HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-119 ( 1 of 3 )\ l t.i- City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, port Townsend, WA 9g36g (360)37e_s09s BUILDINGPERMIT Project Information Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel SiteAddress 431 WATERSTREET Project Description New Maritime Center buildings Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-119 Northwest Maritime Center 9897 00 40 L, 9 897 00 402, 9 897 00 403 Names Associated with this project Type Name Applicant Northwest Maritime Center Owner Northwest Maritime Center Contractor Primo Construction Contractor Primo Construction Contact Phone # 0- 0- License Type License # Exp Date CITY STATE 1358 t2t3u2008 PRIMOCIl 3 3P'. 04t 04t2009 *** SEE ATTACHED CONDJTIONS *** Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commencedo or if work is suspended for a period of 1g0days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the prMc or other laws or regulations. I certiffthat the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is irue and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certiftthat I am the owner of the property or authorizid agent of the o*n.r. K"Print Name ,5-t "n/r Datefssued: 05/07/2008 Issued By: SWASSMER ) t ) City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, port Townsend, WA 9g36g (360)379_s09s BUILDINGPERMIT Project Information Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel Site Address 431 WATER STREET Project Description New Maritime Center buildings Fee Information Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-119 Northwest Maritime Center 9 897 00 40 t, 9897 00 402, 9 897 00 403 Project Details Public Buildings - Type III-BProject Valuation Building Permit Fee Plan Review Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit Energy Code Fee - Commercial/Multi-Family Remodel Fire Code and Fire Prevention Construction Review and Inspection Fee Plan Review Fee - Revision Total Fees Conditions 10 26,500 SQFT$2,73s,06s.00 Lt,g45.l5 7,764.35 4.50 238.90 10.00 800.00 1,79I.77 -20,379.90 $2,174.77 All mitigation measures of the sEPA MDNS and Shoreline Substantial Development permitunder LUp05-067 mustbe adhered to - see attached copy of the NEP{SEPA Threshold Determination dated lllg/06,Hearing Examinerdecision dated March 17,2006 and shoreline Substantial Development permit .. CaIl 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of lg0 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the prMC or other laws or regulations. I certifithat the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is irue and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certi4zthat I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Print Name Datelssued: 05107/2008 Issued By: SWASSMER CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R D CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3. po r t To w n s e n d " WA 9g 3 6 3 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N . PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I W AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y . ST A M P UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E A N D SI G N E D OFF ED AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I I AR L E ON TH E JO B S I T E PA R C E L NO . 98 9 7 0 0 4 0 1 AD D R E S S 43 1 WA T E R ST R E E T OW N E R NO R T H W E S T [4 A R I T I M E CE N T E ON S T R U C T I O N PE R M I T NO . R BL D o 7 - 1 1 I IS S U E D DA T E O5 I O 7 I 2 O O 8 E( P I R A T I O N DATE 11IO3I2OO8 CO N S T R U C T I O N T Y P E V- B OC C U P A N T L O A D PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T T O N Ne w lV l a r i t i m e Ce n t e r bu i l d i n q s LE N D E R CO N T R A C T O R PR I I \ 4 o c FI N A L BU I L D I N G TE S C FO O T I N G FO U N D A T I O N WA L L Fo u n d a t i o n dr a i n SL A B FL O O R FR A M I N G FR A M I N G PL U M B I N G ME C H A N I C A L PL U M B I N G WT R PI P I N SH E A R W A L L IN S U L A T I O N GW B RO O F NA I L I N G MI S C E L L A N E O U S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E GOMMENTS Ud t s Lr d s O r * 4, u n f , w s . - No j t r * , J . s.tt.oa 6 TO RE Q U E S T AN tN S p E C T t O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 s - 2 2 s 4 . lN s P E c T l o N RE Q U E S T S MU s r BE RE C E I V E D PR t o R ro s: d o pi u ro n NE ( T DA y tN S p E c l o N . I MECHANICAL PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Mechanical Permit Site Address 431 WATER STREET Project Descriplion Mechanical Permit lbr Northwest Maritime Center Permit # Project Name Parcel # MEC07-034 Northwest Maritime Center 989700401 Names Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Northwest Maritime Center Owner Northwest Maritime Center General Primo Construction Commercial Contracting General Primo Construction Commercial Contracting Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date CITY I358 t2t3112008 STATE PRIMOC]I33P' O4IA4/2009 0 0 Fixtures 10 - Boiler/Comp/HP <100,000 Btu or 3hp 10 - Vent Fan 4 - Other Equipment 2 - Hot water heater I - Hood/exhaust system Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance iiwork is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the inforrnation provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. PrintNam" frizay 54/ry- *,/'r ilffi.;:., 31r;f$:-/ MECHANICAL PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Projecl Information Permit Type Mechanical Pennit Site Address 431 WATER STREET Project Description Mechanical Permit for Northwest Maritime Center Permit # Project Name Parcel # MEC07-034 Northwest Maritime Center 98970040r Fee Information Project Valuation Record Retention Fee for Mechanical Mechanical Permit Technology Fee for Mechanical Perrr Mechanical Permit Plan Review Fee $ 3.00 $ 395.00 $ 7.90 $ 98.7s Total Fees $ s04.6s Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection, The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the inforrnation provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent .of the owner. Date Issued Issued By: 05t01/2008 SWASSMER Print Name CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3. Po r t To w n s e n d " WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N , PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN O SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y . ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E , PA R C E L NO , 98 9 7 0 0 4 0 1 PE R M I T NO ME C 0 7 - 0 3 4 IS S U E D DA T E 05 1 0 7 1 2 0 0 8 D( P I R A T I O N DATE AD D R E S S 43 1 WA T E R ST R E E T CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OCCUPANT LOAD OW N E R NO R T H W E S T N4 A R I T I M E CE N T E R PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Me c h a n i c a l Pe r m i t fo r No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Center CO N T R A C T O R PR I M O CO N S T R U C T I O N LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS UN D E R G R O U N D ME C H ME C H A N I C A L DU C T W O R K ME C H A N I C A L FI N A L PU B L I C WO R K GA S PI P I N G TO RE Q U E S T AN IN S P E C T T O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . 1110312008 PLUMBING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Flunrbing Permit Site Address 431 WATER STREET Project Description NW Maritime CtrPlumbing Permit Permit # Project Name Parcel # PLM07-007 Northwest Maritirne Center 989700401 Names Associoted with this Project Type Name Applicant Northwest Maritime Center Owner Northwest Maritime Center General Prirno Construct.ion Commercial Contracting General Prirro Construction Commercial Contracting Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date 0 CITY I358 t213U2008 0 STATE PRIMOCI133P' O4/O4I2OO9 Firtares 47 - Plumbing fixture per trap 2 - Electric water heater 2 - Rainwater systems (inside building) per drain I -' Waste interceptor/trap Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as dpproval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of rny knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner ofthe property or authorized agent ofthe owner. Date Issued: Issued By: 0s/a7/2008 SWASSMER Print Name 6ro/5"-t ,Tl//-,/"v l I Project Informution Permit Type PlurrrLing Permit Site Address 431 WATER STREET Project Description NW Maritime CtrPlumbing Permit Permit # Project Name Parcel # PLM07-007 Northwest Maritime Center 989700401 PLUMBING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspendeil for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The graniing of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this pemrit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I furlher certify that I arn the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Print Name Date lssued: 05/0712008 lssued By: SWASSMER Fee Informution Project Valuation Record Retention Fee for Plumbing P Technology Fee for Plumbing Permit Plumbing Permit Plumbing Permit Plan Review Fce Total Fees $ 4.2s $ 13.46 $ 673.00 $ 168.25 $ 8s8.96 PO S T TH I S CA R O IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N , PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R r y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y . ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E , PA R C E L NO , 98 9 7 0 0 4 0 1 PE R M I T NO . PL M 0 7 - 0 0 7 IS S U E D DA T E 05 1 0 7 1 2 0 0 8 EX P I R A T I O N DA T E AD D R E S S 43 1 WA T E R ST R E E T CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R NO R T H W E S T TV A R I T I M E CE N T E R PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N NW Ma r i t i m e Ct r Pl u m b i n q Pe r m i t CO N T R A C T O R PR I M O CO N S T R U C T I O N LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R D CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3. Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 B .J . L u) . f 34 p - /g ? - z s ( 1110312008 TO RE Q U E S T AN tN S p E C T t O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . 7- - Y A- C oL I T h/ : ti l / , PL U M B I N G UN D E R G R O U N D PL U M B I N G PL U M B I N G SL A B FI N A L PU B L I C WO R K PL U M B I N G WT R PI P I N ,) v 'cITY oF poR"t' TowNSEND PERMIT ACTTVITY LOG DATE RECETVED re t, 'r1 PERMIT # B - l,q SCOPE OF WORK: DATE ACTION INITIALS ENTERED INTO CHET CA-toPl - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS e)\e L..:f(:\, t " {(+ CE R T I F I C A T E OF OC C U P A N C Y CI T Y O SE , N D DE V E L TM E N T Th i s ce r t i f i c a t e is is s u ti o n a l Building Code as ad o p t e d an d am e n d e is s u a n c e , the indicated st r u c t u r e an d us e wa s de s and ordinances of th e Ci t y of Po r t To w bu i l d i n g s . Pr o p e r t y Ow n e r : No r t h w e s t Maritime Center Bu i l d i n g Ad d r e s s : A?.B,FL,M.S1 Ty p e of Co n s t r u c t i o n : C4II Da t e Is s u e d : Au g u s t 20 , 20 0 mi t Nu m b e r : BLD07-119 St f f i e t M@ q, r o an _. ., e f Ma r +k , - Ci t y to be ui l d i n g Offi CE R T I F I C A T E OF OC C U P A N C Y CI T Y O SE I { D DE V E L NT Th i s ce r t i f i c a t e is is s u e ti o n a l Building Code as ad o p t e d an d am e n d e is s u a n c e , the indicated st r u c t u r e an d us e wa s th e Ci t y of Po r t To w n s Pr o p e r t y Ow n e r : Bu i l d i n g Ad d r e s s : Ty p e of Co n s t r u c t i o n : Da t e Is s u e d : Au g u s t 20 , 20 0 t Nu m b e r : es and ordinances of bu i l d i n g s . No r t h w e s t Maritime Center AZ,B,F7rMrS1 c-til BLD07-119 St f f i x ; t * "N -d MaCi t y to be ti n {s * {x d * n; G e r Bu i l d i n g Of f i c i a l ,) Appt*ffiryp*ffi Porent # I Date Submitted 106/1 92007 Technically Co*plut" fiffiffiil DateApprwoil@ Override Eryhe? l- Goveranneut? l- D"t"rr*"d16;i6;mA?." appt,*tffi ErrirationDat"lozom]f P"rrrt#m Re.issuan"t"[l]]l sit*adl""r"ffi D"t* clo".d$ili68ffi9: Pruj*ctNameffitr"tertioolffi z""hsffi st"tou D "t" $ffiDiii Stutou 316 day{s} tu prccocs QueryApp #l Nutes? f- 8?IFRM-PLM-MECS-A,IRSE4I IPEND o|trREQUESTED O:IRSQUESTD .ffi88lc\rr8 lrrmo .lRsgussrED :trff|ttre0:h,ooSNAILIl,IG ]lpnm O.IREOUESIED .Y.W&Riek Tavlor91,bSS ,,.'.,,,..,,r, ',,jlAPP 38/03n009 1 1/13/2008 Lconard Yarberry O;IREOUEYIED .ffiffitrK1 1 07/01t2009 oiFsQvEsrED :ffiffiffiilRick Taylor Page 1 of1 Scottie Foster From: Tom Aumock [taumock@cablespeed.com] Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 6:50 PM To: Scottie Foster Subject: Re: NW MARITIME CENTER FIRE Hi Scottie! Thank you for staying on top of this. The good news is that we are done subject to the condition of filing of the "Contractor's Material & Test Certificates". I can come down Friday afternoon to check the files on their paperwork status. 'Till then, Tom. ---- Original Message ----From: Scottie Foster To:'Tom Aumock' Cc: Alex Angud ; John McDonagh ; Fred Slota Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 4:56 PM Subject: NW MARITIME CENTER FIRE Tom, Are you "finalled" with the Maritime Center and their fire sprinkler systems? Do I remember that your had some concerns with the fire system going to the dock? They are coming down to the wire -'-r-)cottre j oster ddnrin istrative {ssista rrt P-u.lopnrent $e n,ice s Pe partment )6o-1++-tct7 8t712009 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATEOFINSPECTION: '/UL/ 42,204 PERMITNUMBER: ,fuA-Z -/8 srrE ADDREss: 4Ll/4 c @ /u4H, a rvanp e PROJECT NAME: NT.YIUZ CONTACT PERSoN: 4drel TYPE OF'INSPECTION: CONTRACTOR: ,FZMb PHONE: la ,*rr" ! APPROVED tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Date Approved and permit card must be on-site and available qt time of inspection. A re-inspectionfee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY DATE OF INSPECTION o SITE ADDRESS:{:UJ iIZErzf CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION:,4L PERMIT NUMBER: A\OT - I I7 PI{ONE: i0E_ tr APPROVED Inspector I APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Date I NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. E/s101 Acknowledgemen t Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE ON. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:00PM FRIDAY. PERMIT NUMBER: bLN O) - I I 1DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS:3 CONTACT PERSON -SfZLu rT- PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: il*L_t N APPROVED tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection I NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before Inspector Date Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY DATE OF INSPECTION:I 7 SITE ADDRESS:t{3 lm frlzn- *TrffPERMIT NUMBER: At-N O)- I I ? CONTACT PERSON:{"n-V TYPE OF INSPECTION: PHONE: Lr /t,5 Fl\= LN I APPROVED tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection N NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector {,,u -mor/\Date Acknowl Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. DATE OF INSPECTION: 5 CITY OF'PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY PERMIT NUMBER:ISL\ 07 ^ /t1 SITE ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF L D {L u) PHONE: ON 6 /rru APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. -2 Inspector Date Acknow Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. PERMIT NUMBER: 6LNO) .