HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-043PERMIT #8*a1- Dt4 Z CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG DATE RECEIVED =lrlo+ SCOPE OF WORK: T,& s" I DATE ACTION INITIALS ENTERED INTO CHET CA - to Planning - No evidence CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS 4 rt I sa s sil I lW C- vrcplsd"I I 'l 5 lll F,a \ r \i\\ ra-o *-, W-K - rrr4 't klv7,\d\t\ Z-I A=g-allavyq gLL wiLt ^ c \ '. ,! lt\, CITY OF'PORT TOWNSEI\D COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, ADDITIONS, & ALTERATIONS Property Owner's Name(s) /ot\\t F{:"*( L ,B Mailing Address 2/*1 t f."\.,f-, ;,,,r{L Fluc.!*"i fj,rvl .-^ /,f,&,?k;{t, l+9M'0/"\+\,l.UA #tt:";a Phone {24o1 ,,6 , pr,":{}Et ll 'P"r-it tto.' BL Db1 - 'O4 Property Street Address u,.'l t \ 1\"(!frVu-"'|"tr, 51'\a WA\ Parcet # ?bA 1a+ ii,r; I Zoning District {*\ Construction Type Occupancy Rating Legal Description: Addition F,1, e[::t*lIJAL {q!l.-t *fi€atock ,4O Lo(s1 'l -Zf Generaf Gontractor's Na@Ai J4d't4- %,) Mailing Address Zl I -T8YZ'F; *rf y6UIT:E W? P Crty Exp. DateBusiness. License Number v1? 77Ab.-,. -,. ,.Phone:- Estimated Value of construction \,* tjo1 Financed-B -Date Wor:k.is to Begin --d. nfi?13 .n. ":... . -.oatewoir is to be compretto-- S JUt\f O71 , Please check all that applies for the type of building permit you are requesting: New Commercial Addition/Expansion New Multi-family - # of units:Change of Use Repair/Remodel/Tenant I mprovement Grading/Excavation Other (please describe): c Sewer NA 3/4'r Water Meter.NA 1 112': Water Meter =}\t4{lflWater Meter 2" Wate[ Meter Side Sewer Contractor: N,At Floor Area The proposed structure is to be used for o€+1&+ Yfr/(l- Spaee Sq. Ft:Eoiioifi'oneo Other (please des.grj.be) Il- i-.',\)/t". \\Citypdc\bcd\All Forms\Commercial building applicarion.doc tl NI lmpervious Surfaces. Please provide the square totalarea covered by porches, walkways, roof area of the proposed and existing structures, and the square footage of the a parking, etc. Please check the plans that you are submitting with this application: Special Conditions - Please check YES or NO as applicable Total area of the propefi in square feet:Site proposed; use fdn. bldg. line for dimension)&Totalarea covered structures in square Percentage lot Proposed Building Roofprint Sq. Ft:Existing Building Roofprint Sq. Ft: Existing Garage Roofprint Sq. Ft:Proposed Garage Roofprint Sq. Ft: Existing PorchMalkway Sq. Ft:Proposed PorchMalkway Sq. Ft: Existing Parking/Driveways Sq. Ft:Proposed Parking/Driveways Sq. Ft: Other (describe)Other (describe): Total Existing lmpervious Sq. Ft:% NewTotalProposed lmpervious Sq. Ft: (Site Plan NA Framing/Roof Framing Plan NA Parking Plan x Building & Wall Sections NA Landscaping Plan X Elevations NIA Drainage/Erosion Control f{A Plumbing N]A Foundation Plan h.IA Mechanical X Floor Plan NREC Compliance: Electric_ Non- electric YES NO 1. ls the proper$ within 200 feet of a fresh or salt water shoreline?X 2. ls the property within the Port Townsend Historical District?X 3. ls the propefi located within or adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area?X 4. Will this proposal involve any sewer, water or other utility extensions that will or could serve vacant properties other than the project site? lf yes, please identify the utility extensions and sites (attach list). X 5. Have any special conditions been placed on this property, or has the proper$ been subject to apy conditions on any prior action of the City (lf yes, attach copies of appropriate documents):A I Aqpr-tvgc> r:>.r ]+\Rr. )Subdivision/Short PlaUBoundary Line Adjustment?A \/SEPA (environmental review)?A Variance?A Conditional Use Permit?X Street Vacation?X \\Citypdc\bcd\All Forms\Commercial building application.doc ) Planned Unit Development? Applicant Gertification The applicant hereby certifies to have knowledge of those sections of the Uniform Building Gode and the Port Townsend Municipal Code pertinent to the above project and that the applicant is responsible for constructing in conformance with these codes; the applicant understands that the permit, if issued, expires in six months unless work is started; that the permit, after construction has started, will expire after one year if an inspection is not made to show significant progress on the structure; the applicant agrees to abide by the ordinances, codes, regulations, restrictive covenants, deed or plat restrictions, and water and sewer plans attached hereto; the applicant certifies that all information given above and on accompanying plans is complete and accurate to the best of his/her knowledge; and the applicant understands that this information will be relied upon in granting permits and that if such information is later found to be inaccurate any permits may be withdrawn.' The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims, or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising from any non-compliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by parties other than the City of Port Townsend. Complete Application Port Townsend Municipal Code, Section 16.04.140, Vested Rights - Substantially Complete Building Permit Application: Application for all land use and development permits required under ordinances of the city shall be considered under the zoning and other land use control ordinances in effect on the date a fully complete building permit application, meeting the requirements identified in this section, is filed with the Building and Community Development Department. Until a complete building permit application is filed, all applications for land use and development permits shall be reviewed subject to any zoning or other land use control ordinances which become effective prior to the date of issuance of a final decision by the city on the application. An application for a building permit shall be considered complete when an application meeting all of the requirements of Section 106.3 of the Uniform Building Gode, 1997 Edition, is submitted which is consistent with all then applicable ordinances and laws. ln addition, to be considered complete, such an application must be accompanied by complete applications for any subsidiaryiand use or development permits needed, such as a complete shoreline management permit application and/or complete applications for other discretionary permits required under the ordinances of Port Townsend. An application for a partial permit under Section 106.4.1 of the Uniform Building Code, 1997 Edition, shall not be considered complete unless it meets all requirements stated above and contains plans for the complete structural frame of the building and the I plans for the structure. Representative n Restrictive Covenant? ^Easement?X 6. Are any properties within 800 feet of the site owned or controlled by the applicant, any relative or business associate, or any partnership, corporation, or other entity affiliated with the applicant? (lf yes, attach list) ( 7. Have any of the properties listed in item #6 been developed within the last two years? (if yes, attach list)X ' 5l$'q1,5fffhflr'#Peint i'with a City staff member? lf yes, who and when? 3-'\ l*Jr:: ""1 {'t;)'"x \\Citypdc\bcd\All Forms\Commercial building application.doc For Office Use Only Permit No.Building Official Approval Date lssued Plan Review Fee $Date Receipt No. Water/Sewer SDC $Date No. Balance Due $Date Receipt No. Owner/Representative Signature Date Received \\Citypdc\bcd\All Forms\Commercial building application.doc /) IAME. ,1 nozeNsrr lrn ARCHITECT t940 49TH PORT TOWNSEND WA. 98368 vorcE 360.379.5233 FAX 360.379.3262 3 APR 07 Mr. Leonard Yarberry Development Services Director City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Re: BLD 07 - O43. Mt. Baker Block, basement renovation Dear Mr. Yarberry: ^) \Z (f) Z s C CI I ii!, rriri\iilrlirir j APR - 5 20A7 0tl\ 0i P0lil it)i''iiSii,lrJ ir t' L' lhave added darification notes to the submitted documents addressing your @mments as follows; 1. I have labeled all of the office spaces and their associated use. 2. We currently have three other doors from the gubject space that exit directly to the exterior tenace at the west side of the building-. 3. I have added a proposed d.isabled ramp extending from the west terrace onto the city owned property to the west. This will be constructed when the other tenants have been identified and leases siqned. ln mv pre-application meetinq with Jan Hopfenbeck, she indicated that we would be ieiluirect lo indicate that - 207oot our @nstruction bUdgetwas allocated to making the facility more disabled acessible 4. ln that same pre-appllcation meeting we were informed that operable windows and doors would meet the State lndroor Air Quality Code and ine lUtC. 5. As we dlscussed, the building owner has constructed a new restroom on the floor above to serve the new tenants. That restroom is accessible via one of the stairs at the west end of the building. 