HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-112BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel Site Address 206 PIERCE ST Project Description New handicapped ramp and entryway Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLDO7.TI2 989703s06 Names Associsted with this Project Type Name Applicant Laski Barbara J Owner Laski Barbara J Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date Fee Information Project Details Decks - Residential 288 SQFT Project Valuation Building Permit Fee Plan Review Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit s2.226.24 83.2s 54.1 I 4.50 5.00 4.25 Total Fees $151.11 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certifu Datelssued: ll/08/200'7 IssuedBy: PWESTERFIELD that I am the owner agent of owner Print Name !^e4 e; CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT tr'or inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. PERMIT NUMBER: &-*) - \DATE OF'INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: qN C ?i P €a-F tr PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION:F"t^*\ Inspector ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Date N NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. ryLK ) Approved plans and permit must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. J ) PERMTT# ,B t nn7-ltL SCOPE OF WORK: CITY OF PORT TOWNSBND PBRMIT ACTTVITY LOG DATE RECEIVED "6 DATE ACTION INITIALS ENTERED INTO CHET CA - to Plannins - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS VE SE 7'25 - I tn k-4-t Tf I C\ ';.'1 v1O r t/Il-8..o7 / CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R D CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3" Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N . PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE C I U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y . ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E PA R C E L NO . 98 9 7 0 3 5 0 6 PE R M I T NO . BL D 0 7 - 1 1 2 IS S U E D DA T E 11 t 0 8 t 2 0 0 7 D( P I R A T I O N DA T E AD D R E S S 20 6 PI E R C E ST CO N S T R U C T I O N T Y P E OC C U P A N T L O A D OW N E R LA S K I B A R B A R A J PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Ne w ha n d i c a p p e d ra m p an d en t r v w a v CO N T R A C T O R LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E GOMMENTS FO O T I N G FR A M I N G FI N A L BU I L D I N G TO RE Q U E S T AN TN S P E C T T O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 - TN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R ND ( T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . 05/06/2008 Receipt Number:tffiRW BLD07-112 989703506 Plan Review Fee $54.11 Total: $1.11 $0.00 $1.11 07-0513 07-0513 07-0513 07-0513 07-0513 06t07t2007 06107t2007 06t07t2007 06t07t2007 0610712007 Building Perm it Fee Plan Review Fee Record Retention Fee for Building Permit State Building Gode Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit $83,25 $53.00 $4.25 $4.50 $5.00 BLD07-112 BLD07-112 BLD07-112 BLDoT-112 BLD07-112 CASH N/A $ 1.11 Total $1.11 genprntrreceipts Page 1 of 1 -. .\ CITY OFPORT TOWNSEI\D -* yELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT City Halt,250 Madison Street, Suite 3 PortTownsend,WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax360-344'4619 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTTON, REMODELS, & ADDTTIONS lr/ propertyowner'sName(s) BAnB*r* S,' LASK/ + Ae'ruuR 6" CnBpe-tlr€"R MailingAddress AOU. Fi'erce Sf City, State, Zip Purf 'To,,r^<.t nn{ Wn q F.769 Phone l'vld ? Ps- Pt9)PermitNo. BLDOZ- ll) Po,rl T),-a^nzna( C.l/ft qB6gProperty Street Address EOG P c+I t't L Parcel #District Legal Description: Addition Block 35 Lot(s)uJrT €€General Contractorts Name PuriMailing Address l?4 3 q9 -t - q?ooPhone ACell Phone City Business License Number -7 )33State License Number Authorized Representative/Contact Person: {e +( 1fo h n \q-qgooPhone Estimated Value of construction $+ Financed By Date Work is to Begin 2Date Work is to be 0 Scope of Work: Please check all items that apply for the type of building permit you are requesting: Floor Area: the proposed structure is to be used for: New House Addition New Garage or Carport Repair/Remodel Garage Repair/Remodel House Accessory Dwelling Unit Manufactured Home ,/Other l, Finished Heated Space sq. ft:ft: Unfinished Heated sq ft:Carport sq. ft: Unfinished Basement sq ft:Ll iiPorches Semi-Finished Basement sq ft:Decks sq. ft: Storage sq. ft Other (please describe):and,r -Crf Jcccts P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit.doc Page 1 of 1 ) -- 'r ) CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND RESIDENTIAL BTJILDING PERMIT APPLICATION I\[EW CONSTRUCTIO\ REMODELS, & ADDITIONS Special Conditions Applicanf Cerfifi eation The applicant hereby certifies to have knowledge of those sections of the lnternational Residential Code and the Port Townsend Municipal Code pertinent to the above project and that the applicant is responsible for constructing in conformance with these codes; the applicant understands that the permit, if issued, expires in six montls unless work is started; that the permit, after construction has started, will expire after one year if an inspection is not made to show significant progress on the fructure; the applicant agrees to abide by the ordinances, codes, regulations, restrictive covenants, deed or plat restrictions, and water and sewer plans attached hereto; the applicant certifies that all inforrnation given above and on accompanying plans i complete and accurate to the best of their knowledge; and the applicant understands that this information will be relied upon in granting permits and that if such information is later found to be inaccurate any permits may be withdrawn. Please check YES or NO as applicable YES NO I . Is the property within 200 feet of a fresh or saltwater shoreline? ( lrttl:,f PflA {i\t t t'S o/l tz, r, z ,4orfhl"l'r# +u 2. Is the property within the port Townsend Historical District? //he sa*hino i*p)tfon bloF€\ 3. Is the property located within or adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area?/ 4. Will this proposal involve any sewer, water or other utility extensions that will, or could serve vacant properties other than the project site? If yes, please attach information identiffing the utility extensions and sites.\/ 5. Have any special conditions been placed on this property, or has the property been subject to any conditions on any prior action of the City (if "Yes" to any of the following, attach copies of appropriate documents): Subdivision/Short Plat/Boundary Line Adjustment?,/ SEPA (environmental review)? Variance?t/ Conditional Use Permit? Street Vacation?i Planned Unit Development?( Tt*lt Restri ctive,. Covenant? Easement? 6. Are any properties within 800 feet of the site owned or controlled by the applicant, any relative or business associate, or any partnership, corporation, or other entity affiliated with the applicant? (If ps, attach list.) 7. Have any of the properties listed in item #6 been developed within the last two years? (If yes, atiach list.) 8. Have you previously discussed this project with a City staff member? If yes, who and when? ffot"n McDonuqh o€(*or A?o4-?:wn P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit.doc Page 3 of 3 Receipt Nunber BLDOT-112 BLD0T-112 Br.D07-l t2 BLD,JT-112 BLD'}T-112 CHECK 989703506 989703506 989703506 989703506 989703506 1494 Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Building Perm it State Building Code Council Fee Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P $ 150.00 Total $150.00 $54.11 $5.00 $4.50 $83.25 $4.25 Total $53.00 $5.00 $4.50 $83.25 $4.25 $1.11 $o.oo $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 $150.00 genprntrreceipts F%ge 1of 1 '"1 ) #s,g*#l.t'#. ,#hr*:X.