HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-185CITY OF PORT TOWNSENI) PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMTT# ELDOT- le5 SCOPE OF WORK: DATERECETVED 8. 3D -D1 50n' DATE ACTION INITIALS p,-3\- 67 ENTERED INTO CHET $gr,)f - No evidenceCA - to Plaruring I CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS lc n.n ?,t'l{ I I.t T t-\' IIALLft.L TIqil / I I Flrc l1 Q/rS ' J.- A*1 (:p. sqa 3a arcCI^r wLto"odr+t>. i k i.'toO 37- d-a iolu s1 P ''/3{b)- o lan n _L 0 c ^t^// l-lno I r'.aj ft"/rt ,t- I I t-utpa 5f- \ ) Development Seruices Residential Building Permit Application F Applications accePted bY mai P See the "Residential Building plan submittal requirements. I must include a initial plan review fee of $150 Permit Application Requirements" for details on er Name: Address: CiIylSllZi Email 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax: 360-344-4619 www.ci$ofpt.us Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095' Project Valuation: $ Any known wetlands on the property? Y Any steep slopes (>15%)? Y I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and that all associated with this and the Port Townsend Municipal Code Zoning: parcet# O DItOLIOJ]$ Hg*:':d'+* 'i'J" A'; h l Office Use Onlv ;"rf'Lno:- taS Associated Permits: IS.DPAT'D3l Project City/SUZip Addres Name Phone Email: Building lnformation (square feet) : 1'tfloor 21011 carage: \OTO 2nd floor Deck(s)4oq 3d floor- Porch(es): l-71 easement l2G I ls it finished?@ *o Carport:- Manufactured Home i ADU 1 Remodel/Repair iAddition i SaCo Address: City Business License State License Phone Email Total Lot Coverage (Build Square teet: 3bSL ing Footprint):* 6Vto lmpervious 6|t inst r&t5 C.onca"1* Square Print Na 5 will be in accordanoe with State Date r 36 G ft.. I t l,r,t ? CITY OF POR] DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspectionso call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. \''*o l; ?"18 f/ PERMTTNUMBER: /;/c/F- /€':DATE OF'INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: q Z/l,l -: I PROJECT NAME l__L( o Lt S CONTRACTOR:Ltu 1. CONTACT PERSON: Kr. i *l nl PHONE:Jot- 6 z ti TYPE OF INSPECTION:c-L)t(\t.{T f,[5{-r ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Date rl g'" TFdr\! fI NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. d lniv\ ' I tir id-, ttrt 'i dr,q.PPnOVnn I Inspector t1 0 I I I Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspectionfee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. WSEC Residential Construction Checklist City of Port Townsend I)evelopment Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-s095 Fax: Q60) 344-4619 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2001 Residential Construction Checklist Complete this form in addition to WSEC forms. Please answer the following questions: construction, or addition over 750 square feet Must meet whole house and spot ventilation requirements, and show fuU WSEC compliance as a stand-alone project. A detached, habitable structure such as an Accessory Dwelling Unit regardless of size must also meet these requirements. .3 House addition under 750 square feet Possible trade-offs are allowedwith the existing buildingfor WSEC compliance, such as increasing ceiling insulation. See WSEC component performance forms. NOTE: A house addition less than 500 sq.ft. does not reqaire whole house ventilation. Spot ventilation is still required. TYPE OF'HEATING _check all that annlv: Electric.i Wall Heater .i Baseboard .i Forced Air Furnace .i Radiant Floor (Boiler) .-i O11t"t -Noh-Electric: Propane:Wadiant FloorlBaseboard (Boiler) *i LPG Stove .i LPG Furnace .i Other LPG .i Heat Pump -i Oil Furnace .i Woodstove (can only be used as secondary heat source) VAPOR RETARDERS: Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings: r Floors: /etywooO with exterior glue' t Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) i Backed batts o Walls: i Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) i Face-stapled, backed batts Ylow-perm paint o Ceilings: i Not required where ventilation space averages greater than or equal to 12 inches above insulation 1 Face-stapled, backed batts l Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) )4.ow-perm paint srh slcr http://ptimaging/DSD/Building_Forms/BuildingPermitPackeVApplication-Residential Energy Code Checklist.doc Page I of2 WASHINGTON STATE VENTILATION Al[D IITIDOOR AIR OUALITY (2000 Code): Type of ventilation used throushout the house: .i HVAC Integrated Option Vft*raust Option Whole House Fan for 66Exhaust Option":mAgW bo*l/-o ln what room is your whole house fan located? o What size is the whole house exhaust fan?.i 50-75 CFM (1-2 bedroom house) .3 80-120 CFM (3 bedroom house) .3 100-150 CFM (4 bedroom house) -i 120-180 CFM (5 bedroom house) Note: the whole house fan shall be readily accessible and controlled by a24-hour clock timer with the capability of continuous operationo manual and automatic control. At the time of final inspection, the automatic