HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-188City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 9836g (360)379-s09s BUILDING PERMIT Project Information Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 849 57TH STREET Project Description Build new SFR Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-188 Baxter SFR 936903606 Names Associuted with this Project Type Name Applicant Baxter John M Owner Baxter John M Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date *** SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS *** Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 1g0 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this that the information that I am the owner shal not conslruedbepermrt to iolateapproval ons theof orPTMC otheranypfovlsl laws or regulations.certifu for this lsit andtrueperm toaccurate bestthe of know furthermyledge.certifu theofagent Print Name Datelssued: 12/28/2007 lssued By: FRONTDESK BIJILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Infurmation Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 849 57TH STREET Project Description Build new SFR Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-188 Baxter SFR 936903606 Fee Information Project Details Dwellings - Type V Wood Frame Private Garages - Wood FrameProject Valuation Site Address Fee Building Permit Fee Energy Code Fee - New Single Family Unit Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential Plan Review Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee lor Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $r 38.7s8.33 3.00 1,212.15 100.00 1,377 SQFT 308 SQFT 1s0.00 150.00 150.00 4.50 24.24 10.00 Total Fees $1,803.89 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner ofthe properfy or authorized agent ofthe owner. Datelssued: 12/2812007 lssued By: FRONTDESK Print Name I )) BUILDINGPERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Informution Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 849 57TH STREET Project Description Build new SFR Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-188 Baxter SFR 936903606 Conditions 10. Property corner survey pins must be located at time of foooting inspection to verifz setbacks. 20. Temp. erosion control measures rnust be installed and maintained prior to approval of any building inspections. Call 385-2294by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner ofthe properly or authorized agent ofthe o\ilner. Date Issued: Issued By: 12t28/200'7 FRONTDESK Print Name City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street" Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 360-379-5095 Fax 360-344-4619 REVISION TO BUILDING PERMIT # BUD@ ? - lg€1 Revision # L OWNER:Ler SITE ADDRESS: 8 rh3 Total Value of Revision: $Impervious Surface Change?D Revisions require 2 sets of plans and a written scope of workthat fully describes the proposbd change plus any additional information that will be of assistance inissuing,your revision. If your plans were stamped by a design professional, all revision submittals require a stamp with-a wet signature. g-e arrare ttrat ctrairges to the existing- approved plans may also require g to revise your original building permit application (lot coverage, impervious surface, structure square footage, etc.) and energy code documents (changing windows, heat sourcg etc.ito conform to your proposed changes. Scope of work: o rS Submittal date: : Two sets of plans for revision: Approval of engineer of record (if original plans engineered): o yes ! No OFFTCE USE ONLY: !NA P:tDSD\Deparfinent Form$Building Forms\ApplicatiorrRcvision.doc il" t, CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG $ PERMTT#BLf,> o7* lag SCOPE OF WORK: DArE RECEryED I -4- C 7 i\J g-€c€_?)efi^lJ 33 DATE ACTION INITIALS ? -4- o'/ENTERED INTO CHET s< CA ^: to Planning - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS 7DI if'.rt,fr. ro La-J t, 2 Ur^;+\ L I (s' n, ft -0A Sa,us ltf ka,De " ir'tr/g. .,A at i'o^raa tl 'co00n,' |L' i--; , -' h.L s- a.ilo (-,t | ,, n n L AAlJ" 0 uilOr- < ilo r iisrl--.rd.,rl- -" ,i.'r rc iri6r:L - t "-' - . tV,-J Y tl'r)^,1 AJn g I I g b !|c.e barl; aF l[- C,^-.r I U //- /- a e 6d I _f tz.8 'o IIT 5 a t I ( SL) a I v,vt -0 6F t , F;L5T- { CITY OF,PORT TOWNSENDDEVELOPMENT SERVICES NNPANTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360_3g5_2 294 bvthe inspection. tror Monday rrro"J"^. ""ii .3:0-0lt{ the day before you wantby 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTIoN: I o SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: coNrACT PERSON: QEu t\ RMIT NUMBER: A A CI7'- CONTRACTOR: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION:T,,t 4t_ ! APPROVED Inspector ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will bechecked at next inspection N NOTAPPROVED CalI for re-inspection before proceeding. Date Approved plans and permit card must be on_site be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. and availel)le at time of inspection. A re_inspection Jbe may ') ) Jefferson Gounty DGD Building Division Correction Notice PERMIT NUMBER OWNER JOB LOCATION lnspection of this structure has found the following violations: You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done upon these premises until the above violations are corrected, unless noted otherwise. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date 4A-Inspector THIS NOTICE MUST BE KEPT WITH APPROVED PLANS ON SITE BUTLDING DTVTSION (360) 379-4450 TNSPECTTON HOTLINE (360) 379-4455 ') ) Jefferson Gounty DCD Building Division Gorrection Notice PERMIT NUMBER OWNER JOB LOCATION RL}? S7 spection of this structure has found the following violations: o 4++ You are hereby notified that no more work shall be cione upon these premises until the above violations are corrected, unless noted otherwise. When corrections have been made, call for inspection Date 3q <*x BUtLDTNG DTVISTON (360) 379-4450 ECTTON HOTLTNE (360) 379-4455 THIS NOTICE MUST BE KEPT WITH APPROVED PLANS ON SITE PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N , PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y , ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E , PA R C E L NO . 93 6 S 0 3 6 0 6 PE R M I T NO . BL D 0 7 - 1 88 IS S U E D DA T E 12 t 2 8 t 2 0 0 7 EX P I R A T I O N DA T E AD D R E S S 84 5 57 T H ST R E E T CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R B$ C I E R JO H N M PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Bu i l d ne w SF R CO N T R A C T O R LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3. Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 /u w t 4t ' 9 D' l ft u * L TO RE Q U E S T AN IN S P E C T T O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . 0612512008 FI N A L PU B L I C WO R K FI N A L BU I L D I N G At ( - ,' O ( L Vf i (rn ff r ' i tu * w tl u 6l 4t n Sl z e u I A $/ t h, X , 0 -t - ,^ I 7, q (u 1" 4 l '6 " b K i q2 7 " i ER O S I O N CO N T R O L SE T B A C K S SU R V E Y P I N S \ FO O T I N G FL O O R FR A M I N G SH E A R W A L L & HO L D O W N S FR A M I N G AI R SE A L PL U M B I N G PL U M B I N G WT R PI P I N ME C H A N I C A L IN S U L A T I O N GW B FO U N D A T I O N WA L L Fo u n d a t i o n dr a i n SL A B CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. "(PERMIT NUMBER:f - l&trDATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: €{q.5? PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE TYPE OF INSPECTION:E+f <U p.A /L 4Je*0- ( 4.Cra d-&t-C < \ N APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection t-I NOT APPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. lnspection Report Project Permit# BcD 07 - I g( Date lnspector lnspection & Notes 9a-Z oG \4 lgu*,t, il^\atcf€ol r fzfl#Y.{4 /or*b*/i rnr\/ 3t4;N'/-1;*' ^fl tJIUDL\AI:LDOIa AL #sttoo+trwAt-r- * 4h a;rlX'3 Ds t'\0 6 t ilUw: A 14 o;_Lc;gS c(-rffL€ ,u,4g^cg *)t4gf) actU /fov-tp.\ /l'u k-b-(hrt Qf< NXr,,. nt5-t o k L. 8-!sK v*Pt o,$,; e "L7-g ,4 .\ Fe+w: I +rltstwt- o? /rw coft*Hilhil Le&l- izl lon |4'hvto't frsaL NPaou*N lt 2 5w__ (rut-q173 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday.I/'7-t-/ DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: PERMIT NUMBER: CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON TYPE OF INSPECTION: 5.P err', -l r'<i- 6le,n PHONE: 6UL , / 5't //t /o lniil, /,7rQQfr ://g= 2es x a ! APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Insp ""ro,Jh-l Date //- 5rt7 Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available ol time o/'inspection. A re-inspection.fbe mcr.t be qssessed iJ work is not readyJbr inspection. Subj: Date: From: To: Penny Westerfield Permit Technician Penny Westerfield, CPT / Ci[-OfPormownsenO €r Development Services Department (DSD) 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 360.379.5082, F ax 360.344.461 I Port Townsend Permit 1112812007 11:06:39 A.M. Pacific Standard Time pwesterfieU@city ary€tahreEc@aa[cam. l*o wg<- * y41 ,7 Page 1 ofl 1 srruft Hi John, Your building and utility permits are approved and ready to issue. Since Glen Norcross handled some of the preliminary steps for you, I also left him a voice message. Someone needs to sign for the permit. The remaining fees that need to be paid come to $1,653.89. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you fr-b {o[,* E,.otu' %og-*t7 (*-uL rrr r^-6+ Lzt zog 66 0[c I 0 20a7 Eii ciry D OF PORI 0sD V ELI(D Wednesday, November 28,2007 America Online: Crystalpress ) ;1. Development teruices Residential Building Permit Application F Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150) See the "Residential Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax: 360-3444619 www.cityofpt.us Lender lnformation: Lender information rnust be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. N Project Valuation:OO Building lnformation (square feet): 1'tfloor 13"'? Garage: 3o9 2nd floor Deck(s 3'd floor Porch(es):- Basement:- ls it finished? Yes No Carport:_ Manufactured Home i ADU i @1 Addition i Remodel/Repair i Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint):* square teet: //9{ Yo 33,-7 lmpervious Sur{ace:* squarereet: /(t{*@ Any known wetlands on the property? Y Any steep slopes (>15%l? Y @ Property Owner: -l lthr:Name t City/SVZip Emai Na Address City/SUZip: P -4? Email Gontractor: Lt^ wdmeas owner Name -lo -I3 a-72s City/SUZip: Emai ct:nULI State License # City Business L Lilt ul i'"i'r lu"ti;l i I I j I I I I I i I I i I hereby certify that the information provided is correc{, that I am either the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and thdt all aitivities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code, Project Address:Leoal Descriotion (or Tax #): nalition: OAh Foful tt+ B jb Lot(s){ Office Use Onlv l"{t\ot-tK Associated Permits:*"oa- D?7 .-Zoning: 'lg- -Ir- Parcer# q36 ?03 lo, Project ption: I Print Land Use Checklist Legal Description:k- 3( t4 Location:J'--7{4^- t aJt Zoning l"{- Recorded Plat Shows Lot Size as: <7) Y t II-D Streets utt' d,- Assessor Shows: t/ ArcReader Shows: t / Critical Area?l,'L Other Permits? Part of a Plat or BSP or PUD? (Conditions, Tree Conserv...)fua Site Visit? Building meets setbacks? Building meets lot coverage Notice to Title needed? ? Restrictive Covenant needed? Lots of Record needed? Comments:Se{,Fet'<, eapzy"<r.td- Sdt te.,v-<r &,l l.-O 1 {-tr hn,IS u.dJ<d 6 \X;ater Waste Watcr Storm Water 1 in c h cquals 50 fiet 1 c{ 2 {I I I 5 l\ - 4 , 1 -27 --.:r- --. . __ _ _ ! r tl 'I I -- t 7 T l- + __ - _ _ i r \ r 2 6 5 4 -- - - 3 2 A6 1 5 -f - - r _ E 48 3 7 9{ oo 10 I I .l -- ' € -N 6 N Parcel Details Parcel Number: 9369 Section: 34 Qtr Section: NE1/4 Township: 31N Range: lW Page 1 of2 "" '!":;f;tlu,# l? 