HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-222 oversize drawing not scannedBIJILDING PERMIT Cify of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Pe;'mit Type Residential - Accessory Dwelling Unit Site Address 948 HASTINGS AVE Project Description New 3 car garage with ADU on second floor Permit # Project Name Parcel # B'uDn1-222 NEW GARAGE WADU 957901405 Fee Information Project Details Decks - Residential Dwellings -'Type V Wood Frame Private Garages - Wood Frame Project Valuation Building Permit Fee Energy Code Fee - New Single Family Unit Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential Plan Review Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $101.804.20 1,004.95 100.00 80 SQFT 796 SQFT 1,016 SQFT 150.00 653.22 150.00 4.50 20.10 10.00 Total Fees $2,092.77 Conditions 10. Property corner survey pins must be located at time of foooting inspection to verify setbacks. 20. Temp. erosion control measures must be installed and maintained prior to approval of any building inspections. Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. Thegrantingofthispermitshallnotbeconstruedasapproval toviolateanyprovisionsofthePTMCorotherlawsorregulations. Icertify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Date lssued: 05/05/2008 lssued By: SFOSTER Print Name CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3, Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N . PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MI \ D E AN D SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y , ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E , PA R C E L NO , 95 7 9 0 1 4 0 5 PE R M I T NO . BL D 0 7 - 2 2 2 IS S U E D DA T E 05 / 0 5 / 2 0 0 8 rD ( P I R A T I O N DATE 11t01t2008 AD D R E S S 94 8 HA S T I N G S AV E CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC G U P A N T LOAD OW N E R JO N I E N T Z GA R Y PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Ne w 3 ca r qa r a q e wi t h AD U on se c o n d floor CO N T R A C T O R OW N E R BU I L D E R LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS /O / ' ^ t TO RE Q U E S T AN TN S P E C T T O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . A^ t r e * , t ^ , r ' t C" . , - ^ ^ * I Y* / t i Y: c , 6 'H / , n E H +- D PE R C TE S T TE S C SE T B A C K S SU R V E Y PI N S FC I O T I N G Fo u n d a t i o n dr a i n FO U N D A T I O N WA L L SL A B FL O O R FR A M I N G PL U M B I N G ME C H A N I C A L SH E A R WA L L IN S U L A T I O N GW B FI N A L PU B L I C WO R K FI N A L BU I L D I N G 1 \CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG ? ,. PERMIT # SCOPE OF WORK: DATERECEIVED Ih.SQ -oa DATE ACTION INITIALS th- 2Q .A1 ENTERED INTO CHET CA-toP - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS ('t;ll (n)n^o fierc,toa*, AS: lC -2q - oz tus P) ld * fu"-az 4 '' '. "- . o . / Lt 0"rr^1, //2 ,2.O.; //4D- zzZ;Z-;,- /rd/+ &1{/ t .Sr, //'/-/ - ory t 3f- t l/t ^e/1 4o aSk hna *o t,[ 11t ) oof +}-k d ;'cuv,'1/\+*,' 'l4tp-,.-, ( {P */..1r, *'e er/+ gr- / j^.0^, '/-e r L/)o/nt xi ,3 -r- At'v'eit1ryn),bL -czlzta^'l cxL,s/\o .,1* a {Vl a-t'( u,tuto { tck { t"'a-,t ^t 1( K>St'rltl- 9-o'r a I I a/dJI ( -l t ,LY OK lo -na or-d J r q rno )DA{' er'r -+-}".P I a-,n <. / /w P'a'd-) I s-s- a I 6F -C aX[lp S .<-J5 "5->g 7 3F I I flt 6:a ru t. ' rl,/p rwk (< : tn rll( lct Vrsw 6r b .\ LJJ -r ) CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:00PM FRIDAY. DATE oF INSPECTIoN: /OITI A 9 PERMIT NUMBER: AA d) - Z2> 3SITE ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF'INSPECTION: PHONE: (' a ful/hJ t\l /Ll{)L o L Inspector ; :7"AML,a- ! NOTAPPROVED be CalI for re-inspection before proceeding. /0 t Acknowledgemen t Date Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may if work is '#'ffif^' rt"iol to g ln €+v lAU 184 L rwau;d( - u,rf &przfffiTrc / <5 tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections at next inspection be assessed o{ -T[ rA]soLFE- of "r ) d 7,,,/,;7 /r7n,/*',/, A/ ah( /r, /,U'Mr,.o,a46 hza4 /4 Ar// /, ",/)/ /-/&-/tr /,o2 ah LtS t )(n7 a 5 7/ 3l ?ofu €-agn5'o'tl?4ly fi),'fr 0 5tr rlt'e- s-4 07 O. n j,fl^ Y,-q ') A/o/,;,6rr _/lL_\/dn,en /-zI '-) n(lur "/t ,C,4,/.'/. ( bI//E ( z-zan A/e Q4 (7" /(o4 f 'or"/,a+r /1, /,;//,,/ / t'r (fr,,',/ U (an /',rrr/r/ @ {//^n/'l'' @ 7*/"" carzt \ \aN*\/21t--/-\p * \-' Nov - 6 zoog CITY OI PORT TOWNSTND DSD V Inspection Report Project -?--Permit # €;7 *222- lnspection & Notes S Date Inspector 6hh+sA=L= \ AQk<*\).-F<u>i,&\^l elt /aa #6tanzl),ous (an\ olL nkhq 'ft,r4ffiqio,,,'fin-uurJt" . QLo,nbrilL 6 a-ppflaprcwL nt/ nnAPE?-l7u L. 2 1 Receipl Number: BLD07-222 BLDOT-222 BLDoT-222 BLD0T-222 BLD07-222 BLDAT-222 BLD07-222 BLD07-222 07-0938 CHECK 957901405 957901405 957901405 957901405 957901405 957901405 957901405 957901405 1012912007 Plan Review Fee 5522 Total Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Euileiing Perm it Energy Code Fee - l,lew Single Fam il State Building Code Council Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling L Mechanical Permit Fee per Drvelling Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P $653.22 $20.10 $100.00 $4.50 $150.00 $150.00 $1,004.95 $10.00 Total $503.22 $20.19 $100-00 $4.50 $150.C0 $1s0.00 $1,004.95 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0;00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 $0.00 $1,942.77 $150.00 BLD07-222 $ 1,942.77 $1,942.77 genprntrreceipts I%ge 1 of 1 I llllll lllll lllllll lllll lll hillllllll lll lllll llll llll J€fferson Countv Qud RICHARD SHANEYFELT 529390 Pager 1 of 2 11!2612@A7 1@:36F NTIT 41 .@@ City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 NOTICE TO TITLE Grantors: Cary and l.iadine Jonientz, G & N Jonientz Revocable Living Trust Grantee: City of Port Townsend, a Washington municipal corporation. Reference: City Permit Number BLD07-222 Legal description: The Grantors own the following described real property: Hastings Third Addition, Block 14, Lots 6,7 , and west % of 8 Assessor's Parcel Number 957'90I-405 954 Hastings Avenue NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN to the Grantors/Owners of the above-referenced real property, to potential purchasers and future owners, to agents or representatives, and to any other concerned person or entity: 1) The Grantors, Gary and Nadine Jonientz, have applied for the above building permit to build an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) over a garage The ADU would have an address of 948 Hastings Avenue, and share utilities with the single-family residence at954 Hastings Avenue. In addition to the two on-site parking spaces required for the single-family residence, one additional space for the ADU will be provided either on- site, or as an improved public on-street space if approved by the Public Works Director (per PTMC Table 17.72.080 as amended by Ordinance 2e3e). 