HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-217CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMTT# BLDn-l- en SCOPE OF WORK: DATE RECEIVED lo-rA-o7 11 DATE ACTION INITIALS lb- n- b7 ENTERED INTO CHET vl,lt f CA - to Planning - No evidence {/ CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS lb- n -07 F--'l-p, a!))r,/n) +D .Yrt- A.p0ltYIf .!. CITY OF'PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 pM Friday. AB,JAN ?-O08 PERMTT NUMBER: Fp a7_z/7DATE OF'INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS:7t PRo JE C T NAME : //ut'7Ed. l/48/ tUE %L/ C o NTRA c T o R : CONTACT PERSON: ,SfrEUE TYPE OF INSPECTION: PHONE:vfr. a H ,yZZ.AZ €PSre*,73/P 7Z=7'-.t r.' !a***ov"o ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Tr4artt*oate ?8 J44u*?Y Z&8 Approved plans and permit card must be on-site ond ovailable at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be qssessed if work is not ready for inspection. {. I l Devetobment Serviees 250 Madison Street, Sulte 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax: 360-344-4619 www.cityofpt.us Commercial Building Permit Application ) Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150 F See the "Commercial Building PermitApplication Checklist" for details on plan submittal requirements. Property Email Name Address : '-J ?5 i-ln..-i- Ot -. - enone: 3,toaYspPr:r Gontraetor: Name : Nt-Pr.;- fi" t -tt-t--*o. Address Q1=fi.r"n )t-"S q -7 qq ( State License#'AtgzryFSc>tt Rp exp: ltlc{ City Business License #: eq}4 I hereby certify that the information provided is conect, that I am either the and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Print Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. dlo Proiect Valuation; #FL' Project Address & Zoning District: '114 N.si-,.^,, OL -?arFTZl",nspzrA Legal Description (or Tax #): Block: Office Uqe Only Permit*81l447:J.L? Associated PermitsParcer # q4B30lA8 Occupancy Rating:_ Bullding lnformation (square feet): 1"t floor - Restrooms:- 2d floor- Deck(s):- 3d floor - Storage:- Basement: ls it finished? Yes No New tr Addition tr Remodel/Repair n Change of Use f: Construction Type: ll il t{r ll,I \V/ lr' 8 lmpeq squatl Total Squar OStJ sig L5 T H t s I N F o R M A T | o N t s T H E F R o F E R T Y O F K I D D E F I R E S Y S T E I , I S I N C . I T I S S I B M I T T E O I N C S F I D E N C E A N O I S r c T T O B E D I S C L O S E O O R U f I L I Z E D W ] T H O U T W R I T T E N P E i l I $ I S . % r c i a a " F i r e S y s t e m s 6 0 0 M A I N S T R E E T A S H L A N D , | 4 A O I 7 2 I ( 5 0 8 ) 8 8 t - 2 0 0 0 R E V S C A L E : N 6 N E I S S U E D : H T L O Z J A N 0 T C H K ' D : D V Z 0 2 J A N 0 7 t 9 s t z E B A U T O B O D Y T O O L M A R T C 6 T O M E R U N I T S ; F E E T - t N C H E S D E S C R I P T I O N L t - r 5 5 5 5 t 8 - 0 8 D W G . N O D A T E S H E E T : Z O F ? A A U T O M A T I C K I D D E P R E - E N G I N E E R E D F I R E S U P P R E S S I O N S Y S T E I 1 F O R T H E A U T O M O T I V E B I K E P A I N T S P R A Y B O O T H M O D E L 8 7 I O B I K E B O O T H P R O J E C T R E V I S I O N S A P P ' D G E N E R A L N O T E S : M A N U A L R E L E A S E 1 . S Y S T E M D E S I G N A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N T O B E I N A C C O R D A N C E W T H N F P A 1 7 A N D K I D D E F I R E S Y S T E M S M A N U A L 8 3 . 1 0 0 0 3 6 - 0 0 1 , D A T E D J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 4 . 2 . T H I S D R A W I N G S H O W S P R O T E C T I O N O F T H E W O R K A R E A A N D E X H A U S T P L E N U M O N L Y . P R O T E C T I O N O F T H E E X H A U S T D U C T A N D / O R P I T M U S T B E E V A L U A T E D S E F A R A T E L Y . 3 . A G E N T C Y L I N D E R T O B E L O C A T E D O U T S I D E B O O T H . A L T E R N A T I V E L O C A T I O N S A @ E P T A B L E W I T H I N T H E D E S I G N L I M I T A T I O N S O F T H E S Y S T E M . 4 . M A X I M U M F U S I B L E L I N K S P A C I N G I S 2 O O " F O R T H E W O R K A R E A . A L L F U S I B L E L I N K S S H A L L B E C E N T E R E D A N D S P A C E D E Q U I D I S T A N T I N T H E P R O T E C T E D H A Z A R D , 5 , A L L P I P I N G I S T O B E G A L V A N I Z E D S T E E L C O N F O R M I N G T O A S T M A . 5 3 F , S C H 4 0 . A L L F I T T I N G S A R E T O B E G A L V A N I Z E D 1 5 O # C L A S S . A L L P I P I N G T O B E B A L A N C E D T 1 O % . 6 . A L L P I P I N G S H A L L B E S E C U R E L Y A N D A D E Q U A T E L Y B R A C E D I N A C C O R D A N C E W T H N F P A 1 7 . 7 . O P T I O N A L M A N U A L R E L E A S E S T A T I C N , P / N 8 7 5 5 7 2 , S H A L L B E L O C A T E D A S R E Q U I R E D A N D I N A C C O R D A N C E W T H T H E P U B L I C A T I O N S L I S T E D I N N O T E 1 . 8 . I N S T A L L A T I O N A N D S E R V I C E O F T H I S S Y S T E M S H A L L B E P E R F O R M E D B Y L I C E N S E D A N D K I D D E F I R E S Y S T E M S C E R T I F I E D S E R V I C E C O M P A N I E S O N L Y , 9 . C Y L I N D E R O P E R A T I N G T E M P E M T U R E O ' F T O 1 2 0 ' F . 1 0 . E M T F O R D E T E C T I O N C A B L E N O T S H O W N . I N S T A L L E M T A S R E Q U I R E O A N D I N A C C O R D A N C E W I T H T H E P U B L I C A T I O N S L I S T E D I N N O T E 1 , ( s E E N O r E 7 ) N F U S I B T E L I N K S ( s E E N O r E 1 0 ) N 90.EU PIPE ITEM314',s/4'PIPE SI Z E CYL I N D E R T O T 1 W O R K A R E A P I P E L I M I T A T I O N S 8 0 M ' J . P I P E L E N G T H 3 1 4 ' , 3 t 4 ' , P I P E S I Z E T 1 T O N O Z Z L E 1 1 t ' M A X . P I P E L E N G T H A C T U A T I O N D E T A I L N O T T O S C A L E 24',0' 8 7 1 0 M O D E L 1 0 ' 0 ' W D T H 1 3 ' 0 ' , L E N G T H 8 ' , 0 ' H E I G H T 1 3 0 A R E A ( s o . F r . ) ' 1 0 4 0 V O L U M E ( c u . F r . ) CYLINDER N N P I P E I T E M 3 / 4 ' 3 t 4 ' , P I P E S I Z E C Y L I N D E R T O T 1 D I J C T / P L E N L ' M P I P E L I M I T A T I O N S I 6 0 ' M A X . P I P E L E N G T H 3 1 4 r 3 1 4 ' , P I P E S I Z E T I T O N O Z Z L E 1 ' t 1 ' M A X . P I P E I E N G T H e D ) \ - t N o - 2 1 A 8 C C O N T A I N E R T W O N O Z Z L E O T Y 1 0 5 A R E A , / N O Z Z L E ( s o . F r . ) 1 2 6 0 V O L U M E N O Z Z L E ( c u . F r . ) CYLINDER 3 G o ? 5 5 5 t + L 4 L + A d t 4 / * - B : ' * l - 1 5 N r \ - i . d A \ . e a r 4 . e _ _ Q g . A - - f q 3 r - . v r g z - ^ 4 q . , ( a 3 q 18 17 16 15 14 13 ,t2 11 '10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I2l5155t11I22P/N 83-100035-001 83-100006-001 83-100005-001 wK-844648-000 75-000031-00't ,7-120095-212-X>wK-804548-000 wK-875572-000 87-1200/.2-001 87-1200S9401 83-844908-000 a2-486/.57400 83486573-000 N F S ( l R I P T I O N C O R N E R P U L L E Y I N D . 2 1 M O U N T I N G B R A C K E T T O T A L F L O O D N O Z Z L E A C T U A T I O N D E L A Y A S S E M B L Y D U C T / P L E N U M N O Z Z L E A L A R M B E L L F U S I B L E L I N K 2 1 2 ' F U S I B L E L I N K H O U S I N G K I T M E C H A N I C A L R E M O T E P U L L S T A T I O N S Y S T E M V A L V E A C T U A T O R X V C O N T R O L S Y S T E M D I S C H A R G E A D A P T E R I N D - 2 1 A B C C Y L I N D E R T H I S I N F o R M A T I o N I s T H E P R o P E R T Y o F K I D D E F I R E S Y S T E } , { S I N c . 1 T I s S U B M I T T E D I N C O N F I D E N C E A N D I S N O l T O B E D I S C L O S € D O R U T I L I Z E D W T A O U T % x i a a " F i r e S y s t e m s 4 O O M A I N S T R E E T A S H L A N D . M A O I 7 2 I ( 5 0 8 ) 8 8 r - 2 0 0 0 R E V . S C A L E : N O T E D D R N : A J P l 9 D E C O 6 s r z E B A U T O B O D Y T O O L M A R T C U S T O M E R U N I T S : F E E T - I N C H E S D A T E L t - t 5 5 5 5 t 8 - 0 8 D W G . N O . S H E E T : I O F z A A U T O M A T I C K I D D E P R E - E N G I N E E R E D F I R E S U P P R E S S I O N S Y S T E M F O R T H E A U T O M O T I V E B I K E P A I N T S P R A Y B O O T H M O D E L 8 7 I O B I K E B O O T H P R O J E C T R E V I S I O N S € L E X H A U S T P L E N U M U 4 U 2 U 4 wt4 8 ' , 0 ' ww2wt4 1 3 ' , 0 ' 1 0 ' 0 ' NOTE: INTAKE PLENUM HAS BEEN R E M O V E D F O R CLARITY. THIS AREA DOES NOT R E Q U I R E PROTECTION. a 7 1 0 C R O S S F L O W B I K E B O O T I I @ ^ \ < / b { A - 1 i , j Ccrnsi*eAcr.o-: A u p d - r s ! , a ; - + - b a 6 a : t , 3 U c r ' 1 5 5 5 4 u q )) Components A TOP OF CYLINDER VALVE B CENTER OF DISCHARGE PORT t- "____-____*lI Hor,ttttlr- I CYUNDER DIAMETER Figure 2-1. Dimensions of Cylinder and Valve Assembly Table 2-1. Cylinder and Valve Assembly Specifications Cylinder and Valve Assembly Part Number Model Application Agency Approval Agent Type Fail Weight of Agent Dimensions A B c 486573 IND-21 Total-Flood UVULC, FM ABC 2L lb.17-1/2 in. (447 mm) 16-1/8 in. (409 mm) 9 in. (229 mm) 486574 IND-45 Total-Flood UVULC, FM ABC 45 lb 3O-3/4 in. (782 mm) 29-7/4 in. (744 mm) 9 in. (229 mm) 83-100018-001 IND-70 Open-Front Spray Booth UVULC ABC 68 tb 3O-L/4 in. (768 mm) 28-t/2 