HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-181 oversize drawings not scanned)ft.,\ ) City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 9g36g (360)379_s09s BTJILDING PERMIT Project Information Permit Type Commercial Tenant Improvement Site Address 834 SHERIDAN Project Description Installation ofpatient lifts in three locations Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-181 948319202 Names Associated with this Project T'ype Name Applicant Jefferson Co publ Hosp Dist #2 Owner Jefferson Co publ Hosp Dist H2 Contractor U S Metal Works Contractor U SMetal Works Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date 0-CITY STATE APPLIED FOP. 12/31/2OO] USMETWI 1 89t 05 t31 /20090- Fee Information Proiect Valuation Building Permit Fee PIan Review Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit Project Details Entered Bid Valuation 23,000 DoLt $23.000.00 363.25 236.11 4.54 1.21 r 0.00 Total Fees $621.13 *** SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS X** Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of lg0 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certifythat the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is irue and accurate to the best of nry knowledge. I furlher cerrifythat I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. a4 ,-4*^ s -Lec- I frn a-, ,4c /. Pri n-nt amN e c-6 t4 a5- Datelssued: l0/1012007 ISsuedBy: PWESTERFIELD ) City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 9g36g (360)379_s09s BT]ILDING PERMIT Project Information Permit Type Commercial Tenant Improvement Site Address 834 SHERIDAN Project Description Installation of patient lifts in thrce locations Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLDO7-r8l 948319202 Conditions l0 Alterations or extensions of the fire alarm and/or fire sprinkler systems require separate permits. Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of lg0 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this peflnit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the pTMC or other laws or regulations. I certifythat the infonnation provided as a part of the application for this pernrit is irue and accurate to the best of 'ry knowledge. I further certifythat I am the owner ofthe property or authorized agent ofthe owner. Print Name Date Issued lssued By: l0/t0/200'r PWESTERF]EI-D CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3. Po r t To w n s e n d " WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N . PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I W AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y . ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON AN D SI G N E D OFF TH E JO B S I T E , PA R C E L NO . 94 8 3 1 9 2 0 2 PE R M I T NO , AD D R E S S 83 4 SH E R I D A N OW N E R JE F F E R S O N CO PU B L HO S P DI S T #2 CO N T R A C T O R U S ME T A L W O R K S BL D O T - 1 B1 IS S U E D DA T E 1O I 1 O I 2 O O 7 D( P I R A T I O N DATE 04107 t2008 CO N S T R U C T I O N T Y P E OC C U P A N T LOAD PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N In s t a l l a t i o n of oa t i e n t li f t s in th r e e lo c a t i o n s LE N D E R FR A M I N G AC C E S S I B L I T Y CE I L I N G GR I D FI R E SP R I N K L E R FI R E . F I N A L FI N A L - D O H . C S FI N A L BU I L D I N G IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E TO RE Q U E S T AN IN S P E C T I O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 s - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . COMMENTS CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT# €,LY\O7-I 8l SCOPE OF WORK: DATE RECEryED 8 I -07 DATE ACTION INITIALS8.J1, h7 ENTERED INTO CHET p!-ur CA - to Planning - No evidence J CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS tt 6 rlavn +.o lt ?lbclc-t -o\A"ed vJ4. OK.St^lI L//tv/n) /,-t lD- lb-b-7 A?-tt rI A/'?c cl ( ( A*,I I il v {./t y''f7.1-- t/An If" -t<{-6- o q It)@ ..5[* I tl /ot 10q o w Gity of Port Townsend Development Se rvices Depa rtment 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, port Townsend, WA 9g36g (360)379-s095 Invoice Date: lnvoice # 1O-ocT-07 120 JEFFERSON CO PUBL HOSP DIST #2 834 SHERIDAN ST PORTTOWNSB{DWA 98368-2443 Application No BLD07-181 ftoject: ApplicationType ConrnercialTenanilmprovernent Parcel # 94a319202 Subdivision: EISENBEISADDn-DN Site Address: 834 SHERIDAN Blocldlot Description Building Permit Fee Han Review Fee State Buiding Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Buildlng Permit Record Retenlion Fee for Building permit Fee AnDunt $363.25 $236.1 1 $4.50 $7.27 $10.00 Paid/Credit $0.00 $ 150.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 Balance Due $363.25 $86,1 1 $4.50 $7.27 $10.00 $621.13 $150.00 Total Fee Affbunt: Total Paid/Credits: Balance Due:$471.1 Payment due within 30 days Page 1 Letter of Transmittal October 4,2007 'M,e I -rf ffiiw;;;iiT; ,,1"!l'l ry ry\ tr|t lj,t glu l ,'.1 f c-{.irr"tl Construction Review Services 310 Israel Road SE Tumwater, WA 98501 PO Box 47852 Olympi4 Washington 98504 -7 852 www.doh.wa.gov/crs tel.360-236-2944 fax.360-236-2901 Project Info: Key People: Assigned DOH Reviewer: Facility Adminishator: Architect / Engineer: cRS# 9s07 Jefferson Healthcare Hospital Chapter 246-320 WAC Hospitals Patient Lifts Matthew Campbell matthew.campbell@doh.wa. gov Jefferson Healthcare Hospital Vic Dirkson 834 Shridan St Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 385-2200 Project location Building Official: 834 Sheridan St Port Townsend, WA 98368 Sprinkler / Contractor: Rice Fergus Miller Bob Miller 262 4h St Port Townsend, WA 98337 (360) 373-8773 bmiller-rheese@rfmarch.com N/A Other:N/A Copies To: X Local Building Official: tr Washington State Patrol, Fire Protection Bureau X Architect / Engineer: Rice Fergus Miller n Sub-Contractor: N/A Local Permit # Facility Contact:Jefferson Healthcare Hospital Dana Michelsen 834 Shridan St Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 38s-2200 dmichelsen@jgh.org City of Port Townsend Jan Hopfenbeck l8l Quincy St. Ste 301 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s087 jhopfenbeck@cityofpt. us N/AFire Alarm Contractor: Other:N/A DOH Child Birth Center Licensing DOH Office of Accommodations & Res. Care Survey DOH Office of Health Care SurveyDSHS, , Div. Of Alcohol and Substance AbuseDSHS, , Aging & Adult Services AdministrationL&\ , Electrical SectionL&1, , Factory Assembled Structures nuX cRS File Page I of4 found. Sub-Contractor: N/A Other: n!nn!trtr Plan Review Comments for Project #Error! Reference source not Jefferson Healthcare Hospital Chapter 246-320 WAC Hospitals Patient Lifts Memo: - Authorizedto Begin Construction - -ED Trauma Bays Only- Redlined Drawings- The documents have been reviewed and construction can begin without delay, subject to construction permitting from the local building official. The stamped approved copy of the documents shall be kept available on site for survey and inspection staff. The