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CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND tq toPERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT # DATE RECEIVED °— SCOPE OF WORK: DATE ACTION INITIALS _ ........ ENTERED INTO CHET CHECKED FOR COMPLETENESSmITITITITITmmmmmmmmmmm mmm ------- -_ PL ® _ 0 m �� �m �i ............ . ___..._.......�-. r. P 3 'H k „ f �'— m. � f F. d ... ... _ .. Zoning: Setbacks OK? Lot Size: Buildin Size: Lot Coverage: FAR OK? _.. .__......._............. ._ ......... Hei ht OK? Parkin OK? Critical Area? w ..................... ......... ........ __.................. .... Demo? mm... Historic Rev? Notice to Title? Lots of Record? V,ORT BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department WASA 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit # BLD08-242 Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 3314 GREENWAY PL Project Description SFR Project Name Parcel # NEW SFR 948002315 Names Associated with this Project License Type Name Contact Phone # Type License # Exp Date Applicant Smith Ryan Owner Greenway Robert C Fee Information Project Details Project Valuation $93,450.48 Decks — Residential 664 SQFT Dwellings — Type V Wood Frame 928 SQFT Building Permit Fee 951.75 Energy Code Fee - New Single 100.00 Units: Heat Type: Family Unit Bedrooms: Construction Type: Mechanical Pen -nit Fee per Dwelling 150.00 Bathrooms: Occupancy Type: Unit - New Residential Plan Review Fee 618.64 Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling 150.00 Unit - New Residential State Building Code Council Fee 4.50 Technology Fee for Building Pennit 19.04 Record Retention Fee for Building 10.00 Permit Total Fees $ 2,003.93 * * * SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS * * * Ca11385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. 1 certify that the information prG:,r, idcd 6s a paa l of tlw,;qtIT' cation for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 1 further certify I I ) „ttl of the owner, that ] am the owner of t6tc �rm�.aa.a �ar��mattl oru. I Idga e" z Date Issued: 12/29/2008 Print Name Issued By: FFRANKLIN Slgl1atttt e�i� Date,- �N/ Date Expires: 06/27/2009 UI:L, L LNG PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 3314 GREENWAY PL Project Description SFR Conditions Permit # Project Name Parcel # BLD08-242 NEW SFR 948002315 10. Property corner survey pins must be located at time of footing inspection to verify setbacks. Ca11385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that 1 am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Print Name Signature Date Issued: 12/29/2008 Issued By: FFRANKLIN Date Date Expires: 06/27/2009 p W w 2 O z W Q � 1 W Z Q 0 g w J a J z > Z Oa U m W F- a U) z D Z a W Z Q z J Cy a Cy w w as J d za zo LLI U a O Q z u> D >: Z w a o D U W U I O F- 0 OLL Z w 13 Q > W � a J Q IL U) z O oZ Q o U J 05 rn w Dx o� U Z as U) z 0 00 Lj x LL H Q Q U) a W z Q o 0. xa a0 U N_ a xa F- w x U) 0 m O 0 CV c`v p (O Q o O J H z Lu Q a p U z 0 0 ax W 00 O O N N A N N ao O J 00 O z F- Ill IL r M N O O 00 O O Z W U a a w F- z OLL F- U z U O w U z Z Ow _ � J a w U U) 0 F- W w a U J � Q m OI w >� ',, U z V w W M U O N N � W z F- Q O OU w Q 0 a z Z z O F w IL U) z fn z z w O U w Q 0 IL fn Z z O F- U w IL z U) N z a z 3. 0 O Y O I O U Z w w w 0.�z z OLL 0 = Q 0 C7 m a, g Q m claZ 0 m j a E F3 J mOQo�QQ a z E a p X� rn Z N ix m' O M2 to vo 0 � M QO U F- z Q' 02 F- 0: La W p N W Z W zW Q Of ~ W Cl) m W D w � F- F- w M C7 W a' z O F- U W a N z 1 Zleyelopment Service's VoRT ro 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-5095 ��� Fax: 360-344-4619 �Qwww.cityofpt.us Residential Building Permit Application Proje ct Address Legal Description (or Tax #)^ " Office Use Only N vale Addition: Permit N raker n9"������ i°^����� Block. o Zoning: BLD" Parcel # C i i ,.. Lat(swssoc" to er is: Project Description: %L,A(' q-625v% ➢ Applications by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150 for projects valued over $15,000.. See Page 2 for details on plan submittal requirements. Property Owner/Applicant: Name��, Address. " City/St/Zip: �� �, Phone �.�"> S',A ,M,v Contact/Representative: Name <,> - 1��, . Address: `5 41 `�:"NA w, City/St/Zip: Phone. Email. Contractor: ❑ Same as Owner Name: Address: City/St/Zip: ®, Phone: Email: State License #: Exp City Business License #: Lender Information: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.096. Name: c) u,*i le,* e Project Valuation: $ Building Information (square feet): 1' floor tmn ) Garage: 2nd floor Deck(s): 3rd floor Porch(es): Basement: Is it finished? Yes No Carport: Other c,� 5 Manufactured Home ❑ ADU ❑ New Addition ❑ Remodel/Repair ❑ Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint):* Square feet: V 1� ,l % Surface:* feet: 1,1Vilk'Total existing e i!ha year was the structure built? If wok includes demolition, see Page 2. Any Known wetlands on the property? Y c" Aiij steep slopes (>15%)? Y ";," I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Print Name: Signature:, � �� � ,� � .�. mate. �. Page 1 of 2 W31120108 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST This checklist is for new dwellings, additions, remodels, and garages. The purpose is to show what you intend to build, where it will be located on your lot, and how it will be constructed. W Residential permit application. Washington State Energy & Ventilation Code farms " Two (2) sets of plans with north arrow and scaled„ no smaller than 1 foot: i"'I A site plan showing:. 1. Legal description and parcel number (or tax number), 2. Property lines and dimensions 3. Setbacks from all sides of the proposed structure to the property lines in accordance with a pinned boundary line survey 4. On -site parking and driveway with dimensions 5. If creating new impervious surfaces, indicate measures utilized to retain stormwater on -site 6. Street names and any easements or vacations 7. Location and diameter of existing trees 8. Utility lines 9. If applicable, existing or proposed septic system location 10. Delineated critical areas boundaries and buffers ❑ Foundation plan: 1. Footings and foundation walls 2. Post and beam sizes and spans 3. Floor joist size and layout 4. Holdowns 5. Foundation venting ❑ Floor plan: 1. Room use and dimensions 2. Braced wall panel locations 3. Smoke detector locations 4. Attic access 5. Plumbing and mechanical fixtures 6. Occupancy separation between dwelling and garage (if applicable) 7. Window, skylight, and door locations, including escape windows and safety glazing ❑ Wall section: 1. Footing size, reinforcement, depth below grade 2. Foundation wall, height, width, reinforcement, anchor bolts, and washers 3. Floor joist size and spacing 4. Wall stud size and spacing 5. Header size and spans 6. Wall sheathing, weather resistant barrier, and siding material 7. Sheet rock and insulation 8. Rafters, ceiling joists, trusses, with blocking and positive connections 9. Ceiling height 10. Roof sheathing, roofing material, roof pitch, attic ventilation ❑ Exterior elevations (all four) with existing slope of the land in relation to all proposed structures u architecturally designed, one set of plans must have an original signature if engineered„ one set of plans must have one original signature :u For new dwelling construction, Street & Utility or Minor Improvement application If you are proposing partial or full demolition of a structure that is at least 50 years old, per Ordinance 2969 Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) review is required. If within the National Historic Landmark district: $68.00 for full committee review. If outside the National Historic Landmark district and not on the Historic Register: $30.00 for HPC Administrative review. Complete HPC Form. Partial demolition includes exterior demolition for additions and remodels. Page 2 of 2 7/31/2008 �� !� .,, ,�,��� bl PORT ro City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 Fax: (360) 3444619 WAIZ Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2001 Residential Construction Checklist Complete this form in addition to WSEC forms. Please answer the following questions: TYPE OF PROJECT: New construction, or addition over 750 square feet Must meet whole house and spot ventilation requirements, and show full WSEC compliance as a stand-alone project. A detached, habitable structure such as an Accessory Dwelling Unit regardless of size must also meet these requirements. House addition under 750 square feet Possible trade-offs are allowed with the existing buildingfor WSEC compliance, such as increasing ceiling insulation. See WSEC component performance forms. NOTE: A house addition less than 500 sq. ft does not require whole house ventilation. Spot ventilation is still required TYPE OF HEATING — Please check all that a 1 : Electric UI Wall Heater -1 Baseboard "'Forced Air Furnace ' Radiant Floor (Boiler) Other Non -Electric: Propane: Ja Radiant Floor/Baseboard (Boiler) I LPG Stove ' LPG Furnace ' Other LPG Heat Pump J Oil Furnace A Woodstove (can only be used as secondary heat source) VAPOR RETARDERS: Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings: • Floors: Plywood with exterior glue I Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) I Backed batts .. �, .a i;� •Walls: 100 Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) I Face -stapled, backed batts I Low -perm paint � o Ceilings "' .. ..m ,� ..,Fl,.�., I Not required where ventilation space averages greater than o equal to "12 iriche' above insulation I Face -stapled, backed batts VIM Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) I Low perm paint SEE BACK http:llptimaging/DSDBuilding FmmsBuildingPermitl ke'tAalict is -Residential Energy Code CheeldiAdoe Page 142 WASRINGT N STATE VENTILATION A UA.20 Cody* N� INDOOR A . ' LIT T e of ventilation used tlnrou out tl e Douse: ' HVAC Integrated Option Exhaust Option Whole House Fan for "Exhaust Option": o In what room is your whole house fan located? o What size is the whole house exhaust fan? 4 50-75 CFM (1-2 bedroom house) ek "EN6 J 80-120 CFM (3 bedroom house) J 100-150 CFM (4 bedroom house) 120-180 CFM (5 bedroom house) Note: the whole house fan shall be readily accessible and controlled by a 24-hour clock timer with the capability of continuous operation, manual and automatic control. At the time of final inspection, the automatic control timer shall be set to operate the whole house fan for at least 8 hours a day, and have a sone rating at 1.5 or less measured at 0.10 inches water gauge. Spot Ventilation: Source specific exhaust ventilation is required in each kitchen, bathroom, water closet, laundry room, indoor swimming pool, spa and other rooms where excess water vapor or cooking odor is produced. Bathrooms, laundries or similar rooms require fans with a minimum 50 cfm rating at 0.25 inches water gauge; kitchens shall have a fan with a minimum 100 cfm rating at 0.25 inches water gauge. Outdoor Air Inlets: Outdoor air shall be distributed to each habitable room by means such as individual inlets, separate duct systems, or a forced -air system. Habitable rooms include all bedrooms, living and dining rooms but not kitchens, bathrooms or utility rooms. Where outdoor air supplies are separated from exhaust points by doors, undercutting doors a minimum of V2 inch above the surface of the finish floor covering, distribution ducts, installation or grilles, transoms or similar means where permitted by the Uniform Building Code. When the system provides ventilation through a dedicated opening, such as a window or through -wall vent, these openings must: o Have controlled and secure openings a Be sleeved or otherwise designed so as not to compromise the thermal properties of the wall or window in which they are placed. o Provide not less than 4 square inches of net free area of opening for each habitable space. What type of fresh air inlet will be installed? (See figure below) u Window Ports Wall Ports http:llptimaging/DSDBuilding FormsBuildingPermitPwkettApplication-Residential Energy Code Checklistdoc Page 2 of 2 City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250-Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 Fax (360) 344-4619 Washington State Energy Code 2006 Edition Climate Zone 1- Type R-3 and R-4 Changes for Single Family and Duplex Construction The following is a list of code changes that will effect construction of single family and duplex homes in Climate Zone 1. This is not a comprehensive list of changes. To see all the changes, download a new copy of the code and look for a vertical bar in the margin indicating a change in the code. Building Envelope: Prescriptive Options Table 6-1 • Option I, the U-factor for windows changed to U-.032. Glazing is limited to 10% of floor area. • Option II, the U-factor for windows changed to,U-.035_ • Option IV, the U-factor for windows changed to U-.035. There may be an increased use of window U-factor averaging when using the prescriptive method. Applicants may show compliance by providing area weighted average U-factor for all of the windows. With a more stringent standard the use of averaging may increase. The applicant must submit a detailed window schedule demonstrating compliance. Component Performance Table 5-1 • The target window U-factor changed to U-.035. • The target wall U factor changed to U-_057. Doors: 602.6 Exterior Doors • One unregulated door up to 24 square feet is still allowed. • Glazed doors are considered to be windows. • All opaque doors must meet the door U-factor requirement. In the past, any door could be called a window when included in the glazing percentage. Now, when using the prescriptive options, opaque doors must meet the U-0.20 requirement. An insulated fiberglass or thermally broken steel door will usually meet the U-factor requirement_ Single Rafter Joist: Table 6-1, footnote 3 Table 5-1, footnote 3 • If there is room in the joist for R-38 insulation, R-38 is required. This applies to all single rafter joist 13" or greater in depth. • R-30 single rater joist now limited to 500 square feet of roof area. Additional rafter area must use R-38 insulation. The following table shows typical insulation requirements for single rafter joist If the table notes R-38, then R-38 is required. Footnote 3, Table 6-1 or 6-2 Prescri tive Rafter Insulation Based on Finer lass Batts Max depth with First Over Nominal Actual 1 " ventilation 500 SF 500 SF R-value R value 2X10 91/4" 8 1/4" R-30 HD2 Note, 2X12 11 114" 101/4" R-30 R-38 HD2 2X14 131/4" 131/4" R-38' R-38 -Joist 9 112" 81/2" R 30 HD? Note' I -Joist 11 7/8" 10 7/8" R-30 R-38 HD2 I -Joist i 14" 1 13" R-38 R-38 -Joist 16" 15" R-38 R-38 Note' Ups¢e joist or provide an alternative method meeting U-_027„ HDZ Refers high density fiberglass Batt or equivalent. A take off noting rafter area will be required, Identical rules are included in 5-1. They will be incorporated into the UA trade off spreadsheet 502.4A Recessed Lighting Fixtures: • Must now be tested for air leakage using ASTM E283 • A gasket or caulking must seai the fixture to the drywall • Other options for fixture air sealing, including field inspection and a sealed box have been deleted. This has been an option in Washington since 1991. California mandated testing for air tight can lights two years ago. Since then, every major manufacturer has come on board. The fixtures are readily available. Look for the label in the can. If the can is not labeled, it does not comply. 505.3 Outdoor Lighting: • Requires high efficiency lighting or controls for all porch lighting • High Efficiency Luminaire is defined in Chapter 2. Typically requires a pin based compact fluorescent fixture • As an exception to the High Efficiency Luminaire, a motion sensor + photo daylight control may be used. 505.4 Linear Fluorescent Fixtures: • This rule applies to typical fluorescent tube fixtures • Linear fluorescent fixtures must be fitted with T-8 (1" diameter) or smaller lamps (but not T 10 or T-12 lamps) TABLE 6-1 PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTe,' FOR GROUP R OCCUPANCY CLIMATE ZONE 1 G ' Glazin, U-Fador wall 12 Walle Wall* S161V Option Areal = a D= Ceiling2 Vaulted Above int ext Floors on % of Floor Vertical Overhead" U-Factor Ceiding3 Grade Below Below Grade Grade Grade I. 10% 0.32 0.58 020 R-38 R-30 � R15a R-15 R 10 R-30 R-10 B.