HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-229') "'),l i BIJILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 1925 EDDY STREET Project Description New single-family residence with attached garage Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-229 NEW SFR 944100103 Names Associuted with this Project Type Name Applicant Goughnour Peter Owner Goughnour Peter Contact Phone # (s03) 232-03s0 License Type License # Exp Date *** SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS *** Call 385-2294by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Date lssued: 0l/18/2008 Issued B1': SWASSMER Print Name BUILDING PERMIT Cify of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 1925 EDDY STREET Project Description New single-family residence with attached garage Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-229 NEW SFR 944700103 Conditions I 0. Property comer survey pins must be located at time of foooting inspection to veriSr setbacks 20. This property, as pafi of a Short Plat, is subject to the Tree Conservation Ordinance. Per PTMC Table 19.06.120(D)1, 40 tree units per 40,000 square feet in the RIII zone are required. For this 6,000 sq. ft lot a minimum of 6 tree units are required. Existing trees 1" - 6" diameter at 4-ll2 ft. above the ground : I tree credit; J" - 19" : 2 tree credits; 20" and greater: 3 tree credits. Trees to be presewed must be protected during construction. An inspection by Planning staff must be completed prior to any clearing or other site work. Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulati6friicertify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further cenify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Date Issued: 0l/18/2008 lssued Byr SWASSMER Print Name POST THIS CARD IN A SAFE, CON S P I C U O U S L O C A T I O N , P L E A S E D O N O T R E M O V E T H I S N O T I C E U N T I L A L L R E Q U I R E D I N S P E C T I O N S A R E M A D E A N D S I G N E D O F F BY THE APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY A N D T H E B U I L D I N G I S A P P R O V E D F O R O C C U P A N C Y , S T A M P E D A P P R O V E D P L A N S M I J S T B E A V A I L A B L E O N T H E J O B S I T E , PARCEL NO. 944700103 P E R M I T N O . B L D O T - 2 2 9 I S S U E D D A T E 0 1 / 1 8 / 2 0 0 8 B ( P I R A T I O N D A T E ADDRESS 1925 EDDYSTRE E T C O N S T R U C T I O N T Y P E O C C U P A N T L O A D OWNER GOUGHNOUR PET E R P R O J E C T D E S C R I P T I O N N e w s i n g l e - f a m i l y r e s i d e n c e w i t h a t t a c h e d g a r a g e CONTRACTOR L E N D E R INSPECTION I N S P E C T I O N C O M M E N T S C O N S T R U C T I O N P R O G R E S S R E C O R I ) C I T Y O F P O R T T O W N S E N D D e v e l o p m e n t S e r v i c e s D e p a r t m e n t 2 5 0 M a d i s o n S t r e e t . S u i t e 3 . P o r t T o w n s e n d . W A 9 8 3 6 8 I N S P D A T E 0 7 1 1 6 1 2 0 0 8 I N S P D A T E T O R E Q U E S T A N T N S P E C T T O N C A L L ( 3 6 0 ) 3 8 5 - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N R E Q U E S T S M U S T B E R E C E I V E D P R I O R T O 3 : 0 0 P M F O R N D ( T D A Y I N S P E C T I O N . C O M M E N T S GWB INSULATION MECHANICAL PLUMBING WTR PIPIN PLUMBING AIR SEAL FRAMING SHEARWALL & HOLDOWNS FLOOR FRAMING SLAB Foundation drain FOUNDATION WALL FOOTING SETBACKS SURVEY PINS EROSION CONTROL ' L r 1 ^ ) ) F I N A L B U I L D I N G F I N A L P U B L I C W O R K CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT # SCOPE OF WORK: DATE RECEIVED ll'Q-n 7 *2 DATE ACTION INITIALS ENTERED INTO CHET CA-toPl - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS CL/YI3-e d a<-rz (k " d lt LO3 0 3r o o €. h* I 14. o /1 r t{-\ _,t4 I i L-lt s) 4.,'v\ it tt @r^5.1')- o- C I T Y O F P O R T T O W N S E N D D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S D E P A R T M E N T 2 5 0 M A D I S O N S T R E E T - S U I T E 3 P O R T T O W N S E N D , W A 9 8 3 5 8 p H o N E ( 3 6 0 ) 3 7 9 - s 0 a 2 F A X ( 3 6 0 ) 3 4 4 - 4 6 1 9 R E S I D E N T I A L C E R T I F I C A T E O F F I N A L I N S P E C T I O N A D D R E S S l 9 Z = € ) b ? { < e s f P A R C E L N U M B E R 9 q g 7 o o t o 3 B U I L D I N G P E R M I T N U M B E R : 9 r o - z z g P E R M I T A P P L I C A N T : l r l V € f n T h i s f o r m , w h e n s i g n e d a n d d a t e d b y a C i t y o f P o r t T o w n s e n d b u i l d i n g i n s p e c t o r , c e r t i f i e s t h a t t h e w o r k p e r f o r m e d o n t h e s t r u c t u r e n a m e d u n d e r t h e s p e c i f i c p e r m i t l i s t e d , c o n f o r m s w i t h t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f C i t y M u n i c i p a l C o d e L p f , q f u ' I n s p e c t o r S i g n a t u r e : D a t e : T h i s f o r m i s a t h r e e - p a f t f o r m . T h e o r i g i n a l o f e a c h r s a s 1 - W h i t e ( C i t y F i l e ) ; 2 - Y e l l o w ( p e r m i t h o l d e r ) ; 3 - P i n k ( l e n d e r c o p y ) . A c c e p t n o p h o t o s t a t i c c o p i e s . C O N S T R U C T I O N P L A N S A R E R E Q U I R E D B Y L A W T O B E K E P T O N F I L E B Y T H E C I T Y F O R 9 0 D A Y S A F T E R T H E D A T E O F F I N A L I N S P E C T I O N . A F T E R T H E E N D O F T H E R E Q U I R E D g O - D A Y T E R M , P L A N S N O T P I C K E D U P W I T H I N 3 0 D A Y S M A Y B E D E S T R O Y E D . Page I of2 Scottie Foster From: John McDonagh Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 4:45 PM To: Scottie Foster; Rick Taylor Subject: FW: Wade Vaughn landscaping RE: Pete's e-mail below. I don't recall getting a sketch that is referred to below. Also, if occupancy of the SFR referred to is contingent on Pete fixing the damage done to the SFR by the fallen Madrona, doesn't he need to get a building permit to do the fix? If he hadn't had occupancy already (i.e. if the building permit was not finaled) I'd think we could simply have him (or his contractor) turn in plans that illustrate how the fix would be accomplished. This approach would only be ok so long as no engineering for repair to roof trusses, etc. was not needed. Can we discuss further at staff tomorrow? Tx, John McDonagh. Planner Development Services Dept City of Port Townsend Pt. Townsend. WA 98368 360-344-3010 office 360-344-4619 fax From : pete goughnour fmailto: petegough nour@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 12:56 PM To: John McDonagh Subject: Re: Wade Vaughn landscaping John, Mac mentioned he submitted a sketch to you regarding the new fence design. Is that