**qmlf+?r*# *l f,m:klffi ,,,{gH lt&;l*f Fr* **t,ad [*Yr*l* T*#f r ffiaf#*rv t lrl*tlr rr}rttt I ,* *rr l*l F* I-'f*l [**f,f#f** f*#rs.r:r bh,* , \ ,l i*) I ^{, }i rX. *t i{$ %-i}t{.' gttu ir t: # fu e'V l= -;i-l f'r l\ I ; u{.ili'* S ' frdf '.4i d4ll : 'u.', ; n F:A{ tt ru**t-rf{4"{ jrue X*t} +* I*t , a I t* t {l I* t ,a a a ttt II, I r$ * t{*!titll*tr|lr t a***i}t'ED DA'IE PEilifi l.t't t Dd !'. :i i il l! f, II at. fr- I I f I ffiow#*tw"anJ'r;4;.r l: ! 'i \r' ' "":{}WNSEND SeS* fur * &' Soundr"\f r- Fr H I S*ne r* *qlxdtt \f r t ' ; frrcy*.fry farnc.r X f,*rrr* t* f**** sffirgf nKf{s#f'{f*y**'"F *,*L .'t ,tj, ',li. l lra {/t:!o '. ffi t"r^.&;*od *"t c! f.f't't"4[n"* F fr F * *b \ J 4 {***,c*ta 7rv,'q#F*Y{} n --.......-.'......:-- ..' \ ) - ,/'1a2/-:'i7 +t*_1 Cedar Creen FLx-iL I lomc,\\aintcnancc 3' Rcpiil ' 'Jeff Johnson ' .Il it ain't brol<e, clon't fix iL. lf it i!, call Je{I ar: 360.379.4800 ' A= xt*4;1t': J ?: ( -4 /- 14- '*)-t.+,:i i;a =* 1 Air_ / j 'f/ 7 F,t*, &'{t n M*,fu ,',f,'M$dq-rf/fi;; *gk, ,s Cedar Green Fh-It l:lorre l'\airrrenance & RcPaiI 'Jeff Johnson If.it:ain t broke, clonlt llr it. If it'is, call Jelf at: 360.379.4800' . '','\ Also rr$e $,; R, l: ".!.r. .6' $wn srds 7tq'! ,.04"ll 1-a'd ts& 8'(ton 6'r* !"**-x#] prrepe,n,,_ Carx€f! I:. I Iti -]q. fl -a-=- Sr' (; '' a i,.J hova*l* .S**'c:-e# Leonard Yarberry From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: BARB LASKI [flashlaski@msn.com] Thursday, November 01,2007 1:56 PM Leonard Yarberry art@artcarpenter.com BLDOT-112, EXTERIOR HANDICAPPED ACCESS RAMP AT 206 PIERCE STREET Dear This our IreOnafd, residence, addresses an open issue and requests a response from you about next steps and timing. DECISION, OPEN ISSUE & RESPONSE After comparing options, we request approval for consLrucLion of the handicapped ramp entry that was submitted wit.h our Permit Application in June 2007. The single exception Lo these plans is to increase the cl-osest distance Lo Ehe Bruns property Lo five feet rather than the previous Lwo feeL. We will- forward a revised Sit.e Plan in a separate email message An open issue concerns,John McDonough's,Ju1y 13, 2007 fet.ter Lo Fay and RoberL Bruns explaining, among other things, that if we were to move, we woufd remove the ramp AND also Ehe entry door. We fu11y agree about the ramp structure since it will not meet the rear setback. However, we strongly disagree about the door, and gave ,fohn our reasons in an emaif date July 18,2007. We would simply add conventional sLeps LhaL satisfy all setbacks (twenty feet from the Bruns, thirty feet from the Pierce Street right-of-way and more than five feet from the Andreas/Daehl-er Family Trust side border). Leonard, please feL us know if there are any other requirements as wel-I as your expected timing to review this minor modification. We woufd like to move forward wit.h our contracLor this month. RAMP GRADE Our proposed ramp wilL have a grade of l-:9 versus the ADA guideline of t zt2 due Eo space confinements. This outcome is satisfactory even though I will be unabl-e to gc.l up the ramp in my manual wheelchair without another person' s assistance. This situation is temporary because I intend to purchase a mobility scooLer or power chair that is certified to safely handle thisgrade. Our conLracLor may have some other ideas to minimize the slope when he next visits our work site. Ietter informs you of our decision regarding handicapped access for OTHER OPTIONS We appreciat,ed your August requesL for us to explore oLher opEions, We have become very informed on topics of elevaLors, l-ifts, ramps, slopes, angles, landing dimensions and mobility devices as well as my own capabilities. This educat.ion is vaLuable to have in order to be pro-active rather than wait until a crisis occurs I our interest in an inclined or verLicaLplatform lifL dimini-shed greatly after we Jearned that exterior applicaEions simply do not hold up in our harsh Pacific Northwest cLj-mate, especially being on a bluff. As one example, we witnessed the inoperable lift at Peninsula College's Fort Worden campus that was severely damaged by a storm. Our home,is too small to accommodate a lift on the inside. We hope this note is responsive to your request. Sincerely, Barbara Laski Art Carpenter 385-8282 2 City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 37e-s09s FAX (360) 344-461e Findings. Conclusions and I)ecision of the Director April 11,2006 MFy DATE: SUBJECT: Lot Line Adjustment LUP 05-133 Carpenter/Laski, the Daehler Family Trust and the F & R Burns Family Trust After respectful consideration of the above referenced application, the Port Townsend Director of Development Services hereby adopts the following Findings, Conclusions and Decision. Findinss of Factl. Arthur G. Carpenter and Barbara Laski have made application to adjust boundary lines between three Assessor's tax parcels all lying within Block 35 of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Townsend. Carpenterilaski own only one of the tax parcels involved. The other two subject properties are owned by two separate trusts, the F & R Burns Family Trust and the Daehler Family Trust. The respective Jefferson County tax parcel numbers are 989- 703-506 (Carpenter/Laski),989-703-505 (Daehler),and989-703-504 (Bums). All of the properties are located within the R-II (Medium Density SingloFamily) zoning district. Each of the parcels involved are occupied with single-family residences. 2. The purpose of the Lot Line Adjustment is to allow construction of a handicapped access ramp along the north, or rear, side of the Carpenter/Laski home. The ramp could not be built on Carpenter/Laski property without benefit of the Lot Line Adjustment. No other reasonable location for the handicapped access ramp to enter the home exists on the Carpenter/Laski site. Even with this Lot Line Adjustment, much of the proposed access ramp cannot meet the side setback requirements normally required. Typically, a minimum l0 foot rear setback is required for all new improvements over 30 inches in height within the R-II zoning district (Section 17.16.030 PTMC). In addition, all new improvements over 30 inches in height must be setback at least 10 feet from a platted right-of-way. As the ramp rises adjacent to the Pierce Street right-of-way, both the ramp surface and the required railing quickly exceed 3O-inches in height. The ramp cannot meet either the rear setback or the side setback requirements that would normally apply. 3. Laws, ordinances and regulations that appear to be neutral can often adversely irnpact individuals with disabilities. The City is satisfied that is the case in this matter and that a reasonable modification is necessary to prevent discrimination on the basis of disability. Such a modifications can permit the handicapped access ramp without undergoing a review and full compliance with the City's Variance process, but only so long as the ramp is Page I ofl I Carpenter/Laski Lot Line Adjustment LUP0Sl33 removed if the Carpenterllaski house is ever conveyed to a non-disabled purchaser. Said ilrangement resulted from the use of the City's dispute resolution process on June 29,2005 and is acceptable to all public and private parties involved. 