- I / 1DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: 3r 3 PIIONE: TYPE OF' rlbat 3 @ N (0 Q$'{ilALrL 03 d PN O-oct ,1 rLt YT N APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before A/to P 5o o?Inspector Date DateAcknowledgement Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION RE,PORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want inspection. tr'or Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. PERMITNUMBER: T.U\ h>- II1DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: C) +\ ! APPROVED Inspector ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Date q/a /a 2 Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspectionfee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT tr'or inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. NUMBER:6A e?*tt?DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPB OF INSPECTION:I L 'l U ('.)r c_ i,L il F,25 ot 0 l.) LL a -rq *-:7- ,-+"4" {-_ 6,-?L-OL C(lf {,\'ftr ! APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection N NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. ', '-, ...' ,.i Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and avctilable at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE ON. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:00PM FRJDAY DATE OF INSPECTION 7 PERMIT NUMBER:I SITE ADDRESS:4z t W*Eia f, CONTACT PERSON PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION: ^J -?o LAq- 6a lT wtd" {acC rQ- WcctL fltlgdreo c(.' AJ*r a_ 1,4 L {Lrtt u '7tEI'l ,U 'rA OI &K) tr APPROVED I APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Date I NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector R, I 1 #rto.K /AVLcn-0 Acknowledgemen t Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee ruay be qssessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-38s-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRJDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION:o PERMIT NUMBER:AL\ D).- tt? SITE ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: t I PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: A d Z k/4 r14{c (c L lL ! API}ROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection tr NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before L proceeding. Date 3/?/r?Inspector Acknowl Date Approved plqns and permit card mttst be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspectionfee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. z.l B loq PERMIT NUMBER:DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: E rL PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION:'*lrnaQ-u)^,u,- IhAi LrlJ t -t- fur.)w\uLl (" ) 1-L tl^rl t k.<,'Lt)) *! t 0 &(_{ Sltra tU u)u tt iltt t L//Jt, S ttl - A S Lr )- ? d FT_oaL N tA,)rLN ,il U AZ :fuotL-3 LtJ I APPROVED tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Lo{L Date Z 3 Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. l- Scottie Foster Page I ofl From: Samantha Trone Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 9:41 AM To: Rick Taylor Cc: Rick Sepler; Scottie Foster subject: BLD07-119 Rough-in Plumbing Pressure test for the Resource Bldg fl-nt[7"oa7 ) Rick, On Friday (02106), I went to the Maritime Center Recourse Building to witness the rough-in pressure test for the water system and the waste system. I was on-site from B:45am - g:15am- NOTE: The hydronic heating system for the floors is a separate system and will be inspected at a different time. Also it is not being done by the plumbing contractor I meet with today. The water pressure was at 97 psiwhen I arrived at the site and there were no leaks detected, NOTE: There waswater present because the roof drains have not been hooked-up yet. Jeff (sub-contractor) showed me the first floor bathrooms and second floor bathrooms. The water line located in the large room, east side of the Resource Building, on the first floor is currently exposed, but will eventually be under the finished floor- Primo will put channel iron over the top of this water line for protection before the finished floor is installed. Primo willcall for a rough-in inspection of the Education Building next week (O2l0g). There are pictures on your desk (you will need to download them from the camera)- Thanks, Samantha 2/1U2009 Inspection Report Project NV rnflKfrtn€BL Permit #t-Do7- ltq lnspection & NotesDatens \ *..- t I B €.^r"- K t6-d a)(3cDLb - lb-oY f-go<*a;b A L 6 ,\ \ttr"tr ,+$S , Sp crrY oF PoRr TowNSEND n:Y\'.o.{4' DEVELoPMENT SERVTCES DEPARTMENT \) V' INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:00PM DATE oFINSPECTIoN: Z - /' D?PERMIT NUMBER:o1- lt *'AJ\ o/- a7 SITE ADDRESS:l-l 1,{) nAL U>e.ng,t- +rr CONTACT PERSON Lo<V pnbxn, 3Lo'qZf- ZVg *l l.\/,1.*Vn D,frla P(kzAne_T:€<{T- I ib6 _ lL\O+261, _l I APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS 0k to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection TYPE OF INSPECTION: ffirfi lltm#t &bt {tw n APPROVpD 4!^A 8 {D NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Insp ei^Q.5Date Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and ovailable at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. *W(*- -,pter^ttw eA CAqYvAM On CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PERMTTNUMBER: l}{i\ c1 - ll"l .L 0 PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION:t_tl\ c,t:t I lc-) t_+ fLr H l,ltEzZAtli'Ll O,Lnaeffi'/L! (ooF 1{J\ Lnr,t &)r:f iltrLtilh 4@rc{ni- 30 c,F- AnrLLilU I VE O st \dx N APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Inspector L Date I /6 () Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available qt time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. t] NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection tlefore )r I Jefferson County DCD Building Division Gorrection Noti GE PERMIT NUMBER OWNER JOB LOCATION lnspection of this structure has found the foflowing viorations 6'o Date lnspector f l.-l You are hereby notified that no more work shail be done upon these premises untirthe above violations are corrected, unress noted otherwise. when corrections havebeen made, call for inspection. NOTITHIS MUSTCE EB EK PT WI TH A F PROVE D PLANS oNt SITE BUTLD|NG DtvtstoN (360) 379_4450 TNSpECTtoN HoTLtNE (360) 379_4455 q " \ 2 ' , ) ' ' \ ! \ - . t f t t l 1 j CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. tr'or Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. (tDATE OF'INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: PERMIT NUMBER: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: -\z M**on"o ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspectionso call by 3:00 PM Friday. 'z ADATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT NUMBER:ltl ^*{ta{rt 672f€r PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF ONE ON:LL'+ Sts 7 ! APPROVED N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. N NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before A re-inspection fee may CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. PERMITNUMBER: O*] * (qqDATB OF'INSPECTION: SITE ADDRBSS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date 1-(6€>n Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you \ryant inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: OF'INSPECTION: PERMIT NTRACTOR:CO (PHONE: 0{L ! APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be II NOT APPROVED Call for re-inspection before at next inspection Insp Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. 7l^nf"--y'&'B uu'u#'- q*J CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspectionso call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want For Monday inspectionso call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION:7 1 { pERMrr NUMBER:BAD c? * t { ? SITE ADDRESS:\.il \rtne PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPBCTION:€d^ *. ..1 t-()w\-€l s.APPROVED tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before Inspector Approved plans and permit must be proceed. Corrections will be at next inspection 1 Date 'l be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. availctble at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may ) CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF'INSPEC SITE ADDRESS: rIoN: )-2V7. PERMIT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR:(Q,rrwa CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE oF INSPECTION: I ^,n &.iln c rLOlv c-Q D f L i'^-, 'crl.ct f-..;.o ALp T ( o(a Inc.i,+t',, tr,o-<- A/C O(r*- APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspectionfee may be qssessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF'INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: PERMIT NUMBER: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: 6I IS SD4 It ! APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will checked at next inspection APPROVED for re-inspection tlefore proceeding. Inspector Date (r-11-& Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspectionfee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. rl {t ( L- CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT I For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2 294 by3:00 PM the day'before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections;,call by 3:00 pM F,riday. , C .zq l,(^PERMTT NUMBER: "/)/&/f/ry PROJECT NAME: LI LI}/ltflt/.t 7';/rt[CONTRACTOR: PHCONTACT PERSON: TYPE oF INSPECTIoN: -7 U * DATE OF' SITE ADDRESS:q,'"'tliMl{) r ' /rl,ttt \d arrnovnn \, N APPROVED WITH CORR.ECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection N NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspectionfee may be qssessed if work is not readyfor inspection. .} *; August 11,2006 Ms. Jan Hopfenbeck, Permit Coordinator City of Port Townsend Development Services Depa rtment 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Ms. Hopfenbec( Please find attached the following information and clarifications your office requested at our original Northwest Maritime Center - Phase I permit submittal intake meeting on July 19th. ' (1) original (wet-signed) set of drawings. Allowable Area analysis for both Phase I and Phase ll total site build-out. Completed Application for Utility Latecomer Agreement form and documentation. Geotechnical recommendations including foundation design and soil bearing capacity We were also asked to confirm the size of our proposed water meter as a 1-1/2" meter. The engineer reviewed it and determined that we will indeed need this size. Finally, we were asked to review our original assumption that floodproof construction criteria would not be required for our project. A review of the FEMA flood insurance rate map indicated that a portion of the site is within the A1 designation. Subsequent discussions with your office provided us with a base flood elevation of 9.0' NGVD. Converting this datum to NAVD for this site yields a base flood elevation of 12.474'. Our lowest finish floor elevation is 13.333' NAVD a'nU), per our discussion on the 1't of August, will consequently not be subject to floodproof construction requirements. lt is the design team's understanding that any mechanical and/ili'electrical equipment located below the base flood elevation will be required to comply with the appropriate floodproof design guidelines. I hope,this additional information meets your needs as you and your office reviews our permit submittal. lt is an exciting endeavor for the Northwest Maritime Center (and the greater Port Townsend community that helped purchase the land and has been involved in the design and planning of this project), and I look forward to working with you as we move through this phase of the project. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Regards, Adin Dunning cc: Dave Robison/ Bob Little (Northwest Maritime Center) ! ,l .lil/l 'l 4,'l'JLr i ii HULL MILI.ER HULL August 11,2006 Ms. Jan Hopfenbeclc Permit Coordinator City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Ms. Hopfenbeclc Please find attached the following information and clarifications your office requested at our original Northwest Maritime Center - Phase I permit submittal intake meeting on July 19th. ' (1) original (wet-signed) set of drawings. Allowable Area analysis for both Phase I and Phase ll total site build-out. Completed Application for Utility Latecomer Agreement form and documentation. Geotechnical recommendations including foundation design and soil bearing capacity We were also asked to confirm the size of our proposed water meter as a 1-1/2" meter. The engineer reviewed it and determined that we will indeed need this size. Finally, we were asked to review our original assumption that floodproof construction criteria would not be required for our project. A review of the FEMA flood insurance rate map indicated that a portion of the site is within the A1 designation. Subsequent discussions with your office provided us with a base flood elevation of 9.0' NGVD. Converting this datum to NAVD for this site yields a base flood elevation of 12.474'. Our lowest finish floor elevation is 13.333' NAVD a'nd) per our discussion on the 1't of Augus! will consequently not be subject to floodproof construction requirements. lt is the design team's understanding that any mechanical and/oi'electrical equipment located below the base flood elevation will be required to comply with the appropriate floodproof design guidelines. I hope,this additional information meets your needs as you and your office reviews our permit submittal. lt is an exciting endeavor for the Northwest Maritime Center (and the greater Port Townsend community that helped purchase the land and has been involved in the design and planning of this project), and I look forward to working with you as we move through this phase of the project. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Regards, Adin Dunning cc: Dave Robison/ Bob Little (Northwest Maritime Center) .i ;r i;ttl J nr!UL/ l li :: t I l !: ;lt:iji ,.1 i t 1 I i ,,, /a'i: Al 01 20 40 ilijj Scale ln Feet NOTES I. SEE St{EfT CO 1 FOR CENERAL NOIES. 2, sEE SHEIT CO.1 FOR GINERAL IESC NOTFS. 5. COOROIIAIE REMOVAL OF OVERI]EAO POIIER, ELECTRIC AND IELEPHONE LINEs, ANO POLES W/ PURVLYOR OF EACH {JTIUTY 5. COOROINATE UTILNY REMOVAL WlIl NEW CONSIRUCIION TO T{AII.ITA|N SERVICT 'CR EXISTING CONNTCNONS, /. CONIRAC'OR SHAIL SIOCKPIIT VA'ERIAL PER O'O'' @ LEGEND IEMPOR{RY CONSTRUCTION ENIRANCI I : :mESERVE AND ,PRqTtCr F|RE ilYtiRANI AND FDC li riil J. s€E sHErr c0.1 FoR R€coMMENolo corst'Rucrrotr sEouENcE. 4, IIARDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS OUTSIDE PROJECT LIMIIS INCLUOINC. BUT NOI LI'ilITTD iO. ASPHALI PAVEMENT, CONCRFTE ROAOWAY, PAVERS. CURBS, AND PTDESTRIAN RAMPS SHOWN FOR REFIRENCE AS REOUESTEO BY CiTY ANO INSTALLED UNDIR SEPARATI CONTMCT AND COMPL$ED BY OTHERS. PROTECI EXISTINC PAVING IIAIUR€S AND UTILITIES OURING CONSTRUCIIOI.I, SERVICE LINE IO EXISIINC TRAIL€R IO BT REI1OVEO ANO RELOCAIEO BY OI'/NER PRISERVE AND PROIECT ROw IMPR0VEMENIS (ryP). S'E NOTE 4. APPROXIMATE LOCAIION OF EXISNNC ILECTRICAL VAULI IO REMAIN. PROTECI EXISIING UNLIIIES IO REMATN (rYP.) FORCT MIN TO BAKER BE REMOVED. SEE ILECIRICAL ao*rr*uano, $FNTRANCF :J I txtsrifrc ,sE*vtcE TINES ]O BE REI'I0VCD- S[t ELEC]RICAL I Dote , Drowri Checked ii: A{!9 SUMP WITH PUMP TO TANX. SIZ€ ANO LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED BY CONIMCTOR.c POWER POLES IO BE REMOVEO (SEE ELECTRiCAL PIAN) CONTRACTOR. NOI IO SCALI ELECTRICAL PULL BOX IO RFMAIN BAK€R TANK PTACTIIINI AI'ID VCLUME IO 8E OETERMINEO BY 1: 1! ti I ,i::i':;,t r .i ;i i .:t1 _> _ > STRUCIURES TO 8E REMOVED OR RELOCATEO UTILIil TO 8E REMOVED FILTER FABRIC FINCE CONSTRUCIION LIMITS INT€RCEPTOR SWALE PROPERry LINE ,i I I I I i REMOVF DFCK ANO RAMP.-----+------) t : I 'I .l I I : I! I I I|-' '-:. I I: ! lAemc rENct J PROPFRTY'LINE Dote PLEASE CALL 3 Worklng Daye BEFORE YOU DIG l-800-424-5555 -.-:--_-._- '- - . BID SET Northwest Maritime Center DISIGN iOII!PAIIY 1205 SCCONO AVC.5UI€ rOO4NUiRY Jr. 2098 ,{IRES HULL I=l^J T-.-.-^^-l tAr--L:,- - r, - o Ih MillerlHu[ Pafi€.ship, LLP Archited€ & Planning 71 Cdunbia Skeet I Sixlh,Fl@r DEMO/TESC PLAN 4J' STRAP h{et Proleclim 1 ffi J/ 16 PTACE TOP AT SUBCRADI IF POSSTBL€ rrt PROVIDE TULL itirtolH 0F ['rcREss/EGRtss ARFJ\ Coptruclim Bfsnce 2 d- DrSgqIlSrltqE_-U5C-. REMOVE ORAIN CMIE . INSER1 FILTER . REPTACE GRATE TO HOLO tN POSrllON !8€!!t!cATroNL. TILTERS MINIMUM 24" OETP . CONSTRUCTED OF POLYPROP1LENE . ALL SI,AMS DOUBT-E_SIITCHED . WAIER FLOW RAIE ' ]OO CAI-LONS PER MINUTE FFR SOUARE FOOT : . RFUSASLE OR IHRO!1I-AWAY MAINTENANCT . REMOVE WHEN FILIEO IO }1ALF_WAV I\{ARK FRONT I-OAOER OR O]HTR EQIJIPIIENI FOR . CI'AN AND RE_UsE. OR RIPTACI (iO BYPASS PEqK STORM VOLUMES) R = 25' MIN ttq NI lER FABRIC OUARRY SPALLS 4' _ 8" OUARRY (usE REMOVAL) -! l,/4" so lCOVER PAIIERI.{ DflAIL 2. MISTD llr0E HOTt: 1: L 2' c0NcRfrE cou R 12"6 D.l. FIBER PACKING USE ONLY FOR SIOE SE$1ER ANO SERVICE DRAINS 'rYE 0R t/B' cASl lSoxl8a!{ a]q_lQvs /8" BEN0 PIPE SIZE PER PI.AN SHALL BI SEALEO MAIN SEWER JolNriis CIeanc*i I BID SET Northwest M ari CIVIL DETAILS Di5t6r{ C0MPAT{Y Dote JANUARY Jl. 2!08 Drr! w n EQUIVALENT. IF SIANOAFO STRENGIH FAERIC USEO FILIER w,/ NArlvE J/ 4" - 1.s" GRAVEL 4 X nter Fabrb Ftr# 3 2" x 2" BY 14 Go. wrRE BACKNLL POST SPACINC MAY BE JOINTS IN FILIER IRENCH 2' X 4" WO00 NOIE: FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL BE INSIALLED AIONC CONTOUR WHENIVER POSSIBLE TRENCH sorL 0R WASHEDINCREASED TO B. IF $iIRE BACKINC IS USEO SHALL BE SPLICED AI POSTS, USE STAPLES, WRE RINCS, OR EQUIVALENT IO AITACH FABRIC TO POSTS STEEL FTNCE POSTS, REBAR, OR EQUIVALENT .pl.:1we.y WAShED ROC( Tenporary Defl aterrg SLrrp 4 PRESSUBq BAKLK USCHARCE IA}IK to l"d HoLEs, 6" O-C. MDIAILY (rfP.) SUBMERSiBLT PUMP AS REOUIRED FOR PEAK FLOW. 55 GAILON DRUM PUMP }"1AY BT STT OUISiOE OF SUMP WITH sucltoN Lri\t sil r' A8ovt BonoM 0f 0RU[1. WATER Ntw - 5/8" ROCK BEDDING cnuSHEo ,l Typicelrr{aterTrmJi 8 IIESTORE SURFACING PER CITY REOUIREMENTS IN RIGHT OF WAY ONSITE RTSTORE PER PIAI.I RESIOR{IION PER PI-AN Tygr:alstormurdSanltaryTren$ 7 BEDOING COMPACTED IRENCH BACKFII I W=l-5xPlP€6r 13"M{N FOR 5- W=27"MIN 8" w=J0'MlN 12"W=36'MlN COMPACTEO TO S5Z 0€Nstry NoIESi 1, THI COVTfi SHALT 8T MNTAINED NGHTLY IN PI,ACE 3Y US|NG SANDBACS OR IIR€S ON ROPES IN A IO_IOOI' U.AXITIUM GRID. At-L SEAMS SMU BE IAPED OR WEIGilTEO DOWN FUI| LENCTH' ?, MAINTAIN CONIINUOUS PROTECTION OF STOCKPITES OURINC RAN AEMS. J, SIfTLY DMERI RUNOfF TO APPROVTO DISCMBCE LOCANON, koeicn end Proleclbn Esnier 6Ercavalion BLACK 6 MIL PTASIIC SHETNNG COVER SPOILS MOUND WITH ANCHOR EDCTS OF PLASTIC SHEETING WITH SIRAW MLES SPACEO 8, OC PTACE EXCAVATION SPOILS ON BIACK 6 MIL Pi,ASTIC SHEilING WTH SANDEACS AND ROPE AS NECESSARY MOUND SPOILS IO ENSURE POSIIIVE RUNOFF z4t l; soo (ryP) LEVEL BOITOM (rYP) 2 MAX. Temporarylntactptortu# 5 PLEASE CAIL 3 Worklng Days BEFORE YOU OIG 'r-8oo-424-5555 f c*od B*d Ed t2' PAVTRS t/2'R 1/2'R t_ 12 r,lo, ;+ nralir FLUSIJ WlH ADJACINT ASPHATT PAVINC OR IOP OF CURB COMPACTID sT]BGMDE a CEMENI CONCfiFIL CONCRETE PAVERS STOPE IO OMJN S1RUCTUML FILL FOOIING PER STRUCruRAL ovtRw FoohsDr# 11 4. P€RFOMI€O FOOT]NC DMN MIN. SIOPT OOZ EMETOD€D IN CI-EAN WASHED CRAVET 8AC(NU FOR ORAINS t 0."-prrc**tifi 10 PRE ilotttD Jolf{I FltlfR CO!1NSPqJT stI ARCHTITCIURAT PI,ANS CONCRET€ PAVERS ITRNCO COIJPUNC 6" PVC S0 vo/vG/\1, HUTt Dote Checked [,41H Proieci #Port Townsend, Washington time Center o t10s s€codo av€, 5ull€ 200 Th€ MillarlHult Parln€rship, LP Archibctur€ E Planning 71 Columbia Steet I Sixth Fl@r s€atlo, wA s8104 Phme: 206.682.687 Far:2m.6a2.S92 c40 }RTHWEST MARITIME CENTER City of port Townsend late Type Reference5171200A Bi[ permit 8238 OriginalAmt. 1,363.61 5t7t2008 Balance Due Discount 1,363.61 Check Amount Payment 1,363.61 1,363.61 llEeta.-'e<L + ?t-c-,*,{rrG ,&*/n r 7/^ Checking 007002-000 1,363.61 --).4_') Ncr*rrarcst Mffitirrc Cfltitr Statn* Dats $t&tnt QnaryApp Date EryirstimDds Bc.isnre DsE Parcsl hcrsg - r8f ikst Aptl# Typs Peret$# Da* $dmltterl fechirally Com3late $ita Arllbtc* kuiwtlilarnn Overrtdrsrfirs?|: 6rcrrrmanf?l- Nstsr?f- 3r J< q.\}k" as tr,q L {-bL.l ,6r f t3[3,6I ,) $tsarclata $tafire n$0nan nu25n008 Qn:ryAfp Cmt*r 19 OvelriibErryire?l- Govsmment?r- Itutsr?f- Agp$csat farcsl Datg $itaA&bs*r kujert![8m?Ds$fimittsrt T*clnira[y Camplsta Iluc,s Altpmssd Apd# Tlpg Psnest# Egirstiollldg &.sir*nr llate D{tr tact IIIECEAMC}LP,RF MECEC}NCILRRr.r'-*" .\it er-r"--.--:?.tr.'--r. ').f ,A_i !,ECEANICALIE(I ffi Pruress - 2$1 dat's _-Y \..*' h"b t '4, Dete ),bpment Seruices Commercial Building Permit Application ) Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150) See the "Commercial Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. Property Owner: Name: Northwest Maritime Center (Dave Robison) Address: P.O. Box 82 City/SUZip: Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 3601379.2629 Email: dave@nwmaritime.org GontacURepresentative : Name: Adin Dunning, The MillerlHull Partnership Address: 71 Columbia Street - Sixth Floor City/St/Zip: Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: 2061254.2027 Email: adunning@millerhull.com Contractor: Name:Tli f'> - f:it't, Address: City/SUZip: Phone Email: State License #:_Exp:_ City Business License #:_ 250 Madison Str"eet, Suite 3 Fort Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax: 360-344-4619 www.cityofpt.us Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Name: Not Applicable P$ect Valuation: $8,172,930 Construction Type: lll-B Occup. Rating: Mixed-Use (A-3, B, F-1, M, S-1) Building lnformation (square feet): l"tfloor 13,301sf Restrooms: 899 sf 2nd floor 12,207sf Deck(s): 3,223 sf 3'd floor 983 sf Storage: 2,672 sl Basement: N/A ls it finished? Yes No Other: New I Addition n Remodel/Repair n Change of Use n Total Lot Goverage (Building Footprint): Square feet: 13,301 sf (21.5% of 61 ,776 sf) lmpervious Surface: ' Square feet: 34,517 sf I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Print Name: Dave Robison Nofthwest Maritime Center Project Manager ature: [)a^*e- Rah]\c,---- \ Project Address & Zoning District: 431 Water Street I C-lll Legal Description (or Tax #): Addition: Original Townsite Block: 4 Lot(s): 1 through 8 Office Use Onlv itrsoz=lg Associated Permits:ALco,t' -t46Parcel # 989700401, 402, 403 Project Description: Northwest Maritime Center Sign Date s o 'f,rTY OIr P$RT"TOWNS|TND ) {-I OfuIIVIERC IAL BUILDING FERI\,.IIT PL ANS {]] IL{:KLI S'r Name Northwest Maritime Center - Phase I Ilernrif# RLnO).-14.) Picnsc reird the follnrving inlonnttlion bef'crc prepnring your building p*rmit plans. Cl6rrstnrction dqcunrenis trrust be uf sulHuienl detail to shnw clcarly the project in its entirety rvitli elnphasis un the tbllowing: structural integrity. life satl;ty, architer":lural barriers (*cuessibility requirements'), campliancr- r.vith all other csdes havirrg jLrriseiiction ilnd rlesct'i1:linn ol scape of luu:k {e.g,, tennnt imprr:r.cmcnt, rentodel, etc,). New Qommerclal Constluctipn : Four s*ts uf 1:laus (minimum Frrpsl sire l8'n x 24"J arc requircd with flne c()py tlf tlrc irpplicatinn famr, Nerv r:onstructiotr requires a Puhlic Worlts StreeUt-itility Develupmeni Permit applimtian *r hlinor It:rprovement Pcrmit appli*ation be subrnilted r,vitii yrur Buildilg Fennit npplic.atinn. Add itionn, Rernndels, Alterati{}ns: T'luee sets of plans {.nrinin-rum paper sizr 18" x t4"J arn required rvitir thc applicntion foun, EJans Designed hy an Architsct or EnglnqFf: Construction of s rcsidential building ttrzrt excesds lirur dr,velling units and/ur a building af nny occlrpancy tliat cxc.*eds 40il0.squflre ftel: plnns :lust be pr,rp*red by a \\ia"rhington State registcrrlcl architect. Plans with archilect and enginser infirmrntion {name , etc,J nruqr hnve that nrchitcct',c or engin*er'* r.ve[.t*al [n:inirnunr one (l) set of originalsl wit]r nn rriginal signalure in rtrrlfir rllher lhan black. List the page numbcr, in tlre spncrs prnvidctl helot', frlr r.ach itenr thnt you hnve inclurled 0n your pluns nnd includc this chtcldist rvitlr your perrnit subnrittnl. A sepnrnte Defi:rrctl Sutrnrittnl Rcqucst fornr shtll be subnritted rrith the ronstructirrn dr:nvings for nll dr.ferred items. Fase # COVER SIIEET F:'rD$D\Dopartrnsnl Forms\Brrlldinglconrrnerciai Ferrnii Appliccnt plan$ checkllst,soc Eevi*ed €t131104 T1.1 Pra.j ec.t i denti 11 crrtion T1.1 Project i-rdtlress, legal description, lncation map, and ta.r parr;el nunrber T1.1 Alt onals iclenti fi ecl int:ludin addtesses antl phone nr.rrnlrers T1.1 Nams, arltlress. and phone truurber af pemon responsibl* for project co*rdination; all ecnmunicatirrn rvill be directed tluough ilris pcrson T1.2 s1.0 Design crit*ria; ocsryarlty group {e,g,, Ft}; $nnstruotion type {e.g., Y-ts); seisrnic zonc {D2); f'li:or area (lBC allarverl vs, proposnd); fire sprtnkler requirenrcnts (it'nny); height ancl number of stu$es; total occupant laad; lattd use zone; parking requirenrents {mquired vs. provided); alloted soil benring Fressnrs; design loads (floor, n'rtit", rvinrl, etc,); mnterialstrengths, if applicahle; soils report, if applicrrhl*; landscaping, if required; flonclhnznlclzone (i1'applicahleJ anrl rle/Arrerf su&nrittcrLr per IBC $ectitn 106.3.4.? T1.2 Indicate compliance with the.firlltwing catles: 3tlil3 Internationnl liuilding Cr:cleu ?003 Inlernational h'teehnnic4l C*de , 2003 Interuatiannl Firc Cocle,20il3 tjnilornr Plurniring Code nnd Unifnnn Plumbing Code Standnrd*,2003 Wiashingtoil Stilt+ Fneryy {iocl*, ?003 Washington State Ventilatiol and Indoor Air Qualily Cocle, \&'AC 51.40 Wnshington fitate Barrier Free Facilities & Design {Clhapt*r 11,1003 IBC), 1993 W*ter flonservation Strurtlarrls anrl all related Wasirington Adnrinistratir,e Cade Chatrges, r.vith changes and exueptions set forth in tJrdinance No, llld?. Paga 1 of4 rase # SITE/PLOT FLA' PAGE # FOUHAATIOH PLAI{ PAGE # FLSOR FLAH P:"DSF\Fepa$ment Forsns\BuildinglComnrercial Perrnit Applicant Flsns Checklist.DOQ Rs'iised €U31/04 T1.4 Frnperty lines and dimensions. includiug nll intc.rior lot liner rvith Nurth $uul indicalcd A1.1-1.4 All existing and proprosed building Iines with exterior dir:rensions ffn.l roof over'lreings c2.0 All strccts, elriv*lvays, eas*nrgnts anrl buiiding setbncks c3.0 Site accessr wilter, sewer, hydrants nnd clcctricalpr:ints of connectiur A0.1 L1.4 c2.0 Requircd parking {p*:r Llhapter 17.?2 PTh'I{r & WAC 5l,40), Ilarrier Free access {per WAC 5l "40), Ianclscaping, drainagc *nd grading design s2.1 Footings, pier.t ancl llorurdation rvnlls (including intcrior tbating nr picr lacatians) s2.1 Reinfor*ing ste*l for all cnncrrte s2.1 Iltrsts, bemns sizes and spansl dctail heanr/prlsl irnd pasl/pier {or footing) pnsitive conns*tion s2.1 IJeanr pr:ckels or lnethnd of s*cnring bcarn ends nla Floorjoist, size, nraterial grade. spucing and spans nla Forrndation lanting and calculations nla Crarvl $ipac€ a$re.ss rurd dimeiisions P1.1 9/S3.1 Plurnbing sizes and lacation of I'oundation pcnelration n/a \raprrr retnrder on crawl space grorrnrl {6 nril black polyetliylen*) A1.1-1 .3 All floors, in*luding bnsenrents T"t.2 Rootn nnes, sizes imd lsquars footnge by rnam and tloeit level s2."t-2.4 {)verall dimensions aud locntions ol'all sh:uglur*l elements and openings eng. calc's Wall brncing p*r IBC Sectit:n 2308.9,3 ancl 'I'able 2i0S,9.3(l) {il nrulti-story show length per $tory and ltreatiorr) or engineered plans {two sels, including one original wct scalcd/stampecl sop$ 41.1-1.3 A6.0-6.4 A.ll doors anrl windorvs (sal'ely gl*zing rroted lvhere requireel) T1.3 Barrier Freb required designs per IBC Ch.l I 44.4 Restroorn interior t-rnishen per ISC Section 804 P0.1 Plurnbing fixtures 44.0,4,2 $tainvays: width, rise, tun, handrails, guardruils, inndings, birn'ier ltee requircments, etc. T't.2 Area and oc*upancy scpiuation, all fire rated assemblies, draft stops and firc blocking A6.0-6.4 + spec l)$or', rvindorv nntJ hardware rcheclules Page ? ol4 FAGE # FLOOR FRAI,IING AND ROOF FRAMIHG FLAH s2.3-2.4 Identify struuturrl nrembers, gr'rttle, r:r;rlerinl size anrl ilrettrild tll'Rlla*lrrn*nl; ft:nll,enting, rnnl ilrninngc *nd l*cation nf rnof mcuntcd equiprnent FAGE # EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FAGE # BUILDING SECTIOHS AND WALL SECTIOT{S PAGE # IHTERIOR ELEVATIONS FAGE # I{ECHAHICAL SYSTEI,I FA6r # FLT.IMFTHG SYSTEIVI P:itr$DiDeparintent Forms\Building\Conrnrercial Pennit Applicant Plans Checklist.DQC Reuised B,B1i04 A2.O-2.2 Exteritr views cn l.?onl, rear irrld sids$ A2.O-2.2 Decks, steps, handrails, gnardrails, lanelings, brilconies, milque€"s, pnrches 42.0-2.2 Final grrrd+ 42.0-2.2 Heiglrt of building per IBC Section 50?.1 42.8-2.9 All nraterials uf c.orrstruuiirrn Iirrnr tlluting lhrough rt)r}f cov€ring A7.O-7.1 .,\l I fir*-ratcd assernbl ies and firr-rated penetrtrti rins A2.X All vertical dim*usinn* nla Dry cr ll,et lloodprooling {il in u lluoti zurre -.$se FEMA Flt:od lnsurance Ratc lvlaps for which zone) T1.3 All B*rriei-Frue requi:ed de.qi r:l earancc s shorvn (inclurti - see belar+'with 47.2-7.4 lianrlrnils,sleyator oFf;ration panrls, elc-Guardrail vl1.x, 2.)Entirc urechanicnl systern vl1.x, 2.)