control timer shall be set to operate the whole house fan for at least 8 hours a day, and have a sone rating at 1.5 or less measured at 0.10 inches water gauge. Spot Ventilation: Source specific exhaust ventilation is required in each kitchen, bathroom, water closet, laundry room, indoor swimming pool, spa and other rooms where excess water vapor or cooking odor is produced. Bathrooms, laundries or similar rooms require fans with a minimum 50 cfm rating at 0.25 inches water gauge; kitchens shall have a fan with a minimum 100 cfm rating at 0.25 inches water gauge. Outdoor Air Inlets: Outdoor air shall be distributed to each habitable room by means such as individual inlets, separate duct systems, or a forced-air system. Habitable rooms include all bedrooms, living and dining rooms but not kitchens, bathrooms or utility rooms. Where outdoor air supplies are separated from exhaust points by doors, undercutting doors a minimum of Yzinch above the surface ofthe finish floor covering, distribution ducts, installation or grilles, transoms or similar means where permitted by the Uniform Building Code. When the system provides ventilation through a dedicated opening, such as a window or through-wall vent, these openings must: o Have controlled and secure openings r Be sleeved or otherwise designed so as not to compromise the thermal properties of the wall or window in which they are placed. o Provide not less than4 square inches of net free area of opening for each habitable space. What type of fresh air inlet will be installed? (See figure below) ci Window Ports ,.i Wall Ports http://ptimaging/DSD/Building_Forms/BuildingPermitPackeVApplication-Residential Energy Code Checklist.doc Page2 of2 Receipt Number: BLD07-185 001104028 Plan Review Fee $1,210.14 - _ qIq9q Total: $150.00 $1,060.14 CHECK 22593 $ 150.00 Total $150.00 genprntrreceipts Page 1 of 1 0,t\ A-X, Lu f lt4*A] ? - Uupd3-oqL in"Q Land Use Checklist Legal Description:G"<-e"r\ ( r,r.",1.-f Location:+ Gf) QW bqt W 9.p : iO/ un $o;th siuZoning:1Slon l\ Plat Shows Lot Size as:3s-oW-s r"Ct ./8l 38 / oF u4. c- . (nth sl t .Jt- ciJv.Streets 3b S2-* ll olo Assessor Shows: ArcReader Shows: t/ +r L.A4S<{ v, €r,fe,tvstt\)b o.f S+ ti cov" u5r{ Critical Area? Other Permits? ) d,q Y er - qd.nPart of a Plat or BSP or PUD? (Conditions, Tree Conserv...) c'ln n, I 7l'n*-l ite Visi Building meets setbacks? Z QS- r./\arl\ 5 / se*ha(t &,u',^,4,/crh eu.u*.tr- Building meets lot coverage?Yrc- I 0% ,. Lss (tt,t6,osoc), Notice to Title needed? Restrictive Covenant needed?Nn Lots of Record needed?ts /) Comments , Ul,w'Vh hq B fJ^e f,c4 ci{rh4 i5 vndu ne-C/^; s,t/r ( l* tr|6{+ren 'f J)rtoA; s rAw J 74rtf a 5 r * (4", flj,, I l/Y\*9 Plpll .ro, 4 r{ ut opft pto"r"-{1."r- /1"r^, t_ ) Keith C. Harper Atorncy al I:w wsBA 10742 Dace: 1206 Watcr Suitc B PO Box 104, PortTownsen4 WA 98368 Phone: 360685{400Fil(: 360685-3030 . / FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET flplav TO: FROM: Total pages, including this page: Hard copy to follow in the mail? COMMENTSIENCLOSURES: Jr"-- t)pbr er7 I{r (* sfi=?c7'-) Keith C. Harper, Atorney at Law Fax. No. (360) 385-3030 RE Cfu* 6/.*t f**/et* 4t_ aJ,t A*l+ /* /7/r fu &'*ea244;'1 1 nlu c---4"- {*}**fu4'-"5*t If vou have arv questi$F mnccrnine this tansrnission plcssc csll thc sender's office at (360t 3E5{400. I.'NLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED OR OBVIOUS FROM TT{E NATT'RE OF THE TRAI.TSMTTAL. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN TTIIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE TS ATTORNEY PRTVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORI\{ATION INTEI.{DED FOR TTIE USE OF THE INDTVIDUAL oR ENTITY NAI\'IED ABOVE. IF TIIE READER OF TIIIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE ABOVE NAtvtED RECtrIENT OR TIIE EMPIOYEE OR AGENT RESFCINSIBLE TO DELITfER IT TO THE NAIvIED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE ADVISE:D THAT Ar.[y DISSEMINATION DXSTRIBUTION OR COPYINCOF THIS COMMUMCATION IS PROHIBNED. IF YOU HAVE RECEryED THIS COMMUMCATION IN ERROR. PLEASE RETT'RN TI{E ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO TI{E SENDERAr TrrE *oT ADDRESS. Tr{ANK YOU. Parcel Details Parcel Number 001 104028: Parcel Number: 001 104028 Owner Mailing Address: MICHAEL LYONS JOANNA LYONS 641 SEMPLE CT BENICIA CA945103136 Site Address: 92T 6TH ST PORT TOWNSEND 98368 Section: 10 Qtr Section: SEt/4 Township: 30N Range: lW Page 1 of2 Wr'frnter FrEeffidly School District: Port Townsend (50) Firc Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Sub Division: GREEN SHORT PLATAMENDED Aggpggnr'c I a nd Use Cod e: 91OO - VACANT LAND Property Description: GREEN SHORT PLAT AMENDED I LOT B W/EASE I SUBJ/JLT CONSERV EASE vs3s/Ps66 | | Click on photo for larger image. No Photo Availsbls x No ?nd Photo Available .' llfifi]fl .,{ff lnfn ; DnpnrYrnent.t' Sssrrh SEARCH Jeffersan CouHt No Permit Data Available No Assessor Data Available 1r.""