HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD05-239 oversize drawings/plans not scannedPermit #BLDo5-239 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Call385-2294 rior to 3:00 for next PermitNumber: BLD05-239 Issued: 04103106 Parcel Number: 991400 502 Job Address: 310 Sims Wav Zoningz C-II Type: V-B Occupancy: !! Total Occupant Load:!{ Nature of Work: Construct new mansard roof and canopv Owner: McDonalds Contractor: I-5 Desisn and Manufacture (Randy Hedrick 800-459-2967 ext. 108) GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLY - SEE LAST PAGE SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED: Electrical - Contact Labor & Industries @ 360-417-2702 Sign Permtt- Contact Penny Wester/ield @ 379-5082 RE UIRED INSPECTION TE DEMOLITION Materialsfrom demolition shall be transported to the Jffirson County Landfill in conjunction with all stote and local laws and ordinances FOOTINGS Forms - see structural drawings Bolts Plate FRAMING -structural steel welding requires inspection by certffied Special Inspector; inspection reports shall be copied to the Building Department Column Posts Trusses Positive Connections - require inspection prior to cover F'INAL Building Numbers - minimum 5" Fire Department Electrical (L & D Final - Building Permit #BLD05-239 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Contractors working on this project are required to have a Labor & Industries contractor's resistration number and a Citv business license. Failure to provide proof of this documentation prior to work may result in job shut down while this is accomplished. 2. Temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures shall be installed on-site and inspected prior to beginning construction; call 385-2294. Measures shall include installation of silt fencing and graveled construction entrance (see attached details). Soils exposed during construction shall be temporarily stabilized with mulching, plastic sheeting, etc. Soils shall be permanently stabilized with seeding, plantings, sodding, etc. once construction is complete. Applicant is responsible for protection of adjacent properties. 3. All elements of engineering including nailing, holdowns, sheathing, and alternate braced wall panels (ABWP) require inspection prior to cover. 4. Owner or owner's agent shall review and oversee correction of any and all deficiencies noted by required inspections. 5. Re-inspection is required after any corrections are completed. 6. The Building Department is unable to pass final inspection on your project until Public Works requirements have been completed and inspected. For Public Works inspection call385-2294; a minimum of twenty-four hours notice is required. Public Works approval must be received prior to scheduling the Building Department's final inspection. 7. Final Inspections and Certificate of Occupancy are required PRIOR to occupancy. 8. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections are done by the Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 9. Revisions require review and approval prior to making changes in the field. Contact the Building Department 379-5095 prior to making changes to the approved plans. 10. POST THIS PERMIT ON.SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLAI\S. UITY OF PORT TOWNSEN4 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ION REPORT PERMIT NUMBER INSPECTAA 0T*2_3q Site Address /.4"'l Contractor a LbOwner Date of lnspection Worksite or Cell Phone# tr Erosion/Sediment Control D Setbacks/Footings/U FER tr Foundation Walls tr Footing Drainage I Slab/lnterior Footing/lnsulation tr Groundwork/Plumbing Test tr Underfloor Framing tr Ext. Shear Wall/Holdowns tr Plumbing/Iop Out tr Propane Pipe/Pressure Test B Propane Tank/Line tr Mechanical tr Framing Q lnsulation tr lnterior Shear/BWP Nail tr Drywall/Fire Wall tr PropaneMood Appliance E Manufactured Home Set-up tr Fire Department tr Temporary Occupancy D Fees Paid tr Final Occupancy D Other/Consultation tr NOT APPROVED sEE COMMENT(S) BELOW For inspections, call the lnspection Line at 350-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection; for Monday inspections call by 3:00 PM Friday. Additionalfees may be assessed for multiple re-inspections if the work is not ready and the inspector must return to the site. Failure to provide inspection record and approved plans on the site will result in $47 re-inspection fee charge. (OCGUPANCY REOUIRES PRIOR L BY DSD.) tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS SEE BELOW APPROVED n_ E|/L It g4a Approved s and permit card must be on-site and available at time of i lnspector Date DateAcknowledged by ton. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG ,r*'9'?9 o T -Z3q DATE RECEIVED: I 2 SCOPE OFWORK:eft re^ s tfl A)o5 Entered into TRIPS a ESA-to Planning -no evidence of ESA- Vested Date Checked for Completeness \L \ (3 ( I 0n s* L,O J I 1,t,66 2at ? //o 4rzh A/4fu2 ntz*L 4 U4 \\Bcdjermits\forms\BUllDlNG\Permit Activiry Log. doc tz/tg/zoos'12:11 FAr g60 i8b ?6?s CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CITYOFFORTTOWIIISEND \ .IVEII}PMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENTIt lcrr! & Krfz BriHng, 181 Qriocytttrccf,SuttcilllA PorrTorutnd WA t836tpio*: t6r0{?9J2llE Frx35r},i}t5-7675 RESII}ENTIAL BUILDING PERIT/IIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUL-TION, REMODELS, & ADDITTONS for ths of are @ o04 j'n"4rq $oope of Work: Pl€ase checlr all ltEms that Floor Area: ure structure is to be used for: P:\DSD\Depeitnent FormslBuildhg Fotms\Applicslion-Reside dhl Building Parnit.doc Pagc 1 of 1 otrnefs 0 Atrh 836State, Zp n I^JN ra"aqGlPhone 800,Permft l{o.B _23 property8treetAddrec" 3O $irns lN ry o0Parcd#Districr Addition 5 8-Block C General Contractorns Name h* MailingAddress Y1{l Co p ')wt+q8 Phone W,4f9 .Lq6 7 I CellPhone State Lioense Number .7 ffvESL t S(Ot City Business Llcense Number Authorlzod RopreiehtNtlvelconrad Pereon: Kd*hfrtn CO b phone: WA,qfa,)a6"1 Estlmated Value of oonebuctbn Financed DateWork isto be ComdetedDabWorft is to New House K,Additbn New Garage or Garport Repalr/Remodel Garage Repair/Remodel House Accessory Dwelling Unit Olher (please describe): Finished l'leated Space sq. ft:Garage sq. ft; Unfinished Heated Space sq ft:Carport sq. ft: Unfinlshed Basement sq fh Porches sq. ft: Semi-Finished Basemenl sq ft Dec*s sq. ft: Storage sq. fi:Otlrer(pleasedescribe): lnSlar\ (nrni c._< d C4'"tr/ 72/19/2006 12:12 FAI 360 385 76?5 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND @ oos .\ ,) CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND RESIDENTIAL BI'ILDING PERMIT.APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODEI.q & ADI'ITIONS Site lnformation lmpervious Surfaces: Please provide the sQuare footage of the rmlarea of the proposed and existing structures, and the sguare footage of the total area covered by porches, walkrrrayq patios and driveways. Do not indude dcrks allowing drainage to eafth'below. .lf total impervious surface is equal to or greater than 409o of the lot are€r, you must submit a written stormwater plan to address run-off. Please cheok which plans you are submltting with this application (2 sets needed): ryYSEC . Washington Stab Energy Code 4 c-ruo|/ P:\Disou,epartmerrl Forne\Builtling FofiYR\Application-R€olde'n$El Bulklhg Pdmtt.doo Page2 ot? 1. The total area of the an bet 2. The total area covered by existing and propoeed structures in square feet: (lotal ground cweregc from lhe oubib of walls of supFoiling rnembere) Percentage of lot coverage: (2+1) Proposed House Roofrrint sq. fi:Existng House Roofrrint sq. ft Proposecl Garage Roofprint sq. fi:Exbting Garagp Roofirint sq. ft: Proposed Porch/Wallcuey sq. fi:Existing Porch/'tJVakrvay sq. ft: Proposed Driveways sq. fl:Exbting Driveways sq. ft: Other (descdbe):Other (describe): Total Proposed lmpervious sq. ft:Total Existing lmpervious sq. ft: Total Proposed + Existing sq. ft:-+ Percentege lmpervlous: " (lmoervious surface + lot so- ft) A Site Plan lnterior & Extedor Wall Bracing (panel locations shown on floor plan) Drainage Plan (if 40% or trKrBB impervious)TypicalWall Framing Details (section from foundation through rcoO Foundatiqn.Plan {Elevations Floor Plan 2003 V\rSEC' Compliancei Po*riptivc- Comgonent - Floor Framing Plan WSEC Consffuction Checklist Roof Framing Pbn Other gtt Uc-tllva'lr fu r^eonnr'ct 12/Lg/2005 12:12 FAI 360 385 76?5 CITT OF FORT TOWNSEND @ ooe \ "- -\\ 'I CITY OF PIORT TO\ilNSET{II RESIDENTHL BIJILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCnON, REI|Or]ELS, & ADDITIONS Special CondlUons AFFllnant Crr rlificariOn The applicant hereby certiftes to have knowledge of those seclions olthe lntemational Residential Code anO tire Port TownseM Municipal Code pertinent to the abwe polrt ald that the applbant is responsible for constructing in confurmance with these codes; the apflicant undenttads that the permit, if issued, expires