( + M0.1 All units. tlteir sizcs. rnonnting ctctnils, all elr.rct r.vork and tluct sizrs M1.X Fite dampers rvhere reqrlired M0.1 Eqtripment schednles P1.X+0.1 All hxtnres, pipingr slopr:s, nratcrials nnd sizes {provide calculations) P1.1 c3.0 Comection prrints to urtilities, septic hnks, Fr$treillnient tletler syetems ancl rvater r;vr:lls P1.2 PO.1 Greasetr'aps and&:r gr$ff$e interc.eptors requir*d fcrl--ontntnrcial kitchens Fags 3 of 4 PAGE # B.ARRIER.FREE :CESSIBILITY FESIGI{ PAGE # ACCESSIELE PARKING T1.3 Orut:Lritr murtnlirtg heights, sink clenrmrces, fixfttrr,r locitlians., siz{s, and plncement 44.4 Restruorns * shorn,5 firot diarnetcr circrle used for mea*uring unabstructed llotr.U)aflE A0.1 Exteriur Route of liarirrl - sholv all connectirins fram the cnlrnnus c2.0 c4.'l lrrrrg$iqns nf allpalking slacs$, aisle striping, signage {including far van pnrhing), surfacing" PAGE # LAItDSCAPTNG FISN F.A6E # HREC c2.o Existing nnd propased gracks c3.0 I-IndergronntJ and above g,rorurcl utilities 11.1 All existi irnd new stnlcturs$ 11.1 All sheets, ,,vn1kr"'a1,s and sielervalks L1.4 Plzurt tnaterials rvith approgriate symbnls and idcntificalious keycd tr: planting schedule L"t.4 Plnnting scheclulc to include botanical and conrinoll nnlncs! sir,es nnd conditions o1'plants 11.5 Plant installation lechniques .rnd guidelines,(Exaurplc: bareruot vs.uontainer) attached Submit ?003 Nou Residential Encrg,v Code (NREC) corupliance fonns PAGE # wsvlAq T1.2 Sht:r.v +omirliancc rvilh ?003 Washington Stale Yentilation and Indorr Air Quality ecde rBqurrements, ELECTRICAI PERMIT - See \\rA Stnte Departnrent of Labor & Industries for clectrieal permit. SFRINKLER' HOOD FIRE SUPPRESSION AHD AL,ARI{ WORK * Sep*rate perniit required to L,e submilted to the Building Department. SEPARATE PLUTVIBIHG AT.Itr HECHANICAL PERMITS MAY BE REqUIRED SENSITM AREA QUESTIONNAIRE - Iv{ust be submitteil if ereating a nerv ftrotprint of n structure, S-TRUCTURAL CALCULATIOHS - Where requireel, pravide i'br prnjectls entire snucilrral systenr" SFECIFICATIONS - Tu tre provided either rn the drawings or in booklet fnrm. The spe*ificatinns shall fu*her define con,tlruction regarding c.on$truction f.omponsnts, rnatcrials antl methcds of $onslnrction, u,nll finishes ancl pertinent equipnrent, REVISIOHS - It shall he tlrt rcsponsibility cl the o\1,Tlnr cr olvn$r's agent tr obtiiin revisions approve<l by the Deve'lopntetrt Sen'ic'es I)epailrnent tbt all chunges during lhe project Fricr to irc.tual constructinn. Revisinn subrnittals to include cornpletecl Revision Fonn, 2 sels nf reviseclplans, rreilcul*tions anrl other applir.able doc.Hmentntion. Fur c.larily, all revisiarrs shnuld Lrc identilied *"ith a ,,V,' synrbol and clsuded on the drarr,,ings or resubrnitted g.s a nulv plan s*t. F:lDsDlD6parttnent ForrnslBuilding\C*mm€rcial Pernrit Applicani Flarrs Checktist,D0c page 4 ol 4 fieuised 8131/04 2004 Wa 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms State Nonresidential Ene Code Compliance Form Revised May 2005 Envelo Summa ry Climate Zon ENV.SUM Project Info Project Address 431 Water Street Date 7 /L3/2006 Port Townsend, Washington 98368 For Building Department Use Applicant Name: Adin Dunnins ApplicantAddress: TL cohnnbia Street, Sixth Floor I Seattte, WA 9810 ApplicantPhone: 206/2s4.202.7 Project Description p rue* Building ! nooition f Atteration ! Change of Use Space Heat Type Q Electric resistance Q All other (see over for definitions) Glazing Area Calculation Note: Below grade walls may be included in the Gross Exterior Wall Area if they are insulated to the level required for opaque walls. Total Glazing Area (rough opening) (vertical & overhd) Electronic version: these values are automatically taken from ENV-UA-1 Gross Exterior divided by Wall Area times 100 equals o/oGlazing 2947.0 L0452.0 X100= 28.22 Concrete/Masonry Option O y"" Ono Check here if using this option and if project meets all requirements for the Concrete/Masonry Option. See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications. Enter requirements for each qualifying assembly below. Compliance Option p Prescriptive f Component Performance (See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications) ! Systems Analysis must ove 2. Refer to Section 1310 for qualifications and requirements Notes: ! \liil t, i ,JUl l9:,lilii I Envelope Requirements (enter values as applicable) Fully heated/cooled space M ini mu m I nsu lation R-values Roofs Over Attic n/a All Other Roofs R-21 Opaque Wallsl R-21 Below Grade Walls n/a Floors Over Unconditioned Space R-22 Slabs-on-Grade R-10 Radiant Floors R-10 Maximum U-factors Opaque Doors u-0. 60 Vertical Glazing u-0. 65 Overhead Glazing n/a Maximum SHGC (or SC) Vertical/Overhead Glazing 0.650 Opaque Concrete/Masonry Wall Requirements Wall Maximum U-factor is 0.15 (R5.7 continuous ins) CMU block walls with insulated cores comply lf project qualifies for Concrete/Masonry Option, list walls with HC > 9.0 Btu/ft'?.'F below (oiher walls must meet Opaque Wall requirements). Use descriptions and values from Table 10-9 in the Code. Wall Description (including insulation R-value & position) U-factor Semi-heated space2 Minimum Insulation R-values Roofs Over Semi-Heated Spaces2 n/a ctors 2004 Wash n State Nonresidential E Code Co liance Form 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Revised May 2005 Decision Flowchart for Prescriptive Option Use this flowchart to determine if project qualifies for the optional Prescriptive Option. lf not, either the Component Performance or Systems Analysis Options must be used I 302 Space Heat Type: For the purpose of determining building envelope requirements, the following two categories comprise all space heating types: Other; All other space heating systems including gas, solid fuel, oil, and propane space heating systems and those systems listed in the exception to electric resistance. (continued at right) Yes No Electric Resistance: Space heating systems which use electric resistance elements as the primary heating system including baseboard, radiant, and forced air units where the total electric resistance heat capacity exceeds 1.0 W/ftz of the gross conditioned floor area. Exception: Heat pumps and terminal eleciric resistance heating in variable air volume distribution systems Yes Yes No Yes <l Totals Yes No *lf the area weighted heat capacity (HC) of the total above grade wall is a minimum of 9.0, the Concrete Masonry Option may be used...For framed walls, assume HC=1.0 unless calculations are provided; for all other walls, use Section 1009. Envel Summa ac Climate Zo ENV.SUM START All lnsulation lnstalled? Electric Resistance Heat? Below Grd Wall (ext) Below Grd Wall (oth) Roof Over Attic All Other Roof Raised Floor Slab-On-Grade Radiant Floor Opaque Door R-10 R-19 R-30 R-21 R-19 R-10 R-10 u-0.60 Mass Wall Criteria OK? (below) Component Performance Systems Analysis Required or Concrete/lVlasonry Option*Wall Heat Capacity (HC) Assembly Description Assy.Tag HC..Area (sf)HC x Area Wall R19 Mass Wall lnsulation Req. Mass Wall U0.15/R5.7ci CMU Block lns. Cores Wood Frame R19 Metal Framed U0.062 Glazing Criteria Met? Glazing Area Vo 0-30% >30 Vert OH UVal UVal SHGC 0.40 0.60 0.40 Not Allowed All lnsulaiion lnstalled? Below Grd Wall (ext) Below Grd Wall (oth) Roof Over Attic All Other Roof Raised Floor Slab-On-Grade Radiant Floor Opaque Door Wood R-10 R-19 R-38 R-30 R-30 R-10 R-10 u-0.60 Metal R-10 u-0.062 u-0.031 u-0.034 u-0.029 R-10 R-10 u-0.60 Wall R wood, or o62 (below) Mass Wall Criteria OK? Mass Wall lnsulation Req Mass Wall U0.15/R5.7ci CMU Block lns. Cores Wood Frame R19 Metal Framed R19 Glazing Criteria Met? Glazing Area Vo 0-30% 30-45% >45V0 Vert OH UVal UVal SHGC 0.55 0.70 0.45 0.45 0.60 0.40 Not Allowed Prescriptive Path Allowed Area weighted HC: divide total of (HC x area) by Total Area 2004 w 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms .For CMU walls, indicate core insulation material T 1) Proposed Total UA shall not exceed Target Total UA. 2) Proposed Total Area shall equal Target Total Area. State Nonresidential E Code liance Form Revised May 2005 Envelo e UA Galcul ns Climate Zone ENV.UA Project Address 431 Water Street Date 7 /1-3/2006 Space Heat Type Q Electric resistance Q All other For Building Department Use Glazing Area as % gross exterior wall area 28.2% Prop 45. 0C Max.Target Concrete/Masonry Option Cves e No Notes: lf glazing area exceeds maximum allowed in Table, then calculate adjusted areas on back (over) Building Gomponent List components by assemblv lD & paqe # Proposed UA U-factor x Area (A)=UA(UxA)U-factor Target UA x Area (A) = UA (U x A) o-! o -:y>(, [J= u= [J= u= lJ= u= [J= (J= Plan lD 1/A2.0 Pl6n lj 2 /t 2 .0 Plan lD l-la2.1- Plan lD 2/e2.7 Plan lD 2/A2.2 Plan lD 3/A2.2 Plan lD a/a2.2 Plan lD 5/x2.2 0.600 0.600 0.500 0.6 0.500 0.600 0.600 0.600 24t .0 466.O 235.O 855.0 I74.0 309.0 26t.O 406.0 I44 .6 279.6 141.0 s13.0 704 .4 185.4 156.6 243 .6 0.550 2947 .O 1620 .9 Glazing o/o 0-30% >30-45% Electric Resist. 0.40 see note above Other Heating 0.55 0-45 C')c.N (E o (soc q) ao.F 0) u= [J= u= lJ= Plan lD Plan lD Plan lD Plan lD 0.700 Glazing oh 0-30% >30-45% Electric Resist. 0.6 see note above Other Heating 0.7 0.6 a oti o u= [J= u= lJ= Plan lD Plan lD Plan lD Plan lD 0.700 O =!)s6 o*o [J= u= [J= Plan lD Plan lD Plan lD 0.600 Electric Resist. 0.60 Other Heating 0.60 'hLU =OC< >=(\) < ft= R= R= Plan lD Plan lD Plan lD 0.035 Electric Resist. 0.031 Other Heating 0.036 9ts=^od ft= R= R= Plan lD Plan lD Plan lD 0.040 8408.0 336.3 0 .045 8408,0 386.8 Electric Resist. 0.034 Other Heating 0.046 a (o =c)fctoo-o o- ft= R= ft= R= ft= ft= Q= Plan lD 1/A2.0 Plan lD 2/e2.o Plan lD 7/e2.7 Plan lD 2/a2.L Plan lD 2/^2.2 Plan lD 3/e2.2 Plan lD 4/^2.2 Plan lD 5/^2.2 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.057 0 .057 0 .057 1831 . 0 2027.0 LO62.O 1716.0 143.0 199 .169 358 .0 704 .4 115 .5 60.s 97 .8 at 11 .3 9.6 2Q .4 **Note: sum of Target Areas here should equal Target Opaque Wall Area (see back) o .062 7505.0 465.3 Frame-Wd Frame-Mtl Electric Resist. 0.062 0.062 Other Heating 0.062 0.109 Mass Wall** o.1s ++ see mass wall Criteria 0.15 3ov is= fl= Plan lD: IR= Plan lD: IR= Plan lD: I Note: if insulated to levels required for opaque walls, list above with opaque walls lnt lns Ext lns Electric Resist. 0.062 0.07 Other Heating 0.062 0.07 ,. T 3: i L": ft= R= R= R= Plan lD Entry Alcove Plan lD Ticket A]-cove Plan lD Livery/ Breezeway Plan lD: 0 .034 0.034 0.034 25r. 54. 3850 8.5 1.8 130.9 0 0.056 4155.0 zJz. I Electric Resist. 0.029 Other Heating 0.056 L 5 f,! t) a)! G c') cctcft ft= ft= R= ft= Plan lD Retaj"I + Coffee Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: 0.550 2548.0 1401.4 0.540 2548.0 13?5 . 9 Electric Resist. Other Heating F=0.54 F=0.54 (see Table 13-1 for radiant floor values) 25563. 0 40?5.0 25563.0 4081.5 To comply: 2004w State Nonresidential En Code liance Form 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms *Note: Manufacturer's SC mav be used in lieu of SHGC Totals For compliance: Proposed total SHGC x A shall not exceed Target total SHGC x A NOTE: Since 1997 SHGC compliance for vertical and overhead glazing is allowed to be calculated together Revised May 2005 E 1 ENV.SHGCClimate Glazing List components bv assemblv lD & paqe # Proposed SHGC SHGC. x Area (A)=SHGCxA SHGC Target SHGG x Area (A)=SHGCxA o)c.N (o(, ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: 0.400 2941 .O 1178.8 0.450 2947 .O 7326.2 Glazing % 0-30% >30-45% Electric Resist. 0.4 not allowed Other Heating 0.45 0.4 2947.O 1178.8 2947.0 1326.2 T Area Ad ustment Calculations lf thetotal amount of glazing area as a 9/o of gross exteriorwall area (calculated on ENV-SUMI) exceeds the maximum allowed in Table 13-1, then this calculation must be submitted Use the resulting areas in the Target UA and SHGC calculations above. Proposed Areas: Numbered values are used in calculations below. Roofs over Attics Other Roofs Walls Glazing Opaque Gross Exterior Wall Area 1-O452.O 4703 ,4 Max Glazing Area (Table 13-1) 45. Og Target OG Area in Roofs over Attics _____-:> 8408. O 100 Max OG Maximum Target Glazing Area Target OG Area in Other Roofs Ta OG VG Area separate Target Note: OG = overhead glazing VG = vertical glazing For Target OG's, the lesser values are used both here and below. VG Area Area 8408. O Area Areas found X Area OG Area Roofs over Attics Other Roofs + + Area VG Area Walls Noie: lf there is more than one type of wall, the Target may buted among lf the Target Areas for Opaque Walls listed on the front must equal the total calculated here +Target Areas OK OG=OG=VG=2947.O 8408. O 7505. O 0 lesser 4703.4 4703-4 4703 .4 $ lesser 4703.4 2947.O 7505. O 2947.O Target values in shaded boxes are used in the applicable Target UA calculations on the front. Target VG Area and Total Target OG Area are also used in the applicable Target SHGC calculations above. 