local building official is responsible for building construction permitting and occupancy. This project cannot be approved for licensure until the following comments labeled as oonot approved" have been resolved. These comments must be resolved by providing a written response, or, by a site inspection to veriff compliance. Please note the following: ' Any changes (incl. change orders or addenda) during construction shall be submitted to the department for review of compliance with applicable codes. . Approval for licensure cannot be given until all construction documents and changes have been reviewed and approved. ' Proceeding with construction prior to resolving the attached comments will constitute facility acknowledgement that you are proceeding at your own risk. ' If we do not receive written responses to the attached comments, we will automatically schedule a site inspection. ' You must notify the department when construction is complete, either by the included notification of construction complete (pink card) or by completing the form on the CRS website. Additional instructions may be printed on the pink card. When we receive notification, we will notify DOH Office of Health Care Survey that you have completed the review process and are ready for licensing. ' Final licensing approval may be subject to a site inspection by DOH Office of Health Care Survey to veri$ compliance with Hospital licensing regulations. Approval for work at ED Trauma Bays contingent on installation of patient lift as shown on red-lined shop drawings. Page2 of 4 found. Plan Review Comments forProject # Error! Reference source not r*-)) Facili Data Certificate: Estimated Date of Occupancy: 1-B 2OO3IBCa Fi Fr t-r t'{ Fl (J trr Fli Yes Yes Type o o Jefferson Healthcare Hospital Construction Type Added: NoYes NoYes oes oYes oYes Applicable Code: Certificate of Need Required: Automatic Fire Sprinkler System: Automatic Fire Alarm System Compartmentation req'd: Special Egress Control: Smoke Control System Provided Location Total: Facility Name: Site Address: DOH Facility ID: Critical Access Facility:X Yes nNo 834 Sheridan St Port Townsend, WA 98368 CON Approval Granted: CONNumber: Occupancy Group: I-2 Number of Beds: Current:Removed: tnEI q3 <Qlrl tiEla/-2?f-l j dY Hd Number of units: Private occupancy: Based on size of rooms used for sleeping Residents Based on size of common rooms Residents Maximum allowable licensable beds: Two person occupancy: Qualifies for Assisted Living Funding Program I Ves nNo Number of qualifuing units: a Fd3 z The data above is based on the information presented to CRS. Any change in the facility or facility program that causes the above information to be incorrect is subject to review by CRS. Approval for construction is not approval for licensure. A copy of the facility data certificate will be sent to the licensing agency. Page 3 of4 found. Plan Review Comments for Project # Error! Reference source not Jefferson Healthcare Hospital Chapter 246-320 WAC Hospitals Patient Lifts Plan Review Comments Provide a minimum 3'-6" clear distance between existing sprinkler head and patient lift traverse rail at ED Trauma rooms. WAC 246-320-505(2)(a)(ii) Approved l0lll07 - Based on redlines to the submitted shop drawings. Traverse rail stops shall be installed to limit travel of lift traverse rail to not within 3'-60' of sprinkler head location, typical at each location. El Two sets of sprinkler system working plans shall be submitted for review and approval before any equipment is installed or remodeled. The department reserves the right to defer plan review and inspections to the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Deviation from approved plans will require permission. Plans and specifications. including hydraulic calculations. that are incomplete or are not stamped blr a State returned Plans and specifications may be submitted separately from construction documents during the construction of the project. For small renovation projects in which heads are only to be relocated, a plan that shows the relocation of devices can be submitted for review in lieu of the above requirements. Section g03.I,International Fire Code Submit sprinkler shop drawings for revised sprinkler plans designed to provide coverage to accommodate existing and planned ceiling mounted equipment at Radiology Room. Compliance with the comments above provided by the Department of Health, Construction Review Services, are necessary for this facility to meet the requirements of the applicable licensing regulations found in the Washington State Administrative Code and associated references. These comments do not relieve thefacilityfrom the responsibility to meet the requirements ofany other applicablefederal, state or local regulations. In the event of conflicts between other jurisdictions and these written conments, the most stringent shall apply. Page 4 of4 found. ro $) ao. t z -o Aa E o o E O 1 2 Plan Review Comments for Project # Enor! Reference source not STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNERAND CONTRACTOR where the basis for payment is a STIPULTITED SUM AGREEMENT made as of this Twenty-third day of May,2007 BETWEEN: The Owner: Jefflerson County Public Hospital District No. 2 834 Sheridan Street Port Townsend, Washington 98368 and The Contractor: U S Technical Structures 36370Industrial Way Sandy,OR 97055 for The Project: WA License #USMETWI I89D9 Installation of Guldmann Patient Lift Supports(Design/Build) The Architect is Design Review: RicefergusMiller 262 4thAvenue Bremerton, WA 98337 ARTICLE I: THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Conffact (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documents listed in this Agreement and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement; these form the Contract, and are as fully apart of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and 422287.03 I Develiipment Servfces 250 Madison Slreet, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax: 360-344.4619 wranv.cityofpt.us Commercial Building Permit Application ) Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150 D See the "Commercial Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. fi :"f"",.t+U"W.-.ooo/.ottr.^1(a ft.( ,sl,/n ./b Address: ?: f 5 L.--/P.^ L-i-- 6 Phone Email: Ce ^- s / r r s /(wta u-CJ ,%s a- , ca4 Contractor:I LDo r l(s Addres IA {r to-ta* Sq^uL,r, C re 17rs5-5 Phone Email: state Licens e*. k S m Ef U) City Business License #: I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authoiized to u"tlOrit.f?af? of owner and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and Print Name , 50, uL1 (s: Si ^ ,/- t'5 n^tr%/ the I i Port Townsend Municipal Code. Project Address & Zoning District: 737 54 u,r/*o CZ/1 Legal Description (or Tax #) Addition: Block: Lot(s Office USe Onlv, Permit*-Blj]oz#l Associated Permits:Parcer# ?"r"5 /?