HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-100)) City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s BIJILDING PERMIT Project Information PermitType CommercialMiscellaneous Site Address 714 WASHINGTON STREET Project Description Temporary event tent erected behind Bishop Victorian Hotel Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-r00 e8e7055ok v Names Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Finnie Joseph B Owner Buhler Joan Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date Fee Information Project Valuation Building Pennit Fee Plan Review Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit 50.00 41.04 4.50 5.00 3.00 Total Fees $109.s0 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of tlre PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certifu that the infomation provided as a part of the application for this pernrit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certiff Print Name tlrat I am the of the agent ofthe owner Date lssued: Issued Bv: CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3. Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N , PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y . ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E , PA R C E L NO . 98 9 7 0 5 5 0 5 PE R M T T NO . BL D 0 7 - 1 00 IS S U E D DA T E EX P I R A T I O N DA T E 1111212Q07 AD D R E S S 71 4 WA S H I N G T O N ST R E E T CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R BU H L E R JO A I \ PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Te m p o r a r y e v e n t t e n t e r e c t e d be h i n d Bi s h o p Vctorian Hotel CO N T R A C T O R LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS FI N A L BU I L D I N G TO RE Q U E S T AN TN S P E C T T O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R ND ( T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N )l )CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PBRMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT # SCOPE OF WORK DATE RECEIVED L5 -I1^- n-j DATE ACTION INITIALS ENTERED INTO CHET CA-toP - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS I (0,\o^ ') CITY OF'PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. LDATE OF'INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: TYPB OF'INSPECTION: at CONTRACTOR: l''v) PHONE: Teu*u ra,*t-fe-^t : p.a\ra< eA crutUJU D'.9o*n &, r Ja ut, {*n*a uls t€LC.*7va,+tv/ Lazz,a o, 2on ^ fto--. Ea, zzl*v ag Ea--ztaza ,hta Jrn* /.rru* G7:w/s @ /.acE .oeF 4t/, vua,f") 4oo-o ,l'r*ot, *r Jz>*:zt .hao<, ,ar,/.+<-rc^ta /"- Du*,,va ill Cf,^t,B Inspector N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to Corrections will be inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. at/zz/oZ/ lf Approved plans and permit card must be on-site ond availctble at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 TENTS. UEMBRANE. gANOPY & AIR STRUCTURES * CODE COMPI,IANCE CHECKLIST PERMITNUMBER; PROPONENT: STRUCTURE LOCATION CONTACT PERSON: OcD 07- /O A .JeE PNN F , t(E fr NN /E 9/.r.t 7 65 -bt zv JURISDICTION AND PERMITTING Jurisdiction over all tents, canopies and membrane structures is derived from Section 2404 of the International Fire C ode, 2003 Edition. A permit is required under Chapter l, Section, for a temporary membrane structure that is in excess of200 square feet, or a canopy structure that is in excess of400 square feet. Jurisdiction over air-pressurization supported sffuctures intended for human occupancy are subject to additional standards of safety in Chapter 31 of the International Building Code. TYPE OF STRUCTURN n Membrane structure: An air-inflated, air-supported, cable, or frame-covered structure, and not otherwise defined as a tent, canopy, or awning.d Tent: structure, enclosure or shelter constructed of fabric or pliable material supported by any manner except by air or the contents it protects. Canopy: structure, enclosure or shelter constructed of fabric, or pliable materials supported by any manner, except by air or the contents it protects, and is open without sidewalls, or drops on 75 percent or more of the perimeter. Awning: a shelter supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building. Air-Supported Structure: a structure, wherein the shape of the structure is attained by air pressure, and occupants of the structure are within the elevated pressure area. CODD PROVISIONS 6 Tents, canopies or membrane strucfures shall not be located within 20 feetof lot lines, parked vehicles, or internal combustion engines such as generators. Support ropes and guy-wires are considered as part of the temporary membrane structure, tent or canopy. ,7'ra ,U &r44 dZ , 7r2/ -rylftf. V Copy of certificate