•" 15% 0.35 0.58 0.20 R 38 R 30 R 21 R 21 R-10 R-30 R-10 RI_ 25% OAO 0.58 0.20 R-38 / R-301 R-21 ! R-15 R-10 R-301 R-10 Group R-1 U=0.031 U=0.034 U�.057 U=0.02 and R-2 9 Occupanci es Only IV. Unlimited 0.35 0.58 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-21 R 21 R-10 R-30 R-10 Group R-3 and R-4 Occupanci es O'0nl V. Unlimited 0.35 0.68 _ 0.20 R-38 / R-301 R-21 I R 15 R-10 R-30 ! R-10 Group R-1 U=0.031 U=0.034 U-0.057 U=0.02 and R-2 g Oempanel es Only - meterence ease 0- Nominal R-values are for wood frame assemblies only or assemblies built in accordance with Section 601.1 _ 1. Minimum requirements for each option listed. For example, if a proposed design has a glazing ratio to the conditioned floor" area of 13%, it shall comply with all of the requirements of the 15% glazing option (or higher), 'Proposed designs which cannot meet the specific requirements of a listed option above may calculate compliance by Chapters 4 or 5 of this Code. 2. Requirement applies to all ceilings except single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings compl*g with note 3. 'Adv' denotes Advanced Framed Ceiling. 3. Requirement applicable only to single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings where both (a) the distance between the top of the ceiling and the underside of the roof sheathing is less than 12 inches and (b) there is a minimum I -inch vented airspace above the. insulation. Other single rafter or join vaulted ceilings shall comply with the "ceiling" requirements. This option is limited to 500 square feet of ceiling area for any one dwelling unit. 4. Below grade walls shall be insulated either on the exterior to a minimum level of R-10, or on the interior to the same level as walls above grade- Exterior insulation installed on below grade walls shall be a water resistant material, manufactured for its intended use, and installed according to the manufacturer's specifications. See Section 6022. 5. Floors over crawl spaces or exposed to ambient air conditions. 6. Required slab perimeter insulation shall be a water resistant material, manufactured for its intended use, and installed according to manufacturers specifications. See Section 602.4. 7. Int. denotes standard framing 16 inches on center with headers insulated with a minimum of R-10 insulation. 8. This wall insulation requirement denotes R-19 wall cavity insulation plus R-5 foam sheathing. 9. Doors, including all fire doors, shall be assigned default U-factors from Table 10-6C_ 10. Where a maximum glazing area is listed, the total glazing area (combined vertical plus overhead) as a percent of gross conditioned floor area shall be less than or equal to that value. Overhead glazing with U-factor of 1U=0A0 or less is not included in glazing area limitations. 11. Overhead glazing "shall have U-factors determined in accordance with NFRC 100 or as specified in Section 502.1.5. 12. log and solid timber walls with a minimum average thickness of 3.5" are exempt from this insulation requirement. B Chapter 9 Prescriptive Space Heating System Sizing Deleted. See IRC 1111401.3. • 503.2.2 Size limited to 15t1% of heating load Replaced by IRC Section M1401.3. Heating and cooling equipment shag be sized based on building loads calculated in accordance with Air Conditioning Contractors of America Manual J or other approved heating and cooling calculation methodologies. Manual J is a healing, and cooling heat load calculation method. This method takes some training. See their web site for details. h :i u,a a.orglt manurahl WSU has developed a spread sheet for WSEC Chapter 5 code qualification. We call this the CPworksheet. This spread sheet will also provide a simple heating system size calculation that is roughly equivalent to manual J. Limit the use of this spread sheet to electric resistance or combustion equipment sizing. Do not use this spread sheet to size heat pumps or air conditioners. This spread sheet is available on our web site. Washington State University Extension Energy Program Energy Code Support Email: ener cod ene .wsu.edu Phone: 360 956-2042 • Gary Nordeen • Mike McSorley • Chuck Murray Residential Energy Code Support • Energy and Ventilation Code Text • Residential Component Performance Worksheets • Residential Builders Field Guide h ./ www.ene ri.edufcodei"code sqgpQrt.cfm For Non residential energy code support, Visit the NEEC web site. 'h 2 .neec.neVrescour t sour+ces.htmi q�,pt71i7�"q+$+ Receipt Number: 08-10,5 ReceiptReceipt# Receipt Nte Fee 016scription Payment Check Paymant Method Number Arnount CHECK 4670 $ 150.00 Total $150.00 Amount Paid Permit i ' genprrdrreceipts Page 1 of 1 RM6 VM ON35W01 180d ryryII 33VId ANN33M HN gI SNH(IHVD VNOHOJ mollaas I'MA ......... ............... ........... ... ...... . . .......... . ..... . ... ....... --- - - ---------- - . ....... ................... . 0 Page I of I Rick Taylor From: John Decker [John@spencerdecker.com] Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 3:01 PM To: Rick Taylor Cc: ryan@greydesignstudio.com Subject: pwf pressure treated plywood Attachments: wolmanized spec.zip Rick - Here are some spec sheets on the water proof plywood. The proposed material, PWF 3/8" CDX PLYWOOD is rated for use in direct contact with the earth. Per IBC 1805.4.6 it needs to conform to AWPA use category 4B. Given our use as a protective layer not in direct contact with the earth this material will be more than adequate to offset the close proximity to grade. Please let us know if we can provide any additional information or answer any additional questions. Enjoy the weekend Thank you much. John Decker SDARCHITECTS P� 206.465M88 F,' 206.770,621-5 12/12/2008 Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc.. STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS Project: Dwelling Shed - Port Townsend 1611 Corona Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Architect: Spencer Decker Architects 321 3rd Avenue South #402 Seattle, WA 98104 Structural Engineer: Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers, Inc. 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, WA 98119 tel. 206-624-4760 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 (N ljpo&�" nY, J (""filF11,�a �����i 11 /19/2008 Page _ of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. SECTION 1 -GENERAL 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/13/2008 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. CRITERIA Gravity SIPS dead asphalt shingles roof 7-1/4" SIP panels 5/8" gyp. wallboard slope factor miscellaneous total dead + live typical dead asphalt shingles roof 1/2" plywood 2x8 @ 12"oc R30 insulation 5/8" gyp. wallboard slope factor miscellaneous total dead + live SIPS dead 3/4" hardwood floor 11-1/4" SIP panels 5/8" gyp. wallboard miscellaneous total dead + live typical dead 3/4" hardwood floor 3/4" plywood 2x10 @ 16"oc R30 insulation 5/8" gyp. wallboard miscellaneous total dead + live SIPS cedar siding walls 5-1/4" SIP Panels 1/2" gyp. wallboard miscellaneous typical cedar siding walls 1/2" plywood M @ 16"oc R21 insulation 1/2" gyp. wallboard miscellaneous 2.5 live snow 25.0 psf 3.7 2.8 0 1.0 10% 10.0 psf 35.0 psf 2.5 live snow 25.0 psf 1.5 3.0 1.2 2.8 0 1.5 12% 12.5 psf 37.5 psf 3.0 live residential 40.0 psf 6.2 2.8 1.5 11% 13.5 psf 53.5 psf 3.0 live residential 40.0 psf 2.3 2.8 1.2 2.8 1.4 1o% 13.5 psf 53.5 psf 2.0 3.5 2.2 0.8 9% 8.5 psf 2.0 1.5 1,7 0.8 2.2 0.8 9 0,0 psf 100 W, Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/13/2008 tel 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page _ of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. Lateral wind wind importance factor 1.0 basic wind speed 85 mph wind exposure B topographical factor (Kzt) 1.00 seismic seismic importance factor 1.0 latitude 48.127 ° longitude -122.812 ° mapped spectral response 1.288 g accel. at short periods (Ss) seismic design category D response modification factor (R) 5,5 (from USGS) 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/13/2008 tel 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page ,_ of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. SECTION 2 - FRAMING 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/13/2008 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page of W� Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. BEAMS (SIMPLE SPAN UNIFORM LOAD) SIP ROOF w (snow) __. total load = 35 psf L live load = 25 psf location criteria ' demand, c aac 2.90 k typical w (total) = 403 pif V = 3� k Vr = 14.52 k glulam bmw (live) = 288 pif M = 11.32 k-ft Mr = 8.61 k-ft L = 15.00 ft El (total) = 6.11E+08 lb-in2 El = 8.89E+08 lb-in2 trib. = 11.50 ft El (live) = 6.55E+08 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.52 in = L/ 349 d (live) = 0.37 in = L/ 489 use GLB 5-1/8x10-112 location criteria demand qamc8y 0.29 k typical w (total) = 236 pif V = 0,95 k Vr = 1.05 k low wall w (live) = 169 pif M = 0.27 k-ft Mr = 0.65 k-ft header L = 3.00 ft El (total) = 2.87E+06 lb-in2 El = 1.39E+07 lb-in2 trib. = 6.75 ft El (live) = 3.08E+06 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.03 in = L/ 1162 d (live) = 0.02 in = L/ 1627 use OK for Allowable SIP Header Load location criteria demand capacity 0.17 k typical w (total) = 140 pit V = A.-24 k Vr = 1.05 k side wall w (live) _ 100 pif M = 0.16 k-ft Mr = 0.65 k-ft header L = 3.00 ft El (total) = 1.70E+06 lb-in2 El = 1.39E+07 lb-in2 trib. = 4.00 ft El (live) = 1.82E+06 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.02 in = L/ 1961 d (live) = 0.01 in = L/ 2746 use OK for Allowable SIP Header Load 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 16x40 Dwelling Shed Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/13/2008 tel. 206 624 4760 1 fax 447 6971 Page _ of Harriott Smith Valentioie Engineers Inc, 1, j"j-A n "'p V, v j u`�1 �n 7,+ I� 100 W. Harrison St- Suite N-1 00 Seattle. Washington 98119-4189 tel. 206 624 4760 1 fax 447 6971 Page of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. BEAMS (SIMPLE SPAN UNIFORM LOAD) SIP Floor w (residential) (snow) A total load = 53.5 psf total load = 35 psf L live load = 40 psf live load = 25 psf location criteria _demand c' 2.60 k typical w (total) = 701 plf V = 2,84 k Vr = 2.96 k floor bm. w (live) = 464 plf M = 5.61 k-ft Mr = 9.31 k-ft L = 8.00 ft El (total) = 1.62E+08 lb-in2 El = 6.29E+08 lb-in2 floor = 8.00 ft El (live) = 1.60E+08 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.10 in = L/ 934 roof = 5.75 ft d (live) = 0.07 in = L/ 1412 wall = 8.00 ft use 6xl0 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/19/2008 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page _ of r-I IHariiiott Smith Valleinih.e Engineers Inc, tp�ziul I I 4 AVI 1,11 011A 0, 15 01 "Pt %pIv -7� 100 W. Harrison St., SUite N-1 00 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel. 206 624 4 760 1 fax 447 6971 Page of HarHolft Safl11:1h VaVenti,,�e F.:.:.ingfineers Inc, �'V) -- c'MAh"A �' 100 W Hairdson St., SuRe IN -1 C)O Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tol 206 624 4760 1 fax 447 6971 P".'Ige of Haridott SmWh Valleinfiiiiie Engineers Inc, 100 W. Havrison St., Suite N 100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel. 206 624 4760 1 fax 447 6971 Page of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. BEAMS (SIMPLE SPAN UNIFORM LOAD) Guest Roof w (snow) I 1 total load = 37.5 psf L live load = 25 psf location criteria demand p pagL 2.06 k typical w (total) = 361 pif V = 2-.W k Vr = 4.50 k glulam bm w (live) = 241 pif M = 6.50 k-ft Mr = 6.51 k-ft L = 12.00 ft El (total) = 2.81 E+08 lb-in2 El = 3.42E+08 lb-in2 trib. = 9.63 ft El (live) = 2.81 E+08 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.49 in = L/ 292 d (live) = 0.33 in = L/ 439 use GLB 3-1/8x9 location, criteria demand a acit 0.31 k typical w (total) = 183 pif V = 9.37 k Vr = 1.21 k low wall w (live) = 122 pif M = 0.37 k-ft Mr = 0.75 k-ft header L = 4.00 ft El (total) = 5.27E+06 1b-in2 El = 1.39E+07 lb-in2 trib. = 4.88 ft El (live) = 5.27E+06 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.08 in = L/ 634 d (live) = 0.05 in = L/ 950 use (2) 2x8 location criteria demand ca acit 0.09 k typical w (total) = 75 pit V = 9.14 k Vr = 1.21 k side wall w (live) = 50 pif M = 0.08 k-ft Mr = 0.75 k-ft header L = 3.00 ft El (total) = 9.11 E+05 1b-in2 El = 1.39E+07 lb-in2 trib. = 2.00 ft El (live) = 9.11 E+05 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.01 in = L/ 3661 d (live) = 0.01 in = L/ 5491 use (2) 2x8 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 12x24 Dwelling Guest Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/19/2008 tel. 206 624 4760 1 fax 447 6971 Page _ of 1 Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. JOISTS -- HEM -FIR NO. 2 Dwelling Guest Floor Cd = 1.00 (residential) spacing = 12 in oc total load = 54 psf live load = 40 psf total plf = 54 plf live plf = 40 plf 2x4's shear Vr = 525 lb Lmax = 19.63 ft moment Mr = 370 Ibft Lmax = 7.44 ft total load defl. L/240 El = 7.00E+06 Ibin2 Lmax = 6.62 ft live load defl. L/360 El = 7.00E+06 Ibin2 Lmax = 6.38 ft 2x6's shear Vr = 825 lb Lmax = 30.84 ft moment Mr = 800 Ibft Lmax = 10.94 ft total load defl. L/240 El = 2.70E+07 Ibin2 Lmax = 10.39 ft live load defl. L/360 El = 2.70E+07 Ibin2 Lmax = 10.00 ft M's shear Vr = 1088 lb Lmax = 40.65 ft moment Mr = 1280 Ibft Lmax = 13.83 ft total load defl. L/240 El = 6.19E+07 Ibin2 Lmax = 13.70 ft live load dell. L/360 El = 6.19E+07 Ibin2 Lmax = 13.19 ft 2x10's shear Vr = 1388 lb Lmax = 51.87 ft moment Mr = 1920 Ibft Lmax = 16.94 ft total load defl. L/240 El = 1.29E+08 Ibin2 Lmax = 17.48 ft live load defl. L/360 El = 1.29E+08 Ibin2 Lmax = 16.83 ft 2x12's shear Vr = 1688 lb Lmax = 63.08 ft moment Mr = 2580 Ibft Lmax = 19.64 ft total load defl. L/240 EI = 2.31 E+08 Ibin2 Lmax = 21.26 ft live load defl. L/360 El = 2.31 E+08 Ibin2 Lmax = 20.46 ft 2x14's shear Vr = 1988 lb Lmax = 74.30 ft moment Mr = 3220 Ibft Lmax = 21.94 ft total load dell. L/240 El = 3.78E+08 Ibin2 Lmax = 25.04 ft live load defl. L/360 El = 3.78E+08 Ibin2 Lmax = 24.10 ft 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/19/2008 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page _ _,,,, of „_............. _ Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. BEAMS (SIMPLE SPAN UNIFORM LOAD) Typical Floor w (residential) (snow) .-.