HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-203I BUILDINGPERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information PermitType CommercialMiscellaneous Site Address 235 TAYLOR ST Project Description Erect inflatable screen for Film Festival weekend only Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-203 989704002 Names Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Port Townsend Film Festival Owner Rose Incorporated Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date Fee Information Project Valuation Building Permit Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit 97.50 4,50 5.00 3.00 Total Fees $110.00 *** sEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS *** Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certifu that I am the owner ofthe property or authorized agent ofthe owner. Datelssued: 09/2712007 Issued By: SWASSMER Print Name ) BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information PermitType Commercial Miscellaneous Site Address 235 TAYLOR ST Project Description Erect inflatable screen for Film Festival weekend only Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-203 989704002 Conditions 1. All elements of engineering require inspection. 2. Screen shall not block sidewalks, crosswalks, or view of pedestrians coming off the curb onto the sidewalk. 3. Special Event Permit#752 requires City Police Department signoff. Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certiSr that I am the owner ofthe property or authorized agent ofthe owner. Date Issued Issued By: 091271200'7 SWASSMER Print Name CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMTT ACTIVITY LOG DATE RECETVED zPERMIT # SCOPE OF WORK: DATE ,ACTION INITIALS 7l L'blt:]ENTERED INTO CHET CA - to Plannins - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS t t' I I I n t 7lL1l$-)t S^J I t, CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3. Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S GA R D IN A SA F E CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N . PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC G U P A N C Y . ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I I AB L E ON TH E JO B S I T E . PA R C E L NO . 98 9 7 0 4 0 0 2 PE R M I T NO . BL D 0 7 - 2 0 3 IS S U E D DA T E o9 t 2 7 t 2 0 0 7 E( P I R A T I O N DA T E AD D R E S S 23 s T A Y L O R S T CO N S T R U C T I O N T Y P E OC C U P A N T L O A D OW N E R RO S E I N C O R P O R A T E D PR O J E G T DE S C R I P T I O N Er e c t in f l a t a b l e sc r e e n fo r Fi l m Fe s t i v a l weekend onlV CO N T R A C T O R LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS FR A M I N G FI N A L BU I L D I N G FI R E + I N A L TO RE Q U E S T AN TN S P E C T T O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R ND ( T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . 0312512008 CITY OF'PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspectionso call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. Buon 7^2A3DATE OF'INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: PBRMIT NUMBER: CONTRACTOR: TYPE OF INSPECTION:U- Scr PHONE o {/l aq k q- - /ts;,ffi9 tTftpJL] ! APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection N NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit cctrd must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be qssessed if work is not ready for inspection. )\ Cify of Port Townsend Temporary Building Permit Application for Temporary Structures Name Porz, -To*ru st,r.;t Y,tPl Fesr, u frL MailingAddress: 2 I t 1f-gyco fL Sf, 5t, lf[ 3 3 Phone: 3)1 . /33 3 Requiredplanswiththis application: C tf V Crt gg,C\ I Afi.3 Site Plan Floor Plan (site plan & floor plan may be on the sarne drawing) Building & Wall Sections (show positive connections to ground) Indicate building height Applicant Certification The applicant hereby certifies to have knowledge of those sections of the Port Towrsend Municipal Code pertinent to the above project and that the applicant is responsible for constructing in conformance with the above; the applicant understands that the permit, if issued, expires in one year from date of issuance and with an additional fee may be extended one time for a period not to