HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-172\ I Development Services Property Nam Address C Phone Email t Contact/Representative Name Address CitylSIlZ P Email: Contractor: Name:-Dr^t f.rs.,'U1 So.rrrC O.c- ff \zl r"l .l.-P Address: City/SUZip: Phone: Email: State License #:_Exp:_ City Business License #._ 250 Madison Street, Suiie 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax: 360-344-4619 www.cityofpt.us Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Name: Project Valuation: Total Lot Coverage (B uilding Footprint) xla\Square feet: lmpervious Surface:\-/ Square feet:_ Commercial Building Permit Application F Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150 ) See the "Commercial Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Print Name: Project Address & Zoning District qaq vJftshrnn\zNsf Legal Description (or Tax #): Addition: Block: Lot(s I Office Use Onlv Permit**tsJso1:-f72 Associated Permits:Parcel#q7 qac 5?Dq Project Description: Qq C,LwYq<,\ \7Se Construction Type:- Occupancy Rati Building lnformation (square feet) 1"t floor l/ Restrooms: 2nd floor Deck(s):- 3'd floor Storage:- Basement:_ ls it finished? Yes No Other: Newtr Additiontr Remodel/RePair w Change of UseI Signatu ht rna v-\ Date CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you want the For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON:IL TYPE OF INSPECTION:dnu pERMrr NUMBER: AA o> - / Z z lr.J*g*ltlJ bTrrl CONTRACTOR: PHONB: tz 0&o0 APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector IL (Date 01 Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and availoble at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT f,'or inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF'INSPECTION:BU O(. zb t SITE ADDRESS:t L) PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION:6il1'-,t.- lts PHONE: oL) rJt LE R )L L^ ! APPROVED N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection {, L{,Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and availoble at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. I II NOTAPPROVED Department of Labor & lndustries ELECTRICAL Section ELECTRICAL Inspection Correction Report The corrections listed below are hereby ordered and must be completed within 15 days of issuance Contractor / Owner Date of lnspection Bt1Ot20O7 Pern!t Numbet 1 48598,1 Pdohrmann, vicki s 924 washington street port townsend f] NOT APPROVED FoR COVER E NOT APPROVED FOR SERVICE ls the permit fee correct ffi Ves E to Fee due $ $O OO Correction(s) issued on: 8/1 O|2OO7 - 2005ROill 1928 101(4XSIT.1)CoveredpriortoinspectionCorrectionlssuedon,: 8/10nAA7 byOHIOK,ROGER. - Electrical wiring concealed and covered prior to inspection and approval MEGGAR TEST REQUIRED WITH RESULTS POSTED 2005 NEC 220,4A Feeder anclservice load calculations Correction lssued on B/1O?OA7 by CHICK, ROGER - PROVIDE A LOAD CALCULATION FOR FEEDER FROIM lvlAlN SERVICE DISCONNECT; INCORPORAIING ALL LOADS FED FROM THE BREAKER AND NOT JUST THE SPA. 2005 NEC lfi.22ldentification of disconnecting means Correction lssued on; B/10/2007 by CHICK ROGER THE MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER TO BE LABELED AS A SERVICE DISCONNECT AND THE LOAD IT FEEDS Each disconnecting means shall be legibly marked to indicate its purpose unless locatecJ and arranged so the purpose is evident The marking shall be of sufficient durability to withstand the environment involved See WAC 296-46-110 (022). 2006 WAC 296.468;110022 LABEL OF PANELBOARD$ Correctio.n lssued on, Bl10l2OO7 try CHICK, ROGER . ALL NON RESIDENTIAL PANELBOARDS TO BE HAVE A LABEL OF DESIGNATION AND THE PANEL OF ORIGINATIOPN AND THE CIRCUIT NUIVIBER FEEDING IT FROM THE ORIGINATION PANEL 2005 NFC 3,14,20'Bexes to be'fJu,sh eorrection lssued on: 8|1A.'2AQ,7 by CHICK, ROGER In walls or cerlings of noncombustible material, boxes employing a flush-type cover or faceplate shall be installed so that the front edge of the box, plaster ring, extension ring, or listed extender will not be set back of the finrsheci surface more than %in. ln walls and ceilings of combustible surface material, boxes, plaster rings, extension rrngs, or Irsted extenders shall be flush with the finished surface 2006 WAe 2 6.46,8,,900(3) trermit posted on jobsik eorrection lssued on: 8110/2007 by CHICK, ROGER IF A PERSON OR COMPANY IS HIRED TO CON4PLETE THE JOB; THEY MUST BE A LICENSED ELECTRTCAL CONTRACTOR AND HAVE A PERMIT FOR THEIR PORTION OF THE WORK AUG 1 0 ?-A07 I I L i itll 1 i i,ili llrj I I I t I I I 360 415-4034 4 5-4000 Page 1 of 1 BEN'S HEATING SERVICE INC. lrutatt*lon" n€paiffi, It{aintarrcs DavidJ. Klemann €60)rE936{t(f I.ICENSEDANIIBONDEO coNT#BfNStrSrBtts rat6 FtB,srrrf,Er POnT lt)rrNsEil&wr" rs36t Vic*iDohrmann 924 WaBhington PortTowneend 379-4849 _ lugy$ g Z007.performed yearly maintenanco on electric forced air fumace. Cfieck etec'trlcalconneclions, airfilter, amparage diaw, opemtion and sateyconrrore. supplyduaing nas nia seams metaltaped. Checkerl opemtim of tfire manually operaEd exhaust fans. Sinceroly tre--%" Norman Boyd Ben's Heating Servlce lno. r-lt-tllrii,,li i AUG 13 2007 08/04/?014 03:29 FAX PnWU6-r 6544 Fta @001/001 @nm'*, 1t #EFOTHER',S PLUIEII{O, IttF, Sptcrfdng h Plurtttg I Pulrpt L "NE]B flf.N\/ffifiGtr 46034PO.E(rx21StgEclultrl, WA S6:m PHOTEg!!