'tLt n *"inok . Parcel Number: 936903602 Owner Mailing Address: ELLEN REICHART 1421 GREGORY WAY BREMERTON WA983371238 Site Address: B3B 56TH ST PORT TOWNSEND 98368 Wr$mter Fr$emdiv School District: Port Townsend (50) Fire Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Sub Division: CALIFORNIA ADDITION Asse$$qjb Ls{!d U$s_eqdei 1100 - HOUSES (single units, non-farm) Property Description: CALTFORNTA ADDTTTON I BLK 36 LOTS 7 & B I SUBJECT TO EASEMENT | | Click on photo for larger image. No Permit Data Available Assesse! jlds Dela l'.,t *, J effS r$ 0 n Co u n ty'u;"nt ll:u'[tr:ti;'zi ?t,i)T {; u;,k , Hnn:s , tnunly lnfn , Dnprrtmnnfs ,'Sngreh SEARCH Jeflorsoil fornly ii i' ::i" !: ::r t i;'i r{&*i4s I csuruTY :rus$ I *spARYM*m?s I ssARes{ gest virwed r,vith Microrioft Internet Explorer f!.0 rlr later g$ windows - Mnc http://www.co jefferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail.asp?PARCEL_NO:936903602 911712007 I UXtil tXilX tl!iltilllitilt ftlill ru ilr ffff;alA When recorded return to: CHR]STOPHER & ESTELA BOURQUE PO Box 2114 Port Townsend, WA 98368 DECIJARAIIOII OF EAT'EIIEIIT ff,E GRANTORS, iIOUN l,I. BAXIER AIID trAAEN N. BAXIIERT Husband and Wife, for valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknor{rledged, owne!6 of the real property located ln the City of Port Tovrnsend, legalIy described as: LOT 5, BLOCK 36 OT THE CAIJIFORNIA ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT ToI{NSEND, AccoRDING TO VOTJUME 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 99, RECORDS O!' JEFTERSON COUNTY, WASHTNGTON. Tax Parcel # 936 903 606 hereby grant, convey, establish and create, in perpetuity, an eaaement for the use, repair and maintenance of the Eevter line serving Lots 7 & 8, Block 36 of the california Addition to the City of Port Tovrnsend which runs under that portion of aaid Lot 5. The location of said easement EhaII be the sewer line ae installed as of the date of recording of thia Declaratlon of Eaaenent, aa shown and particularly described in the diagram attached hereto and incorporated hetein as Exhibit A. Said easement ls for the benefit of CRAllllEEg' CHRISTOPHER P. BOURQUE and ESTELA M. BOURQUE, Husband and Wl"fe, ovrners of the real property located at 838 56th street, Port TorrnEend, IegaIIy described as: r.oTs 7 & 8, Br,ocK 35 oF THE CAIIFORNTA ADDTTTON TO THE CrTY O!' poRT TOWNSEND, ACCORDTNG TO VOLUI4E 2 OF PLATS, PAGE 99, RECORDS OF 'IEFFERSON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Tax Parcel # 936 903 602 DECLARATTON OF E.ASEI]IENT sl/t I tl]il ltil tffi] [ tillllt illll ilil| lil Iil il] lll ;,,L:;l;_,J.lt.rrs csty, tl HILDT $D nElD ttlC Etl: 2t'0O This Declaration of Ea6ement shall be binding upon the Grantols. Grantora, heirE, pereonal representatives, guccegsors and assigns, and the easement is acknovrledged and declared to be a sovenant running with the above-deacribed property. This easement ehall. benefit Grante€,E heirs, succe€Eors and aeelgns. IN ?lIlNEgS IINEREOF, the gnder8igned have hereunto set their hands and seaL thiB /t aay ot,4A5J,"-Z--, 2003. / lr'/'J /\,r./n /4 /hJb JOHN M. BAXTER, Grantor DECI.AR}TION OF EASEI{ENI of vfashington Residing at: in and for the state'k fu,-"J. N. BAXTER, STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY O8 JE!'EERSON ON EIIIS DAY personally appeared before me JOHN M. BAXTER and KAREN N. BAXTER to me kno!'rn to be the individuals described in and !''ho executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowl"edged that they signed the same aE thei! free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposea therein mentioned. cIvEN under my hand and official seal this // aay ot i_IJLl(us | , 2003, uy corunission expirear 1/Al.t"s- . -2- JULY Stite of Wsthilgtotr AUDREY OLINER fiffcoMMlssloN E(PlREg Parcel Details Page 1 of2 Parcel Number: 936903606, Parcel Number: 936903606 Owner Mailing Address: JOHN BAXTER KAREN N BAXTER 1750 ORR AVE SIMI VALLEY CA930653946 Site Address: Section:34 Qtr Section: NE1/4 Township: 31N Range: 1W Fris*ter ffrfiendly School District: Port Townsend (50) Firc Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Sub DivisioN: CALIFORNIA ADDITION Asscssor's L*nd Uss Cccle: 9100 - VACANT LAND Property Description: CALTFORNTA ADDTTTON I BLK 36 LOT s I I I Click on photo for larger image. x No Ph$ts Availablc x No ?ncl fhulc) Available No Permit Data Available Assessor Bldg Data Parcel SEARCH Jefferssn {otlnty J*fl*rson Cou*Ny'. i, :..:t'. . i:.',Hfiprc I c*t.rftrTY rhlFo | **pJTRTMfiNTS I SEARChi $est viewed rarith Microsoft lilternet Iixplorer 6.0 *r latcr ff win*o*n - t"lo* http ://www. co j efferson. wa. us/assessors/parceliparceldetail. asp 911712007 {6 Water 'SVaste Water Stom Water 1 ioch eque.b 50 feet 'nrs r:at ; pmuJcJ ^n :h 'rj ,r," "eiilr ,li fr,Jrs."bas*. 'lhr Gt of l?ofr1bwnreod ard i$ er2lqFcj do &r ?r.ffii;-i ejEly tlc rccrary of dre i::l>matior tc'n*i::t,{ j;r tli. rn.4. FiclJ vrntiizrion cid:c rccuncr cf :r1! :r4' i:nrmaoun is rl,e sr:e :rsP..\;hiI'.1 (.i'']l. lscr. tJscr (lcar.s :i:( (iry oi Icd'iourry!.I #(; :s slrtir:<rs f{in ail} li{ii:;t'hiscd c. ur{i':i t.sc,)1-nut :niooration. 1 2 c^ )a 4, , , o? " 1 2 10 b E -t 26 \a o , . r , n * * * , A6 1 7 6 -. { - 1 m L)<{m. 62 4 36 4A 6vS t77t' u VICINITY TAP NAlvtE: {olttv Knn 6n 4AV7E4 SITE ADDRESS:{7 rn cT- CITY: panT76 llJal.f€.@ 6g MAILINGADDRESS: CITY: AP: /7do'b ER 4vEg/m/ vau€y c 4 o1 PARCEL NUMBER: PHONE NUMBERS o 31a6 H: 8og- W: Nluot'L ZIP: qg a r ra SrT'- ..rob I.l^t {A !J3 MILES FROM HILINE SALES OFFICE: 3 { WSEC Residential Construction Checklist City of Port Townsend Development Servicqs Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 x'ax: Q6o) 34+46t9 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2001 Residential Construction Checklist Complete this form in additio4to WSEC forms. Please answer the following questions: TYPE OI'PRQJ.ECT:, .-iNew construction, or addition over 750 square feet Must rneet whole house and spot ventilation requirements, and showfull WSEC compliance as a stand-alone project. A detached, habitable structure such as an Accessory Dwelling Unit regardless of size must also meet these requirements. .i House addition under 750 square feet Possible trade-ffi are allowed with the existing buildingfor WSEC compliance, such as increasing ceiling insulation. See WSEC component performance forms. NATE: A house addition less than 500 sq.ft. does not require whole hoase ventilation. Spot ventilatlon is still required TYPE OF HFATING - Please clreck atl that annlv: Electric a{V*Heater .i Baseboard d Forced Air Fumace .i Radiant Floor (Boiler) .i Other -Non-Electric: Propane:-i Radiant Floor/Baseboard (Boiler) .i LPG Stove .i LPG Furnace .i Other LPG .i Heat Pump .i Oit Furnace .i Woodstove (can only be used as secondary heat source) @: Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings: r Floors: i Plywood with exterior glue i poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) I Backed batts r Walls: i poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) i Face-stapled, backed batts i Low-perm paint r Ceilings: c,,- r l Not required where ventilation space averages gxeater than or equal to i2'inctrdi dbirt'e insulation i Face-stapled, backed batts i Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) lLow-perm paint SEE BACK http://ptimaging/DSD/Building_Forms/BuildingPermitPackeVApplication-Residential Energy Code Checklist.doc Page 1 of2 )I l WASHINGTON STATE VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR OUALITY (2000 Code): Tvpe of ventilation used throushout the house: .i HVAC Integrated Option 4r*rur"roption Whole House Fan for "Exhaust Option": r In what room is your whole house fan located? o What size is the whole house exhaust fan?qJ ),4 0-75 0-120 CFM (3 bedroom house) (1-2 bedroom house) .i 100-150 CFM (4 bedroom house) .3 120-180 CFM (5 bedroom house) Note: the whole house fan shall be readily accessible and controlled by a24-hour clock timer with the capability of continuous operation, manual and automatic control. At the time of final inspection, the automatic control timer shall be set to operate the whole house fan for at least 8 hours a day, and have a sone rating at 1.5 or less measured at 0.10 inches water gauge. Spot Ventilation: Source specific exhaust ventilation is required in each kitchen, bathroom, water closet, laundry room, indoor swimming pool, spa and other rooms where excess water vapor or cooking odor is produced. Bathrooms, laundries or similar rooms require fans with a minimum 50 cfm rating at 0.25 inches water gauge; kitchens shall have a fan with a minimum 100 cfm rating at0.25 inches water gauge. Outdoor Air Inlets: Outdoor air shall be distributed to each habitable room by means such as individual inlets, separate duct systems, or a forced-air system. Habitable rooms include all bedrooms, living and dining rooms but not kitchens, bathrooms or utility rooms. Where outdoor air supplies are separated from exhaust points by doors, undercutting doors a minimum of Yzinch above the surface of the finish floor covering, distribution ducts, installation or grilles, transoms or similar means where permitted by the Uniform Building Code. When the system provides ventilation through a dedicated opening, such as a window or through-wall vent, these openings must: o Have controlled and secure openings r Be sleeved or otherwise designed so as not to compromise the thermal properties of the wall or window in which they are placed. o Provide not less than 4 square inches of net free area of opening for each habitable space. Whatlype of fresh air inlet will be installed? (See figure below) 4Window Ports .i wall Ports h@://ptimaging/DSD/Building_Forms/BuildingPermitPackeVApplication-Residential Energy Code Checklist.doc Page2 of2 i', r "-:j l' Receipt Number:ru BLD07-188 936903606 Plan Review Fee CHECK 111 Total $150_00 - _, $1s0.00 Total: $150.00 $0.00 $ 150.00 $1s0.00 genprntrreceipts Page t of 1 Window Schedule for Plan 1377 Manufacturer: Milgard Windows tnc. Type: Vinyl Model: Style Line Series U-Value =.35 H I\EHOMES Windovl Quantitrr srzE iwidthxheioht) GLAZING AREA TOTAL SQUARE FT. LOCATION 1 1 1 1 1 "1 1 4'0x4'0 4'0x4'0 7'0x5'0 1'0x5'0 4'0x3'6 6'0x4'0 7'0x5'O 16 16 35 5 14 24 35 16 16 35 5 14 24 35 tsedroom #3 Bedroom #2 Master Bedroom Entry Kitchen Dining Room Livinq Room FT Area / Conditioned FloorArea) x 100 = Glazing percentage 1Oo/o wasg the approplfa e slidin door and door calculation n, 0.11(145 I 1377)x 100 1 5'0x6'10 SGD 41 41 \ppropriate Room x0.1 x 100 Glazi Pe/ Cond oned Floor 77 not need to be calculated because theyskylights doother doors, windows a allminimum u Updated 5/5/05 I l-.,.1i.. r. , ..r! Page I of 1 Suzanne Wassmer From: Crystalpress@aol.com Sent: Sunday, October 07,2007 9:51 AM To: swassmer@city of pt.us Subject: North Beach property Hi Suzanne, You requested I send you a note regarding the "garage" use. Our property is located on 57th street between Jackman and Guise avenues. The house will be built with the garage facing the back of the property. We plan to turn the garage into an APUIE!regg. lt says that on one of the plans but not the other, according to you. We can't change anything on the plans until after the house is built when we plan to take out the garage door and replace it with a wall. I hope this helps, John Baxter 1750 Orr Avenue SimiValley, CA 93065 805-527-4369 PS: On another note, can you tell me the address of our new house site on 57th? 5€/ t Aws,t r0[tkt, See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepaqe. r0t82007 BLD2r- /88 sYoT- ags , City of Port Townsend I)evelopment Services Department BUILDING NUMBER APPLICATION Name of Property Owner:=>\r^.T?-J' Mailing Address I -?Cn o frwQ.