HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-121City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 9836g (360)379_s09s BI]ILDING PERMIT Project Information Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel Site Address 401 ROOSEVELT STREET Project Descriptiott Remodel of existing residence Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-t21 988801 909 Names Associated wilh this Project Type Name Applicant Krane Bjom B Owner Krane Bjom B Representative BergArchitectsRichard Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date (360) 379-8090 *** SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS 'I**Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of lg0 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. y't o .4 property The granting ofthis pennit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certifythat the information as a part ofthe for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certifythat I arn the owner of the owner /4 <, Print Name Date lssued: Issued By: n/2U200'/ SFOSTER ) -) BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Informution Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel Site Address 401 ROOSEVELT STREET Project Description Remodel of existing residence Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLDO7-I2l 988801 909 Fee Information Project Details Dwellings - Type V Wood FrameProject Valuation Building Permit Fee Energy Code Fee - New Single Family Unit Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential Plan Review Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential State Building Code CouncilFee Technology Fee for Building Pennit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit 1,691 SQFT sl60.932.47 1,335.35 100.00 150.00 867.98 150.00 4.50 26.7t 10.00 Total Fees $2,644.54 Call 385-2294by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commencedo or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Date lssued Issued By: I I tzl /2007 SFOSTER Print Name )l City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 9g36g i (:00)379-s095 BUILDING PERMIT Project Information PermitType Residential-Additiorr,,R.emodel Site Address 401 ROOSEVELT STREET Project Description Remodel of existing residence Permit # Pro.iect Name Parcel # BLD07-l2t 98880 l 909 Conditions 10. Property corner survey pins must be located at time of foooting inspection ro verifu setbacks. 20' Temp' erosion control measures must be installed and maintained prior to approval of any building inspections. 30' Unit may not be used as Accessory Dwelling Unit until third parking space and separate address are provided. 40. Revision #2: new deck, revise finish grade. Revision #3: reconfigure kitchen area of guest Suite, minor change to deck, and clarification of ceiling heights. Revision #2 and #3 issued 4/10108. Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if wori< is suspended for a period of lg0 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this pennit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the pTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify :lij ln: lil"-ti1tlon njo7{eo as a part of .theSpp.lication for this permit is irue and accurare to the best of my knowledge. I further certifytnat I arn the owner of,fhe property or auth{,{,zed agcnt of the owner.t'"fu 4%,9^- as* /* Es.r^ ,Lno^* Daterssued: ,/212007Print Namr- ,,.'(.4 Issued By: SFOSTER ')-) City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s BIJILDING PERMIT Project Information Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel Site Address 401 ROOSEVELT STREET Project Description Remodel of existing residence Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-121 988801 909 Conditions 10. Property comer suryey pins must be located at time of foooting inspection to verifu setbacks. !f" aOl*A'l 20. Temp. erosion control measures must be installed and maintained prior to approval of any buil'ding inspections.. 30' Unit may not be used as Accessoty Dwelling Unit until third parking space and separate address are provided. CaIl 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I arn the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Print Name Date Issued: Issued By: ll /21t2001 SFOSTER CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3" Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N . PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SIGNED OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y , ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E , PA R C E L NO , 98 8 8 0 1 9 0 9 PE R M I T NO . BL D O T - 1 2 1 IS S U E D DA T E 11 1 2 1 1 2 0 0 7 EX P I R A T I O N DATE AD D R E S S 40 1 RO O S E V E L T ST R E E T CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OCCUPANT LOAD OW N E R KR A N ] E BJ O R N B PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Re m o d e l of ex i s t i n g re s i d e n c e CO N T R A C T O R LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS TO RE Q U E S T AN tN S p E C T t O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y lN S P E c T l o N , 05t1912008 Mf r + " e f u h il r a z' l a t* , /M ,/ TE S C FO O T I N G Fo u n d a t i o n dr a i n FO U N D A T I O N WA L L SL A B FL O O R FR A M I N G PL U M B I N G ME C H A N I C A L SH E A R WA L L IN S U L A T I O N GW B FI N A L PU B L I C WO R K FI N A L BU I L D I N G CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION R-EPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-38s-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAy BEFORE you WANT THE INSPNCTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION , CALL BY 3:00PM FRIDAY DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: PERMTTNUMBER:4L\ 07 - F-lla:f B-l7e€> 0 PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: D APPROVED tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Lo rL Date Acknow Date Approved plans and pennit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. I CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-38s-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YoU WANT THE FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: 2 7 PERMITNUMBER: I3L\ A7 - I?. I l?ooo.-E{aW +fOf CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION:(_ rl r/r d ,.J L [-ttr alL n tuLt&L lL ar F'r( /CIu /.) p d €.J-rJg 0u& rlt fOrv',}.'\}tr I S /Al r_L I APPROVED R tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection I NOTAPPROVED re-inspection before Inspector "/ f rqVLoa- proceeding. Date 2>0 + DateAcknowledgement Approved plans and permit card must be on-site ond available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. NUMBER: AA\ D) * I2IDATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: E ! APPROVED N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be ! NOTAPPROVED at next inspection Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call tly 3:00 pM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: LZI I I Tg PERMIT NUMBER:Lr{ SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF'INSPECTION: CONTRACTOR: PHONE FurL N APPROVED N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector tffi LotL Date l2 0 Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and availqble at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. E]R G o'7 t4 / Richard Berg Architec8. pc 719 Taylor St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-8090 Fax: 360-379-8324 www. richardbergarchitects.comARCHITECTSPC November 25,2008 City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250lvladison Street Port Townsend, WA98368 Attn: Buildinglnspector Building Inspector: Plans for the renovation of Bjorn Krane's house at 4}LRoosevelt Street call for a one-hour floor assembly between the main floor and the new lower floor. This was detailed in the plans calling fortwo layers of 518" Type-X gypsum board at the lower floor ceiling, because when the plans were driwn we did not know if there was a double wood floor or not. Construction has revealed that the existing subfloor is approximately l" thick. In places where the subfloor has been replaced, itisTq" CDX plywood. The hnish flooiis 3/a" woodthroughout the house,joists are solid 2x wood and joist spacing is 16" o.c., so the existing assembly does mJet the requirements of a double wood floor. I have accordingly approvedi single layer of 5/8', Type-X gypsum board at the lower floor ceiling, attached to the ceiling framing *itn ia cooler nails at 6,' o.c. orl'114" Type S or W drywall screws at 6" o.c., which exceeds th" .rq.rir"ments for a one-hour assembly per 2006 IBC Table 720.1(3) t3-1.4. If you have any questiong please don't hesitate to give me a call. Best regards, 566s D r/l* $uiirJii'. i-iit;3,,r1 CIN'OF PQRI''IrJviii\$HhlD REGIS?EREO Richard Berg llFC 2 ., illiriii CI1Y OF PORT I()VVNSEND DSI] RICHARD l-.J. nF,f :.: ol il,.L=U LL; ) Inspection Report Project /-busz Permit * 8l)/7-/2/ lnspection & NotesDateInspector 7-zto(n4 Tlql u(@'f"ll6 \fcd ) i-: c( Ir/rq lot (,/t/- nltilnf,,^ I I CITY OF PORT TOWNSENI) DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF. INSPECTION: f . 3O-O 6 PERMIT NUMBER: 7 -lz / SITE ADDRESS:4otW PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION: ll'.'3 0 /r,^^. o^J €q€ 1,1^'L 9 lt.lst D/J s t€ ADd FrlJftt- \p^O{Ltil€r( l\, .t /u ln v yl-l,, tr APPROVED APPROVED WITH ONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector ^ .-/' tN+bE Date { -3 0 -o( Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be qssessed if work is not readyfor inspection. ) CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE oF INSPECTIoN: 2- 21- {PERMIT NUMBER: -f - tLl SITE ADDRESS: T.JO i {LOa s,€\/E;i- PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION:V\) v3 C L frJ D 0ul( ! APPROVED WITH Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector U,tr*o{Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspectionfee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. Sc h e d u l e d ln s p e c t i o n s Fr o m O2 l 2 1 l 2 O O 8 To 02 1 2 1 1 2 0 0 8 Re p o r t ru n on Page 1 Fe b r u a r y 20, 2008 4:53 PM BL D 0 5 - 1 67 sD P 0 5 - 0 4 0 BL D 0 5 - 1 68 Mt P o 8 - 0 0 3 {- - r t w - r z t I el o o z - z s s Mo v e d Ho u s e 52 0 7 La n d e s St Dr i v e w ay , Wa t e r An d Se w er Co n n e c t i o n s 65 0 55 t h St Re m o d e l Fu r n a c e Ro o m 39 1 8 Sa n Ju a n Av e Ne w Sf r 42 0 5 Gi s e 40 1 Ro o s e v e l t St r e e t 41 9 Wa s h i n g t o n FR A M I N G DR I V E W A Y FI N A L BU I L D I N G SI T E VI S I I FO O T I N G FI N A L BU I L D I N G 02 1 2 1 1 2 0 0 8 02 1 2 1 t 2 0 0 8 02 1 2 1 t 2 0 0 8 02 1 2 1 1 2 0 a 8 02 1 2 1 1 2 0 0 8 02 t 2 1 1 2 0 0 8 Su l l i v a n Ca r o l e & De n n y (Ow ner) Es p e y Ch a r l e s An d Ri t a Mandoli (Ow ner) (O w ne r ) (O w n e r ) Kr a n e Bj o r n B (O w ne r ) Wi l l i a m s Tr u s t e Da v i d R (Ow ner)(360) 480-3327 (360) 301-4844 @K \ ge n p n r t r s ch e d i n s p City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 360-379-5095 Fax 360-344-4619 REwsroN ro BUTLDTNG pERMr r # &LD 07 - /z/Revision #3 OWNER: BJC'EN KRANg sIrE ADDRESS' \ol Poo>W a;f Sn Total Value of Revision: $lmpervious Surface Change?trY es_ o Revisions require 2 sets of plans and a written scope of workthat fully ciescribes the proposed change plus any additional information that will be of assistance inissuing your revision. If your plans were stamped by a design professional, all revision submittals require a stamp with a wet signature. Be auare that changes to the existing approved plans may also require you to revise yow original building permit application (lot coverage, impervious surface, structure square footage, etc.) and energy code documents (changing windows, heat source, etc.) to conform to your proposed changes. o Scope of work:RgCoN716u% \<-t-rc*sl-: A (zF,A OF ,,F[ 'T-E, 9Gt t' l\b C-gt t-{ NJc, t-l<7c-(+ FIOTI?: AI-L C}+ ANGES C6V FILCO (qv T1+t s 2ettrstoxj At Applicant Signature Prc-+t*cuo @eILo FoB. BJ6PIJ f,PAr-re, 4 Date : llil.ll ? 