HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD05-2211 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE . FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:00PM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION:PERMIT NUMBER: At-\ Af.- 22 I SITE ADDRESS:l0 3€ d ciAfrlr CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE OT'INSPECTION:AL 0 APPROVED ! APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection tr NOTAPPROVED Call for re-inspection before Date 6 0 ?tavt-Inspector Acknow Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. ICITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMITACTIWTY LOG PERMIT # E L Do5 -2zt SCOPE OF DATERECEIVED: //-v 05 Entered into TRIPS 5 ESA - to Planning -no ESA- Vested Date Checked for Completeness U ItLl"t--/le-L 0(;=,flcr(iL r.$loP#{l4.* oil OT i-i+r.l AA'J{eh fl lg";i-iaL rc (< L .'1\o l^o'-- t.c- S 1o /,Vh lo (C v-7, ,* I' 2 a 3 rlod^ !'e Lf ,r)ft4Jr'A'' r t" a t)Q- Lqnas €a^bs 3 \\B cd permits\forms\BUllDlNG\Permit Activity Lo g. doc Page I of2 ,12'l W 05 Jan Hopfenbeck From: Suzanne Wassmer' , Sent: Friday, November'3A,'2O07 4:34 PM To: Jan Hopfenbeck; 'bowercates@gmail.com' Cc: Scottie Foster; Rick'Taylor Subject: RE: Notice to Title' '' '. christopher ,,, You will need an original direCtor's'signature on the notice to title before you record it. lf you can't find your copy let us know your address and we will mail you another one. After you have it recorded with the Jefferson County Auditor's office, return the copy with the bar code label to our office. Once we receive the copy we can schedule a final building inspection. As stated in the notice to title, you cannot rent both the house and the ADU; you must retain one or the other for your own use. lf you are renting both, you could write the director to request a one-year hardship waiver. We would wait for his decision before scheduling the final building inspection. Suzanne Suzanne Wassmer Land Use Development Specialist City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 360) 385-0644 Fax: (360) 344-4619 -----Original Message----- From: Jan Hopfenbeck Sent: Friday, November 30, Tor'bowercates@gmail.con Cc: Suzanne Wassmer; .Scol-..-... JJ!e,,,\,v,- Subject: Notice to Title Christopher, Nice to talk with you. Attached is a copy of the Notice to Title in case Aou can't find Aour copA. Please sign qnd return it so we can get it recorded. Thanks again, Jan r $Jan Hopfenbeck CPE, CBI Plans Examiner/Permit Coordinator { City of Port Townsend Developmenf Serulces Department 250 Madison Street Sulfe 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: (360) 379-5086 Fax: (360) 344-4619 jhpplpfu eeL@etty,olpLus messase b/oO ?z I q best call back time_ date_ _ &,. WS Message For AMn -"3fi d,) t/^t3€taken (aare-./-/- 'L"l from !J U aa !J : 121312007 & I Parcel Details Parcel Number 9B Parcel Number: 985204902 Owner Mailing Address: MELINDA BOWER 1033 U ST PORT TOWNSEND WA9B36B34O9 Site Address: 1033 U ST PORT TOWNSEND 98368 Section: 35 Qtr Section: SW1/4 Township: 31N Range:1W Page 1 of2 H ; Ot'nEhdid:-b41 tra'i$t*n Sriend$w School District: Port Townsend (50) Fire Dist: Port Townsend (B) Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Sub Division: PETTYGROVE'S 2ND ADDITION Ageegxor's L*ntj Use Cad*: 1100 - HOUSES (single units, non-farm) Property Description: PETTYGROVE',S 2ND ADDTTTON I BLK 49 LOTS 3 & 6 | | | Click on photo for larger image. x No Znd llhoi* Avnilable No Permit Data Available Assessor Bldg Data Parcel ,M Jqffg nor {ornty r' r &,!;,.i i tt,i.i'l#1,1f; I C&Ufil"f'V YruFS I S(B&$tYl.tfzuT$ I *6{ieK{}l ilc$t viewfcl uiith Microsoi-t Internet Hx1:lorer $,0 r:r later #$u/'ndow$ - Mnc http ://www. co j efferson.wa. us/assessors/parcel/parceldetail. asp 5123t2006 Waterman and Katz Building 181 Quincy Street, Suite 301 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: (360) 379-3208 Fu: (360) 385-7675 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE For Next Da Ins ection Call 385-2294 Before 3P.M. Permit Number: BLD 05 -221 Issued by: Date: Date Issued: 11/16/05 Job Address: 1033 U Street Zoning: R-II Parcel Number: 985-204-902 Type: V-N Occupancy: R-3 Contractor: Owner VED/DATE GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLY: See last paee SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED: Electrical Permit - Contact WA State Dept. of Labor & Industries 360-417-2702 UIRED INSPECTIONS Nature of Work:Remodel % of b ement into ADU Owners: Melinda Bower/ Christopher Cates Catt 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424_5555 Page 1 of3 PLUMBING Rough-In (D-V-T & Clean outs) Water Supply Water Hammer Arrestors Gas Supply Pipe Insulation (R-3) Water Heater Seismic