 60. NWMC DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SEPA CHECKLIST t2 63.Describe the proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreational opportunities to tre provided by the project or proponent, if any: Because the proposal would pose no adverse impacts to recreational facilities or opportunities, no measures are proposed. (Jpon completion, the entire sitewill be open to the public, thereby providing enhanced shoreline public access in the historic downtown. HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION 64.Are there any places or objects listed on or proposed for national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe them: Ies. The subject site (Block 4 of the Original Townsite of Port Townsend) lies within the boundaries of the Port Townsend National Register Historic District; however, no historic structures are located on the subject site. The boundaries of the Nationol Landmark Historic District encompass Point Hudson, immediately to the northeast of Block 4. Thewhite clapboard buildings constructed in 1934 were built as part of the depression-era public works projects and were designed to serue as a qu(trantine area for the U.S. Customs operation. The development of the NWMC will result in a maritime educational and resource center that presetves and enhances Port Townsend's connections to its seafaring past and furthers the City's historic preservation goal. 05.Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, cultural, archaeological, or scientific importance known to be on or next to the site: Please refer to the response to question #64, above, regarding historic resources. To date, no general archaeological study ofthe City, or any major portion of it, has been conducted, although 19th century photographs ofthe Cily suggestwhere archaeologically important sites may exist. Wessen and Associcttes conducted an archaeological study of the subject site in July of 1990. Although no archaeological deposits were found, the study concluded thal, "given the paucity of known archaeological materials in the Point Hudson area, even a small remnant deposit would have considerable historical and cultural signfficance." (llessen). (Urban Waterfront Plan DEIS, 1990). Currently, two landmarks in proximity to the site recognize the Indian heritage of Port Townsend: the wooden boat monument at Point Hudson; and the naming of Chetzemoka Park. 66.Describe proposed measures to reduce or control such impacts, if any: No impacts have been identified - consequently, no mitigation measures are proposed. TRANSPORTATION 67 Identify public streets and highways serving the site and describe the proposed access to the existing street system. Show on the site plan. The affected area is bounded on the north by Water Street, the east by Jackson Street, and the west by Monroe Street. It should be noted that vacated portions of lI/ater and Jackson Streets (vacated under Ordinance I 148 ofthe City ofPort Townsend) have attached to Lots I and 2 and 4 of Block 4 by operation of law. 68. Is the site currently served by public transit? If no, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Ies - Jefferson Transit provides service to the Commercial Historic District of Port Townsend, though the site itself is not presently served. The nearest transit stop is locoted at the intersection of Quincy and Water Streets, approximately 500' distant from the sile. The completed project will incorporate provision for transit, and seek to capitalize on the currently underused Haines Street Park- and-Ridefacilily. Thatfacility provides parkingfor 278 vehicles and ten boat trailer and recreational vehicle spctces. The NWMC intencls to employ TDM strategies that incorporate use of the park-and-ride facility. Addilionally, the NI(MC intends to work closely with the City of Port Townsend to coordinatefor special events (e.g., the lilooden Boat Festival), and to coordinate vvith both the City and Port to obtain a SEPA CHECKLIST NWMC DEVELOPMENT 13 APPLICATIoN congressional appropriation for parking, streetscape and circulation improvements within the Commercial Historic District (CHD) 69.How many parking spaces would the completed project have? _How many would the project eliminate? The completed project will include 3 parking spaces on the west side of the site, abutting Monroe Street; nvo of these spaces will be reservedfor handicapped person.e. No clearly delineated or reserved parking spaces would be eliminated. The City of Port Townsend recently amencled its OffStreet Parking and Loading Code (Chapter 17.72 PTMC) to exempt new development, redevelopment and changes of use within the CHD from the requirement to provide offstreet parking spaces. These amendments were undertaken, among other reasons, to encourage infill development and fficient u.se of the remaining vacant palcels within the CHD. To the extent that the requirements of the municipal code serve as the principal means to mitigate the adverse impacts of proposed development, it would appear that the city has concluded that the provision of additionql offstreet parking spaces within the CHD is not a preferred method of conditioning projects to mitigate parking impacts. Finolly, it must be stressed that the site has been designed to provide public access to over 60% of the site; parking on the site is incompatible withfree and open public access; unobstructed public access to the shoreline is a priority objective ofthe NWMC mission. 70.Will the proposal require any nerry roads, streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe them, indicating whether they are public or private: Development of the site will require improvements to Jackson, Iilater and Monroe Streets; detailed paving plans have been submitted as part of the proposed development application. 71.Will the project use water, rail, or air transportation, or occur in the immediate vicinity of these facilities? If so, generally describe the use: The proposed action would not involve water, rail, or air transportationfacilities. However, the new deep draft dock at the NIilMC provides berthingfor historic vessels as well as maritime educational uses. 72.How matry vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur: It is anticipated that the completed project will generate approximately XXX vehicle trips per day. It should be restated that the completed project will incorporate provision for transit, and seek to capitalize on the currently underused Haines Street Park-ctnd-Ridefacilily. That facility provides parkingfor 278 vehicles and ten boat trailer and recreational vehicle spaces. The NWMC intends to employ TDM strategies that incorporate use of the park-and-ridefacility. Addilionally, the N\|/MC intends to work closely with the City of Port Townsend to coordinate for special events (e.g., the Wooden Boat Festival), and to coordinate with both the City and Port to obtain a congressional appropriation for parking, streetscape and circulation improvements within the Commercial Historic District (CHD). Overall, these strategies will decrease the transportation impacts of the proposal to a level of nonsigni/icance. 73.Describe proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Please refer to the responses to questions 68 and 72, infra. PUBLIC SERVICES 74.Would the project result in an increased need for public services (fire protection, police protectiono health care, schools)? If so, generally describe the results; No. The proposal will not result in an need for public services beyond that which is already onticipated within the City's adopted Capital Facilities Plan. 75. Describe proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any: Because no impacts are anticipated, no measures are proposed. Implementation of the Capitctl Facilities & Utililies SEPA CHECKLIST NWMC DEVELOPMENT 14 APPLICATION I Element of the Port Townsend Comprehensive Plan will reduce or control future impacts to public services to a level of nonsignificance. . As noted elsewhere within this checklist, any future project application submitted by the NWMC that is not categorically exempt pursuant to Chapter 197- I I -800 WAC, and which requires issuance of a City license or permit will be subject to review under the Cily's SEPA Implementing Ordinance (Chapter 19.04 PTMC) and the Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance (Chapter 19.05 PTMC). After reviewing such development applications, the City of Port Townsend may determine that mitigation measures are necessary to avoid probable signfficant adverse environmental impacts, including impacts related to public seryices. 76. UTILITIES Check which utilities are currently available at the site: water X electricity X natural gas _ telephone X septic system sanitary sewer X other: refuse service X 77 Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity that might be needed: Tfte proposed project will require connection to the cityts wastewater collection qnd treatment qlstem, as well as municipal water service. Detailed utility plan drawings have been submittetl as part of this development application. Conformance with the City's Engineering Design Standards Manual is acknowledged. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I acknowledge that all information provided in this checklist and all attached material is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand the lead agency is relying on this information to make its decision. In addition, I understand that review under SEPA does not constitute approval of a proposal; compliance with local, state, and federal regulations applicable to the proposal shall constitute approval. (Check with appropriate agencies to determine what approvals are required.) SEPA approval is based on the information I have provided. If found inaccurate, approval could be withdrawn. Authorized Signature: Dave Robison, NWMC Executive Director Date Submitted: June 27,2005 NWMC DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SEPA CHECKLIST 15 Wr-State Nonresidential Code Com Form 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy pliance Forms Relised N/ay2005 Proiect Description E ll"* Buibing E Rouition El Atteration E plans Included Refer to WSEC Section 1513 for controls and commissioning requirements. Project Info PfOjeCtAddfeSS Northwest 1ifaritime - Resource Building Date t2/lt/2006 Watser StreeE For Building Department Use Port Tomsend, WA 98368 Applicant Name: The Norrhwesr Maririme cence! AppliCantAddress: 914 washingron Streer, #3, porr Tomsend, wA 9g36g Applicant Phone:360 -3'.1 9 -2629 Compliance Option O Prescriptive ! Lighting PowerAllowance O SystemsAnalpis (See Qualification Checklist (over). lndicate Prescriptive & LPA spaces clearly on plans.) Alteration Exceptions (check appropriate box - sec. 1 1 32.3) I No changes are being made to the lighting I Less than 60% of the fixtures new, installed wattage not increased, & space use not changed. Maximum Allowed w (Interior) Location (floor/room no.)Occupancy Description Allowed Watts oer ft2 **Area in fF Allowed xArea 100 Retail" Space 1. s0 L91"7.0 287 5 .5 100, 101 Sffices L.20 150.0 L92.0 r02 Electrical Room 1.00 56.0 56.0 103 sprinkler Riser 1. 00 54.0 54.0 r.04 Storage 0.50 196.0 98.0 105 Retail cashier 1. s0 L44.0 2L6 .0 L06 ,707 cffices L.20 L58.0 20L.6 108 Elevator Equip L.00 L04.0 L04.0 109 coff€e shop 1. 6s 507.0 1001.5 110 Coffee Seryice L. 55 l_90.0 3L3.5 LTL,TL2 Resbrooms 0.80 551.0 440.8 113 Mechanical Room 1.00 140.0 140.0 tL4 'tanitor 1.00 153.0 Ls3.0 11s Corridor 0. 80 348.0 278.4 115 Liv€ry 1.50 2870.0 430s.0 200 Foyer 0. 80 289.0 23L.2 207 offlce L. t_0 247. - O 265.L 203 Conference Room t.24 170.0 210.8 204 Library r.7 0 545.0 926.s 205 Open Office 1. 13 900.0 L017.0 205 through 213 Offices t.t2 L47 2 .0 1648.6 2L4 Nork Room 1. 10 187.0 205 .7 2L5 Data Room 1.00 56.0 55.0 2L5 ,fanitor 1.00 55.0 s5.0 2t7 Kitchen 1.50 285 .0 427 -5 2L8 I'leeting,/Banquet Room 2.L7 Lr.86.0 2573.6 2L9 I'leeting,/Baquet Room 2.L7 r.L86.0 257 3 .6 220 6al1ery/Exhibition 2.L7 798.0 L7 31.7 22r,222 Regtroomg 0.80 478.0 382-4 300 llechanical Room 1.00 238.0 238.0 t- 200a Wa-\gton State Nonresidential ** From Table 15-1 (over) - document all exceptions on form LTG-LPA Total Allowed Wafts Notes: 1 . Use manufacturer's listed maximum input waftage. For hard-wired ballasts only, the default table in the NREC Technical Reference Manual may also be used 2. lnclude exit lights unless less than 5 wafts per fixture. Proposed Lighting Wattage (Interior) 3. List all fi><ture-s. For exempt lighting, not exception and leave Watts/Fixture blank. Total Proposed Wafts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for lnterior Total Proposed Wafts Maximum Allowed L 229A2.1 Location (floor/room no.)Fixture Description Number of Fixtures Watts/ Fixture Watts Proposed TlT)e AC 4 50-0 200.0 T!'pe ACS 33 s0.0 L650.0 rt4)e APGII 4 100.0 400. 