{ror TERMS: l€ll'trrlrtli 90 P.O.g(D(15i+ POFTAilOEIES,WASO&I TO PilOiIE/||Ail?t9 r0 C rlbnt tnrtr rcl r-a f iilb.;i1i:;:;,;i';"i,' m ln h hI rlthlrfrrrltrnnf t :;tFlTFHi{6ii;,,i1; >_ OITE Cql TElED ?OTAL MATERIAIS Wolkordatrd by _.-wlhc 'lislecloty corlldalior ol ftc rbrl? deccfted iotl( o^rE 9F O{roLH WffiBOqTlGHIIUHEEF _j DAYWoRK i- oournesr [-l rxrnn tIi t| i L,T ,ttr. l $l\av \e h'ts eti rlox S rtF FE h{"N Yls ur-L QI \t\r,il ttf,^r t_ $lrlr !t(Yts d TOTAL OTHER tr nq. .t* i \I TOTAL LAEOR TOTAI MA?EBIALS TOTALOfiER TAX Slgnalura I nerb0t \f,:. TOTAL Brostrom Engineering, PLLC 922 % Washington Street #6, Port Townsend, WA 98368 . phone and fax: (360)-379-6402 ' mikaelbrostrom@yahoo.com Registered professional engineer license numbers: Mitiaet Brosirom, p.E:AZ io+Ot, cn c66011, LA 33327, MS 18078, & WA a3306; Laura Parsons, P E.: CA c66825 & WA 42618 VickiDohrmann 500 Goss Road Port Townsend, WA 98368 Date: Re: Job Title: August 9,2007 Site lnspection Report 06056 - Dohrmann Dear Vicki Dohrmann: The following is a Site lnspection Report based on the August 9, 2007 inspection of the 924 Washington Street, Port iownsend, WA 98368 remodel. This inspection was completed by the project engineer, Mikael Brostrom, P.E. The following people were present at the building site during this inspection: Mikael BrostrOm, P.E. The new 2x10 DF#2joists has diagonal bracing at 3'-4" o.c. Do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions. mikaelbrostrom@yahoo.com and my phone number is (360)-379-6402. My email address is Sincerely, BrostrOm Engineering, PLLC M Brostrom, P.E. C Member EXPIRES APaIO : { I I I I I I i I AU0 1 0 ?lli]7 )NAl. t.ll Page 1 of '1 '.'\ . '\ )) Brostriim Engineering, PLLC 922 l12 Washington Street #6 ' Port Townsend. WA 98368 Phone & Fax: (360) 379-6402. ll-rrrail : mil<aelbrostront(|yahoo.cottt ev: "//S- . DArE: oS f o1 /tl PRorECr' pad R/44/t,lA'SHEET JoB No.: OCCI SGPROJECT ADDRESS: SUBJECT: $'pt$? Si?'ftr.J s ,f ,plp'" d tr{ PSF =. laa pSF o?r. ffi t8,G?rF- €- I 33 ?uf 5oo Lb$ ,f,i.$ Q,, (r,+rrt\ \'/ ./t(l 33 r7) t) d.) lo'-o" ? 5'Oo5 t8,G ?L7 Dao Lgs ,( (e) L"x J'lL" g 16" o r- W C^,) LY, to DF*,I- Q-. (G" o-c ' Drl6Dr.Jl,l- cR.o$'s 3g*c t d( e 3' ri ,)/ - 'tr t' J EXPTFES 04/02/ -' Brostrtim Engineering, PLLC 9221l,2 Washington Street #6 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-6402 Title : Dohrnrann ' \', Job # 06056 Dsgnr: Mikael Brostr J D"t", 11:07PM, 9 AUG 07 Description : 924 Washington Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Scope : 5.8.0. 1 -Dec-2003 Timber Beam & Joist Page 1 06056 dohrmann ecw CaiculalionscSoftware Description FLOOR JOISTS Timber Member lnformation lodeRef: 199712001 NDS,2000/2003 lBC,2003NFPA5000.Baseallowablesareuserdefined rlooR rorsr (E) 2\1O FLOOR JO[ST (N) FLOOR JOIST (E)FLOOR JOIST (N) 2x1O 2x1O 1.500 9.250 aaa Douglas Fir - Larch, No.2 900.0 180.0 1,600.0 1.000 Sawn Repetitive 2xlO 2.000 9.500 10.00 Douglas Fir - Larch, No.1 1,000.0 180.0 1,700 0 1.000 Sawn Repetitive Timber Section Beam Width Beam Depth Le: Unbraced Length Tlmber Grade Fb - Basic Allow Fv - Basic Allow Elastic Modulus Load Duration Factor Member Type Repetitive Status Center S Span Dead Load Live Load Point #1 DL LL @x Results Mmax @ Center @X= fb : Actual Fb :Allowable fu:Actual Fv : Allowable Ratio = 0.9847 22.74 5.00 1,063.1 1,079.6 Bending OK 69.5 180.0 Shear OK 0.6977 22.74 5.00 755.9 1,083.4 Bending OK 50.7 180.0 Shear OK o 7704 17.79 s.00 831 .7 1,079.6 Bending OK 35.6 180.0 Shdar oK 0.5458 17.79 5.00 591.4 1,083.4 gending OK 26.0 180.0 Shear OK tn in fl psi psl ksi 1.500 9.250 3.33 Douglas Fir - Larch, No.2 900.0 180.0 1,600.0 1.000 Sawn Repetitive 10.00 18.60 133.00 2 000 9.500 10.00 Douglas Fir - Larch, No. I 1,000.0 180.0 1,700.0 1.000 Sawn Repetitive n Data 10.00 18.60 133.00 10.00 18.60 500.00 5 000 10.00 18 60 500.00 5.000 psr psi Reactions @ Left End DL LL MaX. DL+LL @ Right End DL LL MaX. DL+LL 250.00 343 00 93.00 250.00 343.00 93.00 250.00 343.00 93.00 250.00 343.00 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs 93.00 665.00 758.00 93.00 665.00 758.00 93.00 665.00 758.00 93.00 665.00 758.00 Deflections Center DL Defl L/Defl Ratio Center LL Defl L/Defl Ratio Center Total Defl Location L/Defl Ratio llatio OK Defioction OK Deflcctiun OK Dcfleciion (.)K in in in ft -0.026 4,538.9 -0.189 634.8 -0.215 5.000 556.9 -0.017 6,965.7 -0.123 974.2 -0. 140 s.000 854.6 -0.026 4,538.9 -0. 1 14 f ,055.3 -0. 140 5.000 856.2 -0.017 6,965.7 -0.074 1 .619.5 -0.091 5.000 1,314.0 EXPTFES Uluztot ) ,.i,r,,n l' . .: *i' '' ] CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT DATE OF INSPECTION: P For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspecti.ons, call by 3:00 PM Friday. PERMIT NUMBER: €',t;> &,. Z8 I SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: Vr c'K(E D,F+K.HANt\{PHoNE: ? - /tf,44 TYPE OF INSPECTION: l{0 CCC ATA,NCI ATPEAfi\L,, i lce.F-f;-a"*ts E p,',trrnovon tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and p:ermit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspectionfee may a be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION:PERMIT NUMBER: iELJzb.2=l SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACTpERSON: VrcJ<.rE 1)24F}iANM TYPE OF INSPECTION: PHoNE: 9- 49aO occu#l{o(,.,rPeottALa t fr=g.atll &axyNz,&s ++Ep- f/a Zaz 6r**ouu,! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Date and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection.fee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. 8'3-aa PERMITNUMBER:3DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS:q24 I .)a.",h,'naj-rn^.- PROJECTNAME: oc\h nmrrnn d PHONE:,?7q -<K4q CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION: t K)St OF ( AE ea/G/o/w-g /il fa/- Fzaoz fu&*tr"rc Ere,lt t /t At€ -- I O+L hr/^ur /A!*p 4--7i^l/t I , L,J- FaL- *2/aar,+z- of EZEe"rZ/(*< 0 Z 6L @ nffiunJ 'fia Mf. aatprtatu/ rtfltuu/r<- a#r14B ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Ou-LtF^N NOT Call for re-before Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. I COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST This checklisf is for new construction, additions, and remodels. The purpose is fo show what you intend to build, where it will be located on the lot, and how it will be constructed. --l Commercial building permit application. -l Non-Residential Energy Code forms: # Lighting * Mechanical * Envelope --.r Title Page/Cover Sheet: 1. Project identification 2. Project address, legal description, location map, tax parcel number(s) 3. Alldesign professionals identified including addresses and phone numbers4. Name, address, and phone number of person responsible for project coordination5. Design criteria, including occupancy group, construction type, allowed floor area vs. proposed, occupant loads, height and number of stories, deferred submittals, etc.6. Designate compliance with all applicable codesj A site plan showing: 1. Legal description and parcel number (or tax number),2. Property lines and dimensions 3. Setbacks from all sides of the proposed structure to the property lines in accordance with a pinned boundary line survey 4. On-site parking and driveway with dimensions 5. Street names and any easements or vacations6. Location and diameter of existing trees 7. Utility lines B- lf applicable, existing or proposed septic system location 9. Delineated critical areas boundaries and buffers I Foundation plan: 1. Footings and foundation walls 2. Post and beam sizes and spans3. Floor joist size and layout 4. Holdowns 5. Foundation venting -1 Floor plan: 1. Room use and dimensions 2. Braced wall panel locations 3. Smoke detector locations 4. Attic access 5. Plumbing and mechanical fixtures 6. Occupancy separation between dwelling and garage (if applicable) 7. Window, skylight, and door locations, including escape windows and safety glazing i Wall section: 1. Footing size, reinforcement, depth below grade 2. Foundation wall, height, width, reinforcement, anchor bolts, and washers3. Floor joist size and spacing4. Wall stud size and spacing 5. Header size and spans 6. Wall sheathing, weather resistant barrier, and siding material 7. Sheet rock and insulation B. Rafters, ceiling joists, trusses, with blocking an'd positive connections9. Ceiling height Rough Notes HPC 8-21-07 ROLL CALL. Charles Paul, Marsha Moratti, Michael Colbert, Barbara Marseille; staff John McDonagh, Penny Westerfield, Pat Iolavera. Rosalind was absent. Richard Berg came in later. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. The August7,2007, minutes were approved as is AGENDA. Charlie had an addition to Old Business re the Perkins project. Michael added to Old Business with The Spot, and will update about the Fowler House. APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS. Michael has worked for the Dohrmann's in the past on their residence, but not on this project; would not interfere with his objectivity. Barbara said she's spoken with a business owner about the kiosks. HPC07-016. 924 Washington Street. Peter Dohrmann was present. John said the Dohrmann's have been working on renovations to their building at924 Washington Street. This has triggered handrails review. Photo shows general location and size. Return on the sidewalk will need to be worked out in the field with the fabricator. The code will require some kind of handrails, and staff feels the proposed handrails should be approved. Peter added that it would likely be modeled after the features on the Terry Building and Haller fountain. Peter suggested the fabricator submit a CAD version of what will be created for approval before he begins construction. Discussion was held on safety issues and past projects that had similar review when the building encroached in the ROW. The sub-com assigned to this project will deal with final approval by the fabricator, Reynolds Machine. Sub-Com. Marsha said wood would have been more traditional here. Peter said two nearby buildings have metal and John added that several other projects around town have been approved with metal/iron railings. Charlie recornmended that Marsha and John work on the final issues with the Dohrmanns. Peter will get the drawings to DSD and then a recommendation can be made. Roundtable. Michael said having a railing in this area would be far safer. Wood is difficult to meet code because you cannot put an appropriate return on wood as opposed to metal. Barbara had a question for Michael about attachment to a window detailing. Michael clarified. Peter said the Fountain Cafe has the same problem. Discussion was held on ADA compliance. Barbara doesn't see a pregedent in town for polished brass, not to mention the maintenance issue. The wall lights are not the same metal. The polished brass is out of place. Would rather see a dark metal finish. John said that's consistent with the Copula House. Discussion on color. Black is prevalent around town Bronze shouldn't be used per Barbara because it's classy and this building is not and never will be. PT needs to be as genuine and real as it can. Discussion on affixing the railings to the sidewalk. 