Restraint - 2 places Pressure Relief Valve drain to exterior, terminate 6" -24" above ground Licensed Plumbing Contractor's License Number: MECHANICAL Kitchen Fan - 100 cfm; vent to exterior Laundry Fan - 50 cfm; vent to outside Environmental Air Exhaust ducting (w/ back draft dampers), insulation (R-4) and terminus (located 3' from opening into building) Bui lding Permit #BLD} 5 _221REINSPECTIONS FRAMING Walls - infill Posts, beams and headers Positive connections Window U-factor - 0.40 or better NFRC sticker must be onwindows at time of inspection if owner wishes to verifu U-lfhctor Air Seal Fireblocking INSULATION _ Walls Ceiling Vapor Barrier - paint Two layers of 5/8" type X fire sheetrock on ceiling DRYWALL FINAL House Numbers - minimum 5" numbers Plumbing Mechanical/Heating Insulation Certificate Vapor Barrier Paint Certificate Smoke Detectors Final - building GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. contractors working on this.project are required to have a Labor &rndustries contractor's regisJration number and a City b-u.in*,,|i"" .Failure to provide proof of this documentutiott p"ioEGil may result injob shut down while this is accomplished. 2' Temporary erosion and sediment-control (TESC) measures shall be installedon-site and inspected prior to_ beginning constructionl can3g5_22g4.Measures shall include installation of silt fencing utto'g"uo.lio .onrtructionentrance (see attached details). Adjacent rights-or-waf shall be kept free ofdirt debris' soils exposed during construction shall n. t"-forarily stabitizedwith mulchingo plastic sheeting, etc. soils shall be perma".'otry stabilized withseeding, prantings, soddingo etc. once construction is .";pi;;;. Appricant isresponsible for protection of adjacent properties. Call48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424_5555 Page2 of3 ) Building Permit #BLDO5-221 3. All elements of engineering including nailing, holdowns, sheathing, and alternate braced wall panels (ABWP) require inspection prior to cover. 4. Owner or owneros agent shall review and oversee correction of any and all deficiencies noted by required inspections. 5. Re-inspection is required after inspection report corrections are completed. 6. The Building Department is unable to pass final inspection on your project until Public Works requirements have been completed and inspected. For Public Works inspection call 385-2294. A minimum of twenty-four hours notice is reouired. Public Works a pproval must be received nrior to schedulins the Buildine Department's final inspection. 7. Final Inspections are required prior to occupancy; A Certificate of Occupancy is required for a non-residential project. 8. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six monthso or if no inspections are done by the Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 9. Revisions require review and approval prior to making changes in the field. Contact the Building Department at 379-5086 prior to making changes to the approved plans. 10. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. Calt 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 3 of 3 llfl illlil ruil|Lil ru rufl ilflilil ilil ;#:,?,u;,.. City ofPon Townsend Development Seruices Departrnent 250 Madison Slreel Suitc 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 NOTICE TOTITLE Grantor(s): Christopher Cates and Melinda Bower Grantee: City of Port Townsend, a Washington municipal Reference: City PermitNumber BLD05-221 Legal description: Grantor(s)/Owner(s) own the Pettygrove's Second Addition, Blosk 49,6 More commonly known as 1035 U Street, Assessors Proprrty Tax Parcel No: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to property, to potential purchasers and future concemed person or entity l) Property ownerhas unit (ADU), 2) Port Townsend property, in either other unit. A withPTMC 3) tol U Street. of the above-referenced real or representatives, and to any other for construction of an accessory dwelling that the property owner reside on the subject accessory residence, in order to rent or lease the may be granted by the City in accordance nor accessory unit shall be used as a transient 16.020.C.3). A transient accommodation is defined as a 17.08.060). This notice may be removed or modifieduse only City illuflirfl/il|/l[ltfrilfllill//il|Jil/ilF#:,*?