�...... total load = 53.5 psf total load = 37.5 psf L live load = 40 psf live load = 25 psf location criteria demand cam 3.07 k typical w (total) = 538 plf V = 3-.2-9 k Vr = 3.41 k floor bm, w (live) = 337 pif M = 9.69 k-ft Mr = 10.70 k-ft L = 12.00 ft El (total) = 4.19E+08 lb-in2 El = 6.29E+08 lb-in2 floor = 6.00 ft El (live) = 3.93E+08 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.40 in = L/ 360 roof = 3.88 ft d (live) = 0.25 in = L/ 576 wall = 8.00 ft use 6xl0 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/19/2008 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page T of Harriett Smith Valonthc Engineers Inc, d;k'rrdgl to j v, 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel. 206 624 4760 1 fax 447 6971 Page of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. DECKING Decking Trex decking 5/4"x6" strip Fv = 200 psi A = 7.50 in2 Vr = 1000 lb Fbr = 625 psi Cd = 1.00 (residential) Cf = 1.00 (2x) Fb' = 625 psi S = 4.50 in3 Mr = 234 Ibft E = 100,000 psi I = 3.38 in4 El = 337,500 Ibin2 total load = 55 psf live load = 40 psf shear Vr = 1000 lb Lmax = 36.36 ft moment Mr = 234 Ibft Lmax = 5.84 ft total load defl. L/240 El = 3.38E+05 Ibin2 Lmax = 2.39 ft live load defl. L/360 El = 3.38E+05 Ibin2 Lmax = 2.32 ft 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/21/2008 tel. 206-447-6971 1 fax 447-6971 Page __ of j Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. BEAMS (SIMPLE SPAN UNIFORM LOAD) Deck Framing w (residential) (snow) total load = 53.5 psf total load = 37.5 psf L live load = 40 psf live load = 25 psf location criteria demand ga a 0.22 k typical w (total) = 71 plf V = 9i4 k Vr = 0.48 k joist w (live) = 53 plf M = 0.41 k-ft Mr = 0.80 k-ft L = 6.75 ft El (total) = 9.85E+06 lb-in2 El = 2.71E+07 lb-in2 floor = 1.33 ft El (live) = 1.10E+07 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.12 in = L/ 659 roof = 0.00 ft d (live) = 0.09 in = L/ 882 wall = 0.00 ft use 2x6 @ 16"oc location criteria demand ca acit 1.19 k typical w (total) = 357 plf V = 4-.2-9 k Vr = 1.40 k beam w (live) = 267 plf M = 2.34 k-ft Mr = 2.20 k-ft L = 7.25 ft El (total) = 6.12E+07 lb-in2 El = 8.25E+07 lb-in2 floor = 6.67 ft El (live) = 6.86E+07 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.27 in = L/ 324 roof = 0.00 ft d (live) = 0.20 in = L/ 433 wall = 0.00 ft use 4x6 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/21/2008 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page — of,— Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. WOOD COLUMN 4x OR 6x Species: DF #2 Size: 4x Fc* = 1300 psi E = 1.60E+06 psi c' = 0.8 d = 3.5 in KcE = 0.3 le le (ft) (in) Pa (perp) 8.00 96.00 8.50 102.00 9.00 108.00 9.50 114.00 10.00 120.00 10.50 126.00 11.00 132.00 11.50 138.00 12.00 144.00 Species; DF #1 Size: 6x Fc* = 925 psi E = 1.60E+06 psi c' = 0.8 d = 5.5 in KcE = 0.3 le le (ft) (in) Pa (perp) FcE (psi) 638 565 504 452 408 370 337 309 284 FcE (psi) 8.00 96.00 1576 8.50 102.00 1396 9.00 108.00 1245 9.50 114.00 1117 10.00 120.00 1008 10.50 126.00 915 11.00 132.00 833 11.50 138.00 762 12.00 144.00 700 Fc 1= 405 psi << sill plate is Hem -Fir 4x4 4x8 F'c Pa Pa (psi) (lb) (lb) 4961 10277 555 6802 14089 << crushing governs 502 6150 12738 up to a height of 455 5575 11548 9'-7" w/ Hem -Fir 414 5069 10500 (7'-5" if Doug -Fir) 377 4624 9578 345 4231 8764 317 3883 8044 292 3575 7406 269 3301 6838 Fc = 405 psi << sill plate is Hem -Fir 6x6 4x6 F'c Pa Pa (psi) (lb) (lb) 12251 7796 775 23443 14918 << crushing governs 750 22701 14446 up to a height of 724 21897 13934 14'-8" w/ Hem -Fir 696 21041 13389 (10'-8" if Doug -Fir) 666 20145 12819 636 19225 12234 605 18296 11643 574 17373 11056 544 16470 10481 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/21/2008 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. WOOD COLUMN MULTI -STUD Species HF stand. Size: 2x4 Fc* = 1300 psi E = 1.20E+06 psi c' = 0.8 d = 3.5 in KcE = 0.3 le le (ft) (in) Pa (perp) 8.00 96.00 8.50 102.00 9.00 108.00 9.50 114.00 10.00 120.00 10.50 126.00 11.00 132.00 11.50 138.00 12.00 144.00 Species: HF stud Size: 2x6 Fc* = 800 psi E = 1.20E+06 psi c' = 0.8 d = 5.5 in KcE = 0.3 le le (ft) (in) Pa (perp) FcE (psi) 479 424 378 339 306 278 253 232 213 FcE (psi) 8.00 96.00 1182 8.50 102.00 1047 9.00 108.00 934 9.50 114.00 838 10.00 120.00 756 10.50 126.00 686 11.00 132.00 625 11.50 138.00 572 12.00 144.00 525 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Fcl- 405 psi << sill plate is Hem -Fir (2)2x4 (3)2x4 (4)2x4 (5)2x4 F'c Pa Pa Pa Pa (psi) (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb) 4253 6379 8505 10631 435 4566 6848 9131 11414 << crushing governs 390 4099 6148 8198 10247 up to a height of 352 3696 5543 7391 9239 8'-4" w/ Hem -Fir 319 3346 5019 6691 8364 (6-5" if Doug -Fir) 290 3041 4562 6083 7603 264 2775 4163 5550 6938 242 2541 3812 5083 6353 222 2335 3503 4670 5838 205 2152 3229 4305 5381 Fc = 405 psi << sill plate is Hem -Fir (2)2x6 (3)2x6 (4)2x6 (5)2x6 F'c Pa Pa Pa Pa (psi) (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb) 6683 10024 13365 16706 645 10642 15963 21284 26605 << crushing governs 620 10229 15343 20457 25572 up to a height of 593 9788 14683 19577 24471 12'-5" w/ Hem -Fir 565 9329 13994 18658 23323 (8'-5" if Doug -Fir) 537 8860 13290 17720 22151 509 8390 12586 16781 20976 480 7928 11892 15856 19820 453 7479 11219 14959 18699 427 7049 10574 14099 17624 11/21/2008 Page of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. SECTION 3 - FOUNDATIONS 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/13/2008 tel 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page of Harriott Smith Valentih.e Engineers Inc. -17 "S fw e, lwrf 71- 1,41 .. .. ....... RuVtl tj N 1,414,4' W1 �111"X' V 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-1 00 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel. 206 624 4760 1 fax 447 6971 vf W v I X'f Page of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. SECTION 4 - LATERAL 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/13/2008 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page of __ Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 48.1267 Longitude =-122.81187 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and S1 Ss and S1 = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.0 Data are based on a 0.05 deg grid spacing Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.288 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0.471 (S1, Site Class B) Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 48.1267 Longitude =-122.81187 Spectral Response Accelerations SMs and SM1 SMs = Fa x Ss and SM1 = Fv x S1 Site Class D - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.529 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.288 (SMs, Site Class D) 1.0 0.719 (SM1, Site Class D) Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 48.1267 Longitude =-122.81187 Design Spectral Response Accelerations SDs and SDI SDs=2/3xSMs and SDI =2/3xSM1 Site Class D - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv =- 1.529 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 0.859 (SDs, Site Class D) 1.0 0.480 (SD1, Site Class D) Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. SEISMIC I III ,,, I ASCE 7 05 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure Occupancy Category Seismic Design Category Importance Factor Site Class Ss S1 Fa Fv Ct x hn Sms = Fa*Ss Sant = Fv*S1 SIDS = (2/3)*SMs SD1 = (2/3)*Smi Period Ta = Ct*hn"x To Ts Sa R Sao Cd Section 9.5.5 ok? II Table 1-1 D Table 11.6-1 1.00 Table 11.5-1 D Table 20.3-1 128.80 %g (from USGS Seismic Hazard Curves, 2002 data) 47.10 %g (from USGS Seismic Hazard Curves, 2002 data) 1.00 Table 11.4-1 1.68 Table 11.4-2 0.02 Table 12.8-2 0.75 Table 12.8-2 13.70 feet (height to highest level) 1.2880 Eq.11.4-1 0.7889 Eq.11.4-2 0.8587 g Eq. 11.4-3 0.5260 g Eq. 11.4-4 0.1424 s Eq. 12.8-7 0.1225 s per section 11.4.5 0.6125 s per section 11.4.5 0.8587 g per section 11.4.5 6.5 Table 12.2-1 2.5 Table 12.2-1 4 Table 12.2-1 Yes Table 12.6-1 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure (section 12.8) Cs 0.1321 Eq.12.8-2 W, weight 20,930 lb per table below QE 2,765lb Eq.12.8-1 Vertical Force Distribution (section 12.8.3) k = 1.00 Floor Level Hx Area (ft) (ft2) roof 13.70 817 main 0.50 640 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Floor Floor Wall Wall Total (LRFD) (ASD) Wt. Wt. Length Wt. Wt. WxHx Cvx QE 0.7QE (psf) (k) (ft) (k) (k) (k-ft) (%) (k) (k) 10 8.2 103 4.1 12.3 168.4 97.5 2.70 1.89 13.5 8.6 0 0.0 8.6 4.3 2.5 0.07 0.05 20.9 172.7 100.0 2.76 1.94 11 /19/2008 Page .................. of ..- ......�. Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. ASCE 7-05 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure Occupancy Category Seismic Design Category Importance Factor Site Class Ss S1 Fa Fv Ct x hn SMs = Fa*Ss Sant = Fv*S1 SIDS = (2/3)*SMs SD1 = (2/3)*SM1 Period Ta = Ct*hn^x To Ts Sa R 00 Cd Section 9.5.5 ok? II Table 1-1 D Table 11.6-1 1.00 Table 11.5-1 D Table 20.3-1 128.80 %g (from USGS Seismic Hazard Curves, 2002 data) 47.10 %g (from USGS Seismic Hazard Curves, 2002 data) 1.00 Table 11.4-1 1.68 Table 11.4-2 0.02 Table 12.8-2 0.75 Table 12.8-2 13.37 feet (height to highest level) 1.2880 Eq.11.4-1 0.7889 Eq.11.4-2 0.8587 g Eq. 11.4-3 0.5260 g Eq. 11.4-4 0.1398 s Eq. 12.8-7 0.1225 s per section 11.4.5 0.6125 s per section 11.4.5 0.8587 g per section 11.4.5 6.5 Table 12.2-1 2.5 Table 12.2-1 4 Table 12.2-1 Yes Table 12.6-1 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure (section 12.8) Cs 0.1321 Eq.12.8-2 W, weight 11,216 lb per table below QE 1,482 lb Eq. 12.8-1 Vertical Force Distribution (section 12.8.3) k = 1.00 Floor Level Hx Area (ft) (ft2) roof 13.37 390 main 0.50 288 100 W. Harrison St„ Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Floor Floor Wall Wall Total (LRFD) (ASD) Wt. Wt. Length Wt. Wt. WxHx Cvx QE 0.7QE (psf) (k) (ft) (k) (k) (k-ft) (%) (k) (k) 12.5 4.9 61.33 2.5 7.3 98.0 98.1 1.45 1.02 13.5 3.9 0 0.0 3.9 1.9 1.9 0.03 0.02 11.2 99.9 100.0 1.48 1.04 11 /19/2008 Page of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. WIND DESIGN ASCE 7-05 Method 1 - Simplified Procedure Part of Figure 6-2 - Adjustment Factor for Building Height and Exposure, `. Mean Roof Height Ex osure (ft) B C D 15 1.00 1.21 1.47 16 17 1.00 1.00 1.23 1.24 1.49 1.50 18 19 20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.26 1.27 1.29 1.52 1.53 1.55 21 1.00 1.30 1.56 22 23 24 25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.31 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.57 1.59 1.60 1.61 26 27 1.00 1.00 1.36 1.37 1.62 1.63 28 1.00 1.38 1.64 29 1.00 1.39 1.65 30 1.00 1.40 1.66 Part of Figure 6-2 - Simplified Desion Wind Pressure, f)s o = adjustment factor = 1.00 I = importance factor = 1.00 Kzt = topographic factor = 1.00 Zone Comoutation a = 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0.4 x h, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of least horizontal dimen- sion or 3 feet. w= 16.00ftx0.1= h= 13.70ft x0.4= w= 16.00ft x0.04= a = 3.00 ft 2a = 6.00 ft Zone B - end zone of roof Zone A - end zone of wall Zone D - interior zone of roof Zone C - interior zone of wall Basic Speed Roof Angle 0 to 5 Roof Pitch flat Horizontal Pressures (psf) A 11.5 B -5.9 C 7.6 D -3.5 10 2 12.9 -5.4 8.6 -3.1 85 15 3 14.4 -4.8 9.6 -2.7 20 4 15.9 -4.2 10.6 -2.3 25 6 14.4 2.3 10.4 2.4 30 to 45 7 to 12 12.9 8.8 10.2 7.0 Desion Wind Pressure, os Basic Speed Roof Angle Roof Pitch Horizontal Pressures sf A B C D 0 to 5 flat 11.5 -5.9 7.6 -3.5 85 10 15 20 2 3 4 12.9 14.4 15.9 -5.4 -4.8 -4.2 8.6 9.6 10.6 -3.1 -2.7 -2.3 25 6 14.4 2.3 10.4 2.4 30 to 45 7 to 12 12.9 8.8 10.2 7.0 1.60 ft 5.48 ft 0.64 ft 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/19/2008 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page of__ w w m: cn 0 0 z= CD QI LLI @ 04 z M CN m W CD n. co 60 � Nrn�rn 0 c N — N N N N O O O O Q d M N�� r r r r a JN ^ (D (O (O f0 0 0 `-NNNN J J N JN M V(D(D N N N M X^(D V NM ft9�lD Mr V E - et 0 J OI c h h h h (O (D (D M (D M 00 r aN- vv M to Cl) Cl) N N N M N (D M M N M In (MO M M U O O N O O N O C C T C C w C mf O# O 0 kxC'.Ito E O_ N N N N 2 U U � 6 E 1' 1..........E I N rn O M O M O U M V D M N r c^ M o b m 0 0 0 0 - gy NN 0 0 N 0 0 0 I-Ijj^�000 Nr V V (m) m r O M m m ()NN f7h�mi E N 0. 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QED-rr.- r J (D M co (O M M l l J S M M o M M M O O "N N N (V N N J J y M M co N '..0 M X (D V N Cl) (D c- (� 0 M V V V O '., N (MD 1- m (O (O m ''...0 o OI (() (O O (O 0 o h h h I--'.M V co W OI � m co O W N (hD (O O O m h M N N m V M M m V r 0 r �I IN 6 0 0 0 O o 0 Uj cG O m O O V m N co M h M M O m (DO M N m L r r o. h M N N " V m M m V +2 >�(No h M M MN N. m m 0 00 O r D r N 0 CO r N � L >Ihh oo d V V V V m m N r M MIh r V CO M O N h (D W Q 9 N V m� N m N N N GN) d C N d C d O T T T T O �I CD (D w (D (D (D O x x x x x IL N N N N N N N N''.N N ❑ (D fD i (D ',(D 1 (D cn U) h to U U U''U U 'I � 3 1 � rn U) (n U U) rn w Ul 2^ R) lO o r h (D m b M m M m M V (D "IM h D V O m c m 0 0 M 0 0 0 E D M 0 JV' N c.O N O O O J :� V m h co N N M V m `•� m r N M h W ) N N NOR E -N M m N r (O OI'� N Doi M M (h7 V M � M h M V O m to N M r (O h [6 . m m o ~O (O 47 NM N M M m v (n h M V h N O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O m uOr O N M r (O h '6 u] (O N N M M Db) 0 co''M l0 >� � (OD (O $ N m r N O O N N N N M co M O' I Cl! m m N M V M ro N O O N M r M 0 M O m m V (D h - N a M M M m M > >I C h M r m M M h Q. M V (D m O h (O LI F LI CD O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0000 JI ^ N N O N U7 h JI ^ O o 0 0 V r m V N m u! m m (() (D (O V N M ¢7 V' O O 'Q >1 ^ (D M O V V M >1 c3 lD -Itltl O V M M O N N N (O m M N h N m 0 LO V o co (O m r >1 000000 >1 o o o o a m m � LLI (O M O V V c) `!} WI c, (D V U ro N V M M N N N (D m m N h m 0 l0 V M (O (O V C C v m C fn a � > co co C (® co JJ'',JJ F-�I ♦-f-F F O O O O o O Cl) h M ICI), O O O co (nN 0 O O NSF IHarriott Simfth Valleintiv%e Engineers lnc, 06 fv, J w rti t 5' t2-* I I E, v ,,11111111111 � i0a 100 VV, Harrison St., Suite N-1 00 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel 206 624 4760 1 fax 447 6971 IIA'o V'� u, 51 Page of FLOORPLAN�� _.... END ,Fgf�a��3C��k� PETAL R00FPR: STSTF31 O/ PWO, SNEATIANO PER STRUCTURAL. 0/ 2X ROOF ,)OISM PER STRUCTURAL O/ R-30 RIGID INSULATION 01 VAPOR BARRIERO/ fete FINGERED WOOD SOFFIT NOTE: AT MST RAFTERS EXCEPTION TAKEN TO THE REOUIRED R-36 INSULATION. R-30 ALLOWED FOR 500 SF. GUEST' SHED 0 240 Sr s OR IX FASCIA WINDOWS PER A6.0 CEMENT BOARD SIDING 0/ 3" PT FURRING 0/ I LAYERS BWLDING PAPER D/ PLYWOOD SHEAT}wNG PER STRUCTURAL 0/ 2X6 STUD WALL W/ R2t BATT AISLKATXON 0/ VAPOR BARRIER 0/ FINISHED WOOD PANEL WWLLS 0 BEAN PER STRUCTURAL AU BEANS EXPOSED TO GRADE TO SE PRESSURE', TREATED PER I II V I Y I I fl e � i r' 1 i I I i ---------------- It' PLYWOOD W/ EXTERIOR GRADE CLUE 0/ 2X PRESSURE TREATED FLO PER STRUCTURAL W/ R-30 RIGID INSULATION 0/ COX J- PWF (PERVIANCNT W FOUNDATION) WATERPROOF I 9-1/4" SIPS PANEL. PER STR zzz R-39 RIGID INSULATIO VAPOR BARRIE FINISHED WOOD PANEL CEIUN IX FASC WINDOWS PER xrtn�lp _J*hh^ .— �E wn Gy hocked b al_ xef Nurt E VOW r, Receipt Number: 08-119`f9` Receipt. Date: 1212912008 Cashier: FFRAN KLIN, Payer/Payee Name SMITH RYAN Original Free Amount Fern Permit# Parcel Fee Description Amount Paid Balance BLD08-242 948002315 Building Permit Fee $951.75 $951.75 $0.00 BLD08-242 948002315 Energy Code Fee - New Single Famil $100.00 $100.00 $0.00 BLD08-242 948002315 Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 BLD08-242 948002315 Plan Review Fee $618.64 $468.64 $0.00 BLD08-242 948002315 Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling l $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 BLD08-242 948002315 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 BLD08-242 948002315 Technology Fee for Building Permit $19.04 $19.04 $0.00 BLD08-242 948002315 Record Retention Fee for Building P $10.00 $10.00 $0.00 Total: $1,853.93 Previous Payment History Receipt # Receipt Date Fee Description Amount Paid Permit 08-1052 11126/2008 Plan Review Fee $150.00 BLD08-242 Payment Check Payment Method Number Amount CHECK 1207 $ 1,853.93 Total $1,853.93 genprrtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 City of Port Townsend Invoice Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 Date: 1B-DEC-08 (360)379-5095 Invoice # 605 SMITH RYAN 5136 NE 54TH ST SEATTLE WA 98105 Application No BLD08-242 Project: NEW SFR Application Type Residential - Single Family - New Parcel # 948002315 Subdivision: Block/Lot Site Address: 3314 GREENWAY PL Description Fee Amount Paid/Credit Balance Due Building Permit Fee $951,75 $0.00 $95135 Energy Code Fee - New Single Family Unit $100.00 $0,00 $100,00 Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit- $150.00 $0,00 $150,00 New Residential Plan Review Fee $618.64 $150,00 $468.64 Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit- $150.00 $0.00 $150.00 New Residential State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $0.00 $4.50 Technology Fee for Building Permit $19.04 $0.00 $19.04 Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $10.00 $0.00 $10.00 Total Fee Amount: $2003,93 Total Paid/Credits: $150.00 Balance Due- $1853.93 Payment due within 30 days Cr . Page 1 City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 SMITH RYAN 5136 NE 54TH ST SEATTLE WA 98105 Application No BLD08-242 Project: NEW SFR Application Type Residential - Single Family - New Parcel # 948002315 Subdivision: Block/Lot Site Address: 3314 GREENWAY PL Description Site Address Fee Building Permit Fee Energy Code Fee - New Single Family Unit Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential Ran Review Fee Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - New Residential State Building Code Council Fee Technology Fee for Building Permit Record Retention Fee for Building Permit Fee Amount $3.00 $951.75 $100.