in. (724 mm) LZ-II4 in. (312.4 mm) 486570 IND-25 Total-Flood Open-Front Spray Booth UL/ULC, FM BC 25 lb.L7-l/2in. (447 mm) 16- 1/B in. (409 mm) 9 in. (229 mm) 48657t IND-50 Total-Flood Open-Front Spray Booth Local- Application UL/ULC, FM UL/ULC UL/ULC BC 50 lb.30-3/4 in. (782 mm) 29-U4 in. (744 mm) 9 in. (229 mm) B3-1000 19-001 IND-75 Open-Front Spray Booth UL/ULC BC 7s lb.30-L/4 in. (768 mm) 28-Il2 in. (724 mm) I2-7/4 in. (312.4 mm) P/N 220423 2-3 lune 2005 Components 2-2.r.1 WALL MOUNTING BRACKET, P/NS 486487,486488, OR B7-1OOOO9-OO1 Mounting brackets are used for mounting all cylinder and Valve Assembly. Acylinder strap is used to secure the cylinder to the bracket. The bracket ismounted to the wall using three (3) 3/B-inch diameter bolts or screws of suitablelength and type. see Figure 2-2 and Table 2-2 for dimensions and loadinformation. CYLINDER STRAP A B Figure 2-2. Wall Mounting Bracket Table 2-2. Wall Mounting Bracket Specifications I c DimensionsWall Mounting Bracket P/N Model A c Recommended Wall Support Load 486487 IND-21 IND.25 13-1lB in. (333 mm) 9-3/4 in. (248 mm) 6-3/4 in. (171 mm) 65 lb. (30 kg) 486488 IND-45 IND.5O 19-5/8 in. (498 mm) 9-3/4 in. (248 mm) 6-3/4 in. (171 mm) 130 tb. (se kg) 87-100009-0011 IND-70 IND-75 2L in. (533 mm) L3-t/4 in. (337 mm) t0-r/4 in. (257 mm) 225 tb. (102 kg) 87-1000 10-0011'2 IND-70 IND-75 1 uL Listed only 2 Bracket P/N B7-100010-001 is a floor mounting kit for the Model IND-70 or IND-75, andrequires P/N 87-100009-001. See paragraph 2- June 2005 2-4 P/N 220423 Components 2-2.t.t.t 3/8 in. DIAMETER BOLTS TO ATTACH TO WALL MOUNTING BRACKET Floor Mount Bracket Kit, p/N 87-100010-001 A Floor Mount Bracket Kit is used for mounting the IND-70 or IND-75 cylinder to the floor. The Floor Mount Bracket Kit requires wall Mounting Bracket P/N 87-100009-001. Use 3/B-inch diameter bolts (with nuts) of suitable length and type to attach to the wall Mounting Bracket. see Figure 2-3. 3/8 in. DIAMETER BOLTS TO ATTACH TO WALL MOUNTING BRACKET B >\\ Figure 2-3. Floor Mount Bracket Kit Table 2-3. Floor Mounting Kit Specifications c Dimension A Dimension B Dimension C 3 in. (76 mm)9-518 in. (245 mm)6-9/L6 in. (168 mm) PlN 220423 2-5 June 2005 Components 2-2.t.2 DISCHARGE ADAPTER KIT, P/N B449OB The Discharge Adapter provides a means to connect discharge pipe to any KiddeIND Dry Chemical Cylinder and Valve Assembly. The Discharge Adapter Kit consists of a 3/4-inch NPT adapter and a steel flangeplate (see Figure 2-4). Note: The nuts and bolts used to secure the Anti-Recoil Plate to the discharge valve should be retained and used for mounting the Discharge Adapterio the valve outlet. The Discharge Adapter can also be used as a recharge adapter topressurize the cylinder with nitrogen after filling with dry chemical. 3/4 in. NPT FLANGE PLATE ADAPTER O-RING Figure 2-4. Discharge Adapter Kit, p/N 844908 lune 2005 2-6 P/N 220423 )) Components 2-2.2.3 TOTAL-FLOODING NOZZLE, p/N B3-100005-001 The Total-Flooding (TF) Nozzle, shown in Figure 2-8, is designed to discharge dry chemical throughout an enclosed area. The TF Nozzle is used for non-spray type applications as well as enclosed and open-face applications. Each rF Nozzle is factory-equipped with a blow-off cap (p/N 06-250099-067) to protect the nozzle orifices from clogging and physical damage. 2-314in. (69 mm) BLOWOFF CAP (P/N 06-250099{67) Figure 2-8. Total-Flooding Nozzle, p/N 83-100005-001 (19 mm) NPT 3/4 in.-1't PlN 220423 2-9 June 2005 Components 2-2.2.4 DUCT/PLENUM (Dp) NOZZLE, p/N 83_100006_001 The Duct/Plenum (DP) Nozzle, shown in Figure 2-9,is designed to discharge drychemical throughout an exhaust duct or plenum. Each DP Nozzle is factory-equipped with a blow-off cap (p/N 264742) to protect the nozzle orifices from clogging and physical damage, 2-718 in. (73.7 mm) 1l2in. -14 (13 mm) NPT BLOW-OFF lPrN 2641121 Figure 2-9. Duct/Plenum (Dp) Nozzte, p/N 83_100006_001 June 2005 2-70 P/N 220423 Components 2-3 CONTROLS 2-3,L 3-3/4 in. (95 mm) XllM Control System, P/N 87-120O99-OO1 The XV Control System, P/N 87-120099-001, is used for actuating the Kidde IND Cylinder and Valve Assembly. The XV Control System can be attached to the System Valve Actuator, P/N 87-120042-001 for direct cylinder mounting, or to a wall for remote mounting. Knockouts are provided to accommodate either type of mounting. The controller can be operated with: . Automatic mechanical detection (fusible-links and thermo-bulb links), . Automatic electrical operation, and r Remote and local manual operation. 9-7116 in. (240 mm) B-3/16 in. (208 mm) Figure 2-It. XV Control System June 2005 2-12 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.1. 1 2-3.1.2 SYSTEM NITROGEN CARTRIDGE, p/N 87-120043-001 The XV control system uses a nitrogen cartridge for actuating the IND dry chemical cylinders and is charged with dry nitrogen (see Figure 2-12). The System Nitrogen Cartridge is mounted inside the XV Control System to protect it from tampering and provides the date of manufacturing and space (gray band) for recording of the installation date. 5-1/8 in. ('130 mm) 1-9/'16 in. (40 mm) GRAY BAND Figure 2-12. System Nitrogen Cartridge, plN B7-L20043-001 TEST CARTRIDGE, P/N 87-120044-001 The Test Cartridge is used fortesting of the Kidde IND Dry Chemical System. The Test cartridge has a red band around it with a label "TEST CARTRIDGE" as shown in Figure 2-13. Note: The System Nitrogen Cartridge P/N 87-120043-001 is required for actuation and full discharge or "puff" tests. The Test cartridge (P/N a7-t2oo44-oo1) must be removed and the system Nitrogen Cartridge (P/N a7-L2OO43-OO1) must be installed at the completion of any work done on the system. Failure to do so will result in malfunction of the system. 4 in. (102 mm) 1 in. (25 mm) + Figure 2-13. Test Cartridge, P/N 87-120044-001 A CAUTION PlN 220423 2-73 lune 20O5 1 Components 2-3.I.3 SYSTEM VALVE ACTUATOR (SVA), p/N 87-120042-001 A System Valve Actuator (SVA) is mounted to every dry chemical cylinder valve assembly located on the system (see Figure 2-L4). The svA has ports for low profile tubing runs, and is also equipped with a spring loaded plunger that locks the piston in the discharged position, ensuring complete discharge of the cylinder(s) contents. sfi6-18 UNC THROUGH HOLE CTYP) (NOr SHOWN) l/8 ln. NPT PORT 1/8 ln. NPT PLUG (TFAPPLTCABLE) SPRING LOADED PLUNGER P]STOTI IN ACTUATED POSTTION (TOWARDS GYLINDERVALVE) Figure 2-14. System Valve Actuator (SVA), p/N 87-120042-001 1-3/tt in. (,14 mm) SVAPISTON IN SET POSITION lune 2005 2-t4 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.t.4 HIGH-PRESSURE NITROGEN TUBING, p/N 87-120045-001 The braided High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing, is required on all installations in which the XV Control System is mounted to a dry chemical cylinder. Use of another hose in such an installation could result in serious personal injury and/or malfunction of the system. The High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing is used to connect the XV Control System to the SVA (see Figure 2-15). A l/B-inch NPT (male) x 3/8-24 JIC Adapter is included with the High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing. AWARNING 1/8 in. NPT THREAD SEAT A (END TO SEAT) Figure 2-15. ExternalTubing for XV Control System 1/2 in. HEX, 114 in.37 DEGREE FLARE, SWIVEL 1/8 in. NPT (MALE) x318-24 JIC ADAPTER P/N 220423 2-ts lune 2005 Components 2-3.r.8.2 THERMO.BULB LINK OR FUSIBLE-LINK (NOT SUPPLTED) Universal-Link Housing Kit, p/N 87-120064-001 The Universal-Link Housing Kit, shown in Figure 2-2]-, and consists of thefollowing: Table 2-7. Detector Housing Kit, p/N 87-120064-001 The items above are used to attach the Fusible-Link orThermo-Bulb Linksto the 1/16-inch cable leading to the XV control system. The Universal- Link Housing can be configured as an End-of-Line or In-Line bracket. l/16 in. CABLE TO CONTROL SYSTEM (NOT SUPPL]ED) "s" HooKs GRIMP SLEEVE (2e? (r$) 1{;\Bi$'LOCKNUT (NOT SUPPLTED) CRIMP SLEEVE 1/2 in. EMT CONNECTOR (NOT SUPPLTED) THERMO.BULB LINK OR FUSIBLE-LINK (NOT SUPPLTED) EXAMPLE OF IN.LINE UNIVERSAL HOUSING KIT EXAMPLE OF END.OF-LINE UNIVERSAL HOUSING KIT "s" HooK Figure 2-21. Universal-Link Housing Kit, p/N 87-120064-001 Item Quantity rt-t/2 in. (292 mm) Detector Housing 1 Crimp Sleeves 2 "S" Hooks 2 lune 2005 2-20 P/N 220423 Components 2- THERMO.BULB Thermo-Bulb Links, P/N 87-f2009X-XXX UL Listed and FM Approved Thermo-Bulb Links, shown in Figure 2-22, are used in conjunction with Universal-Link Housing Kits (P/N 87-t20064-001) and/or Detector Housing Kits (P/N 804548). The links are held together with a liquid-filled glass tube (Thermo-Bulb), which bursts at a predetermined temperature, allowing the two halves of the link to separate. The types of Thermo-Bulb links are: . Rapid Response . Standard Response These Thermo-Bulb links are available