HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-141) BTJILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information PermitType Commercial Miscellaneous Site Address 419 KEARNEY ST Project Description New canopy for ATM on west side of building Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-141 991403601 Names Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Washington Mutual Bank Owner Washington Mutual Bank Contractor Hawk Building Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date Sam Atkins (42s)402-1818 STATE HAWKBCr03Or2t23t2007 Fee Informution Project Details Entered Bid Valuation 15,000 DoLt Project Valuation Building Permit Fee Plan Review Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $1s.000.00 251.25 I 63.3 I 4.50 5.03 10.00 Total Fees $434.09 *** SEE ATTACHED CONDJTIONS **" Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commencedo or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this pemrit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the Date lssued Issued By: 12/19t200'7 SFOSTER Print Name of the owner ) l BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Informution PermitType CommercialMiscellaneous Site Address 419 KEARNEY ST Project Description New canopy for ATM on west side of building Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-l4l 991443601 Conditions 100. Special Inspection required for high strength concrete and placement ofreinforcing steel 105. Special Inspection required for field welding ofstructural steel. Special Inspection reports shall be copied to the Building Department. Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commencedo or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner ofthe property or authorized agent ofthe owner. Date Issued lssued By: l2/t9/200'7 SFOSTER Print Name CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3" Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 PO S ' T TH S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N , PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I G E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y , ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E , PA R C E L NO . 99 1 40 3 6 0 1 PE R M I T NO . BL D 0 7 - 1 4 1 IS S U E D DA T E 12 t 1 9 t 2 0 0 7 D( P I R A T I O N DA T E 06/1 6/2008 AD D R E S S 41 9 KE A R N E Y S T CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R WA S H I N G T O N MU T U A L BA N K PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Ne w ca n o p v fo r AT M on we s t si d e of bu i l d i n q CO N T R A C T O R HA W K BU I L D I N G LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS FO O T I N G SL A B CO N C R E T E FR A M I N G ST R U C T U R A L ST E E L SP E C I A L EL E C T R I C A L FI N A L FI N A L PU B L I C WO R K S FI N A L BU I L D I N G TO RE Q U E S T AN TN S P E C T T O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 s - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE \ T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG DATE RECEIVEDPERMIT # SCOPE OF WORK: DATE ACTION INITIALS'7- tq - o-r ENTERED INTO CHET CA - to Planning - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS n-7-M-b-7 (h L/,d-fanrt 8/r,la h znJ*>rvn ' r4.tnt onJ J^{oltt-aAnl*tt )-ry> dlEJ /w,a,t'A 07,f at 0r /) - \J ,t (/Gatx , A D* *o ,arrrn ,L.tdn)) r I 7 /ziJo>#Lnr-t krVr E.^J k,.t{I2l trrl /o),qyfzloutr)K,ol{altrln *<-{bacLs I lol- Covt'a}< 6k -( a.u,'t raP - 0k Jr,.: t A t zano R- l.- D7 d(l a^ahhttttli ^ Pn-lL ?-otnJfirtnft* d ht -6tutP t i.l,/ , ahlt e o:.r"h . )tbtr>-t /.1- nnt#-h l*r\t'v, )/ I^o.'n . h o>,l/t t lr: /y-o,tn^!- /,tu> A d 7 JJ U IJTzo l-I o- DATE OF M FOR MESSAGE TO SEE YOU PHONE/ MOBILE TELEPHONED RETURNED YOUR CALL PLEASE CALL WILL CALLAGAIN CAME TO SEE YOU Thomas L. Aumock Consulting Fire Code Ofticial 2303 Hendricks Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 385-3938 Email: taumock@cablespeed.com Fax: (360) 344-4604 TO: DT: RE: CC: PLAI\ REVIEW MEMORANDUM Plans Examiner, City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 29 hrly 2007 BLD07-141, Washington Mutual Canopy Mike Mingee, Fire Chief, East Jefferson Fire & Rescue I am in receipt ofthe set ofplans for the above-referenced proposal from your office. The above-reference proposal was reviewed by this consulting fire code official, with the International Fire Code [I.F.C.], 2006 Edition and Washington State Amendments, and applicable N.F.P.A. standards. The following constitutes this plan examiner's findings and determinations based upon the plans of record submitted. Findinss & Determinations: 1. The proposal was reviewed as a stand-alone canopy with a total of 70 square feet of fire area with assumed Type II-B construction classification. The canopy is associated with the Washington Mutual Bank facility. 