HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-199') ) BIJILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Proiect Informalion Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 1005 31ST STREET Project Description NEW SFR Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-199 NEW SFR 948003404 Names Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Plice William A Owner Plice William A Representative Johnson Thomas E Contractor Nordland Construction Contractor Nordland Construction Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date 0- o- CITY STATE 7n2 t2/3U2007 NORDLCNgfi A88012009 *** SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS *X* Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certiSz that I am the owner ofthe property or authorized agent ofthe owner. Date lssued lssued By: 1t/20t20a7 PWESTERFIELD Print Name Development Services WWW Residential Building Permit Application F Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150) See the "Residential Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. Property Owner: t Name: 'W)Lt ihttl P V"unV pLf Ce Address: Po RoX l7-l?> City/SVZip Phone: Emai Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Nam Project Valuation: S L\OO , OOO Building lnformation (square feet) 1'tftoor La 2-1 carage: 9 cl b 2"d'floor /'--Deck(s) 3'd floor Porch(es): 6O 8AJ7RY Basementf ls it finished? Yes No Carporl: -o- Other: Manufactured Home !ADU D RemodeliRepair !Nu* &/Addition I c N grrLl Address lt-5 PTTAIA eQ 6<L Pt City/SUZip : AfoPAl Lxtts . vtA qA?<?' Phone: 1bn - 171 - lL1 + Email: N ok/, L4 MD ('oN StLn c-l' i t: r,./ { h,/ Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint): Square feet: 16 ,lLt 0 T" 7-2- fmperviousSurface: \ g wrg Squ are feet: ?lt-j Any known wetlands on the property? Y Any steep slopes (ttsY.){9 N I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authorized lo act on behalf of the owner and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Print Name T\oh.ttS E, {6H(So,( nutur":T^tn ", n -, e, 0"rlurrrl-or, / i, Project Address: / a7t 3zs* J=/. 4,/?,oo7+oft ataA ac:3tosParcel # Legal Description (or Tax #): Addition: Dt4^l De4 PI-AC L Block: 9q to , ll ,lL-Lot(s): Proiect oescriRtion:g ) 9i uet-c ?Anrg-{ l) MuLtJN (r- Address: l/-Z ht,r/t ere ock PL Phone: 9k,t - -7'l'f ' l?1+ Business License #: OO 1 t -?. I 2 q City Co r'- Email State License #: CityiSVZip: sig ,r Date 1 IB a RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST This checklist is for new dwellings, additions, remodels, and garages, The purpose is fo show what you intend to build, where it wil! be located on your lot, and how it will be constructed. n Residential permit application. I Washington State Energy & Ventilation Code forms tr T,wo (2) gets of plans with North arrow and scaled, no smaller than Yo" = 1 fool: X A site plan showing: 1. Legal description and parcel number (or tax number), . 2. Property lines and dimensions 3. Setbacks from all sides of the proposed structure to the property lines in'accordance with a' pinned boundary line survey 4. On-site parking and driveway with dimensions 5. Street names and any easements or vacations 6. Location and diameter of existing trees 7. Utility lines B. lf applicable, existing or proposed septic system location 9. Delineated critical areas boundaries and buffers f Foundation plan: 1- Footings and foundation walls 2. Post and beam sizes and spans 3. Floor joist size and layout 4. Holdowns 5. Foundation venting -l Floor plan: 1. Room use and dimensions : 2. Braced wall panel locations 3. Smoke detector locations 4. Attic access 5. Plumbing and mechanical fixtures 6. Occupancy separation between dwelling and garage (if applicable) 7 - Window, skylight, and door locations, including escape windows and safety glazing i Wall section: 1. Footing size, reinforcement, depth below grade 2. Foundation wall, height, width, reinforcement, anchor bolts, and washers 3. Floor joist size and spacing 4- Wallstud size and spacing 5. Header size and spans 6. Wall sheathing, weather resistant barrier, and siding material 7. Sheet rock and insulation 8. Rafters, ceiling joists, lrusses, with blocking and positive connections 9, Ceiling height 10. Roof sheathing, roofing material, roof pitch, attic ventilation ll Exterior elevations (all four) with existing slope of the land in relation to all proposed structures I lf architecturally designed, one set of plans must have an original signature I lf engineered, one set of plans must have one original signature I For new dwelling construction, Street & Utility or Minor lmprovement application 1TY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT # BLJA(fl -Iqq SCOPE OF WORK: /-1.r,-, =StrR- DArE RECETvED q - lq -oa DATE ACTION INITIALSq*n - D*r ENTERED TNTO CHET V1 t1tr* CA - to Planning - No evidence lt CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS Q-t4 -D"/{\0rtlI l0/zlh'z Ktr K-{r tDIt/,\1 t Alnt/1.1 (t''VPaA &lvo. f f. (v) \'lU = i l*# (t,.r .7 il l{lht cl 5t< t f /li zp7 l -Su -rI I l'2O- n7 Inspection ort Project Permit #e7- 11? Date Inspector lnspection & Notes \4e[n LY t).^,\*.- t\*\" D \,-J \t t4/,2 *U -Y-+ ^=ir *"L"^)- e)o)'^--r C= l"-L\ I/rA*\s-tr*t- s,\^e.