2004 w n State Nonresidential En Code Com nce Form Compliance Forms Revised MayState Project Address 431 Water Street a Date 7 /L3/2006 The following information is necessary to check a building permit application for compliance with the building envelope requirements in the Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Applicability (yes, no, n.a.) Code Section Component lnformation Required Location on Plans Building Department Notes GENERAL REQUIREM ENTS (Sections 1301 -131 4l 1 :l01 Scooe Unconditioned soaces identified on olans if allowed Yes 1302 Space heat type: Other ndicale on olans lhat eleclric resistance heal is not allowerl lf "Other", n.a 1310.2 iemi-heated snaces Semi-healed snaces irJentified on nlans if allnwerl 131 1 lnsulation yes 1311.1 lnsul. installation lndicate densities and clearances yes 1311.2 Roof /ceiling insul lndicate R-value on roof sections for attics and other roofs; lndicate clearances for attic insulation; lndicate baffles if eave vents installed; lndicale face slaolino of feced betts Yes 131 1 .3 Wall insulation lndicate R-value on wall sections; lndicate face stapling offaced batts; lndicate above grade exterior insulation is protectedi lndicate loose{ill core insulation for masonrywalls as necess; lndicate heat capacity of masonry walls if masonrv oDtion is used F73: 1311.4 Floor insulation lndicate R-value on floor sections; lndicate substantial contact with surface; lndicate supports not more than 24" o.c.; lndicate that insulation does not block airflow lhror roh for rndaiion vents 131 1.5 Slab-on-grade floor lndicate R-value on wall section or foundation delail; lndicate slab insulation extends down vertically 24" from top; lndicate above qrade exterior insulation is orotected yes 131 1 .6 Radiant floor lndicate R-value on wall section or foundation detail; lndicate slab insulation extends down vertically 36" from the top; lndicate above grade exterior insulation is protected; lndicate insulation also under entire slab where reo'd bv Official yes 1312 Glazing and doors Provide calculation of glazing area (including both vertical vertical end overhead) as oercenl of oross wall area 1312.1 U-factors lndicate glazing and door U-factors on glazing and door schedule (provide area-weighted calculations as necessary); Indicate if values are NFRC or default, if values are default then specifyframe type, glazing layers, gapwidth, low-e coatinos. oas fillinos yes 1312.2 SHGC & SC lndicate glazing solar heat gain coefficient or shading coefficient on glazing schedule (provide area-weighted calculalions as necessaru) '1313 lvloisture control yes 1313.'1 Vapor retarders lndicate vapor retarders on warm side yes 1313.2 Roof/ceiling vap.ret.lndicate vapor retarder on roof section; lndicate vao. retard. with sealed seams for non-wood struc. yes 1313.3 Wall vapor retarder lndicate vapor retarder on wall section yes 1313.4 Floor vapor retarder lndicate vapor retarder on floor seclion n 1313.5 Crawl space vap. ret.lndicate six mil black polyethylene overlapped 12" on ground 1314 1314.1 Bldg. envel. sealing lndicate sealing, caulking, gasketing, and weatherstrippingyes yes 1314.2 Glazing/door sealing lndicate weatherstripping n 1314.3 Assemb. as ducts lndicate sealing, caulking and gasketing PRESCRIPTIVE/COMPONENT PERFORMANCE (Sections 1320-23 or 1330-34) yes Envelope Sum. Form Completed and attached. Provide component performance worksheet if necessary ENV-CHK lf "no" is shown for any question, provide explanation: 2004 Washin State Nonresidential Envelope - General Requirements 131 1 lnsulation 1311.1 lnstallation Requirements: All insulation materials shall be installed according to the manufacturer's instructions to achieve properdensities, maintain clearances, and maintain unilorm R-values. To the maximum extent possible, insulation shall extend over the full component area to the intended R- value. 1311.2 Roof/Geiling lnsulation: Open-blown or poured loose- fill insulation may be used in attic spaces where the slope of the ceiling is not more lhan3112 and there is at least thirty inches of clear distance from the top of the bottom chord of the truss or ceiling joist to the underside of the sheathing at the roof ridge. When eave vents are installed, baffling of the vent openings shall be provided so as to deflect the incoming air above the surface of the insulation. Where lighting fixtures are recessed into a suspended or exposed grid cdling, the roof/ceiling assembly shall be insulated in a location other than directly on the suspended ceiling. Exception: Type lC rated recessed lighting lixtures. Where installed in uood framing, faced batt insulation shall be face stapled. 1 31 1 .3 Wall lnsulation: Exterior wall carities isolated during framing shall be fully insulated to the levels of the surrounding walls. When installed in wood framing, faced batt insulation shall be face stapled. Above grade exterior insulation shall be protected. 1311.4 Floor lnsulation: Floor insulation shall be installed in a permanent manner in substantial contact with the surface being insulated. lnsulation supports shall be installed so spacing is not more than twenty-four inches on center. lnstalled insulation shall not block the airflowthrough foundation vents. 131 1.5 SlabOnGrade Floor: Slab-on-grade insulation installed inside the foundation wall shall extend downward from the top of the slab a minimum distance of twenty-four inches or to the top of the footing, whichever is less. lnsulation installed or.iside the foundation shall extend downward a minimum of twenty-four inches or to the frostline, whichever is greater. Above grade insulation shall be protected. Exception: For monolithic slabs, the insulation shall extend downward from the top of the slab to the bottom of the footing. 1311.6 Radiant Floors (on or below grade): Slab-on-grade insulation shall extend downward f rom the top of the slab a minimum distance of thirty-six inches or downward to the top of the footing and horizontal for an aggregate of not less than thirty-six inches. lf required by the building official where soil conditions warrantsuch insulation, the entire area of a radiantfloorshall be thermally isolated from the soil. Where a soil gas control system is provided below the radiant floor, which results in increased convective flow below the radiant floor, the radiant floor shall be thermally isolated from the s ub-floor gravel layer. 1312 Glazing and Doors 1312.1 Standard Procedure for Determination of Glazing and Door U-Factors: U-factors for glazirg and doors shall be determined, certified and labeled in accordance with Standard RS-31 by a certified independent agency licensed by the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC). Compliance shall be bmed on the Residential or the Nonresidential Model Size. Code liance Form Produd samples used for U-factor determinations shall be production line units or reprasentative of units as purchmed by the consumer or contractor. Unlabeled glazing and doors shall be assigned thedefault U-fador in Section 2006. 13'12.2Solar Heat Gain Coefficient and Shading Coefficient: Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), shall be determ ined, certified and labeled in accordance with the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) Standard by a certified, independent agency, licensed bythe NFRC. Exception: Shading coefficients (SC) shall be an acceptable alternate for compliance with solar hed gai n coeff icient req ui rem ents . Shadin g coeffi cie nts forglazing shall betakenfrom Chapter2T of Standard R$27 or from the manufacturer's test data. 1313 Moisture Control 1313.1 Vapor Retarders: Vapor retarders shall be installed on the warm side (in winter) of insulation as required by this section. Exception: Vapor retarder installed with not more than 1/3 of the nominal R-value between it and the conditioned space. 1 31 3.2 Roof/Cei lin g Asse m bli es : Roof/cei I i ng assembl ies where the ventilation space above the insulation is less than an average of twelve inches shall be provided with a vapor retarder. Roof/ceiling assemblies withor.rt a vented airspace, where neither the roof deck nor the roof structure are made of wood, shall provide a continuous vapor retarderwith taped seams. Exception: Vapor retarders need not be provided where all of the insulation is installed between the roof membrane and the structural roof deck 1313.3 Walls:Walls separating conditioned space from unconditioned space shall be provided with a vapor retarder. 1313.4 Floors: Floors separating conditioned space from unconditioned space shall be provided with a vapor retarder. 1313.5 Crawl Spaces: A ground cover of six mil (0.006 inch thick) black polyethylene or approved equal shall be laid over the ground within crawl spaces. The ground cover shall be overlapped twelve inches minimum atthe joints and shall extend to thefoundation wall. Exception: The ground cover may be omitted in crawl spaces ifthe crawl space has a concrete slab floor with a minimum thickness of three and one-half inches. 1314 Air Leakage 1314.1 Building Envelope: The requirements of this section shall apply to building dements separating conditioned from unconditioned spaces. Exterior joints around windows and door frames, openings between walls and foundation, between walls and roof and wall panels; openirgs at peretrations of utility services through walls, floors, and roofs; and all other openirgs in the building envelope shall be sealed, caulked, gasketed, or weatherstripped to limit air leakage. 1314.2 Glazing and Doors: Doors and operable glazing separating conditioned from unconditioned space shall be weatherstripped. Fixed windows shall be tight fitting with glass retained by stops with sealant or caulking all around. Exception: Openings that are required to be fire resistant. 1314.3 Building Assemblies Used as Ducts or Plenums: Building assemblies used as ducts or plenums shall be sealed, caulked, and gasketed to limit air leakage. Revised May 2005Washington State Nonresidential Fnergy Code ComplEnce Buildin Permit Pla hecklist ENV-CHK . Permit Query Thursday May 14, 2009 I l:31 UZcr.v'rvre Parent Application No Projecf Name Street Addr Submitted Dt Reporting Group Search Issued Dt Closed DtApproved Dt Reissue Expiration DtDt Contact Search Contractor Search TEMPORARY MODTJLAR BLD 431 WATER ST 07 0212002 07/22/2002 08/08t2002 08t23/2002 DEMO OLD/BLD NEW DOCK 431 WATER ST TENT FOR WEEK END FESTIVAL WATER/MONROE 05/tU200s 05nU200s 05/rU2005 0412212009 Northivest Maritime Center 43I WATER STREET 0611912007 05/06/2008 0510912008 I r /08/2009 98970040 IBLD02- 148 ED LEG-BLD BLD03-207 LEC.BLD 98970040 I 98970040 lBLD05- 100 LEG-BLD 98970040 IBL_D06- r 40 LEC.BLD BI_D07-l l9 ISSUED 98970040 I 989700402BLD07-l t9 ISSTJEI) PermitApplicatlon No Type PI FI Appl Status Type Rpa Acct No BLD-RES. ADD/REM BLD.RES- ADD/REM Frm Applicant Name NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER NORTHWEST MARITIVIE CENTER NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER NORTHWEST MARITIN4E CENTER NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER Northrvest Maritime Center 43I WATER STREET 06/t9/2007 05/06/2008 05/09/2008 tU08/2009 1 1/08/2009 06t03t2009 09/03/2003 09/t2t2003 to/09t2003 Ner.v Center 431 WATER ST 07 tr9t2006 07 t19t2006 05/06/2008 05/05/2008 08t29t2009 989700403BLD07-ll9 ISSUED ISSUED 98970040 1 BLD07-119 t0/27 t2008 FPP09-002 98970040 1 FIRE ALARM 98970040 IHPCOt-036 COMPLETED 2 WOOD STGNS 431 WATER ST tU14t200t lUr4t200l 98970040 IHPC02-009 COMPLETED LEG-HPC 43I WATER ST 15 APPROVED 98970040 I ISS LEG-HPC 06/t9t2007 05/06/2008 05/09/2008 P -SPK 09t2312QQ8 r0/2U2008 0Ut4/2009 Q2t24t2009 03t02t2009 03/13/2002 03^3/2002 08n5t2007 I 1/03/2008 P-ALM- M BLD.RES- ADD/REM Northn'est Maritime Center 43I WATER STREET FIRE SPRINKLER 431 WATER STREET 4]1 WATER STREET HPC- MAJOR 431 WATER STREET NORTHWEST MARlTIME CENTER NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER FPP08.008 DEMO 5 STRUCTURES NEW N4ONUMENT SIGN 02t1t/2048 Page 1 of4 I ) http://permitserver:7778lforms/PermitAttachments/html out/Permit%20Query.html 51t412009 Permit Query Page 2 of 4 HPCO8-022 APPROVED 98970040 I HPCO7-015 NORTHWEST ** http://permitserver:7778lforms/PermitAttachments/html out/Permit%20Query.html HPC- MAJOR NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER Continued rcview of NW Maritime Center WATER ST. @ MADISON 06t2512008 08/01/2008 12122/2008 sft LATEO8- 004 DENIED LATE- AGREE NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 98970040 I sDP08-023 WATER & STREET WORK 43I WATER STREET 07l08/2008 0110412009 LUP00-0r2 COMPLETED LEG-LUP NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 989704i02 BORINCS & WELLS 430 WATER ST LUP0I-017 COMPLETED LEG-LUP NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 989700403 HEIGHT LIMIT FROM 30 TO 40 WATER ST BLOCK 0stot/200t 05/0112001 o9/26/2001 LUP02-016 CLOSED LEG-LLJP 9897t)0401 DEMO & REMEDIATION 43I WATER ST 02/1412002 0211412002 LUP02-017 COMPLETED LEG-LIJP NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 98970040 I SHORELINE EXEMPTION 43I WATER ST 02/25/2002 02t25t2002 03t12t2002 LUP02-069 COMPLETED LEG-LUP NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 98970040 1 SHORE EXEMPT FOR TEMP MODTJLAR 431 WATER ST 07/Q2/2002 07/02t2002 07/2212002 LUP03-063 ARCHTVET)LEC.LUP NORTHWEST MARTTIME CENTER 98970040 I SHORELINE EXEMPT FOR TEST PtI-ES 431 WATER ST 04t30t2003 04/30t2003 LUP04-002 CLOSED LEG.LUP NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 98970040 I SHORE. EXEMPT EEL CRASS 431 WATER ST 0r/1512004 oUr5l2o04 03/02/2000 03/03/2000 NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER LUP05-067 ISSUED LEG.LUP NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 98970040 I SHORELINE 4OO WATER ST 06/27/200s 06t27t2005 03/2012006 MEC07-034 ISSUED MEC.PMT NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 98970040 I Bt_D07-1t9 MECHANICAL FOR NEW BLDG 43l WATER STREET 4713012007 05/06t2008 0st07/2008 l 1 /03/2008 EC-PMT NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 04t0712009 t0l04l2QQ9989700402COMMERCIAL KITCHEN 430 WATER STREET MrP04-129 TSSUED LEG.MIP NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 98970040 I UNDERGROUND CABI-E 431 WATER ST 07 t09/2004 07t09t2004 07 t09t2004 51t412009 Permit Query MtP04-142 COMPLETED I-EG-MIP MARITIME CENTER 989700401 REPLACE POLE 509 WATER ST 07t27/2004 0712712004 Page 3 of4 MI502-017 FINALED 0411512002 04fi5t2002 06tr0t2002 tU25/2008 tU25t2Q08 LEG-MIS NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 989700401 GRADING & FILL Mts02-018 FTNALED LEG-MIS NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 989700401 DEMO BTJILDING 04/15/2002 06/r012002 y-M07-007 ISSUED PI-M-PMT NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 989700401 BLD07-1 19 PLUMBINC 431 WATER ST 43I WATER ST 431 WATER STREET 431 WATER ST 07 t30t2007 05t0712008 08123t2009 PRE05-040 DEFER FF-ES LEG.PRE 98970040 I 2 BUILDINCS 05/25t20Qs 041t5t2002 05/07t20Q8 05/25/2005 07/03t2005 sDP06-052 WITHDRAWN LEC.SDP 989700401 NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER UTILITIES FOR FIRST BLD 43I WATER ST 0711912006 07n9t2006 06t2812007 sDP07-010 EXPIRED SDP-PMT NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 989700401 UTILITIES CONNECTIONS 43I WATER STREET 07,L0t2001 0 1 /06/2008 sDP07-020 EXPIRED SDP-PMT UTILITIES CONNECTIONS 43l WATER STREET 071t0t2007 0l/06/2008 sDP07-020 EXPIRED SDP-PMT sDP08-02.3 ISSI.JF,D SDP-PMT NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER PLM07-007 CONNECT UTILITIES 43I WATER STREET 06n2t2008 08/14l2008 1 t/1 8/2008 0512012009 06130/2008 05t20tzoQg 06/30/2008 NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 989700403 NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 989700402 UTILITIES CONNECTIONS 431 WATER STREET 07 t10t2007 01/06/2008 sDP08-023 ISSUED SDP-PMT NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 98970040 1 989700403 PLM07-007 CONNECT UTILITIES 4]I WATER STREET 06n2t2008 08114/2008 I 1/18/2008 sDP08-023 ISSUED NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER SDP-PMT 1 1/1 8/2008 05t20t2009 06/30/2008989700402PLM07-007 06tr2t2008 08/14l2008CONNECT UTILTTIES 43I WATER STREET sNP01-047 COMPLETED SNP-PMT NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 989700401 2 WOOD SIGNS 431 WATER ST tt/14t2001 tUt4l200r tt/2612001 sNP05-037 ISSUED SNP-PMT NORTHWEST MARITIME NW Martirne Center signs 380 JEFFERSON ST 07/26/2005 07t26t2005 09/0r/200s http ://perm itserv er7 7 7 8/forms/PermitAttachments/html out/Permit%20Query. html 5/1412009 , Permit Query CENTER