2. An automatic fire suppression system (sprinklers) is not under I.F.C. Section 903. 3. A manual fire alarm or automatic fire detection alarm systems is not required for this occupancy under IFC Section 907ofsaid Code, and; Any other applicable or relevant sections of said Code not covered herein shall nonetheloss apply to this proposal. t hours time was logged in the review of this proposal, including site inspection. C:\Documents and Settings\Tom\My Documents\Ilusiness\City Confract\Plan Review & Correspondence\E}LD 2007\BLD07-141 WaMu Canopy.doc8/3/07 iE DCI E,NCINEERS J. Mark D'Amato ' Gu)/ A. Conve/s,ano Elizabeth A. Jensen . Roger L. Heeinga . Mark D. Aden Harry Jones Il . Troy E. Bean . Tom C. Xia, Ph.D. Richard L. Hemmen . Gtant C. BuckinghamD,AMATO CONVERSANO INC. WAMU ATM Cover - Port Townsend 4I9 Kearney St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 Structural C alculations $l o | !:): Prepared For: Phoenix Planning and Construction Services, lnc. 13-Jul-07 07-31-057 8{, 07-31-074 400 SW 6m Avenue, Suite 605 . Portland, OF.}72O4. Phone: (503)242.2448 . Fax: (503)242.2449 Bellevue Spokane Everett Portland San Diego { ?:iiAl i i: I t:icFilii:S I Sheet No,t tolu: lo+ DateProiect W*ru\u A-TIu- Clttopv - (oe" -G-+nFFJb subject LaAb \NPur BY AbT = DCI EI{GI.\EERS D,AMATO CONVERSANO INC u) Vrrn t,\P LIFT PENP8 PUN Project No. &-a\- o5t EA tA&L t\ aq. [t vttND sz1 =::\ lel <lc I rl ^kl,/: 'f 2'-5' Il IL $l> z'-2lt' \n\ ii /i ,---, ii I/ I '\ ll \ 5 t: IX rrrn = DCI'tr, l'.TCI N tr,tr,RS Project # Proj. Name Page# o7-rvo14 Mrrutl AfM 6ovar '?ortln|cd 2 Date: 7/ lt/ O7 tvJ D,AMA:TO CONVERSANO INC ' 400 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 60 5 * Ponland, Oregon 97 204 . Phone: (503) 242 - 2448 * Fax: (503) 242 ' 2419 WIND DESIGN - METHOD 2 PROJECTED AREAMETHOD<UBC DESIGN AS PERMITTED BY TABLE I6-F-WIND STAGNATION PRESSURE AT STANDARD HEIGHT OF 33 FEET Basic wind rp..A =FGiI-l Qs=16.4 psf B I*=1.0 EXPOSURE Wind Pressure Profile Co=2 Wstructure less then 40ft c"P:C "C Q ,1,, 0-15 20 25 30 40 60 80 0.62 0.67 0.72 0.76 0.84 0.95 1.04 peak roofheight roofplate height Foundation TotalWind Shear= Maximum Width= 14.28::plf ,, 15.35 psf , 20.25, 35 30 25 7 l5 10 5 0+ 10.0 fi + 10.0:ft datum 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 P (psf) Lateral Wind Load TotalWind S 3 wind 85 100 110 120 130 140 wind 70 80 90 100 ll0 t20 Pressure q, (ps|12.60 16.40 20.80 25.60 31.00 36.90 1.3 fr trib/ level 0-15 <20 <25 <30 <40 story wind shear vw13.2 psf 14.3 psf 15.4 psf 16.2 psf 17.9 psf Roof 1.2ft 0.0 ft 0.0 ft 0.0 ft 0.0 ft 8.5 ft = DCI tr,NGINE,tr,RS D,AMATO CONVERSANO 4UU SW 6th Avenue, Suite 605' Pot'tland, UreSon 97 2U4 Phone: (503) 242 - 2448 * Fax: (503) 242 - 2449 Project # : Proj. Name : Page#: Engineer: a-1-44 WAi!1U AfM Cwar - ?q*fo*verdNCtDate7/ tt/ 07 toJ r8C2003, EARTHgUAKE LOADS - SECTION 1615 Soil Site Class: D . ref' soils report: Response Spectral Acceleration (0.2 sec) = 1.310 g Response Spectral Acceleration (1.0 sec) = 0.416 g Site Coefficient F, = #DIV/O! Site Coefficient F": 1.52 ' Max considered Earthquake Acc. Sys: FuS, #DM0! Max considered Earthquake Acc. Sy1 : F 51 = 0.73 @ SVoDamPed Sp5 = 2/3(Sys) #DMOI Design Se1 :2/3(Sy1) = 0.484 ESAIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE Building Structure Type: Inverted Pendulum Systems Basic Seismic Force System: Cantilevered column systems DEFAULT SOIL CLASSD Figure 1615(l), I6l5(2) or Zipcod lookup at USGS ZIPCODE LOOKUP tBcTABLE 1615.1.2(1) TBCTABLE 1615.1.2(2) tBC Eq. 1&38 IBC Eq. 1639 IBC Eq. 1&40 IBC Eq. 16-41 IBCTABLE 1604 sEcTloN 1616.2 rBC TABLE 1616.3(1) tBcTABLE 1616.3(2) tBc TABLE 1617.6.2 ASCE 7-02 TABLE 0.75 lBc TABLE 1617.6.2 ASCE 7-02 Eq 9. 5. 5. 