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May 2018
A Note from the Mayor:
Mayor Deborah Stinson
Con�nuing the Fire Annexa�on Topic
The town hall mee�ng series is now complete, and the results are in. We appreciate the 20-40
residents who turned out to each mee�ng to learn the facts behind this ini�a�ve and to provide their
guidance on the choices we face. The results tell us that we are heading in the right direc�on but that
we have a lot more work to do before we can take this ques�on to a ballot.
You can review the presenta�ons and the informal survey results from each of the mee�ngs on the
SpeakUp sec�on of our website. (www.speakuppt.us, and scroll down to click on the Fire Annexa�on
Discussion.) Videos of the mee�ngs will also be posted as soon as we receive them from the videographers.
The same informa�on, sans videos, is also available in print form at the City Library and at City Hall in
the Administra�on office.
Our next steps include two more special mee�ngs that will occur a�er this wri�ng and before this
newsle�er arrives. Council will discuss what we learned, and what we s�ll need to learn, on April 23.
Then we will be holding a special workshop mee�ng with the East Jefferson Fire & Rescue (EJFR)
Commissioners on April 30. It is our goal to have a common understanding for how best to proceed by
the conclusion of those mee�ngs. As always, these mee�ngs will be recorded and can be viewed on
our website at www.cityofpt.us/video.html by clicking on the appropriate date under City Council
Archives 2018. Then con�nue to read future edi�ons this newsle�er for updates on this topic.
What’s Happening with the New Communica�on Plan?
As you may have ascertained from the last few newsle�ers, I sure wish I had a magic wand that would
fast forward us to a world where our communica�on plan is fully implemented. It would be great to
have that new website and the social media tools in place to send �mely mee�ng no�fica�ons and
recaps. In the real world, we are making steady progress with an eye on implementa�on by the end of
this year. A website development firm is under contract and star�ng work on building the website that
will serve as the founda�on for other new communica�on tools. Addi�onally each City department
now has a designated communica�ons lead working out the protocols that will need to be in place
before we launch into social media.
We Value your Feedback
Included with this month’s newsle�er is a Library sa�sfac�on survey. We would like your feedback on
your library usage, sa�sfac�on with our services, and sugges�ons for improvement. You can fill out
this paper survey and include it with your u�lity bill payment or fill out a digital version online on our
SpeakUp PT site: www.speakuppt.us, click on surveys. The survey will be open from May 1-June 10th.
There will also be paper copies at the Library, so we can capture feedback in a variety of formats.
Prohibited Posting of Signs
PT Municipal Code 17.76.070 L.
prohibits “Signs a�ached to u�lity
poles or traffic signs” This includes
garage sales, announcements,
adver�sing, etc. Please contact the
Development Services Dept with
ques�ons about sign regula�ons:
360.379.5047 • citycouncil@cityofpt.us • www.cityofpt.us
May• Page 2
Water Street Enhancement Project Update
SR20 Summer Paving Project (WSDOT)
Contact Project Manager Laura Parsons, P.E. if you have any ques�ons: 360-385-3000 X2191.
Jefferson Street Sidewalk Project
This project will consist of a much-needed sidewalk connec�on on the south side of Jefferson Street to Quincy
Street and Washington Street, thus fully connec�ng the Uptown and Downtown areas. The project will also
provide ADA-compliant ramps on Washington Street at the intersec�on at both Quincy Street and Adams Street.
There will be a plaza feature at the top of the Haller Fountain stairs (Jefferson Street) to match the feel of the
plaza at Haller Fountain (Washington Street). The PUD will con�nue to underground power in order to accom-
plish their goal of conver�ng the downtown area from overhead to underground power. The project is es�mat-
ed to start early summer and be
completed by fall 2018.
The Jefferson Street Sidewalk Project is funded through the
Transporta�on Improvement Board (TIB).
Please visit our Capital Projects webpage for more informa�on
on the Jefferson Street Sidewalk Project:
As we move from design to construc�on the project updates
will be more frequent on our Capital Projects page.
