HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-223BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Informotion Permit Type Residential - Re-Roof Site Address 1015 JEFFERSON ST Project Description Change roof from cedar to composition Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLDOT-223 98970s802 Numes Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Siefried Paul M Owner Siefried Paul M Contractor Affordable Services Contractor Affordable Services Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date Jane (360) 683-9619 (360) 683-96r9 CITY STATE 2846 1213U2007 AFFORS *06 5 0 08 I 23 I 2009Jane Fee Inforntstion Project Valuation Record Retention Fee for Reroof (R- 3 and U occupancies) Reroof Permit Fee (R-3 and U occupancies) State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Reroof Permit (R-3 and U occupancies) 7.50 40.00 4.50 5.00 Total Fees $s7.00 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verilied by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify thattheinformationprovidedasapartoftheapplicationforthispennitistrueandaccuratetothebestofmyknowledge. lfurthercertify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Date Issued lssued By: t1/09/2007 PWESTERFIELD Print Name lAarleA 1t-g - 01 pu^r CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3. Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N , PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I W AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y . ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E . PA R C E L NO . 98 9 7 0 5 8 0 2 PE R M I T NO . BL D 0 7 - 2 2 3 IS S U E D DA T E 11 t 0 9 1 2 0 0 7 D( P I R A T I O N DATE 0510712008 AD D R E S S 10 1 5 JE F F E R S O N ST CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R SI E F R I E D PA U L M PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Ch a n q e ro o f fr o m ce d a r t o co m p o s i t i o n CO N T R A C T O R AF F O R D A B L E SE R V I C E S LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS TO RE Q U E S T AN TN S P E C T I O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 s - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R ND ( T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . t/ . il u FI N A L BU I L D I N G Receipt Nunber: BLDoT-223 BLDOT-223 ', Btrf,z-223 'BLW7-223 989705802 989705802 989705802 989705802 Reroof Permit Fee (R-3 and U occup; State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Reroof Permit (l Record Retention Fee for Reroof (R- $40.00 $40.00 $4.50 $4.50 $5.00 $5.00 $7.s0 _,_* q.so Total: $57.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 CHECK 13834 $ 57.00 Total $57.00 genprntrreceipts I%ge 1 of 1 Lg/26/2A87 89: L1 36A5A29A29 AFFORDABLE c tl) ulj I'uH'l' ]'u\YNbHNu PAGE 62 il. ilr 300ii lJ:[,) Ir:\J C60 3U'1.b75 Nsme of Ltgrl Owrer(s): City, State, Zip Phonc Fro p crty Strcet Ad rl ress: Zoniag District: Legal Dsscription: Adctition Contrsctortr Namt: E-s Eflimeted Valuc of C', . ',;clion: $0 Estimatod Start Det W All consrruction del". loc.rttion in rccords n i' (Contin:ed on odrer "l' ) $.BcdJr{rroib\hrot\R.Fftr$ !', r r rrd* c5n4t2oo? .i, uvl.bG deposittd ln Jefferson County Lsndflll or other approved . ,lr tlt locrlf rtrte end federxl luws- Buruing il prohibitcd. City of Port Townrread Building & CommunrtY DcvelgPogrtt Watcrtosn & Kxz Futlding l8l QuiDcY Suect' Suite 30 I Port Tonnseud' WA 98368 (360) 379-12{JE vax: (1601 185"',1671 Lo(s) tion Date:.