HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-064't \ I BUILDINGPERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information Permit # Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel Project Name Site Address 440 SCOTT ST Parcel # Project Description Finishing the remodel of SFR that was begun in 1998 (BLD98-112) BLD07-064 957307801 Numes Associated with tltis Project Type Name Applicant Worden William N Owner Worden Williarn N Contractor Abacus Northwest Contractor Abacus Northwest Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date (360) 385-s8s9 (360) 385-5859 CITY STATE 5016 12t3112007 ABACUNL979 1112U2008 Fee Information Project Details Dwellings - Rernodel @ 50%264 SQFT Project Valuation Building Permit Fee Plan Review Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $12.s63.16 223.2s t45.tt 4.s0 5.00 10.00 Total Fees $387.86 CalI 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certiff that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I firrther certif, that I arlr the oll'ner of the Date lssued: 04 192007 lssuedB;": PWESTERFIELD Print Name author of the owner CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t " Su i t e 3" Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I G U O U S LO C A T I O N , PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S AR E MA D E AN D SI G N E D OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OG C U P A N C Y , ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON TH E JO B S I T E . PA R C E L NO . 95 7 3 0 7 8 0 7 PE R M I T NO . BL D 0 7 - 0 6 4 IS S U E D DA T E O4 I 1 9 I 2 O O 7 D( P I R A T I O N DA T E 10t16t2007 AD D R E S S 44 0 SC O T T S T CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E V- B OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R WO R D E N WI L L I A I \ 4 N PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Fi n i s h i n s th e re m o d e l of SF R th a t wa s besun in 1998 (BLD98-1 12) CO N T R A C T O R AB A C U S NO R T H W E S T LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS TO RE Q U E S T AN TN S P E C T T O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . IN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE G E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y IN S P E G T I O N . 7- + - o* l 3 - Zo o ' f -l O - Zo o ' 7 1 - ze o ' / 9-5 s lo - LT p- t ' ?; f 6 FL O O R FR A M I N G FR A M I N G PL U M B I N G ME C H A N I C A L SH E A R WA L L IN S U L A T I O N GW B FI N A L BU I L D I N G PERMIT # CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG DATE RECEIVED SCOPE OF WORK: DATE ACTION INITIALS ENTERED INTO CHET CA - to Planning - No evidence I L C*IECKED AOR COMPLETENES S 11 4//0/t)7 #/-,4 N KrqtltEt<)Kr lL'f ,tJl lbl'nt Alo O4tl n-nu lo Sai%ac-/,r* a'r rv6)b1^'at5-ok.S u.tzf/'lUc'i :rPo(ta t:J/ ptl( tlz- &lrL\- Prmv,\t 'ffi.n'rpr.rxl(, \,rhr{*PrcK 4lt>'/n>YlnU .n'{lPrrovct-il KtcK ll J /tq /ot t ltatt,o d- ,K1 0tt ts I I CITY OF PORT TOWNSENI) DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTIoN: I O -,3 - D7 pnnulT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME:R: CONTACT PERSON:PHoNE: 31q '21"11 TYPB OF'INSPECTION: ! APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will tle checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. (satr t"aVa) PERMIT NUMBER fraaz- ol,4TE OF INSPECTION: ADDRESS: TYPE OF INSPECTION: NAME: I*IMDEil NTACT PERSON: CONTRACTOR: ,4ZZCAS /&d PHONE: /t l&tt 4"44/ut \\ - I lz -( ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Inspector Date .-i\i) Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF'INSPECTION: PERMTT NUMBER: Atl) 0) '* A6\J 07r 3 0 ( CONTRACTOR: .A4XA ,I e PHONE:*26 )0i<) tr APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection N NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before Inspector C_Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and ovailable at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready.for inspection. {t ,f ilrtll CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 pM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER: CONTRACTOR: cXI;lc PH ONE: (G k*) {L_( wlt d rJ d-(- ! APPROVED Inspector Approved p ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections checked at next insp I NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before c be Date lans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of insp be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. A re-inspection fee may r)it/) Receipt Nunber:ilffi BLD07-064 BLD07-064 BLD07-064 BLD07-064 BLDOT-064 957307807 957307807 957307807 957307807 957307807 $145.11 $5.00 $4.50 $223.25 $10.00 Total: $145.11 $5.00 $4.50 $223.25 $10.00 Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Building Perm it State Building Code Council Fee Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $387.86 KCHEC 2337 Total $ 387.86 $387.86 genprntrreceipts Page 1 of 1 "'-\ CITYOI'PORTTOWNSENI) . -hvnr,opMnNT sERvIcES DEPARTMET ' City Holl,250 Madlson Sireet Suite 3 Port Torvnsend, WA 9E36E Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax360-344-4619 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTTON, REMODELS, & ADDTTTONS Property Owner's Name(s) William Worden and Elizabethd Worden Mailing Address 440 Scott Street City, State, Zip PortTownsend WA 98368 Phone 360 / 379-2671 Permit No. Property Street Address 