*r fax, A/V, Sales Info Jelfenon (o*nty .i:.: ,:: : ., ;ilsME I COUNTY INFS I SnpA&rF4€NTS | $EARCF{ Sest viewed with Microsoft lnternel Explorer 6,0 or later http ://www. co j efferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail. asp 91t3t2007 l City of Port Townsend . Development Services Departrnent 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 37e-5095 FAX (360) 344-46t9 September 9,2008 Regarding: Critical Area Permit - LUP07-126 Lybns Residence Dear Citizen: This letter is provided as a courtesy to the neighborhood as there was considerable interest in the permits associated with the home proposed for construction at92l 6h St. (Green Short Plat, Lot B (Veasement), Township 30N, Range lW, Section 10, SE % Quarter.) The building, site preparation and critical area permits for the Lyons residence have been withdrawn by the contractor and applicant. The applicant has postponed the project for the foreseeable future, and will resubmit applications at a later date. Sincerely Iolavera Assistant Director Shoreline Administator and SEPA Responsible Offrcial Development Services Department pri ol avera@cityofpt. us I 2008-08-28 12:29 36{1379273? r> ?60344449 PU2 WALTE N FAUG}I CON$TRUCTION co.,INC. 32 Krla Squrre Place Fort Town$*nd. WA 98368 t360) d*petos (360) 3?9-1737 fax rvww.wnltinc.c{tm Augu*t 28,2(l$8 Fstricis lolavera City of Port Towusend Development Services Depnrtmcnt 250 Madison $treet, Suite 3 Port Tawnsend, WA 9836S Re; Lyons Froject BLDOT-IE5 Dear F*trici*: I have received the letler d*ted August l8'h regarding the Lycns huilding permit erpiration dtte. As you know, we have been having issucs with the eagle menagement plrn, snd to date, we havennt re*olved them. The job is strlled temporurily until the homeownsr cau nrove to our srear whieh is tahing langer than n$rmfil due to the downturn in the econsmy. We do need some more time to try to deeipher whrt Shelly Ament is requesting tftat we do on the prapertyo and hcw we csn complyo but that has b€en diflieult with the hcmerwner out*atstrte and $he$1'Ament not being readily availahle. Is fhere s way to suspend the permit until the homeowner ix he.re.without losing all ground? She definitely doe.s infend to buitd, and we have gonc ttruugh the whole Fro€ess of filing rnd postirg our intentions for the neighbors, etc., and it would be a shrme ta let nll that go dawn the drain. AUG 2 8 2008 NSEND0v\liPORT0tcril DSD l City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, V/A 98368 (360) 379-5095 FAX (360) 344-4619 August 18,2008 Ms. Joanna Lyons 641 Semple Court Benicia, CA 94510 Ms. Kris Minnihan Waldenbaugh Conshuction Co., Inc Port Townsend, WA 98368 Regarding: Building Permit (BLD07- I 85 &. LUP07 -126) Dear Ms. Lyons and Ms. Minnihan: You submitted a Building Permit (BLD07-185) on August 30,2007 and a Critical Area Permit (LUP07- 126) on December 10,2007. Ms. Shelly Ament of the Washington State Dept. of Fish and Wildlife sent an email to you, copying me, with a draft eagle management plan on April 4,2008. While I have called and e-mailed the Waldenbaugh office on several occasions, I have yet to receive a final plan. If within 10 days (August 29,2008) you do not submit your eagle management plan, or in writing make other arrangements to complete your application expeditiously and to our satisfaction, we will consider BLD 07-185 and LUP07-L26to be incomplete and abandoned per PTMC 20.01.110 as these have far exceeded the 120 days normally allowed for submittal of a document necessary to complete processing of a permit application (i.e. your eagle management plan). We hope not to have to issue this determination and look forward to working with you to come to a mutually satisfactory, and quick, conclusion to your permit applications. If you have questions, please contact me at (360) 344-4106. Sincerely, Iolavera Assistant Director / Senior Planner Development Services Department (360) 344-4601 prio lavera@cityofpt. us i:t A NATIONAL MAIN STREET COMMUNITY WASHINGTON'S HISTORIC VICTORIAN SEAPORT Page 1 ofl Suzanne Wassmer From: Pat lolavera Sent: Thursday, August 14,2008 3:13 PM To: Suzanne Wassmer Cc: Scottie Foster; Leonard Yarberry Subject: RE: Permits Expired? I've contacted them all repeatedly and was just telling John this am that its probably time to write the CAO permit expiration letter, at least to Carr and to Lyons. lf Leonard wants the building permits expired, we should combine the letters, so ask him that and get me the building permit file numbers, please. Burglar is different. We've sent him a lot of letters, have peer review in the offing and have already written once to expire, extended for a period, and now must write another expire. His house is most likely not approvable as submitted. I last spoke to Eric Toeves within the last 2 weeks. l'll take care of these. Pata From: Suzanne Wassmer Sent: Thursday, August L4,2008 1:22 PM To: Pat Iolavera Cc: Scottie Foster; Leonard Yarberry Subject: Permits Expired? Hi Pat, On the building permit hold shelf we have two building permits from