HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD04-033PERMTT #-g L)ct4^ 033 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIWTY LOG {u DATERECETvED: z/ tz f av SCOPE OF WORK:(exl .s/a, (-J 0)s J'ttf yltr tl/ Meg, DATE IIYITIALS zl pioV Entered into TRIPS S..r nlln ESA-to Planning Lr ,o,:j -no evidence of ESA-l Lll uiut Vested Date v v Checked for Completeness ? l,wiu\Seh+ (S-{-# #o Too t tlIln4 lltr t 0t L0 A 4,r!a- 6u.. tJJ 1ro7 z) zltq l,'t ' ' lhirrri-a/^a.d, ll-rlrtttt -, fuhcd* / rl|-D<-- (/t/ E-lA_il No Kg el?on%v -ro C'i-rV LofE;e go AF ?e*sqre vY-PiRsT> \\Bcdjermits\forms\BUllDlNG\Permit Activity Log.doc City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 9936g (360) 344-3057 FAX (360) 344_461s August 30,2011 BUILDING PERMIT EXPIRATION NOTICE Washington State parks at Fort Worden According to our records, your building permit BLD04-033 for decks andstair work on the Hostel (Bld#272) haJGen expired since Jan.9,2005. The office copy of the approved construction plans will be disposed of 30days after the date of this notice. Be aware that our records will show that this permit did not receive afinal inspection. Please contact the Development Services Department with any questionsconcerning your permit or this notice. I can Le reached at 360-379-505g. Washington State parks at Fort Worden 200 Battery Way Port Townsend, WA 98369 Regards, Fred Slota, CBO Building Official a: '-\ i UrrY OF PORT TOWNSENIJ PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INSPECTION REPORT - 03PERMIT NUMBER: Address Contractor Owner Date of lnspection Worksite or Cell Phone#3 ('east a( bi^,, lht9 krfQe f ,SW s o D Erosion/Sedimentation D Setbacks/Footi n gs/U FER tr Foundation Walls tr Slab lnterior Footing/lnsulation fl Groundworl</Plumbing Test tr Underfloor Framing D Shear Wall/Holdowns tr Plumbing/Top Out D Gas Pipe/Pressure Test tr Propane Tank/Line tr Mechanical tr Framing tr lnsulation tr lnterior Shear/BWP Nail tr Drywall/Fire Wall D GasMood Appliance D Manufactured Home Set-up tr Public Works D Other/Consultation drrlrnr- (kcb lf corrections required, re-inspection must be done prior to covering or concealing areas of construction. Additional fees may be assessed for multiple re-inspections. For Re-inspection, call lnspection Message Line at (360) 385-2294 prior to 8:00 AM. NO OCCUPANCY UNTIL FINALIZED BY BUILDING AND, IF APPLICABLE, PUBLIC WORKS. D V|OLAT|ON D APPROVAL flTAAECT|ON REQUTRED tr 6e CQt/ c 'e- €-.€_..P.l-t. (J.tti E: L[.]:6Yit 8' lnspector ns and Date ^- (]L Approved pla permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. City of Port Townsend Fire Department 1310 Lawrence Sheet, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)385-2626 Email:ptfd(rDci.port-townsend.wa.us Fax:(360)385-1122 TO: F'R: DT: RE: To^ * n()il Lt lyctl d* r,r.r-(- c{-{) -? k/e- al rc-o-ilt1 / 5s "titl' SUr, a.<vrzvl- PLAN REVIEW MEMORANDIIM Suzanne Wassmer, BCD Tom Aumock, Asst. Fire Chief 26February 2004 BLD04-033, Fort Worden State Park, Replace/Enlarge existing upper deck and rebuild stairs as a rlre escape This department is in receipt of the set of plans for the above-referenced proposal from your office. The above-reference proposal was reviewed by this department relative to the Uniform Fire Code [U.F.C.], 1997 Edition, and the following constitutes this department's findings and determinations based upon the plans of record submitted. Findinss & Determinations: 1. Jurisdiction is derived from Uniform Fire Code Appendix I-A, Section 2.4, and; 2. The proponent has not supplied the design basis for the proposal, namely, live load and dead load, and; 3. The proponent has not defined the material to be used, and; 4. The proponent has not defined the door swing-path relationship to the occupancy use for the facility. Any other applicable or relevant sections of said Code not covered herein shall nonetheless apply to this proposal. 1.0 hours time was consumed in the review of this proposal It is the administrative determination of this department that the proposal be not be approved until the aforesaid information relative to the Uniform Fire Code, and Uniform Building Code is provided. C:\windows\TEMP\Iort Worden Fire Escape.doc i"l 3 L--' i-*.. ,<JI \ CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEw coNSTRUcrroN, REMODELS, ADDrrroNs, & ALTERATTONS {:-Jltsail,JOwner's NPro 3TA Mai Address I Street Address Parcet# lo I V* t oc' DistrictZon 5 Construction Type Occu Rating al Description: Addition Lot(s)Block 1 a> Maili Address General Contractor's Name ?A3tr> I,t',^-) /{E w"\Phone 7[-a State License Number Date: City Business License Number Date: Authorized Representative/Contact person :Phone Estimated Value of construction $o() AaAtFinanced By ?