HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-004 (Complete)( 1L Ll b} CT T Y OF FO R T TO W N S E N D DE V E L O P M E N T SE R V I C E S DE P A R T M E N T l8 l Qu i n c y St r e e t , Su i t e 30 1 4 , Po r t To w n s e n d WA 98 3 6 8 PL U M B I N G CE R T I F I C A T I O N PR E S S U R E TE S T BU I L D I N G O PE R M I T # Ai a en - oa * AD D R E S S DA T E OF TE S T tl ^ zq -o ? PL U M B I N G # Ax U F g ; s P G - t n z r t T .i c R o u g n wo R K l& o u c s - IN PL U M S I N G "i pr N n l DW V PSI Wa t e r w orking Prssure Ti m e i2 D Minutes N0 T E : TE $ T I N G RE Q U I R E M E N T S {S E C T I O N 31 8 UN I F O R M P L U M B I N G CO D E ) MI M M U M $ : Wa t e r Te s t - l0 ' He a d * 15 Mi n u t e s Te s t at Wo r k i n g Pr e s r u e 50 # PS I - l5 Mi n u t a s Ai r Te s t * 5# PS I - 15 Mi n u t e s I he r e b y ce r t i f f th e in f o r m a t i o n pr o v i d e d ab o v e is th e re s u h of th e Pt u m b i n g Sy s t e u r pr e s s u r c te s t conducted by the un d e r s i g n e d aL th e in d i c a t e d ad & E s s an d da t e . Mi s r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of th i s ce r t i f i c a t i o n is a gr o s s misdemeanor under RC W . 9 4 . 7 2 . 0 4 0 su b j e c t to a tw o - y e a r st n t u t e of li m i b t i o n . VI S U A L SY S T E M IN S P E C T I O N IS RE Q U I R E D BEFOREIl CO \ T E R . Da t e /' s A 'o Q :)) Jefferson County DCD Building Division Correction Notice7-4PERMIT NUMBER OWNER Noue rq JOB LOCATION 211 36L Inspection of this structure has found the following violations: You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done upon these premises until the above violations are corrected, unless noted otherwise. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date fizZ"o€lnspector THIS NOTICE MUST BE KEPT WITH APPROVED PLANS ON SITE BUTLDTNG DIVTSTON (360) 379-4450 TNSPECTTON HOTLTNE (360) 379-4455 Inspection Report Project Permit #7- Date Inspector Inspection & Notes \4*L.\\) -t/\s G.+S -l- 4-v\)J\{ 5 -za"bg \^,t (-_\ f-t lJ,l'G, 2 'l €ry Cv.v\' CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE oF INSPECTION: JZ ' +- O PERMITNUMBER: Bt->bI -OO + SITE ADDRESS: ZA3 7 PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: n^ r+,tJ CONTRACTOR: PHONE:4 -3 TYPE OF INSPECTION: EY13U L 4-1-i'pr( ! APPROVED N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPBCTIoN: I I - }q - O7 PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS:23'7 AD-rFr PROJECT NAME:Hnl nrh CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPBCTION: PHoNE: 1"4 ,3 ^3bKq 0 ln vft"" ! APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSENI) DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: NUMBER: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: TYPE OF c ^Ju,T 6 APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOT APPROVET) Call for re-inspection before proceeding. Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and ovoiloble at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 pM Friday. PERMITNUMBER: RINN - oo4DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJBCT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: CONTRACTOR: PHoNE: l^43 -?L8q TYPE OF'INSPECTION: /EL. 5,a-edlTaqc(< ! APPROVED tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site ond available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready.for inspection. EXHIBIT NEW GARAGI LOCATION 3OTH STREET Ngg"3357'W 1"ft. 29.5bo c,i cr) ts (r")oio sr o v) F rq IO & t-.. u) CN F1zH lr{ l-I{ 70.M' FEt 2 F\\o oo 29.s 9 F \o s.lF\No o ra ge wo,l footing block wol, 11 .5 1' ENT tho $ ji coNC. s/w n p )'')"{,.L 4// EXPTRES 05 / 05 / 08 AREA TO BE DED'CATED 11O1.3 sft r.) + 90.00, 4 3 s4A9 oo Fr$ F crro qD GIo ou, 9.O f.t to PL l{ 1 1 i l \ 4 ' ' a q : : : 4 4 N e - - ' : " ' f f i - " 4 b - - * * t > - - . - r . 3 0 a , l d * i - . , 1 , E \ - t , > 1 , l \ t n r t 5 E t f l 5 | \ c 6 . J : i a o N ' : : { q ; : : j j . . , ; t p - t l c , : 7 a * . x * : 1 - . f f Z : : 7 1 1 , - - l l r b a P 7 t Z , * V \ \ f t I $ . * ' : : " 2 e * ) \ i t i + I - N P - P P t a K F , p 5 ( l n I A j o * r w t < ' P A W L l h x 4 # - : - r I I I " . . ( a z v " ' ' - ; r j L - - " ' : G ? . E R , . v g u " " # F t E * ; i f f i r n ; , i i I I : i l l , , ' ) 4 t t 4 l l 4 t - - + - ' f r f r w : - . " . . : : : : J r h : a " 1 J . g 1 ? - e e 1 I f i : 4 u Parcel Details Parcel Number: 9681 Parcel Number: 968100803 Owner Mailing Address: GINA HOLEMAN RANDY W HOLEMAN 233 3OTH ST PORT TOWNSEND WA9B36B5OO7 Site Address: 233 3OTH ST PORT TOWNSEND 98368 Section: 3 Qtr Section: SEt/4 Township: 30N Range: 1W Page I of2 #*3- sd # FrFnter Fs"iwndly School District: Port Townsend (50) Firc Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Sub Division: LITTLEFIELD'S ADDITION A$$C$$src_Lg'dUsc Cade: 1100 - HOUSES (single units, non-farm) Property Description: LTTTLEFTELD'S ADDITION I BLK B LOT 3(W40'),4(ALL) | | | Ciick on photo for larger image. No Permit Data Available Assessor Bldg Data F,.* SEARCH Jgffgrssn {ounfy ' '::,'; ,,,,,ii, Jgfleron lau*ty'.,; :.;:ui,!:,H${vlg I COUFI?Y XIUFO I DfPA*YHStrtT$ | sSAR.eil Best viewed rvith Micrasoft Internet [xplorer 6.0 or lster g$ Windows - Mac http ://www. co j efferson.wa.us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail. asp 9tr7 t200l Page 1 ofl Jan Hopfenbeck From: Jan Hopfenbeck Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 10:28 AM To: Leonard Yarberry Cc: Alex Angud; David Peterson, Pat lolavera Subject: Holeman property at 30th & Haines FYI - the Holeman property survey results came in and the garage/ADU did not meet setbacks. They will be pouring a patio slab over the existing footings. Tom has resubmitted plans with construction of the garage/ADU constructed on the other side of the lot and the permit has been issued for the revised location. Jan Jan HopfenbeckCPE, CBI Plans Examiner/Permit Coordinator City of Port Townsend D eve I o p m enf Serylces D e p a rtm e nt 250 Madison Street Sulfe 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: (360) 379-5086 Fax: (360) 344-4619 i h o pfe n be ck@ citvofpt. u s 9/s12007 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Building and Community Development BILLING STATEMENT L (Name) 2_3> 30 <7AE{r7t(?0> (Date) (Pelmit Number- if applicable) REWSION NUMBER: ALtr O)- OP AI Q^ I?nt -gs 7g (Phone) $ $ z5w REINSPECTION FEES (o R-2040 tr c-2041) ($47.00) (g) PLANREVISIONFEE (trR-2030 tr c-2031) ($50.00/hour, minimum $25.00) RESIDENTIAL T. C. O. TNSPECTTON(R-2020) ($e7.00) COMMERCTAL T. C. O. TNSPECTTON (C-2021) ($147.00) SPECTAL TNSPECTION (tr R-2099 O C-2098) ($47.00/hour, I hour minimum) OTHER (tr ) TOTAL DUE $25g Building and Permit Fees $ $ $ $ ,4 _0 1 Revision Valuation Original Permit Valuation Total Valuation Fees due based on Total Valuation (a:b+o) PlanReviewFee (e) $ _ BuildingPermit Fee (D $ - Plan Review Fee (d) $ Plan Revision Fee (g=a-d)G)$ Previous Fees Paid 1a=e+9 $ $ $ (a) $ @)$ (c) $ Rerzse d I /6/0 0 llB c d j ermits\formslBlLlSTMT. doc TIUNKYOUI I rqd- \ \ &99 \g \ \ --r \q \ $ I I r-- \ -s A \ \ -- sq HAINE ST -- -7 .-- -- I il Tqe\ \rf \ (no \ \ \\ tu)O\s Oo l:,.,i- i: i,iiiii:ii;,.::\a';qi; s.ir.i t -h" 1:1:- il, .: ^ ii .' ii I i.r: .Y *i: :r;._?:{ a r, Jr =f ! 3E -Lr 4,'u'ri: t+9 fi'! ::;!, i4 :: ii'? :,*'l r,-;i gnti i -; .t ,i -tt,Ett,xttifllt6l,i 8r<< FON-sfr+35q*<o- e- )) [XHIBIT NIW GARAGE LOCAT'CN 3OTH STREET N89"33'57u W I 29.5 9 ft. 29.5 a c.i (a F-{ El TI] Fd;"r;ofr !cEal (3 (A CA 14zH Hl.l{ 70.40' 2 F\\od ts \o s.{ F-. s.l o rn woll footing block woll ENT {' CONC. S!ncisrt N 9 4// D€|RES 05 / A5 / 08 | --:- -.t_I ,^"noe ll- I e*. t"t'":o. il. .ut. ?re#-'L AREA TO 8E DEDICATED 1101.3 sft 90.00' lt) + 4 3 -l e439 i€t-v F(teib6to e(a 9.0 ft to PL CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you want inspection. For Monday inspectionso call by 3:00 PM Friday. /3 7 PERMIT ADATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME:CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: PHoNE: TYPE OF'INSPECTION: NUMBER: f4 o / l--.rAJ {L ! APPROVED Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of be assessed if work is not readyfor inspection. tr NOTAPPROVED be Call for re-inspection before 0 tr /rcU N#, ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections at next A re-inspection fee may N\CITY OF PORT TO\MNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERYICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. tr'or Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF'INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER: CONTRACTOR: PIIONE: tc ft_trl* L L ! APPROVED N APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections checked at next inspection Inspector Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. 3 e-[sc{- ! NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before A re-inspection fee may ) CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. '-(2c)DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE ADDRBSS: PROJECT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION: o t4 PBRMIT NUMBER: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: SL)L!Lf k)TJ IA€h' CS t\an-- U/E rLi F}/*E{}24 c:Kr\A()I I A,t-tOZ A(,''l e_ Ll g t ! APPROVED Inspector Approved plans and permit card mu, be assessed if work is not ready for i /tz\ C( T) 'ROVED rspection before t I I tQtrz_ {st0 R |t-J 'b[ur,, /3gu Aau A re-inspectionfee may PERMTT # Hj)D 7 ooq SCOPE OF WORK:Ns k> nI_\[J CITY OF PORT TOIYNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG DATE RECEIVED:l- lz -oa av€K GaEa6E DATE ACTION TNITIALS Entered into TRIPS ESA - to Planning -no evidence of ESA- Vested Date Checked for Completeness -X-J.Nor <-€ T-b -t-,Ee ^JEED@ {< l.^lz -o ^7 9€ ha= R),brZ €3< V€a>e;r 6tr l/zt ln>v (tc-l\ i/z,t //az LJ 'J # legt)(tct( (/n/"'> I .l eutT K,"{ zlzloz g,z+b aekrt ( aJ- Lrvc-au, aR fuezds MU Sz- r fuo|-u A T,"+1 o / wti,--;tl orp tod* ;r ) tl-t n^t [C 0.. *, r- F r r ri r .,t t ^t a,tnf' A +\t ,,/ },na /aoicrw (4ct e S}vn^,.n r.fsr dp. a zt.a-tz, I r t-/U a ( 4fore/ locr.kt'xp, dr iot o-l yql Dv a l4'+e'r> *A-bA c"_ /= t , }4 o I .,., ^5/^-t l &. Sz t5'c\A'n \ 0i tlt "l/ I.JTT S ui',a , rr r r, ), abo^. "5Jrt1 ^eLd C.a nkac!: z-zJ .07 Katb-orAmt t twi,*tg jtpouolrTcal str 0& >/tt /ot UM d bo,:c h<J7Vrffit4- D luolrL OVrt4/t 0 0,.