HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-079PERMTT # tsuo o'7 - 07 q SCOPE OF WORK: CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG DATE RECEIVED a5 DATE ACTION INITIALS D ENTERED INTO CHET FtntLlr CA - to Planning - No evidence I CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS 5 0 Sul )i C <llJ l-rd rf?SU (' 1.e-'.-,n w 94 S nv 6 LI 01 (I (l n.zt 9L) iA Sil,'il w,-,-r,h'rp A- *ti-r..f. r'r-r.r, i,t) (\IL .l;+ oG r:.SA'cp t oo w pl 'l ,'^ Prbt ) >t /lt It )) Ve"7-- tai r V\'r"[i-'^'' B;Do-z- o-ta F.r-- Tift^- Rv ..\ r\"1 T--.--r., F r-f--l A^^o c-iLo,,<rS? a-)I ReceiptNunber, m ADM07-001 989800052 Appeal of an Administrative-Decisio $200.00 Total: $200.00 $0.00 $200.00 CHECK 10s91 $ 200-00 Total $200.00 Q.g7a+/- oF ,V€ b,V,(62-ffi11CU O€ D-OL(*s f"n;fu; genprntrreceipts Page 1 of 1 Gommercial Building Permit Application F Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150 F See the "Commercial Building Permit Application Requirements' for details on plan submittal requirements. Propefi Owner: Name: JOHN & SHAN NESSET Address: PO BOX 214 City/SUZip: PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 Phone: 360-30{-2000 Email: \ Development 9eruices 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax 360-3444619 www.cityofpt.us Lender lnformation: Lender infonnation must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Name: T.B.D. Project Valuation: $875,000 Construction Type: V-N Occupancy Rating: F-{ Building Information (square feet): lttfloor 4,991 Restrooms: 2 2nd floor 0 Deck(s): 0 3d floor 0 Storage: 0 Basement 0 Other: New X Addition n Remodel/Repair tr Change of Use tr i GontacUReprese ntative : NaMe: ALEX LITTLE Address: 20094rH ST City/SVZip: PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 Phone: 360-385-5606 Email: alex@little-little.com Gontractor: Name: LITTLE & LITTLE Address: 20og 4rr{ STREET City/SVZip: PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 Phone: 360-385-5606 Email: alex@little-little.com State License #: L|TTLLC157C5 Exp: 02109 Gity Business License #: 000480 I hereby certiff that the information provided is conect, that I am either the owner or authorized and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Print Name: S. ALEX LITTLE Proiect Address & Zoning District: S. PARK AVE & HOWARD ST II'I-G Legal Description (or Tax #): Addition: PT BUSINESS PARK Lot(s):52 Offlce Use Onlv Permit#3I0O7:OZ? Associated Permits:Parcel # 989 800 052 Proiect Description: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A TITLE PLANT Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint): Square feet 14,665 lmperuious Surface:; ,lil Square feet 4,991 22o/c Signatu Date: 01-23'o7 \\)rry oF PORT TowI\tSEND } COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT PLANS CHECKLIST NAme FIRST AMERICAIY TITLE Permit # Please read the following information before preparing your building permit plans. Construction documents must be of sufficient detail to show clearly the project in its entirety with emphasis on the following: structural integrity, life safety, architectural barriers (accessibility requirements), compliance with all other codes having jurisdiction and description of scope of work (e.g., tenant improvement, remodel, etc.). New Gommercial Construction: Four sets of plans (minimum paper size 18" x24") are required with one copy of the application form. New construction requires a Public Works Street/Utility Development Permit application or Minor Improvement Pennit application be submitted with your Building Permit application. Additions. Remodels, Alterations: Three sets of plans (minimum paper size 18" x24") are required withthe application form. Flans Designed bv an Architect or Ensineer: s four dwelling units and/or abuilding of any occupancy that exceeds 4000 squaxe feet: plans must be prepared by a Washington State registered arshitect. Plans with architect and engineer infomration (name, e1lc..) musttnve that architect's or engineer's wet seal [minimum one (1) set of originals] with an original signature in color other than black. List the page number, in the spaces provided below, for each item that you have included on your plans and include this checklist with your permit submittal. A separate Deferred Submtttal Request form shall be submitted with the construction drawings for all deferred itens. Page # COVER SHEET P:Uobs - Current\First American Title #47S\PERMIT FORMs\Commercial Permit Plans Checklist.doc Revised 8l31lM A1 Project identification A1 Project address, legal description, location map, and tax parcel number A1 All design professionals identified including addresses and phone numbers AT Name, address, and phone number of person responsible for project coordination; all communication will be directed through this person At Design criteria: occupancy group (e.g., F-1); constuction type (e.g., V-B); seismic zone @2); floor area (IBC allowed vs. proposed); nre sprinkler requirements (if any); height and number of stories; total occupant load; land use zone; parking requirements (required vs. provided); allowed soil bearing pressure; design loads (floor, roof wind, etc.); material strengths, if applicable; soils report, if applicable; landscaping, if required; flood }mzafl zone (if applicable) and deferred submittals per IBC Section A{Indicate compliance with the following codes: 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fire Code, 2003 Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Plumbing Code Standards, 2003 Washington State Energy Code, 2003 Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code, WAC 51.40 Washington State Banier Free Facilities & Design (Chapter ll,2003IBC), 1993 Water Conservation Standards and all related \l/ashington Administrative Code Changes, with changes and exceptions set forth in OrdinanceNo. 2867. Page 1 of4 Page # SITE/PLOT PLA. PAGE#FOUNDATION PLAN PAGE #FLOOR PLAN P:Uobs - Current\First American Title #47S\PERMIT FORMs\Commercial Permit Plans Checklist.doc Revised 813'1104 A1 Property lines and dimensions, including all interior lot lines withNorth.urow indicated A1 All existing and proposed building lines with exterior dimensions and roof overhangs AI All streets, driveways, easements and building setbacks A{Site access, water, sewer, hydrants and electrical points of connection A1 Required parking (per Chapter 17.72 PTMC & WAC 51.40), Barrier Free access (per WAC 51.40), landscaping, drainage and grading design A2rSt Footings, piers and foundation walls (including interior footing or pier locations) A2rS{Reinforcing steel for all concrete A2lS{Posts, beams sizes and spans; detail beam/post and posVpier (or footing) positive connection Beam pockets or method of securing beam ends A2 Floor joist, size, material gnde, spacing and spans Foundation venting and calculations A2 Crawl space access and dimensions A2 Plurnbing sizes and location of foundation penetration Vapor retarder on crawl space ground (6 mil black polyethylene) A3 All floors, including basements A3 Room uses, sizes and square footage by room and floor level A3 Overall dimensions and locations of all structural elements and openings s2/s3 Wall bracing per IBC Section 2308.9.3 and Table 2308.9.3(1) (if multi-story show length per story and location) or engineered plans (two sets, including one original wet sealed/stamped copy) A3 All doors and windows (safety glazngnoted where required) A3 Barier Free required designs per IBC Ch.l l A7 Restroom interior finishes per IBC Section 804 A3IA7 Plumbing fixtures Stairways: width, rise, run, handrails, guardrails, landings, barrier free requirements, etc. A3 Area and occupancy separation, all fire rated assemblies, draft stops and fire blocking Door, window and hardware schedules I AI',R 2 5 2007 ) FLOOR FRAMING AND ROOF FRAMING PLAN \ PAGE # A6IA7 s2rs3 Identifr structural members, grade, material size and method of attachment; roof venting, roof drainage and location of roof mounted equipment PAGE # EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A4'A5 Exterior views on front, rear and sides A4'45 Decks, steps, handrails, guardrails, landings, balconies, marquees, porches A4'A5 Final grade A4lA5 Height of building per IBC Section 502.1 PAGE # BUILDING SECTIONS AND WALL SECTIONS PAGE # INTERIOR ELEVATIONS N All Barrier-Free required designs with proper clearances shown (including signage) - see below Guardrail heights, handrails, stairways, elevator operation panels, etc. PAGE # MECHANICAL SYSTEM . BIDDER DESIGN / DEFERED SUBMITTAL Entire mechanical system All units, their sizes, mounting details, all duct work and duct sizes Fire dampers where required Equipment schedules PAGE # PLUMBING SYSTEM All fixtures, piping, slopes, materials and sizes (provide calculations) A{Connection points to utilities, septic tanks, pteffeatment sewer systems and water wells Greasetraps and/or grease interceptors required for commercial kitchens P:Uobs - Current\First Arnerican Title #47S\PERMIT FORMs\Commercial Permit Plans Cheoklist.doc Revised U31lO4 A6rS3 All materials of construction from footing through roof covering All fire-rated assemblies and fire-rated penetrations A6 All vertical dimensions Dry or wet floodproofing (if in a flood zone - see FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps for which zone) Page 3 of 4 PAGE # BARRIER-FREE )CESSIEILITY DESIGN PAGE # ACCESSIBLE PARKING PAGE #PLAN PAGE* NREC - SEE ATTACHED A7 Grab bar mounting heights, sink clearances, fixture locations, sizes, and placement A3 Restrooms - show 5 foot diameter circle used for measuring unobstructed floor space At Exterior Route of Travel - show all connections from the entrance A.l Dimensions of all parking spaces, aisle striping, signage (including for van parking), surfacing. Existing and proposed grades A{Underground and above ground utilities A{All existing and new structures A{All streets, walkways and sidewalks Plant materials with appropriate symbols and identifications keyed to planting schedule Planting schedule to include botanical and common names, sizes and conditions of plants Plant installation techniques and guidelines.