/6>4'Date Work is to be CompletedDate Work is to Begin b Please check all that applies for the type of building permit you are requesting: New Commercial Addition/Expansion Multi-fami - # of units:of Usec Repair/Remodel/Tenant I mprovement Grad n Other (please describe): City Sewer 3/4" Water Meter 1 112" Water Meter Septic 1" Water Meter 2" Water Meter Side Sewer Contractor: Floor Area structure is to be used forThe Conditioned Space Ft:Restrooms Sq. Ft: Basement Sq. Ft:e Ft: Mezzanine Ft:by Sq. Ft:En Other describe Decks Sq. Ft: ffi 6i(N1(ggr-. - t\ ' \\Citypdc\bcd\All Forms\Commercial building application.doc Property Site Area/Coverage lnformation Total area of the property in square feet:NI Totalarea covered by structures in uare feet (existing & proposed; use fdn bldg. line for dimension) Percentage of lot coverage: ,t lmpervious Surfaces. lr) IC Please provide the square footage of the roof area of the proposed and existing structures, and the square footage of the total area covered by porches, walkways, patios and driveways, parking, etc. Proposed Building Roofprint Sq. Ft:Existing Building Roofprint Sq. Ft: Proposed Garage Roofprint Sq. Ft:Existing Garage Roofprint Sq. Ft: Proposed PorchMalkway Sq. Ft:PorchMalkway Sq. Ft: Proposed Parking/Driveways Sq. Ft:Existing Parking/Driveways Sq. Ft: Other (describe)Other (describe) Total Proposed lmpervious Sq. Ft:Total Existing lmpervious Sq. Ft:7o New Please check the plans that you are submitting with this application Site Plan t/"Framing/Roof Framing Plan Parking Plan Building & Wall Sections Landscaping Plan Elevations Drainage/Erosion Control Plumbing Foundation Plan Mechanical Floor Plan NREC Compliance: Electric_ Non- electric Special Gonditions - Please check YES or NO as applicable YES NO 1. ls the properg within 200 feet of a fresh or salt water shoreline? 2. ls the properg within the Port Townsend Historical District? 3. ls the property located within or ad to an environmentally sensitive area?L-"' 4. Will this proposal involve any sewer, water or other utility extensions that will or could serve vacant properties other than the project site? lf yes, please identify the utility extensions and sites (attach list). 5. Have any special conditions been placed on this property, or has the property been subject to prior action of the City (lf yes, attach copies of appropriate documents):any conditions on Subdivision/Short PlaVBoundary Line Adjustment? SEPA (environmental review)? Variance? Conditional Use Permit? Street Vacation? \\Citypdc\bcd\All Forms\Commercial building application.doc Planned Unit ment? Applicant Gertificatlon The applicant hereby certifies to have knowledge of those sections of the Uniform Building Code and the port Tow_nsend Municipal Code pertinent to the above project and that the applicant is responsible for constructing in conformance with these codes; the applicant understands that the permit, if issued, expires in six months unless work is started; that the permit, after construction has started, will expire after one year if an inspection is not made to show significant progress on the structure; the applicant agrees to abide by the ordinances, codes, regulations, restrictive covenants, deed or plat restrictions, and water and sewer plans attached hereto; the applicant certifies that all information given above and on accompanying plans is complete and accurate to the best of his/her knowledge; and the applicant understands that this information will be relied upon in granting permits and that if such information is later found to be inaccurate any permits may be withdrawn. The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims, or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising from any non-compliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by parties other than the City of Port Townsend. Gomplete Application Port Townsend Municipal Code, Section 16.O4.140,Vested Rights - Substantially Complete Building Permit Application: Application for all land use and development permits required under ordinances of the city shall be considered under the zoning and other land use control ordinances in effect on the