{ alza /n>(rvrs otrl lAP ll,,K H-s4-m A-0t r T \\Bcd permits\forms\BUllDlNG\Permit Activity Log.doc '' '., CITYOf,'PORTTOWNSEND r ' \ L iEVELOPMENT SERVTCES DEPARTnIL .] City IIaII, 250 Madlson Street, Suite 3 PortTownsend,WA 9&168 Phone: 36{l-379-51D5 Fax360-3444619 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CO]ISTRUCTION, REMODELS, & ADDTTTONS Property Owner's Name(s): Randy W. & Gina M. Holeman Mailing Address: 233 30th ST City, State, Zip: Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 360 385 6569 PermitNo. B L> OV * ODg- Property Street Address: 233 30th ST ZnntngDistrict R tr Parcel# 968 100 803 Legal Description: Addition: Littlefield's Block: 8 Int(s): 3 (W40,) & (ALL) 4 Scope of Work: Please check all items that apply for the type of building permit you are requesting: Floor Area: the proposed structure-is to be used for: General Contractor's Name Mailing Address Phone Cell Phone I City Business License Number qState License Number 5l Authorized RepresentativelContact Person:Phone: Financed By Date Work is to Begin Date Work is to be Completed NewHouse Addition )o(New Garage or Carport Repair/Remodel Garage Repair/Remodel House xx AccessoryDwelling Unit Manufactured Home Other (please describe): Finished Heated Space sq. ft: 504 Garage sq. ft: 504 Unfinished Heated Space sq ft:Carport sq. ft: Unfinished Basement sq ft:Porches sq. ft: Semi-Finished Basement sq ft :Decks sq. ft:,1,\r'l i2 2UU7 Storage sq. ft:Other (please describe) "-.1 t \./) CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND RESIDENTIAL BI]ILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NfW CONSTRUCTION, REMOI'ELS, & AI'DITIONS Property Site Area/Coverage fnformation: l. The total area ofthe property in square feet 11979 2. The total area covered by existing and proposed structures in square f@t: 3699.7 (total ground coverage from the outside of walls or zuppo'rting members) Percentage of lot coverage: (2+l): SlVo Impervious Surfacest Please provide the square footage ofthe roof area ofthe proposed and existing strtrctures, and the square footage ofthe total area covered by porches, walkways, patios and driveways. Do not include decks allowing drainage to earth below. *If total impervious surf'ace is equal to or greater than 40Vo of the lot area, you must submit a written stormwater plan to address run- off. Please check which plans you are submitting with this application (2 sets needed): Proposed House Roofurint sq. ft:Existing House Roofurint sq. ft: 1007.25 Proposed Garage Roo$rint sq. ft: 575.25 Existing Garage Roo$rint sq. ft: Proposed Porch/Walkway sq. ft: 96 Existing Porch/Walkway sq. ft: 70 Proposed Driveways sq. ft: 533 Existing Driveways sq. ft: 392.2; 684.00 Other (describe)Other (describe): Deck = 342.00 Total Proposed Impervious sq. ft: 1204.25 Total Existing Impervious sq. ft: 2495.45 Total Proposed + Existing sq. ft: 3699.7 + Percentage Impewious: * 30.8870 (Impervious surface -:- lot sq. ft) )o(Site Plan )o(Interior & Exterior Wall Bracing (panel locations shorrn on floor plan) Drainage Plan (if 40% or more impervious)XX Typical Wall Framing Details (section from foundation through roof) XX Foundation Plan )o(Elevations )o(FloorPlan )o(2003 WSEC* Compliance: Prescriptive_X Componerrt_ )o(Floor Framing Plan WSEC Construction Chetklist (washington state Energy Code) XX Roof Framing Plan Other: Installing Manufactured Home _Yes )Ot No Year:Make: Was the manufactured home originally constructed within three (3) years of proposed placement? _Yes _No 2) Manufactured home must be placed on a permanent foundation with the space from the bottom of the home to the ground enclosed by either load bearing concrete or decorative concrete or masonry blocks so that no more than one foot ofthe perimeter foundation is visible above grade; and 3) Roof mustbe composed of composition, wood shake or sbingle, coated metal, or a similar roof material; and 4) Title to the manufactured home must be eliminated as a condition of building pennit approval. C:\Documents and Settings\OwnerWy Documents\ADU\Application-Residential Building Permit.doc Page 2 of 'I \/) CITY OX' PORT TOWNSEND RESIDENTIAL BIMDING PERMIT APPLICATION Nfw CONSTRUCTTON, REMODELS, & ADDTTTONS Special Conditions Applicant Certification The applicant hereby certifies to have knowledge of those sections of the International Residential Code and the Port Tor'vnsend Municipal Code pertinent to the above project and that the applicant is responsible for constructing in conformance with these codes; the applicant understands that the permit, if issued" expires in six months unless work is started; that the permi! after construction has starte{ will expire after one year if an inspection is not made to show significant progress on the structure; the applicant agrees to abide by the ordinances, codes, regulations, restrictive covenants, deed or plat restrictions, and water and sewer plans attached hereto; the applicant certifies that all information given above and on accompanying plans is complete and accurate to the best of their knowledge; and the applicant understands that this information will be relied upon in granting pennits and that if such information is later found to be inaccurate any permits may be withdrawn. Please check YES or NO as applicable YES NO 1. Is the property within 200 feet of a fresh or saltwater shoreline?XX 2. Is the property within the Port Townsend Historical District?)o( 3. Is the property located within or a{acent to an environmentally sensitive area?)o( 4. Will this proposal involve any sewer, water or other utility extensions that will, or could serve vacant properties other than the project site? Ifyes, please attach information identifying the utility extensions and sites. xx 5. I{ave any special conditions been placed on this property, or has the property been subject to any conditions on any prior action of the City (if *Yes" to any of the following, attach copies of appropriate documents): )o( Subdivision/Short Plat/Boundary Line Adjustment? SEPA (environmental review)? Variance? Conditiqnal Use Permit? Street Vacation? Planned Unit Development? Restrictive Covenant? Easement? 6. Are any properties within 800 feet of the site owned or controlled by the applicant" any relative or business associate, or any partnership, corporation, or other entity affiliated with the applicant? (If yes, attach list.) )o( 7. tlave any of the properties listed in item #6 been dweloped within the last two years? (If yes, attach list.)xx 8. Have you previously discussed this project with a City staffmember? If yes, who and when? Tom Aumock discussed w/ Ann Hall )o( C:V)ocuments and Settings\Owner\My Documents\ADU\Application-Residential Building Permit.doc Page 3 of '-) ') CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND RESIDENTIAL BIIILDING PNNNNTT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, & AIIDTTTONS The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all muses of action, judgments, claims, or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising from any non-compliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by parties other than the City of Port Townsend. Complete Annlication Port Townsend Municipal Code, Section 16.04.140, Vested Rights - Substantially Complete Building Permit Application: applications for all land use and development permits required under ordinances of the city shall fs considered under the zoning and other land use control ordinances in efrect on the date a firlly complete building permit application, meeting the requirements identified in this sectio& is filed with the Development Services Deparfinent. Until a complete building permit application is filed, all applications for land use and dwelopment permits shall be revierved zubject to any mning or other land use control ordinances whichbecome effective prior to the date of issuance of a final decisionby the city on the apptication. An application for a building permit shall be considered complete when an application meeting all of the rcquirements of Section R105.3 of the International neiiOentiat Code, 2003 Edition, is submitted which is consistent *itl aff then applicable ordinances and laws. In addition, to be considered complete, such an application must be accompanied by complete applications for a subsidiary land use or development pennits needed, such as a 6smplete shoreline management permit application and/or complete applications for other discretionary perrrits required under the ordhances of Port Townsend. An application for a partial permit under Section R105.3.1 of the International Residential Code, 2003 Edition, shall notbe considered complete unless it meets all requirements stated above and contains plans for the complete structural frame of the building and the architectural plans for the strucfure. Signature of Applicant or Authorized Representative Date For Ofricial Use Only PennitNo. /51\ o) -oc4 Building Official Approval d Lcc,(*lc Date Issued tlrr/ot Balance Due $Date Validation St /"prcfo*' Owner/Representative Signature Date C:\Documents and Settings\Ownerwy Documents\ADU\Application-Resldential Building Permit.doc Page 4 of O 291 6 t r ( I \ ? N J r ) N c ) O T - ( f - 3 6 3 W a t e r W a s t e W a t e r S t o r m W a t e r I i u d r e q u d s 5 0 t l e t T h i s m l P ; s p r o r i d e d o n i n t i s . " " s i t h a l i n u l e . " b . s i s . T l t C i n o f P o f r T o l l s c n d a n d i s e n t p l o r c e s d o o o t r r u r a n t i D : u r t \ a t t h e a c d r ^ n o f i i t c r u b n n r n o n c o n t a u r t J r r t h o m r p l , e l d r e r o c r o o n o f d r e r c c r u r c r o f r l l r u p i n f o s m h o t r i q t h e s o l e r r < o o n s r L i l i n a f r h e u c r . t : s e r r e l e i s e ' r h r r i , n o f p o i t r . t . i n a m d , r m p l o - € s t r c $ d \ L r b i l i h b ^ s e d o n u s e r ' s u s e o f r o P n i l b m t i o t ! City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 360-379-5095 Fax 360-344-4619 REVISION TO BUILDING PERMIT # Bt.O67 - E4 OWNER:nb-/ a 6Le HA J ITE ADDRESS: Revision #.t '233 -ao-fL s'r Total Value of Revision: $Impervious Surface Change? n Yes_ ENo Revisions require 2 sets of plans and a written scope of workthat fully describes the proposed change plus any additional information that will be of assistance inissuing your revision. If your plans were stamped by a design professional, all revision submittals require a stamp with a wet signature. Be auare that changes to the existing approved plans may also requireysU to revise your original building permit application (lot coverage, impervious surface, structure square footage, etc.) and energy code documents (changing windows, heat source, etc.) to conform to your proposed changes. Scope of work: /?a 4<4 /r.2.4r4 €tE 43 Z4tf 2 Ats /.t,eJE t*S'7gd.o A' H/ES7 STDE Ft**P ,222fi- ,A-aa< 2ze4 77 4.f 7 ; P44/V CQaa164 Lt---4tt6.',Jf .t 7, 2 aa7 Applicant Date OFFICE USE ONLY: Submittal date Two sets of plans for revision:_ Approval of engineer of record (if original plans engineered): tr Yes tr No ! NA P:\DSDUDepartment Forms\Building Forms\Appl ication-Revision.doc CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R I ) CI T Y OF PO R T TO W N S E N D De v e l o p m e n t Se r v i c e s De p a r t m e n t 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t . Su i t e 3, Po r t To w n s e n d . WA 98 3 6 8 PO S T TH I S CA R D IN A SA F E , CO N S P I C U O U S LO C A T I O N . PL E A S E DO NO T RE M O V E TH I S NO T I C E UN T I L AL L RE Q U I R E D IN S P E C T I O N S ARE MADE AND SIGNED OFF BY TH E AP P R O P R I A T E AU T H O R I T Y AN D TH E BU I L D I N G IS AP P R O V E D FO R OC C U P A N C Y . ST A M P E D AP P R O V E D PL A N S MU S T BE AV A I L A B L E ON THE JOBSITE. PA R C E L N O . 