HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-193 Oversize drawings not scanned) .') BT]ILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information PermitType CommercialMiscellaneous Site Address 0 lOTH ST Project Description Installation of fire sprinkler system for apaftment building Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-193 948320601 Numes Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Rigby M Douglas Owner Rigby M Douglas Contractor Westem States Fire Protection Contractor Western States Fire Protection Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date 0-CITY 5445 t2l3t/2007 0-STATE WESTESFl36(.0III8I2OA9 Fee Information Project Details Entered Bid Valuation 8,500 DOLIProject Valuation Building Pennit Fee Plan Review Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $8.s00.00 161.25 108.7 r 4.54 5.00 8.50 Total Fees $293.96 Call 385-2294by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the infonnation provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner ofthe property or authorized agent ofthe owner. Date lssued: Issued By: Print Name CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3" Po r t To w n s e n d " WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N . PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y . ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E . PA R C E L NO . 94 8 3 2 0 6 0 1 PE R M I T NO . BL D 0 7 - 1 93 ls s u E D DA T E 09 t 1 8 t 2 0 0 7 D( P I R A T I O N DATE 03/10/2008 AD D R E S S O lO T H ST CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R RI G B Y M DO U G L A S PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N ln s t a l l a t i o n of fi r e sp r i n k l e r sy s t e m fo r apartment building CO N T R A C T O R WE S T E R N ST A T E S FI R E PR O T E C T I O N LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS FP P - P R E S S . T E S T FP P . R O U G H . I N FP P - U N D G R N € U P P FP P . F I N A L - A C C TO RE Q U E S T AN TN S P E C T T O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 s - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . ) Development Seruices Residential Building Permit Application ) Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150) See the "Residential Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. Prooertv Owner: Name: 'po-^ Ki"b- Address: 53 l^J City/SUZip Phone: Email: z -37 s Gontractor:n Same as Address: n+oZ 1ge+ 11-e ,.r(a City/SVZi 0{2 Phone (t*A Btsr- oroo Emai SSoP S State License #:l,rsE:TFSFt 36qF Exp:_ City Business License 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax: 360-344-4619 www.cityofpt.us Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Name: Project Valuation: Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint):* Square feet:_ %_ lmpervious Surface:* Square feet:_ *Total existinq & proposed ,l I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or aut and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordanc$ffih 9t4" t?-bSB , Print Name horized to act on behalf of the owner nd the Port Townsend Municipal Code Proiect Address:' '-'--A'oo iL,^,c",.k s+*"I Leoal Descriotion (or Tax #l: Roiition: e'IrR^hr"S ' Lot(s Office Use Onlv Permit+-Bt$-&:J93 Permits: Zoning: Parcel# KFq4g 32o tool Project kIc-t R. PF?A 3 ContacURe ntative 3s Address: 'Aoz-lg& Arle- pa City/SVZip , (*An o",A . t^rA qb9? phone' QZs- BSt -oro o Email aJ Building lnformation (square feet): 1't floor Garage:- 2nd floor Deck(s):- 3'd floor Porch(es Basement:ls it finished? Yes No Carport Other: Manufactured Home i New 1 Addition i ADU i RemodeliRepair i Any known wetlands on the property? Y N Any steep slopes (>15%l? Y N Signatu C'S.s Date:2- )lTY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG ) PERMIT # SCOPE OF WORK: DA.rERECETVED q.I -Aa DATE ACTION INITIALS 1- tz-r>-t ENTERED INTO CHET CA-toP - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS q-l3 -b1 m \Ab,t) l*u)I 6 /JJ €i .t t-q-o8 vn5 9€ J:/r1r t67 al lo-r" Thomas L. Aumock Consulting Fire Code Official 2303 Hendricks Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)385-3938 Email:taumock@cablespeed.com Cell:(360)643-0272 PLAI{ REVIEW MEMORAI\DUM To: Jan Hopfenbeck, Plans Examiner, City of Port Townsend Development Services Department Dt: 18 September2007Re: BLD0V-193, Auto Sprinkler System: 6-Unit Apartment Complex, 900 Hancock St., Cc: None This consulting Fire Code Official is in receipt of the above-referenced permit application for an automatic fire sprinkler system for a newly constructed six-unit apartment complex [BLD07-078]. The above-reference proposal was reviewed by this consulting fire code ofiEcial, with the International Fire Code [LF.C.], 2003 Edition and Washington State Amendments, and NFPA 13R, 2007 Edition. 4indines & Dqterminations: 1. The proposal was reviewed as a two-story residential occupancy, Group R-2 occupancy, with Type V-B construction classification with open deck-walkway to exits from the upper story; and, 2. An automatic fire suppression system (sprinklers) is required under I.F.C. Section 903.2.7, and; 3. The automatic fire sprinkler system is found to be designed, and certified by a licensed technician (W.A.C. 212-80) using the design provisions of NFPA l3R -2007 Edition, and; 4. All ground work on the fire service underground system is to be conducted by a licensed contractor with a current Level U certification or Level III certification. The plans reviewed indicated that this work is to be " by others", therefore, the licensed contractor shall submit plans and specifications for approval of the subject work prior to installation. The work SHALL be inspected by the Citv of Port Townsend prior to cover.and: 5. It is assumed that the system drain acts as the test conncection required per NFPA 13R Chapter 6.7.3, and the licensed contractor shall veri$ this element to the City. 6. The attached contractor's and materials and test certificates, or equivalent, shall be completed by the licensed contractor, and accepted by the City of Port Townsend prior to final occupancy certification. Any other applicable or relevant sections of said Code not covered herein shall nonetheless apply to this proposal. 1.0 hours time was logged in the review of this proposal It is the recommendation of this consulting fire code official that the proposal be approved subject to the aforesaid requirements of the Intemational Fire Code. C:\Doouments and Settings\TomMy Documents\Business\City Contract\Plan Review & Correspondence\BlD 2007\BLD07-193 Rigby Apartments AutoSprinklers.doc 9ll9/07 rl. clTY oF poRT TOWNSEND, STr- ) O' WASHTNGTON ") F-H.-E=5coNTRAcToRs'MATERlALs&TESTREPoRTFoRABoVEGRouNDPlPlNGW PRoceouRe Upon completion of work, inspection and test shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by anowner's representative. All defects shall be corrected and system-left in service before contractor's personnel finally leavethe job. : A certificate shall be filled. out and signed .by both ,epr*sen1fitiues. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities,owners, and contractor. lt is understood the owneds represehtative's signature in no way prejudict-l* any claim againstcontractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or faiiure to comply wlth approving auinoriiy's requirements or localordinances. rn-' I <>€o rx( ao g\A "'U r\"^c, PROPERTY NAME \ DATE %ZU z J u.r A 1gV k5.q 787.befu fltlAor*o^5 Cx)'JA@D(E(PLANS INSTALLATION CONFORMS TO ACCEPTED PTANS EQUIPMENT USED IS APPROVED IF NO, EXPTAIN DEVIATION ETYES E NO EPTES N NO INSTRUCTED AS TO LOCATION OF CONTOL VALVE AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMENT? IF NO, EXPTAIN OF FIRE YES f] NO BEEN INSTRUCTIOilS PREMISES: 1. SYSTEM COMPONENTS INSTRUCTIONS2. CARE AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS 13 THE LEFT E tto D tto E YES YES SUPPLIES BUILDINGSLOCATrc)N OF SYSTEM MAKE MODEL YEAR OF MANUFACTURE oRrFrcE stzE OUANTITY TEMPERATURE RATING \ qcs '{e\4"tr*1 "l+Lt l5F:g lL iL a '?t*I L 155 UPIPEAITIO FITTINGS (frlq-FITTINGS ALARM DEVICE MF0([MW F0ffi T0l0ffiff&re THROUGH TE$SICONNECTION TYPE MAKE MODEL MINUTES SECONDS ALARII"MALV,GOR. FLOUfi|XO|SATOR" 3000-450-001 9/O2 OUICKOPENING DEVICEDRY VALVE SERIAL NO,MODELMAKESERIAL NO.MODELMAKE AI ALARM OPERATED PROPERLY TIME WATFR REACHED TEST OUTLET TRIP POINT AIR PRESSURE ,WATER $rssur \AIR PRESSURETHRU YES NOMINsEcPSIPSr\PSIMIN \\\ J I\wlTH o.o.D. IF NO, EXPLAIN trl NoN YES il PNEUMATIC nNo OPERATION PIPING SUPERVISED E ELECTRIC E HYDRAULIC DETECTING MEDIA SUPERVISED E YES DRY PIPE OPERATING TEST IYES DNoSTATIONS?CONTROLAND/ORTRIP REMOTEMANUALTHEOPERATEVALVEFROMDOES IFIS THERE AN ACCESSIBLE FACILITY FOR TESTING?IN EACH CIRCUIT NYES NNO TODoES EACH ctRculr oPERATE VALVE RELEASE? OOES EACH CIRCUIT OPERATE SUPERVISION LOSS ATARM? NONOYESYESNOYES MODELMAKE DELUGE & PREACTION VALVES TEST DESGRIPTION NO TESTSUPPLTEO [YEs f]NO above pressure ln shall be left open during test to prevent damage. All aboveground J_O hours-24 Testin pressure11/-1 bars)exceedshallnotwhich (0.measureand7 dropal(bars)pregsure(2. 11notshallairandlevelwatertanks NIF STA REASONTEFORo,TA v SILICATE, NO THAT ORSYSTEMSFORUSEDTESTINGWERECHEMICALSNOTCORROSIVEOTHERORBRINESODIUMOFDERIVATIVES two hoursmade atA 0.2 bars) for two hours. Differential dry-pipe WITH wlDE:OF AND NYES ENO EYES NNO PIPING. VERIFIED BY COPY OF THE U FORM NO 858 FLUSHED BY INSTALLER OF UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER PIPING IF NO, EXPLAIN DRY PIPING PNEUMATICALLY TESTED EQUIPMENT OPERATES PROPERLY piping leakage shall be stopped PNEUMATIC: Establish 40 Psi -l TESTS BLANK TESTING GASKETS DO YOU GERTIFY THAT THE WELDING WAS PERFORMEO BY WELDERS QUALIFIED IN corurplrnncewlTHTHEREQU|REMENTSoFATLEASTAWsDl0.g,L€VELAR-3? IF YES, COMPLETE BELOW THAT THAT ALL LTS NOOFINTERNAL ARE TESTA EYES ilNO DYES D NO wlTH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWS D10.9, LEVEL AR-3? YES PENETRA TO YES YES DOES WERE WELDED PIPING E YES E NO WELDING CUTOUTS (Dtscst FUNCNONAL FLOW TE$T IF NO, EXPLAIN NAMe pr-nrE pRovtDED''trYES NNOHYDRAULIC OATA NAMEP.LATE DATE LEFT IN SERVICE W|TH ALL CONTROL VALVES OPEN:REMARKS QtrLttrn TESTSSIGNATURES t WASHINGTON STATE FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFI( CONTRACTORS MATERIAL & TEST REPORT FOR FIRE SPRINKLERS ADVISORY BOARD LJ*o=*oRouND PTPTNG It iILJ}t*/tJu i- t,. ir L t) i{Jl.l0 ACCEPTED BY APPROVTNG AUTHORITIES (NAME) Citv of Port Townsend CITY OF P()Rt TOWNSTND U)U PIPE TYPES AND CLASS HOW FLUSHING FLOW WAS OBTAINED M puaLrc wATER n rnr.rr oR REsERVotnfl rrne puvrp E] pueLrc wATER n rnrux oR REsERVornn rrne puvrp OBTAIN PROCEDURE before contractol,s personnel finally leave the job. A certiflcate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for ownef s representative's signature in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to NA|\ilE 6 Unit ERTY ADDRESS 900 Hancock St. Port WA ADDRESS PLANS INSTALLATION CONF c TE HAS PERSON IN CHARG o YES NO OF CONTROL VALVE AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMENT? IF NO, EXPLAIN INSTRUCTIONS HAVE COP S OF THE APPROPRIATE INSTRUCTIONS AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE CHARTS YES BEEN LEFT ON PREMISES? IF NO, EXPLAIN will be done after job is finaled SUPPLI B GS OCATION Riser room located on rear of JO PIPE CONFORMS TO YES NO FITTINGS CONFORM TO N.F.P.A. # 24 STANDARD Elvrs !ru0 IF NO, EXPLAIN JOINTS NEEDING ANCHORAG ACCORDANCE WITH YES NO N.F.P.A. # 24 STANDARD TEST DESCRIPTION FLUSHING flgWtnerequiredrateuntilwaterisclearasindicatedbynocolleotionofforeignmaterial inburlapbagsatoutletssuchashydrantsandblow-offs. Flush at flows not less than 390 GPM for 4-inch pipe, 880 GPM for 6-inch pipe, 1500 GPM for 8-inch pipe, 2440 GPM for 1o-inch