May 08, 2012 3:30 PM Gael Stuart Building
MEMBERS PRESENT:Mark Welch John Watts
Bob Gray Brian Moratti
Steve Haveron
STAFF PRESENT:Dottie Curren Steve Oakford
Mark called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM. A motion to approve the December minutes was made by John;
seconded by Brian and approved.
• There are four working modulators now; 2 in use and 2 reserves.
• The live sound from the studio issue has been corrected.
• The flickering in one of the cameras was corrected.
• A new net gear switch was ordered May 8, 2012.
• A motion to advertise for two new board members was made by Brian; seconded by Bob and
approved. Depending on the backgrounds of the selected applicants, the Producers Guild,
Video Professional, and Citizen Representatives positions will be filled. Brian will continue
to serve in one of those three positions.
• Membership in PEG Media was discussed in order to broaden both PTTV’s programming and
provide wider exposure for our producers. It is $1.00 to download a program and free to
upload; membership is free.
• The Wave /Broadstripe purchase of the cable rights has been finalized. The next step will be
to meet with Wave and determine the level of support that PTTV can expect from them for
enhancing and broadening our production ability. A technical and financial discussion
followed concerning the possibility of moving to HD modulators and eventually upgrading
cameras and the switcher. A subcommittee of Mark, Brian and Steve Haveron will work on
the technicalities.
• Mark also reported the development of the Skills USA program for the school. There are 18
interested and capable students involved in learning all aspects of video production. The
money saved by having them produce nonprofit shows will be placed in a scholarship fund.
A van is needed to enable off site productions. The students would also enable the studio to
be open for production use by the public.
PUBLIC INPUT: Michael Gilman, member, requested that improvements be made to the backdrops and general
appearance of the studio.
The next PEG Meeting will be Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 3:30.
ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 4:40.
Respectfully submitted,
Dottie Curren
PTTV Office Support
May 10, 2012