(Example: bareroot vs.container) Submit 2003 Non Residential Energy Code (NREC) compliance forms PAGE # WSVIAQ. DEFERED SUBi'ITTAL Show compliance with 2003 Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality code requirements. ELECTRICAL PERMIT - See WA State Deparfinent of Labor & Industries for electrical permit. SPRINKLER, HOOD FIRE SUPPRESSION AND ALARM WORK - Separate permit required to be submitted to the Building Deparfrnent. SEPARATE PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL PERMFS MAY BE REQUIRED SENSITIVE AREA QUESTIONNAIRE - Must be submitted if creating a new footprint of a structure. STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS - Where required, provide for project's entire structural system. SPECIFICATIONS - To be provided either on the drawings or in booklet form. The specifications shall further define construction regarding construction components, materials and methods of constructioru wall finishes and pertinent equipment REVISIONS - It shall be the responsibility of the owner or owner's agent to obtain revisions approved by the Development Services Deparhnent for all changes during the project prior to actual construction. Revision submittals to include completed Revision Form, 2 sets of revised plans, calculations and other applicable documentation. For clarity, all revisions should be identified with a 'rV, syrnbol and clouded on the drawings or resubmitted as a new plan set. P:Uobs - Cunent\First American Title #475\PERMIT FORMS\Commercial Permit Plans Checklist.doc Page 4 of 4 Revised 8l31l04 ; r1 ) Envel e Summary Climate Zone 1 ENV-SUM 2003 Complianco Fofins Project Info '"j Project Address Date q /24 /oZ Par{- Toonsen{ busines*. ?ark Lot sz-For Building Deparimont Use AppricantName: A. AIC* Littte. AppricantAddress LOOS alA St. ?ortTowngen4 AppricantPhonet (ZAO\ LSS- S6O-b Project Description FLNew Buitding ! Rocttion ! Atteration I Change of Use Compliance Option KPrescripiive f]Componentperformance (See Declslon Flowchart (over) for qualifications) ! eruvsroz.r (4.0 not acceptable) I Systems Analysis Space Ifeat Type o Electric roslstance other (see over for definilions)fr.nn Glazing Area Calculation Note: Below gradB vralls may bc hcluded ln the Gro€s Exterior Wall Aroa if they ar€ insulalEd to the level required for opaque walls. Total Glazing Ar€a (rough opening) (vertical & overhd)dlvlded by WallArsa tlmes 100 squals % Glazing Electronic version: lhese valuss are automatically taken from ENV-UA-1 Gross Exterior '6brf ,,5 st + 3l Aq i? X 100 = l.l,? % Concrete/lVfason ry Option O y"t B,no Check here lf using thls oplion and if p{oject megts all requlrements for the Conc€te/Masonry option. S€e D€cision Flowcharl (over) for qualitlcalions. Entsr r€quir€msnts tor €ach qualitying Essembly balow. Envolope Requircment6 (enter values as applicable) F.it t I y h e ate d lcooled space Minimum lnsulation R-values Roob Over Attlc Q.-bo All Other Roofs 3-2-l Opaque Wallsl n-11 Below Grada Walls Floors Ov6r Uncondition€d Space rz-n Slabs-on-Grade Radiant Floors " Maximum U-facioft Opaque Doors Vertlcal Glazing o.15 Overhead Glazing Maximum SHGC (or SC) Vertlcal/Overhead Glazin g opaque ConcreterMasonry Walt Requirsments lnsulatlon on interlor - maximum U-factor is 0.'lg lnsulation on exterior or int€gral - maximum U-faclor is 0.2S lf project qualif es for Concrete/Masonry Option, list walls with HC > 9.0 Btu/ft2rF below (oiher walls must meet Opaque Wall requirements). Use descriptions and values lrom Table 20-5b ln the Code. Wall Description (including insulalion R-ralue & position) *""7 Semi-heated spacez Minimum lnsulation R-values e Roofs Over Semi-Heated Spaces2 2. Referto Section 1310 forquallffcatlons and requlrements Notes:ii llliii,i I ir iil I I I i i AFn ?- 5 ?:Jfr7 Envelo e Summa back Climate Zone 1 ENV-SUM Decision Flowchart for Pr€scrlptlvo Optlon Use thls flowchart to determlne if proJecl qualifies for the optional Prescriptive Option, lf not, either the Component Performanc€ or Systems Analysls Options must be used t30Z Spac€ Hart Typ3: For the purpos€ ot dotdrniring buildlng envelope r€qdr€mnts, lho followlng two cat€gorieE compdse all spaca healing typsr: OthGn All olh$ spac€ helling systems lncludiilg gas, solit tusl, oil, and propane space h€allng syslem and lho86 syst€m! llstad in lhr s@pllm toeleclrioresistance. (mntlnugd at dgh0 Elseldc Roittrnc€t Spas heaung syclsrnE whlci use elgctdc rssistanca elernsn$ as lho prinary healing system lnduding basoboad, radianl and htced air unils whers tho total Bloclric l"slstanc6 hoat capacjty o(B6dB 1.0 Wff o{tho goss condltionod noorar€a. Excapton: Heat pmps and t€minal slsctric €Sshnco heatng in vadsbte dlr volumE distdbutim systoms. N! All Insulailng Inltall6d? u.0.082 OlhEr Opsgu3 Wsll R-19 Bolow 6rd W.ll (ext) R-10 Eolow Grd Woll (olh) R-lS No Root Ovlr A$r All OlhorRoot Ft-s8 R-30 R.30 R.10 R.r0 Flotr Floor Criterla Met? V6rI OH UVal UV.l SHGC 'lfthe area welghled heat capacity (HC) of the total above grade wall is a minimum of 9.0, the Concrete Masonry Optlon may be used. "For framed walls, assumo HC=1,0 unless calculations are provlded; for all other walls, use Section 1009.T START Electic Rcrlttan6 H6at? Allwlls R.l1 lBdeilon?sileri. OK? (bel@)(bclw) qilsrla Allwalls R-l9 h6ulrllon? < 409A Gle2h!7 < 401( Gl.zh? .2noA GlarngT <24q. GlazhE? All lnsl.tino lhslalled?All ln6!laung lnrbllod?AI lnstdlled? (.xt) (oth) R-l1 R''t0 R-l1 R-30 R-21 R-te R-10 R-t0 U 0.60 Opigue Wsll BelN Grd wall Bolw Gd Wall Root Over Atllc AI oth.r Roof Rak6d Fl@r shb.ODGEd! Radimt Flw op.qu. Dd Glazlng Crit ri. Met? u.0.'t9 u.0.25 R-10 R-tl R-30Rrl R-tg R-lo R-lo Wsl Well wall (ourl Owr Altis Olhcr Roof Floor Slab-OFGEde R.dlht Floor olh6. opequ. W.ll Mssmry Wall (lnt) M.8flry Wall(olhor) Below Grd WEll (cn) Bclow Grd Wall.{oth) Root Ovcr Anlc All OhGr Root Rrir6d Floor Sleb.Ch-GEdo RadhntFloor u0062 R-19 u-o,tt u-0.25 Rno R-rg R-38 R-3{} R-30 R-10 R-10 u.o,so MEtsl FEm.d Critsia Mel? C.ilc116 MEI? GI&lng A.Qa.A l.m Vsrt OHUVll UVal sHGc UVaI o.90 c75 0.65 0.60 Glazlng ArBe % o-15.4 'ls20.a 2(}'300/6 30-40% OH UVel SHGC 1.45 1.00 1.40 1.00 1,30 0.65'l-30 0-/t5 1.40 1.30 1.30 Oladn0 Area o.10.4 1A-15% 15-200L 20-25.4 Vst UVel 0.90 0.75 0.65 0.60 OH UVal 1.45 sH@ 130 1.00 030 0.1{t Prescriptlve Path Ailowed Componant Performancc Systams Analysis Required or ConcretelMasonry Option*Wall Heat Capacity (HC) Assembly Dsscrlption Assy.Tag HC*Area (sf)HC x Area -- -/ Area weighted HC: divide total of (HC x area) by Total Area 5?-Tourns kLanesg Space Heat Type Q Hectric resistance fi ru omer 2l,nBrop.4O4, MaxrargetGlazing Area as % gross exteriorwall area Con crete/lVlason ry Option Qves fi tto Notes: lf glazing area exceeds maximum allowed in Table, lh€n calculate adiusted areas on back (ove4. lf Concrete/Masonry Optlon ls used, Target U-factors, SHGC and Glazlng % will be different than shown bslow. Ref€r to Table 13-'l for consct values. Bulldlng Component List components bv assemblv lD & paqe # Proposed UA U-faclor x Area (A) = UA (U x A)=UA(UxA)U-factor Targot UA x Area (A) Otf.cr Eeo sc'Fi({ o u= O,7Z Plan tD: (1f) dbl eeEc;rmt u= OZL Plan lD: ({) ai<ea'e'r.i.ent u= O,?Z Ptan tD: {i ) 4/u$d glfiwe, u= 8,at+ Ptan rD:(?) tnsndidoare u= O"ri ptan ro:itl) f'oith.t Plan lD: tOtDE Plan lD: -o"0r^U= u= ooo o o 7Zbz7z ,el '5?* qgoqt bost.l+ s+" 12 cf ws+ 44.OAl?,zol{,oo 2+,18 tL.l b ! a oE o o [J= u= u= u= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: o 'N do !to0E o o eootri o ll= U= u= u= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: ooo o3at(tao u= u= u= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: nvo =ootv< ft= R= R= W ehn tD: g€rirrrt€rofcS Plan lD: Plan lD: o,ogl s+" 1e,4b 9b =oOIr Plan lD: sp46 c#Fic4. * etan ro: l.kcptioh Plan lD: a= 7O R= R= O,o1b 274 O sI qrfl O,l*:** n0? st 7lc),21,** **g, G 3 dllo'6oo n= Zlp.Fzl a=Ll n= ?l fl= R= RE Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Ptan lD: Plan lD: '*Note: sum of Target Areas here should equal Target Opaque Wall Ar6a (see back) 0,o57 o,o57 c) "o57o,o57 lb.of.16.7,t-5r,5b b2.04 ezz s+ a.lb * 24o e*tojj sl ttorTh south<eat weel ,a$ 6<E= =doo(9> R= R= R= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Note: if insulated to levels required for opaque walls, list above with opaque walls IJ n IL o U) E oo 3 R= W Plan tD: Krnrt l:?alwR= Plan lD: ' f= Plan lD: ft= Plan lD: 0,021 49? t if. l{Lt.7+ o! Eo c .gEFE o o N t) R= Q= fl= Ri Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lDi Plan lD: ss,nt4 738" a b 3'E,t4 I513,5e Envelo e UA Galculations Climate Zonel ENV.UA 'For CMU walls, indicate core insulation material. For compllance: oj 1) Proposed Total Area shall equal UA shall o; 2003 q SC may FOr Proposed total SHGC x A shall not exceed Targ€t tolat SHGC x A NOTE: Since 1997 SHGC compliance for vertlcal and overhead glazlng ls allowed to be calculated together. Proposed Areas; Number€d valusg ar€ used ln c€lculations b€low. Roofs Olher Roofs Glazing Opaquc Gross Exterior \ /al! Araa x T€rget ls more then on€ in Roofs over Atiie Aree Arca + Maxhum Targel Gladng Area Ar€a in Other Roofs VG Area among lhem,s€paRte Target VG Arsaffi For Target OG's. tha lessar valuag ate below. Max Glazlng Ar€a (Tablc I 3-1 ) Max OG Roofa ov€r AtticE OthEr Roofa + Area VG Arca T619et Opaqua AEa F.,:=:-'ii.::::::a: Ar€a may lf tho Tgrget Areas for opaque walls llsted on lhe tront must €qual the lotal €lculated hero. . o Clirnate Zone 1 ENV-SHGC Glazlng List components by assembly lD & paqe # Proposed SHGC SHGC* x Area {A) o SHGC x A SHGC Target SHGG x Area (A) = SHGC x A o) .ENGo lD: lflasyis\ CtaA CaSeilev\* -dI rD: fyl4ryiq elaA Caseulent.rilF tD: fit4;yj6 Cl./ C^gent q/trqn} lD: girrrpson vd, 4Atwh dt{,| tD: tuqrlih ehd uro6d rdund ID: t 0,z? O,Z? o,z? Orl?O,L7 1so s+ 6o sl 1,Lz| ?6sh. 1w,50 11,(o 12'7 b 17,bb I l,oa (e64s+16,,3b 64 st 0af,a ll lhe total amount of glazlng aEa as s 0/6 ot grcss 6)derlorrwall aH (€lillatEd on efuv-SUnt.t; excoada lhe maimum allwcd in Tabte 1g-1, then thls €lculatlon must be submlttod U6"e the resulthg area8 ln ths Tamot UA and SHGC catcutations above. Ta et Area A ustment Calculations OG=OG=VG= . venical gbzing Note: OG = ovorheacl glazlng $ lcsscr lesser Targ€lvalues in shaded boxes 3le Targel VG Area and Total Target OG Araa used in lbe applicablg Targst UA calculalions aro also used in the applicabls Target SHGC on th6 frst. €lculallons abov€. q l I I 7,l ioB wa$lrgbn sBts Nonresmmral Energy Lffie uqnpilsn€ Forms ProjectAddrass porf Torrlngend, r}tfsinegg t?hcl( l-{j't- 5?Date // /e(o7 The followlng intormation is necessary to check a building permit application for compliance with the buildlng envelope requiremenls ln ths Washington State Nonrssid6ntial Energy Code. Applicability (yes, no, n.a.) Code Section Component lnformatlon Required Locallon on Plans Buildlng D€partment Notes @NERAL REQUIREMENTS (Sections 1301-1314) 1301 Smbe U€e 1302 Space hmt lype: hea.t pump ll "Olhe/, indlcate on blrns thtt al&Jric resislrne heel is ndt alldwadna1310.2 Seml-healed soaces mLheat6d sDaccs idonlllled m olens if all6w.d 131 1 131 1,1 lnsul. Installation hdlcate denslu€s sald claamnces y.s 1311.2 Roof /colling insul. Rr?O@o'tl-i<- R-aon "ortd lndicate R-value on roof secllont for atlics and other rcofs; lndicate clearancos for atljc hsulstion; hdlcate baffles It eave vonts inslallod; lndlcata fa@ staDlino ol lemd batls A-t {"t 1311.3 Wall lnsulallon 3-zl lndicatc R-value on wall soctions; lndic€te facc stapling of (ac6d battsi lndlcalc abovo grade exterior insulation is protecied; lndic€le loosa-fill cors ln8ulation for masonrywalls as nec€ssi lndicate hsat c€pacityof masonry valls lf maEonru dDlldn ls rrs.d dr It E .lil tek.n in FNVSTn. A-r 5"t 1311.4 .loor hsulatlon Y-vo lndlcate R-valua on floor seclions: lndicat€ subslanlial contacl wilh surtace: lndlcata supporls not more than 24'o,c,; lndical6 that insulaliori does nol block airllow lhrouoh foundation vonls AS na 131 1.5 Slab-on-grad6 floor lndicate R-value on wall secllon or loundelion detaili lndicato slab insulation extonds down lrortically 24'fmm topi lndieta above orade exlerior insulalion ls mtec'ted eJ na 131 '1.6 Radiant lloof lndlcatc R-value on wall sedim or loundation dclail; lndlcato slab insulalbn extends dom vertlcally 36' tom tho top; lndlcatc above glade gxterlor insulatlon Is probcled; lndlcele Insulatlon also under entire slabwhBre redu. bv otflclal 13'12 Glazing and doors Provide calculation of glazln0 area (inoludlng both vertlcal vertlcal and ovethaadl as oercent oforcss wall area {* 1312-1 U-fa€;tors lndicate gtazlng and door U{actors d glszhg and doot sciedule (provide area.w3lghted celcdlalions as necessary)i lndicate lf vElue8 arc NFRC or defaull, if values are detaull th€n specify frame lype, glazing layer3, gapwldth, low-c €atinos. oas tilllnds 9t'nn l.J"e 1312.2 SHGC & SC lndlcalo glazlng solar heal galn coetlicienl or shading co6ffrciont on glazhg scheduls (provldc aoa-weighted eldlations es naessffil Itt I Moisture conlrol rleq 1313.1 Vapor r€tarders ndicatc vapot rolarders on watm s'xdo A-s \os 1313.2 Rool/c€lllng vep.ret,,ndlcate vapor rstard$ on roof 6ocllon; lndlcalo vao. rolard. whh sselsd ssems for norwd struc-A5 Ues 1313.3 Wall vapor rotardcr lndk€t€ vapor relard€r on wall sedlon A-5 Nr<1313.4 Floor vapor rstardEr lndlcato vapor retardgr on floor soctlm A-5 *ps t 313,5 crawl spaco vsp. rsl.hdlcato clx mll black polyethyl€ns overlepped 1Z'on ground A-t tt 1?.lt 1314.1 Bldg. Bnvel, 3Ballng lndlc€tc sealing, caulklng, gasketing, {ld waathersulpplng 1314.2 Glaz lngrdool sOAllng Indlcate weatherslrlpptng I 1314.3 \ssemb. as ducts lndlcate sBaling, caulking and gasksting PRESC RIPTIVE/CO MPONEN T PE RFORMANCE (Secti ons 1320-23 or 1 330-34) t^4 -nvalope Sum. Form Complotod snd attachod. Provldo component p6rlonnanc6 u/orkhsgl if nsc€s8ary Provlde ENVSTD 2,1 sqBen 1 oulgut Inecessarv Building Permit Plans Checklist NV-CH tf ls shown lot any qu6stlon, prcvlds explanrilon: uilding Permit Plans Ghecklist ENV-CHK ene 131{ lnsulation 't 31 1. { lnstallation Requirements: All Insulation materials shall be inslalled according to the manufacturer's instructlqrs to achieve proper densities, malntain clearances, and maintain uniform R-values. To the maximum extent possible, insulation shall e{end over the full component area to the irtended R- value. 131{.2 RooflCslllng lnsulalion: Open-Hown or poured loose- fill insulation may be used ln attlc spaces where the slope of the ceiling is not more lhan 3/'12 and there is at least thirty inchas of clear distance from the top of lhe bottom chord oflhe truss or ceiling joist to the underside of the sheathlng at the roof ridge. When eave vents are installed, baffling of the vent openings shalt be provided so as to defled the incoming air above the surface of the insulation Where lighting fixtures are recessed into a suspended or exposed grid ceiling, the roof/ceiling assembly shall be insulated in a location other than dlrectly on the suspended ceiling. Exception: Type lC rated recessed llghtlng flxtures. Where installed in wood taming, faced batt insulation 9,rall be face stafled. 131 1.3 Wall I nsulation: Exterior wall cavities isolated during framing shall be fully insulated to the levels of the surrounding walls. When installed in r,vood framing, faced batt insulation shall be face stapled. Above grade exlerior insulation shall be protected. 131'1,4 Floor lnsulatlon: Floorinsulation shall be installed ln a permanent manner in subslantial contactwith the surface being insulated. lnsulation supports shall be Installed so spacing ls not more than twenty{our inches on center. lnstalled insulation shall not Hock the airflow through foundation vents. 1311.5 Slab-Oh-Grade Floor: Slab-on-grade insLdation installed lndde the foundation wall shall extend downward fom the top of the slab a minimum distance of tllrenty-four inches or to the top of the footing, whichever is less. lnsulation lnstatled outside the foundation shall extend downward a minimum of twenty-fourinches orto the frostline, whlchever is greater. Above grade insulation shall be protec{ed. ExcepUon: For monolllhlc slabs, the insulation shall extend downwad from the top of the slab to the bottom ofthe footing. 1311.6 Radlant Fb6rs{on orbelow grade): Slab-on-grade insulation shall extend downward from the top of the slab a minimum distance of thirly-six inches or dorrrnward to the top d the footing and horizontal for an aggregate of nol less than thirty-six inches. lf required by the building official where soil conditlons \darrant $uch lnsulation, the entire area of a radiantfloor shall be thermally isolated from the soil. Where a soil gas control system is provided below the radiant floor, which results ip increassd convec:tive flow below the radiant floor, the radiant floor shall be thermally isolated from the sub-floor gravel layer. '1312 Glazing lrd Doors 1312,1 Standard Procedure for Determlnation of Glazing and Door U-Factors: U-fadors for glazing and doors shall be detemined, cerlified and labded in accordance with Standard RS-31 by a oertified indepardent agencylicensed bythe National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC). Gompllance shall be based on the Residontial or the Nonresidential Model Size. Produd samples used for U-factor determinations shall be produdion llne unlls or representative cf unlts as purch6ed by the conswner or contractor. Unlabeled glazing and doors shall be assigned the default UJador in Sec{ion 2006. 131 2.2 Solar Heat Galn Goefficlent and Shading Coeflicient: Solar Heat Gaih Coefflcient (SHGG), shall be determined, certified and labeled in accordance with the - National Fenestration RaUng Council (NFRC) $andard by a- certified, independent agency, licensed by the NFRC. E:<ception: Shading coefficients (SC) shall be an acceptable alternate for compliance with solar heat gain coefficient requirements. $rading coefiicie nts for glazing shall be taken from Chapter 27 of Standard R927 or from the manufadurefs test data. 1313 Moisture Control 13t3,1 VapirRdarders:Vapor retarders shall be instjalled on the warm side (in winter) of insulation as required by this Sec,tion. Exceptlon: Vaps retarder installed with not more than 1/3 of the nominal R-value bdween it and the conditioned space. 1 313,2 Roof/Ceiling Assemblies: Roof/ceiling assemblies where the ventilation space abovo the insulation is less ihan an average of twelve lnches shall be provided with a vapor retarder. Rooficeiling assemblies without a vented airspace, where neither the rmf deck nor the roof structure are made of wood, sh3ll provide a contlnuous vapor retarderwilh taped seams. Excaptlon: Vapor retarders need not be provided where all of the insulation is lnstalled betrrveen the roof membrane and the dructural roof deck " { 3{3,3 Walls:Walls separating conditioned spaoe from unconditioned space shall be provided with a vapor retarder, 1313.4 Floors: Floos separating conditioned space fiom unconditloned space shall be provided with a vapor retarder. 1 313.5 Crawl Spaces: A ground cover ot slx mil (0.006 inch thick) black polyelhylene or approved equal shall be laid over lhe ground within crawl spaces. The ground cover shall be overlapped twelve inches minlmum atthe,loints and shall extend to th'e foundation ririall. Exception: The ground cover may be omilted in crawl spaces ifthe crawl space has a concrete slab floor with a mlnlmum thlckness of three and one-half inches. 1314 Air Leakage 1314,1 Buildlng Envelope: The requirements of this sec'tion shall apply to building elements separating conditioned fiom unconditioned spaces. Exter{orjoints around windows and door frames, openings beiween walls and foundation, between walls and roof ard wall panels; openings at penetrations of utility seryices through walls, floors, and roofs; and all cther openings in the building envelope shall be sealed, caulked, gasketed, or weatherstripped to limit air leakage. 1314-2 Glazlng and Doore: Doors and operable glazing separatlng condidoned from unconditioned space shall be weatherstripped. Fixed windows strall be tigh fiting with glass' retained bystopswith sealant or caulking all around. Exceptlon: Openings that are requied to be fire resistant 1314.3 Bulldlng Assemblles LlsEd as Ducts or plenums: Building assemblies used as duds or plenums shall be sealed, caulked, and gasketed to limil ai leakage. o.' s' Nonffiid.ntlrl Project Info Project Addresg Dat€ 4 lz4 /orl Port Townserrl. Bqsiness Pac [< tot 52 For Bulldlng Deparlment use ApprrcantName: 9. Aley Lit*le. Apptlcant Address:gl. g+ AppricantPhone: (nUO) ?AS-U6OG Project Description fl ru"" lRefer to Building Addition !Alteralion Plans lrrluded WSEC Section 1513 for controls and commlssloning requlrements, Compliance Option fl Prescriptive (See Quallflcstlon Q Lighting Power Alloyvance System6 Analysis Checkllst (over). lndlcate Prescrlptlve & LPA spaces clearly on plans.l Alteration Exceptions (ch€ck appmpriat e box) No changeg are belng made to the lighting L€sE than 60% of th6 tixtures are new,anp installed lighting wattago is not being increased Maximurn Allowed Localion (fioor/mom no.)Occupancy Oescription Allowed watts oer ftz "Area ln fr2 Allowed x Area or.en e hn F-l Titte olrnt t50 ztz.+ "tEb;+f;.b Rece r:t i oh d eerirnqft r otFr-ce 1,.?o 2t9s z6>.{ ec|r!\r\^of\ 6tta** From Table Noles: 1. Usa manufacturer's listed maxlmum lnputwattage. For har&.wited ballastg onty, the default table ln the NREC Technlcal.Reference Manuat may also be us€d 2. lnclude exlt llghts unlesG less than 5 walts per fixture. List all fixtures. For exempt llghting, not exception and leave Watts/Fidure btank. Locallon (floor/room no.)Fixture Descdption Number ol Fixtures Watts/ Finure watts Proposed operl olan ruall-rnount lluoceqaeht f )F€5b 3z I 7gZi,#iee-Sttffiq,c€ &l,roreg.-c.n* (a\ra 2g Eb zboo CDrY\rl\6 k\SUr{ace llrrorcsceh+ (z.) FE IZ bq 7ba rcco"f conP pen4+aNt notrrNA glunt.os .