which certifies the flame resistance as determined in accordance with NFPA 701 which includes: a//,412 1. Names and address of the owners of the tent, canopy or air supported structure; 2. Date the fabric was last treated with flame-resistant solution; 3. Trade name or kind of chemical used in treatment; 4. Name of person or firm treating the material; C:\Documents and Settings\TomMy Documents\Business\City Contract\Forms & Templates\lnspection Forms\lnspection Forms\Temporary Membrane Structure\Temp. Membrane-Canopy Inspection Checklist-lFC.doc 5/23/07 u l 5. Name of testing agency and test standard by which the fabric was tested f,A permanently afllxed label bearing the identification of the size and fabriq or 4raterial type shall be present for membrane structures, tents, or canopies.54/ &N*/ //V7ffid/1 Fire Retardant Appurtenances. Structure sidewalls, drops, curtains, tops, floor coverings, buntings, decorative materials and effects, of membrane structures, tents, and canopies shall be composed of certified flame-resistant material or shall be treated with flame retardant in an approved manner, and/or bear an approved label as meeting the requirements of flame resistance under NFPA 701 , and that such flame resistance is effective for the period specified by the permit. Hay, straw, shavings or similar combustible materials shall not be located within a membrane structure, tent, or canopy containing an assembly occupancy, except materials necessary for the daily feeding and care of animals. Sawdust and shavings utilized for a public performance or exhibit shall not be prohibited provided the sawdust and shavings are kept damp. Combustible materials shall not be permitted under stands or seats at any time. Areas adjacent to the tent or air-supported structure shall be maintained clear of all combustible materials or vegetation that could create afrehazard within twenty [20] feet from the structure. d Combustible trash shall be removed at least once a day from the structure during the period the structure is occupied by the public EK "No Smoking" signs shall be conspicuously posted. ,, oi#E,fffi*frfu, ft,EPa-rVM6, n Spot or effect lighting shall only be by "f""t.i"ut ?K"rservice, and all combustible construction located within six [6] feet of such equipment shall be protected with an approved non-combustible insulation no less than9.25 inches thick. €l--Sefety film. Motion pictures can only be displayed with safety film. W A minimum clearance of at least three [3] feet between the fabric envelope and all contents located inside the tent or membrane structure is required. tr Portable firo extinguishers shall be provided at each exit, with a minimum rating of 2-A:10-B 'C.*lZlp n Occupant load requirements shall be posted, as assigned by the fire code official or building official. Structure size in square fee! less required egress aisle[s], divide{ by occupancy factor:%X? 1. Chairs only, not fixed : 7 square feet per person, net /fi Tohl Occupancy ,rt cV dt d 2. Standing space : 5 square feet per person, net 3. Tables and chairs = 15 square feet per person, net Total Occupancy Total Occupancy P /6 PUI€D p*Wr ddv76) A twelve [12] foot fire break shall be provided beyond the guy ropes or other obstructions free of combustible vegetation. Anchorage is required for membrane structures, tents and canopies and their appurtenances-- adequately roped, braced and anchored to prevent collapse. The Fire Code Official or Building Official may ask for documentation as to structural stability as approved by a licensed engineer or architect. Seating and aisle[sl in temporary membrane structures, tents, or canopies shall be meet the aisle and seating arrangement requirements of International Fire Code Chapter 10, Section 1024.6: l. Forty-eight [48] inches for aisle with seating on both sides, exception: thirty-six [36] inches where the aisle does not serve more than 50 seats. 2. Thirty-six inches for aisle having seating on only one side 3. Converging aisles shall combine the required aisle widths 4. Where seating rows have 14 or fewer seats, the minimum clear aisle access-way width shall not be less than twelve [12] inches measured as the clear horizontal distance from the back of the row ahead and the nearest projection ofthe row behind. C:\Documents and Settings\Tom\My Documents\Business\City Contract\Forms & Templates\lnspection Forms\Inspection Forms\Temporary Membrane Structure\Temp. Membrane-Canopy Inspection Checklist-IFC.doc 5/23/07 d d d 5. For rows of seating served by an aisle or doorway at only one end of the row, the minimum clear width of l2-inches between rows shall be increased by 5/8tr'-inches for every additional seat beyond