2)The Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC) requires that the property owner reside on the subject property, in either the principal residence or ADU in order to rent or lease the otirer unit. A one-year hardship waiver may be granted by the City in accordance with PTMC 17.16.020.C.2. Additionally, neither the principal nor accessory unit shall be used as a Page I of2 I llllil llill lllllll llil lll lnilillll lil lllll lil llH:: l: "",Jefferson Countv Aud RICHARD SHANEYFELT NTIT 41'@@ Jonientz ADU Notice to Title transient accommodation (PTM C 17 .I 6.020.C.3). A transient accommodation is defined as a use less than 29 days (PTMC 17.08.060) 3) This notice may be removed or modified only with approval by the City CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND By:e-o o Y Development Services l'rvl Given under my hand and official seal this J6h Ouv frll.c,'J"v 74i ,a.ool o1 [)."n ,'-, gzr 2007 (Print Name P,,"n* NOTARY PUBLIC in Richard L Agent for Owners Date Gary and Nadine Jonientz STATE OF WASHINGTON )' )ss couNTY oF JEFFERSON ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Richard L. Shaneyfelt is the person who appeared before me, and who acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. for' r\U' +."l{ \ ol'1] My appointment expires fNotary stamp inside 1" margin] Page2 ofZ ti-Page 1 ofl ) -t I Suzanne Wassmer From: gary jonientz [svharlekin@yahoo.com] Sent; Monday, February 04, 2008 8:24 AM To: Suzanne Wassmer Subject: Re. Notice of Title for new ADU at 948 Hastings Avenue Suzanne,u.,,t'l t b{ L"dt ri,rAP^/ Thanks for the update, we are anchored in the Bay alZyuatanejo. If there is anything that I need to do at this point, let me know by email. Thanks, Gary ----- Original Message ---- From: Suzanne Wassmer (swassmer@cityofpt.us> To : svharlekin@yahoo.com Sent: Friday, February 1,2008 9:29:18 AM Subject:Notice of Title for new ADU at948 Hastings Avenue Hello, I see that we are still waiting for the recorded notice to title for BLD07-222. The building plans were reviewed this week, and are ready to go after we receive the recorded copy of the notice to title regarding the ADU. Thank you, Suzanne Suzanne Wassmer Land Use Development Specialist City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 360) 385-0644 Fax: (360) 344-4619 21412008 1 I Suzanne Wassmer From: Sent: To: Subject: Suzanne Wassmer Friday, February 01, 2008 8:29 AM 'svharlekin@yahoo.com' Notice of Title for new ADU at 948 Hastings Avenue Hello, I see that we are still waiting for the recorded notice to title for BLD07-222. The building plans were reviewed this week, and are ready to go afterwe receive the recorded copy of the notice to title regarding the ADU. Thank you, Suzanne Suzanne Wassmer Land Use Development Specialist City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 360) 385-0644 Fax: (360) 344-4619 1 Page I of2 Suzanne Wassmer From: garyjonientz[svharlekin@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, November 19,2007 10:10 PM To: Suzanne Wassmer Subject: Re: Notice to Title for new ADU / Jonientz Hi Suzanne, Thanks for your help. I have emailed Rick Shanneyfelt and he says he can sign the document on our behalf. Please send it to him and he can deal with it. Let me know if there are any problems. Gary ----- Original Message ---- From: Suzanne Wassmer (swassmer@cityofpt.us> To: gary jonientz <svharlekin@yahoo.com> Sent: Friday, November 16,2007 10:59:26 AM Subject: RE: Notice to Title for new ADU I Jonierfiz HiGary, I have attached the document so you can read it ahead of time and let me know if you see any errors. Your attorney could sign it if he has power of attorney for your living trust and can give us a document stating that. Otherwise I can mail it to Eugene. Please let me know which way is best for you. Suzanne -----Original Message----- From : gary jonienE [mailto : svha rlekin@yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, November L6,2007 8:16 AM To: Suzanne Wassmer Subjectr Re: Notice to Title for new ADU / Jonientz Dear Suzanne, Thanks for the email. Nadine and I are in Mexico at this time. Could my attorney, Richard Shaneyfelt sign this document on my behalf? If not you could send it to a friend of mine that is coming to Mexico. I can mail it back by way of returning cruisers. Incoming mail here is a joke. Eugene Verreas 940 Martin Road Port Townsend, WA 98368 Let me know what works best for you and I will let the attorney or my friend know what's going on. Thanks, Gary Ill20/2007 Suzanne Wassmer From: Sent: To: Subject: Suzanne Wassmer Wednesday, November 14,2007 10:33 AM 'svharlekin@yahoo.com' Notice to Title for new ADU Dear Gary and Nadine, We have prepared a Notice to Title for the new ADU. This document must be signed and notarized by you and recorded with the Jefferson County Auditor before the building permit is issued. This document states that the ADU address will be 948 Hastings, the property owners will reside on the property, it will not be used as a transient accommodation (rental less than 29 days) and that an on-site parking space in addition to the two for the single-family residence will be provided. What is the best way to get this document, signed by our director, to you? Thank you, Suzanne Suzanne Wassmer Land Use Development Specialist City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 360) 385-0644 Fax: (360) 344-4619 1 Develofrment Services Parcer# ?{r qar /0f {// 't Project Address #)A tr) t- Legal Lot(s (or Tax Addition Project Description= Gor^4,, / ln ,t Residential Building Permit Application ) Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150F See the "Residential Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Name: Project Valuation: $_ I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and that all activities associated with this it will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Print Name: Pro ?(Phone {r /e 9t 0" 3i7l Email , t c'y'n Name: Address: City/SVZip ^A h) e5 *eunrL Address:_ CityiSVZip Phone Email: Building lnformation (square feet): 1tt floor Garage:,/ol/, z"dfloor 7?L Deck(s): fCr 3'd floor Porch(es Basement: ls it finished? Yes No Carport:_Other: Manufactured Home n ADU F New S Addition tr Remodel/Repair ! ocT 2 Sq S Coverage (Building Footprint): us Surface: z0 EITY {)T P{]RTExp: Addres City Business License # State License #: Contractor: Name City/SUZip Phone Email wetlands on the property? Y @ Any steep slopes (>15%l? Y @ Signature: J oz, Date:0 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST This checklisf is for new dwellings, additions, remodels, and garages. The purpose is fo show what you intend to build, where it will be located on your lot, and how it will be constructed. I Residential permit application. n Washington State Energy & Ventilation Code forms X Two (2) sets of plans with North arrow and scaled, no smaller than To" = 1 toot:. n A site plan showing: .( Legal description and parcel number (or tax number), 2. Property lines and dimensions .,.3. Setbacks from all sides of the proposed structure to the property lines in accordance with a pinned boundary line survey .