440 Scott Street Zoning District R-tr(SF)Parcel # 957 307 807 Legal Description: Addition Hasting's First Block 78 Lo(s) 6&8 General Contractor's Name Abacus Northwest Mailing Address P.O. Box 1566, PortTowrsend, WA Phone 360i 385-5859 Cell Phone StateLicenseNumber ABACLINL9T9QK CityBusinessLicerseNumber OO5O\6 Authorized Representative/ContactPerson: Gregory Copley Phone: 360 / 385-5859 Estimated Value of constmction $ 8250 Financed By:Owner Date Work is to Begin 3/301200'7 Date Work is to be Completed: 511512007 Scope of Work: Please check all items that apply for the type of building permit you are requesting: New House Addition New Garage or Carport Repair/Remodel Garage X Repair/Remodel House Accessory Dwelling Unit Manufactured Home Other (please describe): Floor Area: the proposed structure is to be used for: Garage sq. ft:Finished Heated Space sq. ft:1033 Carport sq. ft:Unfinished Heated Space sq ft: Porches sq. ft: 234Unfinished Basement sq ft 475 Decks sq. ft: 1Semi-Finished Basement sq ft: Other (please describb):t'Storage sq. ft: I I Arii - 2 20i,7 ') 'r CITY OF'PORT TOWNSEND RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTTON, REMODELS' & ADDTTTONS Property Site Area/Coverage Information: 1. The total area of the property in square feet: I2,L09 2. Thetotal area covered by existing and proposed structures in square feet: 1760 (total ground coverage from tho outside ofwalls or supporting members) Percentage of lot coverage: (2+1) l4.1oto Impervious Surfaces: please provide the square footage ofthe roof area ofthe proposed and existing structures, and the square footage ofthe total area corre.rd by porches, walkways, patios and driveways. Do not include decks allowing drainage to earth below' Proposed House Roofrrint sq. ft: 0 Existing House Roofrrint sq. ft: ll22 Proposed Garage Rooftrint sq. ft: 0 Existing Garage Rooforint sq. ft: 638 Proposed Porch/WalLrvay sq. ft: 0 Existing Porch/Walkway sq. ft:436 Proposed Driveways sq. ft: 0 Existing Driveways sq. ft:940 Other (describe)no additions Other (describe): Exist pond + margln I20 Total Proposed Impervious sq. ft: 0 Total Existing Impervious sq. ft: 3256 Total Proposed + Existing sq. ft: 3256 --+ Percentage Impervious: t 26.90h surface + lot *If total impervious surface is equal to or greater tltan 40o/o of the lot area, you must submit a written stormwater plan to address run-off. Please check which plans you are submitting with this application (2 sets needed): X Site Plan Interior & Exterior Wall Bracing (panel locations shown on floor plan) Drainage Plan (rf 4OYo or more impervious)Typical Wall Framing Details (section from foundation fluough.roof) Foundation Plan X Elevations X Floor Plan 2003 WSEC* Complianc€l Prescriptive- Component- Floor Franung Plan WSEC Construction Checklist (Washington state Energv code) Roof FramingPlan Other: Make:Year:Installing Manufactured Home-Yes X No Was the manufactured home originally constructed within three (3) years of proposed placement? -Yes -No2) Manufactured home mustbe plaCed on a pennanent foundation with the space from the bottom of the hope to the ground enclosed by either load bearing concrete or decorative concrete or masonry blocks::.so that no more than one foot of the perimeter foundation is visible above grade; and 3) Roof mustbe composedof composition,wood shake or shingle, coated metal, or a similar roof material; and Title to the rnanufactured home must be eliminated as a condition ofbuildingpermit approval.4) .-) ') CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTTON, REMODELS, & ADDTTIONS Special Conditions Please check YES or NO as applicable YES NO l. Is the property within 200 feet of a fresh or saltwater shoreline?X 2. Is the property within the Port Townsend Historical District?X 3. Is the property located within or adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area?X 4. Will this proposal involve any sewer, water or other utility exlensions that will, or could serve vacant properties other than the project site? If yes, please attach information idenffing the utility extensions and sites. X 5. Have any special conditions been placed on this property, or has the property been subject to any conditions on any prior action of the City (if "Yes" to any of the following, attach copies of appropriate documents): X Subdivision/Short PlatlBoundary Line Adjustment?X SEPA (environmental review)?X Variance?X Conditional Use Permit?X Street Vacation?X Planned Unit Development?X Restrictive Covenant?\/ Easement?X 6. Are any properties within 800 feet of the site owned or controlled by the applicarfi, any relative or business associate, or any paflnership, corporation, or other entity affiliated with the applicant? (Ifyes, attach list.) See Note Below X (see below) 7. Have any of the properties listed in item #6 been developed within the last two years? (If yes, attach list.)X 8. Have you previously discussed this project with a City staffmember? If yes, who and when? This pemtit coverc an unJinished portion of work permitted under Bld)g Permit #98-00112 X Note: Property at 1915 Franklin Street @arcel Number 95730'7804) is owned by Elizabeth Worden. No work is proposed for this property Annlicant Certification The applicant hereby certifies to have knowledge of those sections of the International Residential Code and tlte Port Townsend