*u?' V"q { Telephone: Ptt7'gzt^ \t=,L9 , _ Property is locate4 in: Addition: C" l,S"n L Faces/Access is from: Block(s):36 Yl Lot(s):r Parcel Number q3A Q oz loA Directions to the Pronertv {draw vicinitv map on back) oTD sI Fr,rrn Lztr. )r,,n ls'i- I 9 If this is a new ADU, has a building permit been Notes: 11,n s A f,ota/ab /oT or<"- Yes No -/ HOUSE NUMBER ASSIGNED:a4q K7 fll Date of Approval: 5TR EI For Department Use Onlv: Application Fee Received ($3.00, TC2200):Date: Copv to:! Finance I Sheriff I Public Works tr Fire Dept n Police (Lyn) tr DSD database I Post Office ! GTS n Assessor's Office For address changes: ! Qwest Address Management Center - 206-504-1534 http://ptimaging/DSD/Building_Fonns/BuildingPermitPackeyApplication-Address Numbe r.dcr, ;6t12/06 :-\ Receipt Number: BLD07-i88 BLD07-188 BLD07-188 BLD07-188 BLD07-188 BLD07-188 BLD07-188 BLD07-188 936903606 936903606 936903606 936903606 936903606 936903606 936903606 936903606 Ogl04l2007 Plan Review Fee 123 Total Technology Fee for Building Permit Energy Gode Fee - l,lew Single Famil State Building Gode Council Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling t Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P Site Address Fee $24.24 $100.00 $4.50 $1s0.00 $150.00 $1,212.15 $10.00 $3.00 $1,653.89 $150.00 BLD07-188 $24.24 $100.00 $4.50 $150.00 $150.00 $1,212.15 $10.00 $3.00 Total $0.00 $0.00 $o-oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -o78407 HECKc $ 1,653.89 $r,6s3.89 genprntrreceipts Fage 1 of 1 Reep Engineering & Consulting, lnc ' Date: 07124107 By: l. E. Reep, P.E. LATERAL ENGINEERING FOR HILINE HOMES PLAN 1377 [30-pSF SNOW 110-i'tpH, EXp C, & SDC Dll Page I of5 PROJECT INFORMATION AND CRITERIA I. PROJECT INFORMATION OWNERS/SITE ADDRESS John & Karen Baxter XXXX 57th Street Port Townsend, Washington 98368 TAX PARCEL NUMBER/SITE ADDRESS:See permit application. PLAN NUMBER:Hiline Homes Plan 1,377 2. STRUCTURAL DESIGNER INFORMATION Reep Engineering & Consulting, lnc. l.E. (Gene) Reep, P. E. 8205 Sunset Lane, Pasco WA 99301 Phone (509) 547 -9087 lC,ell 366-2869 E:Mail: reepengineerinq@charter. net Washington License No. 14364 ldaho License No. 8908 ICC No. 465600 6l Note: The above stamp applies to the structural members and assemblies described in the following calculations only and is valid with a copied or wet stamp intended for reuse bv HiLine Homes. lnc. ETPIRES: OI 3. SCOPE OF DESIGN TYPE OF DESIGN:Lateral engineering analysis of wind and seismic forces on building. EXTENT OF DESIGN:Structural specifications for residence and two-car garage. REFERENCE CODES & STANDARDS cl i it -- A ','\:', i 2003 lnternational Building Code (lBC). 2003 lnternational Residential Code (lRC). 2001 National Design Specification (NDS). American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Standard 7-02. American Society for Testing Material (ASTM) Standard A307. American Plywood Association (APA) Diaphragms And Shear Walls Design/ Construction Guide, November 2004. Reep Engineering & Consulting, lnc. Date: 07124107 By: l. E. Reep, P.E. LATERAL ENGINEERING FOR HILINE HOMES PLAN {377 [30-pSF SNOW, 110-MpH, EXp C, & SDC Dtl Page 2 ot 5 4. DESIGN CRITERIA FLAT ROOF SNOW LOAD (LIVE LOAD}:Lnoof = 30-Psf maximum. ROOF DEAD LOAD:DRoor = 15-psf. EXTERIOR WALL DEAD LOAD:Dwau = 15-Psf. INTERIOR WALL DEAD LOAD:Dwar = 10-Psf. SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY:SDC D2 BASIC WIND SPEED:1 1O-mph WIND EXPOSURE FAGTOR:c ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE:1,500-psf MATERIAL SPECIFIGATIONS : Framing Material: No. 2 Hem-Fir minimum Wood Structural Panels: APA Rated. 10d Nails Diameter: 0.148-in 8d Nails Diameter: 0.131-in Concrete Strength @ 2}-days: 2,500-psi Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307 Steel CONTENTS Project lnformation And Criteria Page 1 Description Page 3 Specifications And Design Criteria Page 3 Engineering Calculations Page 3 TABLES IN ATTACHMENT Table A. Plan 1377 Structural Specifications & Allowable Loads Page A-1 Table B. Wind Design Criteria Page A-2 Table C. Seismic Design Criteria Page A-3 Table D. Wind Loads Page A4 Table E. Minimum Wind Loads Page A-5 Table F. Seismic Loads Page A-6 Table G. Controlling Shear Loads Page A-8 Table H. Wind Shear Wall Loads Page A-9 Table l. Seismic Shear Wall Loads Page A-10 Table J. Roof Diaphragm Load Calculations Page A-11 Reep Engineering & Consulting, lnc. ' Date: 07124107 By: l. E. Reep, P.E. LATERAL ENGINEERING FOR HILINE HOMES PLAN 1377 [30-pSF $NOW, 110-MpH, EXp C, & SDC Dll Page 3 of 5 DESCRIPTION This report provides engineering calculations and structural design specifications for HiLine Homes Plan 1377 being built in Port Townsend, Washington. The one-story house is 1,j77- sf in area plus a one-ca}garage. Design specifications ire provided in Table A and wind and seismic design criteria, including calculations, are included in Tables B and C, respectively. Lateral engineering calculations are provided in Tables D through J. Calculations-are performed using Microsoft Excel linked worksheets. SPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGN CRITERIA Design criteria are based on the 2003 lnternational Building Gode (lBC), 2001 National Design Specification, and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Standard 7-02. Table A. specifications of structural Gomponents And FastEners Specifications are provided for size and spacing of anchor bolts, shear wall hold-downs, shear wall sheathing and nailing, shear transfer, and roof framing. Structural specifications are identified with respect to Wall Lines, which are shown on plan sheet 52 Table B. Wind Design Criteria Wind design criteria are based on a 110-mph basic wind speed and Exposure Factor C. The simplified method per IBC Section 1609.6 is used for determining wind loads. Overturning moments due to wind forces are less than allowable restorative dead load moments as shown in Table F. Uplift loads for roof tributaries are calculated assuming the maximum uplift of 24.1-psf in the roof overhang Zone E applies to the tributary area. Table G. Seismic Design Criteria -.Seismlc.design loads arebased.on.default Site Classification D per IBC Seetion 161b.1.1 for a maximum flat roof snow load (Fr) of 30-psf. The Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Standard 7-02 Section g.5.5 is used for calculating seismic forces. ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS Engineering calculations are documented in Tables D through J based on specifications in Tables B and C. These tables provide the following information. Table D. Wind Loads Wind loads and overturning moments are calculated in Table D for two orthogonal directions, transverse and longitudinal. Calculated values are linked to Table G, Controlling Shear Loads to determine if wind, minimum wind, or seismic loads control design of lateral restraint. Unit uplift on the buibing is also calculated for both the transverse and longitudinal directions. Overturning loads due to design base winds are calculated with a link to Table F, Seismic Loads where they are compared to seismic and building restoring loads. Reep Engineering & Consulting, lnc. ' Date: 07124107 By: l. E. Reep, P.E. LATERAL ENGINEERING FOR HILINE HOMES PLAN {377 [30-pSF SNOW, 110-MpH, EXp C, & SDC Dll Page 4 of 5 Table E. Minimum Wind Minimum wind loads are provided in Table E based on horizontal pressures equal to 10 psf and vertical pressures equalto zero per IBC Section 1609.2.1.1. Calculations are based on the simplified wind load method of IBC Section 1609.6. Calculations are performed for both transverse and longitudinal directions and linked to Table G for comparison to wind and seismic loads. Tables F. Seismic Loads Table F provides seismic shear loads for a maximum flat roof snow load 30.psf. Flat roof snow loads are calculated in Table J to determine the added effect of flat roof snow loads greater than 30-psf per IBC Section 1716.5.1. Calculations are based on seismic design criteria in Table C and the Lateral Force Procedure method of ASCE Standard 7-02, Section 9.5.5. This procedure is limited to buiHings of light frame construction not exceeding three stories in height for SDC D and higher. Seismic loads are calculated for transverse and longitudinal directions. Overturning moments are calculated in the table and compared to allowable restoring dead load moments. Although not required for one- story buildings, story drift and P-Delta effects are analyzed in this table perASGE 7-02, Section to verify building stability due to earthquake forces. Both story drift and building stability are well below allowable limits. Overturning loads due to design base seismic forces are calculated and compared to restoring loads. The building is stable with respect to overturning. Table G. Controlling Shear Loads Table G provides a summary of seismic shear loads. Shear load values from Tables D, E, and F are compared to determine controlling lateralforces. The controlling values are linked to Tables H and I for calculating maximum shear wall loads for wind and seismic forces,' re5pectiVely. Table H. Wind Shear Loads Table H provides transverse and longitudinal loads on the building structure including wall length, applied unit shear, shear wall length, resistive unit shear, unit drag load, unit dead load on shear walls, and hold-down loads for the various shear wall lengths based on controlling wind shear loads from Table l. Allowable dead loads are based on an allowance of 0.66 of the calculated dead load per IBC Section 1609.3 for load combinations using the allowable stress design method of analysis of wind loads. Table l. Seismic Shear Loads Table I provides transverse and longitudinal loads on the building structure including wall length, applied unit shear, shear wall length, resistive unit shear, unit drag load, unit dead load on shear walls, and hold-down loads for the various shear wall lengths based on seismic shear loads from Table G. Allowable dead loads are based on an allowance of 0.60 of the calculated dead load perASCE Standard 7-02, Section 2.4.1for load combinations using the allowable stress design method of analysis of seismic loads. Reep Engineering & Consulting, lnc. Date: 07l24lOT By: l. E. Reep, P.E. LATERAL ENGINEERING FOR HILINE HOMES PLAN 1377 [30-pSF SNOW, 110-MpH, EXp C, & SDC Dll Page 5 of 5 Table J. Roof Diaphragm & Snow Load Calculations Table J provides roof diaphragm load calculations for determining diaphragm shear per IBC 1620.4.3 for seismic loads and comparing these loads with wind and minimum wind loads from Table H. ln addition, shear wall and diaphragm deflection are calculated to confirm that the diaphragm is flexible, that is the roof diaphragm to shear wall ratio is greater than 2.0 per ASCE 7-02, Section Strength level seismic unit shear values are used to calculate deflections. Calculations are based on American Plywood Association (APA) Report T2002-17, Estimating Wood Structural Panel Diaphragm and ShearWall Deflection, April 17, 2002. Uplift due to design base wind loads are calculated assuming the roof experiences a maximum uplift pressure from Table B for "Roof Wind Zone F Pressure". Allowable roof dead loads plus truss connections exceed uplift by an acceptable margin. Maximum Gonsidered Earthquake Ground Motion Site Class D Fa = {.00 Fv = 1.56 Zip Code = 98368 Central Lat. = 48.090334 deg Central Long. = -122.85106{ deg 1.6 7 ,.o o E t., oE1IJu3 0.s g E 0.6 atgo o.tltl 3 o.z 0 0 0.5 1 Period, sec {.5 2 TffiNE Feriod, sec MCE Sa, o 0.00 0,495 $,,t r {.23S 0,e0 'I.?3S 0.65 f .13S 0.60 t.t3? o.?o 0.9?0 0,80 0.849 0.90 0.t55 1.00 0.6?9 t.t0 o.6.tt .1,30 0,5$6 t.30 r,&72 't,40 0"485 '1.5{0.453 r.60 0.4?