1 Rough Notes Marsha moved that HPC approve the proposal contingent upon review by staff and the sub-com as to the metal color and the encroachment on city property. Michael added that the sub-com needed to see the final fabricated drawings and a sample of the material if possible. All were in favor. The motion passed. John asked Peter to get the information to the department as soon as possible so they can move on with the project. A color sample would be good, too. Explained the rest of the process. Peter guessed he would have the drawings within a week or so. HPC07-015" NW Maritime Center. Leigh Kennel and Gary Kennedy were present. John explained the process, and said the proposal is for a temporary sign at the sight. It will be 4x8 with a 10x10 landscaped arca. lI was similar to the long-time fundraising process. The fonts are frne, some of the colors may not be on the palette, which is why they are here. The center has the building application in. Gary said that construction may begin in 2008, not this fall. Leigh says it's a metal sign, but a photographic process where the image is ingrained into the sign, a printing process. So it's metal but it looks like wood. John said we've approved other metal signs even though wood is preferred. Staff recommends finding it acceptable. Code states that the landscaping around a pole sign should be double the size of the sign, and while this will be a construction site, Leigh envisions something nice but no scheme is planned at this time. Something beachy or shoreline. We could use subcom to have the landscaping approved when more of a plan is in place. Right now thinking about a metal oorope" around the sign and filling it in with beach rocks. It will be a construction site. Keep it tidy and easy maintenance. Sub-com. Michael asked about the square footage; okay with sign code. Fonts okay - Times New Roman and Arial. The wood background simulation bothers him. Something off the palette as a background color would be more appropriate rather than a simulated background. John brought in the color palette. John suggested colors that have been approved on the building. Good idea. The back of the sign is metal, no color. Richard arrived and Michael caught him up on the comments so far. The red on the sign is a minor color and the sign is temporary anyway. Richard at first glance didn't see anything wrong with the sign, liked the faux wood since it was a "wooden boat" sign. Thinks the faux wood is fine. Discussion on the wood. Roundtable. Marsha asked if the thermometer would be updated frequently? Yes, through the fundraising until it's filled! Asked that the temporary banner be taken down now that the temp sign is proposed. It will be. Barbara thinks this could have been approved administratively. Likes the idea of the background color of the buildings used as the sign background. Made suggestions about being able to read the sign. Said the chain thing that's there now was already approved so if you use that, won't need to come back for approval. Charlie clarified the height of the sign; won't be over 5 feet. 2 Rough Notes Michael moved that HPC find the project acceptable with the recommendation that the background color be changed to something on the approved historic palette or one of the pre-approved colors for the buildings on site. Barbara seconded. All in favor. The motion passed. Michael stated the landscape description seems appropriate and the rest of the committee agreed. Doesn't need to come back for review. HPC07-014. City of Port Townsend. Kiosks. Mary Heather Ames was present. This design was done in response to the desire to remove the sandwich boards from downtown. David Timmons worked with a local manufacturer for a design. She displayed a full size mock-up that mimics the design of the railing in city hall. Perpetua titling is the font used and is on the approved list. It will be bolted to the sidewalk to deter someone carrying it away. It is 7' tall. Discussed the views in the application. Not limited to merely advertising businesses. Can be location finding, directional finding as well. The initial locations are noted on the map in the application. These locations are a trial, to see how they are received. They would like to be used in uptown as well, but using a different motif to differentiate uptown and downtown. The signs would be two- sided. The first one would be less than $3,500, and can order others for less. Right now going with one fabricator. If HPC approves the design, will ask the Jacqua family for approval to use the design. The copper will be used for the street name, and metal will be used for the business names and they will be bolted to the sign. They will be individually reviewed. Marsha said we might be getting ahead of ourselves in terms of the Sign committee. Kiosks were just one of the options. Zoning only allows 3 kiosks so that would need to be changed, too. Discussion was held. Charlie said council needs to be advised as to what HPCs