* o .^A:** i-u-r "X \ Pu)rr, fttll . lr'lsu vfti0u)q,*u,J ,,L?Gt- I I L Ttog=a/bp LPe v/r".fr4L(u- A)aJa * {.rA,; 'l[tk:a Y.:4,l\l \- 2 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. A?7 2AA1f PERMIT NUMBER: ,4T.AA7 -/Q9DATE OF INSPECTION: SITEADDRESS: /dai 4 /sr.Ir PROJECT NAME: Pztqe &stoarcc CONTRACTOR: tUarzez ato CONTACT PERSON:PHONB: TYPEOFINSPECTION: ZPG ,PsZ, t'vsPezrTa.v &,7a,€ a.c 7- ?- a/ 6r /t/,qDg / zz>r, d g.' z-Pe ./Fa 5aa /, /5 ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and avoilable at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. \ .,i CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPVENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT\ INSPECTION REPORT -F or inspections, call the Inspection Line at f 60-383-2 294 by 3:00 PM the day bef'ore you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. ..- )\./DATE OF INSPECTION. ')*aL? a'y' / i-Qot PERMIT NUMBBR:.dtaaV -/a? SITE ADDRESS: l0 o*f *9 ,/s r fr PROJECT NAME: fE I C C EE'S I Ag,V '-E CONTRACTOR: NA,' PT 4 ,\r D CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TypEoFINSpECTION: L/-C /2Frz /.1/.tP€'zrra/v ttepa"r ap 7- ?* ay fr ll/"t1t)t / r't?ryl .d 3.' L.l2& -*<-*t,-f tFc 5ao a. f5' ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED CaIl for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspectionfee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. I l CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF' INSPECTION: 1'q -g PERMIT NUMBER: 7 - N1 SITE ADDRESS:sr PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION:fi la.u rb " /eorza FlnA JEA:LL; t,uffiq a V'{J ,I t ,2..\ nQe.r v ^) -- h\'c( '/-7 iu " )(- c il +fnza^\ "/ ! APPROVED Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and availqble qt time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection f,not APPR''ED1\ Call for re-inspection before proceeding. For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT 3:00 PM the day before you want by 3:00 PM Friday.the inspection.For Monday inspections, call rol/ksNK DATE OF'INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PBRSON: TYPE OF'INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: t ! APPROVED x..'! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection APPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date 7*8loL Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. 87/89/2A6A 16:22 3663794451"JEFF CO PERMI I'{SULATION CERTIFICATE PAGE A3/A3 ,tl,i,1il1r lii ,l:i ;:illiri WoffiiflF 'Insu latiorlP.O. Box-2ag7, port Angetes, wA gs362 (360) 681-O4&Q rwahin" ":::?;#l'1,.;rt ril armer! THls ls ro 'ERTTFY rTl rN AccoRDANcE.wrH rHE cuRRENr r,T:lyAL pERFoRMANcE .TANDARD*(wAsHrNGroN srArE cooE) o*;pia;f; lg^*r^r+-rl lou eEeN rNl;[iilrr rre BUTL'TNG PROPERT.I ADDRESS: OWNER: BUIi DER: ATTIC TYPE OF MATERIAI- RLOWN TYFE OF MATERIAL: *EX;TERIOR WAI.LS TYPE OF MerERrAL, FLOORS TYPE OF MNT.ERIAI VAPOR BARRIERS TYP€ OF MATERIAL: DUCT/PIPE WRAP TYPE OP MATERIAL :_?Tu]o 1sl DTCffIPTtgN OF INSULATION MANUFACTURER KNAUF KNAUF TFIICKNESS R.VALUE .FIBERALAS FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS FIEERGT-AsS VISqUEEN FIBERGLASS tt R-5t KNAUF FLOOR VEO c & F INSU|-AT|oN, tNc"t_ CFINS l!056DW NSTND -- A SUB-CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S REG N')bb0/- /a7 "Li Le JUL - I zor;s e'd --1 6rEO- t89-09 crly 0F POR] I()l/V ]NSNI J J dgt rr9 BO O0 tn1- 87/69/2A68 16i22 3663794451 ll[I]: -l Iellemon tounly Deparlmeil 0l 0ommmlu Devsl0unom 621 $h0rldan $lmel Port lwn$eRil,1T[ 98368 JEFF CO PERMI PAGE 61/63 -rlf, ilil1$IllfTll,-q4 Y TO: PJ0t[:-3 FfiX: <q{s ffiM Fffilfi: AshLeg sche'l'f;^.. ffiffi @aa)sry'44so l rl E[] EI] VE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DSD JUL _ 9 2()OB 67/09/2AAB 16,22 3663794451 Phane #36A-SS|-0490 Fur {l 380-6AI-0949 Em ai l #sdes@can dlinsu l atio n. c o m P.o, Bor2l9? Port lblgtplas, l*nshlagnon geg6g Data: f,ttention: JEFF CO PERMTTCET{S l PAGE g2/O3 Ilacsirnite Transrnittal C & Flnsulation, Inc 3-]q-L1qsl cFNSir'056DW 'r{c lcr LUotu P' rdd{ -4JcnFrom:Cs- Numberof pagres (including th{s cover): Comrnent(s): tr? {i"(l{i-ilv{fr[} JuL 09 ffi rttftftt0N t0tl[ll{ [t$ Replytegucilei: D ?es ll frra JUL - 9 2OOB CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DSt] tbiltE lh t'ol Ebe0- IBs-o90 NnL[HlnsNI J oNU c dso:ro Bo Eo tnr CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R D CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3. Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N . PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E O OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y , ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E , PA R C E L NO . 