HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-149BIJILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address I120 55TH STREET Project Description New single-family home with garage Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-149 NEW SFR 97290t40A2 Fee Information Project Valuation Site Address Fee Building Permit Fee Energy Code Fee - New Single Family Unit Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential Plan Review Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit Plan Revierv Fee s218,505.78 3.00 I,660.l5 100.00 Project Details Decks - Residential Dwellings - Type V Wood Frame Private Garages - Wood Frame Addition r40 SQFT 2,020 SQFT 1,006 SQFT r 50.00 Units: I Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 Heat Type: PROPANE Construction Type: Occupancy Type: 1,079. r 0 150.00 4.50 33.20 10.00 Total Fees 25.00 3,214.95 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. Thegrantin-qofthispermitshallnotbeconstruedasapproval toviolateanyprovisionsofthePTMCorotherlawsorregulations. Icertifo that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am lhe owner ofthe property or authorized agent ofthe owner. Print Name Datelssued: ll11212008 IssuedBy: PWESTERFIELD Date Expires: A5/t l/2009SignatureDate City of Port Townsbnd Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s BIJILDING PtrRMIT Project Information Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address I120 55TH STREET Project Description New single-family home with garage Permit # Pro.iect Name Parcel # BLD07-149 NEW SFR 912904002 Names Associated with this Project Type Name Contact Applicant Hockaday Stephen Owner The Sand Dragon Trust Contractor Custom Built Structures Mike Gildea Inc Contractor Custom Built Structures Mike Gildea Inc Phone # (360) 732-4242 License Type License # Exp Date (42s) 718-31s1 CrTY 1096 t2t3U2008 (42s)778-31sr STATE CUSTOBS9Slk Ost02/2009 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of lg0 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. ThegrantingofthispermitshallnotbeconstruedasapprovaltoviolateanyprovisionsofthePTMCorotherlawsorregulations. Icerlify that the infonnation provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner ofthe properfy or authorized agent ofthe owner. Date ll IL Print Name t {og1^*p. "- Signature 8 Datelssued: 1111212008 lssuedBl: PWESTERI-tELD Date Expires: 05/l I 12009 CO N S T R U C T I O I \ PR O G R E , S S RE C O R D CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3. Po r t To w n s e n d , WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N , PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y . ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E , PA R C E L No . 97 2 9 0 4 0 0 2 pE R M r r No . BL D 0 7 - 1 4 9 ts s u E D DA T E 11 t 1 2 t 2 0 0 8 D( p t R A T t o N DATE 0511112009 AD D R E S S 11 2 0 55 T H ST R E E T CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R TH E SA N D DR A G O N TR U S T PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Ne w si n q l e - f a m i l v ho m e wi t h qa r a q e CO N T R A C T O R CU S T O M BU I L T ST R U C T U R E S IN C LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS IN S U L A T I O N GW B FI N A L PU B L I C WO R K AD D R E S S NU M B E R S SM O K E DE T E C T O R S FI N A L BU I L D I N G PL U M B I N G SL A B ER O S I O N CO N T R O L SE T B A C K S SU R V E Y PI N S FO O T I N G UF E R FO U N D A T I O N WA L L Fo u n d a t i o n dr a i n SL A B SH F A R W A L L & HO L D O W N S FR A M I N G AI R SE A L PL U M B I N G ME C H A N I C A L GA S PI P I N G GA S PI P I N G IN S U L A T I O N TO RE Q U E S T AN TN S P E C T T O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . II t,4-arot,vpO f )"ot (t'6tt r ^l -l'nl.tl II (n ulC t ll.U t tl I -6ttow (P I r r\YVl 1\ I >l7t>l I & /tt5 v)?3 aWn/4JL{J ^ C[l[V f", oa T SSIINAIE'IdI^IOC UOC CE)JEHJ t aJuopr^o oN -3uruuu14 ol - VJ)t ryo?JEHJ OINI CIIUEJNII LO ^LT.I S'IVIIINI NOIJ,JV IJY(I LO - 9E - L crIAIsJEuIIJV(I :xuo1$. co EdoSs COT AIIAIIf,Y IIIA[Utrd ONf,SNA\OI .LUOd.{O AIIJi ;l t # rrnixgd ) BIJILDING PtrRMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address I120 55TH STREET Project Description New single-family home with garage Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-r49 NEW SFR 912904002 Names Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Hockaday Stephen Owner The Sand Dragon Trust Contractor Custom Built Strucfures Inc Contractor Custom Built Shucfures Inc License Contact Phone # (360) 732-4242 Type License # Exp Date Mike Gildea Mike Gildea (42s) 7',78-31s1 (42s) 7',l8-3tst CITY STATE 7096 t2/3U2001 cu sToB s9 s0k 0 s / 02 / 2009 Fee Informotion Project Details Decks - Residential Dwellings - Type V Wood Frame Private Garages Wood Frame Addition Project Valuation Building Permit Fee Plan Review Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $2 l 8.s05.78 1,660.15 1,019.lo 4.50 33.20 10.00 140 SQFT 2,020 SQFT I,006 SQFT Total Fees $2,786.95 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the ication for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I funher certify agent ofthe owner.that I am the owner of Date Issued lssued By: 08/28/2007 PWESTERF]ELI) Print Name I CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3. Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N . PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S ARE MADE AND SIGNED OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y . ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON THE JOBSITE. PA R C E L NO . 97 2 9 0 4 0 0 2 PE R M I T NO . BL D 0 7 - 1 4 9 IS S U E D DA T E 08 1 2 8 1 2 0 0 7 EX P I R A T I O N DATE 0212412008 AD D R E S S 11 2 0 55 T H ST R E E T CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R TH E SA N D DR A G O N TR U S T PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Ne w si n g l e - f a m i l y ho m e wi t h ga r a g e CO N T R A C T O R CU S T O M BU I L T ST R U C T U R E S IN C LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS TO RE Q U E S T AN TN S P E C T T O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . IN S U L A T I O N GW B FI N A L PU B L I C WO R K AD D R E S S NU M B E R S SM O K E DE T E C T O R S FI N A L BU I L D I N G ER O S I O N CO N T R O L SE T B A C K S SU R V E Y PI N S FO O T I N G UF E R FO U N D A T I O N WA L L Fo u n d a t i o n dr a i n SL A B SH E A R W A L L & HO L D O W N SA F E T Y GL A Z I N G ES C A P E WI N D O W S FR A M I N G AI R SE A L PL U M B I N G PL U M B I N G WT R PI P I N ME C H A N I C A L ST t'LCIoL 13 (s n Anci 2C X 4L: Brlo F I | ,Y tb =..,/./ e ,t _ 1ffi+ -21 ( /& = a*/*l 4 2c x t1 = sac 4 )r)* 2 {Z 00 rvrL 40' u, 3z'= 1P8 Ory 27c3? + 3e Ar.\ flaom 1 n@ ll.rir{t YIuyry <) BIO0?-f49 I Development Selwices idential Building Permit Application ) Applications by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of 91S0) See the "Reside Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal rements I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or a io and that all activities with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and Print Name: B S LD()6-oo<DPo6-o66" of the owner Municipal Code Project Address: I I ?tt&f fo u rus c,*$ / to s5 fri 'wA 3q3 6g s7 ,"tr o tFoo '2_Parcel # 91 Legal Description (or Tax #) Addition: Mor.j.fe nr 3 A Lot(s Block: zt-o Project Descriptio Property Owner: Address: Po B Phone: 34,5 -" Email: ^/rA,L€ Name 'Poaf es wruServD wA 983 pLA 6ntar -oo r 4-elvr ad e E l3-t'z^ ContacUReprese Email. MA,tLg BO Z E City/SUZip ?a P Name Address: S6'lp t^/,A 98 oe l71L g'2t'9' aJ Contractor: Name: M ( KE State License#'.co City Business Licen C 2A€rs Address S-r O H8 Email: G tLI)6 A Soi B S95er rcBEx p: t4o2 i(e> SI 9og l2 {+l sf Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.22.095. Name: NONE Project Valuation:l5a o O Building lnformation (square feet): 1't floor -1+ o Garage:ioo6 2"d floor / AB o 3'd floor Deck(s):lt*o Porch(es):_ Basement: N. A ls it finished? yes No Carport: N.A Other Manufactured Home fl ADU u Newts Addition n RemodetiRepair u Total Lot Coverage (Buildi ng Footprint):v" 3s'kSquare feet:i,7+6 lmpervious Surface: Square feet: 2, +t- I : ^{ lt'. t. i.) NAny known wetlands on the property? Y Any steep slopes (>15o/o)? Y Signature Ef./c A Date:e JUL. 2 5 iti:.',' o7 $[:P 1 B 2i]il{i l,'r Itl (;ii: ii VtE OITY OT PORT TOlryNSEND DSD City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madiscn Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 360-379-5095 Fax360-344-4619 'g*tr^tw Fot4 RE#HTtott*FO BUILDING PERMIT # B;-X> O? - ] +2 Revision # owNER: s-a'- D t>r\,-ia-u sr ADDRESS: ll 2 o 5-5:R sr Total Value of Revision: $/f ^ Impervious Surface Change? ! yes nNo Revisions require 2 sets of plans and a written scope of workthat fully describes the proposed change plus anyadditional information that will be of assistance inissuing your revision. If your plans were stamped by a designprofessional, all revision submittals require a stamp with a wet signature. Be auaie that changes io the existin{ approved plans may also require vou to revise your original building permit application (lot cloverage, impervious surface, structure square footage, etc.) and energy code documents (changing-*itrdo*r, L"at rour.", et".ftoconform to your proposed changes. Scope ofwork:€r> P t-a,"-t Pt?..u-.r r>6q b6,;*r,oF<r\ f) aa.,^l T>€'-r^it Ita /1<\ N erz6 -iE l2p'T t O e_o oo rc. ( c€/a ,(\ o o 3 t-o t \o o s C'cz ^t(lt 4:r*.S 6a.-l clA A/oa1 Q_f ALLFll/a/4 $Paqvt 6 -lt 13.c ILL AE-T<6 <{>f=o.'\A €:.Ji fct f..lFrK}J.Bq>fz -i'rz-BE < g Applicant Date OFFICE USE ONLY: Submittal date: ? -/8- o(Two sets of plans for revision:ry4 Approval of engineer of record (if original plans engineered): tr Yes tr No n NA P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Revis ion.doc CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. Iln o) _ /qqDATE OF INSPECTION: SITB ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION: PERMIT CONTRACTOR: PHONE: \ \,:i* )t ,l t rutfrT-ft( /''''lW{ d l-Zo'0q by &#sr ! t.t APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection.-. :| I it /;y .1 ! r!; (,/ t ,t./,{ Dare ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before Inspector :,/ J / - ,'(.' "-' n / z'(tfr Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF'INSPECTION: 1-al 3 PERMIT NUMBER:tl^SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION:L t\ tr APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection APPROVED for re-inspection before p roceeding. Inspector '[/C*$'6 Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspectionfee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. l Jefferson Gounty DCD Building Division Gorrection Notice PERMIT NUMBER OWNER JOB LOCATION ^fc lnspection of this structure has found the cJ violations You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done the above ations are corrected, unless noted been inspection. Date BUILDING DIV 379-4450 upon these Premises until . When corrections have N HOTLINE(360) 379-4455 THI S NOTICE MU ST B E KEPT WITH APPROVED P LANS ON SITE -)-) Inspection Report Project Permit # lnspection & NotesDateIIlspector VLqk \N€- L A 4tg-($u,,r./, VlrO ,vPg, lr\,fi s-ra-6 d VC b.\l I tAJ 0w0 1)l.t#?+)pe[ in "* nkr- ((/- -\$ 2 J CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspectionso call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF'INSPECTION:6-12 rr9.,PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: t(1r \ tr APPROVED Vo*r*ouED wrrH/cbnnncrroNs Ok\to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date S-,.Q Approved plans and permit card must be on-site ond availoble at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. {fr C I T Y - O F P O R T T O W N S E N D D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S D E P A R T M E N T 2 5 0 M A D I S O N S T R E E T _ S U I T E 3 P O R T T O W N S E N D , W A 9 8 3 6 8 p H o N E ( 3 6 0 ) 3 7 9 - s 0 9 s F A X ( 3 6 0 ) 3 4 4 - 4 6 t 9 C O U R T E S Y N O T I C E B c D D 7 - / ? ( A D D R E S S , / / 0 8 u i n 6 i n f r i L i In s p e c t o r : D a t e : ) CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Building and Community Development BILLING STATEMENT -2.:_)f (Name) 7 (Address)llzo ss '7il *TEaar" , @ate)6t\ c? -: l'rq (Permit Number- if applicable) REWSION NUMBER:I @hone) $REINSPECTION FEES (tr R-2040 tr c-2041) ($47.00) ($50.00/hour, minimum $25.00) $_ RESTDENTTAL T. C. O. TNSPECTTON (R-2020) ($e7.oo) $COMMERCTAL T. C. O. TNSPECTTON (C-2O2t\ ($147.00) $SPECTAL TNSPECTION (tr R-2099 O C-2098) ($47.00/hour, I hour $ orHER(tr_J s Z5@cl pr.Ar.r REVrsroN FEE (tr R-2030 o c-2031) 0c)1>+TOTAL DUE $ Building and Permit Fees Revision Valuation Originat Permit Valuation Total Valuation Fees due based on Total Valuation(a++c) (D $ _ PlanReviewFee (d) $ (e) $PlanRevisionFee 6-aa; (e) $ Previous Fees Paid (a=e-rg BuildingPermit Fee $ $ $ (a) $ o)$ (c) $ Building Permit Fee PlanReviewFee Revise d I /6/0 0 lB c d 1t ermits\fotmslBlLlSTlutT. do c TIANK YOUI CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. TE OF INSPECTION:lb' 21- 01 pERMrr NUMBER: [4 LDhl - l4q SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION:Fnrrhnl n*u"", / <.Lhflt U N APPROVED N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card mttst be on-site and avoiloble at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF'INSPECTION:q -28-b1 PERMIT NUMBER:o7- t4q SITE ADDRESS:llzQ = PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR:a CONTACT PERSON:5EU€ *naztqz4z PHoNE: ZAS-<13<1s TYPE OF INSPECTION:3 I (' cc tu \, g a C N APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and availqble at time of inspection. A re-inspectionfee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. q-A-b7 PERMIT NUMBER:Bl nn? -nqDATB OF INSPBCTION: SITB ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME:HocLa Aa,u CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION: PHoNE:41,5 ?-79 3L5 o I] APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection N NOTAPPROVED CalI for re-inspection before Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. I CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. 66 07-/DATE OF'INSPECTION: SITB ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: ,1 O- eLo d// L l"tStttX ,4 ei ! APPROVED Insp N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOT APPROVEI) Call for re-inspection before Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. fli{n- -3b0 -t/6 i* 't>ft'l A re-inspection fee may l g" to 12" tt-"o.-C F".rfo';, e'l c 19'-9" 20'x 1 5'X4" CONC.APRON EXPOSTD AGGRTGATE rIRF'R_MIX R.o;gS - 36<,T l<cr-OA N I I +' I OWl\ ADDRI O <) I Nn 1,.,("4 ( o I;.N u? BE,I,R. Paf,to DRAtn aA +€ pLAF./ ef t gfz.-e I tlo s<4'. sr. BLe o?- l19 l1l-I 5-U I o, Ieeeo''<) 40'-0" ofo €a,lu 5 gt-s6feergtlrilA \""-.'. PAtlo t7 lrul*B6R €s Barq \l,;I i L iitl I 1,. .". -,.""--*".. t,t g-lzt'' + O I in() Dfi.ar NA 4€-fcg,:lcaA I4s xg fzR:f r o t (^orr.oO LS" aa,*a-tz6'n G HOME & 17 45.15 "r1\b6( 0^ * t' i. i 20'- J" tr- 4 t City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 360-379-5095 Fax 360-344-4619 REVISION TO BUILDING PERMIT #Revision # I OWNER:Ss.^ro n zl ^^J -(-EgS< SITE ADDRESS:s R st Total Value of Revision: $so Impervious Surface Change? n Yes_ dNo Revisions require 2 sets of plans and a written scope of workthat fully describes the proposed change plus any additional information that will be of assistance inissuing your revision. If your plans were stamped by a design professional, all revision submittals require a stamp with a wet signature. Be auare that changes to the existing approved plans may also require yqu to revise your original building permit application (lot coverage, impervious surface, structure square footage, etc.) and energy code documents (changing windows, heat source, etc.) to conform to your proposed changes. Scope of work:4Ls qF .Z-l V r nlG S P E Ao-oa .r'l .-t v G 12 l/t-g 2aQa,AE, Mt FJo€- lLGwtSraJ9 fn r^lfaarcs W Al.u-S AND SfAr A<-ns6 t 4oQrGs oF K€vlS€f> Er..lCrrs66 a.6> Dresr-t r Ni d q, A r<D cA i 'cr.J LA fi o,^iS Af r*. <I-{ € r> Ir /tEE: \\, U- U U/ U:t fFT ? N ITD U )e 3a o7 fpter..i N <r<_l<sU>ay Date 38 s -+s+ s OFFICE USE ONLY: Submittal date Two sets of plans for revision: Approval of engineer of record (if original plans engineered): tr Yes tr No tr NA P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Revision.doc JARNOT ENGINEERIIUG, INC. 2541+127th St. SE MONROE, WA98272 PH. {3601 863-1831 FAX (3601 863-1481 JOB SHEET NO.OF CALCULATED BY - CHECKED BY- DATE DATE SCALE EXPIRES 4I'IO I PROJECT 9AND D TRUST tsUILDING LOCATION:PORT IIAD WA CLIENT:CUgTOM DUILT STRUCTUREg JEI JOB NO.:07 -06- t 02 CODE 2003 tBC LIVE LOADS: FLOOR 40 ?5r SNOW 25 ?5r WIND'B5 MPH TX? C SEISMIC: DESIGN CATEGORY D, 9ITT CLA99 D DEAD LOADS. ROOF:5 P5r FLOOR: SOIL: BEARING I.ATERAL: A li.i t1n: ll 1{iJilcrl:ii-i JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 25414-127th Sr. SE MONROE, WA98272 PH. (360) 863-1831 FA)( (360) 863-148{ 9AND @1-lo-l@9 SHEET NO,OF CALCUI-ATEDBY- DATE- CHECKEO BY - 2 E xlb' tltN 2:1 $Aa.t $"Loceg* 40 >o 130 60>o 122 lbo .B >o JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 25414-127th St. SE MONROE, W498272 PH. (360) 863-1831 FAX (360) 863-1481 gAND DRAGON 01-1@-lO' SHEET NO, ? OF CALCUTATEDBY- DATE- CHECKED BY - DATE- CAAI E -l d I @ F I d I l Fil >o E D:BtfEE.& 110 2a b.l 0I TRU99 L,TYPEF* V**vq gAND DMGON 07-06-t02JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 25414-L27th St. SE MONR0E, WA98272 PH. t3601863-1831 FAX 13601863-1481 JOB SHEET NO.4*OF CALCULATED BY TJ9 CHECKED BY- to-29-o7 DATE DATE SCALE LATERAL WIND: Values lor amglfied method lrom A5CE7 Fqure 6-2 A5 MPI.I EXP. ts I; Mean Roof lleqhf: 23.O kzti Eave herqht: l9.O Mrn horv Vlan dm: 40.O l= l.OO 2a: 8.O l- TO RIDGE (plf) I IWALL I IROOr Vz: 4.O 9.O Vr: 9'O Vean= 4.O 5.O Note: corner loads are n addtbon lo "matn" loads Gable fr,? ^tn42 t9 130 95 42 90 42 t9 90 l.o t.o Marn Gable Corner fl,? Corner Roof prlch: Wnd pressures: Wall corner: Wall man: ?oot corner: Roof marn: q.t, 15.2 lZone Al I O.5 lZone Cl O.O lZone Dl O.O lZone Dl llTo RIDGE (plf) llwn'r Gable frr? Dormer Heoor lleoor llwar r lO psf mrn Wnd Area I L P Mod- Wnd Area 2 L P Mod- Wnd Area 3 L P Mod- Wnd Area 4 L P Mod* Aq 85 to, I ro.I a26 Mrn /t 2.2 Mrn 20 20 B9 85 2.3 Mrn 6? 85 qq 9.9 ZU) 2.4 Mrn t6 l6 42 130 a 19 2,8 Mrn r6 t6 42 130 5 5 42 90 2.C Mrn 5 42 90 I I a19 Mrn l.t I.ll o.86 I I 95 on o o a4z Mrn LZ 79 70 ZU 20 95 90 t.3 Mrn t.o9 o.84 95 90 9.9 9.9 a42 o.82 2.O8 t.A Mrn OE 90 t6 t6 a42 I,B Mrn I .16 3.12 95 90 t6 IG t.c Mrn o.63 LO4 I I 5 5 95 90 a42 v2-- 4,o 4.5 09 26 a5 ' L:leew ar d, W = wrndw ard Lrne above Lll 4.86 t.79 t.70 t.o9 o.a4 o.B2 2.OB |.16 3.t2 ia2 t.Q4 z.4v 1.77 aaq 3.50 2.36 L/3 2.67 3.52 2.67 4.56 2.O5 2.O7 tleo.{sri}{nif\tl$s{UgT€'i"*'"FriiiilnSi4rliae 1.6?j4aij-i*!7 FJEa-jS,}irc.i-'F:i.jitroro{teh.:\lrJ0ij45s ei?i.j.i1rrri..j.rj Ftei ll!-: fi 1.1333ti;-0 SAND DRAGON 07-06-t02JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 25414-t27th St. SE MoNROE, WA98272 PH. (3601863-183r EAX {s601 863-1481 SHEET NO- c, OF TJ5 DATE DATE to-29-o7 CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY- SCALE Sfl5MlC V : O.7.9os-I-W o.o97 w (Multrply by O.7 lor A9D) C,J5, R: I: R taF 6.5 r.o Fa: l 'OO C _FC _ I 2EJM9-t aJ5- t .JJ 3es=213 $vs: O.9O l1ie Class Dl )now load: 25 psl 1ersmc DL: O l.2O. 5n rf 5n>3Ol WEIGI-IT: FLR 2 1lory l1L: O ROOF t5?3r@3.35+23.23): EXt WALIS 8P5F. 4. 2(4O+55): tNT WALLS 7P3F.4(- r)(40+55)-- 30.54 6.O8 2.66 2,q ? rLR I Story l1t: I rlooR toP1r@o.32+20.?3): EXT WALLS 8P3T-?