HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-163BTJILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Comrnercial Miscellaneous Site Address 923 WASHINGTON STREET Proiect Description Re-roof of Terry Building Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-I63 989104003 Numes Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Johnson Phillip Owner Terry Building Llc Contractor Affordable Roofing Contractor Affordable Roofing Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date (360) 38s-2124 (360) 38s-2124 CITY STATE 2846 t2/31/2001 AFFORSx06 50'. 08 120 /2007 Fee Information Project Details Entered Bid Valuation 1,970 DOLL Project Valuation Building Pennit Fee Plan Review Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $ r ,970.00 69.25 s0.00 4.50 5.00 3.50 Total Fees $132.25 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certifu that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner Print Name ,44.Datelssued: 081101200'7 Issued By: PWESTEMIELD{-@zaa{4n /L1 . 5r/Zh/*f;r/{{f- CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3; Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N , PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y . ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E . PA R C E L NO . 98 9 7 0 4 0 0 3 PE R M I T NO . BL D O T - . 1 6 3 IS S U E D DA T E OB n O I Z O O T D( P I R A T I O N DA T E O2IQ6I2OO8 AD D R E S S 92 3 WA S H I N G T O N ST R E E T CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R TE R R Y B U I L D I N G LL C PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Re - r o o f of Te r r y B u i l d i n g CO N T R A C T O R AF F O R D A B L E RO O F I N G LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS FI N A L BU I L D I N G r NS p Ec , o N *= o , =, 13 fi i8 Y =r T S ff i E' = ? ' J I A Hi , ll T ' , , r ' ? t r i k , DA y r N s p Ec r r o N. Receipt Nunber: BLD07-163 BLD07-163 BLD07-163 BLD07-163 BLD07-163 989704003 989704003 989704003 989704003 989704003 Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit State Building Gode CounGil Fee Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P $50.00 $5.00 $4.50 $69.2s $3.50 Total $50.00 $5.00 $4.50 $69.25 $3.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 $132.2s CHECK 4351 $ 132.25 Total $132.25 genprntrreceipts Page 1 of 1 q8/81o/2A97 66:55 3645829829. , PyqR-"1p-al4El5 t'JiraeF i Rfll4r[ITY ilF )r AFFORDABLE Tili-if,]5El.t 3S3344461?TO ifFgee ?''JrC gFlPi.l$l 1 rrF . e PAGE 82 Fort Townscnd Ilevclopmcnt Servlceo $epnrtmenl- 2SOMs{tlrun Snset, Suitc 3 Psrt Towrsetld' WA 98368 (-160) 3?9'5AeS Fs$ (360) 344''1519 sED ANE $REAKFASTS, MULTI-FAndII"V und csMMsRCIAL bulldingE g[W4ull-reclulrc a ;fr|nilfb; pnf ,oon"g *onii C'oet_l* bnsed on a'Tahlei t-4, Buitrding Ptrmit"Fa.cst' iu the Intcruprionul Buiuiifi b"as, has*d Dn th;Job v*luqflou. ilsn ruriiw fee rvilt be chrrged for duple* complcx proJoctr' mtlsonr)' buildinss stnll heve PaffiFel bracing end wHIl unuhorx installed atN0TE: Umsintbreed ths roof iino and dcsignsd iru acsordmnqs with seo^lion d l I of the {3SREI}(Buidellncs for rhe Rchatrilitst iorr of Ex isting Builclings). Scc Stotf