HomeMy WebLinkAboutFeb 2 2CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND City Council Meeting Date: February 2, 2009 X Regular Business Meeting _Study Session _Other: (specify) Department: Legal Contact: John Watts Agenda Bill: AB09-011 Agenda Item: VIII. A Date Submitted: 1/28/09 Phone # 379-5048 ..................................................................................................................... SUBJECT: Public Hearing on Fred Lewis Scout Cabin Association/American Legion Proposed Street Vacation (2nd, 3`a, and Spring between Sims and Discovery, near City entrance) CATEGORY: _Consent _Ordinance _X Business _Resolution _Staff Report _Proclamation Contract Approval _Other _FYI —X— Public Hearing (see note below) X Legislative _Quasi-judicial open record BUDGETIMPACT: Amount Budgeted: $ 0 Expenditure Amt: $ 0 Contingency Req'd: $ 0 Supplemental Req'd: Dept/Budget Code: Quasi-judicial closed record Quasi-judicial closed record appeal NOTE: If the Public Hearing is quasi-judicial in nature, then the appearance offairness and conflict on interest rules apply. Except at the public hearing, communicating with other councilmembers, and contact with proponents or opponents must be avoided ..................................................................................................................... SUMMARY STATEMENT: This matter comes before the City Council to hold a public hearing and take action on the request by the Fred Lewis Scout Cabin Association ("Scouts") and American Legion to vacate certain rights of way (ROW). The Scouts' proposal to vacate involves an exchange that City staff substantially supports, however, with minor additions and clarifications that the Scouts either do not agree with or have not responded to — see below. The ROWS are 2nd 3`a and Spring Streets that lie between Sims Way and Discovery Road, near the entrance to the City limits, and within the property owned by the Legion. See attached map. They comprise about 30,000 SF, and are not improved with any road improvements. There is an existing City waterline in the Spring St. ROW. (The vacation if approved would preserve an easement for the waterline). The Scouts have an agreement with the Legion to use the property for Scout purposes. The Scouts are in the process of locating a Scout log cabin on the Legion property, and seek to place the cabin within the 3`a St. ROW. The street vacation would consolidate the Legion property free of rights of way (and potential public uses). (The cabin permit application has not been submitted. It will be reviewed and processed pending the outcome of the street vacation process, so as not to delay construction.) Scout Proposal. The Scouts' application included an Addendum, prepared by real estate appraiser Ralph Erickson, which proposed that the ROWs would be vacated without compensation as part of an exchange. The Addendum is attached. (It does not purport to be an appraisal of values.) The Scouts' proposed exchange: (1) Scouts/Legion provide a 20' easement along Discovery Road the length of the property (about 843' in length, and approx. 16,900 SF of area, for an approx. 13,000 SF differential between the street vacation area of approx. 30,000 SF and the new easement of approx. 16, 900 SF); (2) the easement would be "for a trail" (Addendum, page 3) and "solely for a walking path" (Dec. 10 Scout proposal); (3) City would get an easement across the Scout/Legion property to access the City waterline; (4) the City would retain an easement of 25' for the existing waterline in Spring Street ROW; and (5) the City would pay all fees. Scout Alternative. The Scouts say if their proposal is unacceptable, then they want the City to vacate only Yd Street in return for compensation based on appraisal. No appraisal has been made. City Position. While there is substantial agreement with the Scout proposal, the City staff position is that details need to be added or clarified to result in a fairer and more acceptable result for the City. The City add-ons and clarifications do not substantially add to or prejudice the Scout proposal. The Public Works Director and City Attorney met several times with Ralph Erickson and Ken Long (for the Scouts), Joe Carey and Ken McMillen (for the Legion). The City position evolved to (underlining indicates where City position differs from the Scout proposal: (1) City gets a 20' easement along Discovery Road (same as Scouts); (2) easement could be used for sidewalks. bike lanes and/or trails (and not just a trail as proposed by the Scouts),• (3) the easement could be used for underground utilities and stormwater swales (the Scouts' written proposals did not include these uses, but in discussions the Scouts agreed the easement could be used for underground City utilities, but not private utilities); (4) reserve 25' easement for existing Waterline in Spring (same as Scouts), and re -define an easement north of Spring also at 25' (defined easement is 10'); (5) provide for a 5' building setback from edge of easement (Scouts in discussion did not seem to have a problem with this request; property is zoned commercial allowing for 0' setback); (6) the City would get the right of access (as proposed by the Scouts), and (7) pay all fees (as proposed by the Scouts). A table is attached with columns comparing the City position and the Scout proposal. A column also provides some "Comments" by City staff. City Position on Scout Alternative. If the full street vacation as proposed by City staff is not acceptable to the Scouts (and it is not), then City staff recommends the City Council approve Yd street vacation only, on the basis of 1 SF of vacated,3`d Street ROW (about 8,000 SF) for 1 SF ROW on Discovery (about 10' of ROW). A ROW swap is better for the City than monetary compensation, because of the process and expense involved to acquire additional ROW on Discovery in the future. Any monetary compensation from a 3`d Street ROW vacation would be eaten up with the expense to acquire ROW along Discovery. Scout Response to City position. The Scouts' proposal has remained unchanged from the proposal in the Addendum they first submitted, with the exception of agreeing to allow under ground City utilities in the easement. Scout representatives said they wanted to be able to separately negotiate with (and charge) private utilities for use of the 20' easement. (The value to the Scouts of added private underground utilities in the easement is slight since adding utilities would have negligible impact on the value of the Scout/Legion property, so the impact to the Scouts from this addition is minor.) The Scouts have not responded to the City's other requests. Discovery Road ROW. The Discovery ROW is currently 60.' There is no design for future layout. If a potential layout is three lanes (two lanes plus a center lane), sidewalks or pathways, bike lanes, and some separation between the sidewalk and the street, the needed width would be 70-80'. Acquiring ROW (or easement) along Discovery allows more design options to serve future motorized and nonmotorized needs. The Public Works Director prefers obtaining ROW (no restriction on uses) rather than an easement (with restriction on uses), but can accommodate the Scouts' proposal with the added clarifications on uses in the City position. Non -Motorized Transportation Advisory Board (NMTAB) Recommendation. NMTAB recommends the City retain a 15' pedestrian easement over the waterline easement from Sims to Discovery. The Public Works Director believes that a Sims to Discovery pedestrian route can be accommodated to the west (on City property) or east (when that property develops). NMTAB recommends 20' along Discovery be for "right of way for development of bike lanes and sidewalks." This is consistent with the City position that the uses of the easement not be limited to "a trail" or "a walking path." The Nonmotorized Transportation Plan recommends connecting Fort Worden and Larry Scott Trail with a multi -use trail (without identifying a specific route, and the Plan does not identify a corridor within the ROWS proposed for street vacation). Exchange for 20' easement along Discovery supports nonmotorized transportation options, and the connection from Fort Warden and Larry Scott Trail. Forest "conservation easement" alone Sims. In early discussions, City staff proposed 30' "no - cut, native conservation easement" along Sims Way. In part, the City staff wanted to balance out the 29,000 SF of street vacation to the Scouts and 16,000 SF of easement to the City with an additional conservation easement. The easement would partially implement the Gateway Development Plan (incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan) which calls for preservation and protection of a 150'-200' forest corridor along Sims Way. The Scouts objected on the basis that they intend to conserve the trees anyway. (The City Plan would typically be addressed by permit conditions when property is developed.) Since the Legion property is deed restricted to a "park" purpose by H.J. Carroll, who deeded the property to the Legion in 1962, and the Legion has now deeded the property to the Scouts on condition that it be used as a park, and the Scouts presumably will maintain the property as a park, staff agreed the forest conservation easement is unnecessary. Scout Assumptions. There are several assumptions in the Scouts Addendum and presentations to staff that City staff does not support. (Scout assumptions are in italics.) ■ The street vacation benefits a `park. " City staff response is that the "park" is privately owned, and the property is not open to the public as a public park. ■ There are "mutual benefits" to the City from the street vacation because, per the H.J. Carroll deed, if the property is not used as a private park, then the property goes to the City fora park City staff response is that City ownership is too remote and speculative to be considered. ■ The City ROWS will never develop as streets and therefore have little value to the City. City staff response is that until the intersection of Mill Road, Sims and Jacob Miller is designed and improved, it is unknown to what extent a "cross" street between Sims and Discovery might be useful. Any cross street would be right in/right out, but could serve to allow cars to avoid the Mill/Sims intersection and double back along Discovery. More likely, the