6. lt is our understanding that sffucturalfailure of the sidewalk is a citv responsibilitv. lhavediscussed alternate methods of reinforcing the sidewalk, wiih oui struc*uAl engineer, to permit us to add glass block allowing daylight to infiltrate the space below. I have discussed these methods with David Peterson. He was optimistic that the sidewalk could be reinforced without total demolition and qlpseqgent replacemenJ. David is currently working on a grant to fund city sidewalk.repair and replacement. We willilrovide him wit-h budget numb-ers once we ha'ire consulted with our structuralenEineer. \ ,a I lf you have any furher questions or @mments, plea$e feel free to mntiact me. Sincerely, J Jackson t(at ' i. City of Port Townsend Development Services 250 Madison St. , Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)37e-3208 FAX (360) 344-46te March 22,2007 Mr. James Rozanski AIA 1940 49th St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 SUBJECT: Plan Review - Mt. Baker Block - BLD07-043 Dear Mr. Rozanski I have reviewed the plans submitted for the proposed tenant improvement work in the basement level of the Mt. Baker Block Building. I also took the opportunity to stop by and look over the site conditions to help understand how best to view the project and the code applications that would be pertinent. My review is based upon the presentation of the basement area consisting of 4 spaces of approximately 950 sq. ft.each. Two of these spaces are proposed for the current project. Please indicate if this is incorrect. There are some specific code items that will need to be addressed in order to complete the review of the project. 1. The space identified under this permit is shown as'offlce', however the type of office is not indicated nor are the rooms and uses clearly identified. Based upon the gross square footage of 1,900 the occupant load would be 19, however if there are more concentrated areas (such as waiting rooms) the number could increase. Based upon l9 only a single exit is required and this could be accommodated by the Taylor Street access. 2. Please note that if improvements to the other tenant space(s) are such that the occupant load of that space exceeds 50 then a second exit from that space would be required. For example a mercantile use of 1,900 sq. ft. yields an occupant load of 63. A secondary exit would need to access through the rear alley and such access may require additional improvements to that area including, but not limited to; stairs/ramps and fire protection of openings (refer to IBC sections 1022 and 1023). 3. As noted above the total basement area(4 spaces) is 3,800 sq. ft. and as such would be required to meet the accessibility showi in IBC chapter 11. A plan will need to be A NATIONAL MAIN STREET COMMUNITY WASHINGTON'S HISTORIC VICTORIAN SEAPORT ) 4. A mechanical equipment plan needs to be provided showing how the area will meet the ventilation requirements of section 304 of the State Indoor Air Quality Code and the IMC. 5. The submitted plan does not show any plumbing fixtures on the basement level. Facilities need to be provided in accordance with chapter 29 of the IBC as amended by the State. 6. As you indicated in our discussion the sidewalk would be reinforced as a part of the project. Please provide details on the improvement proposed for review. Please give me a call to discuss any of the above items in detail. Thanks. Leonard Y Development Services Director cc:John McDonagh Thomas L. Aumock Consulting Fire Code Official 2303 Hendricks Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)385-3938 Email:taumock@cablespeed.com Fax:(360) 643-0272 TO: DT: RE: CC: PLAN REVIEW MEMORANDUM Plans Examiner, City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 14 April2007 BLD07-043, "PT Market Place" 2ll Taylor Street, Remodel doorways. Mike Mingee, Fire Chief, East Jefferson Fire & Rescue I am in receipt of your office's request for review of the set of plans for the above-referenced proposal from your office. It is noted that this proposal is primarily for the creation of new egress doors, and is not an interior space change of use or new construction. Further, the subject spaces have at-grade egress to the rear fwest] of the spaces. The above-reference proposal was reviewed by this consulting fire code official, with the Intemational Fire Code [LF.C.], 2003 Edition and relevant Washington State Amendments by the Building Code Council, The following constitutes this plan examiner's findings and determinations based upon the plans of record submitted. Findings & Determinations: 1. The proposal was reviewed as a proposed Group B occupancy with a total of 3,812 square feet of spaces to receive a remodel of doorways, with a Type V-B construction classification, Included in this review is the potential for Group M use ofthe subject spaces, in anticipation ofan occupancy use change. 2, Addressing for the proposal shall be consistent with City of Port Townsend Municipal Code standard for size, and be in a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the access-way and the rear of the the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background [I.F.C, Section 505]. 3. Key box access to or within the subject structure for emergency services delivery exists for this building, and additional keys are to be installed to gain necessary access to the new locked-door provisions [I.F.C. 506]. 4, Road access is provided for this proposal exists via Taylor Street to the rear ofthe structure, and is found to be consistent with Section 503 and Appendix D fire apparatus access road design standards. 5. Access to building openings appears to be designed consistent with the I.F.C. Section 504 which requires an approved access walkway leading from fire apparatus access road(s) to exterior openings that are required by the Fire Code or Building Code, including the existing west fagade ground level egress doors. 6. An automatic fire suppression system (sprinklers) is not required for the proposed occupancy under LF.C. Section 903 for Group B occupancy, or, for a Group M occupancy as the sum of the occupancy fire area would be less than 12,000 square feet. C:\Documents and Settings\jzimrner\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLKF\BLDO7-043-- 211 Taylor St .doc 4lt6l07 7. An automatic fire detection alarm system is not required for a Group B occupancy under IFC Section 907.2.1 of said Code as the occupancy load code threshold is not exceeded. My records do not indicate that a fire alarm system is installed for the remainder of this building. 8. Portable fire extinguisher sizing and placement shall meet or exceed IFC Section 906 and NFPA Standard 10, which normally requires a 2-A:10-B:C minimum rated fire extinguisher at the exit(s) and at 30 foot intervals for interior spaces, based upon the proposed Group B occupancy as a "light" hazard, or any Group M occupancy, as an "ordinary" hazard classification from the IFC, 9. Fire flow and fire hydrant review for this proposal is derived from the requirements of the City of Port Townsend Engineering Design Standards, Section 903.2 and Appendix B and C of the L F. C,, and applying the maximum spacing rules for mixed use, multi-family, and commercial areas as defined by this project. The proposed remodel of doorways does not fall within the jurisdiction of fire flow, however, it is the administraitve determination that existing fire hydrants are sufficient for fire flow and meet the proximity requirements with the primary fire hydrant at Water & Taylor Streets, Secondary fire hydrant is located on Washington Street, as well. Tertiary fire hydrants are available along Water Street to serve the entire building. 10. During demolition and/or construction, the proposal is subject to general precautions against fire provisions of Chapter 14of the I.F.C. and related sections. Any other applicable or relevant sections of said Code not covered herein shall nonetheless apply to this proposal. 1.0 hours time was logged in the review and generation of this report for this proposal It is the recommendation of this consulting fire code official that the proposal be approved subject to the aforesaid requirements of the InternationalFire Code. C:\Documents and Settings\zimmer\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKF\BLD07-043-- 2l I Taylor St .doc 4^6/07 CERTIFICATE OF REVIEW and FINDINGS OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE Design Review Application HPC06-022. Mt. Baker Block/Jim Rozanski The Port Townsend Historic Preservation Committee has completed its design review of the: Creation of office and retail space in the basement of the Baker Buitding. Space is accessed via the pergola on Taylor Street. Renovation includes new storefront doors, windows, lighting and signage. Representative: James Rozanski for the site located at2ll Taylor Street The building classification: (highlight one): Pivotal Primary Secondary Altered Historic/Recent Compatible Intrusion Review of the project is: Mandatory Compliance with review is: Mandatory Voluntary The review was conducted pursuant to Chapter 17.30 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code, and was based on the app lication submitted on Nov. 28,2006 HPC Subcommittee: Richard Berg & Marsha Moratti Applicable Guidelines: Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines for Rehabilitation After review of relevant design guidelines, the Historic Preservation Committee finds that the proposed development: (circle one) CONTRIBUTES IS ACCEPTABLE, DOES NOT CONTzuBUTE to the Port Townsend Historic District AS PRESENTED, subject to the following conditions/limitations : l. Inspections be conducted on the ceiling panels for safety; 2) city