0 Tl4)e Aw 18 200.0 3600.0 Type AW2 20 300.0 6000.0 rype AvlD 8 50.0 400.0 Type AWS 54 50.0 2700-0 lype FC o 29.0 26L -O D4)e FCA 2 29.0 58.0 f!4)e FCR 29.O TI4)e FP 31_90.0 2790-0 rype FP1 60.0 rype FPGH 46.0 Type FPII 2 20.0 40.0 rype FS4 l_5 61.0 976.0 Tlrl)e FSA 6 51.0 355.0 Type FSAE 31.0 Tf4)e FSG 27 29 -0 783.0 Tl4)e FSGD 3 20 -0 60.0 Tlrpe FSGH 29.O TI4)e EWD 20.0 TlT)e FVIG 6 29 -O t7 4.0 Type FWGR 29.0 Il'pe ETIP l_0 51- 0 610.0 Type FWS 9 34.0 305.0 Type HPGH 200.0 Type HPGH2 L15 .0 Type HSGH 115 .0 Type HWGH 115.0 Type UC 24 .0 2L37 4 .0 Location Description AIIOWEd VVAftS per ff or per lf Area in ff (or lf for perimeter) A[OWed Watts x ff (or x lf) Covered Parking (standard paint)o.2wtf( Covered Parking (reflective paint)0.3 wft2 Open Parking o.2wtff Wa (Exterior) t. 2004Wa - -yton State Nonresidential Code Co Form 1. Choose either the facade area or the perimeter method, but not both)Total Allowed Watts use mlgr lrsteo maxmum rnput wanage. For nnures wm Proposed Ligh Wattage (Exterior)the default table in the NREC Technical Reference Manual may also be used Total Proposed Wafts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Exterior Total Proposed Wafts Outdoor Areas o.2wtr( Bldg. (byfacade)1 o.25Wtf( 3300.0Bldg. (by perim)1 Reaource building perimeEer 7.5Wflt 440.0 3300.0 Location Fixture Description Number of Fixtures Wattsi Fixture Watts Proposed rype HC 6 78.0 458.0 rype HC$I 3 78.0 234.O Type HWGH 5 115. 0 5?5.0 Type FSG 4 29.O 116.0 f1/pe gPcH2 5 115 .0 575.0 Type FWG 3 29.0 87.0 2055.0 2OO4We''State Nonresidential Ene Code Form 2004 Washington State Nonresidenlial Energy Code Compliance For ReVsed lvlay2005 Prescriptive Spaces Occupancy: O Warehouses, storage areas or aircraft storage hangers O Other Qualification Checklist l.lote: lf occupancy type is "Othef' and fixture ansra,rer is checked, the number of fixtures in the space is not limited by Code, Clearly indicate these spaces on plans. lf not qualified, do LPA Calculations. Lighting Fixtures: (Section 1521) E Cne* if all fixtures are ballasted and at least g5%- of fixtures are either: 1 . Fluorescent fixtures which a) are nonJensed. b) have 1 or 2 two lamps c) have 5-60 watt T-1 , T-2,1-4, T-5, T-6, T-B lamps. d) have hard-wired electronic dimming ballasts. Screw-in compact fluorescent fixtures do not qualify. 2. Metal Halide with a) reflector b) ceramic MH lamps <= '150w c) electronic ballasts * - Exit and LED lights can be excluded from count if < 5 watts/fixture. Usel LPA'{Wsfl LPA'lWsflUse' Painting, welding, carpentry, machine shops 2.3 Off ice buildings, offi ce/adm inistrative areas i n facilities of other use types (including but not limited to schools, hospitals, institutions, museums, banks, churches)5'7'11 '1.0 Rnrher shonq hcarrtv qhnnq tn Police and fire sfations'1.0 H otel banoueticonference/exh i bition hal lr'a 2.0 Atria (atriums)1.0 Laboratories 18 Assemblv snaces" arrditorirrms ovmnasia' heaters 10 Aircraft reoair hanoars 15 Grorrn R-1 commrrn arees 10 Cafeterias fast forrl estahlishmants"15 Prncese nlanfq '1 0 Factories workshons handlinoareas 15 Restaurants/bars'1.0 Gas stations, auto repair shops"1.5 Locker and/or shower facilities 0.8 lnstitutions 1.5 Warehousesll. storaoe areas 0.5 Librariest 1.5 Aircraft storaqe hanqars 0.4 Nursino homes and hotel/motel ouest rooms 1.5 Retail" reJail bankino 15 Wholesale stores (nallet rack shelvino\15 Parkinn d2rtdAq lqee extcrior linhtino\Seetion 1532 Mall concorrrses 14 Schools buildings (Group E occupancy only), school classrooms. dav care centers 1.35 Plans Submitted for Common Areas Only' Laundries 1.2 Main floor brrildino lohbies" {excent mall concorrrses)12 Medical Offices, Clinics'2 1.2 Common areas, corridors, toilet facilities and washrmms. elevator lobbies 0.8 TABLE 15-1 Unit PowerAl Footnotes for Table 15-1 1) ln cases in which a general use and a specific use are listed, the specific use shall apply. ln cases in which a use is not mentioned specifically, the Unit Power Allowance shall be determined by the building official. This determination shall be based upon the most comparable use specified in the table. See Section 1512 lor exempt areas. 2) The watts per square foot may be increased, by two percent per foot of ceiling height above twenty feet, unless specifically directed othenvise by subsequent footnotes. 3) Watts per square foot of room may be increased by two percent per foot of ceiling height above twelve feet. 4) For all other spaces, such as seating and common areas, use the Unit Light Power Allowance for assembly. 5) Watts per square foot of room may be increased by two percent per foot of ceiling height above nine feet. 6) See Section 1532 for exterior lighting. 7) For conference rooms and offices less than 150ff with full height partitions, a Unit Lighting Power Allowance of 1.20wlf( may be used. 8) For ttre fire engine room, the Unit Lighting Power Allowance is 1 .0 watts per square foot. 9) For indoor sport tournament courts with adjacent spectator seating, the Unit Lighting Power Allowance for the court area is 2.6 watts per square foot. 10) Display window illumination installed within 2 feet of the window, provided that the display window is separated from the retail space by walls or at least three-quarter-height partitions (transparent or opaque). and lighting for free-standing display where the lighting moves with the display are exempt. An additional 1.5 wlf( of merchandise display luminaires are exempt provided that they comply with all three of the following: a) located on ceiling-mounted track or directly on or recessed into the ceiling itself (not on the wall). b) adjustable in both the horizontal and vertical axes (vertical axis only is acceptable forfluorescent and other fixtures with two points of track attachment). c) fitted with LED, tungsten halogen, fluorescent, or high intensity discharge lamps. This additional lighting power is allowed only if the lighting is actually installed. 11) Provided that a floor plan, indicating rack location and height, is submifted, the square footage for a warehouse may be defined, for computing the interior Unit Lighting Power Allowance, as the floor area not covered by racks plus the vertical face area (access side only) of the racks. The height allowance defined in footnote 2 applies only to the floor area not covered by racks. 12) Medical and clinical offices include those facilities which, although not providing overnight patient care, do provide medical, dental, or psychological examination and treatment. These spaces include, but are not limited to , laboratories and treatrnent centers. 2004 State Nonresidential 2004 Washington State Nonresidential EnergyCode Compliance Forms L Power Allowances (Interior) Code Revised [4ay2005 Ad Project Address lno"ttrr"rt I'laritime - Resource Building Date t2/tL/2006 Use this form if you are claiming any ceiling height adjustments for your Lighting Power Allowances for interior lighting. The Occupancy Description should agree wih the "Use" listed on Code Table 15-1. ldentify the appropriate Ceiling Height Limit (9 feet, 12feetor20feet)onwhichttreadjustmentisbased. TheAdjustedLPAiscalculatedfromthisnumberandfromtheAllowedWatts per d. Carry the Adjusted LPA to he conesponding "Allowed Wafts per d" location on LTG-SUM. Localion (floor/room no.)Occupancy Description Allowed Watts perff "- Ceiling Height for his room Ceiling Height limit for this exception** Adjusted LPA Watts per ff 109 coffee shop 1. s0 14.0 feet 9 feet 1,65 l-1c coffee seryice 1.50 1"4.0 feet 9 feet 1. 65 207 Office 1. 00 14.0 feet 9 feet 1. 10 203 Conference Room 1.00 21. 0 feet 9 feet.r.24 204 r,ibrary l-,50 L5.5 feet 9 feeL L.7 0 20t open office 1. 00 15.5 feet 9 feet,1.r.3 205 through 213 offices 1.00 15,0 feet.9 feet ].]-2 2L4 Work Room r..00 14.0 feet 9 feet l-, 10 2ta Me€ting,/Banquet Room 2.00 15.3 feet 12 f€et 2.t7 2L9 Meeting,/Banquet Room 2.00 16.3 feet l-2 feet 2.L7 220 Ga1 lerylExhibition 2.00 L5.3 feet 12 feet 2.L7 From Table 15-1 based on exceptions listed in footnotes GT N E R A L NO T T S 1. BU | L D | N G CO D E CO N F o R M A N C E BA S E D UP o N TH E 20 0 J |N T E R N A T T 0 N A L BU T L D T N G CO D E (t B C ) W| T H WA STATE AM E N D M E N T S , 2O O 3 IN T E R N A T I O N A L ME C H A N I C A L CO D [ , 2O O J IN T E R N A T I O N A L FI R E CO D E , 2O O 5 UN I F O R M PLUMBING CODE AN D UN I F O R M PL U M B I N G CO D E ST A N D A R D S , 2O O 4 WA ST A T E EN E R G Y CO D E , 2O O J WA ST A T E VE N T I L A T I O N AND INDOOR AI R QU A L I T Y CO D E , WA C 51 . 4 0 WA ST A T E BA R R I E R FR E E FA C I L I T I E S , 19 9 J WA T E R CO N S E R V A T I O N ST A N D A R D S , AND ALL RE I . A T E D W. A . C . CH A N G E S AN D EX C E P T I O N S SE T FO R T H IN OR D I N A N C T NO . 28 6 7 I L -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r i n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g Ph o n e 71 Co l u m b i a 20 6 6 8 2 . 6 8 3 7 Si x t h Fl o o r Fa x se a t t l e , w A 98 1 0 4 20 6 6 8 2 . 5 6 9 2 Ti t le : P ro j ec t n^ t ^ . LJ U I. U . N ot e s : Re v i s e d Re f e r e n c e St a n d a r d No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a q e and Resource Bldq) De c e m b e r 11 20 0 6 Scc Le Not To Scale Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s p o n s e - lt e m #1 HU L L MI L L E R Dr o w ng Re f e r e n c e T1 . 2 Co d e An a l v s i s Sh e e t SKPT.Ol I 4 54 r' r i n z.=o x @ s I c .E g\ o\ I N Si d e Vo t t Gn o . l c Bo n s of Vo t e n Cl o s e t s Re v i s e d AD A De t a i l s - el e v . co n t r o l ht . + qrab bar lenqth No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a q e and Resource Bldg) De c e m b e r 11 , 2 0 0 6 Sco le Not To Scale Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s p o n s e - lt e m s #2 and #3I L -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g Ph o n e 71 C o l u m b i a 20 6 6 8 2 . 6 8 3 7 Si x t h Fl o o r Fa x Se a t t l e , WA 98 1 0 4 20 6 68 2 . 5 6 9 2 Ti t l e : Pr o j e c t Do t e : N ot e s : 12 ' 42 ni n l l HU L L MI L T E R Dr c w i n g Re f e r e n c e 1 an d 41 T 1 . 3 St a n d a r d AD A Details SKPT-02 WA L L TY P E S WA L L TY P E DE S I G N A T I O N SH E A R WA T L DE S I G M T I O N SI U D SI Z E CO M P O S I T I O N No t e : Wo l l Tp e De s i g n o t i o n (t o g de s c r i p t i o n ) sh o w n he r e fo r in f o r m o t i o n on l y . Ih i s ho s no l ch o n g e d fr o m th e or i g i n o l pe r m i t su b m i t t o l . WA L L IY P E N0 I E S (n e w no t e ) : ll . PR 0 v l D E MI N I M U M R- 2 1 lN S U L i A T l O N AT AI L EH E R O R WA t L S . Ii t l e : Pr o j e c t Dc t e : N ot e s : I I L -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g 71 Co l u m b i a Si x t h Fl o o r Ad d i t i o n a l Wa l l Tv p e ln f o r m a t i o n - tv p e N4 and qeneral note No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a g e and Resource Bldg) De c e m b e r 11 20 0 6 Scc le Not To Scale Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s p o n s e - lt e m s ll4 and #9 I- H R ST I A F T W A L L PI , R T I T I O N 6' C- H ME T A L ST U D S e 24 ' 0. C . W/ (r ) LA Y E R l" cY P s u M L| N E R PA N E L S T/ F| R E SA F | N G rN S U r . A T r o N o/ (r ) rs Y E R s/ 8 ' Gw B - TY P E 'x ' N6 S : SA M E AS N6 w/ AD o ' L SH E A R RE Q U I R E M E N T S (R E F ST R U C T ) s{ r f l Fl t s t { sr D E sH A f I Et tv TA T I SI I A F I E @ E ST f I R HA T J . HU L L MI L L E R Se a f t l e , WA 98 1 0 4 Ph o n e 20 6 68 2 . 6 4 3 7 Fa x 20 6 68 2 . 5 6 9 2 Dr c w i n g Re f e r e n c e A7 . 0 Wa l l As s e m b l v Tv o e s SKPT.O3 D PL A Z A PA V E R S RI P - R A P & ER O S I O N PR E V E N T I O N . RE F E R TO SITT DWGS. RA | L | N G IY P E D (B E Y O N D ) RA I L I N G TY P E D Re v i s e d Bo a r d w a l k Se c t i o n at Vi e w i n q Platform - detail reference No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a q e and Resource Bldq) De c e m b e r 11 20 0 6 Scc e:114" = 1'-0" Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s o o n s e - lt e m #5 OP P HA N D 5' - 0 " I ., 1 ' L .' 1 . .. ' t . . .. t .t I L -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g Ph o n e 71 Co l u m b i a 20 6 6 8 2 . 6 8 3 7 Si x t h Fl o o r Fa t < Se a t t l e , WA 98 1 0 4 2A 6 6 A 2 . 5 6 9 2 T: + ^. Iu . P ro j ec t Dc t e : N ot e s : HU L L MI L L E F I Dr c w i n o Re f e r e n c e 31 A 0 . 