HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-092City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 98368 (360)379-so9s BIJILDING PERMIT Project Information Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel Site Address 5821 HILL STREET Project Description Build 8 foot fence around perimeter of rear yard Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLDO7-092 FENCE sw6ffi( q3L?096o5 Names Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Fain Audrey Contact Phone # (360) 774-1404 License Type License # Exp Date Fee Informution Project Valuation Building Permit Fee Plan Review Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Perrnit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit 70.00 50.00 4.50 5.00 3.00 Total tr'ees $132.s0 CaIl 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be cor.rstrued as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify of er Print Name that the information provided as a part ofthe application for or authorizedthat I am the owner of the Date lssued: 0512512007 IssuedBl: PWESTERFIELD CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R T ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3" Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N . PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E O FO R OC C U P A N C Y . ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E . PA R C E L NO . 98 9 7 0 6 4 0 1 PE R M I T NO . BL D 0 7 - 0 9 2 IS S U E D DA T E O5 I 2 5 I 2 O O 7 P( P I R A T I O N DA T E AD D R E S S 58 2 1 HI L L ST R E E T CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Bu i l d 8 fo o t f e n c e ar o u n d pe r i m e t e r of re a r \ard CO N T M C T O R LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS BL D € E T B A C K S FO O T I N G FI N A L BU I L D I N G TO RE Q U E S T AN IN S P E C T I O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . TN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R ND ( T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N ' 1112112007 Receipt Nunber: BLD07-092 BLD07-092 BLD07-092 BLD07-092 BLD07-092 989706401 989706401 989706401 989706401 989706401 $50.00 $5.00 $4.50 $70.00 $3.00 Total: $s0.00 $5.00 $4.50 $70.00 $3.00 $132.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Building Perm it State Building Gode Council Fee Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P CHECK 1087 $ 132.50 Total $132.50 genprntrreceipts Page 1 of 1 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTTVITY LOG PERMIT # SCOPE OF WORK: DATE RECEIVED rK ..8 -67 DATE ACTION INITIALS,\- B. o1 ENTERED INTO CHET CA - to Planning - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS ,{ I t',tl b+Sat t"I ?2 f,s I cr-- lt L /. >> 5\Lr)t1.Jvv- Yv r-- 7 71 - tlyt 0 -) )v 4" ! A I \-" ,kJ\t NtD \.{ Nd i t 0 (\)u' ( h^ Ekrz SB _r74sFT 6* 6 TE <-^c A N n)or 6Xcgr0 $lvrv)e-€SS f is B6lyoN 0'fl*e n' fr,olt'r S Efqftck L',(. rq +lv ya4) SE 2/ t( yl o BTDO?-09 oht Hrzt s74ffi 7 7? s dRt/Y! 7v11llKEffi-r <--* 3'Sotl0 fe ^tC€ t st i rll .i! aq {'lt vl 0o { 't 0 {T g v ?