HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-082BIJILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Torvnsend, WA 98368 (360)379-s09s Project Information PermitType Commercial Miscellaneous Site Address 125 WATER ST Project Description Hot rnop commercial building Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD07-082 APRIL FOOL 989700708 Names Associated with this Project Type Name Owner Poitevin Ellen J Contractor Hope, lnc. Contractor Hope, lnc. Contact Phone # License Type License # Exp Date (360) 38s-56s3 (360) 385-56s3 CITY STATE 110 12/31t2007 HOPER * 043N 7 02 / 1 6 I 2008 Fee Information Project Details Entered Bid Valuation 39,165 DOLL Project Valuation Building Permit Fee Plan Review Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Pennit $39.16s.00 s42.75 352.19 4.50 10.86 10.00 Total Fees $920.90 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate ar.ry provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations- I certifo that the information provided as a part ol the application for this permit is tnre and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or autlrorized agent of tlre owner. Datelssued: 05/0112007 lssuedBl': PWESTERFIELD Print Name Sfeu* Faea CO N S T R U C T I O N PR O G R E S S RE C O R D Ci t y of Po r t To w n s e n d CO N T R A C T O R Ho p e , ln c CO N T R A C T O R LI C E N S E # HO P E R - 0 4 3 N 7 IN S P E C T I O N FI N A L BU I L D I N G IN S P DA T E 25 0 Ma d i s o n St r e e t , Su i t e 3 Po r t To w n s e n d , WA 98 3 6 8 PR O J E C T AD D R E S S 72 5 WA T E R ST PR O J E C T DE S C R I P T I O N Ho l *p co m r r e r c i a l bu i l d i n g AD D R E S S 72 5 \ N a l e r St Po r t To w ns e n d . WA AD D R E S S Po Bo x 1 19 9 Fo r t T9 w n1 e n d , WA LE N D E R CO M M E N T S IN S P E C T I O N PE R M I T # BL D O T - 0 8 2 PA R C E L # OW N E R e9 e 7 0 9 1 9 g Po i i e v i n El e n J PH O N E PH O N E (3 6 0 ) 3 8 5 - 5 6 5 3 IN S P DA T E COMMENTS ge n p r n t r b l d g p l a c a r d t4.r3Si'2OO7 15:20 FAX 3603?98456 Itt)Flr t Nl;rr Bnildb5* $rcr.roos I for 1 tsl Qr{Ef Str!.lllfitt0t FsrTwrrc[4 WA9E36I (36{r}3?9il Fu:EE0IIG-- - so?s ,vT-{41? For SE$IIIEriITIAL $ofirg {I & I fruily drdttugt} r P.f.Eit it ilqrfd for rrrtctsrrl rtrcntiour tod"ai"t ;;fl"i .oorffi raaiof *ortnn*nirng' rnCqhchg | $n roof wirh r toup*ritio;A;1 fcriit corttfitid'so, pry+l: rt tisc of rp$icerion 'rbmittrl;;;Ft ;x i;;"d;-;dryIy;*rt"i", allrtins *nstefo,m1ly rcsidctl*c ar dupla' ITOOFING 1'ERhIIT Xrns of Mailiog Addre$: City, Stats, AP: Propcrty StrtGt Addrur: ZoningDisttict:Pnpd# L"otts)BlcctcDercription:Addition Collncrtortr Itlmtl MailingAddrcss: City, St*c, ZiP: Phone: I$or rnd llrdugtdscUaccrc #:-0E''rpirationDtt$: Eldc:Lisenre #: Ectiruatcd Vrhrc of,Constructioff $ Erthratd $tartDrte: {-Estimated ComPlction Date:6- All conrlnrction dcbrfo nrut bt dcpocittd ir Jclfcnol iountf Lrrdlill or otbcr rpprovkt locrtion in rscoldrnccwith dl locd, ctrtc rud fcdcrd terYs Burting ir prohihitd' (Ssntirud ocotbrdde) U8cA-pcrilemd$sofing Fctuit"OoE o5il4t2ffi1 ruF l€ft A4/&0/2oOZ 13:21 FAX 360379s456 Itrrsbcr of Gritdry rtoflrY** HOPEINCG Boofrqurrlfootrgc gBo Ilpggrvqrns ,:, - W" 4 q4 '{'U{ Mttst he a lsg;r',: 0 I sq. ft. per t50 cq. ft' sf afiic rodftre+ or o I rq. ft- pcr 300 sq. ft trSff|rtofvents lrcloc*ed Et lesst 3 f€Gtrbovc avc o[' conlicc or , pr*rou* ".upol U.rtio iE in$fltted on wntm sidc €'f sttic innrlstion 0 Pl'ease proviCe caterl*ions &r ve,nting: (Roof squaro footage + 150 or 3fi1) t\Bcd-grqi$fuur\Bno6r* $Eoitdtr 0J/t{fioq! @ oo*rooe Plcrrc chccl YES or NO u rPPlicrblcNOYES inalng,,rffist fuitts*Ioted sd rcgidstcs rutew StrtcThe EmgprorWrshfo€fmEdupteflstructurgdogl+ftnilYIsthgI ['iltlglttrercptm6WE.3.2.5 st eatiryNf&fSecl$onrn if$stsrCode{wsEc}baknoTT8 qr&sinnrlstiw,sirfq,greMir itwbzwlaliwteffirixX 2. { ? a color, lnorIgtnrchlrcIit.ditrsrentIl8if roofingCoru$itt€ePrss€rvatiotr Guc)r€qufud$stodatbcby arcreddenccsrgdifFere*(siaglo-tutilYIbeingapplicd.includitrgmat€ri8l fsrms.IIFCtheforStrffSccHFC.from ashorcling?frcsht ffyc*sdtw$crorfec[200 ofuithirlocatcd$trucilrcIrthc4.$afEwithlocationPlescdiscusgP€Nilit bcShorelincemay requirod.x 5, Will work trke place oo or ncar the public right'of'wlyt Ifycq plcEsc Prorids r ritt Flan" r A Wil sbcatbltg be replaced? fyeq it rnrst bc miniurm 7116" encdisr strucnffit panfil. ?. Wilt rEft€r$ or t1llsgc$ bc replad or rltefGd? Ifyeq a roofftauing plss iE requircd' K Erirting rcof tYPt: fr Composidon tl Ccdat H fot.fAo*oorHotb{oP h Ll.tat El O&ff Ftr tr Othor Prcporcd roof.tYPu tr Comporition tr Ccdar Torc.trdorm or Itrot ItfioP MG[al 'hgF1of3. O4/3A/2oil7 13:20 FA,{ 3603?98486 Signturc ar Isprcscruative BOPBINCG @ ooz.roos Ap plicrut Ccfi ificrti,on Tlrc applicant hcfsy ocrtifies to havc knowlcdge of$osc sc€tistls oftttc unifsf$ B,'ildrng Code an6 tf*-iort to*rr*t6 l4."tdi.t Codlpertinsnt to thc absvs Froiect and that the --frffir8,*q*ritt" r; *rurrucring in mnformancawith thesc code; ttn applicant udcr$tsftds tt*t tr* 6iiift**4 *1i,[1'' "tmonthr unrcss work ie started; tlrar the psrniq rftcr renstnrei;;G,t,,td; *iit-opir" after mc year if an inspecrion ir not rnadc ro rhow significut prsgrcsc or the ,rorrt*q-t#.pftio1t aie tc abklaby ths ordinarscq codcc! regulationq resrrisd;G ;.r€nuttts d".di;'Fht tiJtn*"P a'd xatcr rnd-s€lYGr Flsss rfiu.h'd herero; tt,. applicant |;dffid tn UOtfiJoo ei"* abop and on PLnsis comple** ,rra .rt t"tti" rf,t b*tt of *J kn"*f.i*t; and th* applicarn uodc*tands that thir informarion wiu b€ ;d# il;;; g.tdtlg p*ritt ric that is ru-c,n i,reormation is latcr foutd to bc inaserdc rny perrdtsmay bcrYithdrawn- ttrsrrnAcffi ; fo*f,y sry't *tg f,"f**o City ofPo* Townsend hffinless from rny and art ca'sGs or*ffii.redfir, rt"itr", or denrrndg sr &om any tiabi{q of any nsture adsingfrom any*;;;ilfi; "g.