4. The following legal descriptions are how the subject properties are currently configured: Parcel A: Lot 8, less the southerly 10 feet, Block 35, of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Townsend, as per Volume I of Plats, Page 1, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. Parcel B: Lot 7,the westerly 27 feet of Lot 5 and the sotftherly 10 feet of Lot 8, all in Block 35, of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Townsend, as per Volume I of Plats, Page 1, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. Parcel C: The westerly 27 feetof Lot 6 in Block 35, of the Original Townsite tothe City of Port Townsend, as per Volume I of Plats, Page l, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. The following new legal descriptions are how the subject properties would be reconfigured: Parcel A: Lot 8, less the southerly 17 feet, Block 35, of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Townsend, as per Volume I of Plats, Page l, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. Parcel B: Lot 7,the westerly 27 feet of Lot 5 and the southerly l7 feet of Lot 8, and the southerly 6 feet of the westerly 11 feet of Lot 6, all in Block 35, of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Townsend, as per Volume 1 of Plats, Page l, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. Parcel C: The westerly 27 feet of Lot 6 Excepting therefrom the southerly 6 feet of the westerly I I feet in Block 35, of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Townsend, as per Volume 1 of Plats, Page l, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. 6. Chapter 18.08.0508 Port Townsend Municipal Code (Lot Line Adjustments) requires approval from the Director of Development Services to revise a legal description to include portions of existing platted lots. 7. Existing Parcels A & B currently conform with the 5,000 square foot lot size specified for the R-II zone; however, the existing home on Parcel B is non-conforming with respect to its rear setback and side setback from Pierce Street. Parcel C is presently non-conforming with respect to both lot size (2,966.5 square feet) and side setbacks. The proposed Lot Line Adjustment will not materially render any of the three parcels more non-conforming than they already are with respect to setbacks or lot size. After the Lot Line Adjustment, the area of new Parcel A will be approximately 5,107 square feet, new Parcel B wilt be approximately 10,010 square feet and new Parcel C will be 2,009.5 square feet. Other than the proposed ) 5 Page2 of2 -t ) Carpenter/Laski Lot Line Adjustment LUP0t133 handicapped access ramp for Parcel B (Carpenter/Laski) no further development on either parcel is proposed at this time. Any future development that is proposed must conform to the applicable development regulations in effect at the time an application for such is sought. 8. Access to Parcels A and C is directly onto Washington Street. Access to Parcel B is provided via a private driveway in the Pierce Street right-of-way. The proposed Lot Line Adjustment will not afflect access to either property. 9. Public water and sewer service are currently provide to each of the parcels via the adjoining rights-of-way. The proposed Lot Line Adjustment will not affect access to either property. 10. There is an accessible fire hydrant within 250 feet of each parcel. It is located at the northeast intersection comer of Pierce and Washington. 11. Parcel B (Carpenter/Laski) does contain a Steep Slope environmentally sensitive area as defined in Title 19 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code. However, the proposed Lot Line Adjustment and subsequent handicapped access ramp construction will not impact this feature. Conclusions 1. The proposed lot line adjustment does not create any additional building site, lot, tract, parcel or division. 2. The proposed lot line adjustment does not result in a lot, tract, parcel, site or division which contains increased density or insufficient area or dimension which are materially inconsistent with the minimum requirements as set forth in the city's zoningand land use and state and local health codes and regulations. 3. The proposed lot line adjustment does not diminish or impair drainage, water supply, existing sanitary sewage disposal, and access or easement for vehiiles or pedestrians, utiiiiies, and fire protection for any lot, tract, parcel, site, or division 4. The proposed lot line adjustment does not diminish or impair any public or private utility easement or deprive any parcel of access or utilities. 5. The proposed lot line adjustment does not create unreasonably restrictive or hazardous access to the property.. 6. The proposed lot line adjustment does not replat or vacate a plat or short subdivision, or revise or amend the conditions of approval of any full or short subdivision. 7. The proposed lot line adjustment does not amend the conditions of approval for previously platted property. Page 3 of3 ) Carpenter/Laski Lot Line Adjustment LUP0SI33 Decision Based on the foregoing Findings and Conclusions, application for Lot Une Adjustment LUP05-133 is hereby APPROVED subject to compliance with the following CONDITIONS: 1. Other than the handicapped access ramp proposed along the north side of Parcel B, any future development on Parcel A, B or C shall be in fullconformance with City requirements in effect at the time an application is submitted. 2. The applicant shall record with the Jefferson County Auditor the attached Lot Line Adjustment Statement of Intent defining reconfigured Parcels A, B and C as single tracts. The Statement of Intenl must bear the acknowledged signatures of all owners of record for their respective parcels. In addition, the as-yet-unrecorded Record of Survey that has been performed on these subject properties shall be recorded concurrently with the Statement of Intent and the Notice to Title and Covenant,rcferenced in ConditionNo. 3, below. Each of these three documents shall provide a cross reference to each other. 3. Carpenter and Laski shall sign & record the attachedNotice to Title and Covenant inform approved by the City Attorney agreeing to remove the handicapped access ramp if the subject property is conveyed to a buyer who no long needs the access ramp. Said Notice shall specifu that the ramp would be removed no later than the closing date of conveyance. 4. The approved Lot Line Adjustment shall not become effective until the Lot Line Adjustment Statement of Intent, the Notice to Title and Covenant andthe Record of Survey have all been recorded with the Jefferson County Auditor. After recording, the applicant shall retum the originals of the first two documents, and a paper copy of the Record of Survey, to the City within ninety (90) days from the date of this approval. Otherwise, this approval shall automatically become null and void. 5. Carpenter and Laski shall apply for and receive approval of a City building permit prior to commencing work on the handicapped access ramp, which shall not issue until conditions of this Decision have been met (including, recording of documents). Said ramp shall be constructed in accordance with all applicable building codes in effect at the time of said application. Y Date Development Services Department Page 4 of4 City Clerk City of Port Townsend Watemran & Katz Building 181 Quincy Street Suite 201 Port Townsend, WA 98368 LOT LINE ADruSTMENT STATEMENT OF INTENT #LUP05-133 This recording is for the purpose of assisting with a Lot Line Adjustment pursuantto RCW 58.17.040(6). It does not create any additional lots, tracts, parcels, or division as the land described herein shall merge or be integrated into abutting property presently owned by the proponent. Nor does the Lot Line Adjustment result in any new lots, tracts, parcels or division which contain insufficient area and dimension to meet minimum city and sanitation requirements for width and area for a building site. Grantor:Daehler Family Trust F & R Burns Family Trust Arthur G. Carpenter and Barbara J. LaskiGrantee: Parcel A: Reference Documents: Notice to Title and Covenant, AFN Record of Survey, AFN Parcels involved in the adjustment are currently legally described as: Lot 8, less the southerly 10 feet, Block 35, of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Townsend, as per Volume I of Plats, Page 1, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. Parcel B:Lot7, the westerly 27 feet of Lot 5 and the southerly 10 feet of Lot 8, all in Block 35, of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Townsend, as