exceed one year; the applicant agrees to abide by the ordinances, codes, and regulations; the applicant certifies that all information given above and on accompanying plans is complete and accurate to the best of his/trer knowledge; and the applicant understands that this information will be relied upon in granting permits and that if such information is later found to be inaccurate any permits may be withdrawn. The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend haffrless from any and all causes of aciion, judgements, claims, or demands, or Aom any liability of any nature arising from any non-compliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by parties other than the City ofPort Townsend. Or"rA @*rl 20t, ?5'-/ , s,{33 - rktl€S 3ao.7)Y.]o7o /noNteq 5+ ,+ Ftsrt u n L tt+AN 4 6EK_ B er* €e-,u ht+rz-e S*@@ r- bfrsH//u67,lVlLo re Looation: S+ Financedby: € The proposed temporary struchrre is to be used for: OoTDooR TEI+TRZ sc€€a^J Squarefootageofstruchue: Cf f $tt PA*Ny t/-kS sFP 2 6 2|ll]7 SENO E G l- IE il V F IF5 DSO CITY OF PORT \\Bcd permits\forms\Bl}IlDlNG\Temp Structupos.doc Page 2 of3 Complete Application Port Townsend Municipal Code, Section 16.04.140, Vested Rights - Substantially Complete Building Permit Application: Application for all land use and development pennits required under ordinances of the city shall be oonsidered under the zoning and other land use control ordinances in effect on the date a fully complete building permit application, meeting the requirements identified !r this section, is filed with the Building and Community Development Department. An application for a building permit shall be considered complete when an application meeting all of the requirements of Section I 06.3 of the Uniform Building Code, 1997 Edition, is submitted which is consistent with all then applicable ordinances and laws. An application for a partial permit under Section 106.4.1 of the Uniform Building Code, 1997 Rlition, shall not be considered complete unless it meets all requirements stated above and contains plans for the complete struchral frame of the building and the architectural plans for the struchrre. aq.2+ .a+ Authorized Representative Date For Office Use \tBcdlermits\forms\BUllDlNG\Temp Shuctures.doc Page 3 of3 II mnN KIVTEY PROFESSIONA,I CENTER l4r oAK 8AY ROAD / PO. BOX l37s PORT HADLOCK, WA5HINGTON 98339 E*noil: tillengr@olypen.comIGINTTRING, INC. 360-379-9661 360329-ot50 FAX September 6, 2005 Ms. Jan Zimmer Plans Examiner Cityof Port Townsend Ptanning and Building Waterman & Katz B uitding Quincy & Washington Streets Port Townsen4 WA 98368 RE: PT Filrn Festival Dear Jan, Lr each of the past four years, I have been asked to provide documentation to the City in support of a permit for the Port Townsend Film Festival's request to use an inflatable PVC movie screen lor their outdoor movie showings. This year they are using the same outdoor screen, and the same engineering anatysis is appropriate and applicabie. I hlve attached the previous letters, calculations, and the manufacturer's tnstallation Guide for guidance. Please call me if you need additional information. Sincerely, P.E. President c Peter Simpson z -2ggsH) 0 .',flffitH,ru JO8 rt r.( lvL\(-/-5'r\vu _oF- I CA.C(,I-AT€D cl{Ecl<ED Lc ot- OATE a 3 ,6L ?...,..#_..-__E-..-__--. ZToo Z1 (2i 3q _., O I --:.a3-:, .-J:. MIT # 7z i gtl!0?-*{}s I ---- i "-- .-- --....--:- --.-:.--..- \\-q-s :si /7 5 G z t-t a- 7< )I + L (oV1 I ! l4l oAK 8AY ROAD/PO. 80X l37s PORI HADIOCK. WA 9833e 360-379-e66r 360-37e-O150 FAX 'iffmK&ru JO8 srl€ElfiO..--- CILCI.n.AIED OF CHECKEDAY- OAIE- t :7.+6: . !i,r'i lv> U l4l oAK BAY ROAD/P.O. gOX ! 375 PORT HADLOCK. WA 98339 360-37e.e65 ! 360-37e-O150 FAX JO6 -'SI€ET CALCTTAT€D C+GCIGD I oAr€ I a 'ffHK ro of 7 I.BT tb .lt v i I w 8 l \ I G tY;Ko :?€s 1 o \tC -li ,P e ik9E, al \ I I t b.:5b x2 +K orl aITrt .L; TY ,I I I l /75 Qrr lwzeL P L0e o T'h n lno'1- ifr -OI 6l a ftv |lr i 3 DI €t ig t I f*ar gu lt9,lz€g.o?e *f*oeLgh- : /. Lowgw frt T wltr E 5 ?@ps k.gove l1-z+ HP * I41 OAK 8AY ROAD/P.O. BOX I375 PORT HADTOCK WA 98334 36o-37a-a^4 ? i6o-?7e_o! sn FAX AITTSGFTEEN The inflatable solution for open air and arena events projection. PERMIT #B[,8]0?