4;iil08 , \, ,t T ItR DSD lz OFFICE USE ONLY Submittal date 3 - 24.- 0(Two sets of plans for revision:Z Approval of engineer of record (if original plans engineered): tr Yes ! No tr NA P:tDSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Revision.doc City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 360-379-5095 Fax 360-344-4619 FEB 2 B 2rJA8 OFFICE USE ONLY: Approval of engineer Submittal date: (if original plans engineered): Two sets of plans DSD INDYes tr f{U ql REVISIoN To BUILDING PERMIT # B II) O 7-tZl Revision# Z OWNER: BTCEU NF SITE ADDRESS, 4tT Total Value of Revision: $quc,zq Impervious Surface Change? ! Yes- XNo Revisions require 2 sets of plans and a written scope of work that fully describes the proposed change plus any additional information that will be of assistance in issuing yorr revision. If your plans were stamped by a design professional, all revision submittals require a stamp with a wet signature. Be aware that changes to the existing approved plans may also require ysu to revise your original building permit application (lot coverage, impervious surface, structure square footage, etc.) and energy code documents (changing windows, hdat source, etc.) to conform to your proposed changes. Scope of work: OF FJ UM L NT t rtAt, 4 AaJO 3? Ar2-t h+A\r*,N ?er,l rggD -t6 tN ATJ I gD (AT" lra\rsL BF IU€EN)'TH g ANt b T''Vfg ffi -rktF. eME MEIrJT r-90€r- . LI Ae Ao L og Applicant Signature T?Jc*rTeo %T?r- ?oz ITtsW 0<qN6. Date P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Revision.doc Cify of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 360-379-5095 Fax 360-344-4619 REVISION TO BUILDING PERMIT # OWNER:^) Total Value of Revision: $ '@ Revision # ADDRESS: Impervious Surface Change? tr Yes_ XIr{o Revisions require 2 sets of plans and a written scope of workthat fully describes the proposed change plus any additional information that will be of assistance in issuing your revision. If your plans were stamped by a design professional, all revision submittals require a stamp with a wet signature. Be auare that changes to the existing approved plans may also requireyou to revise your original building permit application (lot coverage, impervious surface, structure square footage, etc.) and energy code documents (changing windows, heat source, etc.) to conform to your proposed changes. Sco of work:c b t z ,c - /4bf) Ev>T.zt2z^ /H_ lgEA 6z-bu6 r-t la r-c- 4 Approval of engineer of record (if original plans engineered): ! Yes tr No tr NA USE ONLY: Submittal date Two sets of plans for revision:_ opNa. lhdtrt i)",3rr-ry-73 3a/- zo Date fvlrl P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Revis ion.doc l CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG DATE RECEIVED l PERMIT # SCOPE OF WORK a DATE ACTION INITIALS ENTERED TNTO CHET CA - to Planning - No evidence ")- CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS k p,t,t,] lor,'.r =lF z- { vb-"',tl1J€"*ks-ilt .{Ld I {"^ rkl".* T'P'vr\-o".o rlq. v a t4 q I D 5J {-^€I <L) -z-I 2F \ I It I/o I t \?r^ \ "4 I z .\ I I )CITY OF PORT TOWNSBND PERMIT ACTTVITY LOG PERMIT # SCOPE OF WORK: DATE RECETVED DATE ACTION INITIALStrNTERED TNTO CHET CA-toP - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS ,"{ Th 5 a7, -na I V Q-,f {€l 'flr- Sa'+n A./t o-laI a- il rt IR Oi,JiUr V€J Il\C -€-.tr A4 t-^el 5o r{-Slur-( Cify of Port Townsend Development Services Department BUILDING NUMBBR APPLICATION -,lLl -bq3 "b 0/ {1 p Name of Property Owner: Mailing Address:,{I t{rur Avp I J tln,*7AK -3 e- n*le l)A q A tt q relephone, ?Ab 1Zb. ,Tqq ProBerW is located in: Addition: P lrrrn 3 Block(s)tq t.ot(s):lo FaceVAccess is from: Parcel Number ,/ If this is a new ADU, has a building permit treen applied for? y' V"r-No Oate: lo- 11 -07 Directions to the Pronerfv vicinitv man on back) Notes: HOUSE NUMBER ASSIGNBD:4ts R bo3€ vE. L7 a za-zz.-fr 4// "<e-'y' pl, Date of Approval:ab a-."4/- For Department Use Onlv'. Application Fee Received ($3.00, TC 2200) For address changes: tr Qwest Address Management Center -206-504-l JUI'! 19 Date: Copy to:tr Post Ofhce tr GTS I Assessor's Officel: II,i i U Finance tr Sheriff tr Public Works tr Fire Dept tr Police tr DSD database ;, 'i.u.iil MEMO TO FILE 9-25-09 JMCD Called Bjorn Krane back & explained why the SFR next door (Baratuci, BLD09-052) did not have to move back to address the non-conforming porch setback, but that he did during his recent remodel (BLD07-121). This was because they were lifting the SFR up & putting it back down so that the porch was at the same elevation and same distance into the 10' front setback. For Bjom's proposal, the front porch would've increased in height and therefore increased the degree of non-conformity. The non-conforming structure regulations allow non-conformities to be "repaired and maintained" so our interpretation that allowed Baratuci to keep the SFR where it was based on the porch being returned to its original height and location. Bjorn understood & was satisfied with the answer, although he was concerned about the scale (size) change for the Baratuci SFR. e--a7 frl-Zf /zt lu,mm 7o n/'r /, r5 flute / 3ryf?-ls z t/e 7 (:ntl fr;n @ zo/- zze - /z?? ? -//-/ / U//€/ ry,h'p q .'\)) City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 38s-5095 FAX 344-4619 March 17,2010 Bjorn Krane 401 Roosevelt Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 SUBJECT: Fence line encroachment between 401 and 403 Roosevelt Street Dear Mr. Krane, I am writing you, per your request, that our office verify certain matters regarding compliance with city land use codes for your property at 401Roosevelt Street. Specifically, you have asked for verification that your property will not be considered non-conforming (i.e. non-compliant with zoning) if you were to perforrn a lot line adjustment between yourself and your neighbors, William and Eileen Baratuci. The need for the lot line adjustment involves a long standing fence encroachment from the Baratuci property, located at 403 Roosevelt, onto yours. Evidence of the fence encroachment, including the distances involved, has been preliminarily presented to our offtce on two (2) separate surveys. From those surveys, it appears the Baratuci's fence encroaches onto your property by approximately 4.5 to 5 feet. The fence has been in this location for a very long time (far more than 7 years) and pre-dates either of you purchasing your respective properties. I have advised you that one way to officially "correct" this fence line encroachment is to apply for a Lot Line Adjustment through our offrce. Along with the application form and fee, this process essentially involves preparation of a Record of Survey together with "before and after" legal descriptions. Once the Lot Line Adjustment is granted preliminary approval, the Record of Survey is finalized along with the "before and after" legal descriptions and both of these documents are recorded with the Jefferson County Auditor. After this (or concurrent with those recordings), you would still have to actually convey the area encroached upon to the Baratuci's. Since your'land is currently subject to a mortgage, your lending institution would need to facilitate this property transfer by authorizing a partial reconveyance of the subject encroachment area. Again, the purpose of this letter is to assure you (and your lender) that the city will still consider your property compliant (i.e. conforming) with city land use codes if the lot line adjustment is perfected. Below I've provided aq analysis of your property's current status with respect to city land use code conforrnance and how that would be effected by the proposed reduction in land atea. t '.. ) As you and I have discussed, your property is located in the city's R-II zoning district, which has certain minimum standards such as size, dimensions, bulk, building height and setbacks. For purposes of ana|yzing your situatioq the important standards involve lot size, lot width. lot coverage (i.e. building footprint(s)) and setbacks. The remaining R-II standards your lot is subject to would not be affected by the proposed lot line adjustment. The minimum size for a lot in the R-II zone is 5,000 square feet and the minimum lot width is 50 feet. The maximum lot coverage in the R-II zone is 35Yo. The minimum side yard setback (the line adjoining the Baratuci's is 5 feet. Your lot, as currently described, is approximately 4,734 square feet in size and 55 feet in width. The current lot coverage is approximately 20.5 %. Your home is setback from the present side property line abutting the Baratuci's by approximately 20 feet. Based on this, the City would consider your lot to be a pre-existing, legal non-conforming lot based on its size of less than 5,000 square feet. Essentially, this lot size existed prior to adoption of the city's current regulations in 1997 and despite the non-conformity would be considered buildable today (if it were vacant). Furthermore, if the house was subject to some catastrophe that destroyedit (fire, earthquake, etc.) current city regulations would allow the house to bele-built in the same location. With the proposed lot line adjustment, the lot would be further reduced in size from 4,734 square feet to approximately 4,294 squa.re feet. The lot width would be reduced from 55 feet to 50,' which would still meet the R-II zoning standard. The lot coverage (building footprint) *ouid increase slightly to 22.2 o/o; however, that is still well below the 35%o maximum allowed. Lastly, the home's side yard setback from the new line shared with the Baratuci's would be reduced to approximately I 5 feet,. far in excess of the 5 , standard. As this matter involves a legitimate boundary line dispute, the fact that a lot line adjustment would make your property more non-conforming with respect to lot size would noialter our position. The lot is a pre-existing, legal non-conforming property in the beginning and would remain one after the proposed adjustment. If it was a currently vacant lot and the proposed adjustment was performed, the city would still consider it a buildable lot; albeit with a smaller than normal area for construction. Likewise, if the lot line adjustment is perfected and the current house was subject to some future catastrophe, the home could be re-built. I trust this letter serves the purposes you need in working with your lending institution. If you, or they, have further questions about this matter please feel free to contact rne at 360-344-3070 or via e-mail at jmcdonagh@cityofpt.us. 2 @ RIoHARP BER6 AR6HITECT9, P.C JAcKSON 5T.- - b/5101 l"=lO'X OAYLIOAT sA3EMET\T REM OOEL FOR BJCRI\ KRANE 4OI ROOSEVELT 3T. PORT TONN9ENP AA, q93bb PARCEL* qbbbo\qoq LEEAL PESoRIPTION' ITIONIBLKNLOT9 (N to' oF w l/2) \- ELEV. qo' 9TEP5 FROM LAND96APIN6 TIMBERg NEN RETAININo r'{ALL F- , \ I I I c. \ 5 \q \ 3 \ \ \ l^l \ N \ l'{ \ lr{ \ N \ f";i ?::il di: tJ,t {ri ni; \q \ I \ \ \ \ NIL \ N \ l^{ \ rd \ N 43'-b', h{ \ N F\D FJtu lll$)oov \ I Ia \ II \ I \ l c1 \ I 9. \ I i.-i I ir!l'' i ! a: !--.Jrnlf')\ I^{ \ v{ \ y.,l . \ l^{ \ lr{ q tO) lo'4" ELEV, qI I. THE9E PLAN9 ARE INTENDE? TO OONTAIN ALL INFORI{ATION REOUIRED TO DEMONgTRATE COMPLIANOE I^IITH APPLI6ABLE zuILDING AND ZONINo CODE1. IN CA9E OF ANY INFORMATION THAT APPEAR9 TO BE LACKIN6, PLEASE CONIACT THE ARCHITEoT IMMEPIATELY. 