suggestion is. Marsha is concerned that approving this design would make it set in stone. Suggests maps on the kiosks as well. Pat said this proposal is a kind of branding for the historic downtown. It's important to make people aware that they are in a national landmark historic district and maybe this identifier could be incorporated in the sign. Thinks having both sandwich board signs and kiosks would be too much clutter. Most importantly to have historic district identifier. Charlie thinks the design is fine as a start. There is a necessity as to what the individual signs will look like. Guidelines need to be established as to lettering used, colors, etc. Pat added that if there were too much uniformity to the kiosks, it would begin to look like Bellevue Square. Richard suggested to have the historic identifier, and then let the businesses have at it with whatever colorful thing they want to use to draw attention to their business. We're taking them from a sandwich board to a much smaller advertising space. J Rough It{otes Discussion held on various directional sign design. Richard approved the design, and happy that someone is doing something. Gave Mary Heather a round of applause, and she clarified that David Timmons designed the sign, she just carried it through. Marsha suggested taking the prototype to the Sign Committee and have them look at it. Richard suggested providing any kind of boost from HPC that will help make this go through. Charlie suggested having a memorial statement stamped on it somewhere acknowledging Russell Jacqua. Michael reminded of corrosion issues with copper and metal. Richard suggested as part of the street sign, saying Port Townsend National Landmark Historic District. Mary Heather said this has been mentioned to Main Street, so she will go there next; wanted to get HPC approval first. Discussion as to whether these would replace the street signs. Barbaru added that vandalism needs to be considered and how easily they could be repaired. HPC enthusiastically endorses the conceptual approval of the kiosk design and that final approval of the Sign Committee and Main Street be submitted to HPC for concurrence. OLD BUSINESS The Spot. Michael said that The Spot had a first anniversary announcement on the visitor's center readerboard sign. Charlie told Pat that Leonard will get with her about issues that HPC had about various projects that have not been resolved to HPC's satisfaction; enforcement issues. Perkins Building. Johanna picked up her permit to start construction. Charlie passed out copies of section 105 from the IBC, and read from it regarding the timing of applications. Has a concem about the timing of the permit. Was there favoritism and what was the justifiable cause for the extension. Concerned that she didn't return for further approval. John's remembrance was that she would come back for hardware, lighting, colors, and signage, but not changes to the building. With construction of new buildings, it's usually not a one-time process for HPC approval. And most times further HPC approval comes while the building is under construction. Charlie read from 104.4. Discussion held on whether the building still meets code. John reviewed the history of the project. Since Perkins' project triggered SEPA, HPC review is mandatory and compliance is mandatory. Charlie wanted the committee to be aware of what he was thinking. John will research the history and discuss it next meeting. Fowler House. Michael said they dropped the project as it is far more damaged than they originally thought and drove the cost way up. They will revisit it after the first of the year. Just sent a letter to the owners listing what needs to be done. 4 ) Rough Jt{otes Charlie introduced Pat lolavera, DSD's new assistant director/senior planner. Pat gave her background that includes a lot of historic preservation knowledge. She is looking forward to working with HPC and staff. Her strength is in strategic planning. Interested in a retreat with HPC; they are, too. Discussion held on whether or not anyone's applied for Roger's position. None known at this time. Barbara has a suggestion for someone and after discussion she will contact him. Ken Clow reassured Charlie that any other public works projects will go before HPC where applicable. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 5 l fu,oo'f 'fl z- September 3,2007 TO: City of Port Townsend Qity of Pott Townsend Developnent SeNics'' Depaftment 250 Madison Strcet Suite 3 Pott Townsend, WA 98368 From: Vicki Dohrmann RE: Delay of Installing Permanent Handrails This is notification that installation of permanent handrails at924 Washington Sfeet has been delayed for the following reasons: 1. The Historic society has provided no response regarding proposed handrail design and materials. 2. City of Port Townsend Development Services Department or other deparhnent officials have not indicated where handrails are to initiate at the sidewalk, or on or near the steps. Fabricator has requested that a city official mark the desired handrail initiation point, given the encroachment concern the crty has stated to me. Fabricator will not initiate handrail project until this is completed by the city. Handrail fabrication and design cannot be initiated due to the above two issues. I signed a statement that I would make every effort to have the permanent handrails installed by september 30fi,2007. However, giu"ttthe delay from the above departments, this deadline will not be met. Sincerely, Vicki Dohrmann Owner sFP - 5 2tJ|J7 l ,1ll I .il I I I I I / I ! I {.lt i l,t i i,1, I tr ,, rt jl Nti i,. t; ?fi+ 5r9 ol ,ar-r : :-: i --. :r,! :r.,. i j : t: r'a_ j i .': Ji i 1: i i lr' i iTO ? , i :!,. -i-i TERMS: T'ATE OF ORDER ORDERTAKSI.J BY - . DAYWORK .. CONTRACT ._. EXTRA JOB .roB LocATlol.l '_t STARTING DATEJOB GTY.IIEA p EmlfqL :;.; a::; ! ;' .':- i i"'-i-'::." 