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December 2017
A Note from the Mayor:
Mayor Deborah Stinson
Deputy Mayor Catharine Robinson
There has been a lot accomplished in Port Townsend this year. To list all the accomplishments
and the individuals involved would take much more room than what’s allo�ed here. Most of
the big projects have been wri�en about extensively in this newsle�er throughout the year,
s�ll a lot of work does not show up in these pages. Nonetheless, I o�en hear from residents
how much they recognize and appreciate the effort it takes to keep Port Townsend the place they enjoy. In passing along
that feedback, I add my personal gra�tude for the skill and dedica�on of our staff members, commission and advisory
board members, stakeholder group par�cipants, volunteers, fellow council members and all residents who took the �me
to engage in our civic process.
We also recognize that there is much le� to be done in the coming year. Top of mind for most of us is the need to make
serious headway in addressing our housing challenges. The City has established several policies and made mul�ple
investments over the years to help offset the costs of developing affordable housing. The record shows that these investments
con�nue to help, but not to the degree needed a�er the perfect storm of recent condi�ons le� us with less than a 1%
vacancy rate.
The Cherry St. project, as it has come to be known, is an opportunity to partner with a private en�ty and demonstrate
what it takes to develop proper�es affordable to those earning 80% of our county’s median income. Yes, this unique
approach is taking �me to align all the pieces, but we remain confident it will provide that much-needed housing at a
lower cost than that of new construc�on. In addi�on, we have tasked an ad hoc council commi�ee to iden�fy and
recommend further ac�ons needed to address the affordable housing challenge. The next mee�ng for the Affordable
Housing Commi�ee will be held in Council Chambers on Dec 7, at 3:30 PM.
Of course, there is a lot more that will be included in the City’s work plan for 2018. That will need to wait for future
newsle�ers. I wrap up this final newsle�er of the year with another expression of gra�tude. Ken Clow is entering his
well-earned re�rement at year’s end a�er fulfilling a 30-year career in the Army where he re�red at the rank of Colonel,
as well as serving as our Public Works Director since 2000. During that �me several major infrastructure projects came in
on-�me and under-budget while daily opera�ons ensured reliable delivery of cri�cal services. We wish Ken all the best in
the coming years!
On Council, Catharine Robinson is stepping down from a�er serving for 16 years. In addi�on to her many contribu�ons
over the years, Catharine stepped up to serve as Deputy Mayor these past two years to share her previous mayoral
experience while I found my own foo�ng in this role. Please join me in thanking her for the servant leadership and
wishing her well in her new endeavors.
Happy Holidays!
Dear Port Townsend,
Thank you for your support and conversation through my 16 years on the City Council. We have accomplished a lot for the
City. Please continue to listen as you talk to each other. We live in a wonderful community. We have something very special
I look forward to seeing many of you through other endeavors and in other venues. Speaking of.........
please join retiring Public Works Director Ken Clow and myself for a no-host gathering at Alchemy on
December 14th at 5:00pm
Take good care,
Catharine Robinson
360.379.5047 • citycouncil@cityofpt.us • www.cityofpt.us
DEC • Page 2
Upcoming Events at the Port Townsend Library
We will be stripping and re-grading the floors for drainage. The work is scheduled for December 12-23. The
Co�on building and public restrooms will be closed to the public, and there will be four port-a-lets outside
the building for public use during this �me.
Hour of Code December 6th 3:00-4:30Drop in for an hour of code, an introduc�on to computer science to demys�fy and show that anyone can learn the basics. Op�ons will include computer based and unplugged coding tutorials.
The Harmonica Pocket Presents Happy HuladaysPort Townsend Public Library - Carnegie Reading RoomFriday, Dec. 15, 7:00 pmEquipped with hula hoops, ukuleles and a suitcase of props, The Harmonica Pocket celebrates winter with their program "Happy Huladays!"
Seasonal books, songs and cheer mixed up with all the usual Harmonica Pocket shenanigans get audiences singing, laughing and moving in their seats. Winter’s here, let’s sing!Sponsored by Friends of the Port Townsend Library.
Sing-a-Ling with Keeth Apgar from Harmonica PocketPort Townsend Library - 1220 Lawrence St. Thursday, Dec. 21, 10:15-10:45Sing-A-Ling gets toddlers, preschoolers, families and the greater community into our bodies and singing together.
Part story �me, part sing-along and fully loaded with laughs, the select songs and rhyming stories in this show combine finger play, movement, picture books, upli�ing acous�c music and an engaging, highly-in-terac�ve banter between audience and presenter.
In this early literacy-infused program children (and their grownups) will create original rhymes and lyrics to tradi�onal American folk songs, raise their voices to play with the alphabet’s many amusing sounds, and sing along to the words of favorite children’s books.