staff to contact the building owner with regards to Special Valtration issues; and, 3) the applicant contact HPC member Michael Colbert about acquiring the HPC approved benches. r 'll1 Issued this(- day of A't-' Z^ffiG Chair, Historic Preservation Committee B cd_P ermits : Form Le tters 2 I - Revised 12/98 DSD Director 2003 NREC Non-Residential Compliance General Information The NREC requirements are divided into those applying to each of the three major building systems described below: r Building Envelope- the structural components of the building and their insulation levels, including glazing and doors. o Mechanical Systems- mechanical equipmenVsystem efficiency and controls, service water heating, and heated pools.. Lighting Systems- lighting system efficiency, including the lighting power allowance and types of lighting and controls, and motor efficiencies. Compliance is demonstrated separately for each of the three systems described above. One exception to this, the system analysis compliance approach, determines the energy efficiency of the building as a whole rather than for each system. Energy code compliance must be addressed at the time of building permit application. For each of the three building systems, compliance must be demonstrated in two general areas. . Compliance with a series of general requirements that apply, regardless of the compliance path chosen.. Compliance with the requirements of one of the optional compliance paths, in order to demonstrate overall energy efficiency of that system. Compliance Options For each of the three building systems, there are three optional NREC compliance paths. The availability of three options simplifies code compliance in many situations, yet offers design flexibility when needed. The three compliance options are illustrated in the figure below. Easy Comprehensive Sysfems Option Ease of --------, Compliance Desionv - Flexibility Responsibility for inform ation Although designated Department staff members will help you with general questions about completing this form, it is ultimately your responsibility to provide detailed information about heating systems, glazing, insulation and other requested building specifications. Since these forms will be evaluated for completeness and accuracy, you can avoid unnecessary permit delays by carefully providing all required information. Disregard items that don't address your particular building or equipment. Design Changes Be sure to get prior approval from the Department if you wish to make changes in your project during construction. Code Books For more detail, refer to the 2003 Washington State Energy Code, and the 2003 Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code. Both may be obtained, for free, from Washington State University's Energt Program website @gggtgyJryle.edD. The NREC compliance forms may be obtained from the Northwest Energy Efficienci Council (NEEC) www.neec.net, This website includes forms, useful links, and the Technical Reference Manual. I Least Effort @ Least Flexible More Calculations More Flexible re Most Calculations Most Flexible i,,'iil - B 2(,}07 I ) Envelo Summa Climate Zone 1 ENV.SUM NonresHedial En€rgy Code Cdnplianco Fonns Project Info Projec{Address Zll 7$ts{ tffi Da|" qry"Atuo(q*dl For Building Department Use AppricantAddress: lq&$ ffiqY\ qY AppricantPhone: >fi*ty 62,4"-V Project Description I New Building I ndoition I Afieraton F Change of Use Compliance Option ffiPresoiptive f]Gomponentperformancer13te Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications) D eruvsro z.t ! svstems (4.0 not acceptable) AnalYsis Space Heat Type O Electric resistance Q Atl other (see overfordefinitions) Glazing Area Calculation Note: Below grade walls may be included in the Gross Exterior WallArea if lhey are insulaled lo the level required for opaque walls- Total Glazing Area (rough opening) (vertical & overhd) Electronic version: these values are automatically taken from ENV-UA-1, Gross Exterior dMded by WallArea times 100 equals % Glazing X100= Con crete/lVlason ry Option O vut Ono Check here if using this option and if projec-t meets all requirements for the Concrete/Masonry Option. See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualmcations. Enter requirements for each qualifying assembly below. Envelope Requirements (enter values a9 applicable) Fully heated/cooled space Minimum I nsulation R-values Roofs Over Attic All Other Roofs Opaque Wallsl Below Grade Walls Floors Over Unconditioned Space Slabs-on-Grade Radiant Floors Maximum U-factors Opaque Doors Vertical Glazing Overhead Glazing Maximum SHGC (or SC) VerticaUOverhead Glazing Opaque Goncrete/Masonry Wall Requirements lnsulation on interior - maximum U-factor is 0.19 lnsulation on exterior or integral - maximum U-factor is 0.25 lf project qualifies for Concrete/Masonry Option, list walls with HC > 9.0 Btu/ft?.'F below (other walls must meet Opaque Watl requirements). Use descriptions and values from Table 20-5b in the Code. Wall Descrlption (including insulation R-value & position) U-factor Semi-heated space2 Minimum lnsulation R-values Roofs Over Semi-Heated Spaces2 must 2. Refer to Section 1 310 for gualifications and requirements Notes: Envelope Summa back Climate Zone 1 ENV.SUM 2003 Washinglon State NonresiJential Ensrgy Code Decision Flowchart for Prescrlptlve Optlon Use this flowcharl to determine if project qualifies for lhe optional Prescripti\re Option. lf not, either the Component Performance or Systems Analysis Options must be used. 1302 Space Heat Type: For ths purposs of det€rrtning building enwloPs raquiremnts, the following lwo €tsgories @mprise all spac6 hsating tyP6s: Other: All oths spa@ hsaling systsms including gas, solid tud, oil, and propane space heating sydems and those systsms list6d in tha ocoption to slectric resistan@. (continued at right) No Yes Yes Elec{rlc Reslltance3 Spacs hoafng systems whiat} use doc,tric rssislan€ el€mmls as lhs pdmary hsafrE systom includklg bas€board, radiant, and torcsd air mits whsre the tolal electic rssisiance heat €padty o(csds 1.0 Wff of the goss mndiuoned floor arBa. Ercepton: Hsat prmps and tominal elec'tric rosistan$ hsating ln \rariabls alr volume distribulion systems. No All lnsulating lnslalled? Metal Framed Wall Other Opague Wall Below Grd Wall (ext) Below Grd Wall (oth) Roof over Attic All olher Roof Raised Floor Slab-On-GBde Radiant Floot clazing Criteria Met? clazing Verl oH % UVal UVal SHGCo.4() 0.80 1.00 No u-0.062 R-19 R-10 R-19 R-38 R-30 R-30 R-10 R-10 START Electfic R6sislan@ Heat? (below) diteria diteria OK? (below) Allwalls R-i9 insulaiion? Allwalls R-11 insulation? < 400/" Glazing? < 2004 Glazing? < 20o/e Glaing? < 40e/" GlazingT All lnsulating lnstalled?All lnsulating lnstalled? opague Wall Below crd Wall (ext) Below Grd Wall {oth) Roof OverAttic All Other Roof Raised Floor Slab-orcEde Radiant Floor Opaque Door R-1't R-10 R-11 R-30 R-21 R-19 R-10 R-lo u 0.60 Glazing Criteria Met? Opague Wall Ma$nry Wall (inl) Masonry Wall(other) Below Grd Wall (ext) Below Grd Wall (oth) Rool Ove. Attic R-11 u-0.19 u-o.25 R-10 R-11 R-30 R-21 R-19 R-10 R-10 u-0.60 Raised Floor Slab-On-Grade Radiaht Floor olher Roof Door Glazino Criteria Met?Glazing Atee o/. G15P/6 1r20% 20-3006 30-40% Vert UVal 0.90 0.75 0.60 OH UVal SHGC1.45 1.00t-40 1.00 't -30 0.651.30 0.i15 Glazing Arca Vo o-10% 10-15% '15-2004 20-256/o Vert UVal o.90 0.75 0.65 0.60 OH UVal SHGC 1.45 1.001.40 1.001.30 0.801.30 0-,15 Prescriptive Path Allowed Component Performance Systems Analysis Required or Metal Framed Wall Other Opaque Wall Masohry Wall (int) Masonry Wall(other) Below crd Wail (en) Below Grd Wall (oth) Root Over Attic All other Roof Raised Floor Slab-On-Grade Radianl Floor opsque Door u{.062 R-19 u-o_19 u-0.25 Rlo R-19 R.3E R-30 R-30 R-'to R-10 u-o.60 Gluing Criteria Met? Vert OH UVal UVal sHGc 0.40 0.60 1.00 Glaing Atea "/r o-20% Concrete/lVlason ry Option *Wall Heat Capacity (HC) Assembly Description Assy.Tag HC**Area (sf)HC xArea lhe area heat capacity (HC) of total above grade wall is a inimum of 9.0, Concrete Option be used. famed assume HC=1.0 unless afe ; for all otherwalls, use Section 1009. Area weighted HC: divide total of (HC x area) by Total Area -) Envelope UA Calculations Climate Zonel ENV.UA 2003 Washington Stal6 Non€sidenlial Energy Code Cmpliane Fonns *For CMU walls, indicate core insulation material. For compriance' Totals Project Address Date Space Heat Type Q Electric resistance Q Ail other Area as %wall area Prop.Max.Target Con creteAVf ason ry Option Qves O no For Building Department Use Notes: lf glazing area exceeds maximum allowed in Table, then calculate adjusted areas on back (over). lf Concrete/Masonry Option is used, Target U-factors, SHGC and Glazing % will be different than shown below. Refer to Table 13-1 for correct values. Building Component List components bv assemblv lD & paqe #=UA(UxA) Proposed UA U-factor x Area {A)= UA (U xA)U-factor Target UA x Area (A) Glazing o/o Electric Resist. Other Heating o-15% O.4o 0.90 >15-20% 0.40 0.75 >20-30% see note above 0.60 >30-40% see note above 0.50 (see Table 1$1 for Conc/Masonry values) E9o-!ENbs>o !l= l-l= u= u= u= lf= u= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: o ,t) d) o ll= ll= u= u= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Glazing % Electic Resisl. Olher Heating c-15% 0.80 1.45 ?1*2!