2. IHEaE PLAN5 CONTAIN THE MAJORITY OF THE INFORMATION REGUIRED TO BUILD THE 9TRU6TURE gHol^{N oN THE PLAN5. Hol'lEVER, lT 13 NOT PO99IBLE TO ANTIcIPATE EVERY PIE6E OF INFORMATION NEEPED FOR 6OI'ISTRUCTION. ?_ EFFORT TO 9TRIKE A BEThEEN PROVIgION OF INFORMATION AN9 609T + cAICH BA9IN b, CONC. RETAININo ROUTE ALL DOT,IN9POUT9 VIA MLL' LE99 THAN 4'TALL TIOHTLINE TO NE'"I 4' DIA. X 4,DEEP DRYI,.{ELL $EE ATTACHEO DETAIL) EXI9TIN6 FENCE _\ bb' SITE P 3CALE l" = lO' .{ t.f \ l^{ EXIsTINE FOOTPRINT 3d. FT EXlgTlNa HaU9.P: 155STlDlO, lb7 ,/' / ,r-ELEV, b5' TRUE NORTH REF, NORTH FRONT ?OROH, TOTAL, IMPERVIOU9 AREA 94, FT HOUSE ROOFPRINT, qb4 STVDIO ROOFPRINT. 21q AALKAAY, 25b €RAVEL T2RIVEhIAY, 3b4 TOTAL IMPERVIOU3 AREA' IbbS ?ARCEL AREA (.II AclF.Ea), PARCEL COYERAOE, OF PORI NOTE TO OI^INER9,6ONTRA6TOR9 ANP zuILDIN@ OFFI6IAL9' THE ARCHITEOT9 HAVE MADE A OAOD N--n \ \ \e \\I 'lr \\ I^{t\ 2A q14 OF THE PLAN9, THE PLAN9 I,.IILL INEVITABLY oONTAIN MINOR PItrREPAN6IES AI'IP AREA9 LAOKINO IN 5PECIFIO INFORMATION. DURINo THE COURaEOF OON9TRU6TION, A9 THE9E AREAg EMER6E, THEY I'.{ILL REdJIRE ATTENTION ANP RESOLUTION. lHE DE1T RE9OLUTION OF 19ilE3 OF THI1 TYPE 19 MO9T OFTEN ACHIEVEP THROUoH A JOINT DECI1ION MAKINo PROCE1' INVOLVINo fHE OT\NERg, ARCHITECT AND CONTRA6IOR.S)' li cJ EXI9TINE STADO 5s3sgf h*8il$ E e'HSS S Sn[]q=fiatt ts;d* EFFr$ \) IL (n-F\)llF- =\)M \DvIJlco Gv -\) w RETAIN|I.I6 l^lALL ELEV'b4' \-EXr5TrN6 pRtvEt^tAY FILL A9 PEd'P (5EE 1ltltr-i 9) EXI R TIN6 PROP OSEA NET.I LOcATI ON --j ----L_ EXlSTlNe HOASE13 5a.Fr EXISTINO LOoATION (}.,rEN 153 5CI. FT. pAYLI@HT BA9EMENT BELOA) _J t Nrr,t c-oNa srEPse TnI-<tfrY' TO LOt^lER FLOOR d 4 l.{ NEI^l CON6RETE ?AO z ___$ e_ LUF- \n b:2q:01REVIs o.\s $HLin<F< de $|uo+pp sE tL ulz MVzMc-n m Mo TLzo EAD JtuAo tuv I. PROJEoT INFORMATION, 9ITE PLAN ANP i 2. MAIN FLOOR PLAN 3. BA9EMENT PLAN 4. FOUNDATION PLAN 5, MAIN FLOOR FRAMINo PLAN PETAII..g b. 3ECllON 1. EA5T 4 l,'lEgT ELEVATIONS A. NORTTI ELEVATIONSq. SOUTH ELEVATION5 IO. INTERIOR ELEVATION ANP PETAILS INPEX TE BR.Ah,IIN69 N?EX OF oLOT COVERAGE' 2O.3Vo 4',1 EXl9TlN6 SWDtO \t l€1.{ ?cFr41 ROCF') -----€ EXIsTIN6I DECK I r_J EXl9TlNe HOU1E153gr..FI {t€r{ 153 50. FT. ?AYUAIT ts\sEt'1ENf BELOy{) -+lE.lC€N6i9+FH+|ALK TO LO}'IER FL@R / "OAYLICHT EAsEM ENT REM ODEL F OR PC.2AO1BER6 ARCHITECTS, FJORN KRAI\E 4OI ROO*VELT 5T. PORT TOhIN9ENP WA', qb36b PARoEL* qADbOgOq LEe.ArL rlE9,c,RiIFTION, RI6HARD I 1 I I 3 I J I l + i t T T ? I l I I + t t T ? II I I a ,l ,l f t T T Tt{ i I t {- { t T T l"{ I I l- +r*--{t + 1 Frn FJut turfloo v_ F?FC'S?ERAS ABCfi,T€CT PLUMMER'9 A?trtrloN I BLK n L?TS lo (N to' oF N t/d I tz (N t/2 LE*S N t5, T b6' ELF/' D!c. tJ sr2? GF b?j.i-*i.!i JA6KfuN 5T.-- qo'ELEV. ,/ MN €RA\EI DRI\EY.IAY / L J L* i _l I Itutl$r -L / *S.- l.rolE: RAJTE ALL DOh$.I9POUT9 vtA TloH:rLtNE TO NEhl DRYY€LL IN tsACK YARD o (frltc. RETAtNtt*o I,{ALL, LES9 THAN 4'TALL ,/ t/ ,/ ,/\ ,2 \ 4nr!7.UUfJUN Ig I ,/\ EXI9TII.I6 FEMC_\ -+F -+F .li:i-i!jffi'iui ! ii!\ ali: b0' - F.LEV, {l SITE PLAN SCALE' l" = lO' IMPERV|OUS AREA 9A. FT HOU^E ROOFPRINT, qb4 ?1lDtO ROOFPRTNTT 21qt{ALKtdAY. 256 ERAVEL DRIVE,^IAY, 3b4ToTAL fMPERVIOUS AREA, tSAg PARcEL AREA (.II ACRES), 4,bOO PARcEL COVERAOE, 34.27O TRIE}€RTH REF.I.IORT}I EXJ9TIN€ FOOTPRTNT 5A. FT EXt9TtN6 HOUSE: 155STUD\O, lb> FRONT ?ORCH, 34TOTAL, q14 | _THE3E pLAt{3 ARE TNTENDED TO CONTATN ALL lifglM4lloN REGUIRED To DEMoNeRA# ' 6OMPLIAI'6E I4I TH APPLEABLE AJILDIruO IIrP loNtNe @DEg. tN cAsE OF ANy rxroru,tniioN T1{AT APPEARS TO BELACKII{9, PLE'd CONrrcrTHE ARCHI TECI IMMEPIATELY. 2,TT]E*, PLANg oONIAIN THE MAJORITY OF.fttlINFORMATION REOUIRED TO Bi/LO TIE ?IRUCTI{<E gtlohs.tON THE pLA}.19. HOnfr,AR tr tSNOI P€g5IBLE TO ANTICIPATE EIERY 'VCC OF INFORI-'IATION NEEDED NON CON9TRI,6iIOI,I. TFE ARCHITECTS HAVE MADE A EOOP FAITH EFFORT TO 9TRIKE A REAgOI{AFLE BALANCE BEThIEEN PROVI9ION OF INFORMATION ANP 605T OF TIE PLAI.I5. THE PLANS I{ILL INEVITAB{.Y C,ONTAIN MINOR DISGREPAITIE9 ANP AREA9 LAcKIN€ IN 3PEoIFIC INFORMATION. DTJRII{6 THE CA)RaE OF C,ON'TRUCTION, A5 ilEgE AREA9 Et{ERgE, THEY r^ltLL REOUIRE ATTENTTON AND REgOLUTION. THE tsE1T RESOLUTION OF 1ffi)89 OF THIg TrPE 19 MO9T OFTEN AGHIEVEP THROI,}6H A JOINT DECtStoN MAKtflo pROCEgg tN/oLVlFlo THE OhbtERg, ARCHITECT AND 6ONIF.A,TOK1. bE/o1 l'=lO' $$$ssr h{8fi$ Hsf;S$ 5H$*i fF p:$ \)tuF =\)v. \D D/.lltn 0 o/. -\)a \)fL z. __jo* [iiF- \r) 0/-F PryH Z. --= t--O<-attrn4t 8VE4 -z fi,tifiEsqp\-r-fimaM\r q\s cntrs oz.IUlf)z. oF Fv.oL INBEX TO PRAI^I lN65I. PROJEcT INFORMA 2, MAIN FLOOR PLAN 3. BAgEMENI PLAN 4. FOI,hIDATION PLAN TION, 3TE PLAN AND INDEX 5. MAIN FLOOR FRAMII{E PLAN DETAIL$b. 5ECT\ON 1. ETg.T E NE9T ELEVATIOI,I9 6. I{'RTH ELFVATIOIISq. %N.TH ELEVATION9 la INTERIOR ELEVAT]ON AND DEIAIL9 I OF c LOT COVERAoE, 20.3% g \ . Nog I I +1asI € I ' C h e t z P I o o I o I o € I ' s DAYLICHT FA3EM=NT REh{O OEL FOREJORN KRANE 4Ol ROO5EVELT 3T. ?ORT TOJ^,IN5ENP wA, qbSbb PARCEL* qbbbogoq LEzplL pEgoRtpTtON, PLUMMER'3 ADDITION I BLK g LOTS IO (N IO' OF AI 1/2) I 12 (A I/2 LE59 N 15' ELfV:40'9TEP5 FROM LAND#AFIN6 TII.,IBERg NEI,I REIAININg l/iALL f-_T-- :/t\t ovA LL LlNtT€4:: -GRP_.I1ATD Er"a!%.Nc -T^stF,/ ,/" RICHARD@ 2001,C.PARCHITE6T9,aERO \ I I oArE, 6/5/Q1 %ALE,l"=IO' 9HEET, OF I IO 5HEET5 EXI$TIN6 RETAININO '^IALL I 3 I Ic I Ia \e \1 \ \ I f I \ \ v{ \ N \ li{ I t \ l,,t \ lr{ F(n h- &t ELFy', L ( \ lo'-o' -/2 Id&tDJ afJA6KfuN \ l^l I lr{ 1 t"l NEh{ 0 CONCRETE I I I 5 \e \a!nrfi \ t1 \ l^{ iI \ li{ \ 1r{ i s 5 34'-b'.b I I \a \ I I 5 \ 5 \I Ia i \ ICNCH BA9IN b, @1V,. RETAININo RourE ru Do4qg?ot)t1VtA }IALL, LEgg THAN 4,TALL TIoHTLINE TO NEy^{ 4'DIA. x 4'DEE? PR)AELL (gtr. ATTACHF' DETAIU EXIsT[l16 FEt,lCE-\ oo' SITE FIAN 5CALE, l" = lO' =fi_ls / li \ l^t t^l \ r{ I 1.(a n-'^lt^{- l^l I Ur-ELEV, b5' TRUE NORTH REF, NORTI{ EXIgTINE FOOTPRINT re. FT EXISTINE HOU3E, 155STUD\O, tb5 FRONT PORCH. 34TOTAL. q14 ELEV, 9i t{ I a I I 4 NOTE TO OhINER9,6ONTRA6TOR9 AND zuILDiNo OFFICIALS, IMPERVIOUS AREA 9A. FT HOUSE ROOFPRINT: qb4 5TUDIO ROOFPRINT, 21qhlALKl4Ay, 256€RAVEL DRIVE'/{AY, 364TOTAL |MPERVIOU9 AREA, IbbS PARCEL AREA (,II AclRE', 4bOO PARcEL COVERAOE, 3q.27O I. THEgE PLANS ARE INTENPED TO CONTAIN ALL INFORMANON REOUIRED TO DEMON9TRATE cOMPLIANCE hIITH APPLIdABLE BUILDINo AND ZONIN€ OODE5. IN CASE OF ANY INFORMATION T1{AT APPEAR9 TO BE LACKINE, PLEA9E CONIAOT THE ARcHITEOT IMMEDIATELY. 2, THESE PLANS CONIAIN IHE MAJORITY OF'IHE INFORMATION RECUIRED 'IO BUILD THE STRUGTURE 9HO[4N ON THE pLANg. HOI^{EVER, lT t9 NOT POS9IBLE TO ANTICIPATE EVERY PIE6E OF INFORMATION NEEDEP FOR 6ON9TRIJCTION. THE ARCHITEGTS HAVE MAPE A @OD FAITH EFFORT TO gTRIKE A REA9OMBLE BALANCE BEThIEEN PROVISION OF INTORMAIION AND CO9T OF IHE PLANg. THE PLAN9 h{ILL INEVITABLY CONIAIN MINOR DI%REPANC,IE9 AND AREAS LA6KINe IN 5PECIFIC INFORMATION. DURINa THE COUR^E OF CONSIRI,JCTION, A5 THESE AREA9 EIIEROE, THEY hILL RE@UIRE ATTENTION ANP RE9OLUTION. THE AEST RE9OLUTION OF 195Jffi OF THI? TYPE 15 MO9T OFTEN ACHIEVED THROUOH A JOINT DECIaION MAKINe ?ROCES? INVOLVINo THE Ol"lNERg, AR6HITE6T AND CONTRACTOR(5). 6rl $^$ ri$x$ HgHS$ tF$$€ ;5ST€r- tLlLrLt \) TL (J-)-t-\) u_tF =\)v- \Dwtu coov. I\) v_ z_ ___[ D_ [UF- \n p+ EXI9TIN6 STUDIO EXI9TI}{6 DRIVEMY FILL A5 READ (gEE 9H*T O) /.) J:XlgrlN@! . DE6K I - ?RO? OSED NEr'I LOCATION L---t_ EXISTING HOU1E153fr.rr EXIgTIN@ LOoAIION (NEr^t 153 90. Fi'. OAfLteHT BAgEMENT BFI]AWJ cor.tC TO LOI^{ER FLOOR _L REVI b:2q:01 -Z NNI aw pS PryH$ -z^r6<6<truirl RVEg4-zful! HKp6 Fd$g TL I. PROJECT INFORMATION, 9ITE PLAN ANP INDEX 2. MAIN FLOOR PLAN 3. BAgEMENT PLAN 4. FflNDATION PLAN 5. MAIN FIPOR FRAMIN6 PLAN DETAIL9 b. 9ECTION 1. E}6I E NE9T ELEVATION9 B. NORTH ELEVATIONsq. aOUTH ELEVATIONs IO.INTERIOR ELEVATION AND DETA|LS INPEX TO PRA r.llN65 '.q+ LOT COVERAOE' 2O.3Vo Parcel.Details Parcel Number: 988801909 Parcel Number: 988801909 Owner Mailing Address: BJORN KRANE 521 5TH AVE W UNIT 705 SEATTLE WA9B1I943T4 s ress: ROOSEVELT ST PORT TOWNSEND 98368 Section:2 Qtr Section: NE1/4 Township: 30N Range: 1W Zc>or'I1 ,ur" 1 or2 Printer Friendly 4/(Koc,s€/2&/:f- School District: Port Townsend (50) Fire Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend ( 1) Sub Division: PLUMMER'S ADDITION Assessor's Land Use Code: 1100 - HOUSES (single units, non-farm) Property Description: PLUMMER'S ADDITTON I BLK 19 LOTS 10 (N 10' OF W 1/2) | 12 (W 1/2 LESS N 15' I I Click on photo for larger image x No 2nd Photo Available Jefferso3t Courtt ilsme . lnung lnfa ,'fiepnrtmen?s Sesrch SEARCH No Permit Data Available Assessor Bldg Data F- A/V, Sales Info l'", Parcel 1,,"., & Survqys HOME I COUNTY INFO ] DEPARTMENTS I SEARCH Best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later http ://www.co jefferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail. asp 6n912009 Parcel Photos Parcel Numben 988801 909 SiteAddress: 401 ROOSEVELTST PORT TOWNSEND 98368 Page 1 of I x No 2nd Photo Available http://www.co jefferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parcelphotositus.asp?Parcel NO:9888019... 611912A09 CITY OFPORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT City Han,250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phoner 360-379-5095 Fax360-344-4619 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, & ADDITTONS wl l/899 ) Scope of Work: Please check all items that apply for the type of building ermit are requesting: Floor Area: the proposed structure is to be used for:wVtJC6 K V MailingAddress 9ZI Owner's Name(s) B) |*tV. W. l/NlT 7o ciry, srate, zip %TTw, WA qStn Phone Q0 b -n?,o.12-11 6LD o7 - l2lPermit No lol Ryy%tVvT eT. ?6"I rqNNlProperty Street Address b3WA Zoning District 6Parcel #o Legal Description: Addition ff!,g Blocir I Lo(s) lO N lototswrW z 9T . ?bv1l -10wN s,ENtp U(.tfloNI Address 7-o1to-p Wft nW plGeneral Contractor's Name Rlp V l%O VC 046 bq ciff Business License Number .v7q -q0 o 5J z Authorized Representative/Contact Person :?lCJlAl<D Phone State License Number Phone: ceuPhone 9b0 .?ol . Eqtimated Value of construction $kKpkl'rvuTat?.c. FinancedBy [|N NUf,.Cstl Riarn t)[nen .De.rrnl+ rcnAu Date Work is to Begin Date Work is to be Completed 2 0 New House X Addition New Garage or Carport RepairlRemodel Garage X Repair/Remodel House X Accessory Dwelling Unit Manufactured Home Other (please describe): Finished Heated Space sq. ft:\bq I Garage sq. ft; Unfurished Heated Space sq ft:sq. ft: Unfinished Basement sq ft:Porches sq. ft:3+ Semi-Finished Basement sq ft:Decks sq. ft:,iiiii 1 i ".,,',!Storage sq. ft:Other (please describe): P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building permit.doc Page 1 of 1 o0L The total area of the m feet: 2. The total area covered by existing and proposed stmctures in square feet: (total ground coveragefiom the outside ofwalls or supporting members)11 + Percentageoflot coverage: Q-l) 20, 7 ?o CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT AT'PLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, & ADDITIONS Site AreaiCovera Information: Impervious Surfaces: Please provide the square footage of thercofl-area of the proposed and existingstructures, and the square footage ofthe total area covered by porches, walkways, patios and driveways. Do not include decks allowing drainage to earth below. *If total impervious surface is equal to or greater lhan 40% of the lot area, you must submit a written stormwater plan to address run off. Please check which plans you are submitting with this application (2 sets needed): Proposed House Roofurint sq. ft:Existing House Roofprint sq. ft:484 Proposed Garage Rooforint sq. ft:ft:Z Existing Porcb./Walkway sq. ft: Driveways sq. ft: Proposed Porch/Waikway sq. ft: LSle Proposed Driveways sq. ft: Vb+ Other (describe):Other (describe) Total Proposed Impervious sq. ft: b2 O Total Existing Impervious sq. ft: l?b3 Total