HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-230r) ) BUILDINGPERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Informution Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 1433 MADISON Project Description New single-family residence with attached garage Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-230 974100102 Nsmes Associated with thig Project Type Name Applicant Hayes John F Owner Hayes John F Contractor Ld Richert Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date (360) 379-5222 STATE LDRICC*066L105129/2009 *r<* sEE A'TTACHED CONDITIONS *** Call 385-2294by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certifu that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner ofthe property or authorized agent ofthe owner- printName ("'?^ Ki*^ tfta /ag illffi:'' :ljff:f ') ) BUILDINGPERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Informotion Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 1433 MADISON Project Description New single-family residence with attached garage Permit # Proiect Name Parcel # BLD07-230 974100102 Fee Information Project Details Decks - Residential Decks - Residential (Covered) Dwellings - Type V Wood Frame Private Garages - Wood Frame Project Valuation Site Address Fee Building Permit Fee Energy Code Fee - New Single Family Unit Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential Plan Review Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $232.341.86 3.00 1,739.55 100.00 248 SQFT 33 SQFT 2,309 SQFT 413 SQFT 150.00 1,130.06 150.00 4.50 34.77 10.00 Total Fees $3,320.88 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner ofthe property or authorized agent ofthe owner. Datelssued: 0l/10/2008 Issued By: SFOSTER Print Name l\ I BT]ILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 1433 MADISON Project Description New single-family residence with attached garage Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-230 974100102 Conditions 10. Property comer survey pins must be located at time of foooting inspection to verifu setbacks. 11. Address must be displayed at Cosgrove St. entrance as well as from the Madison St. ROW. 20. Temp. erosion control measures must be installed and maintained prior to approval of any building inspections 30. Grade level of site may not be raised above that of existing natural grade. Grade point to be established and confirmed prior to placement of concrete. Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from"issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certifu that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Date lssued lssued By: 0t/10/2008 SFOSTER Print Name CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E SS RE C O R D CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3. Po r t To w n s e n d " WA 98 3 6 8 BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y , ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E . PA R C E L No . 97 4 1 0 0 1 0 2 PE R M T T No . BL D 0 7 - 2 3 0 TS S U E D DA T E ol t l o t 2 o o l D( p t R A T t o N DATE oTto9tzoo} AD D R E S S 14 3 3 MA D I S O N CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E V- B OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R HA Y E S JO H N F PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Ne w si n q l e - f a m i l v re s i d e n c e wi t h at t a c h e d qaraqe CO N T R A G T O R LD RI C H E R T LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS r N S p Ec r o N *= n u -r T3 ff i S Y 1T S ff i :5 ? l l # t r l 1" ' 3 ' r ' : t ' J i h ' DA y r NS p Ec r o N. IN S U L A T I O N GW B FI N A L PU B L I C WO R K FI N A L BU I L D I N G ER O S I O N CO N T R O L SE T B A C K S SU R V E Y PI N S FO O T I N G FO U N D A T I O N WA L L Fo u n d a t i o n dr a i n SL A B PL U M B I N G SL A B BL D - H Y D R O N I C S FL O O R FR A M I N G SH E A R W A L L & HO L D O W N S FR A M I N G AI R SE A L PL U M B I N G PL U M B I N G WT R PI P I N ME C H A N I C A L Receipt Nunber:ffiffiffi BLD07-230 BLD07-230 BLD07-230 BLD07-230 BLD07-230 BLDOT-230 BLD07-230 BLDOT-230 BLD07-230 974100102 974100102 974100702 974100702 974100102 974100102 974100102 974100102 974100102 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Energy Code Fee - New Single Famil State Building Code Gouncil Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per lhvelling t Mechanical Permit Fee per Drelling Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P Site Address Fee $1,130.06 $34.77 $100.00 $4.50 $r50.00 $150.00 $1,738.55 $10.00 $3.00 Total: $9S0.06 $34-77 $100.00 $4.50 $150.00 $150.00 $r,738.5s $10.00 $3.00 $3,170.88 -o97707 CHECK 11lOgl2OO7 Plan Review Fee 1742 $150.00 BLD07-230 Total $ 3,170.88 $3,170.88 genprntrreceipts l%ge 1 of 1 ii i, 1, fCITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMTT# e.LDO1 - 23O SCOPE OF WORK: DATE RECEIVED Il- q - o-/ oF Lqns DATE ACTION INITIALSl-Q-oz ENTERED INTO CHET CA-toP - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS ,(u -0 5U V,(L z /11 5 a n{' wrr i e-lzs'.s1 lv\IIV 6^ sr?as { okvl t {*,"lix('L/a td t tl t-i' t. il I r++ s 7A) -ok /t 'l t(r ' z71D 7 R t t3o s >{-#--u *-=t)* R*-l}l -L.*\.*\-.\\ 5/ +o \v\?[..*t Q.u..^-r CITY OF'PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE oF INSPECTIoN: S Iq I O1 PERMIT NUMBER: 'TTEADDRESS: /W e'i-- 6Lb 01 -Z3o PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION:TDnu I] APPROVED N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. o7InspectorLDate Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and avqilable at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. ta {L ,{ z - / - 1 ? \ ' 1 4 t f i l - h - 1 - S B l ^ / t / ! A t r , ' j r J + l b d d l , , 6 5 A , \ g J z S U e d / ' / r y ' s c r c 5 f . P * f - r + 2 . O r E z < D t z ' t h - c - c - 6 - 5 s - f z , B 4 - f - z z - 6 t t t a o S T Z a l A - t ) 4 e / 8 6 - . - / , L e t U - u z . e / J D o L e e z z _ t _ a / / / n u r , " * ' o b W , & 1 D 3 - ' l - c ; 1 ) Inspection Report Project e.?PermitoO7,Z7" Date Inspector Inspection & Notes zl*)M Jt^)C"j'Lat*s- o- E, +zt'- {Urp E,t- /, €ll)r-.*;*w 'Eq-ut-K VK r/nn(*9i;A"6 t-',, O 1 L\wJ oMuul q-1'09 |x-1*f F oerr $S coRer-froi o:G,.-{ 'lcJr*n-rc IH\4=g b,, 4q t-o€w kt ,'/,.^,r,*u s _________-E U71 -,K ffiL <!^>,^ ,,,^-il I hn{/o,'-, ro-B-d Y (kxwq-/a-^b' I n,^o.,0- I r arr /*,H r-N6,.---> ilEFVg 7? Er?83 iDuz t*TrtL &tzE<r.l-ieESA rt)r<e,*rc( 1 =' AK Zrp Lttjuctti€ ru)(-0,4 /a? Fr--1 Lr-l rr<J\A \.f\- 2 / I a Jefferson Gounty DCD Building Division Correction Notice PERMIT NUMBER OWNER JoB LocATroru ! Inspection of this structure has found the following violations .L L;it c[ur-.-t<- ;mr [-JAr-L- You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done upon these premises until the above violations are corrected, unless noted othenrvise. When corrections have been made, call for inspection Date Vlnspector THIS NOTICE MUST BE KEPT WITH APPROVED PLANS ON SITE BU|LDTNG DTVTSON(360) 379-4450 dr."r,o* HorLrNE(360 ) s7s-44ss CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DArE oF INSPECTIoN: 4-\- ?'PBRMIT NUMBER: 1'Z3O SITE ADDRESS: I"{33> PROJBCT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: o t Tb VE o (- tr APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection NOT APPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector \,ilN\6-Date 43-( Approved plans and permit card must be on-site ond available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. Development Senrfces Residential Building Permit Application ) Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150D see the "Residential Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.O95. Name: Project Valuation: 2nd floor 3'd floor Building lnformation (square feet): l"tftoor g 369 Garag e' 413 oeck(s): 2.48 Porch(es):33 Basement:_ ls it finished? Yes No Carport:_ Manufactured Home n New ! Addition D ADU N Remodel/Repair I \i ., owner ,,. Property Owner: Name {5 Address:=--- T rV.A Phone: Email: Print Name: I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or and that all permit will be in accordance with State Laws a the Townsend Municipal .C. gde on behalf of the CllY lii' i'r;l'I tt;i'li',",'; ,t ir:l'l Project Address: 1434 A"ia>, !err..r Sl-gs'g-r Parcer # q14 l}D I D2 Legal Description (or Tax #): Addition: [4 r)i, , r=a" iu Lot(s):i 1Z (r.i/z-aA) !t€tp Block: t Project Description C ontacURepresentative : Name: Li V, '&iar-l L@ T Address. f- A 6i1) \ Z'7 City/SUZip:7, Phone: Email: 4-1e, . tizZt,U nax? l. fTlfq &^ lA*Av k, frez-v"r', Contractor: Name: L, V. r{. r r. u {:-€-T Address: €.O V*te t L? t Phone: 4ci -/)4'4 state Licens e *: t-D ?ct-,*O Qta li exp: City Business License #: '?