seven[7] seats, but the minimum clear width is not required to exceed 22 inches. Exiting for a tent and temporary membrane structure or useable portion thereof shall be not less than the number required by code based upon size, configuration, and occupancy level from I.F.C. Table 2403. I 2.2, which includes: 1. Occupant load of less than 10, one [1] exit, not less than three [3] feet in width, or, 2. Occupant load of less than 199, two [2] exits, each with a width of 72 inches minimum, spaced at equal intervals around the perimeter of the structure, or, 3. Occupant load of less than 499, three [3] exists, each with a width of 72 inches minimum, spaced at equal intervals around the perimeter of the structure Exit openings shall remain open unless curtains are provided on a metal support and contrast in color, or colors, with the color of the tent. Use of doors shall insure that the swing path is in the direction of exit travel. ! Aisle widths-shall not be less thaR 44-inches in seating areas, and aisles shall be progressively increased in width to provide, at all points, not less than one [1] foot of additional aisle width for each fifty persons served by such aisle at that point. DH aF et/A/-O) C:\Documents and Settings\Tom\My Documents\Business\City Contract\Forms & Templates\lnspection Forms\Inspection Forms\Temporary Membrane Structure\Temp. Membrane-Canopy Inspection Checklist-lFC.doc 5123/07 fl fn" required width of exits, aisles and passageways shall be maintained at all times to a public way. V Exit signs shall be installed at exits and shall be self-luminous or internal or external illuminated. Exit signs shall depict the direction of travel when occupancy exceeds 50 persons.g4 fp4?taas Ndre V Exits shatl be illuminated with light [not less than 11 Lux] while the structure is occupied. w Cooking and/or heating equipment shall be of a listed or approved type, and installed as specified in the International Mechanical Code and International Fuel Gas Code, and vented to outside air, and not located within 10 feet of an exit or combustible materials. However, use of solid flammables, butane or other similar devices, for warming of foods, cooking demonstrations and similar operations, which do not pose an ignition hazard, is allowed. 1. Patio Heaters and similar non-vented appliances are not approved for use inside structures, unless specifically listed or approved for use indoors. 2. LPG containers less than 125 gallons, may be eligible for a zero setback provided there is a 10- foot setback from ignition sources, and safety valves are aimed away from the structure. 3. Butane gas containers used in the structure are limited to no more than two [2] lO-ounce containers connected directly to the appliance at any time, and not with a manifold or connected by hose. Open flame or other devices emitting flame, fire, or heat or any flammable or combustible liquids, gas charcoal, or other cooking device or any other non-approved devices shall not be permitted inside or located within twenty [20] feet of the tent, canopy or membrane structure[s] while open to the public unless approved by the fire code official. LP-gas fuel containers shall be located outside of the tent, and meet the setback requirements from the structure based on container size, using the International Fuel Gas Code,2003 Edition, andlor: 1. Containers of 500 gallons or less capacity shall have minimum separation between the container and the sfructure of not less than ten [10] feet, shall be secured to prevent unauthorized movement, and protected to prevent tampering, damage by vehicles, or other hazards. 2. Cylinders used temporarily inside buildings for public exhibitions or demonstrations, including use in classroom demonstrations, shallbe in acdordance with the following: (1) The maximum water capacity of a cylinder shall be 12lb [nominal 5 lb LP-Gas]. (2) If more than one such cylinder is located in a room, the cylinders shall be separated by at least 20ft fr p M w tfu 3. Cylinders used for training purpos€s r$ldo*b the in*lllation and use of LP-Gas systems shall be in accordance with the following: (1) The maximum water capacity of individual rylihdrs dtClbb 2451b [nominal 100 lb LP-Gas capacityl, but not more than 20 lb of LP-Gas shall bp pheed in a single cylinder. (2) If fiora than one such cylinder is located in the sametobm, the cylinders shall be separated by*leart$t. (3) The traioi1}hcation shall be acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. (a) Cylin&c Sfiall be promptly removed when the trainingclass has terminated. 