Municipal Code pertinent to the above project and that the applicant is responsible for constructing in conformance with these codes; the applicant understands that the permit, if issued, expires in six months unless work is started; that the permit, after construction has started, will expire after one year if an inspection is not made to show significant progress on the structure; the applicant agfees to abide by the ordinances, codes, regulations, restrictive covenants, deed or plat restrictions, and water and sewer pians attached hereto; the applicant certifies that all information given above and on accompanying plans is complete and accurate to the best of their knowledgef ind ttre applicant understands that this information will be relied upon in granting permits and that if such information is later found to be inaccurate any permits may be withdrawn. l CITY OX'PORT TOWNSEND RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, & ADDITIONS The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims, or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising from any non-compliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by parties other flran the City of Port Townsend. Complete Application Port Townsend Municipal Code, Sectionl6.04.I40, Vested Rights - Substantially Complete Building Permit Application: applications for all land use and development permits required under ordinances ofthe city shall be considered under the zoning and other land use control ordinances in effect on the date a fully complete building permit application, meeting the requirements identified in this section, is filed with the Development Services Department. Until a complete building permit application is filed, all applications for land use and development permits shall be reviewed subject to any zoning or other land use control ordinances which become effective prior to the date of issuance of a final decision by the city on the application. An application for a building permit shall be considered complete when an application meeting all of the requirements of Seclion R105.3 of the International Residential Code, 2003 Edition, is submitted which is consistent with all then applicable ordinances and laws. In addition, to be considered complete, such an application must be accompanied by complete applications for a subsidiary land use or development permits needed, such as a complete shoreline management permit application and/or complete applications for other discretionary permits required under the ordinances of Port Townsend. An application for a partial permit under Section R105.3.I of the International Residential Code, 2003 Edition, shall not be considered complete unless it meets all requirements stated above and contains plans for the complete structural frame of the building and the architectural plans for the structure. oo7 Signature or Authorized Representative Date X'or Official Use Only Permit No.Pri\O?,-Ob4 Building Official Approval Date Issued Balance Due $Date Validation Stamp below: OwnerlRepresentative Signature Date ,a) City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 {360) 379-5095 Fax (360) 3444619 Name WM,IAU WORDEU Permit# This checklist is for new dwellings, additions, remodels and garages. The purpose is to show what you intend to build, where it will be located on your lot, and how it will be constructed. In Building Permit Application form I Sensitive Areas Questionnaire I ZOO1 Washington State Energy Code forms. Use either prescriptive forms, or component performance forms with calculations. COp( of WN|6UN R4trlnf Pk 1714 cooe [1 Washington State Energy Code Construction Checklist lffiwo sets of plans. 1 8" x 24" plan sheet size is preferred. Plans must be to scale. Vr": 7 ft. is preferred. I If an architect has signed your plans, one set must have an original signature and wet stamp on each page. I For structures that require engineering (including pole structures, sunrooms, dormers of a certain size, "irregularly shaped" structures) provide two copies of calculations from a Washington Licensed Architect or engineer. One set must have an original signature and wet stamp. For New Residential Dwelline Construction also submit : I StreetAJtility Development Permit application, orMinor Improvement Permit application if water and sewer are already stubbed to the property. For any utility extensions, provide engineered plans. I Two additional copies of the site plan for Public Works (tlree sets if a septic system is proposed). Please also include one reduced 8-712' x 11" size site plan' NOTE: Electrical Permits are required by the State of Washington Department of I'abor & Industries (LM). Contact L&I at (360) 417-2700for more information. P:\DSD\Dopartnent Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit Plans Checklist.rtr Page I of4 F.ev.l/25/06 APR - ? ',i(:al Residential Building Plans Checklist Legal description, parcel number, name, address and telephone number of property owner/applic includine cellular phone if available l/'Property lines and dimensions,all interior lot lines. Al1 lines and exterior dimensions all dwelling and accessory structures). from property lines and buildings including structures on extend into setback area a maximum of two feet. Driveways, wallava neighboring lots. (Indicate decks and orches. t/ t/ On-site parking (Two 9'x 19' spaces required for new residential construction. ma These spacesl/ Trees: Diameter, species name, location and canopy of existing significant trees in permit are exempt. Exempt activity requires a written exemption issued by the Director of and Community Development. relation to line significant Significant limitconstructionandandlines,existing utilitystructures,proposed a(4-at feet11212ofmeasursdincheswlthoseathdiametermmlmumaretrees"Significant circle'(t''an andonbetoremovedalltreesthem,by placingIdentifygradeaverage theforrelation1nandtoremovedtreesnecessarytreesthosewillthatremam. aofwithnIthessuancedriand1nconnectio buildingconstructionvewaysof buildings,parking t/Street names,road easements and easements of record. t/and proposed utilities, service lines and pipe size. l.t'Slope of land and direction If there is 40Yo or more impervious surfaces on the 1ot, submit an impervious drainage system, on drainage site plan and method of detention.indicating square footages within 300 and their setbacks. Waterfront or al1andofbankbetweensetbackbluff,bankindicate topbuildingheight,property eitheronallstructuresincludeFneworexterioretcconstruction,corridors,drainagecreeks, Existing andlor proposed septic system, if applicable. Please provide an extra set of plans for County Health Department. Footings, piers, and foundation walls (inciuding interior footing or pier locations) Post and beam sizes and spans; detail beam/post and post/pier (or footing) positive connection Beam pockets or method of securing beam ends. Floorjoist size, material grade,layout and spans Foundation venting and calculations (1 squafe foot of vent/150 square feet of crawl space) Crawl space access & dimensions. List the page number in the left column for each item that you have included on your plans. PAGE # SITE / PLOT PLAN PAGE# FOUNDATION PLAN p:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit Plans Checklist,rtf Page2 of 4 Fiev.l/25/06 be retarder on crawlspace ground (6 mil black polyethylene).Vapor L//size and floor level.use L/ Braced wall panel locations perUBC Section 2320.11.3 and Table 23-lV-C4 (if multi-story All room dimensions length per story per Table 23-IV-C-1) t/ Window, skylight and door locations and sizes, with egress and safety brand/model and U factor on etc ) glazing, i f appli c abl e. Smoke detector locations s fise, run, t-/ Rafter and ceiling joist size, matetial grade,layout and spans'Roof framing plan required if if trusses Type of exhaust duct material, duct path and exterior termination point 1-hr. construction between dwelling & gatage on garage side (UBC Sec' 302'4, exception #3) Location of whole house ventilation controls and timer andkitchen.e.fans bathroom,exhaustallothercfmandofLocation ofappliance vents and Attic access location and dimensions fixtures. and combustion air ducts.solid fuelHot water tanks, furnaces environmental exhaust ducts and location of all WSEC outside fresh air inlets Fire bl size,rebar)depthF finalandnaturalbelowverticalincludereinforcement for oists and beams Anchor bolts, washers x2x3176 Floor oist size and to be used: standard,intermediate or advanced. & location of weather-resistive barrier C Section 1 hold-downs ifwidth and reinforcementFoundation wall, treatedand Thickness of floor slab under floor clearance from erawl and size.Floor andWall stud and insulationHeader, size, and material.andWall Plumbing sizes and locations of foundation penetration' PAGE# FLOORPLAN PAGE# WALL SECTION Type and location of vapor retarder (WSEC 502.1 6) p:\DSD\Departrnent Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit Plans checklist'rtf Page 3 of4 Rev.1/25/06 ,'elopm ,.,,r lmprovem )ent Permit Application or Mil ent Permit Application to submitted with this Building Permit, Insulation material and R-value in walls above and below trusses, with blo and flo and location.Sheetrock Rafters, and slab to wall.connection of roof Ceiling height roofing material,pitcb (provide )Roof calculationsventilationroofa|Iic t/rear and sides,show all windows and doorsExterior views on Decks, t/ UBC Section 3102.3.6. of show Final UBC Section209. above roof t-/Retaining walls, if aPPlicable PAGE # EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS p:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit Plans Checklist.rtf Page 4 of 4 Frev.l/25106 \ July i3, 1998 Buildlng ond Comrnunlty Developrnent Clty of Port Townsend 54O Woter Street Port .Townsend, WA 98368 S: 13." # # t '+ ll1 'i.;li+'ii!;'!.ili'i,;.t;:;'i."i,;;.iti,:l.iti.ii:t'i,.": . >i;:t !;:;: i\ t:.: :1. 1. i i-i.: j'"1 . 1 Jt:.-i.L'1i,- r r. 1., r.... Rer Eutlding Fermtt Appllcotlon Supplernent Worden Residencet 44Q $cotr Street Attn' Jqn Zlmmer 'F.tl.tt.,*"*,:t+4k't.f*"*'t:+ttti:lut'.iiil*,t:+litti;l,,tii*nt; Enclosed ls o completed WATTSUN irpor, on the energy perforrnonce of the alteratlons proposed for the Worden Residence, q$ you reque$ted ot the tlme our building permlt opplicotlon wo$ oubrnitted on June 29. The report hqE two port$; the flrst docurnent$ compltonce wlth the Woshlngton Stcrte Energy Code ond cornpore$ the proposed olterotlons to the stondord Reference cose. The second,. tttled "Comporlson Report"'cornpore$ the perforrnonce of the proposed olterotions to existlng condltlons ot this resldence ond shaws that the heqt lo-ss through oltered components wlll be reduced by olrncilt 54 percent. PleasE let rne know-whether there ore ony orens of concern for energy perforrndnc€ thqt-these reports do not oddress. You <rlso asked thot I revlew lssues of loterol broclng of 'the structure in llght of the odded rnos$ of the proposed porches ond the chonges ts exlstlng woll openings. I' hove sumrnorlzed thot revlew on o sepqrote poge enclosed, I'belleve this responds to.crll the requlrements whlch you hove ldentlfied for revlew of the bulldlng permit qppllcqtiqn. Pleose coll.rne lf you hqve fvrther queoilons; .ltJl. 