pipe, and 3520 GPM for 12-inch pipe. When supply cannot produoe stipulated flow rates, obtain maximum available. HYDROSTATIC gvCrostatic test shall be made at not less than 200 psi for two hours or 50 psi above static pressure in excess of 150 psi for two hours. LEAKAGE Neweroipeslaidwithrubbergasketedjointsshall,iftheworkmanshipissatisfactory,haveliftleornoleakageatthejoints.Theamountofleakageatthe joints shall not exceed 2 qts, per hour per 1 00 joints irrespective of pipe diameter. The leakage shall be dishibuted over all joints. lf such leakage occurs at a few joints the installation shall be considered unsatisfactory and necessary repairs made. The amount of allowable leakage specified above may be increased by 1 fl. oz. per in. valve diameter per hour for each metal seated valve isolating the last section. lf dry barrel hydrants are tested with the main valve open, so the hydrants are under pressure, an additional 5 oz. per minute leakage is permitted for each hydrant. EW D YES NO BY (COMPANY) IF NO, EXPLAIN WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION WHAT TYPE OF OPENING EOUIPMENT USED IS APPROVED IF NO, EXPLAIN DEVIATIONS LEAD-INS FLUSHED ACCORD NG TO BY (COMPANY) WESTERN STATES FrRE PROTECTTON IF NO. EXPLAIN YES YES nruo NO HYDRANT BUTT E open pipe YES NO ROUGH E OF OPENING! v corutt. To FLANGE & sprcor E operu ptpe NO UNDERGROUN PIPES AND JOINTS FLUSHING TESTS .P-A- 858 (ovER) HYI]ROSTATIC TEST LEAKAGE TEST HYDRANTS CONTROL VALVES REMARKS SIGNATURES CERTIFICATION EXPLANATI 858 BACK ,PING HYDROSTATICALLY TESTED AT FOR 2 HOURS EYrs n ruoPSI GALS.HOURS LLOWABLE LEAKAGE GALS HOURS ALL OPERATE SATISFACTORILY CONTROL VALVES LEFT WIDE OP YES NO IF NO. STATE REASON NGEABLE THOSE OF ENT ALARM YES CONTRACTOR LICENSE # WESTESFl RTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS TRUE AND THAT THIS SPRINKLER SYSTEM WAS NCE WTH RCW 18-160 AND THE RULES ADOPTED BY THE WASHINGTON ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AS ADMINISTERED BY THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL. Sta G. Amas NAME OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY HOLDER (PRINT OR TYPE) CERTIFICATE REGISTRATION # 391 -06-4431 SIGNATURE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY HOLOER DATE o NUMBER INSTALLED ryPE AND MAKE N FOR PROPERW OWNER (STGNED)TITLE FOR TNSTALLTNG CONTRACTOR (StGNED)TITLE B9R,AEPROVI NG AUTHORIry/*4tzaa<-+-.za-d *ll\Euo Aou &* Inspection Report Project F;<, s?R.,n Vlee-Permit * BLI>O 7- lq3 lnspection & NotesDateInspector e/rrt/os -fon n.irr.t +AP Z Z/.8 fh/n. 4 Mn Lt/ /ctr26(7/'c/t/s 7.Zg-08 s/I Eot: q de;qi L -rFS 2 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. pntrr/,{PERMIT NUMBER:&? - /?_EDATE OF' SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: ( CONTACT PERSON: Y 4"FN coNrRAcroR: /Us;SrreN PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION:.lisi4 (3 Ey'rzda'eW /7t rcff ,Ffrsf e_r: *: Flurp lxa) rtfs-rtQ "o/fi* arr 6/ {ar;wP - .fiV:fi77rd( fit. fref-.* fi:tunffi lvAA JeeS. -- t/e'frf UZV/r n ilSeZ //v ,Pt{$ Ers Pf /'/t,tts ttvO &u/l/- A/afn /A/-ft'*/'i7{ttt"/ ,i/tt 'Zt € tA.t ("t/{E ! APPROVED *.}ffappnovED wrrH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection N NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date oz/z v l/ Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be qssessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspectionso call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 'XLYW\tqa DATE OF INSPECTION: A? - sTTEADDRESS: ea-Wz Ar PERMIT NUMBER:d PROJECT NAME CONTRACTOR: /4/EzW4 JnrZg .E P- CONTACT pERSON: aep/PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION: --^/€pea7 A/.AZ /3 E t%aUa-G4au:vA tfuZ, ,1/ztty,lz*- -7yS& q 4qzzaffua 7%r ?& zu*.a 24 MBM tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be N NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before at next inspection Inspector Date Approved and permit cqrd must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed is not readyfor inspection DATB OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJBCT NAME CONTACT PERSON: e4,ua tr CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want insppctions, call bv 3:00 PM Friday. PERMTTNUMBER: 8t': 8F *B CONTRACTOR:,*ff*''.r.r: PHONE: tr' o r in sp e ctio n s o c all ttr e I n s p di"ii'dnlltne- a.t the inspection. For Monday ;(f A{ rf TYPE OF'INSPECTION: &*r^"a.t ,{i'rrtstt'r //i fltrV , F-'/// .,;Et / e---s f j. lI' -4 t tl t, {-l/ L;;7 /- fi,1 1.7 t lv By /:, l.-hd? ( {" l,ttt U Arrt.'sro t g# { ct ryzV*,'{ 77 tt,rY,y' .{,'({: /")F tr;",N YS i / 7-{? t}t- d{:ft Ui It rI)1:: 7..,t ,,'ii !/,-' N APPROVED Inspector Approved ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS APPROVED Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Date (,J "/,.' -). and permit card must be on-site 'd/)u/'r f A if ,rt:){ { 0"7; be ctssessed if work is not ready.for inspection. and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may ,i I { . CITY OF PORT TOWNSENI) DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPART]VIENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT N CONTACTPERSON: Z-/l/{,,4 TYPE OF INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER: CONTRACTOR:.;r:s/; .- d''."ou ; tt gr.PHONE: , !. ';. ,i a ("i 8&,Ctd ,1'{,l"ytsFs ' Nr a/r,,V ]N"sf{t IZevT ?-*"j\-"{ &ze.a-fuu- Inspector N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Date II NOT APPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. /j'e /?/,/Af, Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and availeble at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. Western States Fire Protection, Co. 7102 180th Ave. N.E. Suite A-105 Redmond. Washineton 98052 (425) 881-0100 FAX (425) 881-3030 Fire Protection Systems Engineering. Falrrication . Installation Commercial. Industrial. Residential. Institutional Special Hazards . High Tech . Defense . Ilangars Retrofit. Service . Inspection . Maintenance LETTTR OF TRANSMITTAL To: Cfty ol ?orL Towsend Date Paqes Job No Prolect. 9- t 2,O7 WSFP # 795t35 Bldq I ?uqet 3ound AVVarLments fhese are LtansmftLed as checked below Under 1eTarate Cover the lollownq ftems SubmftLals As - Burlt LetLer Samgles E For Revrew and CommenL n Returned for Corcechons fl Resubmrt _CoVes lor Agproval n 1ubmft CoVes tor Dstrtbutton t] Return CorrecLed ?rnts We are sendnq yov Remark Attached ShoV Drawnqs Prrnts ?lans CalculattonE E For AVgroval n ForYour Use tr As RequesLed I Approved as Noted n ApVroved as SubmftLed COPIES DATT DTgCRIPTION 3 FIRE 9PRINKLTR PIANS 3 NYDRAU LI C CALC ULATI ON5 3 PRODUCT DATA Check#43O lOG223 CoTy lo:nLr Sncerely, Corey 9rsson ProlecL Manaqer s[P 1 2 7_007 '1. ft/lodel FT Residential Bulleiin.l35 Rev.D ./ Spnie'lklers l-n tr o + o) Ot '1. F1 Res49 pendent 2. f Res 49 Recessed pendent/F1 S. fl Res 49 Recessed penOeniifp 4. F1.Res 58 pendent 5. F1 ResSB pendenVFl 6. F1 Res 49 CCp pendent 7. F1 Rbs 44 HSW 8, F1 Res 44 Recessed HSWFz 9. F'l Res 58 HSW '. - 10. Fl Res 58 HS\{ Recessed HSWF211. F1 Res 44 SWu 12. F1 Res 40 HSW 13. Fl Res 40 Flecessed HSWF2 Laboratories lnc. andda (cULus) the louresiflows .05 gpnvff Appiication F1Res49&SB Recessed Perdent/F1 Pendent/Fp F1 Res Recessed Fl Bes49CCp Pendent F1 Res 44&SB R ecessed HSWiF2 I UL csp F1 Res 44SWC F1 40 Recessed FISWF2Patents .U.S fqtgnt No. 6,516,8g8 applies to theModel F1 Res 49 & Sg pendent Sprint<iers Product Description llil.::fl[lfi"jrri*!F:#ffi1:"l'?ii#tlih3lri;ge_sls1 The Fi Res HoiDont"isiJrl*5il 5r:,.*t :sglfiv un,.uo'e when **Tilfi,;J o('F,p,'; The 3mm qlass-bulb. pendent sprinklers, with aK-factor ot..4|s, permit thbtff di";iil; of residenrialyvater s.upplies. foi sp rin kl er covera g Jin resiOentiai i]ilprotection design. The low flow Fj Fes sprinklers ar.e speciallyengineered for- fast thermai ,"i["",i.= ro moet thesens,ltive f ire prote ct ion app.r ca',io,{ ; ;; '.- i, ti..,I"r.tlr]ies i cjenii a i in ai.k=i staloE fi . illi'' ; ;?i sl-a,i I;..*'-.J, ,URon fiie conoiiions, riiii..' hsii-"a,_,1ri-* a s;:i.iniil=;..sh eai s e n s iii l,e o I as s -.c J t ::' t" -. n ;i,-"- ;= = ;Sil.J' 11-.. =lvaia'\a.,arr fc' inlile. ii3.".- "-il.,-;.1'"i:.,:.,= :.,=-::--...- _ ' -_ '- :' -.-:. . .--...:'-:-:- .-:',::- --': ;l Technical Dataln ThermalSensor: Nominal 3mm glass_bulb" Sprinkler Frame : Brass Casting" --" " Sprinklers'pressure nating : -i7S rrsi lgctory Hydrosraticatty f6teO to 5OO psi" Thread Size:'Vz,,NpT b ti - " K-Factor:1.9 (Actu",l) - E1 F", j_gl"ndentSprinkler q.q gcru{ _ !.r pes se renoini&-ftSruEbrinr<rer { { ($ctua!) _ Fl Res q+ HSW Sbrr:' k"kjr' vH, tr',vq, 4.0 (Actuar) _ F-l Res 40 HSW Sili;k#o Density: Minimurnb.05 s;;h1 'v' v u', e-ntial Und {nstallation ' ) . .Mgde]s Fl Res spr,inklers are to be insialled as shown.Mode I F 1, f2 and Fp EscutJneonl-itj'riiiut" A ffi ;;]iij.are the_only recessed escutchebns-td G usilwiifiModel F1 Bes sprinkle_rs. Uie oiany-otf.,"rl"c6"""l esc utch eon wj I I voi d at I ap piovais a^6 ;;;;;;ffi.:H,;installing Model.Fl Res pendenispfinkels use ontvinlModel D sprinkJerWren-ch; for instatting MoOeisFi'iesRecessed Pendent, CCp & SWC spiinXlters use onti tnJ ) lodel GFR1 sprinkler wrenc.h; for installing Model F1!91 .Rqcessed HSw sfrlnlitei's:r=e Jnivih;-M;del 9FR1 Sprin(ler Wrench. Use oi wab;;he's iirr"l't-nlilthose. specified may damage. these sprin kiJis] jn"ri-jr'Fi' Bes 44'and 40 HSW Wiin i-ceiiind 6-d;1fi$i; AEiIn;;of 4" - 1 2." . Fl ow an ow on g,ef I e ctoi m uit p oini i,iilil;;near wall and 'Top" marking must fiCe-cliiing. -' " "" . Model Ff 'Res 49 & Sg pendent . Model Fl Res 49 & 5g Recessed Pendent/ Fl Fl escutcheoo, %,, (1 gmm) adjustment 2 l/1' taE Dt,It ia, IMfN lrc:aal (^ nfrt calE ,fiLavttl4fir $nt*ntftrpr jatt' l'x 1.2' Frux' Ut'Ittul r& a,-.'ffi Dcaurp r{AtF'et b6rW V trin 1 Technic al D ): Ff Res 4g pendent dind Rec . ''sed pencient Escutcheon"Fl or Daia * Note: Escutcheors F1 orF2may be used withModel Fl Res 49 & SB Re6essed eenOiint Sprinkler *Defistor, to -Ddector-to -'Maximum 1"lo 4" v.f.i Maximum 4'to 8"(mrnrn) Technical Data: F1 Ftes sg Fendent and Recessed Fendent a recessed oed per NFPA criteria: ndent 13 in (2.3 m) on center. 1-4 Thread Size Splinklei. Ternp. Ratinq -Max. Pressure psi(bar) Max. Ambibnl Ternp. .Actual K Factor Sprinkler'Length lnch (mm).oF oC cF %, NPT /R4',l '155 175 6B 79 175 (12)100 150 38 66 4.9 2.25 (s7) Tpe Adiustrn$t lnch(mm) iA" lrch(mm) F-aceof.fittingto ceiltno lrrchfm-m) F1 %(1e.0)Min.=1" (19.1) Max.=1%/ (38.1)%. -r3,1u C.7 - 24.0) F2 %(12.7)Min.=r%^" (23.9\ Max.=1ttr'139.11 3le - ,%, (4.7 - 17 .4) Max. Sprinkler Spacingfi (m) Flow gpm (Lpm) Pressure psl(bar) Sprinkler ldentification NumberfSIN) 12x 12 (3.6x3.6)13 (49)7.0 (0.48) 14 x 14 (4.3x4.3)13 (4s)7.O (0.48) 16 x 16 (4.9x4.9)13 (49)7.0 (0.4b) 18 x 1B (5.5x5.5)17 rcAs\12.0 f0.8s) 2O x'2O (6.'1x6.1)20 05.7\16.711.14) R3516 Max. Sprinkler Spacing fr (m) Flow gpm (Lpm) 'Pressure 'psi(bar) Sprinkler ldentification Number{SlN) 12x12 (3.6xs.6)15 (57)9.4 (0.65) 14 x'14 (4.3x4.3)16 (60.5'l 10.6 (0.73) 16 x 16 (4,9x4.9)17 (64.3)12.0 (0.83) 1B x 18 (5,5x5.5)1e (72)1s.0 (1.0) 20x20 (6,1x6,1)22 B3.2\20.2n,4\ R3516 Thread'Size Sprinkler Tsnp. Ratinq Mac Pressurc psi(bar) [/lax. Ambient Ternp. K .Fector $prinkls Lensth lnch.(inm)oF oc OF oc U2'NPI. 1RY2\ 155 175 68 79 175 (12)1 00 501 3B 66 5.8 2.25 (s7) Max. Sprinkler Spacing ft {m) FIow gprn(Lpm) Plesure pst (bafl Ceiling-te Deflector lrch(mmi Sprinkla .ldeffification 12 x 12 (3,6x3.6)16 (61)7.6 (0.53) 14 x 14 (4.3x4.3)16 (61)7.6 (0.53) 16 x 16 (4.914.9)16 (61) | 7.6 (0.53) 1B x 18 (5.5x5.5)ls (72\ i rO.e ro.zst (25-1o0)ni3 iJ . Mociel Fi Res qs )p \sdei Fl Res 49 Recess-ad FP push-on/thread-off. escutcheon ent ' lo. Fis.3 Fig. a Technical Data; Fl Res 49 CCp and Fp ccP o ons FF Data "A": Min.i4 >: i4 {/,.3x4 i 16,Y 16 i3 aa ln 1Z i=a i!ai, { I Z.l , : lal r:'. i rjg.il. l'_' . ': !1a - ' r.