{ 1.70 o.3sg r.s0 0.3?7 {.9{t 0.3s? ?.00 0,340 Inc.Page A-1t Table A. Plan 1377 Structural Specifications & Allowable Loads (5 sheets). xz Explanation of Wall Lines Shear walls and structural specifications are identified with Wall Lines on plan Sheet 52. Lettered Wall Lines are generally identified from front to rear of the building and numbered Wall Lines start at the left and continue to the right (standard plan). For reversed plans, Wall Lines remain the same except numbered Wall Lines start at plan right. STRUCTU RAL SPECI FICATIONS Foundation Anchoring Specificatione (All Wall Lines) Maximum applied shear per Tables H or I (lb).3,174 Maximum anchor bolt Load @72-in o.c. minimum 2 anchors per mudsill (lb)635 Allowable anchor bolt load for 112-in dia. A307 bolts with 7-in. embedment (lb).912 lnstall 112-in dia. ASTM A307 anchor bolts 72-in o.c.standard Wall Wall Line B (Rear Garase Wall) 1 on Maximum overturni tension load Tables H or I lnstall Sim r standardLTT2OB Stra Tie Holdowns Fasten bottom of OSB panels to mudsill with 8d nails @ 6-in o.c. Allowable tension load for Simpson LTT2OB Strap Ties is 1,750Jb. Allowable tension load for 112-in dia. Titen = 1,218-lb per standard specification. Additional resistance to shear wall overturning (tension) provided by fastening OSB panels to mudsillwith 8d nails @ 6-in o.c. is 526-lb per standard specification. Total allowable = 1,218 + 526 = 1,744-lb (controls tension load). 1,744 Wall Line A Maximum overturning tension load Ber Tables H or I (lb)"427 At three locations shown on Sheet 52, fasten OSB panels to both mudsill and wall bottom plate with 8d nails @ 6{n o.c. and fasten bottom plate at each end of shear wall to mudsill with 112-in. dia.X 4.0-in long lag screw with 2X2X3l16-in flat washer per standard specification (see detail 1 on Sheet 51. lowable tension load is 936-lb standard ons AllWall Lines 244Maximum resistive unit shear load per Tables H or I (lb/ft) Appfy 7116-in. OSB wood structural panels to Hem-Fir framing members with 8d nails @ 6-in o.c. per standard specification. 365Allowable shear per standard specification = (0.50X0.93X785) = 365-lb/ft. Revised 07123107 Lateral Specs Plan-07 1377 Baxter Lateral-11O mph, Exp G, & SDC D1 712412007 1 Table A. Plan 1377 Structural Specifications & Allowable Loads (5 sheets). Transfer AllWall Lines Fasten double top plates together with 10d nails @ 12-in o.c. and 6-in o.c. at splices. Overlap splices 4-ft. minimum. Fasten OSB wall sheathing between shear wall segments at same fastener spacing as on shear walls. Fasten OSB panels to mudsills with minimum 8d nails @ 6-in o.c Wall LinesA&B(Gables) 47Maximum applied unit shear per Tables H or I (lb). Fasten gable-end trusses to double top plates with 2-10d toenails @ 1 6-in o.c. 203Allowable load for (0.83X2X12116)(1.6X84) = 203-lblft. Wall Linesl&2(Eaves) 46Maximum applied unit shear per Tables H or I (lb). See Roof Framinq Specification for truss connections. 381Fasten per Roof Framing Specification for truss connections Wall Line B (lnterior OSB Shear Wall-to Roof Diaphragm) 244Maximum applied shear per Tables H or I (lb/ft). Place 2X member on top of shear wall and fasten to top plate and truss bottom chord with 10d common nails @ 6-in o.c. 326Allowable load for (2X1.6X102) = 326-lblft. Frami Roof Sheathing 63Maximum applied unit shear per Table J (lb/ft) lnstall 7116-in unblocked wood structural panels per IBC Case 1. o.c. on supported edges and 12-in o.c. in the field. Fasten with 8-d nails @ 6Jn 323 Basic allowable unit shear forwind Joads = 645-lb/ft per.NDS- Iabje a.2B- fq!'Zl.10:!-n unblocked panel diaphragms. Adjustment Factor (AF) forASD = 0.5. Adjusted allowable unit shear = (0.50X645) = 323-lb/ft. Truss Blocking & Boundary Nailing Fasten 2X4 vent blocking in each truss bay with 1-10d toenail into truss, each roof diaphragm to blocking with 8d nails @ 6-in o.c. side. Fasten Truss Gonnections 127Maximum applied unit shear per Tables G = Q/Lpoo1(l b/ft). Fasten truss tails to top plates with 2-10 toenails and a Hurricane Tie fastened to truss and top plates per manufactures instructions. (see sheet 53, Simpson H2.5A or Hl Seismic & Roof Framing Plan). 381 Allowable load for 2-10d common toenails = (2X0.83X1 end. Allowable load for H2.5A or Hl Seismic & HurricaneTies = 11O-lb pertruss end for Hem-Fir. Total allowable load per truss end = 271 + 110 = 381-lb per truss end = 6X102) = 271-lb Per truss 381-lb/ft (H2.5A ties control) Page A-1lnc Revised O7l23lO7 Lateral Specs Plan-07 1377 Baxter Lateral-l|O mph, Exp G, & SDC Dl 712412007 2 Table A. Plan 1377 Structural Specifications & Allowable Loads (5 sheets) Truss Ghord Splice Nailing 858Maximum aoolied chord tension load oer Tables J. C = T = M/b =v,L2lb8 flb). Fasten exterior wall top plate splices together with 10d nails @ 4-in o.c. Minimum splice length = 48-in. 1,469Allowable chord splice tension load for 10d nails @ 4-in o.c. Standard Structural S s & Allowable Loads Foundation Anchor 912 Basic allowable single shear for fastening Hem-Fir framing to concrete with 112-in bolts = 570-lb per NDS Table 11E. Adjustment for 1O-minute wind/seismic loads = 1.6 NDS Table 2.3.2. Allowable load = (1.6X570) = 912-lb 938 Basic allowable single shear for fastening Hem-Fir framing to concrete with 1/2- inX8.5-in long Simpson Wedge-Allwedge anchors in minimum 2,500-psi concrete with 4.5-in embedment = 1,763-lb. Adjustments for no special inspection = 0.50, for 3-in edge distance = 0.80, and for wind/seismic loads = 1.33. Allowable load = (0.50X0.80X1.33X1 .763) = 938-lb. 1 1 76t Basic allowable single shear for fastening Hem-Fir framing to concrete with 1/2-in Simpson Tlten HD anchors in minimum 2,500-psi concrete with 4.25-in embedment = 2,210-lb. Adjustments for 3-in edge distance = 0.44, and for 1O-minute wind/seismic loads = 1.33. Allowable load = (0.40X1 .33)(2,210) =1 176-tb. Hold-Downs $impson LTT2OB Strap Ties lnstall Simpson LTT2OB Tension Ties fastened to 3Jn framing with 10-16d nails. Fasten LTT2OB to concrete with 1/2{nX8Jn long Simpson Titen HD anchors and 2X2X3116-in flat washers.- Embed,anchors 4.125jn-into minimum Gin gtem-WA!! and.2 r concr 1,750le tension load for Simpson LTT2OB Tension Ties is 1,750Jb (controls) for 2,500-psi concrete = 1,750-lb. Allowab 1,218 Basic allowable tension load for 1/2-inX8-in long Simpson Titen HD anchors embeded 4.125-in into 2,500-psi concrete = 2,207-lb. Adjustments are 0.50 for no special inspection, 0.83 for 3-in edge distance, and 1.33 wind/seismic loads. Allowable load = (0.50X0.83X1 .33X2,2071 = 1,218-lb (controls). 1,088 Basic allowable tension load for 1/2-inX8.5in long Simpson Wedge-All anchors embeded 4.5-in into 2,500-psi concrete = 2,045-lb. Adjustments are 0.50 for no special inspection, 0.80 for 3-in edge distance, and 1.33 for wind/seismic loads. Altowabte toad = (0.50X0.80X1 .33X2,045)1,088-lb lnc.Page A-l Revised Oll23t07 Lateral Specs Plan-07 1377 Baxter LaterahllO mph, Exp C, & SDC Dl 7l24l2OO7 3 Table A. Plan 1377 Structural Specifications & Allowable Loads (5 sheets). Shear Wall Nailing lnto Mudsill Fasten OSB panels to mudsillwith 8d nails @ 6jn o.c. 527 Basic allowable single shear load for 8d nails and Hem-Fir framing = 73-lb per NDS Table 11N. Adjustment for 10-minute wind/seismic loads = 1.6 per NDS Table 2.3.2. Allowable shear load = (1.6X73) = 117-lblnail. Allowable shear wall overturning load for 4-ft panels fastened with two rows of 8d nails @ 6{n o.c. = 112(4816 + 1)(1 17) = 527-lb (controls). Las Screws/ShearWall Nailing lnto Mudsill Fasten OSB panels to both mudsilland wall bottom plate with 8d naib @ 6-in o.c. Fasten bottom plate at each end of shear wall to mudsill and bottom plate with ASTM A307 112-in dia.X 4.0-in long lag screws with 2X2X3l16-in flat washers. 936 Allowable lateral load for 8d naib fastened to OSB panels = 117-lb per standard specification. Allowable overturning load for 8d nails into both bottom plate and mudsill @ 6-in o.c. = (112(2)(4816 + 1X117) = 936-lb (controls). 966 Basic allowable withdrawl load for 112-inX4-in long ASTM A307 lag screws is 302- lb/in for Hem-Fir. Length of fulLdiameter section = 2.0 per NDS Appendix L and adjustment for 10-minute wind/seismic loads = 1.6 per NDS Table 2.3.3. Allowable withdrawl load = (1.6X2.0X302) = 966-lb Nails (Per NDS Tables 11N and Sinqle shear for 8d common (0.1 31-in) with 1 .5-in thickness Hem-Fir side members. 134Basic allowable shear for 8d common nails = 84-lb. Adjustment for 1O-minute wind/seismic loads = 1.6. Allowable shear load = (1 .6X84) = 134:lb. Sinsle shear for10d common (0.148-in)with 1.S-in thickness Hem-Fir side members 163tsasic allowable-shear for 10d eornmon nails = 102-!b. Adjustment for 1O-minute wind/seismic loads = 1.6. Allowable shear load = (1.6X102) =163{b Sinsle shear for10d common (0.148-in) with 1.S-in thickness Hem-Fir side members 163Basic allowable shear for 10d common nails = 102-lb. Adjustment for 10-minute wind/seismic loads = 1.6. Allowable shear load = (1.6X102)= 163-lb Single shear for 10d common toenails (0.148-in) with 1.S-in thickness Hem-Fir side 135 Shear members == 135-lb.83 163 OSB Shear Wall Panels ( Per NDS Table 4.3A) 365 Basic allowable shear for wind loads = 785-lb/ft per NDS Table 4.3A for 8d nails @ 6-in o.c. on edges,12-in o.c. in the field, & framing @ 16Jn o.c. per Note b. Adjustments 0.50 for ASD and 0.93 for Hem-Fir framing. Allowable shear = (0.50X0.93X785) = 365-lb/ft, 560 Basic allowable shear for wind loads = 1,205-lb/ft per NDS Table 4.3A for 8d nails staggered @ 4-in o.c. on edges, 12-in o.c. in the field, & framing @ 16-in o.c. per Note b. Framing on panel edges is 3{n nominal. Adjustments are 0.50 forASD and 0.93 for Hem-Fir framing. Allowable shear = (0.50)(0.93X1,205) =560-tb/ft. lnc.Page A-1 Revised 07123107 Lateral Specs Plan-07 1377 Baxter Lateral-1{0 mph, Exp C, & SDC Dl 712412007 4 Table A. Plan 1377 Structural Specifications & Allowable Loads (5 sheets). 260 Basic allowable shear for seismic loads = 560-lb/ft per NDS Table 4.3A for framing @ 16Jn o.c. per Note b. Adjustments are 0.50 forASD and 0.93 for Hem-Fir framins. Allowable shear = (0.50X0.93X560) = 2601b/ft. 400 Basic allowable shear for seismic loads = 860-lb/ft per NDS Table 4.3A for 8d nails staggered @ 4-in o.c. on edges, 12-in o.c. in the field, & framing @ 16-in o.c. per Note b. Framing on panel edges is 3-in nominal. Adjustments are 0.50 for ASD 0.93 for Hem-Fir framins. Allowable shear = (0.50X0.93X860) = 400-lb/ft. GWB Shear Wall Panels ( Per NDS Table 4.3B) Fasten 112-in GWB panels to both sides of wall with No. 6 X 1 .25-in long Type S or W dryrvall screws.@ 4-in o.c. on edges and in the field with all edges blocked. Minimum framing material is Hem-Fir with maximum spacing of studs @ 16-in o.c. 279 Basic allowable unit shear for wind loads = 300-lb/ft. Adjustment Factor (AF) for ASD is = 0.50 and AF for Hem-Fir framing = 0.93. Allowable shear = (2X0. 50X0.93X300) = 279-tblft. 86 Basic allowable unit shear for seismic loads without flat metal strap bracing = 300-lb/ft. Adjustments are for ASD is = 0.50, 0.93 for Hem-Fir framing, and 0.30 for seismic response modification coefficient (R =2) using GWB sheathing per IBG Table 0.30). Allowable shear = (2X0.50X0.93X0.30X300) =86-tb/ft.1617.7.2 (2t6.5 172 Basic allowable unit shear for seismic loads with flat metal strap bracing = 300- lb/ft for framing @ 16-in o.c. per Note b. Adjustment factors for ASD is = 0.50, Hem- Fir framing = 0.93, and seismic response modification coefficient (R) GWB sheathing per IBC Table 1617 .7 .2 = 416.5 = 0.62. Allowable shear = (2X0.50X0.93X0.62X300) = 172-1bft. Shear Transfer Nails 163 Bbsid allciWEiblebad-fioT-10d Com'nton naiis fastened"with 1;5.1n:side'memb-ers = 102. lb per NDS Table 11N. Adjustment for 1O-minute wind/seismic loads = 1.6. Allowable load = (1.6X102) = 163-lb. 117 Basic allowable load for 8d common nails fastened to minimum 3/4-in side members = 73-lb per NDS Table 11N. Adjustment for 10-minute wind/seismic loads = 1.6. Allowable load = (1.6)fi3) = 117-lb. Toenails 135Allowable load for 10d common toenails @ 12-in o.c.