'i i' N:li;iiii lnn4e@!' '" t, lt tt W ,ry';,r$,_rr,,",r: *i}.g,rd*^i,..&id lloi'lGfr Ftans are hpprav*d exnaplirtg Eny e$arc sr ornissions. lAIl work tnux! pess inepeollan ln canfonn*nos wlllr all applteablo codes and rogulatlvns. lrrr( WonDEN, ArA' 4t4 @ {Jrrart {l rntwq Fomt l)',@Mu$ttano [,TagnoaaFpu Q{r?J6E-6 g,&,tJ v&t.1 8]60,187fr-P167/ll t!., ?dn$ilB'i+ 'fiwqttft)It6t@A8tffi"fr)tltlotfa)& /ri'ii " ? 'ir.:i.),! SUpptEl'IENT TO BUILDING prRMlT APPLICATION Worden Recldence, ,44O Scott $trest, Port Townsend, WA July 13, 1998 #f*.##1o+".Fr, The qrddltlon of porches ond decks to the proposed structule wlll contrlbute oddlttonol rnoss to the otructurs whtrch wtlt result ln crddltlonol loterql lqqds ln the e\rent of selsmlc events. The oddlttonol structvre wlll olro result ln rmoll oddlttonql loterol loods reaultlng frorn wlnd; however, these loqds ore lnslgnlflcont ln comparlson to selsrnlc loods. ln cldditton. qtterotlon of exlstlng openlngs ond oddlttan of q new openlng ln the southsost wall of the naur kltchen, qnd $ new openlng ln the southwest woll of the new uqltty roorn. wlll hove on effect on the oblllty of the rtructurs to reslst |crterol loodlng. I hove revtewed these condttlono qnd concluded thot the followlng meorures wlll odequotely restst the chonged condltlonr of loterol loodlng, crnd wlll lrnprovo the obillty of tha $tructure os o whole to reglst loterol loodr' l) The moJortty of loterol looda tesultlng from new consttuctiorr wlll be tronsmltted to the exlstlng structur.e dt the level of the rnoln floor, The floor structura lr very hecrvy end odequqte to hondle the$e loodr. However, the contlnuous Pony wslls between the floor structure ond the foundotlon qre not constructed q$ cheor wolls. The Drqwtngr coll for the oddltlon sf l/2'plywood or O$B theothlng on the lnrlde of these wolls ln the bosernent oreo. Nathng wlll be per tlBC requlrernents for exterlpr sheothtng wtth the $<rrne moterlql. ln oddltlon, I wlll requlre the lnstollotlon of 16 go, golvontsed dtogonol sheor $trops on 4'ceoters on the hslde of the pony wollo ln the crowl spoce wherever those wolls ore I' or greoter ln helght. 2)' I wlll requtre the tostollotlon of 3./0'plywood sheothlng on thE lnslde foce of exl$ilng frornlng of the southwe,st woll of tho nsw I(ltchen, ond on the southwest ond coutheoat wollo of the new utlllty room. Nolllng wllf be per UBC requlrernent$ for exterlor sheothlng wlth the ssrne rnoterlol. 0) The celltng of the new bothroom ond utlllty room wlll be expooed durlng constructlon.' Naw diogonol 16 go, sheor strops will be sdded to the understrde of cetltng framtng ot 6LO" o.c, ln eoch dlrectton to trqnsmlt loods frorn the southeost exterlor wqll to the lnterlor partltlon$. STITE 0F y/A:iti lur.t ruN Nlk Worden #f].,,**1"1;i:, ij:_j:=ir!igE==:=:=:::E===E::*E:=:::-:::=E===Si=:::s=t:-*#=:=*sg *#*='E=EE*F=#*====-t=egg-=*= WATTSUN 5.58 L994 WA STATE ENERGY coDE COMPLIANCE REPORT OV11"31 FrLE: D!\\CODES\\WATTSUNs\\440SeOTr\\440SCOTf.WS IToUSH ID: Worden Resider sitei 440 Scott StreetPort ll'ownsend, WA 98368 ( 360 )379-267L Homeowner: Nik & Elizabetlr Worden 44O Saott $treet ( 360 l3'.te*2671, COMPONENT PERFORI{ANCE SNSRGY BUDGET Floor .- GLazLng ELSki, -.*.* Doors . ......::..."' 'AG Wal"l--.celling, AtticInfiltration Anal"yst:Jurisdiction:Utllityr City of Port Toh?nsend Bullder:Weather Data: ldhldbey IslanC, WA Clirnate %oner L (360) The pRoPosED design *col{PLIE$* with 1994 WA State Energy Code. House Type: single FanilyFloor Area; lO33 ft2 PROpOSTDLB7 Btu/hr-F3,25 }cwh,/ft2*yr RES'SRNNCE 227 s. 05 REFERENCE DESTGN Cornponent ReferenceValue X Area= UA U-0. O4L u-0.650 .-" u-0.390 [r-0. 062 U*0. O36 ACH*o.350 ,1_O33 1^54.9 J.5a.3 234 '267 8864fr3 ( 42. 100, s9, L4, 9. 56. Referense UA 2e7 PROPOSAD DE5IGN COMPONENTS value X Area= UA -:::!:::::------::::::*:::-- -**b---Floor **R-1,9 vented jotst 6 24 oe w/3tt fltg U-0".O"43'll 543 23, R19 unvented-Enclosed U-0.A46#i 490 2?' Glaaing 688 **2gl Wd Awning (Window Vlsions) .. U-O.500 s4.2 42. Doors r'Insulated w/NFRC Label u-0'3OO L9"8 5- i.?:g.L ltalf Llte Wood L/4x Clr U-0.42o 39,6 l^6' =,:==.====sssr,niiiE$:E:=**F-=*=:#€E:==i##;i:;#=E-=Es=s=EEEG!t!======3==l==stnEiii7Fg*'===:*sgr**=Items in parentheses not lnsluded in COMPONENT FSRFORMAI.ICS totals.rt* Denotes non*standard vaLues check calcul.ation of thermal value " =*====.==sss;r:i:ia:====r=E==:E===q=*===s*o Paglg ! *==e=*g-:e====*=*=,=4*t====t=s'J:ss*EE== {il l:i " + {::t ut 11, :;: Tffiffi ;;;T:;;*:=--=;;fi T;T;ffi ;Tililffi T;;;"T;;;ffiil;T;;;;;*"":*==== : ;7;;; FILfi: D:\\C0DES\\WATTSUNS\\440SCOTT\\440SCOTT.WS HCIUSE rD: Worden Residen.