something you or someone else needs to clear, or can he proceed? Also, this title stuff is probably going to be held up until the end of the week or early next week. I'm not huppy about it. Anyway, can you confirm that everything else is in place, minus the landscaping changes, so that we can record. We're trying to close Oct 15 and I can't schedule an inspection for the occupancy permit until this plat is taken care of. Well, at least that's what Scottie said. If she's mistaken and we could take care of the occupancy prior to recording the plat, that would be a big help because you never know if that inspection might bring up other issues and delays. Thanks, Pete --- On Wed, 9124108,, John McDonagh <jmcdonagh@cityofptzs> wrote: From : John McDonagh <jmcdonagh@cityofpt.us> Subject: Wade Vaughn landscaping To : petegoughnour@yahoo.com Cc: "Alex Angud" <aangud@cityofpt.us), "Samantha Trone" <strone@cityofpt.us> Date: Wednesday, September 24,2008,3:34 PM 1011012008 Page2 of2 HiPete, Just left you a voice msg. (too lengthy) about our landscaping inspection today (both on the street and in the infiltration beds/rain gardens). lwanted to follow up with something in writing. ln sum, the plantings along the street (outside the stormwater areas) seem too sparse, especially when comparing what's now "in the ground" with what was shown on the landscaping plan you provided on July 28. I realize and 'emember in our discussion that day that the plan was somewhat "conceptual" and, as always, that certain field :onditions and landscaper expertise would result in some changes to the submitted (and approved) plan. But what's "in the ground" is again very sparse or too thinly planted. I realize that some of the plants chosen will Srow and cover more area when they mature. B[rt even considering future growth, there will still be some pretty 5are areas in 2-3 years. Attached is one picture (of several) of a too thinly planted area (it's labeled "east end"). ln this (and similar spots), l'm mostly interested in seeing additional ground covers but we should talk about that cn-site with you and/or your landscaper. l-he same is true for the infiltration beds along the street. Attached is another picture showing one bed on the nest side of the street with only three ground cover plants (and one, I believe, misplaced tree). One of the ground lovers, if I'm not mistaken, is a iype of juniper bush which I don't believe is appropriate for placement in an LID rnfiltration trench. lt will grow too big and doesn't provide the type of vegetative ground coverage LID facitities are supposed to have. ln another location, at the intersection of 20th Street and Lot 13, the tree planted there is Cirectly on top of a stormwater pipe that leads from the street catch basin into the rain garden. This placement will ;ltimately cause problems with the pipe and/or catch basin & needs to be moved. We have additional comments on the rain garden areas and, as with the areas, an on-site meeting with you and/or your landscaper would probably be best. He could bring his list of plants & rationale for planting them where & now he did. Cn another note, the fence you're having installed at the corner of 20th & Howard was issued a Stop Work order yesterday (?) for several reasons. 'l ) A solid fence within the setback area adjoining a right-of-way (both along Howard and 20th) is 4-feet. The required setback is 10 feet. ln the setback area, any portion of a fence above 4 feet must be "predominately open." Most people use lattice work in the area above 4 feet but other creative ideas are also approvable. 2) The fence in several locations seems taller than 6 feet in height - not by an inch or two, 5ut by 6 or 8 inches in some places. Any fence taller than 6 feet requires a building permit. I am out of the office Thursday & Friday but will return Monday. Any word from Michael on the changes to the lace of the plat I sent to him last week? Regards, Iohn McDonagh Development Sewices Dept City of Port Townsend Pt. Townsend , WA 98368 360-344-3010 office 360-344-4619 fax 1 0/1 0/2008 )) Inspection Report NtrI' S/K Permit #6D07A?Project lnspection & NotesDateInspector 3-28"&(- -2 ( 4-1i,nQ,?A 42-0 - I rqu{)v.{r^^,,61r** t.{"lto'oK "(-{t ooP- Fatunlrurn 4-tz-og o Wf\"Tw QlELy,tr{\ b-t8 q4-?tf n*' q V,JAa,L ru:,orxry.*) ?.r -".-.*,J ha9,.nk tu ^6LDB iFtu(6Pun.nitu/,1 q 'ilnv,\p, LnMnrt-ffia nVjp A(we,// D I g<,ca II 2 I 1 I CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: PERMIT NUMBER: CONTRACTOR: PHONE TYPE OF'INSPECTION: =u0 LocL <z tr APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Jr.6 "PPRovED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector oate 4-lt-Dgc-/ Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. a CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. b a PERMIT NUMBER:DATE OF INSPBCTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJBCT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: ''N-&O frjf,r '' Dtr':9 F+-tU'Uta 'A:p>-r t/L l-a"T L'i .fl' LU1DF. c$- '( g-L Bc 4{)' v'tt r> T>'a)€>iT)6 :3 'D(d)nL,,l.\ 2 l}.Atrr--hia-LCUu-tz-Wz e'aF -Bv Lr-)(JGb 8'[J td'Ad DtZ- := ,h*-\fc,ru ' fgc)f2- ,4-'-Q t 2(?- APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Inspector s(J Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. N NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before :) CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARfrMENT INSPECTION REPORT :f For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. b PERMIT NUMBER:DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME:cONTBA CTOR: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF I t>6:) u 4C' til,' lat',go L ('>a) PHONE: "d* ._l E ( !,. ( P(tt-\ a!--L_ DL /*r*.ru"o tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Inspector or,J Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspectionfee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before I I CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. PERMITNUMBER: Ab02 - ADATE OF INSPECTION: SITB ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION:fi1a; '-T[a F12_cc€€g '76 e vL_t$€trc I Ita l-3//L ! APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Call for proceeding. before Inspector 4 c{@wa_Date (0 3 Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. ! NOTAPPROVED CI OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE oF INSPECTIoN: h-11"<PERMIT NUMBER: 1-LVI SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: il OF INSPECTION: c- a ! APPROVED f *orAPPRovED / aurrfor re-inspection before proceeding. L- i1- fInspectorl"tnfi{ ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and availqble at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. ) CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: b -S-DE PBRMIT NUMBER:tf7 - 771 sIrE ADDREss: \q? 6 7 ODA PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION:t>twrrv t -th-n-B t I] APPROVED Inspector ! NOTAPPROVEDWITH Corrections will be checked at next inspection Date Call for re-inspection before proceeding. 