4. Cyllnders ilsed as part of approved self-contained torch assembliei or sirnilar appliances shall be in accordance with the following: (1) Cylinders uged in buildings shall comply with UL 147A, Standardfor Non-refillable (frlsposable) Type FueI Gas {glinder Assemblies. (2) Cyltr'ers shall have a maximlm water capacity of 2.7 lb. 5. CU*&n trod with comher,rfet food service appliances shall be used inside restaurants and in attended ?omsrercial food crtsring operations in accordance with the following: (1) Cylin*rs and appliances shall be listed. (2) Commercial food service applianccs shatrl not have more than two [2] I0-oz. non-refillable butane gas cylinders, each having a mmrimum capacity of 1.08 lb. (3) Cylinders shall comply with UL 1478, Standardfor Non-refillable (Disposal) Type Metal Container Assemblies .for Butane. (4) Cylinders shall be connected directly to the appliance and shall not be manifolded. (5) Cylinders shall be an integral part of the listed, approved, commercial food service device and shall be connected without the use of a rubber hose. (6) Storage of cylinders shall be in accordance with 8.3.1. Flammable and Combustible liquids shall not be uspd iS tents, canopies, or membrane structures, and stored outside in an approved manner not lessthan fiftyl30l feet there-from. Air-inflated or supported structures are regulated undgr Section 2403.10 of the International Fire Code. Canopies have an automatic sprinkler requirement when the existing permanent strucfure is provided an automatic sprinkler system, and the canopies exceed four [4J feet in projection, and where combustibles are st6red or handled n Addittonal CommentslRequirements of the Fire Code Official: 6.o*- arF .?+azlrua S?azA, 1-z-<ta 1)mtn) ,4r fi<aae 4r P,*c.<r-6 fof APPROVED AS TO COMPLIANCE WITH TTTE INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE I Nor INSPECTOR: DATE: CoMMENTS ABOVE-RE-INSPECTTON REQUTRED TrME: //.4n C:\Documents and Settings\Tom\i\4y Documents\Business\City Contract\Forms & Templates\Inspection Forms\lnspection Forms\Temporary Membrane Structure\Temp. Membrane-Canopy Inspection Checklist-lFC.doc 5123/07 Development Servfces Residential Building Permit Application ) Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150) See the "Residential Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. Contractor: Name:&,iJ,*ra,I Fa+ui'tE Address CiIyl Phone /t toil -*5 t t>-z Email 'LMState License #.Exp.A City Business License #.') 1n ' ! r '.. ! I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the 6wner or aulhorized lo act on behalf of the owner and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code Print Name:J hF,r.IH\r6 Date:lu tAftol €tT 6i8'1 - ?t)t-; SesParcel# [^JI TDJ ?'r , Project Address Legal Description (or Tax #): Block 41 --) Addition: Lot(s):*z f eflg.tf +d &aluri 'f{.\tr {1e{LProject Description -5N{"lro kei+t*L" City/SUZip: Address: Phone: Email Property Name: Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects uation per RCW 19.27.095. ,Jla, Vatuation: s -T=ronft:n fisk-{Project Name over $5,000 in val ContacURepresentative: Name: iTBEloLif[+ Addre I Phone: Email: - br 5r\nnp APv'rVrF Basement- I) f& ts it finished? yes No carport: L)lA otner: J1& Manuractured Home dl* ADU $/A ru.* df4 Addition dfA- *"'ooeunepairdA D/A Building lnformationO 1'' floor *D' lt tc(: J/APorch(es). Deck(s (square feet): /n IZ&L 2"d floor 3'd floor Total Squa Lot Coverage (Bui lding Footprint): % 2+0("re feet lmpervious Surface: Square feet:1so NAny known wetlands on the property? Any steep slopes (>15%)? Signature: e'F Afti'1.d-ct-<I) \:g1:La r- RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMlT APPLICATION CHECKLIST This checklist is for new dwellings, additions, remodels, and garages. The purpose is fo show what you intend to build, where it will be located on your lot, and how it will be constructed. n Residential permit application. n Washington State Energy & Ventilation Code forms n Two (2) sets of plans with North arrow and scaled, no smaller than Ta" = l fool'. I A site plan showing: 1. Legal description and parcel number (or tax number), 2. Property lines and dimensions 3. Setbacks from all sides of the proposed struclure to the property lines in accordance with a pinned boundary line survey 4. On-site parking and driveway with dimensions5. lf creating new impervious surfaces, indicate measures utilized to retain stormwater on'site6. Street names and any easements or vacations 7. Location and diameter of existing treesL Utility lines 9. lf applicable, existing or proposed septic system location 10. Delineated critical areas boundaries and buffers I Foundation plan: 1. Footings and foundation walls2. Post and beam sizes and spans 3. Floor joist size and layout 4. Holdowns 5. Foundation venting I Floor