2 Bo a r d w a l k Pl a n SKPT.O4 Y" , +, T. 0 . R0 0 F \r EL - + 3 7 ' - 0 " ' 1 FO Y E R -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g Ph o n e 71 Co l u m b i a 20 6 68 2 . 6 8 3 7 SD d h Fl o o r Fa x Se a t t l e , WA 98 1 0 4 20 6 6 8 2 . 5 6 9 2 ) SI M . I I @ \ R + )- Ti i l e : Pr o j e c i Dc t e : N ot e s : _l RA M P n FI R S T FL 0 0 R v EL . _ + 0 ' - 0 " -3 Re v i s e d St a i r De t a i l s - st e e l an q l e ri s e r No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a q e and Resource Bldq) De c e m b e r 11 20 0 6 Scc le 1/8" = 1'-0" Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s p o n s e - lt e m #6III MI L L E R HU L L Dr o w i n g Re f e r e n c e 2l A2 . 4 Bu i l d i n o Se c t i o n SKPT-05 OPP. HAND E SP A N N I N G STAIR WINDOW OP E N I N G (B r Y O N D ) Re v i s e d St a i r De t a i l s - st e e l an q l e ri s e r No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a o e and Resource Bldq) De c e m b e r 11 20 0 6 Scc e 114" = 1'-0" Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s p o n s e - lt e m #6 RA I L I N G IY P T B WA L L MO U N T E D -H A N D R - A I L . a SE C O N D FL 0 0 R \t EL . _ + l 5 ' - 0 " RA I L I N G TY P E B w/ HA N D R A T L . A LI V E R Y FL O O R \t T t * = o r = 3 " I I -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g Ph o n e 71 Co l u m b i a 20 6 68 2 . 6 8 3 7 Si x t h Fl o o r Fa x Se a t t l e , WA 98 1 0 4 2O 6 6 a 2 . 5 6 9 2 @ L( )c\I r. o I tr ) I l T: + i ^ . I tU U , P ro j ec t : Dc t e : N ot e s : I RE F E R TO A7 . 1 2 ro R l no o ' r - rr u r o BU I L I - I N BE N C I r\r\ co i- . r\ (c ;@ E (oE HU L L MI L L E R Dr c w i n g Re f e r e n c e 31 A 4 . 2 St a i r Se c t i o n SKPT.O6 \\ OP P I I -@ il <ll J 3 t\@ E $I (o lt l+ J t\@ E 6t 3' - 9 " MM . (T Y P . ) SP A C I N G : 4 RA I L I N G TY P E A v0 HA | \ D R A | L . (T Y P . @ DECK) RA I L I N G TY P E B W/ H A N D R A T L . (T Y P . @ STATR) RA I L I N G TY P E B W/ H A N D R A T L . (T Y P . @ STATR) TH R U BO L T AD J A C E N T TR E A D S AT CE N T E R ST R T N G E R L0 C A T | 0 N S (T Y P . ) CT D A R EN C L O S U R E SC R E E N WA L L WT H EX P O S E D SQ U A R E - H E A D ST A I N L E S S ST E E L FA S T E N E R S , NO T E : NO T SH 0 W N AT HA N D R A I L S FO R CL A R I T Y Re v i s e d St a ir De t a i l s - st e e l an q l e ri s e r No rt h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a q e and Resource Bldq) De c e m b e r 11 20 0 6 Sco le Not To Scale Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s o o n s e - lt e m #6 EX T E R I O R DE C K SL I D I N G GA T E AN D TR A C K TI M B E R BA N D I N G )L I L -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g Ph o n e 71 Co l u m b i a 20 6 6 8 2 . 6 8 3 7 Si x t h Fl o o r Fa x Se a t t l e , WA 98 1 0 4 20 6 68 2 . 5 6 9 2 Ti t l e : Pr o j e c t Dc t e : N oi e s : HU L L MI L L E R Dr o w i n o Re f e r e n c e 6l A 4 . 2 St a i r Se c t i o n SKPT.OT a lr l E o 1' - 0 " T0 F. O . BE A M .Q GA L V . TH R U BO L T AN D WA S H E R ST L AN G L I & KN I F I PL A T T AS S ' Y . FL O O R LI V E L CU T TO P TR E A D AS SH O W N TO MA | N T A | N ;" GA P AT F. 0 ST L AN G L I , & PR O V I D I CL E A R A N C I @ GA L V . TH R U BO L T AS S ' Y (T Y P . ) c\ +> l- < -l r l co +-. \ -. i .) Y =- c\c! NO T C H B. O . ST R I N G I R TY P TI M B E R ST A I R TO P 1- 1 1 2 " = 1' - 0 " Ti i l e ; Pr o j e c t Dc i e : N ot e s : l l I -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g Ph o n e 71 Co l u m b i a 20 6 6 8 2 . 6 8 3 7 Si x t h Fl o o r Fa x Se a t t l e , WA 98 1 0 4 20 6 6 8 2 5 6 9 2 01 23 - J 2 5 DW G Re v i s e d St a i r De t a i l s - st e e l an q l e ri s e r No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a q e and Resource Bldg) De c e m b e r 11 , 2 0 0 6 Scc le 1-112" = 1'-0" Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s p o n s e - lt e m #6 MI L T E R HU L L Dr o w i n g Re f e r e n c e 2l A 7 . 6 St a i r Se c t i o n SKPT.OS NO S '1 * F. O . BE A M TT M B E R ST A I R @ LA N D I N G RI T R O F I T ST A I R NO S I N G . J' ' CO N T I N U O U S KE R F CU T AT T. O . LA N D I N G . TY P . ST A I R TR T A D AN D SU P P O R I , CU I TO N/ A T C H CL I A R A N C T S AS SH O W N , FL O O R LE V T L (: ) t" DI A N / . GA L V TH R U Bo L T S w/ w n s r r n s (T Y P ) AT T A C H TH R U PO S T WH T N PR E S I N T AL I G N KN I F E PL BO L T S W/ T H R U BO L I LO C A T AS SH O W N . (z ) t" DI A M . GA L V TH R U BO L T S W/ W A S H E R S (I Y P ) . AL I G N BO L T S IN KN I F T PL w/ n m Bo L T S TH R U AN G L E AI TO P OF SI R I N G I R S . 01 2 3 - J 2 5 . D W G Re v i s e d St a i r De t a i l s - st e e l an q l e ri s e r No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a q e and Resource Bldq) De c e m b e r 11 20 0 6 Sco le 1-112" = 1'-0" Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s p o n s e - lt e m #6 1' - 0 " T0 ^v c\ Bx 4 x ) " c\ (L L v ) tv (R r r r TO SI R c) 1- 1 1 2 " = 1' - 0 " i l l I -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g Ph o n e 7' l Co l u m b i a 2A 6 6 8 2 . 6 8 3 7 Si x t h Fl o o r Fa x Se a t t l e , WA 98 ' 1 0 4 20 6 6 8 2 . 5 6 9 2 Ti i l e : Pr o l e c t Dc t e : N ot e s : HU L L MI L L E F I Dr c w i n q Re f e r e n c e 3l A 7 . 6 St a i r Se c t i o n SKPT-09 1' - 1 1/ 4 " 11 " 1- 1 1 2 " = 1' , 0 " LI N E OF NI X T TR E A D AB O V I RT T R O F I T CA S T IR O N ST A I R ,, NO S I N G , ry P . AL L IR I A D S . i T I AN G L I BR A C K T T BE L O W J' , AI R S P A C I AT ST R I N G E R I I I I \\ IO N S 2 3f 4" O l t (s r n r n c r n ) TO P VI E W (2 ) )" x 3) " LA G BO L T S (r ) i" * 3) " tA G BO L T S RE T R O F I I CA S T IR O N ST A I R NO S I N G . J, , KE R F CU T [r y s z w FU L L - L E N G I + z) x J x J" ST E E L AN G L T RI S I R , TY P , )" x z" LA G S @ iz " o. c . z) x s x f r " s I L . A N G L r TR T A D SI C T I O N TY P TI M B E R ST A I R TR E A D 01 2 i - 3 2 5 . D W G Re v i s e d St a i r De t a i l s - st e e l an o l e ri s e r No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a q e and Resource Bldq) De c e m b e r 11 20 0 6 Sco e 1-112" = 1'-0" Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s p o n s e - lt e m #6 1/ 2 )I I I L -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g Ph o n e 71 Co l u m b i a 20 6 6 8 2 . 6 8 3 7 Si x t h Fl o o r Fa x Se a t t l e , WA 98 1 0 4 20 6 6 8 2 . 5 6 9 2 Ii t e: Pr o j e c t Dc t e : N ot e s : (+ x t + ) HU L L MI L L E F I Dr o w i n o Re f e r e n c e 4l A 7 . 6 St a i r Se c t i o n SKPT-10 o@ o (+ x t +) 1 1' ' TY P RT T R O F I T ST A I R NO S I N G , ry P I C A L wD ST R T N G T R (B [ Y O N D ) 4X SO L I D WD ST A I R TR I A D w/ ru L L - L E N G T H ST E E T AN G L E RI S E R , TY P . NO T [ : sl E 4/ A ] , 6 FO R AD D ' L IN F O R M A T I O N . (+ x t +) o I -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g Ph o n e 71 Co l u m b i a 20 6 6 8 2 . 6 8 3 7 Si x t h Fl o o r Fa Se a t t l e , WA 98 1 0 4 20 6 6 8 2 . 5 6 9 2 TY P . TI M B E R TR E A D 1- 1 1 2 * = 1' - 0 " 01 23 - J 2 5 D\ , r y G Re v i s e d St a i r De t a i l s - st e e l an q l e ri s e r No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a s e and Resource Bldg) De c e m b e r 11 20 0 6 Scc e 1-112" = 1'-0" Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s p o n s e - lt e m #6 T: . t ^. t u. Pr o j e c t Dc t e : N oi e s : HU L L MI L L E R Dr o w i n g Re f e r e n c e 7l A 7 . 6 St a i r Se c t i o n SKPT-I 1 oo <- F. 0 . BE A I ' / o@ 11 1 4" T0 RA I L I N G TY P E B, AL I G N BA S E FL U S H WI T H ST A I R ST R I N G I R . Ty p . ST A I R TR I A D . (n r r r n r0 4/A1.6 FOR N0TES) MA I N I A I N ry P I C A L BO A R D W A L K JOIST & FASTENER SP A C I N G AR O U N D ST A I R ST R I N G E R PTNITRATION. RU N BO A R D W A L K CO N T I N U O U S BETWTEN STRINGERS. NOTCH DE C K I N G AS RE Q ' D . I' , DI A M . GA L V . TH R U BO L T AND FLAT WASHER AT STL. KNIFE PL A T E (H T D D E N ) . z8 x 4 x ) " (L L V ) nr r r n ro n/A7.6 FOR BOLT PATTERN. '1 ' - 4 " (T Y P ) 1' - 4 " (T Y P ) 1' - 4 " (T Y P ) ST A I R ST R I N G E R AT BO A R D W A L K 1- 1 1 2 " = 1' - 0 " 01 23-325.DWG Re v i s e d St a i r De t a i l s - st e e l an q l e ri s e r No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a o e and Resource Bldq) De c e m b e r 11 , 2 0 0 6 Sco le Not To Scale Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s p o n s e - lt e m #6)I I l I L -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g Ph o n e 71 Co l u m b i a 20 6 6 8 2 . 6 8 3 7 Si x t h Fl o o r Fa x Se a t t l e , WA 98 1 0 4 2O O 68 2 . 5 6 9 2 Ti t l e : P ro l ec t Do t e : N ot e s : HU L L MI T L E R Dr c w i n g Re f e r e n c e 9/ A 7 . 6 St a i r Se c t i o n SKPT.I2 lr I lr l F. O . Bt A M n 11 1 4' , IO TY P . ST A I R TR E A D . (n r r r n To 4/ A 7 . 6 ) 4 x 14 FL U S H W/ A D J DI C K I N G . J" Ar R sP A C E Bt I W t t N IR E A D AN D DE C K I N G FL O O R LE V I L BE A M SI Z E S VA R Y . Ir t O +E. (J ) E" DI A M . TH R U BO L T S (z ) 8" Dr A t i / . TH R U BO L T S AL I G N BT W N TH R U BO L T S AT AN G L T AI BO T . OT ST R I N G T F z Bx 4 x ) " (i L v ) wn , (n r r r n To ST R U C . ) TY P . TI M B E R ST A I R BO T O 1 2J - J 2 5 . D W G Re v i s e d St a i r De t a i l s - st e e l an q l e ri s e r No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a q e and Resource Bldq) De c e m b e r 11 , 20 0 6 Sco le 1-112" = 1'-0" Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s p o n s e - lt e m #6 @ c\ c!c\ BI A R I N G ,l s 1- 1 1 2 " = 1' - 0 " l I -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g Ph o n e 71 Co l u m b i a 2O 6 6 a 2 . 6 8 3 7 Si x t h Fl o o r Fa x Se a t t l e , WA 98 1 0 4 20 6 6 8 2 . 5 6 9 2 Ti t l e : Pr o j e c t Dc t e : N ot e s : HU L L Mi L L E R Dr c w i n g Re f e r e n c e 12 1 A 7 . 6 St a i r Se c t i o n SKPT.13 T- 1 OP E N WD ST A I R TR E A D ASS'Y. (R E F E R ro 4/ A 7 . 6 FO R TYP. NOTES.) WD ST R I N G E R 4' ' ST L . KN I F E PL A T E , TH R U BOLT CONNECTION IO WD ST R t N G E R . (R E F . ST R U C T U R A L F0R C0NNECTT0N DtTArtS) eR O V T D E ]" nr n s n n c r AT sTL. T0 tivD coNNtcTroNS. 4" l" sr L . BA S r pL A T t . AN C H o R AS REQ'D T0 coNC. BASE. (: ) t" or R t v t . GA L V TH R U BoLTS, w/wnsHrn ASS'v (TyP.) c0 0 R D . TH R U BO L T LO C . W/ LOWEST TREAD SUPPORT. PR O V I D E LA R G E R DI A M . BOLT HOLE @ THIS SUPPORT, & TH R T A D IH R U BO L T TH R U WHOLE ASS'Y. (TH|S LOC.) CO N C R E T E BA S E N ., , ] 1' _ 4" €- i < EQ U A L EQ . ! <v EQ . @@ ! (a x 1 a) t ST A I R ST R I N G E R AT PL A Z A / C O N C SL A B SI M I L A R 1- 1 1 2 " = 1' - 0 " l I I L -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g Ph o n e 71 Co l u m b i a 20 6 6 A 2 . 6 8 3 7 Si x t h Fl o o r Fa x Se a t t l e , WA 98 1 0 4 2O O 68 2 . 5 6 9 2 Ti t l e : Pr o j e c t Do t e : N ot e s : 01 23-325 DWG Re v i s e d St a i r De t a i l s - st e e l an q l e ri s e r No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a q e and Resource Bldq) De c e m b e r 11 , 2 0 0 6 Scc le Not To Scale Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s p o n s e - It e m #6 HU L L IM I T L E R Dr o w i n g Re f e r e n c e 14 1 A 7 . 6 St a i r Se c t i o n SKPT.14 I _l o- F r. , t AL T G N F. 0 . ST U D v F. 0 . 'l ' - ' l 'l " 3' - 0 " J' - 0 " AC C E S S I B L E RE S T R O O M SI G M G E , PE R I. B . C . AL I G N F. O . WA L L co u N T E R W/ LO C K A B L E CA B T N E T BE L o W Ti t l e : Pr o j e c t Dc t e : N ot e s : IB C Si o n a o e Re o u i r e m e n t s -E 1 0 7 . 1 No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a q e and Resource Bldg) De c e m b e r 11 20 0 6 Scc le Not To Scale Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s o o n s e - lt e m #7WALL CENTERED ON COL LINE. -l - I ro a O I -f l+ J 2 =-)o c)o o I 3 .+ I -r . r ) lr l z, -)_J o <- )o o I ?- oi oO^l.JJ C) CE Eo AE,aJ) - e.<rt=-J \*.==E Torn *)l+l *=a a HJq-Z, lL -^U -zO =(,o=+5os t!F-I I I L c\ t I FO CL R . '- g 1/ 2 " 2' - 8 1 L- - __l Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g 71 Co l u m b i a Si x t h Fl o o r Se a t t l e , WA 98 1 0 4 Ar c h i t e c t u r e an d Pl a n n i n g Ph o n e 20 6 68 2 . 6 8 3 7 Fa x 20 6 64 2 . 5 6 9 2 l+ J @ z.I -t = M0 , l \ m 4 2' - 9 " o I r. ' _J _J =lr j v,-C) EQ 2' - 9 " 4 '- 0 " 't Y o M B , l @ 4 (o I z,I F -J o- MI L L E F I HU L L Dr o w i n g Re f e r e n c e 11 A 4 . 4 En l a r q e d Re s t r o o m Plan SKPT-15 l4 l z, _J -J o c)o F o I i- (o I s o I $ AL | G N CL 0F ri l A L L W/ C L 0F WA L L BL W MO U N T E D LA D D E R PR O V I D E BL K AS RE Q ' D . DE 30 " x J ' 1 " AC C E S S I AC C E S S I B L E RE S T R O O M HA T C H TO MT C H . ME Z Z A N I N E . SI G N A G E , PE R I. B . C . IB C Si o n a o e Re o u i r e m e n t s - E1 0 7 . 