+70 zoo 5528may Maxirnum Allowed for Pj Location Descrlptlon Allowed Wqfis per fl2at ;rbr ll Area in ftz (or lf for perimeter) Allowed Watls x ft2 (or x lg Govered ParKlng (standard patnl)o.awn2 covered Parking (reflective piint)o.3wd Open Parking o.zwtt2 Outdoor Areas 0.2wftz Bldg. (by facade)0.25 W/ft2 Bldg. (by perim)Iarq"tt-nunrnt 7.5w/rf ?.t6,5 277tf Note: for building are! or the pa.i UsE mfgr listed maxlmum input waflage. For fixtureg with hard-wlred ballasts only the Locstlon Flxture Descrlptlon Number of Fi)dures wstts/ Fbtura Watts Proposed raeF;€+{r lrra I -r^r'tr.ht enlF^fEl't +luoresc.g ?L ?38 zaE a Watts may tor Proposed used. Summa back LTG.SUMhtinL En€.gy Codc Complian€ Foru 'Fixtures: O Qualification Checklist Nots: lfoccupans,/ Vpe ls "Otho/land anslreris drsd(ed, lhe rumbor ol fixturcs ln ths space ls not limited by Code. Clearly indcate thesspaces on plans. ll not quallfied, do LPA Calqlations. n Cteck here if at least 957c of lixtures ln the Bpac€ meet all four crileria: 1. Fixtures are fluoregcent, non-lensed, wlth only one or two lamps, and 2. Lamps are T"1 , T-2, T-4, T-5, T-6. T-B 3. Lamps are 5-50 \rfatts, and 4. Ballasts aro elec{ronlc ballasts 5. Exil lights < 5 wafts/fixture 6. Screw-ln compac{ fluorescent flritures do not qualifr TABLE 0.8 1) ln casBs in which a general use and a specilic usedre listed, ths specific us€ shall apply. ln cases in which a use is not mentioned specifically, the Unit Power Allowancs shatl be determined by the building official. This determination shall be bas6d upon the most comparabl€ use speclfBd in lhe table. SEs Sec{lon 1512 for €x6mpt ar€as, 2) The watts per square foot may b6 increased, by two percent per foot of ceiling hBight above twenty feel, unless specifically direc-ted otherwise by subsequent footnotes. 3) Watts per square foot of room may be increased by two peroentlef foot of c€iling height above twelve feal. 4) Fo[all other spaces, such as seating and common areas, use the Unit Light Power Allowance for assembly, 5) Watts per square foot of room may be increasad by two percent per fmt of ceiling height above nlne faet. 6) lncludas pump ar€a undorcanopy. 7l In cases in which a tlghtlng plan is submitlod for only a pofton of a floor, a Unit Ughting Power Allowance of 1.35 may be used for usaHe oflice floor area and 0.80 watts p6r square foot shall bo used for the commoo areas, which rnay include elevator spaco, lobby area and rest rooms. Common areas, ag herein defined do not include mall conmurses. s) For the fir€ engine room, tho Unit Llghling PowerAllowanco ls 1.0 watls per sqriare foot. 9) For indoor sporl toutnament courts wlth adjacent spectator seating, the Unit Lighting Power Allowance tor he court area is 2.6 watts p6r squar€ foot. 10) Display window illumlnatlm inslalled within 2 feet of lhe wlndow, lighting for free-standlng display wh€re the lighting moves with the display, and building showcase illuminttion where he lighting is €nclosed within lhe showcase are exempt. An addltionat 1.5 w/ft2 of merchandige display luminaires are exempt provided that they comply with all three of lho following: a) located on ceiling-mountod track or directly on or re@ssed into the ceiling itself (not on tho wall). b) adjustable in both lho horlzontal and vertioal 8x€s (verlical axis only is acceptabte for lluorescent and other tixlures with two points of track attachment). c) fitted with tungsten halogen, fluoresoent, or high intensity discharg€ lamps. This additional llghting porver is allowed only lf the llghtlng is ac'tually installgd. 1 1 ) Provided lhat a floor plan, indicating rack location Ond height, is submifted, tfre square footage for a warehouse may be defined, for computing the interlor Unlt Lighting Pow€rAllowance, ag tha floor area not covsred by racks plus the vsfiical fac€ area (access side only) ofthe rackg. The height allowanco detined in tootnote 2 spplies only to the floor area not covered by racks. 1.0 o.4 a Prescriptive Spaces occupancv: Q Warehouses, storage areas or aircrafr storage hangers Ootnet Use'LPA' lWsfl Use' 2!Paintinq. weldino. caro€ntrv. machlne shoos Pollce and fre stations' Barber shoos- beaufu shoos 2.O Alrla (airiums) Hotel banqueUconfer€nce/exhibillon hall-'-2.O Assembly spac€s-, auditonums, gymnasia". heaters Laboralories 2,O Group R-1 common ar€as AircraffreDair hanoars 1.5 Process Dlants Cafetdrles. fast food €stablishmenis-t5 R€staurantgrbars' Factorigs. workshoog. handllnc ar€as 1.5 Locket and/or shower faclliti€s o_ Gss stationE. aulo reoair shoos"1.5 Warehous€$". storaqo ar6as lnstitutions 1.5 Aircraft sloraoe hanoars Libraries-1.5 Retail'", retall bankino Nursing hom€9 and hotel/motol guest rooms 1.5 Parking gardges Wholesale store8 (oall6t rack shslvino)1_5 Mall concourses 1.4 Plans Submitted for Gommon Areas Onlv' Schools buildings (Group E oscupency only), school clssrooms. dav ca16 cenleB 1.35 Main floor building lobbies" (exc6pt mall 6nmrrrsesl Laundries 1.3 common areas, corrfttors, toilet facilities and washrooms. elevator lobbies Office buildings, office/administfatiw areas ln faciliti€s of other use types (including but not limited i"^X*f:ji,*tt'tals' institutions' museums, banks, 1.2 2000 Wa3hlnglon usted Enofgy Power Allowances on exceplions listed in Li htin Power Allowance Ad ustments LTG-LPA Project Address Dat€ Use this form lf you are clalming any celllng height adjustments for your Lighting Power Allowances for interior lighling, The Occupancy Descriptlon should agree with the "Use" lisled on Code Table 15-1. lden$ry the appropriate Ceiling Height Limit (9 fesl, 12 feet or 20 f66t) on whlch the adjustnrent is based, The Adjusted LPA is calculated from thls number and from the Allowed Watls per d. Carry the Adjusted LPA to the conosponding 'Allowed Wstts per#' loca$on on LTG-SUM. Location (floor/room no.)Occupancy Deecription Allowed Walts per ftz " Ceiling Height for this room Ceiling Height limit for this exc€ption*' Adjusted LPA Watts perfl2 o 2003 Wa8hington Slalo Nonr€sironllal En€rgy Cods Cmpli€ne Fort'r: ProjectAddress port Toonsend. Busines Pef K Lo+ 5L o^t" 1/-!1o7 The following lnformation is necessary to check a llghtlng permit application for compliance wilh lhe llghtlng requlrements in the 1994 Washington Stat6 Nonresldentlal Energy Code. [ves. no. n.a.) Applicablllty Code Sec{ion Component lnformation Requir€d Locatlon on Plans Bullding Department Notes LIGHTING GONTROLS (Section 1513) 4eS 1513.1 Local control/access Schedule with typs, Indicate locatlons E-lttje-<1513.2 Area @ntrols Maxlmum limit per switch EI(l 1513.3 Daylight zone control Schedule with type and balures, indioate locations q.eg vedical glazing lndlcate verllcal glazing on plans e- \IhaL overhead glazing lndlcate overhead glazhg on plans 1513.4 Display/exhib/special lndicate separate conlrols E-l 1513.5 Exterior shut-off ule n4 (a) tlmer w/backup lndlcate l0Cation {e9 (b) photocell.lndacate location E-l Lh{A 1513,6 lnter. auto shut-off lndicate location n4 1513.6.1 (a) occup.sensors Schedule wlth type and locations ha. 1513.6.2 (b) auto. switch€s Schedule wilh type and features (back-up, override capabllity)i lndicate size of zone on plans 4 1513.7 Commlssloning lndicate requirements for lighting cont.ols commissioning lg'A qeb Lighting Sum. Form Completed and attached. Schedule wiih fxture types, lamps, ballasls, watts perlixture {*rn Elec motor efficiency MEGH-MOT or Equipment Schsdule wlth hp, rpm, efliciency Lightin Permit Plans Checklist LTG-CHK lf "no" is circled for any question, provide exflanation: Lighting Permit Plans Checklist LTG-CHK Llghtlng - General Requirements 1513 Lighting Controls, Llghtlng, lncluding exempt ligttting in Section 1512, shall complywith this section. Where occupancy sensors are cited, they shall have the features listed in Sec'tion 1513.6,1. Where automatictime switches are cited, theyshall have the features listed in Section 1513.6.2. '1513.1 Local Control and Accesslblllty: Eaoh space, enclosed by walls or celling-helght partitions, shall be provided with lighting controls located within that space. The lighting controls, whether one or more, shall be capable of turning off all lights within the space. The controls shall be readily accessible, at the point of entry/cxit, to personnel occupylng or using the space. EXGEPTIONS: The following lightlng controls may be centralized in remote locations:1. Lighting controls for spaces which must be used as a whole.2. Automatic controls.3. Controls requiring trained operators. .j 4. Controls for safety'hazards and security. 1513.2 Area Gontrols: The maximum lighting power that may be controlled from a single switch or automatic control shall not excccd that whlch is provlded by a twenty ampere circuit loaded to not more than eighty percent. A mastcr control may be installed provided thc indivldual swltches retain their capabillty to function independently. Circuit breakers may"not be used as the sole means of switching. EXCEPTIONS:1. lndustrial or manufacturing proc,ess areas, ss may be reguired for production.2. Areas less than fivc percent offootprintfor footprints over 1 00,000 sguare feet. 151 3.3 Dayllght Zone Control: All daylighted zones, as defined in Chapter 2, both under overhcad glazing and adjacent to vertical glazing, shall bG providcd with lndtuidual controls, or daylight-or occupant-senslng automatic conkols, which control the light3 lndcpendent of general area llghtlng. Contiguous daylight zones adjacent to vertical glazing are allowed to be controlled by a single controlling device provided that they do not include zonos facing mor6 than two adjacent cardinal orlentations (i.e. north, east, south, west). Daylight zones under overhead glazing more than 1 5 feet from the perimeter shall be controlled separately from daylight zoncs adjacent to vertical glazing... EXCEPTION: Daylight spaces enclosed bywalls or csiling height partitions and contalnlng 2 or fewer llght fixturcs arr not requlred to have a separate switch for general area lighting. 1513,4 Display, Exhibltion, and Specialg Lightlng o Controls: All display, exhibition, or specialty llghtlng shall be controlled indcpcndently of general area lighting. 1513.5 Automatic Shut-Off Gontrols, Extorlor: Exterior lighting hot lntended for Z4-hour continuous use shall be automatically switched by tlmer, photocell, or a combination of timcr and photoc€ll. Automatic time switches must also have program back-up capabilities, which prevent the loss of program and time settings for at least 10 hours, if power ls interruptod. 1513.6 Automatlc Shut0ff Controls, lnterior: Office buildings greator than 5,000 sq. ft. and all school classrooms shall be equipped with separate automatic controls to shut off the lighting during unoccupied hours. Automatic controls may be an occupancy sensor, time switch, or other device capable of automatically shufting off lighting. H(GEPTIONS: '1. Areas that must be continuously illuminated, or illuminated in a manner requiring manual oparation of the llghting.2, Emorgency llghting systems.3. Switching for industrial or manufacturing process facilitles as may be required for production. 1513.6.{ Occupancy Sensors: Occupancy sensors shall be capable of automatically turning off all thc lights in an area, no more than 30 minutes after the srea has been vacated. 1513,6.2 Automatic Time Swltchesl Automatic time switches shall have a minimum 7 day clock and be capable of being set for 7 diflercnt day typca per week and incorporate an automatic holiday "shut-off'feature, which turns off all loads for at least 24 hours and then rasumes normally scheduled operations. Automatic time ewltches shall also have program baclcup capabllitlcs, whlch pr€v6nt the loss of program and time settings for at least 10 hourc, if pov\ier is interrupted. Automatic time switchas shall incorporate an over-ride switching devioe which: a) is readily accessiblc;b) is located so that a person uslng the devlce can see the lights or the areas controlled by the switch, or so that the area being illuminated is annunciated; andc) ls manually opgrated;d) allows the lighting to remain on for no more than two hours when an over-ride is initiated; ande) controls an area not excccding 5,000 square feet or 5 percent offootprint for footprints over '1 00,000 square feet, whlchever is greater. 