\ \tr F *C 1f t"{J { & ALF vntN StIo hf^ c€- ,wfr olEN {f 4<- 8' retl vfPErL 20'MNx 3o lr trrT-tf-td )4/ S rTE TR lAru Utreil AutuDtNC, f€Nce" @ RroF Pnfu&t tT,t 6/t-or/a0 ?w /tt {i rzta /* TO efrot /,tF { t1j'ert frtl. & .tt 6t *, -.. - -. -*,.J1--._. ila'l 3/',-> C+ 6 Itt (/ lt- it l,:it, ;i:. -*-.- -t faofr 2FE /lc /a/V FENCESO WALLS' ARBORS AND HEDGES City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-s09s FAX (360) 344-461e This information is taken from the Port Townsend Muhicipal Code 17.68 and from the 2003 International Building Code. Rules that apply in all residential situations: + X'ences, walls, arbors or vegetation cannot block traffic visibility and may be only 30 inches tall in the o6sight triangle" at a traffic intersection. (See illustration on reverse side.) :+ Fences on the property line and in setback areas are permitted but have height limits (see below). = Fences/walls between 6 and I feet in height require a building permit. See attached prescriptive construction designs for a chain link fence and a solid wood fence up to 8 feet in height. These illustrations can be attached to the construction drawing with your building permit application. Fences between 6 and 8 feet in height built in another manner require engineering design as part of your building permit submittal. Retaining walls of any height should be discussed with the building department to determine whether a building permit is required. Please bring a sketch and ask! = Hedge vegetation has no height limit unless in a sight triangle or otherwise a traffic or safety hazard. However, vegetation must be self-supporting; otherwise the support structure is regulated as an arbor or fence. + An "Arbor" is a "detached latticework or archway often used to support vines or climbing shrubs." Except for the safety exceptions cited above, detached arbors may be built up to 10 feet without.a building permit. Arbors attached to a building may need a building permit. Please bring in a sketch and ask! = No sharp elements on walls are allowed, but a barbed wire fence is permitted. + Fences, walls, arbors and hedges have a36" maximum height limitation if parallel to a building and within 5 feet of that building and IF the structure would block fire and public safety access to the building. (This situation typically occurs when your neighbor's house is close to the property line and your fence on the property line obstructs emergency access to the house. AI..D 0 y - 0 g g Heieht maximums that apply on the property line or in setback areas: All front yards OR any side or rear yard adjacent to an opened or unopened street 5d4, All side or rear yards NOT adjacent to an open or unopened street: Height Maximum: 4 feet solid fence/wall (or up to 8 feet ** if upper half is at least 517o open). Height Maximum: 8 feet solid fence/wall permitted. ** **Fences and warrs-ov;:i,ffffi1,H""1?:it*:".',t'Jil'i;:,i#:i'.1'ri::':ring review 10/06 I Frontyard setback (t) & qt u,o CL''o 6l tIg u0 E c{ oli (t(l)L v, €lt '!o cg i)tr (l) ov) 6 !r: :Gl(l)c)4) u1tr cl\o J!LFrq) at -2 .9?aBr' -b0 6dL 'Etrbo(UF ll c) 8'rnaximum; parts ovef 4' must be >507o oPen 0 Street right-of.way 0 1$ 4'maximum sOlid height 0 Street right-of-waY 0 I I i II ; l0'arbor 3' maximum if 5' of residence and parallel to residence and IF higherfence would restrict emergeng/:t@ess rear yard setback area bc a Ct fence in side-yard setback (not adjacent to street right-of-way) a 8' solid fence maximum property line setback lines if::i# a'."JHI;: € I e E * Sl.solidfence maximum unless adjacent to street right-of-way from vi:rticol 20-o', Attoched Sidcwolk /-.