% o:80 . 1.4o >2&30% seenoteabove 1.30 >3040% see Rote above 'l,.25 (see Table 13-'l for CondMasonry val[es) E)c Ngo EGoE o o ootio u= u= !l= u= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Electric Resist, 0.60 9. H-F E5 ll= ll= u= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Eleclric Resist. Other Heating 0.031 0.036 OtA:oo rL.r< ft= R= R= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: 9E =oOE R= R= R= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Electric Resist. 0.o34 Olher Heating 0.050 Ordinary ** ** *ia 63 {)fgoao R= R= R= R= ft= R= ft= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: **Note: sum of Tamet Areas here should equal Target Opaque Wall Area (see back) 3oo Ess R= Plan lD: Ift= Plan lD: Ift= Plan lD: I Note: if insulated to levels reouired for ooaque walls. list above with opaque walls 0.062 0)) eoo L oa Ecoocf R= Q= Q= fl= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lD: Electric Resist 0.029 Other Heating 0.056 3:s t) (1)Es o) c .gE'G& ft= Q= R= Q= Plan lD: Plan lD: Plan lDi Plan lD: Eleclric Resist. Other Healing F=0.54 F=0.5,1 (see Table 1&1 for radiant f,oor values) 1) Proposed Total Area shall equal Ta UA shall Climate Zone 1 ENV-SHGC Glazing List components by assembly lD & page #= SHGC xA Proposed SHGG SHGC- xArea (A)SHGC Target SHGC xArea (A) = SHGC xA Orc N ago ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: 2003 *Note; Glazing Area Opaque Area Gross Exerior Wall Area Roofs over Attic Other R@fs Max Glazing Area (Table 13-1) X Target OG Area in Roofs over Attics 100 Max OG OG Area VG Area Maximum Target Glazing Area Target OG Area in Other Roofs $ lesser Forms may be uoed in lieu of SHGC. Totils For compliance: Proposed total SHGC x A shall not exceed Target total NOTE: Since 1997 SHGC compliance forvertical and overhead glazing is allowed to be calculated together. Proposed Areas: Numbered values are used in calculations below. Roofs over Atii* Other Roofs Walls xA Note: OG = overhead glazing VG = verti€l glazing For Target OG's, the lesser values are used both here and below- OG=VG= VG Area Area Area + + Area VG Area Area + Note:more than one type may distributed among them, lf the Target Areas for Opaque Walls listed on the fiont must equal lhe total calculated here- separate lf the total amount of glezing araa as a 70 of gross exteriorwall area (€ldlated on ENV-SUM1) exceeds the maimum allowed in Table 13-1, lhen lhis Glculation must be submitteC Use the resulting areas in thc Target UA and SHGC calculations aboue. Ta et Area Ad ustment Calculations $ lesser Walls Target values in shaded boxes are used in the appli€bl€ Target UA €lculations on the front. Target VG Area and Tol,al Target OG Area are also used in lhe applicable Target SHGC calculations above. ) I !I- rw3 wasnrngrcn slate Nonresnenttat Erergy cdg cornplane Fom ProjectAddress Zl I TiAlr,t-d?f<- #f DateP r\AAF,cf? The following information is necessary to check a building permit application for compliance with the building envelope requirements in the Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Applicability (yes, no, n.a.) Code Section Component lnformation Required on Plans Location Building Department Notes GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Sections 1301 -{314) '{*2 1302 Space heat type: $TW*M rf "olhei" ndicste on plans that eleclric resistance heat is not allowed *,* \l.a+131|f )SemFheated soaces iemi-heated sDaGs identified on Dlans if allowed 1311 lnsulation 131 1.1 lnsul, installation lndicate densilies and clearances /a4 Y#*1311.2 Roof /ceiling insul.lndicate R-value on roof seolions for attics and other roofs; lndicate clearances for attic insulalion; lndicate baflles if eave vents installed; lndimte face staDlino of faed batls A,* N,A'1311.3 Wallinsulation lndicate R-value on wall sections; lndicate face stapling of faced batts; lndicate above grade exterior insulation is protec{ed; lndicate loose-till core insulation for masonry walls as necess; lndicate heat capacity of masonry walls if masonrv oDtion is used or if credil taken in ENVSTD: lnl *Ar 1311.4 Floor insulation lndicate R-value on floor sec{ions; lndicate substantial contact with surface; lndicate supports not more lhan 24" o.c.; lndicate thal insulalion does not block airflow throuoh foundation vents wa,131 1.5 Slab-on-grade floor lndicate R-value on wall seciion or foundation detail; lndicate slab insulation extends down vertically 24" from top; lndimle above orade exlerior insrrlalion is broleeJe.l FJA 't311.6 Radiant floor ndicate R-value on wall sec{ion or foundation detail; lndicato slab insulalion enends down verlically 36" from lhe top; hdicate above grade exlerior insulalion is protecled; lndiele insulalion also rh.ier cnlirc slab whera rad'.| hv Offici2l '1312 Glazing and doors Provide calculation of glazing area (including bolh vertical vertical and overhead) as oercent of oross wall area 1312.1 U-factors Indicate glazing and door U-fac{ors on glazing and door schedule (provide area-weighled calculations as necessary); lndicate if values are NFRC or default, if values are default lhen speciry frame type, glazing layers, gapwidth, low-e malinos das fillinds N'A,1312.2 SHGC & SC lndicale glazing solar heat gain coefficient or shading coeflicient on glazing schedu16 (provide area-weighled elillalions as necesseru'l sl4l r 1 313 *1,4.1313.1 Vapor retarders lndicate vapor relarders on warm side f'"lrAr 1313.2 Roof/ceiling vap.ret.lndicate vapor retarder on roof seclion; lndicale vaD. retard- wilh sealed seams for non-mod slruc Nl,A 1313.3 Wall vapor retarder lndicate vapor retarder on wall seclion NuA,1313.4 Floor vapor retarder lndicate vapor retarder on floor seclion Dq,A.1313.5 Orawl space vap. ret.hdicate six mil black polyethylene overlapped 12" on ground 1314 1314.1 Bldg. envel. sealing lndicate seallng, caulking, gasketing, and weathersripping A4-\w" 1314.2 Glazing/door sealing lndicato woatherstripping /"t* 1314-3 Assemb. as ducts ndicale sealing, caulking and gasketing PRESCRIPTIVE/COMPONENT PERFORMANGE (Sections 1320-23 or 1330-34) Envelope Sum. Form gompleled and atached. Provide component performance worksheet if necessary Provide ENVSTD 2.1 screen 1 outoul if necessarv uilding Permit Plans Checklist NV.CHK lf "no" ls shown for any quesllon, provlde explanetlon: Buildin Permit Plans Checklist ENV.CHK u rements l3{l lnsulation I 3l l. I lnstallation Requirements: Al insulation materials shall be indalled according to the manufacturefs instructions to achieve proper densities, maintain clearances, and maintain uniform R-values. To the maximum extent possible, insulation shall e{end over the full component area to the intended R- value. l3ll.2 Roof/Ceiling lnsulation: Open-Hown or poured loose- fill insulation may be used in attic spaces where the slope d the ceiling is not more than 3/12 and there is at least thirty inches of clear distance from the top of the bottom chord ofthe truss or ceiling joist to the underside of the sheathing at the roof ridge. When eave vents are installed, baffling of the vent openings shatr be provided so as to deflect the incoming air above the surface of the insulation. Where lighting fixtures are recessed into a suspended or exposed grid ceiling, the roof/ceiling assembly shall be insulated in a location other than directly on the suspended ceiling. Exception: Type lC rated recessed lighting fiKures. Where installed in wood fiaming, faced batt insulation shall be face stafled. 131 L3 Wall I nsulation: Exterior wall cavities isolated during framing shall be fully insulated to the levels of the surrounding walls. When installed in rrvood framing, faced batt insulation shall be face stafled. Above grade e><terior insulation shall be protected. 1311.4 Floor lnsulation: Floor insulation shall be installed in a permanent manner in substantial contactwith the surface being insulated. lnsulation supports shall be installed so spacing is not more than twenty{our inches on center. lnstalled insulation shall not dock the airflow through foundation vents. t311.5 Slab-On-Grade Floor: Slab-on-gradeinsulation installed inside the foundation wall shall extend downward tom the top of the slab a minimum distance of twenty-four inches or to the top of the footing, whichever is less. lnsulation installed outside the foundation shall eXend downward a minimum of twenty-four inches or to the frostline, whichever is greater. Above grade insulation shall be protected. Exception: For monolithic slabs, the insulation shall extend downward from the top of the slab to the bottom ofthe footing. l3lt.6 Radiant Floorc (on or below grade): Slab-on{rade insulation shall extend downward from the top of the slab a minimum distance of thirty-six inches or downward to the top cf the footing and horizontal for an aggregate of not less than thirty-six inches. lf required by the building ofiicial where soil conditions warrant such insulation, the entire area of a radiant floor shall be thermally isolated from the soil. Where a soil gas control system is provided below the radiant floor, which results in increased convective flow below the radiant floor, the radiant floor shal be thermally isolated from the sub-floor gravd layer. 