Page 4 of4 t sNP07-016 ISSUED SNP.PMT NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 98970040 r TEMP POLE SIGN 43I WATER STREET 08/t5/2007 0l/31/2008 08/2U2007 07/29/2008 TEC03-022 ARCHIVED LEG-TEC NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER 989700401 TALK UTILITIES 43I WATER ST 06/l 8/2003 06/18t2003 http://permitserver:7778lforms/PermitAttachments/html out/Permit%20Query.html slr4/2009 t Northwest Maritime Center TDM PLAN Approved L s 2010 by: Rick Sepler, DSD Director, City of Port Townsend Adopted November 18, 2010 by: Northwest Maritime Center Board of Directors Northwest Maritime Center 431 Water Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Tel. 360.385.3628 Fax 360.385.4742 1 mHiUff t NW Maritime Center TDM Plan Purpose The following guidelines for the Northwest Maritime Center (NWMC) were developed to mitigate potential transportation issues that could arise from employee, visitor, and local resident use of the new facility. The development and administration of the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan is a condition of development of the new facility required bythe City of Port Townsend. At full-build out and peak operations, there could be up to 30 employees and volunteers working at the NWMC facilities. on an average day, there will be many different groups on site, including employees, visitors to the NWMC, customers of the chandlery and Galley coffee shop, rowers and users of the boathouse, school children attending a maritime learning experience, and boat builders working on boats in the boat shop.on a special event day, there could be a conference, a community meeting, or a wedding reception' The meeting rooms have a maximum capacity of 329 people, but seating is actually limited to a capacity of 1'44 people for banquet seating and 1gg seats for sit down theater-stylepresentations' This Plan is intended to provide operational guidance for staff and to increase user awareness of traffic circulation and parking issues at the Center and to control eventparking that could impact neighboring businesses and the character of the adjacent Historic District and Point Hudson properties. Administration The NWMC TDM Plan is administered by the Meeting Event Manager, who can be reached at360'385'3628, extension#LrL'The Plan has been distributed to all employees, tenants, board members, and volunteers who use the facility on a frequent basis. The plan is also given to any schoolgroups that will use the facility. Anyone who rents a classroom or meeting room will begiven a Dos and Don'ts Parking Agreement Any event that occurs during peak season will be required to fill out an Event Parking Management Form and sign an agreement stipulating thatthey understand the parking conditions required as a condition of their use of the NWMC facility. Parking rules and forms are also found on the NWMC website at http://nwma ritime.org/a bout-us/meetings_a nd_specia l_events Traffic Circulation and parking Guidelines The TDM plan targets reducing traffic and parking issues during the peak season between June 1 and september 30. lt is understood that if the employees and users of the facility abide by theTDM guidelines, no additional requirements will be imposed by the city of port Townsend. Thecity, however, may suggest modifications to this plan, upon notification of the NWM6, if adverse traffic circulation and parking effects are found to occur in the adjacent area. 2NW Maritime Center TDM Plan The TDM Plan includes: Built-in streetscape and site measures designed and incorporated into the TDM Plan and constructed as part of the new facilities Policies for employees, volunteers, and users of the facility to participate.in a healthy lifestyle and reduce parking and congestion by using alternative transportation methods to get to and from the NWMC Policies for special events, conferences and weddings: Policies and a map that describes how to get to the Center and transportation options will be included as an attachment to the Event Parking Management Form. An Event Parking Management Form for events that are expected to generate parking of more than 25 cars during peak periods An informational handout describing the "Dos and Don'ts" for visiting and parking at the NWMC, which is also found on the Center's website. Policies for enforcement, evaluation, and modification. a a a a a a a a a a o Built-in Site Measures (see site plan-Attachment A) One parking stall is established closest to the main entrance of the Chandlery at the corner of Water and Monroe Street and is designated a visitor carpool space. The adjacent parking space (one stall) to the east on Water Street is also designated as a 15-minute parking space in order to facilitate drop off and to promote quick parking turn-over in order to promote quick purchases in the Chandlery retail space. One parking stall on Water Street in front of the Education Building is reserved and equipped as an electric car parking/plug in station with a sign stating "Reserved for Electric Vehicles Only." a Two handicapped parking spaces are designated on Monroe Street, with an ADA accessible ramp to the sidewalks bordering the Center's two buildings. The Center provides 20 bicycle parking spaces and (2) showers (one male, one female) to facilitate bicycle travel for employees and tenants. A transit stop has been developed within 200 feet of the Center to serve Jefferson Transit's downtown and North Beach/Fort Worden routes. 3NW Maritime Center TDM Plan lmprovements also include 14-foot wide sidewalks and the development of 24 new and improved parking spaces found along the south side of Water Street. The Center's pier and floating docks also promote alternative transportation modes using the water as a means of getting to the Center and can be used by visiting tour boats, transient and recreational boaters. Policies for Employees, Tenants, and Volunteers All employees are encouraged to use alternatives modes (bike, bus, boat, or walk)to come to and from the NWMC facility year-round. During the peak season, between June L and September 30, employees are not allowed to park vehicles for more than L5 minutes unless for loading and unloading purposes on Water Street or on Monroe Street between 8 am and 6 pm. All tenants who lease space in the facility are subject to the same guidelines as employees and must sign a Dos and Don'ts Porking Agreement (see Attachment C) as a condition of their lease. a a a Free day-use parking for employees and tenants is available at the Port of Port Townsend "Back-forty", which is located behind the Cupola House (see Attachment B- Remote Alternative Parking Areas). Volunteers and board members who come for shorter shifts or an occasional meeting (i.e., less than four hours) are also encouraged to use alternative modes or to park at the City's public lot adjacent to the skateboard park (see Attachment B). All volunteers who work at the center during peak season must sign a "Dos ond Don'ts parking Agreemen(' with the Volunteer Coordinator. Employees that walk, boat, bus, or bike to and from work at least three days a week during the peak season are entitled to free locker space and use of showers, if so desired. Employees that live at least one mile away and bike, walk, or bus to and from work during the entire peak season are entitled to receive a free annual Jefferson County Transit pass. a a a o 4NW Maritime Center TDM Plan Policies for Special Events, Conferences, and Weddings Special events, conferences, and weddings are not required to fill out a Parking Management Form for use of the Center's facilities between October 1 and May 30. However, all lessees of the facility during this period are required to sign a Dos and Don'ts Parking Agreement as a condition of their facility rental. Special events, conferences, and weddings that occur during peak season, but after 5:30 p.m. are not required to fill out a Parking Management Form. However, all lessees of the facility during this period are required to sign a Dos and Don'ts Porking Agreement as a condition of their facility rental. a a a a I For events, conferences or weddings that would generate less than 25 cars at any one time during peak season, no special parking management efforts are required. However all lessees will sign a Dos and Don'ts Porking Agreement as a condition of their facility rental and make available the Dos and Don'ts parking flyer available to all of their attendees or guests. For events, conferences or weddings that would generate more than 25 cars at any one time during peak season, special parking management efforts are required. These efforts will include: Completion of the Porking Management Form (see Attachment D) and associated parking fee based on the estimated off-site parking calculation Notifying all attendees and/or guests that parking is limited and carpooling is requested Notifying all attendees and/or guests that on-street parking is not allowed on street right-of-ways adjacent to the NWMC Drop-off/pick-up parking is located at the end of Water Street for quick drop-offs and pick-ups or in the designated L5-minute parking space in front of the Heritage Building That parking is restricted to remote lots, which require a S-minute walk to the Center facilities or a public bus ride from the Jefferson Transit Park & Ride lot near Safeway, located one mile from the Center Provide all attendees and/or guests a map of the location of the off-site parking area and Jefferson Transit Park & Ride lot I 5NW Maritime Center TDM Plan For events, conferences or weddings that would generate more than 50 vehicles, event signage parking is required directing patrons to the designated parking area and a parking area attendant (hired by the NWMC and paid for by the lessee) must be located at the entrance of the parking area one hour before the event and stay for one hour after the event commences (total of 2 hours). Policies for Enforcement, Evaluation, and Modification The Meeting Event Manager will monitor on a daily basis employee and tenant parking along Water Street during peak season. Violations by employees or tenants will be notified by an email to the employee or tenant and copied to the Executive Director. Three violations by any employee in one peak season may result in disciplinary action and a note will be made in the employee's personnel file. Three violations by any tenant may show just cause to terminate a tenant lease. The Meeting Event Manager will work with the Volunteer Coordinator to assure that volunteers follow the parking guidelines of the Center. Violations by volunteers or board members will be forwarded to the Volunteer Coordinator and Executive Director to determine who would be responsible for contacting the violator to seek corrective action. Violations will be logged and a total of four violations may result in a volunteer losing their volunteer status at the Center. a The Chandlery staff will keep daily records of people who come into the Chandlery from the front entrance as a gauge of pedestrian trips to the Center. lt is recognized that these numbers are approximate, are not reflective of vehicle trips, and may not include users that arrive through the back doors by the coffee shop. lf requested, the daily tabulated numbers will be made available for review by the City's Development Services Department. Chandlery staff will have available for customers a short survey to ask visitors or customers where they parked (survey will show parking locations), whether they drove to the NWMC as their only stop in the historic downtown, for what purpose, how they heard of us, (word of mouth, stumbled upon, another merchant, member, etc.) and whether they purchased something form the chandlery or coffee shop. Concerns or complaints regarding parking or circulation at the Center will be brought to the attention of the Facilities Committee. The Facilities Committee will work with appropriate staff members to address any concerns or issues, determine an appropriate solution, and communicate the solution to the concerned person or party. Modifications to the TDM Plan must be approved by the Facilities Committee. The City may request modifications of the plan, and suggest specific solutions, if it deems adverse traffic or parking impacts are occurring from NWMC facility uses and activities. a a a a 6NW Maritime Center TDM Plan AT T A C H M E N T A: TD M SI T E PL A N BU I L T IN ME A S U R E S /A Tr a n s i t Sl o p {i n ' m e d i * e { y aq a c € r n ps c e l ) AD A Pa t i f t q r} El i b F N k h t P l E n \t / - iF -ul !l F {,UJ P .z o = F De d i c d e d Vi s n o r Ca r p o d Pa * i n g .9 r o r t - T e m ru m t De d l c d e d Fl e c t r h Vd r k l e Pf f t i n g {r r i t r l da r g i n g da l t m } TH I E R S I R E E T Ff t l E rs_ m tf f i n I I I I I I I Fl o a l i n q {b d ( x en O of pi e r -- - _ \ EE M. h !6 Zm - . . r o h' n tu H tu ** g t/ H hl d d_ 10 0 * cD sE T No r t h w e s t Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r Po r t T o w u r d , lt & * l l 4 b n ll E - s ta to ;tt 1 7 tl t i l n E ED t g T t f f i l l . u s Hf , I I f , E A I E H E N T i E E Gr c L n E t t l - f l k lr r f i E n ' s Hn I T E t l G H E F I I A E FE F I F E E i. ! I - E I I 6 NW Ma r i t i m e Ce n t e r ., - r . _ :. .i . i r . ? r i { - , 's { t J l . l 1 i W' H L1 TDM Plan ATTACHMENT B: REMOTE PARKING AREAS rf 'I I tl -I F I tr I F u1 l- f:l ca.:t.Et f J{_,,',.Y S-l - F/.FtHIHGI I It+ lrlfl. LL =(f?, I'I\(!HC i:UEHI' TENqNT AND EMFLOYE: i I F(jl E d.llii !Llr:f- IlI J:F:=R$t'rf,.{ 5T = L'11 tt =I F,lTJl-lr. -EN,qr,lT a LH l',_c Y l_f rAFf.. I I'irJ: E'/EhT Fi{R}1INE cc-. I t4AY 30 ''tt.