-4. On-site parking and driveway with dimensions $ --6. Street names and any easements or vacations 6. Location and diameter of existing trees:/. Utility lines .A. lf applicable, existing or proposed septic system location 9. Delineated critical areas boundaries and buffers Foundation plan: 1. Footings and foundation walls 2. Post and beam sizes and spans 3. Floor joist size and layout 4. Holdowns 5. Foundation venting $ Floor plan: 1. Room use and dimensions 2- Braced wall panel locations 3. Smoke detector locations 4. Attic access 5. Plumbing and mechanical fixtures 6. Occupancy separation between dwelling and garage (if applicable) 7 - Window, skylight, and door locations, including escape windows and safety glazing E wattsection: 1. Footing size, reinforcement, depth below grade 2. Foundation wall, height, width, reinforcement,.anchor nd washers 3. Floor joist size and spacing ll/,]'':li4. Wall stud size and spacing a 5. Header size and spans 6. Wall sheathing,weather resiStant ba rffiag{siffi 7. Sheet rock and insulation wit6 blocking and I posi.tivS co8. Rafters, ceiling joists, truss 9. Ceiling height eE, I 10. Roof sheathin g, roofing material, roof pitch, attic Vehtitiltibri $ exterior elevations (all four) with existing slope of the land in relation to all proposed structures I lf architecturally designed, one set of plans must have an original signature B lf engineered, one set of plans must have one original signature f For new dwelling construction, Street & Utility or Minor lmprovement application WSEC Residential Construction Checklist City of Port Townsend Developrnent Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-s095 Fax: Q60\344-4619 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2001 Residential Construction Checklist Complete this form in addition to WSEC forms. Please answer the following questions: TYPE oF PROJECT: {o qn,rqre rFer 7q6 @ s 7pNew construction, or addition over 750 square feet Must meet whole house and spot ventilation requirements, and show full WSEC compliance as a stand-alone project. A detached, habitable structure such as an Accessory Dwelling Unit regardless of size must also meet these requirements, ! House addition under 750 square feet Possible trade-offs are allowed with the existing buildingfor WSEC com,pliance, such as increasing ceiling insulation. See WSEC component performance forms. NOTE: A house addition less than 500 sq.ft. does not reqaire whole house ventilstion. Spot ventilation is still required. TYPE OF' HEATING - Please check all that applv: Electric E Wall Heater fr Baseboard tr Forced Air Furnace ! Radiant Floor (Boiler) ! Other_ Non-Electric: Propane:J Radiant Floor/Baseboard (Boiler) { I,eC Stove ! LPG Furnace ! Other LPG n Heat Pump tr Oil Furnace tr Woodstove (can only be used as secondary heat source) VAPOR RETARDERS: Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings: o Floors: n Plywood with exterior glue ! Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) (Backed batts r wahs: I Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) n Face-stapled, backed batts E Low-perm paint r Ceilings: n Not required where ventilation space averages greater than or equal to 12 inches above insulation n Face-stapled, backed batts n Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) $.Low-perm paint SEE BACK {/ P:\DSD\Department Forms\Eluilding Forms\Application-Residential Energy Code Checkli$.doc Page 1 of 1 G VE CITY (]I PONT TOIVIJSIND DSI] ocT 2I 2ffi7 WASHINGTON STATE VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY (2000 Code): Type of ventilation used throughout the house: ! HVAC Integrated Option $ Exhaust Option Whole House Fan for o In what room is your o What size is the whole house exhaust fan?F 50-75 CFM (1-2 bedroom house) tr 80-120 CFM(3 bedroomhouse) tr 100-150 CFM (4 bedroom house) tr 120-180 CFM (5 bedroom house) Note: the whole house fan shall be readily accessible and controlled by a2Shour clock timer with the capability of continuous operation, manual and automatic control. At the time of final inspection, the automatic control timer shall be set to operate the whole house fan for at least 8 hours a day , and have a sone rating at 1 .5 or less measured at 0. 1 0 inches water gauge. Spot Ventilation: Source specific exhaust ventilation is required in each kitchen, bathroom, water closet, laundry room, indoor swimming pool, spa and other rooms where excess water vapor or cooking odor is produced. Bathrooms, laundries or similar rooms require fans with a minirnum 50 cfm rating at 0.25 inches water gauge; kitchens shall have a fan with a minimum 100 cfm rating at0.25 inches water gauge. Outdoor Air Inlets: Outdoor air shall be distributed to each habitable room by means such as individual inlets, separate duct systems, or a forced-air system. Habitable rooms include all bedrooms, living and dining rooms but not kitchens, bathrooms or utility rooms. Where outdoor air supplies are separated from exhaust points by doors, undercutting doors a minimum of Vzinch above the surface of the finish floor covering, distribution ducts, installation or grilles, transoms or similar means where permitted by the Uniform Building Code. When the system provides ventilation through a dedicated opening, such as a window or through-wall vent, these openings must: r Have controlled and secure openings o Be sleeved or otherwise designed so as not to compromise the thermal properties of the wall or window in which they are placed. o Provide not less than 4 square inches ofnet free area ofopening for each habitable space. What type of fresh air inlet will be installed? (See figure below) F Window Ports ! Wall Ports 66Exhaust Option": zi? t /) whole house fan located? lsql4lt^oa ryl i',ili!i' ". i,'li. P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Energy Code Checkli*.doc Page2 of2 ) CITY OFPORTTOWIISEND ', DL iELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Cify Hall,250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Frx360-344-4619 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, & ADDITIONS Ownerts €(A U MailingAddress "g lk. , State, 3 6o-j 3tPhone Permit No. ?g lh'l,ttProperty Street Address { ZonngDistrict s _r Parcel #o Legal Description: Addition /Lo(s)gBlock General Contractor's Name Mailing Address Phone '96O -Cell Phone '360 --7/7 State License Number City Business License Number Authorized Representative/Contact Person :Phone: Estimated Value of construction $ 80, 0 OO Financed By Date Work is to Begin Date Work is to be Completed Scope of Work: Please check all items that apply for the type of building permit you are requesting: Floor Area: the proposed structure is to be used for: New House Addition V New Garage or carport /ZnA.