1312 Glazing and Doors 1312.1 Standard Procedure for Determination of Glazing and Door U-Factors: tl-fadors for glazing and doors shall be determined, certified and labeled in accordance with Standard RS-31 by a certified independent agency licensed by the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC). Compliance shall be based on the Residential or the Nonresidential Model Size. Produd samples used for U-factor determinations shall be produdion line units or representative d units as purchased by the consumer or contractor. Uriabbled glazing and doors shall be assigned the default U-factor in Section 2006 1312.2 Solar Heat @in Goeffcient and Shadlng Coefflclent: Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), shall be determined, certified and labeled in accordance with the National Fenestration Rating Gouncil (NFRC) $andard by a certified, independent agency, $censed by the NFRC. Exception: Shading coefficients (SC) shall be an acceptable altemate for compliance with solar hed gain coef{icient req uirements. 9t ad ing coefficients for glazing shall be taken from Chapter 27 of Standard R927 or from the manufadure/s test data. l3'l 3 Mo'lsture Control 1313.1 Vapor Relarders: Vapor retardeis shall be installed on the warm side (in winter) of insulation as required by this section. Exception: Vapor retarder installed with not more than 1/3 of the nominal R-value bdween it and the conditioned space. 1 313.2 Roof/Ceiling Assemblies: Roof/ceiling assemblies where the ventilation space above the insulatioti is less than an average of twelve inches shall be povided with a vapor retarder. Roof/ceiling assemblies without a vented airspace, where neither the roof deck nor the roof structure are made cf wood, shall provide a continuous vapo retarderwith taped seams. Exception: Vapor retarders need not be provided where all of the insulation is installed bdtiveen the roof membrane and the $ructural rocf deck 1313.3 Walls:Walls separating conditioned space fom unconditioned space shall be provided with a vapr retarder. 1313,4 Floors: Floors separating conditioned space from unconditioned space shall be provided with a vapor retarder. 1313.5 Grawl Spaces: A ground cover of six mil (0.006 inch thick) black polyethylene or approved equal shall be laid over the ground within crawl spaces. The ground cover shall be ovelapped twelve inches minimum atthejoirfis and shall extend to thefoundation wall. Exception: The ground cover may be omitted in crawl spaces ifthe crawl space has a concrete slab floor with a minimum thickness of three and one-half inches. 1314 Air Leakage 1314.1 Bullding Envelope: The requirements of this section shall apply to building elements separating conditioned from unconditioned spaces. Exterior joints around windows and door frames, openings between walls and foundation, between walls and roof and wall panels; openings at penetrations d utility services through walls, floors, and roofs; and all dher openings in the building envelope shall be sealed, caulked, gasketed, or weatherstripped to limit air leakage. 1314,2 Glazing and Doors: Doors and operable glazing separating conditioned from unconditioned space shall be weatherstripped. Fixed windows shall be tigltt fitting with glass retained by stops with sealant or caulkng all around. Exception: Openings that are required to be fire resistant. 1314.3 Building Assemblies Used as DucG or Plenums: Building assemHies used as ducts or plenums shall be sealed, caulked, and gasketed to limit ah leakage. Li htin Summa LTG-SUM Project Info ProjectAddr$s Zl\ fiAfffrrarL oate 3t+1 Ar.sIiA e9* For Building Department Use Appricant name: " lNfifitS!:-{f flA , R4ffiJhl"u{$ffi,t iBd'eF {r@Tra ryf Appticantpt'onq m t 6?-"f-r'*1 20G Washlnglcn FolG Project Description n New Buitding I Rooition p..ntteration $'.nt Inctuded Refer to WSEC Section 1513 for controls and commissioning requirements. Compliance Option Q Prescriptive O Lighting Power Allowance Q Systems Analysis (See Qualification Checklist (over). lndicate Prescriptive & LPA spaces clearly on plans.) (floor/room no.) Location Occupancy Description Watts per ft2 *Allowed Area in ftz Allowed x Area avFte*lrZ *tIti&I 4'?-*bxt ',t*P,L{ tl L 9&qA4Lt lrV 9l& ,2 W Alteration Exceptions (check appropriate box) I No changes are being made to the lighting [-l Less than 60% of the fixtures are new, bnd installed lighting wattage is not being increased Maximum Allowed Wa - document all exceptions on form LTG-LPA Total Allowed Watts Notes: 1. Use manufactureis listed maximum inputwattage. For hard-wired ballasts only, the default table in the NREC Technical Reference Manual may also be used 2. lnclude exit lights unless less than 5 watts per tixture. List all fi).tures. For exempt lighting, not exception and leave Watts/Fbdure blank. Total Proposed may not Maximum Allowed area or Use mfgr listed maximum input wattage. For fixtures with hard-wired ballasts only, the default table in the NREC Technical Reference Manual also be used Z* &4r-* *2 :7zA $ry Number of Fixtures Watts/ Fi).ture Watts Proposed(floor/room no.) Location Fixture Description fr*t* -Lne, t)lW6f I ll-J DtRg{f b:lzLltlP ffilf,&\f,44 Ye*{wbrtil v'lA4r/lA/N*1 ,2113,;r7','/b WF; (f,61 -1ffi x zp':#ffi I Location Description Allowed Watts per f or per lf Area in f (or lf for perimeter) Allowed Watts x ft2 (or x lf) Covered Parking (standard paint)o.zwtrf govered Parking (reflective paint)0.3wftz Open Parking o.zwtt( Outdoor Areas o.zwtft2 Bldg. (by facade)o.zs wltt' Bldg. (by perim)7.5W/tf Location Fixture Description Number of Fixtures Watts/ Fixture Watts Proposed w may Proposed Watts Li htin Summa bac LTG-SUM Prescriptive Spaces lo."rn.nw, QWarehouses, storage areas or aircrafl storage hangers OOtn"t ansurer is checked, lhe number of fixlures in the space is not limited by Code. Clearly indicatethese spaceson plans. lf not qualified, do LPA Calculalions. Checklist Fixtures:Check here if at least 95% of lixtures in the space meet all four driteria: lf oc@pancy type is "Other. and 1 . Fixtures are fluorescent, nonJensed, with only one or two lamps, and 2. Lamps are-f.1,T-2, T-4, T-5, T.6, T-83. Lamps are $50 Wbtts, and 4. Ballasts are elec{ronic ballasts 5. Exit lights < 5 watts/fixture 6. Screw-in compact fluorescent fxtures do not qualiry TABLE l5-1 Unit Power Allowance 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.5 1532 1.2 0.8 1) In cases in which a general use and a specific use are listed, the specific use shall apply. ln cases in which a use is not mentioned specifically, the Unit Power Allowance shall be determined by the building official. This determinalion shall be based upon the most comparable use specified in he table. See Section 1512 for exempt areas. 2', The wafts per square foot may be increased, by two percent per foot of ceiling height above twenty feet, unless specifically directed otherwise by subsequent footnotes. 3) Watts per square foot of room may be increased by two percent per foot of ceiling height above twelve feet. 4) For all other spaces, such as seating and common areas, use the Unit Light Power Allowance for assembly. 5) Watts per square foot of room may be increased by two percent per foot of ceiling height above nine feet. 6) lncludes pump area under canopy. 7') ln cases in which a lighting plan is submitted for only a portion of a floor, a Unit Lighting Power Allowance of 1.35 may be used for usable offce floor area and 0.80 watts per square foot shall be used for the common areas, which may include elevator space, lobby area and rest rooms, Common areas, as herein defined do not include mall concourses. 8) For th6 tire engine room, the Unit Lighting Power Allowance is 1.0 watts per square foot. 9) For indoor sport tournament courts with adjacent spectator seating, the Unit Lighting Power Allowance for the court area is 2.6 wafts per square foot. '10) Display window illumination installed within 2 feet of the window, lighting for fiee-standing display where the lighting moves with the display, and building showcase illumination where the lighting is enclosed within the showcase are exempt. An additional 1.5 w/ft2 of merchandise display luminaires are exempt provided that they comply with all three of the following: a) located on ceiling-mounted track or directly on or recessed into the ceiling itself (not on the wall). b) adjustable in both the horizontal and vertical axes (vertical axis only is acceptable for fluorescent and other fixtures with two points of track attachment), c) titted with tungsten halogen, fluorescent, or high inlensity discharge lamps. This additional lighting power is allowed only if th6 lighting is actually installed. 