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $4.50 $19.04 $10.00 Invoice Date: 16-DEC-08 Invoice # 600 Paid/Credit Balance [)oe $0.00 M- $0,00 $951.75 $0.00 $0.00 $100�00 $150DO $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $150.00 $0,00 $4.50 $0.00 $19,04 $0,00 $1000 Total Fee Amount: $1538.29 Total Paid/Credits: $150,00 Balance Due: $13W29 Payment due within 30 days Page 1 AM RICAN WOOD PROTECTION ASSOCIATION STANDARD fD 2008 All Rights Reserved USE CATEGORYSSYSTEM: USER SPECIFICATIONFOR TREATED WOOD Jurisdiction: AWPA Subcommittees T-1, T-2, T-3, T-4, T-8, P-7/f-9, and T-10 Adopted in 1999, amended in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. This Standard was developed by AWPA's Technical Committees in an open, consensus -based process. Any modifications, deviations, or exceptions to this Standard invalidate any references to this Standard and nullifies any statements of compliance with this Standard. IMPORTANT: Wood processing and treated wood are regulated by a number of organizations in addition to AWPA (e.g., U.S. EPA, state or local governments). The existence of AWPA Standards for treated products does not imply that all other regulatory bodies recognize or permit the use of the particular combination of preservatives, processes, and/or wood species listed in the AWPA Standards. 1. Introduction to the Use Category System C. Crossties and Switchties 2. Service Conditions for Use Category Designations D. Poles 3. Guide to Commodity Specifications for Treated E. Round Timber Piling Wood End Uses F. Wood Composites 4. Standardized Preservatives G. Marine (Salt Water) Applications 5. Standardized Wood Species H. Fire Retardants 6. Conmodity Snccifica ions: I. Nonpressure Applications A. Sawn Products J. Nonpressure Composites (reserved) B. Posts K. Barrier Protection Systems SECTION]: INTROD UCTION TO THE USE CATEGORY SYSTEM The Use Category System (UCS) of the American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) designates what preservative systems and retentions have been determined to be effective in protecting wood products under specified exposure conditions. The strength of the UCS and its focus is that all wood uses can be placed into one of five major Use Categories that clearly describe the exposure conditions that specific wood products can be subjected to in service. The major Use Categories are further broken down into sub -categories to define the associated degree of biodegradation hazard and product service life expectations for specific products and exposure conditions. In addition to the five Use Categories for biodeterioration, there is a sixth and separate Use Category for fire retardant applications. The Use Category designations are described in detail in Section 2 below. The Use Category system is designed to help specifiers and product users locate the appropriate AWPA Standards that provide listing of preservatives deemed acceptable for specific products and end -use environments. The user of the AWPA Standard Ul should first become familiar with the major differences between the Use Categories and the expected service conditions as described in Section 2. This information is then used in conjunction with Section 3: Guide to Treated Wood End Uses to determine the specific Commodity Specification of the Standard that lists the appropriate preservative requirements for that use. When purchasing under the Use Category System, material orders should include the specific commodity, Use Category designation, Standard Ul Commodity Specification, wood species, preservative and any special requirements such as pre - or post -treatment preparations (including conditioning and drying) - Wherever practicable, material should be manufactured in its final form prior to treatment to eliminate the necessity for subsequent cutting or boring of the treated wood. Risk assessment documents and models (e.g., Best Management Practices) have been developed by the Western Wood Preservers Institute (www.wwpinstitute.org) for the use of CCA, ACZA, Creosote, Pentachlorophenol and ACQ treated wood in aquatic environments. Projects calling for large volumes of treated wood immersed in (i.e., below the splash zone) poorly circulating bodies of water should be evaluated on an individual basis using risk assessment procedures. There are a number of other AWPA Standards that compliment Standard U1 for wood treated with preservative systems. These include: Standard T1: Use Category System: Processing and Treatment Standard, that governs the preservative retention and penetration requirements, processing limitations, quality control and inspection requirements for treated wood. Miscellaneous (M) Standards for Quality control and inspection items Analytical (A) Standards to determine conformance of preservative systems, penetration, and retention. Refer to the Introduction to this Book of Standards at the front of this edition for additional information. U1 — O 8 USE CATEGORY SYSTEM: USER SPECIFICATION FOR TREATED WOOD SECTION2: SERVICE CONDITIONS FOR USE CATEGORYDESIGNATIONS Page 2 of 66 O 2008 The following is a breakdown of the Use Categories used by AWPA to describe the exposure conditions that wood may be subject to in service. This is also given in table form on the next page to summarize the major differences between Use Category groupings. USE CATEGORY UC1 Wood and wood based materials used in interior construction not in contact with the ground or foundations. Such products are protected from weather and interior sources of water such as leaking plumbing, condensate, pools and spas. Examples are interior furniture, construction furnishings, and millwork. USE CATEGORY UC2 Wood and wood based materials used for interior construction that are not in contact with ground, but may be subject to dampness. These products are continuously protected from the weather but may be exposed to occasional sources of moisture. Examples are interior beams, timbers, flooring, framing, millwork and sill plates. USE CATEGORY UC3 UC3A -- Wood and wood -based materials used in exterior construction that are coated and not in contact with the ground. Such products may be exposed to the full effects of weather, such as vertical exterior walls or other types of construction that allows water to quickly drain from the surface. Examples are coated millwork, siding and trim. UC3B -- Wood and wood based materials used in exterior construction and not in contact with the ground. Materials do not require an exterior coating, but may be finished to achieve a desired aesthetic appearance. Materials are used for a variety of applications in either horizontal and vertical positions such as decking, sills, walkways, piers, railings and fence pickets. Note: Retentions above the minimum specified for materials in this use category may be required for products such as crossarms where the individual components are difficult to maintain, repair or replace and are critical to the performance and safety of the entire system. USE CATEGORY UC4' UC4A -- Wood and wood -based materials used in contact with the ground, fresh water, or other situations favorable to deterioration. Examples are fence posts, deck posts, guardrail posts, structural lumber, timbers and utility poles located in regions of low natural potential for wood decay and insect attack. UC4B -- Wood and wood -based material used in contact with the ground either in severe environments, such as horticultural sites, in climates with a high potential for deterioration, in critically important components such as utility poles, building poles and permanent wood foundations, and wood used in salt water splash zones. This category includes utility poles used in moist temperate climates. UC4C --Wood and wood based materials used in contact with the ground either in very severe environments or climates demonstrated to have extremely high potential for deterioration, in critical structural components such as land and fresh water piling and foundation piling, and utility poles located in semi -tropical or tropical environments. USE CATEGORY UC5 UC5A -- Wood and wood based materials exposed to salt and brackish water generally to the north of New Jersey on the east coast and north of San Francisco on the west coast to the extent that the marine borers can attack them. This includes areas where Limnoria guadripunctata is present, but lacks those borers listed under UC513 and UC5C. This includes piling and bracing, bulk -heading or other construction that is actually exposed at some time during the year to salt water. UC5B -- Wood and wood based materials exposed to salt and brackish water between New Jersey and Georgia on the east coast and south of San Francisco on the west coast to the extent that the marine borers can attack them. This includes areas where creosote tolerant Limnoria tripunctata is present, but lacks those borers listed under UC5C. This includes piling and bracing, bulk -heading or other construction that is actually exposed at some time during the year to salt water. UC5C -- Wood and wood based materials exposed to salt and brackish water south of Georgia and along the gulf coasts in the eastern U.S., as well as Hawaii and Puerto Rico, to the extent that the marine borers can attack them. This includes areas where Martesia and Sphaeroma are present. This includes piling and bracing, bulk -heading or other construction that is actually exposed at some time during the year to salt water. USE CATEGORY UCF UCFA -- Wood and wood based materials intended for fire protection and used in interior construction where wood material is not in contact with the ground and is protected from exterior weather. UCFB -- Wood and wood based materials intended for fire protection and used in exterior construction that is not in contact with the ground or with foundations, but may be exposed to full effects of weather such as intermittent rain, dew, sunlight and wind. Materials are applied to vertical, exterior walls, inclined roof surfaces or other types of construction that allow water to quickly drain from the surface. U1-08 USE CATEGORYSYSTEM: USER SPECIFICATION FOR TREATED WOOD Page 3 of O 200808 TABLE 2-1: SERVICE CONDITIONS FOR USE CATEGORY DESIGNATIONS USE SERVICE CONDITIONS USE ENVIRONMENT COMMON AGENTS OF TYPICAL CATEGORY DETERIORATION APPLICATIONS UCl Interior construction Continuously protected from Insects only Interior construction and Above Ground weather or other sources of furnishings Dry moisture UC2 Interior construction Protected from weather, but may be Decay fungi and insects Interior construction Above Ground subject to sources of moisture Damp UC3A Exterior construction Exposed to all weather cycles, not Decay fungi and insects Coated millwork, siding and Above Ground exposed to prolonged wetting trim Coated & rapid water runoff UC311 Exterior construction Exposed to all weather cycles Decay fungi and insects Decking, deckjoists, railings, Above Ground including prolonged wetting fence pickets, uncoated Uncoated or poor water run-off millwork UC4A Ground Contact or Fresh Water Exposed to all weather cycles, Decay fungi and insects Fence, deck, and guardrail Non -critical components normal exposure conditions posts, crossties & utility poles (low decay areas) UC41B Ground Contact or Fresh Water Exposed to all weather cycles, high Decay fungi and insects with Permanent wood foundations, Critical components or decay potential increased potential for building poles, horticultural difficult replacement includes salt water splash biodeterioration posts, crossties & utility poles (high decay areas) UC41C Ground Contact or Fresh Water Exposed to all weather cycles, Decay fungi and insects with Land & Freshwater piling, Critical structural components severe environments extreme potential for foundation piling, crossties & extreme decay potential biodeterioration utility poles (severe decay areas) UC5A Salt or brackish water Continuous marine exposure Salt water organisms Piling, bulkheads, bracing and adjacent mud zone (saltwater) Northern waters UC5B Salt or brackish water Continuous marine exposure Salt water organisms Piling, bulkheads, bracing and adjacent mud zone (salt water) Including creosote tolerant NJ to GA, south of San Francisco Limnoria tripunctata UCSC Salt or brackish ww^aler Continuous marine exposure Salt water organisms Piling, bulkheads, bracing and adjacent mud zone (saltwater) Including South of GA, Gulf Coast, Martesia, Sphaeroma Ila wsii, and Puerto Rico UCFA Fire protection as required Continuously protected from Fire Roof sheathing, roof trusses, by codes weather or other sources of studs, joists, paneling Above Ground moisture Interior construction UCFB Fire protection as required Subject to wetting Fire Vertical exterior walls, inclined bycodes roof surfaces or other Above Ground construction which allows water Exterior construction to quickly drain U1 —08 USE CA TEGOR Y SYSTEM. USER SPEC7FTCATioNFOR TREATED WOOD Page 4 of © 200808 SECTION 3: GUIDE TO COMMODITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR TREATED WOOD END USES Section 6 of the UCS-U1 Standard lists standardized preservative systems and required retentions for specific commodities and end -uses. This section is designed to help direct users and specifiers to the governing sub -section of Section 6 for the treated wood application, and to help identify the appropriate Use Category for the intended use. Some commodities may require a retention for a specific application beyond that suggested by Section 2 of this Standard due to the critical nature of their use. Table 3-1: Guide to commodity specifications for treated wood end uses arras reel by use. Use Commodity Specification Commodity Use Exposure Category Section Special Reqs. Bender Board General Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A A Bulkhead Sheathing Non -Marine Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A A in ...._ ...... .._ _ _ s"._ _....._ w.."t._, __..� ...�.........._ Brackish or Salt Water _.._, ,.... SA-SB-SC ..........__ 6 ._._- G 6.1-6.4 Cant Strips Building Construction Above Ground 3B A 4.1 Composite Lumber Structural Above Ground, Exterior 3B F (PSL & LVL) Highway Structural, General Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A F Hi-hwa_... Structural, Important rortant or.....Ground..Contact g Y � P or Fresh.........ater 4B..................................F........................................................................... High Decay Highway Structural, Critical or Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4C F Severe Decay Cribbing Highway Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4C A Crossarms, Sawn General Use Above Ground, Exterior 3B A 4.5 Critical or Hard to Replace Above Ground. Exterior 4A . ____.......1-1-1 ,---_... Crossties, Switchties General m m....., ... Ground Contact or Fresh Water _.... _. 4A -.._� ................ C Important and/or High Decay Ground Contactor Fresh Water 4B C Critical and/or Severe....17r,ca .....X..T............................Ground Contact or Fresh Water................ �4C........................................C............................................................................ Painted/Unpainted Above Ground, Exterior 3B A Building Construction, General Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A A ,Decking Highway Bridge Structural .,..... ...,.Above Ground 4B A 4.3 Critical/Severe Decay Decks, Residential Decking (Painted/Unpainted) Above Ground, Exterior Joists Railing Components Joists Ground Contact or Fresh Water Support Posts (Sawn) ;ion Boards General Ground Contact or Fresh Water Boards fainted/Coated Above Ground. Exterior Rail Painted/Coated oor Plate block Material Building Construction Above Ground, Interior Above Ground, Interior Reside ntial/Commercia Above Ground Above Ground aoor.................... Outdoor Painted/Coated Above Ground, Exterior Above Ground, Exterior Above Ground, Exterior Above Groaurd,1„ xtcrior Above Ground, Exterior Above Ground, Potentially Wet ......... m ............. Protected Insect Only Low Humidity High Humidity Protected, Insect Only Above Ground, Exterior_ Ground Contact Above Ground, Damp Above Ground Above �ir° trnr.m�r...