{(" 4 pavf ae;l Repair/Remodel Garage Repair/Remodel House t/Accessory Dwelling Unit Manufactured Home Other (please describe): Finished Heated Space sq. ft: 74/,Garagesq.ft: /0lb Unfinished Heated Space sq ft: #Carport sq. ft: Unfinished Basement sq ft:Porches sq. ft: Semi-Finished Basement sq ft:Decks sq. ft:8o Storage sq. ft:Other (please describe): P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit.doc Page 1 of 'l l The total area of the property in square feet:/6 {oo s 2. T\e total area covered by existing and proposed structures in square feet: (total ground coveragefrom the outside ofwalls or supporting members)z7 76 Percentage oflot coverage: (2+l\/$, {z 7o CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTTON, REMODELS, & ADDTTTONS Property Site Area/Coverage fnformation: Impervious Surfaces: Please provide the square footage ofthe roof area ofthe proposed and existing structures, and the square footage ofthe total area covered by porches, walkways, patios and driveways. Do not include decks allowing drainage to eqrth below. *If total impervious surface is equal to or greater than 40% of the lot area, you must submit a written stormwater plan to address run off. Please check which plans you are submitting with this application (2 sets needed): Proposed House Rooforint sq. ft:Z /4os Existin! House Rooforint sq. ft: I 7OO Proposed Garage Rooforint sq. ft:f Existing Garage Roofprint sq. ft: Proposed Porch/Walkway sq. ft:Existing Porch/Walkway sq. ft: Proposed Driveways sq. ft:sflc)Existing Driveways sq. ft: /fAd Other (describe):Other (describe): Total Proposed Impervious sq. ft: I q 08 Total Existing Impervious sq. ft: 7 4 A 0 Total Proposed +Existing sq. ft: t3 6 g Percentage Impervious: * fimpervious surface + lot sq. ft)3?,r7' t/Site Plan t/Interior & Exterior Wall Bracing (panel locations shown on floor plan) Drainage Plan(if 40% or more impervious)/Typical Wall Framing Details (section from foundation through roof) V Foundation Plan t/Elevations t/Floor Plan 2003 WSEC* Compliance: Prescriptive- Component- (Floor Framing Plan WSEC Construction Checklist (washington State Energy Code) /Roof Framing Plan Other: Installing Manufactured Home -Y.r )lNo Year:Make: Was the manufactured home originally constructed within three (3) years of proposed placement? Yes _No 2) Manufactured home must be placed on a permanent foundation with the space from the bottom of the home to the ground enclosed by either load bearing concrete or decorative concrete or masonry blocks so that no more than one foot ofthe perimeter foundation is visible above grade; and 3) Roof must be composed of composition, wood shake or shingle, coated metal, or a similar roof material; and 4) Title to the manufactured home must be eliminated as a condition of building permit approval. P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit.doc Page 2 ot 2 ') CITY OF PORT TOWNSEI\D RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, & ADDTTIONS Special Conditions {pplicanf Certifi cation The applicant hereby certifies to have knowledge of those sections of the International Residential Code and the Port Townsend Municipal Code pertinent to the above project and that the applicant is responsible for constructing in conformance with these codes; the applicant understands that the permit, if issued, expires in six months unless work is started; that the permit, after construction has started, will expire after one year if an inspection is not made to show significant progress on the sucture; the applicant agrees to abide by the ordinances, codes, regulations, restrictive covenants, deed or plat reskictions, and water and sewer plans attached hereto; the applicant certifies that all information given above and on accompanying plans i complete and accurate to the best of their knowledge; and the applicant understands that this information will be relied upon in granting permits and that,if such information is later found to be inaccurate any permits may be withdrawn. Please check YES or N0 as applicable YES NO l. Is the property within 200 feet of a fresh or saltwater shoreline?V 2. Is the property within the Port Townsend Historical District?V 3. Is the properly located within or adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area?1/ 4. Will this proposal involve any sewer, water or other utility extensions that will, or could serve vacant properties other than the project site? If yes, please attach information identiffing the utility extensions and sites. t/ 5. Have any special conditions been placed on this properly, orhas the property been subject to any conditions on any prior action of the City (if "Yes" to any of the following, attach copies of appropriate documents):\/ Subdivision/Short Plat/Boundary Line Adjustment?V SEPA (environmental review)?t/ Variance?V Conditional Use Permit?lr/ Street Vacation?V Planned Unit t/ Restrictive Covenant?V Easement?l./ 6. Are any properties within 800 feet of the site owned or controlled by the applicant, any relative or business associate, or any partnership, corporation, or other entity affiliated *ittt ttt" applicant? (If ps, attach list.) / 7 . Have any of the properties listed in item #6 been within the last two years? (If yes, attach list.)r' 8. Have you previously discussed this project with a City staffmember? If yes, who and when?t/ P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building permit.doc Page 3 of 3 crry ox' poRT TowNsEND RESTDENTHL BrrrLDrNc pnnmi AppLrcATIoN NEW CONSTRUCTTON, REMODELS, & ADDTTTONS : The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims, or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising from any noncompliance with any resfiictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by parties other than the City of Port Townsend. Cnm$lefe Applicafinn Port Townsend Municipal Code, Section l6.O4.l4},Vested Rights - Substantially Complete Building Permit Application: applications for all land use and development permits required under ordinances of the city shall be considered under the zoning and other land use control ordinances in effect on the date a fully complete building permit application, meeting the requirementsdentified in this section, is filed with the Development Services Deparfinent. Until a complete building permit application is filed, all applications for land use and development permits shall be reviewed subject to any zoning or other land use control odinances which Uicome effective prior to the date of issuance of a final decision by the city on the application. An application for a building permit shall be considered complete when an application meeting all of the requirements of Section R105.3 of the International Residential Code, 2003 Edition, is submitted which is consistent with all then applicable ordinances and laws. In addition, to be considered complete, such an application must be accompanied by complete applications for a subsidiary land use or development permits needed, such as a complete shoreline management permit application and/or complete applications for other discretionary permits required under the ordinances of Port Townsend. An application for a partial permit under Section R105.3.1 of the International Residential Code, 2003 Edition, shall not be considered complete unless it meets all requirements stated above and contains plans for the complete structural frame of the building and the architectural plans for the structure. or Representative For Official Use Only PermitNo.Building Official Approval Date Issued Balance Due $Date Validation Stamp below: Owner/Repres entative Signature Date P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit.doc Page 4 of 4 tJ t6t'frL-qq *4."t- ),xr6"g a*er> W-P<r'-t A G'& Wp-5' Y-&eui-<-G ) \t-lq-o*l \ L 3 #" -+ *- a z- \,LI, z"' z-n + 3 = T'bro'' luue-e-qcr-a IN trJ tl'J LO t,0 &t, LHJ , /il L^J /4( { *a,,skL-a + nA Lu -t-Rgtl,, c-t{ Fav- + Tcre-- lvv vFJwr-bLA FR tr\J N*^f 1n7rf a.e*t;'o"-: s € \+C g 4 (4O' x Lb' b Ln 6- tse o-<- p F* I r..,lr Fws 44' >a 5 Z 2 (fueS) A L' 6ue:u&A"-terl :' \-.et)ffirJ F,a@b ?6+-< tOOo6 A,,r,i u A(AS ?e* U'u C+* (f F*o""- f,eet€) WOU$+ \ooo I t,zt >( -4' r' 44.Q'-3+' ?