^\ l"xl/2'REDUCER oF cauNc 2 5/t6'OA' [sa.zmn] CUP J 2 5,/8' [66,7hm] DA.HOLE IN CAUNC t IAx.fo Fl RES 49 CCP PEND. CUP CEILINA CAWR AAilSIUEM i 5/t6' DtL [8a.tmmJ t't tA'ftMe 2 t/t6' ou. IerffiJw r I |4 tu vz' 2 tfi'D.t\mt lt Thread Size $dnkler Ternp.'.Rating ccP Asembly rsnp. Ratino Max. Pressirre psi(bafl Max. Arnbient Tevnp, K Factor $rinkler [.grqth lnch(irm) OF "C "F OF OC Y2" NPT RYz\155 68 tJ5 57 175 (12)100 150 38 66 4.9 2.25 (57) ..Att Cover.Adiuitment' lnch (mm)ccP ht ..Br %fi2.n 34" H.7j str fi9) Max. Sprinkler Spacino h(rnt- Flow gpm(Lpm) Pressure p,si(bar) Sprinkl* ldeniificaiion Nunrba'(S!N) 12 x 12 (3.6x3.6)13 (49)7.C (0 48) FP Posiiion Max. Fecessed 2i x 2l /€ "1>:5 1\ f,loie: Sp:iniij3is shor4,r.. il -g. -t en,l i-:c. 4 ar: nciislhai;3 fc: insial;ati:n-i;-: ceiiings \,_,ir;oi, trar,= ;,Oil-c'lih€ niessure !- h? Staa: a5:rr:. i I . .Model F1 Fes 44 & 5S HS')-)ag plrRes 44 &'58 Rece5sed HSVI//F2 F2 Technical Data: Fl Hes 44 HSW & FISWF2 Escutcheon Data: Thred Size Spridkla Ternp, . Ratinq Malr' Pessure psi (bar) Max. Ambient Te*nn.K Factor Sprinkler Lensth lnch(firm)"F "c oF oc Y2'NPT GV2\ 155 '175 68 79 17s.(12)100 1s0 38 bb 4.4 2.4s (62) Tyce Adjustnprrt lnch(mnr) Faceof Fitting to wall lnch (mrn) F2 % (13)3/"-'X" @.7.- 17.4) Max.$prinkl* Spacing ' ft(m) ..4r. Geiling-to Ddecbr FIow gpm(l+m) Prcssule pst (bar) Sprinkl* lclentification Number(StN) 12x 1 1 12 4x14 1s5 175 14 10.2 161 t55 75 16 18 155 75 18 1 16,8 1 18 18 7 tb 4,9x6, 4-6 (101-152) ,4 x 1 175 14 10.2 71x1I1tt5161316x1615s17517116x 18 4.9x5.5 155 175 20 20.7 1lo201 6, 12 (152-30s) 155 17s ZJ 1 27.4 1 Teshnical Data; Fi Res SB HSW & F|SWF2 Escutcheo Data: Thrad Size $rinkler Ternp. Ratino Max. Pressure psi(bar) .Max Ambient lemo.K Factor - Srinkler [s'gtf, lrrch(mm)oF oF oc Y2" NPT (n7z\155 175 68 79 175 (12)J00 150 38 bb 5.8 2.45 (62) Ty4re Adjustrnent Inch (mm) Faceof Fitting to trrall lnch(rnm). F2 %(1s)3/" -1%" U.7 - 17.4\ Moc$prinklerg*ing ft(m) . rtAD Ceiling-to Deflstor lnch(mm) SprinklaTenp,. Rating 'F('C) FIow gpm(Lpm) Pressue p.e (bar) Sprinkler ldentification Numb*(SlN) 12x 12 (3.6x3.6) 4-6 (101-152) 1s5 (68).175 (79)16 (60.6)7.6 H3533 14 x 14 (4.3x4.3)1s5 (68)175 79],18 (68.2)9.7.{0.67) 16 x 16 {4.9x4.9)155 (68)175 {.79],21(79.5\13.2 (0.91) 16 x 1B ?+.gxs.sl 155 (b8)175 0e\2s (94.7\18.6 (1.28) 16 x 20 (4.9x6. 1)155 (68)175 1.79],29 (109.81 25 (1:73) 12x12 (3.6x3.6) 6- 12 (1s2-305) 155 (68)175 (79i 22 {83,3)14.4 (1.0) 14 x14 (4.3x4.3)'155 (68)175 (79)22 {83.3)14:4 (1.0) 16 x 16 (4.9x4.9i 15s (68)175 {7S)26 {e8.4)1 16 x'18 (4:9x5.5)1s5 (68)17s (79\31 (117.4)28.6 (1,e7) Model Fl Res 44 swc o- lz (152-305) Technical Data: Fl Hes 44 SWC Q?f,e{ Fis.5 I tft' fJ t.7aaaJ. Uo,rmemFod U frlllndIo fion .DnwasLa l'x t/2' R.duc.t Rac@Nidcd ndd Eott2 s,/a. . [55.6dnnJ Na. F1 RES 44 SWC re 2 t 5/t6' [8t.ltaaJ Do. tw7 J luRtt IIGHf WEN.H PUSH AN COVEP- IHTNfuR{ fo artJLsf uNnLnGHi AGltNst WL 0iq It 1'. to lz' Ilol.oohm fo JU,60hd) l/2- [r2:7omn]Adjuslrn.nl I 2t?/32' F2.0zdmJ Thread 9ize Sprinkler T.enrp. Ratino GoverTerno. Ratlng 'Max. Pressure pst (bar) Mar AnibientTemp.K Factor 'Sprinkler Length lrrch(mm)oF oF r "F oc '1/2" NPf ffiVz\155 135 EA 17s (12)100 3B 4.1 2.45 (62) Ma*$dnkler Spacing fi(m) ttA" Geiling-to Deflelor lnbh(mm) Flow gpm(Lpm) Pressurc p.e (b€r) Srinkler ldentificati6n Numbe(SlN) 12x 12 (3.6x3.6) 4-6 (101-152) 13 (49.2)8.7 (0.60) 14 x 14 (4.3x4.3)14 {53.0)'t0,2 (0.71) 16 x 16 (4.9x4.9)17 (64.3)15.0 (1,1) 16 x 18 (4.9x5.5)19 (71.8)18.7 (1.13) 16 x 20 (4.9x6.1)23 (87.1)27.4 (1.89\ 12x 12 (3.6x3.6)'14 (s2,9)10.2 (0.71) 14 x14 (4.3x4.3)15 (56.7)11.7 (0.81) 16 x 16 U.9x4.9\18 (6E.1)16.8 t':.151 ie ;'lt (4.9>:5.5]20 l7i.6l odsl es4 Fig.6 4-6 (101-152) F2 es Technical Data: Fi Hes 40 HSW & HSWIFZ Escutcheon Data: 33 g) i i75 .0! i 33' !,'?.2i\ i -; ?I U-ri el Fl Bes 40 Flecessed HSW/Fz '13mm Fig.7 ia ). t3 5.5x5 16 >: 20 I4:.9x6. j I 35FGO5 , ,5/t6' t'x ,/2'RtDal',€R re tEFg6-C t fo 2 27/J2'o4 {72rtu1 t,/2' I tJ;d] ANUSTTIENf DERECIOR oAlrNsDN FACE 6 nn!N6. fo . *AI! DIM€NS'ON 2 th'HoLE D [szznn] t tA'utN, (31,8t;@J Thred Sire Sprinkler Ternp. Ratinq Ma:<. Pressure psr (bar) Mar Ambient Ternp, K Factor Sprinkler Lsrgth lnch(rnm)oF oF oc Yz'NPT ./P'Y2\ 155 175 68 79 175 (12)100 150 38 bb 4.0 ?.4s (62) Tpe Adjustment lnch(mm) Faceof Fitting to lrall Irch (mm) F2 % (13\%u-'%"@]'17.4\ Ma<. Sprinkler Spacing ft(m) ,a art Ceiling-to- Deflstor lrch(mm) SprinklerTenp. Rating'"Ffc) Flow gpm(Lpm) 'Pessure psi(bar) Sprinlds ldeiltiftcation Number(SIN) 12 x 12 (3.6x3:6)155 (68)175 (75\'13 (49.0)10.6 14 x 14 (4.3x4.3)155 (68)175 (79)16 (60.5)16.0 (1.10) 16 x 16 (4.9x4.9)155 (68)17 (64.3)18.1 (1.24) 16 x 16 (4.9x4.9)175 (79\1B (68.1)20.2fi.39\ 16,': 18 (4.$r5.5)15s (68) i rzsrzgi 20 (75.7i 25.0 (1.72\ 'r2 >:. ':2 ( Finishes(11 Standard FI ni-chac Sprinkler F1 Bronze Chrome Plated -\Ul@Pqlyester Coated Brass Bright White Chrome Flated Special Application Finishes Sprinkler ' F7,F2, Escutcheons Bdghi Brass Black Plated Black Paint Off White Satin Chrcime I Bright Brass Black Plaied Black Paint Oif White Satin Chrome ,) Ordering lnforniation Specify: 1. Sprinkler Model j 2. Sprinkler Type 3..Temperature Ratin$ 4. Sprinkler Finish 5. Escutcheon Finish (t) Other finishes and Consllt factory ioi colors are available on special order deiails. 'Maintenance Model Fl Res 4g,F1 ResSB, F1 Res 44andFl Res40 Sprinklers should be inspected quarterlv, and the sorinklei systern m?iltained in accordanie with NFPA ZS, t'9, tCD,and 13R. Do not'clean.sprinkler with soap anO water, Arnmonia or any other cleining fiuids. Remove Ousi 6ilusing a soft.brush or gentle Vacuuminq. Remove anisprinkler which has been painted (othEr than .factory appleo) or oamaged tn any wav. A stock of soaresprinklers should be maihtain-ed to allow olick replacement of.damaged or operated sprinklers. prior to installation, sprinklers should remain in thb originalcartons and packaging until.used. lhis wiil minimize The. potentialfor damage to sprinklers that could cause improper operation or non-operation. Model FlRES 49 Residentiat Sprinkler Specifications Model Fl Res 4g Recessed pendenFl, l4o{"! l'! Fes 49 Recessed pend emffii', Model Fl Res 49 Recessed penderitlFp Model Fl Res 49 Pendent Sprinklers shallbe [cUlus Listedl [New york Citv MFAApproved'(258-93-E)l low flow-r-esidential oendentsprinklers engineered_ to provide a .minimuni design 9SpilY., of 0.05 gpmlFt' over the listed correrage area.Listed.flows as spiecified by tre manufacture/s"techniCal data sheets are to be used. Residentialsprinklers shall beinstalled in conformance with the inanuiaCiu?br iinstallation guidelines and the applicable lniiitfationstandard. Where pendent residehtial sprinklers are ilgif l.ed. pn ger s toped cei li ng s having a b itch'at up {o tqiA [_8112], the sprinklers sha-ll be listeij for sLjch u!e.'Lleflector-to-ceiling distance listing shall be 1' to g" maximum. Sprinklerframe and deflector shallbe of bronzelrarne construction having a %" NpT thread. Water sealassembly shall consist of a Teflon-coated.Belleville springwasher.andtop-loaded extruded cupwith S mm glass bu6coniaining no plastic paris, and havino a tefrperaturerating of [155"F (69:C)] [17S"F (79"C)].- Sprinktbrs shalt n_ave a nominal K-factor of 4.9 (70).- Standar-d finish: IBronze] fChrome-ptared] [Whirb poV;stel-'Gpbiiui Iinrgl-- sneciryl. fiesic'=niiai nende:r: s;jii:rlii=ri -shal b=F=ilaoi: h4ciet F-i Fes 49, Sli! R35i6 {3.:jieiir -i35:. , Modet Fl Res 49 CCP Fer, ;nt (Conceaied) . Sprinklers_stratt be [cUlus Listedl [Nbw york Civ MEAApprg,ved (258-99-E)l tow flow resialntiai Condeaje'A :p,lllll:1., p1giry_ege,g to provide a .minimum desisn g.epTy,or u.oc gp4lft..over the listed coverage area.Listedltows as specified by the manufacturer'siechnicaldata sheets are to be used. Rejsidential sprinklers shailbe installed in conforminCe witn tnJ manutaciuieii.instaliation g,uidetines'and the ipdjicaOtJ'r,lstalbtio;standard. . Where pendent resicjeintial sprint<t5rJ-iie i.nqtal.le-d.under slopdd ceilings having a pitCh ;j ,ti; Pll.z1 .[B/1.2], the si2rinkters stail be iiEteO'ioiiucn ,j.1.Sprinkler frame and deflector shall be of bronze frameconstruction having a %" NpT thread. Watei seafassembly shall consisi of .a Teflon-coated Ei;iletiltespring.washer and top-loaded extruded cup with 3 m;glass bulb containing ho plastic parts, and havino atemperature.rating of 1SS.F (68.C).' Cover blateassembly shall consist of a brass cover plate and ccjoneralloy retainer flange. Method of atiachirio the cover blateto the sprinkler cup shall be a push-oil and threadoffdgsign allowing a Tz" cover plate adiustment. Coverplate te.mperature rating shall be 135.F(S7"C). A olasticprotective cap. shall be provided and iactoiy inbtalled rnsroe rne spnnKter, gup tq.protect the spr:inkler fromdamage, which.could occur during construction beforene cover ptate is installed. Standard cover plate finish: twf ilej [Cirstom co]of . .r p""'tv: J' con-i e ar 5o b; ; d ;ii :prll[le.rS shatl be_Retiabie Model F1 Res agCCF,-StNi R3516 (Bulletin -135). have a lolltne factor of 4.0 (57.7 ): Standard finish: lFr.oFei [chrorile-ptated] [white polyester] [specialfini.qh specifyl. hesid-entiat horizbntat'sjliewati sprinklers shall be Reliable ModelFl Ras 40, SIN R3S3S(Bulletin 135). Model F1 Res40 Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler . Use 9escription for the Model Fj Res 40 horizontai srdewall sprinkler with the following modificatjons: Replace"noflzontal sidewall sprinkled' with,,recessed- horiiontal !p,1nkle.1. " Add: R ece'ssed escutch eo n asiem6 Vlira i ne g,gte_el, two.piece escutch e on wilh lz" acijustm ent (Modei F'J*'J$ii$11,?iffi ifl ?;i:'&lirrR'Jg'[T#,',",TsllK5 norzontat sidewail sprinklers shall be Reliable Model FlRes 401F2, SIN rcsj8 teulleiin r3st- - ' 'Model F1 RES 40 and F l Rs 44 Horizontal Sidewall Rsidential Sprinkler Spmifi cations Model F'l Res 40 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler . Sprinklers shall be [cUlus Listedl INew york'Citu MEA. {qRroveO (258-93-E)l low ftow ie-sidentiat horizontatsrdewail.sprinklers engineere^d to provide a minimum .9,e_1gn density.of 0.05 gpm/ft' over the listed coveragearea. .Listed flows as specified by the manufactureistechnical data sheets are to be'uieO. nesiOeniiisprinklers shall be installed in conJoimance. witn fhemanufacturefs installation guidelines and the apptiCaniJinstallation standard... Wherdhor.izontat si Otwat t i55d;ti;sprinklers are .inltilled under sloped ceitingJ ffi;i"q;pitch of up^tol4lt2ll8/121, the sprinkters snit[Ue ilsieOioisucn use. Sprint(ter frame and deflector shall be of bronzetrame construction having aTz" NpT thread. Water sealassembly shall consist of a Teflon-coated getteviile sorino y?,r-h_"1 and.top-loaded extruded g.up with 3 ,r-Ui-.E p_yl o c o ? t3r ll_qn o- plqqtj c. pg4 s_, a nd h av i n g a t e m p e rEt u reratrng of [155"F (68.C)] [125"F (79.C)]. Sprinklbrs shalt Model Fl Res 44 Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Use deqcription for the'Model F1 Res 44 horizontaledewal .sprinkler with the followinq modifications:Heptace "horizontal sidewall sprinklel' with,,recessednorzontal sprinkler.". Add: .Recessed escutcheonassemDty sla.llpe a steel, twopiece escutcheonwilh.Vz"ad;ustment (Model F2). Standard finisl-r shall be !?r9:..?Jibrislt c,n,rory.el [white p ainte d] [Spec ial fi n ish_spqcltyj. Residential recessed horizontal sidewall 1qrl?rytqrj shail be Reliable Modet F1 Res 44lF2, SINR3531 (Bulletin 135). The eguipment Corporation, or presenied in this bulletin is ro be insialiec in accorcjance v./ilh the latesi periineni Standarcis ol the Naiional Fireother similar organizaiions and also wiih the prcvisions of governrnental codes or ordinanc€s, whenever ProtBction applicable. Associa:ion, Facrory lvluual ff es=arch Prociucis rrEnuiactured and cjistribuled by R:LlABr tr have beenproie:ting liie and properiyior ovei gOysars, and areinsiallec anoconiractors loceiec the Unir=i Siat3s, Can3ca and counifies. servicad Dylhe mosi highly oualiiieci and reouabi: Fe.4-sicir l;;EElriii:i:: l:i!ie g c,. n3t,. c ::: iilanuiaciui-e,j b5r I Bulletin 136 nev.O Model Fl FR Model Fl FR Recessed Quick Response s rinklers wg- (D '=.f J OJo, ;p 3o Model FIFR Sprinkler Types Standard Upright Standard Pendent Conventional Vertical Sidewall Horizontal Sidewall - HSW 1 Deflector Model FIFR Recessed Sprinkler Types Recessed Petident Recessed Horizontal Sidevtral I - HSUi 1 Deflector es, I nc. (LJL) Canada (ULC) :{i# 1 Lt es of UK) '167-1 er (VdS, Genrany) Patents: US Patent No. 6,374,920 Applies to Model FlFR Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers. Product Description Heliable Models F1FTl and F1FR Recessed Sprinklers are quick rcsponse spriniders wirich cornbine ihe durabilily of a standard spririklerw4th ihe attractive lowprofile of adecorative sprinkler. The Modeis Fl FB and Fl FR Reces^sed autcrnatic spririkiers utilize a 3.0 mm frangible glass bulb. These sprinlders have demonstated response tinres in laboratory tests which are five to ten times faster than siandard rasponse sprinklers. 