=3*€-=i*3El:=====:::;;;=ffi ilT;;;T;;;=;;;:,:*;i;==:=:-:=;:;:;;;::"====;;:;*:=T;: .. AG"Y?ll **R19 exist at"tered u-0.0s2 3os tg.Ceiling **exist alterod eeil tg U-O.O74 267 j_9,rnfil-tration standard Alr Seating AcH-o.3so gs64ft3 ( F6" Proposed UA struc Mass **Light Frame, plaster, wood Floor M- 3.3g0 1-033 1.87 346 --4-8*** _+*c____ HEATTNG/COOLTNG/VENTTLAT r Nc SYSTEMS Heating System Type: Make: Model I System Efficiency!Modified Efficiency: Design ACH: Design Load(at 46r dt)lDuct Losses ( **3ilr"l::I: System $ize(output): Average Annual Heat: Annual Cost: PROPOSEDOit Furnace Thermo-Pride ol".z*56/ $ NONE o.o o.60 L3529 Btu/hr 3639 Btu/hr GTe)17L68 Btu/hr 26000 Btu,zhr (f 504) 1? MBtn 1"50 * x 83 60 Ventilation Systen:Integrated Spot & Whole House CooLing $ystem: SFER:CoolinE Load(at -zF dt): System Size(?Over) IAnnual Cool Reguirernent: Solar Access:Unshad,ed wlsolar access i-*.---. PROPOSSD DUCT SY$TEM Location Avg Rvalue Surface Area ( Ducted )Btu/hr tons ( 0125A )kwh/yr SUPPLY RETURN Vented crawlspaceAttic or garage R* 8.3R- 8.3 260.6 fbz3L.3 ft2 t\ r.:-r .. l\ fl ti. -::. t"!i.t? {} . ',,; *rr N | .i;i,, *;-ir-_.*- frT /1^31, sid,enr GIAgTfiG ORI South Southeast East Northeast PROTIOSEDft? 52,7 North i Northwest :West r Southweet i PROPOSEDtt2 33,.5 Eff S 6l"z: 4.38 Hconoruic and energy consumptlon estinates are designed for comparativepurposes onl.y. Actual cost for heating will. vary depending on weathereonditions,. occupant lifestyle and other factors. ====:=:==::=::======::=:=========E--= Page J =======-:::=:EE=:=-:;#=========== WAT'TsUN 5.58 FROPOSED/COMPARISON RSPqRT O7IL3 /, FILEI D:\\CODES\\WATTgONS\\440SCOTT\\44OSC0Tf.WS HoUsE ID: Worden Residen, E-*:===*===-==*d:E=Eg:**a.:==S:€==Esg-=:i;=*=*==gg==EE===*:::=: Site Address:clty, St Zip: Homeowner:Builder: Weather Data: Clirriate Eone: Glazing BBt Doorg AG WalICeilingInfiltration Glazlng 0Bt Doors AG WAII 44O sEott Street AnalystlPort Tonnsend, wA 98368 Jurisdictionl city of port rournsen,Nlk & El"izalreth Worden Utillty: House ltyper $lngle Fanily Whidbey rsland, wA Comparlson riier existingL Heated FLoor Area: i.033 fbz The PRoP0SED design *coMpl.rBs* with Lgga wA state Energy code, RD}'BRENCE PROPOSED COMPARTSON CO!,IPONENT PERFORUANCE 22? T87< 4o4 BTU/hr*F :=3gI3::3:3:3I=Es*i=i=E:=EE==6*====3;31=*E=EscEEl*33i===o===:1:::--:11{I33;:. PROFOSED DESIGN COMPONENTS Component Description Value X Area= UA FJ"oor ta 22.1 4e,'. Ri 1"6. r 40.: 15.: 19.1 56.i **Ro vented joiste ?4oc 3rt vrood flr**RO unvented enclosed 3fr wood fIrrt*existing storn**Exiet: l/2 qL w/stormx*exist unaltered 3x4 stud **R-19 vented joist 0 24 oe w/ju fltg U-0.043 R19 unvented Encl-osed U-0.046*tZgL Wd Awning (Window Vieions) U*0.F0OInsulated w/NFRC tabeL U-0.3002gI I{aIf Lite Wood L/4u Clr U*O,4202gl Ful1 Lite Wood L/ztt, Clr U-.0.44O*rtRL9 exist altered U*O,OFZ**exist altered ceiltg u-0.0?4Standard Air sealing ACIi-O.350 U-O. L60 u-o.160 u-o,900 u-o.963 u-0.217 543 490 84.2 19.8 39,6 92.9 305 267 8864fL3 ( Proposed UA 187 tstruc Mass *xl,ight frarne, Plaster, Wood Floor I,{- 3.3bCI i.033 346; **rb--e :-*---- -___,___ CO!4PARTSON DESIGN COI{PONBNTS conponent Desarlption varue x Area * uA - $-$- - --- - ---+++*s - g *- FLoor 543 49s 84.9 39.6 478 86.'l J8., 7S -, 38 ., 103.', ;t=33=gg==sssscq======*Eij*=Ci:s!x!=F*====g====g=:EE::==E;!s*t=Ege==*==E==E:Es=====5====: Items in parentheses not included in coupoNENT PERF0RMANCE totals.** Denotes non-standard values - cheek caLcul"ation of therrnal value, i:i=s:a!liir=EeE=t=i;€===:==11*s,r=F*s=a=EiEs:B==*E!= Fagg ! a*======i=;5sg:itt9*grj*i*g**F*=====Ii:l=:jg===g: s i3 _ !:"t ii :i T iii. +=**i:t**:=-:=ssFE==E-e:=:g====gs==*ec-*E:yg#gxssg==aE==::*!e:.?=s#==*==K!€--EHEE==:=3 WATTSUN 5.58 pRoposED/coMpARrsoN REPORT o7/J^3/ 'FILS: D:\\CoDE$\\WATTSUNS\\440SCoTT\\440SCOTT,WS HCIusn ID: Worden Besid,er -=s:ii$=g==:s=ssaEc====E==E=*==BEEEE-:48:*g*==8g5ff**s#:s*:i==H=€:!aireri*- e*-fr#G*x====:Ceiling **exisL unaltered U-0.0?6 26T a0,Tnfiltration Standard Air Sealing ACII-0.350 B864ftt ( SO. Cornpari.son UA struc Mass **'Light Frame, plaster, t,0ood Floor M- 3.3g0 lo33 40t 34r HAATINC/COOLING,/Vfi I{TTLATTNG SYSTEM$ Ileating Systen Type: Make r l,Iodel l System Bfficiency:Modified Efficiency: Deslgn ACH:Design Load(at 4EF dt):Duct Los,ses{* Dsn Load):rotal Load: System Size(output): Average Annual Heat: Annual Cost: VentiLation Systenl Cooling $ysteml SEERTcooling Load(at -zr dt);systen Size{*Over); AnnuaL Cool Regulrenent: golar Access: Location PROPOSEDoil Furnaee Thermo-Fride oLz-56/ $ 0.60 13529 Btuy'hr 363e Bru/hr( 27*) 171"68 Btu/hr 26soo Btu/hr (l^5o8) 17 MBtu 1"50 CO!,{PARISON Oil Furnace Thermo-Frida oLz*56/ Integrated Spot & Whole Hou6e 83& 739" 0.60 23501 Bturrhr 4376 8tu/hr(LsZ) 27878 Btulhr 42OAO Btu/hr (t50{ 59 MBtu 500 It83 60 $ Integrated Spot & Whole House NONE O,0 (Ducted) Btu/hr tons ( @ta5t )kWh/yr 0,O (Ducted) Btu/hr Tons{ elzbg }kwh/yr Unshaded wlsolar acce.6s Unshaded w/so1ar ac Avg Rvalue $urface Araa 3 260.6 ft231.3 fte3 SUFPLY RHTURN Vented crawlspaceAttic or garaEe I B R* R- -51--*=:-----=-=ss-=a!t=ts&=€===Ei:'Fd=== Pagg ! *=====#Ej!gdrrai=F*i{=**#=:=.g=:l5:===s#a h L l^ /+. ti i: ..i...'slJ"U\3 I2iii *e: EGE=*s:=== E===:E Fa:=e*=;=i3==3sg==sstl=i*EF:g=v'iiiilgaitrs*=rhFF==*=* g=#.#se*gE*g* WAt'TSUN 5. 58 FROPOSSD,/gOMpARISQN RHpORT A7 /Ij FILE: D:\\CODES\\WATT$UN5\\440SCOTT\\4408CoTT.WS HousB ID: Worden Reaidee=sEqgg=FeE=E========tglsEE=E=*=t===G5g=ssi:iii-*e*====lrts!:tE:s:ua===*====*EE=dr=s*=gg COT.IPARISON DUCT SYSTEM Location SUPPLY RETT.IRN Avg Rva1ue Surface Area Vented crawlapaceAttlc or garage R- 8,3R- 8,3 North !Northwest !West : $outhwest : 260,6 ftz31.3 ft2 $outlr !southeast :East :Northeast :31,5 bB,7 Eff S GIzz 4.32 4,7* ---ta**5 PROpOSnD ft2 52.7 CO!.