+'il trtua N-J -{Y<eN*r4 D l.tO ,,.i ^JOv'J 6t{e ?r-S.,t-J I, qcL€ 4 (4-s. ? r?? \'l; -,4 V)ks+\*o f0 cF r(roy t9 tr \l*5".* &t'/"'tn', ,r-1tr ctTY 0t PORT TOI1JNSENI} DSD tg d L+ lv\t^,J t-rT-S ^J ffi iif Stit} 1 n J I + l f 7 + F I c o r h e r ) (tr.l,^ ^ l s l o P q , l r r , ' l h r e c 6 + " + " f P ' ; ' + t ' S/.fe r 5 ' * * 6 A I . L € Y 5 A i A 0 \ D n o ; ; 1 a ' J € A y r t ' l u € * f t , $ o a s l . f i , t 4 . l ^ t s * & , 7 , l g V ' a m q ' ; t f e v t ! . J L l n n r r k sN*9 uaz=oFq\\l*q A v l € " l l u r r 1 ' , 1 ^ d e o n < e , & r " ' + o h - StrtF-\N,tl\ l.\\.-- ? 4 ' I ' t t , r n t l n d * r y a * n L L ? d s l o p e \tu\#tl&rF55 K b A D B l T l o N + J o n l * k F Y : ; * * * u " , t q T b \ t l " d e ' t * P f \ BLK I r+ LoT$ 6 , ? i a ( w t / e ) F6,o N Z N \ t A ? Q ? v n o b + l l D u f f i a q ' € + & q R f t G F t o t 6 r o U 6 + E x ; , q l t t o j C , f u , i u l e t $ o r A " n , " q y e q . R e i n b n w d s I ? r , U " * r r \ { t { l I / \ e * , 6 l t r q f * t n ' f s & t I & r j \ t r t \ { i F 4 - * - f t F f r # , o 5 I I I i q t f t f I $ \ t t \ 6 0 3 O 6 0 \ 3 * k Z ^ A r [ 3 B { s 1 f { ' e ; ; - $ t i r e f i { + ' { t 4 a l n f f o u s e i ( t 0 r t a t d - r o ' . - / V t t s ' g5T q il +of b / / 4 5 r / f v 6 5 b - p $ e ? , l e s c n l . f , l " = Z o ' I f- CITY OF PORT TOWNSENI) DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. I | - | b -67 pERMTTNUMBER: tsLD o"7- ?-22DATB OF INSPBCTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: CONTRACTOR: I n lrt't'P; PHONE:,?95- ll42 TYPE OF INSPECTION:Po rr", 'l-p-.,t 4a tt uj-, lD m t 4-l l4v 0 ,n /'L) ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will tle checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. + J-Inspector Date L*d Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. */,A. /d ryr,r"rl TABLE 6-1 PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTSOJ FOR GROUP R OCCUPANGY CLIMATE ZONE 1 * Reference Case 0- Nominal R-values are for wood frame assemblies only or assemblies built in accordance with Section 601.1 1. Minimum requirements for each option listed. For example. if a proposed design has a glazing ratio to the conditioned floor area of l3yo, it shall comply with all of the requirements of the 15Yo glazing option (or higher). Proposed designs which cannot meet the specific requirements of a listed option above may calculate compliance by Chapters 4 or 5 of this Code. 2. Requirement applies to all ceilings excepl single rafler or joisl vaulted ceilings complying with note 3. 'Adv'denotes Advanced Framed Ceiling. 3. Requirement applicable only to single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings where both (a) the distance between the top of the ceiling and the underside of the roof sheathing is less than I 2 inches and (b) there is a minimum 1-inch vented airspace above the insulation. Other single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings slrall comply with the "ceiling" requirements. This option is limited to 500 square feet of ceiling area for any one dwelling unit. 4. Below grade walls shall be insulated either on the exterior to a minimum level of R-10, or on the interior to the same level as walls above grade. Exterior insulation installed on below grade walls shall be a water resistant material, manufactured for its intended use, and installed according to the manufacturer's specifications. See Section 602.2. 5. Floors over crawl spaces or exposed to ambient air conditions. 6. Required slab perimeter insulation shall be a waler resistant material" manufactured for its intended use, and installed according to manufacturer's specifications. See Section 602.4. l - lnt. denotes standard framing l6 inches on center with headers insulated with a minimum of R-10 insulation. 8. This wall insulation requirement denotes R-l 9 wall cavity insulation plus R-5 foam sheathing. 9. Doors, including all fire doors, shall be assigned default U-factors from Table 10-6C. 10. Where a maximum glazing area is listed, the total glazing area (combined vertical plus overhead) as a percent of gross conditioned floor area shall be less than or equal to that value. Overhead glazing with U-factor of U-0.40 or less is not included in glazing area limitations. 11. OverheadglazingshallhaveU-factorsdeterminedinaccordancewithNFRCl00orasspecifiedinSection502.l .5, 12. Log and solid timber walls with a minimum average thickness of 3-5" are exempt from this insulation requirement. Glazino U-Factor Option Glazino Arealoi % of Floor Vertical 1Overheadl Door I U-Factor Ceilin92 Vaulted Ceiling3 Walll2 Above Grade Wall. inla Below Grade Wall. ,4EXI Below Grade Floors Slab6 on Grade t.10%0.32 0.58 a-20 R-38 R-30 R15 R-15 R-10 R-30 R-10 ll.*15o/"0.35 0.58 4.20 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-2'l R-10 R-30 R-10 il1. \ 25% Group R-1 and R-2 Occupanci es Onlv 0.40 0.58 o.20 R-38 / U=0.031 R-30 / U=0.034 R-21 I U=0.057 R-15 R-10 R-30 / U=0.02 9 R-10 Unlimited Group R-3 and R-4 Occupanci es Onlv 0.35 0.58 o.20 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 V Unlimited Group R-1 and R-2 Occupanci es Onlv 0-35 0.58 o.20 R.3B i U=0.031 R-301 U=0.034 R-21t U=0.057 R-15 R-10 R-30 / U=0.02I R-10 GTON STATE ENERG CODE2006 wA City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend WA 98368 (360) 319-5095 Fax (360) 344-4619 Washington State Energy Gode 2006 Edition Ctimate Zone 1 - Type R-3 and R-4 Changes for Single Family and Duplex Construction The following is a list of code changes that will effect construction of single family and duplex homes in Climate Zone 1. This is not a comprehensive list of changes. To see all the changes, download a new copy of the code and look for a vertical bar in the margin indicating a change in the code. Building Envelope Prescriptive Options Table 6-1. Option l, the U-faclor for windows changed to U-.032. Glazing is limited to 10% of floor area. ' Option ll, the U-factor for windows changed to U-.035-. Oplion ]V, the U-factor for windows changed to U-.035- There may be an increased use of window U-factor averaging when using the prescriptive method. Applicants may show compliance by providing area weighted average U-factor for all of the windows. With a more stringent standard the use of averaging may increase. The applicant must submit a detailed window schedule demonstrating compliance. Component Performance Table 5-1. The target window U-factor changed to U-.035. The target wall U-factor changed to U-.057. Doors 602.6 Exterior Doors. One unregulated door up to 24 square feet is still allowed.. Glazed doors are considered to be windows.. All opaque doors must meet the door U-factor requirement ln the past, any door could be called a window when included in the glazing percentage. Now, when using the prescriptive options, opaque doors must meet the U-0.20 requirement. An insulated fiberglass or thermally broken steel door will usually meet the U-factor requirement Single Rafter Joist: Table 6-1, footnote 3 Table 5-1, footnote 3. lf there is room in the joist for R.38 insulation, R-38 is reguired. This applies to all single rafter joist 13" or greater in depth.. R-30 single rater joist now limited to 500 square feet of roof area. Additional rafter area must use R-38 insulation. Chapter 9 Prescriptive Space Heating System Sizing Deleted. See IRC M1401.3.. 