94 8 0 0 3 4 0 4 PE R M I T NO . BL D 0 7 - 1 99 IS S U E D DA T E 11 1 2 0 1 2 0 0 7 EX P I R A T I O N DA T E AD D R E S S 1O O 5 3l S T S T R E E T CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R PL I C E WI L L I A ] V I A PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N NE W SF R CO N T R A C T O R NO R D L A N D CO N S T R U C T I O N LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS r NS p Ec r r o N *= o u * 13 fr ES Y =' T # ff :S ? H t r - H i , [i ' 3 ' , r ' f f i f ft k' DA y r Ns p Ec r o N 05t18t2008 7 wv * L t- o,u-/ )g bt l ,/ r 4 7- / - z *{T. 44 ME C H A N I C A L IN S U L A T I O N GW B FI N A L PU B L I C WO R K AD D R E S S NU M B E R S SM O K E DE T E C T O R S FI N A L BU I L D I N G K ,,al ' r '' ) tO ^- / / - 7- t L t - i z" l L l " X- t , l ' ul l t aJ t f wp w{ , ER O S I O N CO N T R O L SE T B A C K S SU R V E Y PI N S FO O T I N G UF E R FO U N D A T I O N WA L L Fo u n d a t i o n dr a i n SL A B FL O O R FR A M I N G SH E A R W A L L & HO L D O W N S SA F E T Y GL A Z N G ES C A P E WI N D O W S FR A M I N G AI R SE A L PL U M B I N G PL U M B I N G WT R PI P I N CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DArE oF INSPBCTIoN: 7'[€*K PERMIT NUMBER: SITEADDRESS: d so f :e ( tfi q PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION:M Ittlfrr,tv L->II o lle , r,IprS ,*PQllr'artuV V L,R fLrya-iDh-V ,( /AFP@B\>Wtar-- Te S#/€LTtrzaaK Mnusc: Wffi<> /-kcK-+\) D>o),nt-l hfu mG rAr(r,r u#nAA) (/ ! APPROVED N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Date N NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. /')t/-7 .-l (-: Ku- U\>' (.)Insp il r ,/v ector U"],KM1A" Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and avoilable ctt time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: T-XqI-K - SITEADDRESS: flOOKJF PERMIT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PBRSON:PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION:v u .// L J L l^)/-Vv es u.su {t)qr t- ! APPROVED Inspector ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Date I X *otAPPRoVED / 1' Call for re-inspection before proceeding. ?.-il14-K Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: Z-\'l'-OY PERMIT NUMBER:Tv1 SITE ADDRESS:1 oo{ 1t tt PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION:LU v L u €' a-hJ ([ tr APPROVED Inspector wnnri N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Date I !.rlror APPRovEDI Call for re-inspection before proceeding. 2'iz-ad Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. C I T Y O F P O R T T O W N S E N D } E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S D E P A R T . q S l , Q u i n c y S f r e e t , S u i t e 3 0 1 4 , P o 4 T o w n s e n c . , / 8 3 6 8 F L U M B I N G C E R T I F I C A T I O N P R E S S I J R E ' T E S T I B U I L D I N c o w u e n J L l q e e P n n B s s l r j < P L U M B I N q C O N T R A C T O N R O g g , I - " . ' \ ? U ' ' \ f ! ' N L L I C E N S E f f n o u c u - I N P L U M B T N G t r F I N A L W A T E R S E R V I C E P S I A i r t A H e a d , S M i n u t e s T i m e p E R M r r # v l - b b a - i 7 q D A T E O F - 2 8 - o s # f 4 n A B { z - ? c - 6 ? - 3 L S G t r G R O T J N D W O R K D W V / ^ ( \ P r q s s u r a M i n n f e s N o T E : T E S T I N G R E Q U I R E M E N ' T $ ( s p C T I o N 3 I 8 . U N I F O R M P L U M B I N G c o D D l V f f i { I M U M S : ! V , q t e r T e s t - ! 0 ' H e a { - 1 5 M i n u t e s T e s t a t W o r k i n g p r e s u r e A i r T e s t - 5 # P $ - 1 5 M i n u t e s 5 0 # p s l - 1 5 M i n u t e s CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. lG=-o7 07- IDATE OF INSPECTION: SITEADDRESS: IO= VTST PERMIT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: PU C€ CONTACT PERSON:-TbYh ;TT2h NSON Lon PHONE:ry7</- /zCONTRACTOR: TYPE OF INSPECTION:€ourwl$fioN b+l t -7 ! APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 pM the day before you want the inspection. tr'or Monday inspections, cail by 3:00 pM Friday. TE OF INSPECTION:-5-PERMIT NUMBER: T?I-.bn7- lg q -""SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: 1 -74 ta7 4114 Q-ob9;fuLa*TYPE OF INSPECTION: { ttl[.4, t\ Li ! APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOT APPROVET) Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Insp ector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available ot time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready.for inspection. ) BIJILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 1005 31ST STREET Project Description NEW SFR Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-199 NEW SFR 948003404 Fee Information Project Details Decks - Residential (Covered) Dwellings - Type V Wood Frame Private Garages - Wood Frame Project Valuation Site Address Fee Building Permit Fee Energy Code Fee - New Single Farrily Unit Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential PIan Review Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $232.180.81 3.00 1,738.55 100.00 60 SQFT 2,329 SQFT 396 SQFT 150.00 1,130.06 150.00 4.50 34.17 10.00 Total Fees $3,320.88 Conditions 10. Property corner survey pins must be located at time of foooting inspection to verifu setbacks Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this pennit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this pemit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Date Issued Issued By: lt/20t2007 PWESTERFIELD Print Name Tttttehs g6 r*NsoJ Iillil llllt llllillilriilrrtilllmilililtililtff:: t: ^,, City Clerk City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 DECLARATTON OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT (May not be released without City