HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Design Guidelines Signs
Development Services Department
250 Madison, Suite 3
Port Townsend, WA 98368
360-379-5095 Fax 360-344-4619
These Historic Design Guidelines are established for the following purposes:
1. To supplement land use regulations which encourage and promote public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Port Townsend.
2. To provide guidance to urban design decisions that will promote development of high environmental and visual quality throughout the City.
3. To assist applicants in the preparation of development applications.
4. To provide for administrative review by the Development Services Department (DSD) of routine sign permit applications that satisfy guidelines adopted by the Historic Preservation
Sign guidelines are required to encourage appropriate graphic design that attracts business and contributes to the quality of the historic commercial environment. Signs have a legitimate
function and place. They provide necessary information and directions. SmaIler well-designed signs attract the eye; large, garish, obtrusive signs cause visual pollution. Well-designed
signs complement each other and their buildings attract attention; poorly-designed signs compete with each other and cause visual confusion.
1. All sign permit applications for signs not exceeding 20 square feet per sign face shall be reviewed by DSD for compliance with the provisions of these sign guidelines and the Port
Townsend sign code (PTMC 17.76). Signs that are found to be consistent with these sign guidelines may be approved by DSD without review by the HPC.
2. Signs that exceed 20 square feet per sign face and smaller signs that are found to be not consistent with the sign guidelines shall be referred to the HPC for review.
1. Signs in the Water Street Historic District shall be pedestrian-oriented in size and shape. Graphics should be simple and bold. Symbolic, three dimensional signs; such as a barber
pole, are encouraged. Paper signs attached to the exterior or interior of store windows are not allowed except for presentation of a temporary public notice.
2. Wood is the preferred signing material; however, other durable materials that simulate wood and may be painted are acceptable. Lettering may be carved; routed, applied or painted.
3. Lettering used during the period in which a building was built is appropriate for its signage. Simple modern lettering is a1so appropriate. Appropriate lettering in black or gold
may also be applied to glass. Encouraged letter fonts are attached as Exhibits "A - L. The use of "encouraged" fonts may be administratively approved by DSD. The use of alternative
fonts must be approved by the HPC. The use of borders is also encouraged, sample borders are attached as Exhibit "M". The use of less ornate borders than those shown in Exhibit "M"
is also encouraged.
4. Primary sign colors shall be chosen from the adopted HPC color palette (available at DSD offices). The number of colors used on a sign should be minimal to maximize their effect.
Period colors included gray, dark brown, dark green, blue-gray, beige, brick red and terra cotta (see color palette for additional approved colors). Gold is an additional acceptable
color for lettering. Black and bright colors are to be used sparingly.
5. Signs shall be designed, and positioned, to complement the architecture of the building on which they are located. Signs shall not interrupt or overlap architectural features such
as cornices, columns, and trim; and shall not extend beyond the edges of the wall on which they are mounted. New signs shall not be permitted above the sills of the windows of the
second floor on two-story buildings. Signs on one-story buildings shall not project above the cornice line.
6. The necessary signage for those buildings with metal boxed canopies shall be confined to any of the sides of the canopies subject to public view. Lettering on the glass of such
buildings will also be pei1nitted.
7. Graphics may be painted directly on the building surface when the wall surface already has been painted and is presently painted in· a uniform manner (i.e. - no evidence of old murals).
The historic mural signs presently painted on the sides of some buildings in the Water Street Historic District make an important visual contribution to the historic commercial atmosphere
and shall be preserved. They shall not be defaced or obscured. See ''Design Guidelines for Murals."
8. Sandwich board signs shall be designed and placed consistent with PTMC 17.76 and the "Design Guidelines for Sandwich Boards."
9. When lighting is necessary it shall be subdued and indirect. Back-lighting of signs, internally lit and neon signs shall be discouraged; moving and flashing signs shall be prohibited.
Limited spot lighting of signs will be permitted. The use of neon signs shall be consistent with the "Neon Sign Guidelines.
10. Signs that display the symbol, slogan or trademark of national brands of soft drinks or other products that do not form the bulk of the business transacted on the premises shall
be prohibited.
11. Businesses located in multiple-business buildings who share an entry or whose frontage is on an alley or a secondary street are encouraged to use some form of cooperative signage.
Adopted by Ordinance 2871
November 29, 2004
G:\City Attorney\2005\Misc\HP Design Guidelines\Design Guidelines Signs 8.25.99.doc
Exhibits A through L - ENCOURAGED FONTS
As of July 6, 2004
All shown as 24 point
Abadi Condensed: The quick red fox jumped over
Arial: The quick red fox jumped over the
Arial Black: The quick red fox
Arial Narrow: The quick red fox jumped over the
Arial Unicode: The quick red fox jumped
Baskerville: The quick red fox jumped over the
Batang: The quick red fox jumped over
Bell: The quick red fox jumped over the lazy
Bernard: The quick red fox jumped over the lazy
Book Antiqua: The quick red fox jumped over
Bookman: The quick red fox jumped
Britannic: The quick red fox jumped over the
Californian: The quick red fox jumped over
Calisto: The quick red fox jumped over the
Castellar: The quick red fox
Centaur: The quick red fox jumped over the lazy
Century: The quick red fox jumped over
Century Gothic: The quick red fox
Century Schoolbook: The quick red
Colonna: The quick red fox jumped over the
Cooper Black: The quick red fox
Copperplate: The quick red fox
Copperplate Light: The quick red
Courier: The quick red fox
Elephant: The quick red fox jumped
Engravers: The quick red
Eras Bold: The quick red fox jumped
Eras Medium: The quick red fox jumped
Felix titling: The quick red fox
Footlight: The quick red fox jumped over the
Franklin: The quick red fox jumped over the
Franklin Demi: The quick red fox jumped over the
Franklin Heavy: The quick red fox jumped
Garamond: The quick red fox jumped over
Georgia: The quick red fox jumped
Gill Sans: The quick red fox jumped over
Gill Bold: The quick red fox
Gloucester: The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog
Goudy: The quick red fox jumped over the lazy
Haettenschweiler: The quick red fox jumped over the lazy
High Tower: The quick red fox jumped over
Impact: The quick red fox jumped over the lazy
Imprint: The quick red fox jumped over the
Lucida Bright: The quick red fox
Maiandra: The quick red fox jumped over
Modern: The quick red fox jumped over the lazy
News Gothic: The quick red fox jumped
Niagara Engraved: The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog
Niagara Solid: The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog
Perpetua: The quick red fox jumped over the
Perpetua titling: The quick red
PmingLiU: The quick red fox jumped over
Poor Richard: The quick red fox jumped over the lazy
Rockwell: The quick red fox jumped
Rockwell Condensed: The quick red fox jumped
Rockwell Bold: The quick red
SimSun: The quick red fox jumped over
Tahoma: The quick red fox jumped over
Times New Roman: The quick red fox jumped
Trebuchet: The quick red fox jumped
Tw Cen: The quick red fox jumped over the
Verdana: The quick red fox
Wide Latin: The quick
Adopted by Ordinance 2871
November 29, 2004
P:\DSD\HPC\Final HP Design Guidelines Binder 2.1.05\Design Guidelines Signs 8.25.99.doc