1513.7 Commisslonlng Requirernents: For lighting controls which lnclude daylight or occupant sensing automatic controls, automatic shut-off controls, occupancy sensors, or automatic time switches, the lighting controls shall be toeted to cnoure that control devices, components, equipment and systcms are calibrated, adjusted and operate in accordance with approvcd plans apd specifications, Sequences of operation shall be functlonally tested to ensure they operate in accordance wlth approvod plans and specifications. A complete report of test procedures and results shall be prepared and filed wlth the owner. Drawing notes shall require commissioning in accordance with this paragraph. 'j Mechanical Summa MECH.SUM 2004 2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Proiect Description Briefly describe mechanical system type and features. E Includes Plans State Nonresidential Code nce Form Revised May 2005 Project Info Project Address Frnsr .er{ERrcAtr rrrrrE Date 4/23/2007 PT BUSINESS PARK IJOT 52 For Building Dept. Use Applicant Name:LITIILE E II|ITLE ApplicantAddress: 2oo9 AEs srREEr, poRr rowNsEND, wA 98368 Applicant Phone: 360-3Bs-s606 TWO SPLIT SYSTEM HEAT PUMPS WITH ECONOMIZERS lnclude documentation requiring compliance with commissioning requirements, Section 1416. Compliance Option Q Simpte System Q Complex System Q Systems Analysis (See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications. Use separate MECH-SUM for simple & complex systems.) Cooling Equipment Schedule Equip ID Brand Namel Model No.1 Capacitt' Btu/h Total CFM OSA CFM or Econo? SEER or EER IPLV3 Location COI.E}''AN ERITSO42lBA 1600 ECONO 13.00 OUTSIDE COLEMA}.I ERHSO42lBA 1600 ECONO 13.00 OUTSIDE Equipment Schedules The following information is required to be incorporated with the mechanical equipment schedules on the plans. For projects without plans, fill in the required information below. 1lf available. 2 As tested according to Table 14-1A through 1 4-1 G. 3 lf required. a COP, HSPF, Combustion Efficiency, or AFUE, as applicable. s Flow control types: variable air volume(VAV), constant volume (CV), or variable speed (VS). Heating Equipment Schedule Equip. ID Brand Namel Model No.1 Capacitl Btu/h Total CFM OSA cfm or Econo?lnput Btuh Output Btuh Efficiencva COLETI'IN ERHSO42lBA 1600 ECONO 8.5 HSPF COLEI'{AN ERIISO42lBA 1600 ECONO 8.5 HSPF 34000 34000 COLEIIAN 4HK16501006 lOKT{lOKT{ AI'X FE,AT 4nK16501006 1oKW 10K9r Fan Equipment Schedule Equip. ID Brand Namel Model No.1 CFM sPl HP/BHP Flow Controls Location of Service COI.EMAN MA16 1600 c\t MECEA}TICAI, ROOM 1 COI,EMAN MA16 1600 c1,MECHAI{ICA], ROOM 1 Mechanical Summ (back)MECH.SUM 2004 State Nonresidential Code Com Form Decision Flowchart Use this flowchart to determine if project qualifies for Simple System Option. lf nol, either the Complex System or Systems Analysis Options must be used. or Cooling Only No Only Yes Yes Yes Yes System Description See Section 1421 lor full description of Simple System qualifications.Heating Only: E .SOOO ctm? Z.ZOo/o outside air? lf Heating/Cooling or Cooling Only: I Constant vol? p Air cooled? B Packaged sys? ! <20,000 Btuh? Split system?Economizer included? Reference Section'1423 <20,000 Adjacent to or<70% osA Econo <54,000 <240 ,000 10o/o Simple System Allowed (section 1420) Use Complex Systems (section 1430) <5000 drn? START System Type Package nit? <=84,000 Btuh? Air Gooled, Reference Section 142'l Complex Systems Refer to MECH-COMP Mechanical Complex Systems for assistance in determining which Complex Systems requirements are applicable to this project. 2004 State Nonresidential Energy Code Form Project Address I'IRSI A}IERICAI{ TITTE Date 4/23/2OO7 The following information is necessary to check a mechanical permit application for compliance with the mechanical requirements in the Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Location on Plans Building Department Notes Applicability (yes, no, n.a.) Code Section Component lnformation Required HVAC REQUIREMENTS (Sections 1401 -14241 1411 Equipment performance yea List heat pumps on schedule1411.4 Pkg. elec. htg.& clg. yes 1411.1 Minimum efficiency Equipment schedule with type, capacity, efficiency il.4 1411.1 Combustion htg.lndicate intermittent ignition, flue/draft damper & jacket loss 1412 HVAC controls yes 1412.1 Temperature zones lndicate locations on plans yes 't4't2.2 Deadband control lndicate 5 degree deadband minimum n.a 1412.3 Humidity control lndicate humidistat yes 1412.4 Automatic setback lndicate thermostat with night setback and 7 diff. day types yes 1412.4.1 Dampers lndicate damper location and auto. controls & max. leakage l.a 1412.4.2 Optimum Start lndicate optimum start controls yes 1412.5 Heat pump control lndicate microprocessor on thermostat schedule l.a 1412.6 Combustion htg lndicate modulating or staged control 't4'12.7 Balancing lndicate balancing features on plans l.a 1422 Thermostat interlock lndicate thermostat interlock on plans yea 1423 Economizers Equipment schedule 1413 Air economizers yes 1413.1 Air Econo Operation lndicate 100% capability on schedule l.a 14't3.'l Wtr Econo Operation lndicate 100% capacity at 45 degF db & 40 deg F wb l.a 1413.2 Water Econo Doc lndicate clg load & waier econoe & clg tower performance 't413.3 lntegrated operation lndicate capability for partial cooling l.a 1413.4 Humidification lndicate direct evap or fog atomization w/ air economizer 1414 Ductinq systems yeE 1414.1 Duct sealing lndicate sealing necessary yeE 1414.2 Duct insulation lndicate R-value of insulation on duct a.I 1415.1 Piping insulation lndicate R-value of insulation on piping 1416 completion F{equirements 1416.1&2 Drawings & Manuals lndicate requirement for record drawings and operation docs. 1416.3.2 Air Balancing lndicate air system balance requirements f,.4 1416.3.3 Hydronic Balancing lndicate hydronic system balance requirements 1416.4 Commissioning lndicate requirements for commissioning and prelim. Report 1424 Separate air sys.lndicate separate systems on plans yes Mechanical Summary Form uompleteo and attached. tsqurpment schedule wth types, inpuuoutput, efficiency, cfm, hp, economizer Stst(VIUE WA I EI< HI,A I INCi ANU Hts,A I EU P(,OLI' 1440 Service water htg. n.a 1441 Elec. water heater lndicate R-10 insulation under tank l.a 1442 Shut-off controls lndicate automatic shut-off La 1443 Pipe lnsulation lndicate R-value of insulation on piping l.a 1452 Heat Pump COP lndicate minimum COP of 4.0 1.4 1452 Heater Efficiency lndicate pool heater efficiency l.a 1453 Pool heater controls lndicate switch and 65 degree control l.a 1454 Pool covers lndicate vapor retardant cover l.a 1454 Pools 90+ degrees lndicate R-12 pool cover Mechanical Permit ns Checklist MECH.CHK any q on Revised May Mechanical Perm ns Ghecklist MECH-CHK EG an ca ene ra qu remen 1411.1 General: Equipment shall have a minimum performance at the specified raling conditions nol less than the values shown in Table 14-lA through '14-'lG. lf s nationally recognized certiiication program exists for a product covered in Tables 14-1A through 14-1G, and it includes provisions for verification and challenge of equipment eificiency ratings, then th€ product shall be listed in lhe certification program. Gas-fired and oil-fired forced air furnaces with inpul ralings z 225,000 Btu/h (65 kW) shall also have an intermittent ignition or interrupted dsvice (llD), and have either mechanical dralt (including power venting) or a flue damper. A vsnt damper is an acceptable alternative to a llue damper for furnaces where combustion air is drawn from the conditioned space. All furnaces with input ratings Z 225,000 Btu/h (65 kW), including slectric furnaces, that are not located within the conditioned space shall have jacket losses not exceeding 0.75% of the input rating. 1411.2 Rating Condltlons: Cooling squipment shall be rated at ARI tgst conditions and procedur€s when available. Where no applicable procedures exist, data shall be furnished by the equipment mgnufacturor. 14'11,3 Comblnation Space and Service Water Heating: For combination space and service waler heaiers with a principal function of providing space heat, the Combin6d Annual Efficiency (CAE) may be calculated by using used in combination ASHRA water heat€rs s shall have State Nonresidential Code following: Form shall have a means for balancing but not limited to, dampers temperature and pressure test connections and balancing valves. 1413 Air Economlzerg 1413.1 Operation: Air €conomizsrs shall be of automatically modulating outsids and return air damp6rs to provide 1 00 percant of the design supply air as oulside air to reduc6 or eliminate the need for mechanical cooling. Water economizers shall be capable of providing the total concurrent cooling load served by the conneted lerminal€quipment laching airside 6conomizer, at oulside air temp€ratures of 45'F dry-bulb/40"F wet-bulb and bolow. For this calculation, all tactors including solar and internal load shall be the same as those used for peak load calculations, except for the outside t€mperatures. Exceptlon: Water econonizsrs using air-cooled heat r6jection equipment may use a 35"F dry-bulb outside air tempgrature for this calculation. This exception is limited to a maximum of 20 tons per building. 1413.2 Documenlatlon: Water economizer plans submitted for approval shall include th€ following inform ation: 1. Maximum outsido air conditions for which economizer is sized to provide full cooling. 2. Design cooling load to be provided by economizer at this outside air condition. 3. Heat rejection and terminal equipment performance data including model number, flow rate, cap€city, entering and leaving temperature in full economizer cooling mode. 1413.3 lntegrated Operallon: Air economizers shall b€ capable of providing partialcooling even when additional mechanical cooling is required to meel the remainder of the cooling load. Exceptlons: 1. lndividual, direct expansion units that have a ratod capacity less lhan 65,000 Btu/h and use nonintagrat€d economizer controls that preclude simultaneous operation of the economizer and mechanical cooling. 2. Wat€r-cooled water chillers with watersido 6conomizor. 1413,4 Humldlflcstlon: lf an air economizer is required on a cooling syst€m for which humidification equipment is to be provided to maintain minimum indoor humidity levels, then the humidifier shall be of the adiabatic type (direct evaporative mgdia or fog atom ization type). Exceptions: 1 . H ealth care facilities where WAC 246-320-525 allows only steam injection humidifiors in ductwork downslream of final filt6rs. 1412.6 Combustion Heating Equipment Controls: Combustion heating equipment with a capacity over 225,000 Btu/h shall have modulating or staged combustion control. 