-Aaz Project Descriptio n:/ t, //s Fnnef Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Name Project Valuation: $3 ooo entative Name:c. Address -SA -., o(.A. City/SUZip t o u)m Phone: 3 6 O- Email:/a*i4 I Construction Type Occupancy Rating:te€/to ,/, ( c8 Building lnformation (square feet) ldfloor 22SgZ Restrooms: 2nd ftoor 6Z t 7a Deck(s) Storage:3'dfloor La /A z- Basement Other: ls it finished? Yes No New fl Addition n RemodeliRepair,E( Change of Use tl Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint): Square feet:6/ /7O lmpervious Surface: o//o Square feet: sis - q-l,//L,' Date: 8 -2 tr- O 7 \ t a GOUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN Project Record Date: To: Attn: August 6,2007 Rice Fergus Miller Architecture & Planning, LLP 252 Fourth St. Bremertory W498337 Bob Miller-Rhees AUG 2 7 ',il1il Jefferson Healthcare Bariatric Lift Installation s07-0134-03 Stephen Day Proiect: Project No: By: Memorandum Sent Via email 3 Page(s) RE: Structural Review of Bariatric Lift Installation Shop Drawings Bob: At your request we have reviewed the installation drawings for the Jefferson Healthcare Bariatric Lifts prepared by ACME Construction Supply (Drawings A1.0 & A2.0, dated 7 /27 /07). The scope of our review was to determine if the existing roof and ceiling structure is adequate to support the new lift loads. Analysis of the new support structure as detailed in the ACME shop drawings is not part of our review; it is expected that engineering calculations will be prepared for design of the elements illustrated. The load criteria evaluated is a 6001b Bariatric Lift load, plus weight of the new lift support structure, and code applicable dead, live and snow loads at the roof structure. Existing structural drawings for Jefferson Hospital (1987,1995) were consulted to determine the building structure, and calculations & shop drawings for the existing ceiling/medical support grids were also available for our review. Bariatric Lift System in Emergencv Rooms (Ref detail A/ A1,.0 of ACME shop Drawings): The lift support rails at this installation location are supported by existing open-web steel joists at the roof. The shop drawings detail new connections to the top chords of the steel joists. Our review indicates that the existing roof joists are adequate for support of the imposed lift loads, provided the recommendations below are followed: 1. Connections to the steel joists must occur within 4" of panel points, where joist web members attach to chord members. Ref. Figure 1 (from E/ A1,.0 of ACME drawings, with CPL markups) 5th & PINE BUILDING '4I3 PINE STREET'SUITE 3OO . SEATTLE, WA' 98IOI TEL: 206/343-0460' FAX: 2061343-569 I 1 COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN 2. Connection rods between the upper MIDI-Rail and lower MIDI-Rail must be located at least L'-0" away from the existing joists. A minimum of (2) connection rods must be installed in each joist bay crossed by the MIDI Rails. Ref Figure 2 (from D/A1.0 of ACME drawings with CPL markups) ilrnl futt- f,q't;J's rttusf ottu?- lUFAF Exbn4{,. datsr yAilrL Pt,filf6. I /t4AY. CONNECTIONS FER sTD, GULDMANN DTTAILS AX PER SLIDING "MIDI-gq;;" BY GULDMANN - Connection location to (E] ROOF TR.U99E9 @ a',-O', O.C. (VERlrr)G) ROOr TRU55E3 @ 6'"0" O. t C. (VERTY) 1 nxr9 "Mtot-MrL" BY GULDMANN .^4d (t) k^Mte.s' |tt torxr 0A)' - |.| {}SLIDING 'MIDI-RAIL BY GULDMANN 600 LB MAX. Fisure 2 - Connecfion lavout and number sth & PINE BUILDING ' 4I3 PINE STREET . SUITE 3OO . SEATTLE, WA ' 98IOI TEL: 206/343-0460 . FAX: 2061343-5691 l4 -/UttJ GULDMANN DEIAII.g BRACES PER COUG HLI NPORTERLUN DEEN Bariatric Lift Svstem in Radiologv Room #1 (Ref. detail C/ A1,.0 of ACME Shop Drawings) The lift support rails at this location are supported by the existing X-Ray support grid at the ceiling. Based on review of the original shop drawings and calculations, the existing support grid system at the Bariatric Lift location is designed to support X-Ray equipment. Our review indicates that the existing X-Ray grid and building structure above is also adequate for support of the new Bariahic lift loads. We hope this memorandum answers any questions you or your client may have about the adequacy of the existing overhead building structure to support the new Bariatric Lift loads. If there are any other items we can assist you with in regard to this projec! please contact our office. Regards, COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN, Inc. Stephen Day, P.E. Project Manager €XPIRES ril22l09 sth & PINE BUILDING . 4I3 PINE STREET ' SUITE 3OO . SEATTLE, WA . 98IOI TEL: 206/343-0460 . FAX: 2061341-5691 Page 1 ofl Rick Taylor From: Rick Taylor Sent: Monday, September 24,2007 3:28 PM To: 'Tom Aumock'; Scottie Foster; Penny Westerfield Cc: Jan Hopfenbeck Subject: RE: BLD07-181 Jefferson Healthcare, New Lift Thank you Tom, I made a copy of the report for the file and will srgn for you on the file in the computer Rick Taylor Building Inspector 250 Madison Street Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-4920 rtaylor@cityofpt.us From: Tom Aumock [mailto:taumock@cablespeed,com] Sent: Monday, September 24,2007 11:45 AM To: Rick Taylor Subject: Re: BLD07-181 Jefferson Healthcare, New Lift Hi Rick. Here's my report as an attachment. I think it is the same item. Regards, Tom --- Original Message --- From: Rick Taylol To: Tom Aumock Cc: Jan Hopfenbeck; Scottie Foster; Suzanne Wassmer; Penny Westerfield Sent: Monday, September24,20Q7 8:21 AM Subject: BLD07-181 Jefferson Healthcare, New Lift Hello Tom, Would you take a look at this the next time you are in this office; I will leave the file on my table Thank you, Rick Taylor Building Inspector 250 Madison Street Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-4e20 rtaylor@cityofpt.us 912412007 Thomas L. Aumock Consulting Fire Code Official 2303 Hendricks Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)385-3938 Email:taumock@cablespeed.com Cell:(360)643-0272 TO: FR: DT: RE: CC: PLAI\ REVIEW MEMORAI\DUM Jan Hopfenbeck, Plans Examiner, Development Services Department Tom Aumock, Consulting Fire Code Official 31 August 2007 BLD07-181, Jefferson General Hospital, 834 Sheridan St.,Installation of Bariatric Lifts Mike Mingee, Fire Chief, East Jefferson Fire & Rescue This consulting Fire Code Official is in receipt of the set of plans and specification for the above- referenced building permit application from your office for installation of bariatric lift in the Emergency Room and the Radiology Room at Jefferson General Hospital. Findinss & Determinations: 1. The proposed installation shall not interfere with the operation of any installed automatic fire sprinkler system devices. If interference is determined, then sprinkler heads shall be repositioned to accommodate the bariatric lift support system installation. Any such changes of sprinkler heads shall meet the manufacturers spacing requirements. 2. The same will hold true for any installed automatic fire alarm devices. 