(0.83X1.6X102)= 13Sjb/ft. 203Allowable load for 2-10d common toenails @ 16-in o.c. = (0.83X2X12116X1.6X102) = 203-tb/ft. Ladder Blocking Place 2X framing members laid flat on wall to truss bottom chords at 607Allowable shear load per ladder block = (4X0.93X1.6X1 02) = 607-lb Consultin lnc.Page A-1 Revised 07123107 Lateral Specs Plan-07 1377 Baxter Lateral-11O mph, Exp G, & SDC Dl 712412007 5 Table B. Wind Design Criteria. ValueDescriptionValueDescription Basic Wind Speed V." (mph)110 Vertical Pressures (psf) Simolified Method oer IBC Section 1609.6'Yes Roof Zone E Pressure -12.9 1.00 Roof Zone F Pressure -17.7lmportance Factor - lw -9.3Roof Slope $1121 0.50 Roof Zone G Fressure -14.2Mean Buildinq Heiqht (ft)12.O Roof Zone H Pressure '4.21 Roof Overhanq Zone E Pressure -24.1Exposure & Height Factor (Exposure C) -20.6Horizontal Pressures (psfl Roof Overhang Zone G Pressure -17.7WallZone A Pressure 29.2 Roof Overhang Zone F Pressure Wall Zone C Pressure 21.1 Roof Overhano Zone H Pressure -14.2 Roof Zone B Pressure 4.7 Roof Zone D Pressure 4.8 Note: Plus and minus signs signlfy wind pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively per ASCE Standard 7-02. Building Measurement Values For Use in Tables E And F Buildino Lenoth Front (ft)50.0Buildins Width - Left (ft)34.0 50.0BuiHinq Width - Rioht (ft)34.0 Buildins Lensth Rear (ft) 8.5Buildinq Wall Heioht (ft)7.8 Maximum Buildins Heisht (ft) Longitudinal BuildinE Zone MeasurementsTransverse Building Zone Measurements Horizontal Windforce Loading Horizontal Windforce Loading 6.8Transverse Wall Zone A & B Width (ft)6.8 Lonqitudinal Wall Zone A Width (ft) 27.243.2 LonqitudinalWall Zone C Width (ft)Transverse Wall Zone C & D Width (ft) 9.5Transverse Wall Zones A & C Heiqht (ft)7.8 Longitudinal Wall Zone A Height (ft) "" 13.7Transverse RoofZones B .&-D-f4eiqht (fi).8.5 Lonsitudinal-Wall Zone'"G l-"{ei$ht {.ft)- - Vertical Windforce LoadingVertical Windforce Loading Lonoitudinal Roof Zones E & F Width (ft)6.8Transverse Roof Zones E & F Width (ft)6.8 27.2Transverse Roof Zones G & H Width (ft)43.2 Lonsitudinal Roof Zones G & H Width (ft) 25.017.0 Lonqitudinal Roof Zones E & G Length (ft)Transverse Roof Zones E & F Lensth (ft) 25.0Transverse Roof Zones G & H Width (ft)17.0 Longitudinal Roof Zones F & H Length (ft) Note: Width is measured perpendicular the wind direction and to the wind direction. Page A-2lnc. Revised 05/,18107 Wind Griteria Plan-07 {377 Baxter Lateral-110 mph, Exp G, & SDC D1 7124//2007 Table C. Seismic Design Criteria ValueDescriptionRefere nce/Ca lcu latio n Building Occupancv Categorv ASCE Standard 7-02, Table 1-1 il Seismic Use Group ASCE Standard 7-02, Table 9.1.3 Seismic lmportance Factor. le ASCE Standard 7-02. Table 9.1.4 1.0 DDefault Seismic Site Glassification IBC Section 1615.1.1 Seismic Desiqn Catesorv IBC Table 1616.3(1)D2 Response Modification Goefficient, R IBC Table 1617.6.2 6.5 12.0Mean Buildins Heisht, h (ft)Per Plan Buildins Period Coefficient C' (sec)ASCE Standard 7-02, Table 0.02 RuiHinn Parinr{ T = C.h3/a /san)ASCE Standard 7-02, Section 0.129 PostalZio Code U.S. Postal Service 98368 1.239MCE Short Period Acceleration, S'r" (s)Seismic Design Parameters Version 3.10 CD Site Short Period Acceleration. S"" (q)Snc = 2/3Sus Per IBC Equation 1641 0.826 MCE Lono Period Acceleration. S*,, (o)Seismic Desion Parameters Version 3.10 CD 0.679 0.453Site Long Period Acceleration, S"' (q)Snr = 2/3Sur Per IBC Equation 16'41 0.110Tn = O.2Snn/S.," (sec)IBC Section 1615.1.4 ls = Dg1/Dgg (Sec)IBC Section 1615.1.4 0.548 YesISfgfloo lo< | </= ls!'IBC Section 1615.1.4 Yes15 Lreslgn DpeC[ral ltespOnse, D" = Dpg (IBC Section 1615.1.4 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure ASCE 7-02 Section 9.5.5 Yes 0.127Seismic Design Coefficient: C" = Snsl'/R ASCE 7 -02 Equation 9.5.5. 2.1 -1 162Maximum Unit Shear. v-o, (lb/ft)Calculation per Table I Storv Base Shear. V.,^- (lb)Calculation per Table G 4,206 ASCE Standard 7-02, Section 0.38Story Shear Ratio, r-o" = 1Ov-,"A/story 1,768Base Storv Area: A" (sf)Plans 42.0Square Root of Base Storv Area. A" (ft)Galculation Flarlunnanv FanJor n = 2 - )Otr (A^\112 ASCE Standard 7-02, Section 0.763 1.000Minimum Redunancy Factor, p ASCE Standard 7-02, Section o.'127SL Seismic Shear: E = pQ= + O.2SnsD Neolect Vertical Seismic Force 0.700Seismic Load Combination Factor forASD ASCE Standard 7-02, Section 2.4.1 0.089ASD Base Shear: Vasn = 0.7Vs'Galculation 30.0Maximum Flat Roof Snow Load (psf Building Department Page A-3lnc. Revised 07123107 Seismic Griteria Plan-071377 Baxter Lateral-l1O mph, Exp C, & SDC Dl 712412007 Table D. Wind Loads. Zone Wind Pressure (ps0 Zone widrh (ft) Zone Ht./Leng. (ft) Zone Area (s0 Zone Force (tb) Moment Arm (ft) Moment (ft-rb) Florizontal (Transverse) Wind Loads, Transverse WallZone A 29.2 6.8 7.8 3.952.8 1,539 5,970 Transverse Wall Zone C 21.'l 43.2 7.8 335.2 7,059 4.0 28,232 Transverse Roof ZoneB 4.7 6.8 8.5 57.8 273 8.5 2,318 Transverse Roof ZoneD 4.8 43.2 8.5 367.2 'l,777 8.5 15.107 Transverse Base Shear/Moment 6,348 51,627 Vertical (Transvense) Wind Loads Transverse Wall Zone E -12.9 6.8 17.0 115.6 -1,497 25.5 38,165 Transverse WallZone F -17.7 6.8 17.0 115.6 -2,042 8.5 17,359 Transverse WallZone G -9.3 43.2 17.0 734.4 -6.842 25.5 174.481 88.374Transverse WallZone H -14.2 43.2 17.0 734.4 -10,397 8.5 Roof Overhang Zone E -24.1 6.8 1.3 9.0 -218 34.7 7,549 Roof Overhano Zone F -20.6 6.8 1.3 9.0 -186 -0.7 -124 35.187Roof Overhang Zone G -17.7 43.2 1.3 57.5 -1,015 34.7 Roof Overhans Zone H -14.2 43.2 1.3 57.5 -813 -0.7 -542 Total Uplift/Overturning Moment on Building -23,010 412,076 Unit Uplift on Building (psO -13.0 Horizontal (Lonsitudinal) Wind Loads Lonsitudinal Wall Zone A 29.2 6.8 9.5 64.3 1,876 Lonsitudinal Wall Zone C 21.1 27.2 13.7 372.9 7,851 Longitudinal Base Shear 4,864 Wind 25.0 170.0 -2,201Longitudinal Wall Zone E -12.9 6.8 Longilud inal Walt Zone" F - "."..--17J .6.8 25.4 . fia"a _.-3,003 Lonsitudinal Wall Zone C -9.3 27.2 25.0 680.0 -6,336 Lonqitudinal Wall Zone l-27.2 25.0 680.0 -9.627-14.2 Roof Overhang Zone E -24.1 6.8 1.0 6.8 -164 Roof Overhans Zone F -20.6 6.8 1.0 6.8 -140 1.0 27.2 481Roof Overhang Zone G -17.7 27.2 Roof Overhanq Zone H -14.2 27.2 1.(27.2 -385 Total Uplift/Overturning Moment on Building -22,336 Unit Uplift on Buildins (ps0 -12.6 H Wind Loads Wind Loads 3.9 6.032Transverse Wall Zone A 29.2 6.8 7.8 53.0 1,547 9.735Transverse WallZone C 21.1 15.2 7.8 1 18.6 2,496 3.9 6.8 5.5 37.4 176 7.8 1,377Transverse Roof Zone B 4.7 83.6 405 7.8 3,156Transverse Roof Zone D 4.8 15.2 5.5 2,603 20,300Transverse Base Shear/Moment Note: Plus and minus signs signify wind pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively per ASCE Standard 7-02. Inc.Page A4 Revised 05/{8/07 Wind Loads Plan-071377 Baxter Lateral-110 mph, Exp C, & SDC D1 712412007 Page A-5lnc. Table E. Minimum Wind Loads. Moment (ft-rb) Zone widrh (ft) Zone Ht./Leng. (ft) Zone Area (sfl Zone Force (tb) Moment Arm (ft) Zone Wind Pressure (psO FI Loads 7.8 52.8 528 3.9 2,047Transverse WallZone A 10.0 6.8 3,352 4.O 13,40910.0 43.2 7.8 335.2Transverse Wall Zone C 8.5 4,91310.0 6.8 8.5 57.8 578Transverse Roof ZoneB 31.2128.5 367.2 3,672 8.5Transverse Roof Zone D 10.0 43.2 6,190 51,582Transverse Base Shear/Moment Vertical Wind Loads 0 25.5 00.0 6.8 17.0 115.6Transverse Wall ZoneE 8.5 06.8 17.0 115.6 0Transverse Wall Zone F 0.0 17.0 734.4 0 25.5 0Transverse Wall Zone G 0.0 43.2 734.4 0 8.5 0Transverse WallZone H 0.0 43.2 17.0 34.7 06.8 1.3 9.0 0Roof Overhang Zone E 0.0 01.3 9.0 0 -0.7Roof Overhanq Zone F 0.0 6.8 57.5 0 34.7 0Roof Overhang Zone G 0.0 43.2 1.3 -o.7 01.3 57.5 0Roof Overhang Zone H 0.0 43.2 51,5820Total Uplift/Overturning Moment on Building ift on Build 0.0Unit 64310.0 6.8 9.5 64.3Lonsitudinal Wall Zone A 27.2 13.7 372.9 3,729Lonqitudinal Wall Zone C 10.0 2,186Longitudinal Base Shear 'Wind Loads .- 1-79.0 .---,""-- 0l-onoitudinal Wall Zsne E 'u.t att().()25,0 00.0 6_8 25.0 170.0Lonsitudinal Wall Zone F 25.O 680.0 0Lonqitudinal Wall Zone G 0.0 27.2 680.0 0Lonqitudinal Wall Zone F 0.0 27.2 25.0 00.0 6.8 1.0 6.8Roof Overhang Zone E 1.0 6.8 0Roof Overhanq Zone F 0.0 6.8 27.2 00.0 27.2 1.0Roof Overhang Zone G 01.0 27.2Roof Overhang Zone H 0.0 27.2 0Total Uplift/Overturning Moment on Building 0.0Unit Uplift on Building (psfl Garage Wind Loads Hori2ontal (Transverce) Ut 2.06953.0 530 3.910.0 6.8 7.8Transverse Wall Zone A 1,186 3.9 4,6247.8 118.6Transverse WallZone C 10.0 15.2 2,91737.4 374 7.810.0 6.8 5.5Transverse Roof Zone B 836 7.8 6,5215.5 83.6Transverse Roof Zone D 10.0 15.2 16,{302,068Transverse Base Shear/Moment minus signs signify wind pressures toward and away from the surfaces, respectively per ASCE Standard 7-02. Note: Plus Revised OSI181O7 Min. Wind Loads Plan-O7 1377 Baxter Lateral-110 mph, Exp C, & SDC Dl 7124l/2007 Table F. Seismic Loads. Seismic Shear Loads on House Building Component Load (psO HeighU widrh (ft) Length (ft) Area (sfl Weight (tb) Shear Load (tb) Roof Diaphraom & Ceilinq 15.0 1,768 26,520 2,359 1,768 0 020o/o of Flat Roof Snow Load > 30-psf 0.0 One-Half Exterior Walls 15.0 7.8 234.0 1,816 13,619 1,211 One-Half Partitions 10.0 7.8 184.0 1,429 7,139 635 36,899TributaDead Load Base Shear 4,206 Moments on Building Due to Building Seismic Forces Building Component Force flb) Dist. (ft) Moment (fttb) 2,359 7.8 18,306Roof Diaphrasm & Ceilins 3.9 4.740Exterior Walls 1,211 Partitions 635 3.9 2,464 Total Moment Due to Seimic Forces 26,471 Total Moment Due to Wind Forces 412,076 Building Dead Load Restorative Moments 26,520 17.0 450,840Roof Diaphragm 463,039Exterior Walls 27,238 17.0 Partitions 14,278 17.0 242,733 Total Retorative Moment 1,156,612 6/10 of Restorative Moment 693,967 P-Delta ValueItemReference 36,899Ps = Tot?l vertical design load at and above level 'l = 93hs = Story helght (in) From Table J 0.168Design story drift between level 1 and level 0 = ASGE b,6u6Strength Level seismic shear force, VsL (lb) ASGE Table 4.UDeflection amplification factor for OSB shear walls (GD) ASGE 0.003Gheck stability coefficient, 0 = PxArushscd < 0.10 0.100P-Delta Effects are not required to be consider if 0 </=ASCE 1.602003 tBc 1617.5.4Allowable story clrift aa = 0.02ohs (rn) lnc.Page A-6 Revised OTl23l07 Seismic Loads Plan-07 1377 Baxter Lateral-l10 mph, Exp G, & SDC D1 712412007 Table G.Shear Loads. House Floor Level Main Floor Level Second Floor Level Type Load Transverce Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Wind Load (lb)6,348 4,964 N/A N/A Minimum Wind Load (lb)6,190 2.186 N/A N/A Seismic Load (lb)4,206 4,206 N/A N/A Note: Bolded/shaded cells indicate controling shear loads. lnc.Page A-7 Revised 07123107 Gontroling Loads Plan-O7 1377 Baxter Lateral-l10 mph, Exp C, & SDC D1 7l?412007 Table H. Wind Shear Wall Loads Longitudinal Loads Floor Level Main Floor Level Wall ldentification 1 2 Gheck Wall Type osB osB Total Applied Shear (lb)2,432 2,432 4,864 Wall Lensth (ft)50.0 50.0 Applied Unit Shear (lb/ft)49 49 Shear Wall Lensth (ft)46.0 32.O Resistive Unit $hear (lb/ft)53 76 Shear Wall Heisht (ft)7.8 7.8 Unit DL on Wall (lb/ft)375 375 0.66[Unit DL on Walll flb/ft)250 250 Max. Hold-Down s-ft SW (lb)-35 Max. Hold-Down 14.0-ft SW (lb)-{.160 Max. Hold-Down 14-ft SW (lb)-1.340 Max. Hold-Down 20.5-ft SW flh -2,152 Note: Maximum hold-down loads are in shaded/bolded cells. Transverse Loads Floor Level Main Floor Level Second Level Wall ldentification A B c Check Wall Type osB osB osB Total Applied Shear (lb)1,597 3,174 1,587 6,348 Wall Length (ft)34.0 14.0 34.0 Applied Unit Shear (lb/ft)47 227 47 Shear.Wall Lensth (ft){on 13.0 20.5 Resistive Unit Shear (lb/ft)84 244 7,7 Shear Wall Height (ft)7.8 7.8 7.8 Unit Wall DL (lb/ft)225 140 225 0.66lUnit DL on Walll flb/ft)150 93 150 Max. Hold-Down 3.0-ft SW (lb),427 Max. Hold-Down 4.0-ft SW (lb)319 Max. Hold-Down 5.0-ft SW (lb)94 Max. Hold-Down 6.5-ft SW (lb)164 Max. Hold-Down 13.0-ft SW (lb)1,288 Note: Maximum hold-down loads are identified in shaded/bolded cells. Con lnc.Page A-8 Revised 05/18/07 Wind Shear Loads Plan-O71377 Baxter Lateral-l{0 n1ph, Exp G, & SDC DI 712412007 Table l. Seismic Shear Wall Loads Longitudinal Loads Floor Level Main Floor Level Wall ldentification 1 2 Gheck Wall Type osB osB Total 2,103 2,103 4,206 lVall Length (ft)50.0 50.0 Applied Unit Shear (lb/ft)42 42 Shear Wall Lensth (ft)46.0 32.0 Shear (lb/ft)46 66 Shear Wall Height (ft)7.8 7.8 Unit DL on Wall (lb/ft)375 375 0.60[Unit DL on Walll flb/ft)225 225 Max. Hold-Down sw flb)-53 Max. Hold-Down 14.0-ft SW (tb)-1.065 lvlax. Hold-Down 14-ftSW (lb)-1,220 Max. Hold-Down 20.5-ft SW -{.952 Note: Maximum hold-down loads are identified in cells. Transverse Loads Floor Level Main Floor Level Second Level Wall ldentification A B c Gheck Wall Type osB osB osB Total Applied Shear (lb)1,051 2,103 1,051 4,206 Wall Lensth (ft)34.0 14.0 34.0 Applied Unit Shear (lb/ft)31 150 31 Shear"Wal! Length (ft),to nt-g-.v 13.0 " 20,5 Un 55 162 51, Shear Wall Heiqht (ft)7.8 7.8 7.8 Unit Wall DL (lb/ft)225 140 225 0.60[Unit DL on Walll (lb/ft)135 84 135 Max. Hold-Down 3.0-ft SW (lb)229 Max. Hold-Down 4.