hoposed + Existing sq. ft:I,B 83 Percentage Impervious: * flmoervious surface +- ]ot sq. ft)g1.L 7" Site Plan Interior & Exferior Wal1 Bracing (panel locations shown on floor plan) Drainage PIan (if 40% or more impervious),/Typical Wall Framing Details (section from foundation through roof) Foundation Plan \/Elevations Floor Plan 2003 WSEC* Compliance Prescriptive_ Component_ Floor Framing Plan WSEC Construction Checklist (washington State Energy Code) Roof Framing Plan Other: Installing Manufactured Home -Y", d-*o Year:Make: Was the manufactured home constructed within three (3) years of proposed placement?Yes No 2) Manufach:red home must be placed on a pennanent foundation with the space from the bottom of the home to the ground enclosed by either load bearing concrete or decorative concrete or masoffy biocks,,so that no more tlan one foot of the fouadation is visible above grade; and 3) Roof must be composed of composifion, wood shake or shingle, coated metal, or a similar roof material; and 4) Title to the manufactured home must be eliminated as a condition of building pennit approval. P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit.doc Page 2 ot 2 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND RESIDENTIAL BI]ILDING PERMIT APPLICATION tlBw coNsTRUcTIoN, REMODELS, & ADDITIONS Special Conditions AFFlieant Cerfifi cation The applicant hereby certifies to have knowledge of those sections of the Intemational Residential Code and the Port Townsend Municipal Code pertinent to the above project and that the applicant is responsible for constructing in conformance with these codes; the applicant understands that the permit, if issued, expires in six months unless work is started; that the permit, after construction has started, will expire after one year if an inspection is not made to show significant progress on tle $ructure; the applicant agrees to abide by the ordinances, codes, regulations, restrictive covenants, deed or plat restrictions, and water and sewer plans attached hereto; the applicant certifies that all information given above and on accompanying plans i complete and accurate to the best of their knowledge; and the applicant understands that this information will be relied upon in granting permits and that if such information is later found to be inaccurate any permits may be withdrawn. Please check YES or NO as applicable YES NO 1. Is the property within 200 feet of a fresh or saltwater shoreline?X 2. Is the propefty withiir the Port Townsend Historical Distict? 3. Is the property located within or adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area?Y 4. Will this proposal involve any sewer, water or other utility extensions that will, or could serve vacant properties other than the project site? If yes, please attach information identifying the utility extensions and sites.x 5. Have any special conditions been placed on this property, or has the properry been subject to any conditions on any prior action of the City (if "Yes" to any of the following, attach copies of appropriate documents): Subdivision/Short PlatlBoundary Line Adjustnent?X SEPA (environmental review)?x Variance?X Conditional Use Permit?x Street Vacation?X Planaed Unit Development?X Restrictive Covenant?X Easement?X 6. Are any propedies within 800 feet of ttre site owned or controlled by the applicant, any relative or business associate, or any partnership, corporation, or other entity affiliated with the applicant? (If ys, attach list.)x 7. Have any of the properties listed in item #6 been developed within the last two years? (If yes, attach list.) 8. Have you previously discussed this project with a City staffmember? If yes, who and when? X P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building permit.doc Page 3 of 3 ) ', CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, & ADDITIONS The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims, or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising from any noncornpliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by parties other than the City of Port Townsend. Complefe AFPIicatinn Port Townsend Municipal Code, Section 16.04.140,Vested Rights - Substantially Complete Building Permit Application: applications for all land use and development perrnits required under ordinances of the city shall be considered under the zoning and other land use control ordinances in effect on the date a fully complete building permit application, meeting the requirements dentified in this section, is filed with the Development Services Department. Until a complete building permit application is filed, all applications for land use and development permits shall be reviewed subject to any zoning or other land use control odinances which become effective prior to the date of issuance of a frral decision by the city on the application. An application for a building permit shall be considered complete when an application meeting all of the requirements of Section RI05.3 of the lnternational Residential Code,2003 Edition, is submitted which is consistent with all then applicable ordinances and laws. ln addition, to be considered complete, such an application must be accompanied by complete applications for a subsidiary land use or development permits needed, such as a complete shoreline management permit application and/or complete applications for other discretionary permits required under tle ordinances of Port Townsend. A:r application for a partial perrnit under SectionRl05.3:.1 ofthelnternationalResidentialCode;2003Edition,shalinotbeconsideredcompleteunlessitmeetsallrequirements stated above and contains plans for the complete structural frame of the building and the architectural plans for the structure. Vd^r** nenresenffiJr4,A+el)q, Lq (,oo 7or For Official Use Only Date PermitNo Building Official Approval Date Issued Balance Due $Date Validation Stamp below : OwnerlRepresentative Sigrrature Date P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit.doc Page 4 of 4 ,) City of Port Townsend Development Services 250 Madison St. , Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-3208 FAX (360) 344-4619 October I,2007 Mr. Richard Berg Richard Berg Architects 719 Taylor St Port Townsend, WA 98368 SUBJECT: Permit Application #BLD07-l2l - 401 Roosevelt St.. Dear Richard: In response to your earlier letter and our subsequent discussions I have completed the permit review and approval for Mr. Krane's project at 40I Roosevelt. The existing building will be raised approximately 2 feet and moved to the south approximately 2 feet. This will put the front wall of the house at just over 1 I feet from the Roosevelt St. ROW, which is in compliance with the curent zoning code setbacks. The existing front porch will, however, still protrude into the setback areaby approximately four feet. This work is being viewed under the provisions of PTMC 17.88.030, which allows for repairs and alterations to be made to nonconforming structures. In this case the nonconformity is being srbstantially eliminated by moving the building back and only a small portion of the porch will still be considered as nonconforming. Bringing the building into total conformity would be difficult due to the lot contours. The situation after the improvements will be consistent with the direct neighborhood. Additionally the plan is being approved with the lower level guest room. This room is not approved for use as an ADU or other form of rental. To obtain this approval the proper application will need to be submitted and forms recorded. Feel free to contact me at (360)344-3041to discuss any details or other questions. Thanks Sincerely, Leonard Yarberry Development Services Director Receipt Nurnber: BLD07-121 BLD0T-121 BLDOT-121 BLDOT-121 BLDoT-121 BLD$7-121 BLDOT-121 BLD'JT-121 988801909 988801909 988801909 988801S09 988801909 988801909 988801909 988801909 $867.98 $26.71 $100.00 $4.50 $150.00 $150.00 $1,335.35 $10.00 Total: $717.98 $26.71 $100.00 $4.50 $150.00 $150.00 $1,335-3s $r0.00 $0-00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Energy Code Fee - New Single Famil State Building Gode Gouncil Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling t Mechanical Perm it Fee per Dwelling Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P s2,494.54 07-0542 CHECK 06179l/2007 Plan Review Fee Total $150.00 BLD07-121 285 $ 3,494.54 $2,494.54 genprntrreceipts Fage 1 of 1 City of Port Townsend Deve lopment Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 lnvoice Date: 24-OCT-07 lnvoice # -126 KRANE BJORN B 521 5THAVEW#705 SEATTLEWA 98119 Application No BLD07-121 Project: ApplicationType Residential-Addition/Remdel l rcel # 988801909 Subdivision: PLUMMFFS ADDIIION Site Address : ROOSEV E-T STREET BlocULot Description Building Permit Fee Energy Code Fee - New Single Family Unit Ivbchanical Fermit Fee per Dr elling Unit - New Residential Pan Review Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dr elling Unit - New Residential State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee f or Building Permit Fee Amunt $ 1 335.35 $100.00 $150.00 $867.98 $ 150.00 $4.50 szo.t I $10.00 Paid/Credit $o.oo $0.00 $0.00 $150.00 $0.00 Balance Due $ 1 335.35 $100.00 $150.00 $717.98 $ 150.00 $4.50 $26.71 $10.00 $?644.54 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Fee Amunt: Total llrid/Credits: Balance Due $2494.s4 Payment due within 30 days l%ge 1 Page 1 of3 Jan Hopfenbeck From: Rick Taylor Sent: Wednesday, October 03,2007 2:02 PM To: Jan Hopfenbeck Subject: FW: Permits Rick Taylor Building Inspector 250 Madison Street Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 37e-4e20 ftaylor@crtyofpt.us From: Jan Hopfenbeck Sent: Wednesday, October 03,2007 1:39 PM To: Leonard Yarberry Cc: Pat Iolavera; John McDonagh; Penny Westerfield; Suzanne Wassmer; Rick Taylor Subject: RE: Permits Okay, then, I think I understand our policy . . . No matter what it looks like i.e., contains kitchen, dining, living, sleeping, bath areas unless they propose to use the area as a separate ADU we're okay with permitting it as part of the main dwelling unit, (and without parking and a separate address) yes? In the case of Krane, we still need a copy of the letter for the non-compliant setbacks per the red-lined note on the plans that says "setbacks ok per attached letter". What about a kitchen (with all other living/dining/sleeping/bath areas designated) in a detached outbuilding? Are we okay with that like in the case of CL's detached studio as long as they do not designate the use as an ADU? Krane's permit type has been changed to a res-remodel/addition rather than a res-adu. I also changed the condition back that you originally added re: the ADU use and deleted the requirement for a revised floor plan. We'll get it yet, Jan From: Leonard Yarberry Sent: Wednesday, October 03,2007 11:37 AM To: Jan Hopfenbeck Cc: Pat Iolavera; John McDonagh; Penny Westerfield; Suzanne Wassmer; Rick Taylor Subject: RE: Permits There is no need to have a revised floor plan for Krane, since they will be building it per plan. They cannot use it as an ADU or rental unit, which is conditioned on the permit. Actually it was conditioned but I noticed that the condition was changed. The permit should not be for an ADU in the first place, since the application was to remodel the house with the ADU proposal as a part of that. I changed the details on the permit, however the permit type cannot be changed and it is for res-adu which is incorrect. Please refer to my earlier email. I will fonryard a copy. 101312001 Page 2 of 3 -----Original Message----- From: Jan Hopfenbeck Sent: Wednesday, October 03,2007 10:46 AM To: Leonard Yarberry Ccr Pat