- LiD cEmailld{tc,ha t''1, Fc'<-fcw t4/:>C Pl.(oa Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint) lmpervious Surface: Square feet:.--- Square feet: ',jji. "i i;1 /7,f ?YN ; Any known Any steep Sign associated with this Date:'24" { RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST This checklist is for new dwellings, additions, remodels, and garages. The purpose is to show what you intend to build, where it will be located on your lot, and how it will be constructed. X Residential permit application. n Washington State Energy & Ventilation Code forms tr Two (2) gets of plans with North arrow and scaled, no smaller than Ya" = 1 foot; n A site plan showing: 1. Legal description and parcel number (or tax number), 2. Property lines and dimensions' 3. S'etbacks from all sides of the proposed structure to the property lines in accordance with a pinned boundary line survey 4. On-site parking and driveway with dimensions 5. Street names and any easements or vacations 6. Location and diameter of existing trees 7. Utility lines B. lf applicable, existing or proposed septic system location 9. Delineated critical areas boundaries and buffers I Foundation plan: 1. Footings and foundation walls 2. Post and beam sizes and spans 3. Floor joist size and layout 4. Holdowns 5. Foundation venting I Floor plan: 1. Room use and dimensions 2. Braced wall panel locations 3- Smoke detector locations 4. Attic access 5. Plumbing and mechanical fixtures 6. Occupancy separation between dwelling and garage (if applicable) 7. Window, skylight, and door locations, including escape windows and safety glazing I Wallsection: 1. Footing size, reinforcement, depth below grade 2. Foundation wall, height, width, reinforcement, anchor bolts, and washers 3. Floor joist size and spacing 4. Wall stud size and spacing 5. Header size and spans 6. Wall sheathing, weather resistant barrier, and siding material 7. Sheet rock and insulation 8. Rafters, ceiling joists, trusses, with blocking and positive connections 9. Ceiling height 10. Roof sheathing, roofing material, roof pitch, attic ventilation I Exterior elevations (all four) with existing slope of the land in relation to all proposed structures I lf architecturally designed, one set of plans must have an original signature I lf engineered, one set of plans must have one original signature ll For new dwelling construction, Street & Utility or Minor lmprovement application tou 6 t 3r0 C 0s0 oNlsNMot lu0d J0 /{ltS 6\ 5ldJ 5tA PROPERTY LINE 1'-10'X, 5'-0"s',-0. \l Z DEC t&,Fffi"",. stair lan grade -0"-12 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DSD Hayes existing grade to elevation revised Dec 191h,2007 )v-nulFvLa 5 ' S I D E S E T B A C K Z o c n l ] _ o u t z - J u u _ l F z l u \ ) ,_o| I O O ' P R O P E R T Y L I N E b 2 b 2 2 - + - - \ . \ \ . - _ F I O ' F R O N T S E T B A C K bul1JFvulLovLbtf)I u _ l z J F v u l L o M L b l f ) { 2 2 4 I r a ' - I r _ 9 P PRO P E R T X _ 5 ' S I D E - Ir O P O R E V I 3 I O N F R S E T B A C K 2 E -oI A R l \ 6 - - . \ P R O t r C S E H O U 3 E F d ( , L l l a - a - INFILt,{* TREN' H E ' t 2 - t q - 0 1 t - - l " \ l ^ l f r - - ) 2 l H A l - 4 " o f 7 - L C # Y r y ? ( / e * o p & * @ " u t o l t z l I I ; O i i + 6 8 * p 0 o r E v r i a 6 : : r : : ! g J q 6 + o g w $ q a + r . g x w 6 q e 6 6 q f l o E q J r 7 5 + f i q < 5 l j i e s l + q > i r i 6 r c > q 7 6 - $ + 0 0 T o a l " l z 3 @ d / s s b s t s L G " r l t o t f l o F c - / / g w , , 7 p / 9 , % ^ o - ) O M ' n ( V W 0 t 2 g 7 @ W A ' | ' f [ + u q 7 l i l v z z ' r V - u ! / f , , T ? , : / * , ( 4 7 , % v / n 9 ? 7 / ! q T r f r ' , r y f ? / r 6 h / / o T q r t a V f Y * r y a f N a r y P t 4 f n % r t r y a a / g ' r n 1 f u ' e > h u e f t 1 a Y ' 1 1 , t ( / w d / w e [ * , a r y y [ ^ n n e * 2 ( / / ( l % / e / / 1 ( f f i W V f C f V , r v ; , q n , ( * / ' " 7 f 0 7 < m z g z t \ 0 N ; m a , , t c o , , / - / ? T t , u w - 2 1 WSEC Residential Construction Checklist Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2006 Residential Construction Checklist Complete this form in addition to WSEC prescriptive compliance form. Please answer the following questions: TYPE OF'PROJECT: .i New construction, or addition over 750 square feet Must meet whole house and spot ventilation requirements, and show full WSEC compliance as a stand-alone project. A detached, habitable structure such as an Accessory Dwelling Unit regardless of size must also meet these requirements. .i House addition under 750 square feet Possible trade-ofs are allowedwith the existing buildingfor WSEC compliance, such as increasing ceiling insulation. See WSEC component performance forms. NOTE: A house addition less than 500 sq. ft, does not require whole house ventilation, Spot ventilation is still required. TYPE OF HEATING- Please check all that applv: Electric .i Wall Heater .i Baseboard .i Forced Air Furnace Non-Electric: Radiant Floor (Boiler) ,*i Other _ Propane:J Radiant Floor/Baseboard (Boiler) .i LPG Stove .i LPG Furnace *i Other LPG .iiHeat Pump .i Oil Furnace -i Woodstove (can only be used as secondary heat source) VAPOR RETARDERS: Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings: o Floors: iflywooawith exterior glue v'Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) i Backed batts o Walls: ipptt plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) t1F ace - stapled, backed batts Vl Low-perm paint o Ceilings: lNot required where ventilation space averages greater than or equal to 12 inches above insulation City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 Fax: (360)344-4619 GEilVii I I[tril rr 'liiUiNO\/ 9 2007 CITY OF PORI iOWNS[ND DSD ip backed batts plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) perm paint SEE BACK P:\DSD\Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Energy Code Ched<list.doc Page I of2 w Tvpe of vgntilation used throughout the house: .i HVAC Integrated Option Whole House Fan for "Exhaust Option": r In what room is your whole house fan located? r What size is the whole house exhaust fan? L.\619 bfa{ Option a;n-75 CFM (l-2 bedroom house) \4 80-120 CFM (3 bedroom house).i 100-150 CFM (4 bedroom house).i 120-180 CFM (5 bedroom house) Note: the whole house fan shall be readily accessible and controlled by a24-hour clock timer with the capability of continuous operation, manual and automatic control. At the time of final inspection, the automatic control timer shall be set to operate the whole house fan for at least 8 hours aday, and have a sone rating at 1.5 or less measured at 0.10 inches water gauge. Spot Ventilation: Source specific exhaust ventilation is required in each kitchen, bathroom, water closet, laundry room, indoor swimming pool, spa and other rooms where excess water vapor or cooking odor is produced. Bathrooms, laundries or similar rooms require fans with a minimum 50 cfm rating at 0.25 inches water gauge; kitchens shall have a fan with a minimum 100 cfm rating at0.25 inches water gauge. Outdoor Air Inlets: Outdoor air shall be distributed to each habitable room by means such as individual inlets, separate duct systems, or a forced-air system. Habitable rooms include all bedrooms, living and dining rooms but not kitchens, bathrooms or utility rooms. Where outdoor air supplies are separated from exhaust points by doors, undercutting doors a minimum of % inch above the surface of the finish floor covering, distribution ducts, installation or grilles, transoms or similar means where permitted by the Uniform Building Code. When the system provides ventilation through a dedicated opening, such as a window or through-wall vent, these openings must: o Have controlled and secure openings o Be sleeved or otherwise designed so as not to compromise the thermal properties of the wall or window in which they are placed. o Provide not less than 4 square inches ofnet free area ofopening for each habitable space. Whq\tyFof fresh air inlet will be installed? (See figure below) li)ffindow Ports Lfwdl pnrt. P:\DSD\Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Energy Code Chedclist.doc Page 2 of2 I c i U 5 t I 9 A = 2 , i i = t f i . s m 6 N o l ? N t H W A ' C N 3 S M O I l U O d i z 0 t 0 0 t t 1 a : . q u n N t d r J E C N E O T S E U S E A V H f l r l I I L I l l t I i i I , ! l ' l l l l l l t - - I I I