96 8 1 0 0 8 0 3 PE R M I T NO BL D 0 7 - 0 0 4 IS S U E D DA T E O2 I 2 3 I 2 O O 7 EX P I R A T I O N DATE O8I22I2OO7 AD D R E S S 23 7 3O T H ST CO N S T R U C T I O N TY P E OC C U P A N T LOAD OW N E R HO L E M A N GI N A M PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Ne w qa r a g e wi t h AD U on se c o n d fl o o r CO N T R A C T O R LE N D E R IN S P E C T I O N IN S P DA T E CO M M E N T S IN S P E G T I O N IN S P DA T E COMMENTS TO RE Q U E S T AN IN S P E C T I O N CA L L (3 6 0 ) 38 5 - 2 2 9 4 . TN S P E C T I O N RE Q U E S T S MU S T BE RE C E I V E D PR I O R TO 3: 0 0 PM FO R NE X T DA Y IN S P E C T I O N . TE S C FO O T I N G FO U N D A T I O N WA L L FL O O R FR A M I N G PL U M B I N G FR A M I N G IN S U L A T I O N GW B FI N A L BU I L D I N G BUILDNGPERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)37e-s09s Project Information Permit Type Residential - Accessory Dwelling Unit Site Address 237 30TH ST Project Description New garage with ADU on second floor Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-004 968 1 00803 Names Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Holeman Gina M Owner Holeman GinaM Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date Fee Information Project Valuation $60.580.80 Project Details Dwellings - Type V Wood Frame Private Garages - Wood Frame s04 SQFT s04 SQFT rotar Fees Paid qr.r- VQ:r> | r* lof ys-t-el ff irt Yt' lE Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certiff that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certiff that I am Print N the owner of the Datelssued: 0212312007 Issued By: SFOSTER ame property or €vw z-oo I llilll llill llllil lil lllll lilil ffi tll nu ffi llll;,',,T,u,'= ... City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 .lcf ferson Cotrntv Atrd RANIIY & GINA HOI FMAN NTTT ?? QtA NOTICE TO TITLE Grantors: Randy W. and Gina M. Holeman Grantee: City of Port Townsend, a Washington municipal corporation. Reference: City Permit Number BLD07-004 Legal description: The Grantor owns the following described real property: Littlefieldrs Addition, Block 8, Lot 3 (W 40') and Lot 4 (ALL) Assessor's Parcel Number 968- 1 00-803 NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN to the Grantors/Owners of the above-referenced real property, to potential purchasers and future owners, to agents or representatives, and to any other concerned person or entity: 1) An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) with the address of 237 30th Street is proposed to be built on Lot 4 above an attached garuge. It is accessory to and shares utilities with the single.family residenc e at233 30th Street on Lot 3 and 4. 2)The Port Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC) requires that the property owner reside on the subject property, in either the principal residence or ADU in order to rent or lease the other unit. A one-year hardship waiver may be granted by the City in accordance with PTMC 17.16.020.C.2. Additionally, neither the principal nor accessory unit shall be used as a transient accommodation (PTMC 1"7 .l 6.020.C.3). A transient accommodation is defined as a use less than 29 days (PTMC 17.08.060). 3) This notice may be removed or modifiedonly with approval by the City. Page I of2 I llllll ltill lffiil lil illl llill lllll ilfiil lil llH",'#:,T ..^ .laf f aeran Carrntw Orrrl PANDY t, GINO l'l0l FMON NTTT li nA Holeman ADU Notice to Title By CITY OF PORT TOWNS Y Development Services Given under my hand and official seal thisIil' o. \\OTAO t Frn qruq,afio .a,SLlo Dz /=, I o-7 &&d auyot &-L 7 Date ? c.- Randy Date Property Owner aa/aa /dZ M. Holeman D"tet / T Owner STATE OF.WASHTNGTON ) )ss. corrNTY oF JEFFERSON ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Randy W. and Gina M. Holeman are the persons who appeared before me, and who acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. f.- 2007. (Print Name)Fzlr/ca*4 izlr*-ru1l ttu/ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Residing at: My appointment explres q- 5-"24o ',,ili!...ii, lNotary stamp inside 1" margin] Page2 of2 ,)') TL>or-oo* City of Port Townsend Development Services Department BT]ILDING NUMBER APPLICATION Name of Properly Owner: Randv W. & Gina M. Holeman Mailing Address 233 30th ST Port Townsend. WA 98368 Telephone:(360) 385 6s69 Pronertv is located in: Addition: Littlefield's Block(s): 8 Lot(s):3 (W40') & (.ALL) 4 Faces/Access is from: 30ft Street Parcel Number: 968 100 803 Directions to the Pronertv (draw vicinitv map on.back) From San Juan and F streets head up.Discovery-turn Rt on Haines: turn Rt on 30tr St: the house is on the corner (sreen house w/ beise trim) IfthisisanewADU'hasabuildingpermitbeenappliedfor?-X_Yes-NoDate:- Notes: N lL) /;{,i u/ /).zs 6CHOUSE IYT]MBER ASSIGIIIED: Date of Approval:,92 tbd;a)Aa {L*, For DepartmentUse Onl!: Apptication Fee Received ($3.00, TC 220O): # Z, tC Date: 'fe/P( Copy to:n Finance I Sheriff I Public Works I Fire Dept I Police (Lyn) I DSD database I Post Office I GIS I Assessor's Office For address changes: n Qwest Address l\danagement Center - 206-504-1534 C:U),ocrrments and Sefiings\OwnerMy Documetrs\ADU\Application-Address Number.doc ;6112/O6 i City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 Fax: (360) 344"f6{9 Name Randv &Permit# This checklist is for new dwellings, additions, remodels and garages. The purpose is to show what you intend to build, where it will be located on your lot, and how it will be constructed. In addition to this fofm. please submit: e Residential Building Permit Application form o Sensitive Areas Questionnair o 2001 Washington State Energy Code forms. Use either prescriptive forms, or component performance forms with calculations. r WashinSon State Energy Code Construction Checklist o Two sets of plans. 18" x24" plan sheet size is preferred. Plans must be to scale. Yq": | ft. is preferred. o If an architect has signed your plans, one set must have an original signature and wet stamp on each page. o For structures that require engineering (including pole structures, sunrooms, dormers of a certain size, "irregularly shaped" structures) provide two copies of calculations from a Washington Licensed Architect or engineer. One set must have an original signature and wet stamp. ForNew Residential Dwelling Construction also submit: o Street/Utility Development Permit application, or Minor Improvement Permit application if water and sewer are already stubbed to the property. For any utility extensions, provide engineered plans. o Two additional copies of the site plan for Public Works (three sets if a septic system is proposed). Please also include one reduced 8-ll2' x 11" size site plan. NOIE: Electrical Permits are required by the State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries (L&I). Contact L&I at (36Q 417-2700for more information. C:\Documents and Settings\OwnerMy Documenls\ADU\Application-Residential Building Permit Plars Page I of4 Rev. l/25106 Residential Building Plans Checklist Checklist.rtf j;\irl I2 'il01 List the oage number in the left column for each item that you have included on your plans. PAGE # SITE / PLOT PLAI\I PAGE# X'OUIIDATION PLAT\I C:\Documents and Settings\OwnetMy Documeds\ADl\Application-Residential Building Permit Plans Checklisfrtf Page2 of4 Rev. l/25106 Legal description, parcel number, name, address and telephone number of property owner/applicant, including cellular phone if available. Property lines and dimensions, including all interior lot lines. All building lines and exterior dimensions (including all dwelling and accessory structures). Setbacks from property lines and buildings including structures on neighboring lots. (Indicate roof overhang. Overhang may extend into setback area amaximum of two feet.) Driveways, walkways, patios, decks and porches. On-site parking (Two 9'x 19' spaces required for new residential construction. These spaces may be provided in a garage.) Trees: Diameter, species name, location and canopy of existing significant trees in relation to proposed and existing structures, utility lines, and construction limit line. "Significant trees" are those with a minimum diameter of 12 inches measured at 4-712 feet above average gade. Identify all significant trees to be removed by placing an "x' on them, and circle those trees that will remain. Significant trees removed in relation to and necessary for the construction of buildings, parking and driveways in connection with the issuance of a building permit are exempt. Exempt activity requires a written exemption issued by the Director of Building and Community Development. Street names, road easements and easements of record. Existing and proposed utilities, service lines and pipe size. Slope of land (grade and direction). Ifthere is 40% or more impervious surfaces on the lot, submit an impervious drainage system, indicating square footages on drainage site plan and method of detention. Waterfront property: indicate bank height, setback between building and top of bank or blufl all creeks, drainage corridors, etc. For new exterior construction, include all structures on either side within 300 feet, and their setbacks. Existing andlor proposed septic system, if applicable. Please provide an extra set of plans for the County Health Department. Footings, piers, and foundation walls (including interior footing or pier locations). Post and beam sizes and spans; detail beam/post and post/pier (or footing) positive connection. Beam pockets or method of securing beam ends. Floor joist size, material grade, layout and spans. Foundation venting and calculations (1 square foot of vent/150 square feet of crawl space). Crawl space access & dimensions Plumbing sizes and locations of foundation penetration. Vapor retarder on crawlspace ground (6 mil black polyethylene). L PAGE# F.T,OOR PLAN PAGE# WALL SECTION C:\Documerts and Settings\OwnerMy Documents\ADU\Application-Residential Building Permit Plans Checklistrtf Page 3 of4 R:ev, l/25/O6 Room use, size and square footage by floor level. All room dimensions Braced wall panel locations per UBC Section 2320.11.3 and Table 23-w-C-1 (if multi-story include length per story per Table 23-IV-C-1). Smoke detector locations. Stairways: width, rise, run, handrails, guardrails, landings, etc. Window, skylight and door locations and sizes, with egress and safety glazrng, if applicable. (Include brand/model and U factor on energJ application.) Rafter and ceiling joist size, material grade,layout and spans. Roof framing plan required if rafters, optional if trusses. Attic access location and dimensions. Plumbing fixfures. Hot water tanks, furnaces, fireplaces, solid fuel appliances and combustion air ducts. Location ofwhole house ventilation fan, controls and timer Location and cfm of all other exhaust fans (i.e. bathroorn" kitchen and laundry) Type of exhaust duct material, duct path and exterior termination point of appliance vents and environmental exhaust ducts. Type and location of all WSEC outside fresh air inlets. Fire blocking. l-hr. construction between dwelling &. garage on garage side (UBC Sec. 302.4, exception #3) Footing size, reinforcement (include vertical rebar) depth below natural and final grade Foundation wall, height, width and reinforcement (rebar), hold-downs if applicable. Anchor bolts, washers (2 x2 x3/16 square, steel) and pressure treated plates Thickness of floor slab. Floor joist size and spacing, under floor clearance from crawl space grade for joists and beams. Floor sheathing, type and size. Wall stud size, grade and spacing. Framing to be used: standard, intermediate or advanced. Headeq size, grade, spans and insulation (if applicable) Wall sheathing and siding and material. Type & location ofweather-resistive barrier (UBC Section 1402) Type and location ofvapor retarder (WSEC 502.1.6). Sheetrock: thickness, type and location. Insulation material and R-value in walls above and below grade, floor, ceiling and slab Rafters, ceiling joists, trusses, with blocking and positive connection of roof system to wall. Ceiling height. Roof sheathing, roofing material, roof pitclq attic ventilation (provide calculations) PAGE # EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS C:\Documents and Settinp\Owner\My Documeuts\ADU\Application-Resideertial Building Permit Plans Checklist.rtr Page 4 of4 Rev. t/25l06 Exterior views on front, rear and sides; show all windows and doors. Decks, steps, handrails, guardrails, landings. Height of building per UBC Section 209. Chimneys: show required height above roof per UBC Section 3102.3.6 Final grade. Retaining walls, if applicable. WSEC Resiclential Construction Checklist City of Port Townsend Development Services Dep artment 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-s095 x'ax: (360) 344-4619 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2001 Residential Construction Checklist this form in addition to WSEC forms. Please answer the following questions New construction, or addition over 750 square feet Must meet whole house and spot ventilation requirements, ond show fuII WSEC compliance as a stand-alone project. A detached, habitable structure such as an Accessory Dwelling Unit regardless of size must also meet these requirements. addition under 750 square feet trade-offi are allowedwith the existing buildingfor WSEC compliance, such as increasing ceiling insulation. See WSEC component performance forms. NOTE: A house addition less than 500 sq. ft daes not reqube whole house ventilation Spot ventilafion is still required Heater .i Baseboard .i Forced Air Furnace .i Radiant Floor (Boiler) .i Other _ Electric: Propane:JRadiant FloorlBaseboard @oiler) .3 tpc Stove .3 LPG Furnace .