in various temperature ratings with a minimum/maximum load rating of 0 lb./50 lb. (0 kg/23k9). THERMO.BULB Figure 2-22. Thermo-Bulb Link, P/N 87-12009X-XXX P/N 220423 2-27 June 2005 Components 2- 2-3.1.8. s Fusible-Links (Model KML), P/Ns 28266L, 282662, 282664 and 282666 UL Listed and FM Approved Fusible-Links, shown in Figure 2-23, are used in conjunction with the Fusible-Link Housing Kit. The Fusible-Links are held together with a low melting alloy that melts at a predetermined temperature, allowing the two halves of the link to separate. Figure 2-23. Fusible-Link, P/N 28266X Fusible-Links are available in various temperaturg minimum/maximum load rating of 10 lb./40 lb. (5 Table 2-B). ratings with a kgl18 kg) (see Table 2-8. Fusible-Link Temperature Ratings There are two temperature designations which apply to Fusible-Links (refer to Table 2-B). One temperature is called the rating temperature, and the other is called the maximum exposure temperature. The rating temperature, which is stamped on the Fusible-Link, is the temperature at which the link will separate when new. However, continual exposure to cycling ambient temperatures may cause a degradation of the link over time. Fusible-Link (Model KFA), P/N 87-120060-001 Fusible-Links are available with a minimum/maximum load rating of 5 lb. - 45 lb. (2.3 Kg - 20.4 Kg). See Tabte 2-9. Table 2-9. Fusible-Link (Model KFA) Temperature Ratings Figure 2-24. Fusible-Link, P/N 87-120060-001 Fusible-Link Rating Maximum Exposure Temperature Part Number 165oF (74oC)100oF (38.C)28266L 2t2oF (100oc)150oF (65oC)282662 3600F (182oC)300"F (1490C)282664 500oF (260"c)44OoF (2Z6oC)282666 Fusible-Link Rating Maximum Exposure Temperature Part Number 360"F (182"C)440"F (227"C)87-120060-001 June 2005 2-22 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.1.9 REMOTE MANUAL RELEASE, P/N 875572 The Remote Manual Release, shown in Figure 2-25, is provided as a means of manually actuating the system from a remote location. The Remote Manual Release is attached to the XV Control System with 1/16-inch control cable. To actuate the system at the Remote Manual Release, pull out the safety pin and pull hard on the handle. Each Remote Manual Release is supplied with a separate nameplate. This nameplate must be attached to the mounting surface l-inch above or below the Remote Manual Release. 3-5/8 in. (92.2 mm) 1-112in. (38 mm) Figure 2-25. Remote Manual Release, P/N 875572 PlN 220423 2-23 June 2005 Components 2-3.1.10 CORNER PULLEY, P/N 844648 The. Corner Pulley is used to change the direction of the control cable runs. Thecable's protective conduit (l/2-inch EMT) is attached to the Corner pulleys withthe. coupling nuts provided. The corner-pulley is equipped with a ball-bearingpulley for minimum resistance to the cable travel. 3 in. (76.2 mm) 3 in. (76.2 mm) Figure 2-26. Corner pulley, plN 844648 lune 2005 2-24 P/N 220423 t I ReceiptNumber oil!!$ftfrffiff;ul BLDOT-217 BLAOT-217 BLDOT-217 BLD0T-217 BLD0T-217 948301003 948301003 948301003 948301003 948301003 $50.00 $5.00 $4.50 $69.25 $3.50 Total: $s0.00 $s.00 $4.50 $69.25 $3.50 $132.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit State Building Code Gouncil Fee Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P CHECK 2895 Total $ 132.2s $132.25 genprnlrreceipts I?age 1 of 1 Business,,,Llcense:.Numberz 002974 ,Date tssued: January 08, 2008 Expiration,Date: December31,2008 POST IN.A CONSPICUOUS PLACE AT NOT MBI-E ?lttilad all Port Townsend, for the,perlod Townsend , for day BUSINESS LICE:NSE named"below, whose engage in the business, profession, BUSINESS NAME: ALPINE FIRE & SAFEry SYSTEM: P O BOX 265 BURLINGTON, WA 98233 BUSINESS LOCATION: 735 E Fair.haven Burlington, WA 98233 .G.ITY OF PO]RT TOWNSEND 250, Madison"Slreet, Suite'1 Port,Townsend; WaShington 98368 The person, tirm or corporation located as shown, having this Alpine Fire & Safety Systems, tnc Dats $bminse fiiliffi Technically Completo I Dets Approv"dll:: Ovelrlile Erybo?|.- 6oserm*rrt?f- st*toon*trfT $t*r* f- Kstsr? o"tr cto""e[----l L"rt*eemffiffiffi hsjestl{snel $:#.n#6tl.= ii:::: Fqcel Sr"Alt"rr@ Tlpe hrslrt# EryirationDxr$lltgn e Re.iEsusDdsl-: Arel#m Dqtar*suad :, : t3-j$l, ..,f3,50 B?3-15ffi PRF STAIE:CODE Thomas L. Aumock Consulting Fire Code Oflicial 2303 Hendricks Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 Home Office (360) 385-3938 Email: taumock@cablespeed.com Cell: (360) 643-0272 TO: F'R: DT: RE: PLAI{ REVIEW MEMORANDUM Jan Hopfenbeck, Plans Examiner, City of Port Development Services Department Tom Aumock, Consulting Fire Code 26 October 2007 BLD07-217, Automatic Fire Sprinkler System for Spray Booth, Integrated Marine Systems, 775 Haines Place I am in receipt ofthe set ofplans for the above-referenced proposal from your office, have reviewed the proposal with the International Fire Code U.F.C.], 2006 Edition and Washington State Amendments, and N.F.P.A. 13. The following constitutes this plan examiner's findings and determinations based upon the plans of record submitted. Findinss & Determinations: 1. The proposal was reviewed at an automatic sprinkler system for a spray booth 2. An atrtomatic fire suppression system (sprinklers) is required under LF.C. Section 1504.4 3. The automatic fire sprinkler system is found to be designed by a licensed technician (W.A.C. 212-80) 4. The automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed, and certified by a licensed technician to meet the standards for spray booth under NFPA 13, attached.. Any other applicable or relevant sections of said Code not covered herein shall nonetheless apply to this proposal. 1.0 hours time was logged in the review of this proposal It is the administrative determination of this department that the proposal be approved subject to the aforesaid requirements. NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems 2007 Edition Chapter 5 Classification of Occupancies and Commodities 5.4.2: Extra Hazard (Group 2). Extra hazard (Group 2) occupancies shall be defined as occupancies or portions of other occupancies with moderate to substantial amounts of flammable or combustible liquids or occupancies where shielding of combustibles is extensive. Chanter 2l Snecial Occunancv Requirements 21.4 Standard for Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials. 21,4.1 Design Requirements. 2l,4.l,ll'The automatic sprinkler system shall be a wet pipe system, a dry pipe system, a pre-action system, or an open-head deluge system, whichever is most appropriate for the portion of the spray operation being protected. [33:9.4. 1] The automatic sprinkler system shall be designed for Extra Hazard (Group 2) occupancies. Exception: For spray application of styrene cross-link thermo-set resins, Section 17.3 of NFPA 33 shall apply. [33:9.4.2] The water supply shall be suffrcient to supply all sprinklers likely to open in any one fire incident without depleting the available water for use in hose streams. [33:9.a.3] Where sprinklers are installed to protect spray areas and mixing rooms only, water shall be permitted to be supplied from domestic water systems provided the domestic supply can meet the design criteria of [33:9.a.a] The sprinkler system for each spray area and mixing room shall be controlled by a separaten listed indicating valve(s), operable from the floor. [33:9.4.5] Resin application areas shall be protected by an automatic sprinkler system that is designed for at least ordinary hazard (Group 2) occupancies. [33:17.3] 21.4,2 Installation Requirements. 21,4,2.1t' Sprinklers protecting spray areas and mixing rooms shall be protected against over-spray residue, either by location or covering, so that they will operate quickly in event of fire. 13329.a.71 Sprinklers shall be permiued to be covered only by cellophane bags having a thickness of 0.003 in. (0.08 mm) or less or by thin paper bags. These coverings shall be replaced frequently so that heavy deposits of residue do not accumulate. 