5O3.2.2 Size limited to 150% of healing load Replaced by IRC Section M1401.3. Heating and cooling equipment shall be sized based on building loads calculated in accordance with Air Conditioning Contractors of America Manual J or other approved heating and cooling calculation methodologies. Manual J is a heating and cooling heat load calculation method. This method takes some training. See their web site for d eta i ls. http : llvvi nff . acca. orq/tech/man uati/ WSU has developed a spread sheet for WSEC Chapter 5 code qualification^ We call this the CPworksheet. This spread sheet will also provide a simple heating system size calculation that is roughly equivalent to manual J. Limit the use of this spread sheet to electric resistance or combuslion equipment sizing- Do not use this spread sheet to size heat pumps or air conditioners, This spread sheet is available on our web site. Washington State University Extension Energy Program Energy Gode Support Email : enerqycode@energv.wsu.edu Phone: 360 956-2042 . Gary Nordeenr Mike McSorley. Chuck Murray Residential Energy Gode Supporto Energy and Ventilation Code Text. Residential Gomponent PerformanceWorksheets. Residential Builders Field Guide http ://www.ene rgv.ws u. ed ulcod e/code s u pport.cfm For Non residential energy code support, Visit the NEEC web site. http:l/www.neec.neUresou rces/resou rces. html f -; The following table shows typical insulation requirements for single rafter joist. lf the table notes R*38, then R-38 is required. Footnote 3, Table 6-1 or 6-2 Prescriptive Rafter lnsulation Based on Fiberglass Batts Nominal Actual Max depth with 1 " ventilation First 5OO SF Over 5OO SF R-value R-value 2X10 9114"B 114"R-30 HD2 Note I 2X12 11 1t4"1A 114"R-30 R-38 HD2 2X'14 13114"13114"R-38 R-38 l-Joist 9112"B 1t2"R-30 HD2 Note 1 l-Joist 11 718"10 7t8"R-30 R-38 HD2 l-Joisl 14"13"R-38 R-38 l-Joist 16"15"R-38 R-38 Note 1 HD2 Upsize joist or provide an alternative method meeting U-.027 Refers high density fiberglass batt or equivalent. A take off noling rafter area will be required. ldentical rules are included in 5-1 . They will be incorporated into the UA trade off spreadsheet, 5O2 -4 -4 Recessed Lighting Fixtures Must now be tested for air leakage using ASTM E2B3 A gasket or caulking must seal the fixture to the dnirwall Other options for fixture air sealing, including field inspection and a sealed box have been deleted. This has been an option in Washington since 1991. California mandated tesling for air tight can lights two years ago. Since then, every major manufacturer has come on board. The fixtures are readily available. Look for the label in the can. lf the can is not labeled, it does not comply. 505.3 Outdoor Lighting: Requires high efficiency lighting or controls for all porch lighting High Efficiency Luminaire is defined in Chapter 2. Typically requires a pin based compact fluorescent fixture As an exception to the High Efficiency Luminaire, a molion sensor + photo daylight control may be used. 505.4 Linear Fluorescent Fixtures: . This rule applies to typical fluorescent tube fixtures. Linear fluorescent fixtures must be fitted with T-B (1" diameter) or smaller lamps (but not T 10 or T-12lamps) a a a a o I Residential Buildinq Plans Checklist City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 Fax: (360) 3,M46{9 5 nrcw 7/Name V Permit# This checklist is for new dwellings, additions, remodelS and garages. The purpose is to show what you intend to build, where it will be located on your lot, and how it will be constructed. In addition to this form, please srrhmit: o Residential Building Permit Application form o Sensitive Areas Questionnaire o 2001 Washington State Energy Code forms. Use either prescriptive forms, or component performance forms with calculations. o Washington State Energy Code Construction Checklist o Two sets of plans. 18" x24" plan sheet size is preferred. Plans must be to scale. Yq": | ft. is preferred. o If an architect has signed your plans, one set must have an original signature and wet stamp on each page. o For structures that require engineering (including pole structures, sunrooms, dormers of a certain size, "irregularly shaped" structures) provide two copies of calculations from a Washington ticensed Architect or engineer. One set must have an original signature and wet stamp. For New Residential l-)welling Consfnrction also srrhmif: . Street/Utility Development Permit application, or Minor Improvement Permit application if water and sewer are already stubbed to the property. For any utility extensions, provide engineered plans. r Two additional copies of the site plan for Public Works (three sets if a septic system is proposed). Please also include one reduced 8-ll2'x 11" size site plan. NOTE: Elecnical Permits are required by the State of Woshington Department of Labor & Industries (L&1. Contact L&I at (360) 417-2700for more information. P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit Plans Checklist.rtf Rev. l/25106 Page I of4 List the pagf-xunher in the left column for each item that you have included on your plans. PAGE # SITE / PLOT PLAN PAGE# FOUNDATIONPLAN ,1.Legal description, parcel number, narne, address and telephone number of property owner/applicant, includins cellular ohone if available. v Property lines and dimensions, including all interior lot lines. +All building lines and exterior dimensions (including all dwelling and accessory structures). +Setbacks from property lines and buildings including structures on neighboring lots. (Indicate roof overhans- C)verhans mav extend into setback area a maximum of two feet.) +Driveways, walkways, patios, decks and porches. ,/On-site parking (Two 9'x 19' spaces required for new residential construction. These spaces may be orovided in a sarase.) Trees: Diameter, species name, location and canopy of existing significant trees in relation to proposed and existing structures, utility lines, and construction limit line. "significant trees" are those with a minimum diameter of 12 inches measured at 4-ll2 feet above average grade. Identify all significant trees to be removed by placing arr "x" on them, and circle those trees that will remain. Significant trees removed in relation to and necessary for the construction of buildings, parking and driveways in connection with the issuance of a building permit are exempt. Exempt activity requires a yritten exemption issuefl by the Director of Building and Community Development. -A/" lof, UerodAf +Street narnes, road easements and easements of record. v Existing and proposed utilities, service lines and pipe size. Slope of land (grade and direction) nln If there is 40Yo or more