August 2007 that have been waiting for the applicants to submit land use information - BLD07-174, KevinBurglar,applicationreceivedBllTl0T. LY,JHandyoudidasitevisitg/4/07. LUPOT-122(critical area application) was received 10122107. You sent them a letter 1 112107 telling them that they need to submit building elevations, geotechnical report and drainage plan. Have they responded at all? BLD07-185, Joanna Lyons, application received 8130107. Rick Taylor plan reviewed it. LUP07-126 eagte management plan application was received 1212107. You put it on hold 1111108 waiting for eagle management plan and Chet says you last spoke with Waltenbaugh Construction on 6126108 about getting a copy of the draft eagle management plan. Let me know if you'd like me to send letters to the applicants asking for an update in writing about their intentions to continue the project. How much more time do they have to submit info before we consider the building permits expired? I thought it was if they don't respond within 120 days of our asking for information. My goal on this is to write notes in the two building permit files about their status. Speaking of old permits, I still have the lot line adjustment from Cynthia Koan LUP08-001. You spoke with her 411108 and told her we can't use a Quit Claim Deed instead of a survey for the lot line adjustment and I haven't heard from her since. Can I expire it, or do I need to notify her first that will be expired if she doesn't submit a survey by - (date?)? She paid $215.00 for a type I Lot Line Adjustment. Thanks, Suzanne 8/18t2008 't ') '\tIC again They had sent draft eagle nrgmt to Lyons 4/4/08. She rehmed it dquestions. did rot send me promised letter. I requested made numerous calls to Shelly Ament and They (WC) were supposed to send letter asking for formal pause in application- to issue. Need t+ receire *ag!* pl,:ur li"<,rr'r Slielly A"n*:rt at WLTFW 19.05.080 Gritical area 2 - Fish and wildlife habitat conseryation areas. @ashington State Department of Wildlife defines, identifies and maps priority habitat and species and prepares management recommendations for them. Priority habitat types found in urban growth areas like Port Townsend include wetlands, critical drainage corridors, marine bluffs and urban natural open space. Some of these areas, especially wetlands and critical drainage corridors, provide excellent animal and bird habitat areas. This section outlines techniques for the city to use in evaluating land uses and protecting habitat areas which may be adversely impacted by these uses. These regulations are intended to provide reasonable measures to protect and conserve the habitat of fish and wildlife species and thereby maintain or increase their populations within Port Townsend. Habitat conservation will be accomplished by actively managing to maintain these species in their preferred habitats. However, habitat conservation does not require that all individuals of all species be protected. B. Classification. The following areas are defined as fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas and are identified under this chapter: 1. Lands and waters containing documented habitats for plant and animal species listed in the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's Priority Habitats and Species Program Report. Habitats and species of local significance may be added by action of the city council where the value and significance of such species locally can be established and sound scientific evidence can be presented to establish that the species' existence is determined to be locally significant; 2. All public and private tidelands or bedlands suitable for shellfish harvest as designated by the Washington Department of Health's classification system. Shellfish protection districts may be established pursuant to Chapter 90.72 RCW; 3. Areas with kelp and eelgrass beds. Kelp and eelgrass beds may be classified and identified by the Department of Natural Resources Aquatic Lands Program and the Department of Ecology. Many locations are compiled in the Puget Sound Environmental Atlas or the Port Townsend urban waterfront EIS maps; 4. Herring, smelt, sand lance and forage fish beach spawning areas. Times and locations are outlined in WAC 232-14-010, Hydraulic Code Guidelines, Technical Report No. 79, the Puget Sound Environmental Atlas and the City of Port Townsend Shoreline lnventory (2004; 5. Naturally occurring ponds (or created wetland ponds that are not stormwater detention/retention facilities) less than 20 acres I and their submerged aquatic beds that provide significant fish or wildlife habitat; 6. Streams and waters of the state (see WAC 190- 080(5)(a)(vi)) that provide habitat to endangered or threatened species, or certain species that have been identified as being sensitive to habitat manipulation, as defined in WAC 222-16-030, Forest Practices Rules and Regulations; 7. Lakes, ponds and streams planted with game fish, including those planted under the auspices of a federal, state, local or tribal program, and waters which support priority fish species as identified by the Department of Wildlife; B. Feeder bluffs along marine shorelines; and 9. Marine nearshore habitat areas (i.e., the area encompassing the extreme low tide limit to the ordinary high water mark) and associated vegetated marine riparian areas. C. Regulated Development. 