*il'estrictive coven3gl Fl* res{ctio11 d€ed rcsrrictionr, o, orrro i.rt i.tio* which tioy r,"*. bsr cstabtished by partic$ stt*r thsr thc city ofPort Towns€od. ComphrcApplhrtfun r srriorr t6o4_t4o b$nntidlyrort to*ofrftr4onicipal Code, Sc*ion 16-04' l4O, Vcsted Riehts - $u ConpleteBuilOfurgPo"tit APpfio*i*,-eppfi*nory-fcr.alli:rnd r$€ 8rd dcvelopment perqits ,.q:utJ "ndo otii;d; oitr," ciry tlt uL considered uuder the zodng rnd otlrer lard use contrd ordina&cee in ctrecl onthc o"t".n-ny **er"qt$dins ryPt applicatiou, m*ing thc ;A;r;";* id*tified i" tiris s€stiotr, is ltr"tirrylttr ihe guilding urd community Dcvelopment' Undl a compteto b"itffi;*tti tpttication is filed, all ap-p6catioru for land use and ;;;fi# p*r,t; ],il'bc reyd;od subjq$tg ey Sning or other land *se corrnor ordissnc€s ,,,hish b;;*ffbd"u prioito rt " carclf issuafie€ of r ftral dccision by th€ C*y on theapplicatbn An app6carion ofrbnrilding perurir Bhall b€ conridsd completc whstr ss lpDlicstios mecting alr ofths rcquir€mcetc orscc*ioo 106.3 of $G currc*ly adopted uniryrn Building codc is submined which is coruisrcnt "dth ali-td applicable ordina*e* grd lawr. In addition' to bc considcrcd **pf*r, ;dt rn application m'srbc arcompanied by courplete *pplication* for e rubsidiary land usc or dwelopment pwnits nscde4 $rchrs a completc $rorelhc rnlnagGitr€r* permit application rud/or compl*e ipptic"tions foi othsf discretiorrary permits rcquired uuder tho ordinanaer ofporr Torpnscnd. A" udfir.tid for a_partial pcrurit unaer Scction 106'4'r of ths cun'ntty raopti cdition oftheunirornguildine coce strltnot be aonsid€r€d complete unlcss irmscrr ,ll ;A-ir*,*t, "r"r"d A;;.tra *ni.i* the complcte strugru*l &aruc ofthc buildhg rnd the architefirrl planr forthe ctructurc' 't/-30 -o 7 Datc ttBC-las*tl&rrfilgF$ 05/r4r?0ql Datc IssuodApprovrlBuildiqg $fiDfr.dc h1c 3lft 5 2 % q 1 .N Watet 'Waste Water Stom'Water 1 i!& eguls 64.49972 fet do not vret in my q1y thc ecuraq of thc ofthc ecuracy ofdl mzpinfomadonjs thc sol. Receipl Nurnber:. #.., |:jffi BLD07-082 BLD07-082 BLD07-082 BLD07-082 BLD07-082 CHECK 989700708 989700708 989700708 989700708 989700708 18845 $352.79 $10.86 $4.50 $542.75 $10.00 Total $3s2.79 $10.86 $4.50 $542.7s $10100 $920.90 Plan Review Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit State Building Code Council Fee Building Permit Fee Record Retention Fee for Building P $ 920.90 Total $920.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 genpn{rreceipts f?age 1 of 1