*i30.? HARI(NESS HALL ffi AIRSCREEN INSTALLATION GUIDE Please read these installation instructions carefully BEFORE attempting to instaltyour Harkness Hall AIRSCREEN. Before commencing inllation. ensure that allitems and personnel required to complete the installauon are available. Adhering to the procedures set out in this guide will ensure a safe and successfulinstallation. GENERAL INFORMATION ' Ttre Airscreen sfrould not be operated in wind sp€eds orcr Beaufort 5 (lg-24mph 1 30-3Stph); this is wtren the tree tops are waving vigorotrdy in the wind. ' Atways cordon off tfrc area inside tlre guy rope anchoring points and do not allow any members of ttre public within thisarea. ' The tirst row of the ardience sftouH be ttre heigfit of the frame plus 2 tmrs / 6' 5' arrray from the frame. Ttus if the frame h 10 mtrs / 32 6'trigtr the ftrst row of seats stpuld be posiuoned 12 mtrs / 39'back ' lf using water containers as ballast,water can often be supplied by arrangement witi the local fire brigade. ' lf tie system is beirq used at an ev€flt orrer several days. then it is recommended to deflate the system at th€ end of each screening ' Wh€n deflating and anflating. it is recommended to put a ground sheet tetween the screen and the ground to protect tfie screen surfacc from dirt and sharp objects. ' Fare certificates for the screen surface can be found in Harkness Hall's surface data sheets. wftich are available on o{rr wetrsite or by request from the ofiic-e. The frame material is industrial pVC. like that used on curtain-sided lorries. Harkrs Hall have endeavouted to irruestigate al! rqulations rqardhg the use of tl:r Akscrren.We have found no specific rqulatioas rclating to tfie use of thts *te€rt hotieve( we cannot take respottsibiliE if theee are aay uch rqulations in the @untty ydt intend to opente tfie sysGm in. fherefore,it is tfte responsrbiftty of tIre user to be aware d regulattofls and ta abide by the:F.. Harkness Hall will trct a@ept rcsrynibiftty for failurc to m@t l&al rcgulatioas. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS TaHe 1 Ttre groutd border heigftr is always 1.4m / 4' 6' \igt': this is ttre bottom picture line. A barurer can also be litted to trc back of the frarne-The size of this is screen he(trt plus bor-der heetrl Page 1 Screen Size (wxh) Frame Size (wxh) Wetgtrt Personnel Recommended for irflation tor Unpacting/packi,ng Minimum Ballast w€aghr per coflrer ldeal projector for outdoor use I x 4mtrs 26. x 13' 10 x Tmtrs 32'6" x 42' ll0kg 242lbs u5 2 0.5 tonne 4kw l2 x 6mtrs 39'x 19'6" l4 x 9mtrs 45'6' x 29' 3' 150k9 330tbs us 2 1 tonne 4kw 15 x 7.5mtrs 499' x 24'4" 17 x 10.5mtrs 58'6" x 34' 3ffikg 660lbs 4t9 3 1 tonne 4kw 20 x l0mtrs 65'x 32. 6" 22 x l3mtrs 7l' 5'x 42' 3" 450k9 990lbs 419 4 2 tonne 7kw 24 x l2mtrs 78'x 39' 26 x l5mtrs 84'5" x {8'9' 600k9 1320lbs 419 5 3 tonne 7kw ) CheckLisr LIST OF ITEMS ItemA Item B Item C Item D Item E Item F Item G Item H Item I Item I Item K Item L Item M Frame Vent Hole Covers Vent Connector Vent Connector Strap Gnrund Border Ground Border Lacing Ropo Screen Surface ScrcenTies for Lacing screen to frame (.bungees.,) 22(h or 110vAir Pump Guy Ropes Middle Ropes Sy:tem Strap and Ratcfret Black Circular Protectiue Patcft . ' the number of screen ties varies acording to screen size. Groqnd space - add 2mtrs / 6' 5' to tfie width and 3mtrs / 9' 9" to ttle heigftt of theAirscreen: this tells you .tfte minimum space you n€€d to un_pack the frame. Minimum 4 People (seeTatXe 1 irage 1)-l - 3 tonnes of baltast weight for each corner depending on scre€n size. or ground fixings capatrle of taking ttre strain (seeTablel page l) 1 UNPACKING Place the frame on ground and remove ttre strap. (ltern L) 2 LAYING OUT unroll the firame. ensrring there is enough space to lay the frame frat out. Unfold the system secrion by section; stop when it is simply folded in half- There should be a Harkness Hall label on the side o[ the underneath section on tfie right as yau look at the fiame. (You have to lift the upper layer up to t e at lie to locate tfre logo). h noL then the system is the wrorg way up aad you will rieed to turn at oi/er. This can be done by draggirq tfie slrstem over itself from right to lefL Now cfieck tltat the logo is on the right{and side (as you look at the system) of $rc underneath section.When erect€d. the logo is on the front of tie frame on tfre right near the t ase of tie frarne. 