HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-136 oversize drawings not scannedi ) BIJILDING PERMIT Cify of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Permit #Project Informstion Permit Type Commercial Tenant Improvement Project Name Site Address 111 QUINCY STREET Parcel # Project Description Inside finish work for the first floor retail and top floor four condo units BLD07-136 989700703 Names Associated with this Praject Type Name Contact Applicant Harris Kevin Owner Quincy St At The Waterfront LI Phone # (360) 344-3220 License Type License # Exp Date Fee Informotion Project Valuation Building Permit Fee Plan Review Fee State Buildjng Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit Total Fees Project Details Dwellings - Remodel @80% Offices - Type V-B**$387,050.00 2,606.55 1,694.26 4.50 52.13 10.00 $4,367.44 3,500 SQFT 4,000 SQFT CaIl 385-2294 by 3:00pm for Fr€Xt day inspection. from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certily' authorized agent ofthe owner. Permits expire 180 of days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. Print Name The granting of this that the infonn that I anr the Date Issued: Issued By: l2/19/2007 SFOSTER BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y , ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E , PA R C E L NO . 98 9 7 0 0 7 0 3 pE R M t T NO . BL D 0 7 - 1 3 6 TS S U E D DA T E 12 t 1 9 t 2 0 0 7 EX p t R A T t O N DATE 06/16/2008 AD D R E S S 11 1 OU I N C Y S T R E E T CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R QU I N C Y S T A T T H E WA T E R F R O N T LL PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N ln s i d e fi n i s h wo r k fo r th e fi r s t fl o o r re t a i l and top floor four condo unit CO N T R A C T O R LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CT T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t " Su i t e 3" Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 IN S P DA T E TO RE Q U E S T AN TN S P E C T T O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . COMMENTS \- E - t r r. r r u t T I "/ FR A M I N G PL U M B I N G ME C H A N I C A L DU C T W O R K FI R E SP R I N K L E R MI S C E L L A N E O U S IN S U L A T I O N GW B FI N A L PU B L I C WO R K S FI R E . F I N A L FI N A L BU I L D I N G PERMIT #Dlooz - l3b SCOPE OF WORK: CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG DATE RECEIVED DATE ACTION INITIALS -T-l Io' b1 ENTERED INTO CHET frilD- CA - to Planning - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS tl v-:'l t tf I t lzzlat 7 c t(9L, I n z ''r'f I .5.t: / 'l Il.'tt In'l i'd.', :'.i.'l: t I tt {,.t'.{" 0fr.tit t,i'tIt 'r I I -lf n lbito''l''r,'i l' ,,' :,l, , t ." tl lI, ti l. ;'', I'i I l 1Jtfll ftf\il)lt\t C\.(Ltr'Lttfi t( CE R T I F I C A T E OF OC C U P A N C Y CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N T ) DE V E L O P M E N T SE R V I C E S DE P A R T M E N T Th i s ce r t i f i c a t e is is s u e d in ac c o r d a n c e wi t h th e pr o v i s i o n s of th e In t e r n a t i o n a l Building Code as ad o p t e d an d am e n d e d by th e Ci t y of Po r t To w n s e n d . At th e ti m e of is s u a n c e , the indicated st r u c t u r e an d us e wa s de e m e d to be in co m p l i a n c e wi t h th e va r i o u s co d e s and ordinances of th e Ci t y of Po r t To w n s e n d re g u l a t i n g co n s t r u c t i o n , us e an d oc c u p a n c y of bu i l d i n g s . Pr o p e r t y Ow n e r : Bu i l d i n g Ad d r e s s : Ty p e of Co n s t r u c t i o n : Da t e Is s u e d : Ke u i n Ha r c i s 11 1 Qu i n c y St r e e t Ju n e 24 , 20 0 9 Na m e of Bu s i n e s s : Oc c u p a n c y Gr o u p : Zo n e : Pe r m i t Nu m b e r : Un i t s l - 4 T h e C I a m Cannery Hotel R-1 c-lll BLD07-136 VB Bu i in g Of f i c i a l rp* llccS'rotr- Brairation o't" loilliffiffiparent#ffi Re-issueo*t*f- Date Submitt *dffii1il2a01 Date Closedf- Technicafu corrrpl"t"i---.-'-_-- L"rtArtiorrl0?E0/200il lzllgftAl|, StatushSSUEDStatus Date QueryApp # ST Zoning c-m NgwAppliration r Query . Fini j Ferm Letters Date Approved 1AVn007 copr i Site Address Parcel # Site Aildress 11t CANNERY'vTNT &- EiLqllST FBoject Name ' 6 day{s} ta proce:s OvenideEraire?- Govenunent?f Notes?I Appl # lMECoT-o7o Date Issued Applicant iQIIINCY ST AT TI{E'WATERFRC|U19njv c r r : o F P o R T T o w l \ s n - n S T O P W O R K P O S T E D : T I M E : I 2 : 3 O P M P E R M I T N O . : E ^ u o z - 1 3 6 L O C A T I O N : R E A S O N I D o r N c - . u r 0 g , \ ( w r r t t n u T R € Q r r r R E [ r P E R K T T S A C T I O N R E Q U I R E D : O s c + r { p n o R = { a p E q l n n s p D e U D R K P O S T E D B Y ; t a e t - s - n r 4 T h e w o r k n o t e d a b o v e i s i n v i o l a t i o n o f t h e P o r t T o w n s e n d M u n i c i p a l C o d e . N o f u r t h e r w o r k s h a l l b e d o n e u n t i l t h e r e q u i r e d c o r r e c t i v e m e a s u r e s h a v e b e e n t a k e n a n d a p p r o v a l g i v e n b y t h e D i r e c t o r o f D e v e l o p m e n t S e r v i c e s . p T M C 2 0 . i 0 . 0 6 0 p r o v i d e s f o r C r i m i n a l p e n a l t y f o r v i o l a t i o n o f a s t o p w o r k ! 9 q c - e . S u c h c r i m i n a l p e n a l t y i s c o n s i i e r e d a s a m i s d e m e a n o r p u n i s h a b l e b y a f i n e o f u p t o $ 1 , 0 0 0 f o r e a c h d a y o f v i o l a t i o n . T l r i s n o t i e s h a l l n o t b e r c m o v e d u n U l a u t h o r i z e d b y t h e D i r c c t o r o f D e v e l o p m e n t S e w i c e s ' C i t y o f P o r t T o w n s e n d , 2 5 O M a d i s o n S t r e e t r P o r t T o w n s e n d , W A 9 8 3 6 8 Fred Slota From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Fred Slota Monday, April20,2009 1:04 PM John Watts Rick Sepler; John McDonagh Stop Work John, This is to inform you that a Stop Work Order has been posted at the Cannery building located at 111 Quincy St. at 12.3Q p.m.412012009. The building is owned by Kevin Harris. The reason for the posting is work being done without proper permits. I stopped by 111Quincy this morning and met with Kevin to see when he was planning on applying for his permit to change some sprinkler heads for the remodel downstairs. I was told that the company told him that no permits are required for the work. I went into the building and noticed that the work had already been done, along with framing, insulation and tile work in progress. I told Kevin to get his plans (Architecturally drawn) and the permit for the sprinkler changes turned in to the city for review ( he agreed to do so) and I left the site. Kevin also has been notified that a SEPA addendum for the revised work that is being done. (See letter from John McDo nagh 41912009). I reported what I saw to Rick Sepler and John McDonagh. I was at that time directed by Rick S. to post the building with a Stop Work Order. Fred 1 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY DATE OF INSPECTION SITE ADDRESS:ilt PERMIT NUMBER: 6 A 0.7- lsd dU til(l -fugtt CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION:mFtU fi,L zd\ frartrL 1tt*NoS ,fD U ! APPROVED Inspector Acknowledgemen tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Date Date tr NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. o t Approved plans and pennit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. DATE OF INSPECTION: CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:()OPM FRIDAY. PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS, III SI,IIPC/ S]?{rC'T- CONTACT PERSON PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION: '-&zz-frJ,4 L ^, Il/A tdp ! APPROVED tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS ! NOTAPPROVED Ok to proceed. Corrections checked at next inspection for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date .1-o Acknowl Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday.+/rAr PERMIT NUMBER:BLDo? - B 6DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS:\.\ \ O .t\.^=--l 9t a .\ CONTRACTOR:PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION:Q o.--\=->* T.,.^qD.J 0 ?e-$.- e N,t &\J=\\=.- gq<-.lP6r_"..<-s-{ \ V APPROVED Inspector Approved plans and permit N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be N NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before at next inspection Date must be assessed if work is not ready for and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may ) CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. PERMIT NUMBER:o-7- t>uDATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS:IIr ItlA/,,t-L-t PROJECT NAME: I CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: rYPE oF rNsPEcrroNt ilA N Z I r!i1,r ! APPROVED )4t APPR''ED! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available ot time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call tly 3:00 PM Friday. PERMIT NUMBER: 1- lTbDATE OF'INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: I\ \h.f r f,.l C,"f PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE TYPE OF INSPECTION: "t 0 u T'I APPROVED Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site ond available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection V*.r, APPR''ED /\,t Call for re-inspection before proceeding. 't l ") Inspection Report Project Permit # 07 *(3 G' Inspection &Date Inspector Vvl*AY T"-.V*-V.,- y$ees=- 1-21-ok WP Q "w,R Urtl tt 1-zl-K "{ p.i t*Ft*lnvu/1tsw fu^ tlElnK 4,^&("2 GWfr'rt- u 2 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: I - 21- Of PERMIT NUMBER: 7 - tEb SITE ADD RESS: lll (i*Jru.