i l t d l 3 i t & L i @ * * * L * * * * * - . . - { . . - . , r . , - f f i ! I & I C I q j s i I - . . j m ' . O \ J 0 f l I . _ . g l I i t l r 9 A ? t { t p € l l r l E l l g 2 t - { \ ' City of Port Townsend T 17.r6.030 Residential Districts -ional and uirements DISTRTCT R-T \n-u )R-III R.TV MAXIMUMHOUSTNG DENSITY (unitVbedrooms per 40,000 square foot area) 4 dwelling units ( 10,000 sf of lot area per unit) 8 dwb{iqA/6its (5,000 sf of lot area per unit) 16 units per 40,000 sf oflot area 24 units per 40,000 sf of lot area MINIMUMAVERAGE HOUSING DENSTTY (units/bedrooms per 40,000 square foot area) l5 units MAXIMUMNUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS TN ANY ONE STRUCTURE 4 (Notc limired structures with more than 4 dwellings per strucfure may be permitted through the PUD process, see Chapter 17.32 4 (Note: limited structures with more than 4 dwellings per structure may be permifted through the PUD process, see Chapter l7 -32 No limit No limit MTNTMUM LOT SIZE 10,000 sf = single- family detached 5,000 sf : single-family detached 3,000 sf = single-family detached; 5,000sf: single-family attached (duples); 7,500 sf: single-family attached (triptex); and 10,000 sf: single-family attached (fourplex) and multi- family MINIMUMLOTWIDTH 50'50 30'except 100': multifamily MTNTMUM FRONT YARD SETBACKS grN*{<- ,r d"qs&ha*,t is" rtal a- ?uklie S +{€"e+..' 20'except: 50': bams and agricultural buildings access facine a stre€t+';'r'r'--F, rlSnt-Ot-WaV and -#50':barns and agricultural buildings l0' except 20 feet for garages with vehicle 20'except: ' 10' dside or rear parking/garages; garages with vehicle access facing a street right-of-way must be setback 20'; no setback for multifamily structures located within 200 feet of an abutting mixed use zoning district 20'except; l0' dside or rear parking; no setback for multifamily structures located within 200 feet of an abutting mixed use zoning district MTNTMUMREARYARD SETBACKS 20'except: 50' : bams and agricultural buildings, and 100' if abutting a R- II, R-III, or R-lV zonins district l0'except: 100' = barns and agricultural buildings 10'except: no setback for multifamily structures located within 200 feet of an abutting mixed use zonins district l5'except: 20' ifdirectly abutting an R-I or R-II district; no setback for multifamily structures located within 200 feet of an abutting mixed use zonine district MINIMUM SIDE YARD SETBACKS 5'except: l0': abutting a street r-o- w; 20 feet for garages with vehicle access facing a stre€t right-of-way and 50' barns and agricultural buildings and 100' if abutting a R-II, R-III, or R-IV zonine district 5'except: l0'= abutting a sheet r- o-w; 20 feet for garages with vehicle access facing a street right-of- way and 100': barns and agicultural buildings 5'except: 10': along a street r-o-w; 20 feet for garages with vehicle access facing a street right-of-way and no setback for multifamily structures located within 200 feet ofan abutting mixed use zoning district l5'except: 20' if directly abutting an R-l or R-II districq no setback for multifamily structures located within 200 feet of an abutting mixed use zoning district MAXIMUMBUILDTNG HEIGHT 30 30 35 35' MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE 25%35% except 40olo where an ADU is included on the lot 4sYo s0% MAXTMUMFENCE HEIGHT* FronF4'; Side8'; Side abutting a public right-of- way =4'; rear:8' FronF4'; Side=8': Side abutting a public right- of-way:4'; rear:8' FronF4'; Side8'; Side abutting a public right-of- way 4'; rear:8' Front--4';Side8'; Side abutting a public right-of-way =4'; rear=8' P:\DSDVormslBuilding Formsvnformation-Table 17.16.030 Res Zoning Districts.doc 02/27/07 t.; ) il (J"e{ Department I 8l Quincy Street, Suite 301, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360')379-3208 FAx (360) 38s-767s Findines. Conclusions and Decision of the Director DATE: August 4,2004 SUBJECT: Lot Line Reorientation LIJPA4-077 Vernon L. Garrison Living Trust After respectful consideration of the above referenced application, the Port Townsend Director of Building and Community Development hereby adopts the following Findings, Conclusions and Decision. Findines of Fact Application has been made by Vern Garrison to reorient lot lines of six of eight lots on Block l, Mountain View Plat, located between Cosgrove and McKinley and Quincy and Madison Streets. Tax parcel # 974-700-101. This block is generally known as the "Boy Scout property''. Lots 1,2, and 5 through 8 would be reoriented; Lots 3 and 4 would remain in their original orientation and are unaffected by this lot line reorientation, The following legal descriptions are proposed: Parcel A: South half of Lots 5 and 6, Block l, Mountain View Addition to the City of Port Townsend filed in Volume I of Plats, Page}4. Parcel B: North half of Lots 5 and 6, Block l, Mountain View Addition to the City of Port Townsend filed in Volume I of Plats, Page24. Parcel C: North half of Lots 7 and 8, Block l, Mountain View Addition to the City of Port Townsend filed in Volume 1 of Plats, Page24. Parcel D: South half of Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Mountain View Addition to the City of Port Townsend filed in Volume 1 of Plats, Page 24. Parcel E: North half of Lots I and 2, Block 1, Mountain View Addition to the City of Port Townsend filed in Volume I of Plats, PageZ4. Parcel F: South half of Lots I and 2, Block 1, Mountain View Addition to the City of Port Townsend filed in Volume 1 of Plats, Page24. Chapter 18.08 PTMC (Lot Line Adjustments) requires approval from the Director of Building and Community Development to revise a legal description to include portions of existing platted lots. The subject property is within the R-tr zoning district. The R-II zone is primarily a medium density single-family residence district, including duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes at a density ofup to 8 units per 40,000 square foot area; customary I 2 3 4 i Garrison lot Line Reorientati on*t-I0f{4-077 Page2 of 4 814104 8 10. 11. 5. 6. accessory secondaryuses, and accessory dwelling units. Required setbacks within the R-II zone are l0-foot front and rear yard setbacks (20 foot garage setback if it opens onto riglrt of way), and a S-foot side ymd setback (10 feet when abutting a steet right-of-way.) All lots within the R-II zoning district must be a minimum of 50 feet in width and an area not less than 5,0000 squme feet- All lots measure 50 x 100 feet. Theproposed pmcels will also measure 50 x 100 feet. There is building straddling existing Lots 6 and 7. The building was constructed circa 1932 and has been used as a Boy Scout meeting house since that time, With the lot line reorientation, this strucfure would encroach on portions of new Parcels A, B, C and D. The existing structure must be relocated to a legal location or demolished, or new Parcels A, B, C and D be legally tied together by a covenant in form acceptable to the City, in accordance with Condition #1. In a separate process, the applicant intends to apply for statutory vacation of McKinley Street to the north of existing Lots 5 - 8. This lot line adjustrnent does not address the street vacation issue. All lots will have street access in the reorientdd condition whether or not McKinley Street is vacated. The lot line reorientation allows McKinley Street to remain unopened, which would need to be opened to serve Lots 6 and,7 in the existing configuration. Afterreorientation, new Parcels A and B 7 will have access to Quincy Street and new Parcels C through F will have access on Madison Street. Parcel F will also have frontagebn Cosgrove Street. 9 All proposed lots will have access to existing water lines in Quincy and Madison Street. ln the original lot configuration, a water line would need to be extended in McKinley Street to serve Lots 6 and7. Fire protection is approximately the same in the original or reoriented lot configuration. Fire hydrants with flow between 500 -999 gpm are located on Quincy Street and Madison Street. Each proposed lot is located within 250 feet of one of thesehydrants. However, flow less than 1,000 gm is considered inadequate. The applicant may request that the City conduct a new flow test on these hydrants. (Contact Francesca Franklin 379-5093). The applicant is responsible for ensuring adequate fire protection for each lot. The applicant proposes a new sewer line in Quincy Street to serve Parcels A and B. There is an existing sewer line Madison Street to serve Parcel C, D, E and F. There is also an existing sewer line in Cosgrove Street accessible to Pmcel F ifneeded. The site does not contain any environmentally sensitive areas as defined in Title l9 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Notice of application was published rn The Leqder and poste<i at the proposal site. No comment letters were received. 