'This euick response enables tire Model Fi FR and F1 FR Recessed sprinklers io appiy water to a fire rnuch fastet than stancjard sprinklers of the same temperature raling. Tne glass bulh consists c.f an aocuratelyccrtttoiled arnount of special fluid henneticaliy sealed inside a precisely manu- factured glass capsuie. This glass bulb is specially con- slructed to pi'ovide fast thermal response. -[he balance of pafts are made of brass, copper arnd bery'lium nickel. At normal tempe;'atures, the glass buib contains the fluid in both the liquid and vapor phases. The vaF:or phase can be seen as a sn:all bubble. As heat is applied, the liquid ex- iJorizontal Siciewaii Recessed Pendenl HSW 1 Deflei:tor (l,/odel FP Sho'orn) panCs, forcing the bubble smaller and smdler as the liquid pressure increases. Coritinued heating forces tlre liquid to push out against the bulb, causing the giass to shatter, r:pening the v'aterway and allotving the defiector to distrib- uie the discharging water. Application Ouick response sprinklers are used in fixed fire protec- tion systems:Wet, Dry, Deiuge or Preaction. Care musl be exercised that tlie orifi ce size, tenrperature rating, deflector style and sprinklei'type are in accordance v"'itn the latest puhrlished stancjards c.f the Nationai Fire Prctectir.ln Asso- ciation or the approving Authority Hal4ng Jurisdiction. Quick respot'rse sprinklers are intencled for installation as speoifieci in NFPA'13, l-M Global Loss Pieveniion Data Sheet 2-8N or other applicable standards. Quick response sprinkJers arrd standard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. Upi.ight Vertical Sidewall Petrderrt Conventional ncierwriters Underivriters' Prevention NYC BS&A Meets by Fi\4 C and , Automatic & Response de Num The Reliable Automatic $prinkler Go,, lnc. I03 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, New York 10523 'i,1, Model FlFR Quick Response Upright, Pendent & Conventional Sprinklers lnstallation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench (1) Foi!,ester coale.:'uprigi'rt iJL anci IJLC list-^ti corrosion resisiant. i;{ # ,:r'.t,.i{tr ?i i:::ll ,r-v ' J 'l;:*-&re,,a.$a Upright Pendent Convenlir:rral K Factor Sprinkl er ldentifi cation Number {SlN) ssu ssP Sprinkler Type us Metric Sprinkler Height Approval Organization Standard-tJprio.irt (SSti) an<i Fendent {SSFj Deflectors Marked to lndicate Posirioe 5.6 80 2.2" 156nrn-r)' H3625(1i hJo !5y'." (1Smrrr) Standarc Oriiice wiih y'." NPT (ill)'lhread 1.2-3.4.7.A FllC22(l)R36.!2t./."" Qlmm\Larae tliice witr I" NPT {Fl3la)Thread 8.0 1t5 2.iJ'' iS8rnn:) 1.2.8 R3623(1)R36131/"" fi7nrn\$nr,ll Orifice rviti'r l" NPT (Fil)Trread 4.2 60 2.2" (56rrirri) 'y''" I lfirnr-n'l Srrrali Orifice.,vith l" Npl lR.j4 ]-hread )k 40 2.?" (56mi'n)1ta Rii621(1)H:rd11 4.6.7 R3624 R3514iomm Orifice XLI-iwiUr RX"Thread 4.?60 56mm Conveniional-lirsiall in Uorioht or Pelrdent Positon 1Ornrn Orillce XLt'lv/ith RZ Thread 4.2 60 56rnm P3674 4.6.7 HJb/5lsrrrnrStarrdad Oriiice willr t4" llq iRl,\Il\ead 5.6 80 56tntn 1 1f;58mm 4.7 RS6i22tlnrm l-aroe Orific,e \,vith r./4" NPT (R%)Thread 8.0 Model FIFR Quick Response Recessed Pendent Sprinkler lnstallation Wrench: Model GFRl Sprinkler Wrench lnstallation Data: Flefer io escutcheon data lable fcr appro,rals and dimensions. 2 t/1'HOLE AA. I57 2nal l--( t 15//16' DtA It9.2nn]) t" x t/2'REDUCER AAINS| SPPINKLER ryF XC' &SS -\\t--t MJU'IMINI (1) t/E' tr.2hnJ 2 27,/32'AA. [72,2hn]'J6FCOI-E (I) REFER 'O TI & F2 ESCUTCHEON DA|A IASLE fOR PPROVAL9 ANO DITENSPNS. FACE OF cfluNc + 2 5/6" DtA. [66.7nn] HOLE IN CEILINC 2 5/t6" DlA. [5E.znnJ CUP. -1.:) E===:1==i-=={-i T t I L _____t_____ i I t" x t/2" REDUCER FACE OF FININC fo "^- (t) IWM-A I CEILINC ,,'I noLusrutm --J (r) REFER t0 Fp ESCU|CH€ON DA|A |AALE FOR APPROUALS AND D|N.NS|ONS. ? K Factor Splinkler Height Approvaltl) Organizations Sprinkler ldentlfication Number (SlN) Nominal Orifice Thread Size US Metric H3615)/;, fi5mm\I" NPI IH'")5.6 60 2.?" (56mm)1,2,3,4,5,7,8 115 2.3" (S8nrrn)1,2,3,8 R361 2i71,,,(.Z}firn\}l, NPT iFltl)8.0 Rs61iJ''/.:'liimm\/"" NPT R%)4.2 (j0 2.2" [56mrn)1,2,8 )/,"NFl lft/zl 2.8 4A 2,2" (56mm)1.2.e R36.t 13/J' (lornm) 1.7 R361410nrrnRy"4.2 ED SEnrnt Model Fl FR Quick Response Vertical Sidewall Sprinkler lnstallation Wrench: N4odel D Sprinkler Wrench lnstallation Position: Upright or Pendent Approval Type: Light Hazarci Occupancy lnstallation Data: ii) Lf'c Appi.oval is tcrr Fenderrt posiiion orly. Vertical Sideurall US Patent No. 6,374,920 Nominal Orifice Thread Slze K Factor Sprlnkler Height Approval 0rganlzations Sprinkler ldentifieation Number (SlN)US Metric /t %:'iriP1 (RZ,)5.6 rl0 2.2" {56mni)1, ?, il, ii, I R3685 15nrm 7z'NPT (R/a)5.6 80 2.2" (56vvn\r (1) Orientation Deflector lo Ceillng Dimenslon (Min. - Max.) LiDi.iohi 4" - '12" (lc2t]r'm - S05mm) Penoent 6" - 12" { l52mm - ll0smrrr) Model FIFR Quick Response Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Deflector: HSW 1 lnstallation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench lnstallation Data: NOTE: UL, ULC and MEA Listing perrniis use with F1 or F2 recesseiJ escuicheon. Nominal Orifice Thread Slze K Factor $prinkler Length Approval Organizations and Type of Approval Sprinkler ldentification Nunber (SlN)US Metric Llght Hazard Ordinary Hazatd /i'(r,smn)z" NPT(R7!)5.6 80 2.63" (67nrm)1,2,3,5,8 '1,2,5.8 H3635 | 36FCO4 (')roru o, FtitNG to WALL DIMENSION 2 1/4" HOLE DtA. [57.2nn] l" X l//2" RE)UCER , ,/4" MtN. IJ1.Emm] t/8"4"-6" [101,6mm-152.4mm] CEILING fO DEFLECTOR IJ.znn] 2 27/32" DtA, [72.2nn] TURN COLLAR UNTIL TICHI ACAINgT SPRINKLER I'|RENCH 8055. --l (1) ADJUSfMENT (,) REFER fo ESCUTH'E,N DATA TASLE FOR APPR2VALS AND OIMENSIaNS, t t5/76" DtA. Ia9.2mmJHorizontal Sidewall 3. lnstallation Guick response sprinklers are iniended for installation as specified !n NFPA .13, FM GlobalLcss Prevention DataSheet 2-8N oi'other applicable s,tandards. Quick response sorin- l<iers and standard respcnse sprinklers should not be ittter- mixed. The lvloclel Fl FR Rece,ssec Quick Fesporse Sprirrklas are to be irrstalied as slnvrn. Tlrc Mcrlel F1 rx F2 Escittcherxrs illu*q- trated are the oniy recesscti escutcl-reons to be used widt tre t\4odel Fl FR Sprinklers. The use of any oflrer recessed escutch- eon vrill vcid all approvals and neg;aie ailwanaritie,s. When irrstalling Mcxlel Fl FR Sprinkiers, use iire Modei D Spdn- lder Wrerrch. V';herr installirrg Mcdel Fl FR Recessed Pendent or Sideivall Spr,inlders, use tlre l/ufel GFR i Sprinxler Wrench. Any ot'ier type of ialrench nray dai'rrage these sptinklers. Glass bulb spriniders lrave uarge bulb protectorsto mininize bulb damage dunng shipning, hardiing anc instalation. RF-- N4OVE TI..IIS PRO'IECT|ON AT II.jE TIME ]'I.IE SPR|NKLER SYSIEM lS PLACED lN SERVI CE FOR H nE PROIECTI ON. R* nroval of 'rhe protectors before this tirne nray ieave dre bulb wl- nerahle to damage. fiASCCI wrenches are designed to install sprinlders raliretr covers are in place. REMOVE PROIECTORS BY UNDOING THE CL.A.S$] BY HANID. DO NOT USETOOLS TO RF-MOVE lHF FROIECTORS. Temperature Ratings Clas-sification Sprinkler Temoerature Max Arnbient Temp, Bulb Colol Ordinary 0rdinarry intermediate intermediate i-ii91 (t) 57 68 ?o 14i 1'J5 r55 175 2(n zeFj 1C0"F i38-C) xOfJ"F (3Lt"c) 150"F (66.C) 15iJ"F (66 C) 22.5"F (1o7"C) orange Fled Y. ellon Green B!ue (i) irlot avaiia,ble for rect':ssed sprinklers. Escutcheon Data No Dirrrensicrral Figure lor FP Maintenance The Models FlFR and F.1FR Recessed Sprinklers shor.iltj be inspectecl quanerly and the sprinklei'systent maintair,.ed in accordance with NFPA 25, Do not clean sprinklers with soap and rvater, amntonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by using; a soft brrush or gen- ile vacuuming. Renrove any sprinkler which has beetr painted (other than factory applied) or danraged in any way. A siock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to aliolv quick replacement of damaged or operaied sprin- klers. Pdcr tr: installation, sprinklers sho'-rld be maintained in the original car-tons and packaging untii used to mini- nrize the poiential fot danrage to sprinklers that would cause improper operatiotr or non-operation. Sprinkler Types Standard Upright Standard Pendent Converntional Sideurall (Veriical, Hcrizontal HSW1 ) Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall HSW1 (ri {2} (1) C)tht-'r finishes and coiofs are available ('ln spf,oial order. Consult the factory for cetails. (z) Ffu! Approvals is iimited to bronze and brass, chronte oi'black plated finishes only. (:li FP Fush-cvr/Thread-off escuicireon.(l) UL anri ULC listec corrosiorr resistarrce. SIN numbers: 113621, R3622, R3623, R3625. Note: For )/," orifice pendent FM approved white polyester coated and UL approved white polyester corrosion resistant sprinklerc refer to Bulletin 014. Ordering lnformation Speoify: 1, Sprinkler Modei 2, Sprinkler'Iype 3. Orifice Size 4. Deflector Type 5. Temperatui'e Rating 6. Sprinkler Finish 7. Escutcheon Type B. Escutcheon Finish (where applicable) Note: Wlien lvlodel FlFR Recessed sprinklers ai'e ordered, the sprinklers and escutclreons erre oackaged separately. Corprriiriion, or bth.?r similar organizr-rtionB a!nd als.r lyith ihe provisionB (-,f gov€rnmrlntal coces or ordinancfrs \,.,hf'never applicable. ble sprrinkler ccrnttactols lcrcated ihrouchoitt the t.iniiec Siales. Can.'!da and ioreialn.rc,unilies. Standard Finlshes $prinkler Escutcheon Bronze Chrcnle Plated Wl rite Polyester Coaterj(a) Brass Cirrorlre Platec (3) W:ite Painted (3) Soecial Annlication Finishes Sorinkler Escutcheon Bright F3ra,s,s Black Plated Black Paint Ofi White Satin Chromo Bright Brass Elack Flated Black Paint OttWhite Satin Chromo Escutcfieon Model emcoas A{iusfneril "A' Dirnenrion FaceofFiEing to C^eflirq or WallDimmion F1 '1,2,4,8 Max Hecess Min Recess i ii" (38. 1n:tn) /4i191mml /t6 /t6 (5nrm - 24nrm) 12 1,2,3,4,5,i,8 I'lax Recess I'lin Flecess ivh (38.1mm) ts/ il/t6(24nnn\ (Srnrn- 17mrn) FP fus}rnr/ Threaclt:fl 1?lLlax Rec--ssed j/,u /11trrrnl jl" (:18.1mm) 1a [t'lin liecassed t.:/ n/ r6(24mml 1" {25.4tnnr) Manufactirred F6. Pririe'J ih Li i:.A ,107 P/Ngggggi0027 The Reliable Automatie Sprinkler Co., lnc.Bsoycled Revision liries indicate updated or new dala @ PaIJDT (800)431.