1::,; ,.:.?! : OTHER EHARGES AMOUFIT DATE COMPLET€D Work ordered bY '1l_',1-:i,'r: ':l; i , ,.1 .t ' :1, :4' .' :n' '; .;.:- !';;- i a::: t.:i. : '|. .:r, " + ,t :;"''rtr ,. i, .,,: fl TOTAL LABOR :-j TOTAL MATERIALSTOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL OTHEB .t TAX -t i,TOTAT ::.1' ,. .? Signature I hereby acknowledge the salislactory complelion ot the above described !?ork- w .. , t,"a., : " . '.:;ii i'it!-' .: l'- 1" I T'O 'PHotlE DATE OF ORDER . .. ':. 1 :.: . OFDER TAKEN BY NU$JBER -;'.: DAY WORK : CONTRACT ..EXTRA i; , .a-1. :: l JOB PHONE t STARTING DATE ,':-- .OTY.MATERIAL itRtcE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF WORK t.: l: ': i: i,' i- l:l OTHER CHARGES AMOUNT -r:ij' i '-,',:: ir.*" ,. .= ...i ji'" .' ir. --:''t' .:! :ij :t .:-:: .; LABOR HRS,RATE TOTAL OTHER TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATERIALS i -- j .,ia TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL OTHER TAX TOTAL ..: : DATE COMPLFTED Work ordered by saiistactory completion ot lhe above described work. PP Or#n Fle.lc?J ^-"t I hereby acknowledge ihe :: -.:,- : a-'.-' _, :..: -- _'.ti1: t..:. '-, ' TO :J TERMS: l::. " '' 1?:1 \:.? | .- :. t .aa :" 1 .a.'-.-" tE :i:i: :.i.:"::. =* i'jritf:',. i .::.:i- ::j DATE OF ORDER OFDEFI BY NUMBER , :- DAywoRK .* coNTRAcr i-. effnn JOB OTY. DATF COMPLETED Work ordered by Signature :.'I 'i j., :i; --i I hereby l'i a acknolvledge Ue- satistactory :: t, "\ a.-,.i - -'=' PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTIOhI OF WORK ; rtt J l' ,: .. " .j]: , -.t ; -.:.::, :a--.j.. f' i OTHER CHARGES AMOUT{T t ,.i .i ::? Ii:l:^'' TOTAL OTHER LABOF r'.: ;i :' TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATEBIALS TOTAL MATEFIALS TOTAL OTHER :''' TAX TOTALcomplelion of lhe above descritred work.w : TJ ...: i il -.;:..'!.:: ;':i-1: .i 'i: TERMS: / PHoNE DATE OF ORDER OFDER TAKEI'I BY CUSTO}TIERs ORDER NU[IBER : : DAYWORK -- CoNTRACT , exrnn JOB t'iAl..4FNUr'lBER JOB LOCATION 1, JOB PHONE STARTING DAIE MATERIAL PRICE 'At{tot.tNT'DESCRIPTION OF WORK !1 ":.:' :; il.;/i. i,-.) . ;: ;t-ri tl : ,1 .. -.'ii il- ;;' -r'. ' . i.:'i, .: ,.]-:.. J r,- (/^ ,-'i---t'{--€---iL .. J J TOTAL OTHER TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL OTHER ;' j j TAXWTOTAL .:r 'i ,,{ -1: AMOUNT \TE COMPLETED Work ordered by ;.:,? 1rf. Signature I heroby acknowledge the satistactory completion of 'the above desffibed work. i ;*,i TO l'l-- ::::r tl.tj._,.,i,;--i :: "i /PHoNE DATE OF OBDEN.:a't",j-r;:: TAKEN BY CUSTOMER'SORDEB NUMBER DAYWORK I coNTRAcT r I EXTRA JOB LOCATION JOB PHONE ti TERMS: .1,.:..-.a-:, :: i-.. '.. ' ::':' .:i::' l'..i.;:.j:, ,':.,'' -::,:.-.,,:t.-,::.::-i.:::;i:;:;.-:--i '.,.";- i.,::r.;q,i ,;-....:,.'i,:+F:t.,]: .- -.i:j' !-,,-..rJ l::::i.,li:,:.:,-:.:t:r1,'11..i.:i::.j:: -.;:i: OTY. DATE COMPLFIED Work ordered by PRICE...AMOUNT I'' ::l -f1' t : -'a!:".aa;: ''\/ . ...'.:. :.. r: .:. , i', J... '-rj,1.,. r.:: i -r:i:''. I AMOUNT "?. .;t ;"_ _ j i-r -i,;l ' " ,j. j- ' ,t. ,..:i;."1.-,;''= ;! ti,:,,r'fi ,.,,i 'r. -l j, i -.; :il:''" .r-':';:':4. t a:,Ir'r,i ,i, t I l^f ],,Yt - TOTAL OTHEFI ]u r"\ TOTAL LABOR ..1" ;.,-. TOTAL MATERIALS 4.,;, ' !:TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL OTHER .: i..' TAXW TOTAL :l {t Signalure I hereby acknowledge lhe satisfactory complelion of the atJova described work. h:.'r" .I-Fi. +{i: " i;4;'::',. ' TO ! TEBMS: Pllar.JE DATE OF {.'ORDEB BY NUMBER DAYWORK -, corurRncr : , EXTRA JOB NAI,{E'NU'!IBEA i 3 n'r,- ''- JOB lJ- JO€I PHONE DATE .i "!t:. .-; -' i-',. l- ,i:-, .r' : I {,..:!ri:a l 1r.'. :i--:,' r.a i::;;-l ,t ,l: .' : TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL OTHER t' TAX TOTAL QTY.MATEHIAL ",, '..PRISE DESCRIPTiON OF WORK i-. - i,.: .; -:' :' j. - --.i * OTHER CFIARGES AMOUNT 'i:,, i-, i i.i, i"-; L ': : ': 'it iri' ':1' ,dge the satisfaclory complelion ol the above described work-w Raincoast Electric LLG. Ra+ocoastElectric LLC. POBox 185 Nordtand, WA 98358 (360) 301-6191 releasefish@aolcom lnvoice ,Trb I dt bo DATE M/0U2007 1093 TERMS DUE EAT€ Due on receipt Mtovzw7 VickyDohrman Job address 942 W6hbgtoo St pL.I.m Rate . 125 Amp main lug Square D Homeline series 20 space electrical panel.4" square metal box with flange . 4" octagon metal box.4" octagon metal box extension . Fan ratedmetal ceiling box ' 4n square metal industrial raised single GFCI outlet cover (for foot baths).20mp GFCI receptacle (forfoot bafts). 5l8n rise metal single gmg rmr&ing for 4" square box. 5/8" rise netal 2 eang mudring for 4' square-box. l" risemetal single gang mudring for 4; square box' I " rise mebl 2 gang mudring for 4" sguare box. 1.25o rise metal singte gang ruudring for 4" squae box.2.5" decp4" ochgonbox . 