3.2-1 Building Use Classification: II - ALL OTHER STRUCURES Seismic Use Group: I Seismic Design Category for 0.2 sec: #DMO! Seismic Design Category for 1.0 sec: D Sl < 0.759 Note a, does not aPPIY SDC: #DMOI control exception 1616.3 does not apply Diaphragm Type: flexible Structure Type: All Other Structures Building Height = 10.0 ft Height Limit = Approx Fundamental period, T" = Ct(hn)" = 0.8Ts= O.8(SpliSps)= #DIv/o! Is structureRegular&< 5 stories ? yes Response Spectral Acc.( 0.2 sec) Ss: L.310 g Response Spectral Acc.( 1.0 sec) Sl = 0.476 g @ So/oDamped Sos = 2/3(Sys) = l-23 Design Sp1 : 2/3(Sy1) = 0.48 Response Modification Coef. R = 2.5 Over Strength Factor Wo : 2 ImPortance factor IB I Seismic Base Shear V: C,W C,: Site Coefficient Fo: #DIV/O! Site Coefficient F,: 1,52 Ct: 0.02 R/IB 35 ft 0.1L sec #DIViO! = O.492 = 1.720 = 0.054 (R/rE).7 IBC Eq. 16-40 IBC Eq. 16-41 lBc TABLE 1617.6.2 IBCTABLE 1617,6.2 IBCTABLE 1604.5 ASCE 7-02 TABLE ASCE 7-02 TABLE ASCE 7-02 TABLE ASCE 7-02 TABLE or need not to exceed, C. = Min C, = Use C, = besign base shear V = = DCI T, I\TGI NE,E,RS INC Project # Proj. Name Page # bnglneer o7-1-O74 WAJtltl AfM Cwar '?qtofunserd NJ D,AMATO CONVERSANO 40U SW 6th Awnue, Suite 605* Portland, Uregon 972U4 Phone: (503) 242 - 2448 + Fax: (503) 242 - 2449 ELEMENT LUMP WEIGHT LINE LOADS AREALOADS # Pcs WEIGHT LENGTH LNIFORM AREA WIFORM Ceiline 32 sq-ft 0.9 psf I 28 rb l/2" Plates I sq-ft 20.4 psf 4 8t tb Roofs 0eft. risht. center)52 sq-ft 0.9 psf 1 46 tb Blockine 2 so-ft 0.9 psf 6 1l tb 6ft Ribs 7 sq-ft 1.8 psf 7 92 tb 6ft Display Frame 9 sq-ft 1.8 nsf 2 33lb 6ft Disolav Window 7 sq-ft 0.8 psf 2 l1 tb 6ft Lieht Mount 15 sq-ft 1.8 psf 2 55lb 8ft Frame 16 sq-ft 1.8 psf 2 57 tb 8ft Display Window 9 sq-ft 1.8 psf 2 33 lb 12.7 pst 8ft Lisht Mount 19 sq-ft 1.8 psf 2 67 rb Comer 4 sq-ft 0.9 psf 4 15 lb Ceilins Hieh Int 13 sq-ft 0.9 psf 2 23 tb Misc. Equipment 150 tb I 150 701Ib CANOPY LOADS Dead Load Lateral Seismic Load Total Building Weight for Design => Wind Base Shear vs. Seismic Base Shearffitl'l Seismic Controls Design Base Shear= 345# distributed weight ;::1,il:::'.Ti::T= TotalSeismic Live Load 345 # Snow Load (S)25 psf Load Cases 1.2xD + 1.6*3 1.2*D+1.3*w*+.5*s 1.24,D+1.3*Wy+.5*S 1.2*D + 1.O*EQ* 1.2xD + 1.O*EQ* .9*D + 1.3*W, .g*D + 1.0*(.2*D*sDS) <-- Wind Uplift <-- Seismic Vert. Accel. 4AN -P Y $oD Vt -- v r..( 6\6 \A) IB )1,./'a,J ?vP t€ 2A' l9 Y 7s$z X tsxe PL.,qarf '))5 6120107 15:12:27sAP2000 SAP2000 v10.0.0 - File:0731057 Canopy 06019007 - 3-D View - Kip, in, F Un its )(, SAP2OOO 6120107 15:10:34 ,bb" r4^{Y DtS ,jz" A\*X bi$eL{=4gr(4FlJT Y 7:X SAP2000 v10.0.0 - File:0731057 Canopy 06019007 - Deformed Shape (1.2D+1.6S) - Kip, in, F Units = DCI.tr,NT(] I T{tr,tr,RS D,AMATO CONVERSANO INC 400 SII/ 6th Avenne, Suite 605* Portland, Oregon 97204 Plrcne: (503) 242 - 2448 * Fax: (503) 242 - 2449 o7-1-O74 WIIAU l(M Cwer '?q+fmvetd 7 Date: 7/lt/O7 tvJ Project # Proj. Name Page# Engineer Column Design Cantilever Column Analysis . neset ro iriir,ur Uiris I un1" l!j!lin-.!Jli for Frame Obiert 3 (H556X6X.rB?5) Worst Load Case in Longitudinal Direction: 1.2*D + 1.3 W_ + .5*S P: 1.63 kips Try:HSS6x6x3/16 A: 4.27 n/2 S*: 7.93 l.;l,n3 F5 46 ksi Interaction: l 63 kips O5* 427:ta'246ksi 12.53 kip in 05 - 293 in"3 - 46 ksi M: 12.53 kip in +0.0711 <1.0 OK USE:HSS6x6x3/16 USE: Beyeled weld + 3/16" fillet to develop HSS to top and bottom plates. a ) DCI'LifiC; I FJ [:i[iRS l),AM.A'TO CONVERSAN() 400 SW 6lh Avenue, Suite 605r Poriland, Oregon 97204 Phone: (503) 242 - 2448 | Fax: (503) 242 - 2449 Project # Proj. l.iame 07-wO74 WAMU AfM Cwer '?rt'(o'unsenAINCPage#: B Engineer:. Date '7/tt/ o7 tvJ Golumn Base Plate - Moment Desion LRFD AISC JOURNAL 0q.33 Loads Golumn Plate Bolts 15.3 lfin. 1106.03 in. a=8 != 153 c= 21 Y ' 3.500 3.600 4.000 Results != 3.60in Pt = 0'72 kiP Concrete Brg. o c = 130 Psi < Bolt Tension o r = 1.2 ksi < Plate Bending do = 2.0 in Mpbb = 1.4 in-kiP Sphb = 9.417 inY fu = 3'5 ksi < USE: 1/2r' baseplate with (4) 5/8" DIA Anchor Bolts Pu = 1.629 kip Mu= 1.044 kip-ft SHEAR, Vu= 0.086 kips HSSGxBx3/16Fy= 5o'oo ksi Fu= 65.00 ksi d= 6.00 in. Zx= 12.10 in^2 [= 0.31 in. B =WIDTH= 10 in N =LENGTH= 10 in tptate = 112 in edge dist; = 1 114 in f= 5 in m=N-.95 d/2= 2.15 in. x=I-dl2+til2 2.16 in. e=Mu/Pu= 7.68938 in N/6= 1.67 in. lf n/6<e, USE Case D Bolt