�.i Exterior i�f�.-............... Above Ground„ Exterior 3B 3B 3A A A A A A A 4.1 4.1 66 U 1 —08 USE CATEGORYSYSTEM. USER SPECIFICATIONFOR TREATED WOOD Page 5 of O 200808 Tuhlr ;_1 - G nide to em"nvndj! fnr treatod wnnd rnd m1vt%& svrrnivopel hv ncP_ tinint V Use Commodity Specification Commodity Use Exposure Category Section Special Reqs. Glue Laminated Above Ground, Interior Protected, Insect Only 1 �- F Beams .... _____ _,_.------___. ..___� Above Ground, Interior Above .__,, _._._.",_. .. — Protected, Damp ._.. ._...........,....._ 2 ., rcm..,____......._m... F Above Ground Structural Exterior 3B F (Painted/Unpainted) General Structural, Highway Ground Contact or Fresh Water, 4A F Structural Non -Critical Low Decay Highway Important Structural or Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4T3 F Saltwater Splash High Decay Highway Critical Structural Ground Contact or Fresh Water, 4C F Severe Decay Handrails/Guardrails Highway Construction Above Ground, Exterior 3B A 4.3 Joists Above Ground, Interior On 1Jr I... 4.1 . ._._Insect Al�av ;ra uitid Cut ri�kr __ _ ....... .. Above (;round, 1 ;Gn��la ... ........ 2 ...... A 4.1 Building Construction Above Ground, Exterior 3B A ........ _ Building Construction Ground Contact/Fresh Water w 4A A ..... ....... Laminated Veneer See Composite Lumber Lumber (LVL) Landscape Ties General Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A A Lattice Painted/Unnainted Above Ground. Exterior 3B A Lumber/Timbers Above Ground, Interior Insect Only 1 A 4.1 Above Ground, Interior _. .... Wood Exposed to Dampness ....... 2 A .__...... 4.1 Above Ground, Exterior, All Apptic t_io" _ _ _.�.m.. ations � 3A ....... Coated/Painted General, Including Above Ground Exterior, Uncoated 3B A Agriculture/Farms Food Harvest and Storage Above Ground, Exterior A Roof Decking, Above Ground, Exterior A 4.1 Flooring/Subflooring Food Contact Above Ground, Exterior A General, Including Retaining Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A A Walls, Edging, Agri-/Mariculture, Boats, Furniture, Gazebos, Compost/ Plant/Mushroom Boxes, Flumes Fire Escapes, Exterior Exposed Above Ground and Ground Contact A Wet Industrial Processing Areas Above Ground and Ground Contact A Cooling Towers Fresh Water Contact A 4.4 Brine Storage, Highway Ground Contact or Fresh Water B 4„1 Construction Materials Playground Equipment Ground Contact or Fresh Water B 4 3 _w._ _ Permanent Wood Foundation Ground Contact and Above Ground 4B A 4.2 Highway Construction, Ground Contact or Fresh Water A 4.3 Residential/Business Structural Support Crib Walls, Retaining Walls, Ground Contact or Fresh Water A Important Structural, Greenhouse Marine Out of Water and Above Salt Water Splash A G-2.9 Ground Marme Out of Water and Ground Salt Water Splash 4C A G-2.9 Contact Aquaculture Fresh Water A Residential/Business Structural Ground Contact or Fresh Water Support w _ ....------ arme, Aqua/Mariculture, M. Brackish or Salt Water 5A-5B-5 C G 6.1-6.4 Highway, Boats Fire Retardant, Fire Protection Interior FA H -._..... Fire Retardant, Fire Protection ...__ Exterior ...-------- FB H 66 U 1 — 0 8 USE CATEGORY SYSTEM: USER SPECIFICATION FOR TREATED WOOD Page 6 of 2008 Table 3-1: Guide to commodity specifications for treated wood end uses, arrantted In use. (cant.') Use Commodity Specification Commodity Use Exposure Category Section _A Special Reas. Millwork, Trim Above Ground, Interior Insect Only I 4.1 Above Ground, Interior Above Ground, Damp 2 A 4.1 Painted/Coated Above Ground, Exterior 3A A 4.1 Unpainted Above Ground, Exterior 3B A Parallel Strand See Composite Lumber Lumber (PSL) Pergola Pergola Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A A Piles, Foundation Building Construction, Ground Contact 4C E Completely Embedded in Soil Piles, Round Highway Construction Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4C E Marme/Highway Construction Brackish or Salt Water SA-SB-SC G 6.1-6.4 ,Piles, Sawn Residential/Business Structural Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4B A 43 Support Residential/Business Structural Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4C A 43 Support, Critical ,Plywood Above Ground Interior �_Su biloor above (3rour�rd I�unsle�u . __...... 2 .........� ......... F ......... ......... .......... General, Including Above Ground, Exterior 3B F Agriculture/Farms Food Harvest -Storage -Contact Above Ground, Exterior F Roof Decking, Above Ground, Exterior F 2.6 Igor ing/Sr ubllo�lug. ... ........ .,. General: Including Edging Agriculture, Mgriculture, Boats, Furniture, Gazebos, Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A F Compost/Plant/Mushroom Boxes, Flumes Brine Storage, Highway Ground Contact or Fresh Water F B-4.1 Construction Materials Wet Industrial Processing Areas Ground Contact or Fresh Water F Fire Escapes, Exterior Exposed ........ __.,.. Above Ground and Ground Contact ..........�w — .,,. ... F Marine Salt Water Splash 4B F Permanent Wood Foundation Ground Contact and Above Ground A 4.2 Marine/Highway Construction,................. _._. ... _ �, — m_ cis or Salt Water Brackish — SA SB SC ......... G .... sat 13u4i rub = .....LI �_ ....mwm _............ Fire Retardant, Fire Protection --.�-------------- Interior - _ ___ __.__...__ __ . _FA H -.------- -...-.- .-. F.` ire Retardant, ..>re Protectio n Exterior FB H Poles (Round) Agricultural Use, Utility Ground Contact or Fresh Water, 4A D l.ow Decay Agriculture, Utility, Highway .... Ground Contact or Fresh Water, .......... 4B D Construction, Lighting _ Moderate _Dec_ay Building Structural Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4B B 4.4 Utility, Lighting Ground Contact or Fresh Water, 4C D High Decay Poles (Sawn) A�,ricultural/p ,arm _ -(around Contact or Fresh 'Waver 4A A Structural Building Ground Contact or Fresh Water, 4B A ........ ......... ......... Moderate Decay Poles Utility Poles Ground Contact or Fresh Water, 4A/4B D 6 (Glue Laminated) Low or Moderate Decay Utility Poles Ground Contact or Fresh Water, 4C D 6 High Decay 66 U 1 —08 USE CATEGORYSYSTEM: USER S,t°r»Lda"r:wwONFOR TREATED WOOD Page 7 of 2008 l aDle a-l: t3ulue IO commouny s pecincattons Ior Irealeu woos ena rises arran 'eu Dy use. co"T. Use Commodity Specification Commoditv Use Exposure Cateeory Section Special Reqs. ....... Posts General, Fence Highway Round, % & '/4 Construction Including Guide, Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A B Round Sign and Sight Playground Equipment Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A B Highway Construction, Including Ground Contact or Fresh Water, 4B B Guardrail Posts, Spacer Blocks Moderate Decay Buildrn Construction Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4B B 4.4 Agricultural Used as llound Ground Contact or Fresh Water, 4B B 4.2.1 Structural Members Moderate Decay _ Brine Storage, Highway Ground Contact or Fresh Water, 4B B 4.1.2 Moderate Decay Posts (Sawn 4 Sides) General, Fence, Deck Support Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A A Highway Construction, General Ground Contact or Fresh Water A 4.3 Playground Equipment Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A B 4.3 Agntu culra Use Spacer Blocks Ground ���act or Fresh Water, � 4B A tC r.�� Important Building Structural . Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4C A Purlins Above Ground, Interior Insect Only 1 A Above Ground, Damp 2 ............._....... Painted/Coated ._ Above Grou:rod, Exterior 3A ..... A .............. :�..... .. ,U.. painted ,,,. n:�. Abr... or svG (�ra�ttrrtl 1 r;teri.:„ �... 3B A Shakes and Shingles .:.:.:. Painted or Unpainted ..... ..... Above Ground, Exterior _..: 3B A ..... ...... 4.6 Siding (Beveled or Painted/Coated Above Ground, Exterior 3A A 4.1 Not) ....... Unpainted Above.Ground. Exterior 3B A Sill Plates Interior Above Ground. Damp 2 A 4.1 Skirtboard Post Frame Construction Ground Contact 4A A Stakes (Sawn 4 Grape, Agriculture YGround Contact/Fresh Water 4A A Sides) Structural Composite See Composite Lumber Lumber studs Buildin� Construction, Interior Insect Only � 1 A 4.1 Building lwonstruclion, Interior Wood E'Xposcd to Darn .loess 2 A 4.1 Ties Mine and Bridge Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A B Brackish: or Salt Water 5A-5B-5C G 6.1-6.4 Trusses Roof Insect Only 1 A 4.1 Roof Wood Exposed to Dampness 2 A 4.1 Floor Above Ground 3B A 4.1 Utility Poles Distribution, Transmission, Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A D Laminated, General___ Distribution, Transmission, Ground Contact or Fresh Water, 4B D NairEoiYatz.d,. ... ltnportant [Ii ;h Decay Distribution, Transmission, Ground Contact or Fresh Water, 4C D Laminated. Critical Severe Decay Veranda supports Veranda Supports Ground Contact or Fresh Water 4A A 66 U 1 - 0 8 USE CATEGORY SYSTEM: USER SPEC7FTCATION FOR TREATED WOOD Page 8 of 008 O 2 SECTION4: STANDARDIZED PRESERVATIvES Preservatives for Pressure Treatment Processes Preservative P Standard Preservative Retention Preservative Carrier Abreviation. Reference Basis. as Oilborne and Creosote -Based CR P1/P13 Creosote Creosote Not applicable CR-S P2 Creosote Solution Creosote Not applicable CR-PS P3 Creosote -Petroleum Solution Creosote Hydrocarbon Solvent ......... PCP -A ........ P8/P9 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................-...... Pentachlorophenol (Penta) Solvent A PCP Hydrocarbon Solvent __... ........................................................ PCP ......_...... P8/P9 Pentachlorophenol (Penta) Solvent C PCP Light Hydrocarbon Solvent Cu8 P8/P9 Oxine Copper Copper Light Hydrocarbon Solvent CuN P8/P9 Copper Naphthenate Copper Hydrocarbon Solvent TBTO P8/P9 Bis (Tri-n-Butyltin) Oxide Not Available Hydrocarbon Solvent CTL P8/P9 Chlorothalonil Not Available Hydrocarbon Solvent CPF P8/P9 Chlorpyrifos (use cobiocide Chlorothalonil) Not Available Hydrocarbon Solvent PXTS P19/P9 Oligomeric Alkylphenol Poiysulfide PXTS N/A or Hydrocarbon Solvent Waterborne, Acid -based CCA P5 Chromated Copper Arsenate Type C Metal Oxides Water ACC P5 Acid Copper Chromate Metal Oxides Water _ _ Waterborne. Alkali -based (amine/ammonia) _ ACZA P5 Ammoniacal Copper Zinc ArsenateMetal Oxides Water ACQ-A _ P5 Ammoniacal Copper Quat Type B CuO + Quat Water ACQ-B P5 Ammoniacal Copper Quat Type B CuO + Quat Water ACQ-C P5 Alkaline Copper Quat Type C CuO + Quat Water ACQ-D P5 Alkaline Copper Quat Type D CuO + Quat Water CBA-A PS Copper Azole Type A Cu + H3B03 + azole Water CA-B P5 Copper Azole Type B Cu + azole Water CX-A P5 Copper HDO Type A CuO HDO + Water Waterborne, Other SBX P5 Inorganic Boron (SBX) B103 Water CDDC P5 Copper bis(dimethyldithiocarbamate) CDDC Copper Water CuN-W ........... ............. P5 ..-....... . .. Waterbome Copper Naphthenate ...... .... Copper _.......... ._....... Water .................................................................. Propiconazole PTI P5 Propiconazole Tebuconazole Imidacloprid Tebuconazole Water hnidacloprid Fire -retardants FR-1 P18 FR-1 Not Available Water FR-2 P18 FR-2 Not Available Water U1 —O8 USE CATEGORYSYSTEM: USER SPECTFTCATTONFOR TREATED WOOD Page 9 of O 200808 Preservatives for Non -Pressure Treatment Processes Preservative P Standard Preservative Retention Preservative Carrier Abreviation. Reference Basis Oilborne and Creosote -based CR P1/P13 Creosote Creosote Not applicable ..........................................._ PCP -A _____..._...._. P8/P9 Pentachlorophenol (Penta) Solvent A PCP Hydrocarbon Solvent CuN P8/P9 Copper Naphthenate Copper Hydrocarbon Solvent mmmmmmT__ BTO P8/P9 Bis (Tri-n-Butyltin) Oxide Not Available Hydrocarbon Solvent Waterborne. Other AAC P5/P8 Alkyl Ammo. nium Compound Not Available Water/Hydrocarbon Solvent Millwork Svstems77771 7DC01 P8/P9 4.5-dichlor-2-N-octyl-4-Isothiazolin-3-one Not Available Light Hydrocarbon (Isotluazolin) (Note b) Solvent IPBC P8/P9 -b 3-iodo-2 ropyn 1 butyl carbamate (Note )Not Available Light Hydrocarbon Solvent P8/P9 1-[2-(4-dichlorophenyl)-4-propyl-1,3- Not Available Hydrocarbon Solvent PPZ dioxolan-2-I' L-methyl]-1H-1,2,4-triazole (Propiconazolc) (Note b) P8/P9 F-(2(4(chlorophenyl)ethyl-y-(I, I - Not Available Hydrocarbon Solvent TEB dimethylethyl)-1H-1,2,4-Triazole-I Ethanol (Tebuconazole) (Note b) of 66 U1-08 USECATEGORYSYSTEM: USER SPECIFICATIONFORTREATEDWOOD Page100 2008 SECTIONS: SPECIES AND SPECIES GROUPINGS REFERENCED INAWPA STANDARDS The individual species and species groupings listed herein have been included in AWPA Standards because experience has shown that it is possible to treat them successfully, with at least some preservative systems. Listing of a species in these tables does not imply that they are listed for all preservative systems, or that a preservative system appropriate to specific applications is listed or available. Most species are treated either as sawn or round commodities. Other species groupings, such as those listed in the gradebooks of various ALSC-accredited grading agencies may contain a mix of species which cannot be readily separated, or properly treated as a whole. Grade marks are an acceptable means of species identification, but only sawn material is grade -marked. To predict treatability, species should be positively identified. The following list includes species groupings that are commonly treated under AWPA Standards, which are described under Notes 1-9 below. Treating of other species groupings should be avoided unless individual species identification can be made by a means acceptable to both buyer and seller. However, acceptance under AWPA Standards is ultimately governed by preservative penetration and retention. The listing of a preservative with a species or species group does not necessarily imply the species or the species group is treated regularly with any specific preservative. Prior to specifying a species for a given application, it should be cross-referenced with specific Commodity Specifications in Section 6, and information should be obtained on the availability of a species preservative combination. Species Treatability and Variability. Some species are difficult to treat to the requirements of the AWPA Standards even when incised. Individual pieces or lots within a species or species grouping may vary, sometimes significantly in their treatability. Prior to specifying a species or species group for any commodity and preservative, accurate information should be obtained about the treatability and the variability of the species or species group. The recognized common and scientific names of wood species used in AWPA Standards are as follows: Notes and 'Footnotes for Species Names and Listings in Sanction 5 Tables IM1'CS JI —Use Catenory System: User S 1asa;ificatiarn for Treated Wood l•amoclaaets 1 Coastal = West of Summit of Cascade Mountains; Intermountain = East of Cascade Summit. 2 Usually, but not always. 