- 2(40+55): tNT WALL9 2.66+7.4(-.5)(4O+55): t7.45 t3.68 2AO Wt: 35.t 74.4 7,21 SEISMIC DI9TRItsUTION 74.4 E: t O59 7.2t f ,,lW 7, :O.2. O.7*3se*I*W py: O. I 26 f y,/W 7^ : O.4. O.7" 1oe-I-WW: O.252 5IjEAR WALLS DIAPITMGM9 LEVEL h Wh Vwh/Ewh Xfr Ew'tfrDw,F"lwP^tw L 39.3 t6 707.7 4.62 4.62 ea2 o.t 23 o.t26 AAE 35. I to 35t.2 2.39 7.2t 74.4 o.o97 o.t 26 4.42 deoni*rFr.rnrNE:SSd*$T€.Fd'"prirrth:gieryhe 1-4ft)-&J6-fi]:7 iJt-rls,lns.e$erl,rro{Bh.N*0ii{5e uf,r!.igtir.rom ilei- i.lnr fi 1433C&17'o gAND,MGON Q7-O6-t02JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 254l+t27th Sr. SE MONROE, W498272 PH. {3601 863-1831 FAX 1360) 8ffi-r481 JOB SHEET NO. (p OF CALCULATED BY TJ9 CHECKED BY- to-29-o7 DATE DATE c^6t F REDUNDANCY Az:40*32+23-20.2: VoVsL V 1745 Ar=t745 Ltne Lw Penmeter BavE 2.t o,63 (\ 27 3.O5 47.O Y t.77 32.O Y ELw: 73.O Mrn wallr 32.O > h:> com?hes Mn bays >2 Comples rtqI t.u a.o Redundancy Check a: Redvndancy Check b:Overall: Comphes Lrne VoVsL Lw Penmeter Bays 2.4, 2.8 2.C o.37 o.50 o. r3 t.77 2.4 t o.64 27.O 2l.o t7.9 Y Y Y 6.8 5.3 4,5 Kedvndancy Check a: Redvndancy Check b: XLw: 65.9 Mrn wall: 17.? > h comV\es Mrn bays >2 :> ComV\es Overall: Complee Lrne V2 VoV 1 VoVEL Lw Penmeler Days I a 3.O5 t.77 0.63 4.57 0.63 50.O o.37 2.65 0,37 22.O ZW:6 Mrn wall: 22.O > h --> comphes Mn bays >2 :> Comphes Y Y |.1 Aq Kedundancy Check a: Redvndancy Checkb:Overall: Comghes Lrne V2 VoV 1 VoVsL Lw ?enmeLer Bays I,A 1.ts LC 1.77 2.4 t o.64 o.37 2.65 0.37 29.4 o.50 3.6t o.50 7.9 o. t3 0.96 0. 13 2.7>w:6 Mrn wall: 2.7 Vo Keducbon: Mn bays < 2 :> Does noL comply Y Y Y 6.5 t.6 o,6 Kedundancy Check a: Redvndancy Check b: o.o7 Overall <.33 Comphes Comp\es Numbered Lrnes: p: 1 .9 LeLlered Lrnes: p: LO Fleo[*rr t"or: t !4BS ltigT€ he''irr;r't!n4 i+wi{c 1-6i}j-{ica,{i3i;, lJ&--f-,S, ,ni. Fer*rhorargh, tiFi O:]{tg r,nrsr..!ojr1j.c.irl flei- l,ji: t-i i3:i:i00ii;'0 gAND I,RAGON 07-06-r02JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 254r4-t27th St. SE MONROE, WA98272 PH. {3601863-183r F$( (3601863-1481 SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY TJ5 CHECKED BY- OF to-29-o7 DATE DATE SCALE LINE 2,1 E-L- vv Mll,l- t_L- v.:f/l: EAE t.ll o.a6 47.O 65 P= l.O TYPE: P li: B <230 <:WALL TYPE IA vw:W/L:24 Deaqn:O.7 lv: T61-E:val1: t7 <230 O.52 O.T. OK by lnsVectron WALL TYFE IA LINE 2.2 c-t-aL- t.t I W: t.79 Wvr1r: l.7O L: 32.O v":fJl: 55 vw:WlL:56 Deaqn:O.7 lv-- T61-6:v611: Te1-y7: vy7l1: P= l.O TYPE: P H:A <230 <:WALL TYPE I A 4O o.44 o.45 <230 WALL TYPE I A O.T. OK by lnspecbon LINE 2.4 t: t.77 W: O.82 Wvru: Z.Ob L: 27.O v":f/l: 66 vw:WlL:77 Deaqn:O.7 lv: f _.. u_I OT-E- vel I - T61-y7:vyyll: P= I'O TYPE: P H=6 <230 <:WALL TYPE IA 55 o.52 o.62 <230 WALL TYPE I A O.T. OK by lnsVecbon LINE 2.8 r: 2.4t W: Ll6 Wvrrq: 3.12 L: zt.O v.:f/l: I 15 vw:W/L: | 40 Deaqn:Q.7 lv-- Te1-s:v"11: Te1-y7: vyTll: P= l.O TYPE: F fr:8 <230 <:WALL TYPT IA t05 o.92 I.t? <230 O,T. OK by lnspecbon WALL TYPE I A Reorrlrr Fr:nr NEB5 {tl$T+it6"iiriilting se;al{e 1-Bi{)-81t3'l;327 fu[?-:-, br. Prt,-ri,crc!{t), ,{H 034ig ilr.r1.n€t{:.r.ifr Fi€i- f'lc: a.i 14t3t827o gAND DMGON 07-06-t02JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 254r4-l27th St. SE MONROE, WA98272 PH. 13601863-l$r EN( {3601863-148r SHEET NO.A()OF CALCULATED BY TJ5 CHECKEO BY- to-2?-o7 DATE DATE SCALE LINE 2.C r: 0.64 w: 0.63 Wt,tltt= l.O4 L: t7.9 v.=lJl: 36 yyn:WlL:58 Deaqn:O.7 lv: T61-s=veH: Te1-y7:vy7H: P= l.O TYPE: P Fi: a <230 WALL TYPE IA 4t o.29 o.46 <230 <:WALL TYPE IA O.T. OK by lnsVechon Short geqmenL ehearwalls (<2: I aspecL rabo tor setsmrc loads) LnhELvh/ZwvDrs 2.7 8.O 0.64 t7.9 36 t.48 53 <230 WALLTYPE lA LINE I .I E: 4.57 w: 2.40 Wvrru: 1.77 V: 4570 vlposf--Vl6: v.:f/l: 9l vw:WlL: 48 Deaqn:O.7 lv: P= I'O TYFE: F t-L_ 762 5O.O r-i: 9 <t4ro.t.6 <230 <: (6) 6xG HFZ PO9T5 O.K,4 WALL TYPE I A 2AJ1 <230 WALL TYPT I A LINE I .2 E: 2.65 W: 3.64 Wrurru: 3.5O V: 36EO vlpost:V/4= vu:f/l: l20 vw:WlL: | 67 Deaqn:O.7 lv-- P= I.O TYPE: P L: 22.A H: 9 920 <l4lo.L6 <230 <: (4) 6xG llFz PO9T9 O.K, WALL TYPE IA 4 I t9 <230 WALL TYPE I A Fleordrr Frcnr f.iEl}S €UgT{ m'"Frinlinii ssryi.e 1-8$C-$e"!-53i:;' ly'!-};S, loc. P+l.jii,6'!r!gtr, NH 0345e v.ri (.r!eb::.r.)!i:il€L l'Jr: G 14334r0t;e JOB 9AND DMGON 07-06-t02JARNOT ENGINEERING, ING 25474-727th St. SE M0NROE, WA98272 PH. (3601 863-1831 FAX (36018ffi-r481 SHEET NO. & T OF TJ9 DATE DATE t o-29-o7CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY- SCALE LINE I .A E: 2.65 W: 2.67 Wvru: 3.52 V: 3520 v: l2O v/posL--V/5: v"--E/L: 9O vw:W/L: | 20 Dea7n:O.7 lv: p= LO TYFE: P t-29.4 l-l: 9 704 <t4lo- L6 <230 <: (5) 6xG HFz PO9T9 O.K.4 WALL TYPE I A 65 <230 WALLTYPE I A Shorl Seqmenl shearwalls (<2: I aspect raho for sersmc loads) LnhELvh/ZwvDEg 3.4 9 2.65 29.4 90 L32 I t9 <?30 WALLTYPT lA LINE I .ts E: 3.6t w: 2.67 Wvr1r: 4.56 V: 4560 v: 577 v"--E/L: 457 vw=WlL:577 Deaqn:Q.7 lv: p= l.o TYPE: P L:7.9 l-1:9 <565 <:WALL TYPE 44 409 <430 WALL TYPE 3ts LINE UEe max of ?3O glf, lake balance by canllever Vosts t.c E_ ^OaL_ V,JO w: 2.o5 Wvru: 2.O7 V: 2O7O ,,_ -a-v- / o / AB: v: ve:ElL: 356 vw:WL:767 Deaqn--O.7 lv: P= l.O TYPE: P L: 2.7 H: 9 767 -760 I 12' AD @ 12" oc WALL TYPT 3A 4 <430 544 <5C5 <:WALL TYPE 4B Use max of 23O plI, take balance by canLtlever posts ileorder iis:or l{€Bi {U3TC. $,8"'i).intiiig seryi{r 1-siu-t6iie3:;' i!!ZS, }oi. PellJllrorira,i Nfj 0ii4s.3 !*v!,,.rie:ii:.ccri Fiei l-.ti: ti l43lia-427'0 9A,., DRAGON 07-06-t02 JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 25414-727th St. SE MONROE, WA98272 PH. 13601863-1831 FAX {3601863-1481 LOSHEET NO.OF ilJ o7-ot -o7 CALCULATED BY- CHECKED BY- DATE DATE VERTICAL Tosls Conlrbuhon aL Lrne LB F.: tr.,b, t-, h: b: d: LDF; Type: l75O psr lTOO ksr I 650 Vst o.a 9lt 5.25 n 5.5 n t.6 Por+rr-n: lQ'2O.5+2" IO- lO= Fsruow+rrn: I O- 20- 25 + 2 l O. 40: Mrq:6-(3.6, -.23-7 .9)/6. 6.51 1 .512: Mwrruo: 9. (4, 5 6-. 23. 7 .9)l 6/ 2: t.2 k 5.8 k 5. I 6 fr-k 2.06 G (s=sawnlumber,G=qlvlam,Y-rotnd 7ie,M=machrne nted) Compresston:W' 3: 26.47 n3 7'a: 2640 Vsr fcl: 2880 gsr 75 t6(W+f): 246t psr tb(W/z+f): l5BO Vst leld: IYE- E-I cE- F.llF* .: ct_la- t"(9.12): 75 t.(5): 2BOO pst t 5.7 nq o.4to ?88O pst t.o28 2157 pst ?8.8E n2 142 psr I E2 pst f cE:Kw'EllJA) r'.:r' J( +F.elF JZc-IKl +r dr' )/2c')2 -f "EF' Jclosl lnf-eracilon: $Jf)2+Vlrb(t-rJr€)l .75W+.755: O.99 < I .O OK 4.?LY 2X6 P.T. GLts (GRUEN-WALD) Pole Tootrnq d:N\(r +{( r +4.36hlA)) A:2.34?/9tb f ootrnq: fsorr: +:lEfisorl.7os): 2.OO P-- 2.t t 24', /.u P : (3G t O-23O.7 .9)16. 6.51 t .5/2: h:. I It b: 2.OO ft d: 4.5O ft 5: 4OO pst (bage valve) a-a^ J l- bvv A: 1.263 d: 4.Ol tt OK 647 tb 24' DIA x 4'-6" DP F?eordr:r i'rorr llFl]$ €UST4't*'"i.ierti*g Seavl{e 1'eiii'r+t8r.:32;' ^JF?S, hr;. Fe!rr!,sro!rg,t. !.lH 0.34Eil t*!*r.{iEbii.rjri:Fhi l.Ji: {i i43:l0ri:ii-ll 5A'", DRAGON 07-06-r02 JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 25414-t27th St. SE MONR0E, WA98272 PH.13601 863-1831 FAX {360} 863-1481 CALCULATEDBY FfJ JOB SHEET NO.W OF o7-o t -o7 CHECKED BY- DATE DATE caAr tr ?osts ConLrtbubon al f.i tr. F,tb. k: h: b,: d: LDF: Type: / 75O 7st lTOO Vst /650 psr o.8loft 5.25 n 5.5 n /.6 P4:11.5-11.5-5: PsNow:ll'5. 11.5-25: Mro:6.5/ t .5. .96/2: M*t*o:2.O7/214: 0.6 k 3.3 k 2.OB tr-k o.26 G (3:sawnlumber,G:4lulam,?=round pile,M:machnerated) Compressron Dendrn4: 9: 26.47 n3 f'v: 2640 7st fcrt: 2332 psr 75 t6(W+f)= 795 7st tc- leld: ^t_U_ Itr: c_I cE- F\JF* ": .75 I.: 28OQ Vst t7.5 o.4t8 2332 Vst o.833 I917 psr ZB.E8 nz IOZ pst f t:KYE'El(lJd) F'.: F. "[( | + f "!r, ) 2 crl(( I +r "dr. ) t 2 c\2 -r "Ef ' J clo's I lnferacbon: $Jr,)z+vF b(t -rJFd)l .75W+.759: O.32 < LO OK 4.PLY 2X6 ?.T. GLts (GRUEN-WALD) Pole Footnq d: N 2( t +"'l( r + 4.36h/ A)) A:2.34P/9rb Toottnq: fsol_: 6:"!f thot/.7 85): 2.OO t.58 P-- lgu 2O P:6.51t.5.960/2/4- 52O lb h: Aft b: 2.OO ft d: 4.OO ft 9; 4OQ Vst (bage value) JI_ JJJ A: Ll4l d: 3.78 ft OK 24' DIA x 48' DP fteonlr:r Fion t{E*3 eU*<Tet!e"F ir}iini} seryire 1-BO0*e3-63':;' ^JEES, tnc. P.ii3iiin'o{d}. l..lH 05458 irys-netnj.c.j.tiit iiai G 143ifJ.i270 JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 2541+t27th St. SE MoNROE, WA98272 PH. (3601863-183r FAX (3601863-1481 ,o, SnND DMGON 07-06- lO2 SHEET NO.lu OF CALCULATED BY FTJ o7-o t -o7 CHECKED BY- DATE DATE SCALE tsm I Purhn L: 12 w:25*2: d: 5.5 6'V M:tlewLz= V:w(UZ-dlt Z): lvrru: I B R:wU2: &IL 50 tn t80 o.Eo o.28 o.30 LDF; I 7tt E: l600 kgr <1.15-O.72 -1.15:O.95 < 1 .15* 4.52 2t 6: o.7o 2xGDFZ @ 24" oc Bm 2 End Rafters L: I 3.5 w:7,5*30: ws:/.i-li: d': I 1.3 6:U M:t/owLz= V:w(U2-dlt 2)= I - taorMlN- t JC lu6r(u): 24O R:wV2: Ru:wuUZ: ft LDF;S 225 ?lI t A7.5 ptf tn 24O 6u'V 5.t3 <t.15. 4.48 I ,3 I <l .15. I .69 t.52 t.1/ GLB Cv: b: k: r.05 5.13 I ro 360 E: l3OO kgr 6: 6r-r-:o.30 2 zxt 2 f,rz Bm 3 DeckDeam L: 17.5 w:4.65: ws:\"QQ= d: lO.5 6'U M:tlawL?: Y:wUZ-dll2): I _ 4AA f MlN- Jaa I - lqarMlN(LL)- avL R:wVZ: Rs:wttl,/l: fr 260 ?40 tn 240 9.95 2.O5 2,20 2.lQ LDF N VE ?tt 6u,V 360 < I E.O3 < 5.92 t: IOOO ksr 4?4 494 5: 6u: o.c2 o.57 (2) 314 MB :> 3.OB O.K. 5.116 X I O.I 12 GLB (PRTS9URT TREATED) Fea.iivi-r6ftldlil5{UST4H"irriiltit:gieni{e r-aiflJ-geijr.i327 /tEa:}.q. lni.P.:lriit,carBtifl,-t0t-!5e !.$+!-.,€br6ori Flri I'ic: 6 14:r3!ril;'0 9AI'ID DMGON 07-06-t02 JARNOT ENGINEERIT{G, INC. 254l+127th St. SE MONROE, W498272 PH. (3601 863-1831 FAX (3601 863-1481 CALCULATED BY flJ SHEET NO.t3 OF o7-ot -o7 CHECKED BY- DATE DATE SCALE Uehft Tnb areas: lrtss ?osf: End Postt Corner TosL: A: IO-21 .5: A:7.5. lO: A:7.5-6.75: 2t5 75 5t lUse I OOI lUse 5Ol [Use 50] DL;5 ps| IOO gf -to.8 +.6D: -15.2 +.6D: -24.O +.6D: Zone l: Zone 2: Zone 3: -7.8 -t 2.2 -?t.o 50 sf -ll.l +.6D= -16.9 +.6D= -26.O +.6D= -8.1 -t3.9 -zc.v a:7.212:3.6 Zone2*Zone3 50: -13.9 IOO: -12.2 -?3.O -21,o IOO gf -t2.2 -21.o 50 sf -t3.9 -23.OwZ: t2.o a6 (Trugg) Tonel*Zone2 -49 -to3 -t t4 (End Rafter) 5Or -b.l IOO: -7.8 t2d -t2.2 IOO sf 50 sf -B. t -t3.9W2: ro.o -43 -45 -53 -59 (Trvss) (End Rafter) Matn truss vV|It Net uplrft:5*(I 2.2. A+7.8. (?O-O))+79. B+43-(2O-O). 2 I 04 Cons aVVrox of vplttt al qable ends - nd posls P -AO I O+ 27 5' (21 | 3.5 + 216.5)= I25 P t:(l l 4+ 23' L5-59- 1 3.9' Lsf 4: w:59* 13.9'l .5: BO 275 (End ?ost) Cons approx ol vVhlt at cotners -t 49 -An-wr:-59-13'9. 1.5: wz:-l I4-23a | '5: -ao - 149 t3.3 -574 -7G6 (Corner Tost) FteortrrFrr:eN{Bt€U$1'9:t*'irr;rrtingieil4{e l-6todtil.+-i3i7'y'{€6s,,il.PeirntDrolgfr.NiJil3r.5g ri!?.nsiliror,Fli l-Ji. G l4XICCi;-o Residential Building Permit Application Parcel #972904002,1120 s5th St. port Townsend. Lot 3, Block 40, Montana Addition TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Building Permit Application 2. Checklist 3. State Energy Code Forms 4. 8.5"x11" Site Plan 5. Grading and Drainage Calculations 6. Street Development Permit SDP06-066 7. Permit Receipt 1116107 BLD06-005 8. 