HomeMy WebLinkAbout010318 Minutes
January 3, 2018 3:00 p.m. City Hall, Conference Room 1
Dan Groussman, Dominica Lord-Wood, Kris Morris, Owen Rowe, Stan Rubin (Chair), and Lisa Wentworth
Legal Assistant/Deputy Clerk Amber Long
Changes to the Agenda
Chair Stan Rubin requested that the Commission move the
Angel and Patron of the Arts discussion to earlier in the
Approval of Minutes:
December 6, 2017Unanimous approval
Songlines Choir:
The Commission discussed a request Unanimous approval of a fee waiver for the January concert.
from Songlines Choir to waive Cotton Building rental fees The Commission agreed to defer a decision on the June
for concerts in January and June. concert pending clarification on how fee waivers affect the
Commission’s budget.
Angel of the Arts:
The Commission discussed the The Commission voted unanimously to select Kathy and Bob
nomination forms and expressed that all were worthy Francis as joint recipients of the Angel of the Arts award.
Patron of the Arts
: Commissioners proposed potential The Commission voted unanimously to honor Jeanette Best
recipients and discussed each.posthumously as Patron of the Arts.
Key City Public Theatre/PlayFest:
Denise Winter gave Unanimous approval of a fee waiver for use of the Pope Marine
Commissioners a funding request for pay-what-you-wish Building for the length of the entire festival, March 1-11.
performances to be discussed at the next meeting. She
informed the Commission that the one-act play competition Unanimous approval of a $900 payment to guest playwright
awards ceremony will be on February 23. Jeni Mahoney and waived fees for use of the Pope Marine
Building during the playwriting workshop.
Unanimous approval of a $125 payment to each winner of the
one-act play competition for production rights.
Songwriting Works:
Judith-Kate Friedman gave a recap Unanimous approval of $800 in total funding for the three
of funded 2017 projects and showed a video of a recent events.
event. She presented a new funding request for three 2018
Election of Officers:
Chair Rubin announced that he Kris Morris nominated Owen Rowe as Chair. Dan Groussman
would not be continuing as Chair if nominated. nominated Stan Rubin; he declined. The Commission
Commissioners expressed appreciation to Mr. Rubin for his unanimously elected Mr. Rowe as Chair.
long service as Chair and many achievements in improving
processes and promoting the Commission’s visibility in the Mr. Groussman nominated Ms. Morris as Vice Chair; she
community. declined. Dominica Lord-Wood nominated Lisa Wentworth; the
Commission unanimously elected Ms. Wentworth as Vice Chair.
Ms. Morris nominated Ms. Lord-Wood as Treasurer; the
Commission unanimously re-elected Ms. Lord-Wood as
Ms. Lord-Wood nominated Mr. Groussman as Secretary; the
Commission unanimously re-elected Mr. Groussman as
Public Comment:
Jason Victor Serinus complimented the
Commission on the way it conducts its meetings. Matt
Miner inquired about upcoming appointments to the
Commission by City Council.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:33 p.m.