-&7- Enimued Cornpletion Date : \li vs \ .Fur R$SIDANTIAL roofing (1 & 2 ifnmily dweUirgt) * pernit is requircd for stnrcfurul atterstlour including repfr.ii'g roof raftcfu, tddini roof rhcathintr and -replacing n cedrr roof ,nirl , ramporitio";of, Prdlt cost ls $1d4.50, plff! attime of appllcafon submittsl' h;;;;,ilt i ncethd to simply rc-roo|an uisting single'fttttily raidcnct or dupler' BED AND BREAKFA5Tq IvfIJLTI-FAIVIILY end coMltIE"RCraL buildings l.lwrv-r rcquire a permit for rny rooflng work Cos( h U*J on tbc Uniform Building Code building Permit fce for t , ioU ""luliion. plin rtviaw fre s,ilt bc thrrged fpr 1o,lplgr projccts. NOTE: Urrreinforged-*"*rtry UJdinE;T sttal havi parapet braci'g-snd wall anchors ir$sled et the roof line.urd Aesign"Jil s'ccorOtilie with $ection +it of tlrs CSRED (Guidelines for the Rehabiliterion of Exifiig Buitdings), $et Stafffor rnoro information' B LD$T - 2)3 t 3 Marling Address;e Iv{ailing Mdress: Ciry, State, Zip: Phooc: Date Labor and Induscries r,. - r.isc # Business "'""nt" ,;i, Page I of3 t8/26/2AA7 E9: L1 3645829829 : lrir,i(r(Ji lJ:(l{ 1..{.\ Jtiu Jtj0 Erirtiut roof typc; o Composition ts- Cedar D Torchdown or Hot.Mop O Mctal D Other AFFORDABLE (. Il) uJ'rut(l luwi\$Ei\u PAGE 83 0 Plcrsc chccklGS or'NO er nppllcrbl€ I, Is thc structure a ringle-fernily residence or duplefT The Woshington State Enerry Codc flffSEC) rtartes b, Secdm 101.3,2,5 tM if (lre ruf sheetirry is bemg replacal if acleriq lnsaldion is remst'ed d lf no inwlafien erisls, lhy ro<{ wcr a heated swce rrusi be irntkted.to R.38 in wt otd R-30 in a vaultd csili 2, Is thc u+rusturu e F'ed qnd Bred6st, Muhi-Faurily or Corumercial building? If the roof sheting is being rqlace{ if eari* lnsulmion Is removed or if no insulation drls, tlu rwf oun a hentcd spue nu.Et be lnslateil lo values tn .Table Ii.I of rhe Washington StUe Enn'gt Codz (WSEQ: far elecflc heat R-38lo rooj's owr anic, R-30for all ather it@Is: Iot al! other heat ffi tncluding heat punps R-30 for roofs over R.2I all other 3. lc the $ructure a building or business'locattd in the }lrstoric Dis'fiut? Rc'.iew ' by the Hrstorip Prcscrvation Committee (I{PC) io roquired if a di-Ferent roofi,ng a different color, is being applied. (Single+'smily residcrrccs ar. See Stafffor the HFC forms, 7. Will raftcrs or fii-rssrs bc replaced or altered? Uyes, a roof frnming plan is rcquired Propored roof typcr t04omporition D Ceder D Torchdown or Hot N{op tr Metal D Otber YES NO V ( t (4, Is the druchrro locirted within 200 feet of a fiesh or salrwater shoreline? lf yes, a Shorelrrres Permit rnry b€ required. Please discuss locarion witb rraff 5 \Yill work tal<e placo on or nedr the public right-of-way? Lf yes, please provide a eire plsn.{t I( 6. Will she$thing be rrplaced? If yes, h nnrst bo mininnrm 7/15" ext$rior structural pa-rci. Nusber of cri.utlng rcof layerr I Roor rquerc rootrgr: jJ.tfn {) - Type of veotitrg; Must be a least: 0 t *q.ft. per 150 q. ft. of attic roof are4 or0 I rq. ft- pcr 300 sq. ft if 50% of veots are locEted $ leact 3 foe ebove osye gr cornioo or E perrnaf,cnt vapor barrier is irutalled on wrrrn side of attic irwulation.0 Please provide cal"..rtations forvenring: (Roof Aquaro footage + 150 or 300) t$ulJqoib\fors\RsoE-ug P@ir. doc 05/1.1/t002 Pegc 2 of 3 LAl26t2Ag7 89:11 3645S29829 t:tr.tt,4vuJ lJ;uJ I{I J6u Jd5 1 AFFORDABLL ciTl' 0F PoRf Tolv},lsEND PAGE g4 E ooz70 Ap plica n t Certlllcrtlon The app[cant hereby cerlifies to hrve knowledge of those sections of the Uniforrn Buildilg Code end the Pon Torvnsend Municipnl Codc pertinent to the sbove project end thet the applicant is resporsible for constructing in