size= 0.625 in. Dhole= 0.69QFv= 17.00 ksi QFv= 46.80 ksi Ab= 0.31 in. # in Tension= 2.00 Rv= 14.35 kip/bolt Rslip= 5.21 kiP/bolt As = 0.61 sq in n = 9.29 (From SAP Model- Sheet 7) (From SAP Model- Sheet 7) (From Base Shear - Sheet 4) to center of bolt typ. center of bolt to centerline of plate/column Shear total area of bolts in tension steel to concrete q=.51fcB(Al lAz1".u-' f= = ql2 = q(f + N/2) = pu(f+e) (Y) f(Y) = Yo + KrY'+ KzY + Ks 118.17 125.71f(Y) should be within upper and lower limits 1 59.1 5 bearing length - assuming triangular load total bolt tension 2932.2 psi ok IBC 1926.3.1 19.93 ksi ok center of bolt to face of column 28.2 ok .75 Fy SC CASE D: q= lv= Goefficients Iteration = DCI E,NCINET,RS D,AMATO CONVERSANO 400 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 605* Portland, Oregon 97204 Phone: (503) 242 - 2448 * Far: (503) 242 - 2449 07-^-o74 Date 7/tt/o7 toJ INC Project # Proj. Name Page # Engineer I Roof Framing: 6-ft Rib: Maior [V2 and M S valuedItems in- F for Frdme Obiect 4tl (RIBS} Worst Load Case in Vertical Direction: l.2D+1.6S M: 6.92 kip in Try:13"xl" xliS Rib h: 13.06 in I*: 32.40 tnn4 S*: 5.00 in^3 f*: 4.18 in Fu: t: I,: S,: ry: 0.13 in 0.10 in^4 0.50 in^3 0.23 n Lu: [= Sb:L5lrr= Sv= h/t= 0.83 ft 1.85 in^2 43.3 100.5 fb 9.96 ksi 1.38 ksi fb/Fb < l.o 1.38 ksi / 9.96 ksi = 0.139 OK USE:HSS6x6x3/16 = DCI E, i\iG II{E,tr,RS D,AMATO CONVERSANO INC. 400 Sl4/ 6th Avenue, Suite 605* Portland, Oregon 97204 Phone: (503) 242 - 2448 * Fax: (503) 242 - 2449 o7-wO14 WAIilU AfM Cwar' ? oft f ottntetd toJ Project#: Proj. Name : Page#: Engineer : Roof Framing: 8-ft Weldment: Worst Load Case in Vertical Direction: l.2D+1.6S M: 1.118 kip in TRY:HSSlxlx.l25 h: 1.00 in I*: 0.057 in^4 S*: 5.00 in^3 r*: 4.18 in Fu: 27.60 ksi fb: 0.22 ksi I": Sr= fy: Lt: A: 0.13 in 0.06 in^4 0.I I in^3 0.23 n 1.75 ft 0.44 :r:rr2 f,^/F. < 1.0 0.22ksi I 27.60ksi: 0.008 OK 1.2D+1.65 in. F I ,1, I I Cg ':', I I! l1 r:: i:I.'f,. It.t tJ J ,t '' ,A-./ 4-J USE:HSSlxlx.l25 = DCI.tr, NCI Ntr,tr.RS D,AMATO CONVERSANO INC 400 SIY 6th Ayenue, Suite 605* Portland, Oregon 97204 Phone: (503) 242 - 2448 * Fax: (503) 242 - 2449 o7-rvo14 WII/rU KM Cwer '?or|(wtrvcd ll Date: 7/lr/O7 APJ Project # Proj. Name Page# Engineer Weldment Plate Design: Flexural Plate Stress: ffi shell DiagranrTryz ll2" Plate F6: .75 * FY: 27,00 ksi fu: 0.868 ksi f./F. < 1.0 0.87 ksi I 27.00 ksi:0.032 OK USE:1/2" Plate USE: Flare-b evel @ bottom of plate to I r? HSS and Flare-bevel @ top of plate to lrr HSS w/ 1/8rr fillet. Worst stressed plate (element 31) =DCI.E,T\TGT\IE,E,RS-r- D'AMATo coNVERsANo INc. Nu. 07-31-0s7 Pole Embedded in Soil -LateralBearing (IBC 2003 1305.7) P: 173 lbs Applied Lateral Force h: 10.0 ft Height of Lateral Force above Ground b : 1.50 ft Diameter of Pole (Round) or Diagonal (Square) b ffi 1500 psf Y Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure P --> n Increase for Signs and Flagpoles? 133 psflf Lateral Bearing Pressure per Table 1804.2 Includes 1/3 Increase per Footnote d D: 3.3 ft Trial Embedment, converge with "d" Nonconstrained Case (IBC 1805.7.2.1) Sr : 148 psf Allowable Lateral Soil Bearing Pressure per 1804.3 based on l/3 embedment depth (d) A: 1.8 per equation 18-l d : 5.5 ft Required Embedment, converge with "D" Constrained Case (IBC 1805.7.2.2) S::443 psf Allowable Lateral Soil Bearing Pressure per 1804.3 based on depth equal to embedment depth d: 3.3 ft Required Embedment, converge with "D" h ttr A lln""t N" FND-1 lect Mutual ATM Project I 2007 - Port Townsend Branch Subject ADJ = DCI.F,T{GftE,ERS D,AMATO CONVERSANO INC. -N.,. 07-3 1-057 Sign pole weight: wgt/ft= 10 plf sign pole hgf l0'Max. Fp: 1.6 SdsWp Sds: 1.092 Fp : 210 lbs APPlied Lateral Force mid hgt, h: 6.0 ft Height of Lateral Force above Ground Pole Embedded in Soil -LateralBearing (IBC 2003 1805'7) b : 1.25 ft. Diameter of Pole (Round) or Diagonal (Square) 1500 psf v Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure El Increase for Signs and Flagpoles? 