f*r mote inf,ormrtion'LDO ilrbrlr rt dr lr {caorallres rylrh !ll lqcel, stotc rnd ftdcrrl l*rr!. u$rfl{B$ (Continued on other side) P:SSD\Deprnmenc Forrrt$Frlildhrg foc+s\APFlhatior'Roofrne Ptttrrir'doc o?J24D006 h prohlbttcd. Nnmc of LcgolOwner(c): Mailittg Atldress: City, $tat", Zip: Phone FnopcrtY Streot Adclroes: Dlstrlpu aBlockLot(s)Legat Deecription; Contractor'g Nflmet Maiting Addroes: (:ity, St6te, Phone: Labor and Indrmrre$ Lic€nsg [ixpiration Dnte: License #;c Vslue of Con$ruationl $E+tirnatacl Ertimated ComPlotion D+r+ : Estimated Stan Dste: qPpror;cd 6g/A6/2A67 85:55 3685e29429 i4,Ffi-34-4406 EEr?3P FB0lt'nfiT\' $F IRI AFFORDABLE Till.ll' i$El.l 30Fi]4.fi [. L g rr''ll6E5eegBUgPSP6PBir;'ir. 3 PAGE A3 Plcnre chcck YS$ orNS) nlYESNO t, Ir the gtt$cttre * rlngf,+,fnnrily rreidence or duple"lc? Tho Weehington Strtc Energy Code (WSBC) rutcr in,f,acr{our ,IO!:!.2-g trrcr rlhe rwf she*ltry'i.* hetryrefllaced. tf exertd{ lnurrlilfun k rffiffiwd or lJ ne lymfutr'ofi exro/fl, lhe raal wer a h+r*ud space @,qd R-30 tn q wslted ( ?. Is the *tructurs r Fed and Froakf,Ett, Multi-Family or Cornrneroial building'l If the waf theettng ls &rfng rEilacelrtf e**ior lwsalatian ls rcnw*ed or if^ryo {xnalafon a*ilq *e raof avw a hwted ryace wrust ba fnx*dateal w vulaas ln Tab$e I&' I aJ the Washinsrox &ee Enarp tode (Wf,EQ: lor elactrlc hsal R*fi9lot raofs over attle; R-301or ell othetrwfs; for qtl oth*r heat fipe inotadtnghuxputnps R-S$forrooft R.2I oil otlrr;rorry/ in 0hcBtru6flrre B Reviewor HItheby ff€,m4t€rl&!, frorntlPC,$se IIPC fonns.rhe 4. ts tho slmoHrs locsted within 200 f,e*t of E fresh or galt*,ater shoreline? If yes, a Shoretines P€'mfi msy bo required, Please dlsquss locotion n'irh staff S. lVlll work uke placa orr sr near the publlc dght.os'way? [f yer, pleate provrdc a site pln$. 6, Witl hheethlng be replec+d? lf yes, it Frust he minimum 7/16" ottenor strugtursl panel- ?. Wiil rgfters of tglsses be replocerl sr sliefed? If yeu, n roof framing pkn iu required Exirting roof typcr tr Compoeitlon tr C€dsr s4orctrCown or I'xot Mop tr Melsl (,] Other Pnopored roof typcl Il Contpasitiorr H Cedar sdrchdo'*n orHor Mop u lvlefal D Othcr Numbsn olc$*rlng roof llpns toofrqurrc footrgal TAcr) Tlpo ofvcntingl Mus(be dI lcasl: O t cq, fi. per t50 rg. 0:- of aftic roof rrea, or 0 I sd. fr. pef 300 sq. *. if 50% ofv€nts sro lecff€d nt lestt 3 fcst abova €flv€ ot comice or e pefmastcllt vgpgf banior ic hrgtElted o$'wslrn side of stNia insulation' O Ffcase provide iatqnlodons fbr venting; (fi,oof rquare footage + 150 or 300) \I8cd-ptrttrits\fncnrlRsnli$g osrMn0s2 fc(rlitdns Pogal ofl AA186/2A1T 85:55 3685829A29 ,l4pp-.nfi-egp6 6il:Z4P FFltn:Cr1i L1F )t Tntlr1gr5l't 368J444619 or Ure Appllcmt Cortificqtlon The eppliaeith"*Uv cerltifies to-tsve knowlEdgo ofthoae s€odons of the U. nifbrm B*itding b-od;'e'd tftr port toomtcnd lvlunilqul Cridipertit,oxt t0 ths aboye proipct and that ths r'ppii".fi,[ r*p'"rrliil" f"i ronrt*ctjng in conformnnce nrith thess sodes; the rpplisent underctnrd* thet the p.