12. ) j I iI #i-wo+-otz t i Garrison Lot Line Reorientation Page3 of 48/4104 Conclusions The proposed lot line reorientation does not create any additional building site, lot, tract, parcel or division. Six city lots will be reoriented resulting in six city lots. The proposed lot line reorientation does not result in a lot, tract, parcel, site or division which contains increased densityor dimensions which me inconsistent with the minimum requirements as set forth in the city's zoning and land use and state and local health codes and regulations. The existingbuilding straddling new Parcels A, B C and D will be relocated or demolished, or new Parcels A, B, C and D be legally tied together by a covanant in form acceptable to the City, as specified in Condition #1. The proposed lot line reorientation does not diminish or impair drainage, water supply, existing sanitary sewage disposal, and access or easement for vehicles or pedestrians, utilities and fire protection for any lot, tract, parcel, site or division- The proposed lot line reorientation does not diminish or impair any public or private utility easement or deprive any parcel of access orutilities. The proposed lot line reorientation does not create unreasonably restrictive or hazardous access to the property. The proposed lot line reorientation does not replat or vacate a plat or short subdivision, or revise or amend the conditions of approval of any full or short subdivision- The proposed lot line reorientation does not amend the conditions of approval for previ ously pl atted property. I)ecision Based on the foregoing Findings and Conclusions, application for Lot Line Reorientation No. LUP04-077 is hereby APPROVED subject to compliance with the following CONDITIONS: Within two years ofthe date this Lot Line Adjustment is recorded, the existing strucfure must be relocated to a legal location or demolished, or new Parcels A, B, C and D be legally tied togetherby a covenant in form acceptable to the City. The applicant shall record with the Jefferson CountyAuditor the attached Lot Line Adjustment Statement of Intent defining proposed Parcels A through F as single tracts. The approved lot line reorientation shall not become effective until the Statement of Intent required for recording has been recorded with the Jefferson County Auditor. Afterrecording, the applicant shall retum the original of said document to the City within ninety (90) days from the date of this approval. Otherwise, this approval shall automatically become null and void. I ) J 4. 5 6. 7 1 2. J 1 Garrison Lot Line Reorientation #LUP04-077 Pagc4 of 48/4104 i.i Development of Parcels A through F will require street andl/or infrastructure improvements as specified by the City througtr a Street and Utility Development Permit. U E-{, ,/ Jean Associate Planner Date Services Department Appeals Fursuant to Subsection 20.01.210 PTMC, an applicant or other party of record who may be aggrieved by the administrative decision may appeal the decision to the hearing examiner, provided that a written appeal in conformance with Chapter 1.14 PTMC is filed within l4 calendar days after the notice ofthe decision. The date on which a decision is deemed issued is 3 days after a written decision is mailed by the City, The appeal period ends at 4:00 PM, August 20,2004. 4. q il O)q l- l $\ ' . - lF I \ I * _l IN - C Y - I5 T €X,7>uzrzt b| / A r 4 w .\ .__ g' , = e w & - -7 _ . _ _ w- i\x x J +L{N) I I t tt r rx r$ r Ir I I T t I o o a C)nt CI (, \ rr l i $l >L l al -J l r il >- U E U O 'U O E - ' > ZE S H S* ^ a t 9r ' E E- E * s Ez A KP s : j s F= 5 *l * U S EF z -6 F>€8 . €3 :r - 'o l{p d- z H €f.o *; |o :U tr :z Ft -l o z r*r. r- ()*3 t/ )Ul q X O q h h tn L -. 1 it (\N s f.tI $t. t \ \\il N l I !I \ O' ) c0 - t/(/&,,2rrnt _'. \\ T * qr M ; \ D l S O N | " " ' - S T EX "L r S - - 6' / WA \\ ' ,q )ti , IF -- : s r - \t >< OO Pi l C K H T T S I I I o cf a,o a C' (' \ It l x !7 It l IA Q./\;-z lr =>rJ nm {v sl u Fo , (l t @. , -- - t \ -t ft ) t_ 5o 2A@ \} 's ,/ o a /a a " $L ^. 1 \h (i t r -- - 1 . . - . l a 5a 2a N) ., . - , ' ' . . \ \ ) C) H o ur I Iilffi ltff iltilil ]lt ilt il1ilffiffiil ffi ilHJ,:T." J.tlrrlo^ CNnty, ln ,llY eirHUR ilLft 4r.00 AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: Henry & AllerL Attorneys PO Box 576 Port Townsend WA 98368 NO REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX REOUIREDJEFFEFSONTREASURER DOCUMENT TITLE: Dechration of Restrictive Covenants cnd Conditions, 8od Easement GRANTOR: Vernon I. Garrison, Trustee of the vernon L Garrison Living Trust GRANTEE(S): The Public LEGAL DESCRIPTION (abbreviated): Block l, Mountain view Addition, Port Townsend (Additional legal description is on page l'2 ofdocument) ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEUACCOUNT NIJMBER: APN 974'TOO'IOT Declaration of Restrictive Covenants Restrictive Covenants - I Rt/: The rmdersigned Vemon I. Garrison, as Trustee of the Vemon I. Garrison Living Trust dated February I I , i 999, is the legal and equitable owner of the following described real property located in Jefferson County, State of Washinglon: Lots l-8 inclusive in Block l, Mountain View Addition to the City of Port Towusend' as per plat recorded in volume I ofPlats, page24, records ofJefferson county, Washington, together with the South half of vacated McKinley Street adjacent to lots 5-8 which by operation of law attach thereto (APN 974-l0G'l0l) Which property has been adjusted by Lot Line Adjustment #LUP04-077, recorded August 9,ZAM at ,q.uditois Flle lA87962,records of Jefferson County, Washington, and now includes the following parcels: parcels A, B (including the South half of vacated McKinley Street adjacenf thereto), C (including the South half of vacated McKinley Street adjacent thereto), D, E and F, and Lots 3 and 4, Block l, Mountain View Addition to the City of Port Townsend, as pcr plat recorded in Volume I of Plats, page24, records ofJefferson County, Washingtoq I lllill llil lllilll il|il il lllil |il|il,,,,ii;,,lllffi;:,0;.,, togerher w*h the sourh harf of v--.o ;.:;;#: parcers " ;. ., :;' in Jeffersoo County, State of Washinglon- Recitals: Owner desires to provide for present and future uses of said property consistent *irt itsfifr-rt *O best use for single fumity residential purposes' preserving views so far as p.5iUi., ia nroviding for the protlction and preservation of the character of the properfy and its ".igftf"ift*0. Owneriesires tirut ttt" ptop".ty shall be and remain subject to the t€rms of these resirictite covenants for all purposes, including but not limited to any future sale, Eansfer, .onn*V** or lease of the property o. *y pottion of it, or any future development thereof; THEREFOREitisherebydeclared,covenantedandprovidedthat: l. Restrictions geated by this document affect and reshict all the described parcels' Thcy are, and shall be, construed as covenants running with the land binding upon the Owner and all subsequ"nt o*o"o and occupiers of the land or any jnterest therein. It is the intent of the Owner that the restrictions shalt bini and reslrict the land, the Owrler, its heirs, gtatrtees, personal representatives, successors and assigns, alike' 2. All persons dealing with said land and entitled to enforce and compel compliance with thele ao.r"n**, irr"luding bul not limited to owners and govenrmental agencies, shall have the dght in law and equity to "ofor"" and compel compliance with them, and to benefit and take advantage of them. 3. These restriclive covenants shall be governed by the laws of the state of washinglorr" and enforced only in the Superior Court of the County of Jefferson, State of Washington' Restrictive Covenants - 2 4. Vemon I. Garrison, as Trustee for the vemon l. Garrison Living Trust (orantor), hereby gr*ts arrd "onveys to the owners of Parcel E (Grantee), their heirs, successors and assigns, for ihe benetit ofParcel E, a perpetual non-exclusive view easement over, through and across the .*terly r**ty.five feet i251 of earcet F above a height of four feet (4') measurcd &om a ddtum p"i"i.t tft" i"i-secrion of the extension of the boundary line of Parccls !