-i588 (8oo)843-6051 (91t+,\829-2C42 w.,rM.16li. bierprinklFr. ccm Saies Ofiices Saies Fax Corporate Cffices lniernet Address Bulletin 157 nev.F Relialtld Model F3QR Quick Response Dry Sprinklers @g o-.f J (JI ! no hFeatures 1. The Model F3QR sprinkler utilizes Belleville Spring Closure Technology. Reliable is the first in the industry to produce a Quick Response Dry Concealed sprinkler utilizin g th is technology. 2. Styles available ' Pendent ' Recessed Pendent ' Concealed ' Horizontal Sidewall ' Recessed Horizontal Sidewall 3. 11/2" (39mm) escutcheon adjustrnent on pendent sprinkler. 4. Vz" (13mm) escutcheon adjusffnent on recessed sprinkler with push-on/ thread-off FP Model Escutcheon ring. 5. %'(9.5mm) c,over plate adjustmqn! on concealed spdnkler with push-on/threadoff CCP Cover Plate. 6. Attractive appearance. Employs 3mm frangible glass bulb and galvanized nipple. 7. Lengths available to accommodate installation dimensions Irom 2" - to - 48' (51 mm - to - 1 21 9mm), in 7+" (6mm) increments. B. Available in a variety of plated and painted finishes. U.S. Patent Numbers 5,775,431and 5,967,240. Concealed Recessed Pendent rsvals Listed deruvriters Laboratori for Pendent 2. Certified by FM Approvals Style Response Sprinkler Svstem Tvpe Hazard Pendent (R5714)Quick Wet Pipe, Sinole lnterlock Freaction Light Ordinary Groups 1&2 Horizontal Sidewdl (R5734)Quick Wet Pipe, Sinole lnterlock Freaction Light 3. NyC MEA 258-93_E Horizontal Sidewall The ReliableAutomatic SprinklerCo., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, MountVernon, NewYork 10552 ?, I i 1! J: '+' Style Response Sprinkler Svstem Tvpe Hazard Pendent Recessed Pendent CCP Concealed (R5714)Quick Wet Pipe Dry Pipe All Preaction ^Lighturornary Horizontal Sidewall Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Gs734) ) Model F3QR Dry Pendent Sprinkler Finishes(t) Sorinkler Escutcheon Bronze Chrome Plated White Painted(') Brass Chrome Plated White (') Other finishes and colors are available on special order Consult factory for details. (') White painted sprinklers will have chrome plated cans. Standard Tem erature Ratin Sprinkler Guard: Model C-2 Sprinkler lnstallation Wrench Model G3 Sprinkler Wrench Sprinkler ldentification Number (SlN): Rszt+ Note: The sprinkler Can protrudes 7+" when escutcheon is in nominal position. Escutcheon adjustment pro- vides +%" (+6mm) lo -11/q" (-32mm) "A" dimension adjustment range. 2" to 48" (51mm to 1219mm) in %" (6mm) increments Classification Sprinkler Temperaturc Ratinq Max AmbientTemp. Bulb Color Ordinary Ordinary lntermediate Hioh ( 141'C) (57'C) (68'C) (93'C) 135'F 155"F 2OQ"F 286"F 100'F 100'F 150"F 225F (38'C) (38"C) (66'C) (107"C) Orange Red Green Blue Ceiling Inlet Protrusion Elcvoled Above In3idc Pipe System Tee 1' NPT Adiustdent Ro^qe + 1/4" [+6.4mm]-l 1/4" [-Jt.Emm] I 43164" Dio, [42.5mm]r l/2'[38.lmm] fotol Adiustmant Sprinklo/ Con I r/4'[31.8mm] Egcutcheon 1/4" [6.4mm] Escutcheon Adjustment Nominol Positionol Escutcheon 1 5/8" [41.3mm] t/a" [6.annl Prot/usion 3'Dio. lt6,2nn'l t57FMt -C a,,t 3V)' Io 8' 89rnm to 121*nm\ in1/i' (6rnm) irrrenrents Model F3QR Dry Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Finishes(t) Snrinkler Fscufcheon Bronze Chrome Plated White Painted Brass Chrome Plated White (') Other finishes and colors are available on special order. Consult factory ior details. Cup remains unfinished. Only the escutcheon will contain desired finish. Standard Tem rature Ratin s . Listed and Certilied only by cUlus Sprinkler lnstallation Wrench Model G3 R/C Sprinkler Wrench Sprinkler ldentification Number (SlN): R5714 Note: Do not install the Model F3QR Dry Pendent Recessed Sprinkler in ceilings which have positive pressure in the space above. Classification Sprinkler Temperature Ratinq Max AmbientTemp. Bulb Color Ordinary Ordinary lntermediate Hioh" 135'F 1 55"F 200"F 286'F 1oo"F (38"C) 100'F (38"C) 150'F (66'C) 225"F nO7"C\ Orange Red Green Blue lnlet Prolrusion Elevoted Above lnside Pipe System Tee 2 1/2" Dio.1'' NPT 'h" Dimension Adjustment Ronge tn jl /4" [*6.35mm] 2 19/64" Dio. [58.3+mm] Nominol Positionof Escutcheon Sprinkler Cup Assembly Escutcheon Ceilinq r/+" [6.3smm] Escutcheon Adjustment 1/+" [6.35mm] Escutcheon Adjustment 3 7/32" Dis. Iat.zomm] 1/2" [12.7nn]Totol Adjustment t57FGO2 -C I -t- I 2 )') Model F3QR Dry Pendent Concealed Sprinkler GCP Gover Plate(') Finishes(') Standard Finishes Soecial Anolication Finishes Chrome Plated White Bright Brass Plated Black Plated Black Paint Otf Whiie Satin Chrome Utilizes the l"cover plate with %" total adjustment.(4 Other finishes and colors are available on special order. Consult factory for details. Standard Tem ure Rati - Listed and Certified only by cULus. Sprinkler lnstallation Wrench: Model G3 R/C Sprinkler Wrench Sprinkler ldentification Number (SlN): R5714 Do not installthe Model FSQR Dry Pendent Concealed Sprinkler in ceilings which have positive pressure in the space above. Note "A" Dim.3%" to 48"(B9mm to 12.l9mm) in 7a'(6rnm) increments Classification Sprinkler Temperaturc Ratinq Cover Plate Temo. Ratino Max AmbientTemp. Ordinary Ordinary lntermediate Hioh. 135'F (57'C) 155'F (68"C) 200'F (93"C) 286"F (141'C) (57"C) (57'C) (74C) (74C\ 135'F 1 35'F 165"F 1 65"F (38'C) (38'C) (66'C) (66'C) 100"F 100"F 150"F 1 50"F Inlet Protrusion Elevoted Above lnside Pipe -l I L Tee I" NPT 2 t/2" Dio, [6,f,5mm] 'A" Dimension Adjustment Ronqe r 3/16" []4.76mm1 Hole in Ceiling 2 19/64" Dio. [58.34mm] Nominol Position Sprinkler Cup Assemblyof Coverplote Cove.plot€ Assembly 3/16'l4.76nml Coverplote Adjustment -J- "A" Dim,Z'to 4B" (51mm to 1219mm) in %" (6mm) increments Model F3QR Dry Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Finishes(t) Snrinkler Escutcheon Bronze Chrome Plated White Painted(") Brass Chrome Plated White (') Other finishes and colors are available on special order Consult factory for details. e) White painted sprinklers wili have chrome plated can. Standard Tem rature Rati Sprinkler lnstallation Wrench : Model G3 Sprinkler Wrench Sprinkler ldentification Number (SlN): R5734 Note: The sprinkler Can protrudes %" when escutcheon is in nominal position. Escutcheon adjustment pro- vides +7q" (+6mm) to -11/q'(-32mm)"A" dimension adjustment range. Max. AmbientTemo.Classification Sprinkler Temperaturc Ratinq Bulb Color Ordinary Ordinary lntermediate Hioh 135'F (57.C)155'F (68"C) 2OO"F (93'C) 286"F (141'C) (3e"c) (38'C) (66"C) 107"C)( "100'F 100'F 150'F 225"F Orange Red Green Blue 1 1/2" [38.1omm] Totol Adjuslment T--Le,rn9 t=l i:i T 1 t/4" 131-75mmj 4" [ 101.60mm] M;n. 12" [504.80mm] Mox Escutcheon System Teo I " NP-r 2 3/32" 1sr.r'a-.1 f [76.20mm] 2 1/8" Dio [5J.eBmm]Hole in Woll l/4" [6.Jsmm] Sprinkler Con Protrusion "A" Dimension Adjustment Nominol Position ol EscutcheonRonge + 1/a'[+6.35mm] 3 3llz' to48' (B9rnm tir'1219mm) in 7+' (6rnm) increnents )r Model F3QR Dry Horizontal Recessed Sidewall Sprinkler Finishes(t) Sorinkler Escutcheon Bronze Chrome Plated White Painted Brass Chrome Plated White ('] Other finishes and colors are available on special order. Consult factory for details. Cup remains unfinished. "See page 2" Standard Temperature Rati ngs - Listed and Certified only by cUlus Sprinkler lnstallation Wrench: Model G3 R/C Sprinkler Wrench Sprinkler ldentification Number (SlN): R5734 Notes: Do not install the Model F3QR Dry Horizontal Recessed Sidewall Sprinkler in walls which have positive pressure in their side space. . Listed by cUlus for Quick Response. Approved by FM for Standard Response.. Recessed Horizontal sidewall sprinklers are listed with cUlus for installation of min. 4" (100mm) - to - max. 6" (150mm) below ceiling and approved by FM for installation of min. 4"(100mm)- to - max. 1 2' (300mm) below ceiling. T"-" L.-r Esculchcon - Syst.m T.c cup = a' I r0r.6mm]Min. 12" [Joa,8mm]Mox.* I" NPT I I 3 7/32" Dio. [8r.8mm] 2 1/2' Dio, [63,5frm] Holc in Woll =2 1S/64'Dio. [5E,3dh] "A- Dimcnsion Adiuslmcnt Ronae +1/2" -O ' [+l2.7mm -ol 1/2" 112.7n6) Escutchcon Adiuetm€nt ,57rM *. FOR FACTORY MUTUAL (FM). 4. - 6' FoR uNDERwRrrERs L BoRAroRrEs (uL)Classification Sprinkler Temperature Ratinq Max. AmbientTemp. Bulb Color Ordinary Ordinary lntermediate Hioh- (93'C) (141'C) 135'F 155'F 200'F 286'F (57"C) (68'C) (38"C) (38'C) (66'C) (107"C) 100"F 100"F '150"F 225"F Orange Red Green Blue Technical Data: Orifice Size'. lz" (1 Smm) Thread Size: 1" NPT per ANSI 82.1 Working Pressure: 175 psi (12bar) Nominal K Factor - US / (Metric): 5.6 / (80) Product Description Reliable Model F3QR Dry Sprinklers are quick response sprinklers utilizing a durable 3mm frangible glass bulb. lhis quick response enables these sprinklers to apply water to a fire much sooner than standard response sprinklers of the similar temperature rating. Model F3QR Dry Sprinklers are intended for use in enclosed dry and preaction systems and in enclosed areas subjected to freezing temperatures, such as freezers and unheated portions inside buildings. Environments wherein dry sprinklers are employed can be corrosive. For this reason, Model F3 Sprinklers have a special wax fillet placed in the gap between tl-re cup that supports the bulb and the wrenching boss. This wax will not interfere witl-r the operation of tl're sfrinkleri and it prevents contaminents {rom entering the internal portion of the drop nipple. The wax must not be removed. Operation The glass bulb consists of an accurately controlled amount of special fluid hermetically sealed inside a precisely manufactured glass capsule. This glass bulb is specially constructed to-orovide fast thermal resoonse. When the temperature inireases sufficiently due lo a fire, tre bulb shatters allowing operating parts to clear the waterway. This enables the inlef seal to release ajr or water and subsequently, cause water flow over the deflector in a uniform spray $attern, controlling or extinguishing the fire. Ordering lnformation Specify: 1. Sprinkler Type (select one): (a)Model F3QR Dry Pendent (b)Model F3QR Dry Recessed Pendent (c)Model F3QR Dry Concealed Pendent (d) Model F3QR Dry Horizontal Sidewall (e) Model F3QR Dry Recessed Horizontal Sidewall 2. Sprinkler Temperature Rating. 3. Sprinkler Finish. 4. Cover Plate/Escutcheon Finish. 5. Length: "A" Dimension (face of tee to face of ceiling or wall) in %" (6mm)increments. 6. Model F3QR Dry Pendent (a) is available without sprinkler can and escutcheon. Note: 1. The "A" dimension is based on a nominally gauged pipe thread "make-up" of 0.600" (1Smm) per ANSI B,2.1 [7Y2 threads approximately]. 2. All platings and paintings are decorative and intended for interior use, 4 . -\) General lnstallation lnstructions Model F3QR dry sprinklers must be installed only in standard (ANSI B 16.3 class 150 and ANSI B '16.4 class 125) pipe tees even at branch line ends. They should not be installed into elbows and pipe couplings located on drop nipples to the sprinklers. For these and other fittings including CPVC., the dry sprinkler should be installed into a fitting to conform to protrusion into the fitting in ac- cordancewith the diagrams, The "A" dimension of the dry sprinkler, which e><te[ds into the freezers or a freezing zone from wet pipe systems, should be selected to pro- vide, as a minimum, the specified lengths in inches shown in the following chart, between face of the fitting and the outside wall or ceiling of the protected area. The following chart is used for freezing zones when the ambi- ent temfierature around the wet pTpe system is kept at 40 "F I 4'C), and specifies the minimum length forfitting face to ceiling or wall (outside) for different protected area temperatures. During installation, thefollowing steps must befollowed: 1. Cut the specified size hole (see illustrations) for the sprinkler in the ceiling or wall directly in line with the tee. 2. Apply pipe joint compound to the '1" (25mm) pipe threads and install sprinkler using the Model G3 or G3 RiC Sprinkler Wrench as specified. 