value of the City ROWs lies in their potential use for stormwater purposes. Stormwater requirements have increased in recent years, and the ROWs could be developed as swales to meet City stormwater needs. The right of access over Scout property to the City waterline has significant value (equivalent to 9,000 SF of vacated ROW). City staff response is that while there is some benefit in better access, it's a marginal benefit only, and the access is not needed as there is alternate access over the waterline easement itself. The difference in areas of ROW being vacated (29, 000 SF) and exchanged (16, 000 SF) is 13, 000 SF (rounded); the Scouts calculate the difference of 13, 000 SF is reduced by the area of the waterline easement in Spring (3,625 SF), making the difference only 9,500 SF (rounded; 13, 000 SF minus 3,625 SF). City staff response is that a 1:1 offset is not reasonable. The difference in areas proposed for exchange is 13,000 SF (rounded), not 9,500 SF (rounded). Reserving a City easement might slightly lessen the value of the vacated ROW (fee title to ROW is more valuable than ROW subject to an easement). But a waterline easement in Spring does not materially affect the value of vacated Spring to the Scouts, since they can fully use the vacated ROW area for park purposes (and exclude the public from it). Street Vacation Process. Street vacations are optional and not required to be approved. The decision is legislative (subject to conflict of interest rules), and the City Council has wide discretion in approving or not approving a street vacation. The City street vacation process provides the Council decision whether to vacate or not is based on certain review criteria. Attached is a copy of the PTMC review criteria and staff analysis. If Council approves the street vacation, then the code requires an appraisal (done at the applicant's cost) to determine value. Alternatively, "in lieu of payment of appraised value, the city council, in its discretion, may authorize and accept dedication or conveyance of real property to the city in exchange for the vacated street, right-of-way or alley." PTMC 12.20.090. In the case of a proposed exchange, either an appraiser or "qualified public works personnel (as defined in PTMC 12.10.100) provide(s) a written determination that the value of property received will be equal to or greater than the value of the right-of-way vacated." City Council Options. Following Council direction, staff would bring back a proposed street vacation ordinance reflecting the Council direction (and Scout response): Options include: 1. Approve the City staff position without any change. 2. Approve the City staff position with any changes. (For example, a change night be to approve the City staff position, but not allow the easement to be used for non -city underground utilities.) 3. Approve the Scout proposal without any changes. 4. Approve the Scout proposal with any changes. Under any of the alternatives (except for # 3), Council is requested to provide that if the approval is not acceptable to the Scouts, then approve Yd street vacation only on the basis of 1 SF of vacated 3' Street ROW (about 8,000SF) for 1 SF of ROW on Discovery (a width of about 10' of ROW). ..................................................................................................................... ATTACHMENTS: Map (shows City and Legion/Scout properties); Scout Application and Addendum; NMTAB Recommendation; PTMC 12.20.060 (street vacation criteria); Table. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None .......................................................................................................I............. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move (1) to approve the street vacation of 2ad, 3`d and Spring, based on the City staff position without any changes, and (2) in the alternative, provide that if the vacation is not acceptable to the Scouts, then approve 3`d street vacation only on the basis of 1 SF of vacated 3`d Street ROW for 1 SF of ROW on Discovery. ..................................................................................................................... ALTERNATIVES: See above APPROVED FOR SUBMITTAL BY: Department Director or Name of Council Committee & Date of Motion City M pager r City Attorney Resolution No. Ordinance No. Other CITY CLERK'S USE ONLY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Continued to Referred to _ Failed DISTRIBUTION AFTER COUNCIL ACTION 7 Development Services Fe°RrTo�y 250-Madison Street, Suite A° ym Port Townsend WA 98368 o Phone:360-379-5095 Fax 360-344-4619 www.cityofpt.us w Street Vacation Application Legal Description (or x #) Parc I um er(s) , f adjacent property: L/ml�s Office Use Only ar�,r�_l' IJ Permit Addition: Cen Block(s)i t Lot(s): Tay To-/o/ (` -'12 I�j (nfs 1-q 4 Associated Permits: - '113&livacation, and reasons for the request �_r1I s tl o he street and/or alley petitione for I roc,, r ,r r: a�rrer ��e for7tiOr)w rccu lf d r/.ar /)dive )lelerPeep eI�l,lei o-t% Aflt_,01 �— -freef ,�' rl ;�4ree Current us�s of all adjacent properties: 7)a r-k / / Is this property on the ed a//of,an existing plat? l� No ❑ Yes If yes, what is the name of the plat? �l �r_T f) I ^'1 l A 1 E2 t f-'( n Propert!