--d F with the centerline of platted Madison Street, within which view easement nO buildings, sftuctures' utilities, trees (existing tlees are grandfathered by prior existence), shrubs, landscaping foliage or other improver"otr oi obstructiJns shall be placed, erected, constructed or maintained- Grantee shall send a written notice to the Owner of Parcel F at least thirty (30) days in advance requesting removal, at the expense of the Owner of Parcrl F, of the intrusion i11o the view ehsemcnt. In t}le event that it is necessary to litigate any issues associated with this view easement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recovJr their reasonable attomey's costs, fees and expenses in any such litigation, includi ng aPPeals' 5. There shall be no heat pumps or exterior mechanical heating cooling or ventilation (fans, etc.) devices on said parcels and lots. -.lf I Iilil llt ffiil llll il ffil llllf5nnil ffi ;",?l;,0;.,"J.tl.r.on Csintr, r*l ellY mtHl'n ltl-ll lf'oo t.f" 6. There shall be no recreational vehicles, trailers (whether for recreational, utitity, storage or any similar uses) trailerable recreational devices such as boats, jet skis, persooal watercraft or the like, kept or parked or stored on or adjacent to said parcels and lots- 7- There shall be no high-intersity exterior lighting units such as mercury napor, halogen, or other lighting units designed for high levels of area lighting: all exterior lighting uits shall be hstalled and maintained onty to project low-intensity downward-projecting flood or path lighting, and shatl not be permitted to intrude on lhe dark privacy of surrounding parcels and tots. 8. All houses installed on thesc parcels and lots shall have garages or cruports $any) which face and access oqto the driveway easeucnt to be installed in the middle of tbe bloch as provided beloq and shall not have orientation toward" or driveways to, any ofthe out€r sttcts aound the Block- g. There shall be no construction access, nor coolmcrcial access, via the driveway €as€Nnent provided below; coostruction access and cosrmercial access if any shall be via the public streets which sturound the block. 10. Use of the cornmon driveway shall be limited to individual parccls and lots which han'e obtaind a certificate ofoccupancy or Final Inspection Sigpoff, whiclrver is applicable or ocours first.. I l. Structures permitted to be erested bn said parcels and lots shall riot include modular or mobile homes, or any variation of recrealional vehicle- Eesement: Ressictive Covenants - 3 vernon I. Ganison, as Trustce of the vemon I. Ginison Living Trusg hereby grants and conveys for the use and benefit of Parcels A, B, C, D, E and F and lot 3 (but not lrt 4), I mujllal and non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress (expressly nq! for utilities) ten (10) feet in width, the centerline of which shall be the common boundary of Parcels A B, C' D E, F and Lot 3, extending from the Sourh line ofL,ot 3 and Parcel F !o lh€ North line ofParcels B and C (at the c"nte.tirre oiplatted, partially vacated, McKinley Street), all in Block l, Mountain View Addition to tt " Clty of Port Townsend, as per plat recordd in Volume I of Plats' page24' records of Jefferson County, Washington lmprovements and marntenance for the sole use and benefit of any individual parcel or lot shatl be atthe expense and bwden of the ovmcds) of those parcels or lots, free of licnor liability against the owne(s) of lhe other parcels or lots, the owners of which shall be held harmless for sich costs, unless there is an advance writteo agreement to the contary between owners who may agree to apportion and share in such expenses among them. Any damage to tlie easement driveway caused by a lot owner, or their guests, tenants, I llffi |ilf, $lill llll il filil ffifi ",in,n lil liJil,].,,J.tl.rron County, Hn nnY nRfrrR lttllt 11.00 representatives or invitees, shall be repaired at the sole cost and expense ofsaid lot owner- The easemen! and the provisions for repairs and maintenance, shall run wirh and be appurtfnanl with the land. The easement and provisions for repairs and maintenance, shall be binding upon the Owner, his heirs, successors and assigns as shall be ownen at any given point in time. Ifthc eascment area is ever dedicate4 convcye4 condemncd or opened as a public right of way, this'easement shatl remain effective upon adjacent to the arca affected, in the event of fuhre vacation of a public right sis"a 5-4a{ ,zws. Garrison, as Trustee of the Vemon I. Ganison Living Trusl State of \Yashington ) ) ss: County ofJeffenon ) Signed and affirmed beforc me rhis !-A^l t ,M htt .2005, by Vernon I. Garrisoq who confirmed on oath that he uas authorized to execute tt€ insttnnent and acknowledged it as thc Trustee of the Vemon L Garrison Living Trust to be the trec and voluntary act of that cntity for the uses and purposes mentioned in lhe instrumcnt. and forthe of residing at Commission expires:- 73-O 6 Restrictive Cove.nants - 4 ) n '(rouro J^il.28.S .1otAO2 ,/ -\ -\Iti STRIJCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR HAYES RESIDENCE Jefferson County, WA October 29,2047 Job No. 07-198 PREPARED BY E ""rr*MER ENGTNEERTNG tNc. 317 Commercial Avenue, Suite 101 Anacortes, Washingto n 98221 (360) 2e3-9006 www.schemmereng.com crry 01 /\(tl -\\,,1 DTSIGf''1 ANALYSIStr SCHE['}'ER E}iGIHEEBII.IG I}.IC. uJtuo 8g MPd 4e B #w.1,@ ,\ a /.o & ft= l.ox/.o y/4L/ E /t/.(6r uJt*-a O,r(a,tr( ?.*S)yrc-= //3H, r-Jrnd L y& /&eX t {= /S_g zr 4rir-qteotL- ^'//'4'/ 0- G4'&/6-e€ //zx/S= / 3€- d' z)r'!F- E>t l+= 7.tL7 9r' o;Vz? Goua,4.rrS Daste,r 4-9* 'L zz zrr /. a/= I zJ ? - €nt t .42?x l.{7-= ,O)Z .. t/.zs7 e .BLb 4o,='l.b --/ ,/otpoatttr c/{€2ul'€ - /USf. SZ aR n757. ba 83 ?aab -TBc 7oz /L/./ IBF + U5L/{6FAr Fa-' /.at Fv'/67 €-G9"v &,-4- f = l'o V T e_l,? T {,zX !97.b \= ,/65' tl 6Ae.ae-L Anrc, -i-r.r i tlAl-LUtl&-ttuz ?.!t A /q B t? c is- D ta tr /o f tt/ 6 n H E- :r 2 K /) &Yt1., q L / trwtnlTnu7Y l,DhE lsHFi a#fjtfi PY IDA'IE lrBB no. 07* l7A enorzcr 7v4 vrs Rgs l a6/t/z,G- S/,EJf.CI ./Ca-Aefa /,4o-- 4--St 3 Tqoz z7/? 7tr /lso //3a : /BVat Z.oe7: 3O?z z9ur*27/7= g LgL (zz{r 76= /3?a 4a€ 175tr+ r(/30 <3tsr / 3ga* r?3o=273o /7.{ /g.f /b,g Ll 27.5- 7,f t 7r{ t t/,,f /L ZL g /Oo t?7 ,/3 'b6 €L s/q 3OL 2b 74/ / q5- 7lg/4 lo L. /\\i/l I DESIGN ANALYSIS OF SGHEMMER ENGINEERING IilC. g )Tt*LE//GTE/7 /q { 3 t3 lo /8?a *t,ro - 37Bo z;b{f z-f6{-- ,.1/3a A 7d*b73- = /3So (a{r'T c,f= 9/o / 7,fF* tZd€= 35 /o /3€o *t3,fa" Z ?aa /5- r7,s /7 /beE 7{' -zsz- tryZA: 7? €t ;;PK$ /og \ 72 L a p q i< T LJ UI I t) /L IL r?- /O Zo 't b7o / Q?a /b?.o zl 8"" 71, 7t 77 z03* 77_ -77 ++-!- -r>... I .- -'i------*-- -- i I ASCE 7 -02 Earthquake Load Calculations Page 1 Description 07-198 Site Classification "D" : Shear Wave Velocity 600 to 1,200 fUsec SDS=Syg*2/3 = $o{=SM1 *2/3 = ASCE 7-02 Table, 2003lBC Table =D ,NobIg- Occupancv Cateqorv ASCE 7-02 Table 1-1, A8 BC Table 1604.5 "1" : Buildings and other structures that represent a low hazard to human life in the event of failu Occupancv lmportance Factor = {.00 ASCE 7-02 9.1.4 Seismic Use Group = r ASCE 7-02 Table 9.1.3 Ground Motion ASCE 7-02 , 2003 IBC 1615.1 Latitude - 48.026deg North Lonqitude = 122.860 deq West Loc?tion : Port Townsend, Jefferson County, WA 98368 Max. Ground Motions,5% Damping, from USGS 1996 maps S g = 1.227 9,0.2 sec response S 1 = 0.429 g, 1'0 sec response Site Goefficients Fa & Fv ASCE 7-02, 2003lBC 1615.1.2 (using straight-line interpolation from table values) Fa = i.oiFv = i.5T Maximum Gonsidered Eartquake Acceleration ASCE 7-02 Equation & 2, 2003lBC Equations 76-38 & 16-39 Sn,ts =Fa*Ss = 1,238 Srutr =Fv*S{ = 0.674 Desion Spectral Acceleration ASCE T-02 9.4.j.2.5, 2--3 tBC 1615.1.3 0.825 0.449 Seismic Desion Cateqorv D ASCE 7-02, 2003lBC 1616.3 ( SDS is mosf severe ) Basic Seismic Force Resistinq Svstem ASCE 7-02 Table, 2003lBC Tab1e1617.6.2 Bearing WallSystems Light-framed walls sheathed w/wood structural panels rated for shear resist NOTE!See ASCE 7-02 for all applicable footnotes. Building height Limits : Category "A & B" Limit No Limit Category "C" Limit: No Limit Category "D" Limit: Limit = 65 Category "E'Limit: Limit = 65 Category "F'Limit: Limit = 65 Response Modification Goefficient " R r' - System Overstrength Factor " hfo " = Deflec'tion Amplification Factor 'Cd' = 6.50 3.00 4.00 ASCE 7 -O2 Earthquake Load Calculations Page 2 " Cu " factor from Table Per ASCE'1 the true fundamental Building