plan: 1. Room use and dimensions 2. Braced wall panel locations 3. Smoke detector locations 4. Attic access 5. Plumbing and mechanical fixtures 6. Occupancy separation between dwelling and garage (if applicable) 7. Window, skylight, and door locations, including escape windows and safety glazing I Wall section: Footing size, reinforcement, depth below grade Foundation wall, height, width, reinforcement, anchor bolts, and washers Floor joist size and spacing Wall stud size and spacing Header size and spans Wall sheathing, weather resistant barrier, and siding material Sheet rock and insulation Rafters, ceiling joists, trusses, with blocking and positive connections Ceiling height 10.Roof sheathing, roofing material, roof pitch, attic ventilation f Exterior elevations (all four) with existing slope of the land in relation to all proposed structures I lf architecturally designed, one set of plans must have an original signature J lf engineered, one set of plans must have one original signature -l For new dwelling construction, Street & Utility or Minor lmprovement application 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. L {T5 PAGE A1 i X,60 TUF . TRAC t- t I ; i ; I Thor I D'.^6.,.^ o^ly g. *u,.- b .*' T loaor.,- rrl, i!ii i i f',4lrY 1 6 2Cl]7 alp04-055 lLttrv v tv ,v t. vLL,w)t LUt L(IJ I UOrO{ ffo(ru f .WZ. -ii, 2fu,.n- a/ r4d.-i 40X60 T.T. CONVERTIBLE /4-- /rt--." . .,"' J,, 6) I 6= SIDE TEES 1= TOP TEES 3= 40X CABLES 10= SUIALL BRACES 3= IARGE BRACES./6'// 18= FOOT PLATES 124= PINS 24= 7'8'LEGS 10= 19'4" FRAME 22= 9,4" FMfvlE 16= 14'4" HIP MFTERS 10= 10'0" HIP RAFTERS 8= 21'10" RAFTERS 4= CORNERS 2= 6 WAY CROWNS 6= SPECIAL TEES = INTERMEDIATE FnflNGS 10= SIDE TEES 2= TOP TEES 2= 4OX CABLES 20= StrrlAl-L BRACES b= TARGE BRACES 10= F991P1ATES = PINS 2= AERIAL MAST 4 1 SHORT o.K. 1 19,4" FRAME._.c< 16= 7S LEGS 1O'8" HIP RAFTERS 8= 21'10'RAFTERS AERIAL ilOAST 8 0 I o.K. 6 o.K o.K. o.K. o.K. o.K. o.K. o.K. o.K o.K. 6 o.K. o.K o.K. o.K. 4 o.K. 74= 9'{f FRAME -d(E 16a 14'4" HIP RAFTERS T.T. CORNERS 6 WAY CROWNS CONV. SPECIAL TEES INTERMEDIATE FITTINGS tsrp04-055 ..' J rHgE ('J tr II{ TRTICIONS fep # I ffi[,"18|"fffl:T:il;[.:;,.Step #3 ralndaps do not overLap lace each slde from the top to the ectge.Cover rain flaps as you go {see belowl. e rarelt connected lace line will unlace ln one pufl. 1-800-221-5378 Classical Tents Worldwide Sales Washington D.C., USA sales@classica ltpnts rorn hesitate to calt atry tlme to ask quesUons. fiL*)04-055 tJJl tzl agtl.+ lJ; q5 Jbu544qbu4 t-I FLHL City of Port Townsend Fire Department l3 l0 t^twrence'strect' Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)385-2626 Email:ptfd@&i.port-townsen4,wa.us Fax:(360)?85'1122 PAGE AT TO: FR: DT: RE; TEIVTPORARY MEMBRANE STRUCTURE PLAN REVIEW MEMONANDUM Jan Zimmer,Plans Examiner Tom Aumock, Asst. Fire I I Msrch 2004 IrT*r* Membrsne Structure Proposal: Joe Finnie, Rishop Victorian Hotel, 714 Washington Tbis departnent is in rooeipt of the abovo*referenood. The above-referenoo proposal was reviewed by tt i, dep"rttnrnt relative to ihe Uniform Fire Code [U.F.C.], 1997 Edition, and the following constitutes this defartmenfs findings and determinations based upon the plan* of record submitted. Findind * Deter4inetionsl @r Section 105.8 t.l. of tho Uniform Fire Code Chapter t. L The'proposal was reviewed as a tent or temporary membrane structure in excess of 200 squire fcet and is thcrefors subject to Article 32 of the UFC. 3, Tents shall not be Iocatcd within 20 feet of property lines, buildings, other tomporary memtrane ,t oturrr, rcnts and sanopies, parked vehicles, or internal combustion engines- See findingNo' lE below ft"!'irffi;Tt :ffi:1$#Tffi***br*" structures, tents, and cano-pies, nor used for cooking, is not required when the aggfegate floor areq does not exceed 151000 $quare feet; and, 5, The sidewalls, dlops and tops of temporary membrane structures, tents, and canopies shall be composed of flame-resistant material or shall be tneated with flame retardant in an approved manngr' and/or bear an approved lab€l; an{6. Floor coverings, buntin& combustible decorative materials and effects, inctuding sawdust when used on floors or pa$$ageways, shall be composed of flame-resistant mat€rial or shall be trcateA with a flame rctardant in approved manne6 and,7. Ponable fire extinguishers shall be provided at each oxit; nrrd,E. Occupant load requirements shall b€ posted in conspicuous locations neAr exitways of any drop curtains, and; L Seating and aisle in bnporary mambrane shucfure$, tonts, or canopies shall not block accessway to exits, and;f0' The roquired width of exits, aisles and passagoways shnll be maintained at all times to a public way; ild,lf. Means of exit shall be illuminated with lighting for nondaylight use of rhe facility; and 12, Exit signs shall h installed at exits whon the exits are to be non-open- Said signs shall be luminous type when occupenoy exceeds 100 persons; and, 13. 