3. lnstall the Model FP push-on / thread-off escutcheon or CCP cover plate if required. Note: lnstallation of the Model F3QR Sprinklers is not rec- ommended in copper pipe systems, as this may reduce the life expectancy of the sprinklers. ) o Model G3 Wrench (Fig. a) is used for installation of Pendent and Horizontal Sidewall sprinklers.. Glass bulb sprinklers have orange bulb protectors to minimize bulb damage during shipping, handling and instal lation, REMOVE TH lS PROTECTI ON AT TH E Tl ME THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS PLACED IN SERVICE FOR FIRE PROTECTION. Removal of the protectors before S fln DO NOT USE TOOLS TO REMOVE THE PROTECTORS. Maintenance The Model F3QR Quick Response Dry Sprinklers should be inspected quarterly and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do not remove the factory applied thermally sensitive wax fillet between the bulb supporting cup and the wrenching boss. Do not replace this wax with a substitute substance. An Alternate substance may interfere with proper operation of the sprinkler. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by using a soft brush or gently vacuuming. Remove any sprinkler which has been painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Prior to installation, sprinklers should be maintained in the odginal cartons and packag in g until used to min imize the. potential for damage to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non-operation. * Spears CPVC sprinkler adaptertees (with steelthread insert) can only be used with horizontal sidewall sprinklers which do not require protrusion into tees to prevent ice or debris blockage of sprinkler inlets. These CPVC tees do not permit sufficient sprinkler inlet protrusion as required for pendent installation. Model F3QR Concealed and Recessed lnstal lation I nstructions. The Model G3 R/C wrench (Fig, 1)is designed to locate on the wrenching pads of the recessed sprinkler while centering in the cup. A standard lz" drive ratchet may be used to drive this wrench. Figures 1 and 2 show sequentially the insertion of the wrench. First the wrench, with its jaws above the sprinkler deflector, is moved laterally until centered with the cup, Then raise the wrench inside of the cup until its jaws engage the sprinkler's square wrenching pads (Fig. 3). To remove thewrench, followthis procedure in reverse order. Care should be taken to avoid striking the deflector, with the wrench. Lenqth (Face to GeilinqMall)Temperature (Protected Area)* 12 inches / 300 mm 18 inches / 450 mm 24 inches / 600 mm -20F I-29"C -40.F I -40"C -60"F / -51"C ** For temperatures falling between those in the above chart, the minimum lenoth mav be determined bv interpolation. 5. w' H fl- 4 .t 4 Fig. 1 - G3 R/C Wrench Fig,2 - G3 RiC Wrench Fig, 3 - G3 R/C Wrench Fig.4-G3Wrench The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest pertinent Standards of the National Fire Protection Associatron, Factory Mutual Research Corporation, or other srmilar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable. Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the mosl highly qualif ied and reputable sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and loreign countries, The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., lnc. (800) 43'l-1588 Sales Offices (800) 848-6051 Sales Fax (914) 668-3470 Corporate Offices www,reliablesprinkler.com lnternet Address @T""'r"i:. Revision lines indicate updated or new data E.G. Printed in USA 3/06 P/N9999970175 Bulletin 4'16 nevB Reliable FLisen -Residential 6 tr_ (D =+.3s J OJ fios UJ t' Reliable Risen - Flesidential 1" (30mm), or 1%" (fiAmm), or 2" {50mm) manifold oPtional NFPA 13D/{3R Features: '1. Stainless Steel body construction. 2. Ali brass tritr, 3. Factory assemblecj. 4. Factory pressure tested at 200 psi. (13.8 bar) 5. Choice of trim: ' Basic Trim (Fig.1). ' Basic Trim with TestRttDrainCI Valve Trim (Fig. 2). ' Basic Trim with Pressure Relief (P.R.) Valve Trim (Fig, 3). 6. Choice of mounting oPtions: ' Supply / Systenr lines suPPort, ' Support Bracket (to stud) (Figs. 4 & 5)' ' Recessed or Flush mount (to lvood panel) (Fig, 6). 7. NPT (female x female) or tapered metric (female x female) connections, B. Slirrr desigrr allows for easy installation within 2" x 4" on 1 d' centers rryood f rame constrltction, 9. Dedicated UL Listed Water Flow Detector assures optirnum sensitivitY. clratclries Canada (ctJLus) Fig. 1 Base Unit Fig. 2 Base Unit with TestmDrain-1 Valve Fig. 3 Base Unlt with Pressure Relief (P,R.) Valve Trim App llj:l:::i::::X .:'... 1.!i,$..tl::r-.!r'\ . 11: { ... ad'iri:::::i.!:.:'1.':.;:? gl r i - !:ri:#' Fig.4 Base Unitwith P.R.VatueTrim & Support Bracket 2 Unde a MEA The Reliabte ^Automatic Sprinkler Go., lnc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, MountVernon, NewYork 1C552 Optional Trims - Technical Data: * Support Bracket Kit (cptianal) - 1 lb i0.45 kg) Ali Heliabie Riseis have a '1" l.lPT Crain pod. Water flow,Jetector cotttact ratings: 10A@125/250VAC 2.5rA@ 24VDC Product DescriPtion: The Reliable-Riser comes factory assembled with the necessary aDcessories for a cost effective, yet colnplGte riser assemblY'. Cast-on lettering cleariy identifies manifoid sizo, flow direction, as well as the test and drain outlet and UL listing control number 59UN. Note: TestANDrain* trirn (Fig. 2) ofl'ered witlr choice of I manifolcis [1" (30mm), 1k" (4amm) or 2" (50mm) ]' and three opiions of Tes'Ai.lDrain" orifices each (r';",1/,i' or 7'i'). Residential Riser AssemblY: Reliable-Riser is [cUlus Listed] [NYC Approved MEA 258-93-El for lroriz<;ntal or veriical installation as a one-piece, factory assembled unit for use in NFPA 13D and 13R resideritial svstems. The riser manifolcl assembly slrall consisi of a (choose one): ' 1" (30 mm) cast, non-welded stainless steel bodY witir 'i" female NPT or lSOT-Rc1-1 1 threaded end oonnections. ' 'l-)/1'(40 mrn) cast, non-v'/elded stainless steel body with '!'/;" female NPT or lSOT-FIc'1.5-1 1 threaded end conneciions, ' 2' (50 mnt) cast, non-welded, stainless steel body with 2" female NPT or lSOT-Rc2-1 1 threaded end connections. 2. Descrioiion Basic Trim F.R. Valve Trim TestarDraine Vatve Take Out DimensionManifold Size:Dimensions Welght*Dlmensions Welght*Dimenslons Weight* inch frnm) B inch (mrn)t.bs (kes).A inch (mrni B inch frnm)t-bs (kgs).A inch (mm) B inch fmm)Lbs (kgs)cl inch (mm) 1" (30nrrn)1 1 (27l)i 9:/"Q4i.\7.5 (3.4)i{J rc30)11 Q79\9.5 (4.it)'t 1 l27S)1Dv:e67\6.8 (4.r))I /.Q1C\ 1)'i'Plnm\11(27S')10 (254)e.s (3.es)i3 (330)11N?e2)10.5 14.75)11 l27e)1 1X {236)9.5 (4.3)8 /;(21D) 2" {50rrun)11 (275\io)t. t?64\9C /4.1)1s (330)12 {3r-r5)1 1.9 (5.0)11 Q79\1 2 i3C5)'10 3 r4.7)8 )1 i210) ') having all brass trim. The manifold pipirrg shall con- tain cast-on lettering clearly identifying nranifold pipe size, flow direotion, olJLu's Listing, and the test and drain outlet. A bLrilt-in drain port shall be avail- able to permit hydrostatic testing without draining ths system. Assembly shall have a worl<ing pres- .sure rating of 175 psi (12.1 bai'). Cast nrounting holes shatl be provided for recessed or flush mount- ing to vuail. For stucl rnoutrting, a support bracket shall be provicied specifically designed forthe cast mounting holes. Trim Descriotion Choose sne: ' Basic Trim Resideritiai riser nranifold assenrbly trim shail include a cULus Llsteci pressure gauge, a drain valve, and dedicated waterflow detector containing two sets of SPDT (Form C) contacts, having an electrical rating of iOA@ 125i250VACl 2.5 A@ 24 VDC. ' Basic Trirn with TestANDrain" Valve Residentiai riser manifold assembly trirn shall include a cULus Listed pressure gaLrge, a J'estnNDraino' valve, and a dedicated waterflorv detector containing two sets of SPDT (Form C) corrtacts, lraving atr electrical ratirrg of 10A @ 125i25O VA0/2.5 A @ 24 VDC. The test orifice size for the TestANDrain" assembly shail be (choose one): ' ),[" (10 mm) , .ie, 01 mm) ' 1za" (15 mm) ' Basic Trim with Pressure Relief Valve Trini Resiclentia! riser manifold assembly trinr shall include a c[JLus Listed pressure gauge, a drain valve, and dedicated r,,vaterflow cletector containing two sets of SPDT (Fornt C) contacts, having an etectrical rating of 10A CA 12512{>0 VAC/2'5) A @ ?.4 VDC. Pressure relief valve trim shall be provic!ecito maintain system plessures below 175 Psi (12.1 bar). Ordering lnformation: Specify: 1. Size 2. Trinr type 3. SuPPort bracket, if required lnstallation: 1 . lnstall tlre nranifold wiih iha flow arrou'r pr:iniing towarcls SYSTEM side using ihreaded connecticns. 2. Cclnnect a 1" NPT drain line. Ensure the drain BallValve is in the CLOSED pcsition. 3, Placa the sprinkler system in service. Caution: Autornatic sprinkler systenls having non-fire pro- tection conhecticn (oermittirrg continual tr.rater flow) reouire dielectric fittirrqs, according to NFPA 13 s'ect.'4-6, i^rhen dissirnilar metal piping materi- als are jcinecl. Note: Use a nort-hardenirrg PiPe ioint compaund, or tape. -t 2 '//2 MINIMUM 6AP FOR WA|ER FLOW INDICATOR COVER REMOUAL(IYPICAL ALL MNIFOLDS) SfUD SUPPOR| ERACKEf MOUNI ERACKEI |LUSH WH TACE OF SfUD Fig. 5 w00n I'AN[.L FLASIiC SPACERS sfuD t-r-T-T-r-------rFtllk*r n=== FfcfsSSD oR fLusH NouItfED 3. Fig. 6 [,-1 CITY OF PORT TOWh{SEND, WASHINGTON Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Business (360) 379-5095 SPRINKLER PLAN REVIEW - NFPA 13 - D AND 13 * R SYSTEMS Detailed floorplans including elevations, closets, concealed spaces, etc. Fully dimensioned site plan including the water meter and underground. Full height cross section of the building or a scaled isometric drawing. Concealed spaces, attic, and build up protected over 5' in height. Indicate on plans roof design (smooth ceiling, beams, girders, bar joists). ,4a /Zaaf 8g t/Allowable area coverage per sprinkler head. Garage coverage, 2 heads per bay at a maximum of 130 square foot spacing. Sel{9o-ntained And/Or Pumo Information: Detailed pump information required (including manufacturer, listing, capacity, etc.) Detailed self-contained system (including manufacturer, listing, capacity, etc.) Dry Svstem Desisn: Dry pipe valve(s) - Indicate the manufacturer, listing, etc. Compressor size - lndicate the manufacturer, listing, etc. A.nti-Freeze Desiqn: Amount and manufacturer listing for solution to be used. Check valve to prevent contamination. Type of freeze protection indicated on the plans. ( y. f )/ V v Date Received:PlanChecker: WtdtW- SFM File Index Number:4pa=-tgs Date Checked: )g -fAfZ&7 Approved:Approved With Revisions: Revision Required: Occupancy Design:/YPrl tt€ - 2aa7 Contractor: lt/etlTZTyJTVZf n A Owner(s): ,2at6 Zd6/ Contact Phone Number: /Project Location:Jr, {.)L (.) r'. od z o0 rio I. DESIGN CRITERIA w Washington State Patrol Fire Protection Bureau Fire Pump Checklist Page 1 of 4 e(l) & oz 13 o)li cr(l)& o0 CIo F !i o II. WATER STJPPLY INFORMATION Minimum supply is provided. Connection to the water supply. Water meter of no less than l" for 13 *for13*Rin commercial facilities unless approved by GVd adV W T?i:t'l-r v,! V) I{vdrant Test Information Provided On Plans: Location and elevation ofstatic andresidual pressure Static pressure provided on the plans. ,Afo Residual pressure provided on the plans. Date of the test provided on the plans. Time of the test provided on the plans. Who provided supply information as indicated onpturr.