1 No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r - Ph a s e I (H e r i t a q e and Resource Bldq) De c e m b e r 11 20 0 6 Scc le Not To Scale Pe r m i t Re v i e w Co m m e n t Re s o o n s e - lt e m #7 PR O V I D E OB S T R U C T I O N DE F L E C T I O N DE V I C E AS RE Q ' D AT F. O . BE A M . MA I N T A I N 2' - 7 ' ' CL E A R (< ) I € F. ) I F. )fo (o I h. I 5'- 10" O (^ o I io B' - o t1 2 " _)_l L -Th e Mi l l e r / H u l l Ar c h i t e c t u r e Pa r t n e r s h i p , LL P an d Pl a n n i n g Po l s o n Bu i l d i n g Ph o n e 71 Co l u m b i a 20 6 68 2 . 6 8 3 7 Si x t h Fl o o r Fa \ Se a t t l e , WA 98 1 0 4 20 6 6 8 2 5 6 9 2 Ti t l e : Pr o j e c t Dc t e : N ot e s : \ g' - ' 1 0 " I z, 1 (o I WO M E N CL R . . {' - 0 " - o_ z, o I IM I L I . E R HU L L Dr o w i n g Re f e r e n c e 21 A 4 . 4 En l a r q e d Re s t r o o m Plan SKPT-I6 Page I of2 Jan Hopfenbeck From: Jan Hopfenbeck Sent: Tuesday, May 29,2007 8:30 AM To: 'Adin Dunning' Subject: RE: Plumbing and Mechanical Good morning, Adin I have structural calculations from Quantum but the "E" pages for the framing of the Education Building have been deleted and the reference is scratched out in the lndex. So, I do still have them, but l'll need the Education Building framing detail pages. Have a good week, Jan From: Adin Dunning fmailto:adunning@MillerHull,com] Sent: Friday, May 25,2007 9:30 AM To: Jan Hopfenbeck Subjectr RE: Plumbing and Mechanical Jan, Before I have another set printed, I wanted to check and see if you actually still have the structural calculations we submitted as part of the original submittal? lt had both buildings in it. Thank you, -Adin MillerlHull From : Ja n Hopfen beck fma i lto :j ho pfen beck@cityof pt. us] Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 11:51 AM To: Adin Dunning Cc: Penny Westerfield; Scottie Foster Subject: Plumbing and Mechanical HiAdin, You mentioned submitting NREC forms so perhaps you have your mechanical design decided upon. I am sending the plumbing and mechanical forms so that you have those to submit also. See you then, Jan Jan HopfenbeckCPE, CBI Plans Examiner/Permit Coordinator City of Port Townsend Developmenf Services Depaftme nt 250 Madison Street Suife 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: (360) 379-5086 Fax: (360) 344-4619 ihp pfe n A e c X@c i tV of p t. u s 5/29/2007 Page 1 of1 Jan Hopfenbeck From: Jan Hopfenbeck Sent: Tuesday, May 22,2007 3:03 PM To: 'Adin Dunning' Cc: 'dave@nwmaritime.org' Subject: Martime Center HiAdin, I was reviewing the SEPA and Shoreline permit conditions and wanted to make sure that these items would be accompanying the construction drawings:- A final TESC plan. ln July 2006, DOE's new Stormwater Management Manual for Western WA became effective and so you'll want to make sure that your Civil is up to date on those regs and that the final plan is in compliance with those regulations;- A final landscaping plan that shows landscaping along Water Street and between proposed parking spaces and the building;- An exterior lighting plan, including pedestrian walkways, courtyard and any parking lot light poles. All lighting fixtures must be shielded and pointed downward with the illumination intensity kept to the minimum necessary Additionally, if you will provide an estimated value of construct n for the entire project, I can give you an idea of fees at submittal. You have already paid 10,850.00 in plan revi fees for Phase I and, of course, will receive credit for that amount Thanks, See you Tuesday next, Jan Jan Hopfenbeck CPE, CBI Plans Examiner/Permit Coordinator City of Port Townsend Developmenf Servlces Department 250 Madison Street Sulfe 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: (360) 379-5086 Fax: (360) 344-4619 i bppLe n bpp4@qU of pLus i;'l i{F'Y /^lI /r, ,j,,"\/f t'1tp- ,.i '. ,i ,,'It _ I 1... .'Ir,'t' f .\ ,..."': I i,','{ /( 512212007 Cify of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street - Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-s095 FAX (360)344-4619 October 9, 2006 The Miller/Hull Partnership, LLC Architecture & Planning 71 Columbia Street, / Sixth Floor Seattle, WA 98104 ATTN: Adin L. Dunning REF: Northwest Maritime Center - BLD06-140 Dear Adin: The City of Port Townsend Development Services Department has reviewed the construction plans and documents regarding the Heritage & Resource Building for the Northwest Maritime Center here in port Townsend. Listed below are items found during the plan review that need to be addressed. 1. Code Analysis Sheet T1.2 lists the 2003 Washington State Energy Code. The 2004 edition was adopted July 1, 2005. Please revise.2. ADA Sheet T1.3, Car Control Height does not appear to be in compliance with ICC/ANSI A117.1, 2003 edition, Section 407.4.6.t. please revise.3. ADA Sheet 1.3, Accessible Water Closet Stall Details does not indicate the minimum vertical grab bar length per ICC/ANSI A117.1, 2003 edition, Section 604.5.1. Please revise.4. Second Floor Plan Sheet A1.2 (Ventilation Shafts), Wall Sections Sheet A2.9, No. 1 and Third Floor & Lower Roof Plan A1.3 indicate wall type N4, however no wall type N4 is shown on Assembly Types A7.0. Please clarify.5. Boardwalk Plan Sheet A0.2, No. 3 indicates detail 7 on Sheet A7.8; however, there is no detail 7 on that sheet. Please clarify.6. According to ICC/ANSI A117.I,2003 edition, "Open risers shall not be permitted". SheetsA2.4, A4.2 and any other sheet depicting open risers must be revised. 7 ' Indicate compliance with E107 Signage of the 2003 International Building Code.8. I have the submitted NREC Envelope Summary forms, however I did not indicate in our file if the Lighting Summary forms were to be a Deferred Submittal. I do know that the Mechanical will be deferred. Please clarifl7.9. The NREC Envelope Summary forms indicate the type of wall insulation that will be provided, however, the insulation value in not noted on Sheet A7.0 - Assembly Types. please provide. Once we receive the above clarifications and code compliance, we will complete the plan review portion of the building permit. If you have questions, please contact us at 360-379-5087. Examiner A NATIONAL MAIN STREET COMMUNITY WASHINGTON'S HISTORIC VICTORIAN SEAPORT Thomas L. Aumock Consulting Fire Code Official 2303 Hendricks Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 385-3938 Email: taumock@cablespeed.com Fax: (360) 344-4604 TO: FR: DT: RE: CC: PLAN REVIEW MEMORAI\IDUM Ann Hall, Plans Examiner, City of Port Townsend Development Seivices Department Tom Aumock, Consulting Fire Code Official 09 October 2006 BLD06-140, NW Maritime Center Phase I Mike Mingee, Fire Chief, East Jefferson Fire & Rescue I am in receipt ofthe set ofplans for the above-referenced proposal from your office. The above-reference proposal was reviewed by this department with the International Fire Code [LF.C.], 2003 Edition, and Washington State Amendments thereto, and N.F.P.A. Stds. 72. and 13. The following constitutes this plan examiner's findings and determinations based upon the plans of record submitted. It is understood that Jire alarm system, automatic sprinkler system detail plans and specifications are deferred submittals as notedfrom the Project Manual sections referenced below. Findinss & Determinations:1. The proposal was reviewed as a two-story mixed occupancy with a total of 20,233 square feet of fire area with a interior use Group B 14706 s.f.l, A-3 [3701 s.f.], M [4301 s.f.], and S [2856 s.f.] occupancies with Type III-B construction classificationfs] and fire retardant treated wood framed walls; and, 2. Addressing for the proposal shall be consistent with Jefferson County standard for size, and be in a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background [LF.C. Section 505], and; 3. Key box access to or within the subject structure for emergency services delivery is required to be installed at the main entry and at the northeast entry location and shall be a Supra Brand, to contain key(s) to gain necessary access to the structure in its entirety [I.F.C. 506]. The applicant is advised to obtain an application form from the administration office of the Fire Department; and, 4, Road access is provided for this proposal via Monroe and Water Streets is found to be consistent with I.F.C. Section 503 and Appendix D fire apparatus access road design standards; and, 5. Access to building openings is designed consistent with the I.F.C. Section 504 which requires an approved access walkway leading from fire apparatus access road(s) to exterior openings, and; C:\Documents and Settings\annh\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLK2l\BLD06-140 NWMC Phase I (2).doc 1019106 -\) ) 6. An automatic fire suppression system (sprinklers) is required under I.F.C. Section 903, and is understood to be a defened submittal, from Division 15, Section 15300 of the Project Manual. and; ^. The automatic fire sprinkler system shall be designed, installed, and certified by a licensed technician (W.A.C. 212-80) or registered professional engineer using the design provisions of NFPA 13 and related sections, and; b. A complete set of as-built drawings of the system shall be filed for record with the Fire Chief of East Jefferson Fire & Rescue, and on-site in a formal plans box adjacent to the F.A.C.P., and; c. Stairway intermediate landings will require sprinkler protection, as approved by the Fire Code Official during defened plan submittal and field inspection, and; d. Elevator sprinkler protection and valves shall comply with W.A.C .296-96, and; e. The backflow prevention device shall be approved for installation by the City of Port Townsend Department of Public Works prior to installation, and; f. The automatic sprinkler system shall be inter-tied with the automatic fire alarm system; g. A exterior sprinkler bell is required, or electronic equivalent, to be located by and; h. Field verification of the installation for this infrastructure shall be conducted by this office prior to construction for the P.I.V., F.D.C., and on-site fire hydrant, and ; i. All ground work on the fire service underground system is to be conducted by a licensed contractor with a current Level U certification, with credentials submitted with deferred plan submittal, and; j. Additional requirements may be instituted at the deferred plan submittal permit stage, and; 7. An automatic fire detection alarm system is proposed for this occupancy under IFC Section 907 of said Code, and is understood to be a deferred submittal, from Division 16, Section 16721 of the Project Manual. and; ^. The fire alarm system shall be designed, installed, and certified by a licensed alarm technician under the provisions of National Fire Code 72 and related sections, and; b. Detailed system design plans and equipment specifications shall be submitted to the department for layout, zones, and annunciation location review, and; c. Common areas flaundry, restrooms, etc.] shall be provided audio-visual notification devices consistent with the requirements under I.B.C. Chapter 1 1; and, d. Elevator detection shall comply with W.A.C.296-96, and; e. A complete set of as-built drawings of the system shall be filed for record with this department, and on-site in a formal plans box adjacent to the FACP, submitted on a 24 x 36 inch maximum format, and; f. The system is proposed to be monitored by a separate remote agency, as noted from Division 16, Section 16721 of the Project Manual, and; g. Additional requirements may be instituted at the deferred plan submittal permit stage, and; C:\Documents and Settings\anni\Iocal Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLK2l\BLD06-140 NWMC Phase I (2).doc 10/9106 8. Fire extinguisher sizing and placement shall meet or exceed IFC Section 906 and NFPA Standard l0 as noted in Divison 10. Section 10520 of the Project Manual, however, the following additional requirements are made: ^. For the Group S occupancy, a3-A:20-B:C minimum rated fire extinguisher at the primary exit(s) and at intermediate locations not further than fifty feet from the primary exits on each floor; b. For the Group A, B, and M occupancies, a 2-A:10-B:C minimum rated fire extinguisher at the primary exit(s) and at intermediate locations not further than fifty feet from the primary exits on each floor; c. Section 10520, Part 3.4 "Acceptance" shall read "The Citv of Port Townsend and Owner approval is given prior to occupancy. Contractor shall request a final inspection from the City of Port Townsend." 