6-a-o f Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. I I I CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: S-- Z7- O K PERMIT NUMBER: '-7 -LZq SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: INSPECTION: FA*n"g , PUVU CONTRACTOR: PHONE: L t(L \l I A 6 L)U ouL ^) 'Tllffi i1-vs9 I L {L 0et OL fb lilsuu4tf w+uu'< N APPROVED N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Inspector Date 9-L4-OK Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. f\/il,ror APPRovED^/\/ Call for re-inspection before proceeding. - \ b 5 P a g e 2 o f 2 P a r c e l D e t a i l s A I V i ! V { " - \ - ' s - - J f \ o R C ^ ) - a c - r 1 d b ' + ? { N \ r - * \ s e s q - J " A ' A a ) \ s N r ( 1 \ F , N . Y n v u i l 4 " u l \ ) q I - i t / Y / t - - 7 - t / e / / / w / r L x q Z s z < j, )) City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 360-379-5095 FAX 360-344-461,9 December 9, 2008 Ms. Ashley Bennett Washington Mutual 7515 SW Barnes Road Suite 105 Portland, Oregon 97229 RE: Permit No. MlP07-1431B,LD07-229 - Townsend Holding LLC Dear Ms. Bennett: Please release the entire financial guarantee amount of $925.00 to Townsend Holdings, LLC (applicanUdepositor) deposited in bank account number 0316-0000429816-5. The driveway improvements for 1925 Eddy Street in Port Townsend, WA were approved by the City on November 25,2OO8. Please contact me at (360) 344-4605 or Alex Angud at (360) 379-5094 for any questions regarding this matter. Si antha Trone Development Review Engineer cc: Pete Goughnour q NATTONAL MATN STREET COMMUNTTY WASHINGTON'S HTSTORIC VICTORTAN SEAPORT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 360-379-5095 FAX 360-344-4619 ASSIGNMENT OF FT]I\DS RE: PermitNo:o7-/ 43 Btl ctz-&adressllocation: /?ZS E l/V 5/4 Proj ect Name: l,/ool<-OwnerlDeveloper/Conhactor: fa,,"tt gcr, 4 /-Ll/,y t , /r, l-,/orf ,nnlunWe and busine(s as a financial institution in the State o wnJen/14ta warranty and /?FAl amount of ,//7<- (the *bank"), authorized to do so of Washington, at the direction of ("Applicant/Depositor"). For certain improvements forthe project known as . tvdvJq hereby certifu that we are holding fi,rnds in the 925 )on deposit with the Bank Account No. O.? / 6 - o oo o 429vt(" 5 1- That in connection with Applicant/Depositor's Permit No(s). vingcompletion of a dnVzwa/ qQron ,certainright-tttP -t 4 o7-invol of-way improvements (the "improvements") have been be complettid in dcordance with the requirements of their approved permit, and/or applicable provisions of the Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC), as determined by the City's Development Services Department (DSD). The improvements installed that are subject to this agreement include: Improvements Description Frontage Improvements R < .go rr azf rt /<-l+t< V ot?r.t\ The parties agree that total installation costs for the above improvements are 2 OO 2. City requires that a good and sufhcient bond be furnished by the Applicant/Depositor to warrant against defective materials, workmanship, and/or installation in connection with the permit(s), including replacement and repair, to standards acceptable to and approved by the City, within 60 days of this Agreement; 3. In the event the City utilizes funds from the bond to undertake repairs or replacement of defective improvements, and in the event of a shortfall in bond funds needed to correct said defects, then Principal is liable to the City for any shortfall. In the event there are any monies remaining to the City from the bond funds after correction of any defects, then the City shall release or return the monies to Surety without interest. 4. Remedies of the City are cumulative and City may exercise any and all remedies it may with the terms of the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Maintenance ASF, Page I of 1 Revised 10/28/08 U ilrc - B ii,il8 IE il V IEtt clTY 0r PORI I DSD 0tl/NS END 5. Principal hereby releases the City and Surety, its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all liability in connection with carrying out the terms of this Agreement. 6. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties on the subject matter of this Agreement, and the Agreement may not be modified except in writing signed by all parties. Dated this 27//day of oA[.'^20o- 8 APPLICANTiDEPOSTTOR:BANK: 4*nr^) {/r14,LLO Name of Name of Bank Sigrature of Sigrrature Officer uw leC t 5 St'J'Bc.rd Address 4 a/,77zz Address Nq722 Phone Number 5o?-Ft 7 - tLdL 03-1- Phone Number I Maintenance ASF, Page2 of 2 Revised 10/28/08 Scottie Foster From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Scottie, Below is a new address for Goughnour for the Chet system Joarma Sanders Legal Assistant City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street, Suite 2 Port Toumsend, WA 98368 360-385-5991 (phone) 360=385-4290 (fax) Joanna Sanders Monday, February 08, 2010 1O:54 AM Scottie Foster John Watts FW: Latecomer Agreement - Hamilton Heights Water Sewer Street Vt VT "e 27q 4.000 "/1- o V From : pete goughnour [ma ilto : petegoug hnour@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 10:39 AM To: Joanna Sanders Subject: Re: Latecomer Agreement- 2351 Sunset Blvd. 170-429 Rocklin, CA95765 --- On Thur2l4/10, Joanna Sanders @> wrote: From: Joanna Sanders <jsanders@cityofpt Subj ect : Latecomer Agreement- To: "'petegoughnour@yahoo.com"' (petegouqhnour@yahoo > Cc: "John Watts" <jwatlq@giq/ofpluq> Date: Thursday, February 4,2010,12:23 PM Mr. Goughnour, ln order for us to correspond with you on your pending latecomer agreement with the City, we need a current mailing address. Mailings to the address on your application (9234 NW Hopedale) have been returned as undeliverable. Thank you for your assistance. Please contact me with any questions. Joanna Sanders Legal Assistant 1 City of Port Townsend 250 Ma{ison Street, Suite 2 Port Townsend, WA 98368 360-385-5991 (phone) 360-385-4290 (fax) 2 '*),') .1._) Sits Parcel # hoiectName Applicant ffi'ffi Dateillror/roo.?