1. Development occurring on lands and waters containing documented habitats for plant and animal species listed in the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's Priority Habitats and Species Program Report. At this time, the only priority habitats and species known to be identified and mapped by the Department of Wildlife in Port Townsend are the following: a. Bald eagles; b. Great blue herons; c. Brant and harlequin feeding areas; d. Waterfowl concentrations at Kah Tai Lagoon; e. Waterfowl wintering area at golf course pond. 2. Development occurring on lands and waters containing public and private tidelands or bedlands suitable for shellfish harvest. 3. Development occurring on lands and waters containing kelp and eelgrass beds. 4. Development occurring on lands and waters containing herring, smelt, sand lance and forage fish beach spawning areas. 5. lf other priority species are identified by the applicant, the city or the state of Washington: a. These species will be added to the list of Port Townsend's priority species; and b. The applicant must then provide a habitat management plan recommending appropriate protections based on the state Department of Wildlife priority habitat species management recommendations, as well as any other proposed mitigation measures that are considered necessary and appropriate by the director for the protection of the species identified. 6. Species of local significance may be added for protection by action of the city council where the value and significance and I sound scientific evidence can be presented to establish that the species' existence is threatened or endangered locally. D. Performance Standards Applicable to All Development. 1- Development activities allowed in fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas shall be consistent with the species located there, and shall be regulated additionally by restrictions defined in applicable federal, state and local regulations regarding the species. 2. Habitat conservation areas identified in required habitat management plans are to be conserved for the management and maintenance of fish and wildlife habitat. Habitat conservation areas may overlap with other identified critical areas. Likely areas of overlap include critical drainage corridors, geologically hazardous areas and wetlands. 3. When habitat areas overlap with other critical areas, all the performance standards established for the overlaying critical area(s) shall apply. lf multiple critical areas overlap in an area, the most restrictive conditions shall apply. 4. All habitat management plans required under this section shall incorporate mitigation recommendations developed in consideration of the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife's Aquatic Habitat Guidelines, the Department of Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget Sound (2001), and Chapter 5 of the Low lmpact Development Technical Guidance Manual for the Puget Sound (2004). E. Performance Standards for Terrestrial Habitats and Species. 1. A habitat management plan shall be required for any development in or adjacent to areas identified as habitat for endangered, threatened or priority species. The plan shall incorporate mitigation recommendations developed in consideration of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife habitat recommendations. 2. The habitat management plan shall show the exact location and extent of habitat conservation areas and any alteration of any habitat areas that may reduce the likelihood that the above listed species will survive or reproduce. 3. Development in or adjacent to areas used by state priority species shall be designed, located and constructed in consideration of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife habitat recommendations, and consistent with best management practices (BMPs), including measures to avoid impacts due to construction noise, light and timing. 4. Developments occurring within the shoreline jurisdiction shall be mitigated to achieve no net loss of habitat function. 5. To preserve areas of native vegetation and to allow for habitat connectivity, the following development standards shall also be applied in terrestrial habitat conservation areas that lie within the shoreline jurisdiction : a. Total impervious surface area shall be limited to 40 percent or 4,000 square feet, whichever is less; and b. At least 25 percent of the lot shall be required to be retained or restored in native vegetation. F, Performance Standards for Marine Habitats and Species. 1. Development in areas watenruard of the ordinary high water mark shall require a habitat analysis. 