-l s: PROJECT NAME: C IV CONTACT PERSON:t TYPE OF'INSPECTION: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: fl mnnovnn Inspector ldnnf Pn"runr/ tI APPROVED WITH CORR.ECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Date ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. l'Lq"oK Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and avoilable at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. PLUMBING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Plumbing Permit Site Address 111 QUINCY ST Project Description Plumbing permit for Cannery Permit # Project Name Parcel # PLM07-012 CANNERY PLUMBING 989700103 Names Associuted witlt this Project Type Name Applicant Quincy St At The Waterfront Ll Owner Quincy St At The Waterfront Ll Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date Fixtares 28 - Plumbing fixture per trap 5 - Electric water heater Fee Information Project Valuation Record Retention Fee for Plurnbing P Technology Fee for Plumbing Permi Plumbing Permit s 3.2s $ 8.82 $ 441.00 Total Fees $ 4s3.07 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this penrlit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regnlations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this perrnit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I arn the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Date lssued: lssued By: 12t19t200'7 SFOSTER Print Name MECHANICAL PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Mechanical Permit Site Address l1l QUINCY ST Proiect Description CANNERY FAN & VENT Permit # Project Name Parcel # MEC07-070 CANNERY VENT & EXAUST FAN 989100103 No flBfEcfi'oKrS [un^ Q,'tql'gcJ Names Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Quincy Sr At The Waterfront Ll Owner Quincy Sr At The Waterfront Ll Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date Fixtures 8 - Vent Fan 4 - Hood/exhaust system Fee Information Project Valuation Record Retention Fee for Mechanical Mechanical Permit Technology Fee for Mechanical Perr $3.00 162.00 5.00 $ $ Total Fees $ 170.00 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commencedo or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. Thegrantingofthispermitshall notbeconstruedasapprovaltoviolateanyprovisionsofthePTMCorotherlawsorregulations. lcertify that the information provided as a pal't of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner ofthe property or authorized agent ofthe owner. Date lssued: l2l19/200'1 Issued By: SFOSTER Print Name 1 /-) PLUMBING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Iniormalion Permit Type Plumbing Permit SiteAddress ll l QI-INCY ST Project Description Plumbing permit for Cannery Permit # Project Name Parcel # PLM07-012 CANNERY PLUMBING 989100103 Nsmes Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Quincy St At The Waterfront Ll Owner Quincy St At The Waterfront Ll Fixtares 28 - Plumbing fixture per trap Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date 5 - Electric water heater Fee Information Project Valuation Record Retention Fee for Plumbing P Technology Fee for Plumbing Permit Plumbing Permit Total Fees $ 3.2s $ g.sz $ 441.00 $453.t7 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expi re 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 . Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this that the that I am the as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify ication for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify agent of the owner. Date Issued Issued By: 12/19/2007 SFOSTER Print Name of the the appl CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R D CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3. Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 po s r rH r s cA R D rN A sA F E , co N s p r c u o u s Lo c A T r o N , pL E A s E Do No r RE M o v E TH r s No l c E uN T r L AL L RE e u t R E D rr u s p i c r r o r u s AR E MA D E AN D st c N E D oFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y , ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E . PA R C E L NO , 98 9 7 0 0 7 0 3 PE R M I T NO , pL M 0 7 - 0 1 2 ts S U E D DA T E jz t l g t l } O T B( p t R A T t o N DA T E 06/16/2008 AD D R E S S 11 1 QU N C Y S T CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R QU I N C Y S T A T T H E WA T E R F R O N T LL PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Pl u m b i n q pe r m i t f o r C a n n e r v CO N T R A C T O R LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E GO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS PL U M B I N G UN D E R G R O U N D PL U M B I N G PL U M B I N G SL A B PL U M B I N G WT R PI P I N TO RE Q U E S T AN IN S P E C T I O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 s - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . Receipt Number: PLM07-0t2 PLM07-012 PLM07-012 989700703 989700703 989700703 $441.00 $8.82 $3.25 Total: $441.00 $8.82 $3.2s $453.07 Plumbing Permit Technology Fee for Plumbing Perm Record Retention Fee for Plumbing $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo CHECK ) 14437 $ 4s3.07 Total $453.07 genpnilrreceipts Fage 1 of 1 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND '' DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. g-e" OB PERMTTNUMBER: (Lna7- a/z-DATE OF'INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: I/I QUi N Lq '7.PROJECT NAME: L+TTN EJLV CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION:b;le. u; eT t] APPROVED I APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Correctiont checked at next inspection Inspector Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available c be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. UnJL "la-t ,) J 6r * {r'^al uuLt + L-f /_LdUf (o k a- u-ruL'(k/4^u/'A qatJAa<rlIp4q lhq aJ /LLpl -frrt J, City of Port Townsend I)evelopment Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 60 385-5095 FAX 344-4619 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM Scottie Foster John Iune24,2009 LUP04-038,Addendum for conversion of Cannery to a five (5) unit hotel 6cpoQ - DSS 6tZo /- ls 6 €,qq< Establishing a liability account for installation of a bicycle rack Attached is a check from Kevin Harris for $500 that is security for purchase and installation of a bicycle rack required as part of the above referenced project- Also attached is the carbon copy paper receipt given to Kevin by our office. [f you would, please request the Finance Dept. to set up a liability account for this. Thanks. -/6t 'm-z3e-/M-@ w\o na1 I LD, LL l^i Kat^t1 De hs)^a b,aaha FoL ove-(z sq t-p.q,re_ LoK€Nrq, tl'c\v-tt:) u1-v \^-ot'r qoa--pes3,!zLq e-3- B;Ke \D;LI NOT b,e_ \ N3i+tt€d AYlfzz6 tY1^-PKouer^€NT= C-prnp t€-T zc\ - t zii-;L tn€ av-E Total Oue = $500'00 * * * iiii * ii*1 * * * * * * *** *** * * t.* * * * t ** * * ** * * Paytnent Oata: t*tlurlr" : KEvIN HARRIS t'lethod: CK Amount = $500'oo Change Due = $0'00 ill-il-** ** *** ***** *** *** *x******** * * Thank Youl *********************+****************** E 7o-C1 c tPq- F,zw\ o3- 0/^f q ;uq _]r {-n\l-,La E X t 5 3 -! ffi z/znla$ /ilEPrre?7'*n; /C; t{ A/4 .l ) TIIE P.TTIIS @,poMPrsrED FAN Reporfilg Group {lontact {-:ontractori- Prirnary Pacel Orly t lJl Frceh A #&gerry".ggr. l-.No Auto -rh'ildc;rd )) m3 KgTS{ u{t?1zr}J 1r oulltgf sT 04il?fw4 gj/{,?rmrBAY 04trtm5 8lB4€ffi ltsTtzH t249r?,lg.'[3/01,?@ Qg$.rcY3r t3Blr!F6 .9 ,:JIiSGdJ=*es -. =.,Ess:p**-i- Prirnal' Pa ce1 Orily c iJl F'acel:i No Ar:to Wil<Jcrd f.'orrflaetor Se Contact SearLj Reporting {iroup ] '- Prirrray Pacel Only a All Pacels ,ry.:g!c +:;jl tpst ,. .,--g:"!31,--j : Nc Auto'rliildca.J Reporting Group Seuell! r.r^-**3,{.*.*1 -- i**.- - * Contact Seacli ,'- ': . ,.: :., " 'ryContractorSea'clrJ ., .::,. a ') sxt',*l:*wffiifrEffi $trtrr l-$sts*? T*chicdft Completa r ;1il ;r:: =:. a::#4ldii:* FqceI Sodng j**t"Actirn - Appt#Ft&C07-fi0typ"ffi - larsnt # |BLDO?-136 Site Addresa Ibqioctllarne D* Approv"aiTztlnooi Orolr*la Srpbo?f 0owrmsnt?f $sryriii**iarDa6 Gl*;i**ugD*s Date SobmittedllZl4n00? D:*. II Parcel Details Printer Friendly Page 1 of2 .,, wb;rh;;staro':,..'-?:.:.o;tfSeiit.t;;G:':ft:.;X+!_.1 *t O&:*aE---*:.].. llsrtr* [nunly 1n{n Dn;:nrln:*n?s ParcelNumber: 989700703 Parcel Number: 989700703 Owner Mailing Address: QUINCY ST AT THE WATERFRONT LL C/O KEVIN HARRIS 123 NW 36TH ST STE 201 SEATTLE WA9B1074958 Site Address: Section: 1 Qtr Sectioh: SW1/4 Township:30N Range: 1W School District: Port Townsend (50) Fire Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend ( 1) Sub Division: PORT TOWNSEND O.T. Assessor's Land Use Code: 5900 - OTHER RETAIL Property Description: PORT TOWNSEND O.T. I BLK 7, LOTS 1 & 3(ALL)(BETNG A I pTN TL DrST 32) & TL DrsT 33 | OLD CANNERY BLDG I Click on photo for larger image. x No 2nd Photo Available Best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later SEARCH No Permit Data Available No Assessor ta Available l'",1,,".' Tax, A/V, Sales Info & SurveysParcel http ://www. co j efferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail.asp U29t2009 Parcel Details Page 7 ofZ lfe ParcelNumber: 937600200 Parcel Number: 937600200 Owner Mailing Address: INFORMATION ONLY Site Address: Section: 1 Qtr Section: SW1/4 Township: 30N Range: 1W iisrn* .,iln*ng ln{* 0npnrfn:*nts 5eurrh Printer Friendly School District: Port Townsend (50) Fire Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Other Exempt Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Sub Division: THE CANNERY CONDO Assessor's Land Use Code: 7600 - PARKS (green belts, community areas) Property Description: THE CANNERY CONDO I COMMON AREA I ASSESSED W/UNTTS I I Click on photo for larger image. X No Photo Available No 2nd Photo Available SEARCH Jgffgr$0n Cou*ty '::"' ',ii',,'.;::,,',: i No Permit Data Available No Assessor Data Available l'", lax, A/V, Sales Infq Parcel ats & Surveys Jafftrlgn eounly','i 7i.:', i i).;':'t'. i HOME I COUNTY INFO I DEPARTMENTS I SEARCH Best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later 6$jwindows - Mac http ://www. co jefferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parcel detail. asp u2912009 Jan Hopfenbeck 0,.