*:,: CateslBower Notice to Title ADU Page2 of 2 4) Until such time as the accessory dwelling unit is terminated and this Notice to Title is formally revoked, no portion of the property may be used or rented by other than the family as permanent living quarters CITY OF PORTTOWNSEND By: Leonard Date Development Department S.zt' Cates Date 41,'lu ,L,A B^^*5.a Melinda Bower STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF #FFEH€}+tn\ I certiff that I know or have person who appeared before me, and who free and voluntary act for the uses69 Given under my hand and $,fi$eilov q...fo5 a-A is the that _ signed the same as in the instrument. itr duy of hAd r Date )ss. ) J 9€06. "mtfA ,t (Print NOTARY My appointment expires in and for the of {B?of fNotary stamp City of Port Townsend Development Services Departrnent 250 Madison Street Suite 3 PortTownsend, WA 98368 NOTICE TO TITLE Grantor(s): Christopher Cates and Melinda Bower Grantee: City of Port Townsend, a Washington Reference: Ctty Permit Number Legal description: Grantor(s)/Owner(s) own Pettygrove's Second Addition, Block 49, More commonly known as 1035 U Street, Assessors Property Tax Parcel No: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the property, to potential purchasers and future concemed person or entity: 1) Property owner has received City unit(ADU), BLD05-221. an accessory dwelling 2) Port Townsend Municipal Code requires that the property owner reside on the subject property, in either the principle or accessory residence, in order to rent or lease the other unit. A one-year hardship waiver may be granted by the Clty in aecordance with PTMC t7 .16.020.C.2. 3) Additionally, neither the principal nor accessory unit shall be used as a transient acconrmodation (PTMC 17.t6.020.C.3). A transient accommodation is defined as a use less ti^29 days (PTMC 17.08.0601. fnis notice may be removed or modified only with approval by the City. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT PERMIT NUMBER:Bn cs- zz\ SITE ADDRESS:iO33 d tr. CONTRACTOR: *%TU c, DATE OF INSPECTION o WORKSITE OR CELL PHONE #:Bzt *9zo 6 TYPE OF INSPECTION REQUESTED AaV i,t/*t*u For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. X s{+Effic)(( L,JsLLg d AA Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection sed if work is not ready for inspection.l W,LI)L N ! APPROVED WITII CORRECTIONS NOTED BELOW tr NOTAPPROVED CALL FOR RE.INSPECTION BEFORE PROCEEDING 6cDate tr APPROVED Acknowledged t)A nPtL a^) siTr?Date CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION R-EPORT PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS: d3lnD5 - I O.43 I .qf C"*"., tJ trlttw d -i'n- SFAL-- CONTRACTOR: DATE OF INSPECTION: WORKSITE OR CELL PHONE # TYPE OF INSPECTION REQUESTED: For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. N APPROVED APPROVED WITH CORRICTIONS NOTED BELOW ! NOTAPPROVED CALL FOR RE-INSPECTION BEFORE PROCEEDING lL)e_k) 6L) L A S€q L_ e-(< Approved and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re-inspection fee may ed if work is not for inspection. Inspector 0p-Date t Acknowledged ilc flt)P- olC €rW ,Date p PERMIT NUMBER: ^J ^f t rfY OF PORT TOWNSENU DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT bLD 05 - zzt to33 tJ 3T* '{ Site Address Contractor OlD6 g:'@- tr Erosion/Sediment Control tr Setbacks/Footings/U FER D Foundation Walls D Footing Drainage D Slab/lnterior Footing/lnsulation tr G roundwork/Plumbing Test D Underfloor Framing tr Ext. Shear Wall/Holdowns Owner L]-r€s a Date of Inspection \q- 0 L Worksite or Cell Phone#3zl-Qz 0L (etumoing/Iop Out E Propane Pipe/Pressure Test D Propane TanULine fl Mechanical ffiraming tr lnsulation tr lnterior Shear/BWP Nail tr Drywall/Fire Wall tr APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS SEE BELOW tr PropaneMood Appliance Q Manufactured Home Set-up Q Fire Department tr Temporary Occupancy Q Fees Paid tr Final Occupancy tr Other/Consultation For inspections, call the lnspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection; for.Monday inspections call by 3:00 PM Friday. Additionalfees may be assessed for multiple re-inspections if the work is not ready and the inspector must return to the site. Failure to provide inspection record and approved plans on the site will result in $47 re-inspection fee charge. (OCGUPANCY REQUIRES PRIOR BY DSD.) tr APPROVED U NOT APPROVED sEE COMMENT(S) BELOW I r Rntutr)tr4 (w u.d fl-gnstL_ ,\rL C Approved nsa rd must be on-site and available at time of in lnspector dbv Date DateAcknow permit n. City of Port Townsend Development Services Department BUILDING NUMBER APPLICATION Name of Property Owner:Chnrsfooher C-a,tes Mailing Address:ln{? 'l ).sf-W relephone, 821- 92D(r Property is located in: Block(s),4q Lot(s): Faces/Access is from: Parcel Number treet 5 Directions to the Propertv (draw vicinity map on back) If this is a new ADU, has a building permit been applied for?es No Date: Notes: HOUSE NUMBER ASSIGNED:lC35 l) ,Stre-pf #" Date of Approval For Departmgnt Use Onlvz Application Fee Received ($3.00, TC2200):Date: Copy to:F-r'in*""(Sheriff !