�Owner: % ContactfReplreselntativ)e (if different) Name: �iPG C'G�l � Name. a7 %v1/ ✓�l r t1dS r el'ci t eo_r Address: 7e ?7ex 7rr�" Address. City/St1Zip: 7Orl / IJ sQnd( '�?e'3d3 City/St/Zip:,'7 ir "if t' a) I) ill' ,rJA +5'.>�, Phone: Phone " y Email: Email "e,U r Y r. ;• rt t In addition to other conditions that may be imposed by the City Council, the applicant hereby acknowledges that a twenty-five (25) foot utility/access easement, running twelve and one-half (12'/) feet on each side of the centerline of the street proposed for vacation, or along existing utilities, may be retained by the City of Port Townsend. The applicant hereby certifies that all of the above statements and information contained in any exhibits, plot plans, or other transmittals made herewith are true. The applicant acknowledges that any action taken by the City of Port Townsend, based in whole or in part on this application, may be reversed if it develops that any such statement or other information contained herein is false. The undersigned hereby saves and holds harmless the City of Port Townsend from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims, restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by parties other than the City of Port Townsend. See back of this form for required written consent of aff the owners abutting the street or alley. Applicant Print Nar Signature: Date: See Page 2 for further required signatures, plan submittal requirements and cost. I a ADDENDUM TO STREET VACATION APPLICATION STREET RIGHTS OF WAY IN EVERGREEN ADDITION (AKA: LEROY CARROLL PARK OR AMERICAN LEGION PARK) 3075 DISCOVERY ROAD PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON PURPOSE OF APPLICATION FOR STREET VACATION The Fred Lewis Scout Cabin Association recently obtained possession of the LeRoy Carroll Park which had been also known as the American Legion Park. The intent of the acquisition was to provide a location for the construction of the new scout cabin facility. The subject property is fenced for security but it contains some undeveloped street areas that might be considered public rights of way. It has been determined that the security fence might cause some conflict with the public right to cross the site using the undeveloped rights of way. There has been no demand for access but, for security and insurance needs, it would be desirable to vacate the internal street areas and maintain the perimeter fence around the entire park properly. Therefore, the purpose of this application is to vacate the subject portion of the undeveloped streets within the park perimeter but provide easement for an existing public water line, an easement for construction of a public walking trail along the frontage on Discovery Road and maybe improve accessibility of the water line area for city crews. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND INTENT The street vacation application to which this addendum is attached included portions of three streets inside the LeRoy Carroll Park, the future home of the FRED LEWIS SCOUT CABIN. It is the intent of this application and addendum to address not only the subject street areas but a strip of land along Discovery Road and an easement for an existing water line along the east line of the Park, including part of the subject Spring Street area, which is of interest to the City of Port Townsend. It should be considered of mutual interest by the Fred Lewis Scout Cabin Association and the City of Port Townsend to facilitate an exchange of the subject street areas to be vacated and the strip along Discovery Road that may become part of a pedestrian walkway from other residential areas of the city to and beyond the city limits line. There is good reason to believe that the exchange might be considered a zero balance trade, neither side being obligated for any financial consideration, including but not limited to waiver of any and all application fees. DESCRIPTION OF THE STREETS AND EASEMENT AREAS The subject streets are shown on an attached sketch of the Park and on the attached Assessor's Parcel Map. They include part of Spring, 2°d and Yd Streets contained within the perimeter of the Park. None of the street areas have been improved as public right of way, the land is covered with trees, lawn, etc. and has been used for park related activities. That portion of Spring Street runs generally north from Sims Way (Highway 20) but only to 3`d Street or the northeast comer of the Evergreen Plat. Third Street runs east and west between the intersection of Spring Street and the intersection with Discovery Road. It is between the north line of the plat and the south line of an unplatted parcel contained within the Park perimeter at the northeast comer area of the Park. Spring and 3`d Streets are only 30 feet wide as platted, the other 30 feet of each was intended to be provided by a parcel to the east of the Park and the unplatted parcel in the northeast portion of the park but neither of those parcels was ever platted and those portions were never dedicated as street rights of way. Second Street runs generally east and west between Sims Way (Highway 