Period shall not exceed Building Period " Ta " Calculated from Approximate Method selected " Cs " Response Coefficient So.: Short Period Design Spectral Response per9.4.1.2 = " R " : Response Modification Factor from = " I " : Occupancy lmportance Factor from 9.1.4 = From Eq. : Preliminary Cs = From Eq. 9.5-5.2.1-2 Cs need not exceed = From Eq. & 4 Cs shall not be less than = : Seismic Response Coefficient = Seismic Base Shear Cs = 0.1270 from Reliability Factor " p " =1.000 = 1.40 = 0.000 sec = 0.000 sec ASCE 7-A2 0.825 6.50 1.00 0.13 0.00 0.04 0.13 ASCE 7-02 Description 07-198 Average Floor Area per Level = User defined Shear Carrying o/o Ratio = Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces " k " : hx exponent based on Ta = 1.00 Table of building Weights by Floor Level... W ( see Sum Wi below ) = Seismic Base Shear V = Cs * \/lI = ota 0.000 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure ASCE 7_02, ZOO3IBC 1617.4 The "Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure" is beinq used accordinq to the provisions of ASCET-O2 9.5.5 Determine Buildinq Period 0.00 k 0.00 k ASCE 7-02 Level # Wi : Weight Hl : Height Wi * Hi^k Cra< Fx=Cvx* V Sum Story Shear Sum StoryMoment Dianhraom Forces : Seicmie on Cateoorv It D rr- rr E rr & , F rl Sum Wi= 0.00 k Sum (Wi * Hi^k; = Total BaseShear= 0.00 k 0.0 k-ft Base Moment =0.0 k-ft ASCE 7-02 Level #Wi Fi Sum Fi Sum Wi Fpx wpx. . Fi.... Sum Fi MIN Req'd Force @ Level . MAX Req'd Force @ Level . Fpx : Design Force @ Level Weight at level of diaphragm and other structure elements attached to it. Design Lateral Force applied at the level. Sum of "Lat. Force" of current level plus all levels above 0.20*Spg*l"Wpx 0.40*Spg*l*Wpx Wpx * SUM(x->n) Fi / SUM(x->n)wi, x = Curent level, n = Top Level I ASCE 7-O2 Earthquake Load Calculations Page 3 Description 07-198 Combination of Load Effects ASCE 7-02, 2003 'BC 1617.1.1 H&VLoadEffect E Load Description D Dead Load 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Qe Seismic Load 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000' 0.000 0.000 0.000 E=prQe +0.20*SDS*D = E=p*Qe +0.20*SDS*D =g=p'Qe +0.2O'SU$"D = 5=p*Qe +0.20*SDS*D = E=p*Qe +0.20*SDS*D = 6=p*Qe +0.20*SDS*D =g=p'Qe +0.20*SDS*D =g=p*Qe +0.2O' SDS*D = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 :' 8 " HT ml l b 1C -t CL O S E T g. a t z _] - t- !- 2 U 4 @a- ! f ft @ \t, @ 0 BA T H 3A - t r ir o \ r A s l E ' w sF t E l f @@ @ Ma s t o r Su t t B 1- 7 l t t- e@ Ol l l c e b D t+ . c I h & (9 14 1 I b b (a to ft I -T -l l - 1 I I = l' { ' * 3. 7 b b b b 21 -A 3d - c I bATNCSTORAGE ,- lo - c r @ Do g s Ve s t l b u l e -7 - f 1 t T to - r 3- 1 ' B { ' --LD , += F l I @ JI t 23 I DW E 2 9. O '@ d % El e v a t o r OF F I C E L- J L - J L Dl n l n g SE @ N O FL O O R Uf E OP E R A S . E @@ I @ a b 11 .C 14 . C @ 1C -e ,t 6 + TF | w \M n d f f i 4- 7 1 E Ll v i n g BO O K S H E T F HI D D E N OO O R €b 1t 7 n 7t o b b ) I I I 1t -6 ll 2 11 - 1U tl z ll lr 4 g. t g a t @ € o 1- e $f i 9 f cr t a | t" - / t - o . ' ka gr r s t ? t a ( as A c c s fo 8g Yr ' o Q U . l / a . 12.r &E u s @a ,"-F b b m* u $ 7- r L Pt t lr s t M t sl I, ' P P E R I LO I A I FO l r E ,- u u o , l d. e 50 CF t r , l oo I I r- 1 1 2 E s- 9 1' - 11 1t ? o j_ t PEfinnsry &J2-2m7 2 t4 - C ld - t r GL O S E T g- 8 1 i t -v . u a E o @ t- 2+ft lo @ BA T H &h o 3A . f MO V A q € TV sl t E l . . F @ El a v a t o r @@ @ Ma s t o r Su l t e 1 -7 1' 7 @ a- d@ Of f l c e q + b & I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I b rg j f4 n 6 b 3d HT wA [ (a && -t -l e12-2Wj t s- G 21 -A 8' - bATNCSTORAGE Do b d 10 -{ r V6 6 t l b u l o fr 1 t 2 ' @ to - ( t !r D\ , 1 'i u d I ra g- a 25 El e v a t o r L- J L - J L Dl n l n g UN E OP E R A S . " E @ 14 -t 14 - { r @ 19 - o @ Ll v l n g 4' . 7 1t 2 Ao o K S H E I . F HI O O E N O O O R Tl a ' M Wn d m t b I g ts b b b ) I I ,o n a n * o v n o , Fw f a r 4 / . ' a' , t 4 / z c 5: /o B/ f . -- 7 2 t r /n 4 : d - ^* l" = 1 ' 4 ' l7 . g ll 2 ' 1l - 1U ll 2 ' l1 ln c' - M g o Go H o t @ e- 3 l E 1- A $E f / 9( a o f t /' r " = / / . o : ' ,{ Z e €y r x f u o ( NA a . a S f* &g Wt * A U. l f a . t2.e .t2 - 0" AB O V E F _ _t - . ;i ' '. : . : . , ,. . ' 1 i b b mc n il 7. V t- I. ' F F E R ( PL U ' H M ' 5 1 L( m t FO L O E ,. r u " , [ tt . t a- F so cn u o@ g- 4 1 2 t- 5 t1' - 11 1t 2 o E dG Frc[nnery gl2.2dD7 z@ 300 loo / SHEARWALL SCHEDULE Bd coMMoN (sHnw otn. _ 0.131"), 1od coMMoN (sHnur oln. : 0.148") NOTESNAILINGMARKSHEATHING 1,2,6,9NL EDGES 8d @ 12" O.C. FIELD @6 o.c.7 /16,, CD_X ONE FACE O,N STRUCT II OSB 2,3,6,9O.C. PNL EDGES 8d @ 12" O.C. FIELD 8d@47/1 OR 6" CD_X ONE FACE STRUCT II OSB 2,3,7,9O.C. PNL,.EDGES 8d @ 12" O.C. FIELD ,,@ STRUCT II OSB 8d @ 12" O.C. FIELD €NE-fAC{- STRUCT II OSB t 2,3,4,8,9@ @ 4'' O.C. PNL EDGES8d ELD2" O. 7/ OR '16" cD-x Two FACES STRUCT II OSB 2,3,4,8,9O.C. PNL EDGES 12" O.C. FIELD 8d@3 8d 7/1 OR 6" CD-X TWO FACES STRUCT II OSB 2,3,4,8,97/1 OR 6" CD_X TWO FACES STRUCT II OSB 8d @ 2" O.C. PNL EDGES 8d @ 12" o.C. FIELD EXISTING OKAY 2,3,4,8,932,, CDX ONE FACE STRUCT II OSB 15 lod @ 2,, O.C. PNL EDGES 1 12" O.C. 2,65d cooLER @ 4 PANEL EDGES AND FIELD o.c.1 /2" GWB TWO FACES 5d cooLER @ o.c. UNBLOCKEDAT SUPPORTS, 1/2" cWB TWO FACES RECIEVING EDGE NAILING. 4. PROVIDE 3x SILL PLATE. 5. OFFSET PANEL EDGES. 6. PROVIDE u'O A.B. @ 48"O.C. 7. PROVIDI '6"0 A.B. @ 24"O.C. 8. PROVIDE %"0 A.B. @ 12"O.C. W/ 1/4"x3"x3" PL WASHERS. g. SruDS SHALL BE SPACED NOT MORE THAN 16'' O.C. 2, BLOCK ALL PANEL EDGES. 3. PROMDE NOMINAL 3x FRAM ING AT ABUTING PANEL EDGES u.N.o. SHEARWALL NOTES 1. ALL EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE T\?E w/ 1/4"x3"x3" PL WASHERS. w/ 1/4"x3"x3' PL WASHERS. g SCHEiIMER ENGINEERING INC. *rf DTSIGN ANALYSIS G)'or /8, tu8 3Ppy tL-el ts . Df. rlb,t- zg P@, f7rA . ', ::; .Z.C z c,/tp<. z%-yts-: t;o Ft;' .' 4c'- 7e72,r25-= Z-Se qn %pz.z Q/2.Vrg= ?s-o.,- .'tc'- b77.x2f: ZS- u ^ tIe /- -Z r tz,,'f 1at - ,fiy'Zk /f.? fu 4,^ ,-1a. z ?=.*sB- t'--- . - -1 t zc='?zxzfr lc /6 Ft't tit , '. l'77 ' .i/),47 gtst^ ltz g-o*n tZz -: i ..:-:::-41 . '"''-{'-- ' sbxtz 64/s ;i : =: ..--,+,..': .':..t :. 1. '': t -i i :i :*. '"N !. I .l ;l ,! : It ''l--a i, - ''i'.t I z,:p3at. ., a t..:=i, .:.: 'tt'" -l: OF 07- /I 4 /2 "T .]. . _- * : ?/;4DL i.Q 2/A / 6- 1-) * I F! o ',{r.z ,?lZyVoz 3loei DESGN ANALYSIS OFffi"tr^" l*ni' miEcr SFECT SCHEIIMER ENGINEERING INC. g c l8 B/0 . tl3,S-'ft : /U72yqa-, 32? F" . P,Drc 060* LL t lgld 'A PtPe; Ofu?l at b'rof vus, c,Jaci/4)rro--- ban't(' th.rqoZ geE4' i. . PDc-z lgfB '-t4z 27.5 ^ , qq? 3,SF l/.,67GLrL' 8, .lt X /L6 z{ /Vc i-Lac I Ery) :y'=6 i-,- - - eto,r4yr-7,6ts)/fiyrar zzO*+LV. _z"b 2 'B/dZuz:' ' /--\ - -\)) g SCHEMMER ENGINEERING INC. DESGN ANALYSISffiT^*lsnrrr s ffiEr fire |JoB NO. ?RO.ECT FJB.ECT ri General Timber Beam Page 1 Description 81 General lnformation Code Ret 1S97l2Jl01 NDS, 2000/2003 lBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined Section Name BeamWidth Beam Depth MemberType Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity 5-125x78 Center Span Left Gantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fit,24F -V4 Fb Base Allontr Fv Allovt/ Fc Allow E 2,4tn.0psi 240.0psi 650.0psi 't,800.0ksi 2tt.w ft ft ft .Lrl .Lu .Lu 2.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 fr 5.125 in 18.000in Glulam 1.150 Pin-Pin Loads #1 DL DL #2DL DL #3 DL DL @ Left @ Right @ Left @ Risht @ Left @ Right 150.00 #/ft 150.00 #/ft 45.00 #/ft 45.00 #/ft 150.00 #/ft 150.00 #/ft LL @ Left LL @ Right LL@ Left LL @ Risht LL @ Left LL @ Right Start Loc End Loc Start Loc End Loc Start Loc End Loc 0.000 ft 5.500 ft 5.500 ft 25.500 ft 25.500 ft 28.000 ft 4.465 in 13.26 fi 723.O7 250.00 #1ft 250.W #|ft 75.00 #tft 75.W #tft 250.00 #/ft 250.00 #/fr Deflection .-.Length/Defl Right Gantilever... Deflection ...Lengtt/Defl Genter Span... Deflection {.1...Location 13.7/6 ft...LengtVDefl 192e.2 Gamber ( using 1.5 * D.L. Dei ) ,.. @ Center 0.261 in @ Left 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 in 0.000 in o.0 0-000 in 0.0 0.000 in o.0 O.d)O in o.0 Span= 28.00ft, Beam Width = 5.125in x Depth = 18.in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio o.243 1l Maximum Moment 14.4k-ftAllowable 5e.1 k-fr Max. PositMe Moment 14.38k-ft at 12.992ft MaK N€ative Moment {.00k-ft at 28.