--.- / -\-- 20.o' Public rig[rt-of-voy I'X$'u \, oLro 'B0IRD FENGE r,' CONCRETE rlro: lr {SIDE VtEt{l t'TB BOARD CONCRETE 4X5 POST AX4 BOARD (PLAN VIEFI} TREATED FO,ST e,e, wo@ oF NATUR+ RESISTANCE TO DECAY (GEDAR, LOCUST, REDWOOD, ETC.). =' IX6 BOARD EX4 BOARDt 8rT gGu ex4 BOARD CORCRETE 24*g 6d *l ro't TELEVATIqN VIETI] {x6 POST 4Xs PoST 4X6 POST 96' '30" '-l \ \.CH.ATNLI'_.-{ FENCE . SPEG{FIL-..EION -t IABRTC: TOP RATL: LINE POS?: TERMINAL POST: TENSION WTRE: FITTINGS: TIE WIRE: 96' 11 GA- 6Alf (2' uesh) KeK CHAIN-LINK FABRIC. 1 5/8" O-D. SWEDGE END -065 LUSTERGUARD, 1.10 lbs. pen foot.Top rail 2L' in length 2 l/2" O-D- -055 LUSTERGUARD POST, 1-60 lbs.posts set 1-0' on ce.nter maximr[n spacing. 3' O-D. LG-20 PIPE, 3.25 lbs- per foot. per foot- Line 12 1/2 cA- 2 STRAND TWISTED TENSION I{rRE attached to bottom offence fabric with.g GA. ALUMINUM HOG RING spaced 24" on center. REGULAR BRACE BAND & CARRIAGE BOLT,. DIE-CAST ALUMINUM RAIf,_END, DIE-CAST AJ,UMINUM I,OOP CAP, DIE-CAST AIUMINUM DOMECAP, 3/16" X 314" TENSION BAR, REGUI,AR TENSION BAI{D & CARRIAGE BOIT. 8 L/4" 9 GA. ALUMINUM TIE WTRE & 6 1/2" 9 GA. AI,UMINT]I{ TIE WIRE spaced 15" on center for line posts & 24, on center forrails - t eor *l te' l* *l loilr. er0r ' T - 5 0 I 3 0 t - J 2 B < : > ( t ) C ' O 1 ( o c o , ? 6 ' 4 5 57 2 C K M N J N ) \\ c d 1 ! t l I I 2 F 57 5 6 B N } JACK M A N I f : - l : - 5 J J f r r 5 8 T H 3 4 3 7 3 5 N 1 1 I d , 3 7 ' l h r r r : a 2 r s p r r v r J r : J . a , . , : : ' , r s , i , " " a l r l 1 2 l i f i , : 1 i , , . " L a s i s . I i : , : ' . j i n o i L o r i ; w , : s , r r l a . l r i i : s c n , r i o r t r . j l r o ' r : i l r i i r a , : r r r y I h . x . r t , i r . , . l r | . ; , . . ) ' j ' r ' n , ' - , , , : 1 . . : . . r . ' . . . i . - a : i " , I i . , , p r r : ' , r . r t . 1 . . . . : , , f . . i i r : ' . . . . t 1 , , . . . - : , , , . . : i : . , . , 1 . . . . . : - , . . . . 1 , , i . : : , . i . . l , : s . a . . d s . f ' s i , : . ' : 1 1 . r 2 . ; : ; : : t i ; r , i r b t W a t c r W a s t c W a t c r S t o r m W a t c r 1 i n c h c q u a l s 7 5 f c c t Building Checklist Legal l)escription:J 6 14" lA r ttn L("tQ( Location Zoning:ftfL Recorded Plat Shows Lot Size as:so Vtao )-( Assessor Shows S 44,r^{ q,J aw ro.* ArcReader Shows: LS 5o lc 6u' a { Critical Area?:/\tol Other Permits?: tl;' = 1{ l" " 13' ?+ tw' a7o ul na/#-) (. hs I 5 aur- Con Site Visit? Building meets setbacks? Building meets lot coverage? (lru-p-t - 5<r.-ea ^I4 ,,=6 l'"e cvy. Notice to Title needed? Restrictive Covenant needed? Lots of Record 2 Commen ts s.rcq*,1 IAJL tnAt-wou ) 7',' r*rJ Y" Page 1 ofl Fence Permit Request Parcel # 936904605 Owner/Mailing Address: California Addition BLK 46 LOT 5(E1l2) 6 (ALL) Audrey L. Fain Trustee of Audrey L. Fain Trust. 