3 FIXING THE VENT HOLE COVFRS On each side of the frame there are 2 vent hole$ one is at the top of the frame and one is at the bottom. The pump can go either side of the bottom of the frame; decide whictr side you wish to use. For the purpose of these inst(rctions we are using tlre left-hand side of tfre frame (as you are tooking at it) tor the pump. Using ure vent hole covers (ltem B),seal tfre two top vent hoftes and tfie bottom one not being used- peel the flaps bac& place the cover over the hole.and ensure that it is secured and llaq fix in place by putting ttre flaps back over the top of the covers and securing in flace. 4 FIXING THE VENT CONNECTORS Attach tre vent connector (hem C) to the preferred vent hole in tlre sarne way as attaching the vent hole coverr The bottom vent hole,wfricfi is not goirq to be us€d.stould hale been cov€red at $age l. On ttre rrent connectors tfrere is a seaftu this seam rnrst be laned up so it faces downwardl towards the bottom o{ the franre. It is important to fix tfie vent connector in place as derribed. ensuring the seam is in rle correct position. lf it is in tfie wrotg position vttEn tfie ft-ame inflatel the urbe wrll twist and pre,r€flt the air gefting througtr; you need to imagine how ttre frame will twtst u/t€n it is inflated. Pag" 2 1 3 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 2 1 1 5 FIXING THE GROUND BORDER This is usually left in place after the first installation. UnfoH ttre frame compl,etely- unrofl the black ground border (ltem Q, teaving the shiny side facing upwards. Find tfie bottom ertre eyelet of fie frame; this is indicated by a white line wtrich is marked on the underside of the flap the eyelels are {ixed irl. Match this witfi the centre eyelet on the bordec Using the gnound border lacing rope (ltem F). lac-e tf€ bottom of rfte border to the frame. Simply lace it over and under. €nsure that the rope is pulled taght and knotted ofi at eacfi end. Tte sios and the top of the ground border are attached to the screen using the screen ties (see below). 6 FIXING THE SCREEN SURFACE Ttre screen surfacc can be le{t in place if theAirscreen is used regulartyif it is not going to be used within I monttl then remove it complete{y yn*u * screen srface (ltem G) in the centre of ttre frame with tfre projection surface upwards- See Figs. 1 and 2 oelow Fird fte top centre eyelet of tfte screen surface and the top cefltre eyelet of the frame. indicated by a black strap on the top edge of tfie frame- See Figure 3 above. secure the top of the screen working from tfte centre outwards using the scfeen ties. Pass loop end of tae through frame eydet firom under: pass through corresponding screen eyelet from under; pass loop end back through {rame eyelet from above; pass loop end round hook end and pull loop track througtr the frame eyelet See Figs 4.1 - 4.4 Fis- {.r Fis.2 'i:a-- i'. --' FEr{2. FagL {3 .h 6a$ a-{ :'f Pa{e 3 l ln the corners. do not necessarily match up the eyelets; just ensure ttrat tlre screen is square in the space. see figure 5. lace the sides starting at the top and working dorivnwards to the boftom of the screen. Use the screen ties to lace the bottom of the screen to the top of tfre ground border in the same way. Now fotd the frame bilck on itself lengitfiways so that the top cove6 tre bottom as in section Z See Figure 6. Pass tfre vent stfap (tem D) end through $re holes in the open end of the |.ent connector tube. Then feed the end througtr the ratchet loos€ty. put the vent connector open end over the pump nozzle. Reme+nber to er$ure that the seam in tfte vent connector is at tfte bottom as detailed in Section 4. See Figure 7. When you are happy with the positioning tigtrten the strap using the ratche-t until you cannot pull the vent connector off. Ensure that it as tight since this will be taking the air pressure tivhen the pump is on. See Figure 8. It it vitat to covet the faf- i( the weather is wet clutdool to avoid the faa shortingod. Atso do noa tum onits sr:de as it may ingest gritor other matedal ftom the grcuad,which wirl dama{e 8 ATTACHING THE GUY ROPES The guy ropes are attacfted to tfte orange crosses tocated at tfie top and bottom of the frame. l2m x 6m / 39' x 19' 6'frames and larger will have two orange crosses. one for the front gqy rope and one for theback the 8m x 4m / 26' x 13'has onllr one fasteoing point for guy ropes. Take one of tfte guy ropes (rtem I) and tie a knot in one end approL .r metre (3. 