-i Other LPG.i Heat Pump .i Oit Furnace .i Woodstove (can only be used as secondary heat source) VAPOR RETARDERS: Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings: o Fl/ors: wl Plywood with exterior glue I Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) i Backed batts o Walls: l9oty plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick)y' F ace-stapled, backed batts l Low-perm paint o Ceilings: i Not required where ventilation space averages greater than or equal to 12 inches above jpsulation *F ace-stapled, backed batts t lpoty plastic (greaterthan or equalto 4millimelerthick) Q 1to*'perm paint SEE BACK C:\DOCUMFT-I\Owner\LOCALS-1\Temp\Application-Residential Energy Code Checklist-l.doc Page I of2 L{ WASHINGTON STATE VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR OUALITY (2000 Code): Type of ventilation used throuqhout the house: .3 HVAC Integrated Option .i Exhaust Option Whole House Fan for o'Exhaust Option": o In what room is your whole house fan located?Dm*m++ e What size is the whole house exhaust fan? Note: the whole house fan shall be readily accessible and controlled by a}4-hour clock timer with the capability of continuous operation, manual and automatic control. At the time of final inspection, the automatic control timer shall be set to operate the whole house fan for at least 8 hours a day, and have a sone rating at 1.5 or less measured at 0.10 inches water gauge. Spot Ventilation: Source specific exhaust ventilation is required in each kitchen, bathroom, water closet, laundry room, indoor swimming pool, spa and other rooms where excess water vapor or cooking odor is produced. Bathrooms, laundries or similar rooms require fans with a minimum 50 cfm ratingat 0.25 inches water gauge; kitchens shall have a fan with a minimum 100 cfm rating rt0.25 inches water gauge. Outdoor Air Inlets: Outdoor air shall be distributed to each habitable room by means such as individual inlets, separate duct systems, or a forced-air system. Habitable rooms include all bedrooms, living and dining rooms but not kitchens, bathrooms or utility rooms. Where outdoor air supplies are separated from exhaust points by doors, undercutting doors a minimum of Yzinchabove the surface of the finish floor covering, distribution ducts, installation or grilles, transoms or similar means where permitted by the Uniform Building Code. When the system provides ventilation through a dedicated opening, such as a window or through-wall vent, these openings must: o Have controlled and secure openings o Be sleeved or otherwise designed so as not to compromise the thermal properties of the wall or window in which they are placed. r Provide not less than 4 square inches of net free area of opening for each habitable space. Whqt-type of fresh air inlet will be installed? (See figure below) 0\Window Ports .i wall Ports C:\DOCUME^-I\Owner\LOCAlS-1\Temp\Application-Residential Energy Code Checklist-l.doc Page2 of2 5o/V5'cFM (l-2 bedroom house) 80.3120 CFM (3 bedroom house) 100.,i-150 CFM (4 bedroom house) 120 !3-180 CFM (5 bedroom house) ( ".,.\, .rscdptvoApproach-Simple Form Fortho.Washlngton State Energy Gode (2001 Edition| Cllmate 7lrrrc 1 Sile lnformetlon Ld:3 (D 4o') * *l fu"a) 3 +1* 5r ffivt ?eryT,> *!se,*fp , Stab:w Qgstog Contact t Plrnc: ptrans ;1 tApD 5 BuiHlng Departmont Um Only Perrft*. - ,,., _ Ndc: I Trbf.5-l mnscsxnilB W R occruprilcs lsfrrsms Thic prolect conrplhs wlttr the lolbwlng:/ ltre projed le a dngle hrlly resHence or dupler.y', tneprofed lswood frame 98 a[ of tfie lmuh0on b ffirior or e)d6dor of lhe fiurirg.' {- *ubulldng components meet the requlru.nents [sted in TaHe &1, opton lll-{ Tne proFct wtll rpefi all otrer prorbions of fie UIEEC and VlAe. O 00a0 Excepton 2.'Doorcu,ih e ttftdor of 0.40 slowed nltrorf catcrulafiur, Ofion ll! only locaton ofthe doo(s) taking thb exception Copy&tt 20@, I i9UCEEPBoS copfrd by pentinion from thr t lHrir{bn shls tttiror*y cmeentr,e Ecendqr snctur prognm 5/|31tffiz @im YodFloor 6laing Al'earo V€rdcal Ovedsadll Doof,tt fsotor cdrhd V{ilbd cdrtud lvdl Above (lradc lYrtl Inr{ Bclou' Gmdc Wsll Ef{ Belowfuc Ftoof, Slob'& Gflde u Ihlimited &otryR*l Ocorpancy Onlv 0.40 0.58 o20 R-38 R-il)R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-r0 Prrroiptive - thde Fqm - Cfimab l6m I ' i;\ i''l i ') ?.00' 2{Nl EDITION ROI}CI.IPANCY r Rref€rerrce C,ass O- NomhalR-wlucsryroforwoodfameasserublicsonlyorasmbliesbuihinaccordnrccwitrssclimr60l.l. l. Mininum rtquirencnts fm emh qtion ti*ed. For eromplg if * propooed dcsign has I glazing ralio to fu conditioned 'floor aw of l3V', ft *all oryly wift all of the requirements of te tS"A gtazlug option (or bigh€i). plcryosed dosilglrs nrtich ce.rnot mtir*fu specificrequimoenn of a listed optiorr abovcnuy calculatooonpliancc Uy OapUri+ ori offhis CJrb. 2. Rcquircmcnt appties to all ceiliflgr s,toept singlc raftcr orjoist vurltod ceilingp. 'Adrr' dendes Adveccd Ftm€d C€ilin& 3. Rcquirement applicable onty to single raffcr orllist wulted ceiling. 4. Bdow gradp ualls shf,U be in$latod eiftff m &e exterinr to a minimum lcvel of R-lQ u on ths infiecior to fre same level as walbabov.ograde. E:derior-insul,atiolrinstalledonbelowsfadawalhsallbeawaterrcsi$mtmaterirl"nanr$cturedforits intcrdcd wo, and instatled according to the rnanufrctrsds specifications $ce Sedton 602.2. 5" Floss overcrawl spacas or elEosod to iunbisrt air csrditions. 6. Requircd slab ptrimctcr insrl*ion Sall lie a wder rcistant mauial, manuftcfired for its itriended usq rrd installed aeuiling to manufactneds specifications" See Soction 6@-4. 7 . InL&notce shndsd franing 16 inches on center wift headers insulatEd with u plialurn of R-5 insutrarion 8. This wdl insulattonrequi,raueradenotesFlg wall cevity insuhtbnphrs R-5 foam St@fti:rg. 9- Doors, includirrg all fre dmr$, shall be assi$€d defrult tLfrcfiors from Tabte l0{c. 10. -Whre a:nmimum ghzirg aree is li$€4 60 totd gluing arba (combincd vertical phrs ofertc*d) as a pgrcqr( of gms oontlitloned floor arca shall be less than or equal to thd vatue. Ovcrhead glazing wifh U-frcfior ofU={.,10 c tese is not included ' in gtszfog ar€a limiffiions. I l. Or€drcad glazing slrall have.U-frctors deHmid in acoorda;ce wift NFRC 100 m as speoified in Sectim 502.I.5. 12. Log and solftl timb€r walb wllh'aminimum average thidmros of 3.5" art exempt trom tris insrtmisn rcquiremenL TABLE.8.{ PRESCRFTIVE REQUIRETEifr$JJ FOR GROUP cr-rATEzoNEfJ Opfion Gtezk Ar,Ealq % of Flmr Glairnt.LFador Doors. t.l-Fador c€tirrf Vaufted Ceil[ngP l/rtas Abwe Grade Wallr inf'Below Grede WaI. e# Bdflr Grade Fhof sbb4 on Grad€Vedicd Overheadli I.l.z#o 035 o-J8 4"2fr R.3E R-30 f'nl$R-I5 R"l0 R-30 R-10 ILT lSVi O-i{0 0.58 ozh R-38 R-30 Hr R-21 R-10 R-30 R.l0 UL Unliuit€d OroupR€ Oocupoacy.(}rlv O-il{l 0J8 0.20 R-38 R€O R4r R-21 R-l0 R-30 R.l0 Etrcc{rc7n1ft2 lEi City of Port Townsend Development Services Department ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS QUESTIONNAIRE Permit applications are reviewed by our staffto make a preliminary determination ofthe presence or absence ofanEnvironmentally Sensitive Area on the property, pursuant to Chapter 19.05 ofthePort Townsend Municipal Code. To help us make this determination, please supply the following information. General Information: Sensitive Area ApplicantName: Randy & Gina Holeman Phone: 360 385 6569 Mailing Address: 233 30th ST, Port Townsend, WA 98368 Property Address (if different): Description of Proposal (include site plan): The proposed new construction oreates 1204.25 sq. ft. of impervious surface. What best management practices are proposed? Existing public road is gravel, proposed relocation of driveway is to be crushed rock. No other BMP is anticipated. l. Is any portion of the property within or near a mapped Environmentally Sensitive Area? (Maps are available at the Building and Community Development Deparhnent) YES XX NO 2. Is there any standing or running water on the surfacs of the site at any time during the year? Yes XX No If YES, please describe: Has any portion of the site been idenffied as a wetland? If YES, please describe: xx No-t YES 4. Is the site characterized as: Forest Meadow XX Cleared Mixed 5. Is the slope of the properly: flat (0o/o- 5Vo) Critical Slope - 40% or greater (5o/o- l5Vo) slope steep slope (l5o/o - 4Ao/o) Criticrl Slopc {Oqt or Fcetrr stctp Slolrc 1596 - 40 Gcnflc 596 - 1596tF'trt-O-5rt6 187o slope @ SW corner; 157o predominant over lot (see plot plan topographic) The applicant hereby certifies that all of the above statements and the infonnation contained in any other transmittals made herewith are true, and the applicant acknowledges that any action taken by the City of Port Townsend based in whole or in part on this application may be reversed if it develops that any such statemeirt or other infomration contained herein is false. The applicant understands that the determination of the Director may be appealed by the applicant or by any other party by following the appeal procedure outlined in Chapter 1.14 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Any appeal must be filed within seven calendar days from the Notice of a final decision. Signature of Applicant Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY: Reviewedby: Site visit Required? NO YES Site visitmade on: Exempt per PTMC 19.05.040 (B)? NO YES Threshold Determination (presence/absence of ESA, type of ESA) NOShorelines Jurisdiction?YES NAME OF APPLICANT Date Received with all necessary paperwork. ",bryo7- 2Dy RESIDENTIAL CHECKLIST (For 1-2 Family Residences) Kn DV J.i,rf r+ BUILDING REVIEW BUILDING PERMIT # L [,'tl I Zonrng:Impervious Surface %o -01son (1oytv\,4o ,1 n Lot Coverage : 3l " [o OK w/zoning?dA Septic? If yes, contact County'Env. Health In a PUD?r2$e;f.$!geqions on site plan Site Plan, all setbacks shown needed? Completed Plans Checklist (APU? Prepare Notice to Titld\A-J Energy Code Checklist & Compliance Form dn Iflichii6t/en$n{plXrxwntstamp/signed /2 Sets of Plans Submitted?Garage? Attached Detached Type ofHeat V&t'tut (./lf a new detached garage or ADU, give coov of site plan to rrancesciap"/}^rt;.r; yn4r)frr) Floor Plan: Number of bedrooms Number of bathroomt Typical framing details/dection Jz q,;rry Foundation plan, if calcs, holddown symbol & verbiage must be shown on plans Floor framing plan; if calcs, shear wall t- symbol & verbiage must be shown on plans Floor framing plan Elevation(s) Roof framing section plan PLANNING REVIEW (if applicable) LAND USE PERMIT # ROUTED TO:DATE: Critical Area Map checked. If in C{ what is it mapped?Slope: % Within 200 ft of Shoreline Ordinary High Water Mark? In Flood Plain? Fill out FEMAforms if yes Lots of Record review (all 3 must be true): 9 or fewer lot(s), plat created pre-1937, AND development requires water, sewer, or street to be extended; OR if a block is owned with one SFR & wants to build another residence. CHECK for Public Works if it was issued! PUBLIC WORI(S REVIEW MIP#($53 due) or SDP #($330 due) ROUTED TO:DATE: Submittal Checklist attached 8-ll2 x I 1 Site Plan reviewed for all items All trees in ROW identified Septic? Need County OK FIRST Pre-app Conference? Date held PRE # Impervious checked lu d n>>ino'rta-u Any work in ROW beyond a driveway apron needs Engineered Plans. DO NOT ACCEPT PERMIT WITHOUT TI{EM!Water, sewer, andlor streets being extended? Need 4 sets of engineered plans Any existing or proposed easements for shared utilities or driveway wl adjacent property owners? We must have the licensed contractor's name and information for ANY right-of-way work. P:\DSD\Forms\Building Forms\Checklist-Residential Building Plars-Front Counter Sep 06.d<fc Revised 9/2?