267 psflf Lateral Bearing Pressure per Table 1804.2 lncludes l/3 Increage per Foofrote d D: 3.5 ft Trial Embedment, converge with "d" Nonconstrained Case (IBC 1805.7.2.1) Sr : 315 psf Allowable Lateral Soil Bearing Pressure per 1804.3 based on l/3 embedment depth (d) - A: 1.2 pet equation 18-1 d: 3.5 ft Required Embedment, converge with "D" Constrained Case (IBC 1805.7.2.2) Sr : 945 psf Allowable Lateral Soil Bearing Pressure per 1804.3 based on depth equal to embedment depth d: 2.1 ft Required Embedment, converge with "D" b 7 --> h F ilI 4 '/ Sheet No. FND-2 Jtilv 12,2007 Date MutualATM ect w By ADJ- Port Townsend Branch Subject Clearance Sign )l CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, ADDITIONS, & ALTERATIONS Property Owner's Name(s)1l\)a9a.r +!nT{^ Mailing .)A/Aaa 17h FL{L - 2oA-oUA ? F kt'a./) phone ZDQ,/ €hn I W Y')PermitNo. /r=Lbnl - lz P Zoni District Street Address Parcel# RatingConstruction Type tq (u Legal Description: Addition Lot(s)Block V_t\.-J C?Generdl Contractor's Name L- Mairins Address /74 I Z- tZ 7sn WA 2--/ S .L (Phone State License Number Exp. Date: City Business License Number Exp. Date: Authorized Representative/Contact Person L/Phone:fY1 Estimated Value of construction $ o UFinanced By f .b.O Date Work is to be CompletedDate Work is to ln Please check all that applies for the type of building permit you are requesting: Floor Area I I t.-. New Commercial Addition/Expansion New Multi-family - # of units:Change of Use Repair/Remodel/Tenant I m provement Grading/Excavation Y other (please describe). ?VL(ab Can opq €^ wfuon ?,ffiuaA(\,.-, City Sewer 3/4" Water Meter 1 112" Water Meter Septic 1" Water Meter 2" Water Meter Side Sewer Contractor: The proposed structure is to be used for tlYv Conditioned Space Sq. Ft:Restrooms Ft: Basement Sq. Ft:Sq. Ft: Mezzanine Sq. Ft:Entry/Lobby Sq. Ft: Other (please describe):5 Decks Sq. Ft: \\Citypdc\bcd\All Forms\Commercial building application.doc Property Site Area/Coverage lnformation Total area of the property in square feet: Total area covered by structures in square feet (existing & proposed; use fdn. bldg. line for dimension): Percentage of lot coverage lmpervious Surfaces. Please provide the square footage of the roof area of the proposed and existing structures, and the square footage of the totalarea covered by porches, walkways, patios and driveways, parking, etc. Please check the plans that you are submitting with this application: Special Conditions - Please check YES or NO as applicable Proposed Building Roofprint Sq. Ft: -10 5?Existing Building Roofprint Sq. Ft: Proposed Garage Roofprint Sq. Ft:Existing Garage Roofprint Sq. Ft: Proposed PorchA/Valkway Sq. Ft:Existing PorchMalkway Sq. Ft: Proposed Parking/Driveways Sq. Ft:Existing Parking/Driveways Sq. Ft: Other (describe)Other (describe): Total Proposed lmpervious Sq. Ft:lDtY/Total Existing lmpervious Sq. Ft:% New V Site Plan Y Framing/Roof Framing Plan V Parking Plan Building & Wall Sections Landscaping Plan X Elevations Drainage/Erosion Control Plumbing X Foundation Plan Mechanical X Floor Plan NREC Compliance: Electric_ Non- electric_ YES NO 1. ls the property within 200 feet of a fresh or salt water shoreline?X 2. ls the property within the Port Townsend Historical District? 3. ls the property located within or adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area?X 4. Will this proposal involve any sewer, water or other utility extensions that will or could serve vacant properties other than the project site? lf yes, please identify the utility extensions and sites (attach list)Y 5. Have any special conditions been placed on this property, or has the property been subject to any conditions on any prior action of the City (lf yes, attach copies of appropriate documents):K Subdivision/Short PlaUBoundary Line Adjustment?'raX SEPA (environmental review)?n Variance?A Conditional Use Permit?A Street Vacation?/\ \\Citypdc\bcd\All Forms\Commercial building application.doc Y Restrictive Covenant? ,V Easement?v 6. Are any properties within 800 feet of the site owned or controlled by the applicant, any relative or business associate, or any partnership, corporation, gr.other entity affillqted with the app-licqpt? (lf yes,attachlist) rf)a ) ni 5 fi rl-ififrt,4-[/Snfne 9/e )n S p/Vit+ l3wo,L 7. Have any of the properties"listed in item #Qfeen develppef within the last two years? (if yes, attach rist) A h4 +l fy) A LZ1 nl PL//, , I 8. Have you previously discusseo tffiro;ect with a City statdember? lf yes, who and when? Sr tlannp ttJLssw)ef- f l r,n' | lO r bo*K Planned Unit