lolavera; John McDonagh; Penny Westefield; Suzanne Wassmer; Rick Taylor Subject: RE: Permits Suzanne and I looked in the Watership Med file yesterday, and again this morning, and there is nothing in the file. I won't call Dana then if you've already spoken with her. There is nothing in the Krane file either and nothing on the plans that indicates the deletion of the ADU so we can ask for a revised floor plan prior to framing/mechanical/plumbing inspection. There is a note on the plans that the non-compliant setbacks are approved per the attached letter but there is no letter. Can we get a copy of the letter to attach and then we'll issue? Thanks, Jan From: Leonard Yarberry Sent: Wednesday, October 03,2007 10:23 AM To: Jan Hopfenbeck Ccr Pat Iolavera; John McDonagh; Penny Westerfield; Suzanne Wassmer; Rick Taylor Subject: RE: Permits I spoke with Dana last week regarding Watership Med and the parking. I believe that there is a note in the file on how the parking was calculated using the present code. The Krane project does not have an ADU and this is noted in the file. Also there is an attached letter that addresses the non-conformity. The plans that are stamped are correct. ----Original Message----- From: Jan Hopfenbeck Sent: Tuesday, October 02,2007 9:31 AM To: Leonard Yarberry Cc: Pat lolavera; John McDonagh; Penny Westerfield; Suzanne Wassmer; Rick Taylor Subject: Permits Leonard, As you know, we've been working with Dana Michelson from the hospital on more space for them and parking continues to be an issue. She has called about Watership Medical and there is nothing in the file that shows how they met the additional parking requirement. Can we put documentation in the file so we have some history and can answer questions? Also, in the Krane file you have an okay to issue because there will be no ADU. Are they deleting the entire basement so there will be no increase in non-conformity? There is nothing in the file that indicates a change in the proposed plan or any changes in the construction drawings. Jan Jan Hopfenbeck CPE, CBI Plans Examiner/Permit Coordinator City of Port Townsend Developmenf Servrces Department 250 Madison Street Suife 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: (360) 379-5086 r01312007 ;t't.W SEC Resitlential Construction Checklist City of Port Townsend Building & Community DeveloPment Watennan & KatzBuilding 181 QuincY Street, Suite 301 Port Townsen4 WA 98368 (360) 379-3208 Far: (360) 38s-7675 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2000 Residential Construction Checklist Complete this fonri in addition to WSEC forms for electric heat (on blue paper), other fuels (on pink paper) or a calculated WATTSIJN form. Please answer the following questions: TYPE OF PROJECT: D New constructio4 or addition over 750 sq. ft. Must meet whole house and spot ventilation requirements, and show /ull WSEC compliance as a stand-alone project. U AHouse addition under 750 sq. ft. Possible trade-offs are allowedwith the existing buildingfor WSEC compliance, such as increasing ceiliig insulation. See WSEC compliance performanceforms, or WATTSUN calcalation. NOTE: A house addition less than 500 sq. ft iloes not require whole house ventilation Spot ventilation is still required f,Electric D Wall Heater ! Baseboard ! Forced Air Furnace ! Radiant Floor @oiler)f, Other PAptA-tOg D Non-Electric: I Propane - ! Boiler (Ilydronic) D L?G Stove n LPG I Heat Pump ! Oil Furnace ! Woodstove (can only be Furnace E Other LPG used as secondary heat source) YAPOR RETARDERS: Vapor retarders shall be instatled toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings: c Floors: E Plywood with exterior glue I Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thicD {Backed batts I Walls: D Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) ! Face-stapled, backed batts {Low-perm paint o Ceilings: n Not required where ventilation space averages greater than or equal to 12 inches above insulation D Face-stapled, backed batts E Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) fiLow-perm paint SEE BACK \\Bod3ermitsVorms\Resideotial Energy Codc Checklisldoc Page I of2 VENTILATION REOIIIREMENTS FOR INDOOR AIR OUALITY: Type of ventilation used throughout the house For "Exhaust Option" complete the following: c In what room is your whole house fan located? o What size is the whole house exhaust fan? I * 50-75 CFT\4 (1-2 bedroom house) ! 80-120 CFM(3 bedroomhouse) ! 100-150 CFM (4 bedroom house) ! 120-180 CFM(5 bodroomhouse o Fresh Air Inlets are required for this option in each habitable room (includes all bedrooms, living and dining rooms but not kitchens, bathrooms or utiiity rooms). What type of fresh air inlet will be installed? (See figure beiow) I WindowPorts lWatt Porrs FRESH AIR DISTBIBUTION Each habitable space of the building must be provided with outdoor air. (See Figure 8.5) Outdoorairdistribution can be accomplished using individual room inlets, sep- arate duct systems, or by using the forced air heating system. Where the system provides ventilation through a dedicated opening, such as a window or through-wall vent, these openings must: [V302,6-V302.6,4] . Have controllable and secure openings. Be sleeved when installed through a wall or window frame. Have a minimum of 4 square inches of net free area or provide a minimum of 10 CFM @ 10 pascals tested by HVl. ' Outdoor Air lnlets INTEGKAL WITH WINDOW f,Exhaust Option I I{VAC Integrated Option t I ' ;i: ,i I Figure 8.5 \\Bcd_permils\f,orms\Resideoti&l EDe,rg Code Checklisldoo Page2 of2 KOUND THROUGH-WALL KECTANGUI-AK THKOUGH-WALL Prescriptive Approach - Simple Form For the Washington State Energy Code (2001 Edition) Glimate Zone 1 Lot: Site lnformation $t h6h 0l qD1 naore*s: 4ol &oogw6UT 9r. City:YOVT TDWNT9€NP State: ItNA Z,p:q8%h Contacr: g)OW f-FANg Phone:Lol.- 12o .tLqq Phone 2: Table 6-1 PRF^STCnIPTTI4E REQUIRED{EI\rS o'1 FOR GROT'P R (rcCUPANCY CLIlldA:'fEZ)NE 1 code text for footnote references This project complies with the following: { tn" project is a single tani}y residence or duplex. { m" project is wood frame OR all of the insulation is interior or exterior of the fianf ng { nU building componenb meetthe requirements listed in Table &1, Option lll. { fn" project will meet all other provisions of the WSEC and VIAQ. Building Department Use Only Pernit #: Notes: The project will take advantage of the following exceptions to the prescriptive option: tr OOZ.O Exception 1. One door, that is 24 ft.2 or less, that does not meet the standards is allowed Location of the door taking this exception 0 OOZ.O Exception 2. Doors with a llfactor of 0.40 allowed without calculations, Option lll only. Localion of the door(s) taking this exception CopyrisH 2002, WSUCEEP02-056 CobieU Uy permission fom the Waslrington State University Cooperative Extension Energy Prognm Slab" On Grade Wall Ed4 Befow Grade FloolVaulted Crili"d Wall Above Grade Wall hc Below Grade U-CeifindOption factorVedicsl u 0.40 0.58 0.20 R-38 U-Factorglnzing Arealo % ofFloor Unlimited GroupR-3 Occupancy Overheadll R-10R-10 R-30R-30 R-21 R-21 Prescriptive - Shnd€ Form - Climate Zone 1 5B1l2tr,2 ) City of Port Townsend Development Services Dep artment ENVIRONMENTALLY SENS ITIVE AREAS QUES TIONNAIRE Permit applications are reviewed by our staff to make a preliminary determination of the presence or absence of an Environmentally Sensitive Area on the properfy, pursuant to Chapter 19.05 ofthe Port Townsend Municipal Code. To help us make this determination, please supply the following information General Information: Sensitive Area estions: 1 187ub ApplicantName:KPr*ta Phone: 4Dl".1U . t 5t *W Ururt 1oq Srnrr NA lKMailing properry Address (if differenr), 4Ol VObgAl WT 5a.?ovt Tol N6eNp, wft WqV H6uW r ItvD Naru *w+-rvp ak1gLr tett-T 614'gperti( Description of Proposal (include site plan): The proposed new construction creates management practices are proposed? sq. ft. of impervious surface. What besto Is any portion of the properby within or near a mapped Environmentally Sensitive Area? Olaps are available at the Building and Community Development Deparhment)___ves x No standir.rg or runqing water on the surface of the site at any time during the year?\ t-X No If YES, please describe: 2. Is therg any Yes Has anyportion of the site been identified as a wetland? If YES, please describe: J YES V*o Is the site characterized as: Forest Meadow 4 Cleared Mixed \\CITYPDC\FIome\Pennyw\BCD Forms\Sensitive Areas Questionnaire.doc 5. Is the slope of the proPerff: flat (Oo/o '5Vo) Critical Slope - 40% or greater (5o/o - liVo) slope steeP sloPe (l5o/o'40Vo) Genflc 596 - tr596 Stecp Slopc Flet- 0 - 596 >40V0 ducal Slopt 6O96 or *rcgtcr 40% The applicant hereby certifies that all of the above statements and the information contained in any other transmittals made herewith are true, and the applicant aclnowledges that any action taken by the City of Port Townsend based in whole or in part on this application may be reversed if it develops that any such statement or other information contained herein is false. The applicant understands that the determination of the Director may be appealed by the applicant or by any othsr p".ryty following the appeal procedure outlined in Chapter l.14 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code' Any appeal must be filed within seven calendar days from the Notice of a final decision. 5% o% Yqd*A @wg ,?.L,.\tdE t Lao ofA Date Site visitmade on:YESNOvisitSite?Required Exempt per PTMC 19.05.040 (B)? NO YES Threshold Determination (presence/absence of ESA, type of ESA): Shorelines Jurisdiction?YESNO \\Citypilc\homeVennyw\BCD Fomrs\sensitive Areas Questionnaire'doo 'j \ir) , City of Port Townsenu 250 Madison St. , Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368' (360) 379-3208 FAX(360) 344-46te August 10,2007 Mr. Bjorn Krane 521 sth Ave. W. unit 705 Seattle, WA 98119 SUBJECT: Permit Application #BLD07-I2I - 401 Roosevelt St.. Dear Mr. Krane I have been reviewing the application for the addition and reconstruction work on this existing house. There are a couple of issuos that are problematic and in need of clarification and/or revision before I can approve the plans. The first of these relates to the location of the building on the site. Based upon the surveyor's stakes the building is currently located less than 5 feet from the edge of the Roosevelt St. right- of-way. The building plans indicate that the house will be setback 10 feet, which is the minimum required. Is the intent to move the building to the south? The application file indicates that the lower floor will be usbd as an ADU (accessory dwelling unit). If this is the intention then please note that a separate parking space will need to be provided on site. for the ADU. The last concern relates to the existing retaining wall along the western property line. It is not clear if the proposal is to reconstruct this wall or leave the existing wall as is. Any work done to this wall would require obtaining a construction easement from the adjoining properly owner, since the wall is on the property line. It may be very difficult to perform any work around this area without impacting the wall judging from its age and condition. We cannot issue a permit to perform work on, or that would impact an adjoining properfy. Please verif, the proposal and obtain any necessary easements. Feel free to contact me at (360)344-3041to discuss any details. Thanks. Sincerel v Y Development Services Director cc:Richard Berg Rob Gruye A NATIONAL MAIN STREET COMMUNITY WASHINGTON'S HISTORIC VICTORIAN SEAPORT -)\i )OAYLIGH=I EASEMEIIT RE VOOEL FOR' DJCIR.N KRANE 4Ol ROOSEVELT 9T. ?OFT TOt^.tN9ENp AA, q2Sbb PARCEL# qbbboqoq LEOAL DEa.