'No Smoking" signs shall be conspicuously posted; and, 14, Any cooking and/or heating equipment shall be of a listed or approved type; and, t5. For outdoor temporary membrane structures where commercial food service appliances use LP-gas, containcrs shlll rrreet the setback requirements from the strucilre based on containor sizo" using Teble 8204-A--if less than 125 gallons, there may be a zero setback provided there is a l0-foot setback from CtWINDOWS\&oktop\Tom'sCabinet\CorrEspofldrncc\FinnieTert.doc {t6/2001 BLA04-055 vJt L-t laua lJt +J JOUJ+++OU!t rI TIKtr-]-AUh 42 ignition $ources and that safety valvos are aimed away from the structure. Containers usod in the structure is linited to no more than htrl; lo-ounce butana gas containors connected directty to the appliance st any tirne, and not containing a manifold, or connec"tcd by hose' 16, combustible vegaation within 30 feet of sucb struchre; and, l7- Hty, straw or .i*il", combustiblo materials shall not be storcd inside or within 30 feet of a temponary membrane stnrcture, tent, or canopy being used for cooking or public assembly, unless treared with flame retnrdant in an approved manner' lg. The subject tent ws$ found to be l7 feet from the hotcl struc'ture, prodominately of UBC Type I construction, and limited ferrostrmiorr. The configuration of the tent f,nd yard does not allow the strict application of the code-required 20'foot setback from n sbucture' The following findings are declared by this oftFtce: l. That ..practical difficulties" do exist for the zubject prope_rlr which do not allow reasonable alternative location of rhe tent to mest the stict application ofthe setback requirernent; and, 2, That an administrativc variancc from thc *ntrino setback requirements would not bs detriment to rhe public welfare or lesssfl the hoalth, life-safety and fire safety provisions of the site, and will maintiin the intont and purposes ofthe Uniforrn Firc, and; 3, The variance will not oonstitrrtc a grant of special priviloge. Thelefore, it is the administrativo determination of this office thaf the 1? foot proposed setbnck is approved. Any other applicable or rolevant sections of ssid Code not covered herein shall norretleless apply to this pfoposal- The proposal is subject to inspection by this department prior to the event' 1.0 hours time was consumed in the revieu'of this proposol It is the administrative detcrmination of this department that the proposal be approved subject to the aforesaid requirornents of the Uniform Fire Codc. CIWINDOW$\Dcsktop\l'om'sCaDinct\CorrcspondcnocVinnicTcnr.doc 062001 'r- City of Port Townsend Fire Department 1310 Lawrence Sfree! port Townsend, WA 9g36g(360)385-2626 Email:ptfd@ci.port-townsend.wa.us Fax(360) 3gs-llzz TEMPORARY MEMBRANE & CANOPY STRUCTI]RES - FIRE & LIFE SAFETY GI]IDELINES JURISDICTION AI{D PERMITTING Jurisdiction is derived from Article 32A of the uniform Fire code,l997 Edition. A permit is requiredunder chapter 1, section 105.8 t.l, for a temporary membrane structure that is in excess of 200 s$u11efeet, or a canopy structure that is in excess of 400 square feet. Air-pressurization supported structuresintended for humao- o:c]rlancy are subject to specific standards of safety in Uniform Building CodeAppendix Chapter 31, Division II, not included inthis paper---consult the nuitAing ofiicial. DEX'II\IITIONS ' Tempormy membrane strucfiile is defined as an air inflated air supported, cable, or frame-coveredstrucfure which is erected for less than 180 days and not otherwise defined as a tent, canopy, or awning. ' Tent is a temporary structure, enclosure or shelter constructed of fabric or pliable material supportedby any manner except by air or the contents it protects. ' Canopy is a temporary structure, enclosure or shelter constructed of fabric, or pliable materialssupported by any manner' except by air or the contents it protects, and is open without sidewalls, or dropson 75 percent or more of the perimeter. ' Awning is a shelter supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building. CODE PROVISIONS The following is a synopsis of those provisions provided as an educational guide as to the Uniform FireCode requirements. ' Tents shall not be located within 20. fegt of property lines, buildings, other temporary membranestructures, tents and canopies, parked vehicles, oi iniernal combustiJn'engines. Support .op", *dguy-wires are considered as part ofthe temporary membrane