HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD08-236CITY OF PORT TOWNSENti PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG ZMlT # P1,-UI M 6 -� DATE RECEIVED . . ......... . . . . ..... SCOPE OF WORK: 2" 12, b .... . . ............ . ...... . . . . . . ................... . .. . ......... .. DATE . . ACTION INITIALS ENTERED INTO CHET ............... .. i . .............. . . . . . . . .................. . . .......... . CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESS . .................................................... . . . . . ................. . .............. ............. . . . .......... — -------- elk) . . . . . . . ......... A ,0 ..... . ldhtl ........ ............ . . . . . .................. . -AJ ......... . I-r- i- L Off Alff-'C- ..................... :o t . ............... cv(, .......... . . ......... . ..... . .. ....... . Zoning: ,777 . ....... . ..... Setbacks OK? It .......... . ... . ............ -C Lot Size: 10 r � -2 CAL'A Building Size: .. .. - .. .......... Lot Coverage: . .. ........... . . . . FAR OK? OK? Height !!T ........ . ...................... . . . . . . ............... J!Kkin .. ............. .............. Critical Area? Demo ............ C#p . . . .......... Historic Rev? Notice to Title? ..... . ........... Lots of Record? . .. VoRT BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit # BLD08-236 Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel Project Name ADD TO GARAGE Site Address 2399 HIGHLAND LOOP Parcel # 955900050 Project Description 264 sq. ft. addition to garage for two rooms of storage space,. Names Associated with this Project Type Name Contact Applicant Pratt Susan N Owner Pratt Susan N Contractor Blackbird Construction Inc. Fee Information Project Valuation Building Permit Fee Plan Review Fee State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit Total Fees Conditions $6,607.92 License Phone # Type License # Exp Date O - STATE BLACKCI937� 11 /02/2009 Project Details Private Garages — Wood Frame Addition 264 SQFT 13925 Units: 90.51 Bedrooms: 4.50 Bathrooms 5.00 7.00 $ 246.26 Heat Type: Construction Type: Occupancy Type: 10. Property corner survey pins must be located at time of footing inspection to verify setbacks.. * * * SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS * * * Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Print Name [c `71/1, J— Date ]ssued: 01/15/2009 Issued By: SFOSTER Signature _¢ _ ® Date /- - �- 7, 0 v Date Expires: 07/14/2009 A—,VYINISTRATIVE CERTIFICATE Ox REVIEW For possible HISTORIC STRUCTURE DEMOLITION Design Review Application IIPCI`I8-0 Williams/Pl•-,it:t The Port Townsend Historic Preservation Committee has completed its design review of the:. Partial demolition of a residential structure Representative: Matthew Olts For the building located at: 2399 Highland Loop The building classification: (highlight one): N/A Pivotal Primary Secondary Altered Historic/Recent Compatible Intrusion Review of the project is: Mandatory per Ordinance 2969 Compliance with review is: Mandatory per Ordinance 2969 The review was conducted pursuant to Chapter 17.30 and of the Port Townsend Municipal Code, and was based on the application submitted on November 20 2008 HPC Subcommittee: Charlie Paul & DSD staff John McDonagh A I i. Li able ('uidel nc.smmmmm Criteria for determining historical significance per Section 2 of Ordinance 2969. After review and analysis of relevant criteria (attached), the Historic Preservation Committee finds that the proposed partial demolition: (circle one) DOES NOT INVOLVE A HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT STRUCTURE DOES INVOLVE A HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT STRUCTURE within the Issued this pl��o m s^pr cave .hair, Historic Preservation Committee DSD Director Bcd Permits:FormLetters2 Page 1 of 1— Revised 12198 WC09-044., Williasiis/Pratt Review of building permit involving partial demolition at 2399 Highland Loop, 1 i�a5tmt}ac 1ovisaoaas ol'Ordi�nzwnc969 2399 Highland Loop (c. 1999) is double wide manufactured home (Fuqua) of approximately 1,560 square feet. The house has an attached garage, pitched roof with composition shingles and T1-I I siding with a covered front porch facing north. The partial demolition request would remove the north wall of the garage to accommodate a 12' x 22' expansion. The new addition and roof would match the existing in siding, trim, roof pitch and other materials. Per Ordinance No. 2969, the demolition of certain structures is regulated as specified by Section 2. Staff analysis of the request for applicability of the Ordinance the follows in italics. The analysis is followed by a staff conclusion on Ordinance applicability. Ordaaaance 2969 Section 2. Defined Structures. The following structures are subject to this Ordinance: 1. Structures shown as pivotal, primary or secondary on a map prepared in connection with the Port Townsend National Historic Landmark District (NHLD) application. The map is attached as Exhibit A. The building lies outside the NHLD, so it is not labeled Pivotal, Primary or Secondary. 