3..) rrom the end. Flatten ttre ofttnge cross that is on the top of tfre frame- Take ttre rope and feed the end with the krot tftrough both parts of the cross leaving the knot about 30cm / 12-from tlrc cross. Figs g.1 - g.7 *eF Fis.9.2 Page 4 Tie the guy off with a figure of e(1ht knot by feeding the end through the original knot. Ensure that the knot is tied towards the direction the rope will be pulled. so that the rope points towards the ballast weigfrt or ground fixing. Note: two guy ropes are secured on each top corn€r, one facing the front and one facing the back of the frame. On tlre srnall frame. use the same orange cross for both guy ropes; for 6re targer frames. use the separate o.*ange cross€s to attach tfte front and rear (Iry ropes. Repeat for the opposite top cornecensuring that one knot faces the front and one to tl.|e back Repeat for the boftom corneG Eight ltuy ropes sfiould now be secrrred to the frame. On tfie outside edge in the middle fold of the frame on either side llrere is anodrer aross, rtth ls for the mrddle ropes (ltem K). Tie a middle rope to each side; in tfie sarne way as above. but wi0t just one rope on eacfr side. See Fi,gure 10. These are o<rly used to pull tfte middle of the Airscreen back during deflation. ensuring tlrat it folds back down in half. lf you need to reposiUon tfie Airscreen at this poinL it is easiest to move it a litde at a time. rather than trying to move it all at once. See Figures 1 1 .l - 1 'l .4 9 WEIGHTS/GROUNDFIXING Now the guy ropes are secured to the frame. we need to secure them to the ballast weights or ground tiings. The position of the counterweigtrts is importanq tftis can be worked out.as follqnrs in relation to frame heaght: Each ballast weight is placed tfre frame height atay from the frame (front and rear) and a quar-ter of the height outwards from the sides. Once weights are in position.the g,ry rope must tre wrapped around it and secured.See Figure 12. Tie tf€ top iuy ropes off at tfreir longest point to the bdlast weight during inflation. loeany ynu will need t'rtro persons handling each of the four top guy roPes. (Refer to TaHe 1 pug" 1 of ttris guide). One perscn Geeds to feed rope to tfte other $fto will release it as the ft-anre'inflates" k is vuy importaot rlot to take tfie ful! tore of t6e weigfit on tfie persorq hold the rope indirecdy and let the ba{ast we(fit take tfte strain. The psson feeding the rope to ttre second person must be rudy to ue the rope off securely wtren the hame is fufly inflated Tie ttre bottom guy ropes off securely to tfle ballast weights. PaSe 5 Fis.11.1 n:... 'ald '.-_ -.:r-i:.f: Fig. 11 .3 ;+€'':r:lt 10 INFLATION lnflation must be dofle with the frame folded in half and the top guy ropes tied oft to the ballast containers at the l,ong€st poinl Get weryone in position. Tirrn on the airftow. As the frame innateq ensure that the top half does not slip bac{< slighdy. Pull it back anto correct position if this trappem. See Figure 13.1 - 13.2. Redease the guy rope gradually keeping tension on ttre rope at a[ timer Check Slat the fold is atways in the middle. The frame will gradualty rise. The people securing the frame from the back must not let too much rope ouL Eoth front and back ropes must be countertrahncing- The aim is to keep the top of tfie frame as near re{-tical over the bottom as possible during inflation. Once ful$ inflated. tie guy ropes off to ballast weaghts. Tt€ side ropes can be left hanging. Use knots (cl,ove hitrfr) that are seorre but can be easily untied; this as important if tlre Airscreen needs to be detlated quickly. 