{PARISONft2 26.2 PROPOSED ft2 COUPARISON ft2 Tilil;ilTffi *ffi il;=ffi ililil;;T;ffi ffi ;=;;;T;;ilffi =il;=;;;ffi ilil=Es*i ==' purpos€s onl.y. Actual coet for heatlng will vary depending on weathar =::::*:*H:-:::::i::=11***:=::1_:'$$.r;"::::i======s===aE?*,*#83==*i=*s"'* l?.'rzt' k( I HI- L*ee*r I 1 I d16u,r 5!g'" lffiegQ- I NNI/$'P 2r/eo*4,,gluu6 (ffAerua wAtE) E/a'k*&' wwe at {/a"x{u flil.ool'l - F*l$def) ffigvlhwAdL t I a I i#"is llq*$r* HH.& z/-tt {*l Jol #1 I T r-"r-?. O'{- I I I +l i"r * t-J U!'Yxtpggfe D El*r)5 6W I I 6 l'Er l\l'lt ?"'1986 . Iil(ouus mnotilsTrr5 0f r/AsH.trycr0ql; APR 1 3 2007 I i \ Lg|-tit Lgt-*rER 4'i u *'' Wl,*i;J)b,' il rAtJee f*.b{,flt".. I '1't!'i ":a.. l.tlll'i 0l {', : " i.,ij BID0z -p 04 t3]"lti,? *}NL)l T"l')f'{} 1 ' {. k|-rTs siuPFLAMEhrj- -rn BUILD{ AJ(b {f,:pnr r r AHCJ {.AT?$AJ NrK * Vtt?AEgTH W#REt-t 4/t ?/67 FRanottt'J+l'- o ,++e 3cory SfRFe'f PAas {aF5 4xto lz'-?" I I I r.r ={\t T\t ;{ :. :. t0 F 't tt J- [\l*]-lllfi -J':f,fle (giAti Rzlxji*ir FXcq -Jlt e ir fh l: 6ri''''a L*'#) NAd 4/t'xZo" Wxegr'^A Abcve G1W*L) ?EARTq O}J -E*, *7 5iftrlwit (*gec4?or.ri ^ Y NAA/ 4 x8 HgADEE l€rv ?'?,xL fitpEngrpF*fED S/ CllJTrtrs,t*, OF l.lgw 1x6'5 r I I RglNfagc^e ExrsT, WWeu w/ ZxL FdTA} TA S?D5 d986 4B6tl& WttJ*si.-l F mon $flt{ oF ,ifi .+. ,ii2' BLD0? -0 64 Ft-*il : fRnb4/fi& t';Lu [.-'Fr r\-[flu flL:*rl Y4" = {r c'I SuFrLgt"t€NT To ffiJlLDiN{r ft${tt- fifp;9,*\e$ t{rK + E-UeAbsTH WoRtrAU 4ltl/"14d€ *u)'rf €f*&ar FAed 7'op { t I I * Tl_ #LuYzo"/z"wr'ft?@4r E(rsT, Jo g{lrT t{Tlc-tL* Eorq, EEnl't I I L lsT Frtffi r'&( 3u € l6"oe- utfJT, fiY;k 67rt" Jots]r, Ex$r wtll F,*w ,/t'aw. w*xee X't9" NArl Eg,f.l$h fuUWATb WAtt Z\-O',Q 51DE q b*RlrJq' AoLf EXW',h teDoglt 1-o fits?'Q fllan NEW FIRE, gs('&Tfrclu Exl?T, L'/d"t XTa" sttsD$, P lLl' o,Q, ot' -0 64 It 4'/t" s,?A" w ffiAl4 #: t/tWT €sA Jorsr exBrlfiilc W; "Huu rlgwdumu,n e,(lFf'f' Na*,t Jorstg ICN BL,D 0 ? 3E,cftc>tj A l"= 1 '' o"1"*1 lrI 2-?,xL l+€A.ng,.z 1986 "EAl,t HAllqtRs SECTNOH C liltoilts srAlf 0[ |'t n'f i o" Su Pp-E;ME NT' -rb Fu rLDtlJq frArA'7 AWLtcATl ot..j Nrn-&eLltA v,,{tRnei.l /wf.r? 44o'sco11* sfREFT ?AeE 3 oF 5 I I I I -t-.- -t" I I LLI HxrtT Jor f*, Ta b l e 16 0 7 . 1 lt e m 27 (u n i n h a b i t e d atticwith storage) Ni k & El i z a b e t h Wo r d e n Se c 16 0 7 . 1 1 . 2 . 1 (E Q 16 - 2 6 ) (l n c l u d e s 3/ 4 " at t i c fl o o r , jo i s t s an d gy p s u m ce i l i n g ) (A l l o w a b l e wo r k i n g lo a d fo r ea c h bo l t is ab o u t 6500 lbs.) ff i { h r ll 0 R c 0 t 44 O Sc o t t St r e e t Ta b l e 16 0 7 , 1 | h e m 2 7 Fi g 16 0 8 . 2 Ta b l e 16 0 9 . 6 . 2 . 1 16 0 5 . 3 . 1 . 1 RT G AR ( la y ' / lJ d ' F - Li n e 30 * Li n e 31 44 9 pl f @2 f t s p a c i n g Li n e 31 di v i d e d by 2 I' . { : " ^ rt Y // V / FO R FR A M I N G NE E D E D TO CO R R E C T EX I S T I N G DE F J E E N S I E S CA L C U L A T I O N S Su fo r ex i s t i at t i c 3- % " x $- T a fl o o r jo i s t s -2 4 " o. c . Pe r IB C 20 0 3 !4 Pe r IB C 20 0 3 36 . 9 ps l 26 . 7 ps l TR I B U T A R Y AR E A S pe r fo o t of su p p o r t i n g be a m le n g t h 26 0 . 4 pl l 18 8 . 7 pl l 44 9 . 0 pl l 54 5 9 . 8 | b s 89 8 . 0 | b s 27 2 9 . 9 lb s Su p p l e m e n t to Pe r m i t Ap p l i c a t i o n 5. 7 5 + ( 0 . 7 5 * 2 1 .5 ) + ( 0 . 7 5 2 0 ) = 11 3 * 21 ' - 2 " * 36 . 9 ps f = 11 3 * 21 . 2 " * 26 . 7 Ps f = To t a l Ma x lo a d pe r su s p e n s i o n bo l t : En d re a c t i o n (h i n g e d - no mo m e n t ) 12 ' - 4 " x2 6 ' 21 . 5 ps f 5. 7 5 ps l 20 . 0 ps l (n e t up l i f t ) 20 ps l 6. 7 p s l 20 + 6 . 7 = B. Be a m to su p p o r t ex i s t i n g jo i s t s 12 ' , - 2 " 44 9 . 0 pl l RO O F LO A D S Ar e a Li v e Lo a d De a d Lo a d Sn o w Lo a d Wi n d Lo a d To t a l l o a d AT T I C LO A D S Li v e Lo a d De a d Lo a d To t a l lo a d Ro o f : Fl o o r : Sp a n Ma x lm p o s e d Lo a d : o4 n 3 / o 7 A. Lo a d s 1 F 1 2 3 4 5 o 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 1 3 14 1 5 16 1 7 18 '1 9 ?b 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 o *: Page 4 of 5 be a m 4T r " x 20 " ne t wi t h 2 x 4 an d 2 - 2 x 4 bo t t o m GO m fo r bo t t o m fl 11 2 " A- C sa n d e d sh e a r we b s ea lu e d an d na i l e d at 4' o . c . to fl a (i n at t i c sp a c e ) an d su p p o r t ea c h ex i s t i n g fl o o r jo i s t wi t h 1/ 2 ' O qa l v bo l t th r o u g h 3" x 3' x 3/ 1 6 " st e e l w a s h e r Pe r ln t e r n a t i o n a l Bu i l d Co d e 20 0 3 Ed i t i o n , an d re f e r e n c e to ne e r e d Wo o d As s o c i a t i o n , n 2- 28 9 7 . 5 lb s (l i n e 58 + Li n e 61 ) vO K To mi n i m i z e pr o j e c t i o n be l o w fl o o r an d ma x i m i z e st i f f n e s s of fl o o r su p p o r t lo c a t e be a m ab o v e fl o o r Bo t t o m of ex i s t i n g jo i s t s wi l I be fu r r e d do w n 1T z " fo r in s u l a t i o n de p t h an d to co v e r bo l t en d s an d wa s h e r s sh e a r co n t r o l s ma x i m u m I of bo x be a m s . is af f i r m e d re f e r e n c e to lo a d Ta b l e 13 , 13 1 of Ar c h i t e c i u r a l lc St a n d a r d s , Fo u r t h Ed i t i o n kn o w it ' s ol d , bu t en g ha v e n ' t ch a th a t mu c h ! Ta b l e 3 Ta b l e 1 55 8 . 