11) Provided that a floor plan, indicating rack locaiion and height, is submitted, the square footage for a warehouse may be defined, for computing the interior Unit Lighting Power Allowance, as the floor area not covered by racks plus the vertical face area (access side only) of the racks. The height allowance defined in footnote 2 applies only to the floor area not covered by racks. LT'A Use'LPAJ (Wsfl Paintino. weldino, camentrv- machine shoos 2.3 Police and fre slations"I 1. Barber shops, beauty shops Hotel hall"'' 2.O 2.O Laboralories 20 Group R-1 common areas Aircraft reDair hanqars '1.5 Process Dlants Cafeterias. fast food establishments"1.5 Restaurants/bars" Factories. workshoos. handlino areas 1.5 Locker and/or shower facilities Gas stations. auto reoair shoos''1.5 Warehouses", storage areas lnstitutions 1.5 Aircraft storaoe hanoars lrlr. Libraries"1.5 V1.5 -Retail'", retail banking Nursing homes and hotel/motel guest rooms 1.5 Parking garages \A/holesale stores (Dallet rack shelvino)1.5 Mall concourses 1.4 Plans Submitted for Gommon Areas Onfu' Schools buildings (Group E occupancy only) sch66l classrooms rlev mre cenlers 1.35 Main floor building lobbies" (except mall mncortrses) Laundries 1.3 Common areas, conidors, toilet facilities and washrooms- elevalor lobbies Ofiice buildings, offi celadministrative areas in facilities.of other use lypes (including but not limited to schools, hespitals, institutions, museums, banks, churches)5'7'l 1 ' Li htin Power Allowance A ustments LTG.LPA Projecl Address Date Use this form if you are claiming any ceiling height adjustments for your Lighting Power Allowances for interior lighting. The Occupancy Description should agree with the "Use" listed on Code Table 15-1 . ldentiff the appropriate Ceiling Height Limit (9 feet, 12 feet or 20 feet) on which the adjustment is based. The Adjusted LPA is calculated from this number and from the Allowed Wafts per fP. Carry the Adjusted LPA to the conesponding 'Allowed Watts per f" location on LTG-SUM. Power Allowances (floor/room no.) Location Occupancy Description Watts perf *Allowed Ceiling Height for this room Ceiling Height limit for this exception* Adjusted LPA Watts per ft2 ** From Table 15-1 based on exceptions I 2003 Washlngton State Nonresdential En€rgy Cods Cqnplianca Forms DateProjeci Address The following information is necessary to check a lighting permit application for compliance with the lighting reguirements in the 1994 Washington Stale Nonresidential Energy Code. lnformalion Required Location on Plans Building Department Notes Applicability (yes, no, n.a.) Code Section Component LIGHTING CONTROLS (Section 15{3) Schedule with type, indicate locations1513.1 Local control/access 1513.?A16a controls Maximum limit per switch 1513.3 Daylight zone control Schedule with type and features, indicate locations vertical glazing lndicate vertical glazing on plans lndicate overhead glazing on plansoverhead glazing 't513.4 Display/erhib/special lndicate separate controls 't 513.5 Exterior shut-off Schedule with type and features, indicate location (a) timer Wbackup lndicate location (b) photocell.lndicate location 1513.6 lnter. auto shut-off lndicate location (a) occup. iensors Schedule with type and locations1513.6.1 1513.6.2 (b) auto. switches Schedule with type and features (back-up, override capability) Indicate size of zone on plans Commissioning lndicate requirements for lighting controls commissioning4 1513.7 Completed and attached. Schedule with fixture types, lamps, ballasts, watts per fixture n.a Lighting Sum. Form MECH-MOT or Equipment Schedule with hp, rpm, efficiencyElec motor efficiency Li htin Permit Plans Checklist TG.CHK lf "no" is circled for any question, provide explanation: Li htin Permit Plans Checklist LTG.CHK Lighting - General Requirements 15'13 Llghting Controls. Lighting, including exempt lighting in Section 1 512, shall comply with this section. Where occupancy sensors are cited, they shall have the features listed in Section 1 5't 3.6.1 . Where automatic time switches are cited, they shall have the features listed in Section 1513.6.2. 1513.1 Local Gontrol and Accessibility: Each space, enclosed by walls or ceiling-height partitions, shall be provided with lighting controls located within that space. The lighting controls, whether one or more, shall be capable of turning off all lights within the space. The controls shall be readily accessible, atthe point ofentry/exit, to personnel occupying or using the space. EXGEPTIONS: The following lighting controls may be centralized in remote locations: 1. Lighting controls for spaces which must be used as a whole. 2. Automatic controls.3. Controls requiring trained operators.4. Controls for safety hazards and security. 1513,2 Area Controls: The maximum lighting power that may be controlled from a single switch or automatic control shall not exceed that which is provided by a twenty ampere circuit loaded to not more than eighty percent. A master control may be installed provided the individual switches retain their capability to function independently. Circuit.breakers may not be used as the sole means of switching, EXCEPT]ONS: '| . lndustrial or manufacturing process areas, as may be required for production. 2. Areas less than five percent of footprint for footprints over 100,000 square feet. 1513.3 Daylight Zone Control: All daylighted zones, as defined in Chapter 2, both under overhead glazing and adjacent to vertical glazing, shall be provided with individual controls, or daylight-or occupant-sensing automatic controls, which control the lights independent of general area lighting. Contiguous daylight zones adjacent to vertical glazing are allowed to be controlled by a single controlling device provided that they do not include zones facing more than two adjacent cardinal orientations (i.e. north, east, south, west). Daylight zones under overhead glazing more than 15 feet from the perimeter shall be controlled separately from daylight zones adjacent to vertical glazing. EXCEPTION: Daylight spaces enclosed by walls or ceiling height partitions and containing 2 or fewer light lixtures are not required to have a separate switch for general area lighting. 1513.4 Display, Exhibition, and Specialty Lighting Gontrols: All display, exhibition, or specialty lighting shall be controlled independently of general area lighting. 1513.5 Automatic Shut-Off Controls, Exterior: Exterior lighting not intended for 24-hour continuous use shall be automatically switched by timer, photocell, or a combinalion of timer and photocell. Automatic time switches must also have program back-up capabilities, which prevent the loss of program and time settings for at least 10 hours, if power is interrupted. t513.6 Automatic Shut-Off Controls, lnterior: ffice buildings greater than 5,000 sq. ft. and all school classrooms shall be equipped with separate automatic controls to shut off the lighting during unoccupied hours. Automatic controls may be an occupancy sensorr time switch, or other device capable of automatically shufting off lighting. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Areas that must be continuously illuminated, or illuminated in a manner requiring manual operation of the lighting. 2. Emergency lighting systems. 3. Switching for industrial or manufacturing process facilities as may be required for production. 15'13,6,t Occupancy Sensors: Occupancy sensors shall be capable of automatically turning off all the lights in an area, no more than 30 minutes afterthe area has been vacated. 1513,6,2 Automatic Time Switches: Automatic time switches shall have a minimum 7 day clock and be capable of being set for 7 different day types per week and incorporate an automatic holiday "shut-off'feature, which turns off all loads for at least 24 hours and then resumes normally scheduled operations. Automatic time switches shall also have program back-up capabilities, which prevent the loss of program and time settings for at least 10 hours, if power is intenupted. Automatic time switches shall incorporate an over-ride switching device which: a) is readily accessible;b) is located so that a person using the device can see the lights or the areas controlled by the switch, or so that the area being illuminated is annunciated; andc) is manually operated; d) allows the lighting to remain on for no more than two hours when an over-ride is initiated; ande) controls an area not exceeding 5,000 square feet or 5 percent of footprint for footprints over 1 00,000 square feet, whichever is greater. 1513.7 Commissioning Requirements: For lighting controls which include daylight or occupant sensing automatic controls, automatic shut-off controls, occupancy sensors, or automatic time switches, the lighting controls shall be tested to ensure that control devices, components, equipment and systems are calibrated, adjusted and operate in accordance with approved plans and specifications. Sequences of operation shall be functionally tested to ensure they operate in accordance with approved plans and specifications. A complete report of test procedures and results shall be prepared and filed with the owner, Drawing notes shall require commissioning in accordance with this paragraph. Mechanical Summa MECH-SUM Foms Project Info Project Address Date For Building Dept. Use Applicant Name: Applicant Address: Applicanl Phone: ect Description describe mechanical type and features n Includes Plans lnclude documentation requiring compliance with commissioning requirements, Seclion 1416 Compliance Option Q Simpte System Q Complex System Q Systems Analysis (See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications. Use separate MECH-SUM for simple & complex systems.) Equipment Schedules The following information is required to be incorporated with the mechanical equipment schedules on the plans. For projects without plans, fill in the required information below. Cooling Equipment Schedule Equip. ID Brand Namel Model No.1 Capacitt' Btu/h Total CFM OSA CFM or Econo? SEER or EER IPLV3 Location Heatins Equipment Schedule Equip. ID Brand Namel Model No.1 Capacitt' Btu/h Total CFM OSA cfm or Econo?lnput Btuh Output Btuh Efficiencva Fan Equipment Schedule Equip. ID Brand Namel Model No.r CFM SPT HP/BHP Flow Controls Localion of Service 1lf available. 