2. Structures, whether inside the NHLD or outside the NHLD, that have "historical significance." Structures have historical significance if the structure is at least 50 years old, and meets three or more of the following criteria or is less than 50 years old and meets at least five of the following criteria: Built in 1999 (per Assessor's records), the home is less than 50 years old. Therefore, 5 of the following criteria must be met for the building to be subject to Ordinance 2969. a. Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of national, state, or local history; To staffs knowledge, the building does not meet this criteria. The building is not listed on the National, State or local database of historic structures. b. Embodies distinctive architectural characteristics of a type, period, style, or method of design or construction, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; Not to staff's knowledge. The building is not listed on the National, State or local database of historic structures. c. Is an outstanding work of a designer, builder, or architect who has made a substantial contribution to the art; The designer, architect or builder is not known. The building is not listed on the National, State or local database of historic structures. d. Exemplifies or reflects special elements of the city's cultural, special, economic, political, aesthetic, engineering, or architectural history; Not to staffs knowledge. The building is not listed on the National, State or local database of historic structures. e. Is associated with the lives of persons significant in national, state or local history; Not to staffs knowledge. f. It is the only remaining, or one of the few remaining, structures of a particular style, building type, design, material, or method of construction; Not to staffs knowledge. The building is not listed on the National, State or local database of historic structures. g. It is a conspicuous visual landmark in the community or neighborhood; The building is not a conspicuous visual landmark. h. It is an important or critical element in establishing or contributing to the continuity or character of the street, neighborhood or area. To staff's knowledge, the building is not an important or critical element in street or neighborhood character. Conclusions: Ordinance 2969 does not apply to the proposed demolition at 2399 Highland Loop for two (2) reasons. First, the building is not in the National Historic Landmark District. Second, none of the eight (8) criteria are met by the building. Given the age of the building (less than 50 years old), five of the 8 criteria cited above must be met in order for Ordinance 2969 to apply. A search of the National, State and local register database did not reveal any listing of the building. Therefore, the partial demolition of this structure and associated new addition proposed do not involve a historically significant structure. ServicesDevelopment cs� 2 0, adiso °S(r ei, Spite Poltouvardi°"A ' 98368 Frho e: 350 3 9' 6095 ai , �� 0� • B'19N �.cit; ofPf'U Residential Building Permit Application Project ddS.tiDescription Tax#�� Mce Use OrlP NC-LHV4WP L o Addition: sh Permit Zoning' 00 Bkek: + J #BLO Parcel # 9fs qdo o Si 00 Lot(s): ,o v s/ Associated Permits', Project Description: e�.� e ➢ Applications by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150 for projects valued over $15,000, See Page 2 for details on plan submittal requirements. Property Owner/Applicant: Name: 9, "9 P '/ � lAMJ t/ xq& RRNTT Address: 2 3 97 /7 �(rNGANO ` e o P City/St/Zip: FaazT '�" Phone. 3 60— 3 79 — / Email. .�M 77 cr, Contact/Representative: Name: S x r r City/St/zip: Phone: Contractor: o Same as Owner Name: , rr re Address: Zp& .I SX 7.; Z4,7 City/St/Zip: Phone: Email: /a rr" op s r State License #:12Za, e9,72 A Exp:, City Business License #. I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I and that all activities associated with this permit will be in ao us• /f N 114,r d~` 9 p f T Signature: Page 1 of 2 7/31 /2008 Lender Information: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Name: 0 n e, Project Valuation: '$ /_ 00f). 