&S H ll'l l; ' tlti :.; I Irtl1-El? $T ctTY DSIA t !t fott'lT /4-,$5"d# ld,{l?ituu ,,,l5lTDR fltlLy PiE F.tiRl{.lF.t'[ F L't l.r.I r'*lr {*, ;. i.,l =II4 ."tz Ir It! 6 ooi<{> F4'ci.Jl FtrE HARIHE FARI{aAnH l|,td.: $ALH'o;l, c-uB I N0i HIIR:HvVEST I''AFITII.4E TENTER J -Tr[ -t- h-Ffr NW Maritime Center 8 TDM Plan Attachment C: DO's & DONT's Parking Guidelines Because porking in the historic downtown is limited ond we wont to be o good neighbor ond leoder in sustoinable living ond moking PortTownsend o walkoble community, speciol DO's & DON'Ts opply. * Please consider walking, biking, boating, or taking the bus to the Center-drive and park your car as a last resort. * lf you must drive, please try to carpool. * lf you plan to be at the Center more than two hours, please do not park on Water Street in front of the NW Maritime Center facilities. Please save these areas for short-term users and shoppers to the Center. * Please park in designated 2-hour or more hour parking areas (see map below). * Do not park in unauthorized spaces (car pool, electric car, 15-minute unloading, or handicapped spaces or area in front of boat livery) * Do not park in the Salmon Club parking area (see map below). Unauthorized cars will be towed. * Please be a good neighbor. Do not park on private lots. Please be quiet before 9am or after 8 pm if you come to or exit our facilities. Guests may be sleeping in the cottages at the Swan Hotel across the street. CriY CI BA J:F':SON ST sAqHtffriN 3r_ E*ils f/nTR st I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO ABIDE TO THE PARKING GUIDELINES OF THE NW MARITIME CENTER. NWMC User (volunteer, board member, etc)NWMC Event Manager 9NW Maritime Center TDM Plan Attachment D: EVENT PARKING MANAGEMENT FORM Required for Peak Season Users (June 1 to September 30) Today's Date: Event Contact Person Name of Program: Expected Attendance Date/Time of Event: Type of Event: E Meeting E Conference E School Group E Wedding For events at the NWMC that would generate less than 25 parked vehicles at any one time (e.g., meeting, conference, wedding, etc,) no parking management efforts are required. For events that would generate over 25 vehicles the following parking management efforts must be followed Completion of this Parking Monogement Form and associated parking fee based on the estimated off-site pa rking ca lcu lation. Notification by event sponsor to all attendees and/or guests that: . Parking is limited and carpooling is requested. r On-street parking is not allowed on street right-of-ways adjacent to the NWMC. ' Drop-off/pick-up parking is located at the end of Water Street for quick drop-offs and pick-ups only. . Parking is restricted to remote lots, which require a 5-minute walk to the Center facilities or a public bus ride from the Jefferson Transit park and ride lot near Safeway, located one mile from the Center. r A map of the location of the off-site parking area and Jefferson Transit park and ride lot. For events, conferences or weddings that would generate more than 50 vehicles, event signage parking is required directing patrons to the designated parking area and a parking area attendant must be located at the entrance of the parking area one hour before the event and stay for one- hour after the event commences (total of 2 hours). Parkine Ca lculations: For a meeting: Meeting attendance = _ expected parking generation For a conference: Conference attendance divided by 2 =expected parking generation For a wedding: Wedding attendance divided by 3 = NW Maritime Center 10 expected parking generation TDM Plan Parkins Fee Calculation: Expected parking generation X 53.00 per vehicle = Parking lot attendant fee = S_ Fee is payable to NW Maritime Center at time of reservation of facility space. All fees are paid to the Port of Port Townsend for use of their parking facilities. I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO ABIDE TO THE PARKING MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS OF THE NW MARITIME CENTER. Event Sponsor Date NWMC Event Manager Date NW Maritime Center t7 TDM PIan MILLER HUtL August 11,2006 Ms. Jan Hopfenbeclc Permit Coordinator City of Port Townsend Development Services Depa rtment 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 PortTownsend, WA 98368 Ms. Hopfenbeck, Please find attached the following information and clarifications your office requested at our original Northwest Maritime Center - Phase I permit submittal intake meeting on July 19'h. . (1) original (wet-signed) set of drawings ' Allowable Area analysis for both Phase I and Phase ll total site build-out ' Completed Application for Utility Latecomer Agreement form and documentation ' Geotechnical recommendations including foundation design and soil bearing capacity We were also asked to confirm the size of our proposed water meter as a 1-'l/2" meter. The engineer reviewed it and determined that we will indeed need this size. Finally, we were asked to review our original assumption that floodproof construction criteria would not be required for our project. A review of the FEMA flood insurance rate map indicated that a portion of the site is within the A1 designation. Subsequent discussions with your office provided us with a base flood elevation of 9.0' NGVD. Converting this datum to NAVD for this site yields a base flood elevation of 12.474'. Our lowest finish floor elevation is 13.333' NAVD and, per our discussion on the 1't of Augus! will consequently not be subject to floodproof construction requirements. lt is the design team's understanding that any mechanical and/oi electrical equipment located below the base flood elevaiion will be required to comply with the appropriate floodproof design guidelines. I hope this additional information meets your needs as you and your office reviews our permit submittal. lt is an exciting endeavor for the Northwest Maritime Center (and the greater Port Townsend community that helped purchase the land and has been involved in the design and planning of this project), and I look forward to working with you as we move through this phase of the project. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Regards, Adin Dunning cc: Dave Robison/ Bob Little (Northwest Maritime Center) iiijtj 1i: I.ook Up a Contractor, Elec'. "'"1 Plumber or Elevator Professionut '- 'tT. Detail Page 1 of2 lnformation in Spanish I fopic tndex I Home Safety Claims & lnsurance Contact lnfo | , Workplace Rights Search Trades & Licensing Find a Law (RCIV) or.!u!e (WAC) cet a form or publication I H.tp Return to List > Start a New Search ' H Printer friendty General/Specia lty Contractor A business registered as a construction contractor with L&l to perform construction work within the scope of its speciatty. A General or Speciatty construction Contractor must maintain a surety bond or assignment of account and carry general tiabitity insurance. t: Business Owner lnformation ': Hide Att = Bond lnformation ; SAFECO rNs co oF 6095963 /04/2002 it s12,000.00 Business and Licensing lnformation Verify Workers' Comp Premium Status Name PRIMO CONSTRUCTION tNc Phone No. G6A)' 683-5447 Address PO BOX 296 Suite/Apt. City CARLSBORG State WA Zip 98324 County CLALLAM Business Type Corporation Parent Company Check for Dept. of Revenue Account $ 601029898 t ACTIVE PRIMOCI133P7 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR 10t27 /1987 4/4/2009 UBI No. Status License No. License Type Effective Date Expiration Date Suspend Date Previous License Next License Associated License Specialty 1 Specialty 2 I, ], GENERAL 1r UNUSED PRIMOI-218KG Name Role Effective Date Expiration Date PARRISH, CHARLES R 01 /01 /1980 PARRISH, GREGORY V 01 /01 /1980 BARTEE, JAMES H 01 /01 / 1980 Bond Bond Company Name Bond Account Number Effective Date Expiration Date Cancel Date lmpaired Date Bond Amount Received Date https ://fortress.wa. gov/lni/bbip/Detail.aspx?License:PRlMOCI I 3 3P7 3t14/2002 2t4t2009 Look Up a Contractor, Elsg' -': Plumber or Elevator Professional ' -\-,,rse Detail3n\j Page 2 of 2 f r=: lnsurance lnformation ; , Jtct"ss Sl\i,r.1!nn$t$n" AboutL&l I FindajobatL&l I SiteFeedback I Toll-freeNumbers @ Washington Stale Dept. of Labor and lndustries. Use of this site is subject to the laws of ihe state of Washington. Access Agreement I Privacy and security statement I lntended use/external content policy I Staff onty tink .. \ i:i a. : ,r..j .:;.-ir tir .:jr. lnsurance Company Name Policy Number Effective Date Expiration Date Cancel Date lmpaired Date Amount Received Date 74 ALASKA NATL INS CO OBDLS3l 604 04/01/2006 04/01t2009 51,000,000.00 03/76t2008 23 LIBERTY SURPLUS INS CORP DGLSFOT9OI 5 04/01/2005 04/41/2006 51,000,000.00 04/07 t7005 27 JAMES RIVER INS co 0003764 04/01/2004 04/01/7005 51,000,000.00 04/07/2A04 21 VALLIANT rNs co coN581 59753 04/0112003 04/01/2004 51,000,000,00 03t70/7003 z0 )LUI I5DALt INS CO c08125690 04/04/2002 04/01/2003 03t14/7002 7 AETNA 81MP40520FCA 08/47 / 19B4 Untit Cancetled 1 NORTH PAC]FIC INS co cL97251 09 /09 / 1980 Untit Cancetted https://fortress.wa. gov llni4:.biplDetail.aspx?License:PRIMOCI 1 3 3P7 21412009 )) FI- 2OO5 EDI-SPECIAL PROJECT NO. B.O5-SP-WA-1005 GRANT AGREEMENT This Grant Agreement befween the Department of Housing and Urban Development (H[ID) and City of Port Townsend (the Grantee) is made pursuant to the. authority of Public Law 108-447 (VA-HuD-Independent Agencies Appropriations Act for FY2005) and a listing of certain specific Economic Development fnitiatlve Special Projects specified in the Conference Report accompanying the Act (HR fiA-l9Zj.fhe Amount shown below Is 99.20%of the amount specifild in the Conference Report because of a '80Yo rescission mandated in the Act. The Grantee's application package, as may be amended by the provisions of this Grant Agreement, is hereby incorporatedinto this Agreement. In reliance upon and in consideration of the mutual representations and obligations hereunder, HIID and the Grantee agree as follows: Subject to the provisions of the Grant Agreement,IfLID will make grant funds in the amount of $384,896 available to the Grantee. e Grantee agrees to abide by the following: ARTICLE I. HIID Requirements. The Grantee agrees to comply with the following requirements for which HLJD has enforcement responsibility. A.' The grant funds will only be used for activities described in the application, whiCh is incgrporated.by reference and made part of this Agreement as miy be modified by Article VII (A) of this Grant Agreement. B. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY REQUIREMENTS The grant funds must be made available in accordance with the following 1. For projects involving housing, the requirements of the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S'C. 3601-20) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 100; -Executive Order '11063 (Equal Opportunity in Housing) and implementing regulations at 24 ' CFR Part 107. 2- The requirements of Title VI ofJhe Civil RightsAct of1964 @2A.S.e;2000d) fNondiscrimination in Federally Assistei Programs) and implementirig. regulations issued at 24 CFR Part 1. 3. The prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of age under the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. 6101-07) and implemetting regulations at 24 CFR Part 146, and the prohibitions against discrimination againit handicapped individuals under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of lgi3 (2g U.S.C. 7q+) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 8. \)) The requirements of 24 CFR 5.i05(a) regarding equal opportunity as well as the requirements of Executive order 11246 (Equal Employment opporrunity) and the implementing regulations issued at 41 CFR Chaptei 60. For those grants funding construction covered by 24 CFR 135, the requirements of section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 196g, 1iz u.s.c. 1701u) which requires that economic opportunities generated by certain HUD financial assistance shall, to the greatest extent feasible, be given to low- and very low-income persons and to businesses that provid" ero.,omic opportunities for these persons. 6- The requirements of Executive Orders 11625 and, 12432 (concerning Minority Business Enterprise), and L2138 conceming Women's iusiness fnterprisej. Consistent with HtID's responsibilities under these Orders, the Grantee mustmake efforts to encourage the use of minority and women's business enterprisesin connection with gant funded activities. See 24 CFR part 85.36(e), which describes actions to be taken by the Grantee to assure that minority business enterprises and women business enterprises are used when possible in the procurement of property and services. 7. Where applicable, Grantee shall maintain records of its efforts to comply with the requirements cited in Paragraphs 5 and 6 above. C. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW REQUIREMENTS. ' 1- If the Grantee is a unit of general local government, a State, an Indian Tribe, or an Alaskan Native Village, the Grantee agrees to assume all of the responsibilities for environmental review and decision- making and actions, as specified and required in regulations issued by the Secretafi pursuant to the M"ltifu*iit Housing Property Disposition Reform Act of 1994 and,published in 24 CFR part 58. 2. If the Grante-g is a housing authority, redevelopment agency, academic instifution, hospital, or other non-profit organrzation, the Grantee shall request the unit of general local government, Indian Tribe, or Alaskan Native Village, within which the project is located and which exercises land use responsibili ty, to asSume all of the responsibilities for environmental review dnd deci sion-making as specified in paragraph C.l above, and the Grantee shall carry out all of the !esp onsibilities of a recipient under 24 CFR Part 58. 