date a fully complete building permit application, meeting the requirements identified in this section, is filed with the Building and Community Development Department. Until a complete building permit application is filed, all applications for land use and development permits shall be reviewed subject to any zoning or other land use control ordinances which become effective prior to the date of issuance of a final decision by the city on the application. An application for a building permit shall be considered complete when an application meeting all of the requirements of Section 106.3 of the Uniform Building Code, 1997 Edition, is submitied which is consistent with all then applicable ordinances and laws. ln addition, to be considered complete, such an application must be accompanied by complete applications for any subsidiaryiand use or development permits needed, such as a complete shoreline management permit application and/or complete applications for other discretionary permits required under the ordinances of Port Townsend. An application for a partial permit under Section 106.4.1 of the Uniform Building Code, 1997 Edition, shall not be considered complete unless it meets all requirements stated above and contains plans for the complete structural frame of the building and the architectural plans for the structure. I re of Property or Authorized Representative Restrictive Covenant? Easement? 6. Are any properties within 800 feet of the site owned or controlled by the applicant, any relative or business associate, or any partnership, corporation, or other entity affiliated with the applicant? (lf yes, attach list) 7. Have any of the properties listed in item #6 been developed within the last two years? (if yes, attach list) B. Have you previously discussed this project with a City staff member? lf yes, who and when? \\Citypdc\bcd\All Forms\Commercial building application.doc Date O+ For Office Use Only z//rh"/ Date lssued / Plan Review Fee $Date Receipt No. Water/Sewer SDC $Date Receipt No. 3t 2.Str,slBalance Due $B# t-r\\ W b;tr #""ipt ruo. I J$ D,zofl Date ReceiVed \\Citypdc\bcd\All Forms\Commercial building application.doc :! Wateman & Katz Building 181 Quincy Street Suite 301 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone (360) 379-3208 Fax (360) 385-7675 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Call 385-2294 for Inspection Permit Number: BLD04-033 Issued: 02/19/04 Parcel Number: 101 351 001 Job Address: Blde.272 Fort Worden Zoningz P/OS Type: V-N Occupancy:3ll Total Occupant Load: No Change Nature of Work:Renlece decks-stairs and railinss. Owners:\ilashinofon Sfate ks - Fort Worden Contractor: Owner GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLY - SEE LAST PAGE E ATE Call 48 hours before you dig utility line locates: l-800-424-5555 Page 1 of2 DEMOLITION Materials from demolition shall be disposed of in the Jefferson County Landfill or other approved location in accordance with State and local laws FOOTINGS - per engineering Deck Pier Footings Reinforcement FLOOR FRAMINGiDECK All wood members to be pressure treated or wood of natural resistance to decay Posts - DF #1 Beams Joists (2" x8"@ 16" o.c.) Hangers Positive Connections Post-to-Pier Post-to-Beam Treated Wood to Concrete Lag Bolts @ledger Blocking FINAL Building Numbers posted (minimum 5") Guardrails Handrails & Extensions Stairs & Nosings Landingl I 1 2" Thresho lds Smoke Detectors throughout existing construction used for sleeping purposes per 1997 UBC Deck - Final Pemit # BLD04-033 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Contractors working on this project are required to have a Labor & Industries contractor's resistration number and a City business license. Failure to provide proof of this documentation prior to work may result in job shut down while this is accomplished. 2. . Temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures shall be installed on-site and inspected prior to beginning construction; call385-2294. Measures shall include installation of silt fencing and graveled construction entrance (see attached details). Adjacent rights-of-way shall be kept free of dirt debris. Soils exposed during construction shall be temporarily stabilized with mulching, plastic sheeting, etc. Soils shall be permanently stabilized with seeding, plantings, sodding, etc. once construction is complete. Applicant is responsible for protection of adjacent properties. 