The focus of the Water Street Enhanceent Project is shi�ing from
underground work to construc�ng sidewalks and the street surface.
Paving from Taylor to Polk Street is scheduled for the second week of
May. Polk to the Ferry Terminal will be paved in June, and all striping
will be finished in June as well. At the �me of this wri�ng, the
sidewalks between Taylor and Tyler (on both sides of the Water
Street) are substan�ally complete. Curb and gu�er the length of the
project will be completed by the end of May as will remaining
stormwater work between Polk and the Ferry Terminal. The bollards
for the pedestrian plaza at Tyler Street will also be placed. Irriga�on
for the landscaping and street trees will completed as will the
conduits to allow for ligh�ng the street trees. Traffic will con�nue to
be one lane at varying loca�ons along the project length with
flaggers direc�ng traffic and available to help pedestrians cross the
street. The project remains on schedule to be completed by the end
of June.
Starting April 30th WSDOT will be working at
nights only paving from the Airport to the
Ferry terminal, starting at Ferry Terminal,
working their way to the Round-a-bouts then
it will be at other various locations in the City
and County. The night paving will be from
8:00pm – 6:00am every night. It is planned to be
completed by May 28th
360.379.5047 • citycouncil@cityofpt.us • www.cityofpt.us
May • Page 3
Join Us at the Library for Our Exci�ng May Events!
Port Townsend Compost Facility
DIY Terrariums
Charles Pink House - 1256 Lawrence St.
Wednesday, May 2, 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Children ages 6-11 are welcome to come create terrariums using recycled jars and other natural materials. All
supplies will be provided by the library.
Transgender Youth Transforming Society
Port Townsend Public Library - Carnegie Reading Room
Wednesday, May 16, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Program for Teens and Adults. Port Townsend Public Library partners with Mandala Center for Change to present
about transgender issues. We will have a viewing of a transgender training video, a youth panel presenta�on,
and �me for Q&A.
Sing-a-Ling with Keeth Apgar from Harmonica Pocket
Port Townsend Library - 1220 Lawrence St.
Thursday, May 17, 10:15-10:45 a.m.
Sing-A-Ling gets toddlers, preschoolers, families and the greater community into our bodies and singing together.
Part story �me, part sing-along and fully loaded with laughs, the select songs and rhyming stories in this show
combine finger play, movement, picture books, upli�ing acous�c music and an engaging, highly-interac�ve
banter between audience and presenter.
At the City of Port Townsend's Compost Facility, we take a great deal of pride in the work
that we do, which includes the fact that we take three resources that were once just
thrown into a landfill or burned and combine those resources together, put them into the
correct environment and create a product that is used by the public for the gardens and
landscapes that help to make our community such a beau�ful place to live.
For us to be able to make the excep�onal quality compost that we do, we need the
public’s help in bringing to us only those things that are acceptable for making compost. We accept clean yard waste
up to 10 inches in diameter and up to 8 feet long.
We have seen an increase, however, in unacceptable waste being put into our yard waste pile, which include things
like processed lumber, especially any kind of treated lumber, rocks, sod, and most importantly plas�cs of any type.
We do our best to remove plas�cs as we see them but there is no way we can remove them all before they get
ground into our wood chips, then as small pieces of plas�c they go all the way through our Facility and get into the
finished compost. If you bring yard waste to us in any type of plas�c bag please dump the bags out and take them
with you to help us keep our compost clean.
In recogni�on of the popularity of swimming and other water-related recrea�onal ac�vi�es in the United States
and the resul�ng need for ongoing public educa�on on safer water prac�ces, the month of May is Na�onal Water
Safety Month!
Mountain View Pool invites you to join us in May for swimming lessons. No ma�er your age or skill level, we have
the right class for you. Our experienced instructors offer group and private lessons for all ages and abili�es. You
can register online at www.cityofpt.us/pool, over the phone 360-385-7665, or stop by the pool at 1925 Blaine St.