-nN-l 3( From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jan Hopfenbeck Tuesday, November 06, 2007 10:35 AM 'Kevin Harris' John McDonagh RE: Cannery update Kevin, I have not heard back from Kirk since he was in the office, Here are the items we discussed: r. site plan showing property lines to determine need for rated openings z. plumbing fixture calculations 3. rated floor ceiling assemblies 4.Type B unit details Regarding the use of the alley for staging, as long as the bottom two floors of the Waterman and Katz building are not occupied and/or the exits from those floors can proceed to an adjacent right ofway, then using the alley area for staging should not be a problem. You just can't block the means of egress from that building for the rear (second) exits from the basement and main floor levels. Jan -----Original Message----- From: Kevin Harris [mailto:KevinH@macrosystems.com] Sent: Tuesday, Novembet o6,zoo7 B:3zAM To: Jan Hopfenbeck Subject: RE: Cannery update Importance:High HiJan, did you ever receive the missing items from Kirk? lEilVtL CIIY OF PORT TOI/I,NSENO DSD HiJan, if you could send me the list of missing items that your waiting on from Kirk, i would appreciate it greatly Regards k 1 D t{0t' - 6 m7 k ) jl l l l l r u ru f l li l l , u u l f l { i [ l l il i l il ] ff i , 1 3 f l , 1 , Th e Co n n e r y Bi n d i n g Si t e Pl o n fo r : Qu i n c y St r e e t of th e Wo t e r t r o n t , L. L . C . ot ( & N - 1 4 NO R T H W E S T E R N TE R R I T O R I E S , Ii l C . E* n t t . Lt t t t $t r 7 a t . Gr r & d l ; a t Cm t t t c t b . h. p o c U r r - kt r / r l . lr r b e 71 7 So U T H P€ ^ 8 o D Y , Po R T AI G E T " € S , WA S H T N G T o I 98 3 6 2 , (3 0 0 ) 46 2 - 8 1 0 t w. a f f ' t ! . c o m NT I OA I E I TH E AA S B OF aE ^ R I N G FO R TH I S SU R V E Y IS NO R I I | 59 ' 2 8 ' 2 0 ' AS T AL O N C TH E CE N i E R L I N E OF JT A T E R Sf R E E f BE | V E E N FI L H O R E ST R E E T d. tA y L O R ST R E E T PE R fE S TO SI R € E T UO N U U E N T A T T O N SH O I I N HE R € O N . /J - L DE T A N C E S II A V E BE E N RE D U C E D 8Y A FA C | O R OF 0, 9 9 9 9 4 . fO CO M P L Y ,f t r H vo L u u E fi oF su R v E l s , p( c € t4 2 . fo OE T N N GR O U N D DJ S T A N C E S , UI J L T I P L Y OI S T A N C E S sH o r v N HE R E O N 8Y 1. 0 0 0 0 6 . fH t s su R u t f co u p L t E s ,i l f H w. A . c - J\ 2 - | J O - | O O AN D 'V A S AC C O U P L I S H E D 8Y NE L D TP A W R S E II E | H O D S US I N C A J- S E C O N D IH E O O O L I I E AN D AN TN F M R E D DI S T A N C E tt E t a S U R l N c DE U C E Mr H SO U E OI S T ^ N C E S U€ A S U R E D MI H A ST € E L TA P E . fH E SU R V E Y E O PA R C € L UA Y 8E SU N E C | rO EA S € N E N I S OR O| H E R EN C U I I B R A N C E S EM ] E R RE C O R D E D OR UN R E C O R D f r NO T SH O W N HE R E O N . IH I S SU R W Y TA S NO f OM R N N E O II 1 € OG T E N C E OF AL L SU C H F, I S E U E N T S OR EN C U U B R A N C E S OR TH E I R EF F E C T ON IH E SU R V E Y E D PA R C E L €X C E F T AS SP E C T F T C LL Y SH O W , ! HE R E O N . rH 1 s RE C O R D OF SU R V T Y UA Y DE P I C | EX I S I I N G FE N C E UN E S AN D O| H E R OC C U P A N O N A L IN D E A | O R S IN AC C O R D A T I C E WI I H YI , A C . CH A P T R JJ 2 - ' J O . IH E S E OC C U P A T I O I U L NA C A T O R S TI A Y IN U A 1 E A PO E N N A L FO R CL A I M S OF UA M H T T E N TI f t E . LE C A L OW N E R S H I P BA S E D UP O N UN W R I | T E N TI T L E CL A I H S 'I A V E NO f BE E N RE S O L W D BY fH S 9T R V E Y . Th e Ca n n e r y El i n d i n g Si r e pl a n of Lo t s I on d 3, of Bl o c k 7 of th e Or i g i n a t To w n s i t e of Po r t To w n s e n d on d Ti d e l o n d Di s t r i c t s 32 on d JJ , lo c o t e d in se c t i o n o' ' I: { , : : : n t! " # i , I ' n * f l ? : ; , " : we s t ' w' M " ff i n z # 2 n * E - L -- { - h :D l3 lo io li -Y 2 _ I T _ E B _ _ _ s _ T X a E _ r _ N5 9 ' 2 8 ' 5 4 E 2% . 0 5 0 D a I 0 m V) ,o u n o ,* r r n , -/ ! UO N U U E N | IN WE L L I wr H LF A D ^N D tA c K , I EL = t 2 . 9 2 , SE E NO I E 2 I a -: ; : : 7 I ft D E u N o Dt s f R t c f No . 32 I o d rr ' I AL L DE V E L O P M E N T AN D US E OF TH E UN D DE S C R I B E D HE R E I N SH A L L 8E IN AC C O R O A N C E WI T H TH / s SI N D I N G SI T E PI . A N , AS IT MA Y BE AM E N D E D WI T H TH E AP P R O V A L OF TH E CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D , AN D IN AC C O R D A N C E Wf H SU C H OT H E R GO W R N M E N T PE R M I T S , AP P R O V A L S , RE G U U N O N S , RE Q U I R E M E N T S , AN D RE S T R C T I O N S TH A T MA Y BE IM P O S E D UP O N SU C H LA N D AN D TH E DE Y E L O P M E N T AN D US E TH E R E O F , UP O N CO M P L E N O N , TH E MP R O V E M E N T S ON TH E UN D SH A L L BE IN C L U D E D IN ON E OR MO R E CO N D O M I N I U M S OR OW N E D 8Y AN AS S O C I A T I O N OR OT H E R LE G A L EN N r y N WH I C H TH E OW N E R S OF UN I T S TH E R E I N OR TH E I R OW N E R ' S AS S O C A N O N HA V E A ME M B E R S H I P OR OT H E R LE G A L AR EE N E F I C I A L IN T E R E S T . TH I S BI N D I N G SI T E Pl , / ' N SH A L L BT BI N D I N G UP O N AL L PE R S O N S , AU S ' V 6 5 S E S , CO R P O R A T I O N S , PA R T N E R S H I P S , OR OT H E R EN N T I E S NO W OR HE R E A F T E R HA V I N G AN Y IN T E R E S T IN TH E UN D DE S C R I E E D HE R E I N , FO R DE C U R A T I O N OF EI N D I N G SI T E PU N SE E NO T E ON SH E E T I N5 9 ' 2 A ' , 5 4 " E LO T 6 CO R N E R IN yt fE R LO T 5 70 . o J co f f tt E ir D E R uN E fo d n TI D E L A N D DI S T R I C T ND , 3E -+ 39 . 9 9 36 . 5 36 . 5 36 . 5 SH E E T 2 OF 2 I .' - " S t t * d o $(n {(x N I \ N o lo Lt ] T 4 vo t uu E ,) * ** . r^ u ,, LO T 2 .E 11 0 . 0 J 11 0 . 0 4 A BU I L A N E CO R N E R o, t 3 'E E r AS t OF PR O P E R | Y UN E \/ o s z 0 (t T fi 1 n li Q o 0i I'6 h' () 9v 0 40 SC A L E IN FE E T LE C E N D FO U N D MO N U M E N T WE L L WT H LE A D AN D TA C K SE T ,P K ' NA I L IN PA W M E N T WI T H RE D PU S T I C SU R W Y CA P ST A M P E D "N N - A N D E R S O N PL ' 27 6 6 5 ' ' FO U N D 5/ 8 - \ N C H RE B A R W| T H CA p ST A M q E D "A . WO O D PL S 23 9 1 I" I, FO R LE A L DE S C R I P T I O N , SE E IN S T R U M E N T RE C O R D E D UN D E R JE F F E R S O N CO U N T Y AU D I T O R ' S FI L E NU M B E R 45 3 9 6 7 . 2. EL E U A T D N S SH O W N HE R E O N AR E BA S E D ON TH E NA T P N A L GE O D E T r c vE R n c A L DA T U M OF 19 2 9 (N C V D 2 g ) pE R T1 E S rO U. S . CO A S T AN D GE O D E T T C SU R V E Y MA R K E R "R 25 7 19 4 4 " , EL E U A T | O N = 1 S . 7 9 FE E \ . FO R DE T A T L S SE E NA T T O N A L FL O O D TN S U R A N C E RA \ E MA p (F \ R M ) , Ct T y OF pO R r TO W N S E N O , JE F F E R S O N CO U N T Y , WA S H I N G T O N , CO M M U N I T Y . P A N E L NU M B E R 53 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 1 0 - 8 , EF F E C T I V E DA T E : MA R C H 15 , 19 8 2 . J. EX I S T I N G DE C K SH O W N HE R E O N TO BE IN C L U D E D IN TH E PU B L I C PE D E S T R I A N EA S E A I E N T PE R AF N 42 8 1 4 9 , RE C O R D S OF JE F F E R S O N CO I J N r y . 4. TH E NE L D WO R K FO R TH I S EI N D I N G SI T E PU N WA S PE R F O R M E D NA V E M B E R 23 , 20 0 4 . \f f i _ F . f f i CO R N E R tN VA T E R s5 9 ' 2 6 ' 5 4 1 v go f a ({N {\ o o tr ., " " O t g ' t J6 . 5 IV O I E S CO R N E R IN WA I E R ./ ' . : / ! , - s. e f d t -t - ; ; 20 4 5 N5 e ' 2 4 ' s 4 y 66 . 0 1 \r € * ,r * * " , ^, EX E N N G OP E N I N O BU I L D I N G EX I E R I O R s'o \I o d t\ ' T; Di \ B= g ox $n Rr ER I C X CA N N E F ( BU ' A N C 11 0 , QU T N C Y sr n E E r - -s f r a ' i l t y -i ,, 0 * - /- I ,o r n n r , ,, u o , or - / t ft o E u N o Dl S T R t C f NO . 32 FR ' N T l ar ^ a a , I Jo 6. 9 SE E I] O I E J !o f)o l/V s 1 J3 . 6 ,2 . 2 o ) I I s5 9 ' , 2 8 ' 5 4 ' , \ f 86 . J LO T 1 Li ] T 3 t to . o 4 LO T A / PU B U C AC C E S S EA S E U E N T S€ E Mf E 3 r TT D E L A N D DI S T R I C T Nn , 33 tX P l R I i s 05 P 5 ^ X ) /- / , s sf f i w DR A * { BY OC T PU T RE V E * l/ , / i r SI I E E T 2 OF 2 :n S st*ftsnate{itim stanr*{.*wl.ovs F?llntsr?::&* ffi# Teclnid$ Camplstr Ap4rlicant Fssel prsfT-136 FLD-CCIM-q." " .. c-mLa*Acrinnfi@ R+,igsus n**[ - site Addrses pau clgeedl,:::l: rrsjertres A$pl# Tlpg Psrsnt# Data llruodl Dqriradon Date S,-t1t ?89g D ats S$misgd l0?/1 6n00? Dxe Alpov"lii&anooz' Orsriils &ryfu?|* Govermeot?f- BPF-RR BFF-15C9 PAr g'fA13-CODE ftTM $aDA ba Btg- 4zr/ yq PLr^- ysJ. o 7 YY\ea - /70, oo ,#{,e*0,ffist f ') Applirant Perrel # $ite Aildrses ?rrjectl{cne &oning st"nrnateffiffiIi $tatur Lu*t*.t*nfiEEEffi t- Iktgr?.: 'soBy , 'l'Fet#i*ffi;l Dqtgltsnsd {ltl;;,a,,ffiii Te&nfua[y Carupleta Asll# rype - Fr"rtrr-012ffi Farsm#l3tDt'l:t36 Dn1stubmitr"AWffi' Date Appov' d litl 4eqo?- Ovarride Sry'bs?r Gsrsm6t?r- &s*i*fleDses Dats Clased EryiratimDateldilffioa FLSMBING-RR S3,2: PLUMBWG.TSCB s8.t I tt . ,.r,i., ..,,.,]:il. a,,,..: ,t.,il t,, , , ',:.. l, t. 1,.:,.11::;{ ..r-1::r:1,.....,,. 11 , ,.':. .',, ., ,. Receipt Number BLD07-136 BLD07-136 BLD07-136 BLb07-r36 BLD07-136 989700703 989700703 9897d0703 989700703 989700703 $1,694.26 $52.13 $4.50 $2,606.55 $10.00 Total: $1,544.26 $52.13 $4.s0 $2,606.55 $10.00 Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit State Building Code Council Fee Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,217.44 07-061 1 CHECK A7nOl2OA7 Plan Review Fee $150.00 BLD07-136 14437 $ 4,217.44 s4,217.44Total genprntrreceipts Fage 1 of 'l Development Servr'ces 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax: 36&3444619 www.cityofpt.us Commercial Building Permit Application F Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150) See the "Commercial Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. Contracto 4 I Ir:9+a-l-+h .)L>e-Nam Qo tAc Address { P ?bo,i44,3+>o Emai State ,(otn License Exp: City Business License #: yJ A r*- I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State 4 d to act on behalf of the owner Port Townsend Municipal Code. . ()-c- tPrint Nam Project Address & Zoning District: /lt \on s{oef Parcel #?q 7eo ?o3 Legal Description (or Tax #): Addition: P\- Of Block: 7 Lot(s),+3 Of4ce Use Onlv Permit # Associated Permits: ?Llh07- e rz^ ee'Project Description : G.a4s r O,r,M G&o's ContactlReprese Name:i)sc-+:eL Address City/SVZip: Phone: Email: Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Name: ffv,1-rt'ca.