per Volume 1 of Plats, Page l, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. Parcel C The westerLy 27 feet of Lot 6 in Block 35, of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Townsend, as per Volume I of Plats, Page l, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. Lot line subject to adjustment described as follows: (New legal description) Parcel A: Lot 8, less the southerly 17 feet, Block 35, of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Townsend, as per Volume 1 of Plats, Page l, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. Parcel B: Lot 7,the westerly 27 feet of Lot 5 and the southerly 17 feet of Lot 8, and the southerly 6 feet of the westerly 1l feet of Lot 6, all in Block 35, of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Townsend, as per Volume 1 of Plats, Page l, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. Parcel C: The westerly 27 feet of Lot 6 Excepting therefrom the southerly 6 feet of the westerly l1 feet in Block 35, of the Original Townsite to ttre City of Port Townsend, as per Volume I of Plats, Page 1, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. Arthur G. Carpenter, Owner Barbara J. Laski, Owner Daehler Family Trust F & R Burns Family Trust STATE OF WASHTNGTON ) couNTY oF JEFFERSON ) On 2006,personally appeared Arthur G. Carpenter and Barbara J. Laski , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names are subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged that they executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of 2006. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My appointment expires STATE OF WASHTNGTON ) couNTY oF JEFFERSON ) On 2006, personally appeared , onbehalfof the Daehler Family Trust, and proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged that he executed it. residing at My appointment expires STATE OF WASHTNGTON ) cotrNTY oF JEFFERSON ) On 2006, personally appeared on behalf of the F & R Bums Family Trust, and proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged that he executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My appointment expires Development Services Department 2006. 2006 Date John Watts, City Attorney City of Port Townsend Waterman & Katz Bldg. l8l Quincy Street, #201 Port Townsend, WA 98368 NOTICE TO TITLE and COVENANT (Cannot be released or amended without Cify approval) REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: ' Statement of Intent, AFN Record of Survey, AFN GRANTOR:Arthur G. Carpenter & Barbara J. Laski City of Port Townsend, a Washington municipal corporationGRANTEE: I JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NO. 989 703 506 THIS DECLARATION is made and entered this day of 2006,by Arthur G. Carpenter & Barbara J. Laski, hereinafter referred to as "Owner(s) or "Grantor(s)," the legal and equitable owner(s) of the real property described herein. A. RECITALS Legal Description: This Notice to Title and Covenant shall affect and restrict the real property ("the property") legally described as follows: Lot7, the westerly 27 feet of Lot 5 and the southerly 17 feet of Lot 8, and the southerly 6 feet of the westerly 1l feetof Lot 6, all in Block 35, of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Townsend, as per Volume I of Plats, Page l, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. ,Building Permit Application. The Owner(s) have applied or will apply for a building permit through the City of Port Townsend ("the City") to make certain improvements upon the above-described property, including construction of handicapped access ramp along the rear, or north, side of an existing single-family residence. Prior to submittal of the building permit, Owner(s) also applied for and received approval of a Lot Line Adjustment (File No. LUP05-133) which provided Owner(s) with the additional property necessary to construct said access ramp; however, even with the additional property, the access ramp will not be compliant with the required'setbacks normally required from the 3 adjacent Pierce Street right-of-wa5 the north, or rear, property line, or the east, or side, property line. Purpose. Laws, ordinances and regulations that appear to be neutral can often adversely impact individuals with disabilities. The City is satisfied that is the case in this matter and that a reasonable modification is necessary to prevent discrimination on the basis of disability- Such a modification can perrnit the handicapped access ramp without having to undergo review and full compliance with the City's Variance process, but only so long as the ramp is removed if the Carpenter/Laski house is ever conveyed to a non-disabled purchaser. The handicapped access ramp could not be built on Carpenter/Laski property without benefit of the previously approved Lot Line Adjustment. In addition, no other reasonable location for the handicapped access ramp to enter the home exists on the Carpenter/Laski site. For purposes of ensuring reasonable accommodation are for the disabled are made in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), construction of the proposed ramp will be permitted bythe City despite the standard setbacks not being met. 4. Assurance to City. The Owner(s) desire to assure the City that the handicapped access ramp will be removed prior to the conveyance closing date if the subject property is ever conveyed to a non-disabled pafty. Ifthe subject propertyis ever conveyed to persons, who in the opinion of the City Development Services Department, have demonstrated a disability and continued need for the access ramp. Owner(s) acknowledge that but for their covenant and other acknowledgements in this Notice to Title, the City would not have approved the Lot Line Adjustment (File No. LUP05-133), or a building permit that Owner(s) have applied or will apply through the City to make certain improvements upon the above-described property, including construction of handicapped access ramp along the rear, or north, side of an existing single-family residence. 5. Recitals. These recitals are material terms to this Covenant and Notice to Title. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits derived by this Notice to Title and Covenant, and in consideration of the conditions set forth in the Findings, Conclusions and Decision of Director in Lot Line Adjustment (File No. LUP05-133), and in consideration of a building permit that Owner(s) have applied or will apply through the City to make certain improvements upon the above-described property, including construction ofhandicapped access ramp along the rear, or north, side of an existing single-family residence, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is acknowledged, the Owner(s) declare, covenant and agree as follows: B. COVENANT 1. Specific Restriction and Covenant. The Owner(s) declarg covenant and agree that (l) the handicap access ramp along the rear, or north, side of the existing single-family residence (the "ramp") which is constructed pursuant to a building permit Owner(s) have or will apply for through the City is for the purpose of providing handicapped access to and from the residence for a person disabled under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) who resides at the residence, (2) will be removed at the Owner(d) sole cost in the event that the ramp is not necessary to accommodate the disability of a person who resides at the residence. "Necessary to accommodate the disability of a person" would have the same meaning as provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Removal of the ramp (and all associated improvements) shall occur within 60 days of the date that the person with disability and need for this accommodation no longer resides at the residence: ln the event of sale of the residence, the ramp (and all associated improvements) shall be removed prior to closing of the sale, unless the purchaser obtains a written certificate of approval from the City Development Services Department to continue to maintain the improvements because they are necessary to accommodate the disability of a person who resides in the residence. Owner(s) shall provide the City on request documentation of disability and residency. "Reside" or "residency'' has its usual and customary meaning, and includes the following: the person physically occupies the home at least six months of any calendar year. (Brief vacations do not negate occupancy.) 