13329.4.7.11 Annex A Explanatory Material A. application operations should be located only in buildings that are completely protected by an approved system of automatic sprinklers. If located in un-sprinklered buildings, sprinklers should be installed to protect spray application processes where practical. Because of the rapidity and intensity of fires that involve spray operations, the available water should be ample to simultaneously supply all sprinkler heads likely to open in one fire without depleting the available water for use by hose streams. Noncombustible draft curtains can be used to limit the number of sprinklers that will open. Even when areas adjacent to coating operations are considered under reasonably positive fire control by adequate automatic sprinkler protection, damage is possible if operations are conducted on floors above those containing contents that are highly susceptible to water damage. Waterproofing and drainage of spray room floors can assist in reducing water damage on floors below. The proper drainage of the large volume of water frequently necessary to extinguish spray finishing room fires often presents considerable difficulty. [33: A.9.a] A. sprinklers in spray areas, including the interior of spray booths and exhaust ducts, should be wet pipe, pre-action, or deluge system so that water can be placed on the fire in the shortest possible time. Automatic sprinklers in spray booths and exhaust ducts should be of the lowest practical temperature rating. The delay in application of water with ordinary dry pipe sprinklers can'permit a fire to spread so rapidly that final extinguishment is difficult without large resulting damage. The location of the sprinkler heads inside spray booths should be selected with care in order to avoid heads being placed in the direct path of spray and yet afford protection for the entire booth interior. When sprinkler heads are in the direct path of spray, even one day's operation can result in deposits on the sprinkler heads that insulate the fusible link or choke open head orifices to the extent that sprinklers cannot operate efficiently. Automatic sprinklers should also be located so that areas subject to substantial accumulations of over- spray residue are protected. Generally, sprinklers are located no more than 4 ft(1.2 m) from side walls of booths and rooms and from dry over-spray collectors (where applicable). Sprinklers in booths or rooms should be on extra hazardoccupancy spacing of 90 ft2 (8.4 m2). All sprinklers in spray areas should be controlled by an accessible control valve, preferably an OS&Y valve. [33: A.9.a] Development Seruices 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax: 360-344-461 9 www.cityofPt.us Commercial Building Permit Application D Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150 ) See the 'Commercial Building Permit Application Checklist" for details on plan submittal requirements. Project Address & Zoning District: L Legal Description (or Tax #): Block: - Lot(s):_ Addition Parcer # q4B3Ol0E ptionProject Offlce Use Onlv Permit Associated Permits: # Property City/SVZip: Phone: Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Name: da Email: Go ntative: Name: Address:'1 -15 F\rq.-i"- Dt a, " Cily |StlZip!?i*=' -T-t-t + s.-^l Phone 'iblYSbcrrl Email Construction Type:- Occuoancv Ratino: Building lnformatlon (square feet): 1"t floor - Restrooms:- Basement:- ls it finished? Yes No New n Addition E Remodel/Repair fJ Change of Use n iT:.\ i .: :)'.: 2d floor 3d floor Storage ,t 1., \.,.) i. I Total Squar, lmper I Squarl i e 0 Contractor: Name Address .Q1i1*... ]t-S c Ph '\-n -7 Sq L4U Email <l-,* a Ato,\-1tu Oo* State Licens e#:81?r r.->fSa'1t Rp exp: lt / oX City Business License *: ?4A4 I hereby certify that the information provided is coned, that I am either the and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Print Name: DSiJ 4(L Slgnature "5 Thomas L. Aumock Consulting Fire Code Official 2303 Hendricks Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 Home Office (360) 385-3938 Email:taumock@cablespeed.com Cell: (360) 643-0272 PLAN REVIEW MEMORAI\DUM TO: Jan Hopfenbeck, Plans Examiner, City of Port Townsend Development Services Department FR: Tom Aumock, Consulting Fire Code Official DT: 26 October 2007 RE: DJ-D072.17, Automatic Fire Sprinkler System for Spray Booth, Integrated Marine Systems, 775 Haines Place I am in receipt ofthe set ofplans for the above-referenced proposal from your office, have reviewed the proposal with the International Fire Code [I.F.C.], 2006 Edition and Washington State Amendments, and N.F.P.A, 13. The following constitutes this plan examiner's findings and determinations based upon the plans of record submitted. Findings & Determinations: 1. The proposal was reviewed at an automatic sprinkler system for a spray booth 2. An automatic fire suppression system (sprinklers) is required under I.F.C. Section 1504.4. 3. The automatic fire sprinkler system is found to be designed by a licensed technician (W.A.C. 212-80) 4, The automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed, and certified by a licensed technician to meet the standards for spray booth under NFPA 13, attached.. Any other applicable or relevant sections of said Code not covered herein shall nonetheless apply to this proposal. 1.0 hours time was logged in the review of this proposal It is the administrative determination of this department that the proposal be approved subject to the aforesaid requirements. NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems 2007 Edition Chapter 5 Classification of Occupancies and Commodities 5.4.2r'.Extra Hazard (Group 2).Extrahazard (Group 2) occupancies shall be defined as occupancies or portions of other occupancies with moderate to substantial amounts of flammable or combustible liquids or occupancies where shielding of combustibles is extensive. Chapter 21 Snecial Occupancy Requirements 21.4 Standard for Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials. 21.4.1 Design Requirements.* The automatic sprinkler system shall be a wet pipe system, a dry pipe system, a preaction system, or an open-head deluge system, whichever is most appropriate for the portion of the spray operation being protected. [33:9.4.1] The automatic sprinkler system shall be designed for Extra Hazard (Group 2) occupancies Exception: For spray application of styrene cross-link thermo-set resins, Section 17.3 of NFPA 33 shall apply. 133:9.4.21 The water supply shall be sufficient to supply all sprinklers likely to open in any one fire incident without depleting the available water for use in hose streams. [33:9.4.3] 21,4.1.4 Where sprinklers are installed to protect spray areas and mixing rooms only, water shall be permitted to be supplied from domestic water systems provided the domestic supply can meet the design criteria of 13329.4.41 21,4.1,5 The sprinkler system for each spray area and mixing room shall be controlled by a separate, listed indicating valve(s), operable from the floor. [33:9.4.5] Resin application areas shall be protected by an automatic sprinkler system that is designed for at least ordinary hazard (Group 2) occupancies. [33:17.3] 21,4.2 Installation Requirements. 21,4.2.1x Sprinklers protecting spray areas and mixing rooms shall be protected against over-spray residue, either by location or covering, so that they will operate quickly in event of fire. 133:9.4.71 Sprinklers shall be permitted to be covered only by cellophane bags having a thickness of 0.003 in. (0.08 mm) or less or by thin paper bags. These coverings shall be replaced frequently so that heavy deposits of residue do not accumulate. 13329.4.7.11 Annex A Exnlanatory Material A.21.4.1,L Spray application operations should be located only in buildings that are completely protected by an approved system of automatic sprinklers. If located in un-sprinklered buildings, sprinklers should be installed to protect spray application processes where practical. Because of the rapidity and intensity of fires that involve spray operations, the available water should be ample to simultaneously supply all sprinkler heads likely to open in one fire without depleting the available water for use by hose streams. Noncombustible draft curtains can be used to limit the number of sprinklers that will open. Even when areas adjacent to coating operations are considered under reasonably positive fire control by adequate automatic sprinkler protection, damage is possible if operations are conducted on floors above those containing contents that are highly susceptible to water damage. Waterproofing and drainage of spray room floors can assist in reducing water damage on floors below. The proper drainage of the large volume of water frequently necessary to extinguish spray finishing room fires often presents considerable difficulty. [33: A.9.4] A, sprinklers in spray areas, including the interior of spray booths and exhaust ducts, should be wet pipe, pre-action, or deluge system so that water can be placed on the fire in the shortest possible time. Automatic sprinklers in spray booths and exhaust ducts should be of the lowest practical temperature rating. The delay in application of water with ordinary dry pipe sprinklers can permit a fire to spread so rapidly that final extinguishment is difficult without large resulting damage. The location of the sprinkler heads inside spray booths should be selected with care in order to avoid heads being placed in the direct path of spray and yet afford protection for the entire booth interior. When sprinkler heads are in the direct path of spray, even one day's operation can result in deposits on the sprinkler heads that insulate the fusible link or choke open head orifices to the extent that sprinklers cannot operate effi ciently. Automatic sprinklers should also be located so that areas subject to substantial accumulations of over- spray residue are protected. Generally, sprinklers are located no more than 4 ft (1.2 m) from side walls of booths and rooms and from dry over-spray collectors (where applicable). Sprinklers in booths or rooms should be on extra hazardoccupancy spacing of 90 ft2 (8.4 m2). All sprinklers in spray areas should be controlled by an accessible control valve, preferably an OS&Y valve. [33: A.9.4] APP'D ADATE SHEET: I OF ?MODEL 87IO BIKE BOOTHPROJECT L r-r3555 r8-08DWG. NO B UN I T S : FEET-tNCHES DE S C R I P ' REVISIONS AU T O BO D Y TO O L M A R T CU S T O M E R AU T O M A T I C KI D D E PR E _ E N G I N E E R E D FI R E SU P P R E S S I O N SY S T E I ' 4 FO R THE AU T O M O T I V E BI K E PA I N T SP R A Y BOOTH DR N : AJ P |9 D E C 0 6 IS S U E D : H T L 02 J A N 0 7 SC A L E : NO T E D 9x i a a " Fi r e Sy s t e m s /. O O MA I N ST R E E T AS H L A N D , MA OI 7 2 I (5 0 8 ) 88 r - 2 0 0 0 TH I S IN F O R M A T I O N IS TH E Pr c r e t r Y oF KI D O E FI R E SY S T E M S IN C . IT .S SU B H I T T E D IN CN F I E N C E AN D IS NO T YO BE DI S C L O S E O OR UT I L I Z E D WI T H O U T PO R T TO W I i S E N O DS 0 VE I iE L. l = IN D . 