9. Fire flow and fire hydrant review for this proposal is derived from the requirements of the City of Port Townsend Engineering Design Standards, Section 903.2 and Appendix B and C of the L F. C., and applying the maximum spacing rules for mixed use, multi-family, and commercial areas as defined by this project: a. Fire flow requirement based upon the, fire area determination including provision a. above, and the proposed construction classification for this proposal fType III-B]: 1) 3,000 gallons per minute sustainable for three [3] hours; 2) installation of automatic fire sprinklers reduces this requirement by fifty percent to a requirement of 1,500 gallons per minute at 20 psi residual, [1,500 is the minimum allowable reduction limit by Code under Appendix 8105.21; b. Four [4] primary fire hydrants are available for this project: 1) Hl at Water and Monroe Streets, single feed : 2,121 gpm @20 psi residual 2) H2 atWater and Madison Streets, dual feed :2,329 gpm @ 20 psi residual 3) Hl8 at Washington and Monroe Sts., dual feed: 1,523 @ 20 psi residual [est.]4) The proposed new fire hydrant on premise on Monroe St. will provide the primary support for the automatic fire sprinkler system through the fire department connection [FDC] for the proposed structure c. The potential of a fifth hydrant exists: H77 at the 200 Blk of Jackson St., single feed : Est. 1220 @ 20 psi residual. d. Thus, the sum of three primary four hydrants totaling some 5,983 gpm a 20 psi residual exceeds the required fire flow for the proposed facility, which would make any "fire flow reduction" a moot point. e. Please note that all stated fire hydrants will be required to be re-tested prior to any sprinkler contractor's use of flow data for modeling. The City will initiate this re-test process immediately with the Department of Pubic Works. f. Lastly, this plans examiner recommends that the City of Port Townsend require that the water main on Water Street be extended eastward to Jackson Street and then northerly to provide a loop to hydrant Hl7. C:V)ocuments and Settings\annh\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLK21\BLD06-140 NWMC Phase I (2).doc 10/9t06 g. The Fire Code Official plan review dated 10 October 2003 for BLD03-207, for the Dock and Pier project included a formal fne department connection [FDC] which has not be installed due to pending improvements in the water main infrastructure noted above. The Fire Code Official had determined that the proposed dock facilities standpipes and dry sprinkler system shall be served by a stand alone [off-building] fire department connection, at a specific location on the northeast corner of the property. All loeating of said assemblies shall be determined in the field by the Fire Chief. and the Fire Code Official. For the proposed pier's dry standpipe system FDC, the shore-end supply port shall be equipped with a single 4-inch Storz Brand fire department inlet connection to a 45-degree transition to the vertical piping which proceeds to the pier standpipe assemblies via a four [a] inch minimum underground pipe that will make connection at the pier entrance, and fitted with an isolation valve and standpipe, consistent with CiW of Port Townsend Engineering Desigl Standards. h. It is the administrative determination that existing fire hydrants are sufficient for fire flow, and that the provision of a new fire hydrant on premise on Monroe St. Is required for the support for the automatic fire sprinkler system through the fire department connection [FDC]for the proposed structure, and; 10. This proposal contains a provision for commercial kitchen appliances in room 217 "Kitchen". NFPA 96 and I.F.C. Section 610 requires that a UL 300 approved fire suppression system (i.e. sprinklers) be provided for the protection of commercial-type food heat-processing equipment and dishwasherfs] hoods that exceed code sizing thresholds: a. Said system shall be designed and installed to Underwriter's Lab Specification 300 including NFPA 96 and related specifications for wall, ceiling and duct protection, including the requirements of the International Mechanical Code b. Sprinkler protection shall also be provided for the enclosed plenum space within the hood above the filters and exhaust ducts serving Type I hoods. c. Plans (plan view, front elevation, section, with full dimensioning and labeling) shall be submitted for the installation of commercial kitchen hoods and appliances, including wall/ceiling protection, spacing, exhaust shaft construction, grease removal devices, ducting, and vent termination above the roof, and; d. The permit submittals shall include return-air calculations, specifications, and exhaust diagrams, and; e. A plans examiner must approve said plans prior to installation, and inspect the installation for conformance, including witnessing of the installer's testing of the protection system, and; f. All hoods shall be designed and installed to manufacturer's listing, and non-listed hoods shall be designed to the requirements of Uniform Mechanical Code Section 508.6, and; g. A "K-Class" wet chemical fire extinguisher is required for the kitchen facility. Should the class fire extinguisher not contain a "B" class rating, and; h. An additional40-B:C dry-chemical type fire extinguisher shall be provided within the kitchen area for electrical-based fire protection, and; C:\Documents and Settings\annh\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLK2l\BLD06-140 NWMC Phase I (2).doc 10/9/06 11. Division 11, Section 11400 Part 2, Subpart F "Dishwashing Machine" of the_PrpjpS!_X4q4U4l is described as a "high temperature" model that will produce steam-laden vapors. The subject appliance may require a formal exhaust hood. There is an NFPA hood-size threshold when automatic sprinkler system protection is required. 12. During construction, the proposal is subject to general precautions against fire provisions of Chapter 3 of the I.F.C. and related sections, including Division 1, Section 01505 "Construction Waste Management" requirements of the Project Manual. Any other applicable or relevant sections of said Code not covered herein shall nonetheless apply to this proposal. 4.0 hours time was consumed in the review of this proposal. It is the adminishative recommendation of this consulting fire code official, that the proposal be approved subject to the aforesaid requirements of the International Fire Code and NFPA standards C:\Documents and Settings\annh\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK21\BLD06-140 NWMC Phase I (2).doc 10/9/06 ) TE,CHNICAL MEMORANDUM heffron Northwest Maritime Center Transportation Demand Management Program Project: Subject: Date: Author:I,s\/ September 14,2006 Laura Van Dyke, P,E,, P.T.O,E As a condition of the Northwest Maritime Center's (NWMC) SEPA approval, a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program has been prepared to address vehicle trips and parking generated by the NWMC. This technical memorandum provides a description of the project, summarizes trip generation information previously described in Northwest Maritime Center - PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Estimate (Heffron Transportation, Inc,, December 22,2}}5),provides additional trip generation and parking estimates for special events, and describes the proposed elements in the TDM program. 1. Project Summary The NWMC is proposed to be located at the northern end of historic Port Townsend. It would include two buildings (the Heritage and Resource Building, and the Education Building). NWMC would offer hands-on educational programs, boatbuilding demonstrations, on-the-water activities, a retail/gift store and conference/reception space, The project includes paving and striping 15 on-street angle parking spaces on Water Street and one parking space within the Monroe Street right-of-way. At full-build-out, there could be up to 30 employees and volunteers at the NWMC facilities. On an average day, there would be many different groups on site including employees, visitors to the NWMC, customers of the retail/coffee shop and boat rental, school children attending a maritime leaming experience, and boat builders working on their boats. On a special event day, there could also be a conference, a community meeting, or a wedding reception. The meeting rooms have a maximum capacity of 165 people. 2. Trip Generation and Peak Parking Demand Average Day As described inthe Northwest Maritime Center - PM Peak Hour Trip Generqtion Estimate,the NWMC is anticipated to generate approximately 18 new vehicle trips during the PM peak hour. These include trips made by employees, visitors, and customers. NWMC employees, visitors, and customers driving vehicles to the site would also generate parking demand. The NWMC's peak parking demand on an average day is expected to occur in the early afternoon when most employees are on site, and when visitors and customer demand would be highest. Based on information included in Northwest Maritime Center - PM Peak Hour Trip trans {:rtat on,nc 6544 NE 61st Skeet, Seattle, WA 98115 Phone: (206) 523.3939 Fax: (206) 523-4949 Northwest Maritime Center Transpoftation Demand Management Program Generation Estimate, the peak parking demand would include up to 30 employee vehicles (worst-case assuming all drive themselves to work), and five (5) visitor vehicles (assumes visitors would stay an average of two hours). It is estimated that there could be approximately 100 customers per day at the NWMC store (in addition to customers that are NWMC employees and visitors). Over an 8-hour day, assuming each customer would stay on site for less than an hour and 25Yo of the customers would drive to the site (most would be walk-in customers), there would be approximately three (3) customer vehicles at the site at any one time. Therefore, the NWMC's peak parking demand is expected to be approximately 38 vehicles - 30 employee vehicles and 8 visitor/customer vehicles. One of the measures in the proposed TDM plan is to have all employees park in an off-site parking lot each day adjacent to the Cupola House in Point Hudson-the "back-forfy" property. This area is leased to the Northwest Maritime Center and would be maintained for parking and boat storage. Other measures that are incorporated into the facility design are significant streetscape improvements to enhance the parking and pedestrian access on the south side of Water Street. Currently, this area is unimproved gravel, with no identified parking spaces, curbs or sidewalks. A majority of the Water Street right-of-way has been vacated to the property owner. Nine new parking spaces would be improved and dedicated back to the city, and the right-of-way area at Jackson and Water Street would also be dedicated to the city for pedestrian shoreline public access. These measures would reduce the NWMC's on-street peak parking demand to eight (8) vehicles. According to the Downtown Parking Management Plan - Port Townsend Washingtoz (Kittelson & Associates, January 2004), there are areas with available on-street parking on Water Street and Jackson Street on weekdays and on Jackson Street on Saturdays during the summer, Therefore, it is anticipated that the NWMC would not generate a significant number of parked vehicles that would adversely impact on-street parking in the eastern area of Port Townsend's historic downtown. An average day could also include a bus traveling to and from the site to drop offand pick up school children attending a maritime learning experience at NWMC. The bus driver would unload and load students at the Salmon Club property located across the Monroe Street right-of-way from NWMC. School buses would only be allowed to stage at the Salmon Club for drop off and pick up and would travel to and park at either the Jefferson Transit Park and Ride facility or the Point Hudson "back- forfy" property for the duration of the students' visit to the NWMC. Special Event Days Special events are not anticipated to adversely impact PM peak hour traffic flow in Port Townsend since most special events are expected to occur in the evenings and on weekends. One measure in the proposed TDM program suggests using scheduling to minimize impacts to the peak direction, peak hour traffic flow. Special events could occur in the peak summer season or in the off-peak shoulder season. A special event day during the summer season could include a wedding reception or a conference. According to information provided by the architect, the maximum number of attendees that could be accommodated at