written approval) Grantors: William and Judith L. Plice, husband and wife Grantee: City of Port Townsend THIS DECLARATION is made and entered into this Zn Ou, of @:UeT-, 2007, by William Plice and Judith L. Plice, hereinafter referred to as "Ormers," the legal and equitable owner of the real property described herein. A. RECITALS Legal Description: This Restrictive Covenant shall affect and restrict the real property ("the property") currently legally described as follows: Assessor tax#: 948-003-404 Legal description: Lots 10 and l1 in Block 34 of Dundee Place Addition As recorded in Volume 2 of Long Plats, Page 52 Records of Jefferson County, State of Washington I Jefferson County Aud l.lILLInH PLICE cov 42.4@ 948-003-405 Lot 12 in Block 34 of Dundee Place Addition As recorded in Volume 2 of Long Plats, Page 52 Records of Jefferson County, State of Washington Assessor tax#: Legal description 2 Purpose. A new single-family residence with the address of 1005 3l't Street is proposed through BLD07- 199. Lot 12 is a triangular-shaped lot adjacent to and westerly of Lot 1 I . Lot 12 is not a buildable lot because it does not meet the R-II zone 5,000 square feet minimum lot area. The property should be considered one building parcel with one parcel number. t Plice Restrictive Covenant LUP07- 107 I lllil llil llllill lllll llrrr riii,;lll lil lllll llll lll :::v,' Je f f er son county Aud r.rrll rnryr rr t..r;" ; - o,t|lf"' tr9!7r"@2 : 41P 3. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits derived by this Restrictive Covenant, the Owners declare, covenant and agree as follows: B. COVENANT l. Specific Restriction and Covenant. The property described above shall constitute a single building site, and no lot(s) nor any part thereof shall be transferred or conveyed in any manner except together as a single building site. This restrictive covenant shall not be removed unless the present or future Owner receives approval to do so from the City of Port Townsend by means of a Lot Line Adjustment or other procedure as specified by the City. 2. Covenant Running with the Land. This restrictive covenant restricts the desuibed property and shall be construed as a covenant running with the land. 3. Binding upon Successors and Assigns. This restrictive covenant shall bind and restrict the land, the Owner(s), their heirs, grantees, successors and assigns. 4. Recording. Upon its execution, this Declaration shall be recorded with the Jefferson County Auditor. All contracts and deeds or other instruments of conveyance relating to the property or any part thereofshall contain reference to this covenant. 5. Compliance with Code Requirements. This Declaration does not modifu any requirements of the City's regulations affecting the use of land or construction of improvements upon lands. 6. Estoppel. The Owners by this Declaration specifically estop themselves and all of their successors and assigns and all persons presently or hereafter having any interest in the property from asserting or contending in any manner that this restrictive covenant is not a full and adequate covenant running with the land and binding upon the property. 7. Severance. Invalidation of this covenant by judgment or court order shall not affect any of the other covenants that shall remain in full force and effect. 8. Warranty of Authority. The Owner(s) signing below warrant that they are the sole Owners in fee of the real property described above and are authorized to make this Declaration. 9. Governing Law. This RESTRICTIVE COVENANT shall be govemed by state laws. 10. Alternative; Removal. This Restrictive Covenant can only be altered or released by a written, signed agreement by the City Manager of the City of Port Townsend. Plice Restrictive Covenant LUP07- I 07 llllllllffi ffillllllii'iltilillllllillllllllllllll ;";;."""" county Aud uILLtnn ttttiug":or: 529146 l??3',i,31 'r,,0"cov 42.@@ 2/Z-Pa4 William Plice, Owner L. Plice, STATE OF WASHINGTON COTINTY OF JEFFERSON }SS On this day personally appeared before me, William Plice and Judith L. Plice, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed their same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal this O day of /.,2007 ,4o.*s f 58.6./r-,," Si Print U NOTARY PUBLIC in and the State ashington residing at My commission expires:ffilor ') I tilill ililt ]ililt llttr rilt uitilllr ill ilil il] ill Jeff€rson County Aud LIILLIAtI PLICE 529 147 Page: 1 of 2 11t09t2@O7 @2:41PCERT 41.@@ City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 CERTIFICATION OF CONFORMANCE & RECOGNITION OF LOTS OF RECORD FILE NO. LUPO7.IO7 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR DECISION William and Judith L. Plice City of Port Townsend, a Washington municipal corporation Restrictive Covenant: AFN: {73 t + G Information of lots or parcels being certified: Grantee; Grantor: Assessor tax#: Legal description: Assessor tax#: Legal description: 948-003-404 Lots 10 and l1 in Block 34 of Dundee Place Addition To the City of Port Townsend 948-003-405 Lot 12 in Block 34 of Dundee Place Addition To the City of Port Townsend Zoning R.II Purpose: The Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC) Section 18.18.020 states that Lots of Record is required when the proposed development of nine or fewer lots of record platted prior to 1937 (the effective date of the State Subdivision Act, RCW 58.17) requires a building or land use permit and the extension or public utilities and/or the development of an unopened street. The Dundee Place Addition was platted in 1889, and the future residence requires street and util ity extensions. llllillllillllllil lilir ill ,,llllffi lilllllllil lll 529 147 Page: 2 of 2 111@,912@@7 @2:41P CERT 41.