0.5 hours time was consumed in the review of this proposal, which included site inspection It is the recommendation of this plans examiner that the subject permit application be approved subject to the aforesaid stipulation of approval. C:\Documents and Settings\rickt\Local Setting$Temporary Intemet Files\OLK21\BLD07-181 Jeff Gen Bariatric Lifts.doc 9/24107 ) Thomas L. Aumock Consulting Fire Code Official 2303 Hendrioks Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 385-3938 Email: tatrJnock@c"a,blespeed.cor,n Cell: (360) 643-0272 TO: FR: DT: RE: CC: PLAN REVIEW MEMORANDUM Jan Hopfenbeck, Plans Examiner, Development Services Department Tom Aumock, Consulting Fire Code Official 3l August 2007 BLD07-181, Jefferson General Hospital, 834 Sheridan St,, Installation of Bariatric Lifts Mike Mingee, Fire Chief, East Jefferson Fire & Rescue 'Ihis consulting Fire Code Official is in receipt of the set of plans and specification for the above- referenced building permit application from your office for installation of bariahic lift in the Emergency Room and the Radiology Room at Jefferson General Hospital. F indinss & DeleMilatliqlli 1. The proposed installation shall not interfere with the operation of any installed automatic fire sprinkler system devices. If interference is determined, then sprinkler heads shall be repositioned to accommodate the bariatric lift support system installation. Any such changes of sprinkler heads shali meet the manufacturers spacing requirements. 2, The same will hold true for any installed automatic fire alarm devices. 0.5 hours time was consumed in the review of this proposal, which included site inspection It is the recommendation of this plans examiner that the subject permit application be approved subject to the aforesaid stipulation of approval. ,;f,m0?-181 C:\Documents and Settings\zimmer\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLKF\BLD07-l8l Jeff Gen Bariatric Lifts.doc 9/14l07 GOUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN Proiect Record Date: To: Attn: August 6,2007 Rice Fergus Miller Architecture & Planning, LLP 262 Fourth St. BremertorL WA 98337 Bob Miller-Rhees Jefferson Healthcare Bariatric Lift Installation s07-0134-03 Stephen Day Proiect; Project No: By: Memoranilum Sent Vin email 3 Paxe(s) RE: Structural Review of Bariatric Lift Installation Shop Drawings Bob: At your request we have reviewed the installation drawings for the Jefferson Healthcare Bariatric Lifts prepared by ACME Construction Supply (Drawings A1.0 & A2.0, dated 7 /27 /07). The scope of our review was to determine if the existing roof and ceiling structure is adequate to support the new lift loads. Analysis of the new support structure as detailed in the ACME shop drawings is not part of our review; it is expected that engineering calculations will be prepared for design of the elements illustrated. The load criteria evaluated is a 6001b Bariatric Lift load, plus weight of the new lift support structure, and code applicable dead, live and snow loads at the roof structure. Existing structural drawings for Jefferson Hospital (1987,1995) were consulted to determine the building structure, and calculations & shop drawings for the existing ceiling/medical support grids were also available for our review. Bariatric Lift Svstem in Emersencv Rooms (Ref detail A/ A1.0 of ACME shop Drawings) The lift support rails at this installation location are supported by existing open-web steel joists at the roof. The shop drawings detail new connections to the top chords of the steel joists. Our review indicates that the existing roof joists are adequate for support of the imposed lift loads, provided the recommendations below are followed: 1. Connections to the steel joists must occur within 4" of panel points, where joist web members attach to chord members. Ref. Figure 1 (from E/ A1J of ACME drawings, with CPL markups) 5th & PINE BUILDING . 4I3 PINE STREET' SUITE 3OO . SEATI-LE, WA , 98IOI TEL: 206/343-0460 . FAX: 2061343-5691 3tll0?-18I. GOUG HLIN PORTERLUN DEEN 2. Connection rods between the upper MIDI-Rail and lower MIDI-Rail must be located at least 1'-0" away from the existing joists. A minimum of (2) connection rods must be installed in each joist bay crossed by the MIDI Rails. Ref Figure 2 (from D/A1.0 of ACME drawings with CPL markups) Neil (el- tiorttt't ilu.f o&uA luFA* Fx.$/ltt{t , {orlr yNJeL Fahtfs. I t1'trl!,I CONNECTIONS PrR 5TD, GULDMANN DETAILS MAX FER LDMANN SLIDING 'MIDI-RAIL' BY GULDMANN Fisure l, - Connection location to existinq ioist panel points (E) Roor TRU55E5 @ 6'-0" O.C. (VERlFr')G) ROOr TRU55E3 @ g|O',O.C. (vERJft] L rXED "MI BY GULPMANN MAX *tA (l) Htpt'cxs' ftf. aotxr AAI ' SLIDING "MIDI.R.AIL' BY GULDMANN 60{) t-B MAX. Fisure 2 - Connecfion lavout and number 5th & PINE BUILDING ' 4I3 PINE STREET . SUITE 3OO . SEATTLE, WA . 98IOI TEL: 206/343-0460 . FAX: 2061343-569 I $ -/ GUIDMANN DETAII-5 8[1ACE9 FER COUG HLIN PORTERLUNDEEN Bariatric Lift Svstem in Radiology Room #1 (Ref. detail C/ A1..0 of ACME Shop Drawings) The lift support rails at this location are supported by the existing X-Ray support grid at the ceiling. Based on review of the original shop drawings and calculations, the existing support grid system at the Bariatric Lift location is designed to support X-Ray equipment. Our review indicates that the existing X-Ray grid and building structure above is also adequate for support of the new Bariatric lift loads. We hope this memorandum eruwers any questions you or your client may have about the adequacy of the existing overhead building structure to support the new Bariatric Lift loads. If there are any other items we can assist you with in regard to this projecf please contact our office. Regards, COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN, ITTc Stephen Day, P.E. Project Manager 5th & PINE BUILDING ' 4I3 PINE STREET ' SUITE 3OO . SEATTLE, WA . 98IOI TEL: 206/343-0460 . FAX: 2061343-5691 EKPTRES t/27./09 'f - t .i Structural Details & Calculations for Patient lift Supports Located at: JefFerson general hosPital Port Townsend, Washington,983 Prepared for: Acme Construction SuPPIY Portland, Oregon Date, August 2I, 2007 (swcE 0760) SW Consulting Engin ng Suite D94t4 SW Barbur Blvd Portland, OR 97219 (s03) 245 4557 fax (503) 245 4699 voice These calculations are for the above referenced project site and for the current phase of construction only. These calculations do not apply to similar or same configurations at this site or at a different site, except as noted above. Actual construction shall ONLY be based on the CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS (CD) porLion of this package. Calculations are provided for review by approving authority only and shall not be used by contractor for actual construction. EG ir,t'.id il ri li'u Ll lt-r $ T i:, :1-.!l:,ir,l i, IUAPR 9 2OC9 CITY OF PORI TOI,VNSEND DSD J. kVj:ii EXPTRE$ JUNf; i:, ltn .it CONTENT9 Construction Documents....... Scope of Work