3 For sawn products treated with CCA, Western larch was removed from AWPA Standards with prejudice. For ammoniacal copper preservatives and pentachlorophenol, Western larch was removed from AWPA Standards without prejudice. Note 1: Southern Pine includes Pinus elliotlii (slash), P. echinata (shortleaf), P. palustris (longleaf), P. taeda (loblolly) Note 2: Mixed Southern pine includes all Southern Pine species plus P. virginiana (Virginia) and P. serotina (pond) Note 3: Hem -fir includes Tsuga heterophylla, Abies concolor (white), A. magnifica (Cal. red), A. grandis (grand), A. procera (nobel) A. amabilis (pacific silver) Note 4: Hem -fir North includes Tsuga heterophylla, Abies amabilis Note 5: Spruce -Pine -Fir includes Abies balsamea, A. lasiocarpa, Picea engelmannii, P. glauca, P. mariana, P. rubrens, Pinus Banksiana, P. contorta Note 6: Spruce -Pine -Fir West (NLGA Grade Rules) is a Western Canadian subset of Spruce -Pine -Fir that is graded Northern Lumber Grading Association (NLGA) rules, but only by the following Western Canadian agencies: Alberta Forest Products Association (AFPA), Caribou Lumber Manufacturers Association (CLMA), Canadian Mill Services Association (COFI), Interior Lumber Manufacturers Association (ILMA), Northern Forest Products Association (NFPA). It includes Abies Lasiocarpa, Picea engelmannii, P. plauca, P. mariana, Pinus contorta Note 7: Red Oak includes Quercus rubra, Q. velutina, Q. marilandica, Q. kelloggii, Q falcata, Q. laurifolia, Q. elllipsoidalis, Q. nuttallii, Q. palustris, Q. coccinea, Q. shumardii, Q. laevis, Q. phellos, and Q. nigra. Note 8: Scots Pine-Ger is Pinus Sylvestris from Germany as certified by a qualified third -party agency. Note 9: Patula Pine is Pinus patula from South Africa and a component of African Montane Pine as certified by a qualified third -party agency. U W-0 b x x xxx 4bi E x x an rn 'x 0 3 x x x xxx U H° rn a x x x x x x x x x U U x x x x x x x x x x x U °d Qa U x x x x x x x x x In U ✓t x x x x x N,U r� x r,� r�� �I r� r�� xxxxxxxxxx x ram/ q/ �/ �/ r� q� xx x xxxx UU Y`e ri ri 1^e ✓Y ✓Y ✓1 ✓Y ✓W x x x x x ✓Y ✓v U x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x XXXX x x x x x u x xxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx xx x xxx xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x ''....x x x x x x x x...x x x x x x x x..... x x rU N NU U O E dq r U N a ry� � +++ 'yI Z«i g r3� 12 tRd"S' Md21 Y ^9�F w�I l� .t .C.7. Z 0.0. +s wC; .tE �,V 5 a w � 0, b °uo ° 44 o Sa CJ 'Q w o , ✓'v c... v ra r ^ c a ax "' h `, a „ .; ¢r w ton crmtncru z ® d a 3UI �o 00 o 0 0 ry O a a U v M X X X X �. .......... ......... _........... _......... ........................................................................................................................................ ................................................. E" X XXX U X � U v X X X X X X X X X X v X X X X X X X X X X d U X X X X X X X X X X x 3 X X X X X X X X X X X X U y o�R bL c W v X X X X X ° A � v iv o W X X X X X X X X X' N �I y v Z3 � U N � v tl 0y o ts Ct z o m y a :: _� r v IV, n - a u h eu o� p� TS Ol N " ry o tl o t O O of y 4. p,. ti w O" b❑ tl C �0 �U yI M OI OI OI .k Y O O c01i '1 '1 O N ^" Y tl O 'b O l Y h b ,O o N O] h � z 0.0. ��Y0.�YhrY�Yi4 �i .U. �U. 22H[��22�rY0. V „0 tiUfr V �'NU-4 w E 3 S � C O o°o a� x ° ' a u o m o 0 5 0 m a E E -s cn F z x F° �i a w w u w j. U x a s a� p, o c b Gid aau V O d V N K �wtiawceUx� 3¢z N LUG �xx3wcncn��3w �oraxwxx� E- E E W, v U >C xx � b w Pal M P U U � � a c � C7 � v ¢ W m U C G 7 x X Ih ry O1 �f OI O' U y N C1 tl ? ? � v y O L 3 13 obi o$i O � '.. -C� `� y " = tl � � chi u 0. •� cy I , k y N O I a E �+ N C ig .��, y A. y O o U y C d L O y GS b0 U .� y yd U b N ZS Zi N S O O rV ZS Y O N O .V., M cf U U L O, O O N tl t! 3 y O d O ti ti -O U y tl O ` ,' CS C5 CS .U.. ti b0 by d y .i{ cn z i I 0. 0. �� C 0. 4 Y� 0.� 0.� 2 2 ti H� 2 Z 0. 0. 0. C N � U f� N h a��� Z NUN d C a �!-. W � b Y b c o o�G�3 ��;; o o 5N �3 C O zx��cG3 o CIO o b v m y D a ❑ a a ` w w a u i a s . o` °' o o o° a °' a a« °' y ro' a a� 4- U� a �w aww°Ux�gxx3w����3w o 3¢z� uvi adi nbi `goxrx cimxxY N 1 o 8 0 z 0 G 0- U U .'7 v x X >C d Ii U X >C 5C x oa U k X >S Pa M W U � � d a v X >C JC -" x U rv� 1 a O 9: o b 0. 20 zi o o o ap° GY y w O O O CS a A 'O y b C O C �9 OQ a CI a '� C cs a "l '� O O n 5 a 0 I O O � � Ln z a s �i a q� V 5 i a i� 2 Z a ti 'i a ti ti ti a O• .v. ��� a� 2 F ti 2 w w C N N ti a 2 2 N U N d C. o w � 3 r 'C Uo V O c A4 o Y b 3 O o y c v° s7 zxx F c a E a° p E E N C7 3 3 b �a a� ❑ c b 'v v 2 u E t vv1 a 2 2 ;, oa ;, aoi U a o o v v v U o O° �y O [d va..,aws�Uxv N 'a C4 0. •"' ❑ �.xx3w�V)��3w ° 3dza id N N N N oxxaoxx� 8 � �z b c'a w� cem, 3v wx UI-08 USECATEGORYSYSTEM. 2 ©008 USER SPECIFICATIONFORTREATEDWOOD Page15 SECTION 6:COMMODITYSPECIFICATIONS Section 6 provides a listing of all AWPA specifications for treated wood commodities. It is organized into a series of sub- sections for major commodity classifications (A -I below), and provides information on the listed preservative systems and species/species groupings that can be treated under AWPA Standards for each Use Category (use exposure condition). Use category descriptions are given in Section 2. If a user/specifier is unsure where to look up a specific commodity and end -use within these tables, they should consult Section 3 of this standard for specific commodity references. In all cases, treated material should be clean of preservative deposits and suitable for its intended end use. Material treated with creosote, creosote solutions, or oil borne preservatives in Use Categories UC1 through UC5 shall be supplied reasonably free of exudate and surface deposits. Material treated with waterborne preservatives shall be supplied free of visible surface deposits. Drying after treatment of material treated with waterborne preservatives is sometimes required or desirable for dimensional stability and should be specified. When drying after treatment is required, the moisture content in each piece of lumber shall not exceed 19% or that allowed by National Grading Rules for the species and size specified to be dried. The moisture content in each piece of plywood shall not exceed 18%. SUB -SECTIONS OF SECTION 6: COMMODITY SPECIFICATIONS A. Sawn Products B. Posts C. Crossties and Switchties D. Poles E. Round Timber Piling F. Wood Composites G. Marine (Salt Water) Applications H. Fire Retardants 1. Nonpressure Applications J. Nonpressure Composites (reserved) K. Barrier Protection Systems Location of So1ne Specialized Commodities, riot otherwise obvious: Pcrnlancnt Wood Foundation (PAT) Both Lumber and Plywood: Commodity Specification A, Section 4.2 l�la rour7d 1'�9aigr•i�l' Lumber, rounds (Posts/poles): Commodity Specification B, Section 4.3 Round Building Poles and Pos.Ls Both poles and posts: Commodity Specification B, Section 4.4 Harriott Smith ValenEngineers Inc, )v} J), o ob A.. ................. .. . . . lv� (44,331) +qxq' , 'vCr 't uO 'Ir ll"% 9- e'�"Zu %'Jvm' 1.: 6 V me, - vr'g;3 Page of [iarHotlf. Smul�.h Vallee me 11 :ngneers Ilnc, I A,, 1 C), 0 W 11I a ir r i s o in Cat., mite N 10 0 Seottle, Washington 98,119.4189 tO 206 624 4760 � fax 447 6971 0 0 CY T(Al 5q Lm,l Flage of Harriott Smilth Valleintme Engineers Inc. V 2, /qJ A, 2,51 llwl ja_;- 2, 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel 206 624 4760 1 fax 447 6971 Page of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. BEAMS (SIMPLE SPAN UNIFORM LOAD) Guest Roof w (snow) ----_ ---------- _. -- total load = 37.5 psf L live load = 25 psf location criteria demand capacity 2.06 k typical w (total) = 361 pif V = 2.47 k Vr = 4.50 k glulam bmw (live) = 241 pif M = 6.50 k-ft Mr = 6.51 k-ft L = 12.00 ft El (total) = 2.81 E+08 lb-in2 El = 3.42E+08 lb-in2 trib. = 9.63 ft El (live) = 2.81 E+08 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.49 in = L/ 292 d (live) = 0.33 in = L/ 439 use GLB 3-1/8x9 location criteria demand ca 0.31 k typical w (total) = 183 pif V = 9�37 k Vr = 1.21 k low wall w (live) = 122 pif M = 0.37 k-ft Mr = 0.75 k-ft header L = 4.00 ft El (total) = 5.27E+06 lb-in2 El = 1.39E+07 lb-in2 trib. = 4.88 ft El (live) = 5.27E+06 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.08 in = L/ 634 d (live) = 0.05 in = L/ 950 use (2) 2x8 location criteria demand Laac:ty, 0.09 k typical w (total) = 75 pif V = 044 k Vr = 1.21 k side wall w (live) = 50 pif M = 0.08 k-ft Mr = 0.75 k-ft header L = 3.00 ft El (total) = 9.11 E+05 lb-in2 El = 1.39E+07 Ib-in2 trib. = 2.00 ft El (live) = 9.11 E+05 Ib-in2 d (total) = 0.01 in = L/ 3661 d (live) = 0.01 in = L/ 5491 use (2) 2x8 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 12x24 Dwelling Guest Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/19/2008 tel, 206 624 4760 1 fax 447 6971 Page _ of _ Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc, JOISTS -- HEM -FIR NO. 2 Dwelling Guest Floor Cd = 1.00 (residential) spacing = 12 in oc total load = 54 psf live load = 40 psf total plf = 54 plf live plf = 40 plf 2x4's shear Vr = 525 lb Lmax = 19.63 ft moment Mr = 370 Ibft Lmax = 7.44 ft total load defl. L/240 El = 7.00E+06 Ibin2 Lmax = 6.62 ft live load defl. L/360 El = 7.00E+06 Ibin2 Lmax = 6.38 ft 2x6's shear Vr = 825 lb Lmax = 30.84 ft moment Mr = 800 Ibft Lmax = 10.94 ft total load dell. L/240 El = 2.70E+07 Ibin2 Lmax = 10.39 ft live load defl. L/360 El = 2.70E+07 Ibin2 Lmax = 10.00 ft M's shear Vr = 1088 lb Lmax = 40.65 ft moment Mr = 1280 Ibft Lmax = 13.83 ft total load defl. L/240 El = 6.19E+07 Ibin2 Lmax = 13.70 ft live load defl. L/360 El = 6.19E+07 Ibin2 Lmax = 13.19 ft 2x10's shear Vr = 1388 lb Lmax = 51.87 ft moment Mr = 1920 Ibft Lmax = 16.94 ft total load dell. L/240 El = 1.29E+08 Ibin2 Lmax = 17.48 ft live load defl. L/360 El = 1.29E+08 Ibin2 Lmax = 16.83 ft 2x12's shear Vr = 1688 lb Lmax = 63.08 ft moment Mr = 2580 Ibft Lmax = 19.64 ft total load defl. L/240 El = 2.31 E+08 Ibin2 Lmax = 21.26 ft live load defl. L/360 El = 2.31 E+08 Ibin2 Lmax = 20.46 ft 2x14's shear Vr = 1988 lb Lmax = 74.30 ft moment Mr = 3220 Ibft Lmax = 21.94 ft total load defl. L/240 El = 3.78E+08 Ibin2 Lmax = 25.04 ft live load defl. L/360 El = 3.78E+08 Ibin2 Lmax = 24.10 ft 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/19/2008 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page . of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. BEAMS (SIMPLE SPAN UNIFORM LOAD) Typical Floor w (residential) total load = 53.5 psf v__.�.... L .�..._...._._�....... live load = 40 psf location criteria typical w (total) _ floor bm, w (live) _ L= floor = roof = wall = (snow) total load = 37.5 psf live load = 25 psf demand capacity 3.07 k 538 plf V = 3-.2-3 k Vr = 3.41 k 337 plf M = 9.69 k-ft Mr = 10.70 k-ft 12.00 ft El (total) = 4.19E+08 lb-in2 El = 6.29E+08 lb-in2 6.00 ft El (live) = 3.93E+08 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.40 in = L/ 360 3.88 ft d (live) = 0.25 in = L/ 576 8.00 ft use 6xl0 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 11 /19/2008 Page . of Harriott Smith Valenthio Engineers Inc, Or�,�'f) 100 W, Harrison St, SLffle N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel 206 624 4760 1 fax 447 6971 Page of , 1 Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc,. DECKING Decking Trex decking 5/4"x6" strip Fv = A= Fbr = Cd = Cf = Fb' = S= E_ 1= total load = live load = shear 200 psi 7.50 in2 625 psi 1.00 (residential; 1.00 (2x) 625 psi 4.50 in3 100,000 psi 3.38 in4 55 psf 40 psf Vr = moment Mr = total load defl. L/240 El = live load defl. L/360 El = Vr = 1000 lb Mr = 234 Ibft El = 337,500 Ibin2 1000 lb Lmax = 36.36 ft 234 Ibft Lmax = 5.84 ft 3.38E+05 Ibin2 Lmax = 2.39 ft 3.38E+05 Ibin2 Lmax = 2.32 ft 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/21/2008 tel. 206-447-6971 1 fax 447-6971 Page _ of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. BEAMS (SIMPLE SPAN UNIFORM LOAD) Deck Framing w (residential) (snow) �...... _ total load = 53.5 psf total load = 37.5 psf L live load = 40 psf live load = 25 psf location location criteria, � demand ca Tacit 0.22 k typical w (total) = 71 pif V = 0-24 k Vr = 0.48 k joist w (live) = 53 pif M = 0.41 k-ft Mr = 0.80 k-ft L = 6.75 ft El (total) = 9.85E+06 lb-in2 El = 2.71 E+07 lb-in2 floor = 1.33 ft El (live) = 1.10E+07 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.12 in = L/ 659 roof = 0.00 ft d (live) = 0.09 in = L/ 882 wall = 0.00 ft use 2x6 @ 16"oc location criteria demand capacity 1.19 k typical w (total) = 357 plf V = 4-.n k Vr = 1.40 k beam w (live) = 267 pif M = 2.34 k-ft Mr = 2.20 k-ft L = 7.25 ft El (total) = 6.12E+07 Ib-in2 El = 8.25E+07 lb-in2 floor = 6.67 ft El (live) = 6.86E+07 lb-in2 d (total) = 0.27 in = L/ 324 roof = 0.00 ft d (live) = 0.20 in = L/ 433 wall = 0.00 ft use 4x6 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/21/2008 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page __-- of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. WOOD COLUMN 4x OR 6x Species: DF #2 Size: 4x Fc* = 1300 psi E = 1.60E+06 psi c' = 0.8 d = 3.5 in KcE = 0.3 le le (ft) (in) Pa (perp) 8.00 96.00 8.50 102.00 9.00 108.00 9.50 114.00 10.00 120.00 10.50 126.00 11.00 132.00 11.50 138.00 12.00 144.00 Species: DF #1 Size: 6x Fc* = 925 ps E = 1.60E+06 ps c' = 0.8 d = 5.5 in KcE = 0.3 le le (ft) (in) Pa (perp) FcE (psi) 638 565 504 452 408 370 337 309 284 FcE (psi) 8.00 96.00 1576 8.50 102.00 1396 9.00 108.00 1245 9.50 114.00 1117 10.00 120.00 1008 10.50 126.00 915 11.00 132.00 833 11.50 138.00 762 12.00 144.00 700 Fc L = 405 psi << sill plate is Hem -Fir 4x4 4x8 F'c Pa Pa (psi) (lb) (lb) 4961 10277 555 6802 14089 << crushing governs 502 6150 12738 up to a height of 455 5575 11548 9'-7" w/ Hem -Fir 414 5069 10500 (7'-Y if Doug -Fir) 377 4624 9578 345 4231 8764 317 3883 8044 292 3575 7406 269 3301 6838 Fc L = 405 psi << sill plate is Hem -Fir 6x6 4x6 F'c Pa Pa (psi) (lb) (lb) 12251 7796 775 23443 14918 << crushing governs 750 22701 14446 up to a height of 724 21897 13934 14'-8" w/ Hem -Fir 696 21041 13389 (10'-8" if Doug -Fir) 666 20145 12819 636 19225 12234 605 18296 11643 574 17373 11056 544 16470 10481 100 W. Harrison St,., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/21/2008 tel, 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page ___ of _, Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. WOOD COLUMN MULTI -STUD Species: HF stand. Size: 2x4 Fc* = 1300 psi E = 1.20E+06 psi c' = 0.8 d = 3.5 in KcE = 0.3 Fcl= 405 psi << sill plate is Hem -Fir (2)2x4 (3)2x4 (4)2x4 (5)2x4 le le FcE F'c Pa Pa Pa Pa (ft) (in) (psi) (psi) (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb) Pa(perp) 4253 6379 8505 10631 8.00 96.00 479 435 4566 6848 9131 11414 << crushing governs 8.50 102.00 424 390 4099 6148 8198 10247 up to a height of 9.00 108.00 378 352 3696 5543 7391 9239 8'-4" w/ Hem -Fir 9.50 114.00 339 319 3346 5019 6691 8364 (6'-5" if Doug -Fir) 10.00 120.00 306 290 3041 4562 6083 7603 10.50 126.00 278 264 2775 4163 5550 6938 11.00 132.00 253 242 2541 3812 5083 6353 11.50 138.00 232 222 2335 3503 4670 5838 12.00 144.00 213 205 2152 3229 4305 5381 Species: HF stud Size: 2x6 Fc* = 800 psi Fc L = 405 psi << sill plate is E = 1.20E+06 psi Hem -Fir c' = 0.8 d = 5.5 in KcE = 0.3 (2)2x6 (3)2x6 (4)2x6 (5)2x6 le le FcE Pc Pa Pa Pa Pa (ft) (in) (psi) (psi) (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb) Pa (perp) 6683 10024 13365 16706 8.00 96.00 1182 645 10642 15963 21284 26605 << crushing governs 8.50 102.00 1047 620 10229 15343 20457 25572 up to a height of 9.00 108.00 934 593 9788 14683 19577 24471 12'-5" w/ Hem -Fir 9.50 114.00 838 565 9329 13994 18658 23323 (8'-5" if Doug -Fir) 10.00 120.00 756 537 8860 13290 17720 22151 10.50 126.00 686 509 8390 12586 16781 20976 11.00 132.00 625 480 7928 11892 15856 19820 11.50 138.00 572 453 7479 11219 14959 18699 12.00 144.00 525 427 7049 10574 14099 17624 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 11 /21 /2008 Page........_....a of,.,..,...�_,. Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. SECTION 3 - FOUNDATIONS 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/13/2008 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page of Ham ott Smith Vale the e Engineers Inc. v, r ) 0 N, IA 1*4 1 Mki "A fvj 7 5 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-1 00 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel. 206 624 4760 1 fax 447 6971 . ..... ........... Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. SECTION 4 - LATERAL 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/13/2008 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page _ of Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 48.1267 Longitude =-122.81187 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and S1 Ss and S1 = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.0 Data are based on a 0.05 deg grid spacing Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.288 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0.471 (S1, Site Class B) Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 48.1267 Longitude =-122.81187 Spectral Response Accelerations SMs and SM1 SMs = Fa x Ss and SM1 = Fv x S1 Site Class D - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.529 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.288 (SMs, Site Class D) 1.0 0.719 (SM1, Site Class D) Conterminous 48 States 2005 ASCE 7 Standard Latitude = 48.1267 Longitude =-122,81187 Design Spectral Response Accelerations SDs and SD1 SDs = 2/3 x SMs and SD1 = 2/3 x SM1 Site Class D - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv 1.529 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 0.859 (SDs, Site Class D) 1.0 0.480 (SD1, Site Class D) Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. III.