@@Jefferson Countv nud HILLIAI'l PLICE In R-II, the minimum width is 50 feet and the minimum lot size is 5,000 square feet (17.16.030 PTMC). rl.ots l0 and 11 were platted to be 50 feet wide by 125 feet long, and meet the minimum lot width and size. Lot 12 is triangular-shbped, and does not meet the 5,000 square foot minimum. It will be consolidated into Lots 10 and 1l through Restrictive Covenant. The lots are mapped as being in a landslide/erosion area, but are not considered to be in a Critical Area as defined in Chapter 19.05 of the PTMC. The Development Services Department Director hereby finds that the above parcels are legal lots for building purposes under the Port Townsend Zoning Code (Title l7 PTMC) and Land Division Ordinance (Title 18 PTMC) in effect at the time this certification is signed below; provided, however: 1) This certification is conditioned upon the Applicant or the Applicant's successors and assigns installing all public improvements (including street access, and water, sewer and stormwater improvements) in full conformance with the Port Townsend engineering design standards in effect at the time the Applicant applies for a building permit or other development permits. 2) This certification shall not be construed to limit the authority of the City of Port Townsend to review any property development or building permit applications in accordance with all applicable regulations, and to impose conditions upon any development or construction on the property in accordance with applicable regulations. This certification is subject to revocation if it is found that the information upon which it is based is erroneous. tt Y Development S teD Page2 of 2 Plice Lots of Record LUP07-107 YO I Pm; E{ 6 sd +J Et^lil wt7s$ t -$ -\ \ ,19 ''- ".. q{rn l,t- z E !t s FEi 6 (rt *-luv) $ snws ffi 6 4fv 44)f zturt*.)4v\i)hs t Ita6a;7 rt : lZ l4czTZheB 6A- LeSs' \ \ \+\\ / / \ \ \ \ u\1 s'z \ 'l \ 6,p4 Ptl^l,+AE /5j t+&tvp_qtWzr \/ \ o f t. I Y V,fi r tG 4r' ; f, / /\ il$' 6 4t F\.h.\**ffiW rO\ \ \. [c'.frf, "o // I $ !! Gt( u t! h Iz / / l+ t \ \ \^z \/t$ 4q \ I \ I I \ \/ \^v.\I l t e =() "o I (J.) l\)oA6\ Frd @ FM ?4 FM !! eR{i 9n iI ?dI{llr f;n ili il , Puce.{.=ronfu". Parcel Numb eL 948003 404 . eonr royr(sEND, wnsforoN e8368 \ \ \ WSEC Residential Construction Checklist City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-s095 Fax: (360) 344-4619 Electric ./! Wall Heater tr Baseboard ! Forced Air Furnac" ilRudiunt Floor (Boiler) I Other -Non-Electric: Propane:J Radiant Floor/Baseboard (Boiler) n LPG Stove tr LPG Furnace n Other LPGI Heat Pump n Oil Furnace ! Woodstove (can only be used as secondary heat source) Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2001 Residential Construction Checklist Complete this form in addition to WSEC forms. Please answer the following questions: CT: New construction, or addition over 750 square feet Must meet whole house and spot ventilation requirements, and show full WSEC compliance as a stand-alone project. A detached, habitable structure such as an Accessory Dwelling Unit regardless of size must also meet these requirements. I House addition under 750 square feet Possible trade-offs are allowedwith the existing buildingfor WSEC compliance, such qs increasing ceiling insulation. See I(SEC component performance forms. NOTE: A house addition less than 500 sq.ft. does not require whole house ventilation. Spot ventilation is still required. TYPE OF HEATING - Please check all that annlv: VAPOR RETARDERS Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings: r Floors: nflywood with exterior glue Vloty plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) D Backed batts o Walls: n/oly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) V Face-stapled, backed batts D Low-perm paint o Ceiffis: M{ot required where ventilation space averages greater than or equal to 12 inches above insulation ! Face-stapled, backed batts I Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) tr Low-perm paint SEE BACK i,,.,) I :J '.. P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential :f:.*t aoO. Checklis,doc Type of ventilation used throughout the house:AC Integrated Option n Exhaust Option Whole House Fan for ('Exhaust Option": e In what room is your whole house fan located? o What size is the whole house oxhaust fan?n 50-75 CFM (1-2 bedroom house) tr 80-120 CFM (3 bedroom house) n 100-150 CFM (4 bedroom house) ! 