Slrvctvral Notes C onstru clton do cvm enEE CD-A 9C- | 9N- | CD-I TiIRU CD.6 Calculations CalcvlaAons C- | Thru C-7 DESIGN c1w ACME CLIENT PRoJEcrNo; 0760 JEFFER9ON GENERAL HOgPITAL PROJECT ootzt/47DATE SHEET NO: LOnEenE5 SUBJ ECT CONTENTS Satyajit \y'Vidyaratne, P. E. LICENSEO PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OREGON, WASHINGTON 9414 SW Barbur Blvd, Suite 'O' Portland, OR 97219 503.245.4699 503.245.4557 FAx Satya@swcoinc.com lul SW CONSULTING ENGINEERING STRUCTURAUCIVIL CON9TRUCTION DOCU M TNTS DESIGN c5w ACME CLIENT PRoJEcr Noi oTGoPROJECT JEFFERSON GENERAL HOgPITAL oEtz t /o7DATE SHEET NO: CD-A Congtrvchon Docvmenls SUBJECT Satyajit Widyaratne, P.E. LICENSEO PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OREGON. WASHINGTON 9414 SW Barbur Blvd. Sulte'o' Poruand, OR 97219 503.245.4659 603.245.4557 FAX Satya@swcalno.oom lru STRUCTURAU CIVIL SW CONSULTING ENGINEERING 3CO?8. OT WORK Scope ol struclvral enqneennq eervaes by SWCE ts stnctly lmfted to the lollowtnq: Vertrcal qravfty load desqn ol horvontal slrvt member belween ex$tnq truss toV chords. lnlent ol ths structural enqneernq Vackaqe, a5 ?re?ared by SWC1, $ to de qn vertrcal qravfty svVVorts tor equV. manuf'r. shVulated load reqwremenlt As svch, any equt?ment svVVorled by lhe hanqers ghown shovld not exceed the maxrmum slated werqhtg, and ghould be atlached and reslraned tor verilcal and horvontal lorces ?ef equ?ment manulaclurers recommendaAons and deaqn, 3, Manulactures equ?menl dedqn s by olhers 4, Lateral Dracrnq, lower EquV. rai and rod stfttener deeqn are ?ro?ttef'ry deaqns by lhe eqvv, manuf'r and are nol desqned, revrewed or ana\zed by )WCE, are are sVecfically excluded lrom lhe 5co?e ol seruces by SWCE DESIGN c5w ACME CLIENT PRoJEcr No: 760 JTFTERgON GENERAL HOSPITAL PROJECT o5tzUOTDATE EHEET NO c-I ScoVe of Work SUBJECT Satyajit Wdyaratne, P.E. LICENS€O PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OREGON, WASHINGTON 9414 SW Barbur Blvd. sulle'o' Portland, OR 97219 503.245.4099 503.245.4557 FAX Satya@swceinc.com ln STRUCTURAU CIVIL SW CONSULTING ENGINEERING Structural Notes: . I . All 1ramnq members and conneclorg ghown shall be "superslruE" as manvlaclured by Thomas & BeLts, MemPhrs, TN ,2. All bolls shall be I12" dtameter bol1s and | /2" dtameler strul nvts by SvTersLrul, ,3, ?rovde anqular cvtE al ends ol memberE where ghown, ,{, Torqve all bollslnuls to 5Q ll-lbs' vnlesg noted olherwze' 5, fhe exatffiq strvclvre lo whrch lhe eqw7. & 3v77orLs are atf'ached has nol been analyzed, fhe caVacfty ol the exoltnq sLrvclvre lo svpporE Lhe loade lrom Lhe new Equt7. * 3u77orls shall be revewed by Lhe enqtneer-of-record tor the bwldnq, 6, All lhreaded rods ghall be ASTM A36 or A3O7 OESIGN c5w ACME CLIENT PRoJEoTNo; 0760PROJECT JEFFER9ON GENERAL HOgPITAL o5tzt/o7DATE SHEET NO:9N- | Struclural NoEes SUBJECT Satyajit VMdyaratne, P.E. UCENsEO PNOFEASIOW ENOINEER OREGON, WASHINOTON 9414 SW Barbur Blvd. Sulte 'D Po(land, OR 97219 503.245.4699 503.245,4557 FAJ( Satya@8wceinc.@m sw CONSULTING ENGINEERINGln STRUCTURruCIVIL N4&t s1 .0EreNEEMlnr o R@ rR u 5 S e 60 O. C . MU , Mt u r y fJ @r tt u f f i o 61 q o. c . MA . Nc t u r y td fi 9 IR Z ^r 2 0 2 E r . E 4 D r y y , GA L 1 N G dO N A r e WU f g U C E E I 6\ Gi l i l . r r - G r E r a !/ ?r r J ST R U C T U R A L NOTES r. u rw r N c ME M B E R s N0 CONNECTORs gnorfN st s A I B€ 5U t r R 5 T R U T A9 MNFACTURED BY TH O M € 4 ff i s . MEMPHE; TN. OR UN6ru. 2. AL EO L T S 5H U B€ r /2' BOLTs N 12. 9fRlJf NU s BY 5u r e 6 r u . U.N-O. 3. RO V I O E NG U R ffg AT ENOs OI MEMtrE ME E s l f f i . 4. TO r u E M ML T S N U T 9 TO 50 E-IDs 5- TH E EX I s T I N G 5T R U C T R f TO ffiICH ftE 6RD 15 AN r c H € O NA g NO T ffEN &&?EO. TEE ffrcfl G TH E il I 5 T I N G 5T r u 6 u f f TO sUIm THE PM rR O M ft E MU L T I N E flECE5 Of NEW EOUIPMENI stsAII ff tr V I M D BY T f f i ENGINEER OF RECO@ ffiff zu r t D r i l c . 6. AI Tt s t r M E D rcDs SHATT BE 'sTM A3€ OR A3O7 7. rc NO T gC T E D VERTICI NO UTEru LOEOS tN D l d m oN ff i r . o . ER S q @ t r R@ t NI W zS N fu r c T U /I \ r. a a . t r r E r E t r 6\ Gr a r . l r g r g l r !/ - ll t. r t Tf @ Tf u $ B2 4 t ar c l u sr o q L . tr f ro 6 r e c l @ Ar c T r u T A I & '& N I N 6 M fu E E I f u T AI z O 2 1t u f f i l, 6 \ il r a r G r u ra . /' E \ il - a t G r n E r t t -- /f \ tu l r r r r r r r I5 II rc 6 @ @ r y h' o @ TO NC W 6@ &I il E !/ - 6a*(l)_q gE:-ts-=- 2=dR 8€;gEH J F o-8=o T---O Z--IHfi \)a 2..2.o=pe ul::-E ilo -O- n o I t. . '! HD - 455GH2 HD.25O KG/550 LBSGH2 R - 2oo rolaqo rtsGH2+2 - 2W KG/440 LBsGH2 - 200 KGi/440 LBS HEAVY OUTY 12086 HEAY/ OUTY 120001 WTH DRIVEMOTOR AND IR CONTROL 120001 GHz F WTH DBIVEMOTOR 12000 1 SWNG KITDH1000 - 200 KG/440 LBS 120001 120001 tm72{o1nED - 150MM/6" |2072.W2|BLUE -250MM/10' I 2072{0:yoRANGE - 350MM/1 4"12071 @ x.$ F<{ X (} tJ*z" h-'{ Holst and Pontus ?*otUN (T D<ta) Fag P4b ?^rltc,tr-AAe ?e&<>rt*.C ef *?J aFttQ(fitntl b<4,,^t€€<-tdq, SINGLE RAIL SYSTEM.3M ROOM COVERING SYSTEM - 3X3M 1240512400 C9'L' x.() i* .d{JJ({ F*t/) &H Max distance between brackets DH 1 O0O & GH2 Max. 200 kg / 440 lbn. MINI MIDI MA)(l JUMBO DH4OO0 HD Max.455 kg/ 1000 lbs. MINI MIDI Mr\Xl PRo?fzttrFa+" ?)\tL- FATA B1 rtafs? r..-aa<t-r <J F tfiR., MINI MAXI JUMBO e F ;q E( ! o o GH2 HD Max' 2so kg / 550 lbs' MIDI JUMBO co+ Project Record COUG H LI NPORTERLUN D EEN Date: To: August 3,2007 Rice Fergus Miller Architecture & Planning,LLP 262 Fourth St. Bremertory WA98337 Attn:Bob Miller-Rhees LETTE? ?rzoa.a EoA Fe4exttN4 Ct-F (1-Y "Fproject: Jefferson uuuttniur" €1X'ltfT',' Bariatric Liftlnstalla-yf=.Ur# Project No: By: s07-0134-03 Stephen Day Je SU?F?}KT t'.|€l/.J Memorandum SentVia email RE: Structural Review of Bariatric Lift Installation shop Drawings Bob: At your request, we have reviewed the installation drawings for the Jefferson Healthcare gariatricLi?.tspreparedbyACMEConstructionSupply(D'u@ 7 /27 /on. - The scope of our review was to determine if the existing roof and ceiling structure is adequate to support the new lift loads. Analysis of the new support structure as detailed in the ACME shop'&awings is not part of our review; it is expected that engineering calculations will be prepared for design of the elements illustrated' ,3 Bariatric Lift slrstem i4 Emergency Rooms (Ref detail A/ A1,.0 of ACME shop Drawings): The lift support rails at this installation location are suPPorted by existing open-web steel joists at th! roof. The shop drawings detail new connections to the top chords of the steel joists. Our review indicates that the existing roof joists are adequate for support of the imposed lift loads, provided the recommendations below are followed: L* 1,, Connections to the steel joists must occur within 4" of panel points, where joist webt=-{F members attach to chord members. Ref. Figure 1 (from E/ A1'.0 of ACME drawings, with CPL markuPs) Sth&P|NEBU|LD|NG.4l3P|NESTREET.sUlTE3o0'SEATTLE,wA.98l0l TEL: 206/343'0460 ' FAX: 206/343'569 1 The load criteria evaluated is a 6001b Bariatric Lift load, plus weight of the new lift support structure, and code applicable dead, live and snow loads at the roof structure. Existing structural drawings for lefferson Hospital (1987, L995) were consulted to determine the building structure] and calculations & shop drawings for the existing ceiling/medical support grids were also available for our review, {: c0-.v, CO UGH LI N PORTERLUN DEEN 2. Corurection rods between the uPpel MIDI'Rail and lower MIDI-Rail must be located at least 1r-0,' away from the exisung j0ists. A minimum of (2) connection rods.must be installed in each joist bay crossei uy tt"," MIDI Rails' Ref Figure 2 (tromD/ A1"0 of ACME drawings with CPL markuPs) t *c4e& Sbier *,v!