Development? Applicant Gertification The applicant hereby certifies to have knowledge of those sections of the Uniform Building Code and the Port Townsend Municipal Code pertinent to the above project and that the applicant is responsible for constructing in confoimance with these codes; the applicant understands that the permit, if issued, expires in six months unless work is started; that the permit, after construction has started, will expire after one year if an inspection is not made to show significant progress on the structure; the applicant agrees to abide by the ordinances, codes, regulations, restrictive covenants, deed or plat restrictions, and water and sewer plans attached hereto; the applicant certifies that all information given above and on accompanying plans is complete and accurate to the best of his/her knowledge; and the applicant understands that this information will be relied upon in granting permits and that if such information is later found to be inaccurate any permits may be withdrawn. The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims, or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising from any non-compliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by parties other than the City of Port Townsend. Gomplete Application Port Townsend Municipal Code, Section 16.04.140, Vested Rights - Substantially Complete Building Permit Application: Application for all land use and development permits required under ordinances of the city shall be considered under the zoning and other land use control ordinances in effect on the date a fully complete building permit application, meeting the requirements identified in this section, is filed with the Building and Community Development Department. Until a complete building permit application is filed, all applications for land use and development permits shall be reviewed subject to any zoning or other land use control ordinances which become effective prior to the date of issuance of a final decision by the city on the application. An application for a building permit shall be considered complete when an application meeting all of the requirements of Section 106.3 of the Uniform Building Code, 1997 Edition, is submitted which is consistent with all then applicable ordinances and laws. ln addition, to be considered complete, such an application must be accompanied by complete applications for any subsidiaryiand use or development permits needed, such as a complete shoreline management permit application and/or complete applications for other discretionary permits required under the ordinances of Port Townsend. An application for a partial permit under Section 1 06.4.1 of the Uniform Building Code, 1 997 Edition, shall not be considered complete unless it meets all requirements stated above and contains plans for the complete structural frame of the building and the architectural plans for the structure. of r or Authorized Representative \\Citypdc\bcd\All Forms\Commercial building application.doc Date o T For Office Use Only Permit No.Building Official Approval Date lssued Plan Review Fee $Date Receipt No. Water/Sewer SDC $Date Receipt No. Balance Due $Date Receipt No. Owner/Representative Signature Date Received \\Cigpdc\bcdWl Forms\Commercial building application.doc UrT Y OF PORT TOW}ISEND COMMERCIAL B ING PERMIT PLANS CHECKLIST Name Permit # Please read the foll preparing your building permit plans. Construction documents must be of suff,rcient detail to show clearly the project in its entirety with emphasis on the following: structural integrity, life safety, architectural barriers (accessibility requirements), compliance with all other codes having jurisdiction and description of scope of work (e.g., tenant improvement, remodel, etc.). New Commerciai Construction: Four sets of plans (minimum paper size 18" x24") are required with one copy of the application form. New construction requires a Public Works Streetfutility Development Permit application or Minor Improvement Permit application be submitted with your Building Permit application. Additions, Remodels, Alterations: Three sets of plans (minimum paper size 1 8" x24") are required with the application form. Plans Designed by an Architect or Engineer: Construction of a residential