120-180 CFM(5 bedroomhouse) Note: the whole house fan shall be readily accessible and controlled by a}Lhoar clock timer with the capability of continuous operation, manual and automatic control. At the time of final inspection, the automatic control timer shall be set to operate the whole house fan for at least 8 hours a day, and have a sone rating aI I.5 or less measured at 0.10 inches water gauge. Spot Ventilation: Source specific exhaust ventilation is required in each kitchen, bathroom, water closet, laundry room, indoor swimming pool, spa and other rooms where excess water vapor or cooking odor is produced. Bathrooms, laundries or similar rooms require fans with a minimum 50 cfm rating at 0.25 inches water gauge; kitchens shall have a fan with a minimum 100 cfm rating at0.25 inches water gauge. Outdoor Air lnlets: Outdoor air shall be distributed to each habitable room by means such as individual inlets, separate duct systems, or a forced-air system. Habitable rooms include all bedrooms, living and dining rooms but not kitchens, bathrooms or utility rooms. Where outdoor air supplies are separated from exhaust points by doors, undercutting doors a minimum of %inch above the surface of the finish floor covering, distribution ducts, installation or grilles, transoms or similar means where permitted by the Uniform Building Code. When the system provides ventilation through a dedicated opening, such as a window or through-wall vent, these openings must: r l{ave controlled and secure openings r Be sleeved or otherwise designed so as not to compromise the thermal properties of the wall or window in which they are placed. o Provide not less than 4 square inches ofnet free area ofopening for each habitable space. What Qrpe of fresh air inlet will be installed? (See figure below) !/Window ports ^A! Wall Ports P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Energy Code Checkli$.doc Page2 of2 I -') Washington State Energy Code: 2001 Edition, Prescriptlve Worksheet Zone I Condltloned Floor Area Glazing Area Feet2 Vertical Overhead Glazing 602.7.2 Exception, Area X 3 Glazing Area Total Glazing To Floor Xr." AAno@ Glazlng Area Total , Conditioned Floor A.ea Door Percent U Glazed Qt. Width Height Glazing Feetln"h Feetlns Area Area Weighted Area, not to exceed 1 % Door Door One Select Option Exterior Doors Plan ID Component 6g2.7.2Exce$ion Ratio 602.7.2 Glazlng Area Total / Tablc 8-t PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS O'' FOR GROUP R OCCUPANCY GLIMATE ZONE t See code text for footnote references gC U A =UXA One Exempt Door,ll24 Square Feet or Less.'l Sum of Area and UA (do not include exemg door) AreaWeighted U = UA/Area Copyright 2002, WSUCEEP 02-051 Copied by permission from Washington State University Cooperative Extension Energy Program (see copyright restrictions) Ref.UA l?6 -f Option Glazing Arealo 96 ofFloor GlazincU-Factor DooC U- factor Ceiling2 Vaulted Ceiling3 Wall Above Grade Wall htl Below Grade Wall Exta Below Grade Floot'On Grade R-10 R-10 Vertical Overheadlr y illr l2Vo 0.35 0.58 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-15 R-15 R-10 R-30 lll IIf l5o/o 0.40 0.58 o.20 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30ilIUnlimited GroupR-3 Occupa.ncy Only 0.40 0.58 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 II 1 ol2 U Washington State Energy Cooe: 2001 Edition, Prescriptive Workshe-t Zone I Vertical Glazing (Wlndorrrrs, Doors using Exception 602.6 #11 Plan Component Glazing Ref.UID Width Height Feetld Feetln"h Sum of Area and UA Area Weighted U = UA/Area Width Height et. Feet lnch Feet lnch Sum ofArea and UA AreaWeighted U = UA/Area Wdth Height et. Feet lnch Feet lnch Glazing Area UA A =UXA Overhead Glazing Plan Component ID Section 602.7.2 Exception Plan Component Glazing URef Area UA A =UXA Ret Area Area X3 Sum of Area and Area X3 Copyright 2002, WSUCEEP 02-051 Copied by permission from Washington State University Cooperative Extension Energy Program. (see copyright restrictions) U IIIIIIIIII 1D 2 ol2 2001 EDITTON p REs c RrprvE REeu rR=rHr"*F,"Jo R G Ro u p cLrMArEzone6) R OCCUPANCY Option Glazino Arear{ o/o of Floor Glazinq U-Factor Door e U-Factor Geiling2 Vaulted Ceiling3 Wall Above Grade Wallr inta Below Grade Wall. exta Below Grade Fbof Slaba on GradeVerticalOverheadl1 I.l2o/o 0.35 0.58 0.20 R-38 R-30 i'Rrsi R-15 R-10 R-30 R-10 II.*lSYo 0.40 0.58 0.20 R-38 R-30 ndr R-21 R-10 R-30 R-I0 ilI.Unlimited crotp R-3 Occupancy Only 0.40 0.58 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-2t R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 * Reference Case 0. Nominal R-values are for wood frame assemblies only or assemblies built in accordance with Section 601 . I . l. Minimum requirements for each option listed. For example, if a proposed design has a glazing ratio to the conditioned floor area of l3Yo, it shall comply with all of the requirements'of the l1Yo glazng option (or higher). Proposed designs which cannot meet the specific requirements of a listed option above may calculate compliance by Chapters 4 or 5 of this Code. 2. Requirement applies to all ceilings except single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings. 'Adv' denotes Advanced Framed Ceiling. 3. Requirement applicable only to single rafter orjoist vaulted ceilings. 