11 DEFLATION During deftation. the frame will be guided track in half as in ttre startirE position. To deflate the ftame,ensure tirat iirere is nobo<iy witiiin the aiea inside af 'u1e batiai. weigh:'g', aad that t!rcre ate pe.ople co/ijtrcIliag tfte tensr-on of the guy topec front and tear aad also at tfie sr:de ropes. There are two methods of dellation: Contr.olled De{lation Turn off the air{low tfris lets the Airscreen dellate in a controlled manner- As the frame deflates. tfie front guy rope handlers should encourage the ftame to fold tlack into the folded position. The top corners should come down on .top of the bottom corneE Be careful not to let it tip onto its front during deflation. The side ropes are used to e{rcourage the cefitre to fold;they should be pulled from tfre backSee Figure 14.1 - 1,1.4 Quick Deflation ln certain conditions {e.g. zudden strong wind) it may be necessary to deflate the system quickly. All guy rope handlers must be in position as aborre. Stop ttre airflow and renrove tfte bottom ve{rt cover completely. The frame will deflate rapidty so be careful. This metftod is not recommended in normal weather conditions. Remove all other veflt h(,le* covers completelyr to allow air to escape. Encourage all remainirg iir out of ttre kame before atte$ptirig to pack irSee FiErre 15. Fig.14.1 ' ti3 lI= PaS.6 12. RE.PACKING The system can be packed aray in two ways: With screen and ground border in place . Remorre all guy ropes.and tidy airray neady. ' Fold the franre lengtlrways in ha( (top over bottom) and repeat again. ' Then fold left edge to th€ middle point and the right edge to the middle poinl fold again lengrhways in half. Now the frarne is ready to be rolled up ' Make sure that all the air is out of tfre inflatable frame and roll the system up. ' Once in a oeat bundte. sectrre wittr strap (ltern L), placing black circtrlar protecrive patch (ltem M) between tfie frarne and the ratcfteL Wittroqt screen lf ttre system is going to be stored for rnore than 1 monttr, or if tfre screen sqrface is wet tten it must be removed and allorrted to dry and then be iarefully packed onto a tdle witftout aay folds in it for storage. The ground border can be left in tfre ft-ame. . Remorre all g-uy ropes.and tidy nvay neady. . Open out the frame completely on its bac{c ' Carefully remove alt screen ties from the screen and frame.and store together-. Roll scrq:fi oflto a tub€ for sate storage.ensrring it is dry Unlace the ground border if you wish and fold auray for storage-. fold the frarne back in half (top over boftom). ' Fold the rniddle sectiom of the dde of the frame onto the main section of the frame. so tlrat the frame b one r€ctangular piece. Fold the entire ft-ame in ftalf one more time (still full widtfi). ' Then fold left edge to the middle point afld the right edge to the middle poinr fold this completely in half, lengtfrways- ' Now ttre frame is ready to be rolled. Make sure ftat all tfie air is out of the frame. Roll the system rlp. ' Once in a.neat bunde.secure with strap (ltem L). flacing black circular protective patch (ltem M) betureen the frame and the ratchel Please note tftat tftere is no singte c{rflec{ way to pack tfte trame away. As you (r5€ flre qrstem, you wilt develop you( o(vn methd- The only vital thing is to (emove tfie screen srfae r:f the systenr is not going (o be rrsed (or more tjtan 1 month or if the *reen srrtaca is weL HARKNESS HALL The Gate Studaos Station Road Boreham\ilbod HersWD6lDQ.UK Tet +44 (0) 20 8!153 3611 Far +44 (0) 20 8207 3657 e--rnait sales@harknesshall.com 10 Harkness Boulevard Fredericksburg vA22()1 USA Ts:(5'0) 3701590 Farc (540) 370 1592 e-mail: sales@harkresstrall.com www.harknesshall.com The worl d's lead i ag screenmakers : lnlftewithaantfuwalprqrammeof peo&rci.ingclrerrnertt HartnessHa{recenetfter{flrt tovarytlrcd.5igng- Cfiostntclkxtor to uith&av( q rcpla@ god,,d5/quip/ii|€trtt uiillo/.rt pdo( notfun PaS" 7 ffi ,) Receipt Number BLD07-203 BLDoz-203 BLD07-203 BLD07-203 989704002 989704002 989704002 989704002 Technology Fee for Building Permit State Building Gode Council Fee Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P $5.00 $4.50 $97.50 $3.00 Total: $s.00 $4.50 $97.50 $3.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $110,00 CHECK 1966 $ 110.00 Total $110.00 genprntrreceipts Page 1 of 1 o t T d f ) 3 € Y * t z a z - 7 p - - z e > k Q r ] 4 t / 7 - - z 7 z t ? 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