2 As tested according to Table 14-1A through 14-1G. 3 lf required. o COp, HSPf, Combustion Efficiency, or AFUE, as applicable. s Flow control types: variable air volume(VAv), constant volume (CV), or variable speed (VS). -l ,-) Mechanical Summary (back)MECH-SUM System Description See Sedion 1421 tot full description of Simple System qualifications. lf Heating/Cooling or Cooling Only: fl Constant vol? I Split system? IAircooled? f] Packaged sys? [ <54,000 Btuh I Economizer included? or 19oo cfrn? lf Heating Only: n .SOOO cnnZ J.71o/o outside air? <7Oo/o Econo lncluded? Simple System Allowed Reference Secilon 1420 Package 1900 c{m? Reference Section 1423 >84,0O0 Btuh Use Complex Systems Reference Section l42l START <7OV"System Type <5000 cfm? Decision Flowchart Use this flowchart to determine if project qualifies for Simple System Option. lf not, either the Complex System or Systems Analysis Options must be used. or Cooling Only No Only Yes No Yes No Yes No No No Reference Section 143o Complex Systems Refer to MECH-COMP Mechanical Complex Systems for assistance in determining which Complex Systems reguirements are applicable to this project. zffXi Washhgton state Nonr€sdsntial Emlgy cde compliance Fonns Project Address Date The following additional information is necessary to check a mechanical permit application for a complex mechanical system for compliance with the mechanical reguirements in the Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Use the checklist as a reference for notes added to the mechanical drawings (see the MECH- CHK checklist for additional system requirements). This information must be on the plans since this is the official record of the permit. Having this information in separate specifications alone is NOT an acceptable altemative. For Building Department Use Applicability (yes. no. n.a.) Gode Section Component lnformation Required Location on Plans Building Department Notes ADDITIONAL CHECKLIST ITEMS FOR COMPLEX SYSTEMS ONLY 1431.1 Field assem. sys.Provide calculations lndicate separate systems or show isolation devices on plans1432.1 Setback & shut-off 1432.2.1 Air system reset lndicate automatic reset 1432.2.2 Hydr. system reset lndicate automatic reset 1433 Air Economizer lndicate economizer on equipment schedule or provide calculations to justify exemption lndicate water economizer and provide calculations if 1433 Exc€ption 2 is utilized1433Water Economizer 1434 Soparato oir oye.lndicato eoparato Eyotoms on plano 1435 Simul. htg. & clg lndicate that simultaneous heating and cooling is prohibited, unless use of exception is justified 1436 Heat recovery lndicate heat recovery on plans; complete and attach heat recovery calculations 1437 Elec. motor effic.MECH-MOT or Equip. Schedule with hp, rpm. efficiency lndicate variable flow on fan and pump schedules1438Variable flow sys. 1439.1 Kitchen Hoods lndicate uncooled and unheated make-up air 1439.2 Fume Hoods lndicate VAV, unheaied/uncooled or heat rec. makeup Mechanical - Complex Systems Checklist MECH.COMP any Decision Flowchart Use this flowchart to determine how the requirements of the Complex Systems Option apply to the project. Refer to the indicated Code sections for more complete information on the requirements. Yes Yes Yes Yes No (continued on back) Start Here Section l4lt.l Equipmsnt Efficiency Shall Meet Tables 1+lAthmugh 14-1G 225,000 Btuh? Ar System Seruing Multipla Zones? of Heating Equipment? Section 1431.1 Calfllations of Total OftSite Energy lnput & Ouput Requhed Section 1432.2 Supply Air Resel Controls Required lgnfion Dovice & Power Venting or Damper, o.75% Maximum Jacket Lo$ 1412.6 Modulaling or Slaged Combuslion Controls Seclion 1432.2 Hot Water Supply TempeBture Reset Required Mechanical - Complex tems back MECH.COMP 2003 Washingitm Strate NonresiJontal En€rgy Yes No No No Yes Yes No Sadion 1439.2 One Required: a. 50oA VAV E*laust & Make{p b. 75% Direct Makeup wl Tempedng Onlyc Heat Remvery per 1436 d. ConstantVolumewl < SoFm Fae Velocity Hood > 5,000 cfin?for at Least Make-up Air Coollng 500/6 of Section'1439.1 No Healing or DONE Sedion 1437 Motors Must Me6t Eficiencies in Tabls 14{ Eqpmt Covfd by lnd. in Multi-speed syslem? Air c.fm & OSA > 700/. Sedion 1436 50% Effec{ive Heat Re@very Required Package Unit <54,000 Btuh? WaterCooted Capacity W Wattr Emno Section 1433 Air€ide Emnomizer Required Capacity Btuh Seclion 1435 Zone Conlrols Must Reduc Supply Air Quanuty Before Reheating/Recsling Htg. & Clg.2 W Simultaneous or Sedion 1438 Vaiable Flow Devies Required Applietjon lnvolves Variable Flow? or Pumps 10 HP? c'm? Exhaust > 15,000 Bldg. No I I IV/ 2000 Washhglon Strats Nonresil€ntial En€rgy Code Cmpliancs Forms Project Address Date Complete the following for all design A & B squinel-cage, T-fiame induction permanently wired polyphase motors fiom t hp to 200 hp having synchronous speeds of 3600, 1800 or 1200 rpm (unless one of the exceptions below applies). For Building Department Use Motor No. or Location HP TyPe (open/closed)Description of Application or Use Synch. Speed Min.Nom. Full load Efficiency Exceptions:'1. Motors in systems designed to use more than one speed of a multi-speed motor. 2. Motors already included in the efficiency requirements for HVAC equipment (Tables 14-1 or 't4-2\ . 3. Motors that are an integral part (i.e. not easily removed and replaced of specialized process equipment (i.e. equipment which requires a special motor, such as an explosion- proof motor). 4. Motors integral to a listed piece of equipment for which no qualifiing motor has been approved (i.e. if the only U.L. listing for the equipment is with a less-efficient motor and there is no energy-efficient motor option). 1,200 1,800 ,|3,600 .5 200 94.5 95.0 94.5 95.0 95.0 25 30 40 93.0 92.4 Minimum Nominal Full-Load 3.0 7.5 5.0 84.0 87.5 86.5 88.5 87-5 87.5 88.5 87.5 88.5 87.5 89-5 89.5 89.5 91.7 91.0 .0 91.7 93.0 92.4 91.0 g',t.7 92.4 93.0 91.7 93,0 Motors Synchronous 1,8003,600RP For motors claiming an exception, list motor and note which exception applies. lectric Motors ECH.MOT 2003 Wshh0ton St.te NonEHonual En€rgy Code Complian@ Fom Project Address The following information is necessary to check a mechanical permit application for compliance with the mechanical requirements in tho Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Applicabilrry (yes, no, n.a.) code Section Component lnformation Required Locafon on Plans Bullding Department Notes HVAC REQUIREMENTS (Sections 1 401 -14241 't411 Equipment performance 1411.4 Pkg. elec. htg.& clg-List heat pumps on schedule 1411.1 l\,linimum efficiency Eguipment schedule with type, capacity, emciency 141'1.1 Combustion htg,Indicate intermittent ignition, flue/draft damper & jacket loss 1412 HVAC controlg 1412.1 Temperature zones lndicate locations on plans 14't2.2 Deadband control lndicate 5 degree deadband minimum 1412.3 Humidity control lndicate humidistat 1412.4 Automatic setback lndicale thermostal with night setback and 7 diff. day types 14't2.4.1 Damperg lndlcate damper location and auto. controls & max. leakage 1412.4.2 Optimum Start lndicate optimum start controls 1412.5 Heat pump control Indicate microprocessor on lhermostat schedule '1412.6 Combustion htg.lndicate modulating or staged control 1412.7 Balancing lndacate balancrng features on plans 1422 Thermostat interlock lndicate thermostat interlock on plans 1423 Economizers Equipment schedule 1413 Air economizers 1413.1 Air Econo Operation lndicate 100% capability on schedule 1413.1 Wtr Econo Operation lndicate 1 00o/o capacity at 45 degF db & 40 deg F wb 1413.2 Water Econo Doc lndicate clg load & water econoe & clg tower performance 1413.3 lntegrated operation lndicate capability for partial cooling 1413.4 lndicate direct evap or fog atomization W air economizerHumidificaton 1414 1414.1 Duct sealing Indicate sealing necessary 1414.2 Ducl insulation lndicate R-value of insulation on duct 1415.1 Piping insulation lndicate R-value of insulation on piping 1416 Completion Requirementa 1416-1&2 Drawings & Manuals lndicate requirement for recorcl drawings and operation docs. 1416.3.2 Air Balancing lndicate air system balance requirements 1416.3.3 Hydronic Balancing lndicate hydronic system balance requirements 1416.4 Commissioning lndicate requirements for commissioning and prelim. Report 1424 Separate air sys.lndicate separate systems on plans Mecnanrcal Summary FoJm uomprereo ano aflacneo. Equrpmenr scneoure wnn rypes, inpuvoutput, efticiency, c,frn, hp, economizer 1440 Service water htg. 1441 Elec. water heater lndicate R-10 insulation under tank 1442 Shut-off controls lndicate automatic shut-off 4 1443 Pipe lnsulation lndicate R-valu6 of insulation on piping 4 1452 Heat Pump COP lndicate minimum COP of 4.O 4 1452 Heater Efficiency lndicate pool heater efficiency 1453 Pool heater controls lndicate switch and 65 degree control 1454 Pool covers lndicate vapor retardant cover 't454 Pools 90+ degrees Indicate R-12 pool cover Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH-CHK any 1003 Wshlnglon Stste NonEsldontlal En6Ey CodB Compllan€ Fom Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH-CHK ec ea l4ll.l Goncr.l: Equipment shall havB a minimum perfomancB at tha specified rating conditions not lesg than lhe values shom tn Table 14-14 through 14-1 G. lf a nationally recognizsd cenmcation progtam exists for a product covered in Tables 14-tAlhrough 14-1G, snd it includes provisions for verification and challenge of equipment efficiency ratings, then the product shall be listed in the certitication program. Gas-fired and oil-fired forced alr turnaces with input ratings 2 225,000 Btu/h (65 kW) shall also havo an intermiitent ignition or interruPled device (llD), and have either mechanical dreft (including power venting) or a flue damper A vent damper is an acceptable altemativs to a tlua damper for furnaces where combustion air is drawn from the conditioned space. All furnaces with input ratings:225,000 Btu/h (65 kW), including electric furnaces, lhat are not located within the conditioned space shall have iacket losr3s not excaeding 0.75% of th. input mting. 