^ lr!".n, r.g g>n g *foo oC)Project Valuation Owner:a+ +r\a-il 3tfr. 3+L).s>Lo il/tGTAVDS "( t'4*nk Prope Phone: Email: Address CitvlSUZ *l' Construction type, $r'..v- l|*ccl/C"n occupancy aatng, Cu*'^/ ??s'cli{nTz' - n / Basement: N/A ls it finished? Yes No Newn Additiontr Remodel/Repairfi Change of Use n 2nd froor boo 3'd floor Other: Storage Building lnformation l"tfloor \w (sqGre feet): Restrooms: "L Deck(s):_ (Building Footprint): Yo {o'/' Square feet:fio'o JUL 1 6 200i lmpervious Surface: Signature rrJ r*4+u and b 7oo COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST T This checklisf is for new construction, additions, and remodels. The purpose is fo show what you intend to build, where it will be located on the lot, and how it will be constructed. i Commercial building permit application. I Non-Residential Energy Code forms: If Lighting * Mechanical i} Envelope I Three (3) sets of plans with North arrow and scaled, no smaller than /a" = 1 foot'. I Title Page/Cover Sheet: 1. Project identification 2. Project address, legal description, location map, tax parcel number(s) 3. Alldesign professionals identified including addresses and phone numbers 4. Name, address, and phone number of person responsible for project coordination5. Design criteria, including occupancy group, construction type, allowed floor area vs. proposed, occupant loads, height and number of stories, deferred submittals, etc.6. Designate compliance with all applicable codes - A site plan showing: 1. Legal description and parcel number (or tax number), 2- Property lines and dimensions 3. Setbacks from all sides of the proposed structure to the property lines in accordance with a pinned boundary line survey 4. On-site parking and driveway with dimensions 5. Street names and any easements or vacations 6. Location and diameter of existing trees7. Utility lines B. lf applicable, existing or proposed septic system location 9. Delineated critical areas boundaries and buffers I Foundation plan: 1. Footings and foundation walls 2. Post and beam sizes and spans 3. Floor joist size and layout 4. Holdowns 5. Foundation venting 1 Floor plan: 1. Room use and dimensions 2. Braced wall panel locations 3. Smoke detector locations 4. Attic access 5. Plumbing and mechanical fixtures 6. Occupancy separation between dwelling and garage (if applicable) 7. Window, skylight, and door locations, including escape windows and safety glazing_l Wall section: 1. Footing size, reinforcement, depth below grade 2. Foundation wall, height, width, reinforcement, anchor bolts, and washers 3. Floor joist size and spacing 4. Wall stud size and spacing 5. Header size and spans 6. Wall sheathing, weather resistant barrier, and siding material 7. Sheet rock and insulation 8. Rafters, ceiling joists, trusses, with blocking anb positive connections9. Ceiling height Receipt Nunber: BLD07-136 989700703 Plan Review Fee Total $2,101.94 $150.00 Total: $f S0O0 $1,951.94 t{/ACASH $ 150.00 $150.00 genprntrreceipts Page 1 of 1 WSEC sidential Constru n Checklist City of Port Townsend Building & Community Development. Waterman & KatzBuilding 181 Quincy Street, Suite 301 PortTownsen4 WA 98368 (360)379-3208 Far: (360) 38s-767S \ilashington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2001- Residential Construction Checklist Complete this form in addition to.WSEC forms. Please answer the following questions: New constructioq or 750 square feet meetwhole house mdspot ventilation reEtirements, and shan'fuIl WSEC compliorce asq stqtd-olone project. A detached, habitable stracture sach as qt AccessoryDwelling Unit regudless of size must also meet these requirements. O House addition under 750 square feet Possible tadeeffs qe allowedwith the eristing buildingfor WSEC compliorce, such as increasing ceiling inwlation. See wsEC component pertormanceforms. NOTE: A house addition less than 500 sq. ft does not require whole hoase ventilation Spot ventilatign is sfill required TYPE OF HEATING-Plgase gheck all that anplvl Electric --X*"U Heater o Baseboard D Forced AirFurnace tr Radiant Floor @oiler) o Other- Non-Electric: Proporc:E Radiant FloorlBaseboard @oiler) n LPG Stove tr LPGFurnace D OtherlpG O Heat 11mP I Oil Furnace E Woodstove (can only be used as secondary heat source) VAPORRETARDERS: Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings: o Floors: N t h - +l-t?B cw h*(ed gfact tr Plywood uittr e*ietio't?ui I w\ D Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) D Backed batts 'i' r Wa[s: tr loly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) D Face-stapled, backed baffs [r,ow-p.* puint o Ceilings: D l.{ot requir6d where ventilation space averages greater than or equal to 12 inches above insulation tr Face-stapled, backed batts $l"ty plastic (greater than or.equal to 4 millimeter thic$ llow-perm paint SET BACK \\BcdlrrnitsfornstRcsideotiat Eacrgy Co& Cbccklistdoc Page I of2 Thomas L. Aumock Consulting X'ire Code Official 2303 Hendricks Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 385-3938 Email: taumock@cablesoeed.com Fax: (360) 344-4604 PLAI{ REVIEW MEMORAI\DIJM TO: Plans Examiner, City of Port Townsend Development Services Department DT: 23 July 2007 RE: BLD07-136 Cannery Bldg. Condominiums, 11 Quincy Street, CC: Mike Mingee, Fire Chiee East Jefferson Fire & Rescue _----,-/ I am in receipt ofthe set ofplans for the above-referenced proposal from your office. The above-reference proposal was reviewed by this consulting fire code official, with the International Fire Code [I.F.C.], 2006 Edition and Washington State Amendments, and applicable N.F.P.A. standards. The following constitutes this plan examiner's findings and determinations based upon the plans of record submitted. It is understood that fire alarm system, automatic sprinkler system detail plans and specifications are deferred submittals for this project {indines & Peterminations:1. The proposal was reviewed as a two-story mixed occupancy atotal of7,500 square feetoffire areawith a first floor Group B occupancy and second floor B construction classificationfs]; and, R-2 occupancy with assumed Type V- 2. Addressing for the proposal shall be consistent with City of Port Townsend Municipal Code standard for size, and 5e in a pbsiiion as to be plainly visible and legible from the ,t."et o, -ad ironting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background [I.F.C. Section 505.1], and; 3. Key box access to or within the subject structure for emergency services delivery is required to be installed at the main entry and at the northeast entry location, to contain key(s) to gain necessary access to the structure in its entirety U.F.C. 506.11. The proponent shall contactthe administration office of East Jefferson Fire & Rescue to obtain the proper key-box application form; and, 4. Road access is provided for this proposal via Quincy Street and is found to be consistent with I.F.C Section 503 and Appendix D fire apparatus access road design standards. 5. Access to building openings is found to be consistent with the I.F.C. Section 504 which requires an approved access walkway leading from fire apparatus access road(s) to exterior openings that are required by the Fire Code or Building Code, and; C:\Documents and Settings\Tom\My Documents\Business\City Contract\Plan Review & Conespondence\BLD 2007\BLD07-136 Cannery Condos.doc8/3/07 6.Asprinklers)isrequiredthroughoutthisbuildingunderI'F.C Section 903.2.7,and; a. The automatic fire sprinkler system shall be designed, installed, and certified by a licensed technician (W.A.C. 212-80) or registered professional engineer using the design provisions of NFPA 13 and related sections, and; b. A complete set of as-built drawings of the system shall be provided on-site in a formal plans box adjacent to the F.A.C.P., submitted on a 24 x36 inch maximum format, and; c. Specific reference to the fire department connection location and specifications shall be submitted and approved by the Fire Chief or this fire code official prior to installation, and; d. Stairway intermediate landings will require sprinkler protection, as approved by the Fire Code Official, and; e. The backflow prevention device shall be approved for installation by the City of Port Townsend Public Works Department prior to installation, and; f. The automatic sprinkler system shall be inter-tied with the provision of automatic fire alarm system; g. A sprinkler bell is required, or electronic equivalent, and; h. Field verification of the installation for this infrastructure shall be conducted by this offrce prior to construction for the sprinkler system fire department connection[F.D.C.], and ; i. All ground work on the fire service underground system is to be conducted by a licensed contractor with a current State Fire Marshal certification, with credentials submitted with defered plan submittal, and; 7. A manual fire alarm or automatic fire detection alarm systems under IFC Section 907 .2.9 of said Code, and; rygm$for this occupancy 8. Single- and multiple-station smoke detection is required for this occupancy under IFC Section 907.2.10.t.2: a, on the ceiling or wall outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of bedrooms, b. in each room used for sleeping purposes, c. in each story within a dwelling unit, including basements but not including uninhabitable affics. q.entshallmeetorexceedIFCSection906andNFPAStandard10, which normally requires a 2-A:10-B:C minimum rated fire extinguisher at the exit(s) and atthe top of the exit stairways; C:\I)ocuments and Settings\TomWy Documents\Business\City Contract\Plan Review & Conespondence\BlD 2007\BLD07-136 Cannery Condos.doc8/3/07 Lfio- thlquirements of the Ciry of portTownsend Engineering Design standards, section 903.2 and Appendix B and c of the L F. c., andapplying the maximum tpu.ittg rules for mixed use, multi-family, and commercial areas as defined bythis project' Fire flow'require**t-6urc4 upon ih" totat r*e area and the proposed constructionclassification for this p.oporui [Type V_B]. I a' The calculat"d q9 flow requiremgnt for this proposal is 2,250 gallons per minute sustainable fortwo [2] hours. The required installation of automatic fire sprinklers ,"du"", this requirement byto a requiremelt of 1,500 gallons per minute at20 psi residual, as 1,500 gpm is the minimumallowable by Code; b' Based upon the access and circulatlon roadway plan for this facility, the primary fire hydrant forthis proposal is at Quincy & Water Streets, h;rg a fire flow of greater than 1,500 gpm. c' Secondary fire hydrant is located at Water & Madison Sts, which has a fire flow of greater than1,500 gpm. d' It is the administraitve determination that existing fire hydrants are sufficient for fire flow Any other applicable or relevant sections of said code not covered herein shall nonetheless apply to thisproposal. 