(4{1 New on-site pipe diameter(s) and piping material. /"" for 13 * R, and -L 11Ugbox,'EF6B'€Yz&uo ITI. UNDERGROUND PIPING DESIGN t4,^f ,/ Pipe material type, size and manufacturer , valves including model number and listing Rubber faced check valve/RP device installed. Hydrant location - including the distance to the building * to be protected. Depth of bury. Joining method ci c,)/, oz EoL dlD& o0 o F Yo IV. OVERHEAD SYSTEM COMPONENTS Pipins: Include the cut sheets for material, size, and wall thickness. Include listing for hangers and their proper location. Risers in cold cement shall be in an accessible heated area. Drainage: Main drain. /4 Inspectors test outlet (MRA). Auxiliary drains in basements and pitched ceilings. V WV aV ngg Washington State Patrol Fire Protection Bureau Fire Pump Checklist Page 2 of 4 .1'() t< 5()d ci(D oz bo ol- ts v o Sprinklers And Valves: J- Sprinklers shall be located in bathrooms, attics, and build-up wmf ;{U'?S€ 0 Manufacturer, model, and listing(s). Approved quick response heads to be used. Number of sprinklers. Temperature rating(s). Proper spacing on each branch line. Illustrate alarm and bell locations. \^ffito-strared circuitry onJcitchen-lighting. V All aboveground valves to be identified with permanently affixed signsfur-l /1"6 U9oo&'5F'6r€Yzduo V. I{YDRAULICS AND ADDITIONS OR REMODEL REOUIREMENTS Hydraulic Calculations: Summary sheets. Detailed work sheets. Calculations shall be from the public water main connection to the MRAr- .,, Calculation shall include l0 % deduction as a reasonable safety margin U*'1 Calculations shall include 5 gpm's if a single water meter is used. Abbreviations and symbols on the plans. @1 fl* 2 heads in a 13 - D and 4 heads in a I 3 - R are calculated with a minimum of .05 .d""rV6l- RP included in calculations. Meter size included in calculations. Head loss for elevation change included in calculations. Most remote area (MRA) is indicated. Hydraulic reference points are provided. Additions And Remodels: Details of existing sprinkler system. Calculations for additions to the system. Detailed floor plans including elevations, closets, concealed spaces, etc. Fully dimensioned site plan with fulIheight cross section of the buildin" Concealed spaces and attic protected. Roof design (smooth ceiling, beams, girders, and barjoistsy&z-Ato*-a* wdVfrtl V Washington State Patrol Fire Protection Bureau Fire Pump Checklist Page 3 of 4 CONTRACTORS' MATERIALS & " PRIVATE FIRE SERVICE MAINS JST CERTIFICATE FOR nEm-! 6E!!@!_!UtrE PrrRoLWDK Pnoceoune Upon completion of work, owner's representative. All the job. inspection and test shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by an defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnelfinally leave A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. lt is understood the owner's representative's signature in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. PROPERTY NAME DATE PROPERTYADDRESS PLANS ACCEPTED BY APPROVING AUTHORITIES (NAMES) ADDRESS INSTALLATION CONFORMS TO ACCEPTED PLANS EOUIPMENT USED IS APPROVED NYES NNO EYES trNO IF NO, STATE DEVIATIONS INSTRUCTIONS HAS PERSON IN CHARGE OF FIRE EQUIPMENT BEEN INSTRUCTED AS TO LOCATION OF CONTROL VALVES AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS NEW EOUIPMENT?r] YES fI NO IF NO, EXPTAIN LOCATION SUPPLIES BUILDINGS PIPE TYPES AND GLASS ryPE JOINT PIPES AND JOINTS PIPE CONFORMS TO FITTINGS CONFORM TO STANDARD STANDARD E YES fl YEs E t'to trNo IF NO, EXPLAIN BURIED JOINTS NEEDING ANCHORAGE CLAPED, STRAPPED, OR BLOCKED IN ACCORDANCEW|TH STANDARD EYES EI.IO IF NO, EXPLAIN TEST DESCRIPT]ON FLUSHING: Flow the required rate until water is clear as indicated by no collection of foreign material in burlap bags at outlets such as nydrants andblow-offs. Flushatflownotlessthan390GPM(1476Umin)for4-inchpipe,610GPM(2309Umin)fors-inchpipe,880(GPM333'1 Umin) for 12-inch pipe. When supply cannot produce stipulated flow rate, obtain maximum available. HYOROSTATIC: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13.8 bars) for two hours or 50 psi (3.4 bars) above static pressure in excess of 1 50 psi (1 0-3 bars) for two hours. LEAKAGE: New pipe laid with rubber gasketed joints shall, if the workmanship is satisfactory, have little or no leakage at the joints. The amount of leakageatthejointsshall notexceed2qts.per hr. (1.89Uh)peill00joints,irrespectiveof pipediameter. Theamountof allowableleakage specitied above may be increased by 1 fl oz. per in. valve diameter per hr. (30 mU25 mm/h) for each metal-seated valve isolating the test section. lf dry barrel hydrants are tegted with the main valve open, so the hydrants are under pressure, an additional 5 oz. per minute (150 ml/min) leakade is oermitted for each hvdrant. FLUSHING TESTS NEW PIPING FLUSHED ACCORDING TO STANDARD BY (company) nYES trtlO IF NO, EXPLAIN HOW FLUSHING FLOW WAS OBTAINED:trtr PUBLICWATER TANK OR RESERVOIR N FIRE PI.JMP THROUGH WHAT TYPE OPENING: E HYDRANT BUfi E OPEN PIPE LEAD.INS FLUSHED ACCORDING TO STANDARD EYES trNO HOW FLUSHING FLOW WAS OBTAINED: E PUBLIC WATER trn TANK OR RESERVOIR FIRE PUMP THROUGH WHAT TYPE OPENING: L] Y CONNECTION TO FLANGE & SPIGOT N OPEN PIPE 3000-450-005 9/02 1 ) HYDROSTATIC TEST ALL NEW PIPING HYDROSTATICALLY TESTED AT PSI FOR HOURS BURIED JOINT COVERED trYES trNO LEAKAGE TEST TOTALAMOUNT OF LEAKAGE MEASURE NO LEAKAGE ALLOWED FOR VISIBLE JOINTS GALS.HOURS ALLOWABLE LEAKAGE (BURIED) NO LEAKAGE ALLOWED FOR VISIBLE JOINTS GALS.HOURS HYDRANTS NUMBER INSTALLED TYPE AND MAKE ALL OPERATED SATISFACTORILY EYES NNO CONTROL VALVES WATER CONTROLVALVES LEFTW|DE OPEN E YEs r] r,to IF NO, STATE REASON HOSE THREADS OF FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION AND HYDRANTS INTERCHANGEABLE WITH THOSE OF FIRE DEPARTMENT ANSWERING ALARM trYES ENo ndnaenxs DATE LEFT IN SERVICE ADDITIONAL COMMENTS SIGNATURES NAME OF INSTALLING CONTRACTOR TESTS WITNESSED BY FOR PROPERTY OWNER (SIGNED)TITLE DATE FOR INSTALLING CONTMCTOR (SIGNED)TITLE DATE ADDITIONAL EXPLANATION AND NOTES ')) GITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, STR I E OF WASHINGTON GONTRACTORS' MATERIALS & TEST REPORT FOR ABOVEGROUND PIPING H"E,*HffiWF PRoGEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and test shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by an oyyner's representative. All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnelfinally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. lt is understood the owner's representative's signature in no way prejudices any claim against contractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. PROPERTY NAME DATE PROPERTYADDRESS PLANS INSTALLATION CONFORMS TO ACCEPTED PLANS EQUIPMENT USED IS APPROVED IF NO, EXPLAIN DEVIATION fl YEs tr No EYES trNO INSTRUCTIONS HAS PERSON IN CHARGE OF FIRE EQUIPMENT BEEN INSTRUCTED AS TO LOCATION OF CONTOL VALVE AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMENT? IF NO, EXPLAIN YES N NO HAVE COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING BEEN LEFT ON THE PREMISES: 1. SYSTEMCOMPONENTSINSTRUCTIONS2- CAREANDMAINTENANCEINSTRUCTIONS3. NFPA 13 trYES trNOnYEs nNoEYES E NO LOCATION OF SYSTEM SUPPLIES BUILDINGS MAKE MODEL YEAR OF MANUFACTURE oRtFtcE stzE QUANTIW TEMPERATURE RATING SPRINKLERS PIPE AND FITTINGS TYPE OF PIPE ryPE OF FITTINGS ALARM VALVE OR FLOW INDICATOR ALARM DEVICE MAXIMUM TIME TO OPERATE THROUGH TEST CONNECTION TYPE MAKE MODEL MINUTES SECONDS 3000-450-001 9/02 DRY PIPE OPERATING TEST DRY VALVE QUICKOPENING DEVICE MAKE MODEL SERIAL NO.MAKE MODEL SERIAL NO. TIME TO TRIP THRU TEST CONNECTION WATER PRESSURE AIR PRESSURE TRIP POINT AIR PRESSURE TIME WATER REACHED TEST OUTLET ALARM OPERATED PROPERLY MIN SEC PSt PSr PSt MIN sEc YES NO WITHOUT o_o.D. WlTH o.o.D. IF NO, EXPLAIN DELUGE & PREACTION VALVES OPERATION f] PNEUMATIC f] ELECTRIC E HYDRAULIC PIPING SUPERVISED E yES E r.tO DETECTING MEDIA SUPERVISED N YES tr NO DOES VALVE OPERATE FROM THE MANUAL TR'P AND/OR REMOTE CONTROL STATIONS?trYES trNO IS THERE AN ACCESSIBLE FACILITY IN EACH GIRCUIT FOR TESTING? E YES E I.IO IF NO, EXPLAIN MAKE MODEL DOES EACH CIRCUIT OPERATE SUPERVISION LOSS ALARM? DOES EACH CIRCUIT OPERATE VALVE RELEASE? MAXIMUM TIME TO OPEFATE RELEASE YES NO YES NO YES NO TEST DESGRIPTION HYDROSTATIC: Hydrostatic levels shall be made at not less ihat 200 psi (13.6 bars) for two hours of 50 psi (3.4 bars) above static pressure in excess of 1 50 psi (1 0.2 bar9 for two hours. Differential dry-pipe valve clappers shall be left open during test to prevent damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. PNEUMATIC: Establish 40 psi (2.7 bars) air pressure and measure drop \,vhich shall not exceed 1 %psi (0.1 bars) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air oressure drop which shall not exceed 1 % Dsi (0.1 bars) in 24 hours TESTS ALL PIPING HYDROSTATICALLY TESTED AT DRY PIPING PNEUMATICALLY TESTED EQUIPMENT OPEMTES PROPERLY FOR HRS - nYES r-l YES ENO nNO IF NO, STATE REASON DO YOU CERTIFY AS THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM CONTMCTOR THAT ADDITIVES AND CORROSIVE CHEMICALS, SODIUM SILICATE OR DERIVATIVES OF SODIUM SILICATE, BRINE OR OTHER CORROSIVE CHEMICALS WERE NOT USED FOR TESTING SYSTEMS OR STOPPINGLEAKS? EYES ENO DRAIN TEST READING OF GAGE LOCATED NEAR WATER SUPPLY TEST CONNECTION: PSI RESIDULE PRESSUREWITH VALVE IN TEST CONNECTION OPEN WDE: PSI UNDERGROUND MAINS AND LEAD IN CONNECTIONS TO SYSTEM RISERS FLUSHED BEFORE CONNECTION MADE TO SPRINKLER PIPING. VERIFIED BY COPY OF THE U FORM NO 858 EYES tr NO EYES tr NOFLUSHED BY INSTALLER OF UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER PIPING IF NO, EXPLAIN BLANK TESTING GASKETS NUMBER USED LOCATIONS NUMBER REMOVED VI'ELDING WELDED PIPING E YES tr NO IF YES, COMPLETE BELOW DO YOU CERTIFY AS THE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR THAT WELDING PROCEDURES COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWS D10.9, LEVEL AR.3? DO YOU CERTIFY THAT THE WELDING WAS PERFORMED BY WELDERS QUALIFIED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWS D10,9, LEVEL AR-3? DO YOU CERTIFY THAT WELDING WAS CARRIED OUT IN COMPLIANCE W|TH A DOCUMENTED QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURE TO ENSURE THAT ALL DISCS ARE RETRIEVED, THAT OPENINGS IN PIPING ARE SMOOTH, THAT SLAG AND OTHER WELDING RESIDUE ARE REMOVED, AND THAT THE INTERNAL DIAMETERS OF PIPING ARE NOT PENETRATED? E YES E r.tO trYES trNO NYES E NO CUTOUTS (otscs) DO YOU CERTIFY THAT YOU HAVE A CONTROL FEATURE TO ENSURE THAT ALL CUTOUTS (DISCS) ARE RETRIEVED?nYEs nNo FUNCTIONAL FLOWTEST DOES AHJ REQU|RE A FUNCTIONAL FLOW TEST OF RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS? WERE FUNCTIONAL FLOW TEST RESULTS SATISFACTORY? fl YEs N YES nruo nNO HYDRAULIC DATA NAMEPLATE NAME PTATE PROVIDED EYES ENO IF NO, EXPLAIN REMARKS DATE LEFT IN SERVICE WITH ALL CONTROL VALVES OPEN: SIGNATURES NAME OF SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR LICENSE #DATE TESTS WITNESSED BY PROPERTY OWNER OR REPRESENTATIVE TITLE DATE ReiltHraulic Overview Job Number: 795135 on ht Hazard Job Design Engineer Corey Sisson Bldg 1 Puget Sound Apartmenis 7951 35 900 Hancock Street (. Port Townsend City Zip Code 98368 Stale WA 425 881 3030 WESTESFl Port Townsend Job Site Building 1 Unit 4 Living Room AHJ System 0.0509pm/ft'z Density 404.}1ft'z (Actual 404. 92ft'?) Most Demanding Sprinkler Data 4.9 K-Factor '12.96 at 7.000 100.00 Number Of Sprinklers Calculated 4 Cov€rage Per Sprinkler 256.00ft" Sysfem Flow Demand 67.72 Syslem Pressrre Demand 53.368 167.72 @ 53.368 +11.289 (17 .5%) Supplies Check Point Gauges Residual(psi) 55 000 Node 16 Flow(qpm) 1038.00 Hose Flow(qpm) 100.00 Static(psi) 65 000 ldentifier Pressure(psi) K-Facto(K) Flow(qpm) fu- Calc.cad Supply at Node 16 (1038.00, 100.00, 65.000, 55.000) I o o I I ffioo+so 600 7so 900 1050 1200 Water flow, gpm Pressure 1 038 00167.72 with hose 72 demand rilil ll ilt rlr ililil1il ttttttttt ttttttttt 1 500 1 350 100 90 80 70 60ao guo aa #40 30 20 '10 0 fu, o ru.e .e.cno, tnc.iil$ nutoSPntruK@ VRs v5.1.32 0911012007 3:56:33PM Page 1 IIt$Hydraulic Sumrnary Job Number: 795135 Hazard Job Design Engineer Corey Sisson State Cedilcation/License Numbor WESTESFl36QF 7951 35 Bldg 'l Puget Sound Apartments 900 Hancock Street Port Townsend Address 2 Building 1 Unit 4 Living Room Job Sile Port Townsend City Siate WA Zip Code 98368 Drawing Name Calc.cad Remote Area(s)Svstem Light Hazard4.9 K-Factor 12.96 at 7.000 Most Demanding Sprinkler Data 404.00ft2 (Actual 404. 