2 Copies of Engineering Calculations 9. 2 Copies of Plans Site Plan Wl Grading and Drainage Plan W2 Utitity Service Plan W3 Tree Plan C2A Engineered Building Plan I Engineered Building Plan 2 Engineered Building Plan 3 Construction Detail Supplement Construction Detail Plan Grading Plan This checklist is what you intend dResidential {WashingtondTwo { d Foundation I If architectural ilf engineered, A 1 2 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. dw^ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. {Floor {ro, new dwell construction, Street & Utility or Minor lmprovement application Z RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST new dwellings, additions, remodels, and garages. The purpose is fo show build, where it will be located on your lot, and how it witt be constructed. application. Energy & Ventilation Code forms (2) sets plans with North arrow and scaled, no smaller than /a" = 1 foot: site plan . Legal and parcel number (or tax number), lines and dimensions from all sides of the pinned ndary line survey parking and driveway with dimensions Street ng mes and any easements or vacations and diameter of existing trees proposed structure to the property lines in accordance with a Utility s lf ble, existing or proposed septic system location Deli critical areas boundaries and buffers plan Footi s and foundation walls Post a beam sizes and spans Floor ist size and layout s Fou n venting Room and dimensions ll panel locations plan Loca Wall WA Sm detector locations Attic Plumb g and mechanical fixtures Occu ncy separation between dwelling and garage (if applicable) , skylight, and door locations, including escape windows and safety glazing size, reinforcement, depth below grade Found wall, height, width, reinforcement, anchor bolts, and washers Floor size and spacing size and spacing Hea Wall Sheet size and spans weather resistant barrier, and siding material and insulation Cei , ceiling joists, trusses, with blocking and positive connections height ng, roofing material, roof pitch, attic ventilation ns (all four) with existing slope of the land in relation to all proposed structures designed, one set of plans must have an original signature ne set of plans must have one original signature s -'.) Prescriptive Approach - Simple Form Forthewashinst"n"i,HTr"=fi r"Xrr".de(2001Edition) 3 Site lnformation Lor 3 Btoctz tlO /hornn^A Address: //2o SSTA -s- City:Po,er TaDNs€7lD State: WA 7+:.qg3bg Contact:STEPIE){ U-Z*r+A+y Phone:3bo- 3tS - elsvs Phone 2: 3bo- 3qo- 4zzo Building Department Use Only Pernit #: Notes: F tv. Table6-1pRrs(HprrvE REeUIREMEI\rrsi qr Fon cnoup R occupAllcr CI,IIUAITZ)IIE I See the code text for footnote references This project complies with the following:/ tne project is a single tanily residence or duplex. / m" project is wood frame OR all of the insulation is interior or extedor of the / *U building components meet the requirements listed in Table 61, Option llly' tn" project will meet allother provisions of the WSEC and VIAQ. JUL 25 , ,'1 It.t:'t 'i,;1. lrl) The-project will take advantage of the following X OOZ.O Exception 1. One door, that is24 ft.2 exceptions to the prescriptive 1ril i bption:ir, l' or less, that does not meet the standards isab-ded. Location of the door taking this exception GAe.AGe E 0OZ.O Exception 2. Doors with a tlfactor of 0.40 allowed without calculations, Option lll only. Location of the door(s) taking this exeeption Copyrigt{ 200a WSUCEEP02-056 Copbd by permission ftom the Wastrington State University Cooperative Bttension Energy Program Frescriptiw - Simple Fom - Climate Zone I GlazingU-Factor Option Glazing Arealo o/o of Floor Vertical overheadlt Dool U. factor CeilingS Vaulted c"ilind Wall Above Grade Wall Inta Below Grade Wall Ec4 Below Grade Floof Slab' On Grade R-10 n Unlimited GroupR-3 Occupancy Onlv 0.40 0.58 0.20 R-38 R-30 R'I R-21 R-30 R-10 5/31nffiz b L"D ,7 nf/t77 LUPoT-aot rvry P aV - naf /"eWZ -A0Z- .0/1 City of Port Townsend Development Services Department BUILDING NUMBER APPLICATION Name of Property Owner:S 4.,Ar -Ttz"l sr sT6? u aiJ d{o.,r.ox1o 7 Mailing Address:?a Box l32z-Pr es3( & Telephone:3(6 iB5-s t is located in: [ddi1i6n; A.a.offf a,-ra Block(s)z*o Lot(s):3 Faces/Access is from: 5.:s sf. parcelNumber I 7 Z9 o Li-o o 2- Directions to the Pronerfw raw vicinitv maD on back) SstL If this is a new ADU, has a building permit been applied for? Yes No Date: Notes: Req v G-sa ll2-o ssQ sr HOUSE NUMBER ASSIGNBD: // r-o . J3-zf A/ Date of Approval ,-aT For Department Use Onlv: Application Fee Received ($3.00, TC 2200)Date Copy to I Finance U Sheriff tr Public Works U Fire Dept tr Police tr DSD database tr Post Office tr GIS I Assessor's Office For address changes: tr Qwest Address Management Center -206-504-1534 P:\D6D\Departrneot Fornn\Building Forms\Application-Address Number.d oc ; 6/12l$6 8Ea)4 2 I 6 c l 4 = l r o q I \ - l 7 7 3 1 1 ! F F - o 7 I 7 8 5 5 6 3 4 1 N \ r o 8 t g 6 , 5 6 O N $ c f ) O 5 4 4 3 4 z 2 8 6 N N O i 1 h _ l 4 O 2 O @ O 2 5 7 T H S 5 6 T H S T F @ o z J I . U [ r J J O o O r . c ) L O F Q z o U ) J = z F U ) F z t ( , F U ) z o & r . u I U ) 7 6 ' t / 5 l L A 3 ^ { / / < \ { \ r . c ) ( o | ( ) D l . - t J 7 I5 e 4 1 2 7 I I 5 6 1 3 4 1 2 7 L r - c t r l N l : o - + - I , l 6 # t \ 4 0 9 \ ro-Irol(Y)I5Al[983 4 2 7 o l ; 3 4 , | 2 5 5 T H 7 6 3 4 2 3 4 1 1 30 0 5 4 T H S T 1 0 0 0 ' I l i r c n : r p i * t o v r r i c r l o n ; F " i s r s , " " e i r h , i l f r ! r l $ , " b a s J . I h c { l i s o f l r o n l b r r $ e r d e x i i t e m p k J i r c j & r n o r s r r n r t i n m r v a y t l c r c c u i z t y n f t h r d ' t ) m r t i o " , r ' n s ! ' r c d ; n r h i + r r ' 4 l . l c l , l r t r i t i r : r r i o n r i t h < r c c u * v c f d l m a p i r r f . : m r u r , n , s r h e r l r r j , p o n s i b i l r y d t h c u s c r . t ) s . ( l c a r ( i d r f ( : i r t o f l ) t l d l i s ' n : i s d # d i r $ ( m p i o r r c s f ' . r n r $ l i n b i i j t y l r r s c d o n u * t l * u s c + { n r a p r a l ? , i l u r i . ' r . W a t e r W a s t e W a t e r S t o m W a t e r 1 i n c h c q u z t 1 4 4 . 9 8 4 1 0 7 f e a 4 7 6 I 5 5 0 4 4 o 1 2 551 3 Parcel Details x No Photo Available je nvxl Y6(.7 rinter Frien Page I of2 # Parcel Number: : 97290400 Parcel Number: 9729A4AA2 Owner Mailing Address: THE SAND DRAGON TRUST PO BOX 1372 PORT TOWNSEND WA9B36BOO25 Site Address: Section:34 Qtr Section: NW1/4 Township: 31N Range: 1W Sub Division: MONTANA ADDITION Assessor's Land Use Ccde: 9100 - VACANT LAND Property Description: MONTANAADDiTTON I BLK 40 LOTS 1 & 3 | I I Click on photo for larger image. LS ct. 5t,\roo U* ;*H!?T::l'i"T'"]:XJElo tuo' uFA 3r"1o Lj'+ c4^/L-v< Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 jlL Planning area: Port Townsend (1) qaY 3z= (zfr) "t- 23 XZo, (? y( .ru i+a_ /772 -boaJ])ao - 364/o 2 (i r,, 6) \-7-Tt 1(O A/- x No 2nd Photo Available gej-L q c-/t tS 6l(- ' ilJ" i canruat hu"e tr / 1-z&4 &*, u on R att: s{ik,€ CJffi) :' f iume : esunly Infn -. Depsrtments ;" Seer{h SEARCH {ry ?-ozio- No Permit Data Available l*o orr"r.o,. loata Available @Iax. A/V, Sales Info Jcflertsn {o**ly ,'; , ,'. . ,:,t .HOME I COUNTY INFO I DEP/TRTMSNTS I SEARCH Best vlcwed with Microsoft Internet €xplorer 6.0 or later 6$ Windows - Mac http ://www.co j efferson. wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail.asp 713U2007 B 8-,2 I,::,4 t . ? 1r B I ' 7 5 1 F 3 3 \r,oo"t @ O T , H 2 7 2 o t , a J , : : t t . . ' ' B 7 ( o ( o s . . , ' r i p 5 T h i s n r p i s p m v d c . d , r n r n " i 5 r s , " " v i t h r l t i u l $ , " b a s i s . ' J l c C ; N o f l ? o s l b { n s c n < ! m d i s c n p l o p c s d o n l r n r f f i t i n a r t s a v r h c r c r u a c y o f t h c ' , ! i ) n l r n I r . ' n ' a , . ) a l ; a h s i l , . n . F c l d r t r i r i i : r d . r n r j t : d r r a ( c u a c y o f d i n a p i r : f o a : a t j o n i s d : c * r l c r r p . , + 5 ' I R a i i l r . u c . ' t l i . r r c l c / - r ( s i l r c ( i t t o i l ? j i ' l c L n 3 : ' . . . 1 r : : l : r r i l ; r f h a a i f . ' { i i " ' i l j a ; n i i r y I ' r s c c . r o s . r r ' j r : s c o i n r ? 0 . n i o $ r a t o o . W a t e r W a s t e W a t e r S t o m W a t e r 1 i n c h e q u z ! 5 0 f e e t t 9 a Parcel # 972904002,1120 Ssth St. port Townsend. Lot 3, Block 40, Montana Addition Construction Detail Supplement 1. Fans and Ducts . 50 cfm f4o itt each bathroom and in laundry (see Construction Detail plan) 100 cfm fan in kitchen (range hood, see construction Detail plan) Exhaust fluct material galvanized or PVC pipe, rigid and flexible 20 cfm w,all pon in living room and all bedrooms (See Construction Detail plan) )l Fire Protection Fire Bloqking to 2006IRC building code 5/8" GWB (Type x) with 7' O.C. nailing between dwelling and garage on garage side Smoke ditectors in all bedrooms and seCond floor hallwuy (S." bonstructi[n Uietal nhn; 20 minutp fire-rated doors between garage and dwelling Safety E$ress to building code through windows in all bedrooms 3. Sheetrodk and Insulation Sheetrocf GWB %" Insulatioir fiberglass material Roof R-38, Exterior walls R-21, Slab insUlation R-10 over 6 mm polythene vapor barrier I 4. Footing Drains 4" perforated pipe, filter membrane to surround bedding and pipe Bedding 4" gravel surrounding pipe on all sides, placed I' beyond outside of footing sLD0?-149 lo o f m FS c l - I ro t tt c. 2 c.2 rf a0 ' - o ' oi i ri :F l 'l t UI A D KT C H t } { IM N C t- c _+ 9 _ GA R A C E E i ,6 @ s ? 26 d f& D@ R u/ r a f R o . q r s s st @ 2N D . F L R PL A N s/ t 6 ' FE t t Sm e l 4 6 . D€ T E C { ( ] < €x R A , J sr F, ^ t " ' ft r c 2o CF ' n a \^ t S i , r - fr A f -| Ex + t a u s ' f D( J t e f GA R T C E t6 ' r t d ot s ' n D D0 0 R 2' 1/ 2 ' , ) rt l-tF-(dt ea drO '@ 6@ txo( {r {r s Cl = l st m- 1 @BED.3 UV$E;l r @ I 1 I t) I ?s (f , I ) & r. t 9 1 e o er ro N D6 - r Ar L /t - a, > t Parcel # 972904002. 1 100 55s St. Port Townsend. Prepared by Stephen Hockaday, January I 1, 2007 Grading Plan Scale 1" : 20' Extracted from Street Development permit SDp06{d6, plan C2A Prepared by MacLeamsberry Engineering p.S. October 3, 2006 .