in six months unless work is sbrted; that the permit, afler mnsbuc{ion lus started, wlll expire after one year if an inspection is not made to sharl significant progress on the structure; the applicant 4rees to abide by the ordinanqes, codes, regulations, restrictive covenants, deed or plat toslrictions; ad wats anc sorer plans attached hereto; the applicant certifies that all information given above and on.accompanying plans is complete and accurate to the best of their knowledge: and the applicant understands that lhis infurnation will be relled upon in granling permib and that il such informatim as later bund to be inaccurate any permlts may be withdrawn. P:\OSD\DepaiUnent FomslBuiHiqg Foma\Applcalion-Reeidenlial BuiHirlg Perrat.doc Pege 3 of3 Please check YES or NO as appllcable YES NO 1. ls the within 200 feet of a fresh or saltwater shoreline?>< 2. ls the wi,thin the PortTornserut Historical Disbict?x.. 3. ls the propefi located within or to an environmantally sensitive area?>< 4. Will this proposal irwolve any s€\rcr, rrabr or other utiliiy er<bnsions that will, or cq.rld serve vacant properties other than the proja:t site? lf yes, please attac*r inlbrmatinn itentiffing the utility extensions and sites. ^ 5. Have any spsclal condl0ons been placed on this prryrty, or has the property been sqbiect to any cottditions on any prior action of the City (if 'Yes" to any of the bllowing, attach copies of appropriate docurnents):x SuHivision/Short PhUBoundary Line Adlustrnenf? SEPA (environmential review)? Variance? Conditional Use Permit? Street Vacaiion? Planned Unit Development? Reshictive Covenant? Easemenf? 6. Are any properties wihin E00 €et of the site c,rvned or controlled by th€ applicant, arry rehtive or business associate, or any parUnrship, corpcirdion, or other entity afftlbted with the applicant? (lf ves. attach list.)K 7. Have any of the prop€Itbs listed ln ilem#6 been developed within the last tuuo years? (lf yes, attach list.) L Have you previously dlscussed this project with a Gi$ etaff rnember? lf yes, who and when?,\ 72/lg/2l0s 12:12 FAI 360 3E5 76?5 CITY OF PORf TCIWNSEND )) ***.I"r9*HiHffi,3*ffi"Xffi Hff f ffi,APPLrcAnoN wo07 The undersignbd hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend hannless from any and allc?uses of action, judgments, claims, ordernands. or from any liability of any nature arising fiom any non-compliance with any restdclive covenanls, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictlons ufiich may have been establbhed by parties other than the City of Port Tosnsend. CofnplptelPplicarion PortTonnsend MunicipalCode, Section 16.(X,140, Vested Rights - Subotantially Compbte Building Permit Application: applications br all land use and development permits required underordinances of lhe ci$ shall be considered under thezoning and otter land use orntrcl ordinances in efrci on the date a fully complete building permit application, meeting Ure requirernents identified in this seEtion, is filed with the Development Senvices Department. Untila complete builcting pemft applbation is filed, allapplkntions br land use and development permb shall be revlewed subjlct b any zonin$ br other land use control ordinances which become efhciive prior to the date of issuance of a final decieion by the city on the application. An apptir:ation br a buiHhg pemit shall be mnsklered complete when an application meeting all of the requirements 6f Sectirn R1OS.3 of the lnternational Residental Code, 2003 Editim, is subm{tted which is consistent with all then applicable odinances and lana. ln ddiikrn, to ba considered complete, such an appication must be acconrpahieO by conrplete applkztins br a subsidiary land use or development permits needed, Euch as a complete shoreline management permit applicatbn ardlor cornplete applications br otfrer disuetionary permits requirg! under the ordinances of port Tornsend. An appllcatbn for a partial pgrmit under Sec{ion R105.3.1 of lhe lntemational Residentiel Code, 2Q03 Edition, shdl not be col.|sidered corptete unless it reets all requirements stated above and contains plans for the complete strushrral lrane of the building and the architecturalplans brthe structure. t>DT signature or Representrtive Date ForOfficiel UseOnlY P:DsD\Dogartmgnt FontlslBulHlng Fo.m6\APplioetioftR$ltlentlal Building PGtmLdoc Page 4 ol 4 Permit No.BuiHlng Officiat0t ' Balance Due $Date Date lssued vbluation Stamp below: OwnerlRepesentativ.e Date 7-/7-o6