2. Development proposals shall be designed to first avoid and then minimize environmental impacts. 3. Unavoidable impacts to marine habitat and environmental processes shall be mitigated to achieve no net loss of habitat function. 4. A habitat management plan shall be required for any development likely to cause impacts to marine habitat and environmental processes. The plan shall incorporate mitigation recommendations consistent with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife habitat recommendations. 5. A1l in-water development shall meet the requirements of the Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) process administered by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. G. Buffers or Setbacks. 1. To retain adequate natural habitat for classified species, buffer needs shall be assigned on a case-by-case basis, and the process and justification shall be described in the required habitat management plan. 2. Buffers shall be based on Washington Department of Wildlife, Priority Habitat and Species Management recommendations. 3. Buffer widths may be increased by the director if species present are sensitive to or endangered by habitat alteration, or if the area supports unique or rare plant communities, or contains rearing and nesting sites for endangered, threatened or priority species. 4. Buffer widths may be reduced by the director if the project includes buffer enhancement as part of an approved habitat management plan or if it is found that the affected property would be denied reasonable use as defined in PTMC 19.05.050(D). 5. Building setback lines shall be measured from the outside edge of required buffers and no setback shall be less than 15 feet from an established buffer. H. Mitigation or Compensation. 1. Mitigation measures could include, but are not limited to: a. Establishment of buffer zones; b. Preservation of critically important plants and trees; ) c. Limitation of access to habitat area; d. Seasonal restriction of construction activities; e. Establishing a timetable for periodic review of the development; f. Using BMPs to avoid or reduce impacts; g. Reducing the size, scope, configuration or density of the project. l. Special Report Required. A habitat management plan shall be required for any development in areas identified as breeding or nesting habitat for endangered, threatened or priority species. (Ord. 2899 S 1, 2005; Ord.2319 S 1, 1992). )Page 1 ofl Jan Hopfenbeck From: Jan Hopfenbeck Sent: Wednesday, November 14,2007 3:52 PM To: Pat lolavera Cc: Judy Surber; Francesca Franklin; 'amentdma@dfiiv.wa.gov'; Suzanne Wassmer Subject: Joanna Lyons Building Permit #07-1 85/SDP07-031 /MlP07-1 35 Pat, SheIIeg Ament, WA State Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, cqlled to see if we could schedule q meeting up at the Green Short Plat properta off of Sims Way. We haue a building permit submittedfor Parcel B; the property is subject to a conseruation easement with the Jefferson Land Trust and all parcels within the PIat are required to haue an Eagle Habitat Management PIan submittedfor any deuelopment actiuities located within Boofeet of the eagles' nesting tree (this property is approximately z5o feet from the tree; rights-of-way to be trenched are closer). This potentially could limit construction to those months outside of February t to Augus\ typically the nesting seeson for Eagles. These dates canbe modifiedby the Eagle HabitatManagement PIan. There is a note in the building permit fiIe that Suzanne spoke with Kris from Waltenbaugh Construction on September t3 regarding the requirement for the Management Plan and reportedly it tuas forthcoming from SheIIey. I discussed this project and a proposed site uisit with Judy and gou a couple of weeks ago, if you recall. Shelley has phoned to say shehas time onthe t5th/t6th (not doable as Aou are out sick sofar this week) or the zoth/zttt. Your cqlendor appears to be open the morning and early afternoon of Tuesday, Nouember zoth . As soon as Aou are back in the office, uould you let Shelley and me know if the zoth would workfor you? Shelley needs to know ASAP as she has numerous field uisits ro schedule in this month. I'lI see if that time works for Judg and Francesca. Hope you'refeeling better soon, Jan Jan HopfenbeckCPE, CBI Plans Examiner/Permit Coordinator City of Port Townsend Develop me n t Se rvice s De p a rtme nt 250 Madison Street Suife 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: (360) 379-5080 Fax: (360) 344-4619iW rr/r4t2007 i l , , h 1 , € * 8 l v r , 1 1 r , n o r 1 j ; r , v V j , l ! i v v , t L 2 i a a 2 7 - a r z L s 1 { " ; a - r f t j ) t ' h , i I - . : : : : * i l a - , i ' W F v l F { [ n - # - - * C V ? [ - ' r : , r * i ' v a V , ^ F \ ' , ; f ; + . . ] 1 t + ! " 1 s E I I , e k g r Y r - j 2 n a l a B ' 4 . ' . - ' ! / r r ' ' - 1 3 1 ^ " 5 ; I I I I I 0 ' e o l ( - \ - = r ' , ' 1 * 9 " f l t d , S r S y d v d i i . n . ' f l t V : q , J ' r f l Q r f r . n - \ a ? o O q t ' l , J \ - Z t / c - # 1 v e $ - r > l r V q J n r r v < . r l I I I I I { I I i i I i I b b t . I ( l I 1 { : I J I I I I I I t , L p I I { i x r U r g A i i 0 r 9 - . J , f r f i I € r c - l | - ? 