>-.> ,f. Notes: l. Area to be filled lies to the north and east of the 97' contour, and will be filled to 97.0' level.2. Comp4cted clean granular pit run with marcimum l" minus diameter rock fill to level 976' or above ln areas L and R, with cut as necessary to achieve minimum 6- depth fill.3. 0.0' toi2.0' retaining wall located as shown with 2'k l2'o &2"x 6" boards attached to 4"x 4"x12'posts on 8'0'o centers (typical); all foundation quality treated lumber. rL Aeso, ..'R ')'$E"dls* r.lr J+ ,t"ta ". \\ta \ trv(,NI^,4 \i,ALL J)a 3 o 3zi b{A€ EA \: E, 4)# .eo o 3 &\- ut o/ 9> o B L b' WSEC Residential Construction Checklist tr Low-perm paint SEE BACK P:\DSDUDepartuent Form$Building Forms\Application-Rcsidcrtlal Encrgy Code Checklic.doc Page I ofl City of Port Townsend Development Sgruiccc DepartPent 250 Madison Stroet, Suite 3 PortTownwnd, WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 Fax: (360) 344-4619 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2001 Residential Construction Checklist Complete this form in ad,ditipq to WSEC forms. Please answer the following questions: TYPE Of'.JROJHCT;p New construction, or addition over 750 square feet- Must meet whole house and spot ventilation requirements, and show full WSEC compliance as a stand-alone project. A detached, habitable stucture such as an Accessory Dwelling Unit regardless of size must also meet these requirements' I House addition under 750 square feet : Possible trade-offs are allowedwith the existing buildingfor I{SEC,compliance, such as increasing ceiling insulation. See WSEC component performance forms. NOTE: A hoase addition less than 500 sq.fL does not require whole house ventilation. Spot ve4tilation is still reqaired. TYPE OF HEATING - Please check all that applv: Elcctric O Wall Heater tr Baseboard D Forced Air Furnace n Radiant F'loor (Boiler) ti Other Non-Electric: Propane:fl Radiant Floor/Baseboard (Boiler) X t pC Stove Et fpC Furnace &Other LPG D Heat Pump n Oil Furnace tr Woodstove (can only be used as secondary heat source) VAPOR R.ETARDERS: Vapop retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings: e Floors: tl Plywood with exterior glue EtPoly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick)|ol co.r<sefa €t"t6 F'coor{ D Backed batts o \ilalls: E Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) -rgvq,rr oe sr r.,rc...A X.Face-stapled, backed batts (oe <y!ex) tBo) U Low-permpaint r Ceilings: tr Not required where ventilation space averages greater than or equal to 12 inches above insulation B Face-stapled, backed batts (.,c- <yw€r<r <e>) ELPoly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) $rv C o a' ,.S ( r* rlA.4 Type gf ventilatio4 used throughout the house:X gVeC Integrated Option tl Exhaust Option Whole House Fan for r.Exhoust Option,':o In_what room is your whole house fan locatedr What size is the whole house exhaust fan?tr s0-75 cFM (1_2 bedroom house) X.80-120 CFM (3 bedroom house)[ 100-150 cFM (4 bedroom house )E 120-180 cFM (5 bedroom house) Note: the whole house fan shall be readily accessible and controlled by a 24r.hour clock timerwith the capability of continuous operad;n, manual *J uuto*utic control. At the time of finalinspection' the automatic control timer sp[ ue rct t" rpr*:" the whole house fan for at least ghours aday, and have a sone rating at r.5 or ress;;;;" 0.r0 inches;;;gauge. Spot Ventilation: source specific exhaust ventilation is required in each kitchen, bathroonr, water closet, laundryroom' indoor swimming pool, spa and other rooms *rtor1*"rss.water vapor or cooking odor isproduced' Bathrooms, laundriei or similar ro;T;;d; i'un, *itr, uffiil;; 50 cfm raring at*3fl,,!ffi:*o sauss; kitchens shali have " fh";'1h;minimum iod;il;ing ar 0.25 inihes Outdoor Air Inlets: outdoor air shall be distributed to each habitable IgoT by means such as individual inlets,separate duct systems: 9r,u forced-air system. Habitable rooms include all bedrooms, living anddining rooms but not kitchens, bathroorns or utility rooms. where outooo, uiisupplies areseparated from exhaust points by doors, ::"d:;ii"g ;o.ol, a minimunr of %inchabove thesurface of the finish floor covering, distribution duc[, iniiuttution or grilles, transoms or si.milarmeans where permiued by the uniform Buildingcodl. 'iirrt.n the system provides ventilationthrough a dedicated opening, such as a windowlr-tr"ougr,-*ufl vent, these openings must:r Have controlled and secure openingsI Be sleeved or otherwise designed s]o as not to compromise the thermal properties of the wall orwindow in which they are pUda.I Provide not less than 4 tquate inches :.f Tt t"r Tuu of opening for each habitable space.what type of fresh air inret wil be instailed? (see fig"* i-r"*lI Window ports fl, Wall Ports P:\DSD\Departnent Forms\Buitding Fonhs\Apptication Rasidentiar Energy c.ode checkrisrdoc Page2ot2 I -- . * r, -- _ _ \ S5 L @ o 2 UJ UJ J o LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 1, Block 40, Montana Addition Par@l #972904002 LEGEND - wa - Water line - s - Swerline Building stback line SHEET INDEX Sheet Title w-'t w-2 w-3Site Plan Grading & Drainage Plan Utility Seryi@ Plan 20 1 1xg{ = 10 EET 55 r h sr 10 @ w-1 Job No. 26549 Shet I of 3Date F^e 22, z@7 l'= lO'Scale Dr a M by: O{l-lStephen Hockaday Cl i e n t Ho m e & Garage at 112O 55th St Site Plan Ch e c k e d by: MCM Ma c l e a r n s b e r r y En g i n e e r i n g , P. S . Ci v i l En g i n e e r s . Pl a n n e r s 15 9 Vy a c Wa y NE B" i n L " i J d ; tE l " r e , lr A 98 r I 0 pL o n e t Qo 6 l 84 2 - 5 5 1 4 tr c . i m i l " , (2 0 6 1 7 e t r ' 2 4 0 8 1l l I I 1 sr e r i - r e N c E ." e WO O D FE N C E '3 0 o s F 5' 1. 7 , 0 5 SF PR O P O S E O HO U S E A GA R A G E 5' SE f, HG H en g o n P S HI G H FE N C E (4 ' W O O D / 4' , T R E L L T Q ) .^ t 27 0 SF 3 WD E HI E co N c PA T H &s F PE R V I O U S DE C K s' Ht e H \, BO L L A R D p Co N C R E T E . .P R O N 12 ' W I D E GA T E 3f r m &E 5' W I D E PA T H PA V E R S oR st M . X U ss SS 1 1 Grading and Drainage Plan for Pmcel # 972904002,1120 55tr St. Port Townsend. Lot 3, Block 40, Montana Addition Prepared by Macleamsberry Engineering June7,20A7 5 \ l.*q*t:f \1 i\i ii! "l:,1rl i i I i i JUL 2 5 ?i:;j;i ) l' 1. Introduction The proposed building project is for a home on Lot 3, Parcel # 972904A02, located to the northwest of the intersection of 55th St. and Cleveland Street in Port Townsend (See Figure 1). Lot 3 is in Block 40, of the Montana Addition, and consists of approximately 0.12 acres of forested land, which slopes gently down from the south to the north at an average gradient of approximately 3.5 Yo. The east-west slope of the rear (northern) property line is approximately 2.5 Yo. T\e property is not located in an environmentally sensitive area. The underlying soils are identified as San Juan gravelly Sandy loam, which appear to be consistent with SCS soils Group "A" (See Figure 2 and Table 2.3). The proposed structure has ground area coverage of 1,745.75 square feet. The proposed house and garage roof footprint is 2,030.75 square feet. In addition, there are proposed concrete aprons outside of the garage and entry door with coverage of 390.00 square feet. The remaining segments of driveway and footpath are proposed to be permeable surface. The proposed total impermeable surface area is 2,420.75 square feet, and a percentage impervious area of 48.4%. (See Table 1 for calculation of areas.) According to City of Port Townsend Engineering Design Standards, this percentage impervious area causes the proposed project to be a medium impact project which requires development and submittal of a drainage plan. 2. Grading Provisions The site plan Plan W-l shows the existing surface contours and grade. To facilitate building construction and site drainage, all areas within the building ground footprint below the 97' contour will be filled to the 97' level, as shown on Plan W-1. The finished grade will be sloped away from the buildings with a minimum 2o/o slope for 5' from the buildings, except as required for garage driveways. All trees will be cleared prior to glading. 3. Storm Drainage Provisions Plan W-l is a dimensioned site plan of the entire property. As there is no concentrated surface water entering the property, no drainage route through the property, no significant discharge from the property, and no surface waters, these items are not shown on Plan W-l. Plan W-l shows the location of the proposed building and other impervious surfaces, and their dimensions. Plan W-2 shows the discharge locations of the roof downspouts. Flow control design was performed in accordance with the new City of Port Townsend procedures contained in Appendix A. Figure 3.1 from this Appendix shows the selection procedure for roof downspout controls. Drywells are proposed for this project in conformance with Figure 3.4. This figure illustrates a standard 48-inch diameter drywell capable of serving up to 1000 square feet of impervious surface. Three 48-inch drywells would be required for this project (see impervious area calculations). Due to area limitations on the lot, two larger 60-inch drywells are proposed. Calculations are enclosed that demonstrate equivalent retention volume and infiltration surface area. I A. Strycture Ground Area Coverage Building Garage Total Ground Area Coverage B. House and Garage.Roof-print Eaves (18"' Overhang) Total Roof-print C.Impervious Surfaces Garage Apron Concrete Entry Path Concrete Arbor Path Table 1 Impenious Area Calculations Lot 3 Structure Area (sq. ft.) 1,280.00 (40'x 32') 465.75 (23'x 20.25') 1,745.75 Square Feet 285.00 (190 linearfeet) 2,030.75 Square Feet 300.00 (20'x t5') 40.00 ( 5'x s') 50.00 ( 5'x Io') Total Concrete Aprons 390.00 Square Feet Total Impervious Surfaces 2,420.75 Square Feet (Note: Driveway andfootpath are pervious surfaces, other thunthe impervious oprons and paths listed above,) a t Dryr,vell Design Lot 3 Standard 48-inch drywell per Figure 3.4 Bottom infiltration surface area: rcr.2: (3.14) (2),:t2.57 st. % Side-wall infiltation surface area: 0.5 n d h: (0.5) (3.14) (4) (4) : 25.15 