2. Covenant Running with the Land. This restrictive covenant affects and restricts the described property and shall be construed as a covenant running with and touching and conceming the land and inuring to the benefit of the Owner(s), the public generally, and the City 3. Binding upon Successors and Assigns. This restrictive covenant shall bind and restrict the land, the Owner(s), their heirs, grantees, successors and assigns. 4. Recording. Upon its execution, this Declaration shall be recorded with the Jefferson County Auditor. All contracts and deeds or other instruments of conveyance relating to the property or any part thereof shall contain reference to this covenant. 5. Enforcement. In addition to any other party having a legal right to enforce this covenant, the City shall have the right to enforce and compel compliance with this covenant, including all remedies available at law and equity- The City shall have the right in any such proceeding to recover its attomey fees and costs. In addition, any violation of this instrument may be enforced by the City as a violation of the zoning code of the City. 6. Compliance with Code Requirements. This Declaration does not amend or modifu, nor is it intended to amend or modifir any requirements of the City's ordinances or any other law or regulation dealing with or affecting the use of land or construction of improvements upon lands, except as set forth herein- All work or alterations on the property shall be in done in compliance with the codes and regulations of the City, except as modified by this Covenant. 7. Estoppel. The Owners by this Declaration specifically estop themselves and all of their successors and assigns and all persons presently or hereafter having any interest in the property from asserting or contending in any manner that this restrictive covenant is not a full and adequate covenant running with the land and binding upon the property. 8. Severance.Invalidation of this covenant by judgment or court order shall not affect any of the other covenants which shall remain in full force and effect. 9. Warranty of Authority. The Owner(s) signing below warrant that they are the sole Owners in fee of the real property described above and are authorized to make this Declaration and so bind the property. 10. Governing Law. This Notice to Title and Covenant shall be govemed by the laws of the State of Washington. 11. Amendment; Release. This restrictive covenant shall not be removed, released or changed unless approved in writing by the Development Services Department Director for the City of Port Townsend. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Notice to Title and Covenant is executed this _ day of 2006. Arthur G. Carpenter, Owner Barbara J. Laski, Owner STATE OF WASHTNGTON) )ss coLrNTY OF JEFFERSON ) On this day personally appeared before me, Arthur G, Carpenter and Barbara J. Laski, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal this day of 2006. NOTARY PUBLIC in and forthe State of Washington residing at My commission Agreed to: Development Director as to form John Watts City Attorney l I llllil lllll lllllil llil il lllll lllllil lll lill lil llil 5?.?'158 Pager 1 of 4 A4l@612A@7 A2:39Por6 ac oa laffa-enn a^rr'tU Orrd qdpROpO I oqKT City Clerk City of Port Townsend Waterman &- Katz Bui lding 181 Quincy Street, Suite 201 Port'lorvnsend, WA 98368 Jefferson Co Excise Af{ ###Date untvr\' Tax cr^Jd rAmt$ B v eputy Treasurer LOT LINE AI}ruSTMENT STATEMENT OF I}"ITENT #LUP05-133 This recording is for the pu{pose of assisting with a L,ot Line Adjustment pur$uantto RCW 58.17.040(6). It does not create any additional lots, tract$, parcels, or division as the land described herein shall nrerge or be integrated into abutting property presently owned by the proponent. It does not result in any new lots, traets, parceis or division which contain insuff,rcient area ancl dimeruion to meet minimum city and sanitation requirements for width and area for a bgilding site. Finally, this Lot Line Adjustment does not correct or purport to correct any existing non-conforming aspects of the subject properties involved beyond those corrected by this recording. Grantor:Mark Andreas Daehler Family Trust Grantee: Arthur G. Carpenter and Barbara J' Laski Reference Documents: Notice to Title and Covenant, AFN 5 )7t6a Record of Survey, AFN tr Parcels involved in the adjustment are curently legally described as: Parcel A: Lot 8, less the southerly 10 feet, Block 35, of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Tgwnsend, as per Volume 1 of Plats, Page 1, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. 'Gx parcd tr ?39 /]Cl7 f2T Paroel B: LotT,the westerly 27 feetof Lot 5 and the southerly l0 f'eet of l-ot 8, all in Block 35, of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Townsend, as per Volume 1 of Plats, Fage 1, Records of Jeffprson Counf, Washington. 'T?lx Parte( # q*l '703 Sil Lot trine subject to adjustment described as foilows: (New legal description) Parcel A: [,ot 8, less the southerly 17 feet, Block 35, ofthe Original Townsite to the Cify of Port Townsend, as per Volume 1 of Plats, Page 1, Records of Jefferson County, Washin4on. ffiffitffitNAL l ltilll ililt ililIil ltil til ilill llilill lil illlt lil ilillaff6.6^h a^,,^iv O,,d copeApo I OqkT 5??,158 Page: 2 of 4a4ta6t2A@7 @2:3spQto atr nn Farc,el B: I,ot 7, the westerly 27 feet of Lot 5 and the southerly 17 feet of Lot 8, all in Block 35, of the Original'I'ownsite to the City of Port Townsertd, as psr Volume i of Plats, Page 1, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. J OwnerArthur G. Carpenter, Daehler Family Trust {.t/)\,,,....',,--h fh- Andreas, Owner STATE OF WASHiNGTON ) coLrNTY OF JEFFERSON ) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, AUDITOR'$ NOTE: frvthuv (ev fdnw Svfr^o"tOo'"-' 15 $- tof'( On 2006,persona11y appearecl Arthur G. Carpenter and Barbara J. Laski , who to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose narne$ arg subscribed to this instrumento and acknowledged that they executpd it. WITNESS my hand and official seai this U C day of . "t[+,*d ,. ,2006. fn,;r*3n,* e'Hh'11*' residing at My appointment expires {o-- lq-()t STATE OF S#ffiFAN ) Cq cotrNTY oFTffiFFEffiON- ) Sor n /f\ o*c<, [rra-)c f) o,*A)nv\-r' sj=e,e 2006, personally appeared l*a*+nitreas, and'proveil to me on theOn basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persoil whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknoi'vledged that he executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 22nil-duv of Fubiic in and for the State at COf,ili. t l{25192 tlOTAiYPtruCo CX.F(nil s lrMATEOCO{,}ITY Notary q z Call trnr^ l q 2006 I llll\\ lll\l l\lllll llll\ l\l l\lll \illl\ lll lllll lil lll\ 1^ff---^^ a^'r^+t' nrtt 06o0 OA I ACVT 5.?,215& Paqe: 3 of 4 aql astzgat az,sgP My appointrnent expires \orL\J 7n"rc an .il&^ F,n,b rg n11L*, z\ffi,personally,rhuffiandprovedtome appeared oir the basis of satisfactory evidence to whose narne is subscribeel to this instrument,and acknowledged that he executed it" WITNESS my hand and official seal this lJ-bday of l.