HomeMy WebLinkAbout021709PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 540 WATER STREET Business Meeting 6:30 p.m. February 17, 2009 L Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call III. Changes to the Agenda IV. Comments from the Public (re consent agenda items and items not on the agenda) (Each person has 3 min. to comment -City Clerk will signal at 2 min. 30 sec.) A. Public comment B. City staff response V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants B. Approval of Minutes: January 12, 2009 January 24, 2009 February 2, 2009 February 9, 2009 C. Authorization for the City Manager to call for and award a bid for a grit classifier for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Action: Motion to adopt the consent agenda or request to remove any individual item from the consent agenda. VI. Public Hearing(s) A. Comprehensive Plan Mid-cycle Assessment Docket 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Action: Move to adopt the Comprehensive Plan mid-cycle assessment fanal docket as recommended by the Planning Commission. B. Resolution 09-009, to amend the 2009-2014 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to change the funding source of a project and authorizing the City Manager to submit the revised TIP to the State. 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Action: Move to approve Resolution 09-009, to amend the 2009-2014 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) do change the funding source of a project and authorizing the City Manager to submit the revised TIP to the State. C. Ordinance 3001, Vacating portions of Howazd, Baker, Shasta and 6th Streets near Discovery Road, Subject to Exchange of Benefits, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Necessary Documents. 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Action: Move to waive rules and adopt Ordinance 3001, Vacating portions of Howard. Baker, Shasta and 6th Sheets near Discovery Road, Subject to Exchange of Benefits, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Necessary Documents. D. Re-Enacting and Extending Interim Regulation Ordinances 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Action: Move to waive Council Rules and adopt the following three ordinances: 1. Ordinance 3002, Re-Enacting and Extending Ordinance 2985 (August 4, 2008), Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Adopting an Immediate Interlrn Regulation on the Acceptance of Applications for Demolition or Alteration of Certain Structures Except as Allowed by this Ordinance, Until the City Finishes the Process of Code Review and Amendment Relating to Demolition and Alterafron of Historic Structures, Establishing Six Months as the Tentative Effective Period, and Declaring an Emergency Necessitating Inarnediate Adoption oflnterim Regulations 2. Ordinance 3003, Re-Enacting and Extending Ordinance 2986 (August ~, 2008) Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Adopting an Immediate Interim Reguation on the Acceptance of Applications for New Development or Certain Types of Re-Development Within the City Until the City Finishes the Process of Code Review and Amendment Relating to Building Size Limitations, Establishing Six Months as the Tentative Effective Period, and Declaring an Emergency Necessitating Immediate Adoption of an Interim Regulation 3. Ordinance 300 Re-Enacting and Extending Ordinance 2987 (August 4, 2008) Relating to Land Use and Zoning Adopting an Immediate Interim Regulation Re-Designating R-III Zoning Within the National Historic Landmark District to R-II Untit the City Finishes the Process of'Code Review and Amendment Relating to Zoning in the Historic District, Establishing Six Months as the Tentative Effective Period, and Declaring an Emergency Necessitating Immediate Adoption of a Interim Regzelafion. VII. Unfinished Business A. Ordinance 3006, Vacating the Following Streets Lying Between Sims Way and Discovery Road - 2nd Street, 3rd Street, and Spring Street, Subject to an Exchange of Properties and Other Benefits. 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Action ~ Move to waive Council rules and adopt Ordinance 3006, Vacating the Following Streets Lying Between Sims Way and Discovery Road - 2"d Street, 3RD Street, and Spring Street, Subject to an Exchange of Properties and Other Benefits B. Ordinance 3005, Vacating the Alley Right-of--Way Lying North of Block 2 of the Power Addition to the City of Port Townsend; Establishing Conditions to the Street Vacation; and establishing an effective date. 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Action: Move to approve first reading of Ordinance 3005, Vacating the Alley Right-of-Way Lying North of Block 2 of the Power Addition to the City of~Port Townsend,' Establishing Conditions to the Street Vacation; and establishing an effective date. VIIL New Business A. Resolution 09-010, Authorizing Application(s) for Funding Assistance from the Jefferson County Conservation Futures Fund for the Acquisition of Conservation Land Within the Quimper Wildlife Corridor. 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Aclion: Move to approve Resolution 09-010, Authorizing fpplication(s) for Funding Assistance from the Jefferson County Conservation Futures Fund. for the Acquisition of Conservation Land Within the Quimper Wildlife Corridor. IX. Presiding Officer's Report X. City Manager's Report XI. Standing Committee Reports Minutes included from the following committees: • Finance and Budget -January 22, 2009 XII. Suggestions for next or future agenda, regular meeting and/or study session XIII. Comments from Council XIV. Executive Session XV. Adjourn Americans with Disabilities Act In compliance with the Americans tivith Disabilities .9ct, !hose requiring accammodataon for this meeting should notify the City Clerk's Office at teast23 hours prior to the meeting at (360) 379-5045.