building that exceeds four dwelling units and/or a building of any occupancy that exceeds 4000 square feet: plans must be prepared by a Washington State registered architect. Plans with architect and engineer information (name, etc.) mu,st have that architect's or engineer's wet seal [minimum one ( I ) set of originals] with an original signature in color other than black. List the page number, in the spaces provided below, for each item that you have included on your plans and include this checklist with your permit submittal. A separate Deferred Submittal Request form shall be submitted with the construction drawings for all deferred items. Pase # COVER SHEET P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building\Commercial Permit Applicant Plans Checklist.DOC Revised 8131lO4 (l Project identificationttProject address, legal description, location map, and tax parcel number{l All design professionals identified including addresses and phone numbers (t Name, address, and phone number of person responsible for project coordination; all communication will be directed through this person ( Design criteria: occupancy group (e.g., F-l); construction type (e.g., V-B); seismic zone (D2); floor area (IBC allowed vs. proposed); fire sprinkler requirements (if any); height and number of stories; total occupant load; land use zone; parking requirements (required vs. provided); allowed soil bearing pressure; design loads (floor, roof, wind, etc.); material strengths, if applicable; soils report, if applicable; landscaping, if required; flood hazard zone (if appticable) and deferred submittals per IBC Section (( Indicate compliance with the following codes: 2003 Intemational Building Code,2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fire Code,2003 Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Plumbing Code Standards, 2003 Washington State Energy Code, 2003 Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code, WAC 51.40 Washington State Barrier Free Facilities & Design (Chapter Il,2003IBC), 1993 Water Conservation Standards and all related Washington Administrative Code Changes, with changes and exceptions set forth in Ordinance No. 2867. Page 1 of4 Pase # SITE/PLOT PLAN PAGE # FOUNDATION PLAN #FLOOR PLAN P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building\Commercial Permit Applicant Plans Checklist.DOC Revised 8131104 !\Property lines and dimensions, including all interior lot lines with North arrow indicated k\All existing and proposed building lines with exterior dimensions and roof overhangs !\All streets, driveways, easements and building setbacks \\Site access, water, sewer, hydrants and electrical points of connection Required parking (per Chapter 17.72 PTMC & WAC 51.40), Barrier Free access (per WAC 51.40), landscaping, drainage and grading design Footings, piers and foundation walls (including interior footing or pier locations) Reinforcing steel for all concrete Posts, beams sizes and spans; detail beam/post and post/pier (or footing) positive connection or method of securing beam ends YL/Floor joist, size, material grade, spacing and spans /y'oundation venting and calculations (\Crawl space access and dimensions \ Plumbing sizes and location of foundation penetration Vapor retarder on crawl space ground (6 mil black polyethylene) r12 All floors, including basements /Room uses, sizes and square footage by room and floor level at lA4 /Overulldimensions and locations of all structural elements and openings I fwanbracingland location) per IBC Section 2308.9.3 and Table 2308.9.3(1) (if multi-story show length per story or engineered plans (two sets, including one original wet sealed/stamped copy) I All doors and windows (safety glazingnoted where required) WI Barrier Free required designs per IBC Ch.1 I *)u/Restroom interior finishes per IBC Section 804 I Plumbing fixtures I Stairways: width, rise, run, handrails, guardrails,landings, barrier free requirements, etc. I aN and occupancy separation, all fire rated assemblies, draft stops and fi.. bloglrtg I Door, window and hardware schedules Page 2 ot 4 ') FLOOR FRAMING AND ROOF FRAMING PLANPAGE # sZ, structural members, grade, material size and method of attachment; roof venting, roof and location of roof mounted PAGE # EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS PAGE # BUILDING SECTIONS AND WAIL SECTIONS ht-'' Exterior views on front, rear and sides ,')ry Decks, steps, handrails, guardrails, landings, balconies, marquees, porches7Final grade \1/Height of building per IBC Section 502.1 A!