{otary Public residing at My appointment exPires srATE ()F WASI-IINGTON ) coLrNTY OF JEFFELSON ) Leonald Yarben'Y Development Services Department edset*a*** be the person 200tr, -3 o J 0{* Date slolgotwGhlngton Inrvrntlsctotr mvlPP"ffiiarplautrtL2ow ilotory,,P-utillc' I illil illll ilililt ilil ]t tilil lillilt lil ililI ilil illl 16ff6F-^^ a^"hi\, O,,d QODROoO I ocrI 522 1 58 Pase: 4 of 4 @4ttz6t2@a7 @2t39PQto 2tr OA NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMBNT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COLINTY OF SAN MATEO ) )ss ) On ^/,",2006 G. Riechert, a Notary Public, personally known to me (or the personffi whose name is/m. , before me, Peter personaily app eared /h proved to me on the b asis of satisfactory dence) to be subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/ghs@ executed the same in hisl:hedfdr authorized capacity(B), ancl that by his@fubsignature(s) on the instrurnent the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrurnent. WITNESS my hand and official seal Notary Public coMtrl. | 1125152 lroT mr?lH,Jc. crLFffit sAflMATEOCOITI|W PETER G I I iltilt ililI ilililt ltil til llill ilililI lil ililI lil ilil 522 1 E0 Pager 1 of b laff6Fs^h a^,,hlw o,,n RopRopo I oqkr 04lAOl2AAT @2:ggpMilt TT 4Q An John Watts, City Attomey City of Port Townsend Waterman & I(atz Bldg. 181 Quincy Street, #201 Port'fownsend, WA 98368 NOTICE TO TITLE and COVENANT (Cannot be released or amended without City approval) REFEIIENCE DOCUMENTS: ' Staternent of Intent, AFN 5W1Tff Record of Sr"rrvey, AFN ) GRANTOR:Arthur G. Carpenter & Barbara J. Laski Cify of Port Townsend, a Washington municipal corporationGRANTEE: I JEFFERSON COUNTY ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NO. 989 703 506 THIS DECLARATION is made and entered this plflday of *2006, by Arthur G. Carpenter & Barbara J. Laski, hereinafter referred to as "Owner(s ) or "Grantor(s)," the legal and equitable owner(s) of the real property described herein A. RECITALS Legal Description: This Notice to Title and Covenant shall affect and restrict the real property ("the property") legally described as follows: Lot J , the westerly 27 feet of Lot 5 and the southerly 17 feet of Lot 8, all in Block 35, of the Original Townsite to the City of Port Townsend, as per Volume 1 of Plats, Page 1, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. Building Permit Application. The Owner(s) have applied or will apply for a building permit tluough the City of Port Townsend ("the City") to make certain improvements upon the above-described property, including construction of handicapped access ramp along the north side of an existing single-family residence. Prior to submittal of the building permit, Owner(s) also applied for and received approval of a Lot Line Adjustment (File No. LUP05-133) which provided Owner(s) with the additional property necessary to construct said access ramp; however, even with the additional property, the access ramp will not be compliant with the required setbacks normally required from the front setback line that is the adjacent Pierce Street right-of-way, nor from the rear setback line that is the east property line. 2 i i l lillll lllil ilillll lilll lll lllll lllllll lll lllll llll llll 5?2160 1^Fr^^^^^ n^.,^t! A.!! anDoADA I negl Page: 2 of 5 @41@612@47 A2:39P Mt lt TT ao aa -1 Purpose. Laws, ordinances and regulations that appear to be neutral can often adversely impact individuals with disabilities. The City is satisfied that is the case in this matter and that a reasonable rnodification is necessary to prevent discrimination on the basis of disability. Such a modification can permit the handicapped access ramp without having to undelgo review and full compliance with the City's Variance process, but only so long as the ramp is removed if the Carpenter/Laski house is ever conveyed to a non-disabled purchaser. The handicapped access ramp could not be built on Carpenter/Laski propelty without benefit of the previously approved Lot Line Adjustment. In addition, no other reasonable location for the handicapped access ramp to enter the home exists on the Carpenter/Laski site. For purposes of ensuring reasonable accommodation for the disabled are made in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), construction of the proposed ramp will be permitted by the City despite the standard setbacks not being rnet. 4.Assurance to Cify. The Owner(s) desire to assure the City that the handicapped access rarnp will be removed prior to the conveyance closing date if the subject property is ever conveyed to a non-disabled party. ifthe subject property is ever conveyed to persons, who in the opinion of the City Development Services Depaftment, have demonstrated a disability and continued need for the access ramp, then the handicapped access ramp may remain. Owner(s) acknowledge that but for their covenant and other acklowledgements in this Notice to Title, the City would not have apploved the Lot Line Adjustrnent (File No. LUP05-133), or a building permit that Owner(s) have applied or will apply through the City to make celtain improvements upon the above-described property, including construction of handicapped access ramp along the side, or north, side of an existing single-family residence. 5. Recitals. These recitals are material terms to this Covenant and Notice to Title NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits derived by this Notice to Title and Covenant, and in consideration of the conditions set forth in the Findings, Conclusions and Decision of Director in Lot Line Adjustment (File No. LUP05-133), and in consideration of a building permit that Owner(s) have applied or will apply through the City to make certain improvements upon the above-described property, including construction of handicapped access ramp along the north side of an existing single-family residence, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is acknowledged, the Owner(s) declare, covenant and agree as follows: B. COVENANT 1. Specific Restriction and Covenant. The Owner(s) declare, covenant and agree that (1) the handicap access ramp along the north side of the existing single-family residence (the "ramp") which is constructed pursuant to a building permit Owner(s) have or will apply for through the City is for the purpose of providing handicapped access to and from the residence for a person disabled under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) who resides at the residence, (2) will be removed at the Owner(s) sole cost in the event that the I llllll lllll lllllll llil ttt tttlLitttttt lll lllll llil llll 522180 Page: 3 of 5 @41@6t2@@7 @2:39P M!II TT AA ANlaFfoncan a^,,^l!, 6'rd q6oDOpO I 6CVT ramp is not necessary to accommodate the disability of a person who resides at the residence "Necessary to accommodate the disability of a person" would have the same meaning as provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Removal of the ramp (and all associated improvements) shali occur within 60 days of the date that the person with disability and need for this accommodation no longer resides at the residence. In the event of sale of the residence, the ramp (and all associated improvements) shall be removed prior to closing of the sale, unless the purchaser obtains a written certificate of approval from the City Development Services Department to continue to maintain the improvements because they are necessary to accommodate the disability of a person who resides in the residence. Owner(s) shall provide the City on request documentation of disability and residency. "Reside" ot "residency" has its usual and customary meaning, and inclr"rdes the following the person physically occupies the home at least six months of any calendar year. (Brief vacations do not negate occupancy.) 2. Covenant Running with the Land. This restrictive covenant affects and restricts the described property and shall be construed as a covenant running with and touching and concerning the land and inuring to the benefit of the Owner(s), the public generally, and the City. 3. Binding upon Successors and Assigns. This restrictive covenant shall bind and restrict the land, the Owner(s), their heirs, grantees, sllccessors and assigns. 