5 1 ' c v d - v 4 i x - T q 1 , 1 , 5 i " . - q ' L t ' A f i a g ' g - | rf r-r l- ,J r-f I t f-L-, r \l \-/ t I \J I \ I I t-r l I l-v, I \/ I \t \'., aIN CITY a.a tJl/?\El /+' SECT')0N 10, T.30 OF PORT TOWNSEND, JEFFERSON No? R.1 COUNTY , t^J t j tJH. tJASH I NGTON +-- BASIS FOR BEARINGS: BEARING 0F N88'52' l5'E BETUEEN CITY STREET INTERSECT_IO_N tlONUtlENTS AT 7TH & SHER I DAN AND 7TH 6, CLEVELAND STREETS , ' yoTE: th" *"u depicted as Lots 1,2, and 3, and shown as crosshatched, was platted :Hilffi ::"fl :3":,1"JJ#Tffi'S:H,l;:ffi 'iff*l,HHilsJ:LH;."iffi :" - lots are-recon-figured into and become part of Parcels B 4nd Q, as shown on this Amende Green Short Plat, however, all of the area comprising Lots 1,2, and3 remains subject to- the terms and conditions of the conservation easement under AFN 384789.BLoCK 2+O BLOC 132.97 K 2+t CENTERLINE IO' EAST1T. FOR 99.97 SEUER UNDER AFN 26OO5J BLOCK 2+:? - 2+4.95 al0 23e. 83 NORTH 36 FEET OF VAC. 6TH STREET t6 rT7 :A6LE NEST 265.94 N08'52'l5'E PER AFN 3E+5?7 t a) cn o z, o-: + C'It = fuo g la /b --r-'.vF- o o</ I LOT I LOT 2 BLoCK 2+A LOT 3 LOT + q, o *t ,uo" / D( o N88'52' I 5'E ; rysO'E' 19"L, +7 Lor z od' 6t,+31 s0. FT. s88'52' 1 5"U ,/ ,/oT 3 66 Trre o p P t cn z.oz. .;\A.-{++('trn; rft -{ Lor 7 BLoCK e PAROHL c I o(:rcr\ Put'r AJ.s (vze..-Eoi 3poe-r .\ W I,5I 6 01 -"9 , oa 0T6 LOT E LOT 5 99.97 NOe '52-' tF;E LOT 3 LOT + j:.si _ N88'52' t5*E ,/ qr qt I I I I 5 //o /7 t- +.ro{ /fA 33 r.f GJ GJ VAC . 5TH STREET 3 ./ 265. 93. 90? slrls UAY I nouse UEST HOUSE J6'UIDE PRIVATE, NON-EXCLUSIYE ACCESS PER AFN 7A+527 9+t 6TH STREET lr s+zo LOT 6 o o (t-----1t -J I('t PARCEL A SO, FT, 132 .97 N80'5?' I 5'E \l_ q 3;' € -rlov : I r c =lH6 I 3 alml :f' mz.l-rl z. o- FN 36+7?7. 92I 6TH STREET 99.97-I 54 .35 -< oa b 4 /t o L-l 4q- o -->rr HYDT AL ? Grzd o I l9l6r3 {//PER AFN 3O+527 ozr (-rFr LAfFIr TTECEL B ?o2.88 358t+ S0. FT LOT I ,NEO'UIDE DR NAGE a 5 E5?I EASTIT P ERIA5 'cenrERt-tHE to' UIDE EAstlT. FoR sEUER OF Tsr€ EASTIT. FOR E. I . ( l5- {-= r.-eCN{ ! 6o(tf LoT Z q 4 bq a OQIGI T..JAL N08'52' I 5'E UTILITlES EASEI1ENT q tu SHED TO BE REI1OVED Ngo '52' ,/ ,/oF T Hr-I I q b o €t.{ SurofaT Pr-Af rT5 + 33 (n o artrt nrNtn ctrTRAnK IINFS\ ,l ,o J f$ G{ ' a d k I /' - tJ / ' LI U F O, A E EV , , A€ : r 9 x z { < _ t i ^, . , F -. l /' j, i p , o * r . . *" o , . :) + ' LO i .t v w+ 4 9 i 1 I i I I I i I h6 1 " t t " * r r { , qq , -* f i ; \ : r\ ,4 , 3 5 ./ t6 o o G, t u uW 6d t Pc r fA U k L/ ) J I pA P ( €L S 12 t Au 5+ ' Lr . t 6 - \ _) 1,1p a Li u€ $s h : #' r+w p €,&t t v' E L k' 5 \ D to z , 0 O4 c l < L Sa A c s 3/ 3 2 - 19 1 . Ft * a r t 1 I i Se w < e Lt A i f ,' - 7 1 E 38 ' u d rt rl 5 #r i 6 vr \ € ^ .i - / .g x -J t' - (l F 8 tr \_- - I I -& uF to G r c n € n ) f fi y a g€ t , ^ , , { } r Lr , r ' l f /J i? . c f c- )P : t 1 t A L ^ I ,r i t t + : * 1 " .S f i c { _ " l ll . \ / f 2d 2 " x ( a4 + . ' ( 5 (ro$N--:tt.;IIeglr "Sdatlrtordi'oqi=.-;€ErtyrSs ---ul -= rrr- F - :-h_o -r aLErcE -re +-> -v-.-:<E-r._ -4 -6i-(, -o-a -L-r5 IES ot .POR[-larwsasENlr, As Ptr$rr.Ar-l(.ti(Ir&lrEl) tN voLUME Z OF ptATS, PAGE 24, TOGETHERS{TTIIfiTOSE PORTIONS OF \TACA:IED 'rI{, qII AI.ID WIISON SIREETS ASVACATED t '}RDINAI.TCE NO. t225 OF TIIE CnY Or p, -I]OwNSEND RECORDED JULy6, 1949 TJNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. II8233, RECORDS on JEFFER^SoN coUNTY, WASHINGTON: AND TIIAT PORTION OF TI{E SoUTHEAST QUARTER oF sEcTIdN [0, TOTPNSIIP 30 NORTI{, RANGE I WEST, W.lvl, JEEFERSON COUNTY, WASIIINGTON, ALL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT TIIE POINT OF INTER.SECTION OF THE NORTIIERLY TVTARGIN OF STATEHIGHWAY(SR2O), AS CONVEY:ED TO THE STATE OFWASHINGTON BY DEED RECORDED MAY 3, 1926 UNDER AUDITOR'S FTLE NO. 54366, WTffi THE EAST LTNE OF VACATED WIISON STREET, AS SHOWN ON THE FACE OF THE PLAT OF SAID EISENBEIS ADDITION; THENCENORIIIALONG SAID EAST LINE OFSAID EASTLINE EXTENDED TO TIIE CEbNERLINE OFVACATED 5TfI STREET, AS ST1OWN ON THE FACE OF SAID PLAT; THENCE WEST, ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF VACATED STII STREET; 33 FEET TO THE CENTER IINE OFVACATED wtrSON STREET; TIIENCE NORTI{ AtONc SAID CENTER LINE. TO TTIE NORIT{ LINE OF VACATED 6TH STREET. AS SHOWN ON TIIE FACE OF SAID PLAT; THEI.ICE EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, TO THE EAST LINE EXTENDED NoRTTI OF SAID BLOCK 247, BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 24I IN SAID PLAT. TIIENcE CoNTINUING EAST, AT Riclrt ANGLES TuERETo, To rHE NoRTITERtry rrr,ir.cnr OF STATE HIGHWAY (SR zo)i AS CONVEYED TO TI{E STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 6, L9TI IN VOLUME 94 OF DEEDS, PAGE 5I3, RECORDS OF S.AID COUNTY; TIIENCE soLrn{wESTERLY, ALoNc Sap NoRTIIERLy MARGIN, To TIIE poINT oF BEGINNING- TI{AT PORTION OF T}IE