No Story�mes between December 23rd and January 1
Emergency No�fica�ons
Co�on Building Public Restrooms Closed in December for Floor Maintenance
Through our communica�ons strategy the City is working on be�er ways to keep our residents informed. At
this �me we do not have a no�fica�on system set up. It is very important to stay informed about emergency
condi�ons when they occur in our community. Jefferson County Emergency Management has an Emergency
Alert System(EAS). You can sign up for email or text alerts. Please visit their website for more informa�on:
EAS is the na�onal warning system in the U.S. designed to alert the public of local weather emergencies such
as severe weather and flash floods. These alerts are broadcasted to all types of devices and mediums to
people within the affected area depending on the severity of the event.
360.379.5047 • citycouncil@cityofpt.us • www.cityofpt.us
DEC • Page 3
Our Waste Water Treatment Plant has received this award for the 19th consecu�ve year and 21st �me overall.
The biosolids treatment received the award for the 10th straight year and 12th �me overall. These awards are
presented annually to plants that had an unblemished opera�ng record for the previous year.
A night of Winter-themed fun and games for all ages. At only $5 each, it's a great time for the whole family.
Friday, December 15th, from 7:00pm - 9:00pm.
At Mountain View Pool!
The City of Port Townsend Public Library staff want to extend our deepest gra�tude to our Friends of
the Port Townsend Library and our Port Townsend Public Library Founda�on for their support and
dedica�on. Both groups help supplement the library’s tax-based support through fundraising, which
allows your library to do more in suppor�ng its mission. The members of the Friends and Founda�on
are big-hearted and dedicated volunteers, who give of their �me and talent to be�er the community
through the City Library.
The Friends of the Library:
• Help fund library programs through their membership and
three book sales a year.
• Some of those programs include:
• Community Read
• All ages Summer Reading
• Author talks
• Bookclub kits
• Story�mes
The Library Founda�on:
• Works to preserve, renovate, and support innova�on
through their fundraising.
• Recent service enhancements include:
• Popular laptop table
• Beau�ful benches outside
• Automa�c door openers
• Chairs and technology upgrades for programs and mee�ng room
• Historical -looking schoolhouse light stems and bases
Thank You to our Library’s Non-profit Volunteer Support Organiza�ons!
Don’t Let the Winter Stop You from Visi�ng the Pool!
Department of Ecology - Outstanding Wastewater Treatment Plant Award
360.379.5047 • citycouncil@cityofpt.us • www.cityofpt.us
DEC • Page 4
Enjoy A Flurry of Winter Fun in Town! Keep it Local....
Sims Way Banners Reserva�ons
We are fortunate to live in a small town where our friends and neighbors are the business owners. We hope you will
choose to support our local entrepreneurs during the holiday season--they give back to our town in so many ways.
Gi�s purchased from des�na�on stores, restaurant gi� cer�ficates, movie passes, theatre �ckets, nonprofit event
�ckets and local artwork are examples of though�ul gi�s loved ones will remember long a�er the holidays. When
you shop and dine locally, you show that you care about your community and the quality of life here.
We have a major construc�on project on the horizon from January through June, which will remake Water Street
from Taylor Street to the ferry dock. These much-needed improvements will replace aging infrastructure, improve
public safety and walkability, and lay the founda�on for undergrounding u�li�es. It will create a new pedestrian plaza
on Tyler Street and enhance the character of the downtown commercial historic district.
It means six months of construc�on for our businesses. The Port Townsend Main Street Program is coordina�ng the
“Paving the Way to a Brighter Future” campaign to support the downtown historic district. We are asking our
community to invest in our local economy by keeping your dollars in town! Please support local businesses now and
throughout the construc�on project, so they can remain sustainable. Come shop, dine, enjoy fun events over the
holidays and con�nue to show your support over the next six months. The construc�on campaign features money
saving coupon books, engaging special events and ac�vi�es for all ages centered on downtown. Come see history in
the making during the construc�on project.
Visit ptmainstreet.org for holiday events and ILovePortTownsend.com to keep in the loop on the construc�on
campaign. Thanks for keeping it local!
The Sims Way community announcement banner is a popular way for local organiza�ons to promote upcoming
events. From March through October, one banner is displayed at a �me for one week at a �me.
Reserva�ons will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis star�ng on Tuesday, January 2, 2018.
To make a reserva�on:
• Call City Administra�on at 379-5047 or stop by 250 Madison Street, Suite 2.
• If your preferred week is available, you will be added to the schedule as tenta�ve.
• Submit a permit applica�on and required fees within 10 business days or your tenta�ve reserva�on will be
• If your preferred week is not available, you may request to be put on a wai�ng list in case an opening occurs.
New for 2018: City Council has adopted a policy on the use of banner, reader board, and bulle�n board space.
All banner applica�ons must meet the requirements in the policy.
The permit applica�on and policy are available on the City’s website by using the “What can we help you find?”
bar, then choosing Forms and then Sims Way Banner.
You can also check the City’s website for updates on progress for this project. Once construc�on starts in January
there will be weekly updates. www.cityofpt.us - click on Capital Projects, then Water Street Enhancement Project.