2 1 AB C CY L I N D E R IN D . 2 1 MO U N T I N G BM C K E T KI T P/ N 75 - 0 0 0 0 3 ' l - 0 0 1 83 - 4 8 6 5 7 3 - 0 0 0 82 - 4 8 6 4 8 7 { 0 0 83 - 8 4 4 9 0 8 - 0 0 0 87 - 1 20 0 9 S { 0 1 wK - 8 0 4 5 4 8 - 0 0 0 .7 - 1 2 0 , 0 5 5 - 2 1 2 - X \ wK - 8 4 4 6 4 8 . 0 0 0 83 - 1 0 0 0 0 5 - o 0 ' , l 83 - 1 00 0 0 6 - 0 0 1 83 - 1 0 0 0 3 5 - 0 0 1 2 2 2 1 5 5 15 2 2 1 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 L EXHAUST PLENUM u4 U2 U4 8' 0 ' WW / 2 13 ' , 0 ' '10'0' NO T E : IN T A K E PL E N U M HA S BE E N RE M O V E D FO R CL A R I T Y , TH I S AR E A DO E S NO T RE Q U I R E PR O T E C T I O N . ^ \< , , I I '1 0 1' l 12 13 14 15 '1 6 17 b' \ A - - - j C. C r r l S r - e A e f ? x - : Ae f d , - u r f- | - + - - b c z 6 a 9 3b o " 1 5 S 54 r r q APP'D ADATE SHEET: Z oF zMODEL 87IO BIKE BOOTHPROJECT L t-r5555 t8-08DWG. NO st z E B UN I T S : FEET-INCHES DE S C R I P T I O N RE V I S I O N S RE V AU T O BO D Y TO O L M A R T CU S T O M E R AU T O M A T I C KI D D E PR E - E N G I N E E R E D Ft R E SU P P R E S S I O N SY S T E M FO R THE AU T O M O T I V E BI K E PA I N T SP R A Y BOOTH DR N : AJ F l9 D E C 0 6 CH K ' D : D V Z 02 J A N O 7 IS S U E D : H T L 02 J A N 0 7 SC A L E : NO N E %r c i a a " Fi r e Sy s t e m s /* O O MA I N ST R E E T AS H L A N D , I' 1 A OI 7 2 I (5 0 8 ) 88 r - 2 0 0 0 TH I S IN F o R M A T I o N Is TH E PR o P E R T Y OF KI D D E FI R E SY S T E I " I S JN C . ]T IS SU E h I T T E D IN CO N F I D E N C E AN D IS NO T TO AE D6 C L 6 E D OR UT I L I Z E O WI T H O U T WR I T T E N PE R M I S S I N . MA N U A L RE L E A S E (s E E NO T E 7) GE N E R A L NO T E S : 1, SY S T E M DE S I G N AND INSTALLATION TO BE IN AC C O R D A N C E WI T H NFPA 17 AND KIDDE FIRE SYSTEMS MA N U A L 83 . 1 0 0 0 3 6 . 0 0 1 , DATED JANUARY 2004. 2. TH I S OR A W I N G SHOWS PROTECTION OF THE WORK AREA AN D EX H A U S T PL E N U M ONLY. PROTECTION OF THE EXHAUST DU C T AN D / O R PI T MUST BE EVALUATED SEPARATELY. 3. AG E N T CY L I N O E R TO BE LOGATED OUTSIDE 8OOTH. AL T E R N A T I V E LO C A T I O N S ACCEPTABLE WITHIN THE DESIGN LI M I T A T I O N S OF TH E SYSTEM. 4. MA X I M U M FU S I B L E LINK SPACING IS 2OO'FOR THE WORK AR E A . AL L FU S I B T E LINKS SHALL BE CENTERED AND SPACED EQ U I D I S T A N T IN TH E PROTECTED HAZARD, 5. AL L PI P I N G IS TO BE GALVANIZED STEEL CONFORMING TO AS T M A- 5 3 F , SC H 40. ALt FITTINGS ARE TO BE GALVANIZED 15 0 # CL A S S . AL L PIPING TO BE BALANCED TlO%. 6. AL L PI P I N G SH A L L BE SECURELY AND ADEOUATELY BR A C E D IN AC C O R D A N C E WTH NFPA 17. 7. OP T I O N A L MA N U A L RELEASE STATON, P/N 875572, SHALL BE LO C A T E D AS RE Q U I R E D AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PU B L I C A T I O N S LI S T E D IN NOTE 1. 8. IN S T A L L A T I O N AN D SERVICE OF THIS SYSTEM SHALL BE PE R F O R M E D BY LI C E N S E D AND KIDDE FIRE SYSTEMS CE R T I F I E D SE R V I C E COMPANIES ONLY, 9, CY L I N D E R OP E R A T I N G TEMPERATURE O'F TO 120'F. 10 . EM T FO R DE T E C T I O N CABLE NOT SHOWN. INSTALL EMT AS RE Q U I R E D AN D IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PU B L I C A T I O N S LI S T E O IN NOTE 1. N T1 FU S I B L E LI N K S (s E E NO T E 10 ) N WO R K AR E A PI P E LI M I T A T I O N S T1 TO NO Z Z L E MA X . PI P E LE N O T H 1t ' 1 PI P E SI Z E 3, / { " s/ 1 " CY L I N O E R TO T1 MA X . PI P E LE N G T H 6g I PI P E SI Z E 3t 1 ' 31 1 ' IT E M PI P E AC T U A T I O N DE T A I L NO T TO SC A L E 24 ' , 0 " VO L U M E (c u . F r . ) 10 4 0 AR E A (s o . F T . ) 13 0 HE I G H T 8' 0 ' LE N G T H 13 ' 0 ' . WI D T H t0 ' 0 " MO D E L 87 10 CY L I N D E R vv L v N t g t \ v 4 L c (c u . F r . ) 12 6 0 (s o . F r . ) 10 5 NO Z Z L E OT Y TW O CO N T A I N E R IN D - 2 1 AB C N DU C T / P L E N U M PI P E LI M I T A T I O N S T1 TO N% E MA X . PI P E LE N G f f 1' l ' 1 PI P E SI Z E CY L I N D E R 'O TI W. P I P E LE N G # 6q I PI P E SI Z E g4 ' 3t 1 ' IT E M PI P E CY L I N D E R AL p , ) * tr L u + Sa g * r " r 3G o ? 55 SL 4 L I L + Aa t " I - ^ € - E 5 : -" 1 -l S \\ n * t " . T : L a 4 , L - lP e t r - r -T . o t . . ' - 5 ' . - ^ . X | LAn, Components A TOP OF CYLINDER VALVE B CENTER OF DISCHARGE PORT c----------+ NOMINAL CYLINDER DIAMETER Figure 2-1. Dimensions of Cylinder and Valve Assembly Table 2-1. Cylinder and Valve Assembly Specifications Cylinder and Valve Assembly Part Number Model Application Agency Approval Agent Type FiI Weight of Agent Dimensions A B c 486573 IND-21 Total-Flood UL/ULC, FM ABC 2L tb 17-L/2 in. (447 mm) 16-1l8 in. (409 mm) 9 in. (229 mm) 486574 IND-45 Total-Flood UVULC, FM ABC 45 lb 30-3/4 in. (782 mm) 29-t/4 in. (744 mm) 9 in. (229 mm) 83-100018-001 IND-70 Open-Front Spray Booth UVULC ABC 68 tb.3O-1/4 in. (768 mm) 28-t/2 in. (724 mm) l2-L/4 in. (312.4 mm) 486570 IND-25 Total-Flood Open-Front Spray Booth UL/ULC, FM BC 25 lb.t7-l/2 in. (447 mm) 16-1lB in. (409 mm) 9 in. (229 mm) 48657I IND-50 Total-Flood Open-Front Spray Booth Local- Application UL/ULC, FM UL/ULC UL/ULC BC s0 tb.30-3/4 in. (782 mm) 29-L/4 in. (744 mm) 9 in. (229 mm) B3-100019-00 1 IND-75 Open-Front Spray Booth UL/ULC BC 75 lb.30-7/4 in. (768 mm) 28-r/2 in. (724 mm) \2-l/4 in. (312.4 mm) P/N 220423 2-3 June 2005 Components 2-2.1.1 WALL MOUNTING BMCKET, p/NS 486487 , 486488, OR 87_100009_001 Mounting brackets are used for mounting all cylinder and Valve Assembly. Acylinder strap is used to secure the cylinder to the bracket. The bracket is mounted to the wall using three. (3) 3/B-inch diameter bolts or screws of suitablelength and type. see Figure 2-2 and Table 2-2 for dimensions and load information. CYLINDER STRAP A I B Figure 2-2. Wall Mounting Bracket Table 2-2. Wall Mounting Bracket Specifications c DimensionsWall Mounting Bracket P/N Model A B c Recommended Wall Support Load 486487 IND-21 IND-25 13-1/8 in. (333 mm) 9-3/4 in. (248 mm) 6-3/4 in. (171 mm) 65 lb. (30 kg) 486488 IND.45 IND-50 19-5/8 in. (498 mm) 9-3/4 in. (248 mm) 6-3/4 in. (171 mm) 130 tb. (ss kg) B7-100009-0011 IND-70 IND-75 21 in. (533 mm) t3-7/4 in. (337 mm) I0-L/4 in. (257 mm) 22s lb. (102 kg) 87-1000 10-00 1 1,2 IND-70 IND-75 1 uL Listed only 2 Bracket P/N 87-100010-001 is a floor mounting kit for the Model IND-70 or IND-75, andrequires P/N 87-100009-001. See paragraph 2- June 2005 2-4 P/N 220423 Components 2-2.L.L.r 3/8 in. DIAMETER BOLTS TO ATTACH TO WALL MOUNTING BRACKET Floor Mount Bracket Kit, P/N 87-100010-001 A Floor Mount Bracket Kit is used for mounting the IND-70 or IND-75 cylinder to the floor. The Floor Mount Bracket Kit requires wall Mounting Bracket P/N 87-100009-001. Use 3/B-inch diameter bolts (with nuts) of suitable length and type to attach to the wall Mounting Bracket. See Figure 2-3. 3/8 in. DIAMETER BOLTS TO ATTACH TO WALL MOUNTING BRACKET >\\ Figure 2-3. Floor Mount Bracket Kit Table 2-3. Floor Mounting Kit Specifications c Dimension A Dimension B Dimension C 3 in. (76 mm)9-518 in. (245 mm)6-9/L6 in. (168 mm) PlN 220423 2-5 June 2005 Components 2-2.I.2 DISCHARGE ADAPTER KIT, P/N B449OB Ttr_e Discharge Adapter provides a means to connect discharge pipe to any KiddeIND Dry Chemical Cylinder and Valve Assembly. The Discharge Adapter Kit consists of a 3/4-inch NPT adapter and a steel flangeplate (see Figure 2-4). Note: The nuts and bolts used to secure the Anti-Recoil plate to the discharge valve should be retained and used for mounting the Discharge Adapter*to the valve outlet. The Discharge Adapter can also be used as a recharge adapter topressurize the cylinder with nitrogen after filling with dry clemical. 