-iRIPTION. PLUMMER'3 ADDITI?N I BLK lq LaTS lO (N lO' oF A t/il I tz (N t/2 LEri3 N t5, $fqsl.r .*l ( RICHARDa I* 4 f { T T H I r{ I t { {- t T T T H I t I I fr--l ry + ll k F(n FJtu tu(noo{ \\\BER IRL.,'ECT1,P.C. 2OO1 tsLtrVr I 6 I 1e j I d i + + t a t Tq I I I 1 ? + f s I T s I 5 I I Ff,i?tle"+aa*-..;4",:i,; I i jgI::1.-jt ,fa d i tEUi JA6KfuN 5T.- T ,/ bb' 10',ELEV ,/ NEI^I6RA\EL DRI\EI\AY /r IL_J n I I YJ ao o€ 7€L -ff- +l-- Itlnlur fl (o @P{A ,$_ 5i-- NOTE: ROUTE ALL POhNgPOUTg VIA TI6I4TLINE TO NE},.I PRYI^IELL IN tsA6K YARD b" OOIIC, RETAININ€ I{ALL. LE59 THAN 4' TALL ,/ EX|9T|NO FEN6E----r\ f*EV' b5' ba' SITE FIAN 1CALE, l" = lO' TRIJE NORTH REF. NORTI{ q / ,/ / ,/ ,F \ \ \ Fr FV, ql ^-o,Ld IMPERVIOUS AREA 3A. FT HOUaE ROOFPRINT, qAA 1WDlo RooFPRtNT, 21qhlALKhAr., 286 €R,AVEL DRIVEI^{AY, 3b4 TOTAL IMFERVIOUs AREA, .18.e|3 PARCEL AREA (.II ACRES), 4,bOO PARoEL COVER.A9E, 34.27E I. THESE FLAN9 ARE INTENPED TO CONTAIN ALL INFORMATION RECUIRED TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE hIITH APPLICABLE zuILDINE ANP ZAN{NC CODE', IN 4A5E OF ANY INFORMATION TI{AT APPEAR1 TO AE LA6KIH6, PLEA9E CONTACT THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. 2. THESE fl.AN5 CONTAIN THE MAJORITY OF T}IE INFORMATION REOUIRED TO WLD THE STRUCruRE 9l.iOt,lN ON THE PLANS. HOJ"{EVER, tT t5 NOT PO9sIBLE TO ANT|6IPATE EVERY iViE OF INFORMATION NEEPED FOR 6ON5TRI,STIbN. EXI5TIN6 HOU5E, ?TUOIQ, FRONT PORCH, TOTAL, t>2 t95 34q14 - \z\bLDO" DATE, 6/5/Q1 l"=lOt Eo ,.1 R$$PF h {B* F. E sf;$. S$oH F 5 €ESEt lueE;5${€r- o-LrL c \)lIJF =\)v. \Dv.Lu TD 0 v_ :E\) &" aa_ (n-F I I I L- V.F tvH5{6trMt RVS Smu 8qP\- t_ficnav- \tr a\sms-a oz.llJf)z. ot- $-v.() 0_ EXI9TIN6 1WDto INFORMATION, 9ITE PLAN IN' INDEX2, MAIN FLOOR PLAN 3. BA5EI.'IENT PI-AN 4. FOUNDATION PLAN 5. MAIN FLOOR FRAMINO PLAN PETAILFb. 3ECTIONl. EA9I 6 NEST ELEVATTON5 D. NORTH ELEVATJON3q. ffi)'tli4 ELFVATiON5 IO. INTERIOR ELEVAflON AND DETAJLs INPEX TO PRAidlNG€,I. PROJEoT s NE^I ?AROH noor) -----€ ---s ExrgTtNel DECR I EX|SI|N€ HOU3E E3 *. FT {lg},{ rra 5c. FT. 9AYL}6HT tsA5EI.fiNI BELohu I IJF' I I -ilE1,$ 6sl'E;9+EF9-{ -+"tAtKl TO LOI4ER FLOOR _L o OF LOT OOVERA€E: 2O.3% THE AROHITECT9 HAVE MAPE A @OD FAITH EFFORT TO 9TRIKE A REASOMELE tsALAN6E BETI,'IEEN PROVISION oF INFORMATION ANP 605T OF THE PLAhIS. THE PLAN9 I4ILL INEVITABLY oONTAIN MINOR DI56REPAN6IE5 ANP AREAS LACKINo IN SPE IFI6INFORMATION. DURINe THE .OOVR9IE OF CONSTRUCTION, A5 THESE AREAS EMEROE, THEY fllLL RECUTRE ATTENITON ANp OF'IHI1 TYPE 19 MO9T OFTEN AcHIEVED THROUEH A JOINT DECI1ION MAKINO PROCE9,1 INVOLVINo THE Ol"tNER5, AR6HI TECLAXp caniRrcToRrSJ, IO Y I NG l Nc .J o o xo . To v N s € N D . VA . 98 J 5 0 VO O D SU R V E EI 5 5 DI S C O V € R Y RD . PO R I PT J o N E J6 0 - J 6 5 - 5 9 5 s FA X J6 0 - J 7 9 - 5 5 s 9 FO U N D CI I Y o fr o i l , tN CA S T tn o N cr s € lt T H CA t -^ , U o o o Pt s ?J 9 t I gE I 5/ . . RE E A T S€ T 5 FO O T 6I E E L FE X C E PO S T qN PR O P E R , Y LI X € a o o SU R V E Y O R ' 5 CE R T I F I C A T E lH l g il 7 co t i E c l L y |E F I E 8 ! { T S ^ su t v E y iA o € up € i ny su t l | v t g l o x It sd F o i i ^ d c E VI T H IH E IE O U I i € N E N I ! OF IN E EU i Y E Y IE C q D I N E TC T rT TH iE O U E I T OF , SA N O T A GU J N U P -ox J^ X , tE , 20 0 3 - t 55 . 0 0 35 . ro L c,x an z ut -{v tr t r -t 9 09 fl l - J6 .5 0 z N C ! z N q J6 .3 o z v o It l q :D t" t tr t -{ 50 rP ' J6 , 50 1 BL A I N E ST R E E T r0 6 -- - _ _ , l _ __ ? e l . _ o s __ N6 7 'e 6 ' +e ' E l_ _ _ _ _ Y 6 ,v tl 0 l tr m D I i t -i ci ^l l o qi F -; \ tt tr I I I q z o F z tr J E 5 z o = - F6 ua we EU d2 @ QU J U.9t , , f>Qo F e o G o SC A L E T I "- J0 ' F lN r 5E l / + N E l / { , SE C T t O t A. T. J O N, , R, t U. , vt , , Ts r v E i s E IO T ^ L SE T H RO L L A N D LO T IO LO T 6 4 il 0 JO B B4 I 19 c;1 : S5 7 ?5 lJ - g tD v. . rr r rr . . Lf LO T 6 I r0 . 0 0 95 7 LO T 1 r 10 , o 0 fl 5 7 ' a 6 ' {t " E HO U S E ro o t JA c i S o N It la a il 0. 0 0 oo Jo e 6l z LO T E el i a x LO I 9 r I 0. 0 0 N5 7 ' 2 6 ' { 3 ' E t/ . . l. q rt . f lJ r . N . v t. ? t , 7t d ,f r ,t r gA N D R A CU I N U P F *l o a cg r 3 to l z S5 7 ?6 ' r J ' u BL O C K LO T 5 I r0 . 0 0 h )t LO T J I t0 J€ F F E R S O T CO U N T Y rU O ' T O i TE 46 5 3 2 2 t| i l . u r u f t n r o r u u u f i n CE R T IF I AU D I T O R ' S ) I a\ ) :c -9 v ) John McDonagh From: Sent: To: Subject: John McDonagh Wednesday, May 30, 2007 9:46 AM Richard Berg (E-mail) Krane SFR Hi Richard, got your note yesterday on the the Roosevelt SFR we discussed last week. While I trust your measurements, I'd still strongly suggest getting their own survey done to see how just close they are to the right-of-way. From the way you described the planned improvements, lifting of the SFR to add daylight basement in the rear would still mean the front of the house would be raised. So, while it may not be on city right-of-way, its almost certain to be non-conforming in the front setback. Raising the house (even slightly) in this are would be increasing the degree of non-conformity. lf you could do a preliminary sketch showing a plan view and front elevation (before & after SFR is lifted), I could advise on possible land use permiting steps/issues. Thanks, John -.4 11 t .)"-'1 sl zqlo] '--1-) ,( "Ll a- uCY oC +l*- {4) $, f,.- K,'dn ^) hl C A Cr d{)PET O{I ,*l'-Ih A"- Vot Prot<,.,*t/ I f / S'l-'yt ,t{ /"-,*/ owryl by fl- q* LaH€- ha,iet b//f ?) hnRtd ahout h-,* t* C4'rrtg +, Le- L-t'['f- h6i-q- * 3 V a)d I aP-rr<-.'l- ',pn ff;'wto #a{-V+'Lf b+,rlU k hPuLt't- Pnp i: t{" t ry ! \n 3.n' ry (11l,! rnfl* Van a,t'l 3 L 0t^)/1!- LrtJ t1,o idxs- t J- cod^tn} alp'lutf ry, Wp Grry c6/t^e.ol,dnl U|J,,L ' ,urt^',/ /r)n'r fiL(- fztt' 7a,'"c/L 'n ?? +k*-' t o% re qs8-Fbt-?o? -9 Parcel Details ParcelNumber: 988801909 Parcel Number: 988801909 Owner Mailing Address: BJORN KRANE 521 5TH AVE W #7O5 SEATTLE WAgB119 Site Address: 4OT ROOSEVELT ST PORT TOWNSEND 98368 Section: 2 Qtr Section: NE1/4 Township: 30N Range: 1W r{' FrEg'lter $rieg3dly Page 1 of2 School District: Port Townsend (50) Fire Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Sub Division: PLUMMER'S ADDITION &SS*SeSrgLsryLllSe lcde: 1100 - HOUSES (single units, non-farm) Property Description: PLUMMER'S ADDTTTON I BLK 19 LOTS 10 (N 10' OF W I/2) I 12 (W 1/2 LESS N 15', I Click on photo for larger image. X No ?nd Fhrrto Avail*ble Be*t vi*wed urith lticroseift Inter$*t Hxplorer 6.0 or later I I , Hfim* ,{nunly lnfn B*pnrllnenls Sest"rh SEARCH No Permit Data Available Assessor Bldq Dalq l,* Parcel http : //www. co j efferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail. asp s124t2007 Assessor Detail Building, ') )Page 1 of I .'ti:iii6is4!$$ l,j Assessor Eeta$E EuEEdE*g #1 fiffMm I cffir"rfrlTy IruFffi | sHpA&Y',MHhrys I sHiafi.cH He$t viewed vrith Mi{rosoft i.ntcrnet fxplorer 6.0 or later 6S w1adatus - r'la<: j J effe r$o n Co u nt Parcel Number: 988801909 ffir*6ld*ncx lSwrnfuer V*a,n-St*il*Ye*E Rern<pdsled 1 1930 o ffisi$$d$$$s fixteri*r *u9l Arsa Br,.ri$d$ffiee Xmtenfrmn 3uilding Type: HOUSE 3uilding Style: 1 STY =oundation :POST & BLOCK/PIERS lxterior: SIDING/STUCCO (LAP) loof Cover:COMPOSITON 1st Floor Area; 770 2nd Floor Area: 0 3rd Floor Area: 0 Loft Area: 0 Attic Area: 0 Total Area: 770 Basement Area: 0 lnt, Walls (Cabin): Ieat: ELECTRIC BB/WALL 'loor Cover (1): VINYL =loor Cover (2): FINISHED WOOD *nildin* R.ocrns Mobile Horme ffiax"'mwc 3edrooms: 2 rull Baths: 2 rlalf Baths: 0 Make: Model: Length: width: Year Built: Skirting: Area: 0 rype: Area: 0 Exterior: Roof: Carport Square Footage: 0 $"st AdditEan 2nd Additi*n Iype: Additions Area: 180 fear Built: 0 Exterior: Siding/Stucco (Lap) Roof: Composition fype: \rea: 0 /ear Built: 0 lxterior: loof: Vo v*ew #m$*fue*" build*ng e$s*ega*ed wlth *his pareel, $eleet bufi*d*ng : !. 3 3 lellerscr (e*nly '!2;:.t., |i.::.:. .;'i http://www.co jefferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/assessordetail.asp?Parcel_NO:g88801909 512412007 Parcel Details Parcel Number:' 988801911 Parcel Number: 988801911 Owner Mailing Address: CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 181 QUTNCY ST #201 PORT TOWNSEND WA9B36B Site Address: Section: 1 Qtr Section: SW1/4 Township: 30N Range:1W Sub Division: PLUMMER'S ADDITiON 97OO - EXEMPT School District: Port Townsend (50) Fire Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: City Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Page I of2 e egtilit6h rnB*: Fr'$ffiter Wvf;effid$y Aqttrrqqnr'q I xnr{ I lqr: l-nr{{a' Property Description: PLUMMER'S ADDTTiON I BLK 19 LOTS 11 & 12 ( R OF W I N 15' OF EACH) | | Click on photo for larger image, t{NO Phrlt$ Availalrle x No 2ncl Fh0l0 Availalrle J sffg rssn Io u nty ",,',; t ;',';i:i,,:,,' :,"',, i; ::, : SEARCH No Permit Data Available Assessor ta Available l*o lou @Tax, A/V, Sales Info Jeflercon (canty ;.: '.i:'. ;$SetS | fl*i.iNTY XfirFt) I $KpAffiYF!*ruTS I SmAR*li Aest viewad r^Jith Microsoft Lnternet [:xplorcr 6.0 or later .4ff Windows - MacItt - http ://www. co j efferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail. asp 512512007 1-) hh 5r[n^,b,t"1 Yc"srd a^ +- l'nL,YS I r -lu+ l-b 6gn o/, IL4 ol MAY 29 ?007 ,,L _l Li,r (;i i. .: tU,,r,.:r,ii[] l.i,II e oUC Mfu"t.+S A?t'.h., I l/<lt-[i* vq-, g CI i& 116 a-,^/ '{4* l€ /l"e fr rTz / h +1, ih tb u neQt, ,L -{<*, sov{-C tr/ o[ "1,7*#"{wM4o ) r ro p<-r ,*-i -l- Sv I tt ( 6Jw T /\R r, l.;W^! bot<J dh t.J fr^- * Lg).,,x (( +t r I z:.r-i lilru (N-a- q, c u!-t \.a 03/29/07 TUE 08:33 FAX. 13603856967 Tttle Plant $lnce t8g0 Experience That Guarantees euality Senrice That Guarantees A Smile Title lnsurance and Escrorr Service Phone: 360 3BS-2000 Fax: 360 385-69d7 PO Box 25612203 Wachington $trect Port Townsend, WA 98368 Facsimile Cover Letter Nunber of pages including cover letter are 3 Time:Date: 5129 To: Rich Berg Fax No.: 379-8 324 From: Rian Hossacko Vice President speci&Jeffercon Title Company for fast and reliable Title fnsurance and Escrow Seryice Thank You {al vvr dfFru*$0f{ flruE $$ftp{trf 05/29/07 TUE 08:34 FAX 13603856967 rgl uuz \Ytol rrcolhd r.tsri tol Mr,$onB. Knnc Jtl 5lD AYo Wqt, Ultt 705 $crnL,WA9tlD Rhd for Recod d Rcqusst of Jrlhnoo TtllcConpcry Bcrqw l{umbm t0{sOlMX fucd Aorll 19.100? tffiffiffi$ffiilffi1ffiHffiffiff_ J.tl.irn Cilntr tud 'l:FFl|loil rftlf c0 I llo t2,0e Jellanon County Excise Tax, lr t -.1990+5-0 ae lfes lafIilt$ 4694_oe Saies Amt $ Jaanaaatgv%Deputyrreasurer $tatrtory lVtrrmty Deed nlE GR:INTOI Fry Uellg irut drt d f,try tOr t003, JcnuH L Fry md Crelr E, Fry, rs Tturlocs fa md h corcidcratim of llN DoLT.AXS At{D 0TUER cooD Ar{D vAIrtalLE ooNtitDBMTIoN tn hrod pll4 coovryr $d lrutub tt! llorr B Xnoa, r rh3h nar tbo fotlowbg dcxribed nd asrrta, sludcd in tho Comy of Jcronoo, Suc of V*Lhgtoo Abbnvlrtcd Lcgrl: Pqtion Oflds l0 & 12, Blk t9, phrmmcn A&, Trx Pucd Nunrbc(r):988 tOt !09 lhc Wogt |lof&e Nstlr l0frotoflot l0ardthoWe$%of l,ol 12, Ex6pt tho lluth l5 h*ttrooof, Blo* t9, Phlllr*'s Addition to tllo cltyof port Tormsen4 rs Fct pbt nsordcd lh Volurr I ofPhq prsc 3d rtccds of Jofirnon Conily, Wadingol Situac inthc County of Jofuron, SUre of Worhingtca, slbi.ct tor A ttcod of survcy noorded Fobinury 4, 2l)03 rmdor rccording no, 465J22, said sunoydi*lors tho following rntlrs: Location offoncclirro Fry Llving TrErdftsdMry t0,2003 Flv, STATBOF COTJNTYOF I c!'d0 ilrat dm or iwc sotlshclory wldGncc rigncd dtis lnrtronmr, on olli stltad dnt tt T}u|t!cl _ oftrRbhgTrutdrtcdMryr0r20tE o bc hc tor urd vohntuy rot ofsucfi psg for frc rxcl ara purpoeos rncntionod in lhir lnslrumcnt, F- fry Th.l.rr .rihorirld to 6xc0ulc li! irBlunctlt lnd ektlowbdged il ri l.lg l0{5(i.t) P.lr I ofl Trlstot AR' Dtcd: o5/2s/07 TUE 08:34 FAX 13603856987 yi. ll' rgl uud Trc l ':' Et:i .':ffiRKHffi FERSON COUNT 1frtR*.T&*S,inirr'ii:taii+n..STTTE ET. /A6t.sf 7..1p tvlF€3r +q tttt t, z.ti- .1.