conformance with there codes; the applicam understands that ttre permiq if issued, rrxpires in six monthe unless work ir Etarted; thet the Permilr sner construction has sterted, nriil expire a-fter one year if an inspection is not made to sh$w ciriffcaEt progtees oa tho'stuctr.rre; the applicanr trEre€E to abide by the ordinances; codeq regulations, resuictive co\ren&nrc, dee<t or plat restricnions, aud water efld flewe( plans attached hereto; the *pp[cant certifies that all irrformEtion given ab<rve ard on accompanying planr is complcrte and accurde to the best of their lnowledge; rnd the applicanr understands thri'this information will be relied upon in grenting permits end thst is such information is leter found to be inaccurate arry pecrnim nsy ba wirhdrrwn. The underrigned hereby s.Bvea :md holds rhe Ciry of Pon Towasend harnrJese from eny and dl csuses of acriory judgmenu, clidrne, er demurds, 0r from any liabiUry of aty narure ttisiog ftom any non'compiialce with any restrictiv€ covdnants, plat restrictiorrs, deed reFtrictio*r, or other renrictione whiclr may have been esteblished by parties other rhan the City of Port Towns€nd. Complete Applicetion Port Towne€nd Municipel Code, Soction 16.04.140, Veated fugils - Substantialiy Complete Building ?ermit Applioation: Applioadons for dl lurd uso and devoloprnenl pwmhe required under ordirrancos of the City nhs,ll be considered under the zoning and other lgnd uE€ control ordinances in effsct on tho datc a fully oornplete building perrnit spplicatiort'meeling the requiroments identified in this soctioq is filod wiih tho Building and Community Development. Until a complote building pennit applirntion is filed, all applioations for land use arrd dcveloprnurr permitu shal be reviewodl subjoot to flny zoning or oth€r land use coritrol ordinarrces which becorne efFective prior ro the dats of issus.nc€ of a final decision by the City on the applicrtion. fui application of o building permit shall bs sonsiderod corupleto wfron an application rneeting all of tho requirerrnonts of Soction I0'6,3 of tho curentty edopted Uniform Building Code ie submined which is coruisreffi with all then applioablo ordiaenc€r snd laws, In additioq to be considered completq such un rpplication must bc eccompaniad by complete epplicatioru for a zubsidiary lend us€ or d$/eloprncnt psmits nceded such a5 a eomplste shoreline managauent permit application end/or conrplete applicationo for othcr discrqtionsry pormito required under the ordinances of Porr Townscnd, An.applicarion for a partial permit under Section IO6.4.l of the u:rreutly adopre'd sdition ofthe Urtfonn Building Code shail not b€, considered complete unless it meets all requirenentt Etated &bove gad cortsins the canplete sFucturel frarae of the building and the architernrrel plrru for the structure. n(til64rl 1 /0,rup"[f Sl-g[tureoflAbp[cariloifi Giorizea][epreserrtative Date For Oflicinl Usc Ouly i Buildins bficiat epprovA I I 1j I \\Bcd_lxmiur\fu'ru\Roofi .g PqniL dor, }s!t4nw2 Page 3 of3 LA|26/2AA7 0e:11 3685829829 DATE: OI,YMPIC DTVERS ' ATT'ORDABLE CRAFIEN NC' 25S663 EIGHWAY I.OI WEST SEQUIM' WASHIT'IGTON 9 83s2-7426 s60-6E3-9619 * 360-452-0840 *FAX E-IVIAIL i ketch um@ueintouch"com 350-s82-9029 PAGE 6L TO: t COMP STIB.IECT; TOTAL PAGrcS (including cover 'illza;L ddvig rnL dvUM /l)wo 'frwrunl l0-2q 'o-7 *, {en* ul resrCenfua,l U fees c-re $sV ev€h -/ess &'(/,'- t;ub, 7h eon *aes 41.vw on rcp?uS Fermt &re Corn n erua I 'fl.ty ts (IPage bil,l.5 rcPrted, VWe kx.b ?ennf nt be sen+ fo ou eh@- Yerz re-cct t/ecl \---flhanlcs