impervious surfaces on the lot, submit an impervious drainage system, indicating squre footages on drainage site plan and method of detention. NIA Waterfront property: indicate bank height, setback between building and top of bank or bluff, all creeks, drainage corridors, etc. For new exterior construction, include all structures on either side within 300 feet and their setbacks nl*Existing and/or proposed septic system, if applicable. Please provide an extra set of plans for the County Health Department. Footings, piers, and foundation walls (including interior footing or pier locations). Post and beam sizes and spans; detail beam/post and posVpier (or footing) positive connection. Beam pockets or method of securing beam ends. Floor joist size, material grade, layout and spans. Foundation venting and calculations (l square foot of venVl50 square feet of crawl space). Crawl space access & dimensions. Plumbing sizes and locations of foundation penetration. Vapor retarder on crawlspace ground (6 mil black polyethylene). P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit Plans Checklist.rtf P.ev.1125/06 Page2 of 4 PAGE# T'LOOR PLAN PAGE# WALL SECTION I Room use- size and souare footase bv floor level. I All room dimensions. I Braced wall panel locations per UBC Section 2320.11.3 and Table 23-IV-C-1 (if multi-story include length per story per Table 23-IV-C-I). I Smoke detector locations. I Stairwavs: width. rise. run. handrails. suardrails.landinss. etc I Window, skylight and door locations and sizes, with egress and safety gladng, if applicable. (Include brand/model and U factor on enersv aoolication.) I Rafter and ceiling joist size, material grade, layout and spans. Roof framing plan required if rafters, optional if trusses. Attic access location and dimensions. Plumbins fixtures. Hot water tanks, fumaces, fireplaces. solid fuel appliances and combustion air ducts. Location of whole house ventilation fan. controls and timer I Location and cfm of all other exhaust fans (i.e. bathroom. kitchen and laundrv). Type of exhaust duct material, duct path and exterior termination point of appliance vents and environmental exhaust ducts. Tvpe and location of all WSEC outside fresh air inlets. Fire blockins. I 1-hr. construction between dwelling & garage on garage side (UBC Sec. 302.4, exception #3). 3 Footing size, reinforcement (include vertical rebar) depth below natural and final grade. r't 5 Foundation wall. heisht. width and reinforcement (rebar). hold-downs if apolicable.j Anchor bolts, washers Q x2 x3ll6 square. steel) and pressure treated plates. c Thickness of floor slab. 4t Floor ioist size and spacins. under floor clearance from crawl space grade for ioists and beams. ?Floor sheathine. type and size.j Wall stud size- srade and soacins. 2 Framine to be used: standard. intermediate or advanced. --' 5 Header, size. srade, spans and insulation (if applicable). a Wall sheathins and sidins and materialjType & location of weather-resistive barrier ruBC Section 1402\. 2 Tvoe and location of vaoor retarder (WSEC 502.1.6) ?Sheetrock: thickness. tvoe and location. n Insulation material and R-value in walls above and below srade. floor, ceilins and slab 1 Rafters. ceilins ioists" trusses. with blockine and oositive connection of roof svstem to wall. 3 Ceiling height. ?Roof sheathing, roofing material, roof pitch, attic ventilation (provide calculations). P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit Plans Checklist.rtf Rev. l/25106 Page 3 of4 PAGE # EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ?/Exterior views on front, rear and sides; show all windows and doors. 1/ "1./Heieht of buildine per UBC Section 209. show roof UBC Section 31 'l/FinalvRetaining walls, if applicable. P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit Plans Checklist.rtf Rev.1125/06 Page 4 of4 Gary & Nadine Jonientz 954 Hastings Ave. Port Townsend, WA 98368 360-385-2431 home 360-460-3171 cell svharlekin@yahoo.com 10/29/07 To: City Building Departrnent Dear planner, This summer we demolished our old guest house that had been put together out of an old garage back in the early seventies. It needed more than a reasonable remodel to bring it up to code, and we need a gange. Orrr proposed building has a larger footprint. It has an existing driveway and parking area (see site plan) that will need to be enlarged slightly to utilize the third car bay. There will be no changes to existing landscaping, no tree removal. We will be out of the country for most of the winter. We hope to have permits in hand so we can start construction in tlre spring. Email will be the best means of communication. Thanks Gary " cily 0i P(]RI I0t tiYSilrD DSI] il }cT 21 2N7 b r " l ' ' / ' / 4 D u { y i t / i " 1 h L w q r ; r l I 1 r ^ ' J 1 . : r t i . , I r o i r t s u " F $ t t \ , . . J t i i r ' . ) t t i ; & , . i l , d i l r - l . ' i t s i I 1 8 67II 7 I 9 1 0 b 29TH S T 432 1 3 2 1 6 r7Ir+ 1 0 6 7 I t B A C n E c ) 1 r r r r 5 4 3 2 F r , u L U E F U ) a o 6 78 1 0 7 I 9 2 o 5 3 7 4 f r - m ' \ I d 8 0 6 7 7 I 3 l f t - I 50 o 1 2 A c 1 2 8 B F E W a t c W a ^ s t S t o r : 1 i n c h e q u a l s 1 0 0 i ' e T h i s m a p i s p r o r i d e d o n a n ' r s ' b a s i s . T h e C i t o f P o a T o s r : e r d o n o n v a r a n t b a n r w y d r . r c i n f o m a t i o n c o n t a h c d i n t h s n i ; o t t h c a c c u a c v o f a l l m a p i n i ' , l r r e s p o r o i b i l i e o f d r c u s c r . L r s c r P o t T o M s c n d m d i t s c f t p l , , e , b a s e d o n u s c r ' s u s c o f m r p i , r t l , , c t a l L " ; i l , t s E 5 Kirk Boike ARCHITECT <) 4601 Mason Street t PortTownsend WA 98368 a 360 385 6140 arch itect@su rfbest. net 2007 The calculations herein comply with the requirements of the 2006 IBC (international Building Code), IRC (International Residential Code), WFCM (Wood Frame Construction Manual), AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute), COFS/PM (cold-Formed Steel Framing -Prescriptive Method for one and two family dwellings). Prescriptive nailing, construction methods and techniques shall apply unless otherwise noted and derailed. Seismic zone: Snow load: Exterior deck load: DL (hay storage, if applic.): Dl(other): Wind speed: Wind loading: Weathering probability : Frost line depth: Termite infestation prob. : Decay probability: Winter design Temp.: Soil bearing: Calculator: Sincerely, Kirk Boike, Architect #6528 expires: 30 April2008 Sincerely Kirk D2 30psf 65psf (DL+LL) 125psf 20psf 85mph, exposure o'8" I 8psf Moderate 1g' Slight to Moderate Slight to Moderate 20 degrees F I 5 0 0psf vert ically ; 1 OOpsf/ft (bearin g), 1 3 0psf (sliding) laterally Hewlett Packard l2c with RPN data entry rFt:f,t!.E CITY OI. PtlRT IO\ryNSEND trSll D OcT 2 9 2007 Kirk Boike ARCH|TECT.]460 L/irgrzaL I at*vtrt AHAr{6i* 44 9dTo:68ft- 4po7 1 Mason Street <} PortTownsend W/- architpct@surfbest,net .!368 a 360 385 6140 LAuarE *rEwL{4T'; raFrl€,Hrz-, 7tr:1 ,ff*'u* 6528 t? 1: ti RK STATE OF W,i$titlJ*:T,)ll tt+T:ifflp l, it,t 4/ I+ -g &- 42F Cc)H9 FLOOW, **ve F4'&f la Js .a - -i b2 +4 ,}a4 g1 Fla aT. FLOc2Rr +C-t-4E.HAril4 t,a\i'c) FJ \ T I t''- I J :, ! A a Rip FO I:LLE TH€ATA T OTA L iltt II lo t2 il {iD 'o.],aLu z&:aF a.Q aaA '(tbxgYxoT'"'Lfioat- qoho .