2 hours time was logged in the review of this proposal. It is the recommendation of this consulting fire code official that the proposal be approved subject to theaforesaid requirements of the International Fire Code. c:\Docppentr and Settings\Tom\My Documents\Business\city contract\Plan Review & correspondence\E}LD 2007\BLD07-I36 cannry condos.docg/3/07 A3/31.t2444 15: 85 36a3444684 PT FIRE PAGE 8I City of Port Townsend Fire Departmenf 13l0 Lawrence Sheot, Port Townsend, WA 9E36E (36D)385-2626 Emnil; Btfdr?D.ci.port-town$end.W,,a,,!#,$. Fax; (360) 385-t 122 PLANRDVIEW MEMORANDUM TO: FR: SuTsnno Wassmor, BCD r*'Fire Chief Kevin Harris, I I I Quincy Street Cannery Project, Phme II second floor This department is in receipt of the set of plans for the above-referencod proposal ftom your office- The above-reference proposal was rcviewed by this deparfnent relative to the Uniform Firo Code [U.F.C.], 1997 Edition, and the following constitutes this department's findings and deteminations bassd upon the revised plans of record submrtted. Findinsg & Determinrtions; l. Occupancy Class; The firet floor was rcviewed as a Group B, M or Group A, Division 3 occupancy, and the second floor as Oroup R, Division I [3 apartments] with s Typ€ V-N construction classification; ffid, 2. Access to building openings is designed consistent with the U.F.C. Section 902.3.1 which requires an approved aocc$s walkway leading ftom fire apparatus access road(s) to exterior openings that aro rgquired by the Fire Code or Building Code, andl 3- A oNo parking-Fire Safety 7-one' shall be providod adjacent to the east doublodoor egl€ss provision inordertoallowoccupanteglesstothePublicwayconsisterttwiththepurposeandintentofthe appticable "Location on Property" exit discharge rcquirements of ths applicable occupancy from UBC Chapter 3; and, 4. An automatic fire suppression system (sprinklers) is not required under U.F.C. Section 1003, exoopt for any commercialkitchen facitity, which shallthen comply with Uniform Fire Code Section 1006; and, 5. Where applicable, an automatic firo dotection nlarm systern is required for tlris occuPsncy urder Section 100i.2.12.10 "Accessible Buildings" provisions of said Code as amended by Washington State Fuilding Code Council, and/or required by the Uniform Building Code in lieu of one-hour corridor construction, dhd; 6, Fire extingui*her sizing and placement shall meet Uniform Fire Codc Stondard No. 10-l' which normally ruquiies a.Z-Att0-B:C fire extinguisher at tho exit(s) and on the recond floor at the top of each erair" T-he fiie extinguisher located at the lift aren shall be plnced no mors than 36 inches from floor level to top of fire extinguisher, arrd; 7. Any fire damper insrallation shall be inspected and tested by the building official o'r designee prior to aompartment/area isolation aqd closureo and; q$WINDOWS\DBEklFp\Tom's Crbinct\CqFrehl Fsflr1it Ap,p. RFviEw Consapo[dcncc\Cmrnay Phatc lI-R2" Rcviaitn,dw ]/10/0d 93131.t2684 L5: E5 36A3444684 PT FIRE PAGE A2 8. Smoking Designation per R.C.W^ 70.160, *nd Municipal Code: The first floor proposal is found to be a 'lublic place" as defined by the state law must be designated ss E "non- srnokingno or "srnoking allowed" facility with specified smoking nrea(s). The owner must post signs prchibiting or permitting smoking conspicuously locnted at each building entrance and in prominent looations throughout the place. The boundary(s) berween a non-smoking aroa and a smoking permiued srea shall bo clearly designated so that persons may differentiate between the two aroa$. Any other applicable or relevant sections of said Code not covered herein shall nonetheless apply to thic proposal. L0 hours time was consumed in the review ofthis proposal lt is the administrative dctormination of this department that the propo$al be epprovod subjoct to the aforessid roquiromonts of the Uniforrn Fire Code, and Uniform Building Code. C:\WINDOWS\l)crqktop\Tom's Cebinat\Currar I'crmil Apt. Rrview Cortsepondonce\C$ncry Phnw Il-R?, Rwirion.doc lnon4 ) Concerning the type "b" dwelling units for the Cannery project at 111 Quincy St. Pt Townsend WA. All faucets will be single control, lever type handles. Appliances will be front mounted controls. Flooring will be engineered hard wood throughout each unit and bath floors will be tile. Coridor will be tight pile carpet with tile at the entryways. Backing will be provided in all recommended areas for A.D.A compliance. No signage is necessary for parking since there is none designated for building. 5'F- /e*srz* sazTla-a fu L. /,(/ /-/a//L& aFeaa_assfez -gfta- SaeVaxl 7aas.y' \{h 0 \ t, t t-, rl;lfr COPY ltou I 6 n0 CIil OT PORT TOWNSEND DSD Eil ") 'laz+ 74b Krrz,r.rei,r -Flro "B' skzurt RtrseR< Fnp Krrcxanl tb7- ,l It ,lcouNna?.ToP e 3b ?)? 3()" NF 9o" D-fl\t6 firtv- o Pprr ) .l xo 4 tfu-rueru re b Ct.gNg AK€h it T sd I A6&,fi eia} Drc*)r,,l 'rYr. Iw P*{ c-l tb4 f,G*v Y,r4 C o D6tl^tEF( gitwe fr€ i u oC lrfr 1 z-o I -(vpr-'B'sPucr*.9 DpHTJA:*+ ,fu:, ' il,, u a, 4D tl \*, 6', *ttUV d RET C Krrur olr so ($v WH & n , V e 4 1 l ( l t N V A - 1 3 6 n g e d O r t F d s ' : a d g ; r q _ " d A l - G a z f z q z a A w l K v n l r n v u $ ; / Q A L W ^ M , , G ( BNTT+ ZO4 a{f?t t B' b?K-",, lf , 4 I tt Dh{o dNU'K VAOI'Y 34" oFP. lw* cAtshts,f 4t' ' 7 m . r " t , w d f l q , t v r @ r a Q . J F , t l s ) t - : 4 4 Q , Z * - ? c l A t - i l ] t A l e z ( . 5F GA-600-2006 'lE RESTSTANCE DTSTGN MANUAL WALLS AND INTERICIR PARTITIONS, VI'OOD FRAMED GYFSUM WALLBOARD, WOOD $TUDS One layer 5/s" type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer base applied parallel or at right angles to each side of double row of 2 x 4 wood studs 16" o.c. on $eparate plates i" apart with 6d coated nails, 1rie" long. 0.0915" shank, t/+" heads, 7" o.c. Joint$ staggered 16" on opposite sides. Horizontal bracing required at mid,heighi. (LOAD- BEARTNG) Thickness: 9%" Approx. Weighi: 8 psf Fire Test: See WP 3605 (uL R1319-4. 6, 6-17-52; uL R2717-3S, 1-20-66; uL R3501-52, 3-15-66, UL Design U305; ULC Design W301) Sound Test: Estimated { HCIUR FIRE GA FILE NO. WP 33BO GENERIC 40 to 44 $TC SOUNDGYPSUM WALLBOARD, WOOD $TUD$ one layer 5/s" type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer base applied parallel or at angle$ to each side ol 2 x 4 wood studs 16" o.c. staggered B', o.c. on 2 x 6 wood with 6d coated nails, 1ria" long. 0.0915" shank, r/a." heads, 7" o.c. Joints staggered 24" on opposile sides. Horizontal bracing requir*d at mid-height. BEARING} &c_- Fl- Approx. Weight: B psf Fire Tesi: See WP 3605 (uL R1319-4. 6, 6-17-52: uL R2717-3S, 1-20-66; uL R3501-52, 3-15-66, UL Design U305; ULC Design W301) Sound Test: Estimated ./n"rtr{ I fu''"' GA FILE NO. WP 3430 Gf;NERIG 40 to 44 STC $CIUNDGYPSUM LATH, GYP$UM PLASTER, WOOD $TUD$ 1/2" 1:2 gypsum-sand plaster applied over r/g" plain gypsum lath applied at right angles to each side of 2x4 wood studs 16" o.c. with 13 gage blued lath nails. 1118" long, 0.091s', shank. tg/e+" heads, 4" o.c. (LOAD-BEARING) Thickness: 53/a" Approx. Weight: 15 psf Fire Test: OSU T-948, 7-17-58, osu T-1380,7-5-60 $ound Test: RALTLSB-60, 8-7-58 GA-6OO-?OO6 FIRE RHSISTANCf;N MANUAL 69 CHASE WALLS, WOOD FRAMED GA FILE NO. WP 55TO GENERIC 1 HOUR FIRE 55 to 59 STC SOUNDGYPSUM WALLBOARD, I/VOOD STUDS Base layer t/+" gypsum wallboard applied parallel to each side of double row of 2 x 4 wood studs 16" o.c. on separate plates spaced 1tlz" aparT with 4d coated nails, 1rl2" long, 0.099" shank, tlq" heads, 12" 0.c. Joints staggered 16" on opposite sides. Face layer t/r" type X plain or predecorated gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer base applied parallel to each side with:/s" beads of adhesive 16" o.c. and Sd coated nails, 1%" long, 0.099" shank, t/a" heads. 16" o.c. attop and bottom plates. 4d finish nails, 1tl:" long, 0.072" shank, 0.1055" heads, driven at a 45" angle 16" o.c. horizontally and 24,'o.c. vertically. Joints offset 24" from base layer joints. $ound tesied with 1tlg" mineral fiber in$ulation in stud space. Horizontal bracing required at mid-height. {LOAD-BEARING) Thickness: 10" Approx. Weight: 9 psf Fire Test: $ee WF 334'l (FM Wp-147, 1-2-69) Sound Test: G&H BW-32ST. 4^22-68 GA FILH NO. WP 5512 GENERIC 1 HOUR FIRE 45 to 49 STC SOUNDGYPSUM UIALLBOARD, WOOD STUDS one layer 5/s" type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer base applied parallel or at right angles to each side of double row of 2 x 4 wood studs 16" o.c. on separate plates 1" apart with Sd coated nails, 1rle" long, 0.0915" shank, rla" heads, Z" o.c. Joints staggered 16" on opposit* sides. Horizontal bracing required at mid-height. (LOAD- BEARING} Thickness: 911*" Approx. Weight: B p$f Fire Test: See WP 3605 (uL R1319-4, -6, 6-17-52; uL R2717-39, 1-20-66; uL R3501-52,3-15-66. UL Design U305; ULC Design W301) $ound Test: Estimated GA FILH NO. WP 5515 GENERIC 1 HOUR FIRE 40 to 44 STC SCIUNDGYPSUM T'VALLBOARD, T'VOOD $TUDS one layer 5/s" type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer base applied parallel or at right angles to each side ot 2 x 4 wood studs 16" o.c. staggered 8" o.c. on 2 x 6 wood plates with 6d coated nails, 1zle" 1on9,0.0915" shank. 1/l'heads, 7,,o.c. Joints slaggered 24" on oppo$ite sides. Horieontal bracing required at mid-height. {LOAD- BEARTNG) Thickness: 7tlq" Approx. Weight: B psf Fire Test; See WP 3605 {uL Rl319-4, -6, 6-17-52; uL R2717-39, 1-20-56; uL R3501-52,3-'15-66, UL Design U305; ULC Design W301) Sound Test: E$timated ICYNENE@ - Pour Fill Formula PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 1. PRODUCT NAME Icynene" andThe Icynene Insulation System" are registered tradema*s for polyicynene insulation manufactured by Icynene lnc. Icynene" pour fill formula is a l/2 lb density fiee rise, open celled material. 2. MANUFACTURER Icynene" is made on site from liquid components manufactured by lcynene Inc. Installation and on-site manufacturing is supplied by independent lcynene Licensed Dealers. 