-Satp e*hnicallt rGo*srment? Parent#l Date Irsusil Eryiration Re-is$p :;n.I Look Up a Contractor, B1"s1.r':ri'^'ior Plumber License Detail Page 1 of3 3 Search T*ptc ln**x I C*ntmct tnf* V."F"T Homa Safety Cl*frnr & lnrurancq Workplace Rights Find a Law or Rule Get a Form or Publication Tradea & l-lcenslng , Look Up a Contractor, Hlectrician or Plumber Printer Friendty Version ,' General/Speci alty Contractor iA business registered as a construction contractor with L&l to perform construction work within the scope iof its specialty. A General or Specialty construction Contractor must maintain a surety bond or assignment ,of account and carry general tiabitity insurance. License lnformation License - Licensee Name : Licensee Type UBI lnd. lns. Account 1d Business Type Address 1 Address 2 City County State Phone Status Specialty 1 Specialty 2 Effective Date Expiration Date I Suspend Date r Separation Date Parent Company Previous License Next License Associated License Zip HILINH-98187 HI-LINE HOMES CONSTRUCTION CONT RACTOR 6021 67453 _Veri$ Workers Comp Premi Status CORPORATION 11306 62ND AVE E PUYALLUP PIERCE WA 98373 2538401849 ACTIVE GENERAL UNUSED 1/30/2002 2/10/2010 NW CENTML CONSTRUCTION INC HITINW-96OBL https ://fortress.wa. gov/lni/bbip/Detail.aspx?License:HILINH* 98 1 BT t2l3U200l Look Up a Contractor, Electr''.i' "pr Plumber License Detail Business Owner lnformation Name SUNDBY, WILLIAM SUNDBY, CHERYL SECRETARY 01/30/2002 Bond lnformation .. Bond oHro cAs tNs co Untit 51 2,000.00 01/30/2002 Page2 of3 01/30/2002 #9 3716229 01/15/2002 Cancetled .Savings lnformation No Matching lnformation ,' lnsurance lnformation lnsurance #8 #7 ',i#6 #5 MARYLAND cAs co scP3260966 02/23/2001 02/23/2002 Summons / Complaints lnformation . Summons / Complaint ROBERT #4 #3 #2 #1 & Paymr Amou Role Effective Date Expiration Date PRESIDENT 01t30/2002 Bond Company Name Bond Account Number Effective Date Expiration Date Cancel Date lmpaired Date Bond Amount Received Date Company Name Policy Number Effective Date Expiration Date Cancel Date lmpaired Date Amount Received Date VENTURE BANK/SOUTH HILL CENTER 3430031 33 05t23/2006 Untit Cancetted 550,000.00 05/24/2006 343003117 05t23/2006 Untit CanceIted 05/24/2006 VENTURE BANK/SOUTH HILL CENTER s200,000.00 GRANITE STATE INS co 021X5059963 2 04t07 /2005 04/07 t2007 51,000,000.00 04/07 /2006 GRANITE STATES INS co 021Xs0599630 04t07 /2004 04t07 /2005 51,000,000.00 04/20/2004 04/13/2004 GRANITE STATES INS co crs032360 04/07 /2004 04/07 /2005 51,000,000.00 NORTH AMERICAN SPECIALTY BXC0001 93400 04t07 /2003 04/07 /2004 51,000,000.00 04/03/2003 BX0000174 04t07 /2002 04/07 t2003 NORTH AMERICAN SPEC 51,000,000.00 05/14/2002 MARYLAND cAs co scP3260966 02/23/2002 04/07 /2002 5500,000.00 05/14/2002 Cause Number Tax Warrant td Plaintiff County Complaint Date Complaint Amount Judgment Date Judgment Amount Payment Date https ://fortress.wa. gov llnilbbiplDetail.aspx?License:HILINH* 98 1 BT 1213U2007 Look Up a Contractor, Eleclz^r''"-1or Plumber License Detail Page 3 of3 50,00#1 I I lsnur-r 10320124341 lcolE 2003 50.oo 50.00 Start a New Search Printer Friendly Version About L*l | frind a j*h at L&l I lnformaci6n en espaficl I Sit* f**clback I 1-SC0-547-83S? (0 Washington State Dept" of Labor and industries. Use ol thi* site i$ subject to the lavrs of the state of wa$hington. Access Agreen:ent I Privacy and sscurity slatemeul I tntended use/exterrral conte;rt policy I Staff onty tink W@* Visit arcess"wa,gr:v https://fortress.wa. gov flniftbiplDetail. aspx?License:HILINH* 98 1 BT 1213112007 1 j l Development Seruices 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 PortTownsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax 360-344-4619 www.cityofpt.us Residential Building Permit Application F Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150 F See the "Residential Building PermitApplication Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. Total Lot Coverage (Bu Square teet: €r0O I lmpervious Surface:* Squarefeet:_ *@ ilding * $ Any known wetlands on the Y Any steep slopes (>15%)? Y I hereby certiff that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and that all activities associated with Print (- o Iotf 3 permit will Fe in acmrdance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. c,>r / Tr-.n &vgr/rn";/r, tLO Project Address: -TBp Legal Tax #): l Lo(lPN Office Use Onlv Permit*IIiDp"-ezn Associated Permits: Zoning: Parcel#?44zoto3 Project Description, D*a af one- 5t l* information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27 Project Valuation: ,2 6op .095. I kSqv,/l Lender lnformation: 6L Property bsr 0 Email {tv-.a k 7- City/SUZip: Address }tAddress City/SVZi Phone Email New i Buildino lnformation (souare feet): 't* ao*'E itE3c"r"s"' 1A 4 2nd floor-l Deck(s) 3d floor ,- Porch(es):- Basement: ts ls it finished? Yes No Addition i Remodel/Repair i Home i ADU i .TRD Carport: - Business License#: 0O'13 l5 n Same asGontractor: City 36o - ,Ca {v\ 2o de- ^8K ooPhone Lts-Email State License City/SVZip Address Signatu frA- Z"ro*E n*s WSEC Residential Construction Checklist http://ptimaging/DSD/Building_Forms/BuildingPermitPacket/Application-Residential Energy Code Page I of2 City of Port Townsend Development Services l)epartment 250 Madison Sheet, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-5D5 Fax: (360) 344-4619 [\fE Nov - I 2007 CITY ()F PORT ]OWIISEND DSt) Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 200 I Residential Construction Checklist Complete this form in addition to WSEC forms. Please answerthe following questions: TYPE OF PROJECT: .i New construction, or addition over 750 square feet Must meet whole house and spot ventilation requirements, and show full WSEC compliance as a stand-alone project. A detached, habttable structure such as an Accessory Dwelling Unit regardless of size must also meet these requirements. -i House addition under 750 square feet Possible trade-ffi are allowedwith the existing buildingfor WSEC compliance, such as increasing ceiling insulation. See WSEC component performance forms. NOTE: A house addition less than 500 sq. ft. does not require whole house ventilation. Spot ventllation is still required. TYPE OF HEATING - Please check all that applv: "13"{fit Heater .i Baseboard /ror""aAir Furnace .i Radiant Floor (Boiler) d other -Non-Electric: Propane:-3 Radiant Floor/Baseboard (Boiler) .i LpC Stove .i LPG Furnace .i Other LPG .3 Heat Pump .i Oil Furnace .3 Woodstove (can only be used