4. Below grade walls shall be insulated either on the exterior to a minimum level of R-10, or on the interior to the same level as walls above grade. Exterior insulation installed on below grade walls shall be a water resistant material, manufactured for its intended use, and installed according to the manufacturer's specifications. See Section 602.2. 5. Floors over crawl spaces or exposed to ambient air conditions. 6. Required slab perimeter insulation shall be a water resistant material, manufachred for its infended use, and installed according to manufacturer's specifications. See Section 602.4. 7 . lnt. denotes standard framing 16 inches on center with headers insulated with a minimum of R-5 insulation. 8. This wall insulation requirement denotes R-19 wall cavity insulation plus R-5 foam sheathing. 9. Doors, including all fire doors, shall be assigned default U-factors from Table l0-6C. 10. Where a maximum glazng area is listed, the total glazing area (combined vertical plus overhead) as a percent of gross conditioned floor area shall be less than or equal to that value. Overhead glazngwith U-factor of U:0.40 or less is not included in glazing area limitations. I I . Overhead glazing shall have U-factors determined in accordance with NFRC 100 or as specified in Section 502.1 .5. 12" Logand solid timber walls with a minimum average thickness of 3.5" axe exempt from this insulation requirement. Effective 7lO1lO2 33 mGilfflr.txDlns0t Glrll tnglncu r lond Sunoyor 330 Cleveland Stoet PortTownsend, WA98368 September 19,2007 City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Attention: Development Services Deparhnent $i:P 1 I '|.{Jr.il SIJBJECT:Application for Building Permit Judith &William Plice AP # 948 003 404 Sensitive Area Regulations In response to the City of Port Townsend GIS mapping which indicates that the subject property is within the requirements ofthe City Environmentally Sensitive Ordinance (ESA), an evaluation of the topography and geologic conditions at the site was made to address these issues. Based on my inspection of the property and adjoining construction sites, it is our opinion that the subject properly is not a geologically hazardous area and development of the site for the proposed single family residence is consistent with the conditions found. To respond to the Classification Criteria for Sensitive Areas contained in Seotion 19.05.100 of the City Municipal Code, the following are our findings: 19.05.100 B.l Any area containing soil or soil complexes described or mappedwithin the United States Department of Agriculture/Soil Conservation Service Soil Surveyfor Jffirson County as having e severe to very severe erosion hazard potential; The soils within the Dundee Addition are labeled gravelly sand of the Hoypus Series (HuD) on the United States Departnent of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service map (USDA). The USDA survey indicates ttrat ttre bazaird of water soil erosion is slight to moderate for this soil type. 19.05.100 8.2 Any area with slopes greater thon I5ok and impermeable soils (typically silt and clay) frequently interbedded with granular soils (predominotely sand and gravel); and, springs or ground water seepage from perched water tables; The site consists of Lots 10, ll andl2, Block 34 with slopes ranging from the area nearer to Umatilla Street at l4Yoto the upper areas at 28%. Although portions of the lots exceed 15olo, there is no evidence of any springs or perched ground water and the slopes are strable with native vegetation. )) 19.05.100 8.3 Any area potentially subject to mass movement due to a combinotion of geologic, topographic, and hydrologic factors, but not limited to those areas mopped or described by the SiitVoiterrotion Servic; the Washington State Department of Ecologt, Department ofNatural Resources or U.S. Geologic Sertice. These classifications may be based on performance standards rather than mapPing; The plat area has been developed with single family residences on adjacent properties and there is no evidence to indicate any past mass soil movement. 19.05.100 8.4 Any area potentially unstable os a result of rapid stream incision, stream bank erosion or undercutting by wave action; This property is not subject to any stream or wave actron eroslon. 19.05.100 8.5 Any slope of 40 percent or steeper. This propertydoes nothave slopes of40o/o. 19.05.f00 8.6 Areas subject to severe risk of damage as a result of earthquakes, slope failure, settlement, soil liquefaction or ulting. These areas ore identified by the presence of poorly drained soits (greatir that 50 percent silt and less than 35 percent coarse naterial) loose sand or gravel, peat, artificiatfill and landslide materials, or soils wtth high organic content. The site soils which consist ofthe Hoypus series gravelly sand show no evidencs of any damage from earthquakes or the other soil failures as described above. In summary, it is our opinion ttrat the property not subject to landslide failure or erosion. With the proposed development of the site in accordance with the City of Port Townsend Engineering Design Manual, a residential building on this site is appropriate . Verytruly, Michael J. Anderson q/i6 EXP. DATE: 05 ,/ OS / OE Judith & William Plice, Orvners; Thomas Johnson, Nordland