*k fi*'lt$t Ids!^l fim,*un** *yL eONNECRON9'PER .gTD. GULPMANN. DE.TAIt,5 SLlprNG "Mlol:RAlLl BY GUL^DMANN gUDl:N6 lrMlDl-RAtt' EYGIJIDMANN Figure 1 - Connection lqcation to e$sting joist Panel Points n ilt, ,660,LB,htAX. Fig$re 2, - goJrngction rod layout 4nd number c0-s 5th&P|NEBU|LD|NG.4l3P|NESTREET.sUlTE30o.SEATTLE,wA.9Sl0l TEL: 206/343'0460 ' FAX: 206/343-569 I (Ref' detail C/ A1'0 of ACME Shop Drawings) The lift support rails at this location are supported by the existing X-Ray zupport grid at the ceiling, Bised on review of the original shop diawings and calculations, the existing support grid sjrstem at the Bariatric Lift locition is dlsigned to support X'Ray equipment of 911lbs, i'r,atrrdir.,g an increase for impact loading. Our ieview indicates that the existing X-Ray grid and building structure ubo,re is adequaie for support of the new Bariakic lift loads. We hope this memorandum answers any questions you of your client may have about the adequacy of the existing overhead building structure to support the new Bariatric Lift loads' If there uru ury other itJms we can assist you with in regard to this project, please contact our office. COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN Regards, COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN INC. Stephen Day, P.E. Project Manager gr" "l1r ,fi # l -;i ii' exPrRes t/22/09 5th&P|NEBU|LD|NG.4l3P|NESTREET.sUlTE300.SEATTLE'wA'98101 TEL: 206/343'0460' FAX: 206/343-569 I co4 r,i CALCULATION9 .l_i ' -'":''':1t '!:: OESIGN c1w ACME CLIENT PROJECT NO:0760 JETTERSON GENER'AL PROJECT oB/2 t /o7OATE EHEET NO: CaL- I' SUBJECT Calculailons Satyajit Widyaratne, P.E. LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OREGON. WASHINGTON 9414 SW Barbur Blvd. Suite'D' Portland, OR 97219 503.245.4699 503.245.4557 FAX Satya@swc€inc.com lnr STRUCTURAU CIVIL SW CONSULTING ENGINEERING 'i:t:n.,.t lsi*-i' lr:: Desqn Crftena Codet toc 2006 Sesmrc:Bvildnq Cate7ory: 9orl lype: 9g- 9l= E D 1.41 o.52 DESIGN c5v'/CLIENT ACME PRoJECTNo; 0760 JTTTTRSON GTNERAL PROJECT OATE 6/2t/O7 9HEET NO; CaL-2 Deaqn Crftena SUBJECT SatyaJlt \Mdyaratno, P.E. LICEN9EO PROFESSIOML ENGINEER OREOON, WASHINGTON 9414 SW Barbur Blvd. Suite'D' Portland, OR 97219' 503.245.4699 503.24s.4557 FAX Satye@sw@inc.@m llr STRUCTURAU CIVIL SW CONSULTING ENGINEERING elil. .t rd€"rA N&'x. tjeerrcAt* Ml.x . u&re<txt* murPt'tgLYr" @/,f*"terur LPAT ge pqi) fiE,od'4, FPat4 df,) t* ' 4aCI'o I 6L0 0 P**tbm +aotbho'' +< fgzo *74 s r-\?O <1r-+"#"l {e 6'-o" a Lw,^-@ lo'st'P t 620 t"\ =O-lL ,L tI<'€o A=6.€nc. . #fr',r0.'e86)r*}''\ t Q'?-S ,4rt {f3f; -Su,fl*€lTW:*r" ftt"Ot f*,.&,.* Stl6t* = ('-O'/ - 5palN\NtlilQ &f,?':'iif,i r't ?RL$SS',f DESIGN CSGJ cLrENr kcxe No.offifw^l fawlu la+ DATE . El rtl SHEET N9.C-l SUBJECT Satyaiit Wdyaratne, P.E. I.IC€NSED PROf ESSIOiIAL SCINEER ofiEGON.WAs+lll€TON 9414 SW Barbur Blvd., Sulto D Portland, OR 97219 503.245.4699 503.245.4557 FAX satya@swcelnc.com fin 5W CoNSULTING ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL' CIVIL l- I Sgrvttc- aoADs fr?Q,4 S R" lre : 183d9 2@( 16e ftSCd 4'os 5 r3.3 "t [,",H1 d Zt? coo€ Ss = l'4{ S, = O'Fe s4e ATTAC{E-c> +' f tr; rSs .'. SAS =' 6r16) (r.;/ ) = l.r* r l .'. so5, Tzsr^s = U) ('f.: i = o.ottr s s3, exii sp #t(v: at .- n \7\at 3 rQrtL s5 ASc6 :l.oz fA.&eS q ,4 (o.t?o (z.q t4llnZItz-s )fti.f ) = flo, (Urtrn^*re) s 1,67 l-dt s No.. I,: EI {seaurce ffiE ) 5 5*Tr do , /1. / b = 6.X( C^$S€ttllc6 mter)f, 0'3 fi,tN t,i ff€. cr^&Ss D cLrENr A.el'\€_ DESIGN CShJ PROJECT NO. 07160J?rFesoriPRoJEcT "E/u(o? SHEET No,C'?-' Satyajit Widyaratne, P.E. UCENSED PROFESSIOML ENGINEER OREGON, WASHINGTON 9414 SW Barbur Blvd., Sulte D Portland, OR 97219 503.245.4699' 503.245.4557 FAX satya@swcelnc.com &,sntc cla-c SUBJEcT sTRucruRAL/ crvrL fin SW CONSULTING ENGINEERING Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Zip Code = 98368 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and S1 Ss and S1 = Mapped SpectralAcceleration Values Site Class B - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.0 Data are based on a 0.05 deg grid spacing Period Centroid Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.267 Ss, Site Class B 1.0 0.461 51, Site Class B Period (sec) 0.2 1.0 Period (sec) 0.2 Maximum Sa (g) 1.414 Ss, Site Class A ? 0.520 Sl, Site Class B 4- s(r€ ac-r*< 9,{?<{t^fu 1.,f st4**<t E4Fteu'T#Tla /K .1 Minimum Sa (g) 1.150 Ss, Site Class B C'3 $uperstrut" Threaded Products & Hardware (Series 100) JVufs & Bolts E-142 Hex Head Cap Screw Sizes: /r'x 1",W x 1W,3li' x 1", 9l!' x 1W,W x%d' &Yi' x 1lt S€e price sheet lor additional srzes. E-149 Slotted Hex lndented Head Machine Screw Sizes: W x/t',1/i' x 1",lrd'x 11/i' &Wx1W P E-l50-S Lag Bolt Screw Size: %'& 14 Drill Size: W&11112'g -+ss-t l.-B.--..._l E- 151-D Wood Screw Drive SizeAiW Size B: 2" Max. R6c. Load: 10O lbs. ffi E-l31 ffi @ *tr@ ES-142 Seismic Stiffner Nut Sizei ES-142-112x 1W Bolt Dia.:14 A ffi E-120E Effi E-130 Cat No.AB Design Load lbs. Cat Design Sld.No. A B Load lbs. Ctn. E.lIp,ilE-13O-112 1Y, Y, 1800 25 Ei1*:Bli:i:1,i.:|'1t6:r.1ifi ,:;i-9ld'.:tj;11,:?ii1"000ru!fi iii:lrz5iig E-122-112 1Y, lz 1800 10 Design Load lbs. srd. Gtn. Fi,t!j:,?/Er,.,,iinJr6.:,.:r:i:,',Jhr j;r,ll 0Q0jt::,;,;':1;;!,11i.1i:l ;',:: E-131-112 'lVz Y, 1800 10 srd. Gtn. Cal No. srd. Gtn. Cat No. AB Design Load lbs. EzlzUN.gti;llit;trlli;;'i.&,':::ir::*i103-0;1:1#i;:7ft ;iE-12O-112 1Y2 Y, 1800 25 E122 AB Threaded Had E-l51 Black available upon request. Machine Threaded opposite end, carbon ste€I. Order by Prod. #, rod, size and rod length. Standard Rod Lengths EilSl"iglg.,.;llllrri*'ifi,;ji;;ig Br::10;::!Zi:Jr::iilii'ii!;.i'il-00;: E-151-112 Y, 4,6,8,10, 100 Standard Finish - GoldGalf, unless othentrise stated. Hi19.*M1ditViifi:l:i.,'::i :':1,0,:lt;.ltt:i':i;;',;i4lll.itilirl;::il,.:;i.::)rr ri11-io4-lt8%9130. H:tO4-l i,. I':::: _: 8 .;i,. : .4980 j ,':. . j,i;, , Black available upon request. .Standard lengths 6 lt., 10 ft. and 12 ft, ThamasWetts Cal No. ttil,-o$-il/ f,/-r3,iii:;'.:J::i::::lg1::'i.'::,1i1'f'!i,i1$$f1i!l!lt&t2?1,'u'': H-104-3/8 % 16 610 Size Threads per inch Deslgn Std. Load lbs. Ctn, 11 Rod Size Cat No. srd. Ctn. H-104 Series Rod @ 2oo3 Thomas & Botts corporatlon. Spacllications are subject to change without notics WWW.tnb.COm H-104- Hanger Rod: Continuous Thread t-151 * Coach Screw Rod J12 c- t{- Superstrut @ Metal Framing Engineering Data & Specifications Design Data * Metal Framing Channel Elements of Seclions W H DoublerChannels w Nominal Thickness (inches) 12 Q{ = .'