}-ft SW (lb)140 Max. Hold-Down 5.0-ft SW (lb -62 Max. Hold-Down 6.5-ft SW (lb)-7 Max. Hold-Down 13.0-ft SW (lb)709 Note: Maximum holddown loads are identified in shaded/bolded cells. lnc.Page A-9 Revised 07123107 Seismic Shear Loads Plan-07 1377 Baxter Lateral-110 mph, Exp C, & SDC D1 7124t2007 Table J. Roof Galculations Value 0.165 n htDiah IBG Sect. 1620.4.3 F = 0.21 Reference uation/Gomment Load Galculations D m Report Table G Wo = wpAnoor 36,ggg m ShearLevel IBC Sect. 1620.4.3 F 0.21 W 6,096 Level D Unit Shear Calculation vr='lllQls =90 ASCE Sect. 2.4 Q=0.7E=0.7Qe 4,267Service Level Seismic m Shear $hearLevel Report Table G Q=6,349 n Design Drawings [=34 Service Level m Unit Shearh Calculation v, = lllQll =63 Shear Wall Deflection Galculations Area of Shear Wall Chords (in2)Design Drawings Acno,o = 2(1.5X5.5) =16.5 Design Drawings h 7.8 Minimum Shear h b Shear Wall Design Drawings b 3.0 SMaximum SeismL tc Unit vShear Table I v=226 Deflectionshear Wall Bend Calculation vh = 8v.h3/EAb 0.0132 Shear Wall Shear Deflection Calculation Ys = vh/Gt 0.0210 Shear Wall Nail s I n Specifications $=6 Unit Shear Per Nail, vn,ir (lb)APA Desion Guidel V6n = V/S 113.2 Nail Load Factor t APA Desion Guidel Vs = vns;y'616 0.1838 Nail Slip Factor, en (in)APA Desion Grridel e^ = (v.-ul610)3'018 0.0072 APA Desion Guidel yn, = 0.75hen 0.0035NailDeflection 11, Yno In nailsA Report T2002-17, Table 3 0.1300 sw Galculataon Ysw = Yu +Vs + Yn" * Yn,o.1677 Va Modulus of No. 2 Hem-Fir 1 300 000m Chord E Roof Deflecliqn NDS Design Drawings Acr,o,u = 2(1.5X5.5) =16.5 Calculation I = 2An^^,^(bt2l2 =1,373,329 Dia Design Drawings l=600 Blocked Bendino Deflection (in)Calculation v^ = 5v,L4l384E1 0.0847 Shear Modulus, Gt (psi)Table A-31 7/16-in OSB 83,500 Shear Deflection (in)1 Ys = vU4Gt 0.1127 plqphragm Nail Spacing, S (in)Specifications $=6 Unit Shear rNa APA Desion Guiclel V64 = V/S 14.9 Nail Sli Factor n APA Desion Guide Table A-21 0.0060 Nail Slip Deflection,Vn" (in)APA Desion Guidel yn. = 0.188len 0.0564 Clqrd Splice Deflection, yo (in)APA T2002-17, April 17, 2002 0.0625 Total Blocked Deflection Ya=Yo+Y"+Yns*Yo 0.3164 Factor for Unblocked APA RepoftT2002-17, April 17,2002 2.50 nblocked Deflection APA Desion Grridel Calculation 0.79 Galculation Ya/Ys* =l> Z.U-I r wall deflection ratio is > 2.0 so assumption that diaphragm is flexible is okay per ASCE 7-02 StandardDiaphragm/Shea Section lnc.Page A-10 Roof Diaphragm Plan-O7 1377 Baxter Lateral-1{0 mph, Exp c, & sDc D1 Tt24t2oo7 lnc.Can Page A-10 Table J. Roof Diaph Calculations Value Chord S End Wall Descri 3 174 Reference uation/Comment ice & Stress Galculations Table G = Qlz Dia Shear m Design Drawings [=34 D h Design Drawings l=50.0 Unit Shear Calculation v,=[/[=93 Moment Calculation M = v,L2l8 =29,175 Dia bm Ghord F orce Calculation C=T=M/b=858 lowable il Load NDS Table 11N H-F & 10d Common 102 ustment For Wind/Seismic Load s NDS Table 2.3.2 10-minute loads 1.6 Allowable Nail Load Calculation F = 1.6Fr,,rrir 163.2 Minimum Number of Nails uired At Calculation Nn-uin = C/Fn 5.3 Maximum Nall atS lices Design Drawings $=6.0 Minimum Le Calculation s 36.0 lice n Design Drawings Design Specification 48.0 Calculation 10d @ 6Jn o.c.1,469Axial Chord Stess m Chord ForceDia Calculation F.yt=C/A=T/A 52 Allowable Parallel Com Stress WWPA Table 1 No. 2 Hem-Fir 1,250 Roof U 500 Note 1: Diaph ragms And Shear Wall - Calculations Parallel Tensile Stress 2004. No. 2 Hem-Fir\ M/PA Table 1 Guide, Descri Reference Equation/Comment Value Roof Truss b Design Drawings 34.0 Area to Truss Connectionrib Trusses @ 24-in o.<A= 2bl2 = b 34.0 Maximum Wind Pressure Zone F For 12 h & Wind Exposure C -17.7 t-up = PA -601 Roof Unit Dead Load Design Criteria 15.0 Roof Dead Load to Truss Con nection l-p1=Z/5 W61A 340 FNet=FUp+FOl -261 Allowable Uplift For Simpson H2.bA Ctip flb)SPF/Hem-Fir with 1600/o lncrease 535 Maximum Wind Pressure Zone F For 110-mph & Wind Exposure C -17.7 Fup = PA -601 russ n FNet=l-Up+FOl -261 H1 CAllowable U ift For Sim SPF/Hem-Fir with 1600/o lncrease 400 Roof Diaphragm Plan-07 1377 Baxter Lateral-li0 mph, Exp c, & sDc Dl il24t2007 Table J. Roof Diaphragm Calculations Descri Value RooflFloor D m ShearMe = O.2l 0.165DIBC Sect. 1620.4.3 F Reference Load Galculations Diaphragm Weight (lb)Report Table G Wo = wpAnoor =36,899 Strength Level Diaphragm Shear (lb)IBC Sect. 1620.4.3 Fo=O.2lESosWo=Qr 6,096 Unit ShearLevel Calculation v, = lllQll =90 Service Level Seismic Di Shear tb ASCE Sect. 2.4 Q=0.7E=0.7Qe 4,267 Service Level Diaphragm Shear (lb)Report Table G Q=6,349 Diaphragm Span (ft)Design Drawings b-34 Service Level Diaphragm Unit Shear (lb/ft)Calculation v, = lllQll =63 Shear Wall Deflection Galculations Area of Shear Wall Chords (in2)Design Drawings Acnora = 2(1.5X5.5) =16.5 Shear Wall Hqlght, h (ft)Design Drawings l=7.8 Minimum Shear Wall Length, b (ft)Design Drawings [=3.0 Maximum SL Seismic Unit Shear, v,' (lb/ft)Table I v=226 Shear Wall Bending Deflection, y6 (in)Calculation v^ = 8v.h3/EAb 0.0132 Shear Wall Shear Deflection, y" (in)Calculation y. = vh/Gt 0.0210 Shear Wall Nail Spacing, S (in)Specifications $=6 Unit Shear Per Na il, vn";s (lb)APA Desion Guidel Vn"x = V/S 113.2 Nail Load Factor, v;APA Desion Guidel V1= Vn";/616 0.1838 Nail Slip Factor, e" (in)APA Desion Guidel e- = (v--,,/616)3'018 0.0072 Nail Slip Deflection, Vn" (io)APA Desion Guidel y,," = 0.75hen 0.0035 HO|O-UOWn UeTtecilOn, yhd (tn)APA RepoftT2002-17, Table 3 for nails.0.1300 I Orat unear wail ueilectton, yr,,, (tfl)ualculatton Vs'," = Yo +Y. + Yns + Yn.o.1677 AilOWaDre UtOry Unn, ya (tn)IBG Table 1617.3.1 va=t< u.uzun 1.E6 Roof Diaphragm Deflection Calculations Modulus of Elasticity-Diaphrasm Chord, E (psi NDS No. 2 Hem-Fir 1,300,000 Area of Diaohraom Chords (in2)Design Drawings Acno.a = 2(1.5X5.S) =16.5 Moment of lntertia of Diaohraom Chords (in4)Calculation I = 2A^u^-,(ht2\2 =1.373.328 Diaphragm Length (in)Design Drawings l=600 Blocked Bending Deflection (in)Calculation v. = 5v,L4l384E1 0.0847 Shear Modulus, Gt (psi)Table A-31 7/16-in OSB 83,500 Shear Deflection (in)APA Desion Guidel y" = vlJ4ct 0.1127 Diaphragm Nail Spacing, S (in)Specifications $=6 Unit Shear Per Nail, vn"1 (lb)APA Desion Guidel V6o;1 = V/S 14.9 Nail Slip Factor, en (in)APA Desion Guide Table A-21 0.0060 Nail Slip Deflection, Vn" (in)APA Desion Guidel V,.,. = 0.188Le"0.0564 Chord Splice Deflection, y." (in)APA RepoftT2002-17, April 17 ,2002 0.0625 Total Blocked Deflection, ya (in)va = vn *v. * vn" * v..0.3164 Factor for Unblocked Diaphragms APA RepoftT2OO2-17, April 17,2002 2.50 Unblocked Diaphragm Deflection (in)APA llesion Grridel Calculation 0.79 unecK DEph./snear wall Deflectlon Ratao>z.O Calculation Yo/V"* =l> Z.U-I 4.72 Diaphragm/Shear wall deflection ratio is > 2.0 so assumption that diaphragm is flexible is okay per ASCE 7-02 Standard Section lnc.Page A-10 Roof Diaphragm Plan-{l7 1377 Baxter Lateral-l10 mph, Exp C, & SDC Dl 712412007 Table J. Roof D h m Calculations'7 Desc Reference uation/Comment Value D m Chord S ice & Stress Calculations End Wall Shear b Table G V Qt2 3 174 D h m nD b-34 nD l_=50.0 Unit Shear Calculation V =V/b=93 MomentDi b Calculation 2 29 175 Chord ForceDi Calculation C=T=M/b=858 Allowable Nail Load NDS Table 1 1N H-F & 10d Common 102 ustment For Wind/Seismic Loads NDS Table 2.3.2 10-minute loads 1.6 usted Allowable Nail Load Calculation F = 1.6F 163.2 Minimum Number of Nails uired At Calculation ctF 5.3 Maximum Nail atS lices ln $=6.0 tnMinimum S lice Len Calculation =SN 36.0 Des n nD Des 48.0 Allowable D Chord Forceh Calculation 10d 6-in o.c.1 Axial Chord Stess Calculation = C/A = T/AF 52 lowable Parallel Com ressive Stress WWPA Table 1 No. 2 Hem-Fir 1 lowable Parallel Tensile Stress WWPA Table 1 No. 2 Hem-Fir 500 Note 1: Diaphragms And Shear Wail - Design/Construction Guide, November 2004. Roof ift Calculations Descri Reference ment Value Roof Truss n b Des Drawi 34.0 Tributa Area to Truss Connection russes 24-in o.A=2b12=b 34.0 Maximum Wind Pressure Zone F For 120-m & Wind c -17.7 Up -601 Roof Unit Dead Load,n Criteria 15.0 Roof Dead Load to Truss Connection rb DL 340 russ DLUpNet - Allowable For Sim n H2.5A C b SPF/Hem-Fir with 160% lncrease 535 Maximum Wind U lift Pressure ZoneFForll h & Wind reC -17.7 um p Up- russ DLUpNet - Allowable U ift For Sim H1 C lb SPF/Hem-Fir with 1600/o lncrease 400 lnc.Page A-10 Roof Diaphragm Plan07 1377 Baxter Lateral-{l0 mph, Exp C, & SDC Dl 7t24t2007 6C I t f ! -' 1 -a t5 t + 5e , T^ , I I' r -- ^ "- f- ] L , f , r , l - AA i b c: l 1 i* l i\ & ; 11 ' x zt ' 3' l I {\I t* o o ll ' f *- : + i' t d ,' +i \J {fi - . 1 V Zo r ! vv / A lr (. SO * r, v 9E \ ^ / F ( ow H t: 5 1 '- ST 6 6 p - - . -. - { N + LATERAL DESIGN CRITERIA VALUEDESCRIPTION B cADESIGN CRITERIA OPTIONS ililllOCCUPANCY CATEGORY SEISMIC USE GROUP 1.0 1.0 1.0SEISMIC^/VIND I MPORTANCE FACTOR D DDDEFAULT SITE CLASS D1 D2 D2sErsMrc DESIGN CATEGORY (SDC) 1.170 1.1700.830SHORT PERIOD ACCELERATION (g) 85 120 110BASIC WIND SPEED (MPH) c DcWIND EXPOSURE FACTOR 10 10 10MINIMUM WIND LOAD (PSF) 50.0 30.0 30.0MAXIMUM ROOF LIVE LOAD (PSF) 151515ROOF DEAD LOAD (PSF) 15 15 15EXTERIOR WALL DEAD LOAD (PSF) 10 1010TNTERTOR WALL DEAD LOAD (PSF) 6t12 6t12 6t12MAXIMUM ROOF SLOPE GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTE WIND AND SEISMIC NATURAL FORCES IMPOSED ON THIS STRUGTURE ARE RESISTED BY A SYSTEM OF ENGINEERED MEMBERS AND FASTENERS DESIGNED TO RESIST DESIGN BASE LOADS SET FORTH BY THE THREE CRITERIA OPTIONS LISTED ABOVE. THE STRUGTURAL SYSTEM IS DESIGNED TO TRANSFER LOADS TO A PRESCRIPTIVE FOUNDATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2006 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING coDE (rBc). STRUGTURAL MEMBERS NOT A PART OF THE ENGINEERED STRUCTURAL SYSTEM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONVENTIONAL LIGHT.FRAME CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS OF 2006 IRC. Reep Engineering & Consulting, lnc. l. E. (Gene) Reep, P.E. Washington License No. 14363 LC.C. No. 0465600 8205 Sunset Lane Pasco, Washington 99301 Phone: (509) 547-9087 Cell: (509) 366-2869 DESIGN NGINEER I-\\- ARCH |TECTRUAL AND STRUCTUAL DRAV\illNG INDEX CS COVER SHEET A1 FLOOR PLAN A2 SECTIONAL PLAN A3 ELEVATION PLAN A4 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS A5 CABINET PLAN A6 TALL CRAWL FOUNDATION (O S1 FOUNDATION PLAN 52 SHEARWALL PLAN S3 ROOF FRAMING PLAN 54 STRUCTURAL DETAILS El ELECTRICAL PLAN R( CffY OF PORI DATE *" frH-t ^tA 1$ * ue;t 1#E sg' Uvo=t{ta HILINE HOMES 11306 6zND AVENUE ALLUP WA,98373 C 23/07 t l.IJ o C) Ftu tUIa t29 77R ogto- a+It o+r;oq J'- !8 E@ EXPTRES:0l GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. 