5821 Hiil St., Port Townsend, Wa 98368-1310 Section 34 Qtr: NE1/4 Township:31N Range: 1W School Dist (50) Port Townsend Fire District: Port Townsend (8) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning Area: Port Townsend Sub division: California Addiition Assessor's Land Use Code: 1 100 - Houses (single units, non-farm) I am requesting for this fence to form the edge of a Japanese Garden. An example of the "blank" wall can be seen in the enclosed photograph.( | am not planning for an all rock garden.) I trust the diagrams and spec sheets are clear and will meet with your approval lf you have any questions, please call me, //* Audrey Fain 5821 Hiil St., Port Townsend, WA 98638 774-1404 Tuesday, May 08, 2007 America Online: DocFain Development Services ) Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150) See the "Residential Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. Property Name er:Fuil Address: 58 City/SUZip ?r 4 .4sgz-" Phone Email: 77{- /{ai/ ContacURepresentative: Name:€eur Address CityiSVZip: Phone:-_-- Email:-.- Contractor Name: Address: City/SUZip: Phone: Email: State License City Business License #: I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authorized to act on, behalf of the ownerand that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the port Townsendiivlunicipal Code Print Name: Lender lnformation: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Name:--=----- Project Valuation: $ Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint) Square feet:-- lmpervious Surface: Square feet:=_-- r,:.- ,', 250'Madison Street, Suitg 3-,- Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 97tf Project Address: 59zt 4rtt sr.. Parcer# ?SC7o{Lpf Hock:16 Legal Descri t Lot(s 5 (E t/,- )b &e) (or Tax Add #l:n Project Description REHE 14PJ/at Building lnformation (square feet): &PfuV 1'tfloor tt AO SatT Carage: / b )t /O auroonr -.'- other No@ o 3'd floor Porch(es) Deck(s) Basement:ls it finished? Manufactured Home ! New ! Addition n ADU ! Remodel/Repair n znd floor l/ eo " . on the property? Y Nwetlands (>15%l? Y N Any known Any steep Signature: I Date 5/rv/ o 7 SAN DIEGO PLASTICS . PVA_5HEET TYPE 2 HIGH IMPACT - VIN]l3C II SffH DIE€g PLfiSTICS. II{(. Z22OMcKinleY Avenue National CitY CA 91950 800/925-4855 6191477 -4855 FAX 619/417'481 4 Page 1 of4 o VinteC ll@is a high impact, corrosion resistant polyvinylchloride (PVC) sheet. Because of its excellent impact and ductitity it is ideiily suited for applications that require thermal fgrmilg or where the finished produc! is subject to itrocr oiphysical a[,u"".lts high heat deflection temperature and high modulus make it ideally suited for operation at temperatures up to 140oF. with fewer supports than other Type ll materials' PVC SHEET T\?E 2, HIGH IMPACT Sl<ipts Puces Key Benefits r conforms to ASTM D-1784-95 Class 16444-D (Formerly Type ll Grade l) r Manufactured with no plasticizers or fillers r Can be used in self supporting construction up to 140oF r Exceptional Fire Ratings (UL-94V-0) and a flame spread under 20 per ASTM E-84 o Available in numerous colors, finishes and sizes r Good lmpact