4. Recording. Upon its execution, this Declaration shall be recorded with the Jefferson County Auditor. All contracts and deeds or other instruments of conveyance relating to the property or any part thereofshall contain reference to this covenant. 5. Enforcement. In addition to any other party having alegal right to enforce this covenant, the City shall have the right to enforce and compel compliance with this covenant, including all remedies available at law and equity. The City shall have the right in any such proceeding to recover its attorney fees and costs. In addition, any violation of this instrument may be enforced by the City as a violation of the zoning code of the City. 6. Compliance with Code Requirements. This Declaration does not amend or modifu, nor is it intended to amend or modi$ any requirements of the City's ordinances or any other law or regulation dealing with or affecting the use of land or construction of improvements upon lands, except as set forth herein. All work or alterations on the property shall be in done in compliance with the codes and regulations of the City, except as modified by this Covenant. 7. Estoppel. The Owners by this Declaration specifically estop themselves and all of their successors and assigns and all persons presently or hereafter having any interest in the property from asserting or contending in any manner that this restrictive covenant is not a full and adequate covenant running with the land and binding upon the property. ililIil ilill ]ilIililil ilt ililt ]ilil ilt illlt illl lilt 52?160 Page: 4 of 5 @41@6l2AA7 A2:39P1^r r^6^^- ^_..-r., n,,l oAbDADA I nCyi 8. Severance. Invalidation of this covenant by judgment or court order shall not affect any of the othel covenants which shall remain in full force and effect. 9. Warranty of Authority. The Owner(s) signing below warrant that they are the sole Owners in fee of the real property described above and are authorized to make this Declaration and so bind the property. 10. Governing Law. This Notice to Title and Covenant shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. 11. Amendmentl Release. This restrictive covenant shall not be removed, released or changed unless approved in writing by the Development Services Department Director for the City of Port Townsend. SS WHEREOF, this Notice to Title and Covenant is executed this Lb!AuyIN WITNE of ,l,rq r,i S( -l ".:t l ir ) ,,,.r' J ':i l- "Li)(/^,^ ":XLJ ,2006 Arlhur G. Carpenter,J .5?.?1EO Paqe: 5 of 5'@4-laol2a@7 a2,39P MIII TI AQ 6N STATE OF WASHTNGTON ) )ss couNTY oF JEFFERSON ) On this day personally appeared before me, Arthur G. Carpenter and Barbara J. Laski, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given uncler my hand and offlcial seal this4-]df day of fr*^;woh ,2006."---__]-- q^-,-,-,-* '|.<4,,.,!-ru. r llllll ll\\l llll\ll illl lll \\lll l\lllll il lllll ill lll\ 16ff6F'^^ '^"^t" 6"i pAOOOO6 I dC(T a_- J NOTARY residing at My commission exprres of Washington -o and for b" I Agreed to Leonard Y Development Services Department Director as to form John Watts City Attorney )) City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 ) 38s-s09s FAX 344-4619 Iuly 13,2007 Fay & Robert Bruns, Trustees F & R Bruns Living Trust 1431 Washington Street Pt. Townsend, WA 98368 RE: BLD07-1t2, Exterior handicapped access ramp at 206 Pierce Street Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bruns, Following receipt of you June 25 letter objecting to location of a handicap ramp on the north side of the Laski/Carpenter house, the DSD Dept. sent a letter requesting information to Laski/Carpenter (copy enclosed), and received a response from Laski/Carpenter (copy enclosed). Before the DSD Director makes a final decision on the request for the ramp, the Department is offering you a final opportunity to comment on the information received from Laski/Carpenter. Please note: 1. The City believes it is obligated under the provisions of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) to reasonably accommodate the needs to a person with disabilities in order to ensure the fult exercise and enjoyment of a disabled person's right to the residential housing of his or her choosing. 2. In granting an accommodation based on the ADA, the accommodation granted would be the minimum reasonably necessary to accommodate the disability. 3. If the City allows a disability-based exemption, the exemption would end when the need for the ramp no longer exists (namely, when a person with disability needing the ramp no longer occupies the residence). If the City decision on a ramp is to allow it on the north side of the house (necessitating a new door), then on removal of the ramp the door would also be removed. 4. The City was not aparty to the mediation you refer to in your letter. As such, we are not in a position to comment on the outcome, or any legal remedies you may havebased on property lines, injuries, etc. l 5 Please response within 7 dirys of the date of this letter. In all likelihood, a City made within a week of any information you provide, and no later than July 27th you of the City's decision. The City decision'rjn-a ramp location will be based od our understating of our obligation under the ADA-..As such, we are not in a position to negotiate a compromise to facilitate a ramp in return for iiview easement, since we'believe that is outside of ADA requrrements. decision will be , We will notifr Thank you and please call me at 344-3070 with any queitions, D Planner Encl. Cc Barbara Laski & Art Carpenter 2 ll ) July 11, 2007 John McDonagh Barbara Laski & Art Carpenter BLD07'1 12, Handicapped Access Ramp DATE: TO: FROM: RE: This letter responds to your request dated July 2, 2AAT for supplemental information on handicapped access alternatives. Suuillnv We explored various accessibility options with five different contrrctors. The north side ramped entry is the only solution that is the minimum reasonably necessary to accommodate Barbara's disability. Our building peimit has this plan design with an estimated cost of $9,200, The Pierce Street rightof-way and the water side are not reasonable alternatives due to topographic, interior layout, environmental and cost considerations that are explained below. ExpLn{Arp.lt UUv OTHrn ALrenNnIMes Ane Nor RrAsoilnele General The slope of our lot falls away from the north side towards the water, Consequently, the vertical height to scale for handicapped access is 4'8" on the north, 7'10' on the Pierce Street rightof-way and B'2" on lhe water side. A ramp installed on the Pierce Street right-of-way would require 94' to meet the 1:12 ADA guidelines, On the water side, it would be 98' long. Neither of these choices is viable, Water $idq We investigated the possibility of a vertical platform lift on the water side. The total costs range from $20,000 to"$35,000, ihcbding.the lift, concrete pad, deck modifications, concrete walkway and landscape removal. The higher end ofthe range refleots safety features such as handrails, lockable gates, 2-way toggles, battery b-ack-up and object sensors typically purchased for a unit elevating over 4'. House access fro-ri our deck through either oi our two doors is problematical because of a tight wheelchair turn that is incompatible with our room layout. Pierce $tfegt Riqht-of-ltt/ay *-.