as secondary heat source) VAPORRETARDERS: Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings: o f,'loors: Y{ety*ooa with exterior glue I Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) i Backed batts o Walls: i poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) f ace-stapled, backed batts /Low-perm paint o Ceilings: i Not required where ventilation space averages greater than or equal to 12 inches above insulation i Face-stapled, backed batts lfoly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) /Low-perm paint SEE BACK WASHINGTON STATE YENTILATION AIIID IIIIDOOR AIR OUALITY (2000 Code): Type of ventilation used throughout the house: .i HVAC Integrated Option .i Exhaust Option L,^u".'J..Whole House Fan for "Exhaust Option": o In what room is your whole house fan located? r What size is the whole house exhaust fan? -i 50-75 CFM (l-2 house)pa CJN\.i 80-120 CFM (3 bedroom house).i 100-150 CFM (4 bedroom house).i 120-180 CFM (5 bedroom house) Note: the whole house fan shall be readily accessible and controlled by a 24-hour clock timer with the capability of continuous operation, manual and automatic control. At the time of final inspection, the automatic control timer shall be set to operate the whole house fan for at least 8 hours aday, and have a sone rating at 1.5 or less measured at 0.10 inches water gauge. Spot Ventilation: Source specific exhaust ventilation is required in each kitchen, bathroom, water closet, laundry room, indoor swimming pool, spa and other rooms where excess water vapor or cooking odor is produced. Bathrooms, laundries or similar rooms require fans with a minimum 50 cfrn rating at 0.25 inches water gauge; kitchens shall have a fan with a minimum 100 cfin ratrng at0.25 inches water gauge. Outdoor Air Inlets: Outdoor air shall be distributed to each habitable room by means such as individual inlets, separate duct systems, or a forced-air system. Habitable rooms include all bedrooms, living and dining rooms but not kitchens, bathrooms or utility rooms. Where outdoorair supplies are separated from exhaust points by doors, undercutting doors a minimum of % inch above the surface of the finish floor covering, distribution ducts, installation or grilles, transoms or similar means where permitted by the Uniform Building Code. When the system provides ventilation through a dedicated opening, such as a window or through-wall vent, these openings must: o Have controlled and secure openings o Be sleeved or otherwise designed so as not to compromise the thermal properties of the wall or window in which they are placed. o Provide not less than 4 square inches of net free area of opening for each habitable space.*pffi;ffirl#r inlet wiu be instailed? (See figure below) .l wall Ports http://ptimaging/DSD/Building_Forms/BuildingPermitPackeVApplication-Residential Energ5r Code Checklist.doc Page2 of2 't lo4 ftn ' 'City of Port Townsend Ilevelopment Serviccs Ilcparhent 250Madison Streqt, Suite 3, Port Tou'nsend 'WA 98368 {360} 379-5095 Fax{360) 34+4619 Washington Shte Energy Code 2006 Edition Climate Zone I - Type R-3 and R-4 Changes for $ingle Family and Duplex Constructian The following is a list of code changes {hat will effect constnrclion of single family and duplex homes in Climate Zone 1. This is not a mmprehensive list of changes- To see all the changes, dsffnload a ne'r copy of lhe code and look fora vertical bar in the margin ind'rcaling a c*range in lhe code. Building Envelope: Prescriptive Options Table Fl. Option l, the U*factor for windours changed to U-.032- Glazirg is limited to 1O% of floorarea,r Option lt. the U-factor for windows changed to U-.035-. Option lV, the U-factorlorwindows charqed ta tJ--035- There may be an increased use of window U-faclor averaging when using lhe prescriptive method. Applicanls may show compliance by providing area weighted average U-fac*or for all of ttre windows- With a more sfringent standard lhe use of averaging may increase- The applicant must subrnit a detailed window schedule demonstrating compliarrce. Gomponent Performance Table +1. The targelwindmrr U-factor changed to U-.035.. ThO targetwall U-factor changed to U*.O57- Doors: 602"6 Exterior Doors ' One unregulated door up to 24 square feet is still allorred-. Glazed doors are considered to be windows ' All opaque doors must mtset lhe door U-faclor requiremenl ln the past, any door could be called a window when induded in the glazing percentage. Now, when using lhe prescriptive oplions, opague doors musl meetthe U42O requirement. An insulated fiberglass orthermally broken steel door will usually meet the U-fector requiremenl- $ingle Rafter Joist: Table 6-1, footnote 3 Table S1, footnote 3- lf there is room in the joist for R-38 insulation, R-38 is required. This applies to all single rafier joist 13 or greater in deplh-. R3O single rater joist no$r limited to 5O0 square fest of roof area- Addtional rafter area must use R-38 insuhtion. :0(J6 WASHINCTON STA IE EnVERGY CODE P,' The follcnrrting lable shorrs lypical insulallon requirements for single rafterlolsl lf the table notes R€8, thsr R€8 is required. Footnote 3, Tabla 6-1 or 6-2 Frescrintive Rafter lnsulation Based on Fiberolass Batts Norninal Actual Maxdepthwilh 1 'ventilafon First 500 sF Over 500 sF R*value R-value 2X10 I 1t4"I7t4"R-30Hf Note I ?x12 17 114"10 1t4"R-30 R_38 HD3 2X14 13114"13'lt4"R-38 R-38 l-Joisl s 1f2"81n-R-3OHDz Note I lJoist 11718"10 7/8"R-30 R-38 HDz l-Joist 14'13-R-38 R-38 lJoist 16"1s',R€8 R€8 Nole 1 HCf Upsize joisl or provide an alternative melhod meeting tl-02? Refem high densily fiberglass bdl or equivalent. A take ofi noting rafter area will be reguired, ldentical rules are included in $-1 - They will be incorporated into the UA trade off spreadsheet- il2.4A Recessed Ligtiling Fixtures: . Must nonr be tesled for air leakage using ASTM E283. A gasket or caulking must seal the fxture to the dryr,vall. Other optionsforfixture air sealing. induding field inspec|ion and a sealed box have been deleled- This ha.q been an option in Washington since l99t. California mandated testing tar air 6ght can lights two years ago. $ince lhen, every maior manufacturer has come on board. The fixhres are readily available. Look for lhe label in the can. lf the can is nst labeled, il does nol comply. S15.3 Outdoor Lighting: ' Requires high efficiency lighling or gantrols for all porch lighling ' High Efiiciency Luminaire is defind in Chapter 2- Typically requires a pin based compactfluorescenl frxture. As an exceplion to the High Efficiency Luminaire. a motion sensff + photo daylight oontrol may be used. 505.4 Linear Fluorescent Flxtures: r This rule applies to typical fluorescent tube fixtures. Linear ffuorescent lixtures must be litted !v{th T-8 {1" diameter} or smaller lamps (but not T 10 or T-12 lamps) TABLE 6-{ PRESGRIPTIVE REQUIREHENTSO,' FOR GROUP R OCCUPANCY CLIT'ATEZONE 1 C,ase 0- Nominal R-values are for wood frame assesrblies only orassemblies built in accordanceudtb Section 60I.1. t. Minimum requirements for eaclr optiorr lisled. For example, if a proposed des'ign has a glazirrg ratio to the condirioned floor area of l3Yo, il shall comply witb all of ihe requirenrents of the l5% glazing optioD (orhigbcr). Prorposed dcsigns which carurot meel the specific requirements of a listed option above may calculate complianoe by Chapers 4 or 5 of this Code. 2. Requirement applies to all ceilings except single rafter or;:oist vaulted ceilings complying with note 3. 