3/4 in. NPT FLANGE PLATE ADAPTER O-RING Figure 2-4. Discharge Adapter Kit, p/N 844908 June 2005 2-6 P/N 220423 Components 2-2.2.3 TOTAL-FLOODING NOZZLE, p/N B3-100005-001 The Total-Flooding (TF) Nozzle, shown in Figure 2-8, is designed to discharge dry chemical throughout an enclosed area. The TF Nozzle is used for non-spray type applications as well as enclosed and open-face applications. Each TF Nozzle is factory-equipped with a blow-off cap (p/N 06-250099-067) toprotect the nozzle orifices from clogging and physical damage. 2-314 in. (69 mm) 311ln--l1 (19 mm) NPT BLOW.OFF CAP (P/N 06-250099{t67} Figure 2-8. Total-Flooding Nozzle, p/N 83-100005-001 PlN 220423 2-9 lune 2005 Components 2-2.2.4 DUCT/PLENUM (Dp) NOZZLE, p/N 83_100006_001 The Duct/Plenum (DP) Nozzle, shown in Figure 2-9, is designed to discharge dry chemical throughout an exhaust duct or plenum. Each DP Nozzle is factory-equipped with a blow-off cap (p/N 264742) to protect the nozzle orifices from clogging and physical damage. 2-718 in. (73.7 mm) 1l2ln. -'14 (13 mm) NPT BLOW.OFF (PtN 2647121 Figure 2-9. Duct/Plenum (Dp) Nozzte, p/N 83-100006-001 lune 2005 2-10 P/N 220423 Components 2-3 CONTROLS 2-3.1 3-3/4 in. (95 mm) XllM Control System, P /N 87-12OO99-OO1 The XVControl System , P/N 87-120099-001, is used for actuating the Kidde IND Cylinder and Valve Assembly. The Xtl Control System can be attached to the System Valve Actuator, P/N 87-120042-001 for direct cylinder mounting, or to a wall for remote mounting. Knockouts are provided to accommodate either type of mounting. The controller can be operated with: r Automatic mechanical detection (fusible-links and thermo-bulb links), . Automatic electrical operation, and . Remote and local manual operation. 9-7116 in. (240 mm) B-3/16 in. (208 mm) Figure 2-I1. XV Control System June 2005 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.1.I 2-3.L.2 SYSTEM NITROGEN CARTRIDGE, p/N 87-120043-001 fhe XV Control System uses a nitrogen cartridge for actuating the IND dry chemical cylinders and is charged *itn ary nitiogen (see Figure 2-12). The System Nitrogen Cartridge is mounted inside the XV Control System to protect it from tampering and provides the date of manufacturing and space (gray band) for recording of the installation date. 5-1/8 in. ('130 mm) 1-9/16 in- (40 mm) GRAY BAND Figure 2-12. System Nitrogen Cartridge, plN 87-L20043-001 TEST CARTRIDGE, P/N 87-120044-001 The Test Cartridge is used for testing of the Kidde IND Dry Chemical System. The Test Cartridge has a red band around it with a label "TEST CARTRIDGE" as shown in Figure 2-13. Note: The System Nitrogen Cartridge P/N 87-120043-001 is required for actuation and full discharge or "puff" tests. The Test cartridge (P/N a7-L2oo44-oo1) must be removed and the system Nitrogen Cartridge (P/N 87-L2OO43-OO1) must be installed at the completion of any work done on the system. Failure to do so will result in malfunction of the system. 4 in. (102 mm) Figure 2-13. Test Cartridge, P/N 87-120044-001 A CAUTION + in (25 mm) + P/N 220423 2-73 June 2005 Components 2-3.1.3 SYSTEM VALVE ACTUATOR (SVA), p/N 87-120042-001 A System Valve Actuator (SVA) is mounted to every dry chemical cylinder valve assembly located on the system (see Figure 2-L4). The svA has ports for low profile tubing runs, and is also equipped with a spring loaded plunger that locks the piston in the discharged position, ensuring complete discharge of the cylinder(s) contents. 5/16-18 UNC THROUGH HOLE (rYP) (NOTSHOWN) t/8 in. NPT PORT 1/8 in. NPT PLUG (IFAPPLICABLE) SPRING LOADED PLUNGER PISTON IN ACTUATED POSTT|ON (TOWARDS CYLINDER VALVE} Figure 2-14. System Valve Actuator (SVA), P/N 87-120042-001 't-3/4 in. (44 mm) SVAPISTON IN SET POSITION lune 20O5 2-t4 PlN 220423 Components 2-3.t.4 HrGH-PRESSURE NITROGEN TUBING, p/N 87-120045-001 The braided High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing, is required on all installations in which the XV Control System is mounted to a dry chemical cylinder. Use of another hose in such an installation could result in serious personal injury and/or malfunction of the system. The High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing is used to connect the XV Control System to the SVA (see Figure 2-15). A l/B-inch NPT (male) x 3/B-2a JIC Adapter is included with the High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing. AWARNING 1/8 in. NPT THREAD SEAT A (END TO SEAT) Figure 2-15. External Tubing for XV Control System 1/2 in. HEX, 114in.37 DEGREE FLARE, SWIVEL t_1/8 in. NPT (MALE) x3t8-24 JIC ADAPTER P/N 220423 2-t5 lune 2005 Components 2-3.t.8.2 Universal-Link Housing Kit, p/N 87-120064-001 The Universal-Link Housing Kit, shown in Figure 2-2L, and consists of the following: Table 2-7. Detector Housing Kit, p/N 87-120064-001 Item Quantity It-L/z in. (292 mm) Detector Housing 1 Crimp Sleeves 2 "S" Hooks 2 The items above are used to attach the Fusible-Link orThermo-Bulb Links to the 1/16-inch cable leading to the XV control system. The Universal- Link Housing can be configured as an End-of-Line or In-Line bracket. 1/16 in. CABLE TO CONTROL SYSTEM (NOT SUPPLTED) "s" HooKS CRIMP SLEEVE in. \292 $$) THERMO.BULB LINK OR FUSIBLE.LINK (NOT SUPPLTED) {1;t12 LOCKNUT (NOT SUPPLTED) CRIMP SLEEVE 1/2 in. EMT CONNECTOR (NOT SUPPLTED) THERMO.BULB LINK OR FUSIBLE.LINK (NOT SUPPLTEO) EXAMPLE OF IN.LINE UNIVERSAL HOUSING KIT EXAMPLE OF ENDOF.LINE UNIVERSAL HOUSING KIT "s" HooK Figure 2-21. Universal-Link Housing Kit, p/N 87-120064-001 lune 2005 2-20 P/N 220423 Components 2- THERMO.BULB Thermo-Bulb Links, P/N 87-12009X-XXX UL Listed and FM Approved Thermo-Bulb Links, shown in Figure 2-22, are used in conjunction with Universal-Link Housing Kits (P/N 87-L2OO64-001) and/or Detector Housing Kits (P/N 804548). The links are held together with a liquid-filled glass tube (Thermo-Bulb), which bursts at a predetermined temperature, allowing the two halves of the link to separate. The types of Thermo-Bulb links are: . Rapid Response . Standard Response These Thermo-Bulb links are available in various temperature ratings with a minimum/maximum load rating of 0 lb./50 lb. (0 kg/23k9). THERMO.BULB Figure 2-22. Thermo-Bulb Link, P/N 87-12009X-XXX P/N 220423 2-21 lune 2005 Components 2-3.r.8.4 2- Fusible-Links (Model KML), P/Ns 282661,282662,282664 and 282666 UL Listed and FM Approved Fusible-Links, shown in Figure 2-23, are used in conjunction with the Fusible-Link Housing Kit. The Fusible-Links are held together with a low melting alloy that melts at a predetermined temperature, allowing the two halves of the link to separate. Figure 2-23. Fusible-Link, p/N 28266X Fusible-Links are available in various temperaturp ratings with a minimum/maximum load rating of 10 lb./40 lb. (5 kgl18 kg) (see Table 2-B). Table 2-8. Fusible-Link Temperature Ratings There are two temperature designations which apply to Fusible-Links (refer to Table 2-B). one temperature is called the rating temperature, and the other is called the maximum exposure temperature. The rating temperature, which is stamped on the Fusible-Link, is the temperature at which the link will separate when new. However, continual exposure to cycling ambient temperatures may cause a degradation of the link over time. Fusible-Link (Model KFA), P/N 87-120060-001 Fusible-Links are available with a minimum/maximum load rating of 5 lb. - 45 lb. (2.3 Kg - ZO.4 Kg). See Table 2-9. Table 2-9. Fusible-Link (Model KFA) Temperature Ratings Figure 2-24. Fusible-Link, p/N 87-120060-001" Fusible-Link Rating Maximum Exposure Temperature Part Number 1650F (74oC)100oF (38oc)28266L ztzoF (100"c)150oF (6soc)782662 3600F (182"C)300oF (1490c)282664 500"F (260.C)44OoF (2Z6oC)282666 Fusible-Link Rating Maximum Exposure Temperature Part Number 360oF (1B2oC)44OoF (227oC)87-120060-001 June 2005 2-22 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.t.9 REMOTE MANUAL RELEASE, P/N 875572 The Remote Manual Release, shown in Figure 2-25, is provided as a means of manually actuating the system from a remote location. The Remote Manual Release is attached to the XV Control System with 1/16-inch control cable. To actuate the system at the Remote Manual Release, pull out the safety pin and pull hard on the handle. Each Remote Manual Release is supplied with a separate nameplate. This nameplate must be attached to the mounting surface l-inch above or below the Remote Manual Release. 3-5/8 in. (92.2 mm) 'l-112in. (38 mm) Figure 2-25. Remote Manual Release, P/N 875572 P/N 220423 2-23 June 2005 Components 2-3.1.10 coRNER PULLEY, P/N 844648 The. Corner Pulley is used to change the direction of the control cable runs. Thecable's protective conduit (1/2-inc-h EMT) is attached to the corner pulleys withthe. coupling nuts provided. The corner pulley is equipped with a ball-bearingpulley for minimum resistance to the cable travel. 