/06 ' City of Port Townsend Development Services Department BUILDING FEE SCHEDULE l. To find your project's valuation, multiply the square footage by the appropriate values below. * 2. Go to the Fee Table below to determine your Building Permit Fee. 3. Multiply the Building Permit Fee by .65 to determine your Plan Review Fee. This is the minimum fee due upon submittal of your application. You may pay all the fees at submittal time if you wish. 4. Your project may have additional fees, such as Public Works. Pbase see the Public Works permit fees sheet. RESIDENTIAL FEES Note: Fees quoted before the time of permit apptication may be subject to change Separate structures will be valued separately. Foundations: $14.98 x Patio Slab: Garages: Wood Frame $4.92x 07 - Do<[ Dwellings (includes finished basements'): , , , ff;L""tt wood Frame $95.17 xWg_:<i/?/5, /g ptut Masonry $99.81 x :: Manufactured Homes:$7. 15 x _ : _ (Includcs slab/runners, blocking, holddowns, skirting, utility connections, etc. A separate electrical permit is required) Storage Room $56.62 x _: _ Unfinished, unheated, to be finished in future $37.15x-:- Basements: Semi-Finished $22.50 x -: - Unfinished $17.17 x : Covered Porches: $25.84 x : Stairs, per lineal ft.$129.88 x_:_ $2s.03 "5o(EAe.tz- Railings, " " $1 TOTAL VALUATIO 5.43 x :N,6/37987 $16.10 X -: -Sl2.I2*.-: - Storage Sheds: (Over 200 sq. ft. floor area) Insulated $25.84 x _: _ Un-insulated $20.49x :- Pole Buildings: Slab (<300 sq.ft.) $3.94 x _ = _ Slab (>300 sq:ft.) $2.94 x _: _ PLUS Building $13.27 x _: _ $71.38 x -: - W FEE: 9V5, o </ BUILDING PERMIT FEE: 72 7, 75 HOUSE NUMBER: $3.00 per address STATE BUILDING CODE SURCHARGE: $4.50 RECORD RETENTION FEE: $3.00 - $10.00 Decks: 6 ftz- $12.49 " ?/??.0 Townhouses:# pLnN REvIE TOTAL FEES: * The Building Department establishes building permit fees based on Section 108 of the Codes. The fees are calculated using the estimated fair market value of the project (material + professional labor costs). The value includes the total value of all construction work, including finish work. The Plan Review Fee, which is 65% of the Building Permit Fee, is paid at the time of application submittal. The Building Permit Fee, and any additional fees, is paid at the time the permit is issued. All fees are based on fair market values. The values may be adjusted to coincide with the quality and individual characteristics of your project. The Building Department will establish an estimate using "good" values per square foot for similar buildings in the region. These estimates are updated on a regular basis. The valuations were taken from the MARST{ALL & SWIFT Residential Cost Handbook and Building Standards, March'/April2002, and are estimated square footage values for residential and accessory buildings. TOTALVALUATION BUTLDING PERMIT FEE $l to $500 $23.50 $501 to $2,000 $23.50 for the fust $500, plus $3.05 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof. $2.001 to $25.000 $69.25 for the first $2.000. plus $14 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof $25,001 to $50,000 $39 I .25 for the fust $25,000, plus $ 10. l0 for each additional $ I ,000 or fraction thereof $50.001 to $100.000 $643.75 for the first $50.000. plus $7 for each additional $1.000 or fraction thereof $100,001 to $500.000 $993.75 for the first $ 100,000, plus $5.60 for each additional $ 1,000 or fraction thereof $500,001 to $ 1,000,000 $3,233.75 for the first $500,000, plus $4.75 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof $1,000.000 and up $5,608.75 for the first $1,000,000 plus $3.15 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Form$Fee ScheduleBuildiirgs.doc I 31L12006 Gity of Port Townsend Development Seryices Department Waterman & Katz Building 181 Quincy Street Suite 3014, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-3208 Fax: (360) 385-7675 lnspection Request Line (360) 385-2294 RESIDENTIAL PLAN REVIE\)U CHECKLIST ow er.RJD./ d J,r-sr-{AJ Contractor: Permit Number:Site Address 273 3o{J^- 6T Plans Examiner:Date: o 2003 lnternational Residential Code (tRC) WACSl-51. 2003 lnternational Building Code (tBC) WACS1-S0. 2003 lnternational Mechanical Code (lMC) WAC 51-52'. 2003 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) WAC 51-56 & 51-57. 2003 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC), WAC S1-11. 2003 Washington State Ventilation and lndooi Air Quality Code (WSVIAO), WAC 51-13 . SeismicZone D2 , Wind load 85 mph, exposure B. C. or D (provide specs on plans),. Roof snow load 25 lbs. per square foot. Floor live load varies, see R301.5. The numbered items on the following pages are associated with the above referenced codes, as adopted by the City of Port Townsend. The sarne number identifies items circled from the checklist and transferredonto the approved plans. This checklist shall remain attached to the approved plans and be available during inspections to the City of Port Townsend Building lnspector. This checklist is submitted as information only, and shall not be construed as an all-inclusive list of code requirements. office hours are from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Inspections can be scheduled by calling (360) 3S5-2294. To schedule an inspection the following information will be needed: Permit number, site address, name of owner, tlpe of inspection requested, ur,O t6. telephone number Development Services staff should use if theyneed to call with questions. \\Bcd permits\formsg0O3 Plan review checklist coversheet.doc The minimum openable area to the outdoors shall be 4% of the floor area being ventilated. Exception: I) The glazed areo need not be openable where the opening is not required by R3 l0 and qn approved mechanicql ventilqtion system is provided capable ofproducing ,j5 ACH in the room or a Whole house mechanical ventilation system is installed capable of supplying outdoor ventilation air of I 5 cfm per occupqnt computed on the basis of two occupants for the I"t bedroom and one occupantfor each additional bedroom. 2) The glazed ore need not be provided in rooms where exception I is satisfied and artfficial light is capable of producing an qverage illumination of 6 foot-candles over the area of the room at a height of30 inches above thefloor level. 6. EXHAUST FANS: IRC Section M1506, WSVIAQ Section 302.2.1, IMC Section 50 1.2, 502.7 .3.6. Exhaust fans are required in each kitchen, bathroom, water closet room, laundry facility, indoor swimming pool, spa and other rooms where excess water vapor or cooking odor is produced. The air removed by every mechanical exhaust system shall be discharged outdoors at a point where it will not cause a nuisance and from which it cannot again be readily drawn in by a ventilating systqn. Air shall not be exhausted into an attic or crawl space. The termination point shall be located at least 3-feet from the proper(y line. See energlt section of this checklist for more speciJic requiremenls. 7. CLOTHES DRYERS: IRC Section Ml50l, G2439, & IMC Section 504. Exhaust ducts shall be constructed of metal and shall have a smooth interior finish. Exhaust ducts shall terminate outside the building in accordance with the dryer manufacturer's installation instructions. Screens shall not be installed at the duct termination. Ducts shall be equipped with a backdraft damper. Exhaust ducts shall not be connected with sheetmetal screws or other fasteners that will obstruct the exhaust flow. The minimum duct diameter shall be 4" and shall be supported and secured in place. The male end of the duct at overlapped ductjoints shall extend in the direction of airflow. Flexio-le transition ducts used to connect the dryer to the exhaust duct system shall be limited to single lengths, not to exceed 8 feet in lergth and shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL2I58A. Transition ducts shall not be concealed within construction. The maximum length of a clothes dryer exhaust duct shall not exceed 25 feet from the dryer location to the wall or roof termination. The maximum length of the duct shall be reduced 2.5 feet for each 45-degree bend and 5 feet for each 9O-degree bend. The maximum length of the exhaust duct does not include the transition duct. Exception: Ducts installed in accordance with the dryer m anufactur er's ins tql I at io n ins truct ions, 8. RANGE HOOD: IRC Section M1502, M1503, M1504, Ml90l.1 & IMC Sections 304.8, 505. Overhead exhaust hoods shall discharge to the outdoors through metal exhaust hood (galvanized steel, stainless steel, or copper) not less than 28 gage. Such ducts shall have a smooth ,\ I inner wall and be air tight and equipped with a backdraft damper. Clearance of at least 24" shall be maintained between the cooking surface and the combustible material or cabinet. Exceotion: Dact msteriql and cleurance where instslled in accordance with the manufacturer's installatio n _Clearances to combustibles shall include such considerations as door swing, drawer pull, overhead projections or shelving and window swing, coverings and drapes. Refer to WSVIAQ Section 302.1 & Table 3-l for more specific requirements. 9. WATER CLOSET CLEARANCES: IRC Section R307, UPC Section 408.6. Water closet shall be located in a clear space not less than 30" in width. The clear space in front shall not be less than24". 10. SHOWER AREAS: IRC Section R307 and UPC Section 412.6,412.7,412.8. Bathtub and shower floors and walls above bathtubs with installed showerheads and in shower compartments shall be finished with nonabsorbent surfaces that extend to a heightof not less than Gfeet above the floor. The clear space in front of the shower opening shall not be less than 30". All showers shall have a minimum furished interior floor area of l024 square inches and shall also be capable of encompassing a 30" circle. These dimensions shall be maintained to a point 70" above the shower drain outlet. I l. CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES: IRC Section Rl00l.l7, R1002, R1003, and R1004. Chimneys shall be provided with crickets when the dimension parallel to the ridgeline is greater than 30" and does not intersect the ridgeline. The intersection of the cricket and the chimney shall be flashed and counterflashed and constructed in compliance with Figure Rl00l.l7 and Table 1001.17. Factory-built chimneys and fueplaces shall be installed and terminated in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Masonry and concrete chimneys shall be anchored at each floor, ceiling or roofline more than 6 feet above grade except where constructed completely within exterior walls. See anchorage requirements in IRC Section R1003. 12. TIGHT-FITTING DOORS GIREPLACE): WSVIAQ Section 402. Solid fuel burning appliances and freplaces shall be provided with tight-fitting glass or metal doors. An outside source of combustion airshall be ducted to the fuebox. 