-*-.]T,- s :.r I-.H:-lrtT-{:l-fl .; I.r. I -:. 't;aD ,t ,3 a74EE r .r7fr8€ 7 STREET. t tl \t\ L) \.\l N b) tr (t) \att \bt J \s \ > 0 \ \o l') \ I fJ \ \) s I R' r*/ €r ,t T I { t n,/2 t I \I I./z +IItaI &r /d 7 /4 -*.d-/a\7 fE 7 o fn 7 .t t In7a 'J,f \t -'i"-q4'J3"f I(rf L (t a +J t!t3+ 2iz2 7 t ,f 4 (ta J I +J .2 7 t 6.t,Is 7 + 2 7 fl trl 6 Iab L3 U +5 zt 7 t t 4\ a, ( +, a 7 t 4)\,((J ,+ .<. 7 I I d I )4 ! I\t +l 2t 7 I .f,I 6 r. ,5 4T ? 7 I .f I 6 ,,(4I 2 7 I I g' I 6 It I3 ,4 ! I 7 44 ) ,J f- finor.nirrlinn \aL {i} I L.J'':-t,r ei f 4 ft{i{sJ .fta*.t r lf ' f. ' jl r.,'. E tr'. i:.: '="'-r.-J .-"o,t."t '" blirU 1.. I' - -f th f't t,,{ i V z P c t t : d J E : : z m . F o ; 5 o - . i E 2 E ; N o l v l t E l n i l o ! l l t u s s , o r { l s l { n 0 j - l U t J I I N O S ! 3 o N Y . : l - : l l s 0 7 9 . t 7 - - l l i e - i s - i i ; u _ - _ _ _ B q : , s t r - a R a a a , r a s : L + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I + s j ! d r n N l ; . F t F z 6 I I I I I I J , I I I s . 5 0 g i 0 N R o E S T R E E T N 3 2 ' J J . t t l N J 2 ' 3 ! ' r r - E - - - - - - - - - - - - JACKSON S T R E E T 95,50:it:1!l!t!ro"ECf z foeoz@ E - N a 5 O J o ) oz.JJotIFUJat99;tlldtct-) ) a C ) O O l I i I 5 5 N ; - 8 ; C J z . : 6 o o l ( . ' z u l E f c t , t " X : # : V I E < . j l E \ t : ^ + l * 1 4 s l . r ! : t N t : : t < J l $ r : ! r G l s i i : i o l - " b t : " E l : ! ; - l - : f l : t . l = ! - i ! t r ; a l l - = ; l l : E l l = y l z l E ; - 1 1 l B : ? l : l v . ; l . l E * : l ; l i g s l J - t 3 l r l F I 5 l e l l l a o O o I!\ Parcel Details 'We}€€i*r l? ryrg$gqnSruee_dqy Page 1 of2 ParcelNumber: 988801909 Parcel Number: 98880f909 Owner Mailing Address: BJORN KRANE 521 5TH AVE W #7O5 SEATTLE WA9B119 Site Address: 401 ROOSEVELT ST PORT TOWNSEND 98368 Section: 2 Qtr Section: NE1/4 Township: 30N Range: lW School District: Port Townsend (50) Fire Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) X Sub Division: PLUMMER'S ADDITION Asscssor's land LLgq _tqd*: 1100 - HOUSES (single units, non-farm) Property Description: PLUMMER'S ADDTTION I BLK 19 LOTS 10 (N 10' OF W I/2) | 12 (W 1/2 LESS N 15' I Click on photo for larger image No ?nd Pll()t0 Av;*ilable No Permit Data Available A-ssessor Btds Data frax, azv, sares rnro l*uoru,.rr,tt Besl viewed with l,iirro$sft Internel Explorer 6.0 or later l I SEARCH http : //www. co j efferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail. asp 612612007 , .' .\ City of Port Townsend Development Services 250 Madison St. , Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-3208 FAX (360) 344-461e Octobqr I,2007 Mr. Richard Berg Richard Berg Architects 719 Taylor St Port Townsend, WA 98368 SUBJECT: Permit Application # BLDD7 -l2l - 401 Roosevelt St. Dear Richard: In response to your earlier letter and our subsequent discussions I have completed the permit review and approval for Mr. Krane's project at 401Roosevelt. The existing building will be raised approximately 2 feet and moved to the south approximately 2 feet. This will put the front wall of the house at just over 11 feet from the Roosevelt St. ROW, which is in compliance with the current zoningcode setbacks. The existing front porch will, however, still protrude into the setback area by approximately four feet. This work is being viewed under the provisions of PTMC 17.88.030, which allows for repairs and alterations to be made to nonconforming structures. In this case the nonconformity is being srbstantially eliminated by moving the building back and only a small portion of the porch will still be considered as nonconforming. Bringing the building into total conformity would be difficult due to the lot contours. The situation after the improvements will be consistent with the direct neighborhood. Additionally the plan is being approved with the lower level guest room. This room is not approved for use as an ADU or other form of rental. To obtain this approval the proper application will need to be submiffed and forms recorded. Feel free to contact me at (360)3 44-3041to discuss any details or other questions. Thanks. S Leonard Y Development Services Director A NATIONAL MAIN STREET COMMUNITY WASHINGTON'S HISTORIC VICTORIAN SEAPORT Zl9 Taylor Street PonTournsend, WA 98368 August 2l,2OO7 Leonard Yarberry Development Services Director City ofPort Townsend 250 Madison Street Port Townsend, WA98368 richard@richardbergarch itects.com Phone: (360) 379-8090 Fax: (360) 379-8324 AiJ0 3 1 ?Cfii Hi Leonard, This letter is in response to your letter dated Aug. 10 to Mr. Bjorn Krane, regarding Permit Application #BLD07- I 2l at 401 Roosevelt Street. Mr. Krane has indicated to me that for the foreseeable future, he does not intend to uss the lower floor as an ADU. We took steps in the design to make it easier to convert to an ADU in the future, but its intended use at this time is as a rec room and guest quarters. If and when a conversion is desired, Mr. Krane will deal with making the ADU legal. For now, he has asked me to label the lower floor a o'gue$t suitd'. Regarding the retaining wall on the property line to the west, the plans have been revised to clari$r the fact that I!fr. Krane does not intend to do anything to the retaining wall except to raise the grade slightly on his own side ofthe wall. Reducing the height differential between the two sides of the old wall should only improve its stability. Finally, as you might guess, the location ofthe edge of the Roosevelt Street right-of-way revealed by the survey came as a bit of a surprise to us. As we can now see, the property line is not quite parallel to the front wall of the house, and it is about 9' from the house at one corner, and about 11' at the other corner. The porch is a non-conforming structure located in the front setbaclg and comes within about 4.5' of the property line. Mr. Krane proposes, in the process of lifting the house to facilitate the new foundation, to move the house 2'-3" east, to increase the width ofthe driveway, and also 2' souttu in order to move the front wall of the house beyond the l0' setback line from Roosevelt Street. . We request that the porch be considered an existing, non-conforming structure, and be allowed to remain located in the l0' setback per PTMC 17.88.030-C. This section allows repair to proceed as long as the non-conformity is not increased. In this case, we are raising the height of the roof by about 2', but we are moving the building further from the street by 2'. We are in effect increasing and decreasing the non-conformity by the same amount. Because of the location ofthe existing studio to the south ofthe house on the property, moving the building further south is not feasible, nor is it desirable because of the way in which it would crowd the studio and back yard of this already small lot. Like many other porches in the Uptown neighborhood that were built before current zoning rules went into effect, this porch has been located in the l0' setback for many, many years without having any negative effect on the street or neighborhood that Mr. Krane or I can discern. Especially in light of the purpose statement in PTMC Chapter 17.82, which is under review by the Planning Commission at this time, we respectfully request that you issue a favorable Director's opinion with respect to allowing this porch to remain in the setback. 17.82.010 (Purpose) states that *the purpose of the residential setback adjustment process is to provide flexibility in the ciry's Chapter 17.16.030 setback requirements in order to encourage more streetscape friendly development on streets with road right-of-way widths exceeding 60 feet. Port Townsend's residential districts axe typified by narrow streets, buildings with front porches close to the sidewallg narrow lotq and relatively small lot areas. Many homes in these districts were built prior to modern zoning codes and encroach upon front and/or side yard setbacks. Rehabilitation and improvement of these homes can be discouraged by excessive street setbacks. New construction on infill lots can appear to be disconnected and out of character with their neighboring buildings by excessive setback standards. Allowing new residences and accessory.dlvelling units (ADUs) to,be builLcloser to the street allows more.gfficieqt use of yafd $plce,and, Bngouraqe$ PQlt lownsend to be ?. tont porch community. Ihe {exib,le street sptbacks alqo make it more likely Port Tgwnsend's r-ela.tiyslgsmall and nar,rowJots can bq devBlop.ed to the permitted density staniardgspecified in this zoning code and the comprehensive plan. Please note that the underlining is part of the text ofthe ordinance, and not added by me. While Mr. Krane's house is not located on a street wider than 60', in all other respects his house is a poster child for the intent of this proposed ordinance. Thanks for your consideration of these responses to your questions. Please call mo at the above number if you have any further questions or comments on these issues. Thank you, Richard Berg City of Port Townsend 250 Madison St. , Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-3208 FAX (360) 344-4619 August I0,2007 Mr. Bjorn Krane 521 5'n Ave. W. unit 705 Seattle, WA 98119 SUBJECT: Permit Application # BLD07-121 - 401 Roosevelt St. Dear Mr. Krane: I have been reviewing the application for the addition and reconstruction work on this existing house. There are a couple of issues that are problematic and in need of clarification and/or revision before I can approve the plans. The first of these relates to the location of the building on the site. Based upon the surveyor's stakes the building is currently located less than 5 feet from the edge of the Roosevelt St. right- of-way. The building plans indicate that the house will be setback 10 feet, which is the minimum required. Is the intent to move the building to the south? The application file indicates that the lower floor will be used as an ADU (accessory dwelling unit). If this is the intention then please note that a separate parking space will need to be provided on site for the ADU. The last concern relates to the existing retaining wall along the western properly line. It is not clear if the proposal is to reconstruct this wall or leave the existing wall as is. Any work done to this wall would require obtaining a construction easement from the adjoining properfy owner, since the wall is on the properfy line. It may be very difficult to perform any work around this area without impacting the wall judging from its age and condition. We cannot issue a permit to perform work on, or that would impact an adjoining property. .Please verif, the proposal and obtain any necessary easemen8. Feel free to contact me at (360)344-3041to discuss any details. Thanks. Yarb Development Services Director cc:Richard Berg Rob Gruye A NATIONAL MAIN STREET COMMUNITY WASHINGTON'S HISTORIC VICTORIAN SEAPORT q I 7I9 Taylor Street PortTownsend,WA9S36S richard@richardbergarchitects. com Phone: (360)379-8090 Fax (360)379-8324 REMODEL / ADDITIONFOR Bjorn Krane 401 Roosevelt Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 GRAVITY LOAD CALCULATIONS June 16,2407 EEGI$?HHSD RICHARD C. OF!TASHIf* 5665 i I I i \ I \ i..l JUN 1 I 2(]o7 I lUi'ri5Li{u I J L- L .-.i.)cill ul \ rI'<a L G{ &}i_' ,--'|3flts L:u. : t*i? f9{i u*= t],?.i.r hu* 'Jcli'r' ', ritr{"}"P tE'8 Lrr/e l*Js * €'*, L*\7a8 6id* 2 -Bq€._--""-*.-" " ltJ'ag'' !.rltJDera4 le;i-e5),-r 't:1 1.')| - a]""1 t* ? -/fi a'ld-vk4I {U t {ttpJ = l'L' vz't"tJ L {..€",- 4rrb fr,-,ei^rqr.xfi\Rdfl LL' A1 . 