the NWMC would be 165. People tend to aruive in vehicles with more persons per vehicle for weddings compared to conferences. Therefore, it is expected that a conference would generate the highest number ofparked vehicles. A single-day conference is expected to create a larger parking demand at NWMC than a multi-day conference where most attendees would park at or near their hotel in Port Townsend. A worst-case scenario for a single-day conference at NWMC could include all attendees driving themselves to the conference, which would generate 165 parked vehicles. Other events such as weddings are expected to generate a much lower parking demand since attendees are more likely to arrive in groups. irc f i'':rr;r:ffi 2 September 14,2006 Northwest Mariti me Center Transportation Demand Management Program Several measures are proposed in the TDM plan to respond to special events. One measure that could be used is to offer a shuttle between the Jefferson Transit Park and Ride lot and NWMC for capacity events that occur in the summer months, similar to how the shuttle now operates during the Wooden Boat Festival. Another measure could require a wedding party or conference to include an explanation of and directions for the shuttle system in their invitatiorVconference information. The NWMC could also arrange a joint-use agreement or lease with the Port of Port Townsend for their use of the 'back-forfy' at Point Hudson. Smaller wedding receptions and conferences may use available parking at Point Hudson during the summer months. In the off-peak season, on-street parking is less utilized, especially in the evenings. Therefore, available on-street parking in the site vicinity could be used for smaller weddings receptions and conferences in the shoulder season. For larger special events, the same TDM measures described in the preceding paragraph would be employed to reduce any parking and congestion impacts. 3. Transportation Demand Management Program The proposed TDM program for the NWMC includes several measures that are built into the site plan, several operational TDM measures, and a monitoring plan. Built-in Measures Establish one of the paved and striped angle parking spaces adjacent to the site on Water Street as a visitor carpool parking space. The visitor carpool space would be signed for vehicles with three or more persons. This measure also meets the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) requirement for alternative transportation "parking capacity", credit 4.4. Establish two of the paved and striped angle parking spaces adjacent to the site on Water Street as l5-minute parking spaces to maximize shopping turnover in front of the Heritage and Resource Building. This meets one of the recommendations in the Downtown Parking Management Plan - Port Townsend Washington to preserve short- term parking for shoppers in downtown Port Townsend. Provide twenty (20) bicycle parking spaces and two (2) showers (one male, one female) at NWMC. This measure also meets the LEED requirement for alternative transportation "bicycle storage and changing rooms", credit 4.2. Establish the one parking stall within the Monroe Street right-of-way as an electric car parking space/plug-in station with a sign stating "Reserved for Electric Vehicles Only." This measure also meets the LEED requirement for alternative transportation "alternative fuel refueling stations", credit 4.3. Establish a transit stop within 200 feet of the site to serve Jefferson Transit's downtown shuttle and North Beach/Fort worden routes. Adding another bus stop within the downtown would also meet LEED requirement'oenhanced public transportation access" for new development for the rest of the historic district, credit 4.1. a a a a itcff.rt;irW J September 14, 2006 N orlhwe st M ariti m e Ce nte r Transportation Demand Management Program Operational Measures Average Day r In addition to providing showers on site, provide lockers to employees who bike/walVkavak to and from work. Special Event Day a Encourage employees to ride transit to and from work by subsidizing 50Yo of an employee's monthly transit pass. Provide transit trip planning assistance for all employees. This would include providing appropriate transit route and schedule information to each employee. Provide rideshare matching assistance for employees. This would include providing a personalized list of other employees that live near their residence. Provide a ooGuaranteed Ride Home" program for employees. This program would provide a free taxi or rental car ride home, up to six (6) times per year, for employees who rideshare two or more days per week and experience a mid'day emergency, or who have to work unexpected overtime. Produce an access guide for NWMC that describes how to reach the center by alternative transportation modes such as boat, bike, ferry, or transit. This information would also be posted on NWMC's website. When NWMC is fully built-out, provide an electric car to shuttle people to and from remote parking areas, such at Point Hudson back-forty lot, and a water taxi (in summer months for a fee) to Union Wharf, Boat Haven, and Fort Worden. a a a a a a a a Schedule special events to minimize impacts to the peak direction, peak hour traffic flow (southwest-bound on Water Street during the PM peak hour). Provide a shuttle between the Jefferson Transit Park and Ride lot and NWMC for capacity events that occur in the summer months, and require the event sponsor to include an explanation and directions for the shuttle system in their invitation/conference information. Require attendees at smaller receptions and conferences during the summer months, and capacity receptions and conferences in the shoulder season, to park at Point Hudson or the Jefferson Transit Park and Ride Lot. Require that alternative transportation mode information is incorporated into event invitations and publicity. Encourage program participants and event attendees to check in and park at their lodging destination, and then walk to NWMC, if they are staying overnight in Port Townsend. 4?rci'f're":lr September 14,2006 a a Norlhwest Maitime Center Transportation Demand Management Program Ifconcurrent events are scheduled, ensure that they would not exceed a capacity event. Require the appropriate special event TDM measures for each event depending on the season. Develop a long-term plan to encourage visitors, conf,erence goers, and special event attendees to charter a vessel to a special event and dock at the Northwest Maritime Center dock. Monitoring Plan The monitoring plan would consist of surveying employees, visitors, and customers quarterly for the first year (March, June, September, December) and then semi-annually (summer season and shoulder season), to determine how people are arriving at the site. If they drove, it should be determined how many persons were in the vehicle, where they parked, and what times and from what directions they arrived and departed the site. This information would be used to determine if the proposed TDM program is working to reduce peak hour-peak direction vehicle trips and on-street parking demand generated by the NWMC. Based on the results of the monitoring plan, the TDM program could be modified if is not sufficiently reducing vehicle trips or on-street parking demand. LSV/lsv N IY Mqti t ime Cenle r TDM P lan.doc h cf f'::rinffi 5 Septenber 14, 2006 City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street - Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 FAX (360)344-461e TO Tom Aumock FROM DATE: SUBJECT: ffiAnn Hall September 27,2006 NW Maritime Center Here are the construction plans for the Phase I NW Maritime Center building to be located at 431 Water Street. I am just now beginning my plan review and would like to be able to incorporate any comments you may have with any letters that I send out. Thanks so much for your help regarding this plan review. fPy, <-:l ta {,t l:l 1-14:- SHORELTNE SUBSTATITIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (LUp 05-067) STAF'F' REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION PROJECT:Northwest Maritime Center PROPONENT:Northwest Maritime Center 914 Washington Sheet Port Townsend, WA 98368 CONTACT:Dave Robison Executive Director 360.379.2629 REQIIIREMENTS: X_ SEPA Compliance (Speciff): X Historic Design Review X Other (Specifu): JARPA (If necessary) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The permit requests a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit to construct a27,000 square foot multi-purpose maritime cultural and educational facility on Port Townsend Bay. Two buildings are proposed: the maritime heritage and resource center (16,816 square feet) and the Maritime Education Building (10,679 square feet). There will be approximately 100 cubic yards of cut anaTff. Tfre project *ifi U" located landward of the ordinary irigh water mark (OHWM). PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project is located at 43t Water Street between Monroe Street and the Point Hudson Marina within the City of Port Townsend. The site is more fully described as being located within Block 4 of the Original Townsite of Port Townsend, Southwest Quarter, Section l, Township 30 North, Range 1 West in the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington. A: PROPOSEI)OF FACT: The application has been advertised in accordance with WAC 173-27-110, RCW 90.58.140 and the Port Townsend Shoreline Management Master Program Section 6.402. An environmental checklist was submiued as part of the application. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued on January 18, 2006 by the City of Port Townsend and published January 1 8, 2006. The subject property has a zoning and comprehensive plan designation of C-I[, Historic Commercial. The site has one building which will be demolished. I 2. J 5 LUP 05-067 -Northwest Maritime Center Page2 4.Under section 4.40 the Classification table for project categories, this use can be considered a primary use as its function is mainly scientific and educational in nature. The site contains 220 feet of shoreline along Port Townsend Bay, identified as a Shoreline of the Statewide significance in Port Townsend's Shoreline Management Master Program. The subject properly falls within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Master Program for Port Townsend. The shoreline designation is "Urban." It is currently included within the "Maritime Heritage Corridor" subdistrict of the ooPoint Hudson District." Approximately 100 cubic yards of gravel will be graded on site. Proposed construction costs will exceed $2,500. The project will be located landward of the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) but work will be done within 200 feet of the shoreline. The site is located within the 10O-year floodplain. 9. The proposal will require some or all of the following federal, state and local approvals: a) Shoreline Substantial Development Permit - City of Port Townsend b) Historic Design Review c) Fill and Grade Permit- City of Port Townsend d) Demolition Permit e) Building Permit D Hydraulic Project Approval- Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (if necessary) The Shoreline Master Program for Port Townsend sets forth policies, goals and development regulations for shorelines in Port Townsend: 10. Master Plan Section 4.105, Urban designation contains performance standards that apply to this proposal. They are stated as follows: 10-1. Development shall be limited to those uses which can be classified as a water- dependent, water-related or water-enj oyment use. The Northwest Maritime Center is an institution dedicated to "mqritime history, boats, and environmentql stewardship of Puget Sound." It is a non-profit organizationfor education about marine vessels and the marine environment. Thefocility will have both in-w ater and out-of-water activities. l0-2. Provisions to enhance the public's use and enjoyment of the shorelines and waters of the state shall be included with new substantial developments or any change in principle property use to a new conditional use occurring along the shoreline. The site contains a deep-draft dock opened in 2004for public use. In addition, a 20,000 squarefoot outdoor commons area is planned adjacent to the shoreline. The NWMC will 6 7 8. ,, LUP 05-067 - Northwest Maritime rJenter Page 3 also dedicate portions of the property abutting the shoreline to the cityfor a shoreline public access easement. 