|05 I - Moment of inertia 14 Q,A = .075 S - Section of Modulas 16 GA = .060 r - Radius of GYration Z - Nominal Axis A - Area x x H ri Single Channels Y AXIS J in. Y- s in.! I in. x-x AxtsI in. sA in.2 W ln. Gat. No. H in ln.'ln.!ln. . , .452' .853 at6 .697, .677 F Cat. No. A in. H in w in.ln.' t in. s ln. x-x Axrs z ln.in s in.r Y.Y AXIS I in. o la etE.! 'rl-1202 , 3.250 t : ',r,:: 1.625 :,, 1.114 . .94€ .8'-1202 1.626 1.625 ]62 .147 .992 ,' l:625.439 .B13 1an 1.402 ' 1.000 1.450 ..505'c-1202 E-1202 H-1202 A-14oc B-1 .560 .112 Load ratings for /2" strut nuts used in Superstrut Channel lf connections will be subjected to dynamic or seismic loading conditions, contact the factory for design assistance. Pull Out Skenglh lbs. A-1200 1500 ?900c-1200 1500 20008-1200 1400 1400A-1400 1000 1400:, 8-1400 ,:,: ,.'1000 , 1400. Salety Factor ol 3 ThomasEBetts @ 2OO3 Thomas & B6tts Corporation. specilications are subj€ct to chango without notlce. www.tnb.com SliP ResistanceChannel No.lbs J124 C-'5 Superstrut" Metal Framing Engineering Data & Specifications Design Data - Metal Framing Channel Table 3 * b- 00UBLE CHANNEL (single Channels welded back'lo'hack) Maxlmum Unlfom Load Dsil.Load Defl. 1/360 Span Cal. No.Depth Ga.Load Detl. Col. Load 60'BEAM OR COLUMN 66" BEAM OR COLUMN 402 72' BEAM OR COLUMN 84" BEAM OR COLUMN When no numbers are shown, use the muimum uniform load. Dellections are given in inches; loads in lbs. TlhomasEBetts J 131 Ir ttu,EE CD u, E e @ 2003 Thomas & Betts Cofporatlon. Spsclficatlons ars subject to change wlthout notic6. WWW.tnb.COm c-6 ') Superstrut" Metal Framing Engineering Data & Specifications Design Applications ti I Table 6 Gonverslon Factors for Beams with Various Static Loading Gonditions Load tables on pages 65 thru 70 lor A, B, C, E, and H series channel are for single span beams supported at the ends. These can be used in ihe majority of cases. There are times when it is necessary to know what happens with other loading and support conditions. Some -common arrangements are shown in Table 6. Simply multiply the loads from the Design Load Tables times the factors given in Table 6. Examples shown on page J139. LOAD AND SUPPORT CONDITION 1. Simple Beam - Uniform Load EEEEEZZZAt-^!rpan 2. Simple Beam - Concentrated Load at Center f--l-f LOAD FACTOR 1.00 .1.00 '1.50 1.00 DEFLECTION FACTOB 1.00 1.25 1.10 .30 .40 2.40 3.20 .92 .42 d 50 -> E 3. Simple Beam - Two Equal Concentrated l-oads at % Points c t v, qrRsvl 4. Beam Fixed at Both Ends - Uniform Load * 5. Beam fixed at Both Ends: Concentrated Load at Center 6. Cantilever Beam - Uniform Load 7. Cantilever Beam - Concentrated Load at End 8. Continuous Beam - Two Equal Spans - Uniform Load on One Span 9. Continuous Beam - Two Equal Spans - Uniform Load on Both Ends l0.Continuous Beam - Two Equal Spans - Concentrated Load at Center of One Span 1 l,Continuous Beam - Two Equal Spans - Concentrated Load at Center of Both Spans ,P 12 %Fspan+span<1.30 ffi 1.00 '//fu4 'Hl .25 ri .62 .67 71 .48 ThomasE&etts J 138 @ 2oo3lhomas & Betts Corporation, Specilications are subjoct to chang€ without notlce. WWW.tnb'COm C-7 1 Receipt Number: BLD07-181 BLD07-181 BLDo7-181 BLDo7-181 BLD07-181 948319202 948319202 948319202 948319202 948319202 $363.25 $236.11 $4.50 s7.27 $10.00 Total: $363.25 $86.11 $4.50 $7.27 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 $0.00 Building Permit Fee Plan Review Fee State Building Code Gouncil Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Per $47r.13 07-0758 CHECK Ogl27l2007 Plan Review Fee 074813 $150.00 BLD07-181 $ 471.13 Total:$471.13 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 ,1 1 Receipt Nunber: BLD07-181 948319202 Plan Review Fee 61722 Total $236.1r $150.00 Total: $150.00 $86.11 HECKc $ 150.00 $150.00 genprntrreceipts llage '1 of 1 ,03-19-' E9 L3: 58 FEOf'l-U , 5, l{etal trlorks/PICD 5036685562 Eg*rliy oriiitiii arl rieiiao.;didf th6 raiiryeiefii T-853 P00Z/004 F-077 "f r;11|I lr*L;r*r- s\tpFliei: v euiainatrrt A/S - Graliam B6lls. Vei 21-?qa . Bit00 Arhus N . rjerilnartr '* {9 l*1" (r: -' ;; (*i{X*o iir doiineorion wih handsv6r, tiie rail sysierrr lias lreerr ct)eci(ed and tesied lor ine iiriibwiirg: l. Cqiitiot qi driy reiqrorcpfrl,p4qs, ge4r *4lieek lirdt the ieiriibrc0ment/Eearins is securely faSlEned u.'tfitt isqi;illon suirgunciing thg relnforceibent/goaring is piziced to bnsure lho gidritest possibte iboiaiiond the iginfdidernbni/Oearlr)g hds been carilect our by anolhei doritrribior D Seg colnil]qnts 2, Gontirit cif brabl(e.ts and pldsltc ptugs e''lhd! all enrJstopq are lighiened e.lhht all braikete hr'r$ tighiBrierj E thFl plagtlq plugb have been mounted on all vlsible nuts Ertliiit, a look cpllt has tr6dn hsertect dnd tact(s the endStop iri place q seb cornnrents 3. Chpgli that ttlU niil syEtems sre Dtoair qgd lutly {irhijtlonai D"1fi6t lheie are tro chips or other buitding v/a$te inslcle lhe rall.riy€iefri n.'ifrat itie travetling lrolley moves silently in lhe rait systerno that.lhe treivbtiiiig lioll€y moVes with a low power consumptiori q $eH commenls 4. cgnlr0l .oJ euqtiph lrqgk6, ComFhrock add lurnrabrdr {if ti$qd) n that \hq switch track is futiy functional and that the longue dpee noi lquch elher cornponerits cr ths! {hq Oqmbi'tock is fulty funoilonaland that tne spring rqlygcts aut9nratically D thdl there is no dust or foreign bodies in tlie rqils with satRty lqeks. Qlean wilh eampressed alr. lf necessary - alter thc building. rebuitdihg etc. is {inished. Ci thbt lhe tu(olabte is fully lunctlnrinl 5. W6tUhr tdst .. t efihe rait syst6m has been lesred {or _? ii-5'icg - (incl. a safeiy lactor of t,S) d that ttre rall sy$tem dld nbt gtve dUting the weighr re$t 'A'Dqq tne rail systern is still level {ollowing weight lesling or'ingt ine rail system iias beern labelld,rt with a conrpleleci install€r's laFel fl sae comn'lents 6. lbet of ctilllirg hajiht and drive moior 4-tl6t ttre ceifing hoisi has be6n risted and is ft.rlly functiohal rif"fffiftlE drive motor has been tested qnd is fuily funcitional a ihe enreigency iovyerinQ cord shouid be cut olf so that il is 1.s m/6'3" abovri thb flbor- rl see comrnerils 7. Test or chnrgihg stflllori, claiging ilnere and remdti: crintrcit (li uaed) D that lhe cqlling holst chatqe$ When thai ceiling hoist is p-laced in the charging slatlon (light or sguncl eigriat) r4'tlitt the ceiling hoist is ehgfged in thB charghg tiners 6-that lhe remcite control hss beerr tesldcl and is {ulty funcitonal [r see con)mehts 8. F;fore leaVlng ihe assdfrbly 6ite d'iollect or teriove all installatidn wasteq if lheie ate commenis, Wite tllese doWn ahd inform the owirbr/custorher tr seri cornmettts Conrmerrl&: I'he qualily corrlrol has bsen prcpafed in two si$ned copiqs, one of whicl'r is submlited lo ihe owner/customer, the qtller to the sorvice and inetallation depatln')enl al Guldmdnn.li D E 4 uc .) /; .. 