20) and Discovery Road and is a dedicated 60 right of way. Spring and 3`d Streets are not of adequate width to be considered improvable streets and the intersection of Spring with the highway, the intersection of 3' with Discovery Road and both intersections of 2' Street constitute angles that would not be considered acceptable for access to Sims Way (the Highway) or Discovery Road. That portion of Spring Street from Sims Way to the northeast comer of Lot 1, Block 1, Evergreen contains about 4,350 square feet, that portion of 3`d Street between Discovery Road and the Parcel 001-094-007 (the unimproved tract to the east) contains about 8,040sf and that portion of 2' Street between Sims Way and Discovery Road contains about 17,550 square feet. The property line that follows Discovery Road is somewhat irregular due to the curve and there does not appear to be a survey of the property or the exact location of the road. However, as best as could be determined from existing maps and survey maps of other properties in the immediate area, the property line that follows Discovery Road is about 843 feet from the southwest comer to the northeast comer. It has been suggested that about 20 feet should be set aside for use by the City of Port Townsend to provide for a walking trail and required cut and slope areas. That being the case, the 20 foot strip, at 843 feet long, would contain about 16,860 square feet. PROPOSAL FOR EXCHANGE The total area contained in the undeveloped streets is estimated to be about 29,940 square feet. The set aside for a trail along Discovery Road contains about 16,860 square feet. The difference is about 13,080 square feet. The existing waterline along the east line of the park runs the length of the subject portion of Spring Street and continues in a northerly direction via easement across part of the east side el 001-093-008 to Discovery Road. That existing easement is described as be' 10 feet wide but there is also another 15 feet to the easement that is included as a work area fo water line. In essence, the easement is 25 eet wi e. It stands to reason that an easement over the undeveloped Spring Street Right of Way for the water line would also be 25 feet in width. If so, the easement area would contain about 3,625 square feet Deducting a possible easement on Spring Street for the water line and additional work area, the net difference between the vacated area and the easement areas would be about 9,455 square feet. The access to the existing easement on Parcel 001-093-008 at Discovery Road is generally undeveloped, there is a narrow gate, the topography is somewhat steep and visibility for ingress and egress is limited due to the curve. Should it occur that machine and equipment access to the easement was needed for maintenance, repair or replacement, the gate and part of the fence might need to be removed, a better construction access might need to be excavated and improved and a Hager may be needed during the maintenance, repair or replacement period to maintain adequate safety for the construction crew and passing traffic. Once the work was complete, the road access area would need to be restored and the fence and gate re -installed. The cost of opening and then closing again, the road access would probably be more than the value of all the street right of way to be vacated and the easement areas included in this application. It might make better sense to allow access to city crew through the primary gate and the interior access road if there should be need for access to the water line easement area. It would seem that the net difference of 9,455sf that would become vacated street should be more than adequate as trade for an access for the city crew through the primary gate and over the existing interior road. The deed for the subject property included provision that the subject Park would revert to the American Legion if the Scout use of the property ceases at some point. There is also a provision that the Park would be passed on the City of Port Townsend Parks Department in the event that the American Legion no Ionger has use for the property. If so, the City is already a lien holder of sorts in the property. That being the case, there should be no compensation from or to either party and there should be no need for any Street Vacation Application Fee. If it is considered a trade of mutual benefit and the City already has some underlying interest in the property, there should also be no need for an appraisal. yk Page I of 1 Joanna Sanders From: Peter Lauritzen [plauritz@cablespeed.com[ Sent: Friday, January 09, 20D92:17 PM To: Joanna Sanders; John Watts Cc: Owen and Sarah Fairbank Subject: Street Vacation between Discovery and Sims near City entrance. TO: John Watts At its meeting on January 8 the Non -Motorized Transportation Advisory Board NMTAB recommended support for the proposed vacation of portions of Spring, 2nd, and 3rd Streets for the Scout house/American Legion, if it includes dedication of an additional 20 feet to the Discovery right of way for development of bike lanes and sidewalks, and retains a 15-foot wide trail easement over the water line along the east boundary of the subject