SOUTITEAST QUARTER OF SArD SECTTON l0 rs MORE PARTTCUI.ARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS I, 2 AND 3 OF GREEN SHORT PLAT LPU93O6-04, AS PER PI-AT RECORDED IN VOLUME 3 OF SHORT PLATS PAGES I15 THROUGH I17, UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 384527, RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, TOGETHER WITH PRIVATE, NON-EXCLUSME ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT AS DELINEATED TTIEREON. AIL SITUATE IN COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF WASHINGTON PUBLIC NOTICE The owners shown hereon, their grantees and assignees in interest, are hereby notified that Lots A & B have access to citywater and sewer main lines, but must be provided With side service connsc,flsns ("stub-outs") consistent with the Port Townsend Engineering Design Standards as part of the process ofhome construction on these lots. Please contact the City of Port Townsend Building and Community Development office for additional information regarding these water and sewer connections. Areas of Parcel B and C wirictr are subject to a conservation easement shall not be counted towards total lot area for the purposes of calculating allowable lot coverage or impervious surface. .1" ' -'I, JUD'ITH 'E. h6N COUNTY, UASI{INGTON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL TAXES DUE AND OR DEPOSTTS REOUTRED TO COVER ANTICIPATED TAXES ON THE PROPERTY EHBRACED IN THIS PLAT HAVE BEEN P ID, UP ANd iNCLUDi G YE JEFFERSO COUNTY TREASURER C I TY TREASURER *S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THER ARE NO DELINOUENT SPECIAL ASSESSI1ENTS FOR t/HICH THE PROPENTY SUBJECT TO THIS SUBDIVISION I1AY BE LIABLE IOTHE CITY, AND TTIAT ALL sPEciAL ASsESsTlENTs ONANY PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS, O HAVE BEEN DULY PAI R FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE,D, SATIS IED OF DiSCHARGED, THIS DAY OF ,200+ PORT TO END TllEASt-!RER , ASSESSORS APP R OVAL EXAT1 I NED AN D COUNTY TREASURE R'S CERTIFICATE RIS, TREASURER OF JEFFERSON PUBLIC IJORKS D .- a. o. I HEREBT CERTIFY T COI1PLIANCE IJITH TH PORT TOUNSEND MUNC I IlPROVEI1ENT STANDA A P T APPROVAL, PORT TOUNSEND'PUBL BUILDING I.c0t1t1 I HEREBY CERTIFY Th THAT THIS FINAL PLA PLAT AND ANY CONDII PROVED ON THE I 9' PORT IJ D BUILDI KNOU ALL PERSONS BY TH OF INTEREST IN THE LAN CONSENT, HEREBY DECLAR OF THE SUBDIVISION I1AD ORI1AN A. NASON A CKNOIJLEDGEIlENT t_ c. e. Road and Stormwater Maintenance standards:1' Maintenance of roads shall include but not be limited to the filling of potholes,regrading of roadwayltlfug", d"itching and placement of gravei as necessary to enable lotowners to use the roads for ingress and egress to the lots.2' The stormwater system shall be iispected ana maintained at least annually.Maintenance includes cleaning the sumps when they are filled more than l/3 withsediment, removing. any debris from grates, inlets and control orifices to ensure thatrunoff flows through system.3' Maintenance fee: Each lot owner shall be liable for an equal prorated portion ofthe costs necessary to maintain the road.way and stormwater system. If a lot owner failsto pay their share when due, said payment shall be a lien on said lot owner,s lot, anddefaulting property owner shall payihe costs, attomey fees, and costs of researching thetitle, all of which also become a-lien on their prop.rty. -" 4' The city of Port Townsend retains ttre rlgtrt tl access and maintain onsite citywater and sewer lines, fire hydrants and any othJr city utilities. rrr. ciiyi, .,otresponsible. for maintenance of private.oui*uy, o,,to.-*ut".,;i;;;:' ^" ^^" The owners shown hereon, their grantees and assignees in interest, are hereby notified that the parcels in this short plat are in close proximity to an eagle nesting site. A Bald Eagle Management Plan prepared by the WA Department of Fish and Wildlife or by a qualified professional approved by that agency must be submitted to the City with any development proposals, including tree removal, involving parcels A, B or C. In addition, heavy equipment work or outside construction activities may be limited during nesting season, February I't through August 15th or as specified in the Bald Eagle Management Plan. This includes all work done within 800 feet of the eagle's nest in conjunction with development of Parcels Paftel A, B or C, whether such work occurs on the parcels themselves or on public rights-of way or on access and utility easements serving those parcels. The effect of this requirement may be modified by the Deparhrent of Fish and Wildlife if the nest relocates or if bald eagles are "delisted" as an endangered or threatened species. d. Height restriction: Future structures shail not exceed 16 feet above the average natural ground elevation of the acfual area covered by any such structure per height easement recorded as AFN 384790. APPROVED THIS 2004.STATE OF COUNTY OF SSJEFFFR€€+f5q Ar+A iltA/ FER SON COUNTY ASSESSER ,W ATTEST: cr4d'AY OF SUBSCRIBED AND SUORN T(