structure, tent or canopy. ' Separation distance. between temporary membrane structures, tents and canopies, not used forcooking, is not required when the aggregate floor area does not exceed 15,000 square feet.' The sidewalls, {opt:.lttls and tops of temporary membrane structures, tents, and canopies shallbe composed of certified flame-resistant material or shall be treated with flame retardant in anapproved manner, and/or bear an approved label. ' !lo9 coverings, bunting, combustible decorative materials and effects, including sawdust when usedon floors or passageways, shall be composed of flarne-resistant material o, ,nlu be treated with acertified flame retardant in approved manner. ' Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided at each exit, with a minimum rating of 2A:l0B:C. ' occupant load requirements shall be posted as assigned by the fire marshal or building official. ' seating and aisle in temporary membrane structures, tents, or canopies shall be meet the aisle andseating arrangement requiroments of uniform Fire code section 2501.10. ' EverY tent and temporary membrane strucfure-or useable portion thereof shall have at least one exiqand not less than the number required by code based uponii"", "onng*utioo, *o o."op*cy level. ciw1NDows\Desktop\Tom's cabinet\Forms & Templates\lnspection Forms\Tcmp. Membrane{anopy Guidelines l.0.doc 061200l 8r004-055 City of Port Townsend Fire Department Gl General. Gl'l Membrane structures designed to meet the applicable requirements of NFpA /07. Life safety Code, thischapter, and the building codes shall be considered as p^ennaneot uoildiog, o, purt-iluffi- 6-l'2 Membrane structures shalt be pennitted for any occupancy in accordance with the applicable buildingcode. 61'3 Heights and areas shall b-e limited by fte requirements of applicabre building codes based on the type ofconstruction and occupancy classification. Gl'4 Testing of membrane materials for compliance with this section's use of the categories of noncombustibleand limited-combustible materials shall be performed on weathered membrane material as dIfineo in section 2-2. 6-1'5 Membrane materials shall not be used where fire resistance ratings are required for walls orroofs. Erteption Nu 1:- where every part ofthe roof, ingJyaine-fre roofmembrane, is not Iess than 20 ft (6.1 m)above any floor, balcony, or gallery, a noncombustible or-limited-combwtible'menbrane shall be permittedto be used as the roof in any q{pe of construction. Excqtton No' 2: with approval of the authority having jurisdiction, membrane materials shall bepermitted to be used where every part of the roof-memurine is sufficiently above every significant firepotential that the imposed temperatwe will not exceed the capability of the iembrane, including senms, tomaintain its structural integrity. 9'1'6^ 4*" spread of all membrane materials exposed within the structure shall be Class A as defined in Section6-5 ofNFPA 101. Life Sofety Code. 6'l'7 Roof membranes shall have a roof covering classification as required by the applicable building codes,whentested in accordance withNFpA 256. standard"Me,iia" iii"-r"rtriiojniiic*;;;;; G1'8 Flame Resistance. All membrane structure fabric shall meet tho requirements of both the small-scale andlarge-scale tests contained in NFPA 70 I . standard Methoa" of rir" r"sB for Flame-Resistant Tqctiles and Films. G1'8'1 The authority having jurisdiction shall require a certificate or other evidence of acceptance by anorganization acceptable to the authority having jurisdictiol o! il6;; of tests made by other inspection authoritiesor organizations acceptable to the authority laving jurisdiction is-evidence that the fabric materials have therequired flame resistance. 6'l'8'2 where required by the authority having jurisdiction, confirmatory field tests shall be conducted using testqpecimens from the original material, which shJl have been im".JJ the time of manufachre to the exterior of theshucture. 6-2 Tensioned-Membrane Structures. Gz'l Design' The design, materials, and construction of the building shall be based on plans and specificationsprepared by a licensed architect or engineer knowledgeable in thil t1,pe ofconstruction. C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\Tom's CabinetNFpA Codes\l.IFpA 102 _ Chapter 6,doc 3nlM r ':1(c) Blower systen- ,iialt be weather protected,(d) Blower,syslems shail be equipped with back-draft check dampers.(e) There shall be not fewer 'ran nvo blower units, each of which has adequate capacity to maintain fullinflation pressure with normal leakage. '.