4" octagon box 5lB" rise mudring ' 2.5" deep single gang gangable box. 5/8' deep 4" round pancake box. ll0-ll0-ll0 SER d#2 AWG grorurd sold per foot. l-25" s€t s&:rew connwtor for SER.20amp Sguare D Homeline series single pole circuit break€r. lO0emp Square D "eO" series circuit br€aker. 30amp Square D "QO" series 2 pole circuit breaker 'Porcelain keyless light fDilure (in loft by furnace and waterheaters). 6"x6'k4" NEMA 3 rated metal jrmction box.3/4"PVCLb trtring . 3/4" PVC electrical conduit per l0'.3l4PYC9O degree fining to the next page.. . Labor ..1A2WC wire per250 footroll 2 2 I t4 I I I I I I l0 8 I 39 3 5 3 t2 ll 2. 3.0s 2.69 l4- I t9.97 2-98 3.68 2.52 2.At t-6/. 1.52 1.49 3.43 14.98 4.527 14l.96T 48.247 29-sTf 29.587 6.867 29.967 l3-607 9.127 22.357 5.047 8.607 7t.9Tr t9-gtf 12.2W 10.767 27.2W 2.947 55.727 79.847 ?9.947 2.987 14.557 3.4Tf 3.6ET 2.527 3,900.007 93t.847 1 a 156.007 Paga2of2 28.467 19.607 50.007 t,'r':;:,' ..AiiiOUn t #10 AWG THHN oopper wire (pulled throug! conduit to back of building to feed water heaters) sold per foot (5 mns at 80' each) . Box of lfi) lWC wfu€ connectors . Box of 100 l" scr€ws . Mscellaneous materials ie..- wirenuts, grormd screws, staples, electriol t"p",.....-.-. 2.5 I 0.39 I SUBTOTAL $5,782.94 TA)(s485J7 As of 4lll07,I have over 80 horrs into this job. I will onty charge you for 65 hours for the entirt rough-in pham. [ [opc you are happy with my work. This was a fim pmject aa Raincoast Electric LLC. Raincoast Electic LLC. POBox 185 Nordland,WA 98358 (360) 30r{l9l releasefish@aol.com ViclryDohrman Statement # Mt0u2w7 1005 03t0r/2007 MIOLDMT MlotnwT forward #1093 TookDrawonJob 6-268.71 4,769.7t $0.00 $4,769.7t $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 fi4,768.71 C&.F Inslrlat*gr* F.S. B*x ?9S7, F*rt Ange$es, !tH& 9FESU {SS*} 6&E-S4A* 1-8dls-4"9-e379 J!fs&fngy#{r*' #& e Jf**fe es.}srr?serf INSULATION CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT THERMAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS WASHINGTON STATE CODE) OR APPROVED PLANS, INSULATION HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN THE BUILDING PROPERW ADDRESS: LOCATEDAT: 924 WASHINGTON OWNER: BUILDER: ATTIC TYPE OF IIII,ATERIAL: BLOWN TYPE OF MATERIAL: EXTERIORWALLS TYPE OF MATERIAL: FLOORS TYPE OF MATERIAL VAPOR BARRIERS TYPE OF MATERIAL: DUGT'PIPE WRAP TYPE OF MATERIAL SUB.CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S REG. FIBERGLAS FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS VISQUEEN FLOOR FIBERGLASS YES DESCRIPTION OF INSULATION MANUFACTURER KNAUF KNAUF KNAUF THICKNESS R-VALUE 196 3.5 13 CEILING NO WALLS C&FlNSULATlOltt.tNC, cFNSr066DW DATE 3n1POO7 Ra{ncoast Electric LLC. PO Box 185 Nordland, WA 98358 (360) 30l4lel releasefish@aol.com TO Raincoast Electric LLG. l lnvoice DATE INVO|CE# 04/au2007 1093 TERMS DUE DATE Due onreceipt 04.t0u2007 VickyDohrman Job address Amount 942 WshirgroD St Pt Tom Activity Rate ..12/2 WC wire per 250 foot roll. 125 Amp main lug Square D Homeline series 20 space electrical panel.4" squarc metal box with flange.4" ostagon metal box.4" octagon metal box extension . Fan ratedmetal ceiling box '4" square metal indusmial raised single GFCI outlet cover (for foot baths).20amp GFCI receptacle (for foot baths). 5/8'r rise metal single gang mudring for 4" square box. 5/8" rise metal 2 gang mudring for4u squarabox. I" rise metal single gang mudring for 4" square box. l" rise metal 2 gang mudring for4r' square box ' 1.25" rise metal singls gang mqdring for 4, square box.2.5" dep 4" ochgon box .4" oclagon box 5/8" rise mudring , 2.5" deep single gang gangable box. 5/8" deep 4" round pancake box. l/0-l/0-ll0 SER w/#2 AWG ground sold per foot. 1.25" set screw connector for SER. 20amp Square D Homeline series single pole circuit breaker. lO0amp Square D nQO" series circuit breaker. 30amp Square D "QO" series 2 pole circuit breaker 'Psrcelain keyless light fixture (in loft by furnace and water heaters). 6"x6ux4' NEMA 3 rated metal junction box.3/4" PVC Lb fitting ' 3/4" PYC electrical conduit per l0'.3l4 PYC 90 degree fitting to the next page.. . Labor l5 3 5 3 I I I I I 65 I l8 2 I 10 I I16.48 .49 t 3.98 79 I I I l. I .52 2.01 t9.97 14. 1.66 3.05 2.69 3.68 2.52 3.43 14.98 1.36 931.847 64.s27 l4l.96T 48.247 29.527 29.587 6.867 29.967 13.607 9.127 22.357 5.MT 8.607 u.977 19.927 t2.207 10.767 27.207 2.947 ss.72T 79.847 39.947 2.987 14.557 3.477 3.687 2.52f 3,900.007 -) Aelivity -) Page2of2 ArnountQuantityRate r #10 AWG THHN cogrer vrire fuutled through conduit to back of building to feed water heaters) sold per foot (5 mns at 80'each) . Box of 100 IWC wire connectors . Box of 100 l" screws . Miscellaneous materials ie... wirenuts, ground screws, staples, electrical tape,......... 4001 1.5 2.5 1 0.391 I l 18.97 7.841, 50.00 156.007 28.467 19.607 50.007 95,782.94 TAX (8.470)$485.77 $6,268.71 As of 4lll07, I have over 80 hours into this job. I will only charge you for 65 hours for the entire rough-in phase. t lope you are happy with my work. This was a fun project. 