(materials of construction from footing through roof covering IF,/All frr"-ruted assemblies and fire-rated penetrationsv'/All vertical dimensions Dry or wet floodproofing (if in a flood zone - see FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps for which zone) PAGE #INTERIOR ELEVATIONS PAGE # MECHANICAL SYSTEM ( tJ All Baniei-Free required designs with proper clearances shown (including signage) - see below Guardrail heights, handrails, stairways, elevator operation panels, etc. IX firi, "mechanical sy stem N7 All units, their sizes, mounting details, all duct work and duct sizes Fire dampers where required Equipment schedules PAGE #MBING SYSTEM P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building\Commercial Permit Applicant Plans Checklist.DOC Revised 8131104 fixtures,slopes, materials and sizes 0t,/Connection points to utilities, septic tanks, pretreatment sewer systems and water wells Greasetraps and/or grease interceptors required for commercial kitchens Page 3 of 4 PAGE # BARRIER-FREE I*-CESSIBILITY DESIGN llv t Grab bar mounting heights, sink clearances, fixture locations, sizes, and placement )('/Restrooms - show 5 foot diameter circle used for measuring unobstructed floor space Exterior Route of Travel - show all connections from the entrance PAGE # ACCESSIBLE PARKING aisle striping, signage (including for van surfacing.Dimensions of all PAGE #LANDSCAPING PLAN Existing and proposed grades Underground and above ground utilities7 All existing and new structures [\r All streets, walkways and sidewalks , ^rt/ and identifications keyed to pPlant materials with schedule Planting schedule to include botanical and common names, sizes and conditions of plants and guidelines.(Example: bareroot vs.container)Plant installation Submit 2003 Non Residential Code (NREC) compliance forms #NREC PAGE # wsvIAQ il Show compliance with 2003 Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality code requirements ELECTRICAL PERMIT - See WA State Department of Labor & Industries for electrical permit. SPRINKLE& HOOD FIRE SUPPRESSION AND ALARM WORK - Separate permit required to be submitted to the Building Department. SEPARATE PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED SENSITIVE AREA QUESTIONNAIRE - Must be submitted if creating a new footprint of a structure. STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS - Where required, provide for project's entire structural system. SPECIFICATIONS - To be provided either on the drawings or in booklet form. The specifications shall fuither define construction regarding construction components, materials and methods of construction, wall finishes and pertinent equipment. REVISIONS - It shatl be the responsibility of the owner or owner's agent to obtain revisions approved by the Development Services Department for all changes during the project prior to actual construction. Revision submittals to include completed Revision Form, 2 sets of revised plans, calculations and other applicable documentation. For clarity, all revisions should be identified with a "V" symbol and clouded on the drawings or resubmitted as a new plan set. P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building\Commercial Permit Applicant Plans Checklist.DOC Page 4 of 4 Revised 8131104 a Receipt Number: BLD07-t4t BLD07-141 BLD0T-141 BLD07-14'l BLDOT-141 99140360'l 991403601 991403601 991403601 991403601 $163.31 $5.03 $4.50 $2s1.25 $10.00 Total $13.31 $5.03 $4.50 $251.2s $10.00 Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit State Building Code Council Fee Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $284.09 -062307 KCHEC 0711912007 Plan Review Fee 70028 Total $150.00 BLD07-141 $ 284.09 $284.09 genprntrreceipts Page 1 of I t) Receipt Nunber:m BLD07-141 991403601 Plan Review Fee CHECK 3379 Total $163,3r $150.00 Total: $150.00 $13,31 $ 150.00 $1s0.00 genprntrreceipts l%ge 1 of 1 ')) ) I Inspection ""ff: )\Permit * C7-(q IProjectU ) 2 Date Inspectpr Inspection & Notes LY P-.oN-., ?:e.., I \\ .a .3..,