10-3. Public access provisions shall: a. Be of a permanent nafure and shall be dedicated or otherwise protected, including recorded with the Jefferson County Auditor. b. Consider, in design and availability, measures to protect private property from trespass, vandalism, littering, and the like. c. Be suitably marked to as to inform the public as to the extent, location, and availability of the access. d. Be completed and available for public use at the time of occupancy of the development. The outdoor commons area is an integral part of thefacility design andwill remain open to the public. The shoreline easement will be a permanentfeature of the site allowing public access to the shore. The existing dockwill also serve the public as an access point to the water and will be used to dock watercraft for the center. 10-4. All development shall be setback at least fifteen (15) feet from the ordinary high water mark except those portions of water-dependent uses which require water access or a shoreline location, or as provided in Section 4.106(3). The site plan shows no buildings inside of the OHWM, but there is a connectionfrom the facility and outdoor commons area to the public dock. This connection is neededforfutt access to the public dock. 10-5. Unique natural features in the urban shoreline area, such as bluffs, dunes, and wetland areas, shall be preserved and protected. There are no naturalfeatures landward of the OHWM. This site was previously developed on top of/ill. 10-6. Motor vehicle parking between a new structure and the water is prohibited. Parking shall be located no closer than fifteen feet from the ordinary high water mark or unique natural areas such as bluffs, dunes, or wetland areas. Parking spqces are not located between the proposed buildings and the water. Parking is located along the existing public streets. l0-7. All new or redeveloped parking areas shall provide landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided between streets and the project site and between public access areas and parking areas, except at exits or when a building does not set back from a street. Few new parking spaces are proposedfor this development due to nearby parking availability. Landscaping plans that show adequate landscaping buffers between parking the street will be required. 10-8. No fence, wall, hedge, or barrier greater than forty-two inches in height shall be placed or enlarged nearer to the water than the building setback line. No fence, wall, or similar structure shall be placed waterward of the ordinary high water mark. LUP 05-067 - Northwest Maritime Center Page 4 11 No walls or barriers are proposed adjacent to the shoreline in this proposal. l0-9. No development shall be approved for any new or expanded building or structure of more than thirty-five feet above average grade level that will obstruct the view of a substantial number of residences adjoining the shoreline area. The special height overlay district was amended in 2002 to permit structures up to 40- feet in height on Block 4 of the original townsite. The tower in the Chandler Maritime Education Building is 40-feet in height and is the tallest portion of the proposed development. 10-10. Rtrn-off created by new impervious surfaces shall not increase the rate of flow or decrease the quality of storm water from pre-project conditions. There ore no new impervious surfaces on site due to this development. The site was pr eviously devel ope d and ne arly fully impervious. 10-l l. Urban development should provide for public views to the water. Wherever possible, the waterside of shoreline buildings should include windows, doors, and public areas that enhance enjoyment of the shoreline and prevent an interesting, attractive view of the development from the water. The proposed buildings will have numerous windows and doors to provide access to the outdoor commons space ond the water. 10-12. Developments shall be designed so as not to block, adversely interfere with, or reduce the public's visual and physical access to the water and shorelines of the state. This development is specifically designedfor public use and enjoyment of the waterfront and will enhance the area through a public-oriented use and design. Master Plan Section 4.106, Port Townsend Urban Waterfront Special District The site is located within the Point Hudson Marina District designation of the Port Townsend SMP that contains performance standards that apply to this proposal. They are stated as follows: 1l-1. Development shall be limited to thosb uses which can be classified as a water- dependent, water-related or water-enj oyment use. Non-water-oriented development, while not preferred, may also be authorized as a conditional use provided said development recognizes the public access directive of the Shoreline Management Act and makes provisions for the public's continued and enhanced enjoyment of the shoreline. Such provisions could be the preservation of shoreline views, the establishment of a public access easement across and to the shoreline, enhancement of an adjacent street-end or park, or other consideration commensurate with the degree of impact caused by the development. The proposed use is a maritime-related organization meantfor public education and use of the shoreline andwater. ll-2. New structures or exterior alterations of existing structures located within or immediately adjacent to the Water Street Historic Commercial District shall not detract from the design and architectural integrity of the district. To this end, LUP 05-067 -Northwest Maritime d"nt". Page 5 plans for development shall include exterior elevations with enough design details to be evaluated by appropriate historic preservation agencies. The proposed buildings are designed to Jit into the existing historical character of the area. The buildings have features and utilize materials fitting of a maritime-related use. Design review was done in close coordinationwith Port Townsend staffto assure a similar character with other downtown uses. I l-3. Public access provisions shall include consideration for both physical and visual access to the shoreline. Said provisions shall be coordinated with the Port Townsend Planning and Building Department and planned in conjunction with the Comprehensive Public Access Plan and shall provide a link between the shoreline and upland and/or connect with adjacent access provisions as exists or are planned. This proposal will provide visual access the shoreline through the public commons on the shore side of the buildings as well as physical access to the shoreline through public access easements. The existing dock is also a direct access point to the water. ll-4. The setback for non-water dependent elements of developments within the Port Townsend Urban Waterfront Special District shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from the ordinary high water mark, except for those structures within the Water Street Historic Commercial District where there is no standard minimum setback from the ordinary high water mark. The structures onsite are set back 15 feetfrom the OHWM- 11-5. New or expanded structures are subject to the specific height limits of the special overlay district adopted in the Urban Waterfront Plan and codified in Chapter 17.24 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code (see Appendix E). The tallest portion of the building is 4}-feet in height, the limit allowed by code. l1-6. The redevelopment and revision of existing wharves and piers may be permitted to serve water dependent or water related uses. Water enjoyment uses may be authorized as conditional uses on these structures, provided such uses are integrated elements to an overall redevelopment plan meeting all of the following conditions: a. The redevelopment is to an existing, contributing struoture within the Water Street National Historic District as recognized by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. b. The structure is recognizedby appropriate historic preservation agencies as having local and statewide historic significance. c. The structure has an established history of mixed uses, both water oriented and non-water oriented uses. d. The redevelopment does not exceed the structure's historic, over-water footprint. e. Buildings and other structures located on the wharf or pier are approved by appropriate historic preservation agencies as being compatible and reinforcing of the architectural integrity of the historic district. f. A significant element or component of the developed area is dedicated to water dependent and water-related uses. LUP 05-067 - Northwest Maritime Center Page 6 g. At least one-third of the pile-supported structure including a perimeter walkway is dedicated for public access and enjoyment of the shoreline. All public access provisions shall be completed and available for public use upon completion of the first component of the development. h. The redevelopment will not result in a reduction in the amount of physical public access to and over the water as currently exists. i. The City of Port Townsend shall be aparty to a binding agteement to guarantee that public access and enjoyment provisions are continuously maintained. Not applicable. No wharves or piers reconstruction or development are proposed. l1-7. New development or redevelopment within the Boat Haven Marina District shall be limited to water-dependent or water-related uses. Not applicable. This site is not within the Boat Haven Marine District. l1-8. New development or redevelopment within the Point Hudson Marina District shall be limited to water-oriented uses. Appendix D of the Port Townsend Shoreline Master Program includes a list ofwater- oriented uses. This use is a marine-oriented educationalfacilityfor boat building and mar ine -or iente d cultur al fac ili ty. l1-9. Residential or transient accommodation uses may be permitted as a conditional use, provided that each of the following conditions are met in addition to those criteria set forth in Subsection 4.203. a. Residential and transient accommodation uses shall not occupy any portion of the ground floor of any buildings. Accessory uses, such as lobbies, which provide services or access to residential or transient accommodations are allowed on the ground floor, b. A minimum of frffy percent (50%) of the total grotrnd floor area of all buildings which include any residential or transient uses shall be reserved on a continuous basis for water-oriented uses, except in the Boat Haven Marina and Point Hudson Marina Districts. Not applicable. No residential or transient accommodation is proposed. l1-10. Incentives to protect and encourage pier and wharfs: a. The floor area of any existing pier or wharf which provides water-dependent or publicly oriented recreational uses may be substituted for up to one-half of the required floor area developed on the uplands for water-oriented uses. b. The floor area for any new wharf or pier constructed to serve water-dependent or publicly oriented recreational uses can be substituted for a 1:l replacement of the 50% floor area requirement of providing water- oriented uses on the ground floor, c. Public access shall be provided to piers and wharfs under a &b above unless incompatible commercial operations on the structure preclude it. Not applicable. No development is proposed on a pier or wharf,, 1 1-l l. Uses allowed on piers and wharfs: a. Water-dependent uses or publicly oriented recreational uses shall be allowed on piers and wharfs as a primary use. LUP 05-067 -Northwest Maritime,i"n ",PageT t2 b. Water-related uses which provide necessary support services to water- dependent uses may be allowed on piers and wharfs as a conditional use. c. No uses other than I I (a.) and (b,) above shall be allowed over water except as described in Performance Standard 6 (a-i) above. Not applicable. No development is proposed on o pier or wharf, Master Plan Section 4.30, Shorelines of Statewide Significance. The site contains a shoreline of statewide significance as listed in the Shoreline Master Program. The policies listed under SMP 4.30 help clariff the intent of the shorelines of state-wide significance designation and are more appropriate for the evaluation of this project than the performance standards, therefore the project should be consistent with the following policies: l2-I. Recognize and protect the statewide interest over local interest. The use will be open to the public and may host events that draw visitors from other oreas. It is a regional center for maritime arts and culture, as well as a local attraction. l2-2. Preserve the natural character of the shoreline The shoreline area will remain unchanged. The actual site development will be setback from the shoreline and will not be a'major change from the previous use. l2-3. Result in long term over short term benefit The site development, whether or not it witl contain the use will be a long-term use to the public. The open commons area adjacent to the shoreline will provide a public space for access and enjoyment of the shoreline. The public dotk, already in place will also be long-term benefit for the public. In addition, the specific design elements and " green" building techniques will be a benefit for the local environment. 