1,lll,2 Rating Conditions: Cooling equipment shall be rated at ARI test conditions and procedures when available. Where no applicable procedures exist, data shall be furnished by the equipmenl manufaclurel. either an or a CAE of not less than the tollowing: 1411.4 Packaged electric equipment providing both heating and cooling with a total cooling capacity greater than 20,OOO Btu,/h shall be a heat pump. Ersoptlotr: Urstaffetl cquipnrclrt shaellcrs or cabincls uscd .solely for personal wireless seruice facilities, 141 2 Controls 1412.1 Tcmperaturo Controls: Each system shall be provided wilh at least one temperature control device. Each zone shall be controlled by individual thermostatic conlrols responding to temperature within the zone. Ai a minimum, each tloor of a building shall be considered as s separate zone. 1412.2 Doadbrnd Controls: When used to control both comtort heating and cooling, zone thermostatic conlrols shall be capable of a deadband of at least 5 degrees F within which the supply of heating and cooling energy to the zone is shut off or reduced lo a minimum. Excoptions: '1. Special occupancy, special usage, or code reguirements where deadband controls are not appropriate. 2. Buildings complying with Section 1141.4, it in the proposed building energy analysis, heating and cooling lhermostat setpoints are set to lhe same temperalure between 70 degrees F and 75 degrees F inclusive, and assumed to be constant lhroughout the year, 3. Themostats that require manual changeover belween heating and cooling modes. l,ll2.3 Humldity Controls: lf a system is equipped with a means for adding moisture, a humidistat shall be provided. l/t'l 2.4 Sotback and Shut-Otrr HVAC systems shall be equipped with automatic controls capable of accomplishing a reduction of energy use through conlrol setback or equipment shutdown during pBriods ot non-use or allernate use of the spaces serued by the system. The automatic controls shall hava a minimum seven-day clock and be capable of being set for seven different day types per week. Excaptlonsl '1. Systems seruing areaswhich require continuous operation at the same temperature setpoint. 2. Equipmenl with tull load demands of 2 kW (6,826 Btu/h) or less may be controlled by readily accessible manual off-hour controls. l4l2,4rl Dampcrs: Outside air intakes, exhaust outlets and relief outlets serving conditioned spaces shall bB equipped with dampers which close automatically when the system is off or upon power failure. Exc.ptlons: l. Systems seruing areas which require continuous operation. 2- Combustion air inlakes. 3. Gravity (nonmotorized) dampers are acceptable in buildings less than 3 stories in height. 4. Graviiy (nonmotorized) dampers are acceptable in exhaust and relief outlets in the tirst story and levels below ths tirst story of buildings three or more stories in height. 1412.4,2 Optlmum Start Controls: Heating and cooling systems wilh design supply air capacities exceeding 1o,o0o cfm shall have oplimum start conlrols. Optimum start controls shall be dssignad to automatically adjust the start time of an HVAC system each day to bring the space lo deslred occupied temperature levels immediately betore scheduled occupancy. The control algorilhm shall, as a minimum, be a fuhciion of the difference between space temperature and occupied setpoint and the amount of lime prior to scheduled occupancy. microprocessor controls that minimize supplemental heat usage during starl-up, sel-up, and defrost conditions. These controls shall anticipale need for heat and use compression heating as the first stage of heat. Controls shall indicata when supplemental heating is being used through visual means (e.9., LED indicators). 1412.6 Combustlon Hrailng Equlpm.nt Controlsr Combustion heating equipmenl with a capacity over 225,O00 Btu/h shall have modulating or staged combustion control. Exslptlon!: L Boilers. 2. Radiant Heaters. t412.7 Balrnclng! Each alr supply outlet or air orwater terminal device shall have a means tor balancing, including but not limited to, dampers, tFmnFrairrF and prRssrrra last eonnRclinns and halancin0 valvcs l413 Air Eaonomlzcrs l,fl3,l Opor.tlon: Air economizers shall be of automatically modulating outside and return air dampers to provide 1 o0 percent of the design supply 6ir as outside air to reduce or eliminate the need for mechaniml cooling. Water emnomizers shall be capable of providing the tolal concutrent cooling load served by the conneled terminal equipment lacking airside economizer, at oulside air temperatures of 45"F dry-bulb/4o"F wet-bulb and below. For this calculation, all tactors including solar snd internal load shall be the same as those used for peak load calculations, except for the outside temperatures. Exooptlon: Water econolnizers using air-cooled heat rejection equipment may use a 35uF dry-bulb outside air temperature tor lhis calculation. This exception is limited to a maximum of 20 tons per building. l4'13.2 Documentatlon: Wats economizer plans submitted tor approval shall include the following information: 1. Maximum outside air conditions for which economizer is sized to provlde tull coolhg. 2. Design cooling load to be provided by economizer at this outside air condition. 3. Heat rejection and terminal equipment performance data including model number, flow rate, capacity, entering and leaving temperature in full economizer cooling mode. t4l3.3 lntcgratsd Oporatton: Air economizers shall be capable of providing partial cooling even when additional mechanical cooling is required to meei the remainder of the cooling load. Exaoptions: 1. lndlvidual, direcl expansion unils that have a rated capacity less than 65,0O0 Btu/h and use nonintegrated economizer controls that pracluds simultaneous operation of the economizer and mec.llanical cooling. 2. Water-cooled water chillers- 1.114 Duatlng Syst.ms 1414,1 Scallng: Duct work which is designed io operaie at pressures above 1/2 inch water column stalic pressure shall be sealed in accordance with Standard RS-18. Extent of sealing r€quired is as follows: '1. Static pressure: 1/2 inch to 2 inches; seal transversejoinls. 2. Stalic pressure: 2 inches to 3 inches; seal all transverse ioints and longiiudinal seams. 3. Static pressure: above 3 inches: seal all transverse jolnls, longitudinal seams and duct wall peneirations. Duct tape and other prossure sensitive tape shall not be used as the primary sealant where ducts are designed to operate at slatic pressures of I inch W.C. or greater. 1414,2 lnsulrtlon: Ducts and plenums that are constructed and function as part ot the building envelope, by separating interior space from e)derior space, shall meBt all applicable requirements of ChapteilI 3. These requiremants include insulalion installation, moisture control, air leakage, End building envelop6 insulation lovBls. Unheat6d equipment rooms with combustion air louvers must be isolated from lhe conditioned space by insulating interior surfaces to a minimum of R-l l and any exterior envelope surfaces per Chapterl3. Outside air ducts seruing individual supply air units with less ihan 2,8O0 cfm of total supply air capacity shall be insulated to a minimum of R-7 and are not eonsidered building envelope. Other outside air duct runs are considered building envelope until they, 1. connoct to ths heating or cooling equipment, or 2. are isolated trom the ext€riorwith an automatic shul-oft damper complying with Section 1412.4.1. Once outside air ducls meet th6 sbove listed requirements, any runs within conditioned space shall comply with Table 14-5 requiremsnts. Other ducts and plenums shell be lhermally insulated per TablB 14-5. Exocptlons: '1. Within the HVAC equipment. 2. Exhaust air ducts not subject to @ndensation. 3. Exposed ductwork within a zone that serues lhat zone. t415 Plplng Systoms l4t6,l lnsulitlon: Piping shall be lhermally insulated in accordance with Table 146. Exacptlon: Piping installed within unilary HVAC equipment. Water pipes oulside the conditioned space shall be insulated in accordance with Washington State Plumbing Code (WAC 51-26) l4l6 Complrtlon Rcgulr.m.nts (Referto NREC Seclion 1416 and the Buildlng Commissioning Guidelines, published by the Building Commissionmg Association, tor eomplete text and guidelines for building completion and commissioning requiremenls.) EF CAE o5a o.71< 50 qal storaqe 50 to 70 oal storaoe o.57 o.71 o55 o70> 70 qal sloraqe