1 ) Raincoast Electric LLC. R.aincoast Electric LLC. POBox 185 Nordland, WA 98358 (360) 301-6ler releasefish@ol.com Statement DAT€STATEMENT# Mt02t2007 l00s VickyDohrman Date Arnount BALANCE03/01t2007 Ml0lt2001 Mt0v2007 forward #1093 TookDraw on Job 6,269.71 0.00 6,269.71 4,769.71 DIJE P.ASTDUE 1-30 DA PAST DUE PAST DUE DAYS 90+ DAY€ FAST DUE Dt,E$0.00 94,769.7t $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 s4,"168.7t Brostrom Engineering, PLLC 922 %Washington Street *0, port Townsend, WA 98368 . phone.and fax: (360)-379-6402 ' mikaelbrostrom@yahoo.com Registered professional engineer license numbers: Mik;et Brostrdm, P.E.: eZ AAqAl, CA C6601 1, LA 33327, MS 18078, & WA 43306; Laura Parsons, P.E.: CA C66825 & WA 42618 Vicki Dohrmann 500 Goss Road Port Townsend, WA 98368 ALIG - B ?.i,A7 Date: August 8,2007 Re: Site lnsPection RePort Job Title: 06056 - Dohrmann Dear Vicki Dohrmann. The following is a Site lnspection Report based on the August 6, 2007 inspection of the 924 Washington Street, Port iownsend, WA 98368 remodel. This inspection was completed by the project engineer, Mikael BrostrOm, P.E. The following people were present at the building site during this inspection: Mikael Brostrom, P.E. The floor framing was re-installed using the original floor joists (full dimension 2"x9'/i'@ 16' o-c.) andnew 2x1O DF#Z ftooiloists replaced damaged floorjoists. Above the retaining wall's footing (north end of the building), plywood sub-floor was installed, but its thickness and grade was not visible from below. The existing floor joists are adequate for Store / retail live loads of 100 psf or 1,000 lbs concentrated load. There are a-bout six new 2x10 DF#2 joists spaning 10'-0", and these floor joists are currently able to carry the floor dead load and 60 psf of live load. Once full depth blocking or diagonal bracing has been installed at 3'- 4" o.c., the new floor joists will be able to carry the required live loads of 100 psf or 1,000 lbs concentrated load. The existing 7"x9%" beams and supports are adequate.. Do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions. My email address is mikaelbrostrom@yahoo.com and my phone number is (360)-379-6402' Sincerely, Brostrom Engineering, PLLC M Brostrom, P.E EXPTRES 04lWO8 .l il :;! ir i IL PLLC Member Page 1 of '1 Brostrcim Engineering, PLLC 922 y2Washington Street #6, Port Townsend, WA 98368 . phone and fax. (360)-379-6402 . mikaelbrostrom@yahoo.com Registered professional engineer license numbers: Mikael Brostrom, P.E.: AZ 46461, CA C6601 1, LA 33327, MS 18078, & WA 43306; Laura Parsons, P.E.: CA C66825 & WA 42618 VickiDohrmann 500 Goss Road Port Townsend, WA 98368 Date: August 8,2007 Re: Site lnspection Report Job Title: 06056 - Dohrmann Dear Vicki Dohrmann: \ \', AUG - B 20CI? \iI r'\\u'i'11"' :"r ' i ..t ... - 1:, i,\ i., i ' \r1... The following is a Site lnspection Report based on the August 6, 2007 inspection of the 924 Washington Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 remodel. This inspection was completed by the project engineer, Mikael Brostrom, P.E. The following people were present at the building site during this inspection: Mikael Brostrom, P.E. The floor framing was re-installed using the original floor joists (full dimension 2"x9/," @ 16" o.c.) and new 2x10 DF#2 floor joists replaced damaged floor joists. Above the retaining wall's footing (north end of the building), plywood sub-floor was installed, but its thickness and grade was not visible from below. The existing floor joists are adequate for Store / retail live loads of 100 psf or 1,000 lbs concentrated load. There are about six new 2x10 DF#2 joists spaning 10'-0", and these floor joists are currently able to carry the floor dead load and 60 psf of live load. Once full depth blocking or diagonal bracing has been installed at 3'- 4" o.c., the new floor joists will be able to carry the required live loads of 100 psf or 1,000 lbs concentrated load. The existing 7"x9/o" beams and supports are adequate. Do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions mikaelbrostrom@yahoo.com and my phone number is (360)-379-6402. My email address is Sincerely, BrostrOm Engineering, PLLC Brostrom, P.E EXPIRES r. llR t.A PLLC Member Page 1 of 1 '.)^ptps ://fortress. wa. gov/lni/epi s//rptPermit. aspx POST ON JOBSITEPRIORTO BEGINNING WORK LICENSE NUMBERCONTRACTOR Mt\4E PURCHASER'S MAILING ADDRESS 500 goss road port townsend TELEPHONE NUMBER 3603796994 PREMISES OW{ER'S NAME dohrmann, vicki ADDRESS OF INSPECTION 924 washington street port townsend POWER COMPANY Clallam County PUD wa 98368 lnspection Fee: $108.00 SITE PHONE NUMBER 3603794849 This permit expires in one (1) year from date of last activity Expiration:8/8/2008 Date Approved By Date SERVICE FEEDER THERMOSTAT DITCH Area, Building or Equipment lnspected INDIVIDUAL OWNER ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT #1485981P INSTALLATION DESCRIPTION: new subfeed panel and rewire of lights and outlets SERVICES TO INSPECT: DESCRIPTION QUANTITY AMOUNT OF CIRCU Approved By Applied:8/8/2007 WALLS lnsulation Only Cover CEILING lnsulation Only Cover lnspection Date q. /e .e-tri,vd t ,4 ?€g1nt5 Property Owner: This is your permanent record of inspection FAILURE TO POST PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK WILL RESULT IN CIVIL PENALTIES Action Taken& lof2 8l8l07 12:27 PM '") Aamro ,JE ?zu h)a )f 0 ReceiptNunber' ffiffi* BLD07-172 BLD07-172 BLD07-172 BLDoT-172 CHECK 989705704 989705704 989705704 989705704 3672 $6.15 $4.50 $307.25 $10.00 Total: $6.15 $4.50 $307,25 $10.00 Technology Fee for Building Permit State Building Code Council Fee Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P $ 327.90 Total $327.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $327.90 genprntrreceipts Page 'l of 1