92ft'z) Hose Allowance At source 100.00 0.0509pm/ft'z Oensily Number Of sprinklers Calculated 4 cove.age Pe. Sprinkler 256.00ft' AutoPeak Resulls: Pressure For Remote Are4s) Adjacenl To Most Remote Area Addalional Hose Supplies Node Flow(qpm) 100.00 system Flow Demand Total Water Requi.sd (lncluding Hose Allowanc€) 67.72 167.72 Maximum Pressure Uobalance ln Loops 0.000 Maximum Velocily Above Ground 8.43 between nodes 68 and 10 Maximum V€locily Under Ground 14.23 between nodes 16 and 15 Volume capacily ofWet capacity of Dry Pipes 34.319a1 Supplies Required (psi) Safety Margin (psi)Node Hose Flow (oom) Static (osi) A\jlResidual (psi) Flow (qpm)@Available (psi) Total Demand (qpm) 11.28965.000 55.000 1038.00 64.657 167.72 53.36816100.00 Contractor Corey Sisson Conlacl TdleConhactor Number 7951 35 Contactor Name Western States Fire Protection 7102 1B0th Ave NE 425 881 0100 425 881 3030 Slat€ WA Zip Cod€ 98052 corey.sisson@wsfp. us E-mail City Redmond fu o v.e.e.cno, tnc.iif$ nutosentruK@ vRs vs.1.32 0911012007 3:56:34PM Page 2 f;tilil a Job Number: 795135 Report Description:ht Hazard Device Actual Flow (oom) Minimum Flow (oom) K-Factor (K) Pressure (psi) Sprinkler 1 13.23 9.1 0 4.9 7.286 9.1 0 4.9 7.3447Sprinkler13.28 * Sprinkler 9 12.96 9.10 4.9 7.000 Sorinkler 5 13.25 9.10 4.9 7.307 0 30.6481'.!Nozzle '15.00 15.00 * Most Demanding Sprinkler Data fu, o M.e.e.cRo, rnc,fffl nutosentruK@ vR5 v5.1.32 0911O12O07 3:56:35PM Page 3 ifft Elevation(Footl Fittinos Pressure(osil Discharoe{oom)Node 3 zo'-o I(6'-0)LZt4 B 20'-o T(8'-0)7.290 T(6'-0)7.334420'-0 6 20'-0 T(6'-0)7.289 2 20'-0 T(6'-0)7.297 10 20'-0 2C(8'-0)8.912 13 3'-0 BFP(-6.000)25.477 4'-O 18.94612 68 4'-1 I 18.492 '15 -3'-0 T(6'-0). T(7'-0)30.928 19'-6 Sor(-7.286)7.286 13.231 7 19'-6 Sp(-7.344)7.344 13.28 19'-6 SD(-7.000)7.000 12.96 7.307 13.25 o 5 19'-6 Sp(-7.307) 11 -3'-0 Noz 30.648 15 00 16 -3'-0 S 53.368 67.72 rt Descri Job Number: 795135 Hazard fuotu.e.e.cRo, tnc.iil{ nutospnrruK@ vR5 v5.i.32 0911012007 3:56:36PM Page 4 nilil*ulic Analysis Job Number: 795135 Report Description: Light Hazard r ow on Length Eq. Length Total Lenqth Pressure SummaryDownstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings 7'- t 9'-( 16'-? Pf 0.506 Pe -0.217 Pv 9 b 19'-6 20'-0 q=12.96 K=4.9 7.000 7.289 Spr(-7.000) E(3',-0). T(6'-0) FM 1.5980 Q=1.55 o.25 C=1 50 0.000098 1 1'-C 8'-C 19'-C Pf 0.002 Pe -0.001 Pv b 8 20'-0 20'-0 7.289 7.290 T(8'-0) 4 7',-C 7',-C Pf Pe Pv 0.o44I 4 20'-0 20'-0 7.290 7.334 150 0.020741 4 20'-0 20'-0'10 8.912 59'-1 17',-C 76'-1 Pf Pe Pv 1 0 577 001 24',-e 21',-C 45',-e Pf Pe Pv ? o o41 53810 68 20'-0 4'-1 1 8.912 18.492 T(8'-0), 3E(4'-0), cplq(1'-0) 0'-1 1 0'-1 1 Pf Pe Pv n U 059 39668 12 4'-1 1 4'-0 18.492 18.946 2(-0.000) 1'-C 1 '-C Pf Pe Pv 6. 0. 097 43412 13 4'-0 3'-0 18.946 25.477 BFP(-6.000) UG 1 3940 O=52.72 11.08 C=1 50 0 12S536 1 1'-C 1 1'-( 22'-C Pf 2.850 Pe 2.601 Pv IJ 15 3'-0 25.477 30.928-3',-0 E(4'-0), T(7'-0) 16 -3',-0 53.368 7 S 75'-C 75'-( Pf 22.440 Pe Pv 50 0.03 0'-€ 6'-( 6'-( Pf 0.206 Pe -0.218 Pv 1 J 19'-6 20'-0 q=13.23 K=4.9 7.286 7.274 Sp(-7.286) T(6'-0) .5980 212 1 3'-0 3'-C Pf 0.016 Pe Pv J 8 20'-0 20'-0 7.274 7.290 DR 1.1010 Q=13.25 4.46 C=1 50 o.031747 0'-€ 6'-C 6'-€ Pf 0.206 Pe -0.217 Pv 5 2 19'-6 20'-0 q=13.25 K=4.9 7.307 7.297 Sp(-7.307) T(6'-0) 3.94 50 0.01 6333 74',-11 24'-C 98',-1 1 Pf Pe Pv 1 6 1 2 20'-0 20'-0 7.297 8.91210 2T(8',-0). C(8'-0)*.....Route4..... DR 1.1010 O=13.28 4.47 C=1 50 0.031895 0'-€ o-L 6'-€ Pt 0.207 Pe -0.218 Pv 7 4 19'-6 20'-0 q=13.28 K=4.9 7.344 7.334 Sp(-7.344) T(6'-0)*.....Route5..... 1'-C o-L 7'.-C Pf 0.280 Pe Pv 11 '15 -3'-0 -3'-0 q=15.00 30 30 648 928 Noz T(6'-0) FM 1.5980 Q=11.41 1.83 C=1 50 0.003927 6 20'-0 20'-0 7.289 7.2972 2',-l z',-C Pf Pe Pv 0.008 fu o v.e.e.cRo, tnc.i!${ nutospnt ruK@ vRs vs.1.32 0911012007 3:56:37PM Page 5 ililt$Job Number: 795135 Report Description: Light Hazard ameter oc Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt m Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Len Summary Units Legend AO BL CM DN DR DY FM FR MS OR RN SP ST UG Arm-Over Branch Line Cross Main Drain Drop Dynamic Feed Main Feed Riser Miscellaneous Outrigger Riser Nipple Sprig Stand Pipe und Diameter Elevation Flow Discharge Velocity Pressure Length Friction Loss HWC Pt Pn Pf Pe Pv lnch Foot gpm gpm fps psi Foot psi/Foot Hazen-Williams Constant Total pressure at a point in a pipe Normal pressure at a point in a pipe Pressure loss due to friction between points Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated poi Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe ALV AngV b BalV BFP BV c cplg Cr CV DelV DPV E EE Ee1 Ee2 f FDC fE fEE flg FN fT s GloV GV Hose HV Hvd LtE mecT Noz P1 P2 PIV PO PN PRV red s sCV spr St T Tr U WirF WMV z Alarm Valve Angle Valve Bushing Ball Valve Backflow Preventer Butterfly Valve Cross Flow Turn 90" Coupling Cross Run Check Valve Deluge Valve Dry Pipe Valve 90'Elbow 45" Elbow 11/q'Elbow 22/z'Elbow Flow Device Fire Department Connection 90' Firelock(TM) Elbow 45' FireLock(TM) Elbow Flange Floating Node FireLock(TM) Tee Gauge Globe Valve Gate Valve Hose Hose Valve Hydrant Long Turn Elbow Mechanical Tee Nozzle Pump ln Pump Out Post lndicating Valve Pipe Outlet Pressure Relief Valve Pressure Reducing Valve Reducer/Adapter Supply Swing Check Valve Sprinkler Strainer Tee Flow Turn 90' Tee Run Union Wirsbo Water Meter Valve fu, o ru.e.R.cRo, tnc.ill$ nutospntruK@ vRs v5.1.32 Ogl1Ol20O7 3:56:37PM Page 6 ilff$Job Number: 795135 on:ht Hazardrt Supply at Node 16 100 90 80 70 60 '6 o- esofott0 o_ 40 30 20 10 0 1 5000150 300 450 600 750 900 1 050 Water flow, gpm 1200 1 350 Pressure 65.000 1038.00 @ 55.000t 67ll 167.72will. hose streams 72@ I 53.368 I \ demand curve ililt ttttttttt Supply at Node 16 Hydraulic Graph 65.000 1038.00 @ 55.000 Available Pr€ssureTime of Tsst 64.657 @,167.72 67.72 @ 53.368 System Damand 167.72 @ 53.368 System Demand (lncluding Hoss Allowance) fuo u.e.e.cRo, tnc.iffl nutospRtt tK@ vR5 vb.'t.32 0911012007 3:56:39PM Page 7 Hil*tr Job Number: 795135 Hazard - d @ .:J fu, o u.e.e.cRo, rnc.6XI RutospRtruK@ vR5 v5.1.32 Ogl10l2O07 3:56:40PM Page 8 IIII t t I I I aII!I w Application The Ames 20008 provides positive drip-tight closure againsl tfie reverse flow ol non potable liquids caused by a cross connection. The 20008 can be used ln lire protection systems, plumbing syslems, lrrigation systems and other systems requiring low and intermediate huard protection. a 0peration ln normalllow conditions the independently operaling cartridge checks remain closed unlillhere is a demand for waler. Each of the cartridge checks in series is designed to open at approximalelY (1) PSI pressure differential in the direction of flow, At cessation of flow or under a back pressure condition, bolh carlridge checks will close untillhe resumption ol normal flow w Installation The 20008 should be installed wilh adequate clearance and easy accessibility for mainlenance and testing. The 20008 may be installed vertically or horizontally. Refer to local codes lor specilic installation requiremenls. w Features Single access cover for easy servicing. Cartridge check assembly for long term reliability and ease of serviceability. Simple service procedures, requires no speclaltools, Temperature rated to 1B0o F. 175 PSI rated working Pressure. Assembly ASSE 1015 aPProved. Horizontal or vertical installation. Wye strainer optional. Straighl through flow-waY. Documented low pressure loss, Aft€tr'$a FLUID CONTROL SYSTEMS 916.666.2493 1485 Tanforan Avenue PO. Box 1387 Woodland,CA95776 FN(916.666.3914 IIIIII )tII @stl---t I g+ A c D @ Ames 20008 - Weights & Dimensions (inches)w Physi cal C ha ra cte ri sli cs Sizes - 1 12", 314u, 1', 1 1 l4',1 1 l2', 2' Ratedworking presswe -175 Psi Tempe rature rang e - 33" F - 1 80" F Construction B ronze B odY Assembly shall be ASSE 1015 approved slzE B c D Weighl lhs 1t2't0"4 5/8'.2 7 /16',3112',411? 314',1 1 1/8',4 3 1/B'3U2'5 1'13114'5 1/8"4"4"12 1 114',I 6 3/8'5'3 s/1 6"51t2 15 11n'1 6 3/4'47/8',3 1t2'6"15 7/8 2''t91/2',6 114'4"6112',25314 a Specilications The douhle check shatt consist ol two independentty operated spring loaded cartridge.checks, req.uired tesl cocks, and inlet and outlet resil- tent seat bal vatves. Each cartridse check shatr bt nt{iiiiioZiiitii piwiit i i,iiitiii din tuht tbswe againit the reverse rtow or tiquid caused by back siphonage or back pressure..T.h, ,oiiiii'iiitiitli tti& iiilrq{tliiainleis sie el sprins, ribber laced disc and a replace' abteseat.Thebodyshattb;;;;i;;t,nediitnasins';'iiiiiiiiir/ticuledwiliiiilessslee/Dollli' Nospeciattootsshattberequhedror seruicing. Doublebheck shall be Ames 20008. E! l/2.,DocunenledFlowcharaclerislics(tnctudingshut-ofivatves) & lt14"DocunentedFlowchancleilstics(lncludingshut-ollmlves) 216c 312E3B&=B4ud,Go Ig. 12 tsBEaU54@@Ho 60 e12fto38E6H4 =ADHor L@d q o&oUE = @UE4 og. 12 rP8o EA=a -0& 2 4 0 20 40 B0 100 12060 FLOW. GPM 2 4 6 FLOW - GPM B 10 12 50 @ 3/4" Docunenled Flow Characlerislic$ (tncluding shut-oll valves)@ 1 I /2" Documenled FloW charaCterislics (tncluding shut-ofl valves) o e coEogE = uer 12 I 4 0 20 40 60 FLOW- GPM 48121620242832 FLOW. GPM 80 100 120 W 1" Docunented Ftow Characlerislics (lncluding shut'oll valves)H2''DocunenledFlowCharaclerislics(Includingshul-olfvalves) v 20 30 40 FLOW' GPl,l 1485 Tanforan Avenue 100 12s 1s0 175 200 FLOW. GPM FAX916.666'3914 M33-20 EE7 25 50 75 10 916.666.2493 P,O. Box 1387 Woodland, CA95776 r)1 Receipt Number: BLD07-193 BLIXTT-193 BLD07-193 BLD07-193 BLD07-193 948320601 948320601 948320601 948320601 948320601 Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit State Building Code Council Fee Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P 0911312007 Building Perm it Fee 430 $ 143.96 Total $143.e6 $108.71 $5.00 $4.s0 $167.25 $8.s0 Total: $r08.71 $5.00 $4.50 $17.25 $8.50 $143.96 $150.00 BLD07-193 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -080907 CHECK genprntrreceipts Fage 1 of 1 -)1 Receipt Number: BLD07-193 948320601 Building Permit Fee $167.25 $150.00 Total: Cisooo .25$17 CHECK 106223 $ 150.00 Total $150.00 genprntrreceipts l%ge 1 of 1 c$r.o F fuJ h)($rE -J E tul -J +.N (.Il t:o m F OJ F . rJdr ,,'F .< n iJ ir j J l E m lll {m ;B u n *|I>-l m LD n H n m .E b fi)m F hl {9 hl 00 5 4 4 5 : i? , l o o r . e0 0 ? ro S T r! * rn Fr r t BU S I N E S S Fl A f i l F : BU S I Th s Fe t r , o n . ft r n r - o r lo { e t e d il d Bu $ r h r E s s Lo c A r q l l : ?1 9 2 ff i q F l$ f f t ' l - + , s t s s Re d r n e n d i . TF - I * c6 - 0 . " $ " f ; r I# ES T E R N ' $ f A T E F I F E FH 6 T E . E . 1 ?1 0 2 1g 0 i [ r i AV E N. F A ' 1 0 5 RE D r r i o h l D , wA .9 8 0 . 5 4 Inspections Tuesday November 12,2013 12:34 http://permitserver:7778iformslPermitAttachments/html ouVlnspections.html Sequence No Intyp Code Text Insty Code Text Inspection Dt Name Inspection Time Inspection Reason o Inspection Text T c N Description 10 FPP-PRESS-TEST APP 09/2412007 Tom Aumock 0 REQUESTED N N N N Fire - Pressure Test 20 FPP-ROUGH-IN APP 09/24/2007 Tom Aumock 0 REQUESTED N N N N Fire - Rough In 30 FPP-UNDGRN-SUPP APP-C 02/27/2008 Tom Aumock 0 REQUESTED N N N N Fire - Underground supply 40 FPP-FINAL-ACC APP 02/28/2008 Tom Aumock 0 REQUESTED N N N N Fire - Final Acceptance Page 1 of 1 tIlI2l20t3 l tI 1 .,r il r !- l