2. Systems with water economiz€r 3: 10070 outside air systems with no provisions for air recirculation to the central supply fan. 4. Nonadiabatic humidifiers cumulatively serving no more than 11o/o ot a building's air economizer capacity as measured in cfm. This refers to the system cfm serving rooms with stand alone or duct mounted humidifiers. 1414 Ducting Systems 1414.1 Seallng: Duct work which is designed to operate at pressures above 112 inch wat6rcolumn static pressure shall b€ sealed in accordance with Standard RS-18. Extent of sealing required is as follows; 1. Static pr€ssure: 'll2 inch to 2 inches; seal transverse joints. 2. Static prsssura: 2 inches to 3 inchesi seal all transverse joints and longiludinal seams. 3. Static pressure: above 3 inches; seal all transverse joints, longitudinal seams and duct wall penetrations. Duct tap€ and other pressure sensitive tape shall not be used as the primary sealant where ducts are designed to op€rate at static pressures of 1 inch W.C. or great6r. '1414.2 lnsulatlon: Ducts and plenums that are constructed and function as part oi the building envelop€, by separating inlerior space trom exterior space, shall mest all applicable r€quirements of Chapter 1 3. Theso requirem€nts include insulation inst€llation, moisture conlrol, air leakage, and building envelope insulation levels. Unheat€d equipment rooms with combusiion air louvers must be isolated from the condition€d space by insulating interior surfac€s to a minimum of R-11 and any exterior envelope surtaces per Chapter 1 3. Outside air ducts serving individual supply air units with less than 2,800 cfm of total supply air capacity shall be insulatod to a minimum of R-7 and are not considered building envelope. Other outside air duct runs are considsred building onvelope until they, 1. connect to the heating or cooling 6quipment, or 2. are isolated from the oxterior wilh an automatic shut-off damper complying with Section 1412.4.1. Once outside air ducts mesl the above listed requirements, any runs within conditioned space sh€ll comply with Table 14-5 requirem€nts. Other ducts and plenums shall be thermally insulatsd par Tabl€ 14-5. Exceptions: 1. Within the HVAC equipment. 2. Exhaust air ducts not subject to condensation. 3. Exposed ductwork within a zone that ssrves that zone. 1415 Plplng Sysiems l4l5.l lnsulation: Piping shall be thermally insulated in accordance with Table 14-6. Excepllon: Piping installed within unitary HVAC equipment, Water pipes outside the conditioned space shall be insulated in accordance with Washington State Plumbing Code (WAC 51-26) 1416 Complelion Requlrements (Refer to NREC Secflon 1416 and the Building Conmissioning Guidelines, published by the Building Commissioning Associallor, for conplete text and guidelines fot building co m pletion a n d co m n ission in g re q u ire m e nts.) 2004 either an E ne F 1411.4 Packa gan electric equipment providing both h€atin capacity greater than 20,000 Btu/h shall nd cooling wga be a heat pump a Exceplion: Unslaffsd equipment shaellers or cabinsts used solsly for personal wireless service facilities. 1412 Controls 1412,1 Temperature Conttols: Each system shall be provided with at loast one temperature control device. Each zone shall be controlled by individual thermoslatic conlrols responding to temperalure within th6 zone. At a minimum, gach floorof a building shall be considered as a separate zo ne. 1412.2 Deadband Controls: When used to control both comfort heating and cooling, zons th€rmostatic controls shall be capable of a deadband of at loast 5 degrees F within which the supply of heating and cooling energy to lh€ zone is shut off or reduced lo a minimum. Exceptions: 1. Special occupancy, special usage, or code requirements where deadband controls are not appropriat8. 2. Buildings complying wilh Section 1'141 .4,ilin the proposed building energy analysis, h€ating and cooling thermostat setpoints ars set to lhe same temperature between 70 dggrees F snd 75 degrees F inclusive, and assumed to be constant throughout th€ year.- 3. Thermoslats that require manual changsovsr belween heating and cooling m ode3. '1412,3 Humldlty Controls: lf a system is equipped with a means for adding moisture, a humidistat shall be provided. 1412,4 Setback and Shut-Off: HVAC systems shall be equipped with automalic controls capable of accomplishing a reduction of energy use through control setback or equipment shutdown during periods of non-us6 or alternata use of the spaces served by the system. The automatic controls shall have a minimum seven-day clock and be capable of being set for seven different day typss per wsek. Exceptlons: 1, Systems serving areas which require continuous operation at the same temperature setpoint. 2. Equipment with full load d€mands of 2 kW (0,826 Btu/h) or less may be controlled by reedily accessible manual off-hour controls. 14'12,4,1 Dampers: Outside air intakes, 6xhaust outlets and relief outlets serving conditioned spac€s shall be equipped with dampers which close automatically when the system is off or upon power failure. Exce ptlons: 1. Systems serving areas which require continuous opsration. 2. Combustion air intakes. 3. Gravity (nonmotorized) dampsrs are acceptable in buildings less than 3 stories in height. 4. Gravity (nonmotorized) dampers are acceptable in exhaust and reli€f outlets in the first story and levels b6low the tirst story of buildings throe or more stories in hsight. 1412.4.2 Optimum Start Controla: Heating and cooling systems with dssign supply air capacitios excseding 10,000 ctm shall have optimum start controls. Optimum start controls shall be designed to automatically adjust the start tims of an HVAC system each day to bring th€ spac€ to dssired occupied temporature l6v€ls immediately before scheduled occupancy. The control algorithm shall, as a minimum, be a function of the difference between space temperatu16 and occupied setpoint and the amount of time ptior to sch€duled occupancy, 1412.5 Heat Pump Contaola: Unitary air cooled heat pumps shall include microprocessor controls that minimize supplemgntal he€t usage during start-up, set-up, and defrost condltions. These controls shall anticipate nsed for hoat and use compresbion heating as the firsl stage of heat. Controls shall indicate when supplemsntal heating is being ussd through visual means (e.9., LED indicators). 1412.6 Combusiion Heatlng Equlpment Controls: Combustion heating equipment with a capacity over 225,000 Btu/h shall hav€ modulating or staged com bustion control. Exception 8: 1. Boilers. FF CAF < 50 oal storaoe 0.58 o.7'l 50 lo 70 oal storaoa o57 o.7'l > 70 oal storaoe 0.55 0.70 2. ,l I ReceiptNunber: ffi BLD07-079 989800052 Building Permit Fee $3,093.7s Total $150.00 sisooo $2,943.75 HECKc 24557 $ 1s0.00 Total $150.00 genprntrreceipls Fbge 1 of 1 IJTTLE €r LrcTLE,CON S.TRUCTION C O. 2ctr,9 {TH STKEET POR? ?Oh I$END,,WA 11368 436U 38*s606 FRONT]EF BANK POBT TOWNSEN E; WA, 98368' 98-7621251 AI l5 PAY TO THE ORDER OF: ffiw ar r-rAaL t4 0.//ar- Li{-y o4 7o-lfi,u'}ns^,J r.0 eL 5 5 ?il. r! I ? 5 tO ?E ?Er! ? lE?,,oo eE aoil. 2,5301 , , ''' a Cash D .DATE '?l a { : +:lii 'i ' (r fDro lDesit rt P.O. Box 699 Tracyton, Washington 98393-0699 (360) s77-1026 Little & Little Construction Co 2009 4th st Port Townsend, WA 98368 April 2, 2007 ATTN Alex Little Ref:First American Title Calculations Port Townsend Business Park Enclosed are the drawings & calculations for the structure of the 5,000 SF 1 story office building with wood frame roof. The structural analysis was based on the drawings prepared by Wendy Ryan. As discussed, our design is limited to the indicated structural aspects of the building, with the balance of the residence covered by the general provisions of the IBC or designed by others. All framing shall be in accordance with the lBC. Please refer to your drawings for all construction information other than what is indicated in the structural drawings. lf you have any questions, please feel free to call. Yours truly, John G. (Jay) Bartram S.E., P.E p ^l n.)) .!:'jjl,iL {, t (,. EXPIR[S - s\-\$ CP**r lr r o l) o s i r l r r BU I L D I N G lD E N T l F l c A T l o N : FI R S T AM E R I C A N TI T L E La t e r a l LO W E R WI N D FO R C E AS S U M P T I O N : SI M P L I F I E D WI N D LO A D ME T H O D IB C O 3 16 0 9 . 6 NO SU C T I O N AT LE E W A R D WA L L WH E N JO I N T W/ AD J A C E N T UNIT 10 5 MP H 3 SE C EX P O S U R E B I w= 1. 0 HE I G H T A I ZP Ps 3 0 B 13 . 2 0 D 10 . 8 0 A 19 . 7 0 c 15 . 7 0 WINDWARD -D 6.60 5.40 12.12 9.65american title.XLS LEEWARD _D 6.60 5.40 7.58 6.04 SE I S M I C FO R C E BA S E SH E A R I R Se i s m i c Ov e r s t r e n g t h F SI T E CL A S S Sd s = 2 / 3 * F a S s : Sd l = 2 / 3 * F v S l : PE R I O D T o: PE R I O D T s: Ct = Vm i n = .0 4 4 - S d s - l - W V= S d s ( F / l ) Vm a x = r ma x Ba s e Ar e a MA R K 5 th LE V E L WT 4 th LE V E L WT 3 RD LE V E L WT 2 nd LE V E L WT 1 st LE V E L WT Ju m ( w e i g h t ) Ft o s . s s l WE I G H T HE I G H T <- - Ba s e on lu m p su m we i g h t (k i p s ) ( ft ) 0. 0 0 10 . 7 5 lB c 0 3 AS C E T CH I ME T H O D 0. 0 0 10 . 7 5 WE I G H T S AR E 1/ 2 WA L L AB O V E 0. 0 0 10 . 7 5 '1 l 2 WA L L BE L O W + FL O O R 0. 0 0 10 . 7 5 10 5 . 3 3 10 . 7 5 ps t3 . 2 0 10 . 8 0 t9 . 7 0 15 . 7 0 6/ 1 2 OR LE S S RO O F ED G E RO O F T Y P WA L L ED G E WA L L T Y P 0- 3 0 0- 3 0 0- 3 0 0- 3 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 5. 5 0 2. 5 0 zl P 98 3 6 8 SE I S M I C US E GR O U P I Ss : 12 5 . 2 % 51 : 44 . 1 % Fa : 1. 0 0 Fv : 1. 6 0 sa l sA sa 3 Sa : 0. 8 3 0. 8 6 0. 8 3 3. 9 6 9. s . 3 . 2 AS C W 9. 5 . 5 . 2 . 1 - 2 AS C E T 9. 5 . 5 . 2 . 1 - 3 AS C E T 9. 5 . 5 . 2 . 1 4 WI N D Y DI R E C T I O N WI D T H (F r ) RO O F WI N D W A R D 94 . 0 0 LE E W A R D 98 . 0 0 HE I G H I P R E S S FO R C E X (r D (P S F ) (K r P s ) (F r ) sumF sumFX Xavg FX (K . 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O O SU M Mo t 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 12 2 . 7 4 12 3 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 7. 2 1 7. 2 1 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 16 1 10 1 o I 1s t LE V E L WA L L WI N D W A R D 60 . 0 0 1 1 .3 8 9. 6 6 6. 6 0 30 . 0 0 19 8 0. 1 1 I se c 0. 1 08 1. 0 0 0 Fa c t o r v= 11 . 4 1 8 V 0. 1 5 2 xW v 15 . 9 8 5 V pe r Le v e l 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 11 . 4 2 11 . 4 1 8 Cv x 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 '1 . 0 0 1. 0 0 0 W- H ^ K 0 0 ,- 0 0 1, 1 3 2 1, 1 3 2 10 . 7 5 10 . 7 5 10 . 7 5 10 . 7 5 10 . 7 5 WE I G H T 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 10 5 . 