° III S M III CIIII IIII S III G f'" ASCE 7-05 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure Occupancy Category Seismic Design Category Importance Factor Site Class Ss S1 Fa Fv Ct x hn Sens = Fa*Ss Snn1 = Fv*S1 SIDS = (2/3)*SMs Sm = (2/3)*SM1 Period Ta = Ct*hn^x To Ts Sa II Table 1-1 D Table 11.6-1 1.00 Table 11.5-1 D Table 20.3-1 128.80 %g (from USGS Seismic Hazard Curves, 2002 data) 47.10 %g (from USGS Seismic Hazard Curves, 2002 data) 1.00 Table 11.4-1 1.68 Table 11.4-2 0.02 Table 12.8-2 0.75 Table 12.8-2 13.70 feet (height to highest level) 1.2880 Eq.11.4-1 0.7889 Eq.11.4-2 0.8587 g Eq. 11.4-3 0.5260 g Eq. 11.4-4 0.1424 s Eq. 12.8-7 0.1225 s per section 11.4.5 0.6125 s per section 11.4.5 0.8587 g per section 11.4.5 R 6.5 Table 12.2-1 no 2.5 Table 12.2-1 Cd 4 Table 12.2-1 Section 9.5.5 ok? Yes Table 12.6-1 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure (section 12.8) Cs 0.1321 Eq.12.8-2 W, weight 20,930 lb per table below QE 2,765lb Eq.12.8-1 Vertical Force Distribution (section 12.8.3) k = 1.00 Floor Level Hx Area (ft) (ft2) roof 13.70 817 main 0.50 640 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Floor Floor Wall Wall Total (LRFD) (ASD) Wt. Wt. Length Wt. Wt. WxHx Cvx QE 0.7QE (psf) (k) (ft) (k) (k) (k-ft) (%) (k) (k) 10 8.2 103 4.1 12.3 168.4 97.5 2.70 1.89 13.5 8.6 0 0.0 8.6 4.3 2.5 0.07 0.05 20.9 172.7 100.0 2.76 1.94 11 /19/2008 Page of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. IIII'' IIII IIIISIIIY ASCE 7-05 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure Occupancy Category Seismic Design Category Importance Factor Site Class Ss S1 Fa Fv Ct x hn Sens = Fa*Ss Smi = Fv*S1 SIDS = (2/3)*Sons SD1 = (2/3)*SM1 Period Ta = Ct*hn^x To Ts Sa R Do Cd Section 9.5.5 ok? II Table 1-1 D Table 11.6-1 1.00 Table 11.5-1 D Table 20.3-1 128.80 %g (from USGS Seismic Hazard Curves, 2002 data) 47.10 %g (from USGS Seismic Hazard Curves, 2002 data) 1.00 Table 11.4-1 1.68 Table 11.4-2 0.02 Table 12.8-2 0.75 Table 12.8-2 13.37 feet (height to highest level) 1.2880 Eq.11.4-1 0.7889 Eq.11.4-2 0.8587 g Eq. 11.4-3 0.5260 g Eq. 11.4-4 0.1398 s Eq. 12.8-7 0.1225 s per section 11.4.5 0.6125 s per section 11.4.5 0.8587 g per section 11.4.5 6.5 Table 12.2-1 2.5 Table 12.2-1 4 Table 12.2-1 Yes Table 12.6-1 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure (section 12.8) Cs 0.1321 Eq.12.8-2 W, weight 11,216 lb per table below QE 1,482 lb Eq. 12.8-1 Vertical Force Distribution (section 12.8.3) k = 1.00 Floor Level Hx Area (ft) (ft2) roof 13.37 390 main 0.50 288 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 tel, 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Floor Floor Wall Wall Total (LRFD) (ASD) Wt. Wt. Length Wt. Wt. WxHx Cvx QE 0.7QE (psf) (k) (ft) (k) (k) (k-ft) (%) (k) (k) 12.5 4.9 61.33 2.5 7.3 98.0 98.1 1.45 1.02 13.5 3.9 0 0.0 3.9 1.9 1.9 0.03 0.02 11.2 99.9 100.0 1.48 1.04 11 /19/2008 Page of Harriott Smith Valentine Engineers Inc. WIND DESIGN ASCE 7-05 Method 1 - Simplified Procedure Part of Figure 6-2 - Adjustment Factor for Building Height and Exposure, -\ Mean Roof Heiqht Exposure (ft) B C D 15 16 17 1.5571 1.00 1.00 1.21 1.23 1.24 1.47 1.49 1.50 18 1.00 1.26 1.52 19 1.00 1.27 1.53 20 1.00 1.29 1.55 21 22 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.31 1.56 1.57 23 1.00 1.33 1.59 24 1.00 1.34 1.60 25 1.00 1.35 1.61 26 1.00 1.36 1.62 27 28 1.00 1.00 1.37 1.38 1.63 1.64 29 1.00 1.39 1.65 30 1.00 1.40 1.66 Part of Figure 6-2 - Simplified Desian Wind Pressure, os30 = adjustment factor = 1.00 I = importance factor = 1.00 Kzt = topographic factor = 1.00 Zone Computation a = 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0.4 x h, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of least horizontal dimen- sion or 3 feet. w= 16.00ftx0.1= h= 13.70ft x0.4= w= 16.00ft x0.04= a = 3.00 ft 2a = 6.00 ft Zone B - end zone of roof Zone A - end zone of wall Zone D - interior zone of roof Zone C - interior zone of wall Basic Speed Roof Anqle RoofHorizontal Pitch Pressures ps ) A B C D 0 to 5 10 flat 2 11.5 12.9 -5.9 -5.4 7.6 8.6 -3.5 -3.1 85 15 3 14.4 -4.8 9.6 -2.7 20 4 15.9 -4.2 10.6 -2.3 25 6 14.4 2.3 10.4 2.4 30 to 45 7 to 12 12.9 8.8 10.2 7.0 Desion Wind Pressure. os Basic Roof Roof Horizontal Pressures (psf) Speed Angle Pitch A B C D 0 to 5 flat 11.5 -5.9 7.6 -3.5 10 2 12.9 -5.4 8.6 -3.1 85 15 3 14.4 -4.8 9.6 -2.7 20 4 15.9 1 -4.2 1 10.6 -2.3- 25 6 J 14.4 1 2.3 1 10.4 2.4 30 to 45 7 to 12 1 12.9 1 8.8 1 10.2 7.0 1.60 ft 5.48 ft 0.64 ft 100 W. Harrison St., Suite N-100 Seattle, Washington 98119-4189 11/19/2008 tel. 206-624-4760 1 fax 447-6971 Page _of .__._ _...., W J 0 W U U) J J LL Q W 2 U) '0 n C co M O U a V 'I N N . U O V O O V 7 N V O Cl) U O v (O C 0 W N v 10 W X N a ) W m U) a co U N L U v M d C` N G U) w 0 C N U�A r• N Rb tiD0 N 04 N N 010 ',C.b "�O bOO';NN a a e-rr e r J^ CD (D tD (0 (n (D mwJ ()M In 0M 0 J vNNN04 NCI y6 d �O J 1—I,p N MV (00 (OD N CNN NM(ON (D LO V) M (f) M (7 (DM� N" V' V V O N O F-IryI rI`., r r 0 (O m O O�� NOON -O MOD OV M MNti 0 0 0 0 0 0 N O � X v O� So -I -It cow aNr i M M co (°'y r- U O to V' V 0D M O O0 O OOMWR N O r N 0. cn r N � 2 co co 00 w 7J O (O (O LD I Q& 00 >I 6_' 00 In 00 d (D (D (D .Cl-bb0bbo 00 OC7 —II^(V I` O N 71N (~D tboM V' p m M m M >1 0 0 0 0 O N a (® N S (LI ® (5 to co v N Cl) M M co C Z m Y C ®O.I JJJJ 0, 00 m O O O OVO N O UlA W � tO C :a oo 0 0 E v (O Q JI N 00 J A r Fl.2 to O 0) r• W N S O O 9 t i N N U) E N(D DN Q OWGr dy Lo F- r- N 0 0 0 000 O V' O) A w OM) O o)� M O M O � r ~O ^ 0 00 0 O O CD(tl 1-- O M M O) m g oNm r-, vm Un m m (O w m 210 lU O a 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 r- 0 W M (D O co '�NO r.. to -,r C) `-� M R) OD to' * OD m U O d , N U Oa! (+k d' M ro N 0 0 N 0 r CO 3��r-vtn� e�Ar� O.�tO r-N+(7Nr >n,;=,r-vtnr I cq 4;: to I'- N! D? M m m Vq W l A ,� O O 2 — �- r- c? C A U O O O Oi ` C C C N O 0 (D f0 N (A U U cnU) O N vi) A to to to to OO UAN r r r .- Q d r^^ x^ r to M N ® 'c7 T9 Jy .a (D (D In m (D (D J M M M V) In m 0 0 `CNN NN'.N N J J N d Ft Ntl � O v co co a)J _ O N et to (D (D M M m N b (O >ml to M N (mo M E V V V f)l N (D to to to to O O b ® m Lo to to O O r- r- r- r. c2 r M r<O 'It M N M m co N O O O w N (D to 0 0 O r- M N N M C' M M O Y' �-- O e' II IN YO �00 00 00 N O OO yy -M M N M M r- , M 07 O A O O 0O (yy M O 0) r- CO ("+1 N `'� V M Cl) O�41 r r N r U O to '7 V' 00 to N 00 0 0 O r N ro N 0 CO [0 � N e- M O N r It M M O N ti Edd G) C§ d C v O T T T T O 1 X X D( X x N N (4 N N N N N N N Q to c0 �', to w I KD S` 6 'u7 in U U U U U �I cn U ° wit UI ® to to o ... co O (D y, :1 (O I— — IE A m O O M (D J A N O O N v r co V (D r O O coo 000 00 V O T (O (O W N ti M N 0 d O h- XQ q) m.o tnNNi.n p°. o)t� E—N(D(DN m J� I— to to O I'�.� to O) O� A N O (0 0.'D f^'Y '7 0 YO ^ e: O N In r M r cu W 00 O �'..', 0 to to CV N' M M O tor(Dtof Vr-N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N r ON M....r r2 0 n N N N Cl) M O It r• N tO M Co to >I . ! (00 (O r N O � OI N N N N m M M w O N O O N (9 r M [PI L O O` r O M m n.� 0 r > v >1 f'- (O O- �(+'b M r Q. co IT 0) 0) „ I" (0 O O Ll O In co O O 0 sl O C) CD b b s� 0 0 0 In 0 0 0 O O - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 Cl O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0000000 JI O OO JI ~ N In JI 0 J(~O ton 00)M too et 00) 1p N � ub') O0)In OOO (+aoo vOOV Mr-ri ui(n vNMco �t00 «'. mt-(n M N >{ ^ r• O W M O M >1 "'^ to M O tl' } M >O ^ O to r� ''..O O N,D r• tO CoO0 to O M1C) CM w tO T m M 'vT OO co ® N" N (o 0) M (0 O O to ej! N F- 6 M m In v�S''' .O O M tO N 0 0 >J a O c) O O';O O O >l O 0 0 O',O O >f 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O A n Cb S) ltl OCO _ N �%= ar P Ill W yN > Ill O V N O i`- "" M to tf7 t4Y V' M / U) 7 Cl) `-' ip co .O O O to V O O [0 N 'ag' W M CV C N N IN In CV r- N Co LO to V' M tO N G � O lti W @ nt) (0 C V m if -)_j N �� FHN} NA (O � O N M "tg' k HHfU)J �{ J J J J r. I larriott Siirinlithi VMeiirfflno Eng. neers IInc,. 4�' Fop h Vv 0 L Y-D 40' -lo"i' pt, hI�.......... + 'B r. j 's "'ToV f"L YNI 100 W 0�aridson St., 1.3uite IN 100 Seatfle, Washington 98119-4189 teL 206 624 4760 � fax 447 6971 Page of gg9N,Qf,Q,QR FRAWNG PLAN.-._(Y,NN E�:? R WALIS). aA 5 Wood Treated Right'' Wolmanized® Residential Outdoor' wood combines the natural beauty of real wood with a lifetime limited warranty against termites and fungal decay. It is protected with preservative. This wood is ideal for decks, retaining walls, fences, picnic tables, planter boxes, walkways, sill plate and structural members. Copper azole- treated wood, at appropriate retention levels, can be used for above ground, ground contact, and freshwater immersion applications. It is presently not recommended For saltwater immersion. Copper is the active ingredient, protect- ing against termites and most fungal decay. Protection against copper -tolerant fungi is provided by an azole co -biocide which has also been used as a fungicide for fruits, peanuts, and other crops. The formulation renders wood useless as a food source for termites and fungi while keeping the wood attractive, clean, and odorless. To reduce stress during the periodic wetting and drying of exposed lumber products and to help stabilize the wood before construction, water repellent can be applied to Wolmanized Outdoor* wood as part of the treating process. As with CCA, the copper azole preservative is forced into the wood under pressure, where it provides decades of protection. However, some chemical may migrate from preserved wood into surrounding soil and water over time and may also be dislodged from the wood surface upon contact with skin. Warranty: Wolmanized® lumber is backed by a lifetime limited warranty in qualifying resi- dential and agricultural applications. See website for details. Recommended hardware: The International Building Code and International Residential Code require metal fasteners in contact with any preservative treated ASTM A 153. This level of galvaniza- tion is appropriate for wood treated with CA-B, and will provide extra pro- tection for CA-C and pCA-C. Code requirements should be observed. Connectors should be made from glavanized steel sheet conforming to ASTM A 653 Class G185. For Permanent Wood Foundations, use 304 or 316 stainless steel fasteners. Indoors, and where wood will remain dry in service, corrosion is less likely to occure than outdoors. The model code permits use of standard galvanized strapping or mild steel - anchor bolts 1/2" diameter and larger is also acceptable for fastening Wolmanized° wood to foundations. c Wolmanized* Residential Outdoor* wood is protected by copper azole preservative. For several years, this has involved a formulation denoted Copper Azole type B (CA-B). This preservative is currently transitioning to a type C with reduced copper content. Type C is produced using either dissolved copper or dispersed (finely ground particles sus- pended in the treating solution) copper. Because of species differences, western species are being treated, or will be treated, with the dissolved version, CA-C, while, for eastern woods, the dispersed copper ver- sion (abbreviated pCA-C) may be preferred.. Maintenance: When dry on its surface, Wolmanized® wood can be stained like ordinary wood, and, once dry internally, can be painted. For thorough internal drying, purchase material that has been re -dried after treatment or, after the project has been completed, allow several months of good drying weather prior to painting. Many light-colored latex paints can be used successfully, following brush -application of an oil -based primer. Primer should not be applied by sprayer, nor should coatings be used if their manufacturer advises against an oil -based primer. Always follow the manufacturers directions and take special care in coating end grain, holes, and cuts. For protection against moisture damage, regular application of a topical water repellent is recommended, Periodic cleaning can revive the color of preserved lumber. Handling precautions: Follow the same guidelines as for traditional treated wood, which are essentially the same guidelines that should be followed for handling untreated wood. For example: wear a dust mask to control inhalation of sawdust; do not use treated wood under cir- imstances where the preservative may become component of food or animal feed (note: in aised bed gardens this may be accomplished by placing an impervious liner such as heavy polyethylene between the treated wood and the soil); wear gloves when working with wood; wear goggles to protect eyes from flying particles; and wash after working with wood and before eating, drinking, toileting, or using tobacco products. For other precautions, see the website. Disposal: Wolmanized® wood waste, such as scraps, broken boards, and sawdust, can be disposed of with ordinary trash collection. Treated sawdust and shavings are not recom- mended for composting, mulching, or animal bedding, and the wood should not be burned except in approved commercial incinerators. Codes and standards: This wood meets requirements of model building codes for many applications, and a code evaluation report has been issued. See ICC's ESR-1721 for allowable values and/or conditions of use. Such reports are subject to re-examination, revisions, and possible closing of file. CA-B preservative treatment is listed in the standards of the American Wood Protection Association for above -ground (Use Categories UC1, UC2, UC3A, UC3B) and ground contact (Use Categories UC4A, UC413, and UC40 applications. CA-C formulations are in the process of obtain- ing AWPA listing. And it's wood: In addition to the preservative treatment that enables wood to last a long time, Wolmanized® wood has all of the environmental and other advantages associated with wood itself. Its source is a renewable and rapidly replen- ished resource grown on managed timberlands, requiring less energy to produce than alternative building materials and offering greater insula- tion value. Growing forests and wood products reduce greenhouse gases. Wood offers excellent workability with common construction skills and tools, plus it provides design flexibility and is generally more economical than alternative materials. Furthermore, for many applications, wood is aesthetically preferable. Ga�(1�';fsf�(ee�11 `� �r�upts�a waWN, XQJ�Ib AGPu&R��d Model specification: For a downloadable and editable model spec, visit www.wolmanizedwood.com/spec. FARM USE Sawn poles and posts as structural members 4B .31 ...........ww. .25 .23 Posts, Fence Round, half R quarter round 4A .21 .15 .14 Sawn four sides 4A .21 .15 .14 Lumber, in soil contact 4A .21 .15 .14 Lumber, not in soil contact 3B .10 .06 .05 Plywood, in soil contact__ 4A .21 15 .14 Plywood, not in soil contact 30 ____ 10 .06 .05 ....... .......... _ Grape stakes, sawn 4A .21 .15 ;14 BUILDING Floor plate 2 .10 .06 .05 ............... CONSTRUCTION Flooring, residential MATERIAL Damp environment 2 .10 06 .05 ..............___......_ D environment � 1 .10 .06 .05 Framing, interior 1,2 .10 .06 m. .05 Lumber Interior, above ground 1,2 .10 .06 .05 Exterior, above ground 3B .10 .06 .05 Ground contact and fresh water use 4A� .21 .15 .14 Permanent Wood Foundation ............................................... Lumber R Plywood 4B 31 .25 .23 Plywood Sub -floor, damp above ground'. 