5UB-CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMEN5IONS. DO NOT 5CALE THE DRAWIN65. IF DI5CREPANCIE5 OCCUR PLEAsE CONTACT THE DE5I6NER. 2. sUB-CONTRACTOR I5 RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING AND MEETINa ALLLOCAL AND STATE CODE REQUIREMENT5. 3. THI5 5TRUCTURE I5 ENoINEERED LATERALLY USIN6 THE DE5I6N CRITERIA 5HOWN ON THE C5 sHEET. 4. SUB-CONTRACTOR I5 RESPON5IBLE FOR MEETING ALL 5AFEry REQUIREMENT5 AND STANDARD SAFEW PRACTTCE5 THAT ARE RECOMMENDED AND OR REQUIRED BY 5TATE AND LOCAL AUTHORITIE5. 5. FIRE BLOCKING I5 REQUIRED AT ALL PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PENETRATION5. 6. NO CHANGE5 ARE TO BE MADE TO THE PLAN WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE DE5IGNER AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT. 7 WHERE REQUIRED, UsE A MIN. oF 3000 p.s.i. CoNCRETE PER I.R.C. TABLE R402.2 WHICH INCLUDEs: FOUNDATION WALLs, PORCH AND 6ARA6E 5LAB5,5TEP5, AND ALL OTHER AREA5 THAT ARE EXPO5ED TO THE WEATHER. MAXIMUM STRENGTH I5 AT 28 DAYs. 8. WATER HEATER I5 TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER 5PECIFICATION5, I.R.C. REQUIREMENT5, AND THE 5TATE ADAPTED PLUMBING CODE. TANK MU5T BE 5TRAPPED AT THE UPPER AND LOWER THIRD OF THE TANK PER I.R.C. CHAPTER 12 SECTION M1307. WHEN INSTALLED IN A GAP,AGE, A FUEL BURNING WATER HEATER I5 TO BE A MINIMUM OF 18" ABOVE THE FLOOR sLAB. MECH / PLUMBING EQUIPMENT IS TO BE PROTECTED FROM IMPACT OF A VEHICLE. 9.U'Eb/9" SHEET ROCK OR II2"SAG RESISTANT ON THE CEILINo PER I.R.C, SECTTON R702.3.5 AND TABLE. 10. FLASHING I5 REQUIRED AT ALL EXTERIOR TRIM EXTRU5IONS, WINDOW 5ILL5, JAMBs, AND OTHER AREA5 THAT WATER MAY INTRUDE. PER THE I.R.C. 11. PROVIDE A MIN. ??x3O F.OUGH OPENING FOR ATTIC ACCE'' W/ TTGHT FITTIN6, SELF CLO5ING DOOR THAT I5 BACKED WITH INSULATION. 12. NAIL ALLTOP PLATE5 TOoETHER ATSPLICES W/ lod NAILS @ 6' O.C. SPLICE TO LAP A MIN. OF 48" IYPTCAL. 13. CONTRACTOR I5 RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEWINo APPROVED PLANS AND COMPLYING WITH ALL APPROVED REQUIREMENT5 OF THE ENGINEER AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT.F www. HiLineHomes.com @ copyright 2005 HiLine Homes HiH.I\EHtrMES - BU I L D I N G PL A N N I N G FI G U R E R310.1 - R310.2 20 tN . CL E A R MI N MI N I M U M SI Z E WN D O W FO R 20 IN CL E A R W D T H 41 tN . CL E A R 34 I N . CL E A R MI N I M U M SI Z E W N D O W FO R 24 IN . CL E A R HE I G H T SI L L HE I G H T 44 I N . MA X 24 | N . CL E A R MIN FL O O R Fo r SI : t in c h = 25 . 4 mm , l sq u a r e fo o t = 0. 0 9 2 9 m2 Fi g u r e R3 1 0 . 1 EM E R G E N C Y ES C A P E AN O RE S C U E WN D O W \ ,/ / , , . ' ./ ,/ o P E N A B L E AR E A .5 . 7 SQ . FT . MI N \ \ \ \ z.gUJ ts- { rH3u ; EEqn = fiR39 ' gvo=F{.V, HILINE HOMES 11306 62ND AVENUE PWAUUP WA,98373 (253) 840-1849 ext.la9 PLANI 7377P. DATE: 07/23/07 JOB#: IO5O42O7 E 8p d;F Pe o= PR :J6 !l8 t@ tI 83 do- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. 5UB.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS. DO NOT 5CALE THE DRAWIN65. IF DISCREPANCIE5 OCCUR PLEASE CONTACTTHE DE5I6NER. 2. sUB-CONTRACTOR I5 RE5PON5IBLE FOR VERIFYING AND MEETING AIJ-LOCAL AND 5TATE coDE REQUTRE^ ENTS. 3. THI5 STRUCTURE I5 ENGINEERED LATERALLY U5IN6 THE DE5I6N CRITERIA 5HOWN ON THE C5 SHEET. 4. sUB-CONTRACTOR IS RE5PON5IBLE FOR MEETING ALL 5AFETY REQUIREAAENT5 AND 5TANDARD SAFETy PRACTICES THATARE RECO,I l ENDED AND OR REQUIRED BY STATE AND LOCAL AUTHORTTIE5. 5. FIRE BLOCKING I5 REQUIRED AT ALL PLUA4BIN6, ELECTRICAL, AND AAECHANICAL PENETRATIONS. 6. NO CHANaE5 ARE TO BE MADE TO THE PLAN MTHOUT THE CON5ENT OF THE DE5IGNER AND BUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT. 7 WHERE REQUIRED, UsE A i IN. OF 30Oo p.s.i- - CONGRETE PeR I.R.C- TA BLE RzlOz.z'WHICrl IMLUDES: FOUNDA'I]ON WALLs, PORCH AND GARAGE 5LAB5. 5TEP5, AND ALL OTHER AREA5 THATARE EXPO5ED TO THE WEATHER. A,1AXI,1AUA,i STRENGTH IS AT 28 DAY5. 8. WATER HEATER IS TO BE INSTALLED PER A,IANUFACTURER SPECIFICATION5, I.R.C. REQUIREMENT5, AND THE 5TATE ADAPTED PLUMBINo CODE. TANK MU5T BE 5TRAPPED AT THE UPPER AND LOWER THIRD OF THE TANK PER I.R.C. CHAPTER 12 SECTION M1307. WHEN INSTALLED IN A GAP,AGE, A FUEL BURNINo WATER HEATER I5 TO BE A MINTAAUM OF 18'ABOVE THE FLOOR sLAB. AAECH / PLUMBTNo EQUIPMENTI5 TO BE PROTEcIED FROM IMPACT OF A VEHICLE. 9. V'E>/O' 5HEET ROCK OP.INN 5A6 RESISTANT ON THE CETUING PER I.R.C. 5ECTION R702.3.5 AND TABLE. 10. FLA5HINGIs REQUIRED AT AIL EXTERTOR TRIM EXTRU5IONS, WTNDOW sILLS, JAMBs, AND OTHER AREA5 THAT WATER MAY TNTRUDE. PER THE I.R.C. 11. PROWDE A l IN. ZZx3OROUGH OPENINO FOR ATITC ACCESSW/ TTGHT FITTIM. 5ELF CLOSINo DOOR THAT IS BACKED WITI{ IN5ULATION. 12. NAIL ALL TOP PLATE5 TOGETHER AT SPLICE5 w/ lod NAILS @ 6U O.C, SPLICE TO LAP A IAIN. OF 48' TYPICAL. 13. CONTRACTOR I5 RE5PON5IBLE FOR REWEWING APPROVED PLANS AND COMPLYING WITH ALL APPROVED REQUIREMENT5 OF THE ENGINEER AND BUILDING DEPARTA4ENT. AREA SUMMARY FLOOR AREA 1377 sQ. FT,GAP.AGE 3O8 sQ. FT. @ = HOSEBIB 5.6. = SAFETY GLAZjNG o.+o\o -lc{lf) t')-orfoI --lol 'f)I crc\ ot fue",k\J:t FLOOR PLAN l/g'- L'-o' I l'l'-t_61I 6'-O{ _gtr 'o tsDFf'l 3 utq (fl _t tI) @ 2', tsDRf1 2 F-K\a I a lnT w/ HOOD -llf) REF @ @ 6 Llvll.lc VAULTED I c{ e0DlNlhlc VAULTED o' t- L____ i/4' HALF WALL 9'-ln 5'- L-3/8" (min) SOLIDCOREW/ WEATNER 5TRIP [*] WALL RA 6I n) =aI ((l 6 I l4'-ax20'-on 34'-Ot ATTIC ROOF VENTJACKS: @NsTALLEDAT 1 FT. FROM THE RID6E. (oPTTToNAL RrD6E VENT PER CONTRACT) BATTEN BOARD \ry/ 1" AIR SPACE MIN. ROOF MATERIALS:ffi CLA55'B'15# FELTOVER APA RATED ?4/O7/16' 5HEATHIN6. 2x VENT BLOCK \ €oo\I TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALLT /mr' STUDS @ 16" O.C. OVER 2x6 BOTTOAA PLATE OVER STRUCTURAL RATED 3/4" sHEATHIN6. \ I // :l -ou ROOF TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. ,1 F6. PRE-ENGINEERED R-38 IN5ULATION "STAAPSON" HURRICANE cLrPs H-l (OR) H-2.5A UP TO 110 mph, EXPOSURE'C' H-2.5A ONLY BEYOND. R-21 IN5ULATTON \ry/ VAPOR BARRIER PAINT OVER 5HEETROCK RJSO FLOOR IN5ULATION 5/8', G.W.B. (OP) t/2' 5A6 RESISTANT (r.R.c., R7O2.3.5) ryPICAL INTERTOR WALLI@ 2x4 STUDS @ 19.2' O.C.W/ l'o.w.e.EA. srDE ovER 2x4 BOTTOM PLATE 3/4" T &@ SUB.FLOORIM. / 9-t/2" "r'JorSTs @ 19.2"-O.C. ". 'AFA-RATED 48/24 aLIJED & NAILED BLACK CRAWL SPACE. zp *sllx 4fiR396 *E= h l-{tv, HILINE HOMES 11306 62ND AVENUE PWALLUP WA,98373 (253) 840-1849 ext.129 PLAN: T377P DATE: 07/23/07 JOB#: [O5O42O7 E 8pdFgP ots o9 :€ il8 l@ J Z-oa t-JbrL tU U) ExPlREs 08 a7 10 DETAIL A ATTACH O.S.B. SHEATHING TO TOP PLATE W 8d NAILS PER SHEARWALL PLAN NAILING. NAIL TOP PLATES TOGETHER W/ 10d NATLS @12" A.C. SPLICES ARE TO BE A MIN. OF 48'ATTACHED w 10d NATLS @ 6'O.C. SHEATHING LAPS TOP PLATE ATTACH O.S.B. SHEATHING TO MUDSILL W/ 8d NAILS PER SHEARWALL PLAN NAILING. ATTACH MAIN LEVEL FRAMING TO FOUNDATTON W/ 1t2" xT' HILTI QB-TZ ATTACHED TO A112" COUPLING, ATTACHED TO A.112" THREADED ROD OR ASTM A 307 BOLT, ATTACHED TO A'SIMPSON'LTT2OB HOLD DOWN ATTACHED TO MAIN FLOOR FRAMING PER MANUF. INSTRUCTIONS. USE A 2' WASHER AND 1/2" NUT. DETAIL B ATTACH TOP PLATE OF MAIN FLOOR TO BOTTOM PLATE OF UPPER FLOOR WI 112" THREADED ROD, NUT, AND STANDARD 2'' WASHER. ATTACH SHEATHING EDGES AT TOP PLATES W/ 8d NAILS @ 4'O.C. TOE-NAIL RIMBOARD W/ 10d NATLS @ 12" O.C. u.N.o. TOP FLANGE JOIST HANGER TO HANG OFF OF THE DOUBLE TOP PLATE OF THE CRIPPLE WALL. ATTACH HANGER PER MANUF. SPECIFICATIONS. SEE DETAIL'A'ABOVE WHEN HOLD DOWNS ARE REQUIRED WHERE A CRIPPLE WALL IS USED. NOTE: 1. WHERE THERE IS LESS THAN 4'-0" OF UNBALANCED BACKFILL AND FOUNDATION WALL DOES NOT EXCEED 4'-6', STEMWALL IS PERMITTED TO BE 6" THICK WI (1)#4 CONTINUOUS REBAR WITHIN TOP 12" OF FOUNDATION WALL FOR SEISMIC DESIGN AREAS D1 AND D2. (tRC SECTTON R404.1.4) 2. WHERE THERE IS MORE THAN 4'-O- OF UNBALANCED BACKFILL WALLS MUST BE LATERALLY RESTRAINED AT THE TOP AND BOTTOM (OR) DESIGNED AS A RETAINING WALL. 3. FOUNDATION SUB-CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO VERIFY STEP LOCATIONS WITH CONTRACTOR AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT. 4. ALL CRIPPLE WALLS ARE TO BE SHEATHED AND NAILED PER SHEARWALL DETAILS AS SHOWN ON PLANS. WHEN PLANS CALL OUT FOR A HOLD DOWN AND THERE IS A CRIPPLE WALL THEN THERE MUST BE A CONNECTION MADE FROM THE FOUNDATION TO THE BOTTOM PLATE OF THE MAIN LEVEL WALL USING A112" COUPLING ATTACHED TO A THREADED ROD OR AN ASTM A 307 BOLT CONNECT TO MAIN LEVEL WALL BOTTOM PLATE WITH A'SIMPSON'LTT2OB HOLD DOWN, SEE DETAIL'A" SEE DETAIL'B'WHEN A HOLD DOWN IS REQUIRED WHERE A RIMBOARD IS USED. 5. THE FOUNDATION IN THIS PLAN IS DESIGNED PRESCRIPTIVELY. THE MUDSILL CONNECTION IS ENGINEERED. WHERE 1/2" ANCHOR BOLTS ARE MISSED PER PLAN THEN A REPLACEMENT IS ALLOWED PER 51 GENEML NOTES. THIS PLAN IS INTENDED TO SHOW THE SHEAR TRANSFER FROM THE MAIN LEVEL WALLS TO THE PRESCRIPTIVE FOUNDATION USING CRIPPLE WALLS THAT DO NOT EXCEED SIX FT. IN HEIGHT. FRAME ALL EXTERIOR WALLS AT CRIPPLE WALL PERIMETERS PER DETAIL 1 ON S4 2x STUDS @ 16" O.C 2x BOTTOM PLATE ?'rac PLYWooD SUBFLOORING I /d 4 <4 a 4 ATTACH MUDSILL TO FOUNDATION WITH '' ANCHOR lo tuj &e ps (aBOLTS SPACED PER PLAN. SEE S1 PLAN GENERAL NOTES. STEPPED FOUNDATION / CRI PPLEWALL SHEAR TRANSFER TO PRESCRIPTIVE FOUNDATION NTS FOR RIMBOARD OPTION t-<ir=(ouJx#{EtE c) I \ o,.tuFO:;k9 X=()g4s{5 A 1l 56110 I l ze2 k$oil 3ooEtL< TU eaF HILINE HOMES 1 1 306 62ND AVENUE PUYALLUP WA,98373 (253\770-2244 exj..129 t n t! tr I Jlrr E 8gd+te6+ OQ JC !8lo PLAN: DATE: JOB#: 5t7-d fie'rnl lre4 ;1*1 .J-d HA,/, K4 F#rV EqV. 7-#4 lZsa odf? E)rE .{t/r?t Vttd,dl;!bt, €# €3C6.E* 1l €a ^;T rgc"f '# fe $-1* S*3 ? * %3 d I S / 7-8,/.VtsO 4 *t,?7/dtV,' S*7 %/ '5'7: ,4o.q f'" vw*-4s'#,'vf# n tu 4 ?#Jd rf {fd. # ry"g6 ?*.ydcd; .fi'rfrdffi*P sEP - 4 2007 I I I I I I I I $(: l-l J.- 6Ua rE4 .J*r-a.lq4.. F4*'f-'4 { a a41 ,9o' t I f t t t I I 33't n G444 {- E /q 'x zz' {{ a\ l t J :r-*_-?t-il"5 /3 77 ,rQ F7. &/an€ 3V' B$8!o\vtqs sca{E,LJ:':*!s:* /,7,-ls I t 1 I I !i/ F:IBERGLASS COMP. CLA55 ''BU MIN. 2X6 BAR6E BD.w/ 1X2 TRIM 5/4x6 CORNERTRIM CEMENT LAP 5IDIN6 FINISHED 6RADE BY OWNER SHALL 5LOPE AWAY FROAA BUILDTNa 6U IN 1O'-0" MIN. LEFT EL '/AT ION 1/8" = 1'-0"t/8" = t -0u NOTEr ADDRE55 MU5T BE LOCATED ON THE HOU5E WHERE ITI5 EASILY SEEN FROM THE,IAAIN ACCESS ROAD (owNER REsPONsrBrLrTy) 12 4 16'SOFETT 5/4x4 WINDOW TRIi^ l/8" = I -0u PROPER AAATERIAL LEMTH5- FLOOR l-l gnneE BoARD LENoTH SITE ADDRESS: 5]TIJ 9T PORT TOIINgEND, IIJA 393b8 Ef trl uu [[ Efttf E Et_ltl ET uu trtr ml Iu frH * qEx$ F fiE39 6 -l{tv, HILINE HOMES 11306 62ND AVENUE PWALLUP WA,98373 (253) 840-1849 er<t. 129 PLAN: l3T7P DATE: 07/23/07 JOB#: 10504207 t o td o x 2JIII OROEi.p Es ctEt; ER J€ !l8 l@ zor-zk<\-JfirLJ r.u zgtU H^ * Fd*$ = #E*g d+, l-rto HILINE HOMES 11306 62ND AVENUE PWALLUP WA,98373 (253) 8,10-1849 a<t. 129 PLAN: 1377P, DATE: 07/23/07 JOB#: IO5O42O7 UI lrl tr r 2JIII E 8p .dg Ee o= EF JE_ il8lo J tP ct)FJs3F i.uIOot LAP ROOEING PAPER OVER THE oUTTER NAIL ROOF 5HEATHINa w/ 8d coMMoN NArLs @ 6',O.C. ED6E AND 12* O.C. FIELD MANUF. TRUSSES @ 24', O.C. MANUF. TRU55E5 @ 24', O.C. 2x VENT BLOCKIN6 W/ BORED HOLES BLOCKINo w/ VENT & IN5ECT 5CREENS. NAIL w/ 8d NAIL5 @6',O.C. THROUGH ROOF 5HEATHING. TO PLANE w/ OUT5IDE ED6E OF 5HEATHIN6 INSULA CONT..'T'WALLS. NAIL BLOCK TO TRU55 CHORDS :(f)lt 5HEATHIN6 TO TOP PLATE 2X4 STUD (TNTERTOR WALL) (?)zx6 ToP PLATES ,S MPSON H-lOR O.5.8. WALL 5HEATHINGH-?.sA TIEs. U.N.O.NAIL w/ 8d COA,IMON NAIL5 @6', O.C. ED6E AND t?u O.C. FrELD u.N.O. (OR) 5TAPLE W/16 GA.