13. FIREPLACE HEARTH EXTENSION: IRC Sections R1003.9 and RI003.10. Unless otherwise specified by manufacturer's installation instructions hearth extensions shall be constructed ofconcrete or masonry, supported by noncorntustible materials. Fireplace hearths shall be at least 4" thick and hearth extensions shall be atIeast2" thick. The frreplace extension shall extend at least 16" in front of, and at least 8" beyond each side ofthe fireplace opening. Where the fireplace opening is 6 square feet or larger, the hearth extension shall extend at least 20" in 2 placed at points within the upper onethird (1/3) and lower one-third (l/3 ) of it's vertical dimensions. At the lower point, a minimum distance of 4" shall be maintained above the contols. Lag screws not less thqn %" in diameter must be used to anchor the restraints to the wall and eqch lag screw must hwe at least I-%" thread penetration into q studwall. Aflat washer must be installed benryeen each lag screw and the strapfor reinforcement. WSEC Section 504.2.1. All electricwater heaters shall be placed on an R-10 pad when located in an unheated space or'on a concrete floor. 19. L.P.G. OROPANE) APPLIANCES: IRC Chapter 13, IMC Section 303.7. Appliances installed in pits or excavations shall not come in direct contact with the surrounding soil. The sides of the pit shall be held back a minimum of 12" from the appliance. Where the depth exceed 12" below the adjoining grade, the walls of the pit' or excavation shall be lined with concrete or masonry. Containers for storage of L.P.G. shall be installed in accordance with the Fire Code. 20. MANUFACTURER'S SPECS: IRC Section M1302, M1303, and IMC 304.1. All appliances shall be listed and bear a permanent factory applied nameplate(s) affixed to the appliances with manufacturer's name or trademark, model number, serial number, and seal or mark of testing agency. The installer shall leave the manufacturer's installation and operating instructions attached to the appliance. 21. VACUUM BREAKERS: UPC Section 603.4.7, Potable water outlets with hose attachments other than water heater drains, and clothes washer connections shall be protected by a listed non-removable backflow preventer, a non-removable hose bib type vacuum breaker, oran atmospheric vacuum breaker installed at least 6" above the highest point of usage located on the discharge side of the last valve. 22. TRAP PRIMERS: UPC Section 1007. Floor drains or similar traps connected to the drainage system and subject to infrequent use shall be protected with a trap seal primer and shall be accessible for maintenance. 23. GARAGE/DWELLING DOOR/OPENINGS: IRC Section R309.1 Openings between the garage and residence shall be equipped with solid wood doors not less than l-3l8 inches (35mm) in thickness, solid or honeycomb core steel doors not less than l-3l8" thick, or 20-minute fu+rated doors. 24. GARAGE/DWELLING SEPARATION: IRC Section 309.2The garzge shatl be separated from the residence and its atiic arca by not less than 72" gypsum board applied to the garage side. Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable rooms above by not less than 5/8" Type X gypsum board or equivalent. \ I Where the separation is a floor-ceiling assembly, the structure supporting the separation shall also be protected by not less than Yz" gypsum board or equivalent. 25. SEPARATION BETWEEN DWELLTNG UNITS: IRC Section 317. Walls and floors assemblies separating dwelling units in 2-family dwellings shall not be less than l -hr fire-resistive rating. 26. FIRE.RESISTANCE OF EXTERIOR WALLS: IRC R302.Exterior walls with a fne separation distance less than 3' shall be not less than a l-hour fue-resistive rating with exposure from both sides. Projections shall not extend to a point closer than 2' from the line used to determine the fne separation distance. Detached garages accessory to a dwelling located within 2' of a lot line may have roof eave projections not exceeding 4". Projections extending into the fre separation distanceshall have not less than one-hour fne-resistive construction on the underside. Openings shall not be permitted in the exterior wall of a dwelling or accessory building with a fire separation distance less than 3'. Exception: Foundation vents instqlled in compliance with this code are permitted. 27. FLOOR AREA: IRC Section R304, R306. Every dwelling unit shall have at least one habitable room with not less than 120 square feet ofgross floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. Habitable rooms shall not be less than 7' in any dimension. Exception: Kitchens. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, bathtub or shower, kitchen area with a separate sink, be connected to an approved sewage disposal system, and shall be connected to an approved water supply with hot and cold water. 28. MINIMUM CEILING HEIGHTS: IRC R305. Habitable rooms, hallways, corridors, bathrooms, toilet rooms, laundry rooms and basements shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7', measured from the finished floor to the lowest projection from the ceiling. 29. ATTIC ACCESS: IRC R807.1. Attics that exceed 30 sq. ft. and have a vertical height of 30" or greater must be provided with minimum accessopenings of not less than 22" x 30". The affic access shall be located in a hallway or other readily accessible location with a 30" minimum unobstructed headroom in the attic space above the access opening. 30. EXTERIOR DOORS/EXITS: IRC R311.4.1. At least I exit doorway shall be side hinged and not less than 3' in width and not less than 6'8 " in height. The exit door shall provide direct access from the habitable portions of the dwelling to the exterior without requiring travel through a garage. Access to habitable levels not having an exit shall be by a ramp or a stairway in accordance to applicable IRC sections 3l 1.6 or 3l 1.5. Egress doors shall be readily openable from the side from which egress is to be 4 SrnucruRAL 40. FOUNDATION FOOTING SIZE: IRC Section R403. Assume load bearing value of soil 1500 psf unless proven otherwise.. Supporting I floor: minimum 6"x 12".. Supporting 2 floors: minimum 6" x 15".. Supporting 3 floors: minimum 8" x 23". Spread footing projections shall be at least 2" & shall not exceed the thichness ofthe footing. 41. FOOTING REINFORCEMENT: IRC Section R403, R404.1.4. Plain concrete walls located in Seismic Design Categories Dl and D2 shall comply with the following: 1) Minimum reinforcement shall consist of one #4horimntal bar located in the upper 12" of the wall. 2) Wall height shall not exceed 8.' 3) Height ofunbalanced backfill shall not exceed 4', and 4) A minimum thbkness of 7 W' is required for plain concrete foundation walls except that a minimum thickness of 6" shall be permitted for plain concrete foundation.walls with a max. height of 4'6" provided the minimumspecified compressive strength of concrete, fc, is 4000 psi as evidenced by the delivery(batch) ticket for the project. As a minimum standard, refer to the attached handouts: Foundation Re i nfor c em ent Req u i r e m e nt s. 42. FOUNDATION WALL SIZE: IRC Tables R404.1.1(l), R404. I . I (2), R404. l. I (3), R404. l. I (4), & Section 404.1.4 See attached handouts. Plain concrete and plain masonryfoundation walls located in Seismic Design Categaories Dl and D2, as established in Table R30l.l(l), shall comply with the following: l) Minimum reinforcement shall consist of one #4 horizontal bar. Located in the upper 12" of the wall, 2) Wall height shall not exceed 8', 3) Height ofunbalanced backfill shall not exceed 4'0", and 4) A minimum thickness of 7 t/2" is required for plain concrete foundation walls except that a minimum thidcness of 6" shall be permitted for plain concrete foundation walls with a maximum height of 4'6". 5) Plain masonry foundation walls shall be a minimum of 8" thick. Vertical reinforcement for masonry stem walls shall be tied to the horizontal reinforcemerfr in the footings. Masonry stem walls located in Seismic Design Categories Dl and D2 shall haye a min. vertical reinforcement of one #3 bar located a mix. of 4' o.c. in grouted cells. Foundation walls located in Seismic Design Categories Dl and D2, as established in Table R301.2(l), supporting more than 4' of unbalanced backfrll or exceeding 8' in height shall be constructed in accordance with Table R404. I . I (2), R404. 1. I (3) or R404. l. I (4) [reinforced concrete] and shall have two #4horizontal bars locatedin the upper 12" of the wall. 4J. STEPPED FOUNDATIONS: IRC Section 602.11.3. Where stepped foundations occur, the following requirements apply: l) Where the height of a required braced wall panel that extends from the foundation to floor above varies more than 4', the braced wall panel shall be constructed in accordance to figure R602.1 1.3 See attached details. 2) Where the lowest floor framing rests directly on a sill bolted to a foundation not less than 8' in length along a line of bracing, the lineshall be considered as braced. The double plate of the cripple stud wall beyond the segment of footing that extends to the lowest framed floor shall be spliced by extending the upper top plate a minimum of 4' along the foundation. Anchor bolts shall be locateda maximum of 1' and 3' from the step foundation. 3) Where cripple walls occur between the top of the foundation and the lowest floor framing, the bracing requirements for a story shall apply. (see item # 62) 4) Where only the bottom of the foundation is stepped and the lowest floor framing rests directly on a sill bolted to the foundations, the requirements of Section R602.1 L I shall apply. (see item # 46). 44. FOOTING DEPTH: IRC Section R403.1.4, R403.1.4.2. all exterior footings shall be placedat least 12" below undisturbed ground. Interior footings supporting bearing or bracing walls and cast monolithically with a slab on grade shall extend to a depth ofless than 12" below the top of slab. 45. CRIPPLE WALL BRACING: IRC Definition, Sections P(602.10.2, R602.10.2.3, & R602.10.1l.l & R602.10.11.2. A cripple wall is a framed wall from the top of the foundation to the underside of the floor framing of the frst story above grade plane. In Seismic category Dl (other than D2), cripple walls shall be braced with an amount and type of bracing as required for the wall above in accordance with Table R602.10.1 with the following modifications for cripple wall bracing: l) The percent bracing amount as determined from Table R602.10.1 shall be increased by l5%o, and 2) The wall panel spacing shall be decreased to 18' instead of 25' . In Seismic Design Category D2 Cripple walls shall be braced in accordance with Table R602.10.1. In any Seismic Design Category, cripple walls are permitted to be redesignated as the frst story walls for purposes of determining wall bracing requirements. If the cripple walls are redesignated, the stories above the redesignated story shall be counted as the second and third stories repectively. Where interior braced wall lines occur without a continuous foundation below, the length of parallel exterior crpple wall bracing shall be I Yztimes the length required by Table R602.10.1. Where cripple walls are braced using method 3 of Section R602.10.3 .(wood structural panel) cannct provide this additional length, the capacity of the sheathing shall be increased by reducing the spacing of 6 ') shall be not less than 12" thick, and exterd 6-inches beyond the face of the freplace or foundation wall on all sides. Footings shall be founded on natural, undisturbed earth or engineered fill below the frost depth, at least 12" below finished grade. 