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Icynene"' insulates and air seals at the same time. Is performance is less installation sensitive than factory manufactured insulation materials. It is an effective "breathing" air barier that. can adjust with the building to maintain a seal against eners/-robbing air leakage for the Iife of the building. Convective air movement inside cavities is virtually eliminated, providing more uniform lempemturcs throughout the building. The result is superior quality construction, with higher comfort levels and lower heating and cooling costs. Energy savings vary depending on building design, location, etc. Icynene' pour fill material is applied by injecting liquid components thrrcugh drilled holes into a closed cavity There they expand 6O: I in just rninutes to provide a flexible foam blanket of millions of tiny air cells, completely filling building cavities and sealing cracks and crevices in the process. It adheres to virtually all surfaces, sealing out air infiltmtion. 4. TNCHNICALDATA (Based on Core Samples) Thermal Performance Thermal resistance R/in. (Rs/Z5mm) ASTM C5l8: R4.O hr. ft'Z "F/BTU Rst O.7 m''C,/W Arerage insulation contribution in stud wall: 2"x4":N4 2"x6":R2? The Icynene lnsulation System"' provides more eifective performance than the equivalent R-value of air permeable insulation materials. Icyneneu is not subject to loss of R-value due to aging, windy conditions, settling, convection or alr infiltration; nor is it likely to be affected by moisture related conditions. A FACT SHEET with R-value data is available upon request. Air Permeance/Air Barrier /Air Seal The Icynene Insulation System" fills any shaped cavity, and adheres to all materials, creating assemblies with very low air permeance. No additional interior or exterior air infiltration protection is necessary Air permeability of core foam: ASTM 8283 data O.OO49 L/S-mz @75 Pa for 5.25" O.O08O L/S-m' @75 Pa lor 3.25" In all buildings, adequate mechanical ventilation/air supp$ should be provided for optimum IAQ flndoor Air Qualify). See ASHRAE guidelines. Water Vapor Permeance Icynene" is water vapor permeable and allows structuml moisture to diffuse and dissipate. It will not entrap moisture in materials to which it is applied. Water vapor transmission properties: ASTM E96 data 6 perms 240 ngl(Pas.rn1 @ 3' (76mm) thick 4 perms 360 ngl(Pa.s.m'z) @ 5' (l27mm) thick Because of its low air permeance, Icyneneo' is not infiltrated by moisture- laden air Computer modeling of moisture movement in walls using a prcgmm (MOISI developed by Doug Burch of the National Institute ol Standards and Technology (NIST) suggested that a l.O perm rating was not required when Icyneneu'insulation was used, except in climates as cold or colder than Madison, Wsconsin (7500 Heating degee days). This conclusion was in general agleement wifh other computer modeling of moisture nlovement in building envelopes performed in Canada. In those situations that warrant a vapor barrier, the use of low vapor permeable paint on the interior drywall is adequate. Water Absorption Properties Icynene'' is hydrcphobic and does not exhibit capillary pnrperlies. It does not wick and is water repellent. Water can be forced into the foam under pressure because it is open celled. Water will drain by gravity rather than travel horizontally or rrertically through the foam. Upon drying, themal performance is fully restored. Acoustical Propcrties Perfonnance in a 2"x4" wood stud wall: STC Sound Tiransmission Class - 37 Hz Frcq. 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 ASTM 890 l9 30 31 42 38 46 NRC Noise Reduction Coefficient - 70 Hz.Freq. 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 ASTM C423 X .43 .89 .72 .7t .67 Actual performance is superior than reported test results because of lcynene"'s ability to control air leakage. Burn Characteristics Icyneneu will be consumed by {lame, but will not sustain flame upon rcmoval of the flame source. It leaves a charcoal residue. It will not melt or drip. It must be applied in accondance rvith applicable building codes. U.S.A. Specifications Surface Burning Characteristics of Ic.ynene'ASTM 884 Flame spread <2O Smoke Development <400 Fuel contribution 0 Oxygen Index ASTM D2863 23o/o N.Y State Fire gas toxicity LC,o -12 CANADA Specifications Comer Wall Test CAN4-S102 FSC3 Flame Spread 5lO-53O Smoke Development 95-150 Electrical Wiring Icynene" has bcen evaluated with both 14/3 md 1212 rtsidential rviring (max. 122"F / 50' C). It is chemically compatible with all electrical wiring coverings. Note: For any insulation of knob and tube wiring, please reference local electrical code. @ lcYllEl{E,-. Corrosion Iclmene* did not cause corrosion when evaluated in contact with steel under 85%o relative humidity conditions. Bacterial or Fungal Growth and Food Value Independent testing conducted by lbxas Tech University has confirmed that IcSmene" is not a soulce of food for mold; and as an air barrier, Icynene* reduces the airborne introduction of moisture, food, and mold spores into the building envelope. It has no food value ficr insects or rodents. Environmental I Health / Safety Ic;mene" contains no formaldehyde or volatile organic compounds. It has been thoroughly evaluated for in-situ emissions by industry and government experts. VOC emmissions are below l/lOO of the safe concentration level within hours ficllowing the application of lcynene*. A 24 HR waiting period is recommended for highly sensitive people prior to occupancy Not intended for exterior use. Not to be installed within 2" (5O mm) of heat emitting devices, where the temperature is in excess of ZOO'F (93'C). 5. INSTALLATIONS The Icynene Insulation System' is installed by a network of Licensed Dealers, trained in the installation of Icynene". Installation is generally independent of envinrnmental conditions. It can be installed in hol humid or freezing conditions. Surface preparation is generally not necessa$r Within minutes, the foaming process is complete. 6. AVAILABILITY Check regional yellow pages or contact Icynene Inc. at 8O0-758-7325 or our website at www.ic]rnene.com. 7. WARRANTY WHEN INSTALTED PROPERIY IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS, THE COMPANY WARRANTS THAT THE PROPERNES OF THE PRODUCT MEET PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS AS OUTTINED IN THIS PRODUCT SPECIFICAf,ION SHEET. 8. TECHNICAL Icynene Licersed Dealers and Icynene Inc. provide support on both technical and regulatory issues. Architectural specifications in CSI 3-Pafi format are available upon request. 9. RELATEDREFERENCES All physical properties were determined through testing by accredited third party agencies. Icynene Inc. reserves the right to change specifications in its effort to enhance quality features. Please confirm that technical data literature is currenl 10. PACKAGING AND STORAGE Packaging - 55 U.S. gallon open top steel drums Storage Component A should be protected from fieezing. Component C can be frozen but must be pmtected from overheating 020"F149"C) and prolonged storage above IO0'F/38"C. Component C separates during storage and should be thoroughly mixed prior to use. lI.INSTALLATION SPECTFICATIONS Refer to the lcynene Installers Manual for expanded information. Component A Base Seal" Component'C' Gold Seal* - 55O lb. per drum - Polyisocyanate MDI - 5OO lb. per drum - Resin @ lclilEil[* The lcynene lnsulotion Syslem" Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficiento Telephone: 905.363.4040 Toll Free: 800.758.7325 Facsimile: 905.363.0102 Website: www.icynene.com E'mail: inquiry@icynene.com 7/03/PSB LEGACY REPORT NER-420 Re-/ssued May 1, 2003 IGG Evaluation Serwice, lnc. www.icc-es.org Busin6srRegional Offce r 5360 Workman Mill Road, Wtittier, Califomh 99691 r (562) 6994543 Regional Offce r 900 Monhlair Road, Suite A, Birmingham, Alabama 35213 r (205) 593-9800 Regional Office r 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, lllinois 60478 r (/08) 799-2305 Legacy Report on the 20O0 lnternational Building Code@ with 2002 Accumulative Supplement, the 2000 lnternational Residential Code@for Qne. and Two-Family Dwellingswith 2002 Accumulative Supplement, the BOCA@ National Building Codel1999, the 1999 Standard Building Cod&, the 1997 Unlform Building Coderu, and the lnternational One and Two Family Dwelling Cod@ 1998. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 ICYNENE INC. 6747 CAMPOBELLO ROAD MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, CANADA LsN 2L7 800.758.7325 www.icvnene.com Division 07 - Thermal and Moisture Protection Section 072{0 - Buildinq lnsulation 1.0 SUBJECT The lcynene lnsulation System@ PROPERW FOR WHICH EVALUATION IS SOUGHT Surface Buming Characteristics Thermal Resistance Fire Resistance Rated WallAssemblies, see Section 4.4 Aftic and Crawl Space lnstallation, see Section 4.3 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General The lcynene lnsulation System@isa low-density, plastic foam that has an open-cellstructure. The material is a two component system, spray-in-place vapor permeable product used to insulate the building envelope and air- seal areas such as plumbing and wiring penetrations, rim joists areas, window frames, overhangs, porch and garage ceilings and exteriorwalls. Upon completion of expansion, the open cells contain only air. The chemical reaction that occurs while lcynene lnsulation System@ is being applied takes place in seconds, with less than five minute curing time needed. After cirring, the air-seal remains flexible. 3.2 Surface Burning Characteristics \Mren tested in accordance with ASTM E 84, The lcynene lnsulation System@ has been shown to have a flame*spread index (FSl) of less than 25 and a smoke- development index (SDl) of less than 450, when installed at a maximum thickness of 5.5 inches (140 mm) and a nominaldensity of 0.5 pcf +i- 10Yo (8 kglm3). 3.3 Thermal Resistance The lcynene lnsulation System@ has a thermal resistance of 5.7 "F .ftz.hrlBtu when tested at a thickness of 1.6 inches (41 mm) in accordance with ASTM C 518 at a mean test temperature of 75 "F (24 "C). 4.0 INSTALLATION 4.1 General The lcynene lnc. The lcynene lnsulation System@ lnstallers Manual, Copyright@ 2000 and this report shall be strictly adhered to and a copy of these instructions and this evaluation report shall be available at all times on the job site during installation. The instructions within this report govern if there are any conflicts between the manufacturer's instructions and this report. 