@0 fr Beam Design OK 0.00 0.00 59.14 fr, Fv @ @ k-fr k-ft Camber Maximum Shear* 1.5 Reactions... Left DL Right DL 1.16 k 0.94 k 40.94 psi 276.00 psi Max @ Lefr Support Max @ Right Support Max. M allow nr 6?3.31 psi Fb 2,564.14 psi 3.'lo k 2.50 k 3.8 k 25.5 k 3.10 k 2.50 k 0.000 in O:261 in 0.000 in Left Right @ Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Allowable Shear: Deflections Stress Galcs Bending AnalysisCk 2o..711 LeCv 0.933 Rb Area t2.2fi in2 Allowable fb 2,564.14 psi 2,575.17 psi 2,575.17 psi @ Genter @ Left Support @ Right Support ShearAnalysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allonable Eearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Mar. Right Reaction 4.118 ft 5.821 Max Moment 14.38 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft @ Left Support 3.78 k 13.683 in2 276.00 psi Sp< 276.750in3ct 0.996 SnREd 67.2,1in3 0.00 in3 O.fi) in3 @ Rlght Support 2:88 k 10.42.1n2 276.0O psi 3.10 2.fi k k Bearing Length Reqd Bearing Lengh Req'd 0.931 in 0.750 in / '') -J General Timber Beam Page 2 Description Bl Values M, V, & D @Specified Locations @ Center Span Location = @ Right Cant. Location = @ Left Cant. Location = o.00 ft o.@ ft 0.00 ft Mornent 0.00k-ft o.(xlk-ft 0.ook-ft Shear 3.10 k 0.@ k 0.00 k Ilef,ec{ion 0.00@ in 0.0000 in 0.ffn0 in Reu 580mo Timber Beam & Joist Page 1 Description 07-198 Timber Member lnformation Code Ref: 199712W1 NDS, 2000/2m3 lBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allouables are user defined Timber Section BeamWidth Beam Depth Le: Unbraced Length Tlmber Grade Fb - Basic Allonr Fv - BasicAllortr Elastic Modulus Load Duration Factor MemberTlpe Repetitive Status Span Dead Load Live Load Point#1 DL LL @x Mmax @ Center @X= fb: Actual Fb: Allowable fv: Ac,tual Fv: Allowable Left End LL Ma<. DL+LL @ Right End DL LL Max. DL+LL GenterDL Defl UDefl Ratio Center LL Defl UDefl Ratio GenterTohl Defl Location UDefl Ratio in in ft 82 3.125rt2 3.125 12.000 2.@ )ouglas Fir, 24F - v4 2/nr0.O 24o..0 1,800.0 1.150 GluLam No 12.& 60.00 100.00 6.2s 500.0 2,735.6 B€ndlng OK 33.6 276.O ShcarOK 375.00 625.00 1,000.00 375.00 625.00 't,000.00 -0.041 3,686.5 {.068 2,211.9 $.109 6.250 1,382.4 5125rt2 5.12s 12.000 2.OO Douglas Fr, 24F - v4 2;4OO.O 24o.O t,800.0 1.150 GluLam No 85 20_50 94.00 156.00 t,599.00 2,562.50 963.50 1,599.00 2,562.50 4.281 874.9 s.67 527.2 {.748 10.250 329.0 Pafters 2'12 1.500 11.250 1.00 83 94 4112 3.125x12 3.125xj'2 3.500 3.125 3.12511.250 12.W 12.0002.00 2.oo 2.w DouglasFir- DouglasFir,24F- DouglasFlr,24F-tarch(North), V4 v4 87,88 &a12 4.500 11.2ffi 2.O0 psi psi ksi 8s0.0 180.0 1,600.0 1.150 Sawn .No 6.00 45.00 75.00 6.48 3.00 87.8 1,O71.3 Bcnding OK 9.4 207_O ShG8rOK 135.00 225.OO 360.00 135.00 2s.@ 360.00 {.002 36,459.3 -0.003 21,875.6 -0.005. 3.000 13,672.2 60.84 2.O2 a1l.2 2,735.6 B€ndin9 OK 101-6 276-O ShcarOK 't,800.0 1.150 GluLam No 12.00 30,@ 50.00 w-00 1,599.00 2,tno 1,632.50 2,615.83 340.67 566.50 w7.17 1,800.0 1.150 GluLam No 12.W 3().00 50.00 964.00 1,599.00 2.000 60.84 2.m 811.2 2,7s5.6 SGnding OK 101.6 n6.o ShcaroK 1,632.50 2,615.83 34o.67 566.50 907.17 tr57.59 10.25 1,21t1-2 2,751.7 Bending OK 56.5 276.O ShcrrOK 850.0 180.0 1,600,0 't.150 Sawn No -0.005 14,319.5 .().009 8,591.7 4.015 3.406 5,369.8 23003 2,ffi.02&.O 24{J.O Douglas Flr - Douglas Fr - Larch (North), tarch (Nor$), 850.0 180.0 1,600.0 1.150 Sawn Repetitive 6.50 30.00 50.00 375.00 14.00 30.00 50.00 23.23 4.00 24.7 1,072.9 Eendlng OK 23.7 n7.o ShcaroK 23.52 7.OO 743.3 1,110.6 BGnding OK 43,.4 24113 402.88 64/..62 3m.n *7.12 87s.38 -210.00 350.00 560.00 210.00 350.@ 560.00 625.00 4.mo n7.o ShGarOK pst psi lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs in ln in {.053 2s94,9 $.089 1,62'2 8.142 5.424 1,012.6 -0.053 2,694.9 {.089 1,62..2 4.',t42 5.424 1;012.6 {.091 1,845.0 {.152 I,107.0 {),2113 7.000 691.9 Center Data Results Ratio = 0.1828 0.0819 0.3680 0.3680 0.4656 o-281 0.6693 Deflections Ratio OK Defleclion OK Deflection OK Deflection OK Deflection OK Deflec'tion OK Deflection OK Timber Beam & Joist Page 1 Description Timber Member lnformation Code Ref: 19€7l2fo1 NDS, 2000/2003 lBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allorlrrables are user defined 810B9 .875 Blt,B12 LVU3.5S)d1.875 3.500 11.875 1.33 Louisiana Pacific, Ganglam Z.0E W 2,950.0 290.0 2,m0.0 1.000 lulanuflPine No 813 LVL:3.500X1 1.875 3.500 11.875 1.33 Louisiana Pacific, Gangl-am 2.0EW 2,950.0 2q).0 2,000.0 1.000 Manuf/Pine No BL4 LVL:3.50Od1.875 3.500 11.875 1.3:' Louisiana Pacific, Gangtam 2.0E W 2,950.0 290.0 2,000.0 1.000 Manuf/Pine No 815 816 Timber Section BeamWidth Beam Depth Le: Unbraced Length Tlmber Grade Fb - Basic Allow Fv - Basic Allow Elastic Modulus Load Duration Factor MemberType Repetitive Status Span Dead Load Live Load Point#1 DL LL @x Point#2 DL LL @x Mmax @ Center @x= fb: Actual Fb: Allouable fu: Actual Fv: Allowable @ LeftEnd DL LL Ma( DL+LL @ Right End DL LL Max. DL+LL Center DL Defl UDef Ratio Center LL Defl L/Defl Ratio CenterTotal Defl Location L/Defl Ratio 3.5(X) 11.875 1.33 Pacific, 2.0EW 2,950.0 290.0 2,000.0 1.m0 Manuf/Pine No LVL:3.50Od1.875 3.500 11.875 1.33 Louisiana Pacific, Ganglam 2.0EW 2,950.0 290.0 2,000.0 1.000 Manuf/Pine No LVL:3.50od1.875 3.500 11.875 1.33 Lbuidana Pacific, GangLam ZoE W 2,950.0 290.0 2,m0.0 1.000 Manuf/Pine No LVL:3.50Od1.875 3.500 11.875 1.33 Louisiana Pacific, Ganghm 2.08W 2,950.0 290.0 a00o.o 1.000 Manuf/Pine No 200 ut.oo 380.00 4.32 3.50 538.8 2,937.8 Bending OK tt.8 290.0 ..sh€rr.OK 78t).50 1,330.00 2,110.50 780.50 1,330.00 2,110.50 -0.012 6,811.3 -0'o21 3,997.1 {).033 3_500 2,518.9 13.50 200.00 320.00 880.00 eto.00 3.000 880.00 ano.00 13.000 7.50 30.00 80.00 135.00 25.OO 4.000 8.00 60.00 160.00 185.00 420.ffi 6.000 29.00 4.67 352.6 2,937.8 Sendlng OK 40.5 2go.o --ShcarOK 6.00 226.0O 390.00 1,170.00 1;848.00 678.00 1,'170.00 1,84tt.00 13.00 226.00 390.00 880.00 21 6.97 2i601.6 2,937.8 BGnding OK 152.1 290.0 ShcarOK 1,875.15 2,830.38 4,705.54 1j942.85 2,A79f,1 4:V2..$ 4.219 711.3 4.308 506.6 4.527 6.552 295.9 6.00 193.00 25.O0 22.57 3.00 274.4 2837.8 Ba'nding OK 30.4 290.0 ShoarON 640.00 7.m0 lbs lbs tbs lbs lbs 174.99 6.21 2,127.3 2,9C7.8 Bending OK '153.1 290.O . ShcarOK . 2,06'7.04 2,681.48 4,748..52 2,392.96 2,918.52 5,311.48 fi.n 3.99 210-2 2,937.4 Scnding OK 18.O 290.0 '..ShG.rOK 33.26 3.00 . M.4 2,937.8 Bondlng OK 4.8 290.0 She.rOK in in 4.212 765.3 4.287 563.6 -0.499 6.&2 324.6 -0.004 21,66.4 .{),009 9,670.6 4.014 3.780 6,628.0 {.007 10,672.5 {.012 6,184.6 {.018 3.000 3,915.6 -0.006 12,497.3 {.007 10,719.9 {.012 3.000 5,V70.3 405.00 580.50 184.50 420.00 604.50 286.25 745.00 1,031.25 378.75 955.00 1,333.75 -0.m8 11,893.3 {.021 4667.9 {.029 4.128 3,352.2 5/9.00 67s.00 1,254.00 5"/9-00 67s.00 ,1,254.@ Center Data Results Ratio = 0.1891 o.7241 0.1397 0.154.5 0.104€)o.o71s o.8856 Deflections Ratio OK Deflectlon OK Deflection OK Deflection OK Deflection OK Deflection OK Deflection OK ) Timber Beam & Joist Page 1 Description Timber Member lnformation Code Ref: 1gg7t2@1 NDS, 2000/2003 lBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allourables are userdefined Timber Section BeamWidth Beam Depth Le: Unbraced Len$h Tlmber Grade Fb - Basic Allow Fv - Basic Allow Elastic Modulus Load Duration Factor MemberType Repetitive Status Span Dead Load Live Load Point#1 DL LL @x Mmax@ @ Center f,= lb: Actual Fb: Allo,\rable BL7 3.500 't1.875 1.33 Pacific, 2.OE W 2,950.0 290.0 2,000.0 1.000 Manuf/Pine No LVL:3.50Od1.875 3.500f .a75 1.33 Louisiana Pacific, Ganglam 2.0E W 2,950.0 290.0 2,000.0 1.000 Manuf/Pine No LVI-:1.75Od 1.875 1.750 11.875 1.33 Louisiana Pacific, Ganglrm 2.0EW 2,950.0 290.0 2,000.0 '1.000 Manuf/Pine No LVL:3.50O<| 1 .875 3.500 11.875 1.33 Louisiana Pacific, Ganglam 2.0E W 2,950.0 290.0 2,000.0 1.m0 Manuf/Pine No od0 5.5ff) 9.500 1.33 Douglas Fir - tarch (Nor$), 850.0 180.0 1,600.0 1.000 Sawn No B2Z 10.50 @.00 2&.OO 49.61 5.2s 599.7 849.5 B€nding OK 38.7 180.0 ShearOK ''315:00 1,260.@ 1,575.@ 31s.00 1,260.00 1,5/5.00 w3 LVL'|.75ox11.875 1.750 11-875 1.33 Louisiana Pacmc, Ganglam 2.0EW 2,950.0 290.0 2,000.0 1.000 Manuf/Pine No 13.50 133.00 't 18.00 gange header 4x10 3.500 9250 16.00 Douglas Flr - Larch (Nor$), 818,819 820 BzL Actual ;Allowable 10.00 't93.00 2%.ffi 5-00 762.2 2937.8 B€nding OK @.9 290.0 shGrr OK 1,125.00 2,090.00 965.@ 1,r25.00 2,090.00 {.044 2,699.4 -0.052 2,315.s 4.096 5.000 1,246.4 16.00 110.00 80.00 595.00 111.6 6.08 1,355.0 2,937.8 Sending OK 87.1 290.0 ShearOK 1,326.25 1,270.& 2,596.25 1,024.75 850.00 1,878.7s 7.00 170.00 2&.OO 30.13 3.50 732.7 2,8E7.5 Eending OK 74.6 5.50 30.00 80-00 2,553.00 4,000.