03-1-9-' 09 L3 : 58 FRON-U , 5 , l'letal- lrlorks/[lCD 5836685562 .-;:' '' ' Otigii{,f +ofrttil ui'fuiiirioirdr otrfrp iuii *ysraih T-853 P003/004 F-077 I 4, :)- It .\ seFdiigri v, Guiijrnanh AAi . Oiehdm Beiis vei ar.pea . 8200 Artrus N . Derrrrrarrk iii adrln€iuiidii wtn heiitloviri th@ i.iirdyiiool hgr iieen checi(ed anct reslecl ior ine ibirowirig: r ri ''{- t t "-/ 6, Tdst ot ceillrig hois! an.d drlve mojbr o"{ti.at tnp ceilihg lrolsi has been tesidct ancl is luily functional n''ifiat'tlre dr'ive rndtor lras bebrr tostdrJ and is fulty funclional 11 thd blfigrgenoy iqWedng bord shoulci be cr-it ott so that ii is 1.9 m/6'3i above the lioor EI oee Cornilientb 7. TeEt of chqrglqg siatign, chargtnq liners and rerfiotb coniiol {lf irsedl fr thdt tlte ceillng hoisi cliargBi whbh the ceiling i'ioist is iljgced tn inri bnarging siaiion (tighp or soUnfl slgnbt) o4!At nre b,eiling holst is chArgeo in the chbiglng iiliers *{hat tlre rernote conirot has beien tested and is {uiiy tunclional u see comnrentg B, Before sdil.rt 5gburely hHS btsEjri cbrii6tl oi..ir by rqidp.rcemun!/. g pafi n g is pp$sihi4 iirbi€irldh l:l rne rgrntorcemEnvgganng aiioth6f spntrati<ir' irutglter's tab6l c sdb cornmenls t. $ee ebthElents 2" gd.fitfcl6lFfidkelb ahd dt+stle piugs rr(.JFoI all enusteits are ti ghrehid [l'ihsl aii bfiiskdt$ ar6 iEhlEired o tlidJ plaSiit plugp hiivir been ritounted on all visibie nuts w{nht a lor:tr ipili i\as bden insened ahd tocks ihe ehdilop lh dlaQe[r see cohrndflts s. chriFlt !hi.l thq ra;i stsrems are ctdan }rld fi4ry furiQllqhal d lhal tlidrg ere nq chiFs or other buitding waste inside the _ r9l ovstem a"lhdt thh riavEiling iioiley moves sllanily in the rall sydernn thnt he brivelfihg rrc[ey rnbves wrih ii ibw power consuritpjignI se,B" eernment$ a; Gc;rpliril df ,Altytpll,lr$ql$i cdmUt-totk anat iuiittiuls ltf iltied)s ihut thE rivrijrbh iriiik iS iutly luncriond ano rh4t lhe tdngyc dqee nof tqueh other cornponenls o thrit lh6 ComFi-locF is llilly funotional ancl lhar rlte spring rFtracts aulomalicqlly fr thht irreie is fro ortst or loibtgn boclies in the raiis wtth saretg heks: Olgan wlli cafflpresse0 air; i[ necd$sary - aftei ihe buiiOirig, r€buildild titc. is {iniehed. D lllat thF tumtabld iS lully furictlonat 5. W€lEht test ffip ilir sy"Am fra* bee-o tasled ror .|f-3.1r<g @cl. a $elety labtcir o! 1.5J ilfpeif itie reil $ySiem dict not give during ihe weighr resl d.$at tfe tallsyslem is still levelfollowing weigltt teeting Ei,^ihat ihe ratt sysiem hes been laneiterl with a completed leaVlnB the assembly slte or reffrove all lnstaflirtiofl Weste tr if there ate csrnmenls. wfite lnese down and inlorrn lhe owner&rrsiomer R se@ comfilents Cornnrerris: 1lre qualily cofilrol has been prepaitsd ln two eigrred copies, one ol lvhich is sr"lbmitted to l[]6 ownei/customer. the ellrfir lo ihe service and krstaliatlon depa.lfflertl al Guldmarrn. E c ", 03-L9-' 09 L3: 59 FE0t'1-U, 5, Metal lf orks/MCD 5036685562 T-853 P004/004 F-07? , .-:,.,.,.-,J.r.,.,,:.'.j .,!t.rr1:,. ri ri" u{iiit' B6hif iii dti H H rrd ritirr ui, 1116 i-u i i tritiiiir,r eer-q/ ;"_eid,il \rtrxzj,irirfi&$l&i n :3 (i" ("-. s.rDidiei v gutrtrnann a/$ Giarrarn fiers Vii zi-esa. 82oo Arnus N . Llenrndik rii srjiiiimlidtri witli iitinutiv$t1 iiie ratl *ystem htig been checked a,yj rdiied ior ihe tulroWlns, 1:f:qxiigl Ft ph9 1e!ffsiceitidqtb; gaar s- trst or ceinng hoisr aqo drlye rhotore':iY,LlFt $le reinlbrcernenuqtiqiliig ls securely nr'-ttrar tiie celtng holsr has beoir resled and lo lutiyIaflenb.Gl . Ighctiorratu/#rdl.i$b. tFliofl iqrraundifig the rbinforcomenVgearing ie *dn*nn"'A,rv6 moior haq been tested ind is lullyptarieH id eriqqd tli6 grdbiedt BeijBible.isotslibri turrotiorrato tiiti fgiiiiotdd'iriiinVgeeiifiti firn$ beEii iariied odi b! n ttre iinergency tbvi,bring coid qhouicj be ctri oif soahotti$i cbhiiHutor thar ir is t.S .,i/6is" "n"iu ir,l iiio.o sdB ccirnntehtF Lt ses cornlridntg t. 'tbs! of cherglflg stdltqn, chargiirg ilners and rernoiri cbntiot (ii usedl tr lh€i the oeillng noisi cnaiges irvtren lho ceiling hoist is glaceci in the chbrgipg srtttiori 6ighr or qourui sigqat) eftiial the e,eillng l-roist is chergect irt ihe charging iiner= E"lhat the remote conlrol liss berin testerl dnd is frtlly 2. $pattrii gf brackstF antl p,iasHc plugs rf.$dt alf endelops are rehrenod Urirre{ ali Hrfrql(dr$ are rlofrErreOs lhat, tda$tlc irtqgs hqve been rrioLnteo oh allvislble nuts d,hal d lodk siiin has 6een insdfled ario iocks rhe endsto.p iii pihce u see cdnifiienli s. Cligpk thil lhe tnii systoms are ctean g.[cl fhlly fu iicliorist s'1fr6i itierb ard no chips or otFiir bulldlng waste irrsicle the -[lnil systAtll d' lhlit lhit tfrivdllng trolley moves sildnily in the rail systemtr ltrdt thQ traveliing kolley mbies with alow power corisdmptioiiq 8ed ismlT-tajnlg +, c:cfllrol eJ ii*llgh nau,Is, Sbrirhritp4k anil turmdble (tf ftn6.d) d thet lhe switr*i haDk is iiriiy funciiona-t and rhar lhe lqridrig dqbs nht i"rrsn ot#r "";*;r'il " - u thaiihe QomDljqe\ is fdliy {uriclto.naiand rhsr the oprlhg r€llaats auiornatiixlty m $ui th€rb is no dusi oi ioiblgn bodiEs in rrre ralls witri salp.,t9 lq&ks, Gtean v{illi igrrtpregqed air, iI neoessary - efter ihQ brtildipg, rebriitoing etc- i= riitishod,o that lhe lurntiibl6l! lully iuficthnht - . 5, wdllghl ta$t s'r(e i'r sygrem lras boen resred tor 1/r:S!_ *g $rcl. a saleiy tactor oi t,s) eJhal the iEil sySidm did rmr give durirrg rhe wetgtit restd ffi! the reil6'ygtem is still leve! fottowirrg weight resling d-lfial tHe idll syStem lras beti'i tabefled with a compleiecl lunctional n ,see cc,:tntilents 8. Eqfote leuvtirg the assembiy slte el-ooilebt oi remove ati Inptqllailon weste n i{ there aro cornmbnts, Wiiie ttrele down aid inforrrr the own#r/cuslomer n see cornmbnlb ContiRerris 'ftie quality coirliol has been prepaled in iwo signed coples, one of whlch is submitted to the oWnei/customet the ether to the service and irt$tallaticln clopartinent at Gulclntarrn c inst4llor's tabel d seo coninients il ) -lf\t+a,:s TffHnl[flt STRUGTURE$ *SPECIALTY CONTRACTING oR-ccB 0038aoo I(/A-USMETWIl 89D9 A DMsion of U.S. Metal Works, Inc. 36370 Indusbial Way Sandy, OR 97055 503-8064429 FAX 503-691-982: April2,2009 Jefferson Healthcare Port Townsend, Washington Attn: Dana Michelsen Re: Installation of Guldmann Patient lift supports. Dana, This letter is to inform you that the lifu and support structure for the lifts in Trauma roors 1, 2. and -c where installed by Guldmann certified installers per the engineered details that were prepared for this project by Southwest Consulting Engineering of Portland, Oregon. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. I look forward to working with you again. Sincerely. /Mru US Technical Structwes General Manager 503 806-4429 APR 9 zoog