3. All elements of engineering including nailing, holdowns, sheathing, and alternate braced wall panels (ABWP) require inspection prior to cover. 4. Owner or owner's agent shall review and oversee correction of any and all deficiencies noted by required inspections. 5. Re-inspection is required after inspection report corrections are completed. 6. The Building Department is unable to pass final inspection on your project until Public Works requirements have been completed and inspected. For Public Works inspection call385-2294. A minimum of twenfv-four hours notice is ren Public Works apnroval must be received prior to scheduling the Building Department's final inspection. 7. Final Inspections are required prior to occupancy; A Certificate of Occupancy is required for a non-residential proj ect. 8. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections are done by the Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 9. Revisions require submittal & approval prior to making changes in the field. Contact the Building Department @379-3208 prior to making changes to the approved plans. 10. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. Call 48 hours before you dig utility line locates: l-800-424-5555 Page2 ofZ coMMr-\prAL BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEES (FECKLIST ) Applicant's Name bJq- J fo{€Po"/*Building Permit # BLD t17.pl Plan Review Fee (2011) NREC Lighting Plan Review e0t2) I{REC Mechanical Plan Review (2013) NREC Envelope Plan Review (2014) AMOI]NT DUE AT PLAN SUBMITTAL - o33 ) {l zr Buitding Permir F'ee (20o1) Fire Department ct #m *!r^r#*#Orr4 Street & Utitity Development Permit Brcakdown: _ (2164) _ (f20f) (1361)Street Water s"** 'ffi- Technical Conference Credit Breakrl6wn: _(216q _G203) (863) _(1403) Public \ilorlis fnspection Breskdown: _(216t _(1202) _(1362) _(1402) House Number Q20O) Stormwater Drainage Reserve Charges (1400) + BJ-o o,oo XL $loo o"0a f B;il t'tY (,401) 5r4"+; l/ o Io*I; o^ = F ?oLz 6a Water Meter Installation (1200) drop-in live_tap \Mater SDC (1260) Sewer SDC (1360) Other Service Fees Due //n r(,r t s /0:qr4z() $ o0 3t2.SZ \\Bodjerrnits\forms\EUllDlNG\Commetcial Buildin g Cheoklist.doc Revised 12125101 SUBTOTAL receipt#_ date NREC Lighting Field fnspection (2015) II{REC Mechanical F'ield fnspection (2016) NREC Envelope X'ield fnspection e0l7) state Building code surcharge (ptus $2.00/unit for multi-famity) (2005) Records Retention Fee (5% of fee; min. $3; max. $10) (ggg2) SIIBTOTAL receipt#_ date BALAI{CE DUE L{,50 I $ Page2 of2 COMMERCIAL BUILDING CHE'\.(IIST Applicant: Date: BUILDING REVIEW Completed Checklist Site Address , ArchitecturaUEngineering Drawings -@ets plus l foriW if ncw const) Plot Plan Floor Plan F'oundation Plan - \pical X'raming Details Elevations NREC Lighting Budget Compliance NREC Mechanical Compliance I\IREC Envelope Compliance WSVIAQ Requirements Contractor's License Verification State 1-800-647-0982 (press 1 & 2) City ext. 11l,5 To County Health Department To X'ire Dept Occupancy Rating Change of Use? Yes ! No I Bid or Total Floor Area Breakdown \tBc.dje,nnits\forms\BUllDlNG\Commercial Building Checklist. doc Rev.I2l26l0L Building Permit # FJLD O 33 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Street and Utility Development Permit/ Minor fmprovement Routed to Public Works with Plans Technical Conf,erence Temp Erosion/Sediment Control GradinglDrainage PLAI\IIIING RE\rIEW Zoning District - Tier ESA Questionnaire Routed to Planning Snecial Conditions: SEPA Shorelines - HPC PUD Conditional Use/Variancellf"A Variance C-II Design Standards Restrictive Covenant Sign Permit Parking I o Y Landscaping Page 1 of I )\ City of Port Townsend Building and Community Development FEBS SCHEDULE I 2. values below.* This is the fee due upon submittal 4' Your project may have additioual fees, such as Public Works. Please see the public Works permit fees sheet. RESIDENTIAL FEES Nulg;.Fees quoted before the time of permit application may be subject to change. Foundations: $14.98 x Patio Slab:$4.92x : Manufactured Homes:$7.15 x _: (Includes slab/runners, blocking, hold-downs, skirting, utility connections, etc. A separate electrical permit is required) Dwellings (includes finished basements): Wood Frame $39.63 x _ =Masonry $93.99 r -: -Storage Room $56.62 * -: -Unfinished, unheated, to be finish"d io futrrt $37.15 x : $23.57 x -: -$16.10 x $12.t2 x Basements: Semi-Finished Unfinished $22.50 x -: t- $17.17 x Garages: Wood Frame Carports: Gable Flat Pole Buildings: Slab (<300 sq.ft.) Slab (>300 sq.ft.) Building Storage Sheds: (Over 120 sq. ft. floor area)Insulated $25.84 x : Un-insulated $20.49 * -: - $3.94 x $2.94x $13.27 x Covered Porches: $25.84 x tbXt Dedks Jkt ryys0 X Stairs, lineal ft. $129.SS x I I Railings,lineal ft. $15.43 x TOTAL VALUATION:)Lz, RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL -nr.