r Machinable r Weldable o High Compressive Strength r LowCost Typical Properties ASTM MethodValuelUnitsProperty D792 D 224 D 570 D 785 1.35 85 0.16 106 gicm3Density o/oWater Absorption R ScaleRockwell Hardness DShore Durometer http : //www. sdplastics. com/pvc sh ee2.html s1712007 PVC Page 3 of4 @ "Ii"1'tr:e n anei T.v;1e iX PVC Shee{. CPVC $heeJ of I chloride ASTM test Pronerfv Rieid Flexible PHYSIC.4L D792 Specific graviW 1.30-1.58 r.20-1.74 D792 Specific volume (in.'/lb.)20.5-19.1 D570 0.15-0.7sWater absorption, 24 hours, 1/8 inch thick (%)0.04-0.4 MECIANICAL D638 Tensile streneth (psi)6.000-8.000 1.500-3.500 200-450D638Eloneation (%)50-150 D638 Tensile modulus (10-5 psi)3.5-10 D790 Flexural modulus (10-5 psi)3-8 D256 Impact strength, izod(ft-Iblin. of notch)0.4-20.0 D785 Hardnoss, Shore 65-85D 50-100A THERMAL c177 Thermal conductivity (10-4 cal-cm/sec-cm-2-"C)3.5-s.0 3.0-4.0 D696 Coefficient of thermal expansion (I0-5 in./in.-"F)t.2-s.6 3.9-13.9 D648 Deflection temperature ("F) At264 psi At 66 psi 140-170 13s-1 80 ELECTRICAL Dielectric strensth (V/mil) short time, 1/8-in. thick 350-500 300-400Dt49 D150 Dielectric constant At TkHz 3.0-3.8 4.0-8.0 0.009-0.017 0.07-0.16D150Dissipation factor At lkHz D257 Volume resistivity (ohm-cm) At 73'F. 50% RH >10-16 10-11 to 10-15 D495 Arc resistance(s)60-80 frlr- ouT rlrflT Tn Etl??r tflrI^ED rfllt ETEEO Pl-llrTltI. lllt- Call today for complete product information! http :/iwww. sdplastics. com/pvc.html 51712007 @ 8r. CONCRETE aNl Fy'e Fnutts coNcRErE COIICRETE - TELEUATISN VIEHI AX4 BOARD IPLAN UIE}I} TREATED pg,ST eR W,'F\^D OF NATuR4L RESTSTANCE TO DECAY (EEDAR, LOCUST, R.EDWOOD, ETC.} =. e Fanrl ,,(Ogf +xf posr 4X.+ POST il tit.l.; j 4ss,r gll T +x* POST 9G1'96' ex4 SOARD 24" E fi" 30" 4 Itol .F (SIDE VIEIT} *l rcnt a'X(' ,So/-tp ,P/c ,psr(ce (crwren &efrnfr q, ,UcK)\ v-'.rr i t: L / PVC Page 1 of4 @ sfil{ DIEGO PLfiSTICS. lJ{(. 2?2DMcKinley Avenue National Cify' CA 91950 800/925-4855 5191477-485s FAX 6191477 -4874 PVC (Polyvinylchloride) PVC Potyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a flexible or rigid material that is chemically nonreactive. PVC has a br-oad iuog* of applications, from high volume construction related products to simple electric wire insulation and coatings. Rigid PVC is easily machined, heat formed, welded, and even solvent cemented. PVC can also be machined using standard metalworking tools and finished to close tolerances and finishes without great difficulfy. PVC aecepts paint and performs well under most silkscreening processes. PVC resins are normally mixed with other additives such as impact modifiers and stabilizers, providing hundreds of PVC based materials with a variety of engineering properties. There are three broad classifications for rigid PVC compounds: Typ-e--I' TV+qfL, u"O _Cpl[g. Type II varies from Type I due to greater impact values, but lower chemical- resistance. CPVC has greater high temperature resistance. These materials are considered "unplasticized"o because they are less flexible than the plasticized formulations. Type I' II and bpVC are normally available in 4qd, sheeto slabn pipe, tubulary