property. These additional requirements help provide safe non -motorized access for Scouts utilizing the new house, as well as preserving the option for a Discovery -Sims trail connector for public use, and support the goal of reducing greenhouse gasses and vehicle use by facilitating Scouts' use of the new facility independently, without their parents driving as well as general public pedestrian and bicycle access. --Peter Lauritzen, Chair NMTAB 1/12/2009 PTMC street vacation review criteria FROM PTMC 12.20.060 Review criteria. An application seeking the complete or partial vacation of a street, right-of-way or alley may be approved by the city council only upon an applicant demonstrating, to the satisfaction of the city council, compliance with all of the following criteria, measured both in terms of present and potential public need for the street, right-of-way, or alley: A. That the proposed vacation of a street, right-of-way or alley is in compliance with the city's engineering design standards manual and the goals and policies of the city comprehensive plan and other adopted city plans, as shown on the list maintained by the development services department, including but not limited to the following "functional" or "subarea" plans, as now adopted and hereafter adopted, revised or amended: 1. Repealed by Ord. 2945; 2. Shoreline Master Program; 3. Gateway Plan; 4. Nonmotorized Transportation Plan; 5. Stormwater Plan; 6. Water System Plan; 7. Parks and Recreation Plan; and STAFF COMMENT. Street vacation not inconsistent with this criterion. The Nonmotorized Plan recommends connecting Fort Worden and Larry Scott with a multi -use trail (without identifying a specific route, and the Plan does not identify any corridor within the ROWS proposed for street vacation). Exchange for 20' easement along Discovery supports nonmotorized transportation options, and the connection from Fort Worden and Larry Scott. B. That the proposed vacated street, right-of-way or alley is not required for current or anticipated overall area motor vehicle circulation; and STAFF COMMENT., Street vacation not inconsistent with this criterion. Alternatives exist to accommodate utility needs. NOTE. Until Mill Road/Jacob Miller/ Sims intersection improvements are evaluated and designed, need for cross -tie between Sims and Discovery in vicinity of street vacation is not known. C. That the current and anticipated future effectiveness of fire, law enforcement, medical or other emergency services will not be unduly impaired by the vacation of the street, right-of-way or alley; and STAFF COMMENT. Street vacation not inconsistent with this criterion. 1 PTMC street vacation review criteria D. That the current and anticipated future needs for public transportation service (transit), mail delivery, private utility service delivery, solid waste collection service and other public service delivery will not be unduly impaired by the vacation of the street, right-of-way or alley; and STAFF COMMENT: Street vacation not inconsistent with this criterion. E. That the proposed vacated street, right-of-way or alley is not required as a current or anticipated utility corridor (suitable water, sewer, storm sewer and other easements may be required to satisfy this criterion. The dimensions of the easement shall conform with the city's adopted engineering design standards); and STAFF COMMENT: Street vacation results in lost opportunity to locate potential stormwater facilities in ROWs. (No need for such facilities yet identified.) Street vacation reserves easement for existing water line utility. F. That the proposed vacated street, right-of-way or alley is not required as a current or anticipated bicycle, pedestrian or equestrian pathway, trail or sidewalk corridor (suitable trail easements may be required to satisfy this criterion. The dimensions of the easement shall conform with the city's adopted engineering design standards); and STAFF COMMENT: Street vacation not inconsistent with this criterion. Alternatives exist to accommodate nonmotorized transportation corridors. Exchange for 20' easement along Discovery supports nonmotorized transportation options. G. That the proposed vacation will not increase the potential for disturbance of an environmentally sensitive area (ESA), as defined by Chapter 19.05 PTMC, including ESAs situated within and outside of the street, right-of-way or alley proposed for vacation; and STAFF COMMENT., Street vacation not inconsistent with this criterion. No ESAs are affected by the street vacation. H. That, in the case of the proposed vacation of any portion of a street or alley which abuts a body of fresh or salt water, the proposed vacation meets the criteria and has been reviewed and approved in accordance with RCW 35.79.035, as now or hereafter amended. (Ord. 2945 § 2.1, 2007; Ord. 2892 § 1, 2005; Ord. 2671 § 5, 1998; Ord. 2578 § 6, 1997; Ord. 2256 § 3, 1991). STAFF COMMENT: Criterion not applicable. 2 TABLE: Scout/Legion — City Street Vacation A. Full Exchange: The Scouts/Legion made a proposal to vacate all or 2nd, 3rd and Spring between Disc. and Sims is vacated (approx. 