sf. Total infiltration surface area : 12.57 + 25.15 : 37.72 sf. Volume in voids of washed rock:0.3 n f h: (0.3) (3.14) Q)'g): 15.08 cf. Impervious surface area : 2420.7 5 sf. Infiltration surface area required: (2.42) (37.72): 91.28 sf. Retention volume required : Q.42) (15.08) :36.49 cf. Alternate 60-inch drywell Bottom infiltration surface area = nf : (3.14) (2.5)r: 19.63 sf. 7z Side-wall infiltration surface area:0.5 n d h : (0.5) (3.14) (5) (4) :31.42 sf. Total infiltration surface area: 19.6j + 31.42: 51.05 sf. Volume invoids of washedtock: 0.3 nf h: (0.3) (3.14) (2.5)'(4):23.56 cf. Infiltration surface area provided : (2) (51.05) : 102.10- sf. Retention volume provided : (2) Q3.56): 47.12 cf. 6 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Phone: (360) 379-5095 Fax: (360) 344-4619 STREET AND UTILITY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Building Permit Nutnber:Street and Utiliry Permit No: SDP06-066 Hockadav, Stephen PO Box 1372 Port Townsend, WA 9E368 Phone: (360)732-4242 PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION .'ERRY R. LINDSEY EXCAVATINC' * PO Box l47l Port Townsend' WA 98368 Phone: (360\732-4242 ParcelNunrber:972904002 Addition: Montana Block: 33 & 40 Lot(s): 1,3,5,6'7,8 Project Address; 55th Street Nature of Work Street irnprovements & water & sewer extensions for future single-family residences. Hockaday applying on behalf of 2 other families besides himself. PERMIT REQUIREMENTS r€$pg,!0ry E ryEo",' nLsf 9!Tf n t'99!t'ol .Erosion and sediment control rneasures artd construction entrance must be instatled and inspected prior to construction. Measures ;must be maintained throughout construction' TESC Approval: ' ; nPProval Date: Streets Open and pave 55th Street from Cleveland to St eri{an per approved engineered plan. ,Only the trees marked on the redlined Sheet CzA (15 in all) are approved for removal. No additional ffees may be removed without prior approval ftom the City of Port Townsend. Install tree protection for trees to remain. ,lnstall drainage system in the 55th Street right-of-way per approved engirreered plan. Pave each driveway apron. lnstall a culvert under each driveway Streets Approvah Approval Date: ' Sewer Extend g" pVC sewer main in 55th Street from existing maintenance hole at 55th & Cleveland to 55th & Sheridan. lnstall a ,nraintenance hole at Sheridan & 55th. Stub out the service lines per red-lined plan. Note that service line to lots 3 & 5 will be via one dual service tap. See redlined plans Sheet C2A. Sewer Approval: I Water ,Extend an g'. water main in 55th Street from Clsveland to Sheridan with all appurtenances per approved engineered plan. Fire ,hydrant exists at 55th & Cleveland. Water Approval; I APProval Date: i Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates l-800-424-5555 Pagc I ol? i lpproval Date: I -.) Stormwater Constnict stonnwater fhcilities for the 55th Street righrof-way per approved plan. For drainage for each lot, submit a drainage plan showing how the site stormwater will be rnanaged on-site. With each building application, submit a Minor Improvement Permit application for the connection to the utilities. Stormwater Approval: Approval Date: Other Conditions/Reo uirements ,Permit conditions attached are made part of this permit. If proposing a latecomer agreemen! submit a complete application with fee to the City prior.to commencernent of work. Other Req. Approval: . Approval Date: . : No Protest Agreement Required Prior to Occupancy / Record Drawings Required Prior to Occupancy (As Builts) Submit a Mylar and e-file as-builts prior to sign-offof these permit requirements. / Conveyance of Utilities Reguired Prior to Occupancy LATECOMER - If a latecomer agrcement is contemplated, application and estimates must be submitted prior to start of contstruction. All work sh?l! be nerformed in accordapcp with the Citv gf P, ort ToryJnsqr.rd Enqineefing,Dcaien St?ndaTds. Standards are ayailable for viewirg at lhe City H.all.250-Madispn St. 3rd Floor. NOTE: Rock walls" fences. hedqes. a$d arbors arq not allowed in thp oublic rlsht'of-wav lrnlesg 4pJJ.ovpd through the Street Develooment, PerFit and a Street Use AgreerTenh witF an on-site fevigw of thelfoooqal. ALL REQUIREMENTS UNDER THIS PERMIT MUST BE COMPLETED, INSPECTEI), AND APPROVED BY THE PUBLTC wOnXS TNSPECTOR PRTOR TO REQUESfTNG A FTNAL INSPECTTON FROM THE BUILDINC INSPECTOR PERMIT MUST BE ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. CALL 36C385-2294 FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. nL1 S I cNATU xn &z*czzz- -4* t*l.b)ltil4/1006 cdv Townrond Propcdy ATTACTIMENTS :l Permit Conditions 'y': Erosion and Sediment Control Practices /: Detail T-9-Paved Street Detnil t/l Detail T-19 Driveway Standard Other Detail: . Notice to Title No Protest Agreement y'' Conveyancc and Acceptance of Public Faclllties '1t Latecomer lnformation and Applicntion Side Scwer As-Built Form Othert Date Approved SDP Review Hrsl SIGNATURE Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates l-800-424-55s5 I%gc 2 af? 7"\tCity of Port Townsend 'Development Services 250 Madison $t. Ste 3 Port Townsend, ltJA 98368 ***X**:t**************t***:f ************** Res* s/Rcpt#; 003-00007581 [ hl ] Account'ing Date: Tue, Jan 16, 2007 Date/time: Fri, Jan 12, 20CI7 4r51 P|4 *t*******f *******x******:k{it(*****t****+*x 20IORESIDENTIAI PLAN REVIEII BLD06-005 Ref S: Fee Amount : $2,094.66 2OOORESIDENTIAL BUILDIl.l(j PERHIT BLD06-005 Ref #: Fee Amount : $3,222 .55 2OOORESit)ENTIAL BUILDING PERI'IIT BLD06-005 Ref Sr Fee Amount: $47,00 2OO5STATE BLDG CODF FEE BLD06*005 Ref *: Fee Amount: $4.50 22{]OHOUSE NU|4BER BLD00-005 Ref *: Fee Amount : $3,00 9992RECOR|IS RETEtiTiONIMGMT BLD06-005 Ref S: Fee Amount: $10.00 21 1 sSUBDIVlSIi]N/SHORT PLAT LUP07-005 Ref $: Fee Amount: $150,00 99g2RECORDS RETENTION/l'4Gl4T LUp07*005 Ref S: Fee Amount: $7,50 Total Due = $5,539.21 *)fi *tt*****t****t**:t*t****'+************** Payment Data: Pmt* r 1 Payer : HOCKADAY/KAIGHN #1560 Method: CKAmount = $5,539.21 * * *:i * * t* t * )k * x( * ** * * * * * * * * + * **** * * t * * * * * * * Receipt Summary **t**:t:t*t**f *t*+*{:****x**************+** Total Tendered = $5,539.21 Total Due = $5,539,21 Change Dr.re = $0.00 ***********tt**********tt***+f x**f t**f *x Thank You! * * t f ** ** :i X ** t** t * t * * ,t * * * * * t * t I * :l * * * * * {:** I JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 25414-I27th St. SE MONROE, W498272 PH. {3601863-1831 FAX {3601863-1481 SHEET NO.OF CALCULATED BY- CHECKED BY- DATE DATE SCALE PROJECT:gAND DRAGO TRUST BUILDING LOCATION:PORT IIADLOCK" WA CLIENT:CUSTOM BUILT STRUCTUREg JEI JOB NO.:07-06- t 02 CODE:2003 ttsc LIVE LOADS: FLOOR:40 P3r SNOW 25 ?5r WIND,65 MPH TXF C SEISMIC: 9*:1,35 . 5 -o DESIGN CATEGORY D. 5lTT CLA99 D DEAD LOADS, ROOF 5 P1F FLOOR:ro PSr SOIL: BEARING:2000 P1r I.ATERAL: D(P|FES: 4/10/ fieor*srt-;qntlEliS{t!$T€M'-printhrgs€!ryicr 1-a*088i1'(Gii'fuefls,tni.P.ii.:rt,o,ou9ti.hlliti345€'$rs.ii€tr:!r(ri Fiei. l.Jn: G 1A'Jllryi?7c .lnR 9AND a1-a6-la2JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 25414-r27th St. SE MONROE, WA98272 PH. (3601 863-183r FAX (3601 863-1481 SHEET NO. /)- OF CALCULATED BY- CHECKED BY- DATE DATE SCALE 4.4 4A 2@ 3.4 5-9 4J 30 2t VA E160 ,@ t4.? BA 2:1 tr 340 DtsL PRE.IiF6 TFU99 s tr xl6'tltN 2l (2)2x12 RAFIER$ I1AIN FLOOR 5CALE' l"=lO' fi ve" APA,ad 6 6" oc.EDGE 12" oc.FIELD, BLOCK PANEL ED6E9 Fteorrtrr F;ur N!65 {*ST{,,ff''t}rir}tin* 5ervi{e t-6{x:r.68a{*2;' futPs, }nir. P*1*rt,orcudl, NJ'!o::i4!lj rrfti..reti:j.cri*1 iief. l'la: fi 1433cr27o JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 2541+127th St. SE MONR0E, WA98272 PH. {3601863-1831 FAX 136018ffi-r481 .toB SAND DRAGON 01-ab-@2 SHEET NO,z OF CALCULI{TED BY- CHECKED BY- DATE DATE SCALE '-! ! ! I Iq "!'F,rh.l -t----- im ii,,-,l L _l_ I I UFFER FLOOR./ROOF FRI'1'G ffi t|o', ApA,ad a b', oc.EDGE e- At E- lr -lal 12" o.c.FIELO, BLOCK PANEL EDGEo b:1 3 oz J N.I IL Io 1.@ >o a3 1.@ t@ tet TRU99 Ipel eeeixra I I 120 I E=+lElg9== I I l@9 10 OtsL 2.1 te 2.4 Beonjsr F;r:m i*Ii35 {UgT-4.1b:'"Fri.tln$ tsroice 1-4,!O-aEii{:27 }l€r-';S, l.i:. p.:trrl,o/.vgir iJtJ 034te .ff*.{i*b.r r.)r PEi l'lo: G 14?30C!70 JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 254I+L27th St. SE MONROE, WA98272 PH. (3601863-1831 EAX (3601 863-1481 CALCULATED BY MEI GANtn npA^nht o'7_ac_t a9 L=t SHEET NO.OF DATE DATE o7-o t -o7 CHECKED BY- SCALE LATERAL WIND: Values Ior lffi?lfited method lrom A)CET Ftqvre C-2 65 MPTi EXP. C I : Mean Roof fletqhl: 23.A Eave herqhf: l9.O Mm horv plan dtm: 4O.O l= t,33 2a: LO r.o Rool prlch: Wnd Vressures: Wall corner: Wall matn: Root corner: Roof marn; 5:12 ZQ.l lTone Al 13.9 VoneQ O.O lZonebl O.O Vone Dl Note: corner loads are n addtbon lo "man" loads J- To RIDGE (plf)Gable Corner frt? CornerI IWALL I |ROOF Man ro mrn v2- vl- Voan: 4.O 9.O qn 9,Q E' 125 70 25 55 5t r30 90 roo5.O llTO RIDGE (rlf) llwa' , Gable f,? Dormer I lpooF I lpnnF I l\MAt I Gable Corner flt? Marn Corner I O pst mrn Vz= 4'O 4.5 t tB 35 65 'L:leeward, W:wndward Lrne above 2.65 t.70 2.65 t.7Q t.o9 2.OA t.o9 2.O8 4.36 2.6t 2.5 t t.Eo /22 9tr.q 3.54 3.52 3.89 4.67 t.o5 l.l5 Wnd Area I L F Mod* Wnd Area 2 L P Mod. Wnd Area 3 L P Mod* Wnd Area 4 L P Mod- Mrn ?,t 20 20 lt8 65 a35 22, Mrn 20 20 |8 85 ^2E 2.4, Mrn t6 t6 56 r30 25a 2.O Mrn t6 IG 56 r30 a25 Mrn 2.65 t.70 o 125 ?o a55 Mrn o,oo o.oo 20 zv 125 90 1.3 Mrn 2.65 t.70 9.9 qq t25 a55 I.A Mrn t.o9 2.06 t6 t6 t25 90 a55 I,B Mrn L09 2.OA t6 t6 125 90 5705 roo t.c Mrn o.oo o.oo I t.5 ll.5 roo a 3l bEEl - 5an4 DEIon iiri ijo: ti ld3lli0iT0Beordar l-rq:rt l{{l}5 fugT+'t}t irr;,}tiiig serui{.' 1.6t'c{{jii.+:?7 }y'€Eii, ln'r P.ri,iri,.n!si:, tif, ?r:-:,!$: r'r.#-lrr-'tr:i..Jii; JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 25414-L27th St. SE MoNROE, WA98272 PH. {3601 863-1831 FAX (3601 863-1481 CALCULATED BY MEI JOB qAND DRAGON 07-oc- I 02 SHEET NO.OF DATE DATE o7-ot -o7 CHECKED BY- SCALE Sfl5MtC V : O.7.9os'I-W : O.O97 W (Multrply by O.7 lor ASD) q_.r3' p. I: R 1.35 6.5 LO Fa: l 'OO 1v1:f tir: 1 ,35 3os:2/3 91as: O.9O l1fte Class Dl Snow load: 25 pst Sesmrc DL: O l.2O " 5n rf 5n>3Ol WEIGI-1T: FLR 2 SLory l1t: I ROOF t5?9rG5-43): rxT wALlS 8?3F. 4. 