4.2 Application 4.2.1 General: The lcynene lnsulation System@ is applied using spray equipmentspecified by the manufacfurer at the construction site on vertical and horizontal substrates, and the underside of horizontal surfaces to fill gaps and cracks in building materials to create an air seal and to provide an insulating barrier. The lcynene lnsulation System@ shall not be used in areas which have a maximum service \. endorsement ofthe subject ofthe tepof ora reconnendotionfor ils use.'lhere is novarratrty by ICC Evaluatio,, Senicc, htc., expressor implied, as lo any ,/inding or other nailer in this reporL or as to any product cot'erecl b! the repofi. Copyright O 2003 Page { of4 rrge 2 of 4 NER.42O temperature greater than 180" F (82" C). The foam shall not be used in electrical outlet or junction boxes or in contact with rain or water. The lcynene lnsulation System@ shall be protected from the weather after application. 4.2.2 Maximum Thickness: The lcynene lnsulation System@ shall not have a thickness exceeding 5.5 inches (140 mm) and shall have a nominal density of 0.5 pcf +/- 10% (8 kg/m3). A nominalthickness of 6 inches (152 mm) is permitted in attics and crawlspaces described in section 4.3 below. 4.2.3 Licensed Dealers: The lcynene lnsulation System@ shall only be installed by licensed dealers. Licensed Dealers have been previously certified by lcynene lnc. to install the lcynene lnsulation System@. The installer shall provide the building official with a letter noting the installation was in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction and this evaluation report along with the date, address of installer, company's name, installer's name and certification number. 4.9 ThermalBarrier The lcynene lnsulation System@ shall be separated from the interior of the building by an approved thermal barrier of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm) gypsum wallboard or equivalent 15 minute thermal barrier complying with the applicable Code, except within an attic or crawl space see section 4.3.1 through 4.3.5 below: 4.3.1 Assembly No. 1, Attics and GrawlSpaces: The lcynene lnsulation System@ installed within attics or crawl spaces on the underside of the top of the space is permitted to be installed exposed in an attic or crawl space without a thermal barrier or ignition barrier under the following conditions: is permitted to be installed exposed in an attic or crawl space without a thermal barrier or ignition barrier under the following conditions: Entry to the attic or crawl space is limited to service of utilities; There are no interconnected basement or attic areas; Air in the attic or crawl space is not circulated to other parts of the building; Ventilation of the attic or crawl space is provided in accordance with the applicable Code. The insulation shallbe limited to a maximum nominalthickness of 6 inches (152 mm) and is installed on the underside of the top space and on verticalwall surfaces and the insulation is covered with FireFree 88 atan application rate of 1 gallon per 100 ft2. Assembly No.3, Attics and CrawlSpaces: The lcynene lnsulation System@ is permitted to be installed within attics or crawl spaces, on the underside of the top of the space and on vertical wall surfaces with the insulation on the walls protected by an ignition barrier (see 4.3.5 below) and the insulation of the top space not covered, under the following conditions: Entry to the attic or crawl space is limited to service of utilities; There are no interconnected basementorattic areas; Air in the attic or crawl space is not circulated to other parts of the building; Ventilation of the attic or crawl space is provided in accordance with the applicable Code. The insulation shall be limited to a maximum nominalthickness of 6 inches (152 mm). Assembly No.4, Attics and CrawlSpaces: The lcynene lnsulation System@ is permitted to be installed within attics or crawl spaces, on verticalwallsurfaces with the insulation on the walls protected by Fire Free 88, and the top of the space is not insulated, under the following conditions: Entry to the attic or crawl space is limited to service of utilities; There are no interconnected basementorattic areas; Air in the attic or crawl space is not circulated to other parts of the building; Ventilation of the attic or crawl space is provided in accordance with the applicable Code. The insulation shallbe limited to a maximum nominalthickness of 6 inches (152 mm) and is covered with FireFree 88 at an application rate of 1 gallon per 100 ft2. Entry to the attic or crawl space is limited to service of utilities; There are no interconnected basement or attic areas; Air in the attic or crawl space is not circulated to other parts of the building; Ventilation of the attic or crawl space is provided in accordance with the applicable Code. The insulation shall be limited to a maximum nominal thickness of 6 inches (152 mm) and is installed on the underside of the top of the space, roof deck and ceiling joists and floor deck and floor joists and shall not be installed on verticalsurfaces. Assembly No. 2, Attics and Crawl Spaces: The lcynene lnsulation System@ installed within attics or crawlspaces on the underside of the top space and on vertical wall surfaces and the insulation is covered with FireFree 88 4.3.3 4.3.3-4 4.3.4 4.3.4_1 4-3.4-2 4.3.2 'Page 3 ot 4 NER.42O 4.3.5 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 Assembly No.5, Attlcs and CrawlSpaces: The lcynene lnsulation System@ installed within attics or crawl space where entry is made only for service of utilities an ignition barrier consisting of either a 1.5-inch-thick (38 mm) mineral fiber insulation, 0.25-inch-thick (6.4 mm) wood structuralpanel, particle boardor hardboard, 0.375-inch-thick (9.5 mm) gypsum wallboard, corrosion-resistant steel having a base metal thickness of 0.016-inch (O.4 mm) or other approved material is installed in a manner that the foam plastic insulation is not exposed. The protection covering shall be consistent with the requirements for the type of construction required by the applicable Code. Fire-Resistance Rated Wall Assemblies One Hour Fire Besistance Rated Load Bearing Wood Stud Wall Assembly: Minimum 2x4 No. 2 Southern Pine (G = 0.55) spaced 16 inches (406.4 mm) on center with a base layer of %inch (12.7 mm) Wood fiber sound board on each face attached with 6d Box nails,2 inches (50.8 mm) long spaced 24 inches (609.6 mm) o.c. along studs, second layer of 5/8 inch (15.88 mm) Type X Gypsum Wallboard on each face attached with 8d Box nails, 2-112 inches (63.5 mm) long spaced 7 inches (177.8 mm) o.c. along studs. The stud cavity isfilled with 2 inches (50.8 mm) nominal thickness of lcynene lnsulation. Allowable load of 1,805 pounds (8122.5 N) per stud, 78% design. One Hour Fire Resistance Rated Load Bearing Wood Stud Wall Assembly: Minimum 2x4 No.2 Southern Pine (G - 0.55) spaced 16 inches (406.4 mm) on center with two layer olVzinch(12.7 mm) TypeXGypsum Wallboard on each face attached with 8d Box nails,2-1/2 inches (63.5 mm) long spaced 7 inches (177.8 mm) o.c. along studs for face layer and 6d Cement Coated Box Nails, 2 inches 950.8 mm) long spaced 24 inches (609.6 mm) o.c. along studs, base layer. The stud cavity is filled with 2 inches (50.8 mm) nominal thickness of lcynene lnsulation. Allowable load of 1,805 pounds (8122.5 N) per stud, 78% design. One Hour Fire Resistance Rated Floor/Ceiling Assembly: Minimum 2x10 No.2 Douglas Fire wood joists spaced 24 inches (609.6 mm) on center, Bridging minimum 1x3 Spruce. Floor decking is minimum /z inch (12.7 mm) thick exterior grade plywood installed perpendicular to joists and fastened with 2 inch ring shank nails 6 inches (152.4 mm) at the joints and 12 inches (304.8 mm) on center at the intermediate joists. Plywood joints shall occur over joists. lcynene lnsulation is applied to the underside of the plywood deck and to sides of joists to a depth of 5 inches (127 mm). Two layers of minimum 5/8 inch thick type FSW gypsum wallboard is attached perpendicular to the joists on the ceiling side of the assembly. The first layer is attached with 1-1/4 inch (31.75 mm) Type W drywall screws, spaced 24 inches (609.6 mm) on center. The second layer is applied perpendicular to the joists, offset 24 inches (609.6 mm) from the base layer. The second layer is attached with 2 inch (50.8 mm) Type S drywallscrews spaced 12 inches (304.8 mm) on center. Additional fasteners are installed along the butt joints of the second layer, securing the two layers together. The fasteners are 1-1/2 inch (38.1 mm) Type G drywallscrews and were placed 2 inches (50.8 mm) back from each end of the butt joint and spaced 12 inches (304.8 mm) on center. The wallboard joints on the exposed side were treated with paper tape embedded in joint compound and topped with an added coat of compound. The fastener heads were coated with joint compound. 5.0 IDENTIFICATION All packages and containers of The lcynene lnsulation System@ covered by this report shall be labeled with the manufacturer's name/and or trademark, address, the product name, the flames-spread index, the smoke- development index, the shelf life expiration date, the label of the quality control agency, lntertek Testing Services, NER-QA219 and this National Evaluation Service evaluation report number, NER-420. 6.0 6.1 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Manufacturer's descriptive literature, specifications, and installation instructions. 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.2 6.3 lcynene lnc. The lcynene lnsulation System@ lnstaller Manual, Copyrighi@ 2000. Product Specification lcynene - Pour Formula, 1'V2/PSB. Product Specification lcynene - Spray Formula, 11lzlPSA. Test reports on surface burning characteristics under ASTM E 84, Warnock Hersey Professional Service Ltd., Report No. 7171, File NO. 03329-50296-C7 -7 177 O0, July 1 988, signed by Bob Davison, C.E.T Letter report on 5-1/2 inch thickness, February 21, 1989, signed by Bob Davison, C.E.T. Test report on the lcynene lnsulation System@ for SwRl Procedure 99-02, Crawl Space Exposure Evaluation, Omega Point Laboratories, I nc., Project Nos. 1 6600 -1 1 1778, -111779, -1 't 1790, 1 1 1791 , -1 1 1961 , -1 1 1962, August 1,2002, signed by Majid Mehrafza and William E. Fitch, P.E. Engineering evaluation, Assessment of SwRl Procedure 99-02 Test Results, Koffel 4.4.3 6.4 ,F]{'/ge 4 of 4 NER-420 6.6 Associates, lnc., KAI 02190-004, August 16, 2002, signed by Eric N. Mayl, P.E. and William E. Koffel, P.E. 6.5 Test report on lcynene lnsulation System for determination of thermal insulating characteristics under ASTM D 518, National Research Councilof Canada, Report No. CR 5506-6, February 22, 1998. Test reports on fire resistance rated wall assemblies under ASTM E 119, lnchcape Testing Services NA, lnc., signed by R. Joseph Pearson and R. Davison: 6.6.1 One hour wall, wood studs 2x4 at 16 inches o.c. with 1 layer ol Vz inch sound board on each side and 1 layer of 5/8 inch Type X gypsum wallboard on each side, Report No. 295-1358-96-01, November 11 & 12,1996. 