51. UNDER-FLOOR VENTILATION: IRC Section 408.1 and 408.2. The under-floor space between the bottom of the floorjoists and the earth under any building (except space occupied by a basement or cellar) shall be provided with ventilation openings through foundation walls or exterior walls havinga net area of not less than I square foot for each 150 square feet ofunder-floor space area. Openings shall be located as close to corners as practical and shall provide cross-ventilation. One such opening shall be within 3-feet of each corner of the building. Ventilation openings shall be covered for their height and width with any of the following materials provided that the least dimension of the covering shall not exceed %": l) perforated sheet metal plates not less than .070" thick, 2) Expanded sheet metal plates not less than .047" thick, 3) Cast iron grills.or grating, 4)Extruded loa&bearing brick vents, 5) Hardware cloth of .035" wire or heavier, 6) Conosion-resistant wire mesh, with the least dimension being l/8". See exceptions for additional options. 52. WOOD IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE & MASONRY IRC Section R3l9#2. All wood framing members that rest on concrete or m€Isoru-y exterior foundation walls and are less than 8" from the exposed ground require the use ofan approved species and grade of lumber specified in Section R3l9.l & R319.2 and #56 of this checklist. 53. COLUMNS AND POSTS: IRC Section R319.1.3, R3 19. I .4 & 407 .7 . Posts, poles and columns supporting permanent structures that are embedded in concrete in direct contact with the ground or embedded in concrete exposed to the weather shall be approved pressure preservatively treated wood suitable for ground contact. Wood columns shall be approved wood of natural decay resistance or approved pressure preservatively treated wood. Exceptions: l) Posts or columns which are exposed to the weather or located in basements or cellars, supported by piers or metal pedestals projecting l" above the floor or finished grade and 6" above exposed earth, and are separated therefrom by an approved inpervious moisture barrier. 2) Posts or columns in enclosed crawl spaces or unexcavated areas located within the periphery of the building, sqpported by a concrete pier or metal pedestal at a height greater than 8" from the exposed ground, are separated therefrom by an impervious moisture barrier. Columns shall be restrained to prevent lateral displacement at the bottom end. Wood columns shall not be less in nominal size than 4" x 4" or approved equivalent. 54. GIRDERS ENTERING MASOI\RY OR CONCRETE WALLS: IRC Section R319.1 #4. The ends of wood ! girders entering exterior concrete or masonry walls shall be provided with a ll2" airspace on tops, sides and ends unless an approved species and grade of lumber specified in Sections R3 I 9. I & R319.2 and listed in #56 of this checklist is used. 55. POST-BEAM CONNECTIONS/FASTENING: IRC Section R502.9, R301. Where posts and beam or girder construction is used to support floor framing, positive connections shall be provided to ensure against uplift and lateral displacement. The construction of buildings and sfuctures shall result in a system that provides a complete load path capable of transferring all loads from their point of origin through the load resisting elements to the foundation. 56. MINIMUMSTANDARDS & PROTECTION AGAINST DECAY: IBC 2303 & IRC Sections 319.1, 319.2, & 3 19.3. Structural lumber, endjointed lumber, pre-fabricated I-joists, structural glue-laminated timber, wood structural panels, fiberboard sheathing (when used structurally), hardboard siding (when used structurally), particleboard, preservative heated wood, froretardant- treated wood, hardwood plywood, trusses and joist hangers shall conform to the applicable standards or grading rules of the IBC and shall be identified by a grade and,/or identification mark. Areas subject to decay and where required, the use ofan approved species and grade of lumber, pressure treated in accordance with AWPA C l, c2, c3, c4, cg, cl5, cl g, c22, c23, C24, Czg, C3 l, C33, Pl, P2, and P3 or decay-resistant heartwood of redwood, black locust, or cedars. Lumber and plywood required to be pressure preservatively treated in accordance with Section 319. I shall bear the quality mark of an approved inspection agency that maintains continuing supervision, testing andinspection over the quality ofthe product and that had been approved by an accreditation body that complies with the requirements of the American Lumber Standard Committee treated wood program. FASTENERS: Fasteners for pressure preservative and fasteners for pressure-preservative and fre-retardant-treated wood shall be of hot-dipped galvanized steel, stainless steel, silicon bronze or copper. See also manufacturer specification or distributor specific installation instructions or recommen dations. Ex c ep t i on : Yz" diameter or greater steel bolts (where required by location). Sill plate need not be pressure treated ifsill plate installed over 30 lb. Felt or equivalent and the sill plate is 8" or more above grade. 57. FLOOR FRAMING: IRC Section R502.6, 502.7. The ends ofeachjoist, beam or girder shall have not less than l- /z" bearing on wood or metal and not less than 3" on masoffy or concrete except where supported on a l" x 4" ribbon strip and nailed to the adjacent stud or by the use of approved joist hangers. Joist framing from opposite sides of a beam or partition shall lap a minimum of 3" and shall be nailed together with three l0&face nails. A wood splice with strength equal to or greater than that provided 8 ") nailed with at least 8-l6d nails on each side of splice. See Tables R602.10.1, R602.10.5 for additional wall bracing information- 63. OPENINGS IN EXTERIOR & INTERIOR WALLS (HEADEBU IBC Section 2308.9.5, 2308.9.6, 2308.9.7&.IRC Section R602.7. Headers shall be provided over each opening in exterior-bearing walls. Headers shall be of two pieces of nominal 2-inch framing lumber set on edgg as permitted in tables R502.5(l) and R502.5(2) and nailed together in accordance with Table 2304.9.1or of solid lumber of equivalent size. Exterior headers not listed in the tables shall be designed to support the loads specified in Table R301.5. Each end of all headers shall have at least l-l/2" ofbeuing for the full width.. 64. FIREBLOCKING & DRAFTSTOPPING: IRC Sections R602.8, R502.12. FIREBLOCKING shall be installed to cut offall concealed vertical and horizontal draft openings and shall form an effective flre barrier between stories, between a top story and the roofspace. Fireblocking shall be provided in woodframe construction in the following locations: 1) In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces and parallel rows ofstuds or staggered studs as follows: a) Vertically at the ceiling and floor levels. B) Horizontally at intervals not exceeding l0 feet 2) Atall interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at soffits, drop ceilings and cove ceilings. 3) In concealed spaces at stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run. Enclosed spaces under stairs shall comply with Section P.311.2.2. 4) At openings areund vents, pipes and ducts at ceiling and floor level, with an approved material to resist the free passage of flame and products of combustion. 5) For the fireblocking of chimneys and fueplaces, see Section Rl00l.16. 6) Fireblocking of comices of a twofamily dwelling is required at the line of dwelling unit separation. Fire blocking materials shall consist of material li$ed in Section R602.8.1. Loose-fill insulation material shall not be used as a flueblock unless specifically tested in the form and manner intended. The integrity of all freblocks shall be maintained. DRAFTSTOPPING.. When rhere is usable space both above and below a concealed space ofa floor/ceiling assembly, draftstops shall be installed so that the area ofthe concealed space does not exceed 1000 square feet. Draftstops shall divide the concealed space into approximately equal areas. Draftstopping mderials shall consist of materials listed in Section R502.12.1. 65, EXTERIOR COVERING: IRC Section R703. provide the building with a weather- resistant exterior wall envelope. The exterior wall envelope shall include flashing as described in Section R703.8. Ensure proper fastening for type used, wood siding may not be less than 3/8" thick. See Table R703.4. \ l 66. WEATHER RESISTANT SHEATHING PAPER and FLASHING: IRC Section R703.2 and R703.8. The exterior wall envelope shall be designed and constructed in a such a manner as to prevent the accumulation of water within the wall assembly by providing waterresistant barrier behind exterior veneer. Asphalt-saturated felt free from holes and breaks, weighing not less than 14 lbs. per 100 SF and complying withASTM D226 or other approved weather resistant material shall be applied over studs or sheathing of all exterior walls as required by Table R703.4. Such felt or material shall be applied horizontally, with the upper layer lapped over the lower layer not less than 2". Exception: 1) in detached accessory buildings. 2) Under panel siding with shiplap joints or battens, 3) Under exterior wall finish materials as permitted in Table R?03.4. 4) Under paperbacked stucco lath. Approved corrosion-resistant shall be provided in the exterior wall envelope in such a manner as to prevent entry of water into the wall cavity or penetration of water to the building structural framing components. The flashing shall extend to the surface of the exterior wall furish and shall be installed to prevent water from reentering the exterior wall envelope. Approved corrosion resistant flashing shall be installed at all of the following locations: l) At the top of all exterior window and door openings in such a manner as to be lealproof, except that self-flashing windows having a continuous lap of not less than l-l/8" over the sheathing material around the perimeter of the opening, including corners, do not require flashing; 2) At the intersection of chimneys or other masonry constuction with frame or stucco walls, with projecting lips on bot sides under stucco copings. 3) Under and at the ends of masonry, wood or metal copings and sills. 4) Continuously above all projecting wood trim. 5) Where exterior porches, decks or stairs attach to a wall or floor assembly of wood construction. 6) At wall and roof intersections. 7) At built-in gutters. 67. STONE AND MASONRY VENEER. GENERAL: IRC Section R703.7. All stone and masonry veneer shall be installed in accordance with IRC Chapter 7, Table R703.4 and Figure R703.7. Such veneers installed over backing of wood or cold-formed steel shall be limited to the first story above grade and shall not exceed 5" in thickness. Exception: 3. For detached one- or two- family dwellings with a maximwn nominal thickness of 4 inches (102 mm)of exterior masoffy veneer with a backing of wood frame located in Seismic Design Category Dl, the masoffy veneer shall not exceed 20 feet (6096 mm) in height above a noncombustible foundation, with an additional 8 feet (2438 mm) permitted for gable ends, or 30 feet (9144 mm) in height wirh an additional 8 feet (2438 mm) permitted for gabled ends whbre the lower l0 feet (3048 mm) has a backing of concrete or masonry wall, provided the following criteria are met: 3.l. Braced wall panels shall be constructed with a minimum of 7/16 inch (11.1 mm) thick sheathing fastened with 8d common nails at4 inches (102 mm) on center on panel edges and at 12 inches (305mm) on center on intermediate supports. 10 75. ROOF MATERIALS: IRC Section R904 & R905. Roof covering materials shall be delivered in packages bearing the manufacturer's identi$ing marks and approved testing agency labels when required. 