7 5 1 b s 11 1 7 . 5 lb s Fr o m Gr a p h i c St a n d a r d s 17 8 0 l b s . 27 3 0 lb s . (l i n e 34 ) 75 ps i 4. 4 7 (2 O 1 1 2 ) * 4 . 4 7 " 7 5 = 12 0 ps i 14 . 8 3 in ' Fo r ma x i m u m st i f f n e s s us e Pl y w o o d bo x be a m 1/ 2 ' s t r u c t 1 sa n d e d pa n e l , dr y co n d i t i o n Ro l l i n g Sh e a r Co n s t a n t , 3- s p a n co n d i t i o n , in in 2 l f t Cr o s s . S e c t i o n of lu m b e r fl a n g e s : 3 x 1. 4 3 8 x 3. 4 3 8 Al l o w a b l e Sh e a r (l i n e 59 x li n e 60 ) To t a l Al l o w a b l e Sh e a r @ ea . en d : Re q u i r e d sh e a r at fa c e of su p p o r t (m a x ) Al l o w a b l e Sh e a r in Pl y w o o d Pa n e l s : Al l o w a b l e sh e a r , 1- p a n e l 2 0 " hi g h Al l o w a b l e Sh e a r in lu m b e r fl a n g e s : DE S I G N AP P R O A C H 2- p a n e l s 35 36 37 38 39 41 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 5 I 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 E F g c \I ,c) o) ,A 1986 w.ilrKgtAus uBR0tll lftGl0N STATE O[ V'ASH Page 5 of 5 ciry l(}N LOTS 6 AND B" BLOCK 78, HASTINCS FIRST ADDITI<:N Tc> PcnT TowNSEND AS PER V(}L,I (}F FLATS PAGE 33, RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COU NTY, 1AIASHTNGTSN. PARCEL # 9s7 3S7 807 c(}tlt DATA; ffi-trtilfflt||r OWNER: Wi*liarn Nikolaus Worden Elizabeth Ann Worden 44tI Scott $treer Port Townsend" Washington gg36g360I37F?671 - ernail: nwsrden@alum.rnit.edu LOT: moperqf Lines frorn survey dated r t /I 4tg7by Wood Strrveying, Inc-; recorded 1 1/14197 by Je#ersrin County Audiror" Areal 1?,'l O9 Square Feetg: R-2 lrnpervious Surface {tncl. Build Existing; No changes TOTAL: rngs; 3.256 sr 3,25S sr DRAWING RE\TISED 3/3OIO7 BtIt0?-064 LX5} ! IhI{.J M/\J*TJNKY F!R.FPLACE 'Y. \y LY rx'sr v.r"R I6'- 1-3.1?- ,:'. ': a r; ii#- ..:,-: .r' L{) *'. r.di , i_-: rii\i !: :r Fha. ^ ?l .1: E5 l.19 + - :_) x.tT'E.,l;'.^'" rl*' '-si- =' 'ti:' .:il:;-i,*'.-.*i :iii',''E-,:i:,::, "--)gf, ; != i/ *:ii:*ti Ii rl €,4 6L_rtF..a.fl. :- --1.a..v,1 -...- \,:.; b.iiur.lL* y. :r"i i-;j j*'r t :.'tl: fr:,:isl't}'fii;t?f if"1ili i r. * , 'i ''*:: -"f,'f -;;;tief" t:{.{! rkeAF fru FLilFili, ,R ffiLAru 4 f Proposed Work in Highlighted Area OnlyBLD,6-;=-,ffu6 4 ,t { I i.n-i€-+I-T fi x, a 1 'i J 1- -t_a- l,l -l l '.v U .t t ! ,*i. r l; t/ -4. -:,::' - l. : 3. t;:;E \ra i i '1 ri SN I S.DR,\'i s 2 1 +a qa\ f,T IuL-J\<'i |. <iPii : il iR'Jl"ilr.!J ilr-l q tr q =i:ta3 * -l .- 35"'h:" FliS.TiF* i;*Y'i.il i-T-1_:'L ; i i.i , i: !!.r't;;-i r' i L"!r -;'\i ,'-: i ;l !i", {.,}tL_i,%iJi -4-irJ ui i i^:..t+ ,r!q: : : i Ht-E-f*[-i il l\i r\: : vt rL r \ i 7* 5*" rr. iJ RICiS# ] Fi-i-ii.*Fi i'+ *. ll,}idh:. R:ii;1u-;RE* 3,*," --<; il ft-,t H l d ? .F. F; E ij- .,f i!. Y f : H L ai,i j ii ation in e,trJC) rft I \f ishes iling FT;#a ,h ?uq T 2 rO I FlNI L2'0" * Restore Wall and Ceiling LIVINC ROOM BDRS4 # i 1?q tt^, -hT : 5 rl I a:e:t. 1 ] I * Remove Existing False x Provide New R-30 Batt Existing Structure ab 1 FJ \rr"';H*i i ,. !i4G L] i+ { _ 5i31- Repla (See levation) Pi Existing Window {:6 a- ;= :I -e^*'ii-s:Fg"* 'r&' j I.S 6T @ -;:'!'u :l I FFRMET STT '= 3ruto 4 :- 6rtiE:€i r'" Drawing Revised 3l3OlO7 I NEWFOUNDAt]QII_ _ _ _ _ I VENT (SEE BASEMENT PLAN) I t- FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 'L BLD0?-064 June 24, 19!18 Reryised 3/3OlOz R,O. - 11'-5 1/4' ELEVATION INSIDE PORCH -l -1 -, _ I _-_l FUEL TANK ta-al I ffi SOUTHWEST ELEVATION 114": 1'-0"-_-J NEW SMOKE DETECTOR ItIEl'YFURRED lbt FINISH&PICruRE RAIL northwest LIVINC ROOM ; INTERIOR ELEVATTONS |RqvDE NEW 1-l/2" FURRING ON tNStDE FACE OF THIS,WALL:INSTALL NEw R-19 INSULATION &vApoR BARRTER BEFoRE rNsr,+uNc nNtsnes. SUN PORCH; INTERIOR ELEVATIONS northeast northwest *.+-11/:" ll1/4'" southeast LIVING ROOM ; INTERIOR ELEVATIONS BOARD SOFFIT FIR southeast TRIM TYP [see southwest exterior elevation] IT = 5gr EXIST'G NEW WINDOW UNIT. & TMNSOT\4 : WINDOW J AoI Eo l o4 SEE I.{EXT tr'tAlf\Al^l:ht=li^l{ C' Y I rl lursf t Y : tll5 l rruLg southwest BtD0?-064 fune24, 1998 Revised 3BA1A7 NEW CWB C NEW PICTURE RAIL RElilc'\/E EXrSr. FALSE CEILlNG I n REPAIR. EXIST PIASTER TYP. NEWCWB rffi] l*l I liii:itjii { I llu:iil Iffi NEW PISTURE RAIL REPAlR EXIST PIA9TER cwe---_J OPEN EXIST'C OPENING c' PROVIDE NEW PICTURE RAIL THIS ROOM NEW rRlM ro--) MATCH EXISTING REPAIR EXISTING PLASTER TYP. EXISI R,A.G. NEW fRAMINC & TRIM TO MATCH EX NEW 11"w. RAISED PANET 114" = 1'-0"INTERIOR ELEVATIONS PERMIT SET EQUAL EQUAL EQUAL / FIXED NelOpn'q = -165/e" (Malah Transom Window shown on Sheeb 2) 1afely qlazingthia pano only. s s llo M R.O, =35" 't \ Exialing Door Net Opn'q FINIgH FLOOR 9OM WINDOW Fini ed wall thicknaoo = 51/2" t-br lt cf 9l i lf)o .tl -s.9o =c) s N INOIDE VIEW (All oaoh oVen outward) Finiahed wall thicknezo = 51/2" FINISH FLOOR WINDOW GROUT SPECIFICATIONS: MATERIAL: Clear Douglas Fir, no finish, no cladding. No supplementary trim inside sash stops. GLAZING: Double-Pane insulated clear plate glass. Provide safety glazing as noted on drawing. HARDWARE: Friction hinges; lever-type casement latches (2 per sash on lower sash); No crank operator; all exposed hardware dull brass finish. Owner will provide and install casement stays. ACCESSORIES: No Screens, no blinds 1EE SHEET 1 FOR ?TECIFICATION5 8[It07-064 ,f'ttK V oRUrn + ARCHtrr"cr 44O -f cott -f treet .i. Port Townsend, VA gB36B em6il: swarden@al)urn.mit.edu + tel: 560/379-2671