2(4O+ 32): rNT WALLS 7P9r.4? t)(40+32): 22.58 4.6t 2.O2 29.2 rLR I Story flt: I ROOF: lSP5F(Z4.5.23.2): rlooR torcre2.40): EXT WALL9 EP5r.9. 2(55 + 4O): tNT WALL9 2.O2+7. 4(-.5)(32+4O): b.53 t2.80 r3.68 3.U3 WT: 38.O b/,1 6.52 SEI9MIC DI9TRItsUTION 67.2 E: 9OG 6,52 f r/W r" :O.2. O.7*1es*I*W px: O. 1 26 f ,,lWr :O,4' O,7*]ss*I*W py: O.252 STiEAR WALLg DIAPTiRAGMS LEVEL h Wh Vwh/Ewh Xfr Xw,Xf/Dw,f olwr"t?, L z3.z t8 525.6 3.78 3.76 2?.2 o.t 29 o.t29 3.76 3A.O lo 3AO.3 2.74 G.52 67.2 o.o97 o.t26 4.79 Lzbtal - Sana D6qon Fs,t IJa: Ci 1.tsltot2?oFreoriilr F.,!n trlEg$ {tt$T{.,1$'pr;ntiilg Eerulca 1.t,:r0-f:*3'63::7 lta-?S, ,n4. Persllinriuah HH +:ia;il lur!,:rEh!.f,rrn JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 254t+727th St. SE M0NROE, W498272 PH. (3601 863-1831 FAX (3601 863-1481 CALCULATED BY MEI o7-o t -o7 JOB SAND DRAGON 07-oc-t02 SHEET NO.{"OF CHECKED BY- DATE DATE SCALE sEISMIC V : O.7-Sos-I.W o.o97 w (Multrply by O.7 lor A9D) 5st R: I: R t.35 6.5 r.o Fa-- t.OO 9ye:Fr$r: L35 3os:213 5*E: O.9O f)fte Class Dl Snow load: 25 pst Setsmtc DL: O |2O' 5n rf 9n>3Ol WEIGI-1T: FLR 2 Story frL: I ROOr t 5?9rG5.43): EXT WALL9 8P9F. 4* 2(40+32): rNT WALL9 7?9F.4(- t)(40+32): 22.58 4.6t 2.O2 29.2 rLR I 9tory l1t: I ROOF: t5PSre4.5'23.2): FLOOR tOPSY(32.4O): EXT WALL9 OP3r.9- 2(55 + 4O): tNT WALLS 2.O2+7. 4(-.5)(32+4O): 8.53 12,6Q 13.68 3.O3 Wt: 38.O 67.2 6.52 9EISMIC DISTRItsUTION 67.2 l= ?OG 6.5 F eJW p, :O.2- O.7" 3De-I*W 7: O. I 26 F p/Wr :O,4* O.7*Ses^I*W,,": 0.252 9IjEAR WALLg DIAPI-iRAGMS VwhDwhLEVELhWh sr.Xw,Xfr/Ew,rdw?*lP, e7a229.2 t8 525.6 3.7E 29.2 o.t29 o.t29 3.78 3B.O to 34O.3 2.74 6.52 G7.2 o.o97 o.t26 4.79 Fleoirl;rFi<*td*11${USTd-..nt'"Frintingteroic* r-a{ri'Siiii-{..347 /VE:l?g,lnir.P.{.Jd,cr.uglt.iJHO34ae }ivsj.rretirj.c{jnr flet IJi: G 1433C.J:;'0 JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 254r4-t27th St, SE M0NROE, WA98272 PH. t3601 863-1831 FAX (3601 863-1481 JOB SAND DMGON 07-06-t02 SHEET NO.OF CALCULATED BY MEI CHECKED BY- o7-ot-o7DATE DATE SCALE REDUNDANCY A2=j/r'Q: VoVsl l28O At:32.40+20.2-23: Lw Perrmeler 1745 Lrne bays a,t t,3 o.50 o.50 89 89 29.O t 6.o Y Y 4.O Redvndancy Check a Redvndancy Check b ZLw:45.O Mrn wall; 16.0 > h :> com?heE Mn bays >2 ComVles Overall: Comphes Lrne VoVsL Lw Penmeler Days 2.4, 2.8 o.5o o.50 .49 Aq 27.O 25.I Y Y 6.8 a2 Redundancy Check a: Redvndancy Checkb: ILw: 52.1 Mrn wallr 25.1 > h comphes Mn bays >2 --> Comphes Overall: Comgles Lne V2 VoY 1 VoVsl Lw ?enmeter tsays .2 t.E9 o.oo 1.89 o.32 2.76 0.42 32.O o.50 1.36 0.2t 17.9 o.t E 2.39 0.37 27.O >t*:@ Mrn wall; 17.9 > h :> corn?he5 Mn bays >2 :> Compltes Y Y Y 7.1 4.O 6.O Redvndancy Check a Redundancy Checkb Overall: ComVhes Lrne V2 VoV 1 VoVsL Lw Penmeler Bays .A .ts .C t.89 t.a9 o.oo o.37 2.O9 0.44 26.4 o.5o 3.26 0.50 7.9 o. t 3 0.36 0.06 2.7>w:ffi Mrn wall; 2.7 Vo Reducion: Mn bays < 2 :> Does noL comply Y Y Y 5.9 I,B 4.6 Redundancy Check a: Redvndancy Checkb: o.o7 Overall: <.33 ComVhes Comples Nvmbered Lrnes: p: LeLtered Ltnee: p= r.oo r.oo Fieord6rl-;dnf'itlls{UiT€,lS'*FrinfhrE'rrvi{e l-aiF)-et.j-{irtz;'IVFBS.,o!r.P.r,riir,Eug,r.Nt't34ti,! !'r,1i*ii€t,:c.nn ilel Hi: Li 1433C0:i7C JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC 25414-t27th St. SE MoNROE, WA98272 PH. (3601 863-1831 EAX {3601 863-1481 JoB SANn nRAGON 07-06- lo2 SHEET NO. * OF CALCULATED BY FTJ DATE DATE o7-ot -o7 CHECKED BY- SCALE uNr 2.1 F- wvttr: t-L_ v.:fl1= t.B9 2.65 L70 29.O 65 P= LOO TYPE: P H=A <240 <:WALL TYPE I vw:WL: 9 | Deaqn:O.7v: 64 <24O T61-5:vrH: O.52 T61-yy:vy7H: O.73 E' (.6-. t 49os) DL: (.6-. t 43ps )W(Lw/z+ -Lo): W: .6 DL:.6W(Lwl2+-Lo): O.74 W:6".O15+.06: O.t5 Lw: lO.5 Lo: 3.O E: UVhft.: -O.O7 W; Uplrfl: -O,O I <- WALL TYPT I o.59 LINE 2.3 tr- Wurru: t_L_ v.:f/l: |.q,q oaEL,OJ t.70 t 6.o ll8 P= l.OO TYPE; P H-o <240 <:WALL TYPE I vw:WlL: | 65 Deaqn:O.7v: I 16 <24O Te1-s:vsll: O.95 Te1-y7:vynlj: 1.32 E: (.6-. I 43og) DL:(.6-. I 496 )W(LwlZ+-Lo): O.5O W: .6 DL:.6W(Lw/2+-Lo): 0.63 W:6.,O l5+.06: O.l5 Lw: O.O Lo: 3.O E: UVlttt: O,45 W: Uplrft: 0.69 < WALL TYPT I FiecrrlrrrFrcrrf'tEl]S*UiT$ffijrrintingstruire 1-aOJ€aiJ-$-1?7 AJEES,inr.F.i1lJrioriilqh.Nl-jil34{e i.r'iq.!idb!.r.r7i Fiei. l.,Jar aj 143:10t2;'o 9AND DMGON 07-06-t02JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 25414-L27th St. SE MONROE, W498272 PH. {3601 863-1831 FAX (3601 863-1481 JOB SHEET NO.a OF rTJ DATE DATE Q7-Ot -O7CALCUL/TED BY CHECKED BY- SCALE LINE 2.4, E_L_ Wvttt't: t-L_ v":fll: P= I'OO <240 <: P= l.OO TY?E: 7 TYPE: 7 WALL TYFE I l-l: I H:B t.89 rno 2.06 27.O /U vy1--WlL:77 Deaqn:O.7v: 54 <24O T61-g:vrH: A,56 Te1-y7=vy7H: 0.62 E' (.6-. I 45ps) DL:(.6-. I 45os)W(LwlZ+-Lo): O.39 W: .6DL:,6W(Lwl2+-Lo): O.5O W:6..O15+.06: O. l5 Lw: 5.O Lo: 3.O t: Uplfii: A.l7 < W: UVltt: O.l? WALL TYPE I WALL TYPE I LINE 2.8 c_L_ vvMlN- t-L_ v":l/l: r.89 t.o? 2.O8 )qt 75 <240 <: vw:WlL: 03 Deaqn:O.7v: 5E <24O Te1-6:vel1: 0'60 Te1-y7:vy7F1: 0.66 E: (,6-. I 43Ds) DL:(.6-. t 43ee )W(Lw/z+-Lo): O'32 W: .6 DL:.6W(Lw/2+-Lo): A.4l W:6..O15+.06: O.l5 Lw: 3.O Lo: 3.O t: UVlft: O.28 <- W: UVhft.: 0.26 ShorL Seqment shearwallg (<2: I asVect raio lor seamc loads) Lnh1.Lvh/2wvDEe WALL ryPE I 3.O B.O t .89 25.1 75 1.33 lO0 <240 WALLTYPE I fleortli:r i'rr*ri N!$5 CUiT&&i"irriirt rg seayice j-dit)-eajii'te!7 ly't?s, tn.i. Periiilo,a(r,jh. Nli 0!45.ii +,^s*,.nEhs.r.xir Fl.:i. I'lr: {i i431t002/O JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 254r+r27th St. SE MONROE, WA98272 PH. {3601 863-1$r FAX (36018ffi-r48r JOB 3AND DRAGON 07-06-t02 SHEET NO.I€t OF CALCULATED BY R-J CHECKED BY- DATE DATE o7-ot -o7 SCALE LINE I .I e- a-aL- L, / O W: 4.36 \At a a tvvMlN- L,o t V: 4360 v: 136 Aa-.,- p= l.OO T\fE: P L: 32.O t1: I t36 <t90 <240v":f/l: EG vw:WlL: 136 Deaqn:O.7v: 95 <24O <: T61-s:vrll: O.7 B T61-y7=vy7ll: I .23 E: (.6-.143e)DL:(.6-. 1456)W(Lw/2+-Lo)= O.52 W: .6 DL:.6W(Lwl2+-Lo): 0.66 W:4..O I +.06: O.lO Lw: 16.0 Lo: 3,O E: Uphft: 0.26 W: Uplt*.: O.57 < FO5T5 0.K. WALL TYPT I WALL TYPE I PO9T9 0,K. WALL TYPT I WALL TYFE I UNT I.? E: t .36 p= l,OO TYPE: P W: 2.51 <- Wvrru: l.8O v: 25 to L: t7,9 n-- I v: l4O AB: v: l4O <l9O v":f/l: 76 <24O vw:W/L: | 40 Deaqn:O.7v: 9B <24O <= f 6n-e:vsl1: A.69 Te1-s7:vy7H: I .26 E' (.6-. I 49Dd DL--(.6-. I 45se )W(LwlZ+ -Lo): O,28 W: .6DL:.6W(Lwl2+-Lo): O.35 W:4'.Ol +.06: O. lO Lw= 5.7 Lo: 3.O E: U7hft.: Q.4l W: Uplttt: O.9 I <- 4 Dre4on iiei. i!o: fi 143itCC27CBeorJrrt;oml{lBSeugT|FM"'t}.iriti[giervir* i-a{r]re86,ti3;7 NtfJS,ln..irei*ri,oriardr,r{Hil34!i; i.rLv,./-!iEbr:.6rii Late9l t6tr 5AND DRAGON o7-o€,- I 02JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 254I4-L27th St. SE MONR0E, WA98272 PH. (3601 863-183r FAX {3601863-1481 SHEET NO.tt OF CALCULATED BY FIJ CHECKED BY- o7-o t -o7DATE DATE SCALE LINE I .3 E= 2,39 9= I 'OO TYPE: P W: 4.33 < WvrrN: 2,59 V: 4330 L: 27.O 11: I .,_ t a^v- I bL/ AB: v: 160 <l9O v":f/l: O9 <24O vw:ML: I60 Deaqn:O.7v: I 12 <24O <: T61-6:vrl1: O.OO T61-ry:vy7ll= 1.44 E: (.6-. I 43p) DL:(.6-. I 43og)W(Lil2+-Lo): O.45 W: .6 DL:.6W(Lw/2+-Lo): O.57 \M:4..O I +.06: O.lO Lw: l3.O Lo: 3.O E: Uphft: O.35 W; Uplrft: O.B7 < PO5T5 O,K, WALL TYPE I WALL TYPT I PO9T9 0.K. WALL TYPT I WALL TYPE I UNT I.A E-aaa W: 3,54 Wr,,rtr.r: 3'52 V: 3540 v: 134 AD: v: ve=flL-- I lo L: 26.4 t1: I 134 <t?Q P= l.OO <240 <: TYPE: P vw:W/L= 134 Deaqn--O.7v: 94 <24O Te1-6:v"l-l: O.99 T -., H-I p1-yy: VyTf'l = | .2 I E' (.6-. I 43e) DL:(.6-. I 45os )W(lwl?+-lp): O.22 W: .6 DL:.6W(Lwl2+-Lo)= 0.26 W:4..O I +.06= O. lO Lw: 3.4 Lo: 3.O t: Uphtt: 0.76 W; Uphft= O.?2 < thorl Seqment shearwallE (<2: I aspect rabo lor eesrntc loads) LnhELvhlZwvDEs 9 2.89 2G.4 r O t .32 145 <240 WALLTYPE I 4 Bear4s;FrcmNEllSlUSTl.ftt'ilr;rrtinsservire l-8ar0-3ta-&:27 Nffi-c,lnd.P.ii.jri')neu9li.NHC3454 fJ'rr'r.neh:;.c.jri,q.i fJe: ti 143i1.Jrif?0 JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 2541+t27th St. SE MONROE, WA98272 PH. 13601 863-18s1 FAX (360) 863-1481 JOB SAND DRAGON 07-oG-t02 \4 SHEET NO.OF CALCULATED BY FTJ DATE DATE o7-o t -o7 CHECKED BY SCALE LINE I ,ts E-- Wvttt't: 3,lb 3.89 4.67 4674 p= t.OO TYFE: P t_l-ad H- aI .J I I- J <3* 3385.6 U1ET.1ff WALL AT TYPE I :> I 096# WITIJ PO5T5 IN CANT LINE I,C E= 0.36 W: l.O5 WvrN: L l5 V: I l5O P= l.OO TYPE: P < 2* 3345.6 PO5T5 IN CANT gHEARWALLTYPE I 7/16" APA; 8D @ 6' O.C. EDGE; l2' O.C. iELD BLOCK FANEL EDGE9 Fteorcsrtro*f.liffsCU5T*'fu1'';:rintlngr:rylat t-6txi-i!66'tjGra;'l/!f:*:,lrx].F.rt!:ri,n'o!oli,tf'-itt4ie r-.ivs,r!diri:iqiii!iiai- t{or & 143300!70 JOB SAND DMGON Q7-Q6-t02JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 2541+727th St. SE MONRoE, WA98272 PH. (3601 863-1831 FAX {3601 863-1481 r3 SHEET NO.OF rTJ o7-ot-o7CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY- DATE DATE SCALE VTRTICAL Posts Conf,rbubon af, bne I .B tr.lc' E: Fut k: h: b: d: LDf : Tyve: / 75Q psr lTOO ksr / 650 pst o.6 I ft, 5.25 n 5.5 n /.6 Ppr+rn: Io-20'5+2- lO" lO: PsNow+rrn: I O- 20. 25 + 2* I O. 4a: My71xp:9'(4' I 6- l'9Y6: l.2 k 5.A k 3.39 ft-k G (S:sawnlumber,G=qlulam,P=rovnd ?le,M:machneEtea) Compresaon:W' 3: 26.47 n3 Fo: 2640 7st fcrt: 28BO psr fb(W+f): t537 psr tb(Wl7+f): 768 .sr tc- le/d= -t_U_ Itrr: F-I cE- tcflt c- Et_ t.(912): fc (9): ?5QO psr t 5.7 o.9 o.4t6 2B0O gst t.o20 2157 Vsr 28,88 n2 142 psr 242 Vsr F""=K-7'E/(lJd) r' ": r" J( t + r el r' J 2 c' -t( l + r d 7 J 2 d2 -r df J clo's ) lnterachon: (tJ7')2+Urlb(t4Jrd)l W+912= 0.62 < l.O OK 5+Wl2= O.33 < l.O OK 4-PLY zXG P,T. GLB (GRUTN-WALD) Tole Footnq d: NZ( t +\l( t + 4.36h/ A)) A:2.34?13tb Foohn4: fsorr_= b:lF/tuo,,l.zar= 2.OO 2.t t o_t- a'+ 7.O p-t- h--.2. I O: b: ).u, q, a_Jl- )- 266 tb I,B TT 2,OO tt 3.50 lt 4OO Vsl (base value) 467 o.722 r.60 fb oK 24' DIA x 3'-6' DP BeordorFr<rnNEBS€elsT{'t*'"F.!*tiFsssnice 1-Eril}-e!16.6.j27 i/€,-is,,n..P.:i.jrlrororit,r.NiJ0:1.15e ?r,vi{.r*b;j.crxi ftei Nrr: L: 1433CO:l7o JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 25414-t27th St. SE MONROE, WAgg272 PH. (3601 863-1$r FAX (3601 863-148r CALCULATED BY FTJ qANN NR 07-oc- t 02 SHEET NO.l+OF DATE DATE o7-ot -o7 CHECKED BY- SCALE PosLs Contlbuion at Ltne I .C Ftct F. Fv, k: L,il. b: d: LDF: 1y?e / 75O Vsr /7OO kst /650 psr U.D loft 5.25 n 5,5 n /.6 p -tt Errt E*(-rDL-'r,JIt.JJ- p - t I E+ I I EiaE-I SNOW- t t,J t t.J LJ- Mwruo: lO- l.l5/4: 0.6 k 2.9 ft-k G (S=sawnlumber,G=qlvlam,?