-Public Works f,County Senior GIS pFire Dept {Police (Lyn) /Oto database lPost Office /crs pG.ssessor's Office For address changes: ! Qwest Address Management Center -206-504-1534 P:\DSD\Deparhnent Forms\Building Forms\Application-Address Number.doc ; 4/17106 711 EI rJVater Wxte Water Storm l7ater 1 inch equa.b 80 fea ihis n:ap is prcfidcd on m "B is," tuidr til fAJts,"Lrsir. 'Ihe Cis of llort1bsa.cnd sd is mploFcr do nor urtmt ie ay way thc *_cuaq of the ii!)nnanon .:dni{il'J ;. this rn,+.. Fi(U K nliinrion oi dre arcunev cf al) m4 ofomadon i. ttc *'le *9*si5ihry .ri $e vscr. llscr rcl**s dx Pri Toq6md eid:s e:p:o:asr frDln an.v irascd or nsc/s usc Lrfnzp *{aanatiou.Crrt od lia::ilitr 4 3 4 2 6 2 3 7 1 2 B 1 4T - 5 t- ? cD o F 4 7 6 3 B87 1 7 2 I 1 I-w w u t- . c/ ) S IR Ee r F (n r C) Sr w w @ 1 0 5 4 1 3 7 l- . b Scope of Work: Please check allitems that CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND' .PVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTME \, ., aterman & Katz Building, 181 Quincy Street, Suite 30ra Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-3208 Fax360-385-7675 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, & ADDITIONS for the of buildi rmit are Floor Area: the proposed structure is to be used for: fv\lni5ProqY a sOwner's Name(s)("i11 Mail o3 stAddress City, State, Zip PT, \^rtt L(8 Phone 3"-,o0b Permit No. O LOO.5 '2?-l Property StreetAddrsse $o^f( qo cibcu'q. CIBZoning District Parcel# Legal Description: Addition Lot(s)Block General Contractor's Name C hr,her 5 MailingAddress Sqrnf a Phone cett Phone $el -q\Db City Business License NumberState License Number D ntative/Contact Person: Chris \cr Phone: b*l -QaOUAuthorized Estimated Value of construction Financed By Date Work is to Begin Date Work is to be Completed New House Addition New Garage or Carport Repair/Remodel Garage r/Remodel House csrrunfrv\o ( Accessory Dwelling Unit Other (please describe): Finished Heated Space sq. ft: L{Lq Garage sq. ft: Unfinished Heated Space sq ft:sq. ft: Unfinished Basement sq ft:Porches ft: Semi-Finished Basement sq ft:Decks sq. ft: Storage sq. ft:Other (please describe): P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building permit.doc Page 1 of 1 , t-.--.\ -.\ !tl CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NEW CONSTRUCTION, REMODELS, & ADDITIONS Special Conditions Apfrl icant Certification The applicant hereby certifles to have knowledge of those sections of the lnternational Residential Code and the Port Townsend Municipal Code pertinent to the above project and that the applicant is responsible for constructing in conformance with these codes; the applicant understands that the permit, if issued, expires in six months unless work is started; that the permit, after construction has started, will expire after one year if an inspection is not made to show significant progress on the structure; the applicant agrees to abide by the ordinances, codes, regulations, restrictive covenants, deed or plat restrictions; and water and sewer plans attached hereto; the applicant cbrtlties that all information given above and on accompanying plans is complete and accurate to the best of their knowledge; and the applicant understands that this information will be relied upon in granting permits and that if such informaiion is later found to be inaccurate any permits may be withdrawn. P:\DSD\Department Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building permit.doc Page 3 of 3 Please check YES or NO as applicable YES NO 1. ls the within 200 feet of a fresh or saltwater shoreline? 2. ls the within the Port Townsend Historical District? 3. ls the property located within or adjacent to an environmenta sensitive area? 4. Wll this proposal involve any sewer, water or other utility extensions that will, or could serve vacant properties other than the project site? lf yes, please attach information identifying the utility extensions and sites. 5. Have any special conditions been placed on this property, or has the property been subject to any conditions on any prior action of the City (if "Yes" to any of the following, attach copies of appropriate documents Subdivision/Short PlaUBou Line Adjustment? SEPA (environmental review)? Variance? Conditional Use Permit? Street Vacation? Planned Unit Development? Restrictive Covenant? Easement? 6. Are any properties within 800 feet of the site owned business associate, or any partnership, corporation, or or controlled by the applicant, any relative or other entity affiliated with the applicant? (lf / 7. Have any of the properties listed in item #6 been developed within the last two years? (lf yes, attach list.) 8. Have you previously discussed this project with a City staff member? lf yes, who and when? /