HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-081City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 98368 (360)379_s09s BTJILDING PtrRMIT Project Information Permit Type Residential - Re-Roof Site Address 704 LAWRENCE ST Project Description Residential reroof from cedar to rnetal Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-081 988800302 Names Associated wilh this Project Type Name Owner Huxtable Ryan J Contracdor Hope, Inc. Contractor Hope, lnc. Contact Phone # (360) 385-5653 (360) 385-s653 License Type License # Exp Date CITY STATE 1t0 t2t3u2A0l HOPER*043N 7 02ll 6/2008 Fee Information Project Valuation Record Retention Fee for Reroof (R- 3 and U occupancies) Reroof Permit Fee (R-3 and U occupancies) State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Reroof Permit (R-3 and U occupancies) Total Fees 7.50 40.00 4.50 5.00 $57.00 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other lau.s or regulations. I certiff that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my klou.ledge. t further certifu that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the o'"vner. f-l-D7S*au€ frnoPrint Name Date lssued; lssued 81,: CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R D Ci t y of Po r t To w n s e n d PE R M I T # PA R C E L # OW N E R CO N T R A C T O R BL D 0 7 - 0 8 1 : 98 8 8 0 0 3 0 2 Hu x t a b l e ny " n J, Ho p e , ln c . 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t , Su i t e 3 Po r t To w n s e n d , WA 98 3 6 8 PR O J E C T AD D R E S S 70 4 LA W R E N C E S T PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Re s i d e n t i a l re r o o f fr o m ce d a r to ne t a l AD D R E S S Ma r i o n A Hu x t a b l e Po r t To w ns e n d , WA PH O N E AD D R E S S Po Bo x 1J 9 9 Fo r t T o w n s e n d , WA PH O N E LE N D E R CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E (s 6 0 ) 3 8 5 - s 6 5 3 CO N T R A C T O R LI C E N S E # HO P E R - 0 4 3 N 7 IN S P E C T I O N FI N A L BU I L D I N G DA T E IN S P COMMENTS i ge n p r n t r b l d g p l a c a r d A4/3A/20fr7 05;59 FAX 3603798456 HOPEINCG @ oorroor ) of Port TnrrrrldErffi;*Cmmtr{qtnlrrdSrmlEmdtsrI8rqdrryfiqlc.ffiSl. kt1bnnra4ff*ffiff Fcu)3?l,t Fcfr60l#Sd?s 3t/c/'/617 EEDAIIDA*EAIffASIE MItLIffAMILf .rd OBMIfiEECIAIL tnilffngr rhu*rr rtlqrhc * pcrrit lErr rly roolhgrorla cort b b$Gd tt tlc unifott snildlry codc hrlldi:nr pmlt fre fer thcieb NOIE: vrlurSfon Hil r:vicr fcc *i[ br ctrrfC forenpkx projen Iludnfsdnlffiy hdHilEF rhrfl hvo ponpe brtcilg ind sdtrochssinstalbdrt thc rooflitrt rnd dadgncd h mdr*e sithffi4llofthGSB {q$iddiner &,rthc Rdratjlitettn ofFrtfig Blffi:qr). 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(Cssnlcdmdr*lc) W*-rsdffiNsftH.dm hFl{fl i ofllttt,ffi, ITOOFIT{G FEII}{TT Nrnsdla* fity, StrtEtfp: Phmp: $fictA$dnn: ZsdqgDfufiict:Prr€Gl# gcs€rigdm. rqdditb Vlm wtett Bto€& €ertnstod*Nrnct Mrilbg.*ddrtsl: $atc' zfp: Fhffi -{{t Ldbstd InfugierLlsfiec*ApirlfrmD# .A-/L-o *Elats: E*imcd Yrk* dfrnrrusim: t "oo EEinecd Con*tbnllrtc:EsinrcdllmtlHs O4/30/20O7 05:59 FAX 3603798456 HOPEINCG @ cozroor SlcrraffiYE$ rNO r rPPlimblcHOYES I X rl3. ovg x 3. trsF { Iocatcd tsffi?rl=lsdnrd€foroftuFlStrilhirNltruoulrGIt6c{.safr$&locrti{mdirsrsgPlca$cbGFcrmftShordim$qrited.m8y r 5, Ufitt $o*, ttkc FtrEc on u mr 6c ptblie dgE-of-uny? Ifyst, dcrsc frsrfidp a dts dilL 6. lltilt sbcdhitrE bc rrytlpef? ffycE it ttutst bc ninfonrm ?/16P eccris *nr*nl trIFtX v i. tV* ".Aot or trusge* bc rcplapcd or rlrarpd? 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""ffiil* *ffi H*o*'*ifrH"ffi;ffi p.*rt .pU1*rm b fiI€4 att appl #;;p.ffi F *ffiiit.;;lii"dffigrJffi ffi ftr sn;iilil t fto tm*t GtrEctiYG Pri( th- -ryHh"d* o,f e brfldbg_p.Trn sbrtr bG co*ctrna *Otr t*-Hffic"*. n.€{ir,s *u *t*rlfr#rm &-s;6 roo-r ** *f ioc**io * k sfinitted "tt*El*i*** "* + * TPticabls otd *"rid-*d *ryh,;.;ffidilttdd m'" ic *-Tj{bffi $usdisry lrDd.,tc * Cpn'E"pn-ir F€tdJs rcGdc{ sd r *d ;;d* tts GorlpletG *tt-tt|fgfF tt* ot*' b"ildtlg.oO *,o rr*rterarrt Phnebrtltc stn$ilra 1- Datc Signfftrlr"of.*p$ier* sr I}dG nncdJrsmmfirF* afinat?''trr ffiedoe i b3r f off ReceiptNunber, ffi BLD07-081 BLD07-081 BLD07-081 BLD07-081 988800302 988800302 988800302 988800302 $40.00 $4.50 $s.00 $7.s0 Tota! $40.00 $4.50 $5.00 $7.50 Reroof Permit Fee (R-3 and U occupi State Building Gode Council Fee Technology Fee for Reroof Permit (l Record Retention Fee for Reroof (R- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $57.00 CHECK 18845 $ s7.00 Total $57.00 genprntrreceipts Page'l of 1