--rcuna ple,M:machneraled) ComVresston:W' 5: 26.47 n3 F'v: 2640 7st Fcrt: 2332 Vsr fbW+f): t3O3 7st tv(WlZ+F)= 652 pst tc- le/d: -l-o- IYE_ tct I cE' c t"(9.12): fc (9): 28OO pst t7.5 O,9 o.4t8 2332 Vsr o.833 l917 Vst 26.8E na 78 psr 135 pst rcE=KvE El(tJd) f'.:F "l( t + r dlr' )/ 2 c -tlJ t + r AF )/ 2 c\2 -r dF' J clo'ul lnleractron: 6S7S2XSy'r1t_tSr*,1 W+3/2: O.5l < I .O OK 3+W/2= O.27 < l.O OK 4-PLY 2X6 P.T. GLts (GRUEN-WALD) Pole Foott d:NZ(t +t +4.36h/A))f oohnq: fsorr-: O={Fltuo,,l .z os): 2.OO t.5E o_t- lgu 3.9 A:2.34P/3tb o_t- h--.2- I O= b: d: q, C-Jl- )_u- zEE Ib ztt r.50 ft 3.50 lt 4OO Vst (base valve) 467 o.963 z.Ot ft OK 24' DIA x 24' DP Freorder i-r:n f.llF5 {U.tTgfd*t}rir}tiilg 5tfl4&! r.6i{) 8tU-{i:!7 /VI-/JS, l1c. P.r,::ri,rirc(!{ji'. Nti ri54:e !.}:1i?.r!eb:j cori!Pat. Hr: G lqiiilc"trJf?O gAND DMGON 07-06-t02JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 2541+t27th St. SE MONRoE, WA98272 PH. {3601863-1831 FAX (3601 863-1481 t4SHEET NO.OF rTJ o7-o t -o7CALCULATED BY DATE DATECHECKED BY SCALE tsm I Purlrn L; lZ w:25-2: d: 5.5 6'V y,4:t 1uwL2= V:w(VZ-d/t 2)-- lvrtt: I E R:wV2: ft 50 rn tBa o.ao O,2E o.30 LDF: 5 7lt E: 1600 <llt5. O.72 <1.15. o.52 /t ksr " t .t5:O.95 6= o3o 2x6DFZ @ 24" oc Bm ? End Ralters L: 13.5 w:7.5*30: ws:/.$*l$: d: I 1.3 6'U t, ,2lvl: /swL = v:w(u2_d/t 2): r - loarMlN- t J- lruru(u-)= ?4O R:wU2: R1.;:wsV2: ft 225 t 87.5 tn 240 C IQ t.3l t.52 t.27 LDF; 3 7lt 7tt 6u,V < I .15. 4,48 <1.t5- t.69 356 356 GLB b: k: t.o5 5.l3 I lo 360 l3OO ksr 6: 6u- u.5e) o.30 2 zxt2nrz Bm 3 Decktseam L; 17.5 w:4*65: wtr:4.60-- d: lO.5 6'U M:tlawLz= v:w(U7-dll2): lrvru: 348 r - laalMtN(LL)- au. R:wU2: Rs-:wpt/2: ft 260 240 rn 240 ooE 2.O5 2.28 2.tQ N ptI vtf 6u:U 360 < t8.o3 < 5.92 E: \SOO kst 494 494 6= 6r-r-: o.62 o-57 (2) 3/4 MB :> 3.OB O.K. 5- | lb x t o- | t2 GLB (PRE59 URT TRTATED) Fleo{ti Do* ttl85 €tlsT€"ffi''l}riE}ting siflire 1-4('1.?BA.€i327 IV*S, Inc. P.i.jri,nE!ar:. hjH 0::4ta !..i!,r'.iBbi:.c(,!i Fei llo: G 1.13110ti2;'0 SAND DMGON 07-06-t02JARNOT ENGINEERING, INC. 25414-t27th St. SE MONROE, WA98272 PH. (3601 863.1831 FAX (3601863-1481 JOB SHEET NO.lVe OF I lJ o7-ot -o7CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY - DATE DATE SCALE Uplft Trtb areas: frvsg ?osl: End Post: Corner ?ost: A_ tn*a I E_n-tv at,J- A:7.5* I O: A: 2t5 75 5l LUse I OOI LUse 5Ol lUse 50) DL:5 psI IOO gf -tQ.6 +.6D: -t5.2 +.6D: -24.O +.6D: Zone l: Zone 2: Zone 3: AQ -r2.2 -2t.o 50 sf -|,t +.6D: -16.9 +.6D= -?6.O +.6D= qt -t3.9 -23.O a:7.2/2:3.6 Zone2*Zone3 qn' -r?q IOO: -12.2 -23.u -2t.o IOO sf 50 sf -t 2.2 -t3.9 -2t,o -23.OWZ: t 2.o 2A-t J (Truss) Zonel*ZoneZ -49 -ro3 -t t4 (End Rafter) 5Or -6.t I OO: -7.6 -t3.9 -t 2.2 lOOsf _74 -t2.2 50 sf -B.t -13.9W2: lo.o -43 -45 -53 -59 (Truss) (End Ralter) Man Lruss vpltlt Net uplrft : 5. ( t 2. 2. E + 7 . O. (2O- B)) +7 9- I + 43. (2O-O), 2 I 04 Cons approx oI upltlf, al qable ends - rfid ?osLg P-AO't0+275'(2/ | 3.5+zle .5)=925 P 3(t t 4+23- I .5-59- t 3.9' | .5)'4: w:59* 13.9'I .5: AO 275 (End Post) Cons aVTrox ol up|it aL corners -t 49 -EO wr:-59- 13.9. I .5: wz:-l l4-23 I.5: -BO I ia r3.3 -574 -7GC (Corner PosL) B.O 4.O I 4.O Br:oribrir<,raFllB$€US?6.fif'J:riritinE:erv,.e l-uC{l€aA-ejr;/ f,b-FS.ln{.F.:!ijriJnr.,!,{fi.NtjO34:ir n!i!.*€b!.c.rin ilEi f.Ji: G 1433Clt7o 1 9 t Parcel #972904002,1120 55th St. Port Townsend. Lot 3, Block 40, Montana Addition Construction Detail Supplement L. X'ans and Ducts 50 cfm fan in each bathroom and in laundry (see construction Detail plan) 100 cfm fan in kitchen (range hood, see Construction Detail Plan) Exhaust duct material galvarrized or PVC pipe, rigid and flexible 20 cfm wall port in living room and all bedrooms (See Construction Detail Plan) 2. Fire Protection Fire Blocking to 2006IRC building code 5/8" GWB (Type x) with 7" O.C. nailing between dwelling and garage on garage side Smoke detectors in all bedrooms and second floor hallway (See Construction Detail Plan) 20 minute fire-rated doors between garage and dwelling Safety Egress to building code through windows in all bedrooms 3. Sheetrock and Insulation Sheetrock GWB %" Insulation fiberglass material Roof R-38, Exterior walls R-21, Slab insulation R-10 over 6 mm polythene vapor barrier 4. Footing Drains 4" perforated pipe, filter membrane to surround bedding and pipe Bedding 4" gravel surrounding pipe on all sides, placed I' beyond outside of footing Fl o o f lJ ' - { - ll 40 ' - o ' n! l Vr i c. 2 c.2 IP 2s ) SL CI M G E ux D zs & za & 00 0 f , Kt T C t { 0 { LM I I G -T l -- - t - - * 1 I SL %"r 6 @ tr ^ a n P R o . d l s s @ @ /2 ' 2' GA R A C E t6 ' x l d o/ E R H A D rr O O f , 2N D . F L R PT A N 3/ l a ' - 1' - 0 ' l- 5 ( > Sr n o p g D€ T C c t o < €: . . r r A , u s f FA r , . r ft r c 2o c6 1 . 4 \^ l s l r @Q f |E I r E' X + { n ' o c T D\ , ef @ D€CI( 15 ' - 4 - t 13 ' - 4 - la - SL st - SL @SEIFS UV$F 0 1. o @ ff D - 1@BE D - 2 5 I I SL I tc wr c 2o l t L_ I g ? 1 4o NS - 4 O a r to r{ D6 f i q r u /C A , N Parcel # 972904002. 1 100 55s St. Port Townsend. Prepared by Stephen Hockaday, January lt, zoo7. Grading Plan Scale l" :20o Extracted from Street Developmenr permit SDp06{66, plan CzA Prepared by Maclearnsbeny Engineering p.S. October 3, 2006 .> {t. NIN 2F JJI 3 u ?a .a b{AQ EA 8 4# 96' \,AL AR.EA \t 3 7. 9> AI ,*id oe 5g tN (, Notes: l. Area to be filled lies to the north and east of the 97' contouro and will be filled to 97.0, level.2. Compacted clean granular pit run with marcimum l" minus diameter rock fill to level 976' orabove in areas L and R, with cut as necessary to achieve minimum 6. depth fill.3. 0.0' to 2-0' retaining wall located as shown with 2'k 12* &2"x 6,, boards attached to4"x 4"x12'posts on 8'0" centers (typical); all foundation quality treated lumber. ,..f,I City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 FAX (360) 344-4619 MEMO T)L->of * l('{q ' TO:Patty Voelker, Finance#FROM DATE: CC RE Scottie Foster, DSD Stephen Hockaday February 12,2008 Refund for BLD06-005 On January 16, 200, Stephen Hockaday paid $5539 .21 for a Building Permit for a duplex and a Land Use Permit. The duplex was never built. Therefore, please refund $5,381 .71to Stephen Hockaday: P.O. Box l372,Port Townsend,WA 98368. A copy.of the receipt, showing the old trans codes, is attached. {'-',City of Port Townsend. .,' De.-*\rpment Services 250 ,,idison St. Ste 3 {_i I Port Townsend, t{A 98368 ********************tt**t*******:i******* ResS */Rcpt*: 003-00007581 [ hl ] Accounting Date: Tue, Jan 16, 2007 Date/time: Fri, Jan 12,2007 4:51 PM *********x*****************x************ 20lORESIDENTIAL Ref fl: Fee Amount: $2,094.66 2OOORESIDENIIAL BUILOING PERMIT 81006-00, Ref S: Fee Amount: $3,222.55 2OOORESIDENTIAL EUILOING PERI4IT Ref S Fee Amount: $47.00 zOOsSTATE ELOG CODE FEE BLoo6-oou Y Ref S: Fee Amount: $4.50 2200H0USE NUI.iBER t1 81006-00U t Ref S: Fee Amount: $3.00 sss2REcoRt)s *rtr*ll3l{13p.^/ tU(?gDcoab YJf**,\, 0( sF /r 4 Ref $: Fee Amount: $10.00 21 I5SUEDiVISION/SHORT PLAT LUP07-005 Ref S: Fee Amount: $150.00 9992RECORDS RETENTION/MGI,IT LUP07-005 Ref f: Fee Amount: $7.50 Total Oue = $5,539.21 ***************************+************ Payment [)ata: PmtS :1 Payer : H0CKA0AY/KAIGHN il1560 Method: CKAmount = $5,539.21 **********x********;t*******************+ Receipt Summary ****tr********x************+**f ****r**** Total Tendered = $5,539.21 Tota'l Due = $5 , 539 . 21 Chanse Oue = $0.00 ********t***************t********t***t** Thank You! ***t****f *************************t***** ,1 a Receipt Nunter:ffiffiffi BLD07-149 972904002 Plan Review Fee $2s.00___$3{g Total: $25.00 $o-oo KCHEC r08 $ 25.00 Total $25.00 genprntrreceipts l%ge 1 of 1 ''\ of Port Tonnsend -', c loprnent Serv ices - 250 Madison St. Ste 3 Port Townsend, llJA 98368 *********tt*+*f *t**********i(****:i(,t****** Regs t/Rcpt*: 003-00007581 [ tll ] Accounting Oate: Tue, Jan 10, 2007 Date/time: Fri, Jan 12, 2001 4:51 P|4 *******(t**********************f ****X*** 20lORESIDENTIAL PLAN R B Ref s: Fee Amount : $2,094 , 2OOORESIDFNTIAL BUILDiNG Ref S Fee Amount: $3,222, 2OOORESII]EI'ITIAL BUILDING P s: Fee Amount: $47 2OO5STATE BLDG CODE B Ref *: Fee Amount: $4 22I]OHOUSE Ref S: Fee Amount: $3. g9g2RECORI}S RETENTI 211 ggg2RECORDS RETENTION/MGHI LUP07-005 Ref *: Fee Amount: $7.50 Total Due $5,539.21 x**:t**xt***t********** Payment Oata: Pmt$ :'l Payer : H0CKADAY/KAIGHN s1560 Method: CKAmount = $5,539.21 ***********t**************+************* Receipt Summary *****:f ******tr(*********************+**** Total Tendered = $5,539.21 Tota'l Due = $5,539.21 Change Due = $0.00 ****t****t****X(*t*****x***********t***** Thank You! ***x***********X(***************f *x****** J( ?'l 7'o#, tla',*,53E1.71 Teut bo 43 1 I I 1 4 I 7()) 3,rcq ?5 c,,3 g /q5 f- /7 f Yttos/ frffo /{8-qfloae/fl j SFR *ppr*ffirp"ffipo*ot*T Date Submitt "6ffi T erlmically Co*pt"t* [*---I Date ApprovedffiffiA. ffia/ro,ffi mifrq€f--*:r_.-:ww: st"torD't*Sfr@]st.*rffi In Frocasc - ?63 days OveriileErwire?f Gorerament?l- Itctes?|7 Qo*rf App # DateIrsned EqrhationDate Re-isrue Dats Date Closed Lact Astion Site.Ad{1cs krjectNeme -TECH c a-lt "i. f"( r" tl-eda v tq 0P- .Fl I r7,?r -tb ' ft) tlu lt' 01-/ot {b, oo npoT-/d( $ 3,J F?,q J- J,,e_ a Receipt Nunber, mmW BLDOT-149 BLDOT-149 BLD07-149 BLDOT-149 BLDOT-149 BLDOT-149 BLDOT-149 BLD07-149 BLDOT-149 972904002 9729040A2 972904042 972904002 972904002 972904002 972904002 972904002 972944002 $3.00 $1,660.15 $100.00 $150.00 $1,079.10 $150.00 $4.50 $33.20 $10.00 Total: $3.00 $1,660.15 $100.00 $150.00 $r,079.10 $150.00 $4.50 $33.20 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Site Address Fee Building Permit Fee Energy Gode Fee - l,lew Single Famil Mechanical Permit Fee per Drelling Plan Review Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling L State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building P $3,189.95 07-0991 CHECK 1111512007 Plan Review Fee 5003 Total $25.00 BLD07-149 $ 3,189.95 $3,189.95 genprntrreceipts l%ge 1 of 1