And as always, there is plenty of lap space and open swim �me. Help us celebrate Na�onal Water Safety month
and we’ll see you soon, in the pool!
May is Na�onal Water Safety Month!
360.379.5047 • citycouncil@cityofpt.us • www.cityofpt.us
May • Page 4
The following commi�ees have vacancies for ci�zens interested in volunteering:
• The Arts Commission promotes and encourages public programs to further the development and public awareness
of and interest in the arts, and to act in an advisory capacity to the City government in connec�on with the ar�s�c
and cultural development of the City. Members are selected based on their knowledge and exper�se with respect
to the performing, visual and literary arts. The many ac�vi�es sponsored by the Arts Commission include an
annual one-act play contest and juried art exhibi�ons.
• The Library Advisory Board advises the City Manager and City Council concerning the opera�ons of the Port
Townsend Library. The board offers advisory opinions concerning the supervision, care and custody of library
property; the annual opera�ons budget; purchase of supplies and materials for library patrons; and hours of
opera�on for public use of the library. The board also develops policy for the selec�on of books, periodicals, maps,
materials, and informa�on services for the library's opera�on. In addi�on, the board may make recommenda�ons
to the City Council regarding long-range planning of facili�es and funding-based proposals.
• The Parks, Recrea�on and Tree Advisory Board advises City Council on issues related to the City's parks, open
spaces, trees and recrea�onal opportuni�es. The board provides review, advice and recommenda�ons on the
implementa�on of the Port Townsend Parks, Recrea�on and Open Space Func�onal Plan and other topics that are
important to maintaining and expanding the City's commitment to conserva�on and legisla�on regarding the
City's parks and trees. The board organizes community efforts to maintain and protect the City's recrea�onal assets.
• The Non-Motorized Transporta�on Advisory Board advises the City Council on the planning, funding and maintenance
of the City's non-motorized transporta�on facili�es, including implementa�on of the Non-Motorized Transporta�on
Plan and promo�on of walking and bicycling for both recrea�on and transporta�on throughout the City.
• The Historic Preserva�on Commi�ee is comprised of local ci�zens who serve as a review board for proposals
regarding historically significant resources within the City. They advocate for historic preserva�on and provide
recommenda�ons to the Department of Development Services regarding proposed projects. The commi�ee
prepares and proposes revisions to design review guidelines for evalua�ng development proposals.
Applica�ons are available in the City Clerk’s office on the second floor of City Hall, 250 Madison Street. Call
379-5083 with ques�ons and to request an applica�on form or download from www.cityofpt.us/council/boards.html.
City residency or employment within the City is a requirement for most posi�ons.
Main Street Merchant Coffee Talk May 9th from 8:30 – 9:45 am at the Co�on Building.
Shine a Light on Your Business! Focus on publicity & marke�ng �ps to put a spotlight on your
business. Free for Main Street Members/$5 for non-members. Please RSVP to 360-385-7911 or
admin@ptmainstreet.org by May 7th.
The Art Walk on May 5 includes Art Wave
A showcase of over 400 pieces of student art. Come for a walk Downtown and Uptown and be amazed by the
crea�vity of our youth. Art Wave is a collabora�ve effort between Main Street, PT Artscape and par�cipa�ng businesses.
Arty Improv & Special Events
Feeling spontaneous? Other arts events include Key City Public Theatre Improv on the street May 5th, 12th, and
Join us at “ArtZone” a Paint n’ Sip Party to benefit Arts in the Port Townsend Public Schools. The PT Main Street
Program invites adults (21+) to tap into their crea�vity at a new fundraising event on May 24th from 5-7 pm. The
class will be led by Jesse Watson, an award-winning local ar�st. The fee is $50 and includes all materials and refreshments.
For more informa�on on any of these events please visit www.ptmainstreet.org
MAKE A DIFFERENCE! - Ci�zen Advisory Board Recruitment