'Adv' denotes Advanced Framed Cciling. 3, Require.ment applicable only ro single ra{ler or joist vaulted ceilings rv}ere both (a) the distance belween rhe top of the ceiling and the urrderside of theroof shria&ing is less than ]2 inches and (b) rhere it a minimum t-incb vented airspace abovc the. insulation. Other single rafler or jcis vaulted ceitings shall comply wrlh the *ceiling"requiremene. This oprion is limired to 500 square feet of ceiling are-a for any one dwellingunit. 4' Below grade walls shall be insulated either on the erterior to a rninimum lwel of R-10, or on the inrerior ro rle same level as walls above grade- Exlerior insulation installeil dn below grade walls grall be a water resistart miterial, manufactured for its intended use, and installed acccrrding to the manufacturer's speifications. Sm Section 6{12.2, 5. Iloors over crawl spaces or cxposed to ambicnt air conditio_ns. 6. Required slab perimeter insulation shall be a wfier rc$istant material. manufacturod for its iutended use, and installed ' according ro manufaeluret's specifications- See Section 602.4- 7 - lnt- denotes stardard framing 16 inclres on center with headers insulated with a minimum of R-10 insulation. 8- This wall insulation reguirenrenr denotes R-}9 wall cavity insulation plus R-5 foam sheaihiirg- .9. Doors, including all fire doon. shall be assigned defauh U-facrsr* fiom Table t&6C. 10- Where a maximum glazing area is listed, rhe tota! glazing area {combined vstical ptus overhead) as a percent of gross cohditioned flsor area slrall be less than or equal to that \natue- Ovohead glazing with U-factq{ of U:0.40 or less is nor included in glazing area ljmitations. I I . Overhead glazing shall have U-factors determined in accordance with NFRC tOO or as specifiod in Sectioa 502. L5. 12- Log and solid rimber u,alls udth a minimum average thickness of 3-5" are exempt frorn this insulatior requirement- Glazina Lt-faOor Option Gbzlno Areat{ % of Fbor Veriical overheadrl Door s U-Factor Ceilingz Vaulted Ceiling3 waf? Above Grade Wall. inta Soloar Grade Wall. exf Below Grade Fbof shb6 on Grade t"lbp/c 432 o.5B E-20 R-S8 R€T}R15.R-l5 R-10 R-30 R-10 ll-*'4 EOtIJ/O 0.35 G.58 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-l0 R"30 R-10 NL ?5DiIo Group R-1 ard R-2 Ocqrpanci es Onlv 0.40 o.58 0.20 . R-38/ U=0.031 R-301 U=0.fl34 R-21t u{t.057 R-15 R-10 R-3$/ l-F=O-Oz s R'1O tv.Untimited Group R-3 and R-4 Occupanci es Only 0.s5 0,5a 0_20 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-?1 R-l0 R-30 R-l0 v.Unlimited Group R-1 and R-2 Occupanci es Only 0.35 0.58 0.20 R-3BI U=O-03t R-30' U=0,004 R-21t. U=ll,O57 R-15 R-10 R,30 / U=0-02 I R-l0 t Chapter I Prescrlptive $pace Heatlng System Sizing lleleted. See IRC ltll{st.3'. ffi3-2.2 Size limited to 15O% of heating load Replaced by IRC Section M1401.3. Heating and cooling equipment shall be sized based on building lmds calcutaled in accordance with Air Conditioning Conlraclors of Americg tvlanr.ral J or other appmved healing and cooling calcr.rlatian methodologies Manual J is a hea$ng and cooling heat load calcr.rlation n+ethod. This metlrod takes some training. See their web site for details- http/&r urrv.qc9?.orsltechlmanuali, WSU has developed a spread sheet for WSEC Chapter 5 code qualificatiwr. We call this the CPworksheet- This spread sheet will also provide a simfle heating syslem size cafcillatirrn that is roughly equivalent lo manud J. Limit the use of this spread sheet to electric resistance or combustion equipment sizing. Do not use this spread sheet to size heat pumps u air conditioners. This spread sheet is available sn ourweb site. Washington State University Extension Energy Program Energy Code Suppod Emaih prlg.fwcqde@ne]qy.wsu-edu Phone:360 956.2042 . Gary I'lordeen.. Mike McSorley. Chuck Mwray Residential Energy Code Supportr Energy and Vefltilation Code TeX t . ResidenlialComponentPerformanceWorksheets. ' Residential Builders Field Guide http :Ilnnilrtr. en elqy.ws.u.ed ulcodercode sup port. cfm For Non residential anergycode support, Visit the NEEG web site. httn'-,ltururyu,neec:4eureso u rc?brcg ') ') City of Port Townsend Development Services Department BUILDING NUMBER APPLICATION €-0ol-zzq W rfn^t\L Ll,tQctl-otg( vl a&-Uonsb, PW) Tn uesira,*enrSName of Property Owner: Mailing Address: Telephone: Property is located in: "-S Faces/Access is from: Parcel Number er L3 Dr Block(s): i -7'LL 2- t ot(s):7 --7 0 Directions to the Propertv (draw vicinitv map on back) It \his is a new ADU, has a building permit been applied for? Yes No Dare Ndtes:oWl" HOUSE NUMBER ASSIGNED: sf- +o lee_ [wf in ca,^ rtrc) I V"'f oF P L.*) /?25 r-DDl Date of Approval t z /as-/a / For IIse Onlv: Application Fee Received ($3-00, TC 2200):Date: Copy to O Finance O Sheriff tr Public Works tr Fire Dept O Police . tr DSD database tr Post Office tr GIS fl Assessor's Office For address ch'anges: tr Qwest Address Managernent Center-206-504-1534 b i a P V A U 3 h n R ' S S A I A R K L F Y L I i V E V e t ( o n d 8 0 F t B U F s 1 . 4 0 ' 4 6 , w 5 4 J . 0 0 , t i o n Y L a - - ( t b l L s t o P b r t T s e n d t t - 1 - / , / : F - f T l I q & H ( n C.1 7 A ' f ^ - M O T O R l \ a ' ) + K - ! L t d l A n c t \ : L€FOFFSITE GRAVEL ROADACCESS - SEE SHEET E TYPICAL PROP E R T Y CORNER MDNUM E N T Exlstlnawoter n o l n H O 11 1 0 1 { 0 n t H I a / ^ ' L L - ( . , L O T N U I L ' T L I A s f v f R I V A I I R I P R O P E R T R I E A R A i A N D f R S O A T A L L F 1 . M I N I M U I 2 . S E T B I F R C S I D I 3 . A C C E S : T O C I T Y C 4 . T R E E S B U I L D I N G S t t T R I E A P P R O ' T O W N S I , r y o f t / f l a o S T R E E T s . 