3 3 MA R K 4t z t 2 0 0 7 7.93 261.6 33.00 Page I ig Pr o lD o s i r l r r Ra w Fa c t o r Re d u n d a n c y Fa c t o r SE I S M I C 5T H 4T H 3R D 2N D 1S T CE N T E R OF Rl G l D l T Y Y di r e c t i o n ID La t e r a l LO W E R 0 10.72 321.7 30.00american title.XLS 1.8 I t.47 t.t4 Ll5 l.l5 t.7't 1.82 2.06 2.06 1.84 l. l3 1.38 0. s 1 1. 0 0 V pe r Le v e l ly ' * o lo r n e c r Xc f - s Yc t s LE E W A R D LE E W A R D 60 . 0 0 1 1. 3 8 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 Xc l - w 30 . 0 0 0. 0 0 WI N D x DI R E C T 12 4 V pe r Le v e l 6. 0 4 6. 0 4 0. 3 8 0. 3 8 0. 3 8 0. 3 8 0. 4 9 0. 3 8 0. 4 9 0. 4 9 0. 3 8 0. 3 8 0. 3 8 4. 1 2 tJ - t r t , Ycf-w (k i p s ) 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 11 . 4 2 (f t ) (f t ) 0. 0 0. 0 46 . 3 (f t ) ps ) (k i p s ) (ft) 0. 0 0. 0 31 . 1 R RX RX ^ 2 3R D 2N D 1S T I WO R S T CA S E SE I S M I C WI N D (K r P S ) (K r P S ) 11 . 2 1 12 . 4 7 21 . 6 7 46 . 9 9 46 . 9 9 47 . 0 0 3R D 2N D 1S T 0. 0 0 3. 9 7 13 . 2 9 69 % 72 % 56 % 57 % 57 a / " 69 % 7 10 / " 81 o / o 81 0 k 72 % 57 % 70 % 0.00 32.98 31.78 RE Q / A L L O W WI N D END RXN (KrPS)DEFL. W- T Y P E P= P L Y G= G W B P P P P P P P P P P P P W. T Y P E P= P L Y G= G W B P P P P P P P P P P P WA L L LE N G T H (F r ) 3. 0 0 b. b / 12 . 3 3 12 . 0 0 12 . 0 0 J. 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OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK CE N T E R OF RI G I D I T Y X di r e c t i o n ID Y RY RY ^ 2 WO R S T CA S E SE I M I C WI N D (K r P S ) (K r P S ) SH E A R / FT SE I M I C WI N D (r ( F r ) (r ( F r ) I nu - o w ls e r u r c wr r . t o It r v r n tv r r t RE O / A L L O W SE I M I C WI N D "/ . o/ o EN D RX N (K r P S ) FACT ri.1O/lw (KrPS)1.99 1,.99 1.58 z.t6 1.93 1.72 t;79 1.98 L04 r.38 r.79ln. 1 2 J o 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 RE A R CL O S E (3 WA L L S ) RE A R CL O S E RE A R BA T H RE A R OF F RE A R OF F F BR E A K F OF F F OF F FR O N T FR O N T FR O N T 60 . 0 0 60 . 0 0 48 . 0 0 48 . 0 0 48 . 0 0 12 . 0 0 12 . 0 0 12 . 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 60 E + 2 60 E + 2 66 E + 2 34 E + 2 24 E + 2 1 3E + 2 6. E + 0 2 9. E + 0 2 0. E + 0 0 0. E + 0 0 0. 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Load Combinations Joint Reactions 1 N9 0 8.717 NC 0 0 o 1 N19 o a 717 0 0 o 0 1 Totals:o 17 433 o 1 coc /fr).x.o Y' 5 027 7.O Member Section Forces 1 M1 1 3.672 7.364 0 0 o 3 135 2 3 641 7 272 o o 0 .998 3 361 714 o o o -1.112 1 M2 1 I 792 1 112 o o o -1 112 2 9.283 -.415 0 0 o -2 AO7 3 8774 -1 942 o o 0 2.918 1 M3 1 10 05 1 536 o o o 2.944 2 9.638 302 o o o - 623 3 9.227 s32 o 0 0 612 1 M4 1 7 435 -2 28,3 o o o .612 2 7 404 -2 375 o o o 1 2C1 3 7.373 -2.467 0 0 n 1 907 1 M5 1 -1 15 551 0 o o 1.465 2 -1 15 - o53 o o o 321 3 -1.15 -.656 0 0 o 195 1 M6 1 -8 938 3 091 0 o 0 1.95 2 -8 938 3 053 o o o 1 054 3 -8.938 3.015 0 0 0 17 1 M7 1 -9 048 - 721 o o o 903 2 -9.048 76 0 o o 't 118 3 -9 048 - 794 o o 0 1.345 1 M8 1 -7 775 975 o o o 1 345 2 -7.775 .487 0 0 o -1 365 3 -7 775 o 0 0 0 -2.269 1 M9 1 -2 238'02 o o o o 2 -2.21 0 0 o o - 058 3 -2.182 -.o2 o o 0 o 1 M10 1 -8 643 025 o o o 0 RISA-SDVersion5.0 [E:\r3dv4\L&l_AMTITLE.r3d]Page 3 Lorounu : PRoDESIGNDesigner : BARTRAM Job Number :1OTH ST BLDG C T1 Apr 2,2007 5:28 PM Checked By:_ Member Section Forces (Continued) 2 -8 655 o o o o - 059 3 -8.666 -.o25 0 0 0 o 1 M11 1 3 703 - 11 o 0 o -.067 2 3 719 - 11 o o o 333 j 3 736 - 11 o o o 733 1 M12 1 8.147 -1.15 0 0 0 -3.135 2 8 157 -1 15 o o o -.835 3 8 166 -'t 15 o o o 1 465 1 M13 1 3.672 7.364 0 0 o 3 135 2 3.641 7.272 o 0 o .998 3 361 714 o o o -1-112 1 M14 1 I 792 1 112 o o o -1 112 2 9.283 -.415 0 0 0 -2 AO7 3 4.774 -1.942 o 0 o 2.918 1 M15 1 10 05 1 536 o o o 2.984 2 I 638 3o-2 o o o - 623 3 s.227 932 0 0 o 6'12 1 M16 1 7.435 -2.243 0 0 o 612 2 7 404 -2 375 o o o 1 291 3 7 37?-2 467 o o o 1 997 1 M17 1 -1 15 551 o o o 1 4F,5' 2 -1.1 5 -.053 o 0 o ?21 3 -1 15 - 656 o o o 1.95 1 M18 1 -8 938 3 091 o o o 195 2 -8 938 3 053 o o o 1 054 3 -R 93R 3 015 o o o 17 1 M19 1 -9.O48 -.721 0 o o 903 2 -9 048 -76 o o o 1.118 3 -9 048 798 o o o 1 345 1 M20 1 -7 775 975'o o o 1 345 2 -7.775 .4A7 0 0 0 -1 365 3 -7 775 0 o o o -2.269 1 M21 1 -2 234 02 o o o o 2 -2 21 o o o o - o58 3 -2.182 02 0 0 0 o 1 M22 1 -8 643 o25 0 o o o 2 -8 655 o o o o - 059 j -R 646 - o25 o o o o 1 M23 1 3.703 .11 0 0 o .067 2 3 719 11 o o o - 333 3 3 736 11 o o o -733 1 M24 1 8.147 1.15 0 0 o 3.135 2 8 157 115 o o o 835 3 I 166 115 o o o -1 46s RISA-3DVersion5.0 [E:\r3dv4\L&l_AMT|TLE.r3d]Page 4 I City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 FAX (160) 344-46t9 MEMO TO:Patty Voelker, Finance FROM:Scottie Foster CC:Little & Little DATE: February 28, 2008 Refund fbr BLD07-079 Plan Review On April 25,2001 , Little and Little paid $ I 50 for plan revier,v ol a commercial building perrnit. The application was subsequently put on hold and then withdrawn. Planning staff had not done any review of the application. Leonard Yarberry has approved refundingS0% of the plan revierv fee. Therefore, please refund $ 120 to Little & Littte, 2009 4'h St- Port Tor,vnsend, WA 98368. A copy of the receipt and the FMS Report is attached, along rvith a copy of the Leonard's approval the 80% refund- RE ReceiprNunber: 0iJ8tz:j';irq,.:::. BLD07-079 989800052 Building Permit Fee CHECK 24557 Total {4o{und €o Qo z-zr- lg o t- $3,093.7s Total $1s0.00 $150.00 $2,943.75 $ 1s0.00 $ 150.00 PLo n K+furuC €ee- genprnl rrec eipts l%ge 1 of 1 Cify of Port Townsend Office of CitY AttomeY 250 Madison Street, #2,PottTownsend, WA 98368 Telephone: (360) 3S5-5991 Fax: (360) 3854290 e-mail : iwatts@citYo&rus June 15,2007 PatickM.Irwin Plattkwin Taylor 403 SouthPeabodY PortAngeles, WA 98362 J'uN i S njit gu) /o;,; 6( i lr''li,: lr.r :: . 1.. Re: Your June 1, 2007 Letter-Notice of Appeat @irst American Title) Dear Patrick: DSD Director Leonard Yarberry referred to me for response your letter of June 1' For the reasons set forth U"to*, tLr" is no administative agnial 9f DSD Dj199tor Yaberry's Ma1ll' 2007 letter. under ,.p*ut" cover, the city will mail you back the $200 appeal fee you paid' Appeal. The May 21,letteris not a final decision ona permit and is not appeallble under the Port Townsend Mgnicipal Coa". Nor is it an "interprctation:'und"r the PTMC that is subject to appeal. It is at most a plan review comment' A building permit like the Fifst American permit is gro.cgs1ed as a Type I permit' PTMC 20.01.040. PTMC 20.01.040 providestheie is rro uibioi"truti\ e appeal of aType I decision' See PTMC 20.01.040 Table 2 - Action Type' Chapter 1.14 - Uniform Appeal Procedures of Administative Decisions does not apply because that^section does not upply io I'yp" I decisions. PTMC l.l4'02} Definitions' Section 20.01.2g0-Appeal sl4dministrative lnterpretations elcl Approvals (Type I and tr) pr*ia., an appeal of aiministative interpretatio"s, t9-9" City,Council' This section appears to i""ni;t *itft section .040 (no adminisnative appeal of Tlpe I decision allowed)' Chapter 20.02-Interpretation of Land Development Codes provides an appeal to the Council of a Diiector's interpretation of the provisions of various land use codes' Statutory construction requires that "statutes must be read together to detemrine legislative purpose to achieve a harmonious total statutory scheme ..- which maintains the integrity of the respective statutes," City of Ellensburg v. state,118 Wn. 2d709,713,826 P.2d 1081 (1992) 2d 1373 (1ee1)).(quoting Employco P er$onnel Sems., Inc -Seattle,l17 Wn. 2d606,817 P various code are A NATIONAL MAIN STREET COMMUNITY WASHINGTON'S HISTORIC VICTORIAN SEAPO Reading Section 20.01.290 and Ch. z}.O2together, the adminishative appeal referred to inSection 20-01 -290 must refer to the appeal piovided in Ch. 20.02. To construe it ottrerwiseresults in a conflict between PTMC 20.01.040 (no Tlpe I adminishative appeal allowed) and20.01.290 (TWe I administrative appeal allowed). Further: "Generally,-provisions of a specific more recent statute prevail in a conflict with a moregeneral predecesso r." citizens for crean Air v. spokane I I 4 wn. zd 20, 37 (lgg0). prMC 20'01'040 (no Type Iadminishative appeal allowed) was last amended n20b4(a1rd before that,in 2003)' PTMC 20-01-290 (Type I administrative appeal allowed) was lasr amended in 2001. Chapter 20'02 PTMC sets forth the requirements to obtain a land use code interpretation, and forappeals from such interpretations. The process requires an application, submittal fee, and otherrequirements intended to allow for careful consideiation by ttri Oeparment of a request concerning code interpretation. (The code interpretation here ronJ"rn, application of various codes, including provisions relating to PUDs and road access, to the trquot for access.) please refer to ch.20.02 if you choose to submit a request for an interpretation. Access. Without responding to everypoint in your letter, and reserving the rigbt to respond inmore detail if you seek a Ch.20.02 interpretation, I would point out a Jouple 11 t,;r,gs.- l' The First American lot proposed for development is located in a business park approved as a planned unit development (PUD). A PIJD, as you know, approves a generat - development plan (in lieu of individual lot develorpment). The FtiO upproved here is reflected h ryd subject to the approval documents and tile developm# agreement between the litf and the owner (PUDA). Those documents ptorrid" for a pattern of development including a pattern of public and private roads. The pUDA states it is "approved and the property described above may be developed in accordance with the siteplans" attached to the PUDA. The PUDA also includr toud circulation plans. These plans show the approved access and road plan of the planned development. The plans do not show any access onto Howard Street or South Park Avenu, * propored by Fi"st American. 6/1 s/2007 City Attorney Page 2 2' Development in the business park is also subject to the CCRS. The CCRs state all buildings and structures "are required to conform to the Site plan." CCR at 3.1. The CCRs state the road and circulation plan is Exhibit V to the CCRs. The site plan and Exhibit V define the access plan, and do not show aoy access onto fto**j Sheet or South Park Avenue as proposed by Fint American. 3. You commentthatparagraph 44 ofthe PUDA states storage yards shall access from secondary access roads in the PUD, and conclude from this that there are no reshictions on lots accessing primaryroads like Howard. As stated above, lot access is defined by the approved site plans and road plans in the PUDA and the CCRs. The pUDA and CCRs show both an internal primary and secondary road system within the business park. Paragraph 44 only states storage yards must access from secondary roads in the parkiand Page3 6/1 s/2007 City AttorneY cailrot access from the primary internal circulation road loop in the park)" Paragaph 44 has no application concerning a request to access onto roads outside the park like 4. The pUDA provides for its modification. (PUDA, at paragraph 1') Yow client may seek amodificati,on of the PUDA for access onto Howard' 5. The PUDA has been modified in several instances, including with respectto the site plan and road map, and specifically with reference to access to Lot 52' Arevision in 2000 altered the access road betwe.t, Lot, +g and 52. This clearly evidences recognition and acknowledgement on the part of thep-t o*"rs that the site plan and road plan controls and defines access, and alteration of tfr" site plan and road plan requires a City-approved Howard. amendmentto the PUDA. manual (EDS). 