2 ,10 .06 .05 Exterior, above ground 3B .10 .06 .05 Ground contact and fresh water use 4A .21 15 .14 ....... Poles, building .._ ......... ._ Round 46 .31 .25 .23 Sawn 413, 4C .31 .25 .23 _ _ Piling, foundation, land & freshwater Round timber (Southern pine) 4C .41 .35* .35* DECKS Above ground: Decking, foists, rails, steps 3B .10 .06 05 3b M .06 ,05 contact: Posts 4A 21 15 .14 FENCES Pickets, slats, trim 3A, 3B .10 .06 .05 Posts, sawn 4A .21 .15 .14 HIGHWAY Lumber and timbers for bridges, structural MATERIAL members, decking, cribbing, & culverts 4B .31 .25 .23 Structural lumber and timbers: Posts: Round, half -round, quarter round 4A .21 15 .14 Posts: Sawn 4A .21 .15 .14 ....... Handrails and guardrails 3B .10 .06 .05 Posts, guardrail _... Round 4A .25 .25* .23* Sawn 4A .25 .25* .23* "Notyet evaluated for use in these applications ca 2008, Arch Treatment Technologies, Inc,.. • Walmanized and Outdoes- arc registered trademarks and Stabilyar is a trademadt of Arch Wood Protection, Inc. WOW-5079 2 Wh�at is, CCA, and How Does It Work? More on Fixation ... 4 Retention and Penetration Wolmanized® pressure -treated wood is treated to various retention levels that are intended to protect the wood for particular applications. Retention levels indicate the amount of preservative retained in the wood in a specific assay zone. In North America, retention is expressed in pounds per cubic foot (pcf). Retention levels or treating quality procedures are marked on Wolmanized® wood. The accompanying table outlines CCA retention levels required by the American Wood -Preservers' Association for various applications. Retention varies with depth in the wood, so preservative penetration also affects wood longevity. In species with large amounts of sapwood, such as southern and red pine, the preservative must penetrate 2.5 inches or 85% of the sapwood to meet standards. In western species that are predominantly heartwood, the wood is incised to ensure a treated shell, and any cut surfaces should be field -treated in accordance with AWPA standard M4 with a preservative containing at least 2% copper. CategoryAWPA Use The American Wood - Preservers' Association, which establishes the standards for preserva- tives and treated wood, is introducing a new Use Category system, based on the service conditions for wood rather than on wood commodities. It is designed to reduce con- fusion among specifiers and consumers. Most building codes reference AWPA standards, so the Use Category system will replace the Commodity standards in codes. At right is a summary of AWPA Use Categories. Shown in yellow are ongoing uses for CCA- treated wood. UC1 Interior, not in contact with ground or foundation Interior furniture, millwork UC2.............. Interior, subject todampnessInterior beams, flooring, sill plate.......................... UC3A Exterior, above ground, coated Plywood siding UC36 Exterior, above ground, may be finished Highway bridge railing UC4A Exterior, ground or freshwater contact in areas with low risk Fence posts, deck posts, poles —.._ .. .._.—._.......... Exterior, ground or freshwater contact, severe environments, .......... p �.... Utility poles, building poles, Permanent Wood UC4B high potential for deterioration Foundations .......................-.e.-..............._..._............... ...........................�._.__._..._...__................... Exterior, groundorfreshwater contact, very severe Freshwater piling, foundation piling, utility UC4C conditions or very critical structural components poles in semi -tropical or tropical environments UC5A Saltwater exposure — north of San Francisco and New Jersey Piling, bulkheads UC5B Saltwater exposure — south of San Francisco on West coast, Piling, bulkheads New Jersey through Georgia on East coast LICK Saltwater exposure — south of Georgia, Gulf Coast Piling, bulkheads UCFA Fire protection, weather -shielded Framing UCFB Fire protection, exterior Siding, shakes, stairways mfflff,�� Treatablecr DesignVolues Marine treated lumber, timber and piles are pressure -treated with higher concentrations of Wolman' CCA preservative to withstand the harsh exposures and destructive organisms common in marine environments. Retention levels range from 0.40 pcf for soil contact to 2.50 pcf for saltwater immersion. Marine treated wood should be specified for all marine applications, including piling and bulkheads. To ensure adequate treatment against marine borers, two lumber grades have been established for saltwater applications. "Marine" grade, free of heartwood on all four sides, is appropriate where all sides are vulnerable to marine organisms, such as in jetties. "Seawall" grade, which is suitable for sheet piling, is heartwood - free on one wide side (marked "This side seaward") and on both narrow sides: only the side intended to face earth may have exposed heartwood. 5 The l ° Treating r w 7 Other Products in ffie Wolmanize&Family Arch Wood Protection and Arch Treatment Technologies produce wood preservatives and additives that enhance the qualities of wood by pressure treatment processing. The companies are licensors of a list of other respected brands of treated wood: Wolmanized' Natural SelectTm wood www.naturalselect.com An effective and proven alternative to traditional treated wood commonly used for residential and commercial applications. DFUCM' Fire Retardant Treated Wood Dricon® FRT wood www.dricon.com Fire retardant treated lumber and plywood for weather -shielded applications. r.�sa.�icx rev�Rk'lilt kNu�uard FRXTm exterior FRT wood www.frxwood.com Fire retardant treated lumber and plywood for exterior applications. SillBoro wood www..wolmanizedwood.com/sillborhtm Borate -treated wood for sill plate and framing. Arch Wood Protection, Inc. Arch Treatment Technologies, Inc. 1955 Lake Park Drive, Suite 250 Smyrna, GA 30080 Tel: 770.801.6600 E-mail: info@wolmanizedwood.com • Web: www.wolmanizedwood.com #specs Page I of 4 lAxne I NoWs I TmANINvonq DWWAn Carktaf i Our Company I Fire Treatment News Nollausa., Contacts Mhpwpme Combvolov Wmber (APCL) is Humber. prea;wle tradt",�d With Copper =W% a Wokwrdmd pmla. R as bdmd W WorKned pmr W hmtrnenn poWng Ar appmp&M chem&M "nMAm aA a"ImMm mAn %qMw appHcatkms Awe Uw wmd wM be expmj wa as Me mWownwN m of as deQ AFCL ImS gmad It cmnWnm the naWrM beau, of nml mod wilt a nea-gmemth, WNW(] new pommWe mW a WeWn HmAd wmYnW aWbA temku and Fe yal devy, Ibm 5 Wo wwd umd and ronamyoded by Homckne's Wane pmMd% WgU, Md as hmt a othu pMWW-,. Specifications Z�EEZEM http://www.exteriorwood.com/all_purpose.html 12R22008 #specs Page 2 of 4 ALL NmWNroe W 4mr,,w mkilpl% t1lmm vo 1- L' otpi, Foil SO kll,$% rPUfj4WS N au,r i lR kwm W%A$1w,5pw!u: Idd mock Cl % P9 MAI wa w-BNd w. ...... .. .... r.. . ..... LGn iWht tdY�"z�'o, w �il VOL Camvmbmem� �. rw.ft l�;tim rw rrMe,� gi fai wtl"� 'a � k `nl,. V M 1•K'N-m r ii9i +xi 4:'.i Caro l.'. g�„ '4' 9�M1,�41 V." 9p gytt! w � �F '`, 9` hew, „. 6 1:0, Nk, A 01 �.. Ui lh,.q! 6, r.5, ,+, 4,'"^, u. o 41, ✓,rE f. ewd:`., ✓ur'i,_L<°q y� a�e4. t°mC &'MmA1 fWdl N:FmiM�i K , L ,'o u' �i,w , r'w 1 'S'� ..;Y9 0 v ,'>, i; ,'"=6 �dr ,L t ;h°� o ( VY do ..¢^b" 66f4 a�.'M' 4N � 4� e t, , nk 6-1Q f 1-'1 1A � Nt"NA Xti i,al. N. f Y4 i'Y i6y .. (;.YYI 11 ry ldYr �¢on�m 0 f1 I0 i�4 �l r� 68, Ct yN,. 'road dfi i 4 1 0, x i v 1-fi m tle•, ,Y' ,,r Mks '"Nfw ,re4mapar Fp Ntr.w 4"ti", li`ai.. t ,01 O,i °dm',t ;,wkat �oReu aV4mI a"S Nwmu,mP�xkPolo Ras+rm ml'M1.awgrrVfUA,kA '"VT v. V f :, d Iwo; m. ,. �•„ o aroi m e v �,,,, , rl,- ,�� r 1� 4°0���„7,N7 7Z-77 6 Nsf :sae 'tbVN N'#,x&a° .rP am utiR�o F , 6mm s �-eab.n vbIX rO�Gt�. W" Qo'Tg !d, K svv 10, 1 1vu, «r.�. ^•y � i f%.6A r €Pm 6 e a �wroR ... 1�F'�. k.. ;;",UgS "»".'W�$�; k o�tw°e� O;r.v 9d'w t . W . �. N r . ;^ bs A CY,I. �..w wrwv� w,m l wwu dw«rf ' wl'NoN�vb "N'VRo "'• "^@TMCIm«O lI pA, i,. ,A 10, i.' aka ltlY; � l,r� 14 dA�va„1H, Il� A,;1f 6 AEG'M,2. Lt4A4 PNr if ...own,.a..o.............. ..................a.._�..., ..... oGNu d 2, M ,.�. w 0. V r4 NWi I http://www.exteriorwood.com/all_purpose.html 12/12/2008 MOM Page 3 of 4 Specification Guide for Trated Wood End Uses AWPA STANDARDS PitEsERvATivt RmmioN Ul c ilk. per rubik foot) UCS Commodity CA-B CCA .......... LIRI, Round p0a and posts as shurivtol rounbeis 49 (4, CS, C16 31 ... ...... . ........... 10 FARm USE Sawn poles and posts as structural nietubtus 40 (2, C16 .31 .60 Posis, fisto Round half & quarter round 4A (5,06 -21 A Sown four sides 4A (2,06 .21 Lumber, in sag cordad 4A ajlb .21 A Lurabot, not in nil contact 38 (2,06 .10 mywo'04, in sell (ontort 4A (9,(16 11 AO Plywood, not in A contact 38 (9,04 .10 .25 Grape IIABS, sawn 4A (2,(16 11 .. ...... . . . ....... ......... .. . ................ LUDING .... . . . . .... . ......... .... . ............ . ............... . floor Oate ........... .... .... ...... .....2 . .. . ...................... . (2, (15, (31........ .. .... . ..... . . .10 .... .. ... CONStRUCnON ftooKIM RtsiowAi MATERIAL Dernp enviloorvens 2 (2, (31 .10 Dry einitoraneol 1 (2, (31 .10 Framing, 4114dor 1,2 (2, (15,01 .10 tum3to fal"i0i, above ground 1,2 (2,05,01 .10 War* above ground 38 (2,05 .10 Ground (onlad and fresh or use A (2 11 NAKANN WOOO FOONIATION Lumber 9 Plywood 48 (22 .31 .60 Fcrwoo Sub -Door, dump above ground 2 C9, (15 .21 IS Weiler, above ground 38 (9,(15 .21 .25 Ground (entail and fresh water use 4A (9 11 All, poet, louaNG Round 41 C4,03 11 .60 low" 48 11 .0 Dim . . . ............ ........... .. . .... ........................... . .wu Above ground. Ratking, joists, rods,steps 30 (2,(15 .10 So pwooil spar: D e(kinq, sperial I ies HER-669 .08 Ground conled: FM 4A (z (15 11 EtacEs K "a ........................... ('2'"', '(" 15 . . ..... .............. ... .. 1-0, Posts, sawn 4A C2, (Is .21 HIGHWAY . . .......... .... ........... .. ....... ...... Wrnbei end firpbei for b6d9ei, structural ........ . .... .......... . ..................... . . . ........... ... MATERIAL members, decking, (jibbing & tulverli 48 (z (14 31 10 Siruclural lumber and timbers: Posts: Round, half -round, quarter round 4A C2, (14 11 A 0 Posts: Sawn 4A CZ (14 021 A Handroils and guardrah 33 (2,04 .10 25 PDSIS, quardrail Round 4A MIEN 31 .60 4A (2,04 31 '60 FAQ's 1111�1-1.1� ........ ... You Ask.. We Answer.. http://www.exteriorwood.com/all_purpose.html 12/12/2008 City of Port Townsend Development Services Department BUILDING NUMBER APPLICATION. Name of Property Owner:��um Mailing Address: Ail Telephone <,,2)z �'7Z, Pr+a er is located i�lr�,: Addition: Block(s): Lot(s): Faces/Access is from: Sheet Parcel N.'.mhar JIM If this is a new ADU, has a building permit been applied for? Notes: HOUSE NUMBER ASSIGNED: Date of Approval: For I? nirti ent Use OWE: Application Fee Received ($3.00, TC 2200): Cop�to: ❑ Finance ❑ Fire Dept ❑ Sheriff ❑ Police (Lyn) ❑ Public Works ❑ DSD database Date: ❑ Post Office ❑ GIS ❑ Assessor's Office For address changes: ❑ Qwest Address Management Center — 206-504-1534 http://ptimaging/DSDBuilding_FormsBuildingPermitPacket/Application-Address Number.doc ; 6/12/06 ?oRT CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT WA CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY, DATE OF INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS: 2, ik4k 'E CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION: PHONE: 0 APPROVED ❑0 APPROVED WITH El NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re -inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector Date Acktiowledgetnent Date Approved plans and permit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re- inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. e DATE OF INSPECTION: lu PERMIT NUMBER: �=) _1__1% IL SITE ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: 14,11 / C / 0 APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Inspector__._.__.._ Date . . ................. Acknowledgerrient - - - ------ - ---- Date 0 NOT APPROVED Call for re -inspection before proceeding. Approvedplans andpermit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re- inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. rJ ?0RT CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT WA, CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. ,za DATE OF INSPECTION: d PERMIT NUMBER: . .... _q # — SITE ADDRESS: 3' &,sW—M WAU PL CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: M 0 APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections be checked at next inspection Inspector Date Acknowledgement Date 0 NOT APPROVED Call for re -inspection before proceeding. Approvedplans andpermit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re- inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. 'SOT CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND 10 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT "a INSPECTION REPORT WAS For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. � H• DATE OF INSPECTION: Q PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS: �._ - 1�._..�.._____ PROJECT NAME: CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: m of INSPECTION �`?..it( ao TYPE . _.. mJr ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re -inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector ..... �. ., ... a Date kao Approved plans and permit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. Voor CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND lu DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4, ZINSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 3 -3 5-229 y 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION:� .� �� F°ERMIT 'I1M ER: �r 'w SITE, ADDRESS: PROJECTNA CONTRACTOR:- CONTACT PERS N: el TYPE OF INSPECTION: - ,0L, W " ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS c to proceed. Corrections wwi be Call for re -inspection before c ecice at next ins ection proceeding. Inspector .. L � .... i Date_ .. �� Approvedplans and permit carol mast be on -site and available at time of'in.spection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. VORT CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF TION: PERMIT NUMBER; �ER; SITE ADDRESS l.. ,3% l ._.�.._ PROJECT NAME: CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: Prv,, ,. ll ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS "�, ,Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re -inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector Date � P m. ............ _ m..m— .......... .,_ .. _ ...... - Approved plans and permit card must be on -site and available at time of inspeclir; n. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TSN DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT ------------ For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want th , inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: wµ m/� _ _ PERMIT NUMBER. W.,. SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: M I ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections gill be Call for re -inspection before �cµcketl at next ialati.n"" proce aliui8. Ins ector M, Date p ��......-w._ �.............. Approvedplans and permit card must be on -site and available at time of'iir.V)(.,°c lic,n, A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. VORT CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT s INSPECTION REPORT M For inspections, calla the Inspection Line at i li 'i 294 by 3:010 [I'1 I he day before yoti rvalll the inspection. For ]"Monday inspe:ctiotas, cell by :llll PM F'ridaµy.. ATE OF INSPECTION: PERMIT' NlnVyrlilERJ"LD . d��. " SITE ADDRESS: ., _ ` .:' „M PROJECT NAME: CONTRACTOR: CONTACT SON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: ^�. "its' e A PZe, --------------------- z ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re -inspection before " checked at ►beat inspection procecalillg, ._m --- ...DateInspector �. °' o'l .�x �? ................ Approved plans and permit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT s INSPECTION REPORT For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. a DATE OF INSPECTIONN= tl 1i+ lLl'4I i'1" i i G�. �I: n SITE ADDRESS: ,. . PROJECT NAME: CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: - q TYPE OF INSPECTION l d wA iP ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS - Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re -inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector .�� Date �� C Approved plans and permit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. Sl- Inspection Report Project Permit #