*,it, iift-oeA, &piru* in rir rnonlhn ulilcsr work is Sruted; thst ths pennit, Eftw conslr,r.ti"" fti^l stArted, wg1 qxphe aftw orre ye*r if n* inrpecfiOn is nol mado ts *how signiftcans p{oglc6$ on she strusture; G aPn{ca1t agreel lo nbido by the ordinancps' Fodee' regulallonq roer*1fiiil-Jo"q1a*is, ;uuU,o.Fry iiittlgtions' *nd u,'st€r and sswer plans attac6ed hereio; lhs applioBnt *niil ilrai df itrft*i*si"n given ohcvcsnd on ncaompanying plans ia cOmploto and asoumle to trt host efttreir k$owlel*; And the a,ppticont underctande that this r*fonnation wiu be ,uiiuo up* ii gffirtiru pb#ts *ir that ir sush lofoffimsion lr later found to be haccuratu any permits ffiey bc withdrenm. irru unUi"i;gn"id;lUysav"n *a hcrld+ the City ofPort Townsend harmlesn from nny and all causel of rciisn, ju$griients, c.laimp, or demandr, or F.orn any liabili$ of^ln11$ure adsing ftOm any non-oornPli"nce with r^ny regtrictive cov€nantEb plut reStncttsfll' OSPg rcstrigtiOnS, or Oth€r rusrripttgns wtrf,Eh tti*y ft*te F,wt e+tublished hy pamies other than thc City ofPortr Towvrsend. Completc.Applicntlor pon r.,,*,reiJMunioinal Coda $pction t6'04'14-0' Ve-stod niqhlt - Subetanrially cornplets li"ild'di;;;ilApplir-tr-nffiicutionu-f,or allland use snd devsloprnent porrnit6 ,.dft;;,oarfir,Ii#;;; #ut* Clry *tnit'u* ponsidersd undcrthp zoning qrd other lsnd E$'$ oontrol ordinaa*eo in effecC on the dete t ftlly corrtplote building P9ryPt applioatiorr' meeflng tho ;.ilt6*;;lOe"fiOld itr tltit ti"tlon, l* fileC wittr ine guilrting md Cotnrnunitv Deuclopnnent' Until n oomplets nuifOing &tit npptiu*ion !n Sted, slt +pplicadene tur land use and d;;;6d;t p",*i$;;ii,frt'bp ii"i*i'uu u$jert $ stry l?nine or othgr land usd control ordinarrocr which beoome e,tr'.po,ive prior # irro dote"orr*eurtco of,c finsr deci'ion by the city ou the upplloation- -t t,.,..r -----rrrr-..L* an *n' An application of a building pennit shs$ bs considered mnrploto $rhen.an applicrtion meeri$g all uf the ,"o"lr"*r"t--ort!iioniirg* ol*t;* aurrer*ly aaopto& u$it'onn.quilding frde ie submitrsd r*,hich #ffi;r;;;t;il;lt#"peliounr" ord{a{ce and lnws' In addition, ro b{t goneidered co*pletq toii en appticrtlorr-*unt'bu mtompanied by qamFtge opplioations for s rubsidiery lEnd uee ;;;;6ffi; peordts needed, suchry t TTtl*-t13:1;:t:-Tissemsnt permir rpplication;U;;;iltiitiiepfinstlonsfoiothEr diucretio-nary penuits rcquired undw ths ordinailces offort Tsffits€nd, eo *pifl"iiio".m* ry1lu{ pernrut'uiraur Scction 106'4'1 sf the crrrrently aeoptJ Jitf* o,irttuUnirtnt*.BuildingCldc rhilt 4ot be considersd complet* unres* it rnecrs *r d"-riir-*i,s ,iot"a ru*i nnJ miiainr the cornplere srnreo,rar same of the h,ilding trrd the architectunl plaru f'or the $tructurc AFFORDABLE l€'ti$Fe g82SP -".il traa i PAGE A4 .-i: A \IBodJt€rltti$\fcm$8\Roaftu6 05llc/r$0? IssuodApprovnl PcffirLdoc P8$€ 3 ef3 AglAElzAST 85:55 3545829429 AFFORDABLE PAGE AL DATE:fr-(; AT'TORDABLE SERVICES * OLYNIPIC DIVERS * AFtr'ORDABI'E CRAT\E' II{C' 25E665 HIGHVYAY 101 WEST SEQUIIVT, WASHINGTON 9S382'7 426 360-683-9619 * 360-4s2-0E40 * 360-3E5'2724 FAX 360-582'9020 ' E-MAlliketchum@usintouch'com TO: COMPAIIY: tr'RoM:'.YLKC vSI]BJECT: TOTAL PAGES (including cover ?Lzr*r- Cd(tt Ph\\ thrn6,^Wh-Ll'^ CdT^r)L& aJr- te1yjfri-M? ChcrNrJ.YC/ Page I