6. Any modifrcation of access for the business park would have to meet City standards and policies, including the CompreheorJ" pf* *a tnt Crty's engineering design standards 7. The Comprehensive plan adopts the Draft Arterial Street Plan (Appendix 5 of the comprehensive Plan) as a policy document. It *should be used as a guide for development of future arterial steets-..." Comprehensive Plan' SectionVI-13' 8. The Draft Arterial Street Plan states "the proposed Howard Street extension would best serve the area as a minor arterial. . .." n -upio the Street Plan shows the "Concepfual Location Howard Street Corridor'" g. contrary to the statement in your letter, the city'1 engineering design standatds manual (EDS) does notclassiff Howard streeias a "local access street." The EDS (consistent with the Draft Arterial Street pfan) specifically classifies Howard Street as a minor arterial. EDS, Chapter 6 TransportaiiotU S""doo 13 Functional Classification' at ii (12) (New Steet: ffowara St general utiffi"tt,-Sims Way to Hastings Ave'")' The EDS also provides: "Driveway access "iii-J"ti"fs and coliectors shall be avoided wherever possible. Driveway access shall notbe allowed where other lot access methods exist and/or where access onto tle ,t ".ii, ,o*idered unsafe'" Section 26 (a)' The EDS is adopted*a.'ign'*a*a'byordinancecodifiedatPTMCl3.0l.050. 10. Even if the PUDA and ccRs allowed (or did not prohibit) access other llan as shown on the site and road plans, and without pt i"ag*g {Y arulication for modification to the puDA, a city decision to pohibit rotr i"trt" business park from accessing directly onto Howard would appeal to be ,orrsist nt ilth policit' it' th" Comprehensive Plan' Howard Street's classification as a minor ott"tiur, and regulations contained in the EDS' 6/t 5/2007 CityAttorney Page 4 I am happy to discuss this with you further. Thank you and please call with any questions. Sincerely, := John Watts CityAttomey fd, l. D rbo ,r) +cr50^ uj, 7. !l'la b.>na \J rvl a r K e t p t a c e \ - , Tale o f t w o t i t l e c o m p a n l e s S e c t i o n W e d n e s d a y M a y 9 , 2 O 0 7 C l a s s i f i e d s C 3 - 8 * L e g a l s C 8 - 9 a J o h n a n d S h a n N e s s e t a r e p l a n n i n g t o c g n s t r u c t t h i s b u i l d i n g f o r J e f f e r s o n T i t l e C o . a t L o g a n S t r e e t a n d S i m s W a y ( S t a t e R o u t e 2 0 ) , a c r o s s f r o m A l l C i t y A u t o b o d y . T h e p r o p o s a l i s s t i l l u n d e r g o i n g c i t y r e v i e w , s o t h e y p l a n t o b u i l d a n e w b u i l d i n g f o r a n o t h e r c o m p a n y t h e y o w n ' F k s t A m e r i c a n T i t l e c o " b e f o r e s t a r t i n g t h i s o " I i : T # ? : u r t e s y o f t h e a t y o f p o r t T o w n s e n d A m e r i c a n b u i l d i n g t h i s s u m m e r A s t o t h e s e c o n d b u i l d i n g , " I c h a n g e m y m i n a e v d r y d a y . ' Nessets pl a n n e w br-ildings i n P T EyBameyBurk e Leader StaffWdte r Although local real estate s a l e s h a v e c o o l e d o f f recently, plans are under way to c o n s t r u c t n e w b u i l d - ings for two of the three title co m p a n i e s i n J e f f e r s o n County.John and Shan Nesset own b o t h F i r s t A m e r i c a n Title Co. and Jefferson Title Co. T h e y h o p e t o b r e a k ground soon on a new buildin g f o r F i r s t A m e r i c a n at the corner of Howard irnd S o u t h P a r k i n P o r t Townsend's industrial park offup p e r S i m s W a y ( S t a t e Route 20). A city building per m i t i s e x p e c t e d t o b e issued shortly.Less far along are plans for a n e w t w o - s t o r y b u i l d - ing r- '-rns Way and Logan, a c r o s s f r o m A l l C i t y Autot -dy, for Jefferson Title. Th a t p r o p o s a l i n c l u d e s a second-fl oor aparhnent.John Nesset said that they o w n t h e c u r r e n t s i t e of Jefferson Title, but First A m e r i c a n i s i n l e a s e d space.Title insurance isn't an "impul s e b u y , " s a i d N e s s e t , but customer convenience is im p o r t a n t n o n e t h e l e s s . In the 1980s, he said, he used toj o k e t h a t w h e n f e r r y parking reaches Jefferson Title, i t w o u l d b e t i m e ' t o move, and that's what's happenin g . -As to managing traffic on upp e r S i m s W a y , N e s s e t said he doesn't have a strong o p i n i o n o n t r a f f i c s i g - nals verstui roundabouts.'Whate v a d o e s t h e m o s t t o reduce congestion is the best so l u t i o n , h e s a i d - ( T h e City Cormcil hosts a public work s h o p - b u t n o p u b l i c t e s t i m o n y - o n u p p e r S i m s W a y a t 6 ' . 3 0 p . m . M o n d a y , M a y 1 4 . ) A l a s , i t i s n ' t c h e a p t o b u i l d a n e w b u i l d i n g , s a i d N e s s e t . H e e s t i m a t e d t h a t e a c h b u i l d i n g , i n c l u d i n g t e n a n t i m p r o v e m e n t s , w o u l d c o s t a b o u t $ 1 5 0 t o $ 1 7 5 p e r s q u a r e f o o t . " W h e n I s a w t h e p r i c e t a g , I t h o u g h ! ' o h m y g o o d - n e s S , " ' h e s a i d b u t h e p l a n s t o g o a h e a d w i t h t h e F i r s t S t a r t e d a s a t e e n N e s s e t , 5 3 , h a s b e e n w o r k i n g i n t h e t i t l e b u s i n e s q s i n c e h e w a s 1 6 . W h a t ' s m o r e , h i s m o t h e r , 7 3 - y e a r - o l d ; o r 1 1 $ r r z z a r d , g o t i n t o t h e b u s i n e s s a t 1 6 h e r s e l f . T h o u g h o f f i c i a l l y r e t i r e d , s h e o c c a s i o n a l l y h e l p s o u t A n d , h e n o t e d , s h e h a d t h e f u s t c o p y m a c h i n e i n S n o h o m i s h C o u n t y w h e n h e w a s a k i d . N e s s e t e x p l a i n e d t h a t t i t l e i n s u r a n c e i s a s e r v i c e i n t e n d e d t o p r e v e n t l o s s , n o t a c t u a l l y c o v e r l o s s . P e o p l e s o m e t i m e s m i s t a k e n l y b e l i e v e t h a t t i t l e i n s u r - a n c e a l s o p r o v i d e s s e r v i c e s s i m i l a r t o a n e n g i n e g r i n g s u r v e y , b u t i t d o e s n o t . I n a d d i t i o n t o o w n i n g t w o c o m p a n i e s h e r e , t h e S e e T I T L Q P a g e l 0 J e f f e r s o n T f t l e 2 2 0 5 W b s h l n g t o n l o g a n & S i m s 2 s t o r i e s , 9 , 3 9 4 s . f . T o b e d e t e r m i n e d s t A m e r a c a n 2 0 3 7 E a s t H o w a r d & S o u t h P a r k I s t o r y , d 9 9 l s . f 2 W 7 T i r k S i m s -><') cAM oi-eb CUSTOMtrR ASSISTANCE MEETTNG DEVELOPMENT S ERVICES DEPARTMENT 250 MADISON STREET, SUITE 3 PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368. Tel: (360) 379-5095 Fax: (360) 344-4619 Date submitte d: ollU-lol Submittal is required oi" *iik prd, tu the scheduled meeting. Date requested for conference: (Confereuces are held [tednesday -r Please submit 10 copies of This completed application AND A Sile Plan illustrating the proposal inent und nn + PROJECT INFORMATION: "K +o ArW* Applicant:*ltr- + bFMailing Address: 3@'3b5'SbouPhone:Fax:Ve tu5 Qtsz EVlry e. l ; ft-t c -! i#r c, co, ProPerty owner: {Z\a* lJng'+-c? F Mailing Address TO ZH, Tavl Ac>l^6^*^Bntt, Phone:Fax:Email: Property Location: Legal Description:LoY 5Z -W ftottgfr^.r,\ T-*.1<- Site Address:Parcel No. Description of proposal. Think of it in tenns of the types of questions you want answered. Ur- G*sltt:g)n5'^- e stoeo 3.s$+- d Fs'c4I Gl4u^e -+? a/;sooet F- 4. 3ti\cLd ^1 lrL Y a I - ALVn^bb ( uanlJ4 o {- o ffi'tu b7a oc-- z -lA-. 9r-3r!) tzo i ^Y, -Ql,? -.,.* tryra.i * L I--Co-c> I A Customer Assistance Meeting 1S an informal opporunity to meet with staff members to discuss preliminary concepts of a proposed project.The Meeting IS intended to take p lace prror to detailed engmeermg work, the submittal must be of sufficient clarity and detail to allow staff to revlew and evaluate the proposal. however P:\DSD\Forms\General Use Forms,Application{ustomer Assistance Mecting.doc \l,J .) Y X PRODESIGN BARTRAM Apr 2,2OO7 al5:28 PM L&I_AM TITLE.€d \l\15 A 13 I I 10 $N g714 lOTH ST BI-DG C T1 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE TRUSS l I M17 cf) C\I M20 M8 c\I M5 Results for LC 1, DL+LL ) I &dntr60 z.oF() l M.F cf-)z.oL) ll-l I E I {+ TLJ IFF I co oR$o) qH **6-$-s co q)OX 5.soF(0+tOf$ IE 9co -L\ a(f)0-(otco.f* CIqi 8FNs_ o CODE PCOM LIANCE O DESIGN O DUILDING tNro O PROJTCT ACTS o LEGAL DESCRI PTION . DMWNG INDTX z<o_ OU TLJ IFF z. ()vll I F(r)M lr =-5 cq)(ftE =oF€oA- -llL(\t A_ sL-urfi -(55.\5 c)tfi =oF $Lon 2OO3 INIzuAI|ONAI BUIIDING CODE 2OO4 WAStllNdrON SIAIE AIViENDMENIS TO ftE2003 t6c 2004 WASntNG'roN 5'rATE ENER6r CODE 2003.WA5HINGION 5IATE VENI|IATION AND INDOOR AIR QUAIJT/ COI'IIRoL 2OO3 II'IITRNATIONAJ. MECIIANICAT CODE 2OO3 UNFOzu PIUMBING CODE ROOF; 25 oslL.L t FLOOF,: lOd psf L.t- DECK: 40 ftIL.L. + CALING: .-10;'5f t.t. + E(I WAI!\rnfh wrnd Y*rhlbi SEISMIC: D2 ZONIN6: Cll(il) FARCEI-SIZE: 22,5665.f. ttt t 6 -ToTALMFERVIOUS9URfACES:, Y, b t \ \t BUll.DlNGROOFI cq;q DECK5iPORCitES,' .' "Ld n PAVINGt9IDB/fAU(S: - | 4.tau PARKTNG spACEg RKUTRED: g Utw. + le ,uilxl PARKING sPrcEs FROVIDEDT I r l^U h-t'"off" CON5IRUCIIONTYPE:/r01 PARCB.NO.: N0.5T0RIE5: I EUIIDING ARFA: 499 3 rg FUIIDING }IBGHT, OCCUFANCYI B ARCitllEClr V'CNDY RYAN (360) 79*3499, (360) 7 96_3499 ta vtryaarchfecl@earthhnk nei4l I ?lasantHatbq Road, Bnnnon, WA 96320 COMTMCTO& UTTU I IJIT1E CONSTRgTION DOB LTIII.E (360) 3615606, (360) gls-s7gs tax bcb@lrttle-htttc.com 20Og 4th gheet, Port Towns end, WA g836S OlVi\ER: JottN t SitAl,t L NEsSn ^ ?OBw2l4,?orllown*.nd, WA 90366 <% pT' .q2_q[ t4T_ctKrAlN suRVFr RTCoRDED lN voluMt,6, UNDERAUDTTORS Rrf NO. 392t €e,DnN6 A Rf- "- RTCORDINGOTVOUMT I6 OF5URVE{', PACEs 3'ND -t 4 I , UNDrR AUDTTORs RLr NO . azleiw- xtF-379077 ALL?,ECOD9 0rJtrrmsoN COUNti. - lvAsltNci',oN" KNOM! 49 pORI TOM,ISB,ID BUS|NESS t{R!-rl4ry!p lNn DEVEropMffr, BBNo A iom oTGoVERNMENTtoT 2, 9rCllON e. ToMlsrip 3b- ' !lg$ll, F/{gE I wE5'r, wM., JETTER5ON cou}rry, wA5tilN6i0N; TOGET|IER WTT}I EA9EMENT TOR AND UTILMT5 A5 DECI.ARED IN CONDI|IONS N'lD REStRlCItONg 994 UNDER,AUDITORs NE NO. 5!1!ATE !! TfiE COUMY Or JEffERSON, srAlE Or WASIIINGTON CONEVENT5, AUGUsT5, I RrcoRDS 0r wA5ttlN6T0N. INGRE9s, EEREss DFCIIMTION OF JEffEP€ON @UNTT,A-l SIIE PLAN Jan 4,2007 AI SITETLAN IPROJECf NTOzuATION A2 FOUNDATION PIAN A3 ROORTLAN A4 ROOTTRAI,IINGPIAI.I 4.5 NEVA]IONs &6 nEVA110N5 A-7 5ECfloNs A{ MTruORATVATION5 1 -----i 2 \ I I I I I I - --tn/ L-_t + L /L,\t SITE PLAN SGAlfr lr-204 Noftn{ r -M: .. ,. i:.::i ,',;:';+ir i11 52 omcE :fl'rl fl,J L