- - &r-itile & Litile Construction evaluated the possibility of adding fill to regrade the Pierce Street right'of'way.o This approach would enable a shorter ramp to our existing main entrance. This option, however, has environmental and legal implications. We are subject to shoreline restrictions; raising the road level impacts the bluff and Water Street. Regrading also affects the City's right-oFway and the properties of Andreas/Daehler Family Trust, Laski/Carpenter and, potentially, Jay and Paula Clark. Moreover, wheelchair access to the bluff side would no longer be available due to elevation differcntials. A rough estimate for this option is $20,000 plus the costs of landscaping a broad area, a geetechnical survey and legalfees, The ability to negotiate timely approvals and legaldocumentation also is remote, We trust this analysis responds satisfactorily to your request. We hope we i l I i l timeline of our submifted plans. JUr_ 1 1 2007 I efferson Healthcare June 27, 2AA7 c/o Barbara Laski 206 Pierce Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 RE: PHYSICAL DISABILITY To Whom lt May Concorn: I have had the pleasure of serving as Barbara Laski's internist since she moved to Port Townsend in mld 2004. This letter confirms that Barbara Laski has long-term, progress.ive plrysical impairments resulting from an irioimmrne disease that wai first diagnosed in 1982' Barbara has been under tne reliriai Jare ot iheumatologists'since her initial diagnosls. she receives Social Security Disability Beneffts since 2000. Her disability substantially timlts her maJor life activities. Moreover, barrier-free living is essentiattoi sarOJia Oue to mobility issues, chronic pain, and, ln recent years, !9la^n* probt*1;1s. She has had three extended periods_of being in a.wheelchair since 2A42, and stalrs must ne avoiOed for safety redsons. She fractured a foot and sprained a damaged ankle last year on stalrs elsewhere. lf you have further questions, please call my office at (360) 385'5330' Sincerely, c Richard Lynn, M.D RUlml Hospitat Home Health and Hospice Physical TheraPY & Rehabilitation Clinics: . jefferson Medical Group r PortTownsend Family PhYsicians . South County MedicalClinic . Olympic Primary Can . Richard Lynn, MD liil,l Slieridtur Port lbu,nsend, \Vashirr gton 98116l 360-385-2200 rwvurjef'f c t'sorrhealthcalc.olg ) Social SecuritY Administration Date: June 19, 20O? eGim Number: 04&3&04694 18nv0100073r4 0.345 MB 0.360 IO0000020 BARBARA J LASKI ioe pmncn STREET Fonit-towNsEN D wA e8lil68s713 . - if .[,i,,f "ii,it"t"i,Jt',t,,,l, "ll"ll'll""ll.'"ll'l You asked us for informatiolq from yoqr recor{. - The information that you reouested is shown below. If you dant anyone ets; to have this information' yot ttt"y send them this letter' Othcr ImPortant Informntion YOU BECAME ENr-ITI,qD-TO SOCIAL sEcuRITY DISABILITY BENEFITS fN 6CroBsR zooo. sENT BY ool TYpe of Social Security Benerfrt Informotion Youareentitledtomonthlydisabilitybenefits. ff You Have AnY Questions [|l*b35,,ry"?F;.TTiidl;"ft fi 11:"1iv;'"11,'{f S]|'#i:'i:'ffll'Ji1iJ"'ii phone. yo,., .t"r,";i; ff i{-"iiiiJii ""y'so"iut securitv offici. The office that ierves your area is located at: SOCIAL SECURITY NM ilg FEDERAL BLDG l'3# Xlffifrfftf,;effi'2 If you do call or visit an office, please have this letter with you' It will help us answer Your questions' fu/X,*A^L Linda S. McMahon DePutY Commissioner for OPerations --* --!F -84,4E -lllE at,oo{tI c a o 6 d { E '! 3 'ccIntc 6a f d This letter is to confirm that Barbara J. Laski receives monthry Long Term Disabilitybenefits' Barbara J. Laski receives a gross monthly benefit of $1|lF, less social SecyntY in the amount of $1,774.50, leaving u o., *"iirrv-i."ldi;"Fil"-"f $- Barbara J' Laski is eligible to receive tr,i* t*Jnt until vrrlv'z-,iote,l"io"s * ritffians disabled as defined in the contract Provrslons' Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasecallmeat(800)822-9103ext'59662' June 20,2007 BARBARA 't' LASKI 206 PIERCE ST po"r- toiiiissND, wA 98368-67L3 RE:Barbara J. Laski Claim Number: PolicyNurnber: Dear Ms. Laski: SincerelY, DOB: MaY 03, 1951 0098840006 00152761 - 0001 TINW IJFE INSIIMNCE @IUPAI.IY OF AIVTENCA- P.O' Box9500 Ponbod, lvlaine 0410+5058 207'575'2111 1'800'822'9103 Fa,x 1'80G447-2498 '?,{r&*fr- Gayle Hand Customer Caro RePresentative cH/bh b'1""' ) - -r, Cify of Port Townsend Development Services Depa rtment 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 9g36g 385-s095 FAX 60 344-4619 Iuly 2,2007 Ms. Barbara Laski & Mr. Art Carpenter 206 Pierce Street Pt. Townsend, WA 93368 RE: BLD07-1I2, Handicapped Access Ramp Barbara 8. Art, As you know, our office provided your neighbors, Robert &Fay Bruns, with opportunity to comment on your request for a building permit to install a handicapped access ramp along the north side of your residence at206 Pierce Street. The Bruns provlaed a written response bn June 26,2007, a copy of which is attached. Prior to our moving forward with any additional action, please provide an analysis of any and all other alternatives you have examined towards meeting your handicapped u.".r, needs. please include in your response why it would not be reasonable to modifu "litt"r of the other existing entrances to your house to achieve the desired access. Also please provide "ball park,, cost estimates for each of the alternatives examined. Please provide information concirning whether a "wheelchair lift" is feasible, including a ball park estimate for installing a wheelchaiilift. Finally, include in your estimates the cost to install.the design submittedln your recent building permit. ln reviewing your request under the provisions of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA), we understand our responsibility is to reasonably accommodate the needs to a person with disabilities in order to ensure the full exercise and enjoyment of a disabled person's right to the residential housing of his or her choosing. In granting an accommodation based on th" ADA, the accommodation granted would be the minimum reasonably necessary to accommodate the disability. This is the basis for the requests to you above Thank you for your attention to this. Please call or e-mail with any questions. Planner Cc Robert &Fay Bruns City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 385-s095 FAX 60) 344-4619 June 18,2007 Fay & Robert Bruns, Trustees F & R Bruns Living Trust l43l Washington Street Pt. Townsend, WA 98368 RE: BLD07-112, Exterior handicapped access ramp at 206 Pierce Street Mr. & Mrs. Bruns, This letter is to inform you that our office is in receipt of a building permit for an exterior handicapped access ramp at the above address. The proposal is to construct the ramp partially within the 5-foot side setback along the property line you share with 206 Pierce Street. Under normal circumstances, an owner seeking to deviate from established setbacks would need to obtain approval of a Variance based on the criteria of PTMC 17.86. However, the City believes that under the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) it is required to reasonably accommodate the needs of a person with disabilities in order to ensure the full exercise and enjoyment of their right to the residential housing of his or her choosing, and that we must do so without application of the Variance criteria in PTMC 17.86. In granting an accommodation based on the ADA, the accommodation granted would be the minimum necessary to accommodate the disability. The burden is on the applicant to show the need for the modification. Any modification is personal to the applicant, and is required to be removed if the house is ever conveyed to non-disabled persons. Prior to our proceeding with plan review of the ramp and any issuance of the permit, we wanted to give you an opportunity to comment. On or before June 28, 2007, please place any comments or concerns you have about the proposal in writing and address them to me. If you have any questions in advance of that, please feel free to contact me directly at 344-3041 . P Cc B. Laski . ,, t . i ., S - t ' '..\ r ', l t ' i t t l l il t \ I fr t <i T rf l E I l a t - r r r r r r & I - J ]I / ;I I I i I I I I I t i i t I ]'I i I I I I I I I I I