00 Building Information (square feet): 1s' floor Garage: 2" d floor Deck(s): P floor Porches): Baserarent: Is it finished? Ye No Carport,,, Other: Manufactured Home ❑ ADU ❑ New Addition LK Remodel/Repair ❑ Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint):* Square feet:_ . 6 2 6 2 `oJ 2 0. 3 Impervious Surface:' Square feet: y0 3 6 *Total existtn tta ro Deed What year was the structure built? / Q 9 f If work includes demolition, see Page 2. i ny r h' i t4h d � Je property? Y (Id +env stile a sla a es 1> n N i r th� 4 ne omr ag!mize r on behalf of the owner s wit 911 to s' the a� wnsend Municipal Code. (' l f W PORI D,,I Date:/ M bu CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Historic Preservation Committee Administrative Review Of Partial or Full DEMOLITION This form is to be used for partial or full demolition of buildings outside the National Historic Landmark district which are not on the Historic Register. For partial or full demolition of buildings inside the district and/or on the Historic Register, please complete the HPC Design Review application. Mailing Address: Z 3 ............ Day Time Phone: Building Address: ':�Z:.3 Parcel Number 4i 5 to At of Builditipz: j Type of Building: El Brick C'Jratiw-- X Other (please describe) If building permit has been submitted, Building Permit Number. B LD Demolition proposed (include oiie set of building plaiis): 6- cx-e- I certify that all of the above information is true and acknowl dge6ail �11 1 111�141 City of Port Townsend based in whole or in part on this app] i atioti j JFEsed if it develops that any such statement or other information contained herein is fialse, signa'ftUe of Applicant - -��o F - -�7>Y-456- Fee due at tune of submittal: $33.00 11PC Administrative Review Demolition Application Revised 7131108 Page I of I //- — — C-T ................... . Date ' ! } ' ' VI ms C 100-oso ,qqa I i Receipt Number: o:g-oo24,, receipt Mute, 01/1512009 Cashier: B06sT 'O Payerlftyeb Name: PRATT SUSAN Original Fee Amount Fee ' Permit 9 Parcel Fee Detcription .'; Amount Paid Balance BLD08-236 955900050 Building Permit Fee $139.25 $139.25 $0.00 BLC108-2.36 955900050 Plan Review Fee $90.51 $90.51 $0.00 SLO08-236 955900050 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 BLDOB-236 955900050 Technology Fee for Building Permit $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 BLD0 -236 955900050 Record Retention Fee for Building Per $7.00 $7.00 $0.00 Total: $246.26 Previous Payment i t t Receipt Receipt Lute Fee bee ri;ption Amount Paid Permit Payment Check Payment Method Number Amount CHECK 2217 $ 246.26 Total: $246.26 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 LL LL O 0w w� Zm 0O Fn OW zx W Z QO mw J Q J Z� OQ HW m a co co D oCO LUQ oc J �..i a �> 4-0 as a V1 �W G� wa U� OU) Z U x C LU Z moo�� °" >a. ri00 ^100Lu U 'O O LL ZO W OO W �W- I o Q a WCL Q acn oz G� kn Q o N UO U J m � W �2 o~ L ❑ UZ Q a} z H OO W x LL ~ Q = co Q QW H zQ_ o� �a ' U w IL U) a HW U H Y a a m rn 0 0 N � Q o O H Q H D a U Z O O Q IL x w am 0 0 N O z H w a 0 LO 0 0 O rn L2 rn O z J w U Q IL W a o a O m U H to N ar Z O W z o U O Z U U) w 0 U a z a U) D C a I � d W z U Z_ z O F- U z O U 0 cr m Y U a J m O F U Q Q' F z O 0 En r z w O U w a 0 a U) z z O F U w IL cn z En H z w O U w a 0 a z ®� Z Z IL O o w O x z D oa LU a U) J J 0 J Z Q Q Z m J Q Z H W N M LL LL z O H U w 0- U) z Q 0 F- x W rn z CN LO O LL o a to o �o J Cl) JO Q � U � z O� a N > z lL z U Q W H W N m W D F- dU) w O� w a W W- z O F= U W 0- U) z CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE I(SPEC TION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION: PHONE: ................................. . . ........... .. .. "04 11 "/ I .................... . ......... :::::::: .. . . . . ..................................... . ................................... . ........ . ............ . 0 APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH 0 NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re -inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Lo Inspector — — ---------- -- ----- - Ac-, Date Acknowledgement-- Date Approved plans and permit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. ° CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: SITE PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION. di4 , ..... _............. T� V qA, PPROVEI'T ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re -inspection before checked at next inspection Iw'o *eeclin8. Inspector k mm. l� .... _..... ........ ...--- Date . ...1_ ...��� . Approved plans and permit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. Inspection Report Project��"mL% ���.,._ Permit# �- Date Inspector �.�..��. m�..,��..�..._..Inspection.. ...��_�....�.�... _...__._.w.__���.u..... & Notes i