3 in. (76.2 mm) 3 in. (76.2 mm) Figure 2-26. Corner pulley, plN 844648 June 2005 2-24 P/N 220423 APP'D ADATE SHEET; 2 OF 2MODEL 87IO BIKE BOOTHPROJECT Lr-r5555 t8-08DWG. NO. st z E B UN I T S : FEET-tNcHES DE S C R I P T I O N RE V I S I O N S AU T O BO D Y TO O L M A R T CU S T O M E R AU T O M A T I C KI D D E PR E - E N G I N E E R E D FI R E SU P P R E S S I O N SY S T E M FO R THE AU T O M O T I V E BI K E PA I N T SP R A Y BOOTH DR N : A. i P I9 D E C O 6 J CH K ' D : D V Z O2 J A N 0 7 IS S U E D : H T L 02 J A N 0 7 SC A L E : NO N E %r c i a a " Fi r e Sy s t e m s 4O O MA I N ST R E E T AS H L A N D , MA Oi 7 2 I (5 0 8 ) 88 r - 2 0 0 0 TH I S IN F o R M A T I o N Is 'H E PR o F E R T Y oF KI D D E FI R E SY S T E M S II c . IT Is SW H I T T E D IN CO N F I D E N C E AN O IS NO T TO BE OI S C L O S E D OR UT I L I Z E D WI ] H O U T MA N U A L RE L E A S E (s E E NO r E 7) GE N E R A L NO T E S : 1, SY S T E M OE S I G N AND INSTALLATION TO BE IN AC C O R D A N C E WI T H NFPA 17 AND KIDDE FIRE SYSTEMS MA N U A L 83 . 1 0 0 0 3 6 . 0 0 1 , DATED JANUARY 2004. 2. TH I S DR A W N G SHOWS PROTECTION OF THE WORK AREA AN O EX H A U S T PL E N U M ONLY. PROTECTION OF THE EXHAUST DU C T A N D / O R PI T MUST BE EVALUATED SEPARATELY, 3, AG E N T CY L I N D E R TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE tsOOTH. AL T E R N A T I V E LO C A T I O N S ArcEPTABLE WITHIN THE OESIGN LI M I T A T I O N S OF TH E SYSTEM. 4. MA X I M U M FU S I E L E LINK SPACING IS 2O'0" FOR THE WORK AR E A . AL L FU S I B L E LINKS SHALL BE CENTERED AND SPACED EO U I D I S T A N T IN TH E PROTECTED HAZARD. 5. AL L PI P I N G IS TO BE GALVANIZED STEEL CONFORMING TO AS T M A. 5 3 F , SC H 40, ALL FITTINGS ARE TO BE GALVANIZEO 15 0 # CL A S S , AL L PIPING TO BE BALANCED tlOO/O. 6, AL L PI P I N G SH A L L BE SECURELY AND ADEQUATELY BR A C E D IN AC C O R D A N C E WTH NFPA 17. 7. OP T I O N A L MA N U A L RELEASE STATION, PiN 875572, SHALL BE LO C A T E D AS RE Q U I R E D AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PU B L I C A T I O N S LI S T E D IN NOTE 1. 8, IN S T A L L A T I O N AND SERVICE OF THIS SYSTEM SHALL BE PE R F O R M E D BY LI C E N S E D AND KIDDE FIRE SYSTEMS CE R T I F I E D SE R V I C E COMPANIES ONLY, 9. CY L I N O E R OP E R A T I N G TEMPERATURE O'F TO 120'F. 10 , EM T FO R DE T E C T I O N CABLE NOT SHOWN. INSTALL EMT AS RE Q U I R E D AN D IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PU B L I C A T I O N S LI S T E D IN NOTE 1. N T1 FU S I B L E LI N K S (s E E NO T E 10 ) N WO R K AR E A PI P E LI M I T A T I O N S T1 TO NO Z Z L E MA X . PI P E LE N 6 T H lt '1 PI P E SI Z E 31 4 ' 3/ 4 ' CY L I N D E R TO T1 MA X . PI P E LE N G T H 80 8 PI P E Sl z E 3t 4 ' !4 IT E M PI P E AC T U A T I O N DE T A I L NO T TO SC A L E 24 ' , 0 ' VO L U M E (c u . F T . ) 10 4 0 AR E A (s o . F r . ) 13 0 HE I G H T 8' . 0 ' LE N G T H 13 ' 0 ' WD T H 10 ' 0 " MO O E L 87 1 0 cY L I N D E R VO L U M S N O Z Z L E (c u . F T . ) 12 6 0 \R E A , / N O Z Z L E (s o . F T , ) '1 0 5 NO Z Z L E OT Y TW O CO N T A I N E R IN D - 2 1 AB C CY L I N D E R MA X . PI P E LE N G I H 1' l ' ,{ T1 TO NO Z Z L E PI P E SI Z E 3l | 4 " I* \ X . PI P E LE N G I H 60 8 -U d T 7 ? E E N T D T P I P E LI M I T A T I O N S CY L I N O E R TO T' I PI P E SI Z E f, t 1 ' 31 1 ' IT E M PI P E TO I A J N S E f l O PO R T 0t Ci T Y AL p , ) , " tr L , & - + &* * * " r 3G o ? 55 SL + L 4 L + APP'D ADATE SHEET: I oF ?MODEL 87IO BIKE BOOTHPROJECTN L r-t3555 t8-08DWG. NO, st z E B UN I T S : FEET-INCHES SC A L E : NO T E D RE V I S I O N S AU T O BO D Y TO O L M A R T CU S T O M E R AU T O M A T I C KI D D E PR E - E N G I N E E R E D FI R E SU P P R E S S I O N SY S T E M FO R THE AU T O M O T I V E BI K E PA I N T SP R A Y BOOTH DR N : A. J P l9 D E C O 6 %x i a a " Fi r e Sy s t e m s /. O O MA I N ST R E E T AS H L A N D , MA OI 7 2 I (5 0 8 ) 88 r - 2 0 0 0 TH I S IN F o R M A T I o N 6 TH E Pr c P E f f Y oF KI D D E FI R E SY S T E I Y S IN C . IT IS SU B M I T T E D IN CO N F I D E N C E AN D IS MI TO BE DI S C L O S E D OR UT I L I Z E O WI ' B O U T WR I T T E N PE R M I S S I O N , XV CO N T R O L SY S T E M CO R N E R PU L L E Y FU S I B L E LI N K HO U S I N G KI T AC T U A T I O N DE L A Y AS S E M B L Y IN D . 2 1 AB C CY L I N D E R IN D - 2 1 MO U N T I N G BM C K E T DI S C H A R G E AD A P T E R SY S T E M VA L V E AC T U A T O R ME G H A N I C A L RE M O T E PU L L ST A T I O N FU S I B L E LI N K 2' 1 2 ' AL A R M BE L L TO T A L FL O O O NO Z Z L E OU C T / P L E N U M NO Z Z L E Nt r S ( ] R I P T I . ) N 87 - 1 2 0 0 9 9 4 0 1 82 - 4 8 6 4 8 7 4 0 0 wK - 8 4 4 6 4 8 - 0 0 0 83 4 8 6 5 7 3 - 0 0 0 83 - 8 4 4 9 0 8 - 0 0 0 87 - 1 2 0 0 / 2 - 0 0 1 wK - 8 7 5 5 7 2 - 0 0 0 WK - 8 0 . + f t 8 - 0 0 0 t7 - 1 2 0 0 9 5 - 2 1 2 - X > 75 - 0 0 0 0 3 1 { 0 J 83 - 1 0 0 0 0 5 - 0 0 1 83 - 1 0 0 0 0 8 - 0 0 1 83 - 1 00 0 3 5 - 0 0 1 P/ N 2 2 2 I 1 1 5 5 I 15 12 17'l 2 J 4 5 A 7 8 9 10 L EXHAUST PLENUM U1 U2 u4 wt 4 8' 0 ' ww n I I -J - 13 ' 0 ' '10'0" NO T E : IN T A K E PL E N U M HA S BE E N RE M O V E D FO R CL A R I r y . TH I S AR E A DO E S NO T RE O U I R E PR O T E C T I O N . CR O S S FL O W BI K E AO O T H 87 1 0 ^ ._ t 4 / 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 tv l * ^ , , " C- c r , ^ s r e A c f i x - : Au , p D - * , f i , i ^ +- - f u , 6 a g 3t " o ' 1 5 5 54 q q Components A TOP OF CYLINDER VALVE B CENTER OF DISCHARGE PORT l-"----------lI Homrr.rll I CYLINDER DIAMETER Figure 2-1. Dimensions of Cylinder and Valve Assembly Table 2-1. Cylinder and Valve Assembly Specifications Cylinder and Valve Assembly Part Number Model Application Agency Approval Agent Type Fiil Weight of Agent Dimensions A B c 486573 IND-21 Total-Flood UL/ULC, FM ABC 2L lb 17-U2in. (447 mm) 16-1/B in. (409 mm) 9 in. (229 mm) 486574 IND-45 Total-Flood UL/ULC, FM ABC 45 lb 3O-3/4 in. (782 mm) 29-7/4 in. (744 mm) 9 in. (229 mm) B3-100018-001 IND.70 Open-Front Spray Booth UL/ULC ABC 68 rb.3O-L/4 in. (768 mm) 28-t/2 in. (724 mm) L2-t/4 in. (312.4 mm) 486s70 IND.25 Total-Flood Open-Front Spray Booth UL/ULC, FM BC 25 lb.17-L/2 in. (447 mm) 16-1lB in. (409 mm) 9 in. (229 mm) 486571 IND-50 Total-Flood Open-Front Spray Booth Local- Application UL/ULC, FM UL/ULC UVULC BC s0 lb.30-3/4 in. (782 mm) 29-I/4 in. (744 mm) 9 in. (229 mm) B3-100019-001 IND-75 Open-Front Spray Booth UL/ULC BC 75 lb 3O-l/4 in. (768 mm) 28-t/2 in. (724 mm) I2-l/4 in. (312.4 mm) PlN 220423 2-3 June 2005 Components 2-2.t.t WALL MOUNTING BRACKET, p/NS 486487,486488, OR 87_100009_001 Mounting brackets are used for mounting all cylinder and Valve Assembly. A cylinder strap is used to secure the cylinder to the bracket. The bracket is mounted to the wall using three (3) 3/8-inch diameter bolts or screws of suitablelength and type. see Figure 2-2 and Table 2-2 for dimensions and load information. CYLINOER STRAP B Figure 2-2. Wall Mounting Bracket Table 2-2. Wall Mounting Bracket Specifications A c DimensionsWall Mounting Bracket P/N Model A B c Recommended Wall Support Load 486487 IND-21 IND-25 13-1l8 in. (333 mm) 9-3/4 in. (248 mm) 6-3/4 in. (171 mm) 65 lb. (30 kg) 486488 IND-45 IND-50 19-518 in. (498 mm) 9-3/4 in. (248 mm) 6-3/4 in. (171 mm) 130 lb. (se kg) 87-100009-0011 IND.7O IND-75 2L in. (533 mm) 13-1/4 in. (337 mm) t}-L/4 in. (257 mm) 22s lb. (102 ks) B7-100010-00 1 1,2 IND-70 IND-75 1 uL tisted only 2 Bracket P/N 87-100010-001 is a floor mounting kit for the Model IND-70 or IND-75, andrequires P/N 87-100009-001. See paragraph 2- June 2005 2-4 P/N 220423 Components 2-2.t.L.1 3/8 in. DIAMETER BOLTS TO ATTACH TO WALL MOUNTING BRACKET Floor Mount Bracket Kit, P/N 87-100010-001 A Floor Mount Bracket Kit is used for mounting the IND-70 or IND-75 cylinder to the floor. The Floor Mount Bracket Kit requires Wall Mounting Bracket P/N 87-100009-001. Use 3/B-inch diameter bolts (with nuts) of suitable length and type to attach to the Wall Mounting Bracket. See Figure 2-3. 3/8 in. DIAMETER BOLTS TO ATTACH TOWALL MOUNTING BRACKET >\\ Figure 2-3. Floor Mount Bracket Kit Table 2-3. Floor Mounting Kit Specifications c Dimension A Dimension B Dimension C 3 in. (76 mm)9-518 in. (245 mm)6-9/L6 in. (168 mm) PlN 220423 2-5 June 2005 Components 2-2.t.2 DISCHARGE ADAPTER KIT, P/N 844908 The Discharge Adapter provides a means to connect discharge pipe to any Kidde IND Dry Chemical Cylinder and Valve Assembly. The Discharge Adapter Kit consists of a 3/4-inch NPT adapter and a steel flange plate (see Figure 2-4). Note: The nuts and bolts used to secure the Anti-Recoil Plate to the discharge valve should be retained and used for mounting the Discharge Adapter to the valve outlet. The Discharge Adapter can also be used as a recharge adapter to pressurize the cylinder with nitrogen after filling with dry chemical. 