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" G " # 3 9 ' h * , , t n 4 s , , e f r l n t g h , q 8 6 / . s € t t g 4 r h l t a . - 3 ? b f l " s S b a r 1 C J * * u F ' * * A L * . i n * g U i f f , . r ' n p . q ? t a z f i f , ; , 4 ' i l V - ' \ i t t ,\l) Uniformty Loaded Floor Beaml 2006 lnternational Buildins Code (05 NDS) l Ver: 7.01.10 Bv: Jesse Thomas , Richard Berg Architects on: 05-15-2007 : 4:34:55 PM Proiect KMNE - Location: MAIN FLOOR BEAMS OVER LIVING AREA Summary:'5.125 tN x 7.5 lN x 12.25 FT t 24F-V4 - Visuallv Graded Western Species - Dry Use , Section Adequate By:22.4o/o Controlling Factor: Moment of lnartia / Depth Required 7-01 ln Deflections: Dead Load: Live Load: Total Load: Reactions (Each End): Live Load: Dead Load: Total Load:, Bearing Length Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): Camber Reqd.: Beam Data: SPan:, Unbraced Length-ToP of Beam: Live Load Deflect. Criteria: Total Load Deflect. Criteria: Camber Adjustment Factor: Floor Loadins: Floor Live Load-Side One: Floor Dead Load-Side One: Tributary Width-Side One: Floor Live Load-Side Two: Floor Dead Load-Side Two: Tributary Width-Side Two: Live Load Duration Factor: WallLoad: Beam Loading: Beam,Total,Uve Load: .------,. Beam Self Weight: Beam Total Dead Load: Total Maximum Load: Properties For:24F-Y4- Visually Graded Western Species Bending Stress: Shear Stress: Modulus of Elasticitv: Adiusted Modulus of ElasticitY: Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Bending Stress of Comp. Face in Tension: Adjusted Properties Fb'(Tension): Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.00 DLD= LLD= TLD= LL-Rxn= DL-Rxn= TL-Rxn= BL= o.14 0.33 0.47 1308 542 1 850 0.56 0.21 12.25 0.0 360 240 40.0 15.0 2.67 40.0 15.0 2.67 1.00 0 214 8 2400 265 IN lN = U441 lN = U312 LB LB LB IN IN l_= Lu= U U CAF= FT FT 1.5 X DLD LL1= DL1= ty'y'1= LL2= DLz= TW2= cd= WALL= PSF PSF FT PSF PSF FT wL= BSW= wD= wT= Fb= Fv= F= E-Min= Fc perp= Fb_cpt= Fb'= FV= Sreq= $= Areq= fi= lreq= l= 2400 265 1800000 930000 650 1850 PLF PLF PLF PLF PLF PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI FSI lN3 lN3 tN2 tN2 lN4 tN4 88 302 * Ff: Adiustment Factors: Cd=1.00 Design Requirements: Controlling Moment: 6.125 ft from left support Critical moment created by combining all dead and live loads. Controlling Shear: At a distance d from support. Critical shear created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons With Required Sections: Section Modulus (Moment): Area (Shear): Moment of lnertia (Deflection): M=5665 FT-LB \1=1665 LB 28.33 48.05 9.42 38.44 147.22 180.18 ') Multi-Loaded Beam[ 2003 lnternational Residential code (01 NDS) ] -V*er: 7-01 .1 0 Ay: Jesse Thomas , Richard Berg Architects on: 05-15-2007 Project KRANE - Location: MAIN FLOOR SUPPORT BEAM OVER L.R. Summary: 6.7s tN Section x 13.5 lN x14.67 FT l24F-V4 - Visually Graded Western SPecies - Dry Use Controlli Section Modulus /red 1 I P1 ur Center Span = 14.67 ft P2 ') Multi-Loaded Beaml2003 lnternational Residential Code (01 NDS) I Ver: 7.01.10 BV: Jesse Thomas , Rlchard Berg Architects on: 05-15-2007 : 4:33:55 PM Proiect: KRANE - Location: MAIN FLOOR SUPPORT BEAM OVER L.R. Summary: 6.75 lN x 13.5 lN x 14.67 FT I 24F-V4 - Visually Graded Western Species - Dry Use Section Adequate By:24.2o/o Controlling Factor: Section Modulus / Depth Required 12.11 ln Center Span Deflections: Dead Load: DLD-Center= Live Load: LLD-Center=Totalload: TLD-Center= Camber Required: Q= Center Span Left End Reactions (Support A): Live Load: LL-Rxn-A= Dead Load: DL-Rxn-A= Total Load: TL-Rxn-A= Bearing Lenqth Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked)' Br -A= Center Span Rioht End Reactions (Support B): Live Load: LL-Rxn-B= Dead Load: DL-Rxn-B= Total Load: TL-Rxn-B= Bearing Length Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): BL-B= Bearn Data: Center Span Lenqth: L2= Center Span Unbraced Length-Top of Beam: Lu2-Top= Center Span Unbraced Length-Bottom of Beam: Lu2-Bottom= Live Load Duration Factor: Cd= Live Load Deflect. Criteria: U TotalLoad Deflect. Criteria; U Center Span Loading: Uniform Load: Live Load: wL-2= Dead Load: wD-Z= Beam Self Weight BSW= Total Load: wT-2= Point Load 1 Live Load: PL1-2= Dead Load: PD12= Location (From left end of span): X1-2= Point Load 2 Live Load: PL2-2= Dead Load: PD2-2= Location (From left end of span): X2-2= Trapezoidal Load 1 Lefi Llve Load: TRL-Left-1-2= Left Dead Load: TRD-Left-1-2= Risht Live Load: TRL-Risht-1-2='Right Dead Load: TRD-Right-1-2= Load Starl A-1-2= Load End: 'B-1-z= Load Length: C-1-2= Properties For: 24F-V4- Visually Graded Western Species Bendinq Stress: Fb= Shear Stress: Fv= Modulus of Elasticity: f= Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Fc perp= Bending Stress of Comp, Face [n Tension: Fb_cpr= Adjusted Properties Fb'(Tension) Adjustment Factors: Cd=1.00 Cv=1.00FV: Fv'= Adiustment Factors: Cd=1.00 Design Requirements: Controlling Moment: [/l= 6.602 Ft from left support of span 2 (Center Span) Critical moment created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 2 Controlling Shear: != At a distance d from right support of span 2 (Center Span) Critical shear created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s) 2 Comparisons With Required Sections: Section Modulus (Moment): Sreq= $= Area (Shear): Areq= Moment of lnertia (Deflection): lreq= l= o.21 0.30 0.51 0.31 4269 3231 7501 1.71 4938 3508 8446 1.92 IN lN = U581 IN = U344 IN LB LB LB IN PLF PLF PLF PLF 14.67 0.0 14.67 1.00 360 240 LB LB LB IN FT FT FT LB LB FT LB LB FT PSI PSI PSt PSI PSr PSI PSt LB rN3 lN3 tN2 rN2 tN4 tN4 0 64 2A 84 2403 995 5.71 2403 995 11.O 300 240 300- 240 0.0 14.67 14.67 2400 240 1 800000 650 1 850 2392 240 32895 780s PLF PLF PLF -PLF FT FT FT FT-LB 165.04 205.03 48.78 91.13 965.97 1383.96 Uniformly Loaded Floor Beam[ 2006 lnternational Building Code (05 NDS) ] Yer:7.01.1O By: Jesse Thomas , Richard Berg Architects on: 05-15-2007 Project KRANE - Location: MAIN FLOOR BEAMS OVER L.R. SIDE 2 Summary: S.i25 tN x 7.8 lN x10.25 FT I 24F-V4 - Visually Graded Western Species - Dry Use Ad 108.90/6 of lnertia / LOADING Span = 10.25 ft 5.87 ln Uniformlv Loaded Floor Beaml 2006 lnternational Building Code (05 NDS) ] Ver: 7.01 .1 0 By: Jesse Thomas . Richard Berg Architects on: 05-15-2007 : 4:35:13 PM Proiect: KRANE - Location: MAIN FLOOR BEAMS OVER L.R. SIDE 2 Summary:-5.125 lN x 7.5 lN x10.25 FT I 24F-V4 - Visually Graded Western Species - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 108.9o/o Controlling Factor: Moment of lnertia / Depih Required 5.87 ln Deflections: Dead Load: DLD= 0.07 Live Load: LLD= 0.16TotalLoad: TLD= 0.23 Reactions {Each End): Live Load: LL-Rxn= 1095 Dead Load: DL-Rxn= 453 Total Load; TL-Rxn= 1548 Bearinq Length Required (Bearn only, support capacity not checked): BL= 0.46 Camber Reqd.: Q= 0.10 Beam Data:Span: l-= 1A.25 Unbraced Length-Top of Beam: Lu= 0.0 Live Load Deflect. Criteria: U 360 TotalLoad Deflect. Criteria: U 240 Camber Adjustment Factor: CAF= 1.5 Floor Loadinq: Floor Live Load-Side One: LL1= 40.O Floor Dead Load-Side One: DL1= 15.0 TributaryWdth-Side One: TW1= 2.67 Floor Live l-oad-Side Two: LL2= 40.0 Floor Dead Load-Side Two: DL2= 15.0 Tributary Width-Side Two: TW2= 2.67 Live Load Duration Factor: Cd= 1.00Wallload: WALL= 0 Beam Loading: Beam Total Live Load: wL= 214 Beam Self Weight BSW= 8 Beam Total Dead Load: wD= 88 TotalMaximum Load: wT= 302 Properties For:24F-Y4- Visually Graded Western Species Bending Stress: Fb= 2400 Shear Stress: Fv= 265 Modulus of Elasticity: f= 1800000 Adiusted Modulus of Elasticity: E-Min= 930000 Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Fc perp= 650 Bending Stress of Comp. Face in Tension: Fb-cpr= 1850 Adjusted Properties- Fb'(Tension): Fb'= 2400 Adjustment Factors: Cd=l.00FV: 'Ft'= 265 Adiustment Factors: Cd=1.00 Design Requirements: Controlling Moment: 5.125 ft from left support Critical moment created by combining all dead and live loads Controlling Shear: At a distance d from support. Critical shear created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons With Required Sections: Section Modulus (Moment): Area (Shear): Moment of lnertia (Defleetion): LB LB LB IN IN FT FT IN lN = V752 lN = U532 X DLD PSF PSF FT PSF PSF FT PLF PLF PLF PLF PLF PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI ffi= [= lN3 tN3 tN2 tN2 tN4 tN4 Sreq= $= Areq=[= lr€q= l= 3967 FT-LB 1362 LB 19.83 48.05 7.71 38.44 86.25 1 80.1 8 |) Uniformly Ldaded Floor Beam[ 2006 lnternational Building Gode (05 NDS] I Ver: 7'01.10 By: Jesse Thornas , Richard Berg Architects on: 05-15-2007 Project KRANE - Location: MAIN FLOOR BEAMS OVER LIVING AREA Summary: S.i25 tN x 7.S tN x12.ZSFT t24F-V4 - Visually Graded Western Species - Dry Use Section Controlli Factor:I 7.01 ln NG DIAGRAM Span = 12.25 tl , E ^) Receipt Number: BLD07-121 BLD07-121 BLIloT-121 988801909 988801909 988801909 $50.00 $s0.00 $38.75 Total: $s0.00 $50.00 $38.75 Plan Review Fee - Revision Revision to existing Building Perm it Revision to existing Building Permit $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $138.75 07-0942 07-0942 07-0942 07-0542 07-0942 08-0037 07-0942 07-0942 07-0942 07-0942 CHECK 1013012007 10t30t2007 1013012007 0611912007 10t30t2007 0111512008 1013012007 10130t2007 1013012007 10130t2007 138.75 $1,335.35 $100.00 $r50.00 $r50.00 $717.98 $50.00 $r50-00 $10.00 $4.50 $26.71 BLD07-121 BLD07-121 BLD07-121 BLD07-l2l BLDOT-121 BLD07-121 BLD07-121 BLD07-121 BLDOT-121 BLD07-121 Building Permit Fee Energy Code Fee - l,lew Single Family Unit Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - | Plan Review Fee Plan Review Fee Plan Review Fee - Revision Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - Ne Record Retention Fee for Building Permit State Building Gode Gouncil Fee Technology Fee for Building Perm it Total $ 138.7s $ra8;zs genprntrreceipts Fage 1 of 1 Receipt Number BLD07-i21 988801909 Plan Review Fee - Revision $50.00 _ _ $50.00 Total: $50.00 $0.00 07-0942 07-0942 07-0942 07-0542 07-0942 07-0942 07-0942 07-0942 07-0942 1013012007 10t3012007 1013012007 06t19t2007 10130t2007 1013012007 1013012007 1013012007 1013012007 4422 $1,335.35 $100.00 $150.00 $150.00 $717.98 $150.00 $10.00 $4"50 $26-71 BLDOT-121 BLD07-121 BLD07-121 BLDOT-121 BLD07-121 BLD07-121 BLD07-121 BLD07-121 BLD07-121 Building Perm it Fee Energy Gode Fee 'lGw Single Family Unit Mechanical Perm it Fee per Drvelling Unit - I Plan Review Fee Plan Review Fee Plum bing Perm it Fee per Dwelling Unit - l,le Record Retention Fee for Building Permit State Building Code Gouncil Fee Technology Fee for Building Perm it $ 50.00 Total $50.00 CHECK genprntrreceipts l*rge 1 of 1 1 Receipt Number:ffiw BLD07-121 988801909 Plan Review Fee $867.98 Total: $ts0-00 - $-150"00 .987$71 ECKCH 3021 $ 1s0.00 Total $150.00 genpmtrreceipls Page 1 of 1 Parcel Details ParcelNumber: 988801909 Parcel Number: 988801909 Owner Mailing Address: BJORN KRANE 521 5TH AVE W #7O5 SEATTLE WA9B119 Site Address: 401 ROOSEVELT ST PORT TOWNSEND 98368 Section: 2 Qtr Section: NE1/4 Township: 30N Range: lW Page I of2 .**tiffi it*ffi l . er,b------ Fs"iffi*en Fy6effid$w_ School District: Port Townsend (50) Firc Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Sub Division: PLUMMER'S ADDITiON llqcg.qqfir'c I rt nd LJse C*de 1100 - HOUSES (single units, non-farm) Property Description: PLUMMER'S ADDTTTON I BLK 19 LOTS 10 (N 10' OF W r/2) | 12 (W 1/2 LESS N 1s' I I Click on photo for larger image lC t\o lno PhOto Avail*ble No Permit Data Available Assessar lDldg Data F-' Jefferssn {ount SEARCH Jellerron (oenly ,l;::'\,i,!t) , , ,fisMg | fl*$ruTY rNps | ffiEpARTffi€ruTs I SCARCil Be$t viewed with Mi(rossft lfiternet Explorer 6,0 or later http : //www. co j efferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail. asp 81t712007