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February 2018
A Note from the Mayor:
Mayor Deborah Stinson
Here we are a full month into the new year and, as expected, we are full steam ahead. As I men�oned in the
December newsle�er, 2018 will bring a series of significant public works projects, a robust community conversa�on
about annexing the City into the East Jefferson Fire District, implemen�ng the first phases of a new communica�on
plan and the recruitment of a new City Manager. We'll use this newsle�er to address all this ac�vity as it occurs.
Buckle up!
Water Street Enhancement Project
Anyone visi�ng downtown since January 2 has surely no�ced the heavy construc�on that is fully underway on
Water Street. Work will be progressing up and down the street between Taylor Street and the Ferry Terminal un�l
June. The plan calls for keeping at least one lane of traffic open throughout the construc�on period. However, this
is a big project for our small town and it will surely be disrup�ve for our downtown businesses before we all benefit
from the much needed upgrades.
We have partnered with Main Street to launch their "Watch Us Go! Paving the Way to a Brighter Future"
campaign to encourage us all to keep our money where our heart is. As is always the case, spending locally keeps
our dollars circula�ng within our community and supports our friends and neighbors who own and work in the wide
variety of businesses that contribute so much to our community vitality. Main Street has created a series of special
events and fun ac�vi�es to further reward those who venture downtown during construc�on. And don't miss out
on the coupon book that is full of great deals being offered by the downtown merchants! To learn more about
these offerings and to sign up for emailed project updates. Visit www.ptmainstreet.org/i-love-port-townsend/
You can also visit our website and sign up for weekly project updates: www.cityofpt.us
Speaking of keeping you informed...
Communica�ons Strategy Update
Late last year we shared the findings and recommenda�ons report from Pyramid Communica�ons. Since then, we
have been working internally to set up a communica�on team made up by a City-wide communica�ons coordinator
and department communica�on leads. This team will work together to help share informa�on with both our
residents and our staff so that everyone is consistently informed on what is happening throughout the City. You can
find this report in the October 30th council packets on our website, or call our Clerk’s office, 360-379-5083.
The resident and staff surveys provided us with a lot of great feedback about what informa�on you want and how
you would like to obtain that informa�on. A key step in the first phase of the resul�ng strategy is to redevelop our
website. Four website vendors have provided demonstra�ons of their services and we will receive their formal
proposals by the end of January. Our goal is to have the updated website available before the end of 2018.
The new website we will be built with technology that allows us to keep you be�er informed. Some of the func�ons
we will be adding include:
• A simplified design to make informa�on easy to find within a couple of “clicks”
• Sign-up op�ons to receive no�fica�ons and alerts to keep you up-to-date on topics of interest
• Mobile friendly features for ease of viewing on phones and tablets
• Online forms that can be filled out and submi�ed digitally
In the mean�me, we will con�nue to use this newsle�er to keep you updated with our progress and launch dates as
we move this project forward.
360.379.5047 • citycouncil@cityofpt.us • www.cityofpt.us
FEB • Page 2
New City Tax and License Code Changes Effec�ve January 1, 2018
Library events in February
Please note the following changes were adopted for implementa�on in 2018:
Tiered license fee structure based on gross receipts
Filing requirements for business taxes apply to companies with gross receipts over $100,000
Businesses that earn less than $100,000 in gross receipts must get licensed but no longer need to file
returns (effec�ve with 1st quarter 2018 returns)
Please note that license applica�ons and renewals must be done through the Department of Revenue website
As a reminder, new u�lity rates took effect January 1st:
Water rates increased 2%
Sewer rates increased 3%
Water capital surcharge increased by $3.00
You can view the rate schedule on our website. In the drop down menu on the main page, choose City
Departments then Finance, once on the Finance page click on U�lity Rates.
Do not hesitate to contact the Finance Department with any ques�ons regarding these changes: 360-385-2700
Dungeons and Dragons
Library Learning Center - 1256 Lawrence St.
(Fridays in February) 3:45pm-4:45pm
Want to explore dungeons and find treasure? Come join our ongoing Dungeons and Dragons game for
kids age 10+ and up. No experience or equipment necessary. This will be a PG-rated adventure full of
glory, magic, treachery, risk, and reward! The program will run every Friday for now.
Pajama Story�me
Port Townsend Library - 1220 Lawrence St.
Monday, Feb. 5, 6:00 pm
Children ages 0-5 and their families can join us for stories, songs, movement, rhymes, and more.
Everyone is welcome to come in their pajamas and bring a stuffed animal friend, as well.
Fall in Love with your Library: Open House Event
Port Townsend Library - 1220 Lawrence St.
Thursday, Feb. 8, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Come to the library for an Open House. Enjoy live music, Valen�ne cra�s, and light refreshments.
Explora�on of Flight
Charles Pink House - 1256 Lawrence St.
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 3:00 pm [Register Now]
Come make different kinds of flying machines. Children ages 6-11 are welcome. Registra�on Required.
Creator’s Cafe for Teens
Charles Pink House - 1256 Lawrence St.
Wednesday, Feb. 28, 3:00 pm
Food, cra�s, crea�ons. Teens ages 12-18 can come hang out, eat, and work on crea�ve projects.