1 " 4 0 ' 4 6 ' hq 0<z12 LrV R W N F - TERNATANGENTCDNT T I O N O F P L A T ! ! T > - f ' ! 1--\I 3 3 3 . 3 3 ' , q 0 ( { a q { c q I d1 53.35 T L . F ( a i f r t t * ( a U ) t l l T I O N j T ) \ 9 N 5 0 5 F T N O N - M O T O R I Z E A B . 5 F T B U F F E R 5 0 o s A C P A V E D R E A D E O F ^ T S E E ? F f t . ' ] I s \ = + P < , . / r E f \ r I 1 I I H E E T A I E N > - c a J O < ! O i ? L . t t J F - \ a 5 , . o o o o t z I F u . 9 \ ' ( N v ) z q n o a 54J.00'CL TO PL J 4 6 8 . 3 4 {:) t , I i r ( ) c r r l 10 F T B U F F T R T R T E S T I B T R T M E V E D ( T Y P I C A L ) (; n =Era m ( S o S 8 0 " E l r ) T ' R P E S ' T N S - A V E D . 1 2 0 S I T E I N F O R M A T I O N # W A D T V A U G H N A V E N U E P O R T T O W N S E N D , W A 9 8 3 6 8 T A X P A R C E L # 9 4 4 7 0 0 1 0 3 i'l"ln: 1 - l n c h = 1 0 f t . o\n t l z J F : E L ' F JOsdlzar{r( t r ) P L O T P L A N F O R : P E T E G O U G H N O U R 9 2 3 4 N W H O P T D A L I C O U R T P O R T L A N D , O R 9 7 2 2 9 5 0 3 - 3 1 7 - 1 2 6 2 R I ] O F D O V N S P D U T ( T Y P I C A L ) % n a 2 0 ' . S f 6 , + c K L i J ' " : . b O , r i \ 1 1 I - l L o E c 1 n c { l l 0 f E ] R F 2 Page I of2 Suzanne Wassmer From: Michael [santiago2@cablespeed.com] Sent: Friday, November 16,2007 4:51 PM To: 'pete goughnour'; Suzanne Wassmer Subject: RE: Building Permit BLD07-229 for Columbia Addition Block 1 Lot 7 e 6 [1 ' ow: 5") Suzanne... .,. sorry about the drafting... .was not able to change the size of the lettering at the time of the submittal but we can change that....but please note that the top number is the number associated with the number of survey observations... for example, at the northwest corner of the building foundation, the number 1454 is the "survey shot number' ( there were over 700 trees located on this property), below it is the elevation at the tree location associated with this shot... the tree being the "dot" that is 0.35" left of the elevation lettering, and the number below that number is the diameter and specie of the tree...in this case, a 23" diameter Fir designated... 23F....most of the trees are firs with a few madronas. This site plan shows the foundation line being 5 feet from the northerly line of future Lot 7, being also the northerly lineof Lot5Blockl,ColumbiaPark.....thesouthlineisthesouthlineof AP944700103.,..166.68feettothe south. .. .so, if the plat is never approved, then Pete will have to apply for a Lots of Record determination, but since we are building all the water, sewer, storm drain and street improvements, that application would be mute. From a zoning standpoint, the application is consistent with the preliminary plat which shows the lots being 50 feet wide. However, I will change the lettering, add a scaled circle for the trees that are to be removed which are all the trees shown with the exception of tree #'s 1453 and 15'17 that are labeled "TREES TO BE SAVED"....they are in the rear portion of the lot. A new site plan will be provided Monday AM. Thanks for your help. Michael From : pete goughnour [mailto : petegoughnour@yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, November L6,2007 11:56 AM To: Suzanne Wassmer Cc: MichaelAnderson Subject: Re: Building Permit BLD07-229 for Columbia Addition Block 1 Lot 7 Hi Suzanne, I'm cc'ing Michael so he can address your questions about the trees. Regarding the setback, the 5 feet indicated is the foundation line, The eaves will not extend beyond the 2 feet. By the way, I didn't indicate the square footage of the window glass on my permit. The total square feet is I77, the glazing percentage is 9Yo. Thank you for getting started on the permit. Pete S uzann e Was s me r 4 w as s me t@p ity ofp t. us> wrote : Hi Pete, I'm reviewing the building permit for zoning. As you know, the Wade Vaughn plat is not finaled yet, but we can still process this building permit for one house during this time. We'd like to request a revised plot plan that more clearly shows the trees to be retained and IU1912007 Page2 of2 removed. I'm not sure what all the numbers mean - if they relate to the tree size or location perhaps just a circle with the tree type/trunk diameter at 4-Il2 ft. above the ground could be substituted. Please clarify if the plot plan indicates the roof eaves at 5' from the side setbacks, or the foundation lines? Roof eaves can go into the setback a maximum of 2 feet. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you, Suzanne Suzanne Wassmer Land Use Development Specialist City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 360) 385-0644 Fax: (360) 344-4619 rIl19t2007 Page I of 1 Suzanne Wassmer From: pete goughnour [petegoughnour@yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, November 16,2007 11:56 AM To: Suzanne Wassmer Cc: MichaelAnderson Subject: Re: Building Permit BLDO;\-22g for Columbia Addition Block 1 Lot 7 Hi Suzanne, I'm cc'ing Michael so he can address your questions about the trees Regarding the setback, the 5 feet indicated is the foundation line. The eaves will not extend beyond the 2 feel. 4, the way, I didn't indicate the square footage of the window glass on my permit. The total square feet Thank you for getting started on the permit. Pete S azanne Was s mer 4w as s me r@ily ofpt. us> wrote : Hi Pete, I'm reviewing the building permit for zoning. As you know, the Wade Vaughn plat is not finaled yet, but we can still process this building permit for one house during this time. We'd like to request a revised plot plan that more clearly shows the trees to be retained and removed. I'm not sure what all the numbers mean - if they relate to the tree size or location perhaps just a circle with the tree type/trunk diameter at 4-Il2 ft. above the ground could be substituted. Please clarify if the plot plan indicates the roof eaves at 5' from the side setbacks, or the foundation lines? Roof eaves can go into the setback a maximum of 2 feet. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you, Suzanne Suzanne Wassmer Land Use Development Specialist City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 360) 385-0644 Fax: (360) 344-4619 7l/16/2007 Suzanne Wassmer From: Sent: To: Subject: Suzanne Wassmer Friday, November 16,2007 8:51 AM 'petegoug hnour@yahoo.com' Building Permit BLD07-229 for Columbia Addition Block 1 Lot 7 HiPete, I'm reviewing the building permit for zoning. As you know, the Wade Vaughn plat is not finaled yet, but we can still process this building permit for one house during this time. We'd like to request a revised plot plan that more clearly shows the trees to be retained and removed. I'm not sure what all the numbers mean - if they relate to the tree size or location perhaps just a circle with the tree type/trunk diameter at 4- 112 ft. above the ground could be substituted. Please clarify if the plot plan indicates the roof eaves at 5' from the side setbacks, or the foundation lines? Roof eaves can go into the setback a maximum of 2 feet. lf you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you, Suzanne Suzanne Wassmer Land Use Development Specialist City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 360) 385-0644 Fax: (360) 344-4619 I Receipt Number:ilnffi , BLDOT-229 BLD07-229 BLD07-229 BLD07-229 BLD0T-229 BLD07-229 BLDOT-229 BLD07-229 BLDOT-229 944700103 944700103 944700103 944700103 944700103 944700103 944700103 944700103 944700103 $980.82 $30.18 $100.00 $4-50 $150.00 $1s0.00 $1,508.95 $10.00 $3.00 Total $830.82 $30.18 $100.00 $4.s0 $150.00 $150.00 $1,508.95 $10.00 $3.00 Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Building Perm it Energy Gode Fee - l,lew Single Famil State Building Code Council Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling L Mechanical Permit Fee per [lrelling Building Perm it Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P Site Address Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $o.oo $0.00 $0.00 $2,787.45 07-0975 1110912007 Plan Review Fee 1004 Total $150.00 BLWT-229 CHECK $ 2,787.45 sz,zei.as genprntrreceipls l%ge 1 of 1 Receipt Nunber:W BLD07-229 944700103 Plan Review Fee $e80-82 _ _ !119:0!Total: $150.00 $830.82 CHECK 1004 $ 1s0.00 Total $r50.00 genprntrreceipts Page 1 of 1 \ :r--r.l--.- \tt-_J 3h^c-1 bia Pari:ti on a lk-t r + rt endTFLa-t r to Pb V AU F-., rq H& F..t U)MOTOR ROSS MARKLEY LIIVE IV e€fAnu($ Vetto.nd 80ft BUFTYPICAL PRIPERTY CORNER MONUMENT NORi'H I tr- r-.LL-L: s 1"40'46" W _t -l 545.00' Exlstlng_16' wqter mo.ln 40 20 .+o HO c STREET LDT NUI LNT LIN sfvfR I VATER I PROPERT RIBAR AI ANDIRSO. AT ALL F I GE NQY ErirTo &t oo6 U) LlJ O<a 1 e L /voft i<H j< -{ XtJ 0< z\ L.Jv2 10 FT a t"*, 2. StT BP FRC SIDI 3. ACCESS TO CITY C 4. TREES BUILDING SEI TREE AP P RO' TCWN S I lrl o i\v oo6 v) t'PICAL I c.l co\o 11 10 CINTI CIN FUTURE S Ti[N OF ERTiES NAL PLAT. nlrrnrunlrrvE soFT vrorl TANGENTi STREET ALIGNMf,NTI N.f o00oo v) az J - -:.--:.-.---._.a.- I]FFSITE GRAVEL RI]ADACCESS SEE SHEET ?0 68.34 545.00' CLTO PL { 0<\a 0<{ oq RVID TREET TEB 10F 353.3 f! o L,J tJ t--q ? $r AD\rlLLP.: AC PAVED FFSITE S RtlAD A CESS IN H m J 0< t EVER/EM asl rr E -\'-\'\' \ I0NtTE 50 SHE ?6 rri T STR T_I 50 SE DRS AD ICA (aq\v t1'a ocn c lrl O H o alvooo co v) z <f aza ar oa gr"fC 20 fr .) IIiIT.?EASEME ft 5 FT NUN-MOTIRIZI 48.5 TT BUFFER AR AJ Sff TRAiL HEIT ? ! \ T'-' s 1'40'46"333.33', .$,1 \ \, I iDevelopment Services 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 9B368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax: 360-344-4619 www.cityofpt.us Tree Gonservation Affidavit Form BU I LDI NG PERM IT/SITE DEVELOPM EI.JT PERM IT NO.bL-ct)7*a"_q THIS PERMIT AUTHORIZES [o LA 1 a* TO BEGIN WORK IN y1 SUBDIVISION AND/OR AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESStqL{ g-d THE AUTHORIZED PERSON ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HE/SHE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TAKING ADEQUATE STEPS TO: 1. Protect the tree retention areas on this lot as identified in the tree conservation plan (normally the front, rear, and or side yard areas) in accordance with the standards of Chapter 19.06 - Tree Conservation. 2. Field locate, mark, and protect all tree conservation areas on the site during construction. Marking shall consist of tape, ribbon, or tags attached to the retained trees and protective fencing secured by posts set at least 12" into the ground installed in accordance with the requirements of 19.06.150. All tree identification and fencing shallbe installed prior to site development and construction and shall remain and be maintained until home construction is 100% completed. 3. lnstall any trees on the lot.required by the approved tree conservation plan. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE REQUIREMENTS WILL RESULT IN THE ISSUANCE OF A STOP WORK ORDER OR OTHER CITATIONS. IAL Wa.r-ry fr. frr-, EFFECTIVE THIS 1 DAY OF ,20-ql NOTE: DISPLAY THIS PERMIT AT THE MA AND VISIBLE FROM THE STREET (Ord. 2837 S 1, 2003) Qk (J CITY OFFlC APPLICANT Page 1 of 1 N POINT OF ACCESS ') I 0"Et tr) 20' 24{ zgf € q+" 5. 4J E_ 2s{ DEC -5 ffi I D TREIS T[ BE REMIVID (TYPICAL)10 FT BUFFIR 3Sf /q{ 4l1' S PLOT PIAN FOR: PETE GOUGHNOUR 9234 NW HOPIDALE COURT PORTLAND, OR 97229 503- 317 -1262 0 /t-4 -a- SITE INFORMATION: # WADE VAUGHN AVENUE PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 TAX PARCEL # 9+4 7OO 1 03 2 -g- _f F E e icsfO\Fo rE{ z ,,- .. . -....t.,. 1- inch :10 ft- F Ft2IrfIt<lFt<lM, tt6 IEE O\n 36' i ROOF DI]VNSPI]UT(TYPICAL)NG qE? ti/<-\lr) ,\ -3 /8 +"AftI ctTY 0t P0Rr Tov'If{str{o . DSD Sheet 1 of 1 Dec, 5., ?007 1 TRf ES Til BE SAVEDNITf:( 3 TIrAL ) )) City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 9g36g (360)379_s09s BUILDING PERMIT Project Information Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 1925 EDDY STREET Project Description New single-family residence with attached garage Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-229 NEW SFR 944100103 Fee Information Project Valuation Site Address Fee Building Permit Fee Energy Code Fee - New Single Family Unit Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential Plan Review Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit Proiect Details Dwellings - Type V Wood Frame Private Garages - Wood Frame$191.319.63 3.00 I,509.95 100.00 t 50.00 980.82 150.00 1,883 SQFT 484 SQFT 4.s0 30.r8 10.00 Total Fees $2,937.45 Call 385-2294by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of lg0 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. Tt*-€- of the p;eSrerty7ft ofThe this shallgrantrng benot construedpermit to olateVIapprova ofSIONS PTMtheany orC lawsother orprovi certrregulations.fythatethinformationASdedofprovitheonforpafithislstrueapplicatiandtoaccuratebestthepermitofknowlIfurtherrnyedgecertifyinatamownertheorauthorizedofthowner tPrin ameN Z,crh^s+t Datelssued: 0l/18/2008 Issued By: SWASSMER .,.. :":''i .,rl,r:,.1. ,"i4' :, :ir r:' i r U t l s i i l r 1 1 ,l --... I - I. ., .,. tl