Construction c: Parcel Details t3 No t)hst{j Available x No 2nd llh()ls Available Frlmter Sr'$estdlv Page 1 of2 Parcel Number 948003404: Parcel Number: 948003404 Owner Mailing Address: WILLIAM PLICE JUDITH L PLICE PO BOX 1218 PORT TOWNSEND WA9B36BO918 Site Address: Section:3 Qtr Section: NEl/4 Township: 30N Range: lW School District: Port Townsend (50) Firc Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Sub Division: DUNDEE PLACE A$s*$ssr'$ Larid Usc Cade : 9100 - VACANT LAND Property Description: DUNDEE PLACE I BLK 34 LOTS 10 & 11 | I I Click on photo for larger image. Best viewed li ith Micrasoft Internet Fxplorer 6.0 0r laler gPwirccws - t'rac Jeff*rssn Count " Hnn:* tnunny lnfn I Depsrl:nsnts 5*nrch SEARCH No Permit Data Available l*o orrurro,. loutu Available l-ax, A/V, Sales Info Parcel http ://wwr.v. co j efferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail. asp t01212007 Parcel Details Page 1 of2 f,L. lrrp,s,i .{ ^e4ltrff$eElm# Eqlqa{es fslsnd*y Parcel Number: 948003405 Parcel Number: 948003405 Owner Mailing Address: WILLIAM PLICE JUDITH L PLICE PO BOX 1218 PORT TOWNSEND WA9B36BO918 Site Address: Section: 3 Qtr Section: NE1/4 Township: 30N Range: 1W School District: Port Townsend (50) Firc Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Sub Division: DUNDEE PLACE A$scssor'$ L*nd Use C*de: 9100 - VACANT LAND Property Description: DUNDEE PLACE I BLK 34 LOT 12 | I I Click on photo for larger image, No Fhato Available x No 2nd Pholt: Available I t SEARCH No Permit Data Available No Assessor Data Available l*'-''* fax, A/V, Sales Info Jefl*rron {a*nl1't :'.i.i!:':,":,:$$r4# I COUNTY XSdFS I psp&RYil€sNT$ ' SHARCIT Ilest viewed !4rith Micro$oft Internet Sxplorer fi.0 or later $ wintjo*t - t"to' http : //www. co j efferson.wa. us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail. asp r01212007 {:. /A7 / r\ ) .O s It Sneoro3)pt t(2 SZI-Vt-qnlfr. I 't, 8 '1 0 ,g s \F 0 1t vDL a 11 2 I 11 8 I a? - , s- irV I -rz6 l,'o"r). hlu7K@d,^9-(Lf'-'7zo(,{ c,V- tt/;)t^ 7 Watt Wxst Stol I inch equals 60 fe<: 'I h i r m r p i: prcrirhd on rn r b. ' s i s . I hc.liil,ril"rt iir$... {r g ./ /3 6 /g u /g t 16 15 4 cv O) 1 4 e / ," " I ,4 2 / I / / N9 t 1 a It d) _ t\ ,a 1 a ,r " 18 e$ do nrt tr.xr!).r;,r rd\ \rr dr .. ni b d r r m n c.'rLrn.l !r ihi , . ot r t h u :rccuLrcr o!ril nrp ir.,:: rc s p o r s i b i l i n olthc uscr. Lr.. 1, o . 1 ' i o\\1)s.!.1 rrxL irs cnpl bi s c d r n u s c r s usc,:imrp i : 0 e C-or'U rfr G^ l L4l_ UoL Sirrce V{"aq(re uJ^btioSo ( untoi UaJblq- J n# c''ll/ A<*I-#? l ( r 6Lr > p ^r=nts t Loil LCIK - f tro + Rtr'l- Ctt '"F 6r t/Z{oo ' City of Port Townsend Development Services Department BUTLDING NTJMBtrR APPLICATTON Name of Property Owner:L.Ll M rufce Tor btbo7- tq 7sDtuT-oz7 UvRoT' oov e- Mailing Address:Po fToK l?, c> Q:(wN END Telephone:7ot't Yr,l-{l.-(srrv 9tr,- 1'14 -ttt* Property is located in: Addition: buxttee Faces/Access is from:9 P LAc,L Block(s):9r(t.otG): 9-(. rl tL-' Parcel Numtler 4 qn 094 Directions to the Properfv (draw vicinity map on back) t(sAU Au*x(k1 u9t If this is a new ADU, has a building permit been applied for? Yes No Date: Notes: HOUSE NUMBER ASSTGNBD:loo5 3tT 1TqeET Date of Approval:7 For address changes: U Qwest Address Managernent Cerfter - 206-504- I 534 For Department Use Onlv'. Application Fee Received ($3.00, TC2200):Date: Copyto:tr Post Office tr GIS I Assessor's Office U Finance tr Sheriff B Public Works tr Fire Dept B Police - G DSD database 14 15 lo Water Waste Water Stom Water 1 ioch equa! 152.4983/.2 feet 'Ih$.sp ir trbvrdcd,)rr M 'ri s," "eilh dl fnil$,"basi!. 'lhe {lis oi l,od l'o$'nscn<i urd is erployee;do nDr sr!ffrh ar! $rt Lhc !.cua.y of lht r:rf.>nnrri'rr rc'nizir:c'i jr tl,,r il!.qr Ficl,l !(nriL,rion oirbc aceuaircfril maF iuf,,mratrn,s tbt sr'i<:r.spoerihrlrrri'irhc uscr. tJrcr rci.*.s d:. rl,r i't'lbn Toqrr'l r:rd irs erirp!ov&s f.{ir a!t liaii;jtr l.'ns.d o. ns(!'. us(,:tnvt rnlarfiaua:.2 8 N c!F 1 46 7 4 2 5 2 3 4 u 5 I 6 15 GI S E 0 14 354 2 2 3 6 2a "^ $ 91 F a z Y o -) b \ \ 6 F U) c0 o o J o I 1 2 4 5 F a uJ a CD 4 o 5 i0 1 45 6 7 I 30 i 1 b 2 2 2 15 I o c\ l r 4 4A F a o z J t! IU J O 6 F a o z .J tU UJ J o 2 Receipt Number:ffi BLD07-199 BLD07-199 BLD07-199 BLD07-199 BLD07-199 BLD07-199 BLD07-199 BLD07-199 BLD07-199 948003404 948003404 948003404 948003404 948003404 948003404 948003404 948003404 948003404 $1,130.06 $34.77 $100.00 $4.50 $150.00 $150.00 $'t,738.55 $10.00 $3.00 Total $980.06 $34.77 $100.00 $4.50 $1s0.00 $150.00 $1,738.55 $10.00 $3.00 Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Building Perm it Energy Code Fee - l,lew Single Famil State Building Code Council Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling L Mechanical Permit Fee per Drelling Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Bullding P Site Address Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 $3,170.88 07-0832 0911912007 Plan Review Fee 2147 $150.00 BLD07-199 KCHEC $ 3,170.88 Total $3,170.88 genprntrreceipts Page 1 of 1 Receiot Number: tkffiffi&i# BLD07-199 948003404 Plan Review Fee $1,130.06 Total $150.00 $980.06 $1s0.00 HECKc 2068 $ 150.00 Total $150.00 genprntrreeeipts Fage 1 of 1 t ! ,.,,.:+i.'I 1...; - 4