360.379.5047 • citycouncil@cityofpt.us • www.cityofpt.us
FEB • Page 3
Capital Projects
Schedule: Construc�on bid adver�sements in spring of 2018, and will be completed by September 2018.
The Big Quilcene River in the Olympic Na�onal Forrest is the primary source of
drinking water for the City of Port Townsend and industrial process water for the
Port Townsend Paper Corpora�on. The diversion dam diverts water from the Big
Quilcene river to get water into the City water system.
This dam was constructed in 1928, and has had some minor upgrades throughout
the years. Current inspec�ons have revealed deteriora�on in some of the �e-back
logs, as well as other structural issues that need to be repaired or replaced.
We have a lot of great projects scheduled for 2018. Here is a snapshot of those projects:
Currently, pedestrians traveling on both Jefferson Street and Quincy Street are forced
to walk in the street, as cars are o�en parked in the informal gravel shoulder at the
edge of the road. The proposed sidewalk will be an ADA accessible alterna�ve to the
Haller Fountain stairs or a steep trail (buggy trail) which connects Downtown and the
Jefferson St. Sidewalk
Big Quilcene Diversion Dam Repair
SR-20 Pedestrian Walkway - Logan St. to Hancock St.
Regional Stormwater Facility
Schedule: The repairs are planned for summer of 2018 and work is expected to last approximately 15 weeks.
Schedule: The project is currently in the conceptual design phase, followed by permi�ng in 2018.
Schedule: The project is currently in the environmental permi�ng and design phase with construc�on
proposed to start late fall of 2018.
The project consists of installa�on of approximately 750 feet of sidewalk, including
an approximate 150-feet span for a pedestrian walkway across a ravine, ADA
crossings, u�li�es and stormwater improvements from Logan Street to Hancock
Street along Upper Sims Way. Currently, funding is available only for conceptual
The Regional Stormwater Facility project entails construc�ng a regional stormwater
facility to benefit a mostly undeveloped commercial area due to poor drainage soils
and the desire to increase the density of the underdeveloped lots. The loca�on is
between State Route 20 (Sims Way) and Discovery Rd. on Rainier St. (formerly
Howard St.). The benefi�ng area totals approximately 33 acres & includes a light
manufacturing property south of Sims Way.
360.379.5047 • citycouncil@cityofpt.us • www.cityofpt.us
FEB • Page 4
Mountain View Commons
Water Street Enhancement Project Update
Schedule: The project is out to bid in January 2018 and will start construc�on in March.
Schedule: The project is out to bid in January 2018 and will start construc�on in March.
All phases to be completed by the end of 2018.
The Sewer Ou�all, Visitor Center, and Complete Streets Projects will all be addressed in 2018.
More informa�on will be available about those projects in future newsle�ers as we will be we will be featuring
a project each month. You can also find more informa�on about projects including status updates on the Capital
Projects page of our website.
The Water Street Enhancement Project construc�on con�nues to progress. The new 12” water main on the
north side of Water Street has been installed between Taylor and Tyler Streets. New water services have also
been installed in this same block. Some of the street trees have been removed by the contractor to make
room for replacement street trees. The PUD will also remove some street trees because of the proximity of
tree branches to powerlines. Traffic con�nues to be one lane in the block of Water Street between Taylor and
Tyler Streets, with flaggers direc�ng vehicle flow. Over the next month, the following items will be installed:
the joint u�lity trench (for undergrounding power) at the east end of the project, the 12” water main between
Tyler and Polk, and a new stormwater line and water line on Tyler Street. Please contact Project Manager
Laura Parsons, P.E., if you have any ques�ons: 360-385-3000 X2191.
Improvements include: ADA-accessible entrance to Food Bank and Police Department,
exterior pain�ng, and some interior space upgrades to the Food Bank and Working Image.
The Library project will have 3 phases for bidding and construc�on.
The phases include: replacement of the roof over the addi�on, replacing 14 windows, and some
exterior site work.
City of PT Public Library
Dungeons and DragonsLibrary Learning Center - 1256 Lawrence St. (Fridays in February) 3:45pm-4:45pm Want to explore dungeons and find treasure? Come join our ongoing Dungeons and Dragons game for kids age 10+ and up. No experience or equipment necessary. This will be a PG-rated adventure full of glory, magic, treachery, risk, and reward! The program will run every Friday for now.Pajama Story�mePort Townsend Library - 1220 Lawrence St. Monday, Feb. 5, 6:00 pmChildren ages 0-5 and their families can join us for stories, songs, movement, rhymes, and more. Everyone is welcome to come in their pajamas and bring a stuffed animal friend, as well. Fall in Love with your Library: Open House EventPort Townsend Library - 1220 Lawrence St. Thursday, Feb. 8, 4:00 - 6:00 pmCome to the library for an Open House. Enjoy live music, Valen�ne cra�s, and light refreshments. Explora�on of FlightCharles Pink House - 1256 Lawrence St. Wednesday, Feb. 21, 3:00 pm [Register Now]Come make different kinds of flying machines. Children ages 6-11 are welcome. Registra�on Required.Creator’s Cafe for TeensCharles Pink House - 1256 Lawrence St. Wednesday, Feb. 28, 3:00 pmFood, cra�s, crea�ons. Teens ages 12-18 can come hang out, eat, and work on crea�ve projects.