4 5 D. Administrative requirements of OMB Circular A-133 "Audits of States, Local governments and Non-Profi t Organizations. " E. For State and Local Governments, the Administrative requirements of 24 CFR Part 85, including the procurement requirements of 24 CFR Part 85.36, and the requirements of OMB Circular A-87 regarding Cost Principles for State and Local Governments. For Non-Profits, the Administrative requirements o:f 24 CFR Part 84, including the procurement requirements of 24 CFR Part 84.40, and OMB Circular A- 122 regarding Cost Principles for Non-Profit Institutions. For Institutions of Higher Education the applicable oMB circular regarding cost Principles is A-zL. F. The regulations at 24 CFR Part 87, related to lobbying, including the requirement that the Grantee obtain certifications and disclosures from all covered persons. G. The regulations at 24 CFR PartzI,regarding requirements for Drug- Free Workplace. H. The Uniform Relocation Act as implemented by regulations at 49 CFR Part24. I. The Grantee will comply with all accessibility requirements under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 8, where applicable. J. The regulations at 24 CFR Part 35, where applicable, regarding Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention in Certain Residential Structures. ARTICLE II. Conditions Precedent to Draw Down. The Grantee may not draw down grant funds until the following actions have taken place: A. The Grantee has received and approved any certifications and disclosures required by 24 CFP* 87,100 concerning lobbying. B. Any-o-ther conditions listed in Article vII (c) of this Grant Agreement. ARTICLE III. Draw Downs. A. A request by the Grantee to draw'down grant funds under the Voice Response Access system or any other payment system constitutes a representation by the Grantee that it B. The Grantee will be paid on an advance basis provided that the Grantee minimizes the time elapsing between transfer of the grant funds and disbursement for project purposes and otherwise follows the requirements of 24 CFR Part 85 or Part 84 and Treasury Circular 1075 (3I CFR Part 205). C. Before the Grant Agreement is signed, the Grantee may incur cost for activities which are exempt from environmental review under 24 CFR Part 58 and may chargeihe costs to the grant. ARTICLE IV. Progress Reports. A. The Grantee shall submit to the Grant Officer a progress report every six months after the effective date of the Grant Agreement. Progress reports shall consist of (1) a narrative of work accomplished during the reporting period and Q) a completed Financial Status Report - Fo'rm 269 A. HLTD may require additional information or increased frequency of reporting as described in Article VII ( C ). B. The performance reports must contain the information required under 24 CFR Part 85.40(b) (2) or 24 CFR Part 84.51(a), as applicable including a comparison of actual accomplishment to the objectives indicated in the approved application, the reasons for slippage if established objectives were not met, and additional pertinent information including explanation of significant cost ovemrns. C. No grant drawdowns will be approved for projects with overdue progress reports. ARTICLE V. Project Close-out. A. The grantee shall submit to the Grant Officer a written request to close-out the grant 30 days after the grantee has drawn down all funds and completed the activities described in the application, as may be amended. ThE flnal report shal consist qf (1) a narrative of all work accomplished during the project period and (2) a completed Financial Status Report - Form 269 Acovering the entire project period. HUD will then send the Close-out Agreement and Close-out Certification to the Grantee. At HUD's option, the Grantee may delay initiation of project close-out until the resolution of any HUD monitoring findings. If HUD exercises this option the Grantee must promptly resolve the findings. B. The Grantee recognizes that the close-out process may entail a review by HUD to determine compliance with the Grant Agreement by ttre Grantee and all participating parties. The Grantee agrees to cooperate.with any review in any way possible, including making available records requested by HUD and the project for on-site HUD C. The Grantee shall provide to lftlD the foilowing documentation i. A Certification of Project Completion. 2. A Grant Close-out Agreement. 3. A final financial report giving the amount and t1,pes of project costs charged . to the grant (that meet the allowability and allocability requirements of OMB circular A-722, A-87 or A-21 as applicable, including the "necessary and reasonable" standard); a certification of the costs; and the amounts and sources ofother project funds. 4. A final performance report providing a comparison of acfual accomplishments with each of the project commitments and objectives in the approved application, the reasons for slippage if established objectives were not met and additional pertinent information including explanation of significant cost oveffuns. D. The Grantee agrees that the grant funds are allowable only to the extent that the project costs, meeting the standard of oMB Circular A-722, A-87 or A-21 as applicable, equal the grant amount plus other sources of project funds provided. E. When HUD has determined that the grant funds are allowable, the activities were completed as described by the Grant Agreement; and all Federal requirements were satisfied, HUD and the Grantee will sign the Close-out Agreement and Close-out Certificate. F; The Close-out Agreemenl will include the Grantee's Agreement to abide by any continuing federal requirements. ARTICLE VI. Default. A default under this Grant Agreement shall consist of using grant funds for a purpose other than as authorized by this Agreement, any noncompliance with legislative, regulatory, or other requirements applicable to the Agreement, any other material breach of this Agreement, or any material misrepresentation in the application submissions. ARTICLE VIL Additional Provisions. A. ProjeelDescripJion-Thaproject is as described in the applicatiorrwith the following-,- changes: None B. Changes or Clarification to the Application Related to Participating Parties: The Administrative Agent if any: C. Special Conditions: None ,'tl U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Authorized Signature City of Port Townsend Mr. David G. Timmons Authorized Title i-l Otto V. Banks Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Development Date SuPa or, 2.;oo? Date \ NORTHWEST MARITIME CENTER August 4,2OO9 Rick Sepler, Director Deportment of Development Services City Holl Annex, Third Floor 250 Modison Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 RE: Certificote of Occuponry Deqr Mr. Sepler, As you know, the Northwest Moritime Center is seeking to secure o certificote of occuponcy for its two buildings {Heritoge qnd Educotion buildings) ond the outdoor public commons, with the exception of three spoces in the Herifoge Building {i.e., yellow building ot the corner of Woter ond Monroe Streets}. These three spoces include the chondlery, coffee shop ond cotering kitchen. The chqndlery {retoil spoce} ond coffee shop ore essentiolly one spoce ond shore opproximotely 23O0 squore-feet of the first floor of the Heritoge Building- The cotering kitchen is odiocent to the conference meeting rooms on the second floor of the Heritoge Building (see oftoched floor plon for highlighted orecs). We fully understond fhe City's concerns obout the pofentiol use of oreos thof hove not received o finol inspection ond certificote of occuponcy. Therefore, this letter outlines our commifment to the City in terms of the timing ond use of specific spoces until we hove sqtisfied oll of the City's permit requirements ond conditions. The chondlery, coffee shop ond cotering kitchen spoces will be locked ond will not be occupied or used for storoge until we receive q finol inspection ond o tenont improvement permit. We plon on compleling the interior design of these oreos between September ond November. Our obiective is to obtoin the tenont improvement permit by November. We understond thqt if we hove ony unquthorized use in these spoces (i.e., other thon people involved in the design ond instollotion of improvements) we will be in violotion of this ogreement ond subject to enforcement provisions ond fines under Section 1.02 of the Port Townsend Municipol Code. We will begin to move stoff into other oreos of the new focilities on August '10. ln oddition, we will begin the instollotion of furniture, fixtures ond equipment to support the new spoces. We ore plonning on o ocommunity opening" of the buildings ond outdoor commons on September I0, 2OO9 ot the stort of the Wooden Boot Festivol. The grounds ond buildings will be closed to public use until this time. We understond thot we will need to receive o finol inspection for the elevotors prior to public use ond the community opening. Northwest Moritime Center & Wooden Boot Foundotion P.O. Box 82, Port Townsend, WA 98368 * 360.385.362B * www.nwmorilime.org 2 AUG - 6 2009 EGEilVE CITY OF PORT TOW$ISENO DSO 3 We understond thot the future use of the conference meeting rooms is dependent upon the terms ond conditions of o Tronsportotion Demond Monogement (TDM) plon. The conference meetings rooms qre not scheduled to open until the beginning of next yeor (Jon. 201 0J. Our intent is to hove the TDM plon opproved by the DSD Director by December 1 , 2OOg. Any scheduled conference use prior to odoption of the TDM plon will need opprovol from the DSD Director on o coseby-cose bosis. We understond the interim use of fhe conference meetings rooms should be infrequent ond will only be gronted if it meets o compelling community need. A sign permit is required before the instollotion of ony exierior permonent signoge. However, the murol sign (i.e., ghost lettering) on the west side of the Heritoge Building hqs been opproved. Enclosed is o check for $10,000 to serve os o performonce security for fhe instqllotion of londscoping in the outdoor commons ond shoreline oreos of the focility. We understond the City will deposit this into o blocked occount qnd will releose the security deposit upon finol inspection of the londscoping. lnstqllotion of londscoping olong the Monroe ond Woter Street rightsof-woy will be coordinofed with the city streetscope proiect ond the timing of instollotion would be ot the city's discretion We oppreciote the City's efforts to work with us on bringing this project to fruition ond to coordinoting public ond privote improvements to be completed in time for the Wooden Boot Festivol. lf you hove ony questions. pleose do not hesitote lo confoct Dqve Robison, Proiect Monoger, ot 643-1770. Sincerely, C4.y<- Steve Oliver President, Northwest Moritime Center Cc: Ston Cummings, Executive Director 4 5 AUG - 6 200e MILLER f-rutL li ACdn^.Jrrvre,\ A Memorandum July 22,2009Dave Robison Stewart Germain Northwest Maritime Center Floor gap repair Date: From: bject:Su Project: Dave - We have reviewed the proposal to repair the gaps in the second floor deck of each building. Provided that products and execution guidelines outlined in specifications section 07920 are followed, the use of lnterior Horizontal Joint Sealant and backer rod is an acceptable solution. The submitted sealant, Tremco THC-900, is designed for "...use in any traffic rated horizontal expansion or control joint...[andl ...can be used in parking garages, plazas, terrace decks, floors and sidewalk joints." (from Tremco cut-sheet) while meeting our specified VOC limits. Thanks, Stewart Germain The MillerlHull Partnership, LLP List of Attachments: Field Report from Quantum Consulting Engineers- 04/30/09 CC: File Th. Mlll.rlHull ParlneEhlp, LLP Polson Building 71 Columbla Street - 6'h Floor Seattle,WA 98'104 Contact ft206.6A2-6A37 Ft2O6.6a2-5692 DAUo - 3 2009 E DS0 Of PORT M.millerhull.com c*it { * iluA fifil ifi,-Il T I $$q^Cnr^snr\ g QUANTUM CONSUI. IING ENGINEERS FIELD REPORT TO: Stewart Gennain Millcr Hull Partncrshilr 7l Columbia Street, Suite 600 seattle, vt'A 98104 DATE: AprilJ0,2009 BY Jack Wiggins, P.8., S.8., LEED P ROJ ECT; Norlltrvest Maritinte Center iROJECT NUMBER: 20r8.01 Attendees: Steward Gennain, Adin Dunning, Korcy Snrith, Randy, Jack Wiggins Conditions: 55 degrees, sunny On April 21,20A9,1 perfornred construction observatiou of the strucnrral systerrs. Tlte purpose of nr;r visit was to observe the erected stnrctrrral elements and verifo that they generally conlbrnt to ilre structural clesigrr clocunrents, and to observe shrinkage of the tongue-in-grcove upper floor systcrn. At the time ol'rny visit, structural cornponents rvere rnostly cornplete irt tlrc hvo buildings. Upper level guardrails, steel stairs, and miscellaneous fi'aming, rvere eitlrer not yet installed ol in process. Ovcrall, coustruction is iu general corrfonnance with the structural design documents. The following itenrs were noted that require attentiott fi'om the contlactor: l. The shear rvall SW-Z along grid 9 at the lorver floor requires additional edge nailing to cornply lvith the structural drawings. 2. The shear rvalls at the upper floor at grids 9 arrd l0 require aclditiorral nailing of the top , and bottom plates to thc rnid-hcight glularn bearns. This achieves the shear transfer contiruity requirecl fiorn the wall panel above the glulanr to the panel below, Use tlte "2x Bottorn Plate Attachmertl colutntr in detail 8/54,0 for required nailing. 3. Tlre shear rvalls at grids I I and I 1.3 do not appear to be installed yet 4. The extcnt of tongue-in-groove floor shrinkage does not materially irnpact tlre sh'ength of' thc floor system. Addressing these cracks rvill therefore be cosmetic in ttature. We recontmend that the boards be allowed sufficient time to achieve art equilibriutn trtoisture corrtenl, probably between 6-90/o, We recourtnend a testing compally provide sample rloisture readings. The purpose of this is to allolv most mov€nrent to occur before implernenting a fix, I 5I I THIRD AVENUE SUITE 323 SEATTLE, WA 9810I ;EL 206.957.3900 FAX 206.957,3901 www.q uantumce.com ,-t\ a Qrrnnturn Ficld RcportApr.il 3Q 2009 Pngc 2 If ;iou have any questions, please feel free to contact me ^) .l City of Port Townsend DATE: TO: FROM RE: Development S 250 Madison Street, Suite 60) 385-5095 August 6,2009 Scottie Foster, Administrative John McDonagh, Planner ervices Department 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 FAX (360 344-4619 v LandscapingBLD07-119, Financial 9-D( og - ozJ Scottie, would you please alrange a Liability Account with the Finance Dept. using the attachedcheck in the amount of $ 10,000 from the Nofihwest Maritime center. These monies are to coverlandscaping requirements at the site. Thanks - let me or Rick Sepler knor.v if you have any questions. *rl ..OA6'I L . - \ ',-\4 \ ,t&\2'"-Col -oN &\o,oo0 tt.flo uctou $ u' **********************************+****# City of Port Townsend Fjnance Department 250 Madison Street Suite l Port Townsend, {,tlA g8368 ******t***t***s**t*************t****t*** Reg# #/Rcpt$: 001-00072762 | V l Accountjng Date: Fri, Aug 7, Z00g Date/time: Fri, Aug 7, 200g Z:2j pll **f **************t********************** Total Due = $.10,000,00*********t******x*******t**x************ Payment Data: Pmt# :1 Payer : N0RTHI4EST |4ARITII''jE CENTER Method: CKAmount = $10,000,00 *************x*x**t**********x*x******** Receipt Summary ************x****x*************x*******x Total Tendered = $.l0,000,00 Total Due = $10,000.00 Change Due = $0.00**************t**f ***********f ********** Thank You! *****x******************t*x************x -oo-Z3q '/oo -e PA Y TO TH E OR D E R oF Ci t y of Po r t To w n s e n d NO R T H W E S T MA R I T I M E CE N T E R 38 0 JE F F E R S O N ST F E E T PO R T TO W N S E N D , WA 98 3 6 8 (3 6 0 ) 38 5 . 3 6 2 8 FR O N T I E R BA N K PO R T TO W N S E N D OFFICE . PO R T T O W N S E N D , WA 98368 98 . 7 6 2 . 1 25 1 B/5/2009 Fu n d Fo r se c u r i n g ou r ce r t i f i c a t e of oc c u p a n c y / Phase I8/5/2009 $ ':1o,ooo,oo gIGNATRE 10,000 00riir{5 t5 .d ,8 g €'F t t &DO ?I 'i Te n Th o u s a n d an d 00 / 1 Ci t y of Po r t To w n s e n d 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 10 1 Po r t T o w n s e n d , WA 98 3 6 8 ME M O NO R T H W E S T MA R I T I M E CE N T E R Ci t y of Po r t To w n s e n d I 30 0 Ot h e r Cu r r e n t As s e t s : 1 30 5 l' 0 l0 l ?Q t t ' ': I e 5 t0 ?g i[ t i ?\ [r r l. 0 8 ] ll . r r , 1012 9 ! AU G - 6 2o o 9 EG E I V E CI I Y OF PO R T IO W N S E N D DS O Ch e c k i n g 10,000,00 \ T \ l l . F ! t ' I t l . - t ' . - t '(a*zx^l -r ownr€{- \es 1b P.€g'ra- d il.b*t PerL Aa.t{ . ( f r i c ; " * ; : : + i ) . t , : . r)/-'\ a\ a\