baqr fit[ngs and valves. "Plasticized" PVC is available in sheet, film, fittings, flexible tuhingn and pipe. l,/iA'/ g 'lr)l)l RMAL PVC TYPE II HEE http :i/www. sdplastics.com/pvc.html s1712007 PVC CLE;{tt Fl-trllxtr EIX-E l}\/C STI{tri} Flexible PVC Tubing Vinyl Strip Doors Vinyl Welding Curtains P\/C Ilerrforatcri Shect Clear Flexible Vinyl ltolls and Street PVC Clear Planished and Rigid Sheet Custom PVC Flexible Liners PVC Cement Properties: High strength Economical Dimensional stabilify Good weather resistance Iligh impact strength Clarity Colorability Flexible or rigid Chemically inert Ease of fabrication Tastelessrodorlesso non-toxic Good electrical properties Applications: Nuts Filters Signs Tanks Pipes Bolts Valves Bushings Tanh and pool liners Laboratory equipment Ducts Sprinkler systems Photomounting Wallcoverings Pump parts Fittings Excelon System CPVC Pipe, Rod & Bar PVC Rod PVC Square Bar l'VC Rectangular; Ilar Weld-on Cement and Welding Rod PVC Hollow, Angle and Hex llar Stock Joining and H Strips Page 2 of 4 @ http ://www. sdplastics. com/pvc.html 51712007 l Survey of Lots 4,5 ond 6, Block 46, Plat of Californio Addition to Port Townsend -vot.2 or ptots, psee Sec. 34, Twp 3l N., Rge. I W., lil M., Jefferson Counfy, Woshinglon .i i.r.wESt eou{oant oF lAx 2 I,e-7,2-ceal-',' L EhAL DE scet pr I oN lhl. t oF O6Eot, etoes ete i al9 il 20. o8' FOUPD 30' ACCEP|ED EXET'NO P'PE' AS OEFIUIN' ,lE't UunDAnv oF TAx 2 IN ACCOAOANCE W'IH VJGacooav lmnt Ptn voL.2 oF ga*t Pttts, PAGE 50 ) I+ N No a \ Scers n, Frrt 1",20' t".rttl{ Rqv)otozo +0 BesB or Eeteuos Po Rr Towu s e n o ffa mr !7 yv u m en rar t ot t Suevev eY E.E,Avoensoil N x t( s t\ d ) ts l\t t\lo o I o3t 30' Leoeuo o= Ser t/2" aee^e wFH plAsrtc cup stAmpEo " f?scxea 2t+ +5.' l. 5u /2" Reol.e wtrH plAstt4 cap SaA4PED "fiScpea Zltt *5" ron 7HE PA4tu1E aF OEFtplNt lHE AtaHa-oF-wAY oF J$t-z 57*t"r. oo SgrH 5 8A. 57' 36" V SfREEI /76. Ao oo l.oil N. 77.87 30' rla" nou qpe otl :t FOUHo PnEVroaSLy 3/1" tnoil P|PE FAA TO PREVtOqt.f Pte VoL, a oF JuAVEyt p&.95 pea vota orSuavcyt.ii. 5 '36-2..95 l. ot il.l./ t x(r) FOUI|D coNcREfE nouan4tt FOAND l-lrl Qt a R.SPIXE Fouuo CONCREIE }fiNUNEfi 14 CASE 577H 5 6a. 5z' 91" u/l37d.9t SrAerz /' s99. +s \ro (l : ETd F! ss oa 7t.6f 57' .t.:..ri' I \ V1- pt?L +q tl? +tJ'ud' 73, 87 s 36" t/+" tRott npe + rl6 \,,, ;dr, 5 0 9t il8 fuilto'lr'lnoa npt 8s. +t'stl,l o.7, ob 25 t. aZ 5t9.6+ FoR Snptet D. onos ANO Ceat Srore Dtrx tY -|a,1 o/a/atDATI JOt tao. t3Z6 rird 16 df,i tsr,..d..2...t.r t6.ij...., v!.?....,e*P.r. t, w... -?-...-....t Sinc*l 2at. .3 .4.. ...t rfi . r.tcdr .t {a* n t a f, f-a c l e a.......... -.. -//*,.*,-h*u^t t coutt'tvltttt.z) 7_ Auottot't c:tilflcttl lutwYot,t cttllflc^rt fhh nrg cwrily r.trdrtr r rw.t ntar ly nr r wd* ny rllndlm ln rolomrnd whft tir r.qeirhdtr cl th. l!ry.y l..oiaht Acl d lh. , r1unt rt.... 5../. F.n! E N .... D.. Q.p-s......... r,.QQlc rea.., w ez. . .ZL fuZ:rtr/^z c.dific.r. r0... z14+5 Faauxutt T Fiscuta Pnare ss p,utl L ANo Sunvevn, 93o Vtwruarou Srneer Ponr 7o vus ril o, Vt < u t tt orot 98366 rcu (zoe) 385-t225 oil! rY F,7.F'J(lu /"'zo'II{ItT I0't co -on & :^ -_L) o- s\aN crl