(D 2.000 104.65 2.00 1,272,2 2,937.8 B.nding oK 157.6 290.0 sh6rrOK 1,70714 2,765.45 4,47259 't,010:86 1,674.55 2,685.41 4.015 4,460.5 4.024 2,7U.5 -0.039 2.5s2 '1,7ffi.7 68.62 6.75 't,668,3 2,887.5 Bendlng OK 104.7 290.0 sh€aroK 16.00 30.00 50.00 ,8.00 615.5 1,130.3 Bcnding OK 26.8 207.O shearoK 850.0 180.0 1,600.0 1.150 Sawn No 240.00 400.00 640.00 240.00 400.@ 6.10.00 -0.'t20 1,603.1 {.200 961.9 {.319 8.000 601.2 ksi 840.00 4.000 tu: Fv 290.O ShGrrOK @ Left DL LL Max. DL+LL @ Right End DL LL Max. DL+LL Center DL Defl UDefl Ratio Center LL Defl UDefl Ratio CenterTotal Defl Location UDefl Ratio lbs lbs lbs lbs Ibs ln in in 595.00 840.00 1,4it5.00 s95.00 840.00 1,44t5.00 -0.019 4,467.4 4.A27 3,164.4 {.045 3.500 i,8s2.3 796.50 1,694.25 897.75 796:50 't,694.2s 4-228 841.9 {_209 920.8 4.437 7.680 439.8 {.026 4,828,0 4.104 1,207.O 4.130 5.250 965.6 4-2o,4 7S.1 {.181 897.3 {.384 6.750 421.8 Center Data o.5-n8o.ffi't2 o.7060 0.54t5o.2572 0.5434ResultsRatio = 0.2595 Reactions Deflections Ratio OK Deflection OK Deflection OK Deflection OK Deflection OK Deflection OK Deflection OK 29 . 0 3/ a 1f i J 3 . 2 t 1 0 . 5 = II q o k o u E s b ! ST - 1\ 1 il r l F (\ , t3 l 2 l l 2 5 'l 2 E d t o F -c i - +g t!d f !l el tl ? d 31 / | d. E 0 I .n n \ s bF l 2 2 B c D ^ GaEoe R@f Framlno v'114"=1'4'i| t' d ST A R V\ E I I h F LV L @ t' L \ tl l i ,i l t )u l i rL EL E V A T O R lr t G t ! xl 1 t1 t 3' , . D8 L RI M 8x 0 DF * HE C D OF F FO R ZzgP 7/ 8 ' L [ 7A ' L V L __ t I a ( A l q ) o I o f o T 6 - o T a 3 5 o 1 9 - 9 3 4 f I I I I I 3 1 / 2 1 1 1 7 6 ' L \ 4 - I - I I I . o . c . 2 € T F I D @ d I f - = - r I I I F o g 2 t I E o n ( . { q q I l ] a 1 2 D F f 2 R A F T E E S @ 2 4 ' o ' c . r l ' t G A R G A € D O O R H E A D E R A T T I C T R U S E S V @ t 2 4 ' O c ' P ! o o o l I s , o t I I I i l c L : . t l ! t H t o I p F ! m u o : 9 I t 1 2 - t 1 2 - V !c Nov OS O? t2:3O P p.2 1 5 , lc 2rl? trI2 mF?EFA O A' d.C. It 't tdt -lr) -8i3IE.-:e cidl; ]B F I I I i x !d, a tp tt E!q q oto'o 1! -1,- tI A 4 @, i 5Ir i_L_ T I da .t ort t I!itIB ATllo mU3E3V A atrO,c' (uao^E DooR r€Ar€R Flle Name: t'u UALU ProJecr Deecdption: J01 $pecifier: D€signan Job Name: Addre8s: City, State, Zip: , Customer: Code reDorte:ESR-1036 Company: Mioc: -1. Kt,2-1t7' l.L 433 lbg OL 163 lb€ LoadSufimary 81,2-tP' LL 4S lbs DL lE} DC Total Prrduc{+ t6{l3{O Litn Dud Tos q:c.ar.tstoilt . $g+!ve?. .:, FIr. EF!= , Ed rqofi oox rr3r/r l$% {lfrf ocs1 Stenderd Load UnL Area(pef) Left oO-OGO Timber Beam & Joist Cod. Rd:ND€, 2OoOiaOoo lBC, 20F NFPA 50fl1. E!r.lier defln€d -/ i ?t.',., a',,(%L.. +.) t's':(^.,,'" t"/ |(+L/?)rz{t/?r'FlTimbtr Eegllon B€lm WUth B€sm D€pdr L€: Unbdcod LelEilh TlmlarGrad6 Ft- Bilia Allow Fv- Baic Allovr Eldlcirto&lua t-oad lttrEtoo Fdcbr iilcrniernm R6pdrh,cgtcblE Sparr oaad tod Lh,e I o.d C€rrsr tt:Aqt^e Fb: Allo!,rable ir:Actual Fv : Allo$rblo LL lrh.OL+LL o Rlgtil Elrr DL tL ldar DLIIL Cgltsr OL O€fl UPdl Rstio CenhrLL llcll t/Detl REto Ccils Tolrl Dei 3-1ffi.i{S ,orr0l$ in lnr I FI p€t krl I :"1nl 'l g.'tfr 13.500 2.00 nt,24F. 44s.0 240.0 I,S00.0 1.150 Gld.amib 1,%.7 47g2.0Itidho Of, 56.E 2t4,9SlurOf a ,2-40 60.00 tm.oo fi.00 680.00 {,100.00 t,7ut00 960,00 1,100.00 1,?6.00 .o.274 96a8 4,4i7 9t7,7 -{t-731 1 1.000 361.0 de Data RaSo ' R*lo OK Locdlon UDcfl Rrto doE:at Lo BO ^oN PIPE SLEEVE FOR FENCE POST (oPTt0NAL) 3/+" CHAMFER t'0' ,,W' 'rAtr E /_0 ?' f'c:25O0 psi fy=40,0o0 psi 6"MIN I DRAIN NOCT trB'r 4,'O PERF. DRAIN LINE t'ct' \f- 1'-lo" MIN 3',,,z" "D" CLR 3"Il CL F{ft ffi, CANTILEVER RETAINING WALL_LEVEL BACKFILL A o'* 4' BT o c 1'-6" D 12" E 6' w #5@16" X #5@16" Y #5@1 8" z (3)#s 4'-6'6'2'-8"1 2 tt b #5@12"#5@1 6"#5@1 8"(3)#5 6'-g'1 t 0"3'-6"1+"8"#5@12"#5@1 6"#5@18"(4)#5 g'*10'1 t 0"16"g"#6@12"#5@12"#5@12"(5)#5 rd dOerZt LO 60 noN nois=" BC CALC@ 9.5 Deslgn Report - UE Bulld 91 Job Name: Address: City, State, Zp: , Cuslomec Single 11:f18" BCI@ 5000'1.7 DF 1 span I No cantilevers | 0/'12 slope 16"'OCS I w6n-Rbpetitive lGlued & nailed conslruction rh ursday, Novem ber .d iHt\ll;l Ps, zzFile Name: BC CALC Project Descri$ion: J01 Specilier: Designer: Company: Misc:ESR-1336code reporb: go,2-117 LL 4331b6 DL ltxt lbe 91,2-1tt LL4BhS DL 163 lbs Total Hotlzontal .1643{0 Live llead $lind Rool Li'ae Load $ummary 1 meete Oeslgn meets User epeclfied (U480) Design meets arbitrary (1") value based Loael %Nlwt %Alour 1 40 controls summary veluc % AE waElG o.qrt3ion catc span Locrtlon1 1 'lnlemal EndReaction 5gr rbo 48,9o/o 100% 1 1'Rlght Tctal Load Defl. U536 (0.358') 89.67o 1 1 Uve Load Defl, u736 i0.26')' 65,2To 1 I Mar Detl. 0,358' 35.8% 1 1 Span I Deptn 16.1 nla 0 1 Disclosure Complet6n€s and accuracy of input must b€ vsrltied by anyone wfio vrouH t€ly on outpda* addence of gufaHkity l0r p€tticuhr appllcation. O(ltp{lt h€rc bdsed on bullding code-*6cFted dosiryt ProPedhi fid tnalyrls methods. lnstallation of BOISE engincered wmd Producf8 must be in aciordance with curent lnstallation Gulde ard appllcaUe buildng codes. To obEln lnststlation Guide ora6k qu9s{on$, Please call (866)23'#0056 before instdlathn. 8C CALCO, BC FRAMER@, AJS*, ALIJOIST@. BC RIM BOARDIfl, ECIO, BOISE GLULAM'I" $IMPLE FRAMING SYSTEII,IO, VERSA-LAMO. VERSA.RIM PLUS6, VERSA.Rlttl@, VER$A.STRAND@, VERSA.9TUDO d€ trademarks ol BoE€ Wood Ftoducir' L'L'C' EcarJng Stpponf Diq. lt r wJ =lq.lrc supryrt MembGr +!dsi'l ,= :nla UnsPecified ef WdUPlate 2'11?''x2" 596 lbs n/a nla Unspecifled Live load defhclion crlteria. Composits El Maximurn load deflection criteria. on23132' thick shealhing glued and nailed to Joist, Page 1 of 1 )g'd dOe:Zt LO 60 noN o.d ,(\tr q l9 )'t/ 4 /(. C 1.... q F o N) 5 @ (t dN] N) (, ('l 1 --t(t q-: c r'aqf L.,'3 F3 B i:' ; FSii5d: -'i o! o a9 r E ire.;5 i !.- d* r 5 ? +ii a ^ e d = l -.iie.: ti?s+J2 x t: ^ a r'g c a i € a aF,' =.6 e I n! 5 -:;33:-!:<dt._ e _ ? dga * ;e[+*ai qi 5 3j. rtt -ttt Llll; ltt 6d 6?*goC:i ;':!*9Jij-i 66 .\ l\) o, 1 a rrf eA L*r $atCort &r*enr {)"a.n"-q*- t\4* \tl'}... I I 4'-*:+4#* *,AuilA*nJ 1 z. : I {*r 0t1 r i 3 il I rt r(": lI ID ;;; *9. q."r-fru cJaxr1 11, U,a30' L (r*wf c{e'la. $s f n{r $uf'fud rA fi"lr\K pr'/;b eftk 0F fn'va{s// P'lh l, t bnJl*,,'r t Parcel Details Page 2 of2 http://www.cojefferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail.asp?PARCEL NO:989700906 1112612001 7197 Water Waste Water Stom Water 1 inch equa.t 721 .363686 feer 'Ihs nrap is pmyidcJ lrtr in ",1\ is," "widt dl ltrll$,"basis. 'jhr Ciry ofli'on lbwoser<! and i* emplo,rtes do nor urr.ctir ar"_ say thc tcuilcy of the i:rirnnroorr :c nxr:cr i,r Ihis *,.4' Frel'l tnti':arirn oi drc actu*cr ofatl m4 trf,ro:rricn rs drc srlr *rponsrillrc orrfu uicr. t)scr rtlcarrr tir (irry rt Pod Toensrn.l r:rd i6 !!;!ploKcs tn]{n any iixbi:ity [iscd on oscy'r *! t{nt1p rntipurioo.3 1 2 ^d , 6 2 7 3 4 o. q 4 tr o g 3 7 1 2 Pf , I 9\ o { 3 8 9{ q o. btboT - Z eo 7 - D4{/eCity of Port Townsend Development Services Department BUTLDING NUMBER APPLTCATION Nameof PropertyOwner: 5av\$ i XLtCt AXV?S Mailing Address:{qo (,xtLrvAY .^Ye '* 1ZZ Telephone:409 b3q -7a49 Propertv is located in: eddition: Hd r-l N{A r tt Block(s) UAVtb6tJ I-ot(s)N ) FaceslAccess is from: Parcel Number Street Directions to the Propertv (draw vicinitv map on back) LOC L' t<oY? tf this is a new ADU, has a building permit treen applied for? _Yes _No Date:_ Notes:qT € HOUSE NUMBBR ASSTGNED: 5 4-n / E.rt- 13 -D^l Date of Approval:-ft- CITY OI PORT TOW DSD For address changes: tr Qwest Address Managernent Center - 206-5A4-|534 Date: Copyto: For Deparftnent Use Onlv: Application Fee Received ($3.00, TC 2200) il Post Office tr GTS il Assessor's Office D Finance tr Sheriff B Public Works B Fire Dept D Police n DSD database Warcr Wastc Watcr Sfoln Watcr 1 irch equrls 66.666667 feet This mp is provided on u "* is," "wirh alllauls."bNis. The Cg ol Pof Tomscnd md ia emploltes do not wmt in myrnythe accuracyol tle intnnn.rion connjneo in this m.q'. Ficld 'eriticrtion ol rhc accuncyol rll mrp inlorrmtion is thc sole resporoibilig ol the user User relerocs dre Ciq ol Pon Tosruend md irs employcs irom uyliability bsed on useis ue oi nrap iniomtion. $ C\ J (' F\ ) 'd @ \ 1 3 F. )P O N) '* ) ,O 2 1 6 '7 @ O C\ 2 ,' | / 9 -)a Receipt Nunber BLD07-230 S741OO1O2 Plan Review Fee 1716 Total $1,130.06 $150.00 Totat: T15o^oo $980.06 CHECK $ r50.00 $150.00 genprn$receipts Fage 1 of 1 'f Receipt Nunber: BLD07-230 974100102 Plan Review Fee $1,130.06 $tg._0_9 Total: $150.00 $980.06 i CHECK 1716 $ 150.00 Total $r50.00 genprntrreceipts Fage 1 of 1 ' ' . * , * . ' , ' ; ; l * . . \ , \ i ' ! ; , . ' i , . ' : t , " ' , ; ' t . : " , . \ f ' ,t 'f i .t . .'i-1," t I i *i i:t ?l" !l t'-.*!t I .t :'