3/4 in. NPT FLANGE PLATE ADAPTER O-RING Figure 2-4. Discharge Adapter Kit, p/N 844908 June 2005 2-6 P/N 220423 Components 2-2.2.3 TOTAL-FLOODTNG NOZZLE, p/N B3-100005-001 The Total-Flooding (TF) Nozzle, shown in Figure 2-8, is designed to discharge dry chemical throughout an enclosed area. The TF Nozzle is used for non-spray type applications as well as enclosed and open-face applications. Each TF Nozzle is factory-equipped with a blow-off cap (P/N 06-250099-067) to protect the nozzle orifices from clogging and physical damage. 2-314 in. (69 mm) 321 in--l/t (19 mm) NPT BLOW-OFF CAP (P/N 06-250099{67) Figure 2-8. Total-Flooding Nozzle, P/N 83-100005-001 PlN 220423 2-9 lune 2005 Components 2-2.2.4 DUCT/PLENUM (Dp) NOZZLE, p/N 83-100006-001 The Duct/Plenum (DP) Nozzle, shown in Figure 2-9,is designed to discharge dry chemical throughout an exhaust duct or plenum. Each DP Nozzle is factory-equipped with a blow-off cap (p/N 264742) to protect the nozzle orifices from clogging and physical damage. 2-718 in. (73.7 mm) 112 in. -'14 (13 mm) NPT BLOW.OFF (P/N 264742) Figure 2-9. Duct/Plenum (DP) Nozzle, p/N B3-100006-001 June 2005 2-to P/N 220423 Components 2-3 CONTROLS 2-3.L 3-3/4 in. (95 mm) XllM Control System, P / N 87-12OO99-OO1 The XVControl System, P/N 87-120099-001, is used for actuating the Kidde IND Cylinder and Valve Assembly. The XV Control System can be attached to the System Valve Actuator, P/N 87-120042-001 for direct cylinder mounting, or to a wall for remote mounting. Knockouts are provided to accommodate either type of mounting. The controller can be operated with: o Automatic mechanical detection (fusible-links and thermo-bulb links), . Automatic electrical operation, and . Remote and local manual operation. 9-7116 in. (240 mm) 8-3/16 in. (208 mm) Figure z-Lt. XV Control System June 2005 2-72 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.r.r 2-3.L.2 SYSTEM NITROGEN CARTRIDGE, p/N 87-120043-001 The XV Control System uses a nitrogen cartridge for actuating the IND dry chemical cylinders and is charged with dry nitrogen (see Figure 2-12). The System Nitrogen Cartridge is mounted inside the XV Control System to protect it from tampering and provides the date of manufacturing and space (gray band) for recording of the installation date. -t A 5-1/8 in. (130 mm) 1-9/16 in. (40 mm) GRAY BAND Figure 2-12. System Nitrogen Cartridge, PlN 87-120043-001 TEST CARTRIDGE, P/N 87-120044-001 The Test Cartridge is used fortesting of the Kidde IND Dry Chemical System. The Test Cartridge has a red band around it with a label "TEST CARTRIDGE" as shown in Figure 2-13. Note: The System Nitrogen Cartridge P/N 87-120043-001 is required for actuation and full discharge or "puff" tests. The Test Cartridge (P/N 87-12OO44-OO1) must be removed and the System Nitrogen Cartridge (P/N a7-L2OO43-OO1) must be installed at the completion of any work done on the system. Failure to do so will result in malfunction of the system. 4in (102 mm) f 1 in. (25 mm) + Figure 2-13. Test Cartridge, P/N 87-120044-001 CAUTION P/N 220423 2-13 lune 2005 Components 2-3.r.3 SYSTEM VALVE ACTUATOR (SVA), p/N 87-120042-001 A System Valve Actuator (SVA) is mounted to every dry chemical cylinder valve assembly located on the system (see Figure 2-L4). The SVA has ports for low profile tubing runs, and is also equipped with a spring loaded plunger that locks the piston in the discharged position, ensuring complete discharge of the cylinder(s) contents. 5/16-18 UNC THROUGH HOLE [TYP)(NOrsHowN) 1/8 in. NPT PORT 1/8 in. NPT PLUG (IFAPPLICABLE) SPRING LOADED PLUNGERPISTON IN ACTUATED POSTTION (TOWARDS CYLINDER VALVE) Figure 2-14. System Valve Actuator (SVA), P/N 87-120042-001 1-3r4 in. (44 mm) SVAPISTON IN SET POSITION June 2005 2-14 PlN 220423 Components 2-3.t.4 HIGH-PRESSURE NITROGEN TUBING, p/N 87-120045-001 The braided High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing, is required on all installations in which the XV Control System is mounted to a dry chemical cylinder. Use of another hose in such an installation could result in serious personal injury and/or malfunction of the system. The High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing is used to connect the XV Control System to the SVA (see Figure 2-15). A l/B-inch NPT (male) x 3/8-24 JIC Adapter is included with the High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing. AWARNING 1/8 in. NPT THREAD SEAT A (END TO SEAT) Figure 2-15. External Tubing for XV Control System 1/2 in. HEX, 114 in.37 DEGREE FLARE, SWIVEL 1/8 in. NPT (MALE) x318-24 JIC ADAPTER P/N 220423 2-t5 June 2005 Components 2-3.L.8.2 Universal-Link Housing Kit, P/N 87-120064-001 The universal-Link Housing Kit, shown in Figure 2-2L, and consists of the following: Table 2-7. Detector Housing Kit, p/N 87-120064-001 Item Quantity 1.I-l/2 in. (292 mm) Detector Housing 1 Crimp Sleeves 2 "S" Hooks 2 The items above are used to attach the Fusible-Link orThermo-Bulb Links to the 1/16-inch cable leading to the XV control system. The Universal- Link Housing can be configured as an End-of-Line or In-Line bracket. 1/16 in. CABLE TO CONTROL SYSTEM (NOT SUPPLTED) "s" HooKs CRIMP SLEEVE \2e2 $I{i THERMO.BULB LINK OR FUSIBLE.LINK (NOT SUPPLTED) t{rtpin'LOGKNUT (NOT SUPPLTED) CRIMP SLEEVE 1/2 in. EMT THERMO.BULB LINK OR FUSIBLE-LINK (NOT SUPPLTED) EXAMPLE OF IN.LINE UNIVERSAL HOUSING KITEXAMPLE OF END-OF.LINE UNIVERSAL HOUSING KIT NECTOR "s" HooK (NOT SUPPLTED) Figure 2-21. Universal-Link Housing Kit, p/N 87-120064-001 June 2005 2-20 PlN 220423 Components 2- THERMO.BULB Thermo-Bulb Links, P/N 87-12009X-XXX UL Listed and FM Approved Thermo-Bulb Links, shown in Figure 2-22, are used in conjunction with Universal-Link Housing Kits (P/N 87-L20064-001) and/or Detector Housing Kits (P/N 804548). The links are held together with a liquid-filled glass tube (Thermo-Bulb), which bursts at a predetermined temperature, allowing the two halves of the link to separate. The types of Thermo-Bulb links are: . Rapid Response o Standard Response These Thermo-Bulb links are available in various temperature ratings with a minimum/maximum load rating of 0 lb./50 lb. (0 kgl23k9). THERMO-BULB Figure 2-22. Thermo-Bulb Link, P/N 87-12009X-XXX P/N 220423 2-21 June 2005 Components 2-3.r.8.4 2- Fusible-Links (Model KML), P/Ns 28266I,282662,282664 and 282666 UL Listed and FM Approved Fusible-Links, shown in Figure 2-23, are used in conjunction with the Fusible-Link Housing Kit. The Fusible-Links are held together with a low melting alloy that melts at a predetermined temperature, allowing the two halves of the link to separate. Figure 2-23. Fusible-Link, P/N 28266X Fusible-Links are available in various temperatu minimum/maximum load rating of 10 lb./4o lb. Table 2-B). re (5 ratings with a kglt8 kg) (see Table 2-8. Fusible-Link Temperature Ratings There are two temperature designations which apply to Fusible-Links (refer to Table 2-B). One temperature is called the rating temperature, and the other is called the maximum exposure temperature. The rating temperature, which is stamped on the Fusible-Link, is the temperature at which the link will separate when new. However, continual exposure to cycling ambient temperatures may cause a degradation of the link over time. Fusible-Link (Model KFA), P/N 87-120060-001 Fusible-Links are available with a minimum/maximum load rating of 5 lb. - 45 lb. (2.3 Kg - 20.4 Kg). See Table 2-9. Table 2-9. Fusible-Link (Model KFA) Temperature Ratings Figure 2-24. Fusible-Link, P/N 87-120060-001 Fusible-Link Rating Maximum Exposure Temperature Part Number 1650F (74"C)100oF (38oc)28266L 2r2oF (100"c)150oF (65oC)282662 3600F (182"C)300"F (149oC)282664 500('F (260.c)440oF (226"C)282666 Fusible-Link Rating Maximum Exposure Temperature Part Number 360"F (182"C)440oF (227oC)87-120060-001 lune 2005 2-22 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.L.9 REMOTE MANUAL RELEASE, PlN 875572 The Remote Manual Release, shown in Figure 2-25, is provided as a means of manually actuating the system from a remote location. The Remote Manual Release is attached to the XV Control System with 1/16-inch control cable. To actuate the system at the Remote Manual Release, pull out the safety pin and pull hard on the handle. Each Remote Manual Release is supplied with a separate nameplate. This nameplate must be attached to the mounting surface l-inch above or below the Remote Manual Release. 3-5/8 in. (92.2 mm) 1-'ll2in. (38 mm) Figure 2-25. Remote Manual Release, P/N 875572 P/N 220423 2-23 June 2005 Components 2-3.1.10 coRNER PULLEY, P/N 844648 The. Corner Pulley is used to change the direction of the control cable runs. Thecable's protective conduit (1/2-inch EMT) is attached to the Corner pulleys withthe. coupling nuts provided. The corner pulley is equipped with a ball-bearingpulley for minimum resistance to the cable travel. 3 in. (76.2 mm) 3 in. (76.2 mm) Figure 2-26. Corner pulley, p/N 844648 lune 2005 2-24 P/N 220423