#' CnOWnr t*'uoNosrAPLEs@4o.c. ED6E AND 6'O.C. FIELD. U.N.O 2x6 DRYWALL BACKERFILL ALL NAIL 2x STUDBEND TO CLEAR BOTTOM CHORD. (WHERE REQUIRED) 16"c TRU55 TATLS 2X6 5TUDS @ 16" o.c.(2\2X6 PLATES EXTERTOR WALL5 EAVE END DETAIU 5I{EATHIN6 DETATL INTERTOR WALL DETAIL NT5 T/PTCAL NT5 WPTCAL NT5 CONTINUOUS TRIA/lMER 2 x4PLAIE PONYWALL a. a CRAWL ACCEss DETAIL 1 JOIST5 @ tg.z'o.c. u.N.o. .t -J \o 24u BUILT UP HEADER 2H = MIN. - FooENG TyPTCAL NTS 73il 8^ * gdxfr 4#Esg--Uvo= -Flttn HILINE HOMES 11306 62ND AVENUE PUYALLUP W4,98373 (253) 8,10-11849 exi. l29 PLAN: I377R DATE: O7/?3/O7 JOB#: IO5O42O7 E 8p Efo= E€F€{5 '8I@ FLU- - 4,z-< edo It7',21"24u w3612 W1530F W3015 BW3630L W9WF3X3O w2430L WINDOW o- F sto EATINo BAR 815-R 15836 fltl L5836 s836 trcg!' z4.DrsHW 812-L 3D824 836 69', EN EN EN CVsD36R vDB12 uc2484-24 72" VSD836 36u TH . BATH NOTE: FIELD VERIFY ALL DIAAEN5IONS PRIOR TO FABRICATINo OR PURCHA5IN6 CABINET5. OF 70" HEI6HT IltAX. REFER FREE sTANDIN6 30" RAN6E DIsH- WAsHER T HILINE HOMES 11306 62ND AVENUE PUYALLUP WA,98373 (253) 840-1849 ext.129 PLAN: 1377P. DATE: 07/23/07 JOB#: 10504207 z€ut H- *xt3$ ; iEqN 4#Esg- Uvo=t{to t 2 I n LJ o I EonOEa+9e o= OQ J-- ;8 i@ zo =< zdfo LL FOUNDATION & FIOOFFMNIING NOTES 1. ALL FOOTINGS 5HALL BEAR ON sTIFF, FIRM 5OIL MEETINa THE REQUIREMENT5 OF DEFAULT SITE CLA55 ''D'' PER I.B.C. 5ECTION 1615.1.1. DE5I6N IS BA5ED ON 15OO p.s.f.SOL. ?. ALL WOOD IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE SHALL BE 2x A/F. HEM-FIR #2 MIN. TREATED WITH AN APPROVED PRE5ERVATIVE AND 6ALV. HOT-DTPPED CONNECTORS (OR) 5TANDARD HEM-FIR ON AN IMPERWOU5 MOTSTURE BARRTER (r.R.C. R319.1) (OR) BORATE TREATED HEM-FIR #2 MINIMUM. 3. PROVIDE APPROPRIATE BLOCK-OUTs IN FOOTING5 OR WALLS FOR PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL sTUB-OUTs. 4. UsE 3000 p.s.i. CONCRETE WHERE REQUTRED Bv rHE r.p,C. T ABLE 402.2. MAXIMUM COMPRES5IVE 5TRENGTH AT 28 DAYS. 5. FOUNDATION VENT5 ARE TO BE TNSTALLED AT t/3OO 5Q. FT. PER r.R.C., 5ECT R408.2 EXCEPTTON 2 AND WVIAC CODE 50?.t.?. 6. 2x MUDSILL TO BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH THE IN5IDE FACE OF FOUNDATION WALL AT JOIST BEARING POINT5 TO ACCEPT JOI5T HAN6ER5. VERIFY THAT THE MUDSTLL rs SQUARE AT ALL CORNERS. AT-IACH THE MUD5ILL TO THE FOUNDATION WITH 7/2"xlO" ANCHOR BOLTS AND 1/4"x3"x3" WASHER @ 6 FT. O.C. 7. WHERE 1/2'' ANCHORS BOLTS ARE MI TE' x g - t- / Z" " 5 r MP 5 O N" W E D 6E - A LL W E D 6E ANCHOR MfN. 3-3/8" IMBED. (OR) A l/2"x8"USIMPSON'' TITEN HD A5 A DIRECT REPLACEMENT. 2. IN THE INTERIOR FOOTINaS, UsE WEDaE-ANCHOR ONLY MIN. 3'IMBED, 8. REBAR IN INTERIOR FOOTINGS I5 NOT REQUIRED UNLEss IT IS BELOW A LOAD BEARINa POINT, OR AN INTTRIOR 5HEARWALL PER IRC 5ECTION R403.1.3. 9. THE FOUNDATION IN THI5 PLAN I5 DE5IGNED PRE5CRIPTIVELY, BUT THE CONNECTTON FROM THE FOUNDATION TO THE MUD5ILL I5 ENGINEERED FOR RE5I5TIN6 LATERAL LOADS A5 OUTLINED IN THE DE5I6N CRITERIA ON THE C5 sHEET. sUB-CONTRACTOR MUST VERIFY WITH THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT THAT THE5E CONDITION5 ARE METPRIOR TO CON5TRUCTION. 10. THE FOUNDATION FOOTING5 SHALL BE A MIN. 12" WIDE WHERE SOIL PRES5URE I5 ADEQUATE PER THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. sEE FOUNDATION DETAIL 2 ON 5HEET 54. CONTTNOU5 BOTTOM CHORD. TOE-NAIL 1Od NAILS @ Lz',O.C. GAP,AGE DOOR HEADE NAILS TOP PLATE5 TOGETHER w/ lod NArLs @ 12" o.c. oN ALL 5HEARWALLS U.N.O. NAIL W/ 8d COMMON NAIL5 @6', O.C. ED6E AND 12', O.C. FIELD OR sTAPLE w/r6 GA.#" cRowN ti" lot to srAPLEs @ 4" o.c. ED6E AND 12" O,C. FIELD (NOr 5HOWN) 2x STUDS @ 76'O.C. (2) 10d NArLs EA. STUD BAy BOTTOM PLATE AND MUDSILL 8d NAIL5 @ 4" O.C. t"x4" LAG scREWs AT EA. END OF 5HEAR WALL w/ ?' l:r tp il N 2 I WASHER. s.w. 7/2"x4" LAG SCREWS 5TEMWALL NT5 ATTACHMENT 6"FOUNPATI ON / FLOOR FRAIIING PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" 33',-ll" r- I N. BLOCKED I I PANELs I I VERTICAL '(oR) lLHOPTZ-. lr ILilil o.s.B iltilt il Il1'-5" n'-212"e'-v)"6'-2il I 2 TO JOI5TS BEAR ATL I MUD VAPOR BARRIER FLUsH I F(4 I oh t-{ a Fc\ c\r 6" TYP. 12" TYP ----f,\t TO LANDIN6 i.>(Li MINI. vo" 1il Iil =s c\ -lC\ I c\t 4 ACE .'4" CONC. SLAB ON( COMPACTED FILL\ FILL. 5LOPE 5LAB\ DN. 2" TO DOOR. FOR MANDOOR ?',-3" ROUG|-] OPEN. t4'-@" 9-l/z',"T" JOTSTS @ 19.?' o.c.z-START POINT -ll" \t zgr.tl H -d.'zQo$ * Hg;$ l6Esguvo=t-{ta HILINE HOMES 11306 62ND AVENUE PUYALLUP WA,98373 (253) 840-1849 ext.129 PLAN: 1377P DATE; 07/23/O7 JOB#: 10504207 Eo9,C'E6+gE o= arq Jr_ =8i@ JJ =<tUIa GENERAL LATERAL NOTES 1. NO CHANGES 5HALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT. ?. O.S.B. WALL 5HEATHTN6T/16" MINIMUM FOR EXTERIOR 5HEARWALL5. NAIL 5HEARWALLS PER EXTERIOR 5HEARWALL DETAIL 1 ON SHEET 54 U.N.O. 3. GAP.AGE MAN DOOR MAY BE ADDED TO EXTERIOR WALL LINE 1OF THE GAP.AGE WITHOUT REQUIRING ADDITIONAL EN6INEERIN6. 4. NAIL ALL EXTERIOR TOP PLATE5 TOGETHER WITH 1Od NAIL5 @ 12" O.C. MIN. 48'' LAP AT SPLICES W/ 6" O.C. NAILIN6. ALL EXTERIOR BOTTOM PLATED WITH (2) 1Od NAIL5 EACH 5TUD BAY. 5. FASTEN ALL O.5.B.sHEARWALL W/ 8d NAILS @ 6" O.C. ED6E AND t2" o.c. FTELD. U.N.O. t \ARWALL ARWALL LEGEND n = SHEARWALL I = "SfMPSON" LTTZOB HOLD DOWN W/L rrrEN ANcHoR w/ z" x 1/8" wAsHER. sEE DETAIL 3 ON 5HEET 54.(2) TOTALLL PLAN BDR-I 3 Lr-tz)s / (2) BDR''1 2 LT L UTIL ENTRYLIVINC D]NING KITCI.{EN ENTRY rulc I'49TR BDRI'I GARAGE 01 4t09 gt-.lEARuJ 7/8" = l'-O" ) 7gil3 *xHSv ; EEqN +fiE39' Uvo=l-ttV, HILINE HOMES 11306 6zND AVENUE PUYALLUP WA,98373 (253) 840-1849 ext.l29 PLAN: 1377P. DATE: 07/23/07 JOB#: 10504207 IItr t JI I 2: E 8go#9p o+ IboP J< '8=t6r!- (, 1 t<TLJ LL tL oot PROPER LENGTH5 BEAM5 & PO5TS (DF) 14'=A,D 8'=EH 10'=B,C t4'=F,G MF6. TRUS5 TO r.B.c. CASE 1 CANTILEVER OVER PORCH. BLOCKAT BEARIN6. ROOF VENT5 TO BEROOF SHEATHING LAYOUT 1' FROM THE RID6E.? x 4 LOOK- ours @ 48" o.c. ROOF FRA MING N OTES trlJAM -H$flnk ilHs '-L"i c\ utIo l. ALL EXTERIOR WALL HEADERS ARE TO BE 6x8 D.F. #2 U.N.O 2. JOIsTs AND RAFTERS ARE TO BE H.F. #2 MIN. U.N.O 3. TRUSSE5 5HALL CARRY MANUFACTURER 5TAMP AND HAVE EN6INEERIN6 DRAWINGS ON 5ITE FOR INSPECTTON. 4. NO TRUS5 SHALL BE FIELD MODIFIED WITHOUTPRIOR APPROVAL FROM ENGINEER AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT. 5. FRAMIN6 CONNECTION5 SHALL BE "sIMPsON 5TRON6 TIE'' (OR) AN APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 6. PROVIDE ATTIC VENTILATION PER I.R.C. 806.2. THE NET FREE VENTILATED AREA 5HALL BE 1/3OO SQ. FT. 50% OF THE REQUIRED VENTILATION AREA 5HALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3 FT. ABOVE EAVE VENTs. THE BALANCE OF REQUIRED VENTILATION SHALL BE PROYIDED AT THE EAVEs. 7. PROVIDEAMIN.ROUGHOPENING22"x3O" ATTTC ACCESS PANELWITHTI6HT-FITTIN6,SELF- CLO5ING DOOR. DOOR 5HALL BE BACKED WITH IN5ULATION IF LOCATED ABOVE HEATED sPACE. VERIFY ACCESS LOCATION WITH OWNER. 8. 5HEATH ROOF PER IgC CASE 1 (5TA66ERED PANEL5 UNBLOCKED) FASTEN PANEL5 W/ 8d NAIL5 @ 6" O.C. ED6E AND 12" O.C. FIELD. 9. TOE-NAIL ALL GASLE END TRU55E5 WITH (2) 1Od NAIL5 @ 16" O.C. INTO TOP PLATE5 10. TOE-NAIL EACH END OF TRU55 AT BEARING WALL5 W/ (?) lod NAILs. MF6. TRU55E5 TO CANTILEVER OVER PORCH. BLOCK AT BEARIN6. ''STMPsON" HURRICA LEGEND clrPs H-1 (OR) H-2.5A UP TO 110 mph, EXPOSURE 'c'. H-?.5A ONLY BEYOND.o=CUT OUT FOR VENTIN6. KITCHEN= 8"x8" FOR HOOD VENT. BATHROOMS= 4"x4", AND UTILIry ROOM= 6"x6" FOR WHOLE HOUSE FAN. GUTTER DOWNSPOUT LOCATION FULL HEI6HT WALL. ATTACH TO BOTTOM TRU55 cHoRD W/ (?) 10d NArLs AT EA. FRAME UP srUD. 64 sQ. rNCH ROOF VENT PLACED I FT. FROM RrD6E o= n: I= ING PLAN , I I o 6L &HA AY 4 o ( I t,* q o v(\I GJ (') IU(/)('))d.F 4z12 x2 tl.l CL 1r- @x I rl *e, r-f- (n IU(t) u))d. F- TU6- _)l Ia 1361 61 ROOF FRA l/8" = l'-O" llil ll 43 l siig u e;is<:E=aM T-Fg HILINE HOMES 11306 62ND AVENUE PUYALLUP WA,98373 (253) 840-1849 ext.129 PLAN; t377P. DATE: 02/02/07 JOB#: t I $ bt tr I Eo9OE d€ 9eo= OQ JE+t!8lo J trafJ5sf r.utoFa (o \o zH€ @ NAIL TOP PLATE5 TOGETHER W/ LOd NAILS @ L2' O.C. BrRD BLOCKTNG. (OR) CONT. BLOCKINo. NAIL THROUGH ROOF 5HEATH. W/ 8d NArLS @ 6', O.C. NAIL W/ 8d COMMON NAILS @6'' O.C. ED6E AND 12'' O.C. FIELD(oR) a STAPLE W/16 GA.i€', cRowN 1-i" LON6 STAPLES @ 4' Q,C, ED6E AND I?' Q,C. FrELD (Nor sHoWN) 2x STUDS @ 16" Q.C. BOTTOM PLATE 2x MUDSILL (2) 1Od NArLs EA. 5TUD BAY EN6INEERED CONNECTTON FROM MUD5ILL TO FOUND SEE CONNECTION DETAILS ON 54 CONTINOUs CHORD ATTACHW/ 10d NArLs @ 6" O.C. TO TRU55 CHORD & TOP PLATES NAIL TOP PLATE5 TOGETHER W/ IOd NAILS @ L?' Q.C. o.s.B.OF EXTERTOR 5HEARWALL 2x STUDS @ 16', O.C. REBAR UIREMENTs: (t) #4 HORTZ. BAR wrrnrru t2' oF top 3 oF STEMWALL. €-AND fu (L)#4 vERr. REBnn - @ 48'' W/ STANDARD HOOK. EXT. TO 2'' OF TOP OF WALL. 14'' MTN. DRATNAGE 5YSTEM WHERE REQUIRED PER LOCAL CODEs. (owNER REsPONsrBrLrrv) (t) #4 coNr. REBAR IN FOOTTNG NOTE: IN5TALL REBAR IN A WAY THAT IT I5 NOT WET sET U.N.O. BY DE5I6NER. FOUNDATION MAXTMUM 4'-6'' FLOOR SYSTEMr 3/4" MTN. T&G SUBFLOOR 6LUED AND NAILED TO JOfST w/ 8d @ 6' O.C. ED6E & L2'O,C. FIELD. FLOOR JOISTS PER PLAN @ t9.z',O.C. HUN6 W/ TAP FLANGE JOTST HANER5. 2xP.T. MUDSILL (OR) BORATE TREATED EN6INEERED CONNECTTON- ATTACH MUDSILL y,// 2"x!0" ANcHoR B2LT w/ t"x3"x3" PLATE WASHER. EMBED. BOLT A MIN. OF 7 INCHE5 (DO NOT COUNTERSTNK.) 6 MIL BLACK POLY GROUND COVER. OVERLAP 5EAM5 12" NT5 ll ll zH =\o TO 6 -0"10 6RA N 5 rltl l.l illl ,t It PRE FOUNDATTON ..i.. lr il il lt t.lil lril FOUNDATION DETAIL OVER PRE5CRIPTIVE FOUNDATTON WALL NT5 ATTACH CONTINUOS CHORD W/ LOd NAIL5 @ 6' O.C.INTO TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD AND TOP PLATES sECTION 5OLID BLOCKING NOT REQUIRE u.N.o. D DOUBLE TOP PLATES W/ A MIN. 48'' LAP AT SPLICES 2x4 KNEE WALL @ 19.2'O.C. DIRECTLY BELOW JOT5TS t2"x6" CONT FOOTIN6. NO REBAR PER T.R,C. sEcr. R403.1.3 U.N.O TYPICAL FLOOR JOT5T ATTACH JOIST5 TO TOP PLATES W/ (2) 10d NArLs EA. BEARTN6 POINT 2x4 P.T. PLATE (oR) 2x4 PLATE OVER VAPOR BARRIER T/2' ANCHOR BOLTS @ 6' O.c.W/3x3xl/4" WASHER U.N.O. NT5 2x MUDSILL TO HAN6 OVER. FOUND. APPROX. T/2'. ATTACH SHEATHING TO MUD5ILL W/ 8d NATL5 @ 6". O.C. U.N.O. ATTACH MUD5ILL W/ t/Z"xLO" ANCHOR BOLT AND #'x3" WASHER @ 6 FT o.c. u.N.o. @ 6" ED6E & 12'' FIELD 2x STUD5 @ 16" O.C. BOTTOM PLATE 2x MUDSILL (2) 10d NArLs EA. 5TUD BAY USE SIMPSON" LTTZOB W/ t / 2" x8" TITEN HD AND 2" WA5HER. EA. END OF WALL. " PRE5CRIPTTVE FOUNDATTON GAP.AGE / HOUSE SEPARATTON WALL INTERIOR 5HEARWALL PONY WALL DETAIL CONNEC. A 6I HUN6 JOI5T NTS o.s.B. il il STOOD UPRI6HT (oR) BLOCKED il --*""1J o.s.B.- STOOD UPR16HT(oR) il BLOCKED ltiltt il il lrrl I t. -.._-11 il rtHE .'rQ 1$ * Ht;[ = sF39+, *ui;o=l{tv, HILINE HOMES 11306 62ND AVENUE PWALLUP WA,98373 (253) 8,1C1849 ent.129 PLAN: 1377P. DATE: 07/23/07 JOB#: 10504207 l TTI tt LJ o I E 8p d;E PEoE o9 iE38 l@ J OF46dtuJ tu WP ELECTRICAL NOTES 1. 5MOKE DErEcToRs 5HALL BE l1ov. HARD WIRED WITH BATTERY BACKUP AND 5HALL BE INTERCONNECTED. OWNER 5HALL BE RE5PON5IBLE FOR 5MOKE DETECTOR5 IF A MONTTORED FrRE SySTEM rS REQUTRED. 2. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE LOCATION OF PANEL AND METER WTTH CONTRACTOR. 3. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 5HALL PROYIDE HEAT-1O55 .ALCULATT.ONS (OR) FOLLOW THE PRESCRTPTTVE PATH REQUTREI^ENTS FOR srzrN6 HEATTNG EQUTPMENT. 4. ELECTIICAL CONTRACTOR 5HALL CONFORAA TO ALL LOCAL AND 5TATE CODEs. 5. EXACT PLACEAAENT OF OUTLET5 MAY VARY DEPENDING ON CONSTRUCTTON VARTABLES. ELECTRIC SYMBOLS $ e g "r9ntFo LTGHT SWTTCH 110 V. DUPLEX OUTLET 22OV. OUTLET WEATHERPROOF OUTLET oROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER RECE5SED CAN L[6HT5 + 0 o o o m *ry* 5URFACE MNT. LI6HT RECES5ED DOWNLIGHT EXHAU5TFAN. VTOs EQUIPMENT CONNECTTON sMoKE DETECTOR t' HEATER/FAN COMBO. VTO5 ZONED ELEC. HEATERA TELEPHONE E WOUTLET I I I I I I I I \ \ * EXACTLOCATTON OF SWTTCHE5, OUTLET5, LT6HT5, ETC. A,iAY VARY. --, ./ -t ---a' ELECTRICAL PLAN I :€ o --o flt VAULTLINE O--\. I \ I o I! I I \ 4o j oa--tr I + l/8" =t'-O"