-t,a _ Townhouses: $71.38 x :: I5T 5 ,7L: / LiLtr ,$y nvruuNc pERMrr FEE::----*ILAI[ REVIEW FEE : HOUSE NUMBER: $3.00- STATE BIIILDING CODE SURCHARGE: $4.50 RECORD RETENTION FEE: $3.00 - $10.00 * The Building Department building permit fees from Table No. 1-A of the Uniform Buildine Code.The fees are calculated using the estimated fair market value of the project (material +professional labor costs)The value includes the total value of all construction work, including finish work. The Plan Review Fee, which is 65%o of the Building Permit Fee,is paid at the time of application submittal. The Building Permit Fee, and anyadditional fees, is paid at the time the permit is issued. All fees are based on fair market values. The values may be adjusted to coincide with the qualrty and individualcharacteristics of your project. The Building Departrnent will establish an estimate .rirrg ;tooa" uulu", pg square loot fo1 similar buildings in the region. These estimates are updated on a regular basis, nie valuations were takenfrom the MARSHALL & $WIFT Residential Cgst Handbook and BuildingStandards, March/April2OOz, and areestimated square footage values for residential and accessory b"ttdi"gt \\Citypdc\bcdWl Forms\Fees Schedule.doc / I I / 20 / 03 TOTAL VALUATION F'EE $1 to $500 $23.s0 $501 to 000 ,50 for the first 05$3.eachfor $additional 001 fractionor thereof.1to $69.25 for the fust $2 14 for each additional $l or fraction thereof001to$391.25 for the fust $10.I 0 for each additional $1 or fraction thereof 001 to $1 $643.75 for the fust $000 $7 for each $1 or fraction thereof $1 1to$5 $993.75 for the first $1 .60 for each additional $1 or fraction thereoflto13.75 for the fust $4.75 for each additional $or fraction thereof $and 75 for the first $1 1J for5$additionaleach I$or000 fraction thereof NAME OF Date Received:By: BI]ILDING REVIEW Completed Application Completed Plans Checklist Zontng: Lot coverage Tier House Number needed? Energy Code Construction Checklist Energy Code Compliance Type ofheat: 2 sets of Plans If architecVengineer, 1 wi wet stamp Plot Plan, setbacks checked Floor Plan; # Bdrms_, # Baths_ ht. & Ext. Wall Bracing shown on plans? Typical Framing Details/Section Foundation Plan Front Elevation Parking - Driveway dimensions on plan Check Finished Floor Elevations BUILDING PERMIT FEES CHECKLIST: Building Permit Fee (2000) Propane Tank & Piping Inspection (2000) \"-SIDENTIAL BUILDING CHECKLIST BUILDING PERMIT # Date Vested (all paperwork completed & provided): PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW Minor Improvement Permit Street & Utilify Development Permit I copy Site Plan, 8-Il2 x 11 size Technical Conference? Date:_ Septic? Send info to County Health Dept. Impervious Checked ( 40% need drainage plan) Engineered Plans? Need 3 sets. PLAIINING REVIEW Lots of Record Review: all 3 must be true: 9 or less lots; lot(s) were created pre-1937 AND water, sewer or street is being extended ESA Questionnaire: in ESA? Shorelines (within 200 ft. of high water mar$? If a B&B, is it in the Historic District? Reshictive Covenant (to tie together 2+ lots)? Slope over 15%? In a PUD/Subdivision? (Check requirements.) Contractor's License - State: Expires Expires: o a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o o a a a a a a a a o a a o a a a a a aoo Fair Market Vqlrrafinn. Plan Review Fee (2010) Impervious calculation to Finance NotifiedState Bldg Code Surcharge (2005) (plus $2/unit for multi-family) House Number (2200) Mw (2164) (date/who/initials) Street & Utility Development Permit Street (2164) _ Water (1201) _ Sewer (1361) _ Storm (1401) _ Technical Conference Credit Street (2166) _ Water (1203) _ Sewer (1363) _ Storm (1403) _ Public Works Inspection Sfeet (2165) _ Water (1202) _ Sewer (1362) _ Storm (1402) _ Water Meter Installation (1200): Drop-In Live-Tap Water System Development Charge (1260) Sewer System Development Charge (1360) Records Retention Fee (9992) (5% of fee; min. $3.00; max. $10.00) Other Service Fees Due TOTAL AMOTINT DI]E \Citypdc\bcd\RBSIDENTIAL BUILDING CHECKLIST.doc