76. ATTIC VENTILATION: IRC Section R806. Enclosed attics and rafter sfaces formed where ceilings are applied directly to the underside ofroofrafters shall have cross ventilation for each separate space ventilating openings protected against the entrance of rain and snow. Ventilating openings shall be provided with corrosbn- resistantwire mesh, with l/8" minimum to %" maximum openings. The total net free ventilating area shall not be less than I to150 ofthe area ofthe space ventilated, except that the total area is permitted to be reduced to 1 to 300, provided at least 50o/o andnot more than 80% of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion ofthe space to be ventilated at least 3' above eave or cornice vents with the balance of the required ventilation provided by eave or cornicevents. As an altemative, the net free crossventilation area may 78. PREMISE IDENTIFICATION: IRC Section R32l & Mason County Standards for Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Approved numbers or addresses shall be provided for all new buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the properly. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new commercial or residential buildings (that require an address), at the beginning of long driveways when the address is not clearly visible from the access road, or in any other areas deemed necessary by the local fne district or Fire Marshal. They shall be placed in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their backgrou,nd.-R 79. APPROVED PLANS: fRC: Sections^I06.. @nJ ue moaifred, changed or altered without authorization from the Building Offpial. The building permit and one (l) set of approved plans for the project shall be kept atthe site ofwork and shall be .open to inspection by the building official or his or her authorized representative. 80. HEATING: IRC Section 303.8 Every dwellingunit shall be provided with heating facilities capable of mainiaining a minimum room temperature of 6E F at a point 3'above the floor and 2' from exterior walls in all habitable rooms at the design temperature. The installation of portable heaters shall not be used to achieve compliance with this section. SKYLIGHTS: IRC Section 308.6. The following types of glazing may be used: l) Laminated glass with a -\ l be reduced to I to 300 when a vapor retarder having a transmission rate not exceeding l-perm is installed on the warm winter side of the ceiling. Where eave or cornice vents are installed" insulation shall not block the free flow of air. A minimum of a l" space shall be provided between the insulation and the roof sheathing at the location ofthe vent. 77. CHIMNEY HEIGHT CHIMNEY CRICKETS: IRClO0l.6, R1001.17, and R1002.1. Masonry chimneys shall extend at least 2'higher than any portion of a building within l0', but shall not be less than 3' above the highest point where the chimney passes through the roof. Chimneys shall be provided with crickets when the dimension parallel to the ridgeline is greater than 30" and does not intersect the ridgeline. The cricket and chimney shall be flashed and counterflashed and shall be constructed in compliance with Figure R1001.17 and Table R1001.17. Factory-built chimneys shall be listed and labeled and shall be installed and terminated in accordance with the manufacturer' s installation instructions. GrNBnal minimum .015" polyvinyl butyl interlayer for glass panes 16 sq. ft. or less in area located such that the highest point of the glass is not more than 12' above a walking surface or other accessible area; for higher or larger sizes, the minimum interlayer thickness shall be .030". 2) Fully tempered glass. 3) Heat-strengthened glass. 4) Wired glass. 5) Approved rigid plastics. Installed skylights shall comply with Washington State Energy Code requirements. 82. GYPSUM WALLBOARD: IRC Section F.702.4.2 & R702.4.3 When gypsum is used as a base or backer for adhesive application of ceramic tile or other nonabsorbent material shall conform with ASTM C630 or Cl178. Water resistant gypsum backing board shall be permitted to be used on ceilings where framing spacing does not exceed 12" o.c. for Yz" thick or 16" o.c. for 5/8" thick gypsum board.. Water resistant gypsum wallboard shall not be installed over a vapor retarder, or on ceilings in a shower or tub compartment. All cut or exposed edges, including those at wall intersections, shall be sealed as recommended by the manufacturer. Limitations; Water- resistant gypsum backing board shall not be used in the following locations: l) Over a vapor retarder in a shower or bathtub compartrnent. 2) Where there will be direct exposure to water, or in areas subject to continuos high humidity. 83. GYPSUM WALLBOARD FASTENING: IRC R702.3.6 & Table R702.3.5, IBC 2306.5.1.4. Screws for attaching gypsum board to wood framing shall be type W or Type S in accordance with ASTM C 1002 and shall penetrate the wood not less than 5/8". Footnote e, Tqble 8l t2 ) rigid material, resistant to wind driven moisture. The minimum ventilation requirements in IBC Section 1203.2 shall be maintained. Baffles shall be installed so that l" is maintained between the roof sheathing ard the baffle. The baffles shall be installed from the top of the outside wall, extending inward, to a point 6" vertically above the height of noncompressed insulation, and 12" vertically above loose fill insulation. 91. VAULTED CEILING INSULATION: WSEC Chapter 2, Section 602.1 . Vaulted ceiling insulation shall be installed where an enclosed joist or rafter space is formed by ceilings applied directly to the underside of roofjoists or rafters. Vaulted ceilings shall be insulated to not less than the nominal R-value specified on the approved building plans. Unless approved for other than prescriptive approach the typical R-Value for vaulted ceiling insulation shall be R-30. See Chapter 6 Table 6-l. WSEC Section 502.1.6.3. Vaulted ceiling cavities shall be of sufficient depth to allow a minimum l" vented air space above the insulation. Faced batts shall be facs stapled (not ins et-stapled). 92. ACCESS HATCHES AND DOORS: WSEC Section 502.L4.4. Access doors from conditioned to unconditioned spaces (asics and crawl spaces) shall be weather-stripped and insulated to a level equivalent to the insulation on the surrounding surfaces. A wood framed or equivalent baffle or retainer must be provided when loose fill insulation is installed the purpose of which is to prevent insulation from spilling into the living space when the attic access opened and/or to provide a permanent means of maintaining the installed R-value of loose-fill insulation. 93. DUCT INSULATION/DUCT LEAKAGE: V/SEC Sections 503.9, 503. l0 & Table 5- I I . Approved R-8 insulation shall be installed in the following locations: ducts, plenums and enclosures located on the roof or exterior of the building or installed in an attic, garage, crawl space, and walls and floor/ceiling spaces. Ducts located in a cement slab or in ground shall be insulated with an approved R-5 insulation. All low-pressure supply and return duct transversejoints, and enclosed stud bays or joist cavities/space used to kansport air, shall be securely fastened and sealed with welds, gaskets, mastics (adhesives), or mastic embeddedfabric systems installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Exception: l) Ducts or building cavities used for air distribution that are located entirely within the conditioned space do not require sealing. 2) UL 18lA listed tapes used with listed rigid fibrous glass ducts may be used as a primary sealant, when installed in accordance with the listing. 3) UL I 8 I B listed tapes used with listed flexible air ducts may be used as a primary sealant, when installed in accordance with thd listing. 4) Where enclosed stud bays orjoist cavities/spaces are used to transport air sealing may be accomplished using drywall, drywall tape plus ..\ I joint compound. 5) Tapes installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions, providing detailed information specific to application on ducts, including approved duct materials and required duct surface cleaning. 94. PIPE INSULATION: WSEC Section 503.1I & Table 5- |Z,UPC (WAC) 313.6. All piping, except piping installed within unitary HVAC equipment, shall be thermally insulated in accordance with Table t12. All hot and cold water pipes installed outside the conditioned space shall be insulated to a minimum of R-3. 95. VAPORRETARDER/MOISTURE CONTROL: WSEC Section 502.1.6. Vapor retarders shall be installed on the warm side (in winter) of insulation. Vapor retarders shall not be required in rooflceiling assemblies where the ventilation space above the insulation averages 12" or greater. Faced batts shall be face stapled. 96. GROUND COVER IN CRAWL SPACE: WSEC Section 502.1.6.7. A ground cover of 6 mil black polyethylene or approved equal shall be laid dver the ground within crawl spaces. The ground cover shall be overlapped 12" minimum at the joints and shall extend to the foundation wall. The ground cover may be omitted in crawl spaces if the crawl space has a concrete slab with a minimum thickness of tll2". 97. WINDOWS & EXTERIOR DOORS: WSEC Section 502.1.5 & Tables 6-1,602.6. U-Factors for glazing and doors shall be not more than the U-factor specified on the approved building plans. Unless approved for other than prescriptive approach the maximum typical Ufactor for glazing shall be .40. See Chapter 6 Table 6-1. Any change in windows or doors must be approved by the Building Departrnent before installation. NFRC compliance stickers shall remain on the windows until the insulation inspection has been approved by the Building Department. Doors, which are more than 50% glazng shall be considered windows for the purposes of energy, code requirements. 98. AIR LEAKAGE: WSEC 502.4. Provisions to limit air leakage shall be provided to those locations separating outdoor ambient conditions from interior spaces tlat are heated or mechanically cold. Seals & lleatherstripping: a) Exterior joints around windows and door frames, openings between walls and foundation, between walls and roof and wall panels; openings at penetrations of utility services through walls, fbors, and roofi; and at all other openings in the building envelope, and between dwelling units shall be sealed, caulked, gasketed or weathershipped to limit air leakage. Other exterior joints and seams and seams shall be similarly treated or taped, or covered with moisture vapor permeable housewrap. b) All exterior doors or doors serving as access to an enclosed unheated area shall be 14 O, *.r" it will pick-up oUl".tionuU]t. odors, fumes or other flammable vapors. c) A hazardous or unsanitary location. d) A room or space having and fuelburning appliances therein. e) closer than l0' from ant vent opening of a plumbing drainage system unless the vent is located at least 3' above the air inlet. 0 Attic, crawl spaces, or garages. Exception: Exhaust only ventilation systems do not require outdoor inlets if the home has a ducted forced air heating system that conmunicated with all habitable rooms and the interior doors are undercut to a minimum W above the surface of the walking surface of the finish floor covering. 104. MAKE-UP AIR THROUGH FURNACE: WSVIAQ Section 302.3.5.6,303.4.2 & Table 3-5. The outdoor air connection to the return air stream shall be located upstream of the force&air system blower and shall not be connected directly into a furnace cabinet. fhe outdoor air duct shall be sized in accordance with WSVIAQ table 3- 5 and shall be equipped with danpers as specified in wsvrAQ 303.4.2.1. t6