29,940 SF). The Public Works Department position on this request is set forth in the column "City Position." aiiie�l�*tre�s s��uhrae tho G`ty.pQsftiaij drf`fax�:�m `thy Su�+utgtonpt'�sptrsttl. = .: 2 B. Scouts /Legion propose that if their full street vacation proposal is unacceptable, then only 3`d Street is vacated (approx. 8,040 SF) in return for payment of appraised compensation for vacated P. The City position is if only 3`d is vacated, it should be exchanged for a like amount of area along Discovery (approx. 8,040 SF). City Position Legion / Comment Scout Proposal 1. Exchange approx. Legion/Scouts ROW swap is Vacate 8,000 SF of 3rd pay appraised better for City than only 3 d ROW for approx. compensation. monetary 8,000 SF of ROW (No appraisal compensation, along Discovery exits at this because of process (approx. 10' of point.) and expense to width) acquire added Disc. ROW in future. 2. Fees Scout proposal of and Costs payment would require appraisal from out -of area appraiser, at potential cost of several thousand dollars. Using $4/SFvalue for 5 h street vacation equates to $32,000 (rounded) (or $16,000 if the compromise $2/SF value is used) CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND City Council Meeting Date: February 2, 2009 X Regular Business Meeting _Study Session Other: (spec) Department: Legal Contact: John Watts Agenda Bill: AB09-012 Agenda Item: VIII. B Date Submitted: 1/28/09 Phone # 379-5048 ...................................................................................................................... SUBJECT: Ordinance 3000, Vacating a Portion of the Haines Street Right -of -Way Lying Between Discovery Road and 30`s Street, Subject to Exchange of Properties ..................................................................................................................... CATEGORY: BUDGETIMPACT: Consent Amount Budgeted: $ 0 X_Ordinance _Resolution _Staff Report Expenditure Amt: $ 0 _Business _Proclamation Contingency Req'd: $ 0 _Contract Approval _Other Supplemental Req'd: _FYI Dept/Budget Code: X_Public Hearing (see note below) X_Legislative _Quasi-judicial closed record _Quasi-judicial open record _Quasi-judicial closed record appeal NOTE: If the Public Hearing is quasi-judicial in nature, then the appearance of fairness and conflict on interest rules apply. Except at the public hearing, communicating with other councilmembers, and contact with proponents or opponents must be avoided ..................................................................................................................... SUMMARY STATEMENT: This matter comes before City Council to hold a public hearing and take action on a proposed street vacation. If approved, the street vacation would vacate an approximately 7' wide strip of unimproved Haines Street right of way adjacent to Gina and Randy Holeman's residence at 233 30', comprising about 586 SF. In return, Holemans would exchange and dedicate 586 SF off the corner of Lot 4 to the City, which the City needed for the recent Discovery Way improvements. (See attached map.) Holemans were offered a choice between compensation and property exchange and prefer the exchange. The Ordinance vacates the portion of Haines, subject to the exchange. The Non -Motorized Transportation Advisory Board (NMTAB) reviewed the exchange at its Jan. 8, 2009 meeting and supports the exchange. Staff supports the vacation subject to the proposed property exchange. NOTE; The following is copied from the January 5, 2009 Agenda Bill: This Resolution initiates a street vacation process and sets a public hearing date of February 2, 2009 for the City Council to review and take action to vacate a portion of a certain rights of way. Approval of the Resolution to set a hearing date is not an approval of the street vacation request. Decision on the street vacation would be made after the hearing (Feb. 2, 2009). The street vacation, if approved, would vacate an approximately 7' wide strip of unimproved Haines Street right of way adjacent to a portion of Lot 4, Block 8, Littlefield's Addition, comprising about 586 SF. In return, the owner of Lot 4 (Holeman) would dedicate 586 SF off the corner of Lot 4 to the City. This vacation process is being initiated by the City Public Works Department. As a result of the F Street and Discovery Way project, the City required a portion of the southwest corner of Lot 4 for sidewalk improvements. The owners of Lot 4 adjacent to the Haines right of way (Randy and Gina Holman) are requesting a property swap in lieu of cash compensation. This matter is being processed at this time to set a Feb. 2, 2009 hearing. ..................................................................................................................... ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance 3000, with map; NMTAB recommendation CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None ..................................................................................................................... RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to approve first reading of Ordinance 3000, Vacating a Portion of the Haines Street Right -of -Way Lying Between Discovery Road and 30th Street, Subject to Bxchange of Properties. .................................................................................... ............................... ALTERNATIVES: Postpone action; refer to committee; take no action. ..................................................................................................................... APPROVED FOR SUBMITTAL BY: Department .D' r or Name of a cil Commi Date of Motion City Minager CMy Attorney CITY CLERK'S USE ONLY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Resolution No. Continua! to Ordinance No. Approved Other Referred to Failed DISTRIBUTION AFTER COUNCIL ACTION ORDINANCE NO.3000 AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF THE HAINES STREET RIGHT- OF-WAY LYING BETWEEN DISCOVERY ROAD AND 30TH STREET, SUBJECT TO EXCHANGE OF PROPERTIES WHEREAS, the City Council initiated the street vacation process by Resolution 09-001, adopted January 5, 2009, and held a hearing on February 2, 2009. The vacation process was initiated at the request of the City Public Works Department. As a result of the F Street and Discovery Way project, the City required a portion of the southwest corner of Lot 4, Block 8, Littlefield's Addition (233 30', owned by Randy and Gina Holeman) for sidewalk improvements. The owners of Lot 4 request a property swap in lieu of cash compensation. The right-of-way proposed for exchange is an approximately 7' wide strip of unimproved Haines Street right of way adjacent to the Holeman's residence at 233 3001, comprising about 586 SF. In return, Holemans would exchange and dedicate 586 SF off the corner of Lot 4 to the City. The Public Works Department supports the request. The Nonmotorized Transportation Advisory Board supports the request; and WHEREAS, the proposed street vacation is not inconsistent with any adopted policies of the City, is not needed for current or anticipated transportation, utility, emergency purposes, and does not affect any sensitive areas, and the exchange facilitates the F Street and Discovery Way project, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Townsend ordains as follows: That portion of Haines Street identified as Parcel B on Exhibit A, is hereby vacated, subject to the terms of this Ordinance a. Parcel B shall attach to and shall be considered incorporated into (and does not constitute a parcel separate from) Lot 4, Block 8, Littlefield's Addition, Port Townsend, Records of Jefferson County, Washington. b. The owner of the property identified as Parcel A on Exhibit A shall dedicate the same to the City as right of way in form acceptable to the City Attorney. c. This Ordinance shall not be recorded with the County Auditor until the terms have been met. Once recorded, recording constitutes proof the terms have been met. SECTION 2. Severability. If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon the recording of this Ordinance by the City with the County Auditor, which is more than five days after the date of its publication in the manner provided by law. Page 1 of 3 Ordinance 3000 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, at a regular meeting thereof, held this 2nd day of February 2009. Attest: Pamela Kolacy, MMC City Clerk Michelle Sandoval, Mayor Approved as to Form: John P. Watts City Attorney Page 2 of 3 Ordinance 3000 EXIIIBIT "A' LEGAL DESCRIPTION HAINES STREET DEDICATION AND STREET VACATION PARCEL A: STREET DEDICATION An easement for street and utility purposes being a portion of Lot 4, Block 8, Littlefield's Addition as per Plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 45, Records of Jefferson County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of said Lot 4; Thence Northerly along the westerly line of said Lot 4 and the easterly line of Haines Street as shown on said Plat, North OI'26'03" East 33.56 feet; Thence South 56'04'06" East 41.41 feet, more or less, to a point on the Southerly line of said Lot 4, said point being North 73°29'03" East 36.71 feet from said Southwest comer; Thence South 73°29'03" West 36.71 feet along the Southerly line of said Lot 4 to the point of beginning. Situate in Jefferson County, Washington PARCEL B: STREET VACATION A portion of Haines Street lying adjacent to Lot 4, Block 8, Littlefield's Addition as per Plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 45, Records of Jefferson County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of said Lot 4; Thence Northerly along the westerly line of said Lot 4 and the easterly line of Haines Street as shown on said Plat, North 01'26'03" East 44.05 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing along last said line, North 01026'03" East 103.76 feet to the Northerly line of said Lot 4; Thence North 88°33'3T' West 6.59 feet to line parallel with the Westerly Iine of said Haines Street, distant 29.50 feet; Thence along said parallel line, South 01026'03" West 74.19 feet; Thence South 11007146" West 30.30 feet to the True point of Beginning; Situate in Jefferson County, Washington Page I of 2 HAINES STREET H W d 29.5 o b O 1 29.5 EXHIBIT "A" 30TH STREET N 8803357" W 6.59' N 8803357" W 96.59' 4 3 (b O .� AREA TO BE: VACATED y 586 sft 7�W r, 0 N � 0 ern ^ O V 1;3\OG� AREA TO BE 586 sft 1" = 130 ft. 2 N 0 O CONC. S/W, Page 2 of 2 HAINES STREET