6.6.2 One hour wall, wood studs 2x4 at 16 inches o.c. with 2 layers ot Vz inch Type X gypsum wallboard on each side, Repod No. 295-1358- 96-02, November 21 1996. 6.7 Quality Assurance Program, lntertek Testing Services, March 05i01. Test report on fire resistance rated flooriceiling assembly under ASTM E 119, NGC Testing Services, Assignment K-743, Test NO. FC- 559, December 17, 2001 , signed by Richard A. Costolnick and Robert J. Menchetti. 7.O CONDITIONS OF USE The ICC-ES Subcommittee for National Evaluation Service finds that The lcynene lnsulation System@ as described in this report complies with or is a suitable alternate to that specified in the 2000 lnternational Building Code@ with 2002 Accumulative Supplement, the 2000 lnternational Residential Code@ for One- and Two-Family Dwellings with 2OO2 Accumulative Supplement, the BOCA@ National Building Code/l999, the 1999 Standard Building Code@, the 1997 Uniform Building CoderM, and the lnternational One and Two Family Dwelling Code 1998 subject to the following conditions: 7.1 This Evaluation Report and the installation instructions, when required bythe code official, shall be submitted at the time of permit application. The lcynene lnsulation System@ shall beinstalled in accordance with the manufacturer's published installation instructions, this evaluation report and the applicable Code. The lcynene lnsulation System@ shall be separated from the interior of the building by an approved 15 minute thermal barrier see section 4.3 of this report. Exception: The lcynene lnsulation System@ installed in attics and crawlspaces may be exposed when installed in accordancewith Section 4.3 above. The lcynene lnsulation System@ shall not exceed the thickness and density noted in section 4.2.2 of this report. The lcynene lnsulation System@ shall not be deemed to add to the structural strength of any wall assembly or used as a nailing base. The lcynene lnsulation System@ has not been evaluated for use as a firestopping material or through-penetration system. Fire Flesistance Rated Walland FlooriOeiling Assemblies are listed in Section 4.4 of this report. The lcynene lnsulation Sysiem@ is required tobe protected from the weather after application. The lcynene lnsulation System@ shall be applied by contractors certified in accordance with section 4.2.3 of this report. The lcynene lnsulation System@ shall not be installed on the exterior of foundation walls or below floor slabs on ground. ln jurisdictions that have adopted the Standard Building Code, the lnternationalOne and Two Family Dwelling Code and ihe lnternational Residential Code when the lcynene lnsulation System@ is installed in buildings of wood construction the insulation shall not be installed on the exterior of foundation walls or below floor slabs on ground or in contact with the ground. The lcynene lnsulation System@ shall have a clearance above grade and exposed earth of 6 inches (152 mm) or greater. The lcynene lnsulation System@ has not been evaluated for use with exterior walls of buildings of noncombustible construction under 2603.5 lnternational Building Code, 2603.6 Standard Building Code,2609.6 BOCA National Building Code and 2602.5.2.2 Uniform Building Code. This report is subject to periodic re-examination. For information on the current status of this report, consult the ICC-ES website. 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 6.8 7.2 7.11 CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY be enclosed if the entire building is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system' 912.7.4 Openings. AII openings in-to existing vertical shaft "n"torur"t shall-be proticted by fire assemblies having a ni"-ptot""tion rating of not less thhn I hour and shall be *uitituin"O self-cloiing or shall be automatic closing by u"iuution of a smoke Jetector. All other openings shall be iue protected in an approved manner' Existing fusible ii;k ;tp" automatic door-closing devices-shall be permitted in alli^hafts except stairways if the fusible link rating does not exceed 135"F (57'C). 912.8 Accessibility. Existing buildings or portions thereof that ffi;;;;; ;hange"of group*o. occupancy classification shall have all of the following accessible features: 1. At least one accessible building entrance' 2. At least one accessible route from an accessible building entrance to primary function areas' 3. Signage complying with Section 1110 of lhe Interna- tional Building Code. 4. Accessible parking, where parking is provided' 5. At least one accessible passenger loading zone' where loading zones are Provided' 6. At least one accessible route connecting accessible park-- ing and accessible passenger loading zones to an accessi- ble entrance. \\*re it -* r*$nbal\-rnissible \s Lrrn*\J sifi fre -wq colsnr.{m sad:rr'ls i* -'o5 oi Sa:'e requuements icr a change of group or occupancy, the above items shall conform to tfri requuements to G *a-xr*"* e\teot tecbnical\y feasi- U* G;+= ai -sruq {r .l-re+}rlJ &::rbstq'wrie 5 &=- aoons or loidrn* .U"1 **p15 qtr fr ns :odon and Secuons 605.1 and 1005.1 as aPPlicable Exception: Type B dwelling o1 slse'pin$ units-required by Sectiin 1107';f the International Building Code q9 lot required to be provided in existing buildings and facilities' - 6Lb / 7* /3/ .rj '!l' 'r1 1105.4 Occupancy separation. Required occupancy separa- of I hour may be omitted when the building is provided an approved automatic sprinkler system throughout. Roofcovering. Regardless of occupancy or use group, materials not less than Class C shall be permitted a fire-retardant roof covering is required. Means ofegress. Existing door openings and corridor stairway widths less than those that would be acceptable nonhistoric buildings under these provisions shall be provided that, in the opinion of the code official, is sufficient width and height for a person to pass through opening or traverse the exit and that the capacity of the exit is adequate for the occupant load, or where other opera- controls to limit occupancy are approved by the code 7 Door swing. When approved by the code official, exist- front doors need not swing in the direction of exit travel, that other approved exits having sufficient capacity to total occupant load are provided. 105.8 Ttansoms. In corridor walls required by these provi- to be fire-resistance rated, existing transoms may be if fixed in the closed position, and fixed wired glass $in a steelframe or other approved glazing shall be installed one side of the transom. Transoms conforming to Section I103.4 shall accepted. Finishes. Where finish materials are required to have a lhme*pread classification of Class III or better, existing materials shall be surfaced with an approved paint or finish. Existing nonconforming materials need not be surfaced with an approved fire-retardant paint or finish the building is equipped throughout with an auto- fire-suppression system installed in accordance with lntemational Building Code and the nonconforming can be substantiated as being historic in character. One-hour lire-resistant assemblies. Where 1-hour construction is required by these provi- it need not be provided, regardless of construction or &upancy, where the existing wall and ceiling finish is wood hh and plaster. I Stairs and railings. Existing stairways shall comply the requirements of these provisions. The code official alternatives for stairways and railings if alternative are found to be acceptable or are judged to meet the provisions. Existing stairways shall comply with I 103. hceptlon: For buildings less than 3,000 square feet (279 existing conditions are permitted to remain at all stairs rails. Exit signs. The code official may accept alternative dgnlocations where such signs would damage the historic of thebuilding or structure. Such signs shall identify and exit path. HISTORIC BUILDINGS 1105.13 Exit stair live load. Existing historic stairways in buildings changed to a Group R-1 or R-2 occupancy shall be accepted where it can be shown that the stairway can support a 75-pounds-per-square-foot (366 kg/m2) live load. 1105.14 Natural light. When it is determined by the code offi- cial that compliance with the natural light requirements of Sec- tion 911.1 will lead to loss of historic character or historic materials in the building, the existing level of natural lighting shall be considered acceptable. 1105.15 Accessibility requirements. The provisions of Sec- tion 912.8 shall apply to buildings and facilities designated as historic structures that undergo a change of occupancy, unless technically infeasible. Where compliance with the require- ments for accessible routes, ramps, entrances, or toilet facilities would threaten or destroy the historic significance of the build- ing or facility, as determined by the authority having jurisdic- tion, the alternative requirements of Sections I 104. I . 1 through 1104.1.5 for those elements shall be permitted. sEcTloN 1106 STRUCTURAL 1106.1 General. Historic buildings. shall comply with the applicable structural provisions for the work as classified in Chapter 4. Exception: The code official shall be authorized to accept existing floors and approve operational controls that limit the live load on any such floor. 1106.2 Unsafe structural elements. Where the code offrcial determines that a component or a portion of a building or struc- ture is dangerous as defined in this code and is in need ofrepair, strengthening, or replacement by provisions of this code, only that specific component or portion shall be required to be repaired, strengthened or replaced. EXISTING BUILDING CODE@ 53