+soJzas (rax sxr4) Tolb Lol t-o lLeS(taXSXr-{) rLolb.' Lott-o .14+ ( re'X8Yii) ae\Le ?.a\ts 1q1- {a\qXzc). .Ai1:.4a(w\a\(ta\ 3L4o(CIYq\ra) b24o(r6x{)(r4) 22ub ,/:1.)./r,)/r:\ ,an t ^\t rJ\ /,:- I / L.AO tat2"8 btLo 6161 aa1 ?;{a atp Ab:o 4*1*l w & &e SHEAR.WALL SCHEDULE <{ tslrz' c-c; c-D sHEATHING M8d,s @6.o.c. (260) Q rslre" c-c; c.D sHEATHING wlBd's @ 4. o.c. (3so) $ tsrsa" c-c; c-o sHEATHING wi sd,s @ 3. o.c. (490) i& isi3z' c-c; c-D sHEATHING w gd,6 @ 2. o.c. (640)' w DoUBLE FRAMTNG @ PANEL EDdES. HOLD.OOWN SCHEDULE I STMPSON CMST 14116 (6490,4585) ( stuesoN HTTaa, oR pHDs.sDs3, oR HDUs-sDsz.s (52s0,468s,5430) (. Stl,lpSON HD8A, OR PHD6-SDS3 (6465,5860) <r SIMPSON HDQ&SDS3, oR HDe11-sDs2.S (7175,1144s) rl L4r - TKU%%€$, al€JrEe Tr-tJ1';'tr,3 e a1' a.c". ?€bt&A &y t:iAFJdzelc;lrJu;r*rz 9J - P€C,L J(]rbrb vN NO INTET(F,IEDIATE fuPfia${t 3 'Ja o ki- 1v 'ft= I'Lt f-\ 1 i r.,;' g\- PEcv IA€.AH L=1 $=LlpD W.2.640 H.Zb?4 FJ - F Vrcz Jc> lbT+ A , tL L e tt ^ - ,. I n -'L4U r\r. tr,l ,c'a,.3 ii-r J,Ll, 4 x lo F.f. L.l ,r. #2 Lt lz aF ee ub't a., ll.Q'1 '^at'yzz.t 6DnD t1-rA'rt.ttn r.rr*- t _Y.- .' .. !. t * ..€ b. rigr C-1rr-t \- r*1 r,1.!/-\1n Lt-/'!lA,A-v J- i\t 1, - Q i Y1! - i\/ i l- i t-'l-i-1*=T '-) ?AAa 4/*''WL'r'tryxw1 ( = q{eD - r,J, '- btoO , \r.,1,.= 2Z4O L- -- J;'Loo Wc" I iP OD 4 , . . (AYu&o)'y ItXzz+p) il+Xqeo) = (s) rz+ \o40 oo t4 - n4l^t<2.-.L-r Iv YLr = lCI+O ta z un;iot+tr+F-- b3 - QEVir<4€ r,(:()rl $W€rt A . a r r' - 4 at+, \rl+ l1/\r\ l*1 -- n nOA'J: i \' - Lv* . Yr *-rkrYv bv u / "A+.- Koot - b--'Li' L7'[Lt ,^l=i66 W"7335 fialoLoot+ V-4- (-;El?Ar-,q f)oota HEI.l*crF-q-Hgvl::- 6 u- l Q d = 26O W= A.OOO P1,-6,145" x lo,6't dpb h,6" x il,'LQ 'l v, L , V, =b1o lb'V.z' I I?O -tot -'-F1'z Le1.Dl). flr-- 147N :bm:,'i'ni-?'6'l V;L. 1Y,tL PF #l , 4rb Dt #4 b,lL6" { lc ,6" dLb a att o af '4 d1l{ l/ r?r.J A -lre'y Vrtp. : 1ft,$- +/b ?* l-410lb vl ,= y'oO wL- L. J ' r^Ja' ll,.gO-"',r\,4OO"' " -- d6'lQO . \ - thAA,\l ? lv.l) J aKI d- lo4h - i a*-w?:L20 lu n /rt\/a a^arn\ r /tt-Yaar.r\ - (a'l\v -i{Z Lill\ a rU tvl ' \rv^, t ter '\val*L Vt l4oa6 ?; ? !41+6 ifr= ll4'81.1 4,1c2 il16 IFIO U b(a 3e.t atrA{.u{€.D Fo(?- (-t4t C%. W lL^Lb (+rE:rl\ lxlg V, L ,*Qll , 4€,Orl A ,L6' a b,L6' r- 8" w/ n L4? e t,l{itstgl9 Erwr(t-9i # )L i,r,o ro,*" ARcHrrEcr 460! Mason Street Port Townsend, Wa g83eg 360.385.6140 urfbest.net Description F1-footing under 86 Square Footing Design l General lnformation t i..^ I ^-i Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor eeluttrn Dime4sion {n Enn !. 0.000 k 3 0.000 psf 145.00 pcf 1.330 3.50 in Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover i_-. Fy 6 4 3.000 e ,4114! n n^! -,avv,v Pe' 30,000.0 psi AOOin A-llowatrle Soi! Bearinq 1,500.00 psf R€bar Roquirement Actual F{ebaf "d" depth useo 2OOlFy As Req'd by Analysis Min. Reinf o/o to Req'd Max. Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure tvlu . AULual Mn"Phi :Capacity 4.750 in 0.0067 O.OA42 in2 0.0056 % 1,422.11pst 1,995.00 psf 3.76 k-ft As to usE per ioot of widih Total As Req'd Min Allow olo Reinf s.322inz 1,045 in2 0.0014 Footing OK 3 25ft snrrar"c y I Oin thick with 6- #4 barsv,3v,. vY*$, Max. Static Soil Pressure 1,422.11 pst Allow Static Soil Pressure 1,500.00 psf Vu ; Actual One-Way Vn*Phi : Allow One-Way Vu :Ac{ual Two-Way Vn*Phi : Allow Two-Way Alternate Rebar Selec{ions... 6 #4's 4 #5's 2 #7'8 2 #8's 43.51 psi 83.28 psi 147.35 't66.57 psi psi 3 #6's 2 #g',s 1 # 10's W a 1 Receipt Number: BLD07-222 957901405 Plan Review Fee $536.74 $150.00 Total: $150.00 $386.74 CHECK 551 I $ 150.00 Total $150.00 genprntrreceipts Fage 1 of I City of Port Townsend - 'i lrcvelopment Services Department BUTLDING NTJMBER APPLICATTON Owner: o{_uo t - lt- frJo7-fo7. FB Name of Property Mailing Address. relephone: 3bO - 4bO - ,31-7 1 froperty is located in: Addition:Block(s)+t ot(s) FaceVAccess is from: Parcel Numtrer Street Directions to the ProperW (draw viciniW map on back) If this is a new ADU, has a buitding perrnit been applied for? Xyes _No Date: I (\ - 2n - o-7 Notes:€e 3 4 qDU WFE NUMBER ASSIGNED:q f;NZe 4vs Date of Approval ilV CITY OT PClRI IOWNSEf\iD D-ci) ocT 29 m7 For address changes: U Qwest Address Managernent Center - 206-504- I 534 Application Fee Received ($3.00,'fC 2200)Date: Copy to For Use OnIv'- tr Finance OSheriff O Public Works tr Post Office tr GtS I Assessor's Office O Fire Dept O Police A DSD datatrase HI - SHERIDAN ST N) SHERID, .. { ST N) (o d_r -\- o .c c I a --{ Z trJa m J il CLEVELAND ST N (oOO N)(o-lTa --{ GISE ST GISE ST o { c @ o O HOLCOMB ST NO wzq-Jutt -anll c') N)o(Jl O o ('r a l\*o)l\b O)(o !I ! @ a 6N 6 N @ o cr'!(trl J\ \]o O a O) 1ry 1111 {j- ! H 3'gj- n c l I l N N) LJ-T l o,@ N N). Lo)tt# ---\ \(-) N)O (, ! @ @ 802 800 a G) OU N) l 854 o { @ o @ @O &g4 N -\(n j O 1 l o E N rl?lr.4\l ! O N @ r_{l @ Parcel Details P+ee-lef-2 Parcel Number: 957901405 Parcel Number: 957901405 Owner Mailing Address: GARY JONIENTZ TRSTE NADINE JONIENTZ TRSTE G & N JONIENTZ REV LIV TR 9.54 HASTINGS AVE PORT TOWNSEND WA9B36B6110 dress: NGS AVE TOWNSEND 98368 Section: 3 Qtr Section: SEII4 Township: 30N Range: lW loFl Fninter FyiemdBV & (,#*", 6qr' (. .)T r t/; 7. School District: Port Townsend (50) Fire Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1)n U'fi'o o+;;:l-l' \Kt', \',/ sv uis q ?ff* Sub Division: HASTINGS 3RD ADDITION 4S$C$$Ai_$_LSgd,U$qeS{i€- 1100 - HOUSES (single units, non-farm) Property Description: HASTTNGS 3RD ADDITTON I BLK 14 LOTS 6, 7, B(Wt/2) | | | Click on photo for larger image. ,flto g 1j LYY 1t frzlct+.(r^,A/.{R No Permit Data Available AsreJsal. Bklg Data 1t""".*, SEARCH J gf f g rss n Co u nty 'i,;"' ;';',,,ii',',,, 1ti'!f i;:t ii',;'i',,i,' 945 J eff*rcgn {ourrly' : : :::'. : i i i; :, !'., ;.NSI',t* | frOU&iTY XSIF# I ClHp&&rlYM*NTS I SfiAKCli Be$l viewfld r,vith Micro$oft Internet Hxplarcr S.0 ar later .tlE\/indows - Flac http ://www. co j efferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail. asp tU1312007 ) Project Iffirmation Permit Type Residential - Accessory Dwelling Unit Site Address 948 HASTINGS AVE Project Description New 3 car garage with ADU on second floor Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-222 NEW GARAGE WADU 957901405 Names Associated with this Project Type Name Apolicant Jonientz Gary Owner Jonientz Gary Contractor Owner Builder Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date 0 STATE exempt l2/31/2008 BIJILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s *** SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS *** Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this pernrit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the infonnation provided as a part of the application for this pennit is true and accrlrate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I anr the owner of the properfy or authorizef5enl PrintName k{vq ---Jont eotT.Z- I of the owner Datelssued: 05/05/2008 lssued By: SFOSTER C:\Documents and Settings\Tom\l\4y Documents\Business\City Contract\Plan Review & Correspondence\BlD 2009\BLD09-061 Eisenbeis Comm. Condos.doc 4t30109 /