12-4. Protect the resources and ecology of the shoreline IVhile the shoreline is in an urban setting, preservation workfor the eelgrass beds in the nearshore environment is a part of the overall stewardship goals for preserving the natural ecosystem. l2-5. Increase public access to publicly owned areas of the shorelines The project proponent will dedicate portions of the site for a shoreline access easement for the public to access the shoreline. 12-6. Increase recreational opportunities for the public in shorelines The use will increase public education of marine uses and include activities dedicated to the shoreline environment. l2-7 . Provide for any other elements as defined in RCW 90.58.100 deemed appropriate or necessary. The use and dev;elopment of the site are generally consistent with the city of Port Townsend's Shoreline Master Program. The Northwest Maritime Center is coordinating with applicable city departments to assure compliance with designfeatures appropriate for the shoreline environment. LUP 05-067 -Northwest Maritime Center Page 8 13 Master Plan Section 5.170, Scientific and Educational Facilities. The use can be classified as an educational facility which must meet the following performance standards: l3-1. No development or substantial development shall be undertaken with regard to a site or structure that has probable historical, scientific, or archaeological significance until an evaluation of the site or structure has been made by an authority judged competent in such matters by Jefferson County or the City of Port Townsend. This site had previously been an oil and gas facility, and has undergone extensive clean- up and remediation. For that effort, studies on historical use of the property were examined, with no signfficant historicsl uses uncovered. 13-2. All feasible means shall be employed to ensure that data, structures, and sites having historical, scientific, educational, or archaeological significance are extracted, preserved, or used in a manner commensurate with their importance. Though this site had not been of scientiJic or educational importance, the new use will include marine-oriente d cultural us es. 13-3. The establishment, restoration, or revitalizationof historical, archaeological, scientific, or educational facilities shall be done in such a manner that would cause minimal disturbance to adjacent properties as well as natural features of the shoreline. This proposed development is well-designed to be easily incorporated into the surrounding neighborhood. The use exempliJies a marine-orientedfacility andwill be a compliment to surrounding properties and the shoreline. C: PROPOSED CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed project conforms to the policies set forth in Section 4.105 of the Shoreline Master Program for the City of Port Townsend. 2. The proposal is in compliance with Master Program with the.proposed conditions. Staff Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings and conclusions and the following recommended conditions, staff recommends approval of the Northwest Maritime Center Shoreline Substantial permit, Application LUP 05-067 with the following the conditions: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS The applicant shall submit a landscape plan that shows landscaping along Water Street and between proposed parking spaces and the building. 1 2. All mitigation measures of the SEPA MDNS must be adhered to as set forth below a '. .\ ^\\I LUP 05-067 - Northwest Maritime Center Page 9 4. J EXHIBITS. Exhibit A, Site Plans, Erosion Control plans Exhibit B, Notice of Application, Dated 7/6/05 o Exhibit C, SEPA/NEPA Threshold Determination o Exhibit D SEPA/NEPA Checklist A Hydraulic Project Approval from the State Department of Fish and Wildlife shall be obtained (if necessary) prior to commencement of any construction activities. To minimize construction-related impacts on sunounding roads and properties, the applicant shall schedule a pre-construction and traffic management meeting with the City. This meeting will be required prior to the issuance of any building permits. n {AJ.f",!;'rt I .,fl l'' .j 'ir' ,{,. .d.irdt , I l&1.1\1" ,,1 ii{v ,'" I' f.fn' ii iJ Appeal to the City Council Pursuant to PTMC Chapter 20.0l,Article V, Type III decisions of the Hearing Examiner may be appealed by parties of record to the City Council. Such appeal must be filed with the Building & Community Development (BCD) Department within 14 calendar days after the date of the decision and must contain items required by PTMC 20.10.310.B. A notice of appeal shall be delivered to BCD by mail or personal delivery, and must be received by 4 p.m. on the last business day of the appeal period, together with the required appeal fee. I l.i I' I s z 7 o m cn 4 v m m -{ a a z ah n m m -{ CA T C 1 I MS I N sl L t sr c K , sd a c1 . o l c ' , l . 1 o i- t2 ' f f i F B ra t a !i l { tE - r t € rT ' E R tf r ! E- r +J , _ J . l6 uo z a ^ _ +1 \ h d, -t> PI P E TO Cn r PU M P F} E L D ROI/te c lE { l l Nl O t ft A T E R UN t E- r 3 ls ' l; NL T E R FA B R ] C FE N C E , sE E /i \ c@ ; ' b a 'l bt %% 4r CR I T CI I A U E E R FI E L O LO O \ T E , SA E l G \ @' .?'. ,,sc{l r,t FEt EtET=i=-20020e Sil: l" - 20'd -+-16 lgt $nd S $fto Xn &tnil.tdfuh WOl ft 15 71F$m N 5| 20 ' 02 ' [ 20 ' , 10 0 % De s i g n De v e l o p m e n t - Ju l y 2, 2 0 0 3 No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r (E EX H I B I T A !! iddleton Reid oo t e lr A Y 30 . 20 0 3 Or o w n Cn Ch e c K o d MH L HN X M/ H Pr o j a c l # 01 2 3 Po r t To w n s e n d , Wa s h i n g t o n CITY OF PORT TOWI\SEND NOTICF', OF APPLICATION AND PENDING SEPA THRESHOLD DETERMINATION SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION # LuP05-067 Proposal: Applicant: Northwest Maritime Center Northwest Maritime Center 914 Washington Street Port Townsend, Wd 98368 Contact:Dave Robison Executive Director 360-379-2629 Dates Application: 6127/05 Determined Complete: 7 /01105 Notice of Application: 7106/05 Location: This project is located at 431 Water Street between Monroe Street and the Point Hudson Marina within the City of Port Townsend. The site is more fullydescribed as being located within Block 4 of theOriginalTownsiteof PortTownsend, SouthwestQuarter, Section l, Township30North, Range I West in the City of Port Townsord, Jefferson County, Washington. Description: Shoreline Substantial Developmentpermitapprovaland associated SEPA environmentalreviewto construct a 27,000 square foot multi.purpose maritime cultural and educational facility. Two buildings are proposed: the maritime heritage and resource center (16,816 square feet) and the Maritime Education Building ( 10,679 square feet). A deepdraft dock was opened to the public in May2004.In addition to the dock, a small industrial warehouse (built in 1955) is urrently found on-site. The removal of the warehouse is proposed. Special studies or plans supplied with the application include: an environmental checklist and site and building plans. Additional plans/information may be required prior to rendering a SEPA threshold determination to addriss any identified potential environmental impacts. An open-record public hearing on the Shoreline Substantial Development PermitwillbeheldbeforetheCity'sHearingExaminer. Otherpermits(includingotheragencies)notincludedinthe application, to the extent known by the City may include building permits, a demolitionpermitand Streetand Utility Development permits. Location of Documents Available for Review:City of Port Townsend Development Services Departmat Waterman & Katz Buitding, 181 Quincy Street, Suite 30lA Port Townsend, WA 98368 Contact Richard Sepler, Contract Planner, (360) 3798151 The proposal is subject to environmentalreviewand threshold determinationunder the State EnvironmentalPolicy Act(SEPA). Anypersonhastherighttosubmitcomments,receivenoticeofandparticipateinanyhearings,request a copy of the application, and appeal the decision. The initial comment period expires August 8, 200j. Written comments must be receivedby the Development Services Department no later than 4:00 p-m., same date. A statementof consistencywill be made following review of the application with the goals, policies, and performance standards of the Cify's Shoreline Master Program (SMP), Environmentally Sensitive Areas @SA) regulations (pTMC 19.05), the use provisions of the underlying zoning districts (PTMC 17 .24') and the Comprehensive plan. A final decision on the application will be made within 120 days of the date of the Determination oeompleteness. EXHIBIT I! ,.-{-"' aa/t'/ PTSSE 2: NEll FL0AIING 00CK & GAI'ICI{AY FOR PROIECIEO SXTAII CRAFT LA{JT'ICH. POINT HUDSON" MARINA PI{ASE 2 NEW EOARDWAX TO c0t{tbtuE AL0nc llffinilE c0RRr00f aa/"/ NEIY BI'S STOP $$r9@( SCALE ,./a'/ %o 2 NEW OICK|NC OrtR JEITY BUI.KHTJO o ,/Kqqa\\F* E o o PIIASE 2 P0RfrlEt-E BOAT STOMGE o -r^rft 5 D(SIING UNUY TO BE RErcCATD -- -/ tr L sA,lloN cl-ua PROPERTT 1 ,':j .g :4 + :i 'T:: :1 .j .t ilISIING EOAT RAI/P TO RTTAIN Sicv' *6-o YARD TfYDRA}II & STIOTIER -tl'-" --'g*qP€> ' PORT TOWNSEND BAY Ito mg|tl{ P..h6sr$p, [fP Aettfre.tF a ftadrftqgtl W€do.n Aw Rm.n 220 PLAN \ N 7' I t I t{ -I I I I I I I I R'rufiT TESCI'E DEUONSIRATO{" UNE 10 sr{0RrS \\ 100o/o Design Development - July 2,20A3 Northwest Maritime Center SITE 1 ->Z- z F.F.: +lJ ,r',44 YARD *9r-qg AREA ACCESS ,6 o/: Ati/"4' -\'-.0' I I I I I I I I I I I I ilsIING JEITY TO RII'AIN MIttER HULtI I Dote Dcite .mY 2. 2{Xl3Drown lG. 8C Checked 8F. CC ralu e."p-ff---llZl Port Townsend, Washington FT Sod!€, WA $104 PhdE 206-6@.6837 Fa 204€4256S2 40.1 ) I w ) scal€ tN FEEr I l- l* e c):U'oz CN{vmm-{ =ozvom ctt-{vmm-{ CONSTRUCTION ENIMNCE. LEGEND: UMITS OF CONSIRUCTION CATCH BASIN SILT SACK FILTER FABRIC FENCE OIVERSION SWALE JCATCII EASIN ; SILT SACK'l*a c1{l9].t "'"@' -x-o o 12' (Al& oz'r r+s'o c I \oi F "-eon-"% *zo-x fr6 o+l-x PIPE TO CITY SEW€R, REID ROU'IE J( IIICH WAIER leA{I1Cfi tyAIER WE B-: sio-nDf l{^mR Ut'l[ A.. +J._J. -*/ ---1S rur GRIT CHAMEER RELO LoCAlE, PUMP ey -ls t";s {EN Hrefl lvAIER T,NT E-: +6.-6'e FIL1€R FABRIC FENC€.'*a cliolcl.l xFEoz Fo E o4%A+o-+A -€,J 4 l1[ ll{h Srd S'Situ m t$rd.ldidm $tr{ Hu {5 t{-Sm I L-(--- N 59 28' 02'E 220' 100% Design Development - July 2,2003 Northwest Maritime Center EROSION CONTROL PLAN Dote I{AY-J0.2003Drqwn OClChecked !fiL tlt{K M/H Project # 012J rfFfflqfi(lPrttstrt U.P Anhlt€df a Hd$sItlW.amAwRfimz0 s.dle, WA98t04 Phqu 2ft,68a6qn Fe 2b.602.6dn --Fl 6' WtrEn 4_- WATTR *rfwMt\,t r---t r---l I h 4 I ,-f iddletonReicl Port Townsend, Washington 200 ScAt-E: l- = 20' c1.0 '* lumne aoos ILIER FABRIC FENCE ON 2-X2' 14 GA WIRE FAARIC NETIILY GRADEO OR DISIURBED SIIE FIL1ER FABRICc8FENCE FILTER BAG SECTION DTTAL _ CATCH BASIN SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 50' MlN. A A_A DFIAIL _ CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ON AC PAVEMENT 1 NOT TO SCAIf OF FIERIC I"IATERIAI- IN 8"X12' TRE}ICH DilAIL _ FILTER FABRIC FENCE .o 1 NOT TO SCALE FRAME, 4x4 SPIKEO TO ASPHALT 'TO 6" QUARRY SPALIS cotD PATCH RAMP 2' D TAL - DIVERSION 1-O 1 NOT rO SCAI.E PLAN ACCESS I.ADDER 12'a WC O 1Z MtN. ,+TI''O MANHOLE SECTION GRIT CHAMBER VEGETATION NOIE: LOCAIE SILT FENCE AT CATCH OF flIL SLOPE stAKE LOCATIO|.i D(6NNG GROUND 2'6' 3 GRATE SECTION BAG USE STAPI FS OR SJIRf RTNGS (TYPICAL) 14 GA wlRE il ll ll =.= l-_1r ,oo'"*'1o* ,-, /' GRAOE O 4'4'O.C/ li- -1 NOT TO SCAI-E SOUO LID, RING ITID COVER SET 1. ABCR/E SURROUNDING CRADE Fr ROW 12"6 WC @ tZ UlN. ct 7 t z A ctrolcl.l Nor ro scAt: 100% Design Development - July 2,2009 Northwest Maritime Center EROSION CONTROL DETAILS & NOTESDote UAY 30. 200JOrcwn Cl$Chrcked MHL HNKu/u erolectlS 7m fift$rdS'S'rlem 6ndtfdiqlott g8m{ Ptx 16 711-Sm )---_ -( I 1/ APPUCTALE EREAK SLOPE IYHERE q ? I idd Ieton,Reid Dote Port Townsend, Washington Trr Mlrflf PsrhGaS. tl-P Adrlhatn a pbul{ 9il W€doif,AruRdr20 S.de WAS104 l,h{O 200.60r6&t7Fe m0.662.6d'2 c1.1 2004 Vttf '-ington State Nonresidential Energy Code Comr " rnce Form \ ( t t i CrD a a /,!\'\!-\JLl Lt- /:1.:\\