* qgwYusrv v' (f) The blowers shall be designed-to be incapable of ovetpressurization.G) Th9 apfliary blower uni(s) shall operate automaticilg if there is'any loss of internal pressure or ifan operating blower rmit becomes inoperative,(h) The design inflation pressure and the capacrty of each blower system shall be certified by aprofessional engineer. G3.5 Standby power System. G3.5.f Design, G3'5'I'1 A fulty automatic standby power system shall be provided. The system shall be either an auxiliary enginegenerator set capable of running the blower system or a iupplementary blower unit that is sized for I times thenormal operating capacity and is powered by aointernut "o-uuruoo "og". 6'3'5'l'2 The standby power system shall be firlly automatic to ensure continuous inflation in the event of anyfaihne of the primary power. This system shall be capable ;;p.;-"tid continuously for a minimum of 4 ho'rs. 6'3'5'2 certification' The sizing and capacity of the standby power system shall be certified by a professionalengineer. 6-3,6 AnchorageDeslgn. 6-3.6.1 Basic Requirements. A positive anchorage system shall be provided to securely anchor the envelope to the ground or to the structure. G3.6.2 Specific Requirements. Anchor loading shall be determined and verifio'd by anatytical data prepared by a professional enginssl. Thsminimrtm'requirementsfor anchorage designs shall be in u""o"o*"" *itn the requirements of ASI 77, Air stntcturesDesign and Standards Manual. G3.7 - Accessory Equipment The desip and use of iccessory equipment for heating, air conditioning lighting, and similar functions shallconforrn to the requirements of chapter io and to approvei-recogniad standards. 6-4 Maintenance and Operation. G,4'l Instructions in both operation and maintenance shall be fiansmitted to the owner by the manufacturer of thetensioned-membrane, air-supported, or air-inflated structure. 6.4'2 An annual inspTqo-n and-required maintenance of each structure- shall be performed to ensure safetyconditions' At least biennially the inspection shall be p..rnrr"a uv a professional engineer or qualified servicerepresentative. CIWINDOWS\Deskilop\Tom's CabinetNFpA CodesNFpA 102 _ Chapter 6.doc 3lUM City of Port Townsend Fire Department 8-1 General. Tents shall be permitted only on a temporary basis. 8-2' size Limitations. Tents shall be erected to cover not more than 75 percent of the premises, unlessotherwise approved by the authority having jurisdiction. 8-3 Structural Requirements. 8-3'1 All supporting members shall be of sufficient size and strength to support the structure. 8-3'2 The poles an! their supporting guys, stays, stakes, and fastenings shall be of suffrcient strength andattachment to resist a minimrrm wind pres-sure- oi ZO iait#10.96 Lpal ;il;j*---:;j};; oiri, ,"or. 8-3'3 Tents shall be adequately guyed, supporte4 and braced to withstand a minimum pressure or suction of l0rbfl# (0.48 kPa). 8-3.4 Pull-down ropes $ump ropes) shall be provided on all poles, 8-4 Flame Resistance. 8-4'1 All tent fabric shll meet the requirements- gf the lmge-scale test contained in NFPA ?01. stondardMethods of Fire Testsfor Flame-Resistant Tactiles and Films. 8-4'2 The authority having jtrisdiction shall require a certificate or other widence of approval by a laboratory ofrecognized stanling or the report of tests made by oaet inspection authorities as evidence that the tent fabricmaterials have the required flameresistance. 8-4'3 where require{ by the authority having jwisdiction, confinnatory field tests shall be conducted using testspecimens from the original material affixed at the time or*anuft"to." to the exterior of the tent. 8-5 Location and Spacing. 8-5.1 There shall be a minimum of l0 ft (3 m) botween stake lines. 8-5'2 Adjacent t€nts shall be-sufficiently distant ftom each other to provide an area to be used as a means ofemergency egress' where 10 ft (3 m) between stake lines is not sufficientior."*, or"gr"rr, the distance necessaryfor means of egress shall govern. Exception No'. lt.Ten-ts not occupied ,bv tle public and not used for the storage of combustible materialshall be permitledto be erected liss than l0-ft (: *i iom otnr" rtr";t"t;r;iy"itthe authorityhavingjurisdiction deems such close spacing safe from nazaraio the public. -J ' Exception No' 2: Te'nts, each not exceeding 1200 f 1ttt.s m';ln ground area, located in fairgrounds